#sanders sides fanpoem
Aftermath of a Nightmare - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
Shall I speak like an organ bleeds?
If I tell, promise me
You won't find humor in it?
Alright, then...
My love, what ails you?
You may speaks as freely as a raging river, and
You needn't my approval.
No, I won't snicker nor snide.
Oh, dear hearts I hold, are you okay?
Of course, always, dearest star.
As our prince says, no need for
Our approval to tell what hurts you.
They hold him dear
Now you cannot touch him
They ease his tears
Now you cannot choke him
@analoginceweek for Day 2: Nightmare
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Thy Fire - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
Thy fire swirls and shifts
On the edge of eyes, of hearts
The snake, a cobra so mighty
Watching from shadows
Scales glittering gold
The corvid, darkest wings
Has fallen prey
To its own anger
The kraken, a horror in the lake
The ferns, hiding in darkness
They cackle as the fire
A dragon, ferocious and cunning
Claims himself a prince
But his anger wallows
As he's left without his twin heart
A flower, confused
Burns away
Burns too bright for others
And wastes into nothing
As no one burns light for it
A spider, the shadows that hide the cobra
Skitters and cries
Guilt weighs heavy in its eyes
A frog croaks warnings and terrors
Rules too strict
For any plant to breathe
They try to ease it up
But trials turn into error
As the flower wilts and the spider recoils
The dragon misses the kraken
Scorned by the cobra
Bitten by the frog
And no longer the flower's hero prince
All the animals and creatures
Know the fire's coming
And none can hide the angry flames
From their flower
The flower shall burn bright again
And give itself rest
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Ambience Foresees It - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
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[told with screenshots because I couldn't transfer it to Tumblr in text format; no alt text rn, sorry]
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Oh, Poor Dragon Darling - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
No one defends you
Besides a lonesome glare
Wings so grand
The colour of Autumn red
Of Mars and fire not so burning hot
The kind of fire which passion is
But not the kind that burns those close to it
Joy blooms through your eyes, breath and lungs
But then Serpent speaks
And it dies 
Not even a brother
To protect you
They say ‘ego’
When in truth, it’s Ego 
Is it dishonesty or ignorance?
What’s the difference?
No Corvid to speak wisdom
To guard your mind
No Preacher to speak guidance
Because they themself are lost 
Flower speaks praise to a bird
But ignores you
And when Serpent gets a consequence 
Delivered through you
The one you protect screeches surprise
and disapproval at you 
You realize
Those guarded by others
Supported by friends
Will never be
You make effort with serpents
And one makes effort with you
But those who you need effort from
Laugh heartily in your face
Darling dragon
Poor darling dragon
Hurt awaits
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Oh, Poor Dragon Darling [Screenshot Version]
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[Quality is kinda bad - blame Tumblr]
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A Wingless Bird is a Silenced Man - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
Wings, I once soared
With poetic grace
Words, I once spoke
Of the stars
Of science and wonder
A fire tamed
Now roars in anger within-
Is it me?
It shall be
A Preacher said to
"Be wary of your anger, child"
But he is the child
And I am the one scorned
I'm meant to guide
The flower to bloom
But not even it will
Anymore, like the rest
I am a wingless bird
Unable to fly
As I once did
They took my wings
To silence me
But I still
At night, wake them
They hate my cries
My birdsongs
So they threaten to take
My beak
They cannot forsee
My fire
A forest shall burn
In my favour
Angry? You think me
Foolish, you are
A fool
I am far from
I am far from
I am vengeful
I hate the way they
I want them to
They did this to me
So we shall see
How long they last
Without me
I once flew with
And now it's theirs I shall take
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Lavender to Violet - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
I used to be a lavender
Now I am a violet
Watchful and modest
From caged to free
From alone in the dark
To here with family
I used to be a lavender
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A Light Blue Sun - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
Why is light blue so fascinated by yellow?
Or is it the other way around?
The sky may be cloudy
And it's always fearing the ground
The daffodils love forget-me-nots
They hold each other so tight
Is a snake or a weed around the trees?
Is it morals or blurry vision
That floods the streets?
Tell me, oh, tell me
Why is light blue so sweet?
This isn't a candyland
But yellow seems complete
With light blue
Funny how snake forgets the apple
In favor of flowers so far away
Not so far now
Perhaps, dear darlings
They're here to stay
For now
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Poetry Update
So, a long while back, a mutual suggested publishing/posting my poetry collection to Tumblr. People like my poems, I guess?
Uh. That was months ago.
This specific collection is just all the poems I write from all over the place, and I need to gather up the last few miscellaneous ones. I just want them all on the same doc.
It's currently titled "Oatmeal Poetry".
And it just reached 103 pages. Of nothing but poems. 103. Pages.
Once all of the poems are finally in the same damn doc, I might think about posting it. Maybe on ao3 and Tumblr? Still deciding.
I might also make all of my Sanders Sides FanPoems into their own collection, as well. Uh, not sure tho. Let me know if y'all want that.
ANYWAY: enjoy my random poetic vomit for now. A collection may be coming soon.
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Poetic Vomit Masterlist
This is where all of my original poems and fanpoems will be linked.
|| Poems 'N Such ||
Poetry Known
Lavender to Violet - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
Our Love, Amiss
The Heart
Mini Poem 5
A Light Blue Sun - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
Thy Fire - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
A Healer's Anger
A Wingless Bird is a Silenced Man - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
Ambience Foresees It - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
You Said This to a Child // How Could You?
A Lost Heart, Unfound
Oh, Poor Dragon Darling - A Sanders Sides FanPoem + [Screenshot Version]
Healing, Little Lamb, is Bravery
An Untitled Short Poem (About the Original Post) [A Reblog with a Poem I Wrote For It)
A Flag at College Still Hangs + [Screenshot Version] + [ao3 link]
Untitled Roman Poem (In Reference to the Fanart) - A Sanders Sides FanPoem [A Reblog with a Poem I Wrote For It]
Aftermath of a Nightmare - A Sanders Sides FanPoem [for Day 2 of Analogince Week 2024]
Conserving Energy
“One day, it will be okay,” says Self-Love and Hope.
|| Ramble-Shambles ||
I was Borne. I Chose.
Common Queer Experience (Read The Tags, Too)
A Liar's Masterpiece
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