#shackleton2 answers
shackleton2 · 3 months
Hey 👋
Favourite falcon and winter soldier scenes??
Hi omg thanks for asking!!
Even though I agree with a lot of the criticism of its flaws this is actually the show that made me be like "holy shit I need to go back and become obsessed with Bucky Barnes" and then that took over my brain and I've rewatched it quite a few times
The fuckin Winter Soldier scene in ep 1, I love Winter Soldier mission content and I'm so glad they did it justice in terms of the badass competent terrible mind-control murder of it all. And connected to that, Bucky waking up from the nightmare in his sad insomnia floor sleeping spot.
Bucky breaking Zemo out again for competence and WS skills, also for his and Sam's back and forth and his line, "Offense."
WS fake activation scene
I didn't use to like the scene with Selby mostly because of her, but after reading some brilliant ranting on here by various folks I like it for the disturbing implications 👀
OBVIOUSLY THE WAKANDA FLASHBACK I mean what can I say. Aside from CA:WS scenes I think it's my fave in the whole MCU. I love it. Sebastian Stan of course destroying my heart, but Florence Kasumba too so much:: you notice that tiny tremor of deep emotion when she first says to him, "you are free?" aaaaaaaa
That's the highlights but I do like him saying "I'm going with you" to Sam, him talking to Karli on the phone, him being a hero—
oh fuck the therapy scene too! I mean there's a lot that's infuriatingly frustrating about it, but it's like this glimmering vision of What We Could Have: Scenes Of Our MCU Blorbos In Therapy Sessions!!!!!!
Plus the therapy scene was built upon amazingly, so so awesomely, in my favorite fic The Barnes Files :D
PS: the scenes of him interacting with Sarah because they're cute af and they were built upon amazingly too, into I Found A Dream which I just...couldn't stop rereading for a minute there lol
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