#sanders side headcannon
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masked-creator · 8 months ago
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Every day we come closer to Logan having the biggest breakdown of his life, so I’ve decided to cope by redesigning him after he’s recovered.
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boneyspades · 18 days ago
when ever Virgil has a panic attack and Patton walks in on him during one. Patton tries to calm him down by making virgil sing that "there's an axolotl on the pink stairs" song with him. he still feels a little shitty but it calms him down to some extent
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randomnerd737 · 1 year ago
Logan's tie is there for emotional support. if he doesn't have it the feelings get him.
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fandoms4life · 6 months ago
How the sides store their braincells:
Roman: in the fridge next to his pasta art
Virgil: in dark corner filled with dust
Logan: neatly stored on a shelf in display cases
Patton: in a big group hug in a get along t-shirt
Remus: on the side walk outside, in the sun, where they rot and fester
Janus: in a vault behind a painting that remus stole for him (it has a permanentmarker moustache)
Thomas: what braincells? The sides have them all
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meowaveable · 30 days ago
Sanders sides (+ thomas) in the headcannon generator part 2 lol
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haydenthewitch · 2 months ago
unstoppable force ( Remus and Janus flirting with logan in an attempt to fluster him because nobody has ever flustered logan before) meet immovable object ( logan reading them to filth, flirting back and essentially dog walking them)
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easily-distracted-by-fandom · 3 months ago
Head Cannon: Every so often Roman will set up like "a fair day" in the imagination which is just an excuse to win prizes and play games with his friends because none of them can go to any actual fairs or events like that
Aww that’s adorable! My interpretation below!
Janus and Remus probably aren’t allowed for the longest time- so Janus will sometimes steal someone else’s invitation and go instead.
Virgil always gets spider themed plushies if he wins a carnaval game which causes some issues with Patton, who will flinch away from them (esp because Roman blessed the toys with the ability to come to life in the imagination) but he deals for his kiddos
Remus stole this idea, he has much more bloody carnivals on his side of the imagination (he’s tried to convince Janus and Orange to help him kidnap a light side to join multiple times)
Virgil HATED Remus’ carnivals and avoid Romans, assuming they’d be similar for the longest time. He was pleasantly surprised.
Logan is actually the best at the carnival games (because they’re not rigged). He usually gives the things he wins to the other sides (usually Virgil because he knows they help with his anxiety), but he has a few stuffed animals he snuggles for himself. He feels bad for keeping them but they make him feel safer (some of them are fiddle toys that Roman put in there for Virgil, but Logan really likes them)
Patton’s favorite toys are the stuffed puppies, but sometimes he’ll get a stuffed frog, and then wince and look at Roman.
Roman has made a bunch of duplicates of himself to run the circus tent part. He loves doing death-defying acts that would never work (the other sides don’t really show up to it. Janus does if he’s snuck in, and Patton tries to go to encourage his kiddo, but Logan doesn’t see the point in it and it gives Virgil really bad anxiety)
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bl00dy-entity · 3 months ago
i am bored, Sanders Sides fandom!! give me your unhinged headcannons about the sides!
can be sfw or nsfw i don't care!
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tss-headcannons · 9 months ago
If one of the others are having intrusive thoughts Remus knowing, will appear beside them often startling them.
He usually finds himself next to Logan or Patton.
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rainy-day-revelry · 11 months ago
I both love and hate realizing that my fixations and headcannons for one fandom are just carry overs from the previous ten fandoms I’ve been in. My tastes have not evolved, I’ve just been trying them in different fonts. Gosh dangit.
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boneyspades · 2 months ago
Remus: Get out of my way!!!
*Remus walks past Virgil, pushing him with his shoulder. a bag falls of the floor*
Remus and Virgil: MY POT!
Remus and Virgil: YOUR POT?!
(cut to Remus and Virgil, high of their ass on the floor )
Virgil: an... and then in chapter 28-...
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starstruckangel2009 · 5 months ago
Headcannon: Remus speaks in intrusive thoughts
In a similar way to how Janus speaks in lies sometimes Remus speaks in intrusive thoughts. It's much more complicated of course more like an entirely new language that only those closest to Remus can understand.
If it's something that can be turned on and off like Janus' lies then it's a perfect secret code for the dark sides to communicate in. if not, then there's angst abound for both ends: Remus having to learn to communicate normally or the others having to put their immediate disgust to the side in order to communicate with Remus for whatever reason.
personally I like the idea of Remus being hurt (take your pick by who) and telling everyone explicitly but no one having any idea he's being serious or understanding him.
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enby-trash-rat · 10 months ago
Remus critiques Horror Films just like Roman critiques Disney Films as seen in "Are There Good Distractions?"
I can just imagine Remus, Janus, Logan having a Horror Movie Marathon.
Remus and Logan would point out and discuss all the things that are unrealistic.
Such as:
Police and military personnel being completely useless against a killer
Falling down and crawling instead of getting up and running away
Venturing out of the house, alone, at night, after hearing widespread news reports of a serial killer on the rampage in the community
While all of them point out all of the dumb things people do in horror movies.
Such as:
Moving into a house that has a horrible history, such as a possible massacre.
Purchasing a cursed item and not throwing it out
The fact that every single time the main character manages to trip over absolutely nothing.
Going to investigate the most terrifying noise one could ever hear while alone.
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yerkes-dodson-curve · 1 year ago
"Oh No!" by Marina is just a song about Logan and Roman swapping lines that's focused around their very similar fatal flaw of hubris and a desire for control
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meowaveable · 1 month ago
Putting the sides in the headcannon generator lmao
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monkeythefander · 7 months ago
Sanders Sides Angst Headcannons 2
A lot of people liked my angst headcannons from a while back, so here’s some new ones.
Content Warning(s): Virgil angst, Character Thomas angst, anxiety, being called “too sensitive”, Roman angst, nightmares, mentioned injuries and fights, Logan angst, destroying things. Let me know if I missed anything.
Click below the cut to read the headcannons
- When he was younger, Virgil would cry whenever he got super overwhelmed/anxious. As a result, (Character) Thomas would cry during these times as well. As (Character) Thomas got older though, he was called “too sensitive” for crying over seemingly small things/worries, which led to Virgil unconsciously deciding he wouldn’t cry in front of people anymore. So whenever Virgil gets super anxious and upset, he’ll make sure he and (Character) Thomas aren’t around anyone else so nobody can see them cry and call them “too sensitive.” If they happen to be around people at the time, Virgil will try and have himself and (Character) Thomas suppress their tears until they’re alone.
- Since Roman is creativity, nightmares can become very vivid. He will often wake up in a panic from them, confused about where he is since the nightmare felt so real and like it just happened. Sometimes the nightmares get some vivid they he’ll wake up with injuries that he got during fights/attacks in his nightmares. Roman will then try and hide these injuries from the other sides, not wanting to worry them. After all, he’s creativity, he should be able to control how intense his nightmares are and if he can’t, then he should have to face the consequences of his failure alone.
- Logan suppressing his emotions in order to have the others listen to him leads to a lot of anger and sadness building up inside of him. To release all of these emotions, Logan ends up destroying things in his room. He’ll put on a fan or something to block out the noise of his destructive behavior, and start knocking things off his desk and bookshelf. He’ll also break his glasses. If he breaks his glasses, then he doesn’t have to see the tears starting to fall down his face. Once Logan’s tears stop and he feels like he can be just logical/unemotional, he’ll grab a new pajr of glasses (he has a bunch of replacement ones) and put his room back in order.
End Notes: Thanks for reading! As always, if you liked any of these headcannons and want to make fanart or fanfiction based on them, you can do so as long as you ask me first, and then credit/tag me in the post so I can see it.
AO3 link to these headcannons: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58261513
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