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fandomout · 4 years ago
Supernatural  Preferences/Imagines-They find out that you don’t complain about your struggles because you don’t think they compare to their problems
Includes-Castiel, Sam, Dean, Gabriel and Charlie
You were preparing yourself for Castiel as you just got off the phone with him, and he said he’s come in a few minutes. By preparing, you meant you were trying to hold it together. Everything was going wrong. Everything was weighing down on you. You didn't want your problems to add to Castiel's troubles. You had just finished cooking, and you were waiting for your timer to ring. However, Castiel gets there earlier than you thought as he appears in front of you. You pull him to a hug and hold him a little too tight by accident. 
“You’re really happy to see me?” He asks.
“I am. Always.” 
“How are you?”
“I’m good.” You looked away from him for a second before asking, “How are you?” He makes an expression you can't read, so you ask him, “Castiel, are you okay?”
“I’m trying to figure out if you were lying when you answered me just now. It’s proving difficult.”
“Dean said he’s really good at telling the difference. He’s given me a few tips as a new skill. One sign he said to look for is any wandering eyes, but you did so quickly I can't tell.”
“It’s great that your learning more human skills I guess...I was not lying, so-”
“Pausing is another sign of lying. It gives the other person more time to think of more lies and avert the situation.”
“This is very difficult. I’m just going to read you.”
“Castiel, we’ve talked about that!” You’ve spoken too late as his powers are too quick. Also, with all of the stress and inconveniences from the past times, they all lay at the surface of your brain ready for the taking. Sadly, he states, “You went through a lot while I was gone.”
“Okay.” The timer goes off. You turn it off and walk over to the oven to take out the meal you just made. He takes your hand.
“Why didn’t you discuss this with me?”
“How can I? No, you know what, how dare I? Who am I to complain? Castiel, you're literally an angel that helps protect the world from supernatural creatures. You’ve saved the world a few times. How can I-I-I...”
“Are you finished?”
“I guess I am.” You huff and sit down. You turn your face from him and await for him to say something. He sits next to you, and he is sure to get all up in your face. He gives you a small smile and lays his hand in yours and says, “Listen, there are many things that aren't fair or make sense in the world. One thing I’ve learned on Earth is hurt and pain are a plain field everyone can relate to. Everyone is in pain before it gets better. While, yes, my issues are out of the ordinary, they are issues, nonetheless, same as yours, so I want you to talk to me. It pains me to hear you in pain. If I can be there, maybe advice isn’t the best idea-” You both get out a small chuckle. “But, I can listen or just hold you. I don’t want you to suffer in solace. You pray to me, and I’ll come.”
You were at your apartment having a hard time controlling your emotions since yet another thing had to go wrong in your life. A few stray tears fall involuntarily, and you just watch it happen since you feel helpless. As you almost decide to let it all out, you hear a knock at your door.
You practiced a fake smile in the mirror for whoever it was going to be. You wiped the tears You walked over to the door, and you looked into the peephole to see Dean, smiling, at your door. You sucked in a few quick breaths to calm down and tried to focus on being happy to see him. You open the door, and he immediately brings you into his arms. You hold onto him enjoying the moment of just holding and smelling him. He pulled back a bit, and he peppered your face with kisses. He gives you an uneasy smile; then, he licks at his lips.
“You alright?” You ask and give him a soft kiss.
“Fine. Just-” He kisses your cheek again. “You taste salty.”
“That’s such a weird first think to say when I haven’t seen you in how long?” You grip his hand to lead him to the kitchen because you just wanted him close and taken care of. He allows you to drag him. You pull out a beer, open it, and hand it to him. He blurts out, “Something going on?” You don’t dare even think about talking about everything. You didn’t want to add to Dean’s worry. He has enough to stress and worry about for a lifetime. He takes a swig of his beer as he awaits your response. He leans back on your kitchen counter with a stern that is telling you that he won’t speak until you do. You wrap your arms around his neck, and he pulls you in by the waist to be pressed against him. 
“There’s nothing going on right now. Now, why don’t you talk to me?” He gives a smile and replies, “I’ll tell you everything that happened out on the road.” He drops his smile and continues to say, “If you stop lying your ass off.” You scoff at him.
“Can't we just have a nice moment? Believe it or not they exist.” He removed himself from you and went back to his beer. He drinks some of it before getting another one out, opening, and putting it on the table. He takes his beer in his hand and sits down at your table. He gestures for you to sit. You let out a small sigh and sit in the chair next to him. You drink your beer to the end of it as he stares at you down. Finally, you break, “Ugh! Fine!...Dean, I have issues and problems-but we don’t have to talk about it.”
“We don’t have to, but I have a feeling you want to. Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time you complained about anything...How could I not have noticed that?”
“I’m a positive person.” you expected the statement to come out firmly, but it just sounded like sacastim from the lack of strength inside of you. 
“How much have you been keeping from me?!”
“So what?! Your big plan is to let yourself die from the inside out?! Is that any better than just telling me?!” You slammed your hands onto the table and told him, “Stop yelling!”
“You’re yelling!”
“Now, I am!” You roughly put your hand to your head and grasp at your hair roughly almost like you want to pull it out. Dean scoots a little closer. He takes your hand from your head and holds onto it. His tone drops to be more soft, and he says, “Look…” He moves the hair out of your face with his other hand as you just ruffled it to hell. “Let’s just calm down first. Let’s breathe.” He breathed exaggeratingly.
“Dean...I don’t need to-”
“Let’s breathe. Come on. You’ve done this with me enough times. Your turn.” You breathe along with him. Finally, he says, “Okay. Go. Tell me what this keeping it in crap is about?” You put a hand to hold his face. The ends of your finger moving back and forth on his ear lobe, and you say, “Dean, you’ve gone through so much and still are going through so much. 
“Hey, you're always there for me. You're there when I need to bitch about Sam, a hunt, or some random dick on the street. You do so much, and I’m here-”
”Dean, I know you're here for me, but you shouldn't have to be.”
“Uh, Uh, Uh. We’re not playing the selfless card. No. You-”
“We’re a package deal. We’re on the same level. If you’re there for me, I get to be there for you. If you cry in front of me, I get to do it too...I know how much you care about me and what you’d do for me. Hell, When I’m piss drunk, you’ve come to get me just about every time. I fall on my ass at a bar and look like an idiot, you’ve come to get me.“ You let out a small laugh as you recall. “I remember one of those times that you even pretended to fall on your ass to make me feel better.” You sit up a bit and ask, “You remember that?”
“You thought I was too hammered. I decided to just keep it as a keepsake. Keep it in my pocket for when I needed it. Here we are.” Dean pulls you into a hug, and your arms go around his neck and your fingers find the hairs on the back of his neck.. “It’s an us. We’re not just an us when you're around me, and you aren’t a single when you're alone. We’re together even if we’re miles away from each other. I can't have my sweet Y/N in pain. It hurts more to think you're holding back. Don’t.” With the declaration, you do just that. You let out all your emotions crash down and tell him.
While you were going through a lot, you were trying to ignore it by watching tv; however, it wasn’t doing much good at all as you felt the pit in your stomach getting worse. You were so focused that you scream when your phone rings. You pick it up as you see it’s Sam.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, Sam.”
“What are you doing right now?” You pull the phone away from you and take a deep breath and pull the phone back to you.
“Just watching tv.”
“Can I watch the Kardashians with you even though I can’t believe you watch that?” You look to the tv you neglected and see the Kardashians was in fact on tv. Your mouth goes wide.
“How did you-” You hear a knock at the door. You rush over to open the door and see Sam. You engulf each other in a hug filled with warmth. “Sam, that was kinda creepy for a second.” You joke, and he chuckles and says, “I was trying to surprise you.”
“Mission accomplished. I am surprised.”  You say as lighthearted as you can with your foul mood clinging onto you.
“Was it a good surprise?”
“Yes. Now, let me do something about what’s on tv because I was not watching.” You change to another random channel. You look back to see Sam is already sitting on the couch and waiting for you. You settle beside him, and you convince him to lay down with you. The tv plays; however, neither of you listen as he begins to recount his trip, which consist of what they hunted, where they found it, how they killed it etc. Despite his tales, your mind can’t seem to shake your stresses, and you end up not hearing a word. You're so tired of it all. He nudges you softly, and you give a small smile as if you were listening.
“What is it?”
“Nothing.” You hold his hand in one hand while the other draws circles into his forearm. “What do you mean?”
“I could have sworn you drifted off.”
“Me? No. No, of course not.”
“Alright pop quiz.“ You let out a dry laugh and say, “Seriously, Sam?”
“What more is there to be said? You found the monster and killed it. That’s all that matters, right?” He sits up a little from the comfortable position. 
“Is something wrong with you?” His eyes search your expression for any hint of an answer. You get up, letting him go.
“No. I’m fine, Sam. Do you want a beer or something-” Suddenly, his big strong arms pull you in from behind by your waist. You land on his lap. You refuse to turn to him as you know his beautiful eyes will give you puppy dog eyes. His head finds its way into the crook of your neck, Softly, he says, “Why won’t you tell me?”
“There’s nothing to say. You're just being your worried self.” You say with a forced smile as you reach behind for your hand to reach his cheek. He took hold of your hand. While your hand still lays a little on his face, he softly kisses your forearm, wrist, and palm. You sigh softly enjoying the comfort. “You never complain and are always pretty positive...It would be okay if that weren't the case. You can't be happy all the time.”
“But-” You break down in his arms. You begin to cry. He turns you toward him, so your legs lay out on top of him. He kisses under your eyes softly and tastes you tears. He holds your face in one of his large hands and urges you, “Just talk to me.”
“That would be so wrong though…” He tilts his head in confusion with a furrow of brow. 
“Wrong? You talking to me, your boyfriend, about what’s bothering you, that’s wrong?” He scratches his head with an exaggerated confused face, which makes you chuckle. “That doesn't sound, right, now does it?”
“Sam, you just- you have so much going on-” He doesn't let you continue as he lays a kiss on your lips. 
“If that's what this is about, you’ve been doing it all wrong. Yes, I have a difficult time with all the supernatural crap, but a problem is a problem and an issue is an issue. Just because yours may not depend on the universe it doesn't mean you mean any less. Your emotions matter, especially to me. I want you to talk to me from now on without a worry about what I do. I don’t want you to take on everything alone because no one should have to go through that, and you shouldn't want that...Now, will you talk to me?”
“Yeah. Yeah. I love you, Sam.”
“I love you too, Y/N.”
While struggling with all kinds of issues, it was convenient that Gabriel has been coming around more frequently as it made you feel better and distracted you from everything else. The morning after having sex, you were laying comfortably in each others arms. When you woke up, Gabriel was already out of bed. He had showered, so he smelled amazing and had his hair wet and slicked back. As you woke, Gabriel had all kinds of foods set out for you. As usual, he was spoiling you. He sat on the other side of the room with a happy composure, and he happily said, “Good morning.” You purse your lips at him and motion him over, which leads Gabriel to lean forward to kiss you. You groggily but happily say, “It’s nice that your voice is the first thing I’ve heard today.” He kisses you again and smiles against your lips. You brush your hands through his hair and he comments, “You know if you want to hear my voice, you can call me whenever you want. Even if you don’t have a reason to.” 
“I think you're a bit busy for all that.” As you made the statement, your issues came back and started flooding your head, and you removed your hands from his hair. You rise from the bed in your naked state. Gaberiel holds up one of his shirts from you. You reach out for the shirt, and he pulls it back a smidge away from reach, so he can lay a butterfly kiss across your shoulders. You giggle in response. He helps you pull his shirt across your body. You take a bite of a chocolate strawberry and say, “I feel like you’ve been spoiling more than usual. Is something up?”
“No. No. I’m just a good boyfriend.”
“You are a good boyfriend...Am I-Are you happy?”
“I just mean that I feel like I can’t spoil you with things like this.”
“You can’t, but-” He grabs onto your hands and kisses the front of them. “You do spoil me with love and understanding. In fact, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Are you serious?”
“Your're damn right, sweetheart.” You're overwhelmed from the sweetness that you begin to cry. “Oh, I don’t think I’ve ever made someone cry after saying something nice.”
“It’s just wow-you-” You are in the middle of explaining when his hold from you disappears and so does he. You're left alone. You try to wipe at your tears and look around the room. Frantically, you pace around the room. Immediately, you call his cell, but there’s no response on the line. You sat down on the bed in dismay. You bit at your knuckles as your hands clasped together. After half an hour, the flutter of his wings reach your ears. Then, you look up to see he’s back. You rush forward and almost knock him over in a hug.
“I’m alright.” You pull away and your expression changes to frustration.
“Oh, I can't take it anymore, Gabriel!”
“Sweetheart, I’m okay. The Winchesters just need some information.”
“Not that…” You scratch at his scruff and kiss his nose. “Look, you have troubles I get that. Demons, brothers, father...”
“What are you getting at?”
“I just...I have problems too.”
“Is that all?”
“I  know you have issues.”
“I keep an eye on you of course. Whoever you talk to, when you talk to yourself, or go over it in your head, you don’t think I listen to you? I hear you sometimes. I try not to listen, but I just want to be there for you...I don’t why you haven’t realized this yet but you can tell me anything.”
“I just thought you had so much on your plate-“
“That I wouldn't have time for you or something?”
“It’s not like that.”
“You didn't think your problems were important enough to compare.” You nodded softly. He sighs before saying, “Come here…” He holds his arms open wide and continues to say, “First, I hope you stop crying soon because I hate to see it. If you continue to cry, you really want to be the first to make an archangel cry?” You let out a hearty laugh. He pulls his head back a  bit to get a look at your face and smiles widely. “There we go. A smile from you is always better.”
“I’m sorry...for not saying anything sooner. It is kinda stupi-”
“I wouldn’t use the word stupid. I just hope this means you can tell me how you're feeling and dealing with things instead of keeping it from me. The second thing I wanted to say is that I kinda already knew you’d been struggling and not telling me about your issues. Being the best boyfriend and all, I make it my business to understand you and know what you need-”
“That's what all these recent trips have been like.” He nods. “I’ll start talking to you first...Gabriel, I love you so much, so I’ll try to do better for both our sakes.”
“I love you, too. We could start right now.”
“After a little more hugging, then I’ll talk.”
“Anything for you, buttercup.”
It was late when you got back to your apartment. You feel heavy as you walk inside. Despite you considering it your sanctuary, with everything piling on you, the weighted feeling couldn't be helped even a little bit. You huffed out and whine for no reason and every reason as you hung your things up. Abruptly, you stopped all movement when you saw Charlie’s stuff on the hooks. You cursed under your breath hoping she didn’t hear your frustrations. You walked over to the living room to see her asleep on the couch. You pout at the idea of her having waited long to surprise you. Nonetheless, you were quick to pick up her light and sleeping form and tuck her into your bed. You give her a small kiss on the cheek before heading into the kitchen. Your heart begins to pound against your chest, so you hold a hand to your chest and try to calm it yourself. Wanting to distract yourself, you decide some water would help, which leads to a broken cup falling out of your shaky hands. Your eyes dart to the door and are hopeful that Charlie hasn’t woken up. While picking up the large pieces of glass, all your issues rush through you and make your body ache. You end up staring at the last few pieces of glass. So absorbed, you didn't notice Charlie wake up and walk into the kitchen. You miss the way she crouched down to be at your level, and you flinch when she puts her hand on your shoulder. You turn your head over to her to quickly utter, ”Sorry that I woke you up. Go back to bed. I’ll finish cleaning this.” Before you get the chance to regain focus on the broken glass, her right hand finds your left cheek and wipes tears. She is about to ask; however, you turn your back to her and go on cleaning without another thought. Although getting out all the big pieces, you were starting to get frustrated with the specks of glass. In response to your frustration, Charlie puts her arms around your shoulder from behind and kisses your cheek. You revel in the feeling of her arms around you and cling both of your hands on her forearm. Softly, she added the words, “We can clean that in the morning. Let’s go to bed.” Then, wordlessly, she helped you stand up without changing positions; then, she led you to the bed, and you laid down together. You were side to side while holding hands in the middle of the bed Charlie starts to ramble against you, which consist of some of the things she’s been up to. You listen, taking it all in and refirming why you can’t tell her about everything going on. You tense up without realizing, and Charlie says, “You're really scaring me, Y/N. What’s wrong?” You find in yourself to reply firmly, “Just keep telling me about what went on with you. It's more import-”
“More important?”
“Look, I don’t need to tell you what’s going on with me...You have too much to worry about. I can handle myself.”
“You’ve been keeping things from me?”
“Yeah…” She removed her hand from your hold and turned on her side to hover over you . Then, Charlie expressed, “I know I’m not always the most observant to your feelings-Also, I do have a pretty crazy life sometimes-Regardless, I want to hear about you.” Charlie wrapped her arm around your waist and laid her hand on you back as she rubbed it and continued to say, “In no way shape or form are you more important than me or me more important than you. Look I can be whatever you need me to be, but I can't be anything for you if you won’t tell me what’s going on or what you need.“
“It’s all just so hard sometimes.”
“Good thing, you're not alone then. You got that?” You nodded in response. Then, she laid a loving kiss to your lips that lasted until you were both a little breathless. She laid her head down close to your head and used her free hand to rake it through your hair. She would await to hear your struggles and what you wanted. Also, she’d be sure this didn't happen again.
Hope your day got better
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shay67ss · 5 years ago
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GO CHECK OUT MY INSTA!!! WHERE I MAKE IMAGINES!!! I'd love the appreciation and would love some requests!!
#sammywinchester #samwinchesterimagine #samimagines #sammyimagine #samsupernatural #samedit #sammywinchester #samwinchesterimagine #Supernatural #JaredPadalecki #myimagine #mywritings #Supernatural #supernaturalfamily #supernaturalsquad #supernaturalimagine #supernaturalimagines #supernaturaledits #sammoose #moose #supernaturalsamwinchester #imaginesam #imagineedits #imaginingsamwinchesteredits #spnimagines #SPNFamily #spn #spnfandom #spnedits #spnsam #spnfanfiction #spnsamwinchester #spnimaginesam . . . . . . . . . . ○❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤○ Taglist: @starryangelimagines https://www.instagram.com/p/B-WpMVQnfle/?igshid=xl9dhujdig53
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samwiinchesterr · 6 years ago
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Summary: You and the boys just finished up a hunt. You took out a nest of vampires, killed them all. It was a successful hunt and you guys won, but it was still hard to kill sometimes. Dean headed to the bar with Sam, you stayed at the motel to pack and to fall asleep early. Sam comes back first, and he’s really drunk. 
Pairing: Sam x (Gender Neutral) Reader
Word Count: 523
Warnings: Drunk Sammy, and Sam fluff.  
You hear a knock at the door, so you cautiously open it to be prepared for anything, but it’s just Sam. He stumbles right in and knocks his leg into the table.
“We got any beers left?” He mumbles at the door of the fridge.
“Maybe you should open it and check.” You laugh as you sat yourself onto your bed to watch Sam fumble with the fridge handle. “Are you drunk?” Sam abruptly stands up straight and folds his arms, turning toward you.
“Noooo. Why would you think that?” He purses his lips and averts your eyes.
“I don’t know, maybe just because you seem really… trashed?” You say standing up and folding your arms right back at him, stifling your laugh. His eyes meet yours and he squints, then bursts into a laughing fit and unfolds his arms. You let yourself chuckle, still standing with your arms crossed.
“Okay, yeah. Hell yeah.” He says walking up to you. “Y’know, I gotta tell you something, Y/N.” “Alright, tell me.” You say as Sam keeps walking toward you. He stops when his toes are just about to touch yours.
“You’re amazing, and I just… I love you.” He says putting his hands on your shoulders, with a drunk look on his face. Your face softens and you don’t understand if he’s saying this in the way you want him to mean it.
“Yeah, and I love you too, Sam.” You say in a casual, but chipper tone, returning the ‘I love you’ like normal.
“No, like I-… Y/N, I really… really love you. You’re the one person I’ve felt totally connected to in my whole life. You get me, and you make me feel … safe. And nothing makes me happier than spending time with you. Which is why I walked home from the bar, so Dean could hook up with some chick and I could spend my time with you.” Sam slurred through this little confession, but he meant every word. You could see it in his eyes, and in that goofy smile he gave you afterwards. You couldn’t help yourself, you put your hands on either side of his face and you kissed him. He was shocked, but soon after your lips collided you could feel a smile on his lips and his hands found their way up your back. Your arms folded behind his neck and you pushed yourself up on your tippy toes, and then you heard the door open. 
“Am I interrupting something here?” Dean says popping in with a girl on his arm. You and Sam pulled away from each other immediately.
“Yes… yes you are. Go away.” Sam says in a serious tone, but still with a slight smile on his face.
“Okay, okay… just be careful you two.” Dean says with a smirk and a wink before backing out of the motel room. You and Sam laugh and turn back to each other, and your cheeks begin to burn as Sam gives you that same smile he did right before you kissed him.
“Where were we?” Sam questioned before kissing you again.
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fan-imagines · 5 years ago
Sam Winchester Drabble ~ Nightmare
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Sam Winchester x FemReader
Synopsis - Sam has a nightmare, and when he wakes up you’re not there. He panics, but you come in and calm him.
Word Count - 561
**Warnings** none i believe
‘’Y/n? Where the h*ll am I?’’ Sam jumps up from his sleeping state on the floor. He looks around frantically looking for his girlfriend and trying to figure out where he is. He pulls himself up using the wall for support, suddenly feeling the pain in his stomach. He grabs his side and pulls his hand back to see his blood covering his hand. He groans but soon forgets about it, his mind going back to Y/n.
‘’Y/n! Somebody!’’ He looks around once again before beginning to walk to nowhere in particular. He reaches behind him to feel for his gun, but notices that it is missing from his waistband. He sighs heavily and continues to walk forward.
‘’Ahhhhhhh!’’ Y/n’s voice rings out, and echoes through the building. Sam begins to run, trying to follow the voice, but it sounded like it came from every direction.
‘’Y/n! Y/n!’’ He breaks into a sprint, forgetting about the pain in his stomach.
‘’Ahh! Sam!’’ The voice sounds like it came from the opposite direction that he is running in. He quickly turns and runs the other way.
‘’Come on. Come on!’’ He shouts out aggravated.
‘’Sam! Sam! Ahh, Sam! Where are you! Sam! Help me! Please, Sam!’’ Y/n’s voice bounces on and off different walls, coming from different directions. Sam’s head turns and looks around frantically, desperately trying to figure out where she is.  
‘’No! Y/n.’’
Sam shoots up abruptly from his sleep in his bed. It takes him a second to figure that he’s in the bunker. He feels the panic rise in him, remembering his dream. He grabs for Y/n on his left, but he feels nothing but air. He quickly turns, not seeing his girlfriend lying next to him.
‘’Y/n?’’ He whispers, feeling tears beginning to pool in his eyes. He puts his head in his hands and letting the tears fall, not being able to think about anything but Y/n in danger.
The door to their shared room is opened by Y/n, carrying a glass of water in her hand. She stops as soon as she closes the door and takes in Sam’s state.
‘’Sammy?’’ She questions softly. His head shoots up at the sound of her voice, and he stands up and makes his way hurriedly to her. He wraps his arms around her torso, and buries his face into her neck, taking in her scent. ‘’Sam, what’s wrong?’’ She asks and lightly strokes his hair to sooth him.^^^
‘’I just, I had a nightmare.’’ She sighs lightly, not being too loud, but sad that he is still having dreams. She pulls away from him to caress his face before leading him to the bed. She sits down, and she has him lay his head on her lap, continuing to stroke his hair.
‘’Tell me about it?’’
‘’I woke up in some building, and I couldn’t find you. You kept screaming, but it was like you were in every room or right next to me. I couldn’t get to you. Then I woke up, and you weren’t here.’’
‘’Aww, Sammy, I’m sorry. I’m here, though, okay. I went to get some water. I’m safe.’’ She leans down, and plants a kiss on his forehead. He sighs, nodding, and closes his eyes. She continues to stroke his hair, and he eventually falls back to sleep. Y/n following soon after.
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jesstherebel · 7 years ago
I hadn't seen her in years! Not since before I went to hell! She was my first proper girlfriend even though I was terrified. A bad ass hunter herself. That's probably how we worked.
As she served a plate of cholesterol I couldnt help but feel eighteen again. She looked exactly the same! Her long jet black hair was wrapped into a bun, her Blue eyes still like ice, her body still curvy and oh my god.
"Dean? Are you drooling?"
"What?' I asked and wiped my mouth. Sam knew about her but he pribably never noticed her there.
"What ca- Dean? Sam?"  I looked up and seen her. Standing there before us. She wasin shock to see us.
"I thought you died! Have you ever thought of picking up the phone?!"
"We erm...We didn't think you were still alive!" Sam said and stood up to give her a hug. She hugged him back but couldnt keep her eyes off me.
"The last thing I heard was you were stuck in Hell Dean!"
Woah! It's been 10 years since I was in Hell. Has she stopped hunting?
'That was ten years ago Y/N! Did you quit hunting?"
"Lord no!" She answered and sat beside me. "I'm in town hunting a werewolf. I'm guessing that's why you two are here"
"Always on the ball. Hows your dad?"
"He erm....He was killed 9 years ago by this werewolf. Thats how I got this' she said and showed a scar going down her ribcage on across her navel.
Jesus! She was near gutted! She eventually had to get back to work but she we agreed to meet up and kill this thing.
She was clearly checking me out! She gave me her number again and said she'd call when her shift ended.
As Sam and I walked to the Impala he began to to plan how we would go about the hunt.
Sam and I were cleaning our guns when we heard a knock on our Motel door. We cautiously opened it to see Y/N standing there.
"Wow. Don't be too happy to see me" she said sarcastically and walked in the door.
"Got enough silver bullets?" She asked as she put the safety on her gun. She still had the same gun as the last time I seen her.
"More than enough. You do remember our dad was a marine"
"You do remember I'm an anxious potato"
"Wouldnt say potato Y/N. You've still got it. Even at 37" I said. She smiled and I could've sworn I seen her blush.
"Oh Deano. You haven't changed at all" She replied and walked around me. This werewolf seemed to attack in the forest near by so we made our way there.
As I pulled up I could see the moon rising through the trees. It was the last night if the full moon so it was the last night we could get this thing.
"We should split up. We can cover more ground" Sam suggested. I agreed and so did Y/N.
We made our way through the forest guns at a ready and filled with silver to gank this son of a bitch.
As I walked with Y/N in the dark forest, petricore swarming my senses I heard a twig snap to the left.
Y/N turned in the same direction gun raised. I could see she was ready to take this bitch down.
"You stay here. I'm quieter so I can see if I can sneak up on this thing'
"Y/N! Its a werewolf!"
Yeah! The werewolf that killed my father!" She replied and walked away from me, gun raised and ready to shoot.
I waited until I heard a gun shot. I ran like lightening to see Y/N under the werewolf battling against him. Jesus! She was a strong bitch!
She managed to shoot it in the stomach making the thing whimper. It scratched at her stomach at the same time making her let out a scream of agony.
"Y/N!" I screamed and shot the werewolf right in the heart. I ran to her to see her on the ground holding her stomach and shaking.
"Jesus. SAMMY!  WHERE ARE YOU?!" I screamed and looked Y/N in the eyes. She looked absolutely terrified.
"D-Dean. If Im gonna die you- You need to know something" She made me look at her and smiled through the pain.
She took off her necklace and opened it to reveal a picture of her, me and Sammy and two children. They looked so much like me.
"Their names are Mary and John. I told them so much about you. They're yours' she explained. She began to cough up blood. No Y/N. We need you!
I heard what sounded like multiple branches breaking and seen Sam running down to us.
"Oh god. Get her to the car! Now!" Sam ordered. I did as I was told amd ran with her to the car. Sam drove us straight to the motel room.
She was fighting unconsciousness the whole way there. I was keeping her awake by talking to her about the kids.
"They'd love you Dean' she said as I brought her into the room. Sam got to work on her stitches as I held her hand. She was in agony. Who knew werewolf scratches went so deep?!
"Dean. Go to room 265. It's where they are. " Y/N ordered. I nodded and ran down through the motel.
I knocked on the door and it was opened by a boy identical to me.
"Follow me and see your mom!"
"MARY!" he screamed. A little girl ran the door and they both followed me.
It's been three years since then. Y/N and I are happily married now with the kids in the bunker. Sammy is here as well of course. It funny how a werewolf brought us together.
"You okay Dean?" Y/N asked as we lay in bed.
"Couldn't be better" I said before kissing her lips
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dean-samlover98 · 8 years ago
The Last
Dean x White Witch Reader
Warnings: Blood, Swearing, SPN violence, mentions of Suicidal thoughts and family members death.
Summary: The reader and the Winchesters go on a witch hunt. The reader is a White Witch and during the hunt gets captured. The Winchesters find her but not in time. Dean and the reader have feelings for each other but neither of them are brave enough to say so.
The Winchesters and you were on a witch hunt in Rockport, Massachusetts. A small town with a population of only 7,000. Among them a pretty powerful witch!
You’d been drawn to the case due to its victims. You knew them all. They were your friends from High School you still kept in contact with and your brother. He was about 5 years older but ran from the life you couldn’t get out of. He bettered himself, got a job, married a gorgeous girl and had kids.
Your little Niece Chloe and Nephew Brandon were twins and the most beautiful children you’d ever seen. You seen them often as you could and every time you did you brought them presents and their favourite candies.
Your brother Sean wasn’t born with the gift like you were. He was born 6 years before you making you the baby. The gift only passes down from mother to daughter. Chloe was born with it but you were asked to bind her powers. He wanted her to live a normal life.
You didn’t tell the boys why you were so adamant on taking this case. You just needed to avenge your brothers death for your Sister in law Katy,Chloe and Brandon. This was crushing you but you knew how those kids felt. You too lost your father at a young age. Werewolf in New York killed your father and almost you.
This hunt had taken a bad turn! You were the next on the list. She’d drawn you in but she wasn’t gonna kill you like she’d killed your brother and your friends. Leaving alone in the night wasn’t a good idea
As you crept into the house alone you noticed something strange. This place was way too clean.
“Ei mihi, quod nunc pellibus”
The room became what it truly was. The room that looked like a normal living room was actually covered in blood. Their was blood splattered all over the wall and there was what looked like an alter in the corner. This bitch is into heavy shit.
“Finally” you heard before you were hit on the back of the head with something.
~Dean P.O.V ~
To save money on the room Sam, Y/N and I just got a double room. I was sharing with Y/N and Sam had the bed to himself.
I woke up to see I was alone in the bed. I turned to see if Y/N was just in the bathroom but the light wasn’t on and Sam was still snoring his brains out.
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I sat up and seen what looked like a load of papers on the table. I went to them and seen lists. A list of names.
Sean Y/L/N
Wait a second! These are the vics. Y/N’s brother was one of them?! No wonder she’s been so distant. She hasn’t been herself and barely eating or sleeping.
She’s gone after her alone! Y/N you idiot! Even with your mojo you’re screwed! She’s the most powerful out there but with her grieving she won’t be thinking straight.
I got dressed in a hurry and woke Sam.
“Y/N went after the Witch alone Sammy!” He shot up out of bed then. And got dressed faster than the freaking roadrunner. We got on the road in no time and I got Sam to read through Y/N’s notes. 
 “Why didn’t she tell us her brother was killed" 
“I don’t know Sammy! Maybe she felt like she couldn’t. All she wants now is revenge but I think this witch is targeting her” I explained. 
 "Dean. She’s the last of her kind! What if this witch is trying to wipe out the good Witches?“ 
 It makes sense. By killing her friends and her brother this witch brought Y/N here! I stepped on the gas. I need to get to her! 
 ~Y/N P.O.V~ 
 My head was spinning as I awoke. I wasn’t tied down or anything but I was being watched. I turned and seen that witch from before holding my gun. She was entranced it seemed. 
 "So you’re the Last White Witch? I was expecting something more" 
 "Like what? A fucking confetti following me?" 
 "Aww. Look at you! You inherited your mother’s Sarcastic streak" 
 What? How did she know my mother? 
 "How do you know my mother?!” 
 "I was the last person to see her alive" 
 The rage that was rising in me made the earth quake and the witch looked at me in fear. I appeared in front of her and she went flying against the wall. Sam and Dean kicked the door in and when I seen Dean I lost all concentration. 
 The boys were sent flying back and so were you. She suddenly ran to you and pulled you up by your hair. As she turned both Sam and Dean had their guns on you Dean was holding yours.
 "Shoot and I’ll break her neck!“ She screamed. The boys didn’t know but she also had a dagger to my back. 
 "Dean! Shoot me!”
 "I can’t do that Y/N!“ 
 "You’re the only one who can” He seemed to piece together what you meant. You’d forgotten to switch your silver bullets for witch killing bullets. You’d be safe enough. There would be a high chance you’d still die from blood loss but you trusted Dean. 
 Dean looked you in the eye and you could see the tear rolling down his face before the shot rang in your ear. The bullet entered your abdomen. You both fell to the floor from the shock. 
 "The great Y/N Y/L/N taken down by her own gun” you were suddenly dragged up by your hair. 
 “It’s hilarious to think that in mere moments you’ll be dead and so will those Winchesters” 
 “One thing about me is, I’m forgetful. I’m not dying, I forgot to switch my bullets” you say with a smile. You head butted her sending her flying back. Pure adrenaline was pumping through your veins. Your fight or flight response kicking in.
Dean threw his gun to you and you pointed it at her head. She was absolutely terrified now.
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“This is for my friends, my brother and my mother you bitch! ” I said before the boom of the shot and the bullet entered her skull. She was dead instantly. You fell down beside her and looked to see she’d actually stabbed you with the dagger when you head butted her. Dean was by your side in seconds. 
 “Oh god Y/! Why did you make me do that?!” He screamed as he held my face. Tears were streaming down his face as he tried to rip the dagger from your stomach. 
 When he did you screamed so loudly you frightened him and Sam. Dean took off his plaid shirt and tied it around your stomach. 
 "N-No” you said. 
 The blood loss was getting to you making you dizzy and hallucinate your family around you. They were screaming “It’s your fault” over and over. 
 "What d'you mean no?!“ 
 "I’ve no reason to live anymore. My family is dead. It’s m-my fault” 
 "No its not!“ He said stubbornly as he pressed down on your stomach. You let out a pained whimper as he did.
 "Your family dying was not your fault! The things we hunt are at fault here! Your mom and brother have been avenged. Your father was the night he died! If you won’t fight for Chloe and Brandon then fight for me!“ 
 "Why? I’m easily replaced. They have their mom and their Aunt Lucy”
 "Because I love you Damn it! I’m not losing you now!“ He said before he kissed your lips. You kissed him back as he lifted you up off the floor. 
 "It’s about damn time you admitted it Dean” Sam said from the door. He’d gotton the car ready to lay you in the back. 
 "Vade revertere in viam, et ego youd ‘amo ut.“ You recited before you slipped into unconsciousness 
Part 2
@popunkash Honest opinion of this?
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fandomout · 4 years ago
Sam Winchester X Reader- Getting in a fight over him trying to leave you and him regretting it
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Don’t know where this fits in the timeline of the show, but I hope you enjoy. Angst with fluff and a few laughs.
Word Count: 5,546
No One’s P.O.V.
While pure bliss was the last good feeling you had before the downward slope, Sam Winchesters face was the last thing you’d seen in both. 
That night, you were awoken by the sound of shifting around. You knew it to be your beloved Sam. Although the thought to let slumber tempt you back was present, you fought against it in case Sam was having a bad night or a nightmare. Not to mention you were a bit curious as to what he was up to.
You kept your conscious state unknown to him; thus, you hoped he didn’t notice the small smile he caused by leaving you a small hug and a sweet chaste kiss on your forehead. After feeling him leave the bed and hearing him leave the room, you opened your eyes. Instantly, the quietness he left the room with concerned you, so you opened your eyes to look around the room and saw that his bag that was once on your desk was gone.
Your heart not wanting to make anything out of it, but you weren't naïve either. You heard him carefully close the door to the bathroom. Your room seemed clean and meant for one and only one person.
You move your pillow in your place and pull the cover over before you walk out of your room stealthily in order to make it to your living room, the only place to exist from.
You sat back on your couch biting at your knuckle hoping you were overreacting...Actually, you prayed you were. 
After a few agonizing moments, your heart shatters as his footsteps get closer confirming your suspicions.
Despite the nerves, you are able to calmly ask, “Where are you off to?”
With your words, Sam responded with a flinch and raised gun pointed right at you. The only words uttered but not finished were, “Shi-”
You guessed your presence stopped him short of his words. When he realized it was you, he lowered his gun with a surprised look, but you could see the slight panic in his body language.
He spoke rushed as he began to ask, “Y/N you were-” You stayed calmly and next cut him off by speaking with a sternness you didn't usually need to use, “I was what, Sam? I was supposed to be sleeping?” You walk over to him and stare into his eyes. He looked back and forth from your eyes and to a random part of the room. He called your name, but he didn’t seem to know what to say. “I was supposed to fall asleep happy, loved, and with your face being the last thing I saw and wake up alone? Wake up alone and stay that way?...Without you?”
With all that you had, you tried not to break over the reality of it all. You walked over to the lights to turn them on.
Without any thought, your hand grasps his large bag, but his hand clenched on the handle. Your heart scrunches into itself at the reaction, which makes your whole body stay tense. Somehow you found it in yourself to stare him down until he reluctantly let the bag go.
Along with putting the bag on your coffee table, you sit right next to and try not to let your body give off how freaked out this was making you.
You let out a small shaky breath as you felt the panging of your heart and tears trying to push out your feelings.
After your shaky breath, it gives you the vigor to ask him, “Once again, I ask, where are you off to?”
His eyes meet the ground, and he clicks his tongue. He meets your eyes with a sad expression before answering, “I think you already know…” You swallowed hard.
Your voice cracking slightly as you asked, “Fine. Better question...” You’re lip quivering with the, “Why?”
“It’s time.”
“Don’t make this harder, it-”
You didn't know what to feel first. Do you feel the sadness of him not wanting to stay with you? Do you feel the anger over the fact that he was going to leave you alone without any explanation? Do you feel frustrated over him not giving you much to go off as you question him? Then, there was the anxiety and aching for not him now wanting being happy where he was...aching because you wanted him to stay…
In the moment, it was a mix of it all, and you found yourself telling him, “You don’t want me to make things harder? Interesting. That would be so convenient for YOU. But, screw me right? I mean you were just gonna  go and leave me to myself….How hard do you think that would be on me? But, I shouldn’t make this hard...Not like you were gonna do to me.”
He bit at his lip, walked over a little closer to you before firmly and sincerely stating, “I don’t mean to hurt you.” While you thought it was sweet, it hurt to hear the words considering the situation. Holding onto the sweetness, you stand up and look him in the eyes with your hands reaching out to him and pleading eyes you say, “Then, don’t leave...because that’s going to hurt more than-” You tone was going in and out from firm to whispers. Finishing your statement weakly with, “ That’s going to hurt over anything else…” With shaky hands, you grasp at his jacket and attempt to pull him toward you. Even if the love lied in his glassy eyes, he seemed to brush past you, not giving you even a millimeter of contact to grab his bag, which made your stomach clench with a bad feeling. While you reached for his bag, you called his name, but you didn’t stand a chance.
“Y/N-” He goes over to the door and opens it. He looks like he wants to say more, but you see him pulling back. While you felt like you couldn't breathe your throat tight, stomach bruising, you yelled out, “Sam!” 
Momentarily,  he stopped in his tracks. Although you wanted to walk forward, you didn’t want to risk scaring him off. Not to mention, you were pretty sure your body was trembling by then. He doesn't look at you as you tell him with a crack to every word, “You can’t just leave. You can't just do this.” In a hushed and forced voice, you hear him say, “I’m sorry…”
“Why were you with me to begin with if you were gonna leave in the end?” He turns his head toward you and honestly answers, “I didn’t think I’d like you this much.”
“It doesn't have to change anything! We-”
“It changes everything. Goodbye.”  Tears falling without you noticing, you lunge forward landing on your knees and say, “Please….please, don’t go.” He looks away from you. He coughs out as he tries to regain his composure. He turns to you with a forced smile. Then, in a strained voice, he tells you, “I’m sorry and wish you the best.” With the last bit you have, you hoarsely yell, “Fine! Go!” You rose from your position and stride forward. He turned around to look at you, and he was shocked to see you walk forward pain written in every gesture and wrinkle on your face. You walked forward with all your emotions in your eyes. You held the door tightly and said, “ Don’t let the door hit you.” You slammed the door on him. The click of your door taunting you into a full blown sob. Without any more straight and a shuddering breath, you slid down the door.  It was over, and you loved him oh so much…Even now, despite it all, what wanted most in that moment was to hold him.
Despite it being weeks later, your body still reacts to the dream of the reenactment of that night, and you're left to a tense state with a heavy heart. Considering the heavy heart, it makes it more difficult to wake up, so your routine was to reach for his side, followed by cursing yourself for the emptiness every single time. It wasn't the first time you’ve relive that night, but you wish every time it's the last. The memory eating away at you in addition to the many recalls you have to the memories you shared and dreaming of the things you planned to do together. It seemed the more you tried to forget the more the world pushed you to do the exact opposite
Later that week, you were at work when you yet again remembered one of the sweetest memories with Sam. You and Sam were laying in bed, reading. You weren't too sure what either of you read, but you remember staring at him as he read. As Sam was immersed in his book, you watched him move his hair out of his eyes a lot even if the hair didn’t necessarily seem to be in his way. You noticed the way he laid his chin on his knuckle, and the way he used his thumb to graze his lips here and there in thought. His other arm helps the book close to him, and he’d kept snuggling it closer and closer. It was if he worried the book would run off. Having looked at him for quite a while, he turned to you with a smile and asked, “Are you just going to ogle me?” Your cheeks flush, so you cover your face and answer, “No!” He chuckles at you lightly.
“Then, what?”
“Just-Never mind.” When the dream ended, you felt a warmth spread through your body before realization hit, and you could only feel stress from the short memory
On the same night, you dreamt of Sam and you riding in a carousel. You were laughing at how big he was compared to the horse pole. He almost didn’t fit. He looked almost bigger than the horse. You called him, “Cowboy.”, and he chuckled at the statement. The sun was shining and illuminating him. His eyes glistening in its colors. His beautiful smile shining brighter than the sun to you. He held out his hand to you, and you helped hands as you rode. He made a motions like he had a lasso with his other hand, and you laughed when he wobbled a bit about to fall. He slouched forward in laughter, laughing close to your face in delight. When the dream ended, your eyes opened to feel a sense of light in yourself. You wanted that for him. He had mentioned that he’d never had the chance to do things when he was younger. You and him settled on a carousel because it wasn't over the top. However, you two never got the chance to do it as he left. Realization hit, and you could only feel stressed from the fantasy. A fantasy that could never come true. This was how you’d been spending your days, despite how much you didn’t want to miss him.
Sam’s P.OV.
The night I left Y/N was a rough one to say the least. I remember that as soon as I reached the outside, I darted for my car. After closing the door, it became too much to think about the look on her face. They were in so much pain...me, the cause. Quickly, I was opening the car door right up again and throwing up. I was disgusted. With an empty stomach, I put the car in gear and drove off with eyes full of tears. I’d wipe them away, but there wasn’t much use. I couldn't convince my body, mind, or heart that any of this was okay. I drove as far as my consciousness would take me, which was a good few hours. I stopped crying on the outside by that point, but it still hurt. I stopped at a motel, and I headed straight for the shower. Even if I could feel clean on the inside, I hope I could feel some kind of effect from being clean outside. When I finished, it did little to no effect. Not bothering to put clothes on just yet, I walked over to the counter in the room to see two bottles of wine. Without another thought, I started to drink out of one of the bottles, and I reviewed my bag to pick out clothes. Choosing whatever to wear, it ended up coming with a consequence: I found a small picture of Y/N in the pocket of the pants. I sighed drunkenly, wiping my face after taking another swig. I sat down on the bed and leaned on the headboard of the bed and laid down. How stupid of me to leave the picture there. Sadly and drunkenly, I fell asleep crying to the picture. 
The next morning, I felt awful. I was a little glad for it though, it was almost as bad as I still felt, so I was momentarily not thinking of Y/N. I was quickly to leave the motel almost leaving the picture on purpose, in the trash, but I didn’t have the heart and went back to get it. Idiot. I placed it in my bag hoping I wouldn’t have the urge to look at it again. I don’t know what possessed me to want to clean the car, but I did. However, I wasn’t taking the time to clean and was rushing around as I was hungover that as I was cleaning the car, I came across a bottle of cologne/perfume. It was Y/N’s. With about half a bottle left, it was a little spilled, and it slipped out of my grip getting everywhere. I groaned out in frustration, which earned me a look of judgment and fright from the people around. I played it off with a smile, but they all moved away from me. I drove off once again. Not really sure where yet. I heard about a few cases, but I didn’t know where to start. 
I opened the windows hoping it would help with the smell, but it honestly made it worse. While I hated smelling it, I won’t lie I enjoyed it. I just hated that it was impacting me this much. That smell stayed in the car for a week and a half as I tried to get a case going, but the cases were mostly duds with one salt and burn. I couldn't believe I was wanting to have some crazy monster that needed to be killed. I wanted a challenge. As I need it the most, of course, I couldn’t get that. Fuck you, universe. At least, with the smell gone, I was finally back on some better cases. Drowning myself in the work because what else could I do? 
After wrapping up a case, I was driving to the next possible case when my phone rang. It was a random number, but you never know, could be important. I answered, but regretted it rather quickly as it was Dean's voice ringing out, “What the hell have you been up to?!” I pulled the phone back a bit and sighed. Like nothing happened, I answered cheerfully enough with, “Hey Dean, haven’t talked to you in awhile. What have you been up to?”
“Cut the crap, Sam. You’ve been ignoring my calls. I know your working jobs a little too quickly for my liking-”
“How can you possibly make this about-”
“I’m just worried, Sammy.”
“I’m just working cases the same as you.” 
“What happened to staying around that one area for a little longer? Something happened?”
“I-It’s no different from any other place...I’m back at the same old routine.”
“Then, what with ignoring my calls? It took me to all but get a whole new burner, for you to answer.” I didn’t mean the next words to come out so bitter, of course the words, “Just need some time to myself. That’s not too much to ask is it? I have the right.”
“No, time to yourself is perfectly fine...It’s fine as long as you're not running from anything. You're not trying to deal alone, are you?”
“That’s rich coming from you. You’re not exactly Mr. Healthy Habits.”
“Maybe not, but that’s me. You don’t roll that way, and I think you should stick to not being that way.”
“I can deal however I want.”
“So, there is something wrong.” I could hear the smirk on his face.
“So what?!”
“Talk to big brother.”
“Come on, limited time only, no judgements…” I let out a dry chuckle at that and told him.
“I know that’s not true.” I shook my head, but I kept talking, “I liked being in the area before...so much...I left it for that reason.”
“Oh, and area. Can you describe the area at all? Why is it so great?” 
“It was beautiful...truly handsome. It was a war-Point is, I miss it.”
“Does this area have a name?”  I know he knew it was someone, so I couldn’t bring myself to answer. “You’ve been separated for what a month, and your suffering? Don’t answer that, I know you are. Maybe that should tell you something.” He was indefinitely right. Y/N won’t leave my head and certainly hasn’t left...my heart. They’re in there. They have been for a while now. With the realization, I was quickly swerving the car around and going back in the other direction. Dean must have heard as he asked, “Sam, you okay?” With a small real smile, I responded, “I’m good. I know what I have to do. I’m going back to the place.”
“I’d love to meet this place if they make you act like this.”
“One thing at a time. Talk to you soon.” I hung up and began driving right back. The perfume/cologne I once smelled in the car was a scent I missed, but I could never miss it more than the real thing. I had to go back to them. How could I have left? So stupid. I already love them. It’s too late...Will they take me back? Every time I was brought back to hunting, it was never hard. Even if I may not have wanted it most of the time, it wasn’t hard to get back in. However, being pulled in and out of the hunting life, it couldn't compare to the hold Y/N had. I missed Y/N. I wanted to be selfish. I went to see her.
It took me a while, but I made sure to at least get some sleep. Well, It was more that I kept falling asleep, which didn’t give me the best judgement to say the least. It was late at night, and I was hoping they lived in the same apartment. In fact, I was breaking in going through the window after climbing the fire escape. Wasn’t too hard. If Y/N took me back, I would make sure to fix that. As I made it inside, everything was mostly the same, which I was happy for. My review of the room stopped short when I stared at the dead flowers in a vase on this small table in the living room. More specifically, they were dead, blue hyacinth flowers. Y/n usually changed them every once in a while for me. I couldn’t help think of the first time she gave them to me.
It was a relatively bright day. I was just on the computer looking for possible activity. I couldn’t help myself, and I was waiting for Y/N to come home. After a bit of time, Y/n came back. I looked over to them and smiled widely at their presence. They respond with an even bigger smile, which made my heart race. They inched forward with their hands behind their back in a weird position, which made me quirk my head at them before chucking and asking them, “Why do you look so smiley?” In response, they said, “I’m a smiley person, Sam. Can't I be that without being questioned?” They were definitely hiding something. Behind their back more specifically. I playfully scoffed and stood up before smirking and answering with a shake of my head, “No.” I knitted my eyebrows close together and asked, “Whatcha got there?” The huffed out playfully and responded, “Darn, your height. Close your eyes. I have something for you.” 
“What is it?” 
“Am I not about to give it to you?”
“I’m gonna end up seeing it anyway.” I grinned knowing it was getting under their skin just a tad bit. They commanded, “Just close'em.” I obliged with a small word of, “Fine.” I heard them step forward. I was suddenly feeling very nervous and interested in what I’d see. As soon as they said, ”Open them”, I did as asked, and they were standing there holding these blue flowers with one hand up and the other up. With a waving motion of the hand that was up, they said, “Ta-da!” I was not expecting that as I pursed my lips slightly, but I took the bouquet from their hands. I almost thought this was a joke or there was more to it, so I asked them, “These for me?” 
“No, I bought them for you to give to me.” With that, I knew they were mine. I couldn't help teasing them though as I held them out to them with fake seriousness. Y/N sent playful daggers my way, and I busted out laughing. “They are yours! Sheesh. Someone so smart.” 
“I knew. I did. You're giving me these...because...because…” I was racking my brain for the root of the gesture but I couldn't figure out the occasion. I couldn’t understand why they were giving them to me, and why I was making such a big deal out of it. Y/n noticed my thoughtful nature and asked me, “Is it too much? You don’t like them? They don’t have to be a big deal. Just felt like it...Just saw them and felt why not give you flowers…” Y/N looked down feeling a bit embarrassed with the gesture now. I didn’t want to make them feel bad, I just was surprised. It was so touching that it made my whole body heat up and my brain short circuit. I tried to recall if I’d ever felt anything more innocent in my lifetime, or if I’d had the experience of being given flowers like this. I couldn't grasp any of those memories, so I’d consider this a first. A beautiful first. The words, “I love them,” leaving my lips softly. Y/N nodded nervously. I stride forward and lifted them, so I could sit them on the countertop. They yelped in surprise, which made me love the moment all that much more. I slide my hands around their waist to meet on their back. I pulled them in close and kissed them softly. While occupied on their lips, I carefully laid the flowers aside on the counter. I really wanted to pay attention to them for being so sweet. My hands go on either side of their face. I remember pulling away and seeing the big smile on their face. With their thumb fluttering across my cheek, they stated, “I should’ve bought you flowers sooner.” We both let out a small laugh. I couldn’t help get a bit sentimental and admitted, “I’ve never gotten flowers before-I don’t think. I really really love them though...seriously.” They nodded their head at me acknowledging my experience, and they accepted that wholeheartedly. We stayed that way staring at each other comfortably and warming silence. 
After reminiscing that day and looking to the flowers once more, it gave me a little hope and dread all at once. That day, Not gonna lie, the flowers could be a bit of hope because they may still want to be with me. On the other hand, she could be too sad to move them, or let them die on purpose. I somehow ended up right in front of the vase, which also led to me knocking over a box after hearing the door open. I grimaced at the action and looked toward the door. They let out a small gasp and stood there with a phone in their hand with 911 reading across the top and a metal water bottle raised. The surprised look faded quickly surprisingly, and they nonchalantly talked to the 911 operator to say, “Sorry. False alarm. It’s someone I know.” Y/N hung up and looked very exhausted. They did look exhausted like they haven’t been getting enough sleep either. Very plainly, they said, “Gosh again?” I assumed they didn’t want to see me, so I tried to convince them by saying, “I know you probably haven’t missed me after everything that happened…”
“Trust me, clearly I missed you the 1st 20 times I saw you, and I missed you now but- I wish I’d stop seeing your beautiful face.” I squinted at them in confusion. Only to see them wiping their faces in frustration. 20 times? Could there have been a shapeshifter in contact with them. I stepped forward and asked, “What are you talking about?” I waved my hands at them a little bit because I was very concerned with that statement. They let out a laugh like they were crazy and stated, “Woah, look at that. My brain is really messed up because it's trying to convince me that I’m sane...I mean this is a little much. It’s one thing to have the dreams and flashbacks, but now I’m going as far as hallucinations.”
“I am thoroughly confused. Y/N, I’m not some hallucination. Although, if you were having some, I’d be very concerned how you got to that point.” They put their things down and took a drink of the water bottle before replying, “Hallucinations are just the icing on the cake to my fucked up break up process. I mean it wasn’t enough that I saw you in my dreams. Dreaming of the things we didn’t do. The nightmares of the fight we had. I mean it wasn’t enough to have that and not to mention the constant call back to the memories we shared. Now, I’m losing it. I’m hallucinating you, right now, and talking to open space. I must have gone crazy, and my brain is trying to protect me and trick me into thinking it's real…” It hurt me to hear that they’d been struggling so much. It made my body ache. “I miss you so much, but I really don’t want to keep seeing you.” 
“Y/N, I-” They stood up and walked past me and said, “Excuse me, I think I should ignore you before I really go mad.” With thinking, I grabbed their arm and asked, “If this weren’t real, could I touch you?” They got a little scared and pulled away, but I had to make this right somehow. Give them some kind of piece of mind. I did this. My intentions were a bit more selfish, but I hoped I could still honor that to some level because I just wanted them to feel better right about now. They looked toward me and said, “How would I know? I’ve never had hallucinations before.” I gave a small smile and nodded before responding, “That’s good to hear.”
“Why are you here? You were the one that left...” They turned their back toward me. I sighed, and they looked back over to me. I told them, “I know and that was a stupid thing to do. I was stupid…” They let out a small chuckle and expressed, “Now I know that it’s a dream. That’s exactly what I'd want to hear from you if you were here.” I wanted to laugh at that, but I kept true. I told them, “I’m serious...I’m sorry...I never meant for this to hurt you like this. You were right about leaving. You probably would have been worse off if I left without you knowing. I care about you so much...I'm sorry for causing this…” I didn’t realize I was tearing up until I felt them wipe a tear away. I could see the realization in their eyes, which made them move back and ask, “Okay if you’re real I don’t think you’d come here...Are you possessed? Are you?!” They raised the vase from before in their hand threatening me. On the one hand, good on them, but I didn’t want anyone to get hurt.  They were freaking out as they uttered, “Oh god! What is that thing you-ugh Sam told me to do with demons?!” I held my hand up defensively and tried to protest with, “I'm not-” However, I was cut off real quick when they pulled out the flowers from the face and threw it right in my face.
No One’s P.O.V.
Sam shut his eyes at the action of you dumping water on his face. There wasn’t any burning, so you asked, “Did it work?” He whipped his face and replied, “Was that holy water?”
“Well, I’m not a demon, but I am very wet now.” He moved his hair out of face with his hand.
“Yeah. It’s me. It’s me.” You couldn’t believe it as you walked over to him. You wanted to reach out, but the hurt rushed through you. You stepped back and stated, ”Gosh, now I wish you weren't. Never thought I’d wish I was hallucinating so much…”
“No, I can't do this. Go.” You opened up the door for him. With all the pain that’s been had, you didn’t know if you could handle more pain. You didn’t even know exactly why he was here. Guilt? Worry? Sam’s always been a considerate guy. Maybe he wanted to make amends. Whatever the reason, you weren't ready for it, or more you were way too ready for it. You just didn’t want to be. His tempting words, “I know I messed up. Please don’t make me leave. I’m sorry. I know you don’t want to hear it-”, made you open up and respond, “That's the thing, Sam…” You sighed heavily and added, “I do want to hear it…” He walked a little forward. You couldn't bring yourself to move away from him. YOu missed the way he smelled, and the warmth that always radiated off of him. It was making you weak as you admitted, “All I’ve been wanting is to see you, hear your voice,...feel you again. I want to love you even still after everything...and I can't have that… I mean what does it say about me to forgive you so easily?”
“It’s not easy...I know that. You don’t have to forgive me exactly...I just don’t want to be away from you anymore...You deserve an explanation.”
“Yeah. I do.”
“I have it.”
“Thank you...I left because it was getting to be too real and it was dangerous to want you so much. ”
“Then, why would you come back? Are you gonna stay?...How do I know you won't leave again.”
“I won’t. it’s too late for that.”
“Too late? What are you talking about?”
“I left thinking that I could get away from us when, but I couldn’t...I still love you…” Your ears and senses perked up at the declaration.
“Still? Still love me? We haven’t even said that the first-”
“I love you, and I loved you that night I left. I didn’t realize it until I left and was away from you. I was running from the feeling of love, but it didn’t make a difference.”
I loved you that night I left. Even though I left because I love you that's the exact same reason why leaving did nothing.”
“Sam…” He takes one more step forward, and he puts his hands intertwined with yours. 
“It was wrong of me to leave. It was getting to close with you. I thought leaving would fix that. Keep you safe. Keep my heart from holding you in my heart. Which failed….It just once you’re in...I’m scared to death something will happen…You’re hold is too strong though you’ve made me destined to love you...”
He laid his forehead to yours. You close your eyes and embrace the feeling of having him close. The feelings that bursted all over, and the heat from having his skin on yours. With tears falling from yours eyes, you look over to him just as emotional.
“You really hurt me…”
“I know...I’m sorry.”
“But, god are you so sweet. How can I say no to you after everything you said?”
He leaned his face closer to yours and whispered desperately, “Can I stay?” His eyes unwavering in the emotion of desire. You nodded to him, and he enveloped you in a hug. You laid a kiss to his lips. All of the suffering from before reversing into happiness and joy with 10 times the power.
Hope your day got better
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tfwqueenidjit · 3 years ago
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I posted 1,576 times in 2021
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1571 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 314.2 posts.
I added 14 tags in 2021
#one iota of representation in my mind please - 2 posts
#let me have my queer crumbs - 2 posts
#ppl do be pressed - 2 posts
#i hope nobody gets mad at this lol - 2 posts
#i’m you - 1 posts
#music - 1 posts
#single black gel pen - 1 posts
#house phone - 1 posts
#please help - 1 posts
#download - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 76 characters
#unless everyone wants to listen to life is a highway on repeat for two hours
My Top Posts in 2021
one of my favourite writers just followed me yall…
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i dont post anything of substance i just reblog things I like so if they unfollow me it’s okay but like THEY NOTICED ME I SCREAM
0 notes • Posted 2021-08-19 23:27:59 GMT
I have a (maybe stupid) question.
Where do people download hq audio files to make audio mashups?
Cuz i have ideas and wanna try making them but I am clueless and broke and cannot pay for music.
0 notes • Posted 2021-07-27 20:53:21 GMT
I should probably go to bed…
0 notes • Posted 2021-07-15 06:19:52 GMT
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@medusainblack @howdoyouknowaboutgandalf @iloveryujisakamotosofuckingmuch @icoderzsolutionsinfo @arrivelow43 @andregirouard @ohwownowayy @aaronisonaroll @joinedpaper39 @ilikestopwatches @cas-winchester-novak @friedauthorplaiduniversity @nmedved24 @indieklaus @bintchyboo @mynumberfivethings @axiomurder @datingdonovan @nickfuryismyspiritanimal @i-tooshaa @kylostantrums @hedwigstitsofclay @superstesregina @inkstainsandtearings @acewizard @thegoddessof-mischief @seancekitsch @a-sentient-potatoe @wholesomepoe @tj01 @simchengyq @ruprecht0420 @fuckyeahjaredandjensenx @momehelindsay75508-blog @tia58 @deanssweetheart @f-a-l-l-o-u-t-boy @cockney-bitch @chaosenby @boobtrickstump @fangirlofeverythingme @i-will-eat-your-mom-blog @the-dog-rapist @flower-567 @imagine-the-imaginable @rising-pheonix @imaginemethisplease @iideanwinchesterii-blog @thedoctormollywinchester @samwinchesterimagines-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
0 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 06:35:52 GMT
I just realized how many fics I have liked that I’m yet to actually read… my summer courses can wait 😈 it’s time to catch up.
1 notes • Posted 2021-07-12 19:36:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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samwiinchesterr · 6 years ago
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Just imagine Sam taking you out to dinner when he’s on a break from a case. He is smiling the entire time, and he just really wants to hear about you and the things you love. He just loves listening to you talk. 
*the gif is not mine!! creds to whoever made it 
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spnfanboy777 · 7 years ago
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Sam Winchester Oneshots (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/NxoE4RriBK Oneshots with this one
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dean-samlover98 · 8 years ago
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After every hunt Sam and Dean would just drink a few beers and look up at the stars.
Dean would like to imagine everyone he’d lost was just looking down at him and his brother with a smile.
Sam would like to think Jess was waiting for him. That batch of cookies that he never got to eat waiting for him. She always made the best cookies.
You on the other hand. You were always there, even when they didn’t know it. You’d hunted with them and they’d think you’d left but you could never leave those boys.
You decided that this time you’d make yourself known. But you knew what would happen. Dean pointed a gun at you. Sam beleived you were you again.
“Not everyone who goes to hell stays in hell Deaneo. You of all people know that” I said. No one but you knew that nickname. You’d only call him that if you were alone.
You seen something change in his demeanor. He knew then you were really you.
“Y/N? H-How? You died! I held you in my arms as you died!”
“I’ve no idea Dean. All I know is, I missed my boys” you replied.
He near ran to you and pulled you into a passionate kiss. The love in this kiss was over flowing. You could feel the tears flowing down his face.
He pulled away from your lips and held you against him as he layed his forehead against yours.
“I’m back and I’m not leaving you again Dean. ”
Sam was on the car smiling. He missed you! You were his best friend after all. He just pulled you in for a tight hug, you didn’t care that it was hurting you.
You were just happy to be home.
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fandomout · 4 years ago
Supernatural Preference/ Imagine -Teaching Sam and Dean how to do chest compressions
Basically you have some kind of medical background and decide to teach them since death follows them everywhere. Hope you enjoy! I thought it was kind of funny
When you brought up the idea, Dean asked, “The shit you do when you have a heart attack?”, which you responded with, “Well someone else does them, but same concept. Also, I don't have to be having a heart attack. Chest compression can make all the difference from life and death. With how much we’re surrounded by it, I think you guys should know how to.” Sam didn’t let Dean say anything as he commented, “I don’t know if you knew this, but we’re not exactly qualified. Well, I mean I could probably get the handle on it. Dean’s the one you have to worry about.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll both struggle with it. It might even be harder for you with your build.” Dean points right at Sam’s face with an exclaimed, “Ha!”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Sam asked with laced tude.
“Oh. You could crush someone to death, no offense.” He scoffed in a playful manner with the added question, “How do I not get offended by that?” You hit his shoulder softly and voiced, “Let’s calm down. I’ll show you guys when we hit a motel.” 
You were currently standing beside Sam and Dean as they were facing their pillow patients. You watched as they butchered the first few attempts to see what they knew. Quickly, you stopped both of them, “You guys know the song saving a life.”
“Who doesn't?” Dean asked.
“Well, the beat for one of the choruses is perfect for rhythm.” You walk over to Sam’s pillow and begin chest compressions. “Stayin alive. Stalin alive- Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Stay in alive. Stayin alive. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Got it?”  They both ran with it for about 10 minutes. 
“Can this end already?” Sam asked.
“One final test. You're both gonna do it on me.” Dean’s eyes darted immediately to your chest, and you covered yourself. “Dean!” He snaps his head up and gives an innocent smile.
“Refrain from doing that...ever again. I’ll knock you ass out.” Sam laughs and comments, “That was not too convincing.”
“Whatever! Just-Sam you first!” You lied on the ground, and Sam hesitates. 
“Isn't it bad to do this?”
“I don’t know...It should be fine. Doing chest compression when you don’t need them is better than doing them late.” Sam begins, and you let out a small gasp. “Sam be a little gentler.” He does so. “Rhythm is a little off now.”
“How’s this?
“Pretty good. You can stop now.” You sigh and look over at Dean. “Your turn. Please don’t be weird about it. Imagine I’m dying.” 
“Alright. Alright.” He says. He gets down and starts. 
“Rhythm is actually perfect.” Dean looks back at Sam, smirks, and says, “Hear that Sam? Perfect.” Sam rolls his eyes in response.
“Just a little gentler. You both are large men. The pressure you put comes from your body weight so keep that in mind.”
“Large men huh?” Dean raises a teasing eyebrow and his tongue darts out of his mouth. You sit up immediately, and his hands come off of your body. Then, your eyes suddenly notice an obvious bulge. You stood up and kneed him in the stomach, which made him roll onto the ground. 
“What did I say?!” You said firmly. Sam comes to the same realization as you and exclaims, “Dude!”. You pulled Dean by the hair a little and asked once more, “What did I say, Dean?” Through gritted teeth and pain, he replies, “Don’t get weird.” You let him go, landed an intense gaze on Sam, and asked him, “Were you convinced?” Sam looks between you and Dean, gulps, and nods before saying, “Yes Ma’am.” 
Hope your day got better
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barkyoulilbitchh-blog · 8 years ago
#ImagineSupernatural || #FandomsImagines || #Supernatural || #SamWinchesterImagine || #DeanWinchesterImagine ||
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grandmasnewdog-blog · 9 years ago
Simple Man Imagine
Alright, so this is my very first imagine ever written, so please give me advice and stuff :)
CHARACTERS: Y/N (reader) Sam Winchester Dean Winchester
Summary: You just got back from a very rough hunt with the boys and you cannot sleep, so Dean tries to help you
You walk into the motel room and throw your stuff on the ground next to the door. After that, you plop yourself down on the closest bed, which just so happened to be Dean’s.
“Oh man, I am exhausted.” You say and burry your face in the pillow.
Sam throws his body of the bed next to you and sighs in agreement.
“Yeah, you got that right. I am going to sleep great tonight.” Dean says and lays down next to you on his bed.
You sit up and look at the boys, “how do you guys do it?” You ask.
“What? Sleep?” Ask Sam and you roll your eyes.
“No, dummy. How can you even close your eyes after a hunt like that? How do you sleep at night seeing those thing on a daily basis?”
“Well, what we like to call it, is not really having a soul.” Dean says.
Sam chuckles, ”like you would know how that feels.”
“Yeah, well.” Dean shrugs.
“Really? That’s your solution?” You asked and they both nodded.
“I mean, when you have been doing this as long as we have, these things won’t bother you.” Dean says.
You nod and get up from the bed.
“I’m gonna head next door and go to bed, I’ll see you guys in the morning.” You tell them and grab your stuff.
“Night kiddo.” Dean says.
“Night Y/N.” Says Sam.
“Night,” you call to them and shut the door. The cool night breeze hit your cheeks and nose causing you to shiver. You hugged your jacket close to you as you walk to your room next door. You unlocked the door and threw your bags once again by the door. You did your nightly routine; washing your face, brushing your teeth, and putting your hair in two braids on the side of your head.
The minute you closed your eyes to go to sleep, flashes of the hunt came to you.
The vamp grabbing you and throwing you across the room, almost chocking Sam to death while the other vamp got on Dean. You have no idea how you all got out of there alive and in one piece, but hey, that happens a lot with the Winchesters.
You hadn’t even realized that you started crying. You sit up and take a deep breath in and a deep breath out.
You tried to calm down, but you couldn’t. You cried even more because you were getting frustrated and you were so tired. You heard a small nock on the door so you get up to answer it.
You quickly fix your eyes and your breathing and open the door.
You opened the door to see a slightly, chilly Dean hold a blanket over his shoulders.
“Hey, I was just thinking about what you said and I wanted to check up on you to see if you were asleep, but I guess not.” He chuckled lightly.
“Yeah, it’s not that easy.” You said sheepishly while he came in and sat on your bed.
You sat next to him and laid your head on his shoulder.
“About this time last year I was having nightmares about a scary movie I would see, but now I am living the scary movie.” You chuckle and Dean gives you a small smile.
“Ah kiddo, you’ll get through it. You’re tough and a great hunter, it’s just going to take some time for you to get use to it.” He says and wraps his arm around you, resting his head on yours.
“I know, but I’m not use to it ow though and that’s the trouble.” You sigh and lay down in the bed. Dean follows your lead and you turn and lay on his chest.
After a slight moment of silence, you hear a humming sound. It only took you a second to figure out that he was the humming sound.
You let out a big sigh and snuggled closer to Dean as he continued to hum. You tried to figure out the song, but you could not put your finger on it, well, until Dean started singing.
He was singing Simple Man, your favorite song.
“My mama told me, When I was young Come sit beside me, My only son. And listen closely to what I say And if you do this it’ll help you some sunny day. Oh take your time, Don’t live too fast Troubles will come And they will pass You’ll find a woma—“
And that’s all you heard of Dean’s singing before falling into a deep sleep.
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