#santa fe college
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s3lkieboy · 6 months ago
So we had like a club recruitment event at my college today and yesterday and I recently became an officer for the club, so I designed a poster and made little notecards for other info and I put my chonky seal plush on the table (he’s always in my bag) and a sign saying anyone could pet him
And the seal WORKED people would notice him and pet him and then see the poster and be like “omg I’ve been looking for a club like this!” And I’m so happy I could be useful and that people love my chonky guy :D
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vulpine111 · 3 months ago
This is the news that has me excited.
I consider it one prayer answered. I have been eyeing this college a long time but didn't know how I would afford it. I guess as long as I do my best at UNM, I might have a better shot than I originally presumed.
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k12academics · 5 months ago
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St. John's Summer Academy is a college summer program for high school students (ages 15 to 18), modeled after St. John's discussion-based, interdisciplinary method of teaching great books. A genuine introduction to college life, Summer Academy helps students hone their reading, critical thinking, and discussion skills in classes led by St. John's faculty. This summer, we are offering week-long programs on our campuses in Annapolis, Maryland, and Santa Fe, New Mexico, and online programs from your own home. Summer Academy is perfect for high school students who want to immerse themselves in books, ideas, and a community that loves learning as much as you do. And it is fun!
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pogphotoarchives · 1 month ago
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De Vargas Street in Santa Fe, New Mexico showing the old Spanish cemetery on the left and San Miguel College dormitory in background
Date: ca. 1920 Negative Number: 042884
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nitttstdsdtoastd · 1 month ago
javid headcannons :3
jack usually swears around les whether on purpose or not, and david has to cover his mouth the whole time he’s rambling, and the only way jack thought of to get david’s hand off is to lick it (based on a canon event i had). after that, david wiped it aggressively on his pants and covered les’s ears instead.
david was never a touchy person before he met jack, he didn’t HATE it, but he just kept his hands to himself unless he was with les because he’d go to god knows where. jack was probably the most touchy person he met, but he didn’t mind. he’d eventually grow to reciprocate it in small gestures like holding hands, an arm on the shoulder, or pinky holding, stuff like that.
jack would sometimes sleepover at the jacobs’s house after being thoroughly convinced and him and david use that as an excuse to sleep in the same bed.
when they argue, they’re like an old married couple and all of it gets resolved with a cheesy rom-com-esque shenanigan that jack came up with after thinking hard enough. in return, david would passive-aggressively forgive him but end up laughing right after.
jack’s love language is physical touch while david’s is quality time.
on each other’s birthday, they always make something sentimental despite the fact that none of them are. david makes a poem or gifts him a new bandana his mom made for jack and jack gives him a glorified stick figure (since in this version he’s not artist jack, he’s yeehaw jack), and takes him for a walk around the city, ending with him dropping david off at the jacobs’s apartment and staying over for dinner.
after david graduated college and managed to find a job (as an english professor probably??) , he settled down with jack in santa fe, often being accompanied by their (mostly jack’s) horse beside their house.
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uispeccoll · 3 months ago
Voices from the Stacks
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Ul'nigid'is a moveable book by artist Rhiannon Skye Tafoya, created in 2019 at the Women’s Studio Workshop in Rosendale, New York. This is edition six of 44, signed by the artist.
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The book can take on multiple forms and shapes, with an accordion pamphlet and movable walls made of woven paper. When fully unfolded and standing up, the book resembles a basket. It features five poems in English with accents in Cherokee syllabary. The poems are those of remembrance, healing, love, home, and heritage. The cover shows an illustration of the artist’s grandmother, and the title is printed in both English and Cherokee.
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The piece draws on traditional Cherokee weaving techniques used for river-cane basket making, but with the artists own contemporary weaving design. Instead of white oak and rivercane, she uses handmade paper. In her artist’s statement, Tafoya explains that the weaving design “represents the energy of my indigenous lineage as well as the urge to break out of boxes that a colonized society puts my identity, culture, and art into.”
The book was made in honor of the artists maternal grandmother, Martha Reed-Bark, who was a Cherokee medicine-woman and basket weaver. The title Ul'nigid’, which translates to “strong,” embodies her resilience and spirit.
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From the publisher: “Ul’nigid’ is a demonstration of love and remembrance, wherein each technical process portrays strength and delicacy, allowing the artist to communicate a contemporary indigenous voice with deep influences from her traditional grandmother.”
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Rhiannon Skye Tafoya is a printmaker, weaver, digital designer, and book artist affiliated with the Eastern Band Cherokee and Santa Clara Pueblo tribes. She earned her Master of Fine Arts in print media from Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon, and her Bachelor of Fine Arts in printmaking and sculpture from the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In her work, Tafoya seeks to share and preserve personal and familial stories, cultural knowledge, and the Cherokee language, while still paving her own journey through contemporary art.
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Explore more artists’ books on InfoHawk+, the Book Arts Research Database, or visit us in person.  
-Anne M, Olson Graduate Research Assistant
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trivialbob · 1 month ago
Yesterday was Jack's first wedding anniversary. Seems like he and Ali just got married. They're going out of town to celebrate. I'll be watching their dogs.
Matt is getting married this May. We are traveling to Santa Fe for his and Michelle's wedding. They just bought a house out there, so I'm exited for them.
Sad news - Soon my brewery will no longer allow dogs inside. There are always several dogs there, so we'll miss that. They are putting in a kitchen. The state department of health said no dogs once food is served, despite measures taken to keep the kitchen a separate unit.
It is supposed to snow tomorrow. I look forward to it. Brown lawns look terrible in the winter. It's best when they are covered by snow.
My college roommate (some of you know Ross) is coming to town tomorrow. He, his wife, Sheila, and I are going to the Minnesota Wild game. One more thing to look forward to this weekend.
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offender42085 · 8 months ago
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Post 1298
Pedro A Bravo, Florida inmate 148701, born 1993, incarceration intake August 2014 at age 20, sentenced to life
Murder, False Imprisonment, Poisoning of Food/Water, Obstruction, Providing False Information to LEO in a Capital Case
When Christian Aguilar was reported missing on September 20, 2012, the police got in touch with the last person who had seen him, Pedro Bravo. In the interview, he claimed that he had been feeling suicidal, about which he went to talk to Christian. While they were talking, he mentioned that they had a few disagreements and that a random hitchhiker was also in the vehicle with them for some part of their ride. Pedro was asked to take the authorities through the exact route that he and Christian had taken the day before he disappeared. Pedro was then reportedly taken into custody for 72 hours to ensure that he was not a harm to himself.
The police interrogated Pedro for the second time to determine if his claims in the first one were true or fabricated. They noticed that his account of events had changed, as he even claimed that the disagreement with Christian had gotten physical after dropping off the hitchhiker that day. After four days had passed into the sudden vanishing of Christian, the authorities decided to dig deeper into the relationship between the 18-year-old and Pedro. They soon learned that before Christian, Erika Friman was in a relationship with Pedro. The three of them had gone to the same high school in Doral, Florida. Erika and Pedro broke up in 2012, during their senior year, before the former went to Santa Fe Community College.
Christian and Erika began dating soon after starting their college. However, since the three were friends in high school, the couple decided to keep their relationship a secret from Pedro. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a secret for long, as he learned about their romance through mutual friends. Enraged, he felt betrayed by Christian and allegedly devised a plan to get revenge on him. Reportedly, Pedro’s mental health was already in decline, but when Erika left him, it deteriorated even further. Using this as an excuse, he called up Christian and asked for his support in September 2012. Learning about these clear motives, the investigators delved deep into the matter to dig out evidence against Pedro.
Taking into account his lack of worry for his friend, the officers booked Pedro under “failure to render aid” and obtained a search warrant for his car. While executing the search, the investigators found dirt and limestone traces in the undercarriage and sent it for further testing. Aside from that, they got their hands on a Gatorade bottle and a roll of duct tape. The results mentioned that the residue was actually from Levy County in Gainesville. A further search of Pedro’s residence also led to the discovery of a receipt for the purchase of a shovel.
Moreover, a look into Pedro’s journal revealed his obsession with getting back with Erika and unfurled his elaborate plan to do that “by making Christian disappear.” He was swiftly arrested on September 24, 2012, and charged with first-degree murder of Christian Aguilar on September 28. As the investigation carried on in full swing, a discovery stunned everyone. Around 2:30 pm on October 12, a few hunters in pursuit of jasmine vines inside the wooded area of the Gulf Hammock Hunting Club in Levy County got distracted by a peculiar decomposing smell and stumbled upon a body that was buried partially into the ground.
Following the discovery 8 miles off State Road 24 on Parker Boulevard near Otter Creek, the authorities arrived at the spot. The skeletal remains and the clothes matched the description of Christian’s attire on the day of his disappearance. The authorities also recovered duct tape from where the 18-year-old’s remains were found, and analysts confirmed it to be an exact match to the one they had obtained from Pedro’s car.
While looking for a motive behind the heinous act, the authorities reportedly received another set of reports, which stated that traces of sedatives such as acetaminophen and diphenhydramine were detected on the Gatorade bottle taken from Pedro’s car. He, however, said he got the poison to harm himself. The police further confirmed that the then-20-year-old’s phone was pinged in the parking lot of Walmart on North West 13th Street for about hours on the night of Christian’s death. There were also surveillance pictures of Pedro buying a shovel, tape, knife, etc.
Furthermore, there were reports that the fluid taken for the test from Christian’s lungs indicated strangulation. As per the authorities, Pedro’s obsession with Erika Friman was so intense that it motivated him to map out a plan to take the life of his friend. They stated that he poisoned and strangled Christian around the Wal-Mart and later moved his remains to the woods, where he proceeded to dig a shallow grave and bury it into the ground, enough to hide it from the world. Taking all the evidence into account, the authorities expressed belief that Pedro had killed Christian in an act of premeditation. The former, however, said he wasn’t guilty.
Pedro Bravo went to trial for the first-degree murder of Christian Aguilar on August 5, 2014. Aside from presenting the evidence obtained from the spot where the 18-year-old’s remains were found and Pedro’s car, the prosecutors invited several witnesses onto the stand who testified that Pedro was obsessed with his ex-girlfriend Erika and had an issue with her relationship with Christian. When Erika was asked to testify, she referred to Pedro as “a sociopath, or a sick person” and said: “It was sickening, almost, just because we knew him for so long and Christian was his friend.”
She added, “This was a person we knew. This was intentional, it makes it all so much worse… A lot of it was his obsession for me, and how he wanted me back, and how he wanted to be with me.” In a shocking testimony, Pedro’s former prison mate stated that Pedro confessed to him about strangulating Christian with a moving strap in 13 minutes. After enough deliberation, Bravo was convicted of first-degree murder, false imprisonment, poisoning, tampering with physical evidence, and many other charges.
Pedro was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole on August 15, 2014. Despite the verdict, he insisted upon his innocence.
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that-bi-fan · 7 months ago
today is the first day of college orientation I'm gonna *sister reminds me that suicide jokes are bad for my mental health* pack my things and head to Santa Fe
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mybeingthere · 6 months ago
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Bhakti Ziek is a well known artist, weaver, and teacher who currently lives and works in Vermont. She creates weavings using Jacquard looms, and helped to establish the graduate program in textile design at the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. Bhakti initially learned to weave because she wanted to have a useful skill for living on a commune, her experiences learning backstrap weaving in Guatemala, how she ended up finding an artistic home with Jacquard weaving, and quite a bit more.
A former college professor, she now offers private workshops in her Santa Fe, NM studio.
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deadpresidents · 7 months ago
Which state capitol building is the nicest in your opinion? Any fugly capitol buildings?
I may be biased because I was born and raised in Sacramento and have spent countless hours in Capitol Park over the years (two of my friends even got married there!), but I think California's State Capitol building is gorgeous:
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And I hate to give credit to Texas for anything, but the Capitol building in Austin is pretty impressive, especially when you see it in person (however, as a California native, my first visit to the Texas Capitol resulted in quite the culture shock when I saw all the Confederate monuments):
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As for the ugliest, I think the Hawaii State Capitol in Honolulu looks like a credit union:
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And the New Mexico State Capitol in Santa Fe looks like the admissions office of a small community college:
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What does everyone else think? Any other choices?
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more-sonorous · 2 months ago
I don't know if you're still on your car ride, but if you are, I have two questions.
1. Would you rank the songs from liveries?
2. Would you rank the Newsies characters? (Not all of them nessacarily.)
Have a good time!
1. yes— here is my official livesies song ranking (without the millions of reprises):
1) Once And For All- 10/10 no notes, goosebumps, chills every time. If this song doesn’t make you cry it’s been staged wrong (glances at uksies)
2) Carrying the Banner- certified banger. need I say more? iconic, show stopping, jaw dropping way to open a show.
3) Watch What Happens Reprise- some of the best harmonies in the show + my Davey soft spot is showing
5) Santa Fe— actually sang this for a genderbent cabaret at my college this semester 🤭
6) King Of New York- earworm, can’t get it out of my head
7) Seize the Day- Only this high bc of Davey’s solo I fear (it’s also a banger power anthem hype song and the HARMONIES UGH DONT GET ME STARTED)
8) The World Will Know— Jack Kelly goes feral and I’m HERE for it!!
9) Santa Fe (prologue)- sweet cute precious little number
10) The Bottom Line- yes it made my top ten, NO I AM NOT ASHAMED. the harmonies make me giggle and kick my feet every time guys I LOVE TIGHT HARMONIES.
11) That’s Rich- Banger but just not banging enough to make my top 10
12) Letter From The Refuge- darling boy 🙏 always a tearjerker
13) Watch What Happens- this song can be… so annoying. it has to be done right. I have seen SO many annoying Katherine’s do it. but it can also be so beautiful and lovely and empowering
14) Something To Believe In- good melody, strong solos, I hate the harmonies when they sing together at the end. In short, could be better if it finished stronger, yawning, next
15) Finale- salty about the davey erasure, plus I don’t know if I vibe with the mashup of previous songs for the finale?? Can’t decide if I would’ve enjoyed a new original banger for the finale or just something less jatherine centric. like let ALL of the boys celebrate the whole time
16) I Never Planned On You/Don’t Come A-Knocking- my friend and I wrote a third part for Davey and now I can’t enjoy the song without it happening at the same time… Jack’s part is lovely but the BBeauties part pisses me off so I can’t in good conscience rank this high
17) The Bottom Line (reprise)- listen I know it’s short but I had to put it on here because ‘like the pied piper you knew what to play’ serves every god damn time
2. I actually don’t think I could do this, because I love so many of them and those that I don’t love I just don’t know anything about?
the ranking would just be davey stealing #1 and everyone else fighting for the death over #2 I fear
as always thank you for the ask my friend <3
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plant-acts · 11 months ago
The theater club at my college does this event every year where they do a bunch of selections from different musicals and this year the theme was good versus evil.
So my question is which of the theater au boys would do hero songs and which of the boys would do villain songs? Also would you have any specific songs in mind for them?
I know it's weirdly specific, but I'm curious.
That is actually so cool! My college does something similar but with skits. This year's theme is animated shows (I'm doing a scene from The Amazing World of Gumball)
I think the Hero singers would be:
Sky - Santa Fe from Newsies
Wind - Good Kid from The Lightning Thief
Red - Pulled from The Adams Family
And the Villian singers are:
Warriors - Hellfire from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Legend - Poor Unfortunate Souls from The Little Mermaid
Green - Freeze Your Brain from Heathers
Wild - Dentist! from Little Shop of Horrors
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pogphotoarchives · 1 year ago
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San Miguel Church and Saint Michael's College, College Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Photographer: Charles F. Lummis Date: 1890? Negative Number: 015229
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crevicedwelling · 2 years ago
i have a somewhat odd question, but you strike me as the best person to ask.
so. i downloaded this free crochet pattern for an enormous millipede plush. just an absolutely massive guy. (link for those interested!)
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i want to make one with more realistic colors, possibly even based on a real species, but im not the slightest bit knowledgeable in that area. do you have any recommendations? (also would love recommendations for length/legs because the pattern works for any length)
pattern seems to represent a juliform millipede, so here’s a few strikingly colored ones from around the world
if you’re willing to depart from the millipede theme, the end result looks more like a velvet worm with those puffy legs, and I’d argue those are even cuter:
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flagwars · 2 months ago
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2024 New Flag Wars: Round 1
Now that 2024 is over, it’s time to decide what the greatest flag to be adopted last year is! So many amazing flags were adopted in 2024! This tournament will feature new flags from 19 countries and every continent other than Antarctica. Although it focuses on officially adopted flags, I will also be including the de facto flag of Syria even though it hasn’t officially been adopted yet. Let me know which flag you want to win, and I hope everyone had a great 2024!
See the brackets below:
Round 1:
1. Kenduskeag, Maine vs. Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam vs. West Betuwe, Netherlands vs. Plonski District, Poland vs. Pagiriai, Lithuania vs. San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina
2. Grobiņa, Latvia vs. St. Mildred's-Lightbourn School vs. Apopka, Florida vs. Middleburgh, New York vs. Maashorst, Netherlands vs. King's Flag for Australia
3. Iola, Kansas vs. West University Place, Texas vs. Waco, Texas vs. Bolaños de Calatrava, Spain vs. El Casar de Talavera, Spain vs. Hyattsville, Maryland
4. Ribadavia, Spain vs. Hervías, Spain vs. Saturna Island, British Columbia vs. Terre Haute, Indiana vs. Syria (de facto) vs. Orihuela del Tremedal, Spain
5. North Branford, Connecticut vs. Raytown, Missouri vs. Ann Arbor, Michigan vs. Frankfort, Kentucky vs. Lockport, Illinois vs. Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club
6. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Toronto Chapter vs. Traditional Area of Ashanti Akyem Hwidiem, Ghana vs. Alfondeguilla, Spain vs. Dukstos, Lithuania vs. Estación General Paz, Argentina
7. Bokša, Slovakia vs. North Newton, Kansas vs. Evansville, Indiana vs. Rukainiai, Lithuania vs. Asturianos, Spain
8. Zuera, Spain vs. Las Playas, Argentina vs. Organization of Turkic States vs. Indre, France vs. Quebracho, Uruguay
9. Skašov, Czechia vs. Evanston, Illinois vs. Matuizos, Lithuania vs. Tocina y los Rosales, Spain vs. Lithuania Minor, Lithuania
10. College Jean-Eudes Inc. vs. Laspaúles, Spain vs. Laguna de Negrillos, Spain vs. Nevřeň, Czechia vs. Media Naranja, Argentina
11. Carballiño, Spain vs. Urbandale, Iowa vs. Malý Beranov, Czechia vs. Gulfport, Mississippi vs. Nanton, Alberta
12. Armuña, Spain vs. El Oso, Spain vs. Lima, Argentina vs. Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine vs. Vlčatín, Czechia
13. Santa Fe, Argentina vs. Chrtníč, Czechia vs. Valdeavellano de Tera, Spain vs. Višakio Rūda, Lithuania vs. Norwich, New York
14. Wotje Atoll, Marshall Islands vs. Cortegada, Spain vs. Turkish Land Forces vs. Marijampolis, Lithuania vs. Sanagasta Department, Argentina
15. Villa Carlos Paz, Argentina vs. Overbrook, Kansas vs. Garden Plain, Kansas vs. Torralbilla, Spain vs. Île Saint-Louis, France vs. Zlatopil, Ukraine
16. Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands vs. Drimmelen, Netherlands vs. St. Michaels University School Society vs. El Tanque, Spain vs. Vlkanov, Czechia vs. Sarandí del Yí, Uruguay
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