rygacripto · 2 years
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albaydo · 7 months
laying down with xavier mostly consists of his head laying on your chest, comforted by the gentle rise and fall of it. your soft heartbeat would act as a lullaby, soothing his nerves while he would mindlessly hum under his breath, his arms around you, fingers drawing incomprehensible patterns on your back. no walls were held up high anymore — it was just the two of you in your sanctuar, being vulnerable and in love.
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introvertllux · 5 months
Chrono Heart (Future Trunks X Black!OC)
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Chapter 1: The Relic and the Reawakening
The remnants of Dr. Gero’s lab were a graveyard of twisted metal and shattered dreams, a monument to the hubris of a man who played god with circuits and steel. Hidden beneath this forsaken ruin, a capsule hissed open, and from its depths, a figure emerged—Axa. With skin like polished ebony, eyes that shimmered with the golden light of a thousand captured stars, and hair that cascaded down in an untamed torrent, she was a sight to behold—beauty crafted by ambition, innocence shaped by design.
She stood, hesitantly, in the dim light of her metallic tomb, a stark contrast to the vividness of her form. Her limbs moved with an elegance that was almost haunting, yet her expression held the innocence of a child looking out upon the world for the first time.
Unbidden, Axa's body propelled her through the labyrinth of the city, every calculation in her head leading her to an encounter she did not understand. It was as if an invisible hand guided her to a serene park, where the familiar silhouette of Android 18 stood, lost in the simplicity of feeding ducks at the pond—a moment of peace in a life so often marked by conflict.
Axa’s presence cast a shadow over the tranquility, and 18 turned, her eyes widening in shock and recognition. "Axa? Is it really you?" she gasped, the breadcrumbs slipping from her fingers.
Their reunion was explosive—a symphony of fists and flashes of shared history. As they sparred, 18, amidst parries and takedowns, called out to the essence of the girl she once knew.
"Remember when we sparred with 16 in the orchard, the cherry blossoms falling around us like snow?" she grunted, dodging a swift punch. "Or the time we snuck into the city, 17 dared us to ride the rollercoaster and you laughed until you cried?"
Each word struck Axa deeper than any physical blow could, unlocking the sealed doors of her memory. "And that night, the four of us lay in the grass, making shapes out of stars, dreaming of freedom," 18 continued, her voice laced with nostalgia, even as she blocked a kick. "But then you were gone. Gero said you were defective, but you were just... you were just Axa. You were just a little girl, and I... we, I should have done something."
Tears spilled from Axa's eyes, liquid diamonds trailing down her face, an alien sensation that stopped her cold. Her hands came up to her face, fingers trembling as she touched the moisture with wonder. "What... what is this?" she whispered, her voice breaking.
"It's crying, Axa," 18 replied with a bittersweet chuckle, the fight draining from her. "It happens when you're sad... or happy... or even when you laugh so hard, you can't stop. It means you're alive."
Axa's golden gaze, now dulled by confusion and sorrow, met 18's. "I don't... I don't understand," she said, a lost child wrapped in the shell of a machine.
"I know," 18 said, stepping forward to wrap an arm around her. "I forgot to search for you when I found my own life. But now I’m here, and I'll help you. Let me show you the life I've built. You’ll fit right in. Krillin, my husband, Marron, our daughter—they'll love you."
The promise of a family warmed something inside Axa, a spark of belonging that she didn't know she needed.
The scene shifted to the familial home, where the spark was met with a torrent of fear and misunderstanding.
The home that once held warmth and laughter was now a battlefield of words and emotions. The cozy living room, with its family photos and children's drawings, became the arena. Krillin's face was flushed with a mix of protective fear and incandescent rage. "18, how in the world could you think this was okay? Bringing her into our home without even a word to me?" His voice shook the very foundations of their sanctuary, a volume reserved for life-and-death battles, not familial disputes.
"You're not getting it, Krillin!" 18 shot back, her own voice a force to be reckoned with. "You think I can't see danger? I know danger. I've been danger. But she—" 18 jabbed a finger towards Axa, "—is just lost. We owe her this!"
Marron, with the blissful ignorance of childhood, had wandered over to Axa, offering a small stuffed dinosaur with a smile. "Do you wanna play with Mr. Dino?" she had asked, her voice a sing-song note in the dissonant symphony of the adults' conflict.
Krillin's eyes darted from Marron to Axa, and with a speed that betrayed his martial prowess, he scooped Marron into his arms. "Marron, sweetie, why don't you go play in your room, okay?" His words were gentle with his daughter, but when his gaze swung back to Axa, they were steel blades. "Stay away from her," he snapped at Axa. "We don't know you, what you're capable of—what if you're programmed to…to…"
His words trailed off, but the accusation hung heavily in the air, an invisible smog choking the room. Axa, who stood like a statue wrought from onyx, felt each word strike her. Her hands, which moments ago had explored the texture of the child's toy, now hung limply at her sides. The shine in her golden eyes dulled, a gloss of pain over the brightness.
"Krillin," 18's voice cracked like a whip, her anger transforming into something fierce and protective. "Listen to yourself! She’s not a threat! How can you judge her like this?"
The silence that followed was suffocating. Axa's soft, disbelieving sobs were the only sound, a heartbreaking melody that seemed to wrap around the room. She blinked rapidly, her human-like innocence clashing with her android perfection as she attempted to process the whirlwind of rejection and anger.
"I… I don't want to be a problem," Axa stammered out, her voice a mere whisper but slicing through the tension. "I didn't mean to cause trouble. I'm sorry."
Krillin, his face softening for a moment at Axa's words, struggled with the turmoil inside him. His duty to protect his family warring with the empathy he had learned from his wife. "18, I…," he started, but the words tangled, a mess of emotion and duty.
"No," 18 interrupted, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of frustration. "No, Krillin. She's not just some android. She's Axa. Remember that. She's not the past; she’s someone who needs us now."
In the quiet that followed, the trio stood, the balance of their world shifted, as they each considered the weight of what it meant to be family, to be human, or something akin to it. Axa, still caught in the eye of the storm, dared to hope for a harbor in this tempest—a place where she could anchor her heart.
The turmoil in the room reached a crescendo, a tidal wave of emotion that crashed over Axa with overwhelming force. As Krillin and Android 18's argument continued, Axa's mind began to fracture under the strain. She clutched at her temples, her golden eyes flickering erratically as memories—long suppressed—surged to the surface.
She was small again, diminutive and human, watching through the bars of a crib as giants in white coats and stern faces argued loudly above her. The cacophony of their voices was terrifying, a discordant symphony that crescendoed into an unbearable din. Words like "potential" and "failure" were thrown back and forth, volleying over her head like some high-stakes game she could not comprehend.
Her breath hitched, a robotic mimicry of a panic attack, and her body began to seize up. Her limbs locked in place, and the glow in her eyes sputtered like a dying star. "System… overload…" she managed to gasp out before collapsing like a puppet with its strings cut, her form going limp and unresponsive on the floor.
"18, we need to do something!" Krillin's voice was now tinged with fear for Axa, the protective instinct he felt for all living beings—especially those under his roof—kicking in.
18 knelt beside Axa, her fingers hovering over the android's inert body. Her heart, though not flesh and blood, ached with a mix of fear and protectiveness. "Dammit," she cursed softly, her usual composure fraying at the edges.
Krillin ran a hand through his hair, his eyes darting from his wife to the still figure on the floor. "Maybe… we should take her to see Bulma. She's dealt with… this kind of thing before."
Android 18's eyes narrowed at the suggestion. "Bulma has a good heart, but she's got that scientist's curiosity. She'll want to dissect every part of Axa's programming," she said, her voice a growl of resistance. "And Vegeta…" she trailed off, a scowl creasing her features at the thought of the Saiyan prince's unpredictable nature.
Krillin nodded slowly, understanding his wife's concerns. "We don't have to tell everyone, just Bulma. She'll know what to do," he insisted, his tone imploring. "Vegeta won't lay a finger on her—I'll deal with him if I have to."
The two locked eyes, a silent conversation passing between them. It was a gamble, but Axa needed help that they couldn't give. With a heavy heart, 18 agreed. "Fine. But we're not leaving her side. Not for a second."
Carefully, they gathered Axa's motionless form, her weight a testament to the gravity of their situation. Together, they stepped into the cool evening air, the weight of Axa's fate a heavy shroud upon their shoulders as they made their way to Capsule Corporation, and into the uncertain future that awaited them.
More on Axa (Pronounced: Axe-e-ah or Ahh-x-ah)
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*Apologies for inconsistent art styles. I utilized Art breeder. Unfortunately I don't see many resources to help create black!Ocs in consistent styles and diverse poses out there. If you know of any please let me know! As you continue reading the story imagine her in the DBZ art style. Thank you!*
@thejadetrios @shytothemaxx @variousfandom @konekomews @physicallyherementallysomewhere @ikittybakugou345 @jasxnoamii @enderempresss16 @elliethewitch @carzychameleon @feitanii @hollownight @dragonloverdrawer @moonlight445sblog @yelan-butterpeatea @ringsofpersonti @weeb-boy261 @jkr820 @somehowexist @scrumptiouss007 @emajohn40 @justicetheghost @thirstyhoebutbetteryehsjsg @rasaberrygray @etherialblackrose @random-insomnia15 @deviousmunchkin @galaxys-stuff @bluehibiscusgarden @kunoichis-world @x-bakudeku-x @spectoralstrudel @i-wanna-fuck-monsters @interobanginyourmom @twdhtgawm @kkeidawrites
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dragonflight203 · 4 months
Mass Effect 3 replay, Citadel part 1:
-I don’t hate Diane Allers, but I don’t particularly like her either. I wish we could take Emily Wong or Khalisa Al-Jilani on the Normandy instead.
Also, her model is… Not good. Given her inclusion was to essentially bribe goodwill from IGN, you’d think Bioware would have done a better job.
-Why does each successive game handle broadcasts more poorly?
In ME1, they were subtitled.
In ME2, they were subtitled if you prompted them on the Citadel from one of the spawn points. On Omega and Illium, no subtitles.
In ME3, no subtitles at all. And the sound quality is worse.
Some of us have hearing difficulties, Bioware! If I have the subtitles on, I need ALL dialogue subtitled!
-Mass Effect 3 NPC chatter drives me up the wall because you need to reload the level to hear the next bit of the conversation.
Why did they change it from ME2 where you could just take a few steps away and then come back to hear the next portion? That was much better.
-The actual dialogue itself is extremely well done, however. While I have many critiques of ME3’s actual plot, I have very few for these conversations. Bioware nailed them.
-That said, the Citadel is clearly set will into war when in Shepard’s timeline it’s been less than a day.
The Hierarchy’s already developed a war plan. The engineer’s familiar enough with it to criticize the munitions they’ve been provided. That implies he has experience with them or (more likely) has heard criticism of them from other engineers.
The asari PTSD soldier had been on active duty for three weeks before meeting the farm girl on Triptree. She was helping to evacuate a human colony, which means that the Alliance has already formulated evacuation plans and coordinated them with the asari.
The elderly woman at the embassy looking for her son says she hasn’t heard from him for a month.
If this were the actual start of the war, there would be a lot more confusion and people speculating what was happening and who the enemy is. That’s not what is occurring here. These folks know there’s a war on, have accepted it, and are living with it.
I don’t fault Bioware for not having a “start of war” Citadel, but it is a bit immersion breaking.
-Sanctuar is mentioned by the turian engineer speaking to his asari partner in the docking bay. He tells her it’s safe from the war.
It’s one of the first conversations a player is likely to hear. Kudos to Bioware for the early foreshadowing.
However, how can it be safe from the war? This is a galactic wide war to exterminate all organic life. The Reapers attack large settlements and destroy ones too small to bother with from orbit. One way or another they’ll come for Sanctuary.
I understand why people believe it. They’re desperate for any spark of hope. I am, however, disappointed by the lack of criticism it receives in game. More people should be skeptical of it. Especially since no one hears back from anyone that goes there.
-Asari PTSD soldier: I could feel her mind from where I was standing.
“Her” being the asari-turned-banshee Neaira.
Another hint that asari have stronger mental powers than mind melding. They can to some level broadcast their thoughts/feelings. I wish the games had delved into this more.
How much does this influence their perception/role of diplomats?
-Dr. Chakwas is a queen. She took a proper leave of absence from the Alliance and never officially joined Cerberus, so the Alliance has nothing with her.
-It’s rather amusing that you can insist to Dr. Chakwas that she can be best assist the war effort by staying in a research role, then turn around and recruit Dr. Michel as the Normandy doctor by telling her that she can make a bigger difference on the Normandy then in Huerta. The Normandy will win or lose the war. Shepard will tell anyone what they want to hear to get their way.
Someday I’ll take Dr. Michel with me, but for this playthrough it will be Dr. Chakwas.
-When you speak to Dr. Michel, she references you helping her by dealing with Fist. Does she still say that if you never met her in ME1?
-Avina continues to raise eyebrows. At Huerta Memorial Hospital: This facility’s attendant levels can also replicate the living conditions needed to accommodate other, more exotic species.
Fairly certain that referring to people as “exotic” is frowned upon, although I’ll give you that I’m not sure if that was true when ME3 was written.
-There are no NPCs visible from the view outside Huerta, which is a bit disconcerting. That’s a lot of empty space where people should be.
-The patients are still in uniform. Isn’t is standard to put patients in dressing gowns ASAP?
Especially the one who will need his leg amputated. He’s already been examined!
-Cloning is possible in universe, but it takes months to grown limbs.
…Well, that makes the whole Dr. Saleon side quest in ME1 even darker.
-Kaidan looks silly in the hospital bed with his chest prominently displayed. That does not look natural.
-ME3 has so. Much. Damn. Autodialogue. This game is far more a shooter then an RPG.
-Is there a reason spectre requisitions has moved out of C-Sec and into the Citadel Embassies?
Just saying, seems an odd choice to be storing and selling guns in the middle of all the politicians.
-The embassies have also received quite the overhaul from ME1.
There’s a convenient in game reason with the Battle of the Citadel, but I’m rather fond of the ME1 design. ME3 is more realistic but also more corporate.
-The volus offering assistance with the war effort specifically says Turian Empire. Not Hierarchy.
I love how the turians just. Quietly have an empire throughout the series. Nothing to see here, carry on…
-Why is the human embassy front desk staffed exclusively by asari and turians?
-Udina specifically picked Bailey to be the next commander, even though he didn’t lobby for the position.
Given Udina’s actions later in the game, I suspect Bailey’s correct post-Coup that Udina’s reasons were not complimentary. Bailey’s proven he’ll look the other way when given proper incentive and he’ll bend the law if he feels right to do so. Udina probably figured that one way or another those would prove useful.
And if he and Bailey felt differently on a matter – well, there’s not exactly a lack of blackmail material on Bailey, is there?
-Udina suspected Executor Pallin of plotting against the Council, Bailey investigated, found enough to arrest Pallin, and was forced to kill him in the process.
As many others have said: How convenient. What’s the likelihood that Udina framed Pallin?
Given that the executor during the Cerberus coup is a human…
-Bailey notes that Udina is ambitious.
He’s the human Councilor! What else can he be gunning for?
-The scene with Khalisa Al-Jilani if you go paragon is quite good.
She would have been great on the Normandy. The antagonism between her and Shepard would have made for great scenes.
-The spectre terminal provides information that the quarian pilgrims have been recalled and it looks like the quarians might be preparing for war with the geth.
Does ME3 foreshadow everything except the ending?
That somehow makes it worse. They clearly knew how to foreshadow and its importance. The endings just didn’t warrant the effort.
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Propaganda Under Cut:
Aimee Eden (Mother of Wendy Walker and many hybrid children): Aimee found a hybrid child and gave her safety. This followed by many hybrid children who she gave sanctuarity to. When they were taken she went to war to get her children back. Even when she was dying her biggest concern was her children's safety and wellbeing.
Mary Darling (Mother of Wendy, Michael + John): Very understanding mother who was concerned that Wendy was being forced to grow up too soon. She always tried to keep peace in the household.
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superwings-cultural · 7 months
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Nature and Animals: Elephant Sanctuaries - Thailand
Thailand is the main home of multiple Elephant Sanctuaries, in this contry, the elephant is in general important in their mainly culture and also considered as sacred animal for their symbolism in the buddhism, the white elephant is one of the most common specie in Thailand, among three.
In the way to held the elephant safe and in good healthcare, multiples sanctuares were build all over Thailand, as they are not only tourists attractions, but they also play a crucial role and provide a haven for elephants, promote ethical practices and the physical and psychological wellbeing of these creatures.
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The presence of theses sanctuaries afford many benefits, both for the elephants and the humans. For the people and tourists, they provide self-awareness and uniqueness meaningful experiences for them. The guests can observe elephants in their natural habitat, gaining a deeper understanding of their behavior and ecological importance. This firsthand interaction fosters empathy and appreciation for these magnificent creatures and promotes a sense of environmental responsibility.
For the elephant, it's mainly usefull for them due to their many years held in captivity, abuse and exploitation due of the industry, like overwork and many others things, but alse were in massive danger due to human activity and deforestation. The Elephant sanctuaries play a crucial role in the rehabilitation and rescuing system for these mistreated animals, so they can return in the wild after their stay in these locations.
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There are several elephant sanctuaries in Thailand, and some of them are the most renowned for the care and natural environment they provide for the different species of elephant that reside there. At least nine of them are located near the Thai city of Chiang Mai, including the Elephant Jungle Sanctuary, Into the Wild Camp and the Happy Elephant Home.
The aim of all these sanctuaries is to help these animals, considered as a great treasure for the Thai people.
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frieren-elfic · 5 months
Welcome to this page, here I will share some of my stories and fanfics with you.
This is a place free from prejudice and judgement, so be respectful towards each other.
English is not my language so spelling mistakes may occur and I may not understand your wishes very well, so I apologize.
I'm slow in updating due to lack of creativity and work, but I'll try my best for you (⁠^⁠^(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Request status: OPEN
I write
• Male reader, Trans male, Gender neutral reader, Original characters x Character
• Smut/nsfw (I'm new sorry)
•Fluff/Angust, Platonic/Romantic
• YANDERE/Obsessive/Possessive
•Long fanfics (I like the challenge✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧)
I don't write
• Fem reader (For now)
• Pregnancy (I don't know much about motherhood)
(I will add more over time)
• Jujutsu Kaisen
• Shingeki no kyojin
• Boku no hero
• Black Butler
• One Piece
• Saint Seiya Classic
• The Lost Canvas
• Death Note
• Chainsaw Man
• Naruto
• Mashle Magic and Muscle
(More animes will be added(⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧)
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priderock-inc · 3 months
What kind of music does Scar like? Also does he have any tattoos?
He likes Middle Eastern instrumental, a couple of select classical pieces, and has a love-hate relationship with opera.
Scar does have a tattoo. He got it as a teenager, right after storming out of the house one night following a furious argument with his father.
It's a quote from Hamlet, situated just above his left ankle. He wrote it there himself and then had the tattoo artist ink it in. It reads as follows:
No place, indeed, should murder sanctuarize;  Revenge should have no bounds.
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aloeverawrites · 3 months
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blaturi-online · 8 months
Chiuvete de baie compozite dreptunghiulare cu rasini epoxidice by Euro Team
În acest videoclip, explorăm lumea designului interior de lux cu un accent special pe chiuvetele de baie dreptunghiulare, realizate cu măiestrie de la Euro Team. Aceste opere de artă, nu doar că adaugă un strop de eleganță și modernitate oricărui spațiu, dar sunt și construite să dureze, datorită utilizării rășinilor epoxidice de înaltă calitate.
✨ Caracteristici Speciale:
Design Inovator: Descoperă cum designul dreptunghiular al chiuvetelor se integrează perfect în estetica modernă a băilor contemporane.
Calitate Premium: Află mai multe despre proprietățile rășinilor epoxidice și cum contribuie acestea la durabilitatea și rezistența chiuvetelor.
Instalare și Întreținere: Obține sfaturi profesionale despre cum să instalezi și să întreții aceste chiuvete pentru a te bucura de frumusețea lor ani de zile.
🛠 Euro Team - Sinonim cu Excelența: 
Euro Team nu este doar un nume, ci un standard de calitate și inovație. Cu o tradiție îndelungată în furnizarea de soluții premium pentru amenajări interioare, Euro Team își păstrează angajamentul de a oferi produse ce îmbină estetica cu funcționalitatea.
🔍 Alătură-te Nouă în Această Călătorie: 
Fie că ești un entuziast al designului interior, un profesionist în domeniu sau pur și simplu în căutarea inspirației pentru casa ta, acest videoclip este pentru tine. Explorează alături de noi cum chiuvetele de baie dreptunghiulare cu rășini epoxidice de la Euro Team pot transforma orice baie într-un sanctuar de relaxare și rafinament.
Nu uita să dai Like, să te Abonezi și să activezi Notificările pentru a fi la curent cu ultimele noastre videoclipuri!
#EuroTeam #DesignInterior #ChiuveteDeBaie #RășiniEpoxidice #InovațieInDesign
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francenemolove · 2 years
Series: My Kitty Minie (Chapter 4)
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"It was you all along? I don't understand; why didn't you just tell me?" Jimin stammered. eyes teary, looking at her. 
 "I just wanted to fulfill a promise I made." Y/N said coldly. 
 "So if there isn't anything important you want to tell me, then go back to work," she dismissed. 
 Jimin just nodded and bowed his head as he stepped out of her office. 
He assumed she'd be relieved to see him again; everything they'd been through had been insignificant to her. He didn't know that experiencing this could be the most painful thing in his life.
~ This story is purely fiction.
~ This means that the characters whose names are used in the story, aren't like this and don't do things like this.
~ This story contains triggering topics like abuse, sex, angst and fluff.
The story is made in an Alternate Universe. It's an A,B,O world where Alphas can be females with a cock and Omegas can be males with a pussy.DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE BELOW 18.
As time went on, Jimin and Y/N's friendship grew stronger. Jimin is 11 and Y/N is 16 now. Despite Y/N's schedule, she still finds ways to be able to play with Jimin. She's almost always in the sanctuary. Of course, with the help of her grandma, who sneaks her in when she finishes school,
Boram is very strict when it comes to Y/N's education, which is why after regular school she has three private classes every day. Boram thought that with how busy Y/N was, she would not have time to play around with that hybrid boy. What she didn't know is that Sun-Young paid Y/N's private teachers to come to the sanctuary and teach both Y/N and Jimin. Sun-Young thought it was going to be hard to ask Jimin to take classes with Y/N since the sanctuary also provides teachers for hybrids who want to finish their education. She was surprised to see that Jimin is actually a smart boy. Even though he is shy, his eagerness to learn didn't stop him from seeking knowledge.
Sun-Young peeked in the classroom where Y/N and Jimin were studying and found them bickering about the right answer. It made her chuckle. She's just so happy that Jimin and her Y/N found each other. They're so close, it's almost as if they're soulmates. She dispelled such thoughts by stating that they were still young. If they are what she thinks they are, then it will happen at the right time.
"Doc?" "Our car arrived; we have to get to the rescue center if we want to be back before Y/N and Jimin's lessons are done." Her assistant stated
"That's right, let me just say goodbye, and then we're off," she agreed.
She knocked on the door to alert the people in the classroom and said:
"Excuse me; my apologies for interrupting."
"It's alright, Doc, come in," the teacher assured.
"What is it, grandma?" asked Y/N.
She came near where they were sitting and hugged them. She heard Jimin's purr. It's beautiful now; it can make people sleep if they ever hear it.
"Are you going somewhere, Doctor?" Jimin wondered.
"Yes, I need to head to the hybrid rescue center; there are things I need to assess, but don't you two worry, it won't take long," she promised.
"Okay, take care, Grandma! "See you later," said Y/N as she waved goodbye.
Before Sun-Young could leave the room, she heard Jimin say...
"Wait a minute, Doctor?"
"Oh, my sweet Jimin, how many times have I told you to call me Grandma instead?" "You're like my grandson already," she soothed.
" R-right! I just wanted to say that, um, just. I wanted to say thank you for a... well, everything that you have given me. he stammered.
"Jimin, you are truly welcome." I hope that I can provide the help that all hybrids need in this cruel world of ours.
"I believe you will someday, together with Y/N. You both are amazing people!" said Jimin, blushing.
She smiled at Jimin and caressed his soft kitten ears. Soft purring was the only sound Jimin produced.
"I'll get going, Jiminie; I'll see you and Y/N later," she said, waving goodbye.
Jimin felt so happy and content being in the sanctuary, sleeping in a safe and secure place, eating three times a day (maybe 4 or 5 times since Y/N gives him snacks), being with people who care for him, and being with Y/N. Everything feels so good and peaceful. Of course, things will never be like this; Jimin was never deserving of good things anyway.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, ma'am! but it's very important!
"Then spill it out!" yelled Boram.
"It's the hospital; something happened to your mom.""
Her eyes grew wide; she wanted to ask what happened, but nothing was coming out of her mouth.
Her assistant dragged her outside. This was the second time that she saw her boss freeze. She wanted to help her calm down so she could snap herself out of it, but she knew that it was important for her and her daughter to be in the hospital A.S.A.P.
"Excuse me, Maam, I need to excuse Y/N," says the sanctuary staff.
" Why? What's going on? Y/N queried
"It's about your grandma; she's in an accident, and your mom is asking for you to be there."
" Wwhat?
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420hamlet · 1 day
Día 136: "Escribe una historia donde un tablero de ajedrez ilustre movimientos estratégicos y dinámicas de poder" "No place, indeed should murder sanctuarize." - Claudius (Hamlet).
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asdff-667 · 15 days
Create Your Dream Home with The Auura Interior Designing Studio’s Home Interior Design Solutions
Your home is more than just a place to live; it’s a sanctuary that reflects your personality, style, and lifestyle. At The Auura Interior Designing Studio, we specialize in transforming houses into dream homes through our expert home interior design and custom interior design solutions. Whether you’re renovating a single room or undertaking a complete home makeover, our dedicated team ensures that every aspect of your interior design aligns with your vision and functional needs.
Why Choose an Interior Design Studio for Your Home?
Partnering with a professional interior design studio like The Auura Interior Designing Studio offers numerous benefits. Our expertise allows us to create spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional. We understand the intricacies of space planning, lighting, color schemes, and material selection, which are essential in crafting harmonious living environments.
Choosing an interior design studio means you gain access to a team of skilled designers who can bring fresh ideas and innovative solutions to your home. Our collaborative approach ensures that your personal taste and lifestyle are seamlessly integrated into the design, resulting in a space that truly feels like home.
Custom Interior Design Solutions for Every Home
One of the key advantages of working with The Auura Interior Designing Studio is our commitment to providing custom interior design solutions. We believe that every home is unique, and so should be its design. Our customized services ensure that every element of your home interior is tailored to your specific needs and preferences.
Our design process begins with a thorough consultation to understand your vision, lifestyle, and requirements. Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist aesthetic or a more traditional, cozy ambiance, our team crafts bespoke designs that cater to your tastes. From selecting the perfect furniture and fixtures to choosing the right color palettes and textures, our custom interior design solutions cover every detail to create a cohesive and inviting space.
Innovative Design and Trend Integration
At The Auura Interior Designing Studio, we stay abreast of the latest trends and innovations in the interior design industry. Our team is adept at blending contemporary styles with timeless elements to create spaces that are both current and enduring. Whether it’s incorporating smart home technology, sustainable materials, or unique design features, we ensure that your home is not only beautiful but also functional and future-proof.
Maximizing Space and Functionality
Effective space utilization is a critical aspect of home interior design. Our interior design studio excels in creating layouts that maximize every inch of your home, ensuring that each room serves its intended purpose without feeling cramped or cluttered. From open-plan living areas that promote social interaction to well-organized storage solutions, we design spaces that enhance your daily living experience.
Bringing Your Vision to Life
At The Auura Interior Designing Studio, our goal is to bring your vision to life with precision and creativity. We collaborate closely with you throughout the design process, offering expert advice and incorporating your feedback to ensure that the final outcome exceeds your expectations. Our dedication to quality and attention to detail make us a trusted partner for all your home interior design needs.
Your home is a reflection of who you are, and the right interior design can significantly enhance its comfort, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. With The Auura Interior Designing Studio, you gain access to expert home interior design and custom interior design solutions that transform your living space into a beautiful, personalized haven. Let us help you create a home that not only looks stunning but also feels like the perfect sanctuary for you and your family.
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