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Castiel viens te demander de l'aider car tu es la seule personne qui accepte encore de le voir... Castiel come and ask you to help him because you are the only person who still accepts to see him ...
#imagine#supernatural#supernatural imagine#imagine supernatural#castielxreader#castiel x reader#castiel#supernaturalimagine#imaginesupernaturalxreader#imaginesupernatural
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Supernatural - Angel Heart (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/esCgq7fwzG Baseado na série CW SUPERNATURAL criado por Eric Kripke ,eu criei essa historia.. Agora humano, Castiel faz o seu caminho por uma estrada no Utah, Salt Lake City . ainda capaz de ouvir rádio anjo . Sua distração faz com que ele quase ser atropelado por uma motorista pirada ,e barbeira .. Parece que o destino do anjo está novamente em família ... (As Imagens são montadas por mim mesma.)
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dean winchester is the most precious bean and I'll never get tired of supporting him :)
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#DeanWinchesterEdit || #ImagineSupernatural || #SupernaturalEdit || #Supernatural || #Pie
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Forgive me?
Request - Hi i love your work and i was wondering if you could make a fanfic where Dean and the reader get into a big argument before a hunt and when the reader later gets hurt badly protecting Dean she apologizes before she dies. Please and thank you XD
A/N: I am soooo sorry it took so long to write! I hope you like it :)
Warnings: character death, slight swearing
“Dean, I am capable of going on this hunt! I’m just as good as you and Sam!” you scream at the top of your lungs. You had been cooped up in the bunker for the last two weeks as Dean had stopped you from going on hunts, claiming that it was too dangerous. “Y/N, you’re not ready for this. You still need more training.” Dean tried to reason with you but you were pissed, more pissed than you’d ever been for anything the older Winchester did. “Bullshit! I’ve been hunting almost as long as you and Sam. I’m going on this hunt whether you like it or not” You hissed at him before storming out of the bunkers library.
Dean still tried to protest, even when you were halfway to Missouri he was saying that you should just stay at the motel and research. You had been adamant though. You weren’t changing your decision just because Dean thought you weren’t ready. He was infuriating sometimes. Besides, it was only a witch. “So get this” Sam says as dean speed down the highway, “the witch seems to be taking her victims and putting them in a dream like state before draining them of their blood and then using the blood for spells.” You roll your eyes and wait for Dean’s comment about how it’s too dangerous for you, however he seems to just ignore you and speak directly to Sam, “So she’s like a djinn but without the tattoos and glowing hands?” Sam nods and turns his gaze back to the book in his lap.
When you finally arrive at the motel, relief washes over you. It had been the most awkward car ride ever. You slammed the impala door and stormed into the motel lobby. The girl at the counter looked up from her computer screen and smiled up at you, “Hi! How can I help?” You slowly walked to the desk, reaching for your wallet, “Can I get a single and a double for a week, please?” She nodded and turned her gaze back to the computer. She typed for a few moments and then stood up and reached for two sets of keys from the wall behind her. “Are you paying by cash or card?” You produced your card from you wallet and handed it her. She smiled and inserted into the machine. You typed your pin in and she handed you back the card. “Room twenty-two is the double and twenty-three is the single” She said as she smiled, handing you the keys. “Have a nice day!” She called as you walked out the door. Sam and Dean where waiting for you outside and you handed Sam the key to his and Dean’s room before stalking off in the direction of your own room. “Hey, Y/N? Why don’t you come do some research with us?” Sam offered as you stood at the door to your room. You nodded softly before following Sam into Room twenty-two.
Several hours (and burgers) later you’d finally found the witches location. “Warehouse, edge of town.” Dean had said whilst he grabbed his gun and the keys to the impala. You and Sam followed him out to the parking lot and climbed into the impala. The drive to the warehouse wasn’t long and you were soon roaming the corridors of the warehouse. Sam had insisted he check the left side of the warehouse alone, and you were positive that Dean had something to do with that. You walked ahead of Dean, your gun pointed out in front of you. A noise suddenly sounded at the end of the corridor and you stopped, turning to look at Dean. Who wasn’t there. “Dean?” you hissed. No answer. “Dean where are you?” you hissed again. You decided to keep going, towards the sound. You turned the corner at the end of the corridor to see Dean in the middle of a large room, tied to a chair. You rushed over to him and began to untie him when you were suddenly tossed across the room. You pushed yourself up off the floor and looked up to see the witch. “Oh sweetie, I’m sorry about that” She giggled as you wiped the blood from your cheek, “But Deano here, has some very powerful blood. Men of letters blood.” She stroked Dean’s face possessively and you blanched. She was one creepy bitch. “Let him go.” You growled at her. “Don’t worry dearie, he won’t feel a thing. He’s quite content in his little dream world...of you.” She laughed again before pulling a silver blade from her back pocket and dragging the blade across Dean’s forearm.
“What do you mean?” you finally broke the silence. “Don’t tell me you don’t know, sweetie.” You shook your head slowly, “Deano here has feeling for you.” You shook your head in disbelief. “What’s the matter? Cat got ya tongue?” She giggled again. God, you really wanted to stab the bitch but you wanted to know what she meant. “He loves you dummy, but that doesn’t matter now.” You heard the sound of gunshots before you saw them hit the wall behind the witch. You turned to see Sam in the corner of the room, and the next thing you knew the witch had her arm wrapped around your neck. “One step closer Sammy, and she’s dead.” You gasped as she tightened her grip around your neck. You tried to headbutt her but the sudden burning sensation dragging across your stomach made you scream out. “Sorry dearie, can’t let you stand in the way of my plan” She whispered before pushing you to the floor. You could feel your blood soaking your shirt and the pain was searing but you used your remaining strength to reach for the gun tucked into your waist band. You took aim at the witch whilst she had Sam pinned against the wall and fired. It hit her and she stumbled backwards, moaning in pain before collapsing to the floor. Your arm dropped weakly back to the cold stone floor, gun still in hand.
You closed your eyes, breathing slowly. The pain was getting worse and you could feel yourself weakening. “Y/N!” You heard Dean shout and his footsteps seemed to echo through your head. You felt yourself being lifted up and you mustered all your strength to open your eyes. Your gaze met green eyes and you could see the pain in them. “I’m s-sorry, Dean.” you whispered, “please forgive me.” Tears ran down his cheeks as he leaned down to press his lips against yours. “Don’t worry, Y/N. You’re gonna be okay, baby” he whispered standing up with you in his arms. “Dean” you breathed, “I’m - not gonna make it so -” you shakily dragged in a painful breath, “I want you -- to know, that I lo -- love you too” you breathed heavily as you felt yourself drifting away.
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Request: Hunting With Sam and Dean Plus Surprise Gabriel Written By: Sabrina A/N: Hello everyone! I know we've been gone for a while and we both feel reallllllllyyy bad about it but we're getting back into writing for the summer and we want you to send in more requests as we start catching up on all the old ones. We love you all!
“So tell me again, (Y/N) how many vampires have you killed?” Dean asked, eyeing the wooden stake in your hand. Okay, so you hadn’t hunted vampires before, but don’t they just die like all the other creatures in the horror movies do?
“Ummm… zero?” You replied, before shifting your entire weight over to one side of your body.
“Well first off, wooden stakes won’t kill them.” Sam told you, grabbing the wooden stake that you had made yourself out of your hand. “Only beheading will.”
“Fun.” You replied as Dean handed you a large machete.
“Secondly, dead man’s blood is your new best friend.” Sam continued to explain, picking up a small syringe.
“Gross.” You exclaimed as he handed you the syringe also. “What’s so special about a dead guy’s blood?”
“It slows them down. It’s the only thing that will give you the chance to attack if you’re head on with one.” Dean told you as he shut the trunk of the impala, clutching his own machete deeper in his grasp.
“And thirdly…..” Sam started to explain but was soon cut off by a small gush of wind.
“Heya kiddos.” An unfamiliar voice chimed from behind you.
“What the…..” Dean gasped before you turned around.
“I know. I know. I’m supposed to be dead…. but surprise!” The strange short man exclaimed as he threw his hands up like a real surprise had happened.
“Cas said he had seen you, but I didn’t believe him…. Lucifer shanked you a while ago.” Sam proclaimed as he walked closer to the man.
“Not true buckaroo. Lucy may have thought he killed me, but you can never out trick the trickster.”
“Why are you here Gabriel?” Dean questioned, finally clearing up who the mysterious man was. Gabriel had been presumed dead for almost a decade now, yet here he stood, in the flesh.
“I have a message I need you to give little Cassy for me.”
“Why don’t you do it yourself?” Dean continued to press him on, trying to figure out the angel’s true motives.
“Because I can’t; okay bow legs? I have other things I need to do, and you’re already wasting my time. By the way… who’s the hottie?”
“What?” You asked, as Gabriel raised his eyebrows up at you.
“(Y/N) is none of your concern, just tell me the message you have for Cas.” Sam began raising his voice at him.
“Calm down Moose, I just need you to tell the little fluffy guy to look where he least expects it.”
“Expects what?” You began to ask, but before you could finish your question Gabriel interrupted you with four words before he vanished in thin air.
“See ya later toots.”
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Un homme t'insulte... A man insults you ...
Personne ne parle de Y/N comme ca . Nobody talks about Y / N like that.
#supernatural#supernatural imagine#imaginesupernatural#imagine supernatural#supernatural x reader#sam x reader#samxreader#sam#dean#dean x reader#deanxreader#imagine
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Anyone down for some ships? ;) just sent a description of yourself and I'll do my best to ship you with a supernatural character. I can also do ficlets
#supernatural#supernaturalship#imaginesupernatural#ships#supernaturalships#anon#supernaturaloneshot#imagine supernatural#supernatural reader insert#supernatural oneshot
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#ImagineSupernatural || #FandomsImagines || #Supernatural || #SamWinchesterImagine || #DeanWinchesterImagine ||
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Sam et Dean voient un mec flirter avec toi... Sam and Dean see a guy flirt with you ...
“Hum... ce sont tes petits amis ? ” “Eux ? Non, ils sont juste.. ils sont un peut surprotecteur, ne t'en fais pas. “ “Hmm ... Are these your boyfriends ?“ “They? No, they are just .. they are a bit overprotective, don’t worry about this.“
#supernatural#imagine#imaginesupernatural#supernaturalimagine#imgine supernatural#supernatural imagine#sam#dean#sam x dean#reader#sam x dean x reader
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Apres avoir été torturée par des démons, tu ne peux plus voir les winchester sans te mettre a hurler et a paniquer a chaque fois qu'ils t'approchent. Donc tu t’enfermes dans la salle de bain et Sam essaie de te calmer en entendant tes larmes.... After being tortured by demons, you can't see the Winchester anymore without screaming and panicking each time they approach you. So you lock yourself in the bathroom and Sam tries to calm you down by hearing your tears ....
"Je suis tellement désolé Y/N... Ecoute, on ne te ferai jamais de mal. Jamais... Je ne sais pas ce qu'ils t'ont fait là bas, mais ce n'était pas nous. Ce n'était pas Dean et ce n'était pas moi... On t'aime. On ne pourrait jamais te blesser ! Je t'en pri, laisse moi entrer... laisse moi t'aider. S'il te plais Y/N. Je.. je ne supports pas de te voir comme ca.." "I'm so sorry Y/N ... Look, we'll never hurt you. Never ... I don't know what they did to you there, but it was not us. It was not Dean and it was not me ... We love you, we could never hurt you ! Please let me in ... let me help you. Please Y/N. I .. I can't stand to see you like that .. " "
#imagine#supernatural#supernaturalimagine#imaginesupernatural#imagine supernatural#supernatural x reader#supernaturalxreader#sam x reader#imaginesupernaturalxreader
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Tu te sacrifie pour sauver Sam... You sacrifice yourself to save Sam...
#imagine#supernatural#imagine supernatural#supernatural imagine#supernaturalimagine#imaginesupernaturalxreader#imaginesupernatural
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#ImagineSupernatural || #FandomsImagines || #Supernatural || #SamWinchesterImagine || #DeanWinchesterImagine ||
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#SamWinchesterImagine || #SupernaturalImagine || #Supernatural || #imagineSupernatural ||
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#DeanWinchesterEdit || #ImagineSupernatural || #SupernaturalEdit || #Supernatural || #Pie
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