#sapphic Apritello
bicryptide · 3 months
Does people understand that April's arc in rise was about her being terrified about not being enough to be part of the family BECAUSE she is not like them (a mutant, not biologically related to them, etc.,).
Like there is a big reason that the all things with karai happened. I'm sorry but if you're take after watching rise is that April is not the turtle's big sis and should not be treated at such, you suffer from the biggest lack of media literacy to ever exist because it's literally in your face the all time.
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"It's like a train wreck," Donnie admits, unable to keep their eyes off the screen. "It's a weird, boring train wreck with horrible messages and you can't look away. No wonder this thing started a cult."
Sapphic September Day 23: Twilight (because I think I’m funny).
(cw for discussions of assorted Twilight-adjacent problematic bullshit, like abuse and racism--see tags).
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