#sarah Onision
onioncritic · 1 year
breakdown of greg and lucas’ response:
they claim that michigan is an improper venue to host the case.
the complaint doesn’t explain how greg specifically targeted underage girls in the state of michigan, only in general
sarah admitted the activities she described happened in washington, and not michigan, as well as traveling to washington from michigan.
they say greg doesn’t have control over who would watch his youtube channel, or where they lived--that was google and youtube’s job. 
bring up the NDA, say that no meaningful discussions were had about it when sarah was in michigan, exempting greg and lucas from the michigan jurisdiction.
argues that the case should be dismissed, as it was filed in the wrong court.
greg and lucas claim that they have witnesses in the WD of washington, and the case being in michigan would make travel for these witnesses difficult. also mentions greg and lucas can’t afford to travel to michigan.
argues that greg and lucas were improperly served, and could only be properly served within the state of michigan.
the documents have been added to the site for those who want to read them: https://whoisonision.com/index.php/Archive:Sarah_v_Google_LLC_et_al_(2023)
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
Hey accounting anon here. I'm very versed in onision drama, so I'm throwing my two cents in from that last anon asking what will make you happy about what happens to Viv.
So, Onision is an abomination I warn everyone about looking into. If you haven't heard of him, consider yourself bless because you didn't have to watch him do the shit he did. Onision did a lot of crap, but since he's an idiot he well documented it on to YouTube and various social media platforms like Twitter, tumblr, and Facebook. There's so many sites that have archived and store the things he's done, I recommend the website life of onion if anyone is curious, but please be warned and proceed with caution.
I use to literally have panic attacks and cry. Why? Cause it'd horrify me the things he posted online and how he was getting away with it. He documented abusing an ex he groomed, he went as far as to upload a video on to YouTube ridiculing her instead of taking her to the hospital. THAT STUFF IS TRIGGERING, PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL LOOKING INTO IT.
Onision moved from victim to victim with ease, he even had his current spouse start recruiting and luring victims to him. One thing was they made rating forums where girls as young as 12 were submitting pictures for Onision to rate. Onision featured on girl who was 13 and said some very heinous things about her, which affected her badly. So that victim's sister reached out to Onision asking for it to be removed and he refused then harassed her sister. He did get some backlash, but it took someone with a platform like Blaire White to get more powerful people to pay attention to him. Blaire confronted onision about that situation during a live stream debate in fact.
After Blaire, Chris Hansen got involved and that finally led to Onision's downfall. Onision lost his sponsorships, his patreon, his twitch paternerships, and had to sell his house. People have reported he delivered this ubereats and doordash meals afterwards. Right now Onision has two lawsuits currently ongoing.
I'm happy. I hope one day Shiloh, Sarah, and the rest of his victims can sleep ok and never have to worry about him again. Last I heard, Shiloh is recording and working on songs and Sarah is now enjoying her privacy. Onision is a monster and he deserves to rot in hell.
Thank you for the recap, Anon. If there's a hell, Onision deserves to burn in it.
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onisiondrama · 2 months
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Long Sarah rant.
Side note: I’ve been collecting tweets for the past few months that I thought were interesting. I’ll organize them and post them sometime this week. I wanted to wait to group them together by topic rather than post one to three semi/barely interesting tweets every week.
Edit: Realized there is a nugget of new information in this rant:
"Onision's spouse was literally fired on the way to work, having to pull over and sob hysterically again because of the horrifying damage Sarah, the rapist criminal, had done."
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
Lock all of these people in a room:
James corden
Dasha nervosa and orphan annie
Jordan peterson
Hrh collection
Sarah z
Shane dawson
Shoe on head
Girl defined girls
Ethan and hila klein
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apocellipse · 2 years
i hate you booktube industry i hate you endless videos about colleen hoover and onision and sarah j maas i hate you rowling discourse i hate you reactionary thumbnails i hate you 1M views on three hour plot recaps of books you supposedly disliked
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onisionofficial · 2 years
re: the pits of the onision iceberg adahdhsh omg bless you!! okay my adderal kicked tf in so here’s a whole list of my confusion lmfao (no pressure in answering or reading this <3): gwedla i’ve accepted though i don’t have context lol, discord cp sounds self explanatory (and straight upsetting) enough to me, does the one divine thing have to do with his hs cult?lol, his dad and any speculations about him is a complete mystery to me though i know a bit about his mom, the two just above gwedla idk much about though rape is also self explanatory and upsetting as well, evil twin sounds amazing i have no clue what it is, abuse against kai doesn’t surprise me unfortunately, scat fetish sounds crazy, and the 2026 date is wild too lol
Tw clearly
So keep in mind, I didn’t make the iceberg and sometimes the bottom layer has a few jokes in it, like “all copies of mario 64 is personalized”
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The rape can refer to two things that I can think of off the top of my head.
1. What he did to Adrienne, she doesn’t consider it that, but he definitely pressured her. He also said she basically couldn’t be raped bc of how many partners she had. That statement got him banned from Vidcon.
2. What he accused Sarah of doing. He wanted her to sign an NDA and she said something like “give me something to sign an NDA over ;)”, they had sex, Sarah broke it off, and he accused her.
One Divine Community is what the name Onision means, but I think that a different Onision.
Idk much about Greg’s father, but I know Greg was doing dipper content for a minute which ties into the scat thing.
The Greg beats Kai thing comes from some bruise Kai has had.
I definitely believe Greg was molested by his mother, he mentioned that he thought it was okay to give Billie a naked massage bc it’s platonic to him bc his mom used to give him naked massages as a kid. That sounds like he made it up until you know his mom is a weird bitch.
The pedo ring is about the Onision forms being for pedos.
This is the “I’m going to destroy you” tweet.
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nobomofodo · 5 years
If I remember correctly, Kai went to school for psychology. Which makes the whole situation with Sarah even more disturbing. Kai knew what he was doing.
PSA: I THINK he went to school for psychology
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Can he ever like....not sound like a school shooter?
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dwayners13 · 4 years
3 Reasons Why Onision’s Claims About Sarah Simply Aren’t True
1. Little Gregory wants us to believe he was victimized by yet another teenage girl, claiming Sarah blackmailed he & Kai into having sex, however a text exchange between Greg & Kai clearly shows he is lying. In the text exchange between Greg & Kai, he chastised Kai for not being nice to Sarah after they had sex, which begs the question, why would Greg be mad at Kai for mistreating someone who blackmailed them into sex. Furthermore why did Kai not respond by saying something like, “but Sarah blackmailed us into sex”. The fact that Greg is mad that Kai wasn’t nicer to Sarah & that neither of them even brought up being blackmailed clearly showed it didn’t happen & that Greg simple came up with this narrative after the shit hit the fan as a way of (as usual) portraying him & Kai as the victims (of yet another teenage girl. Taking people’s words out of context is a tactic Greg has used for years, this I see just another example of it.
2. Greg tried to justify disclosing some extremely personal/private information about Sarah by claiming Sarah tweeted about burning his house down, when even someone with the reading comprehension of a 5th grader could see the tweet about ‘burning their house down’ was a clearly a metaphor for the problems that came about from Greg having sex with Sarah & the events surrounding that event. Furthermore, Sarah was quoting someone else’s tweet. Greg knew the tweet wasn’t actually a threat & was simply a metaphor, which is why he claimed he didn’t actually see Sarah’s tweet & was simply going by what he was told by somebody else. By claiming he didn’t actually see the tweet & was just relying on what someone told him, it gives him plausible deniability. Thus, when someone points it out, he can pretend (aka outright lie) & say he didn’t know. Of course Greg & Kai where paying attention to what Sarah was saying & doing online, they were worried about what she would disclose & needed to be prepared for how they would defend themselves & generally do damage control (i.e., how they were going to take things out of context, twist her words around, distort the facts & if all else fails, straight up lie).
3. Prior to having sex with Sarah, Greg made a series of videos in which he gave some rather compelling arguments for why he should not & would not have sex with her. He explained that they had a foster parent/foster child relationship, that the age gap was too large that he could almost be her father, that he was no longer attracted to teenagers, that they had repeatedly told Sarah nothing would ever happen between Kai, himself & Sarah, he brought up her borderline personality disorder, that he only has sex for love, that after all the problems they had in the past with other partners (like Billie) they wouldn’t do that again & many other arguments on why they wouldn’t have a relationship with her. Now that Greg & Kai had a sexual relationship with Sarah, Greg now has to justify why it was okay, which means he has to refute his own arguments on why he should not & would not have sex with her. 
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cultofonion · 5 years
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More of Kai grooming and asking sexual questions to minor while flirting with more than three people at once.
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Onision Against Onision, vol. 1346
Onision: Victims of rape who don’t report their sexual assault are rapist shields. 
Also Onision, somehow: Real victims don’t share their story, because they don’t want to talk about it. If a “victim” shares their story, then they’re probably just an attention-seeker.
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onioncritic · 2 years
Do you have any plans making a detailed outline regarding Onision's social media smear campaign against Sarah, Shiloh, his victims and everyone who stood against him? I would love to see that and to get some of his confusing crap cleared and debunked... Thank you, whoever you are...
maybe. i've actually started a wiki of my own* because i started working on a book about greg and needed a place to keep everything. chances are, if i do anything like that, it would be put there whenever i get to it.
right now, i've been working on researching his early childhood, but rest assured, i have a bot that privately archives his tweets, so i can review them when i'm ready to. i'm a touch out of the loop about why he's specifically making the claims he is since i've been away since 2020, but i will be looking into it eventually.
from what i remember, most of his claims are:
since he can't pretend he didn't have sex with sarah given the evidence we know about, he has to twist the situation to make him look like the victim (hence the rape claims).
he still obsessively talks about shiloh because she (like all victims of abuse) is a flawed person and uses anything she's ever done wrong to paint her negatively. this year will mark 11 or 12 years since they broke up for the final time.
claims he "has never met" regina, which while technically true, he does know who they are and likely had access to kai's accounts and saw anything regina sent to him. regina has every right to go after him and kai.
that's a bit of the short of what i remember and what i've seen reiterated on twitter when i check it. i don't think that the overall gist has changed of these claims, but i'm sure there's plenty of minor inconsistencies to pick through. he did a livestream recently that i'm sure is littered with them.
*no shade to life of onion. onisiondrama can run their site however they like and i think their wiki is an incredible resource! i just wanted to cultivate a space where anyone can contribute. plus i needed a space where i can put my research down with super robust sources while i'm working and it seemed practical to just make it a publicly-facing wiki.
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bvb-against-onision · 5 years
I stand with Sarah
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onisiondrama · 5 months
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Legal updates curtesy of LC. I am trusting these anons’ summaries/ interpretations of the legal paperwork since I don’t know anything about bankruptcy.
- Sarah’s lawsuit against YouTube was dismissed.
- Onision and Lucas/Kai’s bankruptcy filing was approved.
- Sarah and Regina’s lawyer objected to the confirmation of bankruptcy.
- Trustee agreed with Sarah & Regina’s lawyer and denied the confirmation. They need to amend their plan by May 17th.
- Onision applied for more time because he needs to hire a new lawyer.
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onisionhurtspeople · 5 years
A Very Important Question™ for the anti-O community.
How would you feel about the idea of me - or perhaps even a collaboration of the most well-known members of the anti-O community - banding together to write an ‘anti-O’-inspired fanfic? It would be kind of like Reaper’s Creek or Stones to Abbigale, except that it would actually be legible, cohesive, entertaining, and funny. 
So, Tumblr. What do you think?
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fuckonisionlmao · 5 years
For me, hands down, the most heart-wrenching part about this Sarah situation, is because everyone has been warning her this whole time, now she thinks it’s her fault.
She posted something about “I’ll accept my clown license now.”
Like, NO!! It’s so hard to see abuse or manipulation when you’re on the inside. You’re not stupid for falling victim to not one, but TWO people, deliberately doing everything in their power to deceive you. 
You were hurt by them. They now want to make you into a stupid, homewrecking, manipulator, who brought it upon themself. 
You are not an idiot.
This is not your fault
We all know you are not to blame. We don’t think you’re stupid, or a clown, or that you had it coming, or brought it upon yourself.
The Anti-O community is on your side.
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