darcyolsson · 8 days
re: the post abt old pictures, in my family my grandfather's genes are rlly rlly strong so all of us basically have his face, and one time someone sent a childhood picture of him in the family chat and i swear he looked just like if you put my younger cousin in 1950's clothing
same for us! my mom looks exactly like her grandma and i look exactly like my mom. i only have seen pictures of my great grandma later in life but my grandma claims that in the pictures we have of her when she was younger, we look exactly alike the same way my mom does. out of all my (bio) cousins, only one of them doesn't look recognisably like her (though i def look closest). shoutout to my great grandma's genes
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ravioliwings · 2 years
i unfortunately recently had a debate course and another strategy is to interrupt the opponent’s opening speech with a bunch of questions so they dont have the time to make their arguments
Thanks, I hate it.
Again, I have absolutely no skin in the debate world, but this feels like there should be rules against it.
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ritualslaughter · 2 years
he's still in my heart, just not in my url 😔💜
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sucubism-archive · 3 years
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ttoya · 3 years
🍓 :D!!! also hope u have a nice day!!!!
hii james!!
first of all thank you, i've had a nice day, i hope you do/did too :D
and ahh i always love seeing you on my dashboard!! you are such a sweet person and your entire blog is just amazing and i am so so glad that we follow eachother :D
like i already said i hope you are having a wonderful day/night and that you are doing well !! ily!! :D <3
@mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
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sanzuphobe · 2 years
oh man i miss kazutora. how is he doing
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seraniii · 2 years
Sweetness, I sigh running a hand down my face and leaning back against the couch why would fuck in that mans bed, if it’s not him? You couldn’t fuck Tora in his room? And Sanzu? It’s sounding a bit intentional princess, like you wanted a certain reaction but it’s not what you got. You know how he is about his room, Tora is one thing baby but Sanzu…that’s a bit disrespectful.
it really wasn’t intentional though! you try thinking logically while you’re horny. *i hmph, crossing my arms* he doesn’t even want me to apologize so i don’t know what to do.
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darcyolsson · 7 months
i was just on tinder and i found my tattoo artist . what do i do .
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darcyolsson · 7 months
ik heb dit jaar oliebollen seizoen gemist vanwege mn exchange . heartbreaking . devastating . 4834 injured 500 dead
wtf dat is echt onmenselijk.... veel sterkte in deze ongetwijfeld erg zware periode
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darcyolsson · 1 year
low effort meal: cook rice (i use rice cooker bc lazy), get can of black beans, put into pot and cook with aromatics of ur choice (little garlic and onion, can also use garlic/onion powder for less effort, bay leave), can cook for literally however long u want, fry piece of bone in skin on chicken thigh (spiced obviously). more low effort meal: just do the black bean thing and eat a shit ton of black beans
alternative: fry small pieces of ham (or other protein), add veggie of ur choice (i like to use peas and spring beans), add egg, stir fry, add left over rice, stir fry, add soy sauce, bam now u have fried rice . if u use shrimp u have shrimp fried rice .
more alternative: take rice and any kind of vegetable and also any kind of pre-cooked protein, put into pot/rice cooker, add spices/aromatics, cook, eat. rice absorbs water and while the rice is cooking the vegetables get steamed. u can literally get like rotisserie chicken or smth for this
genius. thank you
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darcyolsson · 11 months
happy borth!!! i think i started following u when u were 14 so that is what you will always be in my mind <3
horrifying! thank you <3
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darcyolsson · 1 year
show the paella
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this is the only pic i have unfortunately. this was before the paella fully absorbed the moisture and also before I added 2 tomatoes and almost 400g of peas. but you can see how big the pan is and by the end it was so full I couldn't really mix in the peas anymore. if I'm doing the math right I made at least several kilos of paella. no one is allowed to ask me why I made paella in a wok
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darcyolsson · 1 year
what r ur fave vegetables
spinach & peas i love green things #girl
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darcyolsson · 2 years
because he plays an alcoholic emotionally cheating rock star in the 70s his rancidness is part of the character and important to Me Personally. the real crime is that blowout they gave him in the interview/90s parts of the show.
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deeply upsetting
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darcyolsson · 2 years
your name is victoria catherine??? werent you born post 2000?? or at least in the last century?? wait. are you a catholic??
KJDFHGK PLEASE i know i have the name of a victorian maiden i know... i know....in fact i was named after my catholic great-grandmother. my parents aren't religious but verzuiling was crazyyy so even though we are not catholic we are still catholic lite edition (many jesuses in my home) (sunday dinner my beloved)
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darcyolsson · 1 year
ik ben nu op exchange in de vs lmao en mensen zitten daar van "omg ur from the netherlands??? whats amsterdam like" en ik zit daar van uh... dus ik was zo'n guy aan het vertellen dat amsterdam gewoon echt . kut is . en hij zat daar van "oh my god really???" compleet geschokt enzo "but isn't the party scene really good???" en ik moest hem vertellen dat de deuren daar om 3 uur sluiten lol . ruining people's dreams one american at a time
lmfaooo even de reputatie van amsterdam vernietigen 😭😭 ben 1 keer uit geweest in ams en we moeten idd om 3 uur gewoon weg?? heel apart. maar to be fair de meeste clubs gaan vgm rond die tijd dicht in amerika dus denk niet dat de toeristen t merken
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