#sanvers pride
amaclucky13 · 3 months
Pride - Sanvers - 2024
Sanvers is a special couple to me, they helped me see the light!
You know the saying you never forget your first? Well, this is my very first lesbian couple that ever made me investigate further into the community and ultimately myself. This was a start to a very deep rabbit hole. And it all started with the scene above. Alex came out to Maggie and I was hooked onto this story. Because I thought, you were supposed to have it all figured out by the time you…
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gargy1975 · 4 days
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Except The Glasses 🕶️
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
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Paying The Price
〚 Day 5 - Preventative Measures (Not Taken)  〛
〚 Pairing - Sanvers 〛
〚 Summary - Alex ends up paying the price when she doesn't take preventative measures at work. At least she'll have maggie to look after her. 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙〘 Sicktember 2023 Masterlist 〙
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“Do you not think you should take a coat love?  It’s meant to get a little chilly later on according to the weather.” Maggie called out as Alex finished making her to-go cup of coffee into her flask, “Pretty sure its gonna rain too by the look of those clouds.” 
The agent shook her head and waved her off with a reassuring smile, “It’ll be fine, I’m on roll to do a clinic shift anyway so it’s not like I’m gonna be out in the field or anything like that. I’ll just end up carrying it if I take it. 
That was true. The DEO had recently got wind of a small clinic on the east side of the city which was specially made to treat aliens and offer things like vaccines and just provide general care to those individuals which didn’t feel comfortable in a regular clinic. As such, when the DEO found out, J’onn offered to provide agents as a form of security there as well as to keep things in order. Alex liked her shifts at the clinic, after all, the waiting room chitchat often inadvertently provided inside knowledge to help with ongoing issues, not only that but the environment itself was warm and friendly and the people there seemed to trust her too – she’d even made some friends. 
“Alright then, have a good day at work darling.” Her girlfriend smiled, giving Alex a small kiss before she left, “Don’t forget you’re on food pickup duty tonight too.” She added playfully before beginning to make her own coffee, “I’m thinking pizza?” 
Alex smiled as she picked up her bag and turned to leave, “I won’t forget, don’t worry! Pizza sounds good, alright I’m gonna head off, see you later, have a good day at work babe.” She said before leaving the apartment and making her way out to her car. 
It wasn’t a long drive, about 40 minutes or so. When she arrived, Alex stepped out of the car and involuntarily shivered at the icy chill of the air nipping at her arms, maybe she should’ve brought a coat after all she thought, shaking her head with an eye roll knowing her girlfriend was right. At least she’d be inside for her shift though. As Alex walked through the clinic doors, she immediately noticed the bustling atmosphere. Aliens of various shapes and sizes filled the waiting area, patiently waiting for their turn to be seen by the doctors. It was definitely a lot busier than usual. 
As the agent made her way to the small security desk to clock in, she couldn’t help but inwardly groan at the sight of the other agent on shift. Agent Wilson was one of those guys who never failed to get on her nerves. Something about his cocky, nonchalant attitude always seemed to rub her the wrong way. 
“Agent Danvers it’s always nice of you to show.” He turned around upon hearing her footsteps approach, “I suppose you’ve got the delight of my company, how lucky.” The agent smirked before rooting around in his side pocket before pulling out black surgical mask and putting it on. 
"I'm here to do my job, just like you," Alex replied, choosing to ignore his sarcastic remark, "What’s with the mask?” Wearing a mask wasn’t required or was it advertised so she couldn’t help but question it especially considering no other agents had chosen to wear them in the past. 
  Agent Wilson chuckled condescendingly. "Precautions, Danvers," he said with a hint of mockery in his voice. "You know, to protect myself from any alien bugs. I don’t want my immune system being invaded by foreign bodies." 
She raised an eyebrow, feeling a sense of annoyance creep up within her. She was well aware of the potential risks of working in close proximity to sick aliens, but she had always trusted her strong immune system to keep her healthy. She prided herself on being cautious and responsible when it came to her work, but in this instance, she had overlooked the possibility of catching something.  
"Well, that's your choice," Alex finally replied, her voice laced with a hint of annoyance. "But I'm not here to alienate anyone or treat them like threats. These beings are just seeking medical help, same as any human. And besides, I've been doing shifts here for months without any issues." 
Shaking off her annoyance, Alex walked past him and made her way to the clinic's staff room to change into her uniform, the clinic preferred them to wear their own brand of gear, just as an extra precaution which was understandable.   
As she made her way to one of the smaller lockers, she put down her bag and began changing. It was only then she noticed the slump attitudes of the attending staff. The ambiance of sniffles and coughing, like that of the reception, seemed to fill this room too and spotting one of the Doctors she was familiar with Alex decided to ask what was wrong. 
"Morning," Alex greeted with a friendly smile. "Is everything alright? I couldn't help but notice that a lot of people seem to be under the weather today." 
The doctor sighed tiredly and nodded, confirming Alex's observations. "Yes, unfortunately, it seems that there's a flu-like bug going around. We've been seeing an increase in patients with respiratory symptoms over the past couple of days. We're doing our best to provide care, but it's definitely keeping us busy." 
Alex's concern grew as she processed the information. "Is it affecting the staff too? You don’t look too good yourself Doc.” While most of the staff were aliens themselves and did have a little bit more protective, there was still a good number of human employees. 
Dr. Ramirez nodded again, a hint of weariness in their eyes. "Yeah, a few of our staff members have fallen ill as well. It's a bit of a challenge, this strain is appearing to be highly contagious, but we’ll get through it. We have some people on stand-by to cover if need be.” 
Alex's eyes widened a little. The flu was bad news, especially in a clinic where a diverse range of alien species sought treatment. She couldn't help but wonder if Agent Wilson's decision to wear a mask was more justified than she had initially thought. 
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Alex asked, her determination to assist in any way she could shining through. 
Dr. Ramirez's weary expression brightened a little at her offer. "Actually, there is something you could do," they replied gratefully. "Since we're short-staffed due to many doctors and nurses falling ill. If you could lend a hand with triaging patients and assisting in basic medical procedures, it would be a tremendous help." 
Without hesitation, Alex nodded, her sense of duty and compassion driving her forward. "Of course, I'll do whatever I can. Just tell me what needs to be done." 
For the remainder of the morning, she continued to help out where necessary, leaving security down to the other agent. It was definitely a lot faster paced but with her background in biochemistry she was well within her depth. By lunchtime it seems her efforts were paying off as the clinic seemed to slow down a little and she was given the go ahead to return back to her position. 
  As Alex made her way back to the security desk, she couldn't help but feel a wave of exhaustion wash over her. The adrenaline and determination that had fuelled her earlier were slowly waning, replaced by a growing fatigue. She attributed it to the increased workload and the emotional toll of seeing so many sick patients. 
Agent Wilson looked up from his desk as Alex approached, his expression filled with surprise. "You're back already? I thought you'd be stuck over there forever, playing doctor." 
Ignoring his snide remark, Alex mustered a weak smile. "It was a bit chaotic, but we managed to get things under control. The staff appreciated the help." 
Wilson raised an eyebrow, a hint of grudging admiration in his voice. "Well, I guess you're not completely useless after all." 
She huffed, shooting the agent a dirty look, “Look if you’ve got a problem with me, leave it at the door. Don’t bring that attitude into- wor- Hh'iishoo! Huh’tshoo!” She quickly bent to the side to catch her sneezes into cupped hands, sniffling at the feeling of subtle pressure rising in her sinuses. 
“I don’t think that’s hygienic Danvers.” He shook his head, as the agent went to go grab some tissues from a nearby box. 
She sighed, realising that Agent Wilson was somewhat right. Sneezing into her hands wasn't the best practice, especially considering the contagious nature of the flu-like bug going around. She quickly discarded the used tissues into a nearby bin and reached for a hand sanitiser bottle on the security desk, squeezing some onto her palms and rubbing them together. 
"You're right, my bad," Alex admitted, her voice slightly muffled by her stuffed nose.  
Agent Wilson's mocking wavered slightly as he observed Alex's tired appearance or maybe it was the fact that Alex Danvers actually apologised to him, "Wow, an apology from Danvers. You have a fever or something?” 
“Just leave it.” Alex's voice was tinged with exhaustion and frustration. She didn't feel like entertaining Agent Wilson's sudden concern. The fatigue that had settled over her earlier was now accompanied by body aches and a growing headache. She had been so focused on helping at the clinic that she hadn't noticed her own symptoms creeping in. 
As the day progressed, her energy waned, and she found herself struggling to focus. Her body felt heavy, and she was occasionally having to turn away to muffle raspy coughs into her elbow which only led to her throat becoming sore. But she tried to ignore it. She had blamed the AC at first, it was just turned up too high... yeah. That was it. 
But with each passing hour, her condition deteriorated further. The fatigue intensified, making it difficult for her to stand upright. Her head throbbed with every movement, and the touch of a fever began to set in, leaving her feeling alternately hot and cold, as beads of sweat lined her brow all-while chills ran up her arms. 
“Don’t you look healthy.” The male agent had commented snidely the next time Alex had learnt her head back against the wall. 
Alex's patience was wearing thin, and she shot him a glare. "I'm not feeling well, okay? So can you please just lay off with the comments?" Her voice was tinged with irritation and exhaustion before giving in to the burning at the back of her throat as she gave a few chesty sounding coughs into her elbow. 
Agent Wilson seemed taken aback by her response, his mocking demeanour fading momentarily. "Oh... I didn't realise you were actually not feeling good." he mumbled, his tone softening, “Sorry.” 
Unbeknownst to her, a kind-hearted doctor, Dr. K'ora, had been in earshot and had noticed the agents declining condition. She approached her with a warm smile, "Excuse me, Agent Danvers, may I borrow you for a moment?” 
Alex nodded, looking over her shoulder to confirm it was okay with Wilson and he waved her off. She felt a sudden tickle in her nose, a telltale sign that a sneeze was imminent. She quickly turned away, covering her face with her elbow, and let out a series of forceful sneezes. "Huh'kshhoo! Huh-choo! Huh'tshoo!" she sneezed, her body shaking with the force of each. 
Dr. K'ora  gestured towards a nearby tissue box, concern evident in her eyes. "Goodness, bless you. I think it’d be a good idea to let me take a look at you, Agent Danvers. You don't look well at all." The doctor commented as she escorted the agent towards a small side room. 
"Thank you," Alex said weakly, her voice hoarse and barely audible. "I didn't realise I was feeling this bad until now." She reached up to rub her temples, trying to alleviate the pounding headache that had settled in. 
Dr. K'ora placed a gentle hand on Alex's shoulder, her touch comforting. "It's not uncommon for people to push through and ignore their own health when they're focused on helping others," she said kindly. "But it's important to take care of yourself too. Let me check your symptoms and see what's going on." 
Alex nodded, grateful for the doctor's understanding. She sat back in the chair, allowing Dr. K'ora to examine her. The doctor felt her forehead, noting the warmth radiating from her skin, and listened to her lungs with a stethoscope. After a thorough examination, Dr. K'ora stepped back, a concerned expression on her face. 
"I'm sorry to say, Agent Danvers, but it seems you've caught the flu that's been going around," Dr. K'ora explained gently. "Your symptoms—fatigue, headache, body aches, coughing, and sneezing—are all indicative of the flu. It's important that you take some time off and rest." 
Alex's heart sank. She had hoped it was just a passing illness, but it seemed she was in for a rough few days. "I’m sorry, is this going to cause a problem with staffing? My shift isn’t due for end for a few hours yet.” 
Dr. K'ora smiled kindly. "It happens to the best of us. I will inform your superiors and arrange for someone to pick you up. In the meantime, please make yourself comfortable here." 
As the doctor left to inform the necessary personnel, Alex settled into the small room, grateful for the opportunity to rest. She curled up on the examination table, wrapping herself in a blanket provided by the clinic. The fatigue weighed heavily on her, and her body felt achy and weak. 
Time passed slowly as she lay there, her mind wandering through a haze of fever and discomfort. She thought about Maggie and how she would react when she found out. She hoped her girlfriend wouldn't worry too much, knowing that she had a habit of being overprotective. 
As if on cue, a soft knock on the door interrupted Alex's thoughts. She weakly called out, giving permission for the person to enter. To her relief, it was a familiar face—Maggie. Alex's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her girlfriend, a mix of worry and tenderness evident on her face. 
“I heard you weren’t feeling well, poor thing.” She soothed, letting her hand come to rest over the warm forehead of the agent as she came to sit beside her. 
Alex leaned into Maggie's touch, finding solace in her presence. "Hey," she whispered hoarsely, a weak smile gracing her lips. "I didn't expect you to come all the way here." 
Maggie brushed a strand of hair away from Alex's forehead gently. "Of course I would come," she replied softly. "You're not feeling well, and I wanted to be here for you. How are you holding up?" 
Alex let out a weak chuckle, followed by a cough. "I've been better," she admitted. 
"You always put others first, Alex. It's time to let someone take care of you now." Maggie’s voice was filled with concern and affection as she offered her arms out to her girlfriend, pulling her into a warm hug. 
In that moment, Alex realised how lucky she was to have Maggie by her side. She buried her face in Maggie's shoulder, feeling a mix of gratitude and vulnerability wash over her. Maggie's presence provided comfort and reassurance, reminding Alex that she didn't have to face this illness alone. 
As they sat there, wrapped in each other's embrace, Alex's fatigue started to catch up with her. The weight of her eyelids became heavier, and her body begged for rest. Maggie sensed her exhaustion and gently guided Alex to lie down on the examination table, adjusting the blanket to keep her warm. 
"Should we get you home, hm?" Maggie whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. "We can stop on the way and pick up some soup from that takeout you like, that might help you feel better. Whatever you need I’m sure we can get it.” 
Alex nodded weakly, her eyes fluttering closed. "That sounds... nice, but what about your pizza?" she murmured, already feeling the pull of sleep tugging at her, “’Mm tired Maggs.” 
“Pizza can wait, what you need is something easy right now. I know you’re tired baby, you can go to sleep in the car alright?” 
Maggie sat by her side, gently stroking Alex's hair, a soft smile on her face. "Always, love. Now, let’s get you home.” 
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throughalleternity · 3 months
What are some Director Sanvers/genderfluid!Lucy facts that you havent brought up a lot, but you still headcanon? Are there things you want to talk about but arent sure if its the right time/place?
There's additional things I think would be fun to explore, or things I'm interested in as one-offs (and I'll post some if I manage to gather them together) but here are some general ideas I haven't really put anywhere:
Bi Lucy/Leon! I don't think I've written about it explicitly but I think there's an extra layer there along with genderfluidity and polyamory, with people wanting to put her in 'this-or-that' boxes. Race and religion could also be in there, and I think it's all compelling when considering a Lucy arc of her trying to find her place and her own sense of self that isn't just what others have told her she is. I keep thinking it needs to be its own thing so I've been saving it rather than sprinkling it in more and now I realize I didn't have to do that.
Trans!Maggie: as a kid, before she transitioned, she liked having hoodies that she could tie around her waist so it was kinda like a skirt. She doesn't do that now with the leather jackets, but it's still a nice sort of security blanket memory.
Nb!Alex: In a little lighthearted reassurance convo with Maggie soon after Alex comes out as nb, part of Maggie's response is "We should be who we are, right?" "But what about..." "We'll workshop the rest. Kiss the people we wanna kiss... Or maybe badass secret agents, nerdy scientists, partners in crime... Because my feelings haven't changed at all, Danvers. I still wanna kiss you." "Really?" "Really really."
Director Sanvers: Especially at the start, it's a lot of unpacking and (un)learning stuff as being with new people+in a poly relationship brings up trauma and (internalized) prejudice and assumptions and shame they didn't realize that were (still) present. They do a lot of work on themselves and how to manage those things to be able to be in fulfilling relationships (and to have happier lives generally!). I didn't really figure out how to touch on this meaningfully but I definitely think that with the way I've written them, they have to work on things so their relationships work as well as they do.
Community and pride (and collective histories) end up being really important too - I haven't written in lots of other superfriends etc (trying to keep my stuff small and more characters often means bigger) but they're there!
In a world where they're allowed to be in a parade, they think riding their bikes in Pride would be really cool.
Bonus: the three of them start putting towels down on top of the sheets for bed activities because changing sheets on a massive bed is a pain.
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calzonas · 6 years
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hello fellow lgbtq+ people! my girlfriend and i have decided that we want to start selling our customizable pride flags! 🏳️‍🌈
the prices vary depending on the size & flag type you choose, and prices range anywhere from $20-$55. we offer just about every pride flag you can think of — gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, etc. — in the 3ft x 5ft size, but only a few in any of the smaller sizes. you can get one of the quotes represented, or come up with a quote you want represented on your flag & we can create a flag just for you!
if you’d like to check us out, head over to our etsy page! thank you in advance for your support, and happy pride month!
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queercapwriting · 6 years
As problematic as pride can be (and is), it kinda makes me sad that I'm missing every event in my area this year bc it can be really nice being around other members of the community, you know? I was wondering if (and only if you want to/have time of course) you could maybe write a fic where Alex and/or Maggie and/or Adrian can't attend pride and is kinda bummed? If it doesn't inspire or isn't something you're into though, no worries!
“It’s just a corporate excuse to profit off our oppression,” Maggie shrugs as she sips her coffee, eyes fixed down on the table.
“Like you said about Valentine’s Day?” Alex counters gently, her hand on Maggie’s knee and the softness of her voice quelling the potential harshness of the words.
“Danvers, I meant what I said about Valentine’s Day.”
Alex nods, understanding what she hadn’t a year ago. “I know you did. And I know you mean what you’re saying about Pride. How it’s corporate, and how it prioritizes privileged bodies over others, and all that. I know. And I’m not dismissing that. But it also matters. It also presents opportunities -- for better or worse -- to create something beautiful out of it. Kind of like Valentine’s Day does. It can be what we make it.”
“Except we can’t,” Maggie sighs, and Alex tilts her chin up with delicately strong fingers.
“Of course we can, Mags. Just because you’re going to be away at a training and can’t do Pride events this year doesn’t mean you have to have to be lonely. I mean, you can be lonely. It’s understandable. And I don’t have to go to any -- “
“No! No. You should. I want you to. You and the others should go, and have a great time, I don’t want -- “
“Okay. Okay. But Maggie, I just... you can be sad. You can hate Pride and love it at the same time, and you can be sad that you can’t go to things this year. You’re allowed. I promise.”
“My feelings are real and all that, huh?” Maggie’s tone is sarcastic, but a smile is starting to pull at her lips.
“Something like that, Sawyer,” Alex murmurs as she leans in to kiss her, slow and tender and just a little bit sexy.
Maggie moans softly into her mouth, and Alex’s heart skips a beat.
“I love you,” Maggie whispers.
“I love you, too. Forever,” Alex promises.
“Awwwww, look at my two favorite lesbians, being all cute and lesbiany,” a voice interrupts from their doorway.
“Hi, Ade,” Maggie grins without turning around, as Alex gives her another kiss before getting up to hug him.
“I was gonna come in wrapped in a trans pride flag -- I was actually considering wearing that and nothing else, but you know, decency laws or something -- but I hear you’ve gotta ship off to some stupid training?”
Maggie sighs as she gets up to hug him, too. “It’s actually not stupid this time; I’m running a few workshops on LGBTQ+ sensitivity with Gotham PD, but you can tell how much they need it -- despite working with Batwoman, I mean damn -- because the jerks thought it would be fitting instead of a scheduling nightmare to put it during Pride Month.”
Adrian groans and pouts. “I’m sorry, Mags. There’s no way you can get them to -- “
“Ughhhh. Do you... do you want us to travel to Gotham with you? Screw other people, we can have all the Pride parties we want in your hotel room -- “
“No, kid, you’re sweet, but Alex already offered -- “
“Oh, I see, I don’t wanna interrupt your lesbianing -- “
“Where’s the lie.”
“You two! Ade, Alex already offered, but I said no.”
“Yeah. I want you two to have fun with everyone, I guess... eh, it’s whatever.”
“No it’s not whatever!”
“Maggie. You’re literally the one who taught me -- both of us, I feel like -- that you’re not allowed to dismiss your own feelings. You guess what? What do you need? It’s okay to tell us, Maggie. We love you.”
“What the kid said, babe.”
Maggie rolls her eyes at her two favorite people before taking a deep breath and diving.
“I guess I need... comfort? Which feels stupid, because feeling sad and left out to begin with feels stupid, but -- “
“Mode of comfort?” Adrian interrupts.
“What mode of comfort do you prefer? You leave tonight, right? So, do you want pizza and beer and bad cop shows, or a picnic, or a sparring session, or some weird combination, or sexy times with Alex that I will gladly vacate for -- “
“The lie is where?”
“I... is it still raining out?” 
Adrian nods.
“Pizza and beer -- for us, not for you, young man -- and bad cop shows? And um...”
“Cuddles?” Alex and Adrian supply at the same time.
“Cuddles,” Maggie confirms, in awe at these two people who love her like she’d never dreamed she could be loved, like she’d never dreamed she deserved to be loved.
But god, Pride or no Pride, do they make her feel like she deserves it.
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eccho-system · 3 years
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What was going through your head at that time?
I actually went back and looked at one of the scenes as well. The scene where Alex and Kara are walking by the water and they have that conversation where she’s looking back and she’s going like: I’m remembering things now like all these moments that I pushed down deep inside and didn’t really allowed myself to register it’s like now I can and now it’s making sense and now it’s scaring the shit out of me and now I’m like: Oh my god, what is happening? And it’s like this spiral.
And it was just...it was such an amazing experience to go through it you know at the time...ultimately it ended up kind of leading to me figuring out a lot about my own self.
I wanted to make sure that what I was doing really displayed strong positive representation in the community and That it was something people could really relate to.
Once those episodes hit where she basically official came out it was like an influx of response from fans and from people that I met along the way one way or the other. Some people saying: hey, I’m not comfortable with our family watching the show anymore now. To: Oh my god this is me! You found exactly who I am. I never saw anybody who went through what I went through and is coming out and figuring it out and coming out on the other side.
It’s been a tremendous journey and one that I am incredibly proud of and just been able to have so much fun picking out more button down plaid shirts along the way. It’s been awesome!
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maximilff · 3 years
Alex’s Coming Out Scene: Fixed
Pairing: Danvers sisters! (Platonic), Implied Supercorp, Implied Sanvers
Content Warning: None
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: Alex comes out to Kara and Kara comes out in return, aka, what should have actually happened.
read on ao3, if you prefer
* for kara danvers appreciation week! day three: favorite emotional moment
“So what’s going on? Is something wrong?” Kara asked Alex as they walked along the pier. 
“No. No, I um…” Alex cleared her throat nervously. “I just uh… wanted to talk to you about something. Something about me.”
“Alex, whatever it is you can tell me.” Kara replied. 
“It’s about Maggie.” She finally said.
Alex stayed silent for a moment before gaining up enough courage to respond. God, this would be so much easier with alcohol, she thought to herself.
“Your cop friend.” Kara stated.
Alex nodded, “She and I started working on a couple of cases together and, y’know, we started hanging out after work and, y’know, I- I started, um… thinking about her.”
“I don’t know what that means.” Kara replied with a small, confused smile.
“I mean, uh…” Alex cleared her throat again nervously. “I started to… develop feelings… for her.”
“Feelings,” Kara responded numbly. Alex liked Maggie? “Like…” She didn’t need to finish her sentence.
Alex nodded. “Yeah, those… those feelings.”
Kara stopped walking. Her stomach felt funny all of a sudden. Not a bad funny- sort of like when you get butterflies right as the rollercoaster is leading up to the big drop. When the excitement of the anticipation of it all is growing in your stomach and you know something wonderful and terrifying is about to happen.
“Oh.” She mumbled in reply. The rollercoaster kept climbing.
“So Maggie thought that I should tell you,” Alex continued. “And so I did. I just,” She let out a nervous breath in relief. “I just- I just did.”
Kara sat down on a nearby bench. She wasn’t sure she trusted her legs very much right now- super-strength or no. Alex liked Maggie. Huh.
“So… So she’s gay?” Kara asked.
“Yeah.” Alex answered.
“And are you saying… you’re gay, too?”
“I- I don’t know.” Alex sighed. “I’m just trying to make sense of it all. It’s so complicated.”
“Alex, it kind of sounds like you’re coming out to me.” Kara replied.
Alex walked over to her sister and sat down beside her, her shoulders low. She opened her mouth as if to say more, and then closed it.
“It’s okay if you are.” Kara gave her a small smile.
“It is?” Alex asked nervously.
“Of course it is.” Kara’s smile widened.
Alex smiled back, a half-laugh half-sob escaping from the back of her throat. Kara pulled her in for a hug and held her tight, rubbing small circles on her back as she cried softly in relief. They stayed like this for a few moments before Alex pulled away, wiping at her eyes. Kara watched her, a fond smile on her face.
“Can I ask you a question?” She asked gently.
Alex nodded.
“How did you know? With Maggie. How did you know you liked her?” Kara asked.
Alex fidgeted nervously for a moment before answering.
“I’m not… really sure. I just- I just knew. It’s like, all of my life… nothing has really made sense. Dating and love and… sex. And even other parts of my life, y’know, nothing ever really made sense. It’s like something was always missing. But it’s- it’s hard to realize that something is missing from your life when you’ve never had it, y’know? And then you have it suddenly and…” Alex smiled. “When I met her, I think a part of me just… knew. She’s what was missing. And then the more we hung out and the more I got to know her, the more everything just… made sense. Like, she walks into the room and I just light up, or she tells a joke and it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. She’s so great and I care so much about her and she makes me want to be a better person and I just-” Alex looked up suddenly, realizing she had been rambling. “I didn’t think that I would ever feel this way, about… y’know, about a girl, but... “
“But you do.” Kara wasn’t sure if she had actually said the words aloud or not, but they were ringing in her head.
But you do. 
“Yeah.” Alex replied.
The two sat in silence for a moment, Alex’s head finally quieting down and Kara’s very quickly getting louder and louder with each new thought. Something in what Alex had said had stirred something deep inside of her and she couldn’t quiet her mind enough- or steel the feeling in her stomach enough- to figure out what it was. 
“Kara?” Alex asked worriedly.
Kara stood up suddenly, her legs shaking under her as she did so.
“I’m fine I just- uh- I’ve gotta go,” She muttered, avoiding Alex’s eyes. “I’ve gotta- I’ll see you later, alright? I’m fine, I just-”
She hurried away, found the nearest alley, and was in her suit and in the air as quickly as she could manage, hoping that flying would help calm her down and clear her mind as it always had. Several minutes passed and Kara didn’t realize she had been flying on autopilot towards a specific destination until she found herself floating outside of a familiar building. She couldn’t feel much beyond the buzzing that felt like it was taking over her whole body. In fact, she didn’t even realize where she was until she heard Lena’s voice talking to someone in her office- her secretary. Lena was talking to her secretary. It sounded like she was ordering lunch. Kara smiled. All of the buzzing died away suddenly and her mind finally stopped racing. Only one thought remained in Kara’s head.
But you do. 
Alex opened the door to Kara’s apartment to find her sitting on the couch, stress eating and staring numbly at the television, clearly lost in thought. Kara turned to see Alex setting her bag down and looking at her worriedly. Kara sighed and turned off the television.
“I said I was fine,” Kara said half-heartedly. “You didn’t need to check on me.”
“I’m not checking on you,” Alex replied, looking Kara over skeptically. “You’ve been weird ever since I’ve told you.”
“I don’t mean to be.” Kara replied, frowning.
“Kara, I know when you’re sad. Or when you’re disappointed. I don’t know what I would do if you were disappointed in me.” Alex frowned in return.
“I would never be disappointed in you,” Kara replied. “I’m not- I’m-”
Kara took a deep, very shaky breath.
“I’m not disappointed in you,” She explained. “I’m- I’m like you.”
“What?” Alex asked, shaking her head in confusion.
“ I’m… like you.” Kara repeated numbly. 
“What do you mean?” Alex asked.
She took in the state of her sister, clearly in some level of shock and looking very confused and overwhelmed. In fact, she looked a lot like Alex was sure that she had probably looked when she realized that she- oh.
“You mean…”
“Yeah.” Kara replied.
Alex moved towards her, moving a throw pillow out of the way to sit beside her sister. She placed a hand on her leg to comfort her and Kara looked up at her, tears of relief building in her eyes, smiling in disbelief. Alex smiled back, rubbing Kara’s knee encouragingly. 
“Oh,” Alex replied. “That makes so much sense.”
Kara furrowed her eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
“It just,” Alex shrugged. “The way you look at each other, the way you treat each other, It just- it makes sense.”
“It makes sense.” Kara repeated, a single tear finding its way down her cheek.
She sighed in relief.
“It all makes sense.”
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dcbnam-aep · 3 years
Happy Pride Month!!! i know its July now (i procrastinated this edit sm lmao) but I hope everyone had a fun, safe and happy pride :) 🌈
I’d love if u could check out my insta- @ dcbnam.aep as well <3
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doctordumont · 3 years
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Floriana Lima’s Instagram story - June 2, 2021
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stanskara · 3 years
Day 16
Favorite LGBTQIA+ TV Moment:
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"Life is too short. And we should be who we are. And we should kiss the girls that we wanna kiss and I ... I want to kiss you.
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amaclucky13 · 3 months
By Your Side - Podcast
COMING SOON! By Your Side That’s right, coming soon, is a queer podcast. Check out its new page on my website! And if you’re excited by it, consider supporting us on Patreon! It will be arriving very soon so keep an eye out for the drop date! Thank you for your support! Spread the love and read on!
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valkubusforever · 4 years
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Ale/X Rivera and Lucia Sandoval have become my new favorites and I’m in love with them. If you are looking for a good Lgbt+ representation you should check out this novela called 100 Dias para enamorarse . It’s about Ale/X who struggles with gender identity and it shows great trans representation. Ale/X falls in love with Lucia a popular girl in high school and they make such a cute couple. I recommend this novela if u loved Juliantina just as much as I did is a look at a young lgbt love story that’s worth checking out. 🏳️‍🌈
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lycanhood · 3 years
Happy National Coming Out Day!!
Congrats to all the queer peoples out there who have come out of the closet and are lucky enough to live openly in their identities!! I hope you all have a very gay day today!
And to any and all queer peoples out there who have not been able to come out yet, just know that you are not alone and that I’m rooting for you. Even if now is not the time, even if you aren’t ready, I hope one day your time will come. You’re valid and you are still apart of the queer community. I’m wishing you good vibes today! Remember that even if you’re in the closet today is still a gay day for you (because everyday is a gay day haha). Please stay safe and health, everyone!
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fetus-deletus6 · 5 years
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I’m a lesbian and I already know that bisexual culture is having a crush on both of these people
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potatoinadumpster · 5 years
my gay ass brain: you like girls GIRLS you are attracted to WOMEN men look like RECTANGLES
me: so maybe I'm a bit bi-curious?
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