#sandra roserade
askiceboundlopunny · 5 months
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Nintai was caught off guard by how casually Sandra seemed to be treating the presence of an ultra beast.
This gave her confidence that her teammate can handle this, and drifts back a bit as the grass type lowers her 'hand'.
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"Sounds like you know quite a bit about this sort of thing huh? So I bet you understand the importance of prep."
"I can't get into too much detail with strangers." Sandra admitted regretfully. "But I WILL say Clementine has a lot of mons she can call upon for her team. We get a heads up on what we're dealing with before we get here. So if she was researching someone that wouldn't be affected by my powders or aromatherapy?" The roserade shrugs her shoulders. "She would've just brought someone else to do my job." The grass type explained, her tone matching the unbothered expression on her face.
"What that job is? Wellll... You'll have to go ask our boss. I'm not trying to get into trouble with her. She can be reeeaaal scary when she wants to be." She continued as she folded her arms under her chest.
Sandra leans forward a bit with her rose next to her like she would be holding up her index finger. "As those other two things? Those I can answer."
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"Which is also why no one on the team doesn't know how to at least defend themselves." The roserade gives a flick of her wrist, and thick glowing vines protrude from her roses as she give the pheromosa a wink. "So yeah, if I can't avoid a fight, I got some tricks up my sleeve. And so does Nintai here." She explained, gesturing to the froslass behind her who's now giving the lady a look of skepticism.
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"Yes... I must say, while it is a welcome change of pace, it is odd for an ultra beast to be acting so cordially. It also begs the question, why would this type of thing interest you?" The froslass furrows a brow. "You wouldn't happen to be simply curious about us right?"
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ormindoodles · 4 months
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Okay, I know Easter was a month ago but... I already started it and I couldn't NOT finish drawing the girls in the bunny suit now could I?
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Sandra: The roserade waves to the two with a friendly smile."Hey there! You two look like you're ready for some fun in the sun. Either of you up for a game of volley ball or have you got plans for what you want to do here?"
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"Not sure if you have enough players already so I think I'll wait near the court until we start."
[Potato's now hanging out near the volley ball court]
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lumiose-fletchling · 7 years
Dex Helper [7/16] CLOSED
Our list has been delivered! Let’s try this again, since last night was a bit hectic.
Send in your IGN, request, and deposit. No pokémon are shiny. First to request gets priority! You may have more than one!
Torchic, male, lv 1, Modest, Speed Boost, Outstanding Potential
Litten, male, lv 1, Jolly, Blaze
Simisear, male, lv 33, Modest, Gluttony, pokérus
Fletchling, beast ball, female, lv 1, Modest, Big Pecks
Flareon, male, lv 20, Brave, Flash Fire
Flareon, male, lv 1, Lax, Flash Fire
Growlithe, male, lv 1, Bold, Flash Fire, knows Morning Sun, Burn Up, Outstanding Potential
Growlithe, Korean, male, lv 1, Adamant, Intimidate, knows Burn Up, Morning Sun, Close Combat, Outstanding Potential
Vulpix, Kanto, female, lv 1, Rash, Flash Fire
Ninetales, Japanese, Kanto, female, lv 25, Lax, Flash Fire
Slugma, male, lv 1, Brave, Magma Armor
Litleo, female, lv 6, Bashful, Rivalry
Fennekin, male, lv 1, Timid, Magician, knows Hypnosis, Magic Coat, Wish, Heat Wave, Outstanding Potential (x3)
Talonflame, named “Sasuki” in Japanese, female, lv 53, Quiet, Flame Body
Darumaka, male, lv 1, Adamant, Hustle, Outstanding Potential
Growlithe, named DarkBark, love ball, male, lv 1, Naughty, Intimidate, knows Morning Sun, Outstanding Potential
Torkoal, named Banchi, male, lv 44, Adamant, Drought
Torkoal, moon ball, male, lv 1, Hardy/Naive, Drought
Simipour, female, lv 57, Brave, Gluttony
Milotic, Japanese, male, lv 1, Serious, Marvel Scale, Outstanding Potential
Whiscash, male, lv 31, Impish, Hydration
Pyukumuku, Chinese, female, lv 50, Calm, Innards Out
Floatzel, male, lv 34, Rash, Swift Swim
Clauncher, male, lv 1, Lonely, Mega Launcher, Outstanding Potential
Feebas, female, lv 1, Sassy, Oblivious, knows Hypnosis
Starmie, named Patrick, lv 24, Sassy, Natural Cure
Lotad, male, lv 1, Quirky, Swift Swim
Poliwhirl, named Porl, male, lv 28, Jolly, Damp, holdingKing’s Rock, pokérus
Rowlet, Japanese, male, lv 1, Gentle, Overgrow, knows Sucker Punch
Chikorita, male, lv 1, Calm, Overgrow
Bayleef, male, lv 21, Docile, Overgrow
Serperior, male, lv 49, Relaxed, Overgrow
Leafeon, male, lv 11, Naughty, Leaf Guard
Bounsweet, female, lv 1, Jolly, Oblivious, knows Play Rough
Bounsweet, love ball, Japanese, female, lv 1, Adamant, Oblivious, knows Play Rough
Seedot, Japanese, female, lv 2, Relaxed, Chlorophyll
Foongus, male, lv 1, Careful, Effect Spore, Outstanding Potential (x2)
Amoongus, male, lv 48, Bold, Effect Spore
Amoongus, male, lv 50, Mild, Effect Spore
Amoongus, male, lv 49, Hasty, Effect Spore
Roserade, male, lv 27, Modest, Natural Cure
Shuckle, Japanese, male, lv 1, Bold, Gluttony, knows Knock Off
Kricketot, female, lv 1, Impish, Shed Skin
Dustox, Japanese, female, lv 13, Docile, Shield Dust
Wormadam, female, lv 21, Naughty, Anticipation
Ninjask, male, lv 20, Docile, Speed Boost
Shedinja, lv 20, Docile, Wonder Guard
Beedrill, male, lv 17, Bashful, Swarm
Beautifly, named Isabella, female, lv 19, Mild, Swarm
Weedle, sport ball, female, Docile, Shield Dust
Vespiquen, named Queenie, female, lv 40, Hardy, Pressure
Yanmega, male, lv 33, Serious, Tinted Lens
Dwebble, Japanese, female, lv 30, Modest, Shell Armor
Cutiefly, named Honey Lemon, female, lv 1, Lax, Honey Gather
Pichu, male, lv 1, Relaxed, Static, knows Thunder Punch, Outstanding Potential
Jolteon, Japanese, male, lv 49, Brave, Volt Absorb
Emolga, female, lv 51, Bashful, Static
Helioptile, female, lv 33, Impish, Sand Veil
Pachirisu, female, lv 30, Relaxed, Run Away
Plusle, male, lv 10, Timid, Plus
Electivire, male, lv 30, Hardy, Motor Drive
Magnezone, named DONNI, lv 37, lv 37, Calm, Sturdy
Flaaffy, male, lv 15, Careful, Static
Emolga, Japanese, female, lv 51, Brave, Static
Meditite, female, lv 1, Jolly, Pure Power
Mienfoo, male, lv 15, Lax, Inner Focus
Crabominable, named Brawly, male, lv 43, Docile, Iron Fist
Primeape, male, lv 56, Lax, Vital Spirit
Froslass, French, female, lv 41, Sassy, Snow Cloak
Vulpix, female, lv 1, Sassy, Snow Cloak, knows Freeze Dry, Moonblast
Glaceon, male, lv 26, Adamant, Snow Cloak
Glaceon, male, lv 17, Docile, Snow Cloak
Spheal, male, lv 1, Bold, Thick Fat
Swinub, male, lv 1, Hasty, Oblivious, knows Icicle Spear, Fissure
Jynx, female, lv 39, Careful, Oblivious
Piloswine, Japanese, male, lv 36, Jolly, Oblivious
Snorunt, Japanese, female, lv 20, Gentle, Ice Body
Vanillite, named Fat Free, male, lv 1, Modest, Ice Body, Outstanding Potential
Cryogonal, lv 1, Quirky, Levitate
Mr. Mime, Japanese, male, lv 1, Modest, Filter, pokérus
Munna, male, lv 1, Bold, Forewarn
Sigilyph, female, lv 31, Rash, Magic Guard, pokérus
Grumpig, female, lv 34, Quirky, Own Tempo
Espeon, male, lv 33, Lonely, Synchronize
Summer Deerling: Olivia, female, lv 1, Mild, Sap Sipper
Winter Deerling: Aurora, female, Lonely, Sap Sipper
Charming, male, lv 1, Rash, Sap Sipper
Chansey, female, lv 35, Jolly, Serene Grace
Porygon, lv 1, Naughty, Trace
Starly, female, lv 1, Adamant, Keen Eye
Bunnelby, male, lv 2, Hardy, Pickup
Stufful, named Teddy, female, lv 20, Bashful, Klutz
Eevee, female, lv 1, Lonely, Run Away
Lickitung, female, lv 1, Adamant, Own Tempo, Outstanding Potential
Furfrou, female, lv 1, Mild, Fur Coat, Outstanding Potential
Dunsparce, female, lv 1, Bashful, Run Away, Outstanding Potential
Slakoth, French, male, lv 1, Jolly, Truant, knows Yawn, Hammer Arm, and Slash
Zigzagoon, male, lv 8, Relaxed, Gluttony
Hoothoot, named Mr. Owl,male, lv 30, Adamant, Keen Eye
Croagunk, female, lv 14, Careful, Anticipation
Toxicroak, male, lv 37, Bashful, Dry Skin
Salandit, female, Japanese, lv 1, Timid, Corrosion
Salandit, female, lv 1, Adamant, Corrosion
Salandit, love ball, male, lv 1, Docile, Corrosion
Stunky, male, lv 21, Timid, Aftermath
Nidoqueen, female, lv 36, Calm, Poison Point
Nidoking, male, lv 30, Naughty, Poison Point
Crobat, male, lv 61, Mild, Inner Focus
Gliscor, Japanese, male, lv 13, Lax, Sand Veil
Sandile, male, lv 1, Laz, Moxie, knows Fire Fang
Minior, Light Blue, Lure ball, Adamant, Shields Down
Minior, Japanese, Purple, Hardy, Shields Down
Cubone, male, lv 1, Relaxed, Battle Armor, Outstanding Potential
Graveler, Alolan, male, lv 32, Hardy, Magnet Pull
Hippopotas, male, lv 17, Gntle, Sand Stream
Gigalith, male, lv 43, Adamant, Sand Stream
Excadrill, male, lv 30, Lonely, Sand Force
Stunfisk, male, lv 30, Bold, Limber
Bastiodon, male, lv 30, Adamant, Sturdy
Onix, male, lv 1, Quiet, Rock Head, Outstanding Potential
Sandile, named Sandra, female, lv 1, Quirky, Intimidate, knows Fire Fang
Duskull, male, lv 1, Adamant, Levitate
Dusknoir, female, lv 37, Jolly, Pressure
Gengar, master ball, male, lv 30, Impish, Cursed Body
Gengar, named Frisk, male, lv 37, Relaxed, Cursed Body
Gengar, named Smog, male, lv 65, Impish, Cursed Body
Misdreavus, named Lucius, male, lv 1, Sassy, Levitate, Outstanding Potential
Sylveon, named Fwish, male, lv 50, Hasty, Cute Charm
Sylveon, French, male, lv 48, Adamant, Cute Charm
Cleffa, female, lv 27, Naughty, Magic Guard
Mightyena, female, lv 23, Calm, Quick Feet
Umbreon, female, lv 26, Sassy, Synchronize
Zoroark, male, lv 48, Serious, Illusion
Pangoro, female, lv 32, Impish, Iron Fist
Murkrow, female, lv 1, Mild, Prankster, knows Roost
Murkrow, female, lv 1, Lonely, Prankster, knows Roost
Honedge, German, male, lv 1, Rash, No Guard, Outstanding Potential, knows Destiny Bond and Shadow Sneak
Suicune, Japanese, lv 73, Modest, Pressure
Raikou, Japanese, lv 76, Relaxed, Pressure
Raikou, lv 70, Docile, Pressure, from Johto
Tapu Koko, Japanese, lv 60, Quirky, Electric Surge, pokérus
Regirock, Japanese, lv 51, Hasty, Clear Body
Registeel, lv 65, Lax, Clear Body
Ho-Oh, Japanese, lv 70, Adamant, Pressure
Kartana, named Schwert, lv 60, Rash, Beast Boost
Mesprit, Japanese, lv 52, Quiet, Levitate
Azelf, lv 50, Hardy, Levitate
Kyurem, Japanese, lv 94, Naughty, Pressure, from Unova
Kartana, lv 61, Adamant, Beast Boost
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askiceboundlopunny · 9 months
Sandra and Nintai have been traversing the barren tundra in silence, awaiting for Lake Acuity Forest to come into view on the horizon.
Nintai has been staring at the snow the entire time as she traveled along with her teammate. Sandra, seeing the froslass looking saddened leaned forward and broke the silence to check on her.
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Sandra, understandably, wasn't buying Nintai's answer. Her voice was shaky and just kept staring at the ground. And wanting to console her team mate, she brought out a vine from one of her roses and lifted Nintai's chin so they could talk eye to eye.
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"It's better you get this off your chest sooner rather than later." She stated as her vine retracted back into her rose. Her tone sounding like that of a caring older sibling.
The froslass let out a sigh as her gaze shifts off to the side.
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"I suppose you're right." She admitted, disappointment clear in her voice. "I just… I didn't expect to feel such strong hatred and anger. It was as if I've done something to her in the past."
She thought back to Tsubayuki's reaction to her and her, and her disappointment turned to worry as she looked back to Sandra. "Did… did I do something wrong?"
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"Heeey don't be ridiculous." She reassured her. "You did everything just the same as everyone with your role before you, and I think this is the first time I've seen a reaction like that." The roserade stated confidently. "It's not like we could have known she'd go all gyarados on us anyways."
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"Oh absolutely! Clementine is from Orana, so you know she really does care about us. You can bet she'll work on getting you a second chance with our little rabbit friend. And if she doesn't I'll eat my black roses."
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A small smile formed beneath the froslass' cowl. Sandra's efforts to reassure her worked in improving her mood. However she still looked concerned as there was still one more thing she felt she needed to address. "W-well that's good to hear. But still… what am I supposed to do now? I'm still out of the mission." The ghost asked.
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"We'll find stuff to do around camp don't worry!" She giggled a bit as she turned to continue walking. "And you won't be alone there either since I'll be spending a lot of time there myself since this isn't really my type of weather."
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Nintai chuckles as she follows her teammate again. "I see, well that good to hear."
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(The girls are now available for asks again!)
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askiceboundlopunny · 1 year
With the approval of both Linda and Tsubayuki, Clementine grabs two of the pokeballs off her belt, and with a click of the small button to enlarge them, held them out in front of her to release their occupants. 
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The flash of light from the pokeballs quickly fade to reveal the roserade and froslass that were inside.
Nintai bows as she proceeds to introduce herself.
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Midway through her sentence, Nintai felt a chill run down her back as there was suddenly a tense feeling of animosity in the air.
This same feeling was distracting her as she began to trail off during her introduction.
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As Nintai failed to finish her sentence, everyone else also noticed something was off. And Clementine started to worry as this was far from the reaction she was hoping for from Tsubayuki, and noticed Nintai began to sink towards the floor.
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The froslass found herself stunned like a deerling in headlights, intimidated by the presence of the lopunny staring down at her.
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Time felt like it stopped for Nintai as she stared helplessly back into Tsubayuki’s gaze. The lopunny’s eyes were glowing with hatred and fury that felt like they were piercing her very soul. The aura around her also was radiating with anger that was intense as the air was freezing.
Nintai had no idea what she had done for the lopunny to feel this way towards her, nor was she prepared for it. The froslass was also too afraid to speak or even move out of fear of making things worse. So she simply cowered before Tsubayuki, hoping someone would intervene.
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askiceboundlopunny · 11 months
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The ice types stood there for what felt like hours, one cowering in fear, and the other glaring with ire.
To everyone else, it has been only few minutes.
Clementine however wore a look more of disappointment than worry. She turned to Sandra to see the roserade staring on uncomfortably. The trainer tried whispering her name expectantly.
However when she still got no response...
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Clementine simply snapped her fingers and Sandra came to attention. And without further instruction she released a soothing aromatherapy from her roses that quickly spread, and wasted no time taking effect.
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The tension in the air melted away along with Tsubayuki's anger as she took a deep breath and let out a annoyed huff. And Nintai was no longer paralyzed in fear from the lopunny's hate fueled gaze. Instead the froslass simply floated in front of her nervously.
With the situation simmered down thanks to Sandra, Clementine rushes to her pokemon's side to comfort her. Once the aromatherapy faded she looks up at Tsubayuki with a look of concern.
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"Are you okay? What was that?"
Instead of answering, Tsubayuki simply approaches the two and crouches before them to look the froslass in the eyes. This time, without the anger from before.
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The two sat there in uncomfortable silence as the lopunny inspected Nintai. The froslass in question finding herself unable to break eye contact with the rabbit once again.
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Nintai both sounded and looked confused by Tsubayuki's assumption. However the lopunny only leaned in closer. Her stoic expression unchanging. Which only served to make the froslass more uncomfortable.
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"Your evolution, it was a deliberate choice correct?" She asked bluntly.
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"W-what do you...?" Nintai trailed off, becoming even more confused to what Tsubayuki is eluding to.
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"Your eyes. They are not like the others. Or like mine. And that tells me you evolved, rather than being born like this." She stated, her tone was calmer as she backed up, now looking at the rest of the ghost type in front of her. "However I cannot help but wonder, why you would chose to evolve into this?"
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"I-I don't..." Nintai stuttered as she was unsure how to answer Tsubayuki's question, now feeling pressured on top of how uncomfortable this whole ordeal has been.
Realizing this, Clementine leans in between the two to cut off the conversation.
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"Hey, perhaps we should try this again later since Nintai clearly put you in a bad mood." She says cutting off the conversation and gently shuffles Nintai off behind her. Waving her off towards Sandra. "I didn't know you'd get so upset by her, would you maybe like to talk about that?"
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The lopunny lets out a frustrated sigh. "Not now, but perhaps another time." She says as she shifts a tired gaze off to the side. "You had no way of knowing anyways." She barely muttered.
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"I see... Well in that case, would you mind if I ask a few questions about a some other things then? It wouldn't be anything too personal. Just some basic questions I ask all my subjects of study."
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Linda furrows a brow. "Uh, sure." She answers in an uncertain tone. Curious what sort of questions the human would have.
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There was a moment of silence before the lopunny also agrees. "Fine."
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"Alright then!" Clementine says as she stands upright and turns back towards Sandra. "Sandra could you be a dear and walk Nintai back to the camper for me while we do this?"
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"Oh. Uh, alright." She nodded in compliance, wrapping an arm around the froslass and helps her up. "Come on." Nintai, wearing a saddened look, follows Sandra without a word.
Clementine simply let out a saddened sigh, seeing the look on her pokemon's face as the two left her alone.
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ormindoodles · 11 months
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Sandra used Power Whip!
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askiceboundlopunny · 2 years
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"Wait now?” Nintai asked in a mix of surprise and confusion. “Are we not going to wait for the others?” She followed, furrowing a brow.
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Clementine waves her hand dismissively with a smile. “She can be introduced to them later, wouldn't want to move too quickly and overwhelm her now would we?”
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”She's right, we can't be too overbearing or she might get defensive and force us out.”
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Clementine gives a nod to Sandra’s point. “Yeah, remember that we're guests here and need to be nice for things to go smoothly. And besides, the boys know what to do when they get here.”
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”That's a good point, my apologies.”
Nintai then let out an eep in reaction to Sandra suddenly wrapping an arm around her and pulling her in.
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Clementine covered her mouth as she couldn’t help but giggle at Nintai’s face before reaching for the pokeballs on her belt.
“Mhm! That said, are you two ready to go?”
Sandra lets Nintai free from her arm, eagerly replying to her trainer, “You betcha!” while Nintai simply nods in confirmation.
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askiceboundlopunny · 4 years
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The girls stand in silence as they take in Glyndower’s looming figure for what feels like several minutes. Nintai remains in stunned silence as her trainer appears unphased and almost amused by the giant’s display.
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"Now why would a sweet little thing like you want to know that hmm?  I hope you aren't thinking about trying anything now. Cause I'll warn you, it wouldn't end well.” She warned in a playful tone. “I report to my colleagues regularly. And in the event something were to happen to me on the field, my team members are to report back immediately. At which point, it becomes a monster hunt.”
Clementine takes a few leisurely steps towards the behemoth as she continues. “Now say you were to kill me right here, you would have a day or two to hide before you'd be tracked down.” She explained as she craned her neck to make eye contact again. “But you're far from the biggest thing we've had to deal with.”   She added, her arms still folded underneath her chest wearing her confident, almost smug look on her face.
“And if you still don't believe me, I can tell you how we incapacitate smaller giants like you.” She turns around and walks next to Nintai again as she raises a hand to her side with index finger extended. Visually counting the steps as she speaks. “First we hinder the movement, often with by paralysis. Second, after the target has been subdued, we proceed to incapacitate the them by cutting the joints and the base of the tail if there is one with pokemon specialized to do so cleanly and swiftly. And lastly from there once the target is fully immobilized we take a shot at capture before going ahead at termination.” Clementine looks back over her shoulder at Glyndower as she wags the 3 fingers on her hand for emphasis.
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Clementine leaned to the side to look past the giant water type in front of her as she addressed her companion behind him.
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Clementine let’s out a chuckle. “No, everything's fine. We were just having a friendly chat.” She answers as she stands upright again and looks up at Glyndower once more. “Right sweetheart?" 
[ @askthundreon​ ]
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askiceboundlopunny · 5 years
Clementine woke up early to get their camp area cleaned up and pack everything away so that they’ll be ready to head back to Lake Acuity by the time everyone else wakes up.
She had a look around the beach while she cleaned around the up around their campfire. The sun has already risen, and most of the beach goers have already left. So it looked pretty empty. However out by the water she saw Linda still in her swimsuit laying on her side and facing ocean, the waves occasionally splashing against her body.
Once the leftover food was packed away and the trash bag tied up, Clementine slung it over her shoulder and approached the dragoness.  Who’s ears twitch from picking up the sound of her footsteps in the sound.
She turns her head back to see who’s coming to find Clementine. “Hey there, you been up for long?” The trainer asked placing her free hand on her hip.
“Eh, only for a few hours. Thought I’d try and catch some fish before we had to go.” Linda answered. “What, are you all ready to go?”
Clementine turned to look back at the tent. “No not yet. Nintai and Sandra are still asleep. And I was just finishing cleaning up our area until I saw you out here. So we’ve still got some time.” She explained as she turned her attention back to Linda. “Soooo did you have fun?” She asked with an almost playful tone.
Linda grinned as she turned her gaze back to the ocean. “Well... I didn’t get to play tug of war with anyone. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t still have fun.” She said as she sat upright, leaning back on her arms. “It was nice to swim just have fun for a change. Scared the shit out of a few people, went diving for a bit, and I even met a few familiar faces.” 
“And that golurk?” Clementine asked with a knowing smile while raising an eyebrow. Her tone made it clear that she expected an answer. “They didn’t look to happy with how you used those water balloons.”
A smirk grew on the dragoness’ face as she recalled her encounter with Asmund. “Yeah he’s not really a happy guy to begin with. Probably would’ve had the same response if I just said ‘hi’.”
“So you’ve met before?” Clementine inquired.
“A while back yeah. The guy hates everyone.” Linda answered as she threw her arms up to stretch. “Hate his guts and the fact that I can’t eat them. And he hates everyone for some reason.” She added as she stood up.
“And you thought throwing an aura sphere at his face would help that?” Clementine asked raising an eyebrow.
Linda turned her head back wearing a smug grin. “I thought it would feel good. And I was right.” She responded in a matter-of-factly tone.
Not looking too impressed with how pleased Linda sounded in herself Clementine simply shrugged it off. “I’m just surprised he didn’t shoot you. Still, you didn’t get us kicked out with that so I guess no harm done. ” She states as she turns around to get back to their camp site. “Anyways I’ll come get you once I’m done packing everything up.”
“Alright, guess I’ll try to do some meditation while I wait.” The mienshao commented to herself as she presses her coiling tail against the sand in a and props herself up a few feet in the air with it.
On her way back to the tent Clementine sees Nintai rubbing the drowsiness from her eye as she floats out of it. “Well good morning Nintai.”
The sound of her trainer calling her name woke the ghost type up a little more. Turning her attention to Clementine she greeted her with a smile and a wave. “Good morning! Are you still packing up?”
“Yeah, I’ve just got done cleaning up everyone’s trash, I just need to throw this out. Then I can actually start packing things up.” Clementine stated as she looked around the beach for some sort of trash can. “Also you wouldn’t happen to remember seeing a place I could throw this out would you?” She asked Nintai holding out the tied up trash bag by the straps.
Nintai shakes her head and clasps her hands together. “No sorry.”
Clementine sighs as she sets the trash bag down. “Well I guess we can take care of it on our way out.”
“Would you like some help folding the towels and chairs?” Nintai offered with a bit of eagerness in her voice. Casually drifting a bit closer to the trainer.
Clementine gave the froslass a smile. “Of course!” She said as she was already sliding her chair into her bag. “So did you fun yesterday?” She asked as she looked back at Nintai who flew into the tent.
“I did.” She answered happily. “The sun felt nice after I got used to it. I met a few people who seemed nice.” When she came back out she was now holding a tiki mask in front of her.
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Clementine smiled seeing how proud Nintai looked in what she made. “Looks pretty good! Better have made one of those lei for me.” She joked as she folded up her towel.
Nintai set down her tiki mask to start helping with folding the rest of the towels. “Actually I made one for everyone. Including the yuki onna we’re watching.”
“How sweet. I’m sure she’ll love it. Just be sure you don’t call her that when you meet her. She didn’t seem too happy when I called her a yuki onna.” Clementine warned. Seeing Nintai react with concern she gives the froslass reassuring smile. “Oh don’t worry. She seems like a reasonable woman. Now once you’re done you should gather everything you made so we can be ready to take the tent down once Sandra wakes up.” She instructed.
“Yes ma’am.”  
About half an hour after the two finish packing a loud yawn came from inside the tent as the roserade walked out of it stretching.
Clementine had been reclined in a chair she pulled back out of her bag while she waited for Sandra to wake up. Upon hearing the pokemon wake up she sat up to greet her. “Good morning sunshine.” She welcomed with a smirk. “Glad you could join us.” She teased which got her an angry pout from the roserade.
“Geez, how long have you guys been up?” The grass type asked folding her arms.
“Long enough to get everything but the tent packed away.” Answered the pokemon trainer as she folded up her chair again.
“At least an hour.” Nintai Clarified. “She was already done cleaning up the trash when I woke up.”
Sandra glanced back and forth between the two before giving a huff “You could have just woken me up if you wanted to go so badly.” She grumbled as she extended her vines to pull out the stakes of the tent. 
It took the three only a few minutes to take the tent down and pack it away, and with that Clementine whistled with her fingers to get Linda’s attention. “HEEEEEEY! COME ON WE’RE LEAVING!” She called out to the meditating dragon. And with a twitch of her ear and a small spring off her tail, the mienshao quickly caught up with the them as they all headed out. 
[The girls have left the beach event]
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askiceboundlopunny · 5 years
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“It also looks like we’re a little late.”
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“The beach is hotter than I thought it would be. I’m thankful that I’ve got a hat.”
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“You’re welcome hun. If you need to cool off for a bit you can rest under the umbrella once I get it set up. Just don’t stay there the whole time okay?”
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The froslass gives a mild grimace under her cowl and a nod. “Understood.”
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“You think they’ve started the tug of war already? I wanna see how many people it takes to win against me.”
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“Not sure, I’m hoping to get in on the volleyball and limbo. But until then don’t go causing trouble alright?” She pulls her sunglasses down a bit so she can look the mieshao in the eyes. “I don’t want us getting kicked out because you did something stupid.” She explained in a stern tone.
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She rolls her eyes in response. “Yeah yeah I gotcha. I’m gonna go have some fun in the water in the meantime.”
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“That doesn’t sound too bad. Mind if I join you?”
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“Sure! Why not?”
(The girls have arrived at the beach event.)
(Clementine has laid out a towel on the sand to sun bathe in while Nintai rests under the umbrella next to her. And Linda and Sandra are chilling in the water.)
(Also the color palettes for everyone can be found in the character list since I didn’t have time to make references)
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askiceboundlopunny · 5 years
Leilani@Sandra: Leilani sits down and watches the volleyball match between Sandra and Saffron. She doesn't really understand the rules of the game,but enjoys watching the ball go back and forth between the two ladies. During a pause in the game, she calls out to Sandra. "Alola!! That was a fun game to watch! I'd come play with you, too, but I... think I'd probably get hurt." Leilani looks down at her small body. "My tribe doesn't really play a lot of games like these. Do you usually like them?"
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The roserade’s eyes lit up as she turned to see the pokemon who called out to her and she let out an ‘awww’. She then sits on her legs and gives a friendly smile. “Well hey there. Glad to hear our one v ones were entertaining.” “And I wouldn’t say you’d get yourself hurt… but you’d definitely have a hard time playing since you’re still really short.” 
Her eyes then widened in shock after hearing the popplio’s explanation. “WHAAAT?! Are you serious?! That must stink!” She leaned in closer unintentionally as she continued. “These games can be a lot of fun with a bunch of people. And it’s feels the best when I’m out in the sun like this. And you really don’t play ANY back where you’re from?”
[ @leilani-popplio ]
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askiceboundlopunny · 5 years
With the sun starting to set Clementine sets up the tent that everyone will be sleeping in for the night as well as sets up the campfire.
Once everything is set up she pulls up her sunglasses and whistles with her fingers to call her pokemon and get Linda’s attention. First of which to arrive was Nintai, and shortly after Sandra and Linda showed up as well.
“You’ve got a hell of a whistle. I heard you on the other side the beach.” Linda commented with an impressed look on her face.
Clementine grins, feeling a bit of pride. “Well what can I say? I have a talent for getting people’s attention.” She said giving Linda a wink.
“Is it time to go already?” Sandra asked with disappointment in her tone.
Clementine gave her an unamused look as Sandra asked that question while she standing next to a campfire with a marshmallow on a stick.
After a few seconds of silence Nintai floated next to the roserade’s head. “I believe she set all this up for us to spend the night here Sandra.” She half muttered next to her ear.
“What did you think she brought us to some random persons tent to steal their food?” Linda jokingly added.
The roserade’s face turned red as she realized how dumb her question was. “Oh... r-right. Sorry.”
“We’ll be leaving in the morning. But until then why don’t we wind down and enjoy some smores?”Clementine suggested as she took a seat in front of the campfire.
“that sounds good and all, but I smell more than smores here. And whatever it is smells good.” Linda commented as she sniffed the air.
“Hmm? Oh yeah, knock yourself out, I heard there was gonna be food prepared for everyone.”  Clementine confirmed. “JUST MAKE SURE YOU YOU SAVE SOME FOR THE OTHER PEOPLE HERE.” She yelled out to the mienshao who had already left following the scent of food.
[The girls are now winding down at their tent and campfire]
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