#sandra barr
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dcdreamblog · 2 months ago
Ok top 5 hottest mystery men, and don't deny you have preference! We've seen your posts!!!
This is entrapment. I'm calling my lawyer... ... ...Ground rules. I'm taking mystery men to mean men and women here, because I'm not making two lists. I'm also only putting in the running people as they existed during the Squadron's heyday. I'm not going to come out here and simp for a bunch of heroes who are still active and nominally in my dating bracket because that is WEIRD
Yes that means Sandy is not on this list, which is why you asked. My revenge is petty but final. 5. Sandra Knight AKA The Phantom Lady.
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(A popular war bond pinup of Knight)
YES ITS CLICHE BUT WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME? Sandra Knight is a woman who is known for 2 things. Being stubborn as a mule and for wearing the kind of costume that caused spontaneous nosebleeds in a mile radius around her. She's confidently flirtatious, fiery in her conviction and if she was wearing any less she'd be on a list. You look at her legs in this picture and I dare you. I DARE YOU to judge me. Sometimes the obvious answer is obvious for a reason.
4. Al Pratt AKA The Atom.
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(A photograph of Pratt taken during a JSA address in Washington DC)
He is 5'1" and every single millimeter of it is home grown BEEF. He is the Charles Atlas story made manifest. Kind, polite and well meaning but with the heart of lion. He's the kind of guy who would bring you out to the lake and ask you to go steady after knocking your bully flat on his ass with one punch. If you like the Archie type of carrying your books for you and laying his jacket in a mud puddle chivalry AND you want the kind of man who looks like he could bend a motorcycle in half with his thighs. He is the WHOLE package.
3. Susan Barr nee Kent AKA Bulletgirl
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(An image of Kent from the cover a war bond comic) This is probably my most "hear me out" answer if only because she's much less well known unless you happen to be from Fawcett City. Is it the legs (pardon me "gams") that go all the way up? Yes.
Is it the classy, wavy chocolate brown hair that seems to shimmer like running water? Yes.
Is it the kind of classic silver screen movie star pretty that leaves your heart thumping visibly out of your chest like Bugs Bunny? Yes.
I've had a crush on Bulletgirl since I was a child, my first deep dive into any Golden Ager was a report I wrote in middle school about her just so I could devour every ounce of information that was publically available at this time. This one is an innocent school boy puppy crush which makes me feel better about putting a woman who was publically married during the war on this list. But only barely.
2. Greg Saunders AKA Vigilante
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(A photograph of Saunders taken during a 7 Soldiers parade, 1945)
Hand me a puffy pink fan, paint a beauty mark on my left cheek and hold me up because I am now a fainting southern belle being swept off her feet by the handsome stranger and his mysterious ways.
He's got a motorcycle, he's good with kids, he has his own rope. And lest we not forget he's also an internationally famous, genre redefining country western singer. I know its before the time of most of you but have you HEARD this man? That accent, that harmony, every single thing about his voice feels like melting into a crackling south western bonfire
Oh lordy I am coming down with a case of the vapors.
Jonathan Chambers AKA Johnny Quick
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(A rendering of Chambers from the poster of "The Squadron" motion picture, 1970) ...listen. LISTEN. ...I have this thing about bitchy men. Not mean men, not abusive men. No, just bitchy men. A man who will make a snide comment in my ear, or giggle with me in the back of some blowhard's speech, or come up with a little pet name he trots out a little too casually in front of my colleagues and then sweeps me off of my feet and treats me to rose petals and candles. I want a man who will make me steam like a clam bake and then right when I'm about to break a chair over his head he gets down on one knee and breaks out an absurd bouquet of roses. I want a man who I want to strangle and then who I want to marry inside the space of an hour. I have a THING. About bitchy men
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groupiechick · 1 year ago
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thesnakeandthemoon · 5 months ago
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badmovieihave · 2 years ago
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Bad movie I have The Hitchhiker Volume 2 It has 10 episodes O.D.Feelin’ 1986, True Believer 1986, Perfect Order 1987, Cabin Fever 1987,A Whole New You 1991, Dead Heat 1987, The Cures 1986, Out of the Night 1985, Secret Ingredient 1987,and  Man of Her Dreams 1986
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cinemacentral666 · 1 year ago
Breaking the Waves (1996)
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Movie #1,158 • Ranking Lars von Trier #2
[Ed. Note: This was the first film I watched for this Ranking series. Sorry that the tone of this review is so different than the others.]
And so I begin a crisscross through the career of Lars Von Trier. Hey that rhymes! Neat. And fun. You know what's not so fun, it seems? Watching a dang Lars Von Trier film! I am beginning with Trier's Golden Heart Trilogy (1996-2000) of which this is the first installment. I am starting here for no real reason, but maybe the real reason is because I remember when Bjork wore that swan dress to the Oscars. (I don't want to explain that sentence further. I'm sorry.)
Before dipping my toes into the Trieriverse, the only thing I knew about his work is that it was BLEAK. And, guess what? We are 1 for 1 on that count, man. Hoo boy… NOT a feel-good movie here, folks. There are around 15 features and some TV, documentaries and shorts I will be ingesting over the next five to fifty-five weeks (give or take). Whether my precious heart can take it… that's another question.
I like to mix up how I ingest a filmmaker's catalog. Sometimes I'll go chronolog, sometimes rev-chronolog, sometimes alphabetty and then sometimes I'll just throw out a dang wildcard and jump around like I'm in the Irish hip-hop group House of Pain. That Trier (or is it Von Trier–I mean, I assume Von isn't his middle name?) often works in loose trilogical way, I thought it would be nice to start somewhere in the middle and the hop frontwards and backwards, making sure I took in each trilogy in chronological order, of course. It's a joy: being able to experience an auteur's work in full, for the first time (unscathed as it were… something about it feels more pure).
But that's enough preamble, let's talk about 1996's Breaking the Waves starring the great Emily Watson and Stellan Skarsgård. This film is a classic, me thinks. Like many great works of the cinema, it plays a trick. This movie's trick is that it makes you think it's about sex, but it's really about faith and religion. It's about what an absolute farce the latter is. (And I believe this is a common theme for him. Wwe pick things up in life by happenstance, without really trying — I do, at least.)
This film is long, but it's broken down by Chapters which make it easily digestible in multiple viewings (umm, ever heard of PRESTIGE TV??) . All the Chapters begin with a classic rock song, by David Bowie and others, played over these extremely cool looking. kind of moving portraits (done by Per Kirkeby). I did a supercut of these title cards…
My favorite part(s) of this movie are when Emily Watson does the voice of God. It's a reoccurring bit and it's so so good…
I found an interesting secondary theme to be the role of women in modern society. Yes, the pretense of the setting (a cloistered village in bumfuck Scotland with doomed religious politics) is a cheat, andLVT being, well, a man, perhaps complicates or undermines the point, but I think he did a really amazing job, both facts considered. This is a highly feminist film, and not in a 'beat you over the head' trying too hard kind of way.
That said, there are no happy endings here. The evil men do in their mind is not equal to the evil they can do with their bodies. The final act is spectacularly rough and hard to watch at times (spoiler alert: Udo Kier's character is simply billed as "Sadistic Sailor"). But it's never a morality lesson. If anything, it's a lesson against the entire concept of morality. And it's a notion he would completely break wide open with his next project, The Idiots.
SCORE: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I’ll be counting down all of Lars Von Trier’s movies right here at @cinemacentral666 every Thursday through September 2023
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themareverine · 2 months ago
oh this looks fun! i'm playing even if i wasn't tagged! stolen from @jolapeno
2024 faves ✨💛
books **audiobooks/dramas
Wolverine: Origins Weapon X, Mark Cerasini, David Alan Mack, Hugh Matthews.
Unveiling Grace, Lynn K. Wilder
Tell No Lies, Allison Brennan
Chill Factor, Sandra Brown
**Wolverine: The Long Night
** Wolverine: The Lost Trail
movies *are rewatches
Homestead (2024) dir. Ben Smallbone i watched this believing it was a movie, don't judge me.
Deadpool & Wolverine (2024) dir. Shawn Levy
*Real Steel (2011) dir. Shawn Levy
*Logan (2017) dir. James Mangold
Beyond Glory (2016) dir. Larry Brand
Paperback Hero (1999) dir. Antony J. Bowman
Australia (2008) dir. Baz Luhrmann
Transformers One (2024) dir. Josh Cooly
tv shows *are rewatches
Tulsa King
*Terra Nova
X-Men: The Animated Series
X-Men: '97
albums songs/artists
Hugh Jackman. just about anything from him, specifically The Greatest Show, Come Alive, and A Million Dreams.
In the Secret Place, Jackie Baker
Onaga, JJ Hairston
More than a Conqueror, Bethany Music
I Drove All Night, Roy Orbison
All Things are Possible, Hillsong Worship
P31, Hannah Barr
Liar (Truth Is), Allison Eide
Cold War, Swingin' Hammers
+ a billion others I just don't have time to list
nintendo switch
Stardew Valley
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order
Princess Peach Showtime
favorite everydays (currently)
Wolverine yes he's in my everyday, lol
My customized Wolverine ringtone and text tone
Christ Glorified Fitness on YouTube Christina is amazing and I love her.
Kindle Scribe
Airpods Pro
Casetify Wolverine phone case
Standing Yellow Phone Charger
Remo 10" tambourine
Nintendo Switch
Citrine Solitaire Ring
Hoka Clifton 8's
Moonstone Seven's The Hair Plop
tagging without pressure: @thevoicefromanotherworld @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @itsgoghtime @bpmiranda @hereforthehitsbaby @lubdubology
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havaforever · 2 years ago
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ANATOMIE D'UNE CHUTE - Brillant, Subtile, Captivant.
On peut dire d' Anatomie d’une chute de Justine Triet (Palme d'or 2023 amplement méritée) que c'est un film sur le réel, sur l'impossibilité de capter le réel, sur l'effort incessant de l'humain pour le comprendre.
C'est un film subtil et fort sur cette part manquante à laquelle nous nous heurtons tous, sur la façon dont nous comblons les failles, les pièces du puzzle qui nous manquent avec l’imaginaire. Nous accumulons les grilles de compréhension, comme des filets, que nous jetons sur le réel en espérant le capturer et il nous échappe toujours.
Nos grilles de lectures s'accumulent sans succès. Ici, cinq au moins se confrontent: la subjectivité de chacun, la psychanalyse et ses interprétations, la justice et ses enquêtes, la littérature et la fiction et bien sûr, le cinéma et sa manière de se jouer des images.
Ceci pour le réflexion générale qu'inspire ce magnifique film.
En ce qui concerne plus précisément le récit, un enfant, Daniel, retrouve son père, Samuel, mort devant la maison, alors qu'il revient d'une promenade. Seule sa mère, Sandra, était présente au moment de la chute. Mais elle dormait. Comment cet homme est-il mort ? Sa femme l’a-t-elle tué ? S’est-il suicidé ? Le film ne répondra pas.
Ce que Justine Triet met en scène, c'est le procès de cette femme trop forte, trop dure, trop fermée, trop libre surtout, et à travers ceux qui gravitent autour : la recherche incessante, universelle qui nous confronte tous à notre impuissance à accéder à l'absolue Vérité. Les avocats ne cessent de s'interrompre les uns, les autres, de s'attaquer ( exceptionnel duo d'acteurs pour les deux avocats, Antoine Reinartz en avocat général teigneux qui ne lâche pas sa proie et Swann Arlaud en amour de jeunesse transformé en chevalier servant).
Ils se renvoient mutuellement à la figure qu’un procès n'est pas le lieu de l'imaginaire, de la création, de l'invention, mais celui de la preuve réelle, irréfutable, de la pièce à conviction, du témoin à charge, le lieu de la reconstitution exacte des faits. Et pourtant, c'est ce qu'ils ne cessent de faire :" imaginer". Tout comme cette femme accusée qui est un célèbre écrivain. Tout comme son mari mort qui enregistrait sur son téléphone les scènes de leur vie quotidienne pour s'en inspirer pour écrire enfin un livre à son tour. Parce que "imaginer" c'est ce que l'humain fait de mieux et notre rapport au réel est un aller retour constant vers l'imaginaire.
Discussion percutante en plein procès sur la différence entre ce qui est "probable" et ce qui est "possible". On ne peut pas condamner une femme parce qu'une histoire est "possible", tant de choses sont possibles, mais pas davantage sur ce qui est "probable". Le probable, c'est ce qui serait crédible dans cette affaire, or nous ne sommes pas là pour croire en une version, le procès ne doit pas être le lieu de l'opinion, ni de la conviction, même de l' "intime conviction"( film génial d'Antoine Raimbault , en 2019). Il doit être le lieu de la vérité judiciaire et c'est un effort constant de se le rappeler et de souffler sur toutes ces images qui assaillent notre cerveau au cours du procès, tous ces films, tout ce petit cinéma qui se met en marche sans qu'on le veuille dans notre esprit.
Les experts et leur ton grave de scientifique se succèdent et donnent leurs versions possibles des faits qui sont aussitôt démenties par d’autres expertises, d’autres hypothèses. Le psychanalyste du défunt, à son tour, vient à la barre et témoigne contre l'épouse. Il donne sa version du réel, celle qu'il a bâtie séance après séance dans son cabinet en écoutant son patient et l'accusée s'insurge : depuis quand confond-t-on l’interprétation psychanalytique et le réel? La vérité des faits et le ressenti du sujet qui s'exprime sur un divan? Le psychanalyste n'est pas un enquêteur, il ne recherche pas la vérité mais à comprendre son patient pour le soigner. Il ne sait que ce qu’a bien voulu lui dire son patient, le réel passé au crible de sa subjectivité et de sa souffrance. Il ne connaît rien, au fond, de la vie objective de ce couple…
On tourne autour de la vérité, on ne la connaît pas. La caméra ne nous montre que des subjectivités en concurrence, elle accroît le doute. On ne pourra s'appuyer que sur des photos du couple et une scène de dispute exceptionnelle. Une scène qui montre sans hésitation possible que ce couple allait mal mais que cet homme allait mal aussi. Cette scène de dispute, où la souffrance de Samuel est au coeur de ce qui les oppose, lui, la rendant responsable de cette souffrance, elle, le renvoyant à sa propre responsabilité face à son sentiment d'échec, peut nous faire autant pencher vers l’idée du suicide que vers celle du meurtre. Comment trancher?
C'est un couple qui ne se supporte plus et l’on voit qu'entre eux deux non plus, il n’y a pas de vérité. Ils ont beau crier, se gifler, briser des verres, personne ne l'emporte. Ils disent tous les deux la vérité. La vérité, c’est qu’ils ont vécu une tragédie, leur enfant a été victime d'un accident qui l'a rendu malvoyant et comme l’enfant était sous la responsabilité du père ce jour-là, c'est lui qui en porte la culpabilité. Il ne s’en est pas remis. Elle, si. Peut-être un peu trop bien, et en définitive ce serait ce dont elle est accusée. Elle a continué à vivre, écrire, aimer. Il s'est effondré. C’est une économie. Un équilibre. Et il la hait de cela.
Il la hait de sa force, jouée remarquablement par Sandra Hüller. Elle est inaccessible à la culpabilisation. Elle refuse de porter sur elle son échec à lui. Elle refuse de se flageller car elle est un écrivain à succès et qu'il n'a pas réussi à écrire son roman. Elle le tue à petits feux, c’est vrai, par ce qu’elle est : sa dureté, sa résistance, son absence de culpabilité, sa force, sa réussite, son appétit de vivre, son appétit sexuel qui la pousse à chercher ailleurs ce qu'il ne lui donne plus. Mais peut-on dire qu'elle ait tort? Est-ce faux que Samuel s’enferme dans une position de victime et d’échec, car il a peur de vivre, d'écrire, de s'exposer? et s'il l’étouffe de ses reproches, de sa jalousie, de ses complexes, de sa culpabilité n'est-ce pas pour l'entraîner dans sa chute précisément?
Et l’enfant est au milieu de cet affrontement où personne n'a tort, personne n'a raison. Et comme tout enfant face à un couple qui se déchire sous ses yeux, procès ou non, il est en position de juge, d’enquêteur, il veut comprendre. Qui fait du mal à qui ? Pourquoi tant de souffrance sous son toit ? Et il n’a pas toutes les pièces car il n’est qu’un enfant. Et il est "heurté" comme il le dit à la juge. On voudrait l'épargner mais c'est trop tard. Juger ses parents n’est pas sa position. Et la vie l'assigne pourtant à cette place.
Tel Oedipe à la fin de son enquête chez Sophocle, l’enfant du film est malvoyant. La cécité est à la fois le drame de cette famille, l’accident originel qui déchire ce couple, mais c’est aussi métaphoriquement l’impossibilité de voir le monde des adultes, l’enfant n’a pas les ressources pour juger ses parents. Il est dans le noir, comme nous tous face au réel, et il décide de sauver sa mère. Dans un geste précisément œdipien. Il n’est pas sûr de ce qu’il dit pour la sauver mais il suit son cœur. Puisqu’on ne pas comment la chose est arrivée, dit l'enfant, on peut au moins se demander pourquoi elle serait arrivée. Pourquoi la mère aurait-elle tué le père ? Il ne trouve aucune raison à cela. Pourquoi le père se serait-il suicidé ? Ça oui, il peut se le figurer. L’avocat général n’est pas convaincu. Mais c’est pourtant l’être qui vivait au plus près de ce couple, les connaissait le plus intimement qui parle et qui dit ce qu’il sent.
On ne saura jamais la vérité exacte de cette histoire, tout comme nous ne parviendrons jamais à pénétrer les secrets du réel qui recule dès que nous avançons. Nous ne connaîtrons que l'acte de cet enfant, celui de sauver sa mère. L'avant dernière image du film est très évocatrice à ce titre, les bras de l'enfant s'ouvrent et reçoivent la tête de la mère dans un geste extrêmement paternel et protecteur. Son visage s'approche et il baise ses cheveux. Face aux limites de la raison, la seule vérité, peut-être, alors, est-elle celle du désir de vivre au delà de tout ce qui est depuis toujours déjà mort?
NOTE 17/20 - Palme d'Or largement mérité pour un film magnifiquement filmé, juste, sensible et passionnant.
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tvintedspvrkarc · 1 year ago
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mobile muse list : television
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* original character. ** written as an original character.
it's always sunny in philadelphia :
frank reynolds , fifty eight , danny devito
the waitress , thirty four , rachel mcadams
american horror story :
moira o'hara , twenty three / seventy six , alexandra breckinridge / frances conroy
tate langdon , twenty one , evan peters
violet harmon , twenty one , taissa farmiga
bob's burgers :
gene belcher , twenty three , noah centineo
louise belcher , twenty one , hailee steinfeld
tina belcher , twenty five , barbie ferreira
disney / nickelodeon :
alex russo , twenty three , wizards of waverly place , selena gomez
carly shay , twenty two , icarly , miranda cosgrove
maddie fitzpatrick , twenty four , suite life , ashley tisdale / olivia holt
doctor who :
amelia pond , twenty one , karen gillan
clara oswald , twenty six , jenna coleman
rose tyler , twenty one , billie piper
euphoria :
barbara "bb" brooks , twenty three , katie douglas
cassie howard , twenty three , sydney sweeney now found at @howaerds
lexi howard , twenty two , maude apatow
maddy perez , twenty three , alexa demie
ruby "rue" bennett , twenty two , zendaya
suze howard , forty six , stefania spampinato
glee :
brittany s pierce , twenty three , heather morris / alt tbd
finn hudson , twenty three , adam dimarco
rachel berry , twenty two , hailee steinfeld
santana lopez , twenty two , cierra ramirez
quinn fabray , twenty three , dianna agron
the good place :
eleanor shellstrop , thirty two , kristin bell
janet , ageless , d'arcy carden
jason mendoza , twenty eight , manny jacinto
trevor , immortal , adam scott
gossip girl :
blair waldorf , twenty two , leighton meester
dan humphrey , twenty two , penn badgley
serena van der woodsen , twenty two , blake lively
grey's anatomy :
alex karev , twenty four plus , justin chambers
april kepner , twenty four plus , sarah drew
cristina yang , twenty four plus , sandra oh
george o'malley , twenty four plus , t.r. knight
isobel "izzie" stevens , twenty four plus , katherine heigl
josephine "jo" wilson , twenty four plus , camilla luddington
jules millin , twenty four , adelaide kane
lucas "luke" adams , twenty four , niko terho
lexie grey , twenty four plus , chyler leigh
margaret "maggie" pierce , twenty four plus , kelly mcreary
mark sloan , twenty eight plus , eric dane
meredith grey , twenty four plus , ellen pompeo
mika yasuda , twenty four , midori francis
jury duty :
noah price , twenty six , mekki leeper
the office :
dwight schrute , thirty six , joseph morgan
pam beesley , twenty five , emily vancamp
outer banks :
jj maybank , twenty two , rudy pankow
john b routledge , twenty two , chase stokes
kiara carrera , twenty one , madison bailey
pope heyward , twenty two , jonathan daviss
sarah cameron , twenty one , madelyn cline
parks and recreation :
april ludgate , twenty four , aubrey plaza
schitt's creek :
alexis rose , twenty seven , annie murphy
david rose , thirty one , dan levy
patrick brewer , thirty , noah reid
shameless :
fiona gallagher , twenty eight , emmy rossum
mickey milkovich , twenty four , noel fisher
phillip "lip" gallagher , twenty six , jeremy allen white
stranger things :
kimberly holloway , twenty two , inde navarrette *
robin buckley , twenty three , maya hawke
supernatural :
alex jones , twenty one , faceclaim tbd **
brooklyn winchester , twenty two , kaitlyn dever *
castiel , unknown , misha collins
charlotte winchester , twenty two , olivia holt *
dean winchester , twenty six plus , jensen ackles
ed zeddmore , twenty seven , nicholas galitzine **
elena gilbert , twenty one , nina dobrev **
harry spangler , twenty five , devon bostick **
hayley wilson , twenty three , maia mitchell *
iliana , unknown , astrid berges-frisbey *
jessica moore , twenty two , adrianne palicki **
joanna "jo" harvelle , twenty five , dianna agron
kevin tran , twenty one , osric chau
layla rourke , twenty six , rebecca rittenhouse **
lucas barr , twenty four , nick robinson ** now found at @medaeium
olivia sawyer , twenty six , alexandra daddario *
sarah blake , twenty three , taylor cole **
weston lane , twenty eight , pete davidson *
teen wolf :
allison argent , twenty four , crystal reed
asher mccall , twenty two , niko terho *
caleb miller , twenty five , michael trevino *
chris argent , forty three , j.r. bourne
cora hale , twenty one , adelaide kane
daniella coleman , twenty two , chase sui wonders * now found at @ch1maeras
derek hale , twenty five , tyler hoechlin
emma martin , twenty two , madelyn cline * now found at @lupaeus
emmett hale , twenty five , mike faist
erica reyes , twenty three , gage golightly
hadley cooper , twenty three , abigail cowen *
hayden romero , twenty one , victoria moroles
indiana stilinski , twenty nine , lily james *
isaac lahey , twenty three , daniel sharman
kira yukimura , twenty three , arden cho
laura hale , twenty eight , phoebe tonkin **
liam dunbar , twenty one , dylan sprayberry
lydia martin , twenty three , holland roden
malia tate , twenty two , shelley hennig
melissa mccall , forty six , melissa ponzio
noah stilinski , fifty , linden ashby
paige krasikeva , twenty five , maia mitchell **
peter hale , forty five , ian bohen
riley hale , twenty two , zoey deutch / maia mitchell * now found at @haelestorm
scott mccall , twenty three , tyler posey
stiles stilinski , twenty three , dylan o'brien
victor perez , twenty six , diego tinoco
walker :
clint west , thirty six , austin nichols
emily walker , thirty six , genevieve padalecki
hoyt rawlins , thirty nine , matt barr
micki ramirez , thirty four , lindsey morgan
stella walker , twenty one , violet brinson
trey barnett , thirty three , jeff pierre
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latribune · 5 months ago
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thesnakeandthemoon · 3 months ago
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A film by Lars von Trier
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hbhughes · 10 months ago
Robert D. Pellam, Jr.
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Robert D. Pellam, Jr., of Larksville died on Thursday, April 25, 2024.
Born in Tunkhannock, he was the son of the late Robert “Dutch” Pellam and Sandra McDermott Pellam.
Robert was self-employed in the tire business since the age of 16. He enjoyed hunting and fishing.
He was a loving father and grandfather. Preceding him in death is his brother, Duane Pellam.
Surviving are his children, Brittany Ellsworth, Wilkes-Barre; Robert Pellam, III; Courtney Pellam and Angelina Pellam, all Larksville; Grandchildren, Nathaniel, Isaac, and Aubree. Sisters, Tammy Finney, Pittston and Lisa Hodgson, Hunlock’s Creek along with several nieces and nephews and lifelong best friend Gibby.
Funeral on Tuesday at 11 A.M. at the Hugh B. Hughes & Son, Inc., Funeral Home, 1044 Wyoming Avenue, Forty Fort, with Rev. James Quinn, officiating. The interment will be in Chapel Lawn Memorial Park, Dallas.
Friends and relatives call on Monday evening from 5 to 8 P.M.
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tvintedspvrkmoving · 1 year ago
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mobile muse list : television
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* original character. ** written as an original character.
it's always sunny in philadelphia :
frank reynolds , fifty eight , danny devito
the waitress , thirty four , rachel mcadams
american horror story :
violet harmon , twenty one , taissa farmiga
bob's burgers :
gene belcher , twenty three , noah centineo
louise belcher , twenty one , hailee steinfeld
tina belcher , twenty five , barbie ferreira
doctor who :
amelia pond , twenty one , karen gillan
clara oswald , twenty six , jenna coleman
rose tyler , twenty one , billie piper
euphoria :
barbara "bb" brooks , twenty three , katie douglas
cassie howard , twenty three , sydney sweeney ( @howaerds )
lexi howard , twenty two , maude apatow
maddy perez , twenty three , alexa demie
ruby "rue" bennett , twenty two , zendaya
glee :
brittany s pierce , twenty three , heather morris / alt tbd
finn hudson , twenty three , adam dimarco
rachel berry , twenty two , hailee steinfeld
santana lopez , twenty two , cierra ramirez
quinn fabray , twenty three , dianna agron
the good place :
eleanor shellstrop , thirty two , kristin bell
janet , ageless , d'arcy carden
jason mendoza , twenty eight , manny jacinto
trevor , immortal , adam scott
gossip girl :
blair waldorf , twenty two , leighton meester
dan humphrey , twenty two , penn badgley
serena van der woodsen , twenty two , blake lively
grey's anatomy :
alex karev , twenty four plus , justin chambers
april kepner , twenty four plus , sarah drew
cristina yang , twenty four plus , sandra oh
george o'malley , twenty four plus , t.r. knight
isobel "izzie" stevens , twenty four plus , katherine heigl
josephine "jo" wilson , twenty four plus , camilla luddington
jules millin , twenty four , adelaide kane
lucas "luke" adams , twenty four , niko terho
lexie grey , twenty four plus , chyler leigh
mark sloan , twenty eight plus , eric dane
meredith grey , twenty four plus , ellen pompeo
mika yasuda , twenty four , midori francis
jury duty :
noah price , twenty six , mekki leeper
new girl :
nick miller , thirty six , jake johnson
winston bishop , thirty four , lamorne morris
outer banks : now at @pcguelife
parks and recreation :
april ludgate , twenty four , aubrey plaza
schitt's creek :
alexis rose , twenty seven , annie murphy
david rose , thirty one , dan levy
shameless :
fiona gallagher , twenty eight , emmy rossum
mickey milkovich , twenty four , noel fisher
phillip "lip" gallagher , twenty six , jeremy allen white
stranger things :
kimberly holloway , twenty two , inde navarrette *
robin buckley , twenty three , maya hawke
supernatural :
brooklyn winchester , twenty two , kaitlyn dever *
charlotte winchester , twenty two , olivia holt *
dean winchester , twenty six plus , jensen ackles
ed zeddmore , twenty seven , nicholas galitzine **
elena gilbert , twenty one , nina dobrev **
harry spangler , twenty five , devon bostick **
hayley wilson , twenty three , maia mitchell *
iliana , unknown , astrid berges-frisbey *
joanna "jo" harvelle , twenty five , dianna agron
kevin tran , twenty one , osric chau
layla rourke , twenty six , rebecca rittenhouse **
lucas barr , twenty four , nick robinson ** ( @medaeium )
sarah blake , twenty three , taylor cole ** ( @provenaence )
weston lane , twenty eight , pete davidson *
superstore :
cheyenne lee , twenty two , nichole sakura
teen wolf :
allison argent , twenty four , crystal reed
asher mccall , twenty two , niko terho *
chris argent , forty three , j.r. bourne
cora hale , twenty one , adelaide kane
daniella coleman , twenty two , chase sui wonders * now found at @ch1maeras
derek hale , twenty five , tyler hoechlin
emma martin , twenty two , madelyn cline * now found at @lupaeus
emmett hale , twenty five , mike faist
erica reyes , twenty three , gage golightly
hadley cooper , twenty three , abigail cowen *
isaac lahey , twenty three , daniel sharman
kira yukimura , twenty three , arden cho
laura hale , twenty eight , phoebe tonkin **
lydia martin , twenty three , holland roden now found at @quiritaetus
malia tate , twenty two , shelley hennig
melissa mccall , forty six , melissa ponzio
noah stilinski , fifty , linden ashby
paige krasikeva , twenty five , maia mitchell **
peter hale , forty five , ian bohen
riley hale , twenty two , zoey deutch / maia mitchell * now found at @haelestorm
scott mccall , twenty three , tyler posey
sierra ngata , twenty four , courtney eaton *
stiles stilinski , twenty three , dylan o'brien
vada parker , twenty six , fivel stewart
walker :
clint west , thirty six , austin nichols
emily walker , thirty six , genevieve padalecki
micki ramirez , thirty four , lindsey morgan
stella walker , twenty one , violet brinson
5 notes · View notes
saraunailyqistfarees · 1 year ago
Judy Chicago (American, born 1939). The Dinner Party, 1974–79. Ceramic, porcelain, textile, 576 × 576 in. (1463 × 1463 cm). Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the Elizabeth A. Sackler Foundation, 2002.10
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Judy Chicago, a prominent American feminist artist, writer, and educator, made significant contributions to feminist art in the 1970s. She co-founded the first U.S. feminist art program in 1970 and later established the Feminist Studio Workshop in Los Angeles.
Among her influential works is "The Dinner Party" (1974–1979), a groundbreaking feminist artwork celebrating women's achievements. The monument presents a large, triangular table, 48 feet on each side, with place settings for 39 significant women from various periods in history. Each of these spots has a fancy plate, utensils, a cup, and a beautiful table runner with the woman's name on it.  It's like a fancy set-up for a special meal, but instead of food, it's a tribute to these awesome ladies. Not only that, but 999 more names were secretly written on the bottom of the table. Each woman's story is not just about her individual accomplishments but also about her body as a site of historical and political significance.  The monument, created through a collaborative effort over five years, highlights the power of feminist vision and artistic collaboration, showcasing the significance of women's experiences and identities.
The 39 guests at the monument are:
Malala Yousafzai
Michelle Obama
K. Rowling
Sandra Day O’Connot
Ina Garten
Dame Zaha Mohammad Hadid
Carolina Herrera
Princess Diana
Dame Jane Goodall
Bell Hooks
Larisa Latynina
Corazon Aquino
Shonda Rhimes
Ada Hegerberg
Serena Williams
Aretha Franklin
Marianne Brandt
Debra Haaland of New Mexico
Laverne Cox
Katherine Johnson
Meryl Streep
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Katherine Graham
Francoise Barre-Sinoussi
Gloria Steinem
Condoleezza Rice
Ava DuVernay
Rei Kawakubo
Kathrine Switzer
Mindy Kaling
Billie Jean King
Chloe Kim
Carol Burnett
Jacinda Ardern
Shirin Neshat
Sharice Davids of Kansas
Dolly Parton
For the reader to fill
Judy Chicago's "The Dinner Party" faced political backlash when she tried to donate it to the University of the District of Columbia. The U.S. Senate criticized it as "3-D ceramic pornography" and a "weird feminist spectacle." Although the imagery on the tables uses flowers and butterflies, it also resembles female genetalia, which some people find inappropriate, disturbing, and distracting from the main point of the artwork.
In 2007, the piece found a permanent home at the Elizabeth A. Sackler Centre for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum. The triangular table shape symbolizes feminine unity and strength, with an inverted triangle possibly representing the divine feminine or personal growth. Each setting represents a historical era, challenging the idea that women's contributions are limited to specific times or places.
The unique plates at each setting symbolize the women they represent, going beyond mere acknowledgment of achievements to encapsulate their lived experiences. Chicago's use of diverse materials reflects the essence of each woman's achievements and historical context.
"The Dinner Party" also recognizes overlooked figures, challenging the historical erasure of women's agency. By placing women from various backgrounds at a symbolic table, Chicago asserts their significance in shaping history, science, art, and culture.
Abdullah, Khawaja A. “Upside Down Triangle Symbol Spiritual Meaning.” spiritualecho.com, 28 Sept. 2023, spiritualecho.com/upside-down-triangle-symbol-spiritual-meaning.
Stern, Maria, and Sanna Strand. “Periods, pregnancy, and peeing: Leaky feminine bodies in Swedish military marketing.” International Political Sociology, vol. 16, no. 1, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1093/ips/olab025.
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tvintedspvrkmoved · 1 year ago
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mobile muse list : television
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* original character. ** written as an original character.
american horror story :
moira o'hara , twenty three / seventy six , alexandra breckinridge / frances conroy
tate langdon , twenty one , evan peters
violet harmon , twenty one , taissa farmiga
bob's burgers :
gene belcher , twenty three , noah centineo
louise belcher , twenty one , hailee steinfeld
tina belcher , twenty five , barbie ferreira
disney / nickelodeon :
alex russo , twenty three , wizards of waverly place , selena gomez
carly shay , twenty two , icarly , miranda cosgrove
maddie fitzpatrick , twenty four , suite life , ashley tisdale / olivia holt
doctor who :
amelia pond , twenty one , karen gillan
clara oswald , twenty six , jenna coleman
rose tyler , twenty one , billie piper
euphoria :
barbara "bb" brooks , twenty three , faceclaim tbd
cassie howard , twenty three , sydney sweeney
lexi howard , twenty two , maude apatow
maddy perez , twenty three , alexa demie
ruby "rue" bennett , twenty two , zendaya
suze howard , forty six , stefania spampinato
gossip girl :
blair waldorf , twenty two , leighton meester
dan humphrey , twenty two , penn badgley
serena van der woodsen , twenty two , blake lively
grey's anatomy :
cristina yang , twenty four plus , sandra oh
isobel "izzie" stevens , twenty four plus , katherine heigl
josephine "jo" wilson , twenty four plus , camilla luddington
jules millin , twenty four , adelaide kane
lucas "luke" adams , twenty four , niko terho
mark sloan , twenty eight plus , eric dane
meredith grey , twenty four plus , ellen pompeo
mika yasuda , twenty four , midori francis
it's always sunny in philadelphia :
frank reynolds , fifty eight , danny devito
the waitress , thirty four , rachel mcadams
outer banks :
cleo , twenty three , carlacia grant
jj maybank , twenty two , rudy pankow
john b routledge , twenty two , chase stokes
kiara carrera , twenty one , madison bailey
pope heyward , twenty two , jonathan daviss
sarah cameron , twenty one , madelyn cline
schitt's creek :
alexis rose , twenty seven , annie murphy
david rose , thirty one , dan levy
patrick brewer , thirty , noah reid
shameless :
fiona gallagher , twenty eight , emmy rossum
mickey milkovich , twenty four , noel fisher
phillip "lip" gallagher , twenty six , jeremy allen white
supernatural :
alex jones , twenty one , faceclaim tbd **
brooklyn winchester , twenty two , kaitlyn dever *
castiel , unknown , misha collins
charlotte winchester , twenty two , olivia holt *
dean winchester , twenty six plus , jensen ackles
ed zeddmore , twenty seven , nicholas galitzine **
elena gilbert , twenty one , nina dobrev **
harry spangler , twenty five , devon bostick **
hayley wilson , twenty three , maia mitchell *
iliana , unknown , astrid berges-frisbey *
jessica moore , twenty two , adrianne palicki **
joanna "jo" harvelle , twenty five , dianna agron
kevin tran , twenty one , osric chau
layla rourke , twenty six , rebecca rittenhouse **
lucas barr , twenty three , nick robinson **
olivia sawyer , twenty six , alexandra daddario *
sarah blake , twenty three , taylor cole **
weston lane , twenty eight , pete davidson *
teen wolf :
allison argent , twenty four , crystal reed
asher mccall , twenty two , niko terho *
caleb miller , twenty five , michael trevino *
cora hale , twenty one , adelaide kane
daniella coleman , twenty two , chase sui wonders *
derek hale , twenty five , tyler hoechlin
emma martin , twenty two , madelyn cline *
emmett hale , twenty five , mike faist
erica reyes , twenty three , gage golightly
hadley cooper , twenty three , abigail cowen *
hayden romero , twenty one , victoria moroles
indiana stilinski , twenty nine , lily james *
isaac lahey , twenty three , daniel sharman
kira yukimura , twenty three , arden cho
laura hale , twenty eight , phoebe tonkin **
liam dunbar , twenty one , dylan sprayberry
lydia martin , twenty three , holland roden
malia tate , twenty two , shelley hennig
melissa mccall , forty six , melissa ponzio
noah stilinski , fifty , linden ashby
paige krasikeva , twenty five , maia mitchell **
peter hale , forty five , ian bohen
quinn fabray , twenty three , dianna agron **
riley hale , twenty two , zoey deutch / maia mitchell *
scott mccall , twenty three , tyler posey
stiles stilinski , twenty three , dylan o'brien
victor perez , twenty six , diego tinoco
misc :
emma forbes , eternally twenty two , the vampire diaries , madelyn cline * ( extremely selective original verse , reserved for existing threads / plots )
kimberly holloway , twenty two , stranger things , inde navarrette *
1 note · View note
brookston · 1 year ago
Holidays 9.25
Acne Day
Armed Forces Day (Mozambique)
Binge Day
Bruderklausenfest (Obwalden, Switzerland)
Crocus Day (French Republic)
Day of National Recognition for the Harkis (France)
Dominion Day (New Zealand)
Flag Day (Cape Verde)
Franco-Ontarian Day (Canada)
Global Day of Climate Action
Haustmanuour (Iceland)
Hazara Genocide Memorial Day
International Ataxia Awareness Day
International Coaches Day
International Day for Dreamers
Join A Cabal of International Bankers Today Day
Kamarampaka Day (Rwanda)
Math Storytelling Day
Mediterranean Coast Day
National Comic Book Day
National Day of Non Violence (UK)
National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims
National Emergency Medical Services Suicide Awareness Day
National Homage Day of Harkis (France)
National ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ Awareness Day
National John Day
National Math Storytelling Day
National 9 to 5 Day
National Open the Magic Day
National Psychotherapy Day
National Roadkill Day
National Research Administrators Day
National Schnauzer Day
National Tune-Up Day
National Wade Day
National YogaFit Day
National Youth Day (Nauru, Turks and Caicos Islands)
Old Holy Rood Eve
One-Hit Wonder Day
Open the Magic Day
Origin of Life Day
Revolution Day (Mozambique)
Salute the Sun Day (China)
Sandra Day O’Connor Civics Celebration Day (Arizona)
Santa Cruz Day (Bolivia)
Sir Hammer DeRoburt Day (Nauru)
Uno Day
World Ataxia Awareness Day
World Dream Day
World Lung Day
World Pharmacists Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
German Butterbrot Day
National Bakery Day
National Cooking Day
National Crabmeat Newburg Day
National Food Service Employees Day
National Lobster Day [official, also 6.15]
National Quesadilla Day
World’s Biggest Coffee Morning (UK)’
4th & Last Monday in September
American Indian Day (Tennessee) [4th Monday]
CASAColumbia Family Day [4th Monday]
Family and Community Day (ACT, Australia) [Last Monday]
Family Day — A Day To Eat Dinner With Your Children [4th Monday]
National Eat Dinner with Your Family Day [4th Monday]
Independence Days
Canterbury South Province Day (New Zealand)
Dracul (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Present House (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abadir and Iraja and Companions (Coptic Church)
Albino Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Any Port & Lemon in a Storm Day (Pastafarian)
Aunarius (a.k.a. Aunacharius; Christian; Saint)
Anathalon (Archdiocese of Milan; Christian; Saint)
Captain Beefheart Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Cadoc (Christian; Saint)
Ceolfrith (a.k.a. Colfrid; Christian; Saint)
Cleopas (Christian; Saint)
Day of Mercury (Travel Blessing; Pagan)
Euphrosyne of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Nmmu (Sumerian Goddess of Primeval Sea)
Feast of Nariwiinyapah (God of Immortal Water)
Finbarr (a.k.a. Barr; Christian; Saint)
Fermin of Amiens (a.k.a. Firmin; Christian; Saint)
Lancelot Andrewes (Church of England)
Mark Rothko (Artology)
Mme. de Motteville (Positivist; Saint)
Nicholas of Flüe (Christian; Saint) [Switzerland]
Robert Brackman (Artology)
Rudy the Spider (Muppetism)
Samvatsari (Forgiveness Day; Jain)
Sergius of Radonezh (Christian; Saint)
Vincent Strambi (Christian; Saint)
Yom Kippur began last night (Day of Atonement) [10 Tishrei]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Arctic Splashdown (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #2; 1964)
Ava (Film; 2020)
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Pt. 1 (WB Animated Film; 2012)
The Beatles (Animated TV Series; 1965)
Beaucoup of Blues, by Ringo Starr (Album; 1970)
Chariots of Fire (Film; 1981)
Crash Drive or Oedipus Wrecks (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 57; 1960)
Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead (Documentary Film; 2015)
Evita (Broadway Musical; 1979)
Fender Benders ir The Asphalt Jungle (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 58; 1960)
FIshin’ Around (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Freaks and Geeks (TV Series; 1999)
Get Off of My Cloud, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1965)
Going Postal, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2004) [Discworld #33]
Heroes (TV Series; 2006)
Hotel Transylvania 2 (Animated Film; 2015)
The Hustler (Film; 1961)
I’m a Slave 4 U, by Britney Spears (Song; 2001)
The Intern (Film; 2015)
Intruder in the Dust, by William Faulkner (Novel; 1948)
I Wanna Be a Sailor (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
The Last of the Mohicans (Film; 1992)
Magic, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 2007)
Me and Bobby McGee, recoded by Janis Joplin (Song; 1970)
The Mindy Project (TV Series; 2012)
Monstrous Regiment, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2003) [Discworld #31]
Mr. Saturday Night (Film; 1992)
My Girl, recorded by The Temptations (Song; 1964)
The Partridge Family (TV Series; 1970)
The Princess Bride (Film; 1987)
Ramblin’ Man, by The Allman Brothers (Song; 1973)
A Raw Deal or Two Aces and a Pair of Kings (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 163; 1962)
The Rebel, by Albert Camus (Essay; 1951)
Rocky Draws the Line or Who’s Got My Ruler? (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 164; 1962)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Film; 1975)
Ronin (Film; 1998)
Roseanna, by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö (Novel; 1965)
Shark Jaws (Video Game; 1975)
Silver Spoons (TV Series; 1982)
The Story About Ping, by Marjorie Flack (Children’s Book; 1933)
Story of O, by Pauline Réage (Novel; 1954)
Strange Days, by The Doors (Album; 1967)
Stumptown (TV Series; 2019)
Those Were the Days, by Mary Hopkins (Song; 1968)
Utopia (US TV Series; 2020)
The Vanishing Private (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
X, by INXS (Album; 1990)
Young Sheldon (TV Series; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Irmfried, Nikolaus, Serge (Austria)
Sergei (Bulgaria)
Firmin, Kleofa (Croatia)
Zlata (Czech Republic)
Cleophas (Denmark)
Ago, Agu, Agur, Ako, Koido, Koit (Estonia)
Kullervo, Oivi (Finland)
Hermann (France)
Irmfried, Klaus, Serge (Germany)
Evfrosyne, Evfrosyni (Greece)
Eufrozina, Kende (Hungary)
Aurelia, Caterina, Sergio (Italy)
Rauls, Roderiks, Rodrigo, Vingra (Latvia)
Aurelija, Kleopas, Ramvydė, Vaigintas (Lithuania)
Ingvar, Yngvar (Norway)
Aureli, Aurelia, Aurelian, Franciszek, Gaspar, Herkulan, Kamil, Kleofas, Kleopatra, Ładysław, Piotr, Rufus, Świętopełk, Wincenty, Władysław, Władysława, Włodzisław (Poland)
Vladislav (Slovakia)
Aurelia (Spain)
Signild, Tryggve (Sweden)
Rostyslava, Thekla, Thecla, Volodyslav (Ukraine)
Barrie, Barry, Braxton, Moriah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 268 of 2024; 97 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 39 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 11 (Bing-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 10 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 28 Aki; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 12 September 2023
Moon: 80%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 16 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Mme. de Motteville]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 3 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 3 of 30)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year ago
Holidays 9.25
Acne Day
Armed Forces Day (Mozambique)
Binge Day
Bruderklausenfest (Obwalden, Switzerland)
Crocus Day (French Republic)
Day of National Recognition for the Harkis (France)
Dominion Day (New Zealand)
Flag Day (Cape Verde)
Franco-Ontarian Day (Canada)
Global Day of Climate Action
Haustmanuour (Iceland)
Hazara Genocide Memorial Day
International Ataxia Awareness Day
International Coaches Day
International Day for Dreamers
Join A Cabal of International Bankers Today Day
Kamarampaka Day (Rwanda)
Math Storytelling Day
Mediterranean Coast Day
National Comic Book Day
National Day of Non Violence (UK)
National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims
National Emergency Medical Services Suicide Awareness Day
National Homage Day of Harkis (France)
National ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ Awareness Day
National John Day
National Math Storytelling Day
National 9 to 5 Day
National Open the Magic Day
National Psychotherapy Day
National Roadkill Day
National Research Administrators Day
National Schnauzer Day
National Tune-Up Day
National Wade Day
National YogaFit Day
National Youth Day (Nauru, Turks and Caicos Islands)
Old Holy Rood Eve
One-Hit Wonder Day
Open the Magic Day
Origin of Life Day
Revolution Day (Mozambique)
Salute the Sun Day (China)
Sandra Day O’Connor Civics Celebration Day (Arizona)
Santa Cruz Day (Bolivia)
Sir Hammer DeRoburt Day (Nauru)
Uno Day
World Ataxia Awareness Day
World Dream Day
World Lung Day
World Pharmacists Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
German Butterbrot Day
National Bakery Day
National Cooking Day
National Crabmeat Newburg Day
National Food Service Employees Day
National Lobster Day [official, also 6.15]
National Quesadilla Day
World’s Biggest Coffee Morning (UK)’
4th & Last Monday in September
American Indian Day (Tennessee) [4th Monday]
CASAColumbia Family Day [4th Monday]
Family and Community Day (ACT, Australia) [Last Monday]
Family Day — A Day To Eat Dinner With Your Children [4th Monday]
National Eat Dinner with Your Family Day [4th Monday]
Independence Days
Canterbury South Province Day (New Zealand)
Dracul (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Present House (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abadir and Iraja and Companions (Coptic Church)
Albino Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Any Port & Lemon in a Storm Day (Pastafarian)
Aunarius (a.k.a. Aunacharius; Christian; Saint)
Anathalon (Archdiocese of Milan; Christian; Saint)
Captain Beefheart Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Cadoc (Christian; Saint)
Ceolfrith (a.k.a. Colfrid; Christian; Saint)
Cleopas (Christian; Saint)
Day of Mercury (Travel Blessing; Pagan)
Euphrosyne of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Nmmu (Sumerian Goddess of Primeval Sea)
Feast of Nariwiinyapah (God of Immortal Water)
Finbarr (a.k.a. Barr; Christian; Saint)
Fermin of Amiens (a.k.a. Firmin; Christian; Saint)
Lancelot Andrewes (Church of England)
Mark Rothko (Artology)
Mme. de Motteville (Positivist; Saint)
Nicholas of Flüe (Christian; Saint) [Switzerland]
Robert Brackman (Artology)
Rudy the Spider (Muppetism)
Samvatsari (Forgiveness Day; Jain)
Sergius of Radonezh (Christian; Saint)
Vincent Strambi (Christian; Saint)
Yom Kippur began last night (Day of Atonement) [10 Tishrei]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Arctic Splashdown (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #2; 1964)
Ava (Film; 2020)
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Pt. 1 (WB Animated Film; 2012)
The Beatles (Animated TV Series; 1965)
Beaucoup of Blues, by Ringo Starr (Album; 1970)
Chariots of Fire (Film; 1981)
Crash Drive or Oedipus Wrecks (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 57; 1960)
Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead (Documentary Film; 2015)
Evita (Broadway Musical; 1979)
Fender Benders ir The Asphalt Jungle (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 58; 1960)
FIshin’ Around (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Freaks and Geeks (TV Series; 1999)
Get Off of My Cloud, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1965)
Going Postal, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2004) [Discworld #33]
Heroes (TV Series; 2006)
Hotel Transylvania 2 (Animated Film; 2015)
The Hustler (Film; 1961)
I’m a Slave 4 U, by Britney Spears (Song; 2001)
The Intern (Film; 2015)
Intruder in the Dust, by William Faulkner (Novel; 1948)
I Wanna Be a Sailor (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
The Last of the Mohicans (Film; 1992)
Magic, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 2007)
Me and Bobby McGee, recoded by Janis Joplin (Song; 1970)
The Mindy Project (TV Series; 2012)
Monstrous Regiment, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2003) [Discworld #31]
Mr. Saturday Night (Film; 1992)
My Girl, recorded by The Temptations (Song; 1964)
The Partridge Family (TV Series; 1970)
The Princess Bride (Film; 1987)
Ramblin’ Man, by The Allman Brothers (Song; 1973)
A Raw Deal or Two Aces and a Pair of Kings (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 163; 1962)
The Rebel, by Albert Camus (Essay; 1951)
Rocky Draws the Line or Who’s Got My Ruler? (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 164; 1962)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Film; 1975)
Ronin (Film; 1998)
Roseanna, by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö (Novel; 1965)
Shark Jaws (Video Game; 1975)
Silver Spoons (TV Series; 1982)
The Story About Ping, by Marjorie Flack (Children’s Book; 1933)
Story of O, by Pauline Réage (Novel; 1954)
Strange Days, by The Doors (Album; 1967)
Stumptown (TV Series; 2019)
Those Were the Days, by Mary Hopkins (Song; 1968)
Utopia (US TV Series; 2020)
The Vanishing Private (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
X, by INXS (Album; 1990)
Young Sheldon (TV Series; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Irmfried, Nikolaus, Serge (Austria)
Sergei (Bulgaria)
Firmin, Kleofa (Croatia)
Zlata (Czech Republic)
Cleophas (Denmark)
Ago, Agu, Agur, Ako, Koido, Koit (Estonia)
Kullervo, Oivi (Finland)
Hermann (France)
Irmfried, Klaus, Serge (Germany)
Evfrosyne, Evfrosyni (Greece)
Eufrozina, Kende (Hungary)
Aurelia, Caterina, Sergio (Italy)
Rauls, Roderiks, Rodrigo, Vingra (Latvia)
Aurelija, Kleopas, Ramvydė, Vaigintas (Lithuania)
Ingvar, Yngvar (Norway)
Aureli, Aurelia, Aurelian, Franciszek, Gaspar, Herkulan, Kamil, Kleofas, Kleopatra, Ładysław, Piotr, Rufus, Świętopełk, Wincenty, Władysław, Władysława, Włodzisław (Poland)
Vladislav (Slovakia)
Aurelia (Spain)
Signild, Tryggve (Sweden)
Rostyslava, Thekla, Thecla, Volodyslav (Ukraine)
Barrie, Barry, Braxton, Moriah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 268 of 2024; 97 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 39 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 11 (Bing-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 10 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 28 Aki; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 12 September 2023
Moon: 80%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 16 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Mme. de Motteville]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 3 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 3 of 30)
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