#santiago garcia fan art
pimosworld · 7 months
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Frankie and Santi take a little holiday together during the Christmas season.
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melodymakesart · 11 months
Santiago "Pope" Garcia in Bloom for Me by @whatthefishh - Fanart
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As I have been drawing A LOT more lately, I've been learning more and more how to use Clip Studio Paint (huge thank you @guruan for some of the invaluable advice you've given me). I truly didn't think I was even capable of drawing something like this? But between Mona's fantastic story telling, my knowledge of art, some patience, much needed advice and learning of this program, I've been able to pull this together.
It's not perfect but I can see the improvements I've made over time and I'm looking forward to see what I'll be able to make next! It's hard telling which way the winds of inspiration will blow lol. Going back to writing now that I got this hyperfixation completed hehe.
Make sure you read Bloom for Me! It's an amazing story about regency Santi <3 My beloved.
Please do not redistribute or post my art without my permission.
Please do not alter my artwork without permission.
You may not use my art for commercial purposes.
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stealfromthedevil · 11 months
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Just a little something I've been working on. Some Triple frontier inspired digital art.
If you like them, feel free to save them, and share them, whatever you like.
Please tag me and give credit if you do repost. That'd be wonderful.
If there's anything else you'd like me to do, just give me a shout. ✌️
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We are hoping to receive 100 responses for the zine interest check! So far there are so many people who are excited about this project and holy crap so are we!
Fill out the interest check here!
We've been brainstorming the themes and tropes that will be featured in both the SFW version and the NSFW version. I have to say, you're all going to lose your minds when you see what we've got in store.
A reminder, this zine is going to include a vast array of Oscar Isaac's characters. I noticed when I was looking through other zines that there are so many for the more popular characters (MK, Miguel, e.t.c.), but what about Santiago Garcia? Or Blue Jones? He has so many fantastic characters that get overlooked by fans and as a result they don't show up in projects like this.
We're also excited to give a space for people of all skill levels, art styles, writing experience, e.t.c. a place where they can participate without feeling like they have to be "good enough". I'm not going to say that there won't be future projects that have experience/portfolio standards, but we will be hosting many that won't stop anyone from participating.
We just want people to feel welcomed and have an opportunity to participate in a really cool project without feeling like they have to adhere to a certain level of "excellence."
So anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk haha! Don't forget to share this with anyone and everyone you can! This is going to be an amazing project and I want anyone and everyone to fill out the interest check!
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Deal Breaker
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Trans!Santiago Garcia X GN!Reader • Rating: PG  Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? • ko-fi • request info •
A/N: Written for @romanarose's Oscar Issac/Pedro Pascal Fan Art and Fiction Pride Event 2024! (Super late, but this is for the 'coming out' theme, thank you for letting me post it so late💚) This is super self-indulgent and just like *dreamy sigh* what would be the nicest reaction someone would have to someone else telling them they're trans.
Summary: Santi has something to tell you.
Warnings: overuse of italics, swearing, Santi being anxious, typos, please let me know if I've missed a warning.
Word Count: 1014
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Santi paced back and forth outside of your house, practically wearing a groove into the pavement. (And trying not to walk into the lamp post again.) 
He’d been there for over ten minutes, trying his best to work up enough nerve to knock on your door. 
You’d been on one date, a chill one. Just a drink and cake at a little coffee shop he’d recommended. (Or, more correctly, Will had recommended and Santi had taken credit for.) You’d both ended up staying there talking for almost four hours. 
You've been messaging everyday, joking, sending voice notes, videos and pictures. Everything was going great. He liked you. A lot. 
And now he was going to fuck it all up. 
“Hi, just wanted to let you know…” He muttered under his breath, repeating what he was going to say, what he needed to say. “I just thought you should know… you know… before this gets any further, not that things have to get further, I mean… I want to say I like you and I’m… I’m…” 
He jumps, visibly jumps, his eyes wide like a rabbit startled by headlights. 
You find it quite endearing the way he looks at you, a bright panic. You’d just been grabbing some last minute bits and pieces and your local corner shop for the meal you were making together tonight. 
“Trans!” Santi says a little too loud. 
“What did you say?”
He pauses, biting his bottom lip. Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck. “Trans.” He says very softly, closing his eyes for a second. This was not how it was meant to go. “I’m… I wanted to tell you before… I really like you and… you should know… I’m, I’m trans. I’m a trans man.” 
He looks up at you, ready to see disgust. Rejection. 
Instead you smile warmly and nod. “Okay, thank you for telling me.” You point to your front door, “you wanna go inside?” 
He pauses, staring at you for a long moment as his brain tries to and two and two together but keeps getting minus seven. “I… erm… inside?” 
“For the food, the meal date? We were gonna cook together?” You say politely, mistaking his confusion.
“You, you still want to… go out with me?” He doesn’t mean for the words to come out so softly, so small. 
It’s your turn to pause and truly absorb what he said. Your eyes widening as realisation dawns. “Oh, of course! Santi, fuck, sorry,” you put you hand on his arm and squeeze reassuringly. “It’s not a problem for me that you're trans, no problem at all. Doesn’t affect anything. I really like you too.” 
He gives you a brilliant smile, all of his nervous energy outpouring as relief washes over. 
He nods and walks with you as you both move towards the door, taking your shopping bag for you as you fish out your keys. 
“Do you, erm,” he pauses for a second to take off his shoes as you do the same, “do you have any… questions?” 
You turn away just to shut the door before you look back at him. “Questions?” 
“Yeah… about the trans stuff.” He shakes his head, trying to sound more assertive. Fuck, being shot at was always easier than this. “I mean, me being trans.” 
“Do you usually get questions?” 
He nods. 
You pause, thinking it over for a second. “Do you want me to ask questions?” You say sincerely. 
He smiles and rubs the back of his head. “You know, no one's ever asked that before.” 
You smile back.
“Erm, yeah, yeah,” he nods, “questions would be good actually. Normal.” 
You laugh good naturedly, “kay,” you make your way to the kitchen, pointing out the different rooms as you go. 
“Your house is really nice.” 
“Thank you.” 
“And thank you for, well, being so… for being normal about how I blurted it out outside, usually I’m a bit more together.” He says, a touch of bashfulness in his tone. 
“Are people usually not normal? Wait, that’s a numb as fuck question.”
Santi laughs as you pull a face. “A lot of people are very normal about it,” he smiles, “but I don’t tell a lot of people.” 
You nod as you start to unpack your bag, Santi jumps in to help. “So, when did you transition?” 
“Well,” he takes a deep breath. “I know it’s a cliche but I kind of always knew, you know?” 
“Not cliche, just a common experience.” You smile and nudge your shoulder into his. 
He grins. “Started ‘dressing like a boy’ when I was 15, but it wasn’t until I was 18 and out of the house that I changed my name and stuff.” 
You nod. 
“Been on T for a long time now. Managed to get top surgery when I was 24.” He pauses, “sorry, I’m word vomiting all over the place here and-”
“Hey,” you smile warmly, taking his hands, there’s a slight tremor to them. You rub your fingers over his skin reassuringly. “It’s good, great. Not oversharing, thank you for wanting to share with me.” 
He returned the expression a little shyly, “thanks, I just…” He screws up his eyes and sighs, “need to overshare one more thing.” 
“Go ahead.” You give his hands a soft squeeze.
“I’m, I haven’t had bottom surgery.” He swallows, keeping his eyes closed, “I don’t know if that’s a deal breaker for you, I understand if it is.” 
You lean forward and kiss his cheek. “Not a problem.” 
He opens his eyes quickly, looking at you like you painted every pink sunset cloud in the sky, before he presses a soft, sweet kiss to your lips. “Thank you.” He mutters, stroking your cheek and kissing you again. 
He slowly steps closer, pressing flush against you and snaking his right hand to rest on your hip, giving him all the leverage he needs to gently press you back against the counter top and slip his tongue into your mouth. 
It is a long time before the half unpacked groceries are remembered. 
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Thank you for reading!
@pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @whatthefishh
@romanarose @strangerhands @saturn-rings-writes @lonelyisamyw-0love @queerponcho
@steven-grants-world  @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moons @minigirl87 @lunar-ghoulie
@silvernight-m @autismsupermusicalassassin @apesarecuul @reallyrallyauthor @basicalyrandom
@alwaysmicado @mangoslushcrush @marc-spectorr @soft-girl-musings  @spxctorsslxt
If you'd like to be taken off the tag list please let me know here
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beefrobeefcal · 7 months
Friendos, it is time for the first installment of...
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Theywhowriteandknowthings aka Knowy
@theywhowriteandknowthings was one of the first e-friendos I made on this site and has been a champion for me while I found my groove in my fic writing shoes. They were one of my first beta'ers for my works and offered super insightful & valuable input as well as their friendship. Their writing inspires me to keep pushing myself outside of the box and their encouragement makes it easy to do so!
Thank you, Knowy!
I-will-not-ask-you-where-you-came-from regards,
Beefro 👌🥩💜
Here's my Top 5 of @theywhowriteandknowthings work:
First Time's the Charm - Javi Gutierrez
This is the first fic I read of Knowy's and It came at me right before the Birth of Beefro. I was still loitering under my original tumblr account at the time and I wasn't even remotely looking at writing. But this fic led me into a deep dive into the Peepaw FF world and I never looked back - I have a massive soft spot for this fic, as well as it is very saucy!
Rendezvous in Reno - Dieter Bravo
NOW THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. I have read this fic many a time and I enjoy it more and more each time [I got to beta it and MY FUCK! i felt truly blessed and highly favoured]. Jus everything - the reader is an erotica writer and Dieter is a fan, his fabulous underwear, his dirty mouth, and his ego... MY GOD HIS EGO! This one is fun and should NOT be read while you sit in the same room as your in-laws FYI.
Creep - CreepyNeighbour!Joel Miller
This right here is a work of art. I got to beta this work again and I was a naughty pigeon and did it at work. LET ME TELL Y'ALL - I WAS LEFT UNABLE TO PERFORM MY DUTIES AS REQUIRED AFTER READING THIS. I should have taken the rest of the day to lay down and think on my sins because GOD DAMN. 10 out of 10 beefs for Creep. 🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩
The Princess & The Duke - StepDad!Dave York
Okay, okay, okay... this is the oom papa mow mow of Dave York is your stepdad fics and I will fight anyone who opposes it. I love this series and the way Knowy has written Dave THE WAY HE DESERVED TO BEGIN WITH. I love the gentle badass he is in this and I hope reader's mom chokes on a carrot as she gives a 'Deep Throating 101' class at the local community collage.
SNAFU - Shifter!Frankie Morales
And my fav (even though I'm not ranking)! The one that started it all. This fic is not how I found them, but it is what made me want to get to know them and pick their delicious brain. It's a Frankie Fiend's wet dream and I had no idea how enraptured I could be with a Shifter Universe! I screamed into my pillow like a teenager and kicked my legs gleefully thinking about how Frankie shared his chicken wings with IQ. I will die on the hill that is marked: KNOWY'S SNAFU IS BEST USE OF SHIFTER AU This is an ongoing series and whether we get a new chapter soon or not, we will always have Bear!Pope memes. 🐻💜
Murder Daddy Kinktober 2023 - Sex Pollen/Pheromones Joel Miller x afab!Reader
Any & All Knowy's Miguel O'Hara fics Miguel O'Hara x afab!Reader
Whole Frankie Morales x afab!Reader x Santiago Garcia
Shore Leave Frankie Morales x afab!Reader x Santiago Garcia
Taungsdays, Am I Right? Din Djarin x afab!Reader
Hazy Days Din Djarin x afab!Reader
Breaking the Rules DBF!Joel Miller x afab!Reader
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faretheeoscar · 8 months
Drawings Master List
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Fan Art Non Violent Communication
Holding Hands FanArt for Non Violent Communication by @greensagephase
Record Player FanArt for Non Violent Communication by @greensagephase
Promise Me Miguel FanArt & Writing AU for Non Violent Communication by @greensagephase
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Misc Drawings
Christmas O'Hara
Llewyn Davis (self insert)
But Steven I love him Swiftie!Steven Grant HC + Drawing (Warning Self Insert)
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Monochrome series
William Tell & Rydal Keener
Santiago Garcia
Duke Leto Atreides
Cecil Dennis WIP
Llewyn Davis
Abel Morales WIP
Reeves WIP
Oscar Isaac as Miguel Ohara ✨
Oscar Isaac (45th Birthday) ✨
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Symbiote comic book Miguel
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heatherbelart · 2 years
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Posting this now before I worry it to death.
Beautiful Oscar, painted in oils on Procreate. This took me 6.5 hours.
Let me know if this is something anyone would be interested in me adding to my store 💕
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mandorush · 3 years
As you might know, I have a Redbubble shop where I upload my Pedro Pascal/Oscar Isaac designs. But did you know I’m open for COMMISSIONS?! You can slide in my inbox (or in my DMs on my Instagram) and make your request! Here are a few of my designs:
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I mainly do Pedro Pascal and Oscar Isaac fanart, but I’m open to accept new ideas! If you want a physical object with one of my designs, I will upload it on Redbubble. If you want a drawing, a banner or any other type of digital art, I have a Ko-Fi account too ☺️
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melodymakesart · 11 months
Triple Frontier Fanart
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Fanfic Fanart
Santiago "Pope" Garcia - Realism Drawing - Full Bust
Inspired by: Bloom for Me - Written by @whatthefishh
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Back to Main Masterlist
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freelancearsonist · 4 years
Draw me like one of your french girls ;) -Santi
Bet 😈
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@pascalz @damerondjarin and @wasicskosgirl enabled this and I regret nothing 😌
Also I used my first texture tool and it was nerve wracking (Taylor and Lexi can vouch for the way I was freaking out 🤣) so if we hate it let me know 👀
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the-purity-pen · 3 years
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Oscar Isaac
Procreate / Apple Pencil
Please do not redistribute without permission or appropriate credit. Reblogging is fine.
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natowe · 4 years
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For the whole five minutes too, because Ironhead (…) comes to the edge of Santiago’s bed with two beers and one of the maps as soon as he’s pulled on a t-shirt. And because he’s a weak, weak man, Santiago makes space for him and reaches for the offered can bottle. - We were warriors by copper_head [X]
For the amazing @copperdead - happy birthday once again! If you watched and liked Triple Frontier (2019) you have to read her ff, like really you gotta.
IG: nat.owe || T: natnatowe || pillowfort: natowe (I do commissions!)
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
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.・。.・゜✭・. 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 !
╭─ ────────── ──────────.★..─╮
・ 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒆. 𝒔𝒉𝒆/𝒉𝒆𝒓. 𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒊𝒐. 𝒐𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓 𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒂𝒄 𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒂𝒔𝒕. ・
╰─..★. ────────── ───────────╯
・ moon knight
・ poe dameron
・ santiago garcia
・ jonathan levy
・ nathan bateman
・ leto atreides
・ #thirsty talk (nsfw headcanons/blurbs) 
・ spotify playlists 
・ edits
・ fan art recs
・ fanfic recs
・ personal blog: @calliecorre
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➥ sink or swim (duke leto atreides x reader)
➥ come alive (poe dameron x reader)
・ fic requests are closed.
・ if you’d like to be tagged in my works, feel free to send me an ask or dm :)
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disclaimer: i do not consent to have my work posted, translated or published to any third party site or app. if anyone sees my work anywhere but here on tumblr under my username, it has been reposted without my permission.
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doubleattitude · 3 years
Radix Dance Convention Nationals, Las Vegas 2021 Results
Core Performer:
(Top 3/4 in Bold)
Mini Female
Top 20:
Emily Jungmann
Isabella Kouznetsova
Skylar Wong
Madelyn Murphy
Carrigan Paylor
Kate Baldwin
Madison Carmody
Karyna Majeroni
Elizabeth Bilecki
Sasha Milstein
Diana Kouznetsova
Ellary Day Szyndlar
Tiara Sherman
Fiona Wu
Savannah Manzel
Camila Giraldo
Victoria Martinez
Georgia Beth Peters
Addison Price
Regan Gerena
Winner: Carrigan Paylor
Mini Male
Top 7:
Elias Elkind
Karson Koller
Santiago Sosa
Julian Aranda
Michael Cash Savio
Nico Dahl
Josh Lundy
Winner: Michael Cash Savio
Junior Female
Top 20:
Kendyl Fay
Daniela SanGiacomo
Kinley Andrews
Laci Stoico
Haileigh Brennan
Crystal Huang
Giselle Gandarilla
Kira Chan
Rylee Young
Kaili Kester
Taytum Ruckle
Maddie Ortega
Angelina Elliott
Anya Inger
Gracyn French
Aaliyah Dixon
Brinkley Pittman
Breanna Bieler
Alexis Mayer
Madison Ronquillo
Winner: Crystal Huang
Junior Male
Top 6:
Johnny Gray
Zachary Gibson
Haiden Neuville
Wyatt Brisson
Ayden Nguyen
Coltrane Vodicka
Winner: Coltrane Vodicka
Teen Female
Top 25:
Destanye Diaz
Izzy Howard
Kaitlyn Ortega
Jada Specht
Emily Madden
Harlow Ganz
Sabine Nehls
Dyllan Blackburn
Antonia Gonzalez
Brooklyn Law
Isabella Lynch
Avery Cashen
Charlie Kautzer
Valadie Cammack
Kiarra Waidelich
Isabel Joves
Olivia Magni
Rachel Loiselle
Mia Ibach
Cydney Heard
Madison Marshall
Kaylinn Rees
Hayden Frazier
Addison Middleton
Carly Thinfen
Winner: Kiarra Waidelich
Teen Male
Top 21:
Trent Grappe
Jack Brokaw
Luke Barrett
Nathan Scott
Antony Curley
Sam Fine
Louis Sloot
Rosendo Archiga
Harrison Robinson
Christian De Jesus
Xander Perone
Noah Ayden Grady
Jonah Daquigan
Samuel Sharp Jr
Jackson Koressel
Gavin Warfield
AJ Storey
Nicholas Bustos
Tucker Gokey
Ronnie Lewis
Sam Suro
Winner: Antony Curley
Senior Female
Top 22:
Camille Fehr
Rina Kanamaki
Elisabeth Pabich
Kayla Pereira
Sara Eberhardt
Ava La France
Selena Hamilton
Anna Miller
Skye Notary
Priscilla Tom
Mackenzie Jarrett
Libby Wiley
Makayla D’Ambrosio
Camryn Bridges
Maddie Thanos
Lola Coghill
Zoe Lemelman
Makenna Okamoto
Vanessa Valenzuela
Peyton Martineau
Erin Wienke
Izzy Burton
Winner: Erin Wienke
Senior Male
Top 13:
Wysdem Caesar
Garren Garcia
John Mays
Seth Gibson
Raiden King
Alec Brown
Bronson Dahmer
Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl
Sam McWilliams
Levi Sherman
Konnor Kelly
Zach Buri
Thiago Pacheco
Winner: Sam McWilliams
High Scores by Age:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
Rookie Solo
1st: Mila Renae-’Soldier’
2nd: Lucia Piedrahita-’Fields of Gold’
2nd: Aliya Yen-’Loyal, Brave and True’
3rd: Melina Biltz-’Welcome Home’
4th: Zoey Brooks-’My Boyfriend’s Back’
5th: Lexi Menjivar-’I Will Survive’
6th: Moriah Peralta-’Up, Up & Away’
7th: Kaiya Carrillo-’Love Shack’
8th: Kinsey Fitts-’Can You Imagine That’
8th: Shale Herrera-’Dream’
9th: Madison Skapyak-’Songbird’
10th: Eden Hernandez-’Chocolate Box’
Mini Solo
1st: Camila Giraldo-’Welcome to Miami’
2nd: Skylar Wong-’Lovefooll’
3rd: Carrigan Paylor-’Orange Colored Sky’
4th: Regan Gerena-’My Boyfriend’s Back’
4th: Michael Cash Savio-’Rhythm’
5th: Tiara Sherman-’Cielo’
6th: Isabella Kouznetsova-’Trouble’
6th: Emily Jungmann-’You Sleep On’
7th: Winter Eberts-’Hit The Road Jack’
7th: Esme Chou-’Unravel’
8th: Addison Price-’Je Te Laisserai Des Mots’
9th: Avery Maycunich-’Wild is the Wind’
10th: Abigail Pucylowski-’Menace’
Junior Solo
1st: Crystal Huang-’Moonlight Sonata’
2nd: Gracyn French-’A Character of Quiet’
3rd: Angelina Elliot-’Out’
4th: Aaliyah Dixon-’That’s Life’
4th: Alexis Mayer-’Vanished’
5th: Laci Stoico-’Mein Herr’
6th: Daniela SanGiacomo-’Restless’
7th: Lexi Godwin-’Debut’
7th: Brenna Bieler-’Moonlight Sonata’
8th: Naia Parker-’Lit’
9th: Vivienne Robillard-’Immigration’
9th: Zoe Zielinski-’Z’
10th: Maddie Ortega-’A Winged Victory’
10th: Zachary Gibson-’Unknown’
Teen Solo
1st: Sophia Cobo-’Do You Feel Real’
1st: Izzy Howard-’Mer de Velours’
1st: Cydney Heard-’Je T'aime’
1st: Kiarra Waidelich-’The Resemblance is Uncanny’
2nd: Angelika Edejer-’One Giant Leap’
3rd: Kaitlyn Ortega-’Ain’t No Sunshine’
3rd: Harlow Ganz-’Breaking the Surface’
3rd: Antonia Gonzalez-’Like The Wind’
4th: Xander Perone-’Elijah’
4th: Dyllan Blackburn-’Silver Screen’
5th: Charli Ortiz-Ringenbach-’Is This Love’
6th: Ava Greendwaldt-’Countdown’
6th: Sammi Chung-’Eight’
6th: Isabella Warfield-’Nicest Thing’
6th: Jadyn Saigusa-’Wonderlust’
7th: June Hurley-’Don’t Think Of Me Like That’
7th: Kenzie Jones-’Flightless Bird’
8th: Finley Williams-’We’ll See’
9th: Sarah Laskowski-’For You’
10th: Addison Middleton-’ERROR’
10th: Rosendo Arechiga-’Thanks for Asking’
Senior Solo
1st: Thiago Pacheco-’The Poet’
2nd: Selena Hamilton-’Black Car’
3rd: Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl-’Darkness’
4th: Maddie Nemeth-’Sycamore Tree’
5th: Olivya Sessing-’House on the Hill’
6th: Sheridan Naugle-’Irreplaceable’
6th: Mia Tassani-’Mam’
6th: Seth Gibson-’Mind Bugs’
7th: Makayla D’Ambrosio-’Consider’
8th: Leigha Agins-’Prerogative’
9th: Milan Furtado-’As We Appear’
9th: Georgi Carmack-’Creature’
9th: Minda Li-’On Her Shoulders’
9th: Britton Moore-’Radiator’
9th: Libby Wiley-’Running Up That Hill’
9th: Sara Eberhardt-’Sticks and stone’
10th: Yasmine Quintana-’Hate’
Rookie Duo/Trio
1st: Danceplex-’Stand By Me’
2nd: AVANTI Dance Company-’It Must Be Love’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Never Enough’
4th: Notion Dance Concepts-’MILK $’
5th: The Industry Dance Academy-’Don’t Go Without Me’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Yesterday’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Something’s Gotta Change’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Gracious’
4th: Studio X-’Vogue’
5th: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’Gonna Get Ya’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: AVANTI Dance Company-’Go Girl’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Everything Is In Line’
3rd: Elements Dance Space-’Separate’
4th: Danceplex-’This Is Me Trying’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Wild Life’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Make Me High’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Last Light’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Hey’
4th: Evolution Dance Complex-’Before You Go’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Crystalized’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Trust Me Again’
2nd: The Difference Dance Company-’3′
3rd: MVP Dance Elite-’Bitter
3rd: CanDance Studios-’Revolution’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’June 7th’
5th: Studio 413-’Black Flies’
Rookie Group
1st: Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
2nd: Danceplex-’Lets Hear It For the Boy’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Lullaby’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Girls Night Out’
5th: Notion Dance Concepts-’Firework’
Mini Group
1st: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Searching For...’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Don’t Give Up On Me’
4th: Evoke Dance Movement-’I Think I Love You’
5th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Queen Bees’
Junior Group
1st: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
2nd: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Wind It Up’
3rd: Prodigy Training Center-’School of Prodigy’
3rd: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Sing, Sing, Sing’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Un Momento Finale’
4th: Cypress Dance Project-’What Is Love?’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Wolves’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’1977′
5th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Alright’
Teen Group
1st: Project 21-’Bring On the Men’
2nd: Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company-’Cellophane’
3rd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Heavenly Bodies’
3rd: Mather Dance Company-’Overdose’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company-’Unchained’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’The Cuckoo’s Nest’
5th: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Boom POW’
Senior Group
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Prague’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’I Love America’
2nd: Mather Dance Company-’We The Soldiers’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Hard Voices’
4th: Impact Dance Studio-’Fame’
4th: The Industry Dance Academy-’When Dirt Meets Water’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’Wolves’
5th: Mather Dance Company-’For All We Know’
Rookie Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Innana’
2nd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Ooh La La’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Wash & Set’
4th: Cypress Dance Project-’Bat Dance’
Mini Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’6 Out of Six’
1st: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’Go Your Own Way’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’You Can’t Stop the Beat’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Always’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Booty Swing’
5th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Distance’
Junior Line
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Derniere Danse’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’Mein Herr’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Whole Lotta Woman’
3rd: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
4th: Impact Dance Studio-’Hallelujah’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance-’All Good People’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’It Wasn’t Always Like This’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Mahala’
Teen Line
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’New York New York’
2nd: Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
3rd: Project 21-’Post That’
4th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Dream Girls’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
Senior Line
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Here Comes the Rain’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’No Colors Anymore’
3rd: Mather Dance Company-’Voice of God’
4th: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’Cody Banks’
Rookie Extended Line
1st: AVANTI Dance Company-’Brave’
2nd: The Industry Dance Academy-’Hard Knock Life’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Trouble’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Settle Down’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Choo Choo’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Boy Meets Girl’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Dream In Color’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Evoke Dance Movement-’Purse First’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Hold Your Own’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Better Than Ever’
4th: Studio 413-’Girl Boss’
5th: Studio 413-’Goodbye’
5th: Evoke Dance Movement-’Lose Control’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Euphoric’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Hush Up’
3rd: Project 21-’Desoleil’
4th: CanDance Studios-’Throw It Back’
5th: Evoke Dance Movement-’Adios’
5th: CanDance Studios-’The Colony’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’My House, My Rules’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’So What Now?’
2nd: The Difference Dance Company-’The Ravens’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Terrified’
Junior Production
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’One More Time’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Eminence’
3rd: Studio 413-’Electricity’
Teen Production
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Fly Away’
1st: AVANTI Dance Company-’Gone Too Soon’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Rookie Jazz
1st: Danceplex-’Lets Hear It For the Boy’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Girls Night Out’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Ooh La La’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Wash & Set’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Spice Up Your Life’
5th: The Industry Dance Academy-’Material Girl’
Rookie Contemporary
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Innana’
Rookie Lyrical
1st: Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Lullaby’
3rd: Notion Dance Concepts-’Firework’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Brave’
Rookie Musical Theatre
1st: The Industry Dance Academy-’Hard Knock Life’
Rookie Specialty
1st: Cypress Dance Project-’Bat Dance’
Mini Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’You Can’t Stop the Beat’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Trouble’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’What Have You Done For Me Lately’
5th: Evoke Dance Movement-’Money Heist’
Mini Ballet
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe-’This Way’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Whistle A Happy Tune’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Rosamunde’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Cats’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’A Lovely Night’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Queen Bees’
2nd: Prodigy Training Center-’JR Prodigy’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Get Up’
4th: Prodigy Training Center-’Money’
5th: Heat Dance Studio-’Work It Out’
Mini Tap
1st: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’L.O.V.E’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Booty Swing’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Choo Choo’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Swing in the Mood’
4th: Studio 413-’Critical Level’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Charleston Charlie’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Aye Carumba’
Mini Contemporary
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’6 Out of Six’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Searching For...’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Distance’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’Lying’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Glad It’s Raining’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Go Your Own Way’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Don’t Give Up On Me’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Always’
4th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Lego House’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Soon You’ll Get Better’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Dream In Color’
5th: Artistic Motion Dance-’What A Wonderful World’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Wedding Bells’
3rd: The Industry Dance Academy-’Revolting Children’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’I’ve Got Rhythm’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’All That Jazz’
Mini Specialty
1st: Evoke Dance Movement-’I Think I Love You’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Settle Down’
3rd: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’Come Little Children’
4th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Youth Strong’
5th: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’Child of Light’
Junior Jazz
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Whole Lotta Woman’
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’One More Time’
2nd: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Purse First’
4th: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
4th: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Wind It Up’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Mahala’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Can You Dig It?’
Junior Ballet
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Combust’
2nd: The Industry Dance Academy-’Spring’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Bathers’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Prodigy Training Center-’School of Prodigy’
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Eminence’
2nd: Studio 413-’Girl Boss’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Lose Control’
4th: Cypress Dance Project-’Plain Jane’
5th: Heat Dance Studio-’Up’
Junior Tap
1st: Cypress Dance Project-’What Is Love?’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’I Love It’
3rd: Studio 413-’Into The Night’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Valerie’
5th: Cypress Dance Project-’Halftime’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’All Good People’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Hold Your Own’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’It Wasn’t Always Like This’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Un Momento Finale’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Wasted Air’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Wolves’
5th: Studio 413-’Goodbye’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Alright’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Hallelujah’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’You Are The Reason’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’Dawn of Love’
3rd: Impact Dance Studio-’Time After Time’
4th: To The Pointe Dance Centre-’It’s All Coming Back To Me’
5th: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’When I Look At You’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Mein Herr’
2nd: Cypress Dance Project-’Elle’s Big Day’
3rd: The Industry Dance Academy-’West Side Story’
Junior Specialty
1st Impact Dance Studio-’Derniere Danse’
2nd: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Sing, Sing, Sing’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Better Than Ever’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’You’re Mine’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’1977′
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’Spa’
Teen Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Bring On the Men’
2nd: Project 21-’Post That’
3rd: CanDance Studios-’Throw It Back’
4th: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Boom POW’
5th: Studio 413-’Social Media Overload’
Teen Ballet
1st: The Industry Dance Academy-’To The Pointe’
2nd: Cypress Dance Project-’Hunted’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Hush Up’
2nd: CanDance Studios-’Panaramic’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Runnin’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Clones’
5th: Studio 413-’Ready or Not’
5th: Studio 413-’Savage’
Teen Tap
1st: Studio 413-’No One’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’I’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Go’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’25 Miles’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Euphoric’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
3rd: Project 21-’Desoleil’
4th: Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
5th: CanDance Studios-’Can I’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’Unchained’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’Cellophane’
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’Through our Strength’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance-’Heavenly Bodies’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Overdose’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Take Me’
3rd: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’Particles’
4th: Danceplex-’If I Say’
5th: Heat Dance Studio-’He Loves Me’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’New York New York’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Singular Sensation’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Almost Like Being In Love’
Teen Ballroom
1st: CanDance Studios-’I Got the Boom’
Teen Specialty
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Dream Girls’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’The Future Is Female’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Gone Too Soon’
4th: Heat Dance Studio-’Freedom’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’Pale’
5th: The Industry Dance Academy-’Flashing Lights’
Senior Jazz
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’My House, My Rules’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’Fame’
3rd: Mather Dance Company-’Prisoner’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Need U Tonight’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Cleopatrs in New York’
Senior Ballet
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Illumination’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’CrAzY’
Senior Tap
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Funkytown’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’No Colors Anymore’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’I Love America’
2nd: Mather Dance Company-’We The Soldiers’
3rd: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company-’Wolves’
3rd: The Industry Dance Academy-’When Dirt Meets Water’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’The Ravens’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’The First Time’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Prague’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’Here Comes the Rain’
3rd: Mather Dance Company-’Voice of God’
4th: Mather Dance Company-’For All We Know’
5th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Wash’
Senior Specialty
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Hard Voices’
2nd: The Difference Dance Company-’Cody Banks’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’So What Now?’
4th: CanDance Studios-’I Won’t Complain’
5th: Cypress Dance Project-’To This Day’
Best of Radix:
The Rock Center for Dance-’Innana’
Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’6 Out of Six’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Searching For...’
3rd: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
4th: Impact Dance Studio-’You Can’t Stop the Beat’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Trouble’
6th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Don’t Give Up On Me’
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Derniere Danse’
2nd: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Mahala’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Whole Lotta Woman’
5th: Evoke Dance Movement-’Purse First’
6th: The Rock Center for Dance-’All Good People’
7th: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Wind It Up’
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’New York New York’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Euphoric’
3rd: Project 21-’Bring On the Men’
4th: Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Here Comes the Rain’
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Prague’
2nd: Mather Dance Company-’Voice of God’
3rd: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company-’Wolves’
4th: The Industry Dance Academy-’When Dirt Meets Water’
Best in Show ($10 000):
Winner: Impact Dance Studio-’New York New York’
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lucrezia-thoughts · 3 years
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It’s the first official Triple Frontier Friday!!
So, today I’ll be reblogging Triple Frontier things I scoured the site for, such as:
GIF sets
Fan Fic
Fan Art
I’ll also be answering any Benny Miller, Frankie Morales, Santiago Garcia, and/or Will Miller asks, requests, thots, or headcannons you might have!!
Additionally, if you have Triple Frontier related things you want me to post (such as recommendations) please send them in!! I'm all about promoting the work of other amazing artists!!!
If you want to participate on your own blog, just use the #triple frontier fridays tag!!
I hope you all enjoy this!! 💚
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