samlacy · 6 months
Masterlist & Intro
HELLO!! My name is ila (for short, ilan also works idc tbh^^)
I am a HUGE reader and part time writer :)
I highly suggest to check the tags before reading my fics because I mostly write angst with a side of smut
Im multifandom, which means I write about marvel, supernatural, csm, etc.!!
I write ships AND x readers, just request!!
Okay enough about me, here is the masterlist
- Hobie Brown
• Sunsets at the beach (red dots I fell inlove with)
Angst & Hurt no comfort / x reader
• Your Only Flaw Is That You‘re Flawless
Angst & Hurt no comfort / x reader
• False pleasure (I will be good for you)
Semi-Angst & Smut/ x reader
• Hot Man
Drabble / x reader
• Apron
Fluff / x reader
- Steve Rogers
• Love Me, Touch me (be the first who ever did)
Smut / Virgin!Reader
• Tall Baby
Smut / x reader
• Thighs
Smut / x reader
- Tony Stark
• …
- MLM (men love men)
• Don’t Leave Me Here (Shivering In The Disappearance Of Your Warmth)
Angst / slight smut
- Castiel
• Let me go, I’m starving
Sastiel (SamxCastiel) / Smut & Angst
- Sam Winchester
• Let me go, I’m starving
Sastiel (SamxCastiel) / Smut & Angst
• One Last Time
Sabriel (GabrielxSam) / Smut
- Dean Winchester
• …
- Gabriel
• One Last Time
Sabriel (GabrielxSam) / Smut
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jiminisjamin · 6 years
At The Park
Pairing: Sastiel
Challenge: This is for @queen-of-deans-booty ‘s 3,500 follower celebration (spn card thing)! Congratulations on 3,500 followers, you deserve it and so many more! <3
“Prompts”: Sam + stress + single parent AU
Warnings: Mentions of death, a widowed parent, mentions of divorce
Rating: Mid-Fluff
Word Count: 1,559
A/n: Also I apologize if this isn’t good- I’ve never written for Sastiel, but thought I would try something new for the challenge!
Title: At The Park
 Sam sighs, glancing at his phone one more time before moving up to the receptionist once more. “Are you sure all of the kids are out?” She nods slowly, her head tilting slightly.
“Yes, I’m sure Mr. Winchester. They all left about 10 minutes ago.”
It’s around this time that panic rises in Sam’s chest, and he nods, turning quickly and bolting out of the building, shouting a rushed thank you over his shoulder as he jogs down the street, his gaze raking over the sea of people. “Johnathan! Johnny!” Sam searches frantically, stopping every person he can. “Have you seen a boy? Five years old, about this tall? He’s wearing an orange shirt- plain, yeah, plain orange, he has a dark green puffy jacket- jeans and som- no? Oh- no, thank you,” he bolts down the street, cupping his hand around his mouth and shouting. “Johnny! Johnny!” He racks his brain to think of anywhere Johnathan could be and remembers the conversation they’d had earlier. “The park…” He turns quickly, blinking away the tears pricking at the corner of his eyes as he backtracks quickly, weaving his way through the crowd while constantly calling for his son.
Not too far away he can see the park, and he sees a streak of orange running across the playground. “Johnny!” He moves faster than he ever thought possible as he jumps over the bench, dropping quickly and scooping up his son, pulling him to him in a tight hug. “Oh, god, Johnny, what are you doing? Why did you leave- are you okay? Oh god, Johnny, are you okay?” He pulls away, grasping his child’s head and turning it, examining every visible inch of his son.
“Dad!” Johnathan whines, a smile sliding across his face. “I’m fine!” Sam frowns, pulling Johnathan in for another hug.
“Don’t ever do this again, why would you leave? I told you I was going to be late! I told you to wait at the front desk, Johnny!”
“Oh, my.” Sam looks up, frowning when he hears the deep voice. He stares down at him and looks away briefly. “I, uh…that would be my fault. I’m so sorry- I didn’t realize…” He motions to the side. “Maria said that Johnny said that his dad- you, I guess, said that he could come to the park with us. I didn’t think much about it- I’m so sorry. I hope you didn’t get too worried.” Sam swallows roughly and stands up.
“Johnny, go play- we’ll talk about this later, okay?”
“I’m not in trouble?” He asks softly.
“No. I’m just…I’m glad you’re okay- go, have fun.” He watches his son run over to the jungle gym, and sighs, plopping down onto the bench and covering his face.
“I’m so sorry,” the man sits down next to Sam. “I didn’t mean any harm.”
“No- I know, it’s fine. I just can’t lose him- you know? He’s all I have left.” He drags his hand down his face and then holds it out to him.
 “I’m Sam. What’s your name?” He shakes Sam’s hand.
“I’m Castiel.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Castiel.” He smiles and closes his eyes for a moment. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if he was gone.”
“Hopefully you weren’t too worried- I mean, maybe you thought your wife had just…come and got him?” Sam’s smile turns sad and he looks away.
“There’s no…wife. Not anymore, that is.”
“Oh. Divorce?”
“Widowed, actually.” Sam shakes his head, a small, bitter smile on his face. “It doesn’t seem too fair- but, hey. I still got Johnny.” He smiles, turning his gaze to his son. Castiel smiles lightly.
“I’m a single parent too.” Castiel tilts his head, staring up at the sky.
“Oh. Divorce…or?” Castiel laughs slightly and shrugs. Sam frowns. “Are you widowed too…or?” Castiel shakes his head.
“No, no. It was a divorce.”
“Oh- I’m sorry, man.” Castiel turns his gaze to Sam, his bright blue eyes searching his face as his lips quirk up in a visibly uncomfortable smile.
“I- don’t feel…bad, it was my choice.” He shifts uncomfortably.
“Oh. And…you got custody? Did she not want her?” Castiel swallows thickly.
“No, we have joint custody.” He looks over at Sam. “She actually didn’t want to get divorced.” He looks down at his hands. “I just…”
“You didn’t love her anymore?” Sam fills in, “was it someone else? Where is she?” He doesn’t see Castiel visibly stiffen, his head dropping lower as he tugs at the end of his blue sweater’s sleeve.
“No, actually. It wasn’t another…it wasn’t like that. I just…I didn’t love her anymore- there was no one else.” Sam frowns, turning to look at Castiel.
“Oh.” Castiel shifts again.
“Uh- again, I’m sorry for…worrying you. I truly thought it had been worked out with you- I didn’t know if you maybe knew Meg, or…” Sam frowns.
“Uh- my, uh, ex-wife. I didn’t know if this was something you’d arranged earlier with her- so I just went with it. I don’t want Maria knowing I’m out of the loop with her mother.”
“The two of you aren’t on good terms yet?’ Sam asks, returning his gaze to watching his son play.
“You could say that, I guess. I hurt her- she hurt me…it was…a confusing time.” Sam nods, his jaw clenching.
“Yeah. I get it.”
“I doubt that,” Castiel comments, turning his gaze back to his daughter.
“Excuse me?”
“I- I just mean…I don’t think you, uh, understand what it was.”
“You didn’t love her anymore,” Sam replies. “What’s there to get? You both got hurt, it happens a lot.”
“No.” Sam turns his gaze to one of the other mom’s who was hanging around near the bench, his eyebrows furrowing.
“Excuse me?”
“It doesn’t happen a lot,” she turns her burning gaze to Castiel, and he hangs his head, his face burning in shame under her scrutinizing gaze.
“Did he cheat on her or something?” Sam asks, still confused.
“I think that would’ve been easier on her. No- he went to the other side.” The women raises her eyebrows, attempting to clue in Sam without outright telling him. Castiel swallows again, placing his hand on his neck.
“I didn’t…I didn’t switch,” he mutters, keeping his voice low. “I just…realized.” It takes a few more moments for the women to sigh, and lean into Sam.
“He’s gay, honey.” She murmurs, standing up and turning around, calling for her child and smiling. “Goodbye, Castiel.” She waves, and Castiel waves back.
“Bye,” he clears his throat, glancing over at Sam. “Uh, yeah.” Sam stares at him for a while before smiling and shrugging.
“Okay. I’m glad you didn’t force yourself to stay in that relationship,” he replies. Castiel smiles, a sigh of relief falling past his lips.
“So am I,” he mutters.
“Yeah. Also- I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or, weird about me knowing.” Sam looks away. “You don’t need to worry, I guess is what I’m saying. I…it’s normal, Castiel.”
“Thank you, Sam.”
“No problem.” Castiel clears his throat slightly.
“Have you ever…?” Sam raises his eyebrows.
“Questioned yourself.” Sam shakes his head.
“No. I know who I like,” Castiel’s head dips slightly.
“Oh- okay, I see.” Sam’s lips curl up in a grin, and his eyebrows raise as he turns his gaze to the sky.
“You know,” he begins, getting Castiel’s attention, “I never said who I like.” Castiel sits up a little straighter.
“Oh?” Sam nods and smiles.
“Yeah. I just like people for who they are, mostly.” Sam sighs, and stands up, brushing off his jeans. “Anyways,” he pulls out his phone and hands it to Castiel.
“U-uh, what?”
“You have a phone, right?” Castiel nods.
“Yes, I-”
“Let me see it,” he fumbles to pull his phone out of his pocket and stands up, handing Sam his phone and taking Sam’s. “I, uh- put my number…in?” Sam nods, typing into Castiel’s phone.
“Yeah. I think we should talk sometime. Our kids get along- maybe they could play together sometime, and we could have some coffee?” Castiel blushes, and smiles.
“Yes- that would be…that would be fun.” Sam smiles, glancing at the ground.
“Well, I’m looking forward to it. Maybe this Friday?” Castiel nods and Sam calls Johnathan over.
“Yes, Sam- that would work.”
“Okay, great.” He grins, tilting his head as he motions for Johnny to come over. “Oh, and Castiel?” Castiel raises an eyebrow.
“Shy suits you,” Sam smiles and turns to Johnny as he walks over. “Hey, buddy.” He lifts his kid up and smiles at Castiel. “We’ll see you and Maria Friday then?” Castiel nods.
“Yeah- yes, Friday.”
“Okay, sounds good. I’ll text you later for more details,” Sam smiles, his gaze lingering with Castiel’s for a few seconds, only breaking when Maria calls for her father, and Castiel turns around, his expression turning soft as he crouches down, enveloping his daughter in his arms and talking softly to her. Sam smiles, and turns.
“Talk to you later, Cas.” He says, setting Johnathan down and grabbing his hand, heading over to their car.
“Talk to you then!” Castiel calls out, quickly sparing a glance over his shoulder at Sam. Sam turns, meeting Castiel’s gaze once more, and his heart lifts slightly as a deep blush creeps over Castiel’s cheeks.
SPN: @thatshellfiredean , @idixsyncrxsy , @ain-t-bovvered , @and-we-are-all-dead , @shows-up-naked-covered-in-bees
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rosemoonweaver · 7 years
Oooh can I send you a few ships for the ship game? How about: CainxDean , MegxRuby, SamxCastiel ? :D Please and thank you!
who’s the cuddler: Dean’s cuddly but he was a little worried that Cain wouldn’t appreciate it at first. Cain does though. who makes the bed: Cain. He’s a very tidy person.who wakes up first: Also Cain. He has to. Gotta check on the apiaries early. who has the weird taste in music: Cain is more into blues and early jazz, so Dean thinks his music is weird. Cain on the other hand things Dean’s music is weird. who is more protective: Definitely Cain, but his main concern is protecting Dean from his own self-destructive thoughts. who sings in the shower: Dean likes to listen to Cain singing in the show. His voice is so smooth and deep. Dean sings off key. who cries during movies: They both do, but Dean’s more of a slobbery, sniffly crier. Cain is much more dignified and only cries during Titanic. who spends the most while out shopping: Cain is more likely to buy organic produce. Dean buys fun stuff. They spend about the same. who kisses more roughly: It’s actually Dean. Cain can be rough, but Dean is comfortable being rough with Cain when he wants to be. who is more dominate: Cain. gets jealous the most: They don’t get very jealous, actually. Cain is unconcerned when Dean flirts with other people (after all, it’s only natural he find other people attractive). Their relationship has a good basis of trust and honesty so they both know they don’t have to worry that someone else is going to snatch the other away. one headcanon I have: Cain seems like a hardass, but he’s actually very gentle with Dean. He knows what Dean needs and wants and they have a pretty good relationship. It started out as a D/s relationship for both of them but eventually, they kind of decided they might as well date because they worked really well together. nicknames: Do “Sir” and “Boy” count? my rating of the ship from 1-10: 8
Answered :) 
who’s the cuddler: They’re both big cuddlers. When they’re asleep together, it’s sometimes hard to tell where one ends and where the other begins. who makes the bed: Cas. But it’s kind of half done at best. As long as the sheets are tucked where they’re supposed to be it’s good enough. who wakes up first: Sam. Cas will not get out of bed save for an emergency or fresh coffee. who has the weird taste in music: Sam. His music has banjos in it. Or, at least that’s what Cas thinks they are. He’s not really good at telling instruments apart. who is more protective: Cas. He’s super protective over Sam. who sings in the shower: Sam. who cries during movies: Sam. Cas only cries at movies if he’s a little tipsy. (In that case, it’s always a bad idea to watch Babe, Homeward Bound, Bambi, basically anything that’s remotely sad.)who spends the most while out shopping: Sam. Unless they both want to try some new cheese or something, then they’re both complicit in the expense. who kisses more roughly: Sam. Cas is more of a nibbler. Sam bites. who is more dominate: Personality wise, it’s Cas. In the bedroom, it’s Sam. gets jealous the most: Cas is jealous of Sam’s compassion. Cas is a fairly kind person, but he once worked in customer service and had no patience for it. He’s pretty sure Sam has the patience of a saint. one headcanon I have: Sam had a huge crush on Cas for forever, but he wasn’t sure Cas would or could reciprocate. Cas did, of course, but he didn’t want to impose. nicknames: The obvious ones. “Angel” “Beloved” my rating of the ship from 1-10: 9.5
Send me a ship!
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calmturquoise · 8 years
Sam Winchester for the character ask?
NOTP: Wincest (SamxDean)
BROTP: Sastiel (SamxCastiel)
OTP: Sabriel (SamxGabriel)
2nd choice pairing: Sam/Jess
Fluffy pairing: Sastiel (SamxCastiel)
Angsty pairing: Sam/Jess
Favorite poly ship: Sastriel (SamxCasxGabriel)
Weirdest pairing: Senny (SamxBenny)
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ao3feed-castiel · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2DVZHA6
by allinblue
Words: 7234, Chapters: 2/2, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Castiel, Sam Winchester
Relationships: Castiel/Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: Bottom Castiel/Top Sam Winchester, Sex
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2DVZHA6
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ao3feedsastiel · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yLIPvu
by Batsy7
Words: 239, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Castiel, Angel Efram, Angel Hannah, Angel Jonah, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Relationships: all castiel - Relationship, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Hannah (Supernatural), Castiel/Efram, Castiel/Johah
Additional Tags: 涉及轮奸, ooc, 慎入!!!, PWP
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yLIPvu
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ao3-wincestiel · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yLIPvu
by Batsy7
Words: 239, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Castiel, Angel Efram, Angel Hannah, Angel Jonah, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Relationships: all castiel - Relationship, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Hannah (Supernatural), Castiel/Efram, Castiel/Johah
Additional Tags: 涉及轮奸, ooc, 慎入!!!, PWP
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yLIPvu
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ao3feed-destiel · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yLIPvu
by Batsy7
Words: 239, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Castiel, Angel Efram, Angel Hannah, Angel Jonah, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Relationships: all castiel - Relationship, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Hannah (Supernatural), Castiel/Efram, Castiel/Johah
Additional Tags: 涉及轮奸, ooc, 慎入!!!, PWP
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yLIPvu
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webkinzville · 6 years
Sastiel is so good...
Also hi I'm new to the fandom whats up
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ao3feed-castiel · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yLIPvu
by Batsy7
Words: 239, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Castiel, Angel Efram, Angel Hannah, Angel Jonah, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Relationships: all castiel - Relationship
Additional Tags: 涉及轮奸, ooc, 慎入!!!, PWP
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yLIPvu
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acklelantern · 9 years
Sastiel just makes me so happy.
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hunky-dory · 10 years
Sastiel Podfics
Hello my Sastiel friends,
So, I've noticed in my collection of Supernatural Podfics Sastiel is missing from the list. And with someone who enjoys the creativity of podfics and being able to take fanfictions on the go, I thought that Sastiel (my OTP) is sorely needed. And I hope to help with that.
Unfortunately, I haven't had all the time in the world to read the Sastiel fics out there, while I do know some big name Sastiel authors. I wanted to go to the experts to find fics worthy of being podficced. 
It's my hope to begin recording Sastiel fanfics during the winter months and perhaps later on if I have the time and the quiet. But I don't know just what to podfic.
Here's my rules (or way to narrow down the recs)
Fic length can be from 4k-40k (it can be longer but there's no guarantee I'll get to it.)
Please provide a link to the author so I get get their approval (and feel free to self rec too)
It can be Gen or Slash of Sastiel related things (because Sam and Cas friendship is equally awesome)
That's primarily it, hope you guys can help me out. I'd really love to see more podfics of Sastiel. (Even if I have to do it myself.)
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dailyspnpairing · 10 years
You're asking for requests, right? Sastiel man, maybe based around the ocean because I have been reading things with ocean imagery and i'm a little obsessed atm. This is such a cool idea for a blog.
I really hope this is okay. I kind of went AU on it and stuff…And thank you so much! Here’s to having my first request!
“Come on Cas, we’re almost there.” Sam stopped mid stride and turned back to see Castiel sitting on a rock digging through his bag and producing a granola bar and a bottle of water. He tromped his way back over the rocky pathway, “Really? Another break?”
“Yes Sam, I read that when one is hiking they should stay sufficiently hydrated. I broke a small sweat and wanted to make sure I stopped to re-hydrate myself. You should have some too.”
Sam just sighed and took a seat on the rock next to the other man. There really was no arguing with him when it came to things like this he had found in the year he had been dating Castiel.
Castiel was a secretary (although he preferred to be called a receptionist and would argue with you about it until he was blue in the face) at the local dentist’s office that Sam had happened to walk into one day to make an appointment after his dentist had moved to another city. Sam was caught off guard by the man sitting at the front desk who greeted him when he walked in.
“Hello there. What can I assist you with today?” The voice behind the desk had spoken with a friendly but gravelly voice that Sam was definitely not expecting. Blue eyes looked up to meet Sam’s and for a moment he had forgotten how to speak. But finally, he was able to make his appointment and ended up thinking about the man all day.
Sam was a little loopy from the nitrous oxide he had been given during his visit and he took the chance while he had the guts to do it. He asked the man at the front desk for his number and if he would like to have lunch the next day.
Castiel had never had such a handsome man ask him out before, but that could also be the nitrous oxide talking, but he accepted the offer and was at a small diner the next day with one Sam Winchester, attorney at law.
They had many more dates after that and they were quick to learn about each other. One of those things was that Sam was a little bit of a health nut. He enjoyed morning runs, salads and hiking. Today was one of the latter.
The air was peppered with spray from the ocean below them and the wind whipped around their bodies as they sat on the large rock. By now they had come a few hundred feet up but had yet to reach their destination; a large lighthouse that was perched cliff-side.
Sam took the bottle of water from Castiel after he had a few drinks from it and watched as the waves crashed into the rocks below them. They both had the weekend off and had decided to take advantage of it with a hike, much to Castiel’s whining about it. He wasn't much for long hikes unless the weather was just right, and up this high and was a little cool for his tastes. But, he hadn't complained yet, just made a lot of pit stops for water and snacks. Sam wasn't complaining about that either.
Finally, they finished off the water together and Castiel ate the last bite of the granola bar and they headed back to their destination. It wasn't far now and they reached the lighthouse about fifteen minutes later.
“Oh Sam, you were right, it’s absolutely beautiful up here,” Castiel exclaimed once they were able to look over to see the ocean spread out below them for miles and miles. The sun shined down on the water, creating a sparkle in the ripples and every now and then you could see a fish break the surface. Castiel was absolutely in love with the view. And Sam was in love with his view of Castiel.
The lighthouse had been abandoned long ago when a new one was built not too far from where this one stood, so this one in particular had been left preserved fairly well. Sam found the door and they made their way inside, climbing up the winding steps until they were at the very top, peering out the window that overlooked the water.
There was enough space for the two of them up there and Castiel looked beautiful with the sun shining through the window, illuminating his dark hair and making his already bright blue eyes shine even more.
This was it then. If there was a time to do it, it was now. Sam dug around in the small bag he had carried up with him, making sure that Castiel didn't sneak his way into it for any reason, and he produced a small box. He took Castiel’s hand in his a little shakily, and pressed the box into his palm.
“It’s for you. I just want you to know how much you mean to me. This year has been the best year of my life.” And it really had been too, he couldn't have imagined not meeting Castiel that day or being just loopy enough to ask him to lunch. Thankfully it had all worked to his advantage.
Castiel opened the small box to be met with a small silver key inside and his eyes grew wide when he looked up to the taller man. “Is this—Sam, are you sure?”
“I've never been so sure of anything in my life Cas. Move in with me, please. I want to go to sleep with you by my side every night and wake up to your face every morning….if you’ll let me.”
“I want the same thing. Yes. Please. Of course Sam. Of course.” He leaned up on his tiptoes to reach the taller man and plant a kiss on his lips, just lingering there with the sunlight shining down on them and warming them both.
It wasn't a marriage proposal, it wasn't anything set in stone. But it meant getting to see Castiel every day, and Sam couldn't be happier.
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