The Sward RPG -- 4
Previous responses
Sandhowl pushed the thoughts and memories away and took in the cats around her. Did it really matter all that much if they weren't real? What harm does indulging do? Then, as she looked, she noticed something strange in most of their eyes.
"Are my eyes pink like yours?"
[Note- no water exists in The Sward, so no one was able to see their reflection and pink/yellow pupils until they saw them in the other cats]
@wills-woodland-warriors @ambitiousauthor @indigo-flightly-falls
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come-chaos · 11 months
🎶✨when you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to tag 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Thanks for the tag, @cacodaemonia ! I'm gonna follow the trend and tag people instead of sending asks.
To make things more interesting for myself, I ended up picking only songs from last year:
Amorphis – The Moon (Halo, 2022)
Blind Guardian – Secrets of the American Gods (The God Machine, 2022)
Heilung – Anoana (Drif, 2022)
Lord of the Lost – One Last Song (Blood & Glitter, 2022)
Septicflesh – Neuromancer (Modern Primitive, 2022)
No pressure tags (skipping everyone caco already tagged, haha): @furo-contra-machina @silverxsakura @marloviandevil @trudemaethien @elthadriel @abelunwilling @sandhowl @kaasknot @kartaylirnaak @brokenphoenix99
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abelunwilling · 1 year
last line challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like)
got tagged by @seascribbling, thank yoooou! this excerpt has been lovingly presented by the worms in my brain ❤️
His voice shorts out unexpectedly, like it’s been unplugged at the source, but Crosshair leans his weight into him firmly, as if to anchor him there.
I'm taggingggg @sandhowl @come-chaos @camalyng & anyone else who feels like it 🥰
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cutterl · 2 years
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Sand Howlers
I originally drew these dudes on a post-it note I was using as a bookmark in college a couple years ago. Decided to revisit them because I like their simple designs. They make a whistling howl noise that most travelers assume is just the sound of the wind 🌬
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thenorthernlycan · 7 years
Werewolf + Lycan Info: Breeds
- Luna Oculos (Mooneyes): Shifts around/on crescent moons only, Looks naked, only some fur protects around the face, Can't control their shifts, Bipedal.
- Coureurs Forestiers (Forestrunners): Furry, Can control their shifts but it's difficult, Shifts around/on Full and crescent moons only, Bipedal.
- Dorn Drumeintis (Sunsleeper): Looks like a teddy bear in the face, Quick and less painful/non painful shifts, Have control but anger makes them "Wolf out" or lose their self minds, Shifts around/on full moons, Have markings/symbols, Bipedal.
- Kynigoús Aímatos (Bloodchasers): A ravenous species genetically created by hunters for hunting purposes. They are bonded with vampire DNA, track through blood, and once blood is caught they go on a ravenous hunt for it. They are often joked around being called "Blood hounds", they can only change after a sufficient amount of blood has been consumed. Usually for a few good hours it takes six quarts. Fur is their natural hair color, Short hair, Long snout, Floppy ears, Quadrupedal.
- Loup Garou: Le Loup Garou is from French Canadian folklore that is said to be able to shift into five different forms. Though, due to many different stories Loup Garou could not be a werewolf but more of a shifter with five different forms, or at least a wolf like creature. It originated from French Canadian folklore but is widely known throughout Europe. This breed is said to be able to shift randomly, and can either be bipedal or quadrupedal depending on the form it's in.
- Jãger (Earthwalker): Huge or normal wolf shifts, Painful or non painful shifts, depends on how much control they have, Can shift freely, Quadrupedal.
- Ddannedd Qwyn (Whitefangs): Skinwalker from another area, Shifts around/on full moons.
- Sanguinem Lupus (Skinwalker): Skinwalker, Shifts around/on full moons.
- Cer Deţinătorii (Skykeepers): In variety just as wolf species they appear as different species, except their fur is the color to the metal they are allergic to. They each are bipedal and have a pair of wings. Royals and elders have more than one pair of wings, and they are also able to change at will.
- Tuman Dykhatel Nykh (Fogbreather): Fogbreathers are lycans that live in cold climates so their breath looks like fog, that is how they got their name. They have the easiest time shifting in cold climates or winter. Fogbreathers either have a grey pelt and yellow eyes or their pelt and eye color are based on genetics or their wolf. They feel most comfortable on all fours but they can run on their hind legs if need be. Fogbreathers range from 4-6 ft in length and 3-4 ft high, the size of adults is based on the rank in their pack and/or the size of the local prey.
- Siúlóirí Scáth (Shadowwalkers): Shadowwalkers are lycans with the power of necromancy; they can travel to the underworld, talk to ghosts, etc. They feel most at home in dark parts of a forest. Their pelt colors can be black, dark brown, charcoal, or a mix of any of them. White pelts are rare and that wolf has a ghost form in in the underworld, this is a form of albinism. Shadowwalker eye colors are grey, green and/or brown with accent(s) of red, gold and silver. If a Shadowwalker has some demon blood in them, they may have horns in their wolf form. Shadowwalkers may have a paw print mark on their human form. The best time for shifting is from sunset to sunrise, they can shift during day, but their powers aren't as strong. This is a weakness hunters love to exploit, so training your powers and shifts will help protect against them!
- Ammo Ourlázon (Sandhowlers): Sandhowlers are lycans that like coastal areas. Their diet mainly consists of fish, birds, and small prey. Their pelt and eye color is 100% controlled by genetics. Sandhowlers like being near or in lighthouses and they are often friends with merfolk. Shifting is best at night for them and the most difficult time is midday, but they can improve that with training. Sandhowlers run on four legs and they are really good at jumping. The average size is 4-6 ft long and 3-4 ft tall.
- Rien: Come from a long tradition of blue bloods, meaning royal or high power. There's always been a small section of them at once. Their fur tends to be silky, soft, but also very thick. They also have definitive colors as well, mostly either jet black with hints of brown, or ice white with hints of golden orange. They are taller and bigger than average wolves, their eyes are also very bright turning colors of ice blue, gold, and green. They have a very fascinating history as well. Both bipedal and quadrupedal, and tend to stay bipedal unless hunting.
Three pieces of information came from: @lycanwitch, and @howlingpines 
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The Sward RPG -- 2
Sandhowl (me) [base]
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Raisel (@wills-woodland-warriors)
Bouncefur (@elementaldeityoffood)
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Laureldawn (@ambitiousauthor)
Flashcry (@indigo-flightly-falls)
At last, the cats see another individual!
~~Responses v~~
Raisel shakes his head, once, twice, and a third time. and yet the outline of a cat is still there. Heart pounding, he started running towards the cat. 
The sand and sharp gravel beneath him cut into his paws, and he dodged around the sharp straggly “trees” growing out of the ground. 
The cat was still there, and he ran as fast as he could. Their back was facing him, and Raisel skidded to a stop. The sand beneath him and momentum he’d been building, however, did not help him and before he knew it he barrelled into the cat, slamming into them and knocking both of them to the ground with a hiss. 
"Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit." Bouncefur had stopped dead in their tracks as they squinted at a familiar looking shape. Another cat. A real one this time. They bounded over quickly, skidding to a stop as they noticed a few more shapes, one of which had barreled into the original shape. Oh crap, maybe they were in over their head. Was this a gang? Were there gangs in this place? The ginger tabby was hesitant, but started sneaking closer to see.
Laureldawn plopped down and sighed, rolling her eyes at the newcomer’s enthusiasm. “Keep your fur on. I won’t kill you. The others might, but I probably won’t.”
Flashcry stumbles through the broken and rotted trees, finally having seen the shadow of another cat. He hardly dares to hope that this one is real, after so long of no interaction.
But it is real this time, and his unsteady paws carry him in a trance to see exactly who he's meeting.
Sandhowl flicked her ears. Was that a startled yowl she heard in the distance? Beyond that, voices? She doubted it was anything other than her mind, or the land playing tricks on her, or even hope driving her to hallucinate, but what was there to lose in investigating? Taking a breath, she padded in the direction she was sure the noise had come from.
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The Sward -- part 2: Eyes
The group was discouraged when no one seemed to know of a way out of the barren land–or even if there was a place out at all. But the fact that they were now surrounded by other cats sparked hope that none of them had held for a long time.
When no one could answer her question, Sandhowl went on. “I’m clearly dead.” She spared a glance at the foam curling over her bottom lip. “Would I be wrong to assume that this is the Dark Forest?”
Flashcry sighed, letting his shoulders fall. He tried not to think about the deep scars carved into his belly and legs, or how they had been bleeding a trail behind him for as long as he had been there. Which was…Stars, he had no idea how much time had passed. But one thing was for certain: he was well and truly dead.
“That is where we appear to be,” he muttered. “Thought it’d be a bit more of a forest.”
Raisel opened his jaws. “Well, there’s a considerable lack of a forest,” he commented, words overlapping with Flashcry’s observation, though the other tom didn’t seem to mind the interruption. “I should bring that up with someone when we get out of here.” He tilted his head, licking his bloodied paw. “Eh, it’s better than StarClan. I could do without the sand though, but sacrifices have to be made, I assume.” 
He plopped down in front of the white cat, rolling onto his back with his paws in the air, the drying wet-red sand falling off of them in clumps. What a day….or was it a week?
When Sandhowl proposed the question, Bouncefur had flinched with such intensity, it almost had them leaping off of the ground. They blinked hard for several heartbeats, unable to believe the possibility. It was only worse that every other cat seemed to agree that that…place...was really where they were. 
“The Dark Forest?” they gasped, finally able to speak. “But I didn’t do anything wrong!” Their  tail swished in a panic. “This has to be a mistake. A bad dream, right?....Though it’d be an awful long dream….” They eventually sank down on the rough gravel, putting their chin on their paws as they thought. Eventually, the ginger cat looked up with a furrow of their brow. “Why are you fellows here then? I thought we were ‘sposta wander around the Dark Forest alone forever or somethin’ like that.”
Laureldawn carefully resisted the urge to smack the ginger she-cat. “I did what I had to do,” she muttered, almost a growl.
Bouncefur was completely oblivious to the she-cat’s urge, and shook their head. “I mean like, why are we all together if we’re ‘sposta be wandering alone ‘n stuff.” They rested their head back down, humming in thought. “Unless this really is just a really, really long dream and I’m gonna wake back up to see my family again. I mean, one time I had a really long dream where I was a kit again and grew up to be an elder all in one dream! It felt really real too.”
Sandhowl couldn’t stop herself from staring at the ginger cat, a slithering horror crawling up her skin. The cat’s words, their mannerisms, it was reminiscent of someone she had known in life–someone she would rather forget, but who had haunted her dreams since the beginning. She considered their words. Maybe she really was trapped in a dream. Or a nightmare, surrounded by cats that resembled her victims but different enough to give her false hope.
She pushed the thoughts and memories away and took in the cats around her. Did it really matter all that much if they weren’t real? What harm does indulging do? Then, as she looked, she noticed something strange in their eyes.
“Are my eyes pink like yours?”
“‘Pink’?” Bouncefur repeated, tilting their head in response to the rather unexpected question. They stretched their neck toward the sandy she-cat to get a better look, not noticing as Sandhowl leaned away from her. “Uuuuuuuh, yeah, sorta.”  They pulled their neck back. “Wonder what that means…” The ginger cat hummed in thought again, before springing up, opening their mouth to speak before swiftly closing it again. The thought had been lost.
Meanwhile, Raisel tilted his head to the side, examining the cats around him. Their eyes were varying shades of pinks. “I’m assuming it’s unlikely we all got hit in the face with a branch, so it has to mean something. There’s definitely something more to this place,” he went on, “when I was trai…” he trailed off, correcting himself. “...listening to the stories, there were always trees and monsters. So how do we find them?”
“‘Monsters’?” Sandhowl repeated, alarmed. Were there Thunderpaths here, and she didn’t know it? Or…she shivered…did those great beasts travel wherever they wanted here, round black paws crushing anything in their path. 
Raisel nodded before realizing most of these cats around him were most likely from Clans. Well, that’s awkward. “Er, no…well, maybe? I actually don’t know if those kinds would be here. Do you think Twolegs go to the Dark Forest?” He glanced behind him, now picturing hoards of Twolegs grabbing at them with their bony, furless long paws. He shivered before continuing. “The stories my group would tell were more so of cats so thin, they were just skeletons, wandering the forest and ready to leap at you. They were said to be so old that your paws would crunch through their bones, but that they’d swarm in hoards, kinda like ghosts. And they were here to torment the cats sent to the Dark Forest.”
Fearful murmuring broke out among the group.
Laureldawn sighed a very heavy sigh, tired of these guessing games and kit-tales. “The pink means murderer," she told them all.
There are more responses beyond this seen on Prompt 4, but I figured this was a good place to pause for the story.
Flashcry belongs to @indigo-flightly-falls
Laureldawn belongs to @ambitiousauthor
Raisel belongs to @wills-woodland-warriors
Bouncefur belongs to @elementaldeityoffood
Sandhowl (me)
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My own character!
I will be playing her in the rpg, but I will put out there that she is nothing like me, so anything bad she does is on her!
Base: F2U Longhair Cat Base 3.0 by Mimikkrow on DeviantArt
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The Sward Cast
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Local idiot who isn't entirely sure why they're in the Dark Forest (it's because they had kits with an outsider in a time where StarClan was very, very strict about it. They've been wandering the Sward for Quite A While).
They miss their family immensely.
Their CoD is unknown.
Player: @elementaldeityoffood
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Loving she-cat who killed pregnant queens to protect their kits from a bad future. She has been wandering The Sward for an unknown amount of time.
Her CoD is unknown.
Player: @ambitiousauthor
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She's extroverted and good in social situations no matter how bad she feels on the inside, but she might act strangely around other cats. After all, she has been wandering The Sward for little under 32 years (384 moons).
She was born and lived in the original SkyClan before it died out.
CoD: poisoned.
Player: me
Appearance: TBA
He has scars across his belly and legs that leave trails of blood, a mark of his death.
He has been wandering The Sward for an unknown amount of time.
Player: @indigo-flightly-falls
Appearance: TBA
He has been wandering The Sward for an unknown amount of time.
CoD: unknown
Player: @wills-woodland-warriors
Feel more than welcome to let me know things you want to add about them, including the designs for ones that don't have them yet (no rush btw)!
Laurel's base
Sand's base
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The Sward -- Part 1: The Meeting
The land was a maze, nothing like any of the inhabitants wandering it had seen or experienced before. Grey-ish sand stretched endlessly in all directions. There was no grass to sooth paw pads and no moss to make beddings, only sandy and grey rocks that lay clustered or spread in random patterns on the ground. There was no shelter either. The only trees present were long and thin blackened trunks with no branches or leaves, yet they creaked as if they had thousands of outstretched limbs caught in a storm.
Despite the horizon being clear of obstacles, no cat could see the way out. It was only the trees, the sand, and the rocks. 
Some of them had freshly arrived, others had been wandering for moons, even possibly years. In all that time, none of them had seen another cat’s face, only glimpses of shadows too far away to notice or too quick to disappear for anyone to realize what it was that they had seen–or to believe that it had been real.
But one day, five lost souls converged in the direction of the largest spindly tree, either hoping to climb it and spot a way out, to give themself a goal to work towards, or by utter luck, and the lone cats would not meet one face for the first time in a long one, but four.
First it was glimpses that they, at this point, began to tell themselves were simple tricks of the mind or land. But the closer they grew, the more solid those figures became.
Flashcry stumbled through the broken and rotted trees, finally having seen the shadow of another cat. He hardly dared to hope that this one is real, after so long of no interaction. But it is real this time, and his unsteady paws carry him in a trance to see exactly who he's meeting. Are they hostile? Are they dangerous? He can hardly bring himself to care, so long as he can see another face.
Raisel shook his head, once, twice, and a third time. and yet the outline of a cat was still there. Heart pounding, he started running towards the shape.The sand and sharp gravel beneath him cut into his paws, and he dodged around the sharp scraggly “trees” growing out of the ground. The cat was still there–not a trick, not yet–and he ran as fast as he could, never taking his eyes off of the figure, too afraid that it would disappear the moment he looked away. Their back was facing him, and Raisel skidded to a stop. The sand beneath him and momentum he’d been building, however, did not help him and before he knew it he barrelled into the cat, slamming into them and knocking both of them to the ground with a hiss.
Meanwhile, Bouncefur, a ginger cat, had stopped dead in their tracks as they squinted at a familiar looking shape. “Oh StarClan, oh StarClan, oh StarClan,” they breathed repeatedly, unable to do or think of anything else for several more heartbeats. 
Another cat. A real one this time. 
They bounded over quickly, skidding to a stop as they noticed a few more shapes, one of which had barreled into the original shape. Oh crap, maybe they were in over their head. Was this a gang? Were there gangs in this place? The ginger tabby was hesitant, but started sneaking closer to see.
Sandhowl flicked her ears. Was that a startled yowl she heard in the distance? Beyond that, voices? She doubted it was anything other than her mind, or the land playing tricks on her, or even hope driving her to hallucinate, but what was there to lose in investigating? Taking a breath, she padded in the direction she was sure the noise had come from.
To say that Flashcry was startled was beyond an understatement. He had not so much as glimpsed the hair of another cat in as long as he had been in this awful place, and in one instance a body had barreled into him, sending him to the ground with the air run out of him. He hissed against the weight of the body above him and it hissed as well, clearly pained, before scrambling back. 
Flashcry stared, eyes wide, at the ‘attacker,’ then back at the figure that had held his attention. It moved closer now, near enough for him to see that it was a black cat with light blue eyes. 
The black cat looked at the both of them, clearly just as surprised to see another living creature, then her gaze flicked up, behind either tom. 
Flashcry followed it, and was surprised even further to see yet another cat staring at them. Their ginger fur was lifted slightly, and their eyes seemed wary and uncertain. 
The black cat, Laureldawn, plopped down and sighed, rolling her eyes at the newcomer’s alarm. “Keep your fur on. I won’t kill you. The others might, but I probably won’t.”
Flashcry’s ears pricked at the sound of another voice. For a few heartbeats, he said nothing, only drank in it like it was cold water in the middle of a drought.
Then his attention shifted to the fluffy ginger cat that seemed to tense up at any interaction. Maybe they were just as unfamiliar with the sound and sight of other cats as he was. Curious, he padded up to them, trying his best to seem nonthreatening. "What's your name?" He asked, titling his head and ignoring how strange it was to hear himself speak.
Bouncefire opened their mouth, dry from a lack of use, to respond, but cut themself off when yet another cat, pale as the ground, neared the group cautiously.
“Well,” they said, eyes blinking, “this is unexpected. I don’t suppose any of you know the way out of here?”
Sometimes interactions aren't too-too clear, but I think+hope I did well in writing it down as a story.
To make it clear:
Flashcry saw Laureldawn and his attention was on her, and that's why his back was to Raisel.
Raisel saw Flashcry first and ran to him, and their moment of impact was witnessed by both Laureldawn and Bouncefire (who I'm guessing saw Flashcry first as well, given that he is noted to be the 'original shape'), and heard by Sandhowl.
Let me know if you think anything should be different!
Flashcry belongs to @indigo-flightly-falls
Laureldawn belongs to @ambitiousauthor
Raisel belongs to @wills-woodland-warriors
Bouncefur belongs to @elementaldeityoffood
Sandhowl (me)
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Known Sandhowl Lore
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Aliases / Nicknames: ??
Gender: she-cat
Sexuality: pansexual
Family: ?? (at least two bio parents)
Other Relations: ?? (at least one mentor)
Clan: SkyClan (gorge)
Rank: warrior(?)
Characteristics: ??
Murder Motive: ?? (did she murder??)
Number of Victims: (??)
Number of Murders: ??
Murder Method: ??
Known Victims: ??
Victim Profile: ??
Cause of Death: ?? (I'm thinking poisoned)
Cautionary Tale: ??
Additional Information: 
Next to nothing is currently known about her story. I have several strong ideas, but these are what the rest of the cast knows about her: jack squat. That goes with the others too, and their stories will be developed and revealed throughout the rpg.
[The only one the rest of us know more about is Laureldawn, who has a profile, but the cast doesn't know about that].
What I will say about her is that she will act super charismatic and extroverted, but it's a front she puts up--much how she pretends to love her scars but in reality hates them.
EDIT: I might make her closely, maybe directly, related to canon cats
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I do recognize that those pelts are more golden than Sandhowl’s but they match the best and I also recognize that there are cats outside of the Clan that match
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The Sward RPG--3
The group was discouraged when no one knew of a way out of this place--or even if there was a place out at all--but the fact that they were now surrounded by other cats sparked hope none of them had held in a long time.
When no one could answer her question, Sandhowl went on. "I'm clearly dead." She glanced at the foam curling over her bottom lip. "Would I be wrong to assume that this is the Dark Forest?"
Responses (thus far, to make understanding easier):
Flashcry -> Flashcry sighed, letting his shoulders fall. He tried not to think about the scars carved into his belly and legs, and how they had been bleeding a trail behind him as long as he had been there. He was well and truly dead
"That is where we appear to be." He muttered. "Thought it'd be a bit more of a forest."
Raisel -> ”Well, there’s a considerable lack of a forest..[possibly said at the same time]. I should bring that up with someone when we get out here.” Raisel tilted his head, licking his bloodied paw. “Eh, it’s better than StarClan. I could do without the sand though, but sacrifices have to be made I assume.” Raisel plopped down in front of the white cat, rolling onto his back with his paws in the air, the drying wet-red sand falling off of them in clumps. What a day… or was it a week?
Bouncefur -> "The Dark Forest!? But I didn't do nothing wrong!" Bouncefur cried out, tail swishing in a panic. "This has to be a mistake. A bad dream right? Though it'd be an awful long dream..." They eventually sank down, putting their chin on their paws as they thought. The ginger cat eventually looked up, furrowing their brow. "Why are you guys here then? I thought we were sposta wander around the Dark Forest alone forever or somethin like that."
Laureldawn -> Laureldawn carefully resisted the urge to smack Bouncefur. “I did what I had to do.”
Bouncefur (2) -> Bouncefur was completely oblivious to the she-cat's urge, and shook their head. "I mean like. Why are we all together if we're sposta be wandering alone n stuff." They rested their head back down, humming in thought. "Unless this really Is just a really, really long dream and I'm gonna wake back up to see my family again. I mean one time I had a really long dream where I was a kit again and grew up to be an elder all in one dream! It felt really real too
Sandhowl -> Sandhowl couldn't stop herself from staring at the ginger she-cat, a slithering horror crawling up her skin. The cat's words, her mannerisms, it was reminiscent of someone she had known in life--someone she would rather forget, but who had haunted her dreams since the beginning. She considered her words. Maybe she really was trapped in a dream. Or nightmare, surrounded by cats that resembled her victims but different enough to give her false hope
Flashcry belongs to @indigo-flightly-falls
Laureldawn belongs to @ambitiousauthor
Raisel belongs to @wills-woodland-warriors
Bouncefur belongs to @elementaldeityoffood
Sandhowl (me)
[More are welcome!]
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come-chaos · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @brokenphoenix99 and @indira-korr! Thank you both!
First ship: Uhhh, Aragorn/Legolas, mayyybe? Or Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon? Actually, I may have lowkey shipped Asterix/Obelix before that, haha.
Three ships: The ones I think about the most at moment would be poly!Bad Batch and Daniel/Teal'c. Garazeb/Kallus was a big part of last year for me.
Last song: Untitled as of now, but I was working on it earlier today. It's a ballad inspired by my feelings of sadness regarding Daniel Jackson's (perfectly reasonable and well-executed) character development, because I'm a small whiny child that doesn't like change and wants him to remain a clumsy little dork forever. But in general, it's about wanting good people to remain good and not give in to bitterness.
Last movie: Good question. I almost exclusively watch shows these days. Hm. I did watch Woman in Motion a while ago, which is a documentary about Nichelle Nichols and her work with NASA. It was very touching, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes Star Trek and documentaries.
Currently reading: An actual book, for a change. Namely, Kalevala. I just finished the part where Ilmarinen tries to pawn off his awful metal sex doll on his poor bro Väinö.
Currently consuming: Masala chai, as is my custom.
Currently craving: Something with which to fix my dry mouth problem so my vocal recordings won't be ruined by mouth clicks anymore.
Tagging: Oof, I always feel so awkward about tagging people. Uhh, @odekiisu, @valkeakuulas, @abelunwilling, @sandhowl, @eelfuneral, @trudemaethien, @oriki-miitad.
Please ignore if you've already been tagged five hundred times or if you just don't feel like doing the thing, haha!
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abelunwilling · 2 years
WIP game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
Tagged by @indira-korr & @marbled-polecat, thanks pals!
Oh god preparing to out myself a lot here...... I will bold the ones that are actively being worked on and italicise the ones that are shelved indefinitely.
“long ride home” [Crosshair/Echo, SW:TBB]
“this small, but stubborn fire” ch.4 [Ryo/Shuuji, Digimon: Survive]
“the making of orphans” [Nala Se character study]
untitled [Crosshair/Wrecker, SW:TBB]
“run the numbers” [Cid character study?!/!?! WAIT WHAT??? I FORGOT THIS EXISTED]
“thicker than water” [Kallus/Zeb SW:Rebels]
“faux pas” [Eli/Thrawn, SW]
“lucky” [Echo/Rex/Fives SW]
“a slice of life” [poly!TBB modern AU (but kinda weird)]
untitled [Eli/Thrawn, SW “modern” AU (but SUPER weird)]
“altitude” [TBB gen]
I have 3 other “active” WIPs but they’re for a gift exchange so I must keep them TOP SECRET for security reasons. :x If you want a teeny tiny hint send me a 1, 2 or a 3 and know they are all Mass Effect-related. \o/
I simply can’t in good conscience tag as many people as I have WIPs but uhhhhh @sandhowl @camalyng @come-chaos @coinin @nephilimswitchlight and anyone else who has not yet been pestered (or has but needs extra encouragement) \o/
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