Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

Unfortunately I need a clear as possible water bottle without color. This bottle is clear according to some reviews but it looks bluish. I've had other nalgene bottle but all with colors. I hate it so bad because drinks won't stay cold st work. It only takes one idiot for rules to change. As far as I know only clear bottles with water were ever allowed but it wasn't enforced. I do have a clear cirkul bottle. I might be able to use it instead. I do have some cirkul cartridges and I may drink that assuming it's still allowed. I'm leaving the night shift and we drank sodas on that shift. Now I'm going to days to be a cashier. I hate that but night stocker was not something I could do for long term physically. This is my second time working at this store in my life. I was not a cashier or stocker the other time. Oh well I hope I will get back into a factory for more money but there isn't much where I live. I am having car issues which complicates that.
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You are protected by the 4th man in the fire. I need to remember this as I go through some difficulties.
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If my hair got cut like a week and a half ago... It's so sad...
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My life as an asexual. I feel this....
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Take a look at his again. Unfortunately this is how I feel about politics in the USA right. One big dumpster fire. It's really ok to not like either side and not want any candidate you see. It just means you aren't buying into the game. Don't be average or extreme.

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I'm going to make more posts. I have unjoined every social media site and every dating site in recent times. All I have left is a dating site for asexuals. No one ever talks to me on there. I don't have any friends for social media. I don't have any friends at all. I'm 45 and it's difficult out there. I'm going to get back to my family tree soon. I've been a little busy. I might also write about some other topics.
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My half great uncles Owen and Leon Jaynes. The shorter one is Leon. I was told that he became a professional boxer. He died a long time before I was born. Owen died when I was a baby.
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Gordon Wheeler and Lucy Lafferty Wheeler. I'm working on my family tree. These are people who were not much in my life and that's all I want to say about that.
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The man on the left is my Grandfather, William (Bill) Cantrell. I don't know who is on the right side. I never got to meet him because he died before I was born. He was born. In 1900 and me in 1978. Some people have told me that I look like him. I wish I could have met him.
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Im going to add to and edit this post later. This is something I'm working on on my family tree. This is from my family tree and a section I'm researching right now. Some of the Bennett siblings and some of the Lord siblings ended up as couples. I also grew up in the the church of Christ and I was looking to see if I had a family history of this way back in my family. There isn't much and I'm grasping at straws with this. Sarah Bagby and Joseph Noah Cantrell were my great grandparents. Here is Sarah Bagby's parents and grandparents. I've been to the graves of Joe and Sarah and Bill and Nancy and Nancy parents Bill and Sarah. Sou great grandmother was named after both of her grandmas I was told.
New Grove church Of Christ
1891 Church Membership List from the Journals of Rev. Thomas Todd
Compiled by Yvonne Todd Riley & Joanne Todd
The number in [Brackets] shows the order that the person's name was listed on the original document.
Names are spelled as they appeared in the original document. Mist = Mister ?
BAGBY, Nancy C.
BAGBY, Rebecca J.
BAGBY, Sarie K.
COLE, Sarah E.
GORGE, Jacob
HURST, Calvin
JOHNSON, Rebecca J.
KENDER, Emeretta
KENDER, Treace
KNOST, Oliver
KOLER, Frank
KOLER, Martha
LITLE, Enorinthy
LITLE, Gorge
LORD, Sarah J.
MARRS, Frank
MARS, Wiliam H.
MATLOCK, Thos. J. (Deac.)
NEWTON, Barney
PROCK, Anna H.
PROCK, Elizabeth
PROCK, Ellen
PROCK, James
PROCK, John A.
PROCK, John F. (Deacon)
PROCK, John H.
PROCK, John P.
PROCK, Leander P.
PROCK, Leary
PROCK, Martha A.
PROCK, Preston
PROCK, Sarah J.
REESE, Perniecy
REESE, Sally (deceased)
RICHMAN, Malinda
SCOTT, Sarah
SHUMATE, A. (Elder)
SMITH, Ancy (gone)
TODD, Amanda
TODD, Andrew
TODD, Betty
TODD, Clemin C.
TODD, Elen J.
TODD, Elizabeth
TODD, James H.
TODD, James N.
TODD, John
TODD, John M.
TODD, Mahaly
TODD, Margret
TODD, Mary
TODD, Mary E.
TODD, Mary L.
TODD, Nancy
TODD, Rebecca
TODD, Rebecca
TODD, Rosy
TODD, Thomas (Elder)
TODD, Thomas D.
WARD, Emer
WARD, Sarah
WARD, Sarah
WILLBANKS, Thomas (Eld)
WILLSON, William
WOOD, Frank
WOOD, Ostan
WOODS, Charley (withdr)
WOODS, James
WOODS, Laura
WOODS, Margret (withdr)
WOODS, Sarah
WYET, John S.
WYET, Sarah
YANDLES, Isabell
Note from Stacie: some of these names are wrong. For instance the name is Yandle and not Yandles for the names directly above. Perhaps the transcribers could read the notes or maybe they were not right in the notes. I copied and pasted them from the website where the transcription was.
"Webster county state of Missouri. I, William W. Shaver a legal minister of the gospel, did solemnize the rites of matrimony between William S. Bagby and Nancy C. Lord on the 8th day of August 1872.
William W. Shaver
A Minister of the Gospel"
In red is from the real written copy that I saw in online archives but it was blurry when I did a screen shot or the other option made it to small to read so I wrote it out.
You may notice Ws Bagby and Nancy C. Bagby in the church list. They were my 2x great grandparents. I looked at some info for William Wilson Shaver. He was also a minister in the Christian church and a part of the Stone-Campbell/Restoration Movement. My most immediate family subscribes to the church of Christ which is part of the same movement. I never knew where it started. I think this might be a coincidence. This is on my dad's side and actually on his father's side. I never met my grandfather because he passed away before I was born. It was my understanding that he didn't go to church. I know my granny did with us. I know my grandfather's father was a bad person and very mean. It was his wife who was the daughter of Ws Bagby and Nancy Lord.
Also Nancy Lord Bagby's Parents were William (bill) Lord and Sarah J. Bennett. Nancy was the only child ever listed on census records with her parents. I don't have any indication that there were ever more. This feels really unusual for the time but perhaps they couldn't have more.
I noticed that Sarah Lord is in the church list. Bill Lord was also still alive and I don't see him in the church member list. Ws Bagby's Parents were John Bagby and Sarah. I believe that Sarah's Maiden name was Todd and that she was the sister of Thomas Todd...he was the minister of the church members listed above. John and Sarah (Todd) Bagby moved to Texas and we're not here to be in this church. In fact I'm unsure of when they passed away and they may not have been alive at this time... I do not know what church they went to if any. I also can't prove that Sarah was one of the Todds but a lot of the family researchers believe this.
Here is another side note. This appears to be a very tight knit group. I wouldn't expect any less. Below is something on the find a grave site. This is the grave for the daughter of William Shaver who married my 2x great grandparents. You might notice her married name is Isabell Yandle. You might notice this name on the church list of Thomas Todd's church members. Her husband was John W. Yandle according to this site and the photo of the tombstone. I haven't looked for documents to prove this. I don't have any reason to think they are related to me but honestly anyone In this church list could be as tight knit as they were. I'm still looking at the members. I will say a lot of my ancestors and related people are in the New Grove Cemetery.
I will give updates as I have them.
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I turned 45 in early December. My bedroom TV was needing replaced. I previous had an Insignia fire edition TV from Best buy. I had it a long time and some of the apps were starting to not be compatible because the TV was so old. It also didn't have enough external storage and it had stopped receiving updates. I was shopping for tvs around black Friday. I had been looking for a long time. At first I purchased an Element Xumo TV on a Cyber Monday sale. That tv had a lot of issues and it was out of stock when I needed to return it. I had chosen that tv because it was 50" and my previous TV was 43". I didn't have room for much bigger than that. So when I returned it.... Most of the tvs that had been on sale for black Friday and cyber Monday were sold out or the price had gone up. I noticed the TCL Google tvs had the price stay down. My first smart TV was when TCL first came out with Roku tvs many years ago and I felt like that TV didn't last that long. That was the main reason I hadn't bought a TCL TV after that. I had used a plug on for my old TV that had Google Chromecast on it and I liked it. That was the only way I could use my old tv. So Sam's Club, Best Buy, and Target all had the tv I bought for the same price. My mom has a Sam's Club membership so I ordered a TV on her account with my debit card. The main reason I chose had the longest return policy of the 3 and we go to Sam's Club at least once a month in a nearby city and I could return it there if need be. Here is the TV I bought (43"):
My only big issue was the sound wasn't that great despite all the reviews saying that people were using it without a sound bar and it still sounded great. My old TV didn't need a sound bar and I didn't have a sound bar. I was trying to keep the cost down. I noticed Amazon was having a sale on sound bars so I thought I would read the reviews and get the cheapest one I could that didn't have horrible reviews. There were 2 choices and they were the same brand. One was 30ish dollars and the other one was 40ish dollars. I went with the cheaper one. People seemed to like it better anyhow. At first I didn't know how to hook it up and get it to work. I looked at the instructions and I still didn't know. I found sound help about it online. It's great despite the lower cost. You should check out this brand (Saiyin) if you need a lower cost sound bar. Here is the one I bought:
Next I needed a new coaxial cable because mine was in horrible shape. We use an outside antenna. It's mostly just for watching local broadcasts from Springfield, Missouri in case of a tornado. I just replaced the coaxial cable. I bought this one from amazon. It's way more solid than my old one. For a little more I could have gotten the same brand with L shaped ends. I didn't notice that before. You can buy this cable in all different lengths and they have a weatherproof version also. Here is the one I bought. You can see the brand if you need a solid coaxial cable at a good price:
Next my Ethernet cable was old and the ends started to look bad. It was getting loose and falling out. I bought a new cable. This one was also really solid and a good price on amazon. It comes in many colors and every color is in all different lengths. I was going to get yellow or some color that shows up well but I went with purple instead. I noticed this brand has a variety of cables on Amazon. Here is the one I got and it's a cat 8 which was an upgrade for me:
Last but not least.... I always lose my remotes. They fall between my bed and the wall or wherever. I bought a second remote so I would have a backup and I bought glow in the dark protective cover for them. I found the glow in the dark cover on Amazon. Sikai was the better of the 2 that I bought but shipping was slow. They also had other colors available. Here it is:
My only other thing I wanted was to get a TV that was future proof with the tuner. Unfortunately there aren't many tvs available with the newer ATSC 3.0 Nextgen tv tuners built in.... Especially at the smaller size. This tv didn't have the newer tuner and I knew that when I bought it. It was also a little under $200 and tvs with the new tuner are much higher. It might not be necessary to have the newer tuner for antenna tv. I might have this TV for before I need it anyhow. They do sell external atsc 3.0/nextgen tv tuners but the cost is the same as the tv or higher in the few models out there. They do however have a DVR storage kind of similar to the Tablo device that my mom uses. I'm going to wait until newer comes come out and maybe the price goes down. That of I buy it at all.
At my house we are getting our TV service right now with YouTube tv. My brother lives here and he is a subscriber. We all have profiles on there. It has a lot of the channels and most of the broadcast stuff I would watch and some cable channels. It also includes an unlimited amount that you can record or have in your library. The only issue is it runs a minute or so behind so it's not helpful if there is local tornado coverage. That's why I still use an antenna.
So YouTube TV doesn't have a few channels I watch so I subscribe to the FRNDLY TV app. At first Youtube TV didn't have the Hallmark channel and I watch When Calls the Heart. Now YouTube tv has the Hallmark channels. FRNDLY still has a variety of channels that we don't get on my brother's YouTube tv package... I watch GAC Family, The History Channel, A&E, Lifetime Movies and others on FRNDLY. I do a yearly subscription and it's very inexpensive for a streaming app with live channels and the ability to record the shows. I had to cancel all the other streaming channels I had because I don't have a job right now. My brother subscribes to all the major streaming apps and they are signed into the living room TV. I have some of the logged in on my TV and tablet and such but some of the services have restrictions on how many devices can be logged in or about password sharing. My brother and I live in the same house so it should be different than sharing between like a parent and a child or with a spouse or something.
Note: We need to replace the outside antenna. We've had this one 9 or 10 years and it gets a lot of wind and such at it. We saw one we might get in Amazon and we want to replace the pole that it's ok. We run a really long coaxial cable from it that goes to the basement where there is a coaxial splitter (it also maybe needs replaced).… So we staying run a coaxial cable from it to the kitchen for the kitchen tv and the living room for the living room TV and one to 2 of the 3 bedrooms. The coaxial that goes to my brother's bedroom broke but he doesn't watch antenna tv anymore. He only plays video games on his tv. He watches all the streaming channels but he mostly does that on his iPad. So there isn't a good way to run a coaxial cable to my bedroom so far. I put a 2 way splitter at the living room TV and I run my coaxial cable to it. I know splitting weakens the signal but generally it has worked out for us. Now it's not so great even after adjusting the outside antenna. Al the other social cables may need replaced along with the antenna. We are going to wait a month or so before maybe doing that because of the cost and it will be nicer weather to put an antenna up hopefully. We can get everything we need from Amazon for 1 day delivery anyhow.
Something you can try. When my old TV couldn't update some of the app and it ran out of internal storage.... I found a cheap fix at Walmart. I decided to just go with a cheap streaming box and I found that they came out with a store brand ONN streaming box that had Google Chromecast on it. I had been wanting to try chromecast before I committed to buy a tv with it. All our smart TVs before had Roku or the old one I had in my bedroom before had Amazon Fire tv built in. This streaming box came out last spring or summer and it sells at Walmart in many stores and for shipping on their app for $19.99. It still works great. We have put it on the living room TV which is the next to get replaced because it's a Hisense Roku 2017 model. My mom doesn't like anything other than the Roku set up. She is almost 75 and she wants to stick with what she knows. Unfortunately there aren't as many brands that have Roku built in any more and they hardly come out. So far none of them have the newer tuner that we have seen. Hisense mostly makes tvs with Google Chromecast built in now from what we have seen.
#tcl tv#google tv#chromecast#youtube tv#soundbar#soundbars#ethernet#ethernet cable#coaxial cable#SoundCloud
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Some about me as promised. I'm Stacie.... I'm 45 from south central Missouri (Marshfield in Webster County in the Ozarks). I am single with no children.... Never married. I am asexual and celibate. I don't drink or use any drugs including no smoking or vaping. I have an under active thyroid that I take medicine for. I haven't had a job in awhile because I stay home with my parents who have health issues. I should be able to get a job within a few months or sooner. I'm mostly at home and I rarely get to go out other than to appointments or to pick medicine up or something.
I like to watch some shows on streaming channels and otherwise and I am really into doing family research/genealogy and historical research. I've done most of the major DNA tests and I've learned a lot from them. The photos below are one example from one of my DNA tests. This one is from Ancestry DNA.
And now 23AndMe:
I don't have any friends and I have dropped almost all social media or I never had some of them to begin with. Feel free to reach out if we have stuff in common or whatever.
Take care,

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I decided to start using Tumblr. I will introduce myself soon.
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