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ayahuascavisionary · 1 year ago
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lainmensidaddelanada · 11 months ago
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#santodaime #Ayahuasca
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rhenancarvalho · 1 year ago
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Eu chamo a força da Matrecita Ayahuasca para me curar e experimentar a sensação da eternidade. Viva as forças da Mãe Natureza! #ciênciadacriatividade#antropologia#cienciasnaturais#santodaime#ayahuasca#xamanismo#o#medicinadafloresta#daime
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p4zeequilibrio · 4 years ago
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ADORO AQUELA TAMBÉM: DEPOIS DE TER JULGADO HORRORES NO FINAL SOLTAR UM: "MaS qUeM sOu Eu PrA jUlGaR, nÉ?!" HAUAHAUAAHAUUA @memesespirituais 🤎🤣 #memesespirituais #meme #veronicalemeterapeuta #exu #risadas #energiapositiva #espiritualidade #autoconhecimento #sagradofeminino #despertarespiritual #pazinterior #meditação #om #xamanismo #umbanda #amor #oxala #ayahuasca #santodaime #sananga #rapé #medicinasagrada #indigena #aho #haux #terapia #terapiaholistica #sp #haha https://www.instagram.com/p/CLiCkolFUBu/?igshid=x15vr00t24jr
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claudiacereser · 3 years ago
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#repost @ayauascasp __ RITUAL XAMÂNICO COM A AYAHUASCA Limpeza dos cablocos- ancorado na energia do caboclo Pena Branca 👉consagração da bebida ancestral ayahuasca 🔥Fogo sagrado 🌿Limpeza energetica LOCAL: TEMPLO LUZ DEL SOL -MOGI DAS CRUZES SP DATA: SÁBADO DIA 28/08 INICIO AS 20:15 Ritual realizado em local aberto e seguro, em meio a local de mata, seguindo os protocolos. Local possui estacionamento. 📱Reservas: wpp 11988079748 Agradeço a todos pelo respeito em ler as informações antes de entrar em contato. #ayahuasca #daime  #santodaime #xamanico #chamanismo #despertar #autoconhecimento  #litoral #chaman #curadafloresta #fraternidadebranca #alphaville #psicodelico #sjc  #sp #psylocibin #haux  #pachamama #madreterra #jornadaxamanica #umbandaime #ayahuascaspirit https://www.instagram.com/p/CTAnpDFHe4cYnrhxePR0D6C1oTBDmN5NXmw6K80/?utm_medium=tumblr
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guerreirosdasestrelas · 4 years ago
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#agrandefraternidadebranca #canalização #seresdeluz #anjosdaguarda #mentorespiritual #arcanjomiguel #saintgermain #guiaespiritual #rezos #curas #amorincondicional #medicinassagradas #reiki #constelacaofamiliar #santodaime #radiestesiaeradionica #saude #autocura #ayahuasca #antroposofia #espiritualidadequantica #sabedoriatranscendental #ayurveda #logosofia #budismo #parapsicologia #florais #religiaodeumbanda #metafísica #naturopatia https://www.instagram.com/p/CNcUwuvnzks/?igshid=42z0i3h81hh8
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leudojrrosasdodeserto · 4 years ago
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Ontem tive a satisfação de levar meu amigo César pra uma sessão da Barquinha! Muita luz! Viva a Barquinha ! Viva o Santo Daime! #daime #santodaime #barquinha #ayahuasca https://www.instagram.com/p/CLR0v_Jj1a2/?igshid=nb6zurybj5zw
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sacredvalleysoul · 4 years ago
Huni Kuin – Cacau Rapé
Theobroma Cacao is the scientific name of the cacao tree, in Brazil cacau. It is native to Amazon basin from where it spread out to other parts of the Americas and from there around the world. The name of the genus comes from greek and means food of the gods. Teobromina is an alkaloid present in cacao and is a vasodilator, diuretic and heart stimulant.
Mainly the Huni Kuin or Kaxinawá, but also other tribes, have used the bark of the tree to burn ashes for their Rapé Snuff. Sometimes the fruit pods are used as well.
This very strong Rapé is blended with ashes from the wild natural cacao from the region. Cacao is a native plant from this part of the Amazon and grows wild by the riverside. This beautiful recipe is from the Huni Kuin tradition, it is usually a reddish colored medicine. This particular one is extra strong, a medicine with less ashes that has an earthy grounding caracter.
Please contact us for your wholesale purchases. We will offer you special prices Rapé
Rapé – is a very sacred shamanic medicine, made by indigenous tribes of South America, primarily found in in Brazil and Peru. Rapé is pronounced ‘haa-pay’ in English. Indigenous Rapé is a rare medicine to come by and very sacred to the tribes of South America. It is used for deep connection to the spirits, animals and Mother Nature, it is very cleansing and powerfully healing.
This sacred medicine takes days to make and is a very labor intensive process made in a ceremonial way, out of various Amazonian healing medicinal plants, leaves, trees and seeds from Amazonian rainforest. Calling in the spirits to help assist those who come to this medicine for deep healing and connection to the source of the creator.
Traditionally, this medicine is applied by using a pipe made from bamboo or bone, which is blown through each nostril on both sides. This can be self-administered using a V-shaped self-applicator pipe, known as a ‘Kuripe’ pipe which connects the mouth to the nostrils. It can also be administered by another person using a large blow pipe, which connects the blower’s mouth to the other person’s nostrils. This blow pipe is known as a ‘Tepi’ pipe.
Use a pea sized amount in each nostril of this medicine for beginners. Dosages can be increased after prolonged use once one becomes more accustom to working with this medicine and has built a relationship to the spirit of the plant and specific rapé.
Please use this medicine in a sacred manner within a quiet space without any interruptions, play relaxing healing music or sit in silence with legs crossed. Call upon your spirit and animal helpers, thank the the tribes , the plants and the spirit of this sacred medicine. Place the pipe over your heart and set an intention and prayer. Apply the medicine in each nostril. Close your eyes after application, breath slowly and calmly then sit and receive the healing benefits of this beautiful medicine throughout your whole being.
In general, Rapé has the following effects: it deeply helps to reconcile and open all your chakras, improves your grounding, releases any illness on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, opens the third eye, decalcifies the pineal gland, removes any mental confusion, it releases any negative thoughts, removes all negative entities, connects you with your divine breath and enhances your connection with the Spirit.
Please note that after application of Rapé, you may experience cleansing, vomiting, bowel movements and increased saliva, which is a normal reaction when your energy and physical body releases blocked energy, toxins and diseases. It is good to have a bucket, toilet paper and drinking water at hand.
Each Rapé has different vibrations, different properties, carries different information, differs in subtlety and has very different effects on the energy field. In addition, after you build a deeper relationship with each Rapé – She becomes a powerful plant teacher for you to ask any questions or go to any sacred ceremony with a specific purpose.
During the Ayahuasca ceremony, Rapé is commonly used by the Yawanawa, Kaxinawa-Huni Kuin and Katukina (Brazilian tribes) to relieve illnesses, dissolve blocked energies, find visions and look clearly.
Each type of hapé has different qualities, vibrations, subtleties and different effects upon the energetic field.
Please keep them in the airtight containers they come in, keep away from wet, damp and humid conditions, and store away from direct sunlight.
The use and application of our products is solely at the customer’s responsibility.
Our products are not certified by the FDA or by Health Canada for human or animal consumption. They are sold for incense and soap They are for purposes, decorative purposes and / or legitimate ethnobotanical research.
The information given about the plants is for academic purposes only and is not intended to be used medically. snuffsoul.com, its suppliers, agents, employees and distributors can not be responsible for any misuse of the products offered.
All Products are sold only as botanical samples with no expressed or implied claims for a specific purpose or use. All information provided is for educational, scientific, ethnographic and historical research purposes only.
Customers must be over 18 years of age to purchase anything from this site. Research all items and consult your doctor before using.
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ayahuascavisionary · 10 months ago
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expandeu · 6 years ago
Eu peço a meu Pai  Sei que Vós tem o poder Perdoai as minhas culpas Se de Vós eu merecer 
 Eu te dei uma casa Que não falta ninguém Para tu escolher Aqueles que te convém 
 A estrada eu dou a todos Para todos viajar Ver e compreender E ficar em seu lugar 
 Eu estou com Deus Deus está em mim Eu estando com Deus Deus é o meu caminho 
 Deus é a glória Deus a glória é Quem é meu Salvador  É Jesus de Nazaré 
 Eu vivo neste mundo Na minha direção Olhando as coisas de Deus E prestando bem atenção 
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mayerhhyuuga · 2 years ago
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2023 Pode vim, estou pronta! Com a proteção do Arcanjo Miguel EU andarei vestida e armada com as armas de São Jorge para que meus inimigos tendo pés, não me alcancem; tendo mãos, não me peguem; tendo olhos não me vejam e nem em pensamentos eles possam me fazer mal. Armas de fogo o meu corpo não alcançarão, facas e lanças se quebrem sem o meu corpo tocar, cordas e correntes se arrebentem sem o meu corpo amarrar. Jesus Cristo me proteja e me defenda com o poder de sua santa e divina graça, Virgem de Nazaré me cubra com o seu manto sagrado e divino, protegendo-me em todas as minhas dores e aflições, e Deus com sua Divina Misericórdia e grande poder seja meu defensor contra as maldades e perseguições dos meus inimigos. Glorioso São Jorge, em nome de Deus, estenda-me o seu escudo e as suas poderosas armas, defendendo-me com a sua força e com a sua grandeza, e que debaixo das patas de seu fiel ginete meus inimigos fiquem humildes e submissos a vós. Assim seja com o poder de Deus, de Jesus e da falange do Divino Espírito Santo. #amém #axe #viradaespiritual #reveillon #santodaimebrasil #santodaime #ayahuasca #fraternidadejardimdesalomao #saojorge #umbanda (em Imperatriz) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm4SRcAOyDW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rhenancarvalho · 1 year ago
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O Dia da Cultura Ayahuasqueira é comemorado no dia 24 de novembro, numa alusão ao dia em que foi estabelecida a Carta de Princípios das Entidades Religiosas Usuárias do Chá Hoasca, firmada no ano de 1991. Esse documento é um importante marco na história da institucionalização do uso da Hoasca no Brasil.
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davioliveirafrc · 6 years ago
Alegria de Viver  (estúdio) - Hinário Instrução de SÃO MIGUEL (c)Davi Oliveira frc
(c)504.889 BN (c)ASIN: B07MM69T5H (C)ISBN-13: 978-1793930729 Hinário Instrução de SÃO MIGUEL (c)Davi Oliveira frc Produtor: Ramanat
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divulgatoriseriali · 3 years ago
Ayahuasca proibita in Italia: scelta iper-proibizionista o decisione fondata e imprescindibile?
Gnothi riparte! Nuovo interessantissimo articolo di Sara Martinelli sull'Ayahuasca in Italia!
L’Ayahuasca è un decotto psichedelico che si presenta sotto forma di bevanda. In Italia è stata ufficialmente dichiarata illegale il 23 febbraio 2022. Si tratta dell’ennesima scelta iper-proibizionista o di una decisione fondata su considerazioni imprescindibili? COSA SIGNIFICA ‘’AYAHUASCA’’? La parola ”ayahuasca” deriva dal quechua ‘’aya-wasca’’, che significa letteralmente ‘’liana dei…
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guerreirosdasestrelas · 3 years ago
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O Reiki Xamânico é um sistema de transmissão de energia através de visualizações de símbolos multidimensionais e imposição das mãos, que proporciona cura, auto-cura, ascensão e conexão com o seu Eu Superior. #agrandefraternidadebranca #canalização #seresdeluz #anjosdaguarda #mentorespiritual #arcanjomiguel #saintgermain #guiaespiritual #rezos #curas #amorincondicional #medicinassagradas #reiki #constelacaofamiliar #santodaime #radiestesiaeradionica #saude #autocura #ayahuasca #antroposofia #espiritualidadequantica (em Instituto Guerreiros das Estrelas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXtFtK3LDGW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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