#samy deluxe
zerrissener · 10 months
flucht aus dem alltag, wurde zum alltag
- samy deluxe (asd)
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handwerkstatt · 2 years
Max Raabe, Samy Deluxe - Der perfekte Moment… wird heut verpennt (MTV Un...
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hoocares · 1 year
In China essen sie Hunde
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randomberlinchick · 2 years
Watch "ASD (Afrob & Samy Deluxe) - Sneak Preview (OFFICIAL VIDEO)" on YouTube
Wah, nimm' sie hoch / Wah, alle hoch / Wah, fühlt ihr das? / Wah, spürt ihr das? / Schreit ma' und seid ma' so laut ihr könnt / Lasst das Thermometer steigen bis das Haus hier brennt / Und wenn wir da sind überkommt euch alle dieser Wahnsinn / Leute haben begriffen, dass wir zwei am Start sind / Schreit ma' und seid ma' so laut ihr könnt / Lasst das Thermometer steigen bis das Haus hier brennt
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reimecker · 11 months
Rap Snippet : Poesie Album (Samy Deluxe)
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nerdwelt · 1 year
Pete Doherty in Deutschland: Ehemaliger Skandalrocker präsentiert neues Erscheinungsbild
Früher sah Pete Doherty (44) auf Fotos aus, als sei er gerade erst aufgestanden. Nicht selten musste man sich um den Ex-Freund von Kate Moss (49) sorgen – doch diese Zeiten scheinen endgültig vorbei zu sein. Der frischgebackene Vater hat einen Lebenswandel vollzogen. Pete Doherty präsentiert seine Kunstwerke in Düsseldorf Sein stylischer Auftritt im Vorfeld der Ausstellung “Beyond Fame. Die Kunst…
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rebe90 · 2 years
Ja, gleiches Problem lol 🙈
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amyylinchen · 2 years
Ich fühl' mich fast schon wie 'n rappender Opa
Findest mich an meinem Lieblingsplatz, Bett oder Sofa
Selbe Jeans und Sweater an seit letztem Oktober
Ich dachte ich bleibe forever young, doch that shit is over
- Samy Deluxe
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scr4p-b4byy · 7 months
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greg cokkue cookie gregy cook greg cookie thank yoy so much AXEL NOT SAMI hunnybuns deluxe hamburger meal foe drawing this im so excsrstics
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zerrissener · 2 years
ich will einfach nur alles dürfen
ich will einfach nur nix mehr müssen
- samy deluxe
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handwerkstatt · 2 years
Max Raabe, Samy Deluxe - Der perfekte Moment… wird heut verpennt (MTV Un...
Today I'm not doing anything Don't lift a finger I stay at home And just lie here Make a phone call Will not happen what i do Fridge open and closed again I'm fine where I am The sun is shining, clouds are rolling in The perfect moment Will oversleep today I turn around again Then I cover myself up I'm not getting up today I don't know what for either I turn around again Because I like doing that I have everything I need eyes open and closed again Plug out, no data The world stays outside and has to wait What I can get today I don't start There is a deep meaning in that That I'm so lazy today It remains I'm free today I turn around again Then I cover myself up I'm not getting up today I don't know what for either I turn around again Because I like doing that I have everything I need eyes open and closed again Today I'm not doing anything Don't lift a finger I stay at home And just lie here
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lgcxmax · 2 years
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what are the top 5 most used apps on your phone?
max is a simple person when using his phone. his top 5 used would be spotify for all his music obviously, kakaotalk to talk to majority of his people and pals in korea and whatsapp to communicate with his family and friends back in germany since it isn’t really a thing in europe to use katalk. the only one he also somewhat frequently uses is a tuner app to tune his guitar but beyond that he doesn’t really use anything aside from the basic functions like the web browser, notes and the camera app. his friends made him get snapchat and keep nagging him to check it more often and send stuff too but he tends to forget it exists on his phone.
what is the most random note in the notes app?
the most random note on his notes app would be a random generated code he wrote down to trade in for ingame loot but he cannot remember which game it was for since one of his friends (most likely wookjin) made him type it down in a hurry. all he knows is he probably traded the code in already and has honestly no idea why he didn’t delete the thing but on the off chance that he hasn’t traded it in he just wants to keep it until after fd when he’ll have time again to game (hopefully) and can ask wookjin what game it was for.
what was the last message or call you’ve received and who was is from?
since being on fd he’s talked with yujin a lot, one of his ex-girlfriends he still keeps in touch with and whose friendship he treasures a lot. they’re texting just back and forth, checking in on each other and making sure they’re doing okay. even if max is hesitant to tell her honestly about how he feels considering he’s not really in a position to reveal too much about the show so it’s tough for him. but with yujin knowing him so well he knows it’s only bound to be up to time before she figures him out and demands a proper call.
what were the last 5 songs that you’ve listened to?
max likes to change up his music not only with genre but also with language. he enjoys listening to german artists especially ever since he left to live in korea because it helps keep him connected with his roots in a way. his last listened songs were rock with you, thrill ride, 194 länder by mark forster, lost by samy deluxe and golden by harry styles. he has three playlists he goes through on a regular: back to roots where he has majority of german songs along with classic german charts stuff, his inspo playlist that has a lot of beats and instrumentals in it that he listens to when he wants to write and his general playlist where he puts everything in that he currently has on loop in his brain.
what were the 5 most recent online searches?
his last online searches were “kim wookjin” cause he’s whipped(tm), “future dreams boys” because he was curious who will show up the most, (TW: MENTAL ILLNESS) “how to deal with anxiety” because at this point he realizes he has issues but doesn’t wanna self-diagnose or talk about it out of fear they’ll cut him out of the project (TW OVER), “fabula comeback” cause he’s a fabula stan sue him and “how to confess to your best friend” because he is tired of stressing over all these blurred lines and wants to do this whole confession thing right once fd is over!
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reimecker · 11 months
Rap Snippet : So solls sein (Samy Deluxe)
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presentecronologia · 2 months
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2003 – Invasión Local realiza el Invasión Fest, siendo una de las pocas ocasiones donde se reúnen en un solo escenario Delux, Los Kung Fu Monkeys, Bye Sami, No Hope, 4 Eli y otras más.
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derbeherzte · 3 months
Samy Deluxe & Molokko Plus - Mikrofoncheck
Anscheinend haben sich da zwei gefunden. Diese Combo macht einfach nur Spass! Das neue Album „members only“ absolut empfehlenswert!
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stoneddurchdentag · 4 months
“Mein Werdegang ein Märchenland voller Engpässe.”
Samy Deluxe
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