#sanurai art
geandhlm-art · 10 months
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Feeling mighty embarrassed about myself that I was able to do this year 2020, and now I'm barely drawing anything on account of my being too busy
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justjoshinh · 2 years
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My girlfriend is recovering from harsh thyroid problems and i wanted to capture her struggle in a picture
#pinay #asianwarrior #samurai #art #drawing #illustration
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quarkmaster · 6 years
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Play With Fire
This is one out of 6 illustrations which I did for Samurai Artbook . Work is featuring my original character Ash with his actual design. | 2018 TOOLS & INFO + Adobe Photoshop CC + tablet Wacom Cintiq 27QHD + Original size is 4047 x 5500px
Valentina Remenar
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captain-popsicle · 5 years
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Kirara and Komachi being the best gals ever 💝
The "Samurai 7" tap is dead and I want to bring it back to life
You can also see this painting and other samurai 7 paintings on my Instagram - @liky_mi.
Please do not repost my art.
Love this show, love those sisters
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rainbowdonkee · 6 years
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Full art for Ryoma - Sanurai at Ease!
Artist: PenekoR
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dimquiet · 6 years
3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 38, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
Long post
3. Do you feel your age?
My back pain says no
5. Post your favorite selfie
From very early this year but I never posted this anywhere so
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6. If you traveled, where did you go?
Didn’t leave my country at all this year which is WACK but I did move to Oregon this summer
7. Which fashion trends did you love?
Idk if it’s a me thing or a trend thing but I have every item of clothing possible In crushed velvet...and tiny 90s glasses love those
10. What song sums up the year for you?
Middle of the moon - Daisy Maybe
Whatever feeling this song conveys was how year felt
11. What album came out that’s been on heavy rotation since then?
Definitely bumping The Insulated World~ Sanurai Sessions vo3 was really...pop-ish but it grew on me and it has multiple bops
12.What was your favorite movie of the year?
Sorry to Bother You was good
18. What was one nice thing you did for someone else?
Nothing in particular but I don’t really keep track
19. What’s one nice thing you did for yourself?
Cut off some toxic people in my life
20. Did you developed a new obsession?
90s Hong Kong movies
38. What was the best moment of the year for you?
Any moment I felt a bit of peace is highly appreciated
43. What did you learn about yourself that you didn’t know?
44. Did your opinion of anyone change for the better?
My family
46. If you make resolutions, did you complete them this year?
My only big goal was to move so yes
47. What will your resolutions be this year?
Making a living off my art
49. What did you wish for others this coming year?
Get those old guys out of the government
50. What did you wish for yourself?
Spiritual maturity
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daysofparker-blog · 7 years
Day 81: Art Showcase: Tony Cruz, Kaptainkristian, Pogo
New Post has been published on http://www.daysofparker.com/day-81-art-showcase-tony-cruz-kaptainkristian-pogo/
Day 81: Art Showcase: Tony Cruz, Kaptainkristian, Pogo
Last showcase: H.R. Giger
Tony Cruz:
I am Happy to show off some of my good friend Tony’s art this week. He’s been sketching for well over two decades now and has a plathera of stories for his creations.
Tora Sanurai – Tony Cruz
Cat girl X
A deeper look:
Let’s dive into the realm of videos. For this showcase I want to share with you the works of kaptainkristian. Kaptainkristian is a master at breaking down the impact of important popculture icons and artists. He’ll take in-depth analysts of anything from superheroes to television networks. His work is always beautifully excuted with great entertainment value. I always leave his videos feeling satisfied and a little bit smarter. I highly recommend watching his content. Oh, I almost forgot! His voice is heavenly relaxing and addicting to hear.
A different touch to music:
Are you a fan of Hip-Hop inspired sampling? Do you like classic TV shows and movies? Well, I have just the right medicine for you and his name is Pogo. Pogo’s music is something you would never come across anywhere else besides the internet. He takes our childhood and turns it into catchy songs. The internet opened a gateway for this type of music to speak to our souls. I’m going to stop blabbering and let the music speak for itself.
All for today:
I hope you enjoyed the second art showcase. Tomorrow I will be returning back to the usual blogging.
If you are interested in submitting art for it to be showcased email me at [email protected] with your art and whatever social medias/websites you want me to include with it. Art includes: -dance -music -painting -drawing -digital -video -photography -jewelry -basically anything artsy
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