#sanders sides seasons au
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Pre-AA Virgil save me
Save me
Save me Pre-AA Virgil
time taken: 2 ½ hours
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So @starshard17 has this Seasons AU that breaks my heart in a good way TTwTT I know their AU doesn't have facial hair but... this gives me a fun chance to draw them with floof hair AND beards at the sdame time so.... ( >3>)
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stardustsides · 1 year
i haven’t posted any writing in a while, so here’s a snippet from one of my wips, in which medium!virgil meets ghost!patton for the first time :))
He had been three years old, and had somehow managed to wriggle out of his mother’s line of sight and wander the graveyard out back, his beloved stuffed black cat clutched in his chubby fist. As he toddled over the uneven earth and roots, tripping occasionally, he noticed a man perched on the old wooden bench under the weeping willow.
The first thing that struck Virgil at the time was how sad the man seemed. Sadder than anyone he’d ever seen, he thought, even though he didn’t seem to be crying. This perplexed Virgil, because it was his understanding that sad people were supposed to cry. He watched for a moment as the man stared out at the copse of trees among the graves, letting out a sigh so full of despair that Virgil could feel his heart get heavier.
The second thing that he noticed was the man’s appearance. He was young, maybe thirty, with round cheeks and large eyes that drifted over the graveyard, lost in thought. He wore a well-loved gray cable knit sweater, fraying at the edges, and a round pair of wire-rimmed glasses perched on his nose. But what caught his attention was his alarming lack of color. It looked like someone had cut him out of an old photograph and pasted him on the bench. His skin was a worrying shade of grey that matched the clouds in the November sky.
The grey man’s gaze fell on Virgil, and he smiled a bit, if only to himself. Virgil was much bolder as a toddler than he was as a teenager, and he certainly didn’t want the man to be sad, and so he lifted up his small hand and waved.
“H’lo, Mid-ster!” He called over to the grey man, who startled so violently he nearly fell off the bench. He stared at Virgil, open-mouthed, and whipped his head around this way and that, making sure that there was nobody else around.
Perplexed by this reaction, Virgil decided to try a different tactic. He raised the small stuffed cat up high in the air. “D’is my kitty, Mittens!” He said, raising his little voice higher. “My mommy gave her to me.”
The grey man only seemed to grow more shocked. “Are—are you talking to me?” He asked haltingly. His voice was raspy, as though he had an awful cough. Virgil frowned.
“Ya!” He replied. “I’m Vir-gil.” This was how his mother had taught him to politely introduce himself to adults.
“You can—y-you can see me?” He asked, voice hitching up, clearly on the verge of tears. Virgil shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t like it when people cried.
“Ya,” he responded. Then: “Don’ cry. I’m sorry.”
The grey man got up and slowly, almost dreamlike, walked toward Virgil and knelt down to eye level. Up close, Virgil could see that his skin was see-through; the bench was still visible through his torso. His dark eyes were shiny with tears threatening to spill onto his freckled cheeks. “…a medium,” he whispered to himself. Virgil felt confused at the word, but was more concerned about the sad man. “…Virgil, you said your name was?”
“Yuh,” he said, holding Salem tighter. He vaguely remembered that his mother told him not to talk to strangers, but there was something comforting about the man, odd and otherworldly as he was.
“I’m Patton,” the man said, staring at Virgil in amazement. Then, all of a sudden, it was as though a switch had flicked on his head, his melancholic demeanor replaced by a more concrete concern. “How old are you? What are you doing out here alone?”
“T’wee,” Virgil responded with pride. “I live here.”
“Where are your parents?”
“My mommy’s inside makin’ lunch. I don’ have a daddy.”
Even as a toddler, Virgil could sense the shift that took place in Patton at those last words. The depressed glaze over his eyes was gone in a blink, and suddenly the ghost before him—though Virgil didn’t yet know he was one—seemed all the more alive.
“Oh,” he breathed, brown eyes suddenly sparkling. Virgil blinked. The man’s colors were still muted, but there were colors, now. His sweater was a faint baby blue, and his cheeks were rosy from the cold. “Okay, sweetheart. Well, you should get back to your mommy. I’ll take you to her, okay?”
“‘Kay,” Virgil responded, going to grab for his hand. His own passed right through it, like water. Virgil looked up, confused. “Are you real? Or ‘maginary?”
“I’m real,” Patton said, and Virgil believed him. “But I think only you can see me.”
“Oh,” Virgil said. And then: “Why?”
Patton paused, contemplating. “Because you’re a very special little boy, I think.”
Beaming with pride, Virgil toddled back to the old house with his stuffed cat and a ghost.
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starshard17 · 1 year
Royality Week ❤️🩵
Day 7 Cuddles/Fluffy
Fic and Art beneath the cut <3
Another addition to my Seasons AU
A/N: Warning, it is a little sad, but I tried to get the fluff in there at the end <3
As days passed, work droned on. They both knew their jobs were important. It insured that each season ran properly in the human realm. But all the two could think of was each other, and how they yearned to be together.
There were two very distinct temperatures on each side of their border, Winter being cold, and Spring being warm.
They would meet there together as soon as the work day ended, holding hands and exchanging loving words.
However one day, that wasn't enough for Winter. He yearned to be closer to his love, Spring. So without a second thought to it, he crossed the border that divided them, the heat already pounding down on him.
He shook it off, trudging through the plush leaves and flowers that littered the ground, coloring it pink.
"Goodness... I had no idea it'd be quite so warm..." Patton muttered to himself, feeling as though he was melting under the hard gaze of the sun.
He took to his knees, resting in the shade of a helpful cherry tree, head coming to lay on the trunk.
"I will only be a moment... then I will come and find you my love..." He shut his eyes, the heat lulling him into a deep sleep.
When Winter awoke, he found himself laying in fluffy light blue snow. He sat himself up, hand coming to his forehead. He turned when he heard a gasp of relief.
"Oh thank the stars you're alright!" A pink figure sitting beside him exclaimed, moving closer and taking his hand. "I found you passed out beneath one of the cherry trees, and took you back to your half as soon as I saw you."
Winter frowned, hand gently squeezing Spring's. "I was coming to see you..." He explained, pressing their foreheads together.
Spring, Roman, shut his eyes as their foreheads met, holding his hands tight. "You know I come to visit you at the border every night... could you not have waited an hour more? At least then, you would have been safe."
Patton shook his head, arms wrapping around Roman's neck. "No, I wanted to be with you. Playing in the fields of flowers and holding each other close."
Spring frowned at this. "You could've died in the heat from just a few minutes on my side. I do not want to risk losing you for a few mere minutes."
Winter thought on his words then reluctantly sighed. "I understand."
For a few days, their routines returned to normal, with them completing their daily tasks and meeting at night at the border.
One fateful night, Winter came to the border with a plan.
"Join me on my side." Patton pleaded, hands holding Roman's to his chest.
"Will I not freeze, and wilt away like my precious flowers?" He questions, eyes filled with yearning along with worry.
"I am able to take care of each lovely bud you have gifted to me. I am certain that I can keep you safe. It doesn't have to be for very long." He said in an attempt to coerce him, eyes shining with longing.
Eventually Spring relents, timidly stepping into the fluffy snow.
For the first few moments everything is fine, but then frost began to form on Spring's delicate skin.
Not wanting to have to separate so soon, Winter pulls Spring to a patch of trees. The two step into a small garden like area, full of frozen flowers.
"This is always the warmest place in my region. Surely you will be okay here." Patton explains, thumb gently touching a patch of frost on Roman's cheek.
Spring flinches a bit as the frost spreads and Winter is quick to remove his hand from his cheek.
In a moment of desperation, Winter removes his jacket, wrapping it around Spring and holding him close, hoping that would be enough to keep him warm.
"Patton I do not think this will work..." He muttered, growing weaker by the second. "You must take me back."
"I refuse!" Winter cried, hugging him as close as he could. "I want to be with you!"
"But we can't be together. Not like this anyway. I need to be in spring."
And so, with a heavy heart, Patton carried Roman back to his side of the border, gently placing him in the petals.
The frost slowly melted off of his cheeks and gradually he regained his strength. However, Winter watched with tears in his eyes.
"I did not mean to harm you."
Roman gave him a warm smile, sitting himself up fully and taking Patton's hands.
"I know my love. All you want is to be with me. I wish to be with you too. But it's dangerous. Until we find a safe way to cross, we must remain separated. Our only form of contact being here. At the border."
"I wish for more." Patton cried, hand touching his cheek once again. "I yearn for more."
"I know... I promise you, I will find a way."
Patton cried softly, their foreheads pressing to each other’s.
"I am here for you. Always, my sweet, beautiful snowflake." Roman mumbled softly.
And in that moment he couldn't help himself. He pressed their lips together, a delicate burning sensation between them.
As he pulled back, his now frost-bitten lips turned up at the corners, smiling so fondly at the man before him.
"Oh Roman your lips I... I've hurt you again..." Patton uttered quietly, icy tears falling down his cheeks, freezing to his face.
Roman shook his head, smile still strong as he teared up a little. "I will be okay... it is a short moment of pain in exchange for a lovely, lasting memory. And right now, I only wish to do it more and more. Because I need you. All of you. In any way I can get..."
Winter hugged Spring just as close as he could, the two sharing soft, delicate kisses until the sun came up. Tears rolling down each of their cheeks but smiles on their lips.
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blackoutbugza · 1 month
so i was pondering this one incorrect quote
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and that got me thinking…
slight spoilers ahead for later seasons of both sanders sides and the magnus archives!!
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crossover au, anyone? :)
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bailey-orphic08 · 10 months
Okay, so- I have this Sander Sides AU that I've had for a long while now. And I think it would be neat to share it with you. I might also make several posts about it. So let me introduce you to:
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Sanders Switched is an AU in which the sides' "roles" are switched around. To elaborate, their function (Logan as logic, Patton as morality, ect.) remains the same. Thomas' perception of them is what changes. So where Logan is the voice of reason in canon, another side would take his place. Here's all the sides in Sanders Switched:
Janus: Janus takes the role of Patton as the kind authority figure. He's seen as Thomas' self-preservation and always puts his safety and well-being above all else. He's a sort of motherly figure to the other sides, constantly caring about their well-being and acting as if he's older than them. He's much sweeter than OG Janus, but he still has a sassy side, and lives for gossip.
Remus: Remus takes Roman's role as Thomas' source of inspiration. He is seen as Thomas' comedic side and encourages Thomas to have as much fun as possible. Rather than being a Duke, he presents as a jester. He has issues with his impulsivity, and his jokes tend to be morbid and often mean, but he's overall harmless and much more tame than OG Remus.
The Orange Side: Obviously, I can't say exactly what the Orange Side will be, since we haven't been introduced to him yet. But based off what we do know, I place him in Logan's role as the voice of reason. Assuming he represents wrath of some sort--which is impossible not to believe at this point--he would probably be seen as Thomas' motivation, pushing him to get his work done.
Roman: Most people would probably switch Roman and Remus and make Remus, "good creativity," and Roman, "bad creativity." BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? I'M COMPLICATED AND UNIQUE. So Roman takes the place of Virgil as the original, "antagonist." He is seen as Thomas' pride that pushes delusions that keep Thomas from growing as a person. He arrogant and rude, and claims he is a King rather than a Prince. Because of this, none of the sides really like him at all, with the exception of Janus. But near the end of season one, we discover that Roman only really wanted Thomas to achieve his dreams, and that most of his cockiness hid his secret insecurities. And after Thomas and the other sides realize how important he is, Roman is officially accepted as part of the group.
Patton: Patton takes the role of Janus as the antagonist to all of Thomas' beliefs and the possible leader of the dark sides. He is seen as Thomas' overbearing moral code that constantly tries push harsh rules rooted in Catholic Christianity onto Thomas and the other sides. He is extremely passive aggressive and overly judgmental towards the sides he deems, "wrong." Almost everything he says is a critisism of something Thomas or the other sides do. Despite being so harsh however, he loves puns and making jokes just as much the OG Patton, and loves to torture Logan with his puns.
Logan: Logan takes Remus' place as the bad influence Thomas tries to ignore. He is seen as Thomas' inner critique who judges Thomas for everything he does. He insists that Thomas' lifestyle is, "childish," and that he should abandon it for a, "mature," way of living so that he can live, "a normal, healthy life." He is extremely judgmental and criticizes all the sides for the smallest of details, making everyone hate him, even Janus. Despite this, he generally harmless, and he can easily be ignored.
Virgil: Virgil takes the Orange Side's place as the mysterious secret side that the fandom makes a million theories about. I can't fully explain who he would be, since, again, we haven't been introduced to the Orange Side yet. But for now, he still represents Thomas' anxiety. And when he reveals himself, he will call Thomas and all the sides out on their BS.
That's all for now. It isn't fully developed, and things will surely change when the Orange Side finally does reveal himself. But there's still a lot of things I would like to share. So please let me know if you want know more!
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ravenlikesbooks · 5 months
Introduction wheee!!!!
Ello ello ello! I'm Raven! Aroace, any pronouns are fine though I do have a preference towards neopronouns and they/them. We're plural but also who knows what's going on up here 😅 most of the time if we're posting it'll be me anyways.
PLEASE DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TALK TO US!!!! If you send an ask we will love you forever.
We have an Ao3 account where we post occasionally: Ravenpuff99
The Empires Epic AU is an au where we took empires characters (primarily season one at the moment but as more characters are needed crossing into season two is very likely) and made them epic the musical! Slowly working on drawings and possibly eventual animatics :D please talk to us about it!!
Mutuals are welcome to dm us or ask for our discord. Or both. Or not! We're not the boss of you
I've been hyperfixated on Geminitay since about 2020, so pretty much any mcyt series or SMP she has been a part of feel free to talk to me about!
On other notes, we are primarily into Hermitcraft, Skyblock Kingdoms, and Epic the Musical. Other fandoms we engage with are empires, the life series, sanders sides, and occasionally dream smp.
Please don't engage us in discourse!!! No real DNI but we do block liberally!
One final thank you to our best friend and queerplatonic partner @celestialgreen for drawing our pfp, as well as our friend @marsypooxoxo for creating the banner!
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(by @/lgbtq-userboxes)
Tagging system below cut (will be updated over time), important ones will be coloured in blue:
#cool arts (: - literally any art. drawing, writing, cosplay, textile, music, you name it
#qpp tag: things about our qpr or that remind us of it!!!! "sunny tag" and "star tag" for specific qpps
#not kid friendly - (pt: not kid friendly) for anyone who age regresses or has a little in their system, this tag is for anything that you would not want to see while little (or don't want a child alter coming across it on my blog). This includes the obvious such as anything explicit or overly suggestive, an excess of gore or violence, large amounts of swearing, etc. A lot of it will be based on my own judgement as an older sibling, cousin, and someone who has spent many years watching young children, but if I don't tag something you think should be tagged please bring it up with me
#empires epic au - my epic the musical x empires smp au!! Please feel free to ask about it!
#art things / writing things - these tags specifically refer to memes or things around the actual process or creating art, not actual art (though some may be informational comics idk depends on the day)
#friends' writing - writing that a friend of mine made, not just somebody I found or admire (same goes with the art version)
#keys' writing - writing specifically done by @darubyprincx (currently @syn4k) because I like it and it's my blog
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yullalightk · 30 days
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(Past designs)
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(New designs)
There is no other way to express how much I love sanders sides! I am thankful for it's amazing characters, the lore, the attention and care Thomas and his friends put into making these episodes I can't thank them enough for making this show. Sure I have some criticism of my own but it's nothing serious and I can always go to make my own au or read some fanfics abt the sanders sides!
This series helped me a lot during summer vacation and it made me not to lose hope in my life, one of my favorite episodes is a date with disaster, which really got me into being more productive in my life. Plus we got more Logan screen time! it made me love both Logan and Remus. Remus especially was difficult cause he embodies what I hate and fear but I don't have to like him because of his actions but because of how hilarious he is as a cartoony villain and still be threatning.
I love the other characters too! like Janus who is my absolute favorite cause to me he is really well written. He is kind of an antihero imop and he really does care for Thomas. Patton is a fatherly figure who can be a man child but can be smart when he wants to be, and that makes me love him even more. Virgl is reletable as heck! and I definetly ship him with Roman, it's my first ship and I will cherish it until I die😀 Roman is also enjoyable but I still need to get used to his ego first. That's why I'm gonna rewatch some older episodes again lmao😂
Sorry for the rambling but really got hooked on the series and I really enjoyed making the gl2 versions of the main cast! I'll talk abt the designs tomorrow and I can't wait for the season 2 finale!! no pressure but seriously excited! ofc take care of yourself though Thomas you and your friends deserve it.
And uhh question for the sanders sides fandom. What's the fandom like?? just curious..
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justvincentorvinny · 2 months
This will just be every Fandom I will write for. PLEASE BEWARE THAT I MAY BE GREY IN SOME AREAS!!! Also note that this is a MALE READER blog, you can read if you like, just know that's the intended audience.
Sander Sides
Escape the Night (All seasons)
Class of the Titans
My Inner Demons (Aphmau)
Gizzy Gazza's CLUE series (On YouTube)
Dream Smp
Empires Smp SEASON 2
Who killed Markiplier
FNAF: The Musical
Be More Chill
The World of Mr. Plant
Double Life and Limited Life
Witchcraft Smp
The Outsiders
My Hero Academia
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (I don't know the other books, sorry!)
Harry Potter (Again, based off the books!)
(I will add on or remove when I have to)
No being homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc. This blog is run by a pansexual person, so be aware
Specifically for the Dream Smp, don't request Wilbur Soot, Technoblade, or anyone else who said they were uncomfortable with shipping for a main ship, I will write them as a side character, that's it.
Don't pressure and don't ask if I've seen your request as I'm in school and need time.
Once again, this is targeted to a male audience, but feel free to read if you don't care. (Ex: Character x male reader)
Won't write NSFW or anything illegal. Best you should request is fluff or platonic ship.
AU's are welcomed!
Please feel free to give me a small description on what you want! (Ex: Noi from My Inner Demons and the reader going shopping)
That's it, hope you enjoy my work!
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crrative · 9 months
New Year - Sanders Sides
It's like 2am and it's appropriate. Prinxiety nation, human roommate au. You know the drill.
Having a community of young people who look to you and your work for comfort and feeling unable to provide when you didn't expect the pressure in the first place sounds heavy to shoulder alone. It makes sense that the last few years have been unstructured with the context. Because I know there's a chance Sanders himself is seeing this: you did something great.
Happy New Year, fuckbags
It's a tame environment. There are only six of them and everyone would rather be in bed, but the year has been so taxing that it feels right to sign it off with a huge middle finger and then go to bed. All there is to do is wait.
Barely a minute left until New York lights up on the TV and Logan has finished his second glass of wine in the last five. Patton is hunched with his obnoxiously long fingers against his temple, resisting the temptation of accepting yet another offer for a glass and opting to nurse the sleep-deprived headache in stead. Roman has put himself on the couch, fiddling with a pen and its lid from the coffee table. Virgil is on the arm of the couch, crouched like an obnoxious prick in an attempt to express his edge, which only really serves to make him look like a dork and unintentionally lightens the mood a smidge.
"Where are the chuckle twins?" Logan poses, observing the swirl in his drink as it settles from being poured.
"Janus said 'surprise' when he went into his room," Patton answers.
"Remus went with him," Virgil grumbles.
The silence reignites as a door opens from down the hall. Remus walks out with a tray of six shot glasses, brimming with syrupy liqueur. Janus walks a metre behind him, head held high.
"We'll all sleep better after this," he insists proudly as Remus parades the tray around, face blank and ashy as slate. He doesn't take sleep deprevation particularly well, but he handles it better than Roman copes with Janus sitting beside him. Where Virgil has turned and planted his feet on the couch seat, Roman parks himself, arms curling around his waist as the countdown starts. The crowd on the street chants and the six watch, breath held.
"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" It screeches, fireworks filling the screen with a blinding light, flooding the living room with a rectangular explosion of warm white. The group heaves a collective sigh.
Before the festivities can draw themselves out too long, Virgil leans down and over Roman, placing his fingers flat and sideways beneath his chin. In compliance with a rhythm long established, Roman closes his eyes and allows Virgil control. Their lips part, connect, and close around the other's in a chaste display of commitment and affection. Roman seasons the display by running his hand up Virgil's outer thigh.
"Oh! Well, if we're getting crazy," Patton posits with a muted smile, skirting the breakfast bar he'd been slumped on and bending over the couch. Janus looks up and to the side to recieve and return what he had rightly expected to be a sweet, tired peck. It brings a modest and satisfied smile out of the shadow that was his bored expression.
"This does not constitute crazy," Logan commented, unbeknownst to the presence lurking behind him. It makes first contact with his waist, cold fingers slid beneath his sleep shirt. He sucks in a shocked breath as the ice burns his skin. "You do."
"Love you, too."
Janus sits up and addresses the three behind them with a raise of his glass. "Are we ready?"
"I don't have to, do I?"
"No, dear, but it's not ordinary spirit. I think you'll like it." Patton grimaces at his glass and observes the others. A beat passes, Janus gestures to the room with his drink and everyone follows his lead in taking the shot.
"It's almost unbearably sweet."
"I did not expect that coming from you, Logan," Roman comments as he inspects his cup. "Do you not like toffee?"
"I didn't say that."
"No need for the defenses, Doc, I only asked."
"He just wants us to know to save him some whenever it's goin' 'round," Virgil swoops in, smile on his face, voice raspy. Roman takes his glass and hands it to Patton.
"I wonder why you chose something so sweet," Roman implicates. Janus turns around and looks up at Patton, who is smiling with such soulful conviction that it hurts.
"I loved it."
'Score,' Janus thinks as he settles into the couch and joins the others in watching the screen.
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kinniie00 · 3 months
HEY BUDDY :D !!! lion, maine coon, american shorthair, tiger, cougar, and fishing cat !!
HIIII!!! 👾
This is so many omg
Lion - I'm probably most proud of how far I've come over the last few years, I went through a lot and am still learning to live with some of it. It's definitely shaped a bit of who I am now, but I'd like to think I have grown from it and carried it with me rather than living in that dump forever :) AND MY FRIENDS IM SO SO SO PROUD OF THEM AND HOW MUCH THEY'VE DONE AND I WISH THE BEST FOR ALL OF YOU :((
Maine Coon - Honestly I'm not too sure how others would describe me, or even how to encapsulate my personality into one word--I'd like to say I'm energetic but I also have my moments of not being as much, I'm nice but I know I can be a bitch, I'm a lot of things but I'm really unsure of what word could describe me, plus I don't remember any good descriptive words rn :') (I'm so tired)
American Shorthair - I have many things that comfort me, id say my friends are my biggest comfort, as cheesy as it is. My friends remind me I'm not alone and have reasons to keep going, even when it feels impossible. I also often tend to latch onto games and streamers/YouTubers for comfort (a big one is hermitcraft!! :D), many of the people I watch now are people who practically raised me and I love them dearly. Another few smaller things that I find help comfort me are things like music, tea, or small things like animals (my cat!!!) or stuffed animals :3
Tiger - Another one that I'm not entirely sure how to answer :( "Being cute and being mine" -☀️ I think I went through the 5 stages of grief trying to come up with something that's all you're getting, oh yeah and my worst is probably the fact that I'm indecisive or like impulsive idk
Cougar - Hehehe fandoms 😇 Definitely undertale, fnaf, and sanders sides in the later years. I was (unfortunately) an aphmau kid back in 2015 but that was more watching her content and less fandom stuff. The undertale and fnaf ones definitely didn't ever stop, I got really into sans aus back during covid and relied on all three of those fandoms for comfort during the quarantine too. Sanders sides definitely helped me over the years before and during covid, it was definitely a rough time in my life as I was learning new things about myself and others around me, and it helped me so much with learning how to be me and accept myself as I am. As for a fandom I'm really active in now, id say the one I'm most active in is Hermitcraft (so surprising!!! 🙀) I got super into it back in season 6 when grian joined because I watched his content before he joined, and now I watch most of the hermits, I do tend to focus on a few each season while watching the occasional stream/video from the others though! I also listen to the imp & skizz podcast, and I find it rather comforting when I'm stressed, I love the hermits so much and they've definitely helped me so much without even knowing :) (and the fandom is so silly I love everyone)
Fishing Cat - I have so many I'm definitely going to forget some, I love learning new things and it's led to many hobbies that I do and will probably get back into in the future! :) I do crochet, it's something I have been learning since I was really young but couldn't get the hang of it for the longest time because my mom had a hard time teaching me it since she's left handed, I love reading, I read all kinds of things from old novels & poetry, romance and mystery, to nonfiction and sci-fi, I enjoy reading anything as long as it can keep my interest, and I loveee getting reccomended books (even though my to-be-read list is SO long), I like small crafts like jewelry making but it hurts my hands (especially the more intricate ones like fancy necklaces, bracelets, earrings), i love gaming, its a big part of who I am seeing as I grew up doing it, and even though i dont it as much anymore I still enjoy it and love playing games with my friends!! I enjoy drawing, but it's stressful because I'm not great at it and am way too perfectionistic over it. I used to paint but I never got too good at it and never had proper supplies, it was very fun though and I'd definitely get back into it sometime down the line. I listen to a lot of music, and watch youtubers/streamers. I like to go on walks, but with some of my health issues I don't go on them as often (I definitely will do more this summer though!!) and hanging out with my friends and animals. I plan on getting into sewing and possibly cosplay sometime so that will be fun to learn! I love creative hobbies, despite how stressful they can be when they don't go how I wanted it to :) I love seeing things I'm able to make evolve and get better and I get better at doing it, and I love consuming information and seeing people be people!!
I'm so sorry this is a lot of yapping even for me 😭
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panblackeagle · 10 months
I need more roleplay partners
This is an active attempt at making people want to roleplay with me, because I just need more active ones, other than the one that I currently have (they're irreplaceable for sure!)
Now, my main genres are romance (usually the base), fantasy, action, medieval, sci-fi, gore, even angst, just no slice of life. I accept anything MxM, FxF, NBxNB, FxNB, MxNB, shipping OCs is cool, but I mainly ship things from fandoms (I am quite sure that you will recognise at least one of these, trust me). I find gore completely fine and I come for drama, as long as it doesn't come out of nowhere. I write in a weird mix between semi-lit and literate. If I keep myself short, I either don't know what to write or I am preoccupied with something else at the moment. 18+ stuff is good too, I am 20 (I am a pure bottom, but not all that I roleplay is submissive, most of them stand their ground quite well). I am a very creative person, who will most likely find a plot in anything, so if you want to add things aswell, just let me know!
These are the fandoms that I roleplay (+ if I am desperate to roleplay in it lol)
♤Dream Daddy (not really desperate, only doing it if I get to be Damien)
♡Spaloon 1-3 (yes, yes, yes, all of them queer tentacle creatures!)
♤Pokemon (every generation is fine, we can even be the Pokemon, I am a furry)
♡No Straight Roads (I had an incident, not doing it for at least the next few months)
♤The Stanley Parable (not really desperate, I've done it quite a bit)
♡Countryhumans (it's been at least three years, very desperate and I make a good Germany and Finland)
♤Undertale/Deltarune (I never really mind it, even the AUs are cool)
♡Team Fortress 2 (always up for it, if I get to be either Medics)
♤Super Mario/Luigi's Mansion 2-3 (I want to do it from time to time)
♡Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 3-4 (the most desperate, poor Kakyoin got done dirty!)
♤Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss (eh, could be worse, I'm obsessed with Staticmoth (don't expect me to be Val though))
♡Detroit Become Human (not desperate, but I can make exceptions)
♤Yokai Watch (I just think this one to be fun)
♡Pikmin 1-4 (I'd be willing to try it)
♤Super Smash Bros (I'd be Mii Swordfighter because he's my main and I'm very desperate)
♡Steven Universe (I'd be up to do it, respectfully for the lesbian space rocks)
♤My Little Pony (Sure, why not!)
♡Sonic (I don't know much, but I am still willing to do it)
♤Villainous (I make a good Flug and Slug, not desperate though)
♡Good Omens (I have not seen the second season yet, but still!)
♤Hetalia (I am not really knowledgeable, but I can roleplay as Ludwig)
♡Sanders Sides (there are possibilities)
♤Fnaf (I really like being Bonnie of any kind ^^)
♡Cookie Run Kingdom (there's good potential in it!)
♤Wander Over Yander (I literally only want to do deathglare and to be Peepers!)
♡Legends Of Avantris - specifically Once Upon A Witchlight or Stardust Rhapsody (honestly, I would absolutely love to!)
♡The Amazing Digital Circus (holy hell, I did NOT expect to dive into royalteeth so deep- (my favourite is Caine, no doubt))
If you are interested in roleplaying with me now, you can comment or dm me. If you prefer roleplaying with me on Discord, I can send you my Discord in dms.
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fangirltothefullest · 2 months
How many AUs have you made? Any and all fandoms, if you had to count them. And also, what was the first AU you ever made?
If I went down the list of AUs for EVERY fandom I have ever been in it's going to turn into this:
I have WAY too many, I have ADHD, and if I invent an au for one fandom it's been reused in EVERY fandom I've been in....
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princeanxious · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering about your Lost Guardian au from ages ago, do you think you’ll ever plan on updating it and if not, could someone else take up the fic?
So heres the thing. If someone wants to write a fic *inspired* by The Lost Guardian, i’m not gonna stop them, and i’d probably feel super honored so long as the inspiration was correctly credited!
As for ‘taking up the fic,’ the short answer is no.
I have active drafts and the rest of the story already planned out to its finish, notes, even a branch-off fic set post-story that will likely go up on my nsfw blog if i ever get around to editing it. The Lost Guardian hasn’t been abandoned, it’s simply on hiatus. (And yes, i recognize 3 almost 4 years so far is a really fucking long hiatus. The Chapter 9 draft doc was made in december of 2020, and last edited in July 2022)
I started writing that fic whilst still in highschool, a time where I was 17 and didnt have to worry yet about getting my license or maintaining a part time job, i had an over abundance of freetime even partially to my detriment, the fandom was booming and I had plenty of feedback, and this fic was (and still *is*) a story im proud of.
But i’m 22 now, working a full time job to pay rent and account for a number of minor ‘disabilities’(best word i have for them atm) that I cant ignore or push to the side nor treat poorly, from the lasting effects on my body of stunted growth to celiac/glutent intolerance to adhere to that directly determines how easily my body functions for the week, to dealing with glasses i cannot afford to break and taking care of teeth i cannot afford to fix, taking care of my mental health and using the free time i have to do what brings me the most joy at that time.
The sanders sides fandom has heavily quieted down with the season finale hiatus and I’d like to think I did pretty well for going six long years dedicated solely to that without cracking under the silence, because *I knew* when I caved to something else it’d be a long while before I had the drive to come back with any sort of resolution to my active works. Thats just how my hyper fixations work. I cannot focus on multiple at once, it’s too much to process simultaneously and takes away my enjoyment bc I tend to watch/consume things repeatedly to catch every little detail i missed. And it doesn’t help when one loses steam because their content barely breaks 100 notes(80% of which are likes, 15% are reblogs with the occasional comment, and 5% are self-reblogs) when back in the height of it all, a few thousand notes was pretty average interaction. This blog still has about 11.5k followers, almost all of which came from the height of the fandom period. So for now i’ve moved onto the FNAF DCA fandom, bc it is fresh and new to me.
I know you didn’t mean to poke the bear here, I get it, but like.. C’mon. Any other fic of mine likely wouldn’t have gotten the same reaction in full but, still. I’ve had to answer this question a handful of times over the years at the point, which might be why this response feels so charged, and i’m sorry.
I don’t mean to come off as snippy or rude, but it *is* kind of invasive to offer to finish one’s creative work when it’s taking too long and theres very little payback for it. I’ve got adhd, delayed satisfaction isn’t a thing I experience. Just guilt that it wasn’t finished in a way for me to post it in time before I broke and lost all motivation to share it.
In my head, TLG has been long finished and held the ending for years, theres just been no energy to put in the effort of finish writing it for others to read. I’m still trying to get my life together to change that, don’t get me wrong, but the American economy is literally in shambles so who knows how or even if i’ll manage that. Call me selfish for being content with only mentally having my creative story’s ending and a collection of rambles and notes to show for it, but at the end of the day, it’s still my story, and i dont feel comfortable with people trying to ‘take up the mantle’ to finish it, when they don’t know how it ends.
I’m glad you like it enough to want to, though, I really *really* am. I’m just sorry I haven’t been able to finish it for you all. And i just don’t know when that will be, I just know that I *want* to do so, however long it takes.
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jade-bright · 7 months
One day or Day one, am I right?
Okay, so god knows the amount of ideas I have for a few of the fandoms I hold close to my heart. The main one as of right now being Teen Wolf.
So here's a list of ideas I had written down or just in my mind for a long while :P (BTWs, a few of these I honestly don't remember my thought process for them, even tho I included a bit of context for myself in my notes)
Gone, Gone, Gone - Phillip Phillips /// Childhood Friends/Sweethearts AU [Sterek Animatic]
a lil montage thing of them growing up together, or something
Friends on the Other Side (Mash Up) - Thomas Sanders & Friends /// Kind of a mafia vibe w/ Spark Stiles [Pack Animatic]
- Stiles = Dr. Facilier - Isaac = Oogie Boogie Man - Others (couldn't think of which characters would fit with which disney villain)
Backstage Romance /// [Sterek Animatic]
- Some sort of ceremony, maybe? With how sexual the music video or whatever is, the idea is lowkey a mating ceremony...in dance??? Like obviously not sex, it was idea of the ceremony was going to be more them exchanging the mating bites - Derek (the male role/voice) goes first in kind of seducing (dancing around) Stiles, then Stiles (the lady) would have his turn, and then both of them kind of seducing each other, aka dance together and are abt to bite each other - Interrupted by hunters??? Or separated by their respective family / friends - Flashback to b4 b4 the ceremony or when they were kids @ the "some of them want to use you," which in the flashback it'd be both their parents warning them about, well, people wanting to use them because they're a spark and a werewolf >>> then back to the ceremony - But it is a whole ass dance like in the BGT video performance
Lover boy X Killer Queen /// I had three separate, but ultimately similar ideas for this one [Sterek Animatic (more tiktok formish)]
1. >>> Stiles talking abt Derek (Loverboy) / Derek talking abt Stiles (Killer Queen) <<< These are interchangable, like the songs could be either one of them 2. Derek describing himself to Eli / Stiles describing Derek to Eli 3. How Sterek acts like "now," (ignoring the movie) they're married and openly show that they love each other / How they used to act before, so like maybe Season 1-2 ish (?)
Inspo from reading title "Wolves who cried boy" - 3 ideas that kind of combined and became a 5 + 1 idea [Sterek Fic]
1. Stiles isn't known by the pack yet. So when the 5 pups (I think I included Jackson???) spot him in different areas around Beacon Hills, they all go to Derek or call him to come over. But Stiles is always gone by then, including his scent. 2. A *Stiles and Derek are around the same age,* where Derek keeps finding Stiles in the forest/preserve and his family never believes him or something 3. The '5' being idea #1 and idea #2 as like a flashback for the 5th one, and the '+1' being when Stiles finally showing up to the pack house by himself or w/ Derek
Mandalorian!Derek and Jedi!Stiles /// Star Wars AU [Sterek]
Only notes I have for this idea is, use "We're (a little bit) in love" as reference(-ish). Which I'm assuming is a fic I read, but I read so many damn fics I don't know which one this is. And my second note, Pack = Clan
"So what if he did? it's none of your dang business kid. My mom, there's no-one else quite like my mom" /// Art edit/animatic idea [Stilinski, Hale or Sterek Family (centric-ish)]
1. Eli -> Stiles -> Claudia 2. Eli -> Stiles -> John/Noah 3. Eli -> Derek -> Talia Thought process: - Claudia had a past w/causing trouble or slightly disrespecting the officers if she was questioned - The Sheriff and Stiles are both badasses in finding evidence/proving ppl wrong - The Hales would obviously be pissed at being chained/tied down and most likely bamfs when getting out of it :D
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Fanfiction Writing Commissions
You can find my Writing Commissions page here, and examples of my writing on my AO3.
That is where I list my general rules, which all still apply to my fanfic commissions.
So, general stuff, if you commission a fanfiction from me I will write it, share it with you for final edits, and then publish it on my AO3.  If you have an AO3 account I can gift you the work as well if you’d like through AO3’s ‘gift’ system.  The work will be publicly available to anyone on AO3.  The idea is that you aren’t paying me for the fanfiction, you’re paying me to write it and post it, which means I’m not making money off of the fanfiction, just the writing.
Thank you legal loopholes.
My prices for fanfiction are the same as my base prices on my Writing Commissions page.  If you are interested in commissioning me message me here on tumblr!  I take payment through Paypal and Venmo.
If you are specifically interested in a self-insert or OC insert in a 'The Gamer AU' (as in your character follows video game rules/logic while everyone else is bound to the rules of their universe), I have the specific characters sheets to have prepared (or partially prepared) here!
Information I need to do your commission listed here.
Now the list of fandoms I will write for (including crossovers between any of the fandoms)!  Fandoms below the cut!
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series
Afterlife SMP
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005)
Batman - All Media Types
Danny Phantom
Deadpool - All Media Types
Doctor Who (9th Doctor Throught 11th Doctor)
Dream SMP
Dream Team RPF
Empires SMP
Fantasy SMP
Harry Potter
Hermitcraft SMP (Seasons 8 - 10)
Icebound (Legends of Avantris)
Merlin (TV)
Miraculous Ladybug
New Life SMP
Once Upon a Witchlight (Legends of Avantris)
Origins SMP
Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types
Pirates SMP
Rats SMP
Sanders Sides
Shazam! | Captain Marvel
Sherlock (TV)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe
SMP Earth
Spider-Man - All Media Types
Superman - All Media Types
Supernatural (TV 2005)
The Flash (TV 2014)
The Hobbit - All Media Types
The Witcher (TV)
Ultraman: Rising (2024)
Uprooted (Legends of Avantris)
ダンジョン飯 | Dungeon Meshi | Delicious in Dungeon
人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
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