#samuel drake x female reader
justsomerandomfanfic · 4 months
Out Of The Darkness, And Into Your Arms - Sam Drake X Female Reader
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Title: Out Of The Darkness, And Into Your Arms
Sam Drake X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's friend one, Reader's friend two, Nathan, Elena (Mentioned), Sully (Mentioned), Rafe (Mentioned), Alcazar (Mentioned), and Bar jerk
Loosely inspired by: 'I'm So Tired' by Lauv and Troye Sivan
WC: 6,390
Warnings: Uncharted 4 canon violence mentioned, Uncharted 4 canon events/storyline, Sam's death, italics used, cursing, crying, nightmares mentioned, bars, alcohol, drugs mentioned, guy at bar harrasses/annoys Reader briefly, blood briefly mentioned, brief mention of mental health/depression, nicknames, slightly suggestive, angst, and fluff
"Come on, Y/N, just try." Your friend placed a hand on your shoulder, stopping your pacing. 
You threw your hands up in the air, "I have been trying." You huffed, glancing at your friend as you tugged at your hair in frustration. "I have been trying - for fifteen years. But you don't understand how damn hard it is." You gently pushed past your friend and moved over to the couch, sitting down. 
As you covered your face with your hands, your friend let out their sign. "I know that it's hard. I truly do. I may not know the full extent of everything, but I'm so sorry for what happened."
"It's not your fault," You whispered, taking a deep breath, dragging your hands down your face, making your cheeks burn slightly; "It's mine."
"No, it’s not, Y/N." They quickly sat next to you, putting an arm around your shoulders, "You didn't know what was going to happen."
You shook your head, looking up at your friend, "I watched him fall." You felt tears sting at the corners of your eyes, "I tried to help Nate but we couldn't hold on..." You stared down at your shaking hands. You could still see the look on Sam’s face when he got shot - the blood - and you could still remember the feeling of his hand slipping from yours before he fell down the side of the building. You remember the shock, the horror; the complete and total shuttering dread that filled and chilled your bones. You couldn’t hear the bullets piercing through the air near you, Rafe, and Nate’s bodies on the rooftop. You couldn’t even feel the bullet as it grazed your arm… You couldn’t even hear Nate as he yelled out to you, nor did you feel his hand as it grabbed you. The dread… The feeling of the adrenaline, and your heart breaking into millions of pieces, were overwhelming as you followed Nate. You wished you stayed… Maybe Sam was alright. Maybe you could’ve saved him… But the blood - his blood - you couldn’t think about it anymore. You couldn’t think about Sam anymore, but it was hard not to think about him constantly. He was always on your mind. You stared at your hands, your mind imagining Sam’s blood on them before you clenched them, your nails digging uncomfortably into your palms; creating crescent-shaped divots. "I should've done something." You took a shaky, deep breath, "I should have stopped him from falling."
Your friend gave you a sympathetic smile, pulling you closer to their side. "But you couldn't, Y/N. You are only human. The only thing we could do was move forward."
"Yeah, I know… That’s what everyone tells me." You sighed deeply, leaning your head onto your friend's shoulder, "...It just hurts." You admitted after a moment, "Every day I think about him... How scared he must have been..." You trailed off, letting your words drift away into nothingness; your hand mindlessly drifted up to the scar on your upper arm, your fingers brushing over the sleeve of your shirt, the scar was slightly raised beneath it. 
They didn't say anything for a few moments until your friend spoke again, "I know, but that's why moving on is going to be good for you. Going out and about in the world, meeting new people... Get your mental health back on track."
"I've been trying, you know I've been trying. But it's been fifteen years and I still love him." You looked up to meet their gaze, tears slowly spilling from your eyes. “And I never got the chance to tell him.”
"I know." They nodded, their voice soft. "I know. That hasn't changed. But you can't live like this. Please, Friday, just go out with us... Just try and have some fun."
"I'll try..." You sniffled, wiping away the stray tears, "But if things start going south, then I'm coming straight home." 
They laughed softly, squeezing your shoulder, "Fair enough." They reached forward and pulled you into a hug, "So... Friday?"
You smiled sadly, hugging back, "Yeah, Friday."
Giving your friend one last smile, you said your 'goodnights' before shutting your door. The moment the door clicked shut, you sighed. Leaning forward, you shut your eyes as you pressed your forehead against the cool wooden surface of the door. Your chest began to tighten as the dam eventually broke, and your tears quickly fell down your cheeks.
Sobs racked through your body as your arms wrapped around yourself, holding tightly to your ribs. A small whimper escaped your lips as you sank down against your door, clutching your knees to your chest as you dug your chin into yourself, muffling your sobs. 
After what felt like hours, your cries eventually quieted. Exhaustion seeped into your limbs as you slipped against the door, finding purchase on the ground; burying your face in your arms as you just curled up on the cold floor. You tried to shut up your brain, trying to force yourself not to think about Sam, or the night you lost him... But you couldn't stop yourself from remembering every detail. 
Every time that you thought about Sam, it hurt more and more each time. The pain never dulled, never numbed... You remembered how his eyes sparkled whenever he talked about his adventures in Italy and Brazil. You loved how they sparkled that same sparkle - that same passion - when he showed off the treasures he had found during those adventures; the same went for when he told you about Sir Francis Drake. It made you miss him even more. You'd never hear his stories again. You'd never hear his voice again; that deep, thick Boston accent. You'd never get lost in his chocolate-brown eyes again, or try and count the small freckles on his cheeks before losing track. You'd never get to hold him again… Listen to his steady heartbeat... Or tell him that you loved him... 
Sam… You'd never get to tell him. You never got to say it back to him.
The blankets shifted as you shuffled closer to Sam, your arm falling over his chest as you cuddled into his side. Sam laid there with you, his hand caressing the soft, warm skin of your back. You, Sam, and Nate had traveled to Spain to find some old pirate treasure of a notorious female pirate of the eighteen hundreds. You and Sam were in your motel room, relaxing after a long day roaming through forests and hiking up mountains. It was nice to finally be able to relax, and have some downtime. You loved adventures - treasure hunting - but it was nice to take a break. No hot weather, no dirt under your fingernails, or running away from treasure-hunting competitors. Just you and Sam, enjoying a peaceful night together. 
Sam chuckled suddenly, causing your eyelids to flutter open. "What's so funny, Sammy?" You asked, glancing up at him.
He smiled, "I'm just thinking about that movie," He glanced at the TV, a soft glow emanating from it; showing the credits rolling. "I liked it."
You matched his smile, "Well, I am happy you liked it. It is one of my favorites." Your fingers played with the edge of the blanket that laid upon Sam's stomach, "I told you bringing a movie with us would be helpful."
Sam hesitated, his mouth opening and closing before opening again, "About this morning... I- uh, it probably wasn't the best time to tell you... Ya'know, when we were getting shot at." Sam tried to joke, but his words sounded awkward even to his own ears.
You hummed, biting your lip briefly, "Sam, I-"
"You don't have to say it back," Sam spoke, interrupting you, "I don't want you to say it when you're not ready."
You felt your face flush, Sam had told you he loved you that morning. Multiple bullets were being shot at you, and both you and Sam were barricaded behind a crumbling wall of an old castle. Sam was right, the situation you two were in wasn’t exactly ideal. But after Sam watched you single-handedly take down three of your competitor's goons; he had to tell you. The sight of you taking those goons down, it was amazing - he couldn’t take his eyes off you, couldn’t keep his focus off the way the sunlight hit you, making the light dance across your features. Your hair was messy, sweaty strands sticking to your forehead, you were breathing heavily, yet you still managed to pull your gun out from its holster and shoot another two goons dead. You did it so flawlessly, it was breathtaking. And by the time you were beside him again, racing to find Nate, Sam just blurted it out. You were shocked, yes, but before either of you could say anything, you had found Nate and the three of you were off to Spain; a piece of an artifact in hand.
"Thank you," You whispered quietly, pressing a kiss to Sam's cheek, smiling at him.
He smiled at you gently, wrapping his arms around you. "Of course," He mumbled, before placing a lingering kiss to the top of your head.
Your eyes widened as you jolted upright, and your heart raced, before swiftly looking around your living room, breathing heavily as you realized you must have fallen asleep. The depression seeped in again, and you let out a small sniffle. You wondered if you'd ever feel better, but it had been fifteen years. Fifteen years of just... Drifting? Living? No, you weren't living, and you knew that Sam would've wanted you to live. You didn't know what you were doing. And you were scared that these feelings weren't ever going away. Looking up at your window, the sun was already low in the sky; it seemed you had slept for a good couple of hours - yet, you were still tired. 
The bar was loud, and the moment you entered it, you regretted ever leaving your house. Yes, you had gone out, but to stores or to the mall when you felt like it. You felt incredibly out of place, even though, years ago, you used to frequent bars with... Sam. You used to be the life of the party, but things changed; you changed.
You couldn't even remember the last time you went into a bar after what happened. After what happened, you and Nate - along with Elena and Sully - stuck together; for the most part. Soon, Elena and Nate got married, it was a beautiful wedding, and the both of them quit their adventuring. You lost contact with Victor not long after. You spoke to Nate on the phone often, and both he and Elena visited when they could; and vice versa. 
Your two friends practically dragged you by the arms further into the bar, snapping you out of your thoughts as you felt the tingling feeling of anxiety coursing through you. You were not ready for this at all. Your friends then found a booth near the small dancefloor, and before you knew it, you were stuck sitting in between your two friends.
"I might get a martini," Your friend, the one that comforted you in your home, spoke.
"You always get a martini. I'm going to try something new, maybe a bloody mary." Your second friend spoke, before turning to you, "What are you getting?"
You shrugged, shifting uncomfortably in your seat on the dark red, leather booth. "I don't know."
Your second friend gently nudged your shoulder, gaining your attention away from the wooden, circular table. They gave you an encouraging smile, "You got this. Just for tonight."
You tried to smile back at them before you watched the both of them head off to the bar on the other side of the large, dim-lighted room. You let out a sigh, before letting your gaze shift around the room, you were already growing tired of the music the bar was playing. You fiddled with your fingers in your lap, somewhat people-watching. It was a pretty crowded bar, with a good amount of people either at the bar, on the dancefloor, or at the booths eating. The bar was located more by your work, close to downtown. You had passed by it many times in your time living in the area, but you never went in. 
Your eyes snapped away from the people of the bar, your ears perked up to where you presumed a speaker was, hanging on the corner of the ceiling. The music, that had been playing throughout the short time that you were there, was ranging between pop, rock, and indie - had changed, changed into one song that you hadn't heard for a long time, and for a reason.
The song was a rock song, though it had some romantic elements mixed into it. It was made by a band from the eighties. A band you used to love - that Sam even liked. The song was your song. It was yours and Sam's song. 
You had first heard the song in your car. It was way before... Before what happened, but you and Sam had been driving away from somewhere, and the song just popped onto the radio. The song was something new, something neither you nor Sam had ever heard before. But as you sat there, listening to the lyrics, you couldn't help but think about Sam. The song spoke about two lovers, who had the power to speak without words. They could go through everything and anything. Their love could transcend all. There was more but the song resonated within your bones. 
Sam thought it was a bit cliche, but the more you insisted that it was your song for each other, the more Sam grew to love it. He never told you, but you knew. 
You bit your lip, your eyes dropping back down at the table, memories flooding your mind. Sam had given you a mixtape for your birthday, composed of your favorite songs. You remembered, a long time ago, listening to the song in the car; from your mixtape. You were singing along, somewhat obnoxiously, but you didn't care, you were having fun. You remembered when you pulled up to the red light, somewhere in the middle of nowhere - miles from home - when you turned to Sam. Your bright smile slowly faded upon seeing Sam's face. His expression was intense, but soft, as he looked directly into your eyes. The side of his face was illuminated by the streetlamp on the side of the road, highlighting his features beautifully. You could hardly take your eyes off him. 
It was like time stood still, and the world stopped spinning. The world only existed for that one moment, and for one single moment, nothing else mattered. No treasure hunting, no running from men with guns, no responsibilities. Nothing. It felt only natural when you both began to lean in, your heart beginning to race in your chest as Sam reached out with a hand, cupping your warm cheek. He closed the distance between you two as your eyes fluttered shut and you felt his lips press against yours. He tasted like cinnamon and smoke, and you loved it. You loved how his rough hands cupped your face, how the calluses of his thumbs felt as they brushed against the apples of your cheeks. You loved him... You loved him.
You blinked away the memories, a heavy feeling resting in your chest. That moment would forever stay with you. But, you were tired. You were tired of love songs, and you just wanted to go home. You wanted to go home and watch some comfort movie while eating takeout. You wanted to be alone. But, you knew that being out and about was probably good for you, as your friends had said many times before.
So, you slid yourself out of the booth, making your way to the bar; passing the dancefloor where you found your two friends dancing and having fun. Upon reaching the bar, you waved the bartender down, but before you could even reply with your drink, a deep voice answered for you.
"She'll have a vodka lime and soda." 
You briskly turned your head, coming face to face with a man in what seemed to be his late thirties. He was tall, had short, curly blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes that you could surprisingly make out within the dim light of the bar. He was attractive, yes, but with the way he was staring at you - ogling you - looking you up and down; there was just something about him that gave you an uneasy feeling in your gut. And you often trusted your gut; something that you learned to use when you used to treasure hunt. On top of that, he ordered a drink for you, choosing a drink for you, instead of politely asking to pay for your drink. 
You weren't at all in the mood for whatever bullshit he was going to pull, "I don't drink those." You replied simply, thankfully the bartender was still there, and you corrected the drink to one you preferred, before turning back to see that the man was still there, so you raised an eyebrow. "Can I help you?" You weren't trying to be polite, and you were hoping the man would just see that you were not interested and just leave you alone. 
"Just admiring you," He finally spoke, his comment making you scoff, and roll your eyes. What? Were you some sort of museum piece? What did he want? He continued speaking, "The outfit you're wearing is gorgeous."
You stared at him with annoyance, not sure how to respond. Did he expect you to thank him? Because you wouldn't do that. Maybe you'd have to simplify your question. "What do you want?"
The man - that you still didn't have a name for, mind you - as if you wanted one - just gave you, what he probably believed was a charming smile. With a swish of a hand, he pushed the curly blonde hair from the side of his temple, "Can I not just admire someone as beautiful as you?" Honestly, this guy was reminding you of Prince Charming from 'Shrek'. And obviously not in a good way, you hated that guy.
"Go find someone else to admire - actually, no, how about you go home and not bother anyone else? Forever." The man, still with no name other than the idiot from 'Shrek,' just continued to smile, unbothered by your attitude. You briefly looked around the dancefloor, unable to spot your friends. 
"I quite like where I am right here." He continued, soon the bartender arrived with your drink, and you were quick to grab your drink; not wanting this guy to possibly drug you. "Unless you want to join me. My apartment is just down the street."
But at this point, this man was becoming insufferable. "Hell no," You took a quick sip of your drink. "Not interested. I have a boyfriend." You pursed your lips, the words had just slipped out, easily, subconsciously. You clenched your jaw, taking another sip; you wished the drink was stronger, but you didn't think they made anything strong enough to numb the pain you were feeling. And besides, that was unhealthy anyway. One drink for the night - maybe even two - was enough. You had a long day of work tomorrow and you didn't want to wake up with a massive headache. Though, you were beginning to get one the longer the man stood beside you. And the jerk was still staring at you. Weirdo. 
You could vaguely hear the man beside you talking, but you weren't paying attention. Your eyes wandered the bar, trying to spot your friends, checking the booth that you had been sitting at before your eyes landed on the dark corner of the bar; near the back door; a green neon sign locating the exit above it. Your eyes widening as you felt your hands shaking; you had to tighten your grip on your drink to stop yourself from possibly dropping it. There stood a figure. One that you could barely make out, but you knew that figure. You knew that stance. 
Feeling a hand on your arm, you snapped your gaze away from the corner, your eyes meeting the blue ones of the man, who was still beside you. Your expression completely soured, your eyes narrowing and your frown deepening. You stared daggers at him before grabbing his hand and taking it off of your arm. "Do not touch me." You practically growled, only for the man to smirk down at you.
"Awe, you're so cute when you're ang-" Before he could even finish his sentence, you left the bar. You were this close to punching him, and you would’ve loved to if you didn’t have the threat of the police being called on you if you did.
Spotting your friends next to a small group of people, you walked over, your friend turned to greet you; but upon seeing your expression, their smiles fell. "Gone south?" One asked, and you nodded, handing your other friend your drink.
"Gone south." You confirmed, before saying your 'goodbyes and thanks' before leaving the bar entirely. 
"Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while." That sentence seemed to echo through the TV screen, making you pause your chewing as you shuffled further back into the cushion of your couch. You watched as Westley and Buttercup lay in the green grass, in each other's arms; you placed your popcorn to the side.
"I'll never doubt again," Buttercup spoke, as Weastly just gazed down at her, with such admiration and true love.
You sighed as he spoke his line, "There will never be a need." Before he brought her in a long-awaited kiss.
You sighed once more, grabbing your large bowl of popcorn - mixed with M&Ms - resuming your eating. You loved 'The Princess Bride' but you hadn't watched it in a very long time. And, like most things in your life, it reminded you of Sam. You somewhat scolded yourself. It had been fifteen years, and you still felt the same as you did since the moment you watched Sam fall to his death. You wished that you could just un-miss him... But, you needed him. You needed him more than ever. 
Somedays were harder than others, and today was one of those days. The night before, you had gone to the bar with friends, and had to deal with that Prince Charming wannabe jerk - and then with that overwhelming thought that maybe Sam was there at the bar... No, you didn't see him. Your mind was just playing tricks on you. It was like that scene in another movie you liked, where the mother spoke that she saw her missing husband ten times a week, in a hundred different faces. You shook your head to clear it, letting a sigh escape your lips.
But that feeling, you couldn't shake it. You needed to tell someone about it. And there was only one person you could possibly talk about it with, that would totally understand.
Leaning over the side of the couch, you grabbed the TV remote; careful not to spill your popcorn and M&Ms. Pausing the movie, you grabbed your phone off the coffee table, replacing it with the bowl. Flipping open your flip phone - you never really got around to getting a new phone - you opened your contacts and called Nathan.
The phone rang a few times, before he answered, "Hello? Y/N?" He asked, and faintly you could hear the theme of 'Crash Bandicoot' before you assumed he paused it.
"Hey, Nathan," You felt yourself smile, "I'm sorry to call so late."
You heard him let out a sputtering chuckle, "Nah," He was probably shaking his head, "Not too late. I was just playing 'Crash Bandicoot.' What's up?" 
"Just checking up on you and E," You spoke, shifting on the couch, "Anything new going on?"
"Mmm, nope, not at the moment." Nate spoke with a short hum, "Still a salvager." He paused shortly, "What about you? What did you really call me about?"
You let out a somewhat awkward laugh, "Nothing! I just wanted to check up on you and Elena. It's been a while since I saw you both." You sighed, glancing over to the shelf beside your TV, spotting the picture frame featuring you, Nate, and Elena; you were all standing by the Colosseum in Rome - your birthday vacation. "I guess I just miss you guys."
"I miss you too, kid," Nate spoke, his voice soft, "I know Elena does too. She talks about you a lot. We've been planning to see if you are available to hang out sometime soon. Have dinner with us. Haven't seen you in like, what? A month?"
"Two, actually." You corrected with a small laugh, "And you know I am free whenever. I am my own boss, so..." You trailed off, and Nate laughed in return.
There was a short pause before he spoke again, "How are you?" He asked, and with that tone of his voice, you knew what he meant, but you played oblivious. 
"I'm doing great-"
"Y/N," He interrupted, and you huffed, "You know what I mean. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But, you know, talking about... Well, everything… It might help."
You glanced at the paused movie, "I know," You bit your lip, your eyes dropping on to your lap before you huffed again, but it turned out into more of a sigh, "Honestly, I am the same as I was since the beginning." You rolled your eyes at yourself, fiddling with the soft fabric of your throw blanket with your free hand, "I went out to the bar with some friends, and I thought-" You swallowed before continuing, "Can I just- Are you free tomorrow? Uh, before work? Can I just come see you? What I have to say might be easier face to face."
"Yeah," Nate answered, "Yeah, yeah, for sure."
"Thank you, Nate. I really hope I’m not bothering you or anything with this." You replied, your eyes closing momentarily, a slight frown on your face, before opening them as Nate spoke once more.
"No, it's totally fine, Y/N." His voice reassured you a bit, "I'll talk to you more tomorrow, okay?"
You felt yourself smile - an appreciative one - "Yeah, yeah… Thank you again, Nate. See you tomorrow."
Hanging up the phone, you tossed it to the side cushion, and grabbed the TV remote, unpausing your movie. 
Your fingers tapped against your car's steering wheel, not to any particular rhythm, nor to the song that was playing on the radio; just your nervous energy that wouldn't leave you alone. Stopping at a light, you blindly grab ahold of your water bottle, taking a quick sip before the light turns green. The drive to Nate's place of work was a good forty-five minutes from your house, so the drive wasn't terrible, and you considered yourself lucky that you didn't get stuck in traffic or something along those lines.
Pulling up into the driveway of the parking lot, you parked beside a red pickup truck, before letting out a sigh. Taking a few seconds, you flipped open the vanity mirror in your sun visor. Pausing, you glanced at the polaroid of Sam that you pinned to the inside of the sun visor. You and Sam had been in Egypt - looking for treasure as always - and you just decided to take a picture of him. The sun was setting, and you could just barely see one of the pyramids behind Sam's head. He looked so… Ethereal.
Fixing your hair somewhat, to at least look presentable, you hopped out of your car. The sun was already raising, and you had to take a minute just to admire the sunrise as you climbed up the stairs towards Nate's office. However, when you reached the top of the stairs, you froze. 
If your heart was beating, you couldn't feel it. All you could feel was the soft breeze that passed by you as you stared wide-eyed at the sight before you. You originally thought that you were seeing things again. But, as he turned to face you, a sort of apprehensive look on his face... You let out a breath - a sigh - that you didn't know you were even holding. 
His name was on the tip of your tongue, just at your lips, and yet, you couldn't force the words to pass through your mouth. Instead, you felt tears burn the backs of your eyes before they spilled over onto your cheeks as you quickly ran towards him. Sam staggered back as you crashed into him - wrapping your arms tightly around him; your hands gripping the denim martial of his jacket.
His arms wrapped tightly around you, squeezing you tighter as he buried his nose into the hair on the top of your head. You shut your eyes, your breathing coming out heavy as he kissed the top of your head softly, whispering your name; almost like a prayer.
You clung to him tighter, an overwhelming wave of relief and happiness flooding over you as you pulled away slightly; your fingers still clinging to the front of his jacket, the other resting on his chest. His heartbeat was the proof that he was real, that he wasn't just some grief-created hallucination; he was alive.
Meeting his chocolate-brown eyes, seeing that smile on his face... You finally found yourself able to speak, "You're alive," You reluctantly let go of him to wipe the tears from your eyes and cheeks, "But you fell…” You buried your face back into his chest, “It’s my fault, I should’ve- I should’ve held on tighter." Sam’s arms tightened around you, shaking his head.
“No, sweetheart, darling, none of this was ever your fault.” Sam let go of you to gesture to himself, “I’m fine, see?” He gave you a reassuring grin.
You nodded, brushing the tears from your cheeks, “I thought you were dead.” You gave him a smile, “But, I am so glad you’re home.”
Sam couldn't look away from you - after fifteen years, you continued to look as beautiful as ever; like a goddess. Sam missed you, so many nights in that prison, Sam had dreamed about you - some nights he even thought he heard your voice... And now that he was standing there, with you standing right in front of him, and all he wanted to do was pull you close to him again.
"So did I." A small grin stretched across his face as he took your hands in his, his thumbs gently rubbing against the tops of your palms as his gaze moved over your face. Honestly, he was still taking you in; it had been so long. 
"What happened?" You asked, your worried and confused eyes searching his as Sam let out a small chuckle, glancing at the sunrise before looking back over at you, he was about to speak, but you continued, "I mean, how did you get out? How did you get here? Nate called basically everyone, and everything led to you being dead, and now you're here, and you're alive. I grieved for you, and I even thought I saw you at the bar, but I think I was just going crazy, or maybe the stress of going out- nevermind that. Are you alright? I mean, you got shot and then you fell-"
"Hey, hey," Sam cut off your rambling, laughing lightly as he raised one of his hands to cup your cheek, "I'm okay, sweetheart, I promise." He smiled reassuringly at you, but seeing the worry that was so clearly written upon your face - the desperation for answers - Sam let out a sigh, nodding his head. "Let's sit down, alright?" Sam led you to the wooden bench, sitting down beside you, and Sam was quiet for a moment before he opened his mouth to explain. And explain he did. He told you about being caught, stitched up, and tossed right back into a cell. He told you about Alcazar and the treasure of Henry Avery. He was in some crazy trouble, and you knew Nate, you knew that Nate was going to help his big brother. You wondered how he was going to tell Elena. "That's the story," Sam let out a sigh, looking over at you with a grin.
You let out a breath, "Wow," You muttered, looking up at him in shock, well, many emotions. "Well, I am just going to say this, I am helping you with his whole Alcazar business. And don't think you can try and convince me not to go. I am going." You hadn't gone on an adventure in a very long time, but you would be crazy to not go with him and Nathan to find that treasure of Henry Avery's. Deep down, you were hoping it would be like the good old days.
Sam raised his hands up in defense, letting out a chuckle, "I'm not going to stop you, the more the merrier."
You felt your shoulders fall as you let out another sigh. Looking up at Sam, relief washed over you in waves once more. You couldn't even express to anyone, nor yourself, how incredibly happy you were that Sam was alive. You missed him, that was obvious, but you missed being next to him, talking to him, hearing his voice; his laugh and touch. And the way he looked at you... You couldn't believe that this was really happening. "I missed you," Came out before you could even have time to think about it. 
Sam's expression softened, his grin morphing into more of a smile - a real one - his hand reached out to grab one of yours; the callouses rough against the soft skin on the back of your hand. "I missed you too, Y/N," Sam admitted quietly, watching you, "You have no idea how damn much."
"I think I've missed you more," You muttered, shifting impossibly closer to him on the bench, your eyes roaming his face before they caught sight of the tattoo on the side of his neck. "I haven't stopped thinking about you, you know? I've had dreams, nightmares. Pictures hanging up on my walls... Even a couple of your shirts." That statement made him chuckle but you continued, your fingers still going along on their journey across Sam's skin; trailing from the apples of his cheeks to his jaw, and so on. "It hurts, sometimes. I miss our talks and our late-night drives. It hurt when I woke up from nightmares and realized that you weren't there..." Your words drew out, your tone wistful and yearning, almost pained.
"Hey," Sam spoke up, pulling your attention away from your exploration, "All that matters is that I am here now," His hand came up cupping your cheek once more, his thumb brushing along the skin of your cheek like he used to do all those years ago; a smile slowly slipped upon your lips, your hand coming up to press against his. You watched as his dark eyes flickered from around your face to your lips, before looking back up to your eyes. He didn't move, no matter how much he just wanted to swoop in to steal a kiss, he spoke, "Can I... Can I kiss you?" He asked, his voice deep, soft, but husky as if there were a slight nervousness hidden underneath it, in addition to longing. "It's been... A long time and I don't know if you-"
"Only you," You answered quickly, "There's only been you." Sam let out a shaky breath before he leaned forward. Your noses brushed together slightly as he brought his free arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him; his lips pressing against yours. The kiss was sweet - gentle yet passionate - as you melted into each other. You hummed, your fingers coming up to brush against the hair on the nape of his neck. Sam eventually pulled away first - reluctantly - resting his forehead against yours, catching his breath, before bringing his hand up and threading it through your hair.
Your hand cupped his warm cheek before you nuzzled your cheek against the other, digging your face into the crook of his neck. Sam chuckled, tightening his grip on your waist, "I love you," He whispered against the shell of your ear. Just for you, and only you to hear.
"I love you, too," You finally got to answer, your own heart beating faster than it ever had before. You didn't want to pull away - not just yet. You couldn't. Not when you finally had him back. You squeezed your eyes shut as you relaxed, leaning into the warmth of Sam's body beside you, relishing every second of being near him. After what seemed like forever, you sighed contently, tilting your head up to press a light kiss to the underside of his jaw before cuddling into his side; admiring the beautiful morning with him. "I hope you know that you're forever stuck with me." You added teasingly as you laid your head back on his shoulder.
"I wouldn't have it any other way," Sam responded without hesitation, smiling as you let out a giggle. Shaking your head as you wrapped your arms around his torso, listening to the sound of his heart beating as you laid your head against his chest.
Finally, after so many years, after so much heartbreak and grieving... After so many sleepless nights, watching soap dramas and binging pints of ice cream and cold pizza... Finally, Sam was home. With you. You closed your eyes, feeling his hand brush up and down your arm soothingly as he buried his face in the top of your head; you still used the same shampoo.
Sam shut his own eyes, ignoring Rafe's voice in the back of his mind, allowing himself, for a moment, to pretend that everything was alright. He let out a sigh from his nose, relaxing at the sound of your breathing as he pressed his lips to your temple. Everything was going to be fine.
Main Masterlist | Uncharted Masterlist
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erismerald · 6 months
𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 (Samuel Drake x Insecure Fem! Reader) 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝚰𝚰
𝐀/𝐍: Greetings my darlings! I hope you enjoyed the first part, as promised here is the second and final part of Thunder Nights!!! I admit that writing this story has given me the motivation to write again and entertain my and your creative mind!!! Without further ado, I hope you enjoy, enjoy your reading!!!
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: It's amazing how exciting and terrifying living alone can be, during a sleepless night as you think back and rethink the nights others warmed the bed of the person you loved the most, a storm of pleasure hit your door... Just the two of you in that flat, the rain and the storm drowning out the obscene sounds that the two of you were producing… A night of first experiences that neither of you would ever forget.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Insecure reader, Age gap, Nsfw, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, worship and praise kink, a huge load of fluff, Drunk Sam. first time sex
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭:
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈
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"Tell me you want me, darling, beg for me, let me be a priest who worships you, let me make you mine, and only mine…" he said between kisses and caresses, your head was light, the only thing you could hear was the sound of your heart and the pounding rain, but with effort you answered
"Yes… please."
"I promise you won't regret it my fallen angel, my beloved Y/N…" for mere seconds your eyes were locked on each other, as if you were vowing something, something so unholy that words weren't quite enough to portray it, yet you couldn't help but look away as you felt Sam's hands move slowly down your curves, your heartbeat quickening with his every touch, you were completely under his domination and that aroused and fascinated you. … the nights you had dreamt of, that you had longed for his touch, had now become a reality, and you couldn't control your breathing, with every touch you felt like you were going to suffocate with so much desire.
Your lips touched once more, once more that forbidden flavour… that one taste that you knew would be your downfall that night, his hands were firmly on your waist, pulling you tightly to him, and without warning his sinful lips travelled up to your neck, kissing lightly, causing you to release sounds of pleasure that you were trying to repress "don't repress that beautiful melody, my little dove, let that be the music to which our bodies will dance tonight" his voice resonated against your sensitive skin, his lips were quickly replaced by his teeth, leaving little marks, bites of love " so that everyone will know who you belong to darling" he whispered, as his hands slid into the fabric of your pyjamas "S-Sam-" his lips muffled his name, as his hands continued their work. … he explored your skin carefully, so as not to hurt you, until… he reached your breasts, his eyes locked on yours asking for permission, but at that moment you couldn't respond, your breathing was ragged, your heart was beating at an unthinkable pace, your face showed how much you wanted him, but that wasn't enough for Sam.
"Tell me, my love…" he began by lightly caressing them, grabbing them then massaging them "how about we remove this stubborn fabric that keeps getting in the way of my task…" he smirked in your direction when he saw that you were embarrassed at the idea of being exposed to him "Yes? Shall we?" you nodded in agreement… he laughed softly and in less than a second the garment covering your breasts disappeared. Ashamed, you tried to hide it, but Sam didn't let that happen. He grabbed your wrists with one hand and slowly raised them above your head. "Don't hide the beautiful piece of art you are… my God, you're gorgeous… you hypnotise me" he said, licking two of his fingers, from the hand that was still free, and stroking them gently against your nipple. The warmth of the humidity and the chill that the room brought made you gasp. You closed your eyes tightly as a wave of pleasure electrified your body. "Yes…please…" Sam smiled, kissing your collarbone, tracing a path of kisses down to your breasts, sensitive and eager to feel more of that sensation, but instead of being direct, he kissed the valley between them… feeling your breathing cease… you moaned softly when his lips parted from your skin "do you desire me so much that you can't bear to let me part from your skin for a second, darling? " and with that he captured one of your nipples, this time you moaned loudly and felt your hands being freed, falling into his hair and pulling him closer, his tongue danced and his teeth caused an unprecedented sensation in your body, with your legs, you wrapped around his body and pulled your bodies closer together.
"You like this, don't you, angel? "your bodies were so close together that even with your clothes on you could feel his hard member against you and you were delirious, your thoughts were wild and erotic, you fantasised about the things you wanted to do at that moment, you removed your hands from his hair and felt brave enough to explore his body, drawing pleasurable patterns on his skin, listening to his growl as he paid attention to your pleasure, until you finally reached his member, running your hand over it lightly, teasing him, watching his reaction "I'm not the only one who's enjoying this little moment of ours" you whispered in his ear, biting his lobe.
He grabbed your hands tightly and pinned you once, stealing a kiss, while your gaze locked "I'm going to be gentle darling, because if it wasn't our first time I'd already be fucking you on top of this stall, without a second thought" with one of his hands still holding yours he moved your hand to his hard member "this is what you do to me my sweet angel, you hypnotise me, you lead me to lapse into a sinful labyrinth in which my thoughts only focus on being deep inside you, the only thing you're capable of saying is begging for more" that comment made you blush even more, he knew exactly what he was doing. … he knew that it would only excite you more, but for a few moments a wave of insecurity passed through your body, reminding you of the women he had already held in his arms, reminding you that you had almost no experience, and this emotion was reflected in your gaze, his hand wrapped around your face, in a gentle way "what occupies your hermetic mind my love?" you carefully moved his body away from yours, your gaze turned away from his and you faced the floor.
"Samuel, I don't have any experience in this, in fact this is my first time… I don't know what to do, what to say, where to touch you… and I'm ashamed of it, I feel inadequate compared to the women you've been with… "For seconds you felt your eyes brimming with tears once again, Sam analysed your expression, slowly with his hand he caressed the left side of your cheeks, his touch was like hot logs feeding the burning fire underneath your skin, the anxiety was still there but with his touch, you felt your mind dissipate.
"Oh no. You’re not inferior. Those women were my mistakes. All of that was my mistake. I got involved with the wrong people. And you’re not the wrong person. You’re perfect." his lips traced a forbidden path through your flesh, led by passion and his fierce desire for your body "Oh darling… focus on me and how well your body connects with mine, I may have had other lovers before, but they only served as mere apprentices so that I could satisfy you like the mistress you are".
His words hung in the air, heavy with promise and desire. You felt his lips, warm and hungry, against your flesh, igniting flames of passion that danced along your nerves. His touch was electric, sending shivers down your spine as he explored every inch of your body with a fervor that left you breathless.
With each caress, each whispered confession of longing and need, you felt yourself surrendering to him completely. Gone was the doubt, the insecurity that had plagued you before. In his arms, you found solace, acceptance, and a love so consuming it threatened to consume you whole.
As his hands roamed over your curves, tracing the contours of your body with reverence, you let out a soft moan of pleasure. Every touch, every kiss, was a testament to his devotion, a declaration of his desire to worship you in ways you had only ever dreamed of.
And as he guided you to heights of ecstasy you had never known, you knew that this was where you belonged. In his embrace, in his bed, where his love wrapped around you like a warm embrace, banishing the shadows of doubt and insecurity forever.
Your body hummed with anticipation as he settled between your thighs, his breath hot against you skin as he gazed up at her with hunger in his eyes. She parted her legs eagerly, aching for his touch as he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her inner thigh with featherlight kisses.
With a soft sigh, you arched your hips, silently urging him closer, and he obliged, his tongue tracing a tantalizing path towards you pussy. You gasped loudly as he parted your folds with his fingers, exposing you to his starving gaze before diving in with a hunger that left you trembling.
His tongue danced over your sensitive clit, flicking and teasing with expert precision as you writhed beneath him, lost in the pleasure of his touch. You moaned his name over and over again, your fingers tangling in his hair as he devoured you with a fervor that left you breathless.
He delved deeper, exploring every inch of your core with his tongue, his lips, his fingers, driving you to the edge of sanity with his relentless reverence. You moaned loud, your body quivering with need as he brought you closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy.
And then, with a final, desperate cry, you shattered beneath him, your world exploding into a million stars as he drank in you essence, savoring the taste of your desire as you surrendered to the bliss of your release.
As you came down from the dizzying heights of pleasure, you looked down at him, your heart overflowing with love and gratitude for the man who had brought you to such heights of ecstasy. And as he crawled back up her body, his lips finding you in a tender kiss, you knew that you were truly blessed. "I… done everything right? I'm sorry if I did something that didn't please you -" Sam stopped your train of thought with another kiss, after leaving you breathless once again he looked at you and you could see the affection and desire in his gaze "Princess you were fantastic, your flavour, your voice echoing like a sweet melody, I myself felt hypnotised by every tiny movement of your body." Slowly he moved closer to you, laying your body back against the soft surface, covering every part of your body with his.
For in that moment, as you surrendered to him completely, you knew that you were not just his lover, but his equal, his partner in passion and desire. And as you melted into each other's arms, lost in a world of pleasure and devotion, you knew that this was only the beginning of a love that would burn bright and fierce for all eternity.
Your bodies melded together in a symphony of desire, each movement choreographed by an unspoken understanding of each other's needs. He traced the curve of your hip with his fingertips, leaving a trail of fire in his wake, while you arched your back, offering herself to him completely.
your lips met in a fierce, passionate kiss, tongues dancing in a primal rhythm as they sought to devour each other. With every kiss, every touch, the intensity between them grew, building to a crescendo of need and longing.
He trailed kisses down your neck, nipping at you delicate skin with just enough force to send a shiver down her spine. You gasped, your nails digging into his back as he teased you, driving you to the edge of madness with his gentle ministrations.
Please, darling, let me devour you once more, let me intoxicate myself with your sweet ambrosia, let me make you feel like the goddess you are once more, can you do that for me? can you behave yourself and let me take care of you?" His voice was raspy, you were both sore, but you didn't want to be unable to feel his touch on you. "Yes-" you were about to speak but his hands slid down to your hips, holding you steady, you could feel his hard member against your core "Not like that love" he said kissing your neck biting and leaving marks where his lips passed "beg for me… you were taking me so well, beg for me"
You were gasping for breath, your face was flushing, but the way he spoke… the way he asked you for things, no matter how embarrassed he made you, you wanted to satisfy him. "Please Sam… let me feel you, make me your muse and use my body as a canvas so that you can leave your mark on it." "Wow… I didn't expect that, love, but I loved it, I think you've been learning a thing or two from me" he laughed lightly
With a low growl of hunger, he moved lower, trailing kisses along your collarbone, your breasts, until he reached the apex of your thighs once more. There, he lingered, inhaling your scent, savoring the taste of your desire before finally giving in to the temptation that beckoned him.
His tongue flicked out, tracing slow circles around her clit, eliciting a soft cry of pleasure from her lips. He teased you, building the tension until she was writhing beneath him, her hands tangled in his hair as she begged for release.
And when he finally plunged into you, filling you with his hardness, they both cried out in ecstasy, lost in the throes of passion. Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, each thrust bringing them closer to the edge until they were teetering on the brink of oblivion.
And then, with a final, desperate cry, they fell over the edge together, consumed by the flames of their desire as they rode the waves of pleasure to completion. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of them, lost in each other's embrace as they surrendered to the bliss of your union.
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dreamy-demons · 2 years
Dinner for Two (Pizza Rolls)
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Pairing : Sam Drake x female reader
Content : SMUT (18+) oral (male and female receiving), fluff, mutual praise, domestic life, no real warnings here :)
Summary: Sam helps reader relax after a job.
Word count : ~1.3k
"Oh god. Home. Finally." You groan, throwing your bags through the door and immediately dropping onto your couch. Sam follows behind and immediately b-lines to the kitchen.
"Geez, we gotta keep this better stocked." He mumbles to himself, rummaging through the freezer. "Hey, you good with pizza rolls?"
"I'd be good with literally anything right now."
"That's great, 'cause that's literally the only thing in here." Sam grabs a bunch of pizza rolls and throws them onto a tray.
Watching him from the kitchen, you take in all the bruises and bandages. Another job with Samuel Drake survived. Barely.
After putting the rolls in the oven, Sam comes back to join you on the sofa, where you had begun absentmindedly flicking through the channels. He puts his arm around your shoulder and you groan.
"This job really fucking hurt."
"I know, I'm sorry baby. Wanna sit the next one out?" He sounds sincere, but you know he's teasing you.
"Uh absolutely not Sam. If I'm not there, who else is going to save your ass?"
"Hey! I'm perfectly capable of saving my own ass princess!" You roll your eyes at him.
Sam manoeuvres you so that your back is to him and starts to massage your shoulders. You had been so tense the entire week, and finally getting to relax your muscles made you feel so much better already. 
"Yeah, and maybe next time we actually make some money? Not lose the treasure when it's right within reach?" You laugh.
He nuzzles into the crook of your neck and you feel him smiling against you.
“You know, there is one thing I can do to make it up to you.”
He slides off the couch and comes to his knees in front of you. His hands reach up to your waistband, and you happily lift your hips and let him pull off your pants and underwear. He’s wearing that fucking white vest and you can't help being entranced by his toned arms as he pulls your knees open.
He settles down and takes a moment to just look at you. You can already feel yourself getting wet. He dips his finger into you briefly and then licks it clean, savouring your taste. A grin spreads across his face.
"Fuck you taste so good. God, I can't wait to get you moaning for me." 
The sight of Sam between your thighs, looking up at you with those warm eyes and that goddamned smirk, is enough to already have your heart racing in anticipation. He's so close that you can feel his breath on you. He takes one long lick up the length of your pussy. Sighing, you lay your head back, content.
He explores you with his tongue, sucking and nipping at your folds. Usually he would do this for a long time, purposefully ignoring your clit, teasing you until you were begging for him to just touch you already. But this time he was nice, and soon his hot mouth enveloped your bud. The feeling instantly sends a shiver through your whole body.
"Oh fuck, Sam…" While he works at your clit, you bring your hand down to play with his hair. Sam hums in approval. His teeth graze you making you gasp, and your grip on his hair tightens. You pull him closer into you and he quickens his pace making you gasp above him. He lets you hold him there for a while before he pulls back.
"Take it easy, Sweetheart. You trying to suffocate me down here?" He chuckles, lowering his head back down. "I mean I wouldn't mind all that much…" 
Feeling a desperate ache to have something inside you, you yank his head back up, cutting him off. 
"Sam, wait."
His lips are slick as he looks at you inquisitively. 
"God, Sam. I - I need more." 
Grinning, he begins light circles on your clit with his thumb.
"More of what, baby?"
You struggle to get out more than small noises of pleasure.
"You're being so good for me sweetheart. Use your words, tell me what you need." He squeezes your thigh. The intensity of his stare alone, with his pupils blown out darkening his eyes, is almost enough to send you over the edge.
"Your fingers. I need, oh fuck, I need your fingers inside me. Right now, please, Sam."
He wastes no time, two of his fingers slip into you, curling to massage your sweet spot while his thumb still strums your clit. You curse loudly at the feeling and your legs instinctively try to close. Sam pushes one of your thighs back down with his free arm and pins it to the sofa. His mouth is soon back on you, tonguing you at a fast pace.
"Harder, Sam. I'm so close!" You groan. 
He moans into you, and suddenly he's fucking his fingers into you so hard you can't help the incoherent pleas falling from your lips. You feel your entire body spasm as your orgasm washes over you. You want nothing more than to squeeze him between your thighs and keep him there forever, but his strong arm is still holding you firmly open.
Sam continues to gently work you through your orgasm until you push him back, overstimulated. He's slick with both sweat and your juices, and he looks so pleased with himself.
He raises himself over your panting body and plants a wet kiss on your mouth. You kiss him back, enjoying the taste of yourself lingering on him. The kiss ends and you both look at each other for a moment, bringing your hand up to caress his cheek.
"That was great, Babe." You say.
"And…" He encourages you to say more.
"And what, Sam?"
"And do you forgive me for the job?"
You smack his chest and he laughs.
"Shut up Sam, you're ruining the moment." You grumble. 
Sam's body presses closer to yours as he snuggles into you, and you can feel his hardness against your stomach. Your hand snakes down to palm him through his jeans, and his breathing hitches.
"Let me take care of you." you whisper into his ear, feeling him shudder.
"But the pizza rolls are ready-" You can't help the giggle that escapes you. 
"Fuck the pizza rolls." 
And before he can register what's happening, you've flipped him so you're the one straddling him instead. Reaching down between the two of you, you make quick work of his jeans and pull his cock out of its confines.
You spit on your palms and languidly work his length. Sam's hips reach up to meet you with each stroke. While you stroke him, you slide off the couch to kneel between his legs, as he did for you.
The second your lips envelope his cock he hisses out a 'fuck baby' and grips your hair.
Your tongue explores the underside of his shaft and swirls on his tip at each bob of your head, while your hand alternates between stroking his length and playing with his balls. Sam's eyes never leave yours.
"You're so beautiful Baby, you have no idea what you do to me." He coos, and you moan around him. You can sense him trying to still his hips, and you slide off of him for a moment.
'It's okay, you can let go. I promise you're not hurting me." You reassure him, and as soon as your mouth is around his dick once more, he begins to buck into your mouth chasing his high. 
He lets out a mix of praises and curses as you take him as deep as you can, feeling him in the back of your throat. You feel his thighs tense as he lets out a strangled moan and spills himself inside your mouth. 
Sam watches you swallow proudly, pushing your hair out of your face. He pulls you into his arms and kisses your cheek. 
"I love you so much, you know that?" He mumbles against your skin. 
You hum in affirmation, smiling blissfully at him. "I love you too, Sam."
A sudden loud beeping shocks you both from your dreamy haze. You vaguely register the smell of smoke.
Oh fuck. 
The pizza rolls.
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love-fictional-men · 2 years
I have an idea 👀
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sicparvismorrigan · 2 years
When Your Line Is Crossed - Chapter 6
Your new neighbour is pretty fit, and the walls are pretty thin…
Sam Drake/Uncharted/Post-U4
Viewpoint: 2nd person female reader
Warnings: very nsfw (this chapter not thaaat naughty)
Wordcount: ~10.5k (6 Chapters) [incomplete]
Tagging: @bluewingedangel @killergoddessmm @marshmallow--3 @mrob-dream if you want added or removed let me know!
Heavily inspired by the song I Get Off by Halestorm
Read on Ao3
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Chapter 5 | Chapter 7
Rhythmic thumping pulls you abruptly from your dreams. You grumble and try to drag the pillow over your head to block it out. You wouldn’t be surprised if it was Sam next door, going at it yet again.
A wave of embarrassment drowns you as you remember exactly what happened last night. The noises you made. The noises you both made. You moaned his name. When he was with someone else. That’s a line you just don’t cross.
Reaching for your phone, you notice with some relief you’ve slept in later than usual. You wouldn’t dare go out on the balcony this morning, should you bump into You-Know-Who. Maybe you can browse for a new apartment later, give notice, pack your things, leave the country, who knows?
The second time it happens you realise the noise isn’t a headboard slamming into the drywall next to you, instead it’s coming from the outside door of your apartment.
Must be the landlord. He has a habit of turning up whenever he feels like without any warning. Gas check this. Water check that. You secretly think it’s weird, a little creepy even, but you don’t want to give him any reason to bump your rent, so you smile sweetly and put up with it.
You throw on a baggy hoodie to cover yourself, in your sleep-addled state not thinking to check if it definitely is the landlord first before opening up.
“Hi, ye-“
“Morning, neighbour!” Sam greets you cheerily, grinning from ear to ear.
Instantly, you are wide awake.
“Nope!” You try to slam the door in his face, but he’s too quick for you. With barely an inch left before it shuts he blocks the opening with his boot and leans his full weight against it. You struggle briefly before realising the cheap-ass door will probably give out before he does. The man is solid.
“Aw c’mon, try harder, baby!” Sam’s laughing at your efforts. It’s all just a game to him.
I will not cave. I will not cave. Sweet talk will not work this time.
Shit why is he calling me baby now?
“What do you want?” You yell at him.
“Can I have some sugar?”
You don’t believe what you just heard. The nerve of him. Something snaps. You stop pushing back, swinging the door open wide and glaring at him. “Very funny. Is that some kind of a sick joke?”
You are so not in the mood for his sense of humour right now.
Sam turns serious in the blink of an eye when he realises you aren’t taking it well. “No, sweetheart. I genuinely need some sugar. I’m all out.”
“Hmmm...” You’re watching him suspiciously, waiting for his ‘ha, gotcha!’ that never comes.
Hard to Handle by Otis Redding is faintly drifting down the hallway towards the pair of you.
…but I can love you better than him…
“Swear it. Cross my heart.” In a way, his sincerity is worse than his humour.
“Why, because you used it all last night?” That comes out a little sharp, double meaning dripping heavily from your words.
He shouldn’t be calling you sweetheart anyway, you are clearly not his sweetheart.
“No, because this morning I made enough coffee for you too, y’know…it was kinda nice, yesterday, talking, out there, with the sunrise-“ His voice is quiet and low.
“-I thought, I hoped you’d show, and then you didn’t, so I got worried.”
“You were worried about me? You barely know me.”
“Alright, alright. I guess, concerned, is maybe a better word.” Sam stops to lean against the frame. “And as for barely knowing you, I’d like to change that, if it wasn’t already obvious.”
“Ugh.” You scoff before you can stop yourself. “You know way too much already.”
“Seriously? Are you okay?” He cocks his head and looks hard at you, while you avert your eyes down to an interesting scuff on the ground. “Oh…I get it. Is this about last night? Look, we’re both adults. It’s no big deal.”
Really? That’s it? No big deal. It’s that easy for him?
Sam continues. “If it helps, you sounded adorable.”
Oh jeez.
You make a show of rubbing your sleepy face to cover your embarrassment. “Yeah, that really doesn’t help.”
He shrugs. “Eh, then I got nothin’. Except coffee, so…ya want some?”
“Ummm…” You swither, apparently a few microseconds too long for Sam’s patience.
“Look, honestly, I’m kinda getting mixed signals here. If you’re dead set on avoiding me, why’d you open the door?”
“Oh, uh-“ Your turn to shrug. “I thought you might be my landlord, sometimes he just shows up, and…yeah-“
“Woah, woah, woah.” Sam holds up a hand to stop you. “He just comes in here without calling ya first?”
He looks less than pleased when you nod mutely. Then, like flicking a switch, his expression darkens. He seems really pissed off, and you can see a different side of him. One you would never dare do wrong in a million years. It makes you tighten your grip on the doorknob. It makes you want to run. When he speaks his voice is cold, friendly Sam long gone.
“Next time he pulls that shit, you call me first before you answer him, okay? That ain’t right, you in here by yourself…”
Once you mm-hm your agreement, Dangerous Sam vanishes in a flash and your smirking neighbour is back again. You aren’t quite sure what to make of the behavioural one-eighty, but he’s probably right. Confirming what you’ve always felt but been too nervous to do anything about.
Fuck, him being so protective of you does make your heart flutter a little.
Maybe it is no big deal, your little outburst in bed. Despite everything that’s happened between you already, he is definitely the least troublesome neighbour you’ve ever known.
And the best-looking.
God, he smells amazing.
Sure it was embarrassing, for both of you, but he clearly doesn’t care, maybe you shouldn’t either. Shit happens.
“Anyway, I’ll make coffee…again. If you feel like joining me, I’d be honoured.” He turns to leave.
“Sam?” You call after him.
“Yeah, angel?”
“Don’t you need that sugar first?”
“Shoot, yeah…” For a second his self-assured air slips away and he loses his cool just a fraction. “Uh…Ya got some?”
“Maybe.” It’s your turn to lean casually against the door. No big deal you say, Sam?
He just blinks at you when you show no signs of moving. “Can you…go get it?”
“If you say please.”
“Huh?” Exactly the same tone as last night, when he heard you moaning through the wall, which makes your nerves wobble (after all, what the Hell are you doing?) but your mouth curves into a smile and you keep going.
“Say please.”
“Ah, shit…Please.” The word is clearly an effort. “I’ll pay you back, one way or another.”
“No rush.” You somehow sound breezy despite your racing pulse. Is this still flirting? Or is it foreplay?
“I will, I’m a man of my word.” He leans in close and everything outside of the two of you dissolves away. “I told you. Knock on my door and ask. Anything you need. Anything.”
You remember every detail of the earlier conversation you had when Sam offered to ‘help you out’ with your needs.
“We’ll see. And I told you Sam, if anyone was knocking and asking for stuff, it was going to be you!”
Damn, that little win felt good.
“Jeez-“ He remembers too. Sam turns away out into the hall and runs a hand through his hair before coming back to you. “That’s good, that’s cute. You’re sharp. C’mon, quit messing around. Cough up the sweet stuff.”
“Fine, wait here.”
Sam’s desperate to be in control again, he just can’t leave it alone. “You could invite me in, just give me the whole cup of coffee while you’re at it? I made one for you already. Return the favour.”
“Nice try, but I never got that cup, so it doesn’t count.” You catch him trying to peer around the door to find out what the inside of your apartment looks like. “Hey! Stop being so nosey!”
“Can’t help it.” He mutters. “What’s got into you, why you Miss Feisty this morning?”
“I’m a little mad.” You fess up as you hand him a bowl of sugar, your fingers briefly touching as he takes it. Electricity.
“Mad? At me? For what? For getting laid?” His smirk is just unbearable. “Aw, are you jealous, sweetheart?”
“Hell, no!” Your answer is too quick, over-the-top nonchalant. It’s so obvious you care.
“Oh my God, you are. You are jealous.” Sam shakes his head in wonder, seeing right through you. “Well, shit. How rude of me.”
“Isn’t she bothered you’re over here paying attention to me instead?” You slyly enquire, not sure what you should be hoping for as an answer.
“Nah, she’s long gone.” Sam looks slightly regretful. “I don’t think I’ll be seeing her again.”
You should not be so over-the-moon at his confession. You try not to let your face show it, and catch your grin just in time.
And then you realise why the woman isn’t coming back. She must have heard you too. She saw Sam’s reaction first hand. It was your fault. You ruined it for her. For both of them.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, you ain’t. But it’s okay. Guess she didn’t take it the way I did.”
What, as a compliment?
Before you can figure out what to say next, Sam throws you another curveball.
“Listen, how about I make you dinner tonight?”
Your stomach feels like it’s just abandoned ship and your heart isn’t far behind, suddenly blood is rushing in your ears.
“What, you already got plans?“
“No, it’s just…surprising.” The thought of you and him alone for at least a few hours makes your knees weak. Is it possible he actually cares for you? This isn’t just an elaborate ruse to get you into bed? Sam cooks?!
“Oh, I’m full of surprises.” He drops his voice low and lets his gaze linger on your mouth. “You’ll see. How about it?”
You shouldn’t. He was with someone else just last night. This feels like definite trouble.
But you want to. In spite of everything, you so badly want to.
“Yes. I’ll have dinner with you.” Oh my God. It’s happening.
“There’s a catch, though.”
“Which is?” You only just manage to croak out.
“Dinner at your place. I’m still fixing mine up. Sawdust everywhere. And I do mean ev-er-y-where-“
“That’s fine.” You cut him off before he goes into more detail about what exactly he means by everywhere. But Christ, you’ve got some cleaning to do.“That’s…more than fine.”
“Alright then. We got a deal. See you later, sweetheart.”
As you shut the door, you know deep down you’re still somewhat mad with him. But you’re also biting your lip in anticipation, because fuck you’re really looking forward to it. That damn smooth talking sure did the trick.
You’ve got a date with Sam.
Thanks for reading!
Still trucking away on this I’ve not forgotten 😁
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buryustogether · 3 years
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SUMMARY: life as a stripper probably couldn’t get worse. but one man gives you the idea that it could get a little bit better.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: wasn’t really happy with this chapter, but it’s better than nothing
‘ are there some aces up your sleeve?
have you no idea that you’re in deep? ’
— do i wanna know , arctic monkeys
Of course tonight had to be the one evening this week that Bobby Fischer-looking creep showed up. The entirety of last week, and even the one before that, he had been bragging to every girl with her hearing in check that he was being flown out by his law firm for a case that would make it to national television, honey, just you turn on Channel 5 and wait. His thin lips were always curled around an unlit cigarette because he thought it made him look tougher than his scrawny, six-two figure that could have won a round of hide and seek with nothing but a matchstick. Hair the color of dead tree bark was scraped into a sort of floppy do he surely saw on a magazine cover from the early 2000’s, and his work shirt and tie were always starched and ironed in a too-perfect way for any man to do himself. He probably had his mother do it every other day when he visited for dinner and cheap white wine.
The heavy red curtain that separated the catwalk from the off-limits area of the strip joint partially hid your face as your trained eyes followed his movements around the bar. The mascara and glitter stuck to your eyelid did nothing to pretty-up the burning glare your gaze held as you watched him pay for a drink before swaggering to a seat for the show in a way a pup would around the big dogs. He was pathetic, really.
Of course tonight had to be the night he got back to town.
“Y/N?” said a woman behind you. You barely heard her over the loud thunder booms of music that poured from the speakers hidden throughout the bar. You let the curtain drop and turned to see Zara staring back at you in the reflection of the vanity mirror hanging on the wall. “What’s wrong, sugar pie?”
This dressing room was hardly what anyone would call luxurious. For beginners, it was only separated by a curtain from the prying onlookers and desperate truckers in need of a show that wasn’t a talk station on the PM radio. A few vanities were pushed against the walls and posters of costume ideas and make up styles were tacked beside their mirrors. Purses and regular clothes were strewn about the floor, making for a sort of trick stunt to just get across the room and grab your eyebrow pencil. There were only a few girls on tonight, including yourself. Only the losers and cheaters came out on a Tuesday night.
“Mister Big Shot Lawyer is back in town,” you said and took a seat on the moth-eaten couch opposite Zara. Adjusting your cleavage in the leather corset you had forced yourself into, you leaned down to grab the heels that went with this set. Your costumes were in desperate need of a good wash and restitching; they reeked of your cheap perfume and the BO of a hundred different guys that had once passed through here drunk enough to give up their money for the Power Ball ticket that night.
“Great.” Zara’s tongue dripped with sarcasm as she leaned forward in the mirror to inspect her eyeliner. It was flawless, as ever. “Don’t bother hiding your virginity, ladies, because God knows he’s still got his.”
You gave a snort. “Anyone who works here lost their virginity before the twelfth grade.”
“Hey, now, little miss. Some of us still have a bit of self respect despite working at a shit show like this.”
The door that led off stage was thrown open then, interrupting your fierce battle with the zipper on your boots, and the hulking figure of your manager stepped inside. Eli never bothered knocking; he said this was his place, you were his girls, and he would go wherever he pleased. His tone always screamed that his parents never hugged him, but it showed to only those who knew him well enough to see behind his neon facade.
“Y/N, you’re up on the walk in two,” he said, his eyes only wavering to look between you and Zara. “Ingrid just fucked up her routine and cost us big time; loosen your panties and don’t bother with the hair, ‘cause I expect you both to help make it up.” The door slammed shut behind him, loud enough for the patrons outside to hear, and you and Zara were left staring with darkened expressions the way he had gone.
Eli North was a dick, and that was putting it mildly. He had an infamous history of finding girls that were low enough to grab his outstretched hand, only for him to raise them up just a bit so that they could wipe the dirt off their faces and repay him the thanks he thought he deserved. As much as you hated to admit it, you were one of those girls. Eli had taken you in when you were desperate for a job, any job, and then had trapped you inside when he lured you close enough.
You didn’t like working here at the Fox Den in this chilly corner of Minnesota, but you did what you had to in order to survive. You needed to. For her.
“Good luck, sugar pie,” said Zara when Ingrid swished back into the dressing room and the music changed beats.
Attempting to calm the anxious beating of your heart in the cage of your chest, you blinked a few times before pushing the curtains aside and stepping out into the open.
The first thing that hit you was the searing, blinding lights that rotated and struck your figure like tinted spotlights. Neon reds and oranges bathed you in a vermillion sunset as you approached the reflective metal pole awaiting you at the end of the catwalk. From the corners of your eyes, you made out the blurry figures of men - and women - watching as you slid your hand up and down the pole. A few were on their phones, features illuminated in the dim light of the room. You heard Mr Lawyer give his trademark whistle that sounded more like a bird call that you learned in Boy Scouts; you had never been bothered enough to learn his real name.
As you worked your routine, rotating the pole, hands outstretched like some kind of Renaissance painting to accept crumpled dollars that would, come tomorrow, be used as either lunch or gas money. Whatever it was, you would take it; everything counted.
When you at last finished and swaggered your hips walking back to the dressing room, you released the breath you had been holding the entire time. What a waste of an evening; you could have been at home watching a movie, making cheap box Mac and Cheese and going to bed before ten o’ clock. Instead, you were here, dancing and shaking your ass for two-faced cheaters and gas station clerks that came here claiming they were on their smoke breaks.
You found Zara and Ingrid lounging on the couch in their lingerie, a pair of angels in a painting hanging in a place that claimed to be holy. They were flicking through their phones, bare feet - swollen from these nightmarish shoes - hung over the arms nonchalantly. It was sickening how… at home they looked.
“That was a pity party if I ever saw one,” you exhaled and leaned against the vanity to curl your toes in your boots. “I’m guessing that’s the last set for tonight, or are we all doing a third round?”
“Nah,” said Ingrid, face glued to her screen. If you didn’t know any better, she was embarrassed, avoiding your gaze. Who wouldn’t be, after screwing up and then making your coworkers pay for it? “Eli said to take a minute and then go out on the floor. Few guys who want private dances, or something.”
“If it’s Law Firm out there, I’m gon’na kill myself,” said Zara.
You wished you could have agreed with her, but you reminded yourself you were trying to cut back on such morbid phrases. They weren’t good for mental health, or some other BS like that. But nevertheless, you were trying.
Running a hand through your hair, you exhaled before heading through the side door and clunking down the steps that led to the floor. The smell of liquor was thicker down here, as was the cigarette smoke and the rich, drunken laughter. You emerged out into the open and received a few whistles and hollers, but you kept your gaze straight and your pace unwavering. You made for the bar and stopped at the counter, stepping between an empty seat and one that was occupied by a man sipping on a whiskey.
“Hey, George,” you called over the music. The bartender turned, the long, purple wig he had chosen for today flipping over his shoulder as he crossed the small area to hear you better. His coffin nails, painted red and green for the upcoming holiday, clicked like keys on a keyboard as he worked at a spot on a shot glass.
“What can I do you for?” he asked, smacking a wad of gum on the left side of his mouth.
You leaned across the countertop a bit more, painfully aware that your ass was hanging in the air from the way you were standing on the tips of your toes. You bumped against the man beside you and apologized quickly before turning back. “Listen, cut off’s at twelve, okay? I don’t need another creep following me home tonight. I don’t have enough to pay the bus fare if I have to walk downtown to shake a guy - you get me?”
George gave you a thumbs up, one that was accompanied by a sympathetic look you brushed off with a quick wave of the hand. You were so tired of that look. “Eli said there-“
Before you could get any more out, a scrawny, yet surprisingly full figure took the seat on the other side of you and trapped you between him and the man to your left. You glanced up and bit your tongue; so much for dodging the Little Big Shot tonight.
“So… who missed me?” he asked. He gave you a crooked smile that looked rather sinister in the new, ever-rotating neon lights. “I know I wasn’t gone that long, but Jesus - I sure missed you.”
You smiled, but it didn’t quite reach your eyes. None of your grins or smirks here between these four walls were ever genuine; they were more akin to grimaces than anything else. “Glad to have you back,” you lied. You looked at George again. “Anyway, I-“
“Woah, woah, hey, not gon’na give me a welcome back kiss or anything?” Wannabe asked. He extended a hand, as if you owed him just that.
You looked him up and down. His dress pants for work were wrinkled at the ankles, and his tie was loosened from its picture-perfect knot that he probably did watching a YouTube tutorial despite being in his late twenties. “We don’t do that here,” you finally said, meeting George’s eyes and widening your eyes for a fraction of a moment. “No freebies; you know the rules.”
“Oh, come on-“
“Hey, pal,” said the man next you, the first words he’d spoken since you came to the bar. He nodded his head your direction as he stared Mr Lawyer down. “I think the lady said she’s good. Lay off that creepy act, will ‘ya? You’re makin’ the liquor sour.”
You thumbed at your bottom lip, glancing back and forth between the creep, George, and your savior that had tilted his head as if to accentuate his point. There was a long, awkward moment of silence, filled only by the chatter and music in the background. Finally, after what seemed like a prolonged eternity and a half, Mr Lawyer chuffed and muttered something about a cockblock before rising and slinking back to his seat near the stage. You could have sworn you saw a tail ticking between his legs as he crawled back into the shadows.
“Rapey-looking pervert,” muttered George before looking back down at the glass in his hands. “By the way, toots, you’ve got a private dance on the waiting line.”
You crossed your arms on the bar. “Who?”
He gestured to the man sitting beside you before turning to answer the phone that had begun to ring behind the counter. You turned as the man set down his glass, a small smirk playing his lips as he gave a two-fingered wave. He cleared his throat before extending a hand. “Sam,” he said with a rather charming tilt of the head.
“Y/N,” you said as you shook his hand. You took a seat in the chair beside him and rested your head in your palm. “Thanks, by the way.”
“Don’t mention it,” he said. “Listen, if you’re not up to it - which I totally get - you can just go back to whatever you were doing. I’m not as desperate as that bastard back there.”
“Oh, no, of course not,” you said, touching the corner of your mouth. Time to turn on the charm, even if you did feel like you owed him one. “I’d be happy to. Especially for -“
From the other side of the bar, George turned around and pressed the receiver into his hand. “Y/N, phone for you. Sounds like an emergency.”
Your heart stopped momentarily and you suddenly forgot all about the man in front of you and your surroundings. You nearly leaped across the counter to take the phone and stand, padding into the corner so that you could hear the person on the other end. “Hello?”
“Y/N, aren’t you supposed to be home by now?” The voice of your next door neighbor crackled through and you raised a hand to fist it in your hair. Damn this woman and damn the shiny, fancy brooches she wore on her heart, sitting just beside the large silver cross always around her neck. Damn her always thinking she was better than you and that she thought she dictated when you got home just because she was watching your daughter.
“No, Ms Hapsner, I’m still at work.” You doubted she didn’t believe you, what with the music thumping in the background.
“You said you would be home at eleven.”
“No, I said one.” You pressed your other hand over your ear in an attempt to focus on her croaky voice. “What’s the matter? Is Maddie okay?”
There was a long pause in which you held bated breath, wondering if she had simply hung up on you because of a misunderstanding. It nearly startled you out of your skin when she finally spoke again. “You really can’t leave your daughter here and expect me to play grandmother when you can’t watch her, you know,” she said. “I have a life of my own.”
You’re seventy-two and haven’t gone anywhere in the past three years besides church and the pharmacy, you wanted to shout. But instead, you furrowed your brows and shook your head. “Ms Hapsner, you offered to watch her whenever! I - Okay. You know what. I will be there soon. I’ll be there. Did she eat?”
“What, you expect I would let a child go hungry? Of course, we had dinner. Don’t you-“
With a quick mash of the rubber button, you hung up the line and raised a hand to rub at your temple. What a shitty fucking night. Playing with the landline’s antenna, you wound your way back over to the bar, where Sam was nursing a new couple inches of whiskey. He glanced up and gave you a curious look as you sat back down.
“Everything good?” he asked.
“Yeah. I mean…” You sighed and ran a hand over your face before remembering you had makeup on and pulling away. Sam smiled; no doubt you had glitter and mascara smeared across your cheek now. “I have to go. But, uhm… here.” You reached across the counter to grab a pen, then clicked it and took Sam’s closest hand. He made a noise of surprise, but didn’t pull away when you started to ink your number onto his wrist. “I don’t like leaving things unfinished, having to owe people, you know? So just, ah, just give me a call while you’re in town and I’ll make it up to you, okay?”
Sam blinked a few times, glancing at your number on his arm, before he shrugged his shoulders in a sort of you-win way. Then he gave you a wink and grinned. “Sounds like a deal, honey.”
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festivalsofmargot · 6 years
A Man of Fortune {Sam Drake x Fem!Reader}
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Introduction: Takes place before Sam, Nate, and Rafe put themselves in the Panamanian prison. Making Sam 28 years old and you 21 years old.
Word Count: 3,156 so hang in there...
Warnings: Cursing
Author’s Note: This was partly inspired by the recently released Last of Us Part 2 gameplay trailer. The slow dancing, dialogue, and kiss were just perfect. I couldn’t help but incorporate some things into this story. I recommend checking it out if you haven’t already!
Songs (if interested): 
Lust for Life - Lana Del Rey ft. The Weeknd
Ecstasy - Crooked Still
Take on Me (MTV Unplugged Version) - a-ha
Say Yes to Heaven - Lana Del Rey
  Man, it felt nice to dress like a woman again. It had been a good while before it seemed appropriate. With all the climbing, horrible travel weather, and the "occasional rough housing" that came with treasure hunting, (Y/N) never had the chance to doll up.    
      Most people saw her as a tomboy, which annoyed her to a point. Just because she enjoyed getting down and dirty with the treasure hunting lifestyle didn't mean she wanted to be a man. She enjoyed feminine things quite a lot, in fact. It didn't help that she had a naturally deeper voice than most women, but she managed.         She, the Drake brothers, and her own brother, Rafe, had returned from one of their Avery location scouting sessions in the beaches of North Carolina. She was thrown into the mix and never got to have a formal introduction to the Drake brothers, but it was easy to get to know them through their journeys. They were good looking, charming, and full of jokes that either made you love them or want to punch them. Her brother, on the other hand, could be a little shit most of the time. But, he was her brother and (Y/N) was a firm believer in standing by family no matter what. And how could she leave him hanging when he's looking for a pirate’s treasure? He wasn't getting that action all to himself no matter how much of a prick he was being.   Tensions had become quite high from the past few search attempts, but things were looking up. Little by little the puzzle was coming together. It had taken so long to find this last piece, 'this infernal place'. They had finally found a destination point that felt solid and not a continuation of a wild goose chase. Thanks to the information on that aged note (Y/N) had found, they were going to Panama. Rafe couldn't help but drink himself into a stupor in celebration. The Drake brothers took this sleeping dragon opportunity to give themselves a night out. (Y/N) was preparing to do the same and could barely contain her excitement.   Taking one final look in the mirror and hooking in her earring, she giggled to herself. She was so excited to see her friends again and shamelessly flirt with men at a bar. Her internal planning ceased when a knock sounded at her door. She strode over as fast as her heels would let her. She ran a hand through her recently done hair to help ump up the volume and opened the door to Sam Drake.   "Oh hey! I was just about to head out, what's up?" She beamed as he leaned a hand against her door frame.
  The eldest Drake's eyes met hers and he couldn't help but stare. The words he initially planned on delivering to her felt long gone. He had never seen her like this before. Sure, he had always thought she was cute with her braids and dirt speckled skin from their expeditions. But, this was making him see her in a completely different light. Man, oh man, did she clean up wonderfully. He thought.  
  (Y/N) relished the thought of Sam Drake gawking at her, but she knew better. She was never confident in herself romantically. But when it came to archaeology and climbing, she knew she was something to be reveled at. She shook off the idea of Sam thinking she was pretty and straightened her dress, an act she didn't know hypnotized him more. "Sam?"   Sam finally found the words he had lost and cleared his throat. "So, uh... our boys decided to just come here and drink for the night. Is it cool if we hide the Avery evidence in here? These guys can be dogs, but they know better than to go into a lady's room uninvited."   "Yes, absolutely. You need help bringing everything in?"     Sam took another look at her and puffed up his chest a bit. "Nah. I got it, no problem." He let his gaze linger as he turned to walk away.   "I'll clear my closet for some space." She called out, making her way through the room.   She bent over and moved some of her shoes and fallen articles of clothing to the side. It didn't take her long to finish up and turn back towards the front door. She halted with a quiet gasp. Sam was standing at the entrance, holding the container of Avery's files in his arms. He looked entranced and a bit distracted. How long was he standing there?   "Okay, it's all clear for you." Sam gave a silent nod and made his way to her closet, placing down the container. He turned to her with a huff and a smile. He scratched the back of his head and began searching his brain for something to talk about. She was taken aback but wouldn't let herself show it. Was he nervous?   "So, what are your plans for the night?" Sam inwardly cursed himself for how uneven the words came out. How many women has he been with? And (Y/N)'s the one making him feel like a high school virgin?     "Just meeting up with some of my girlfriends at that Sky Bar a mile out." She said, trying to hold back her giddiness. The ecstatic smile she wore made Sam's stomach do a flip. He observed her as she looked over herself in the mirror again. He had never seen her act like such a lady before, and he was enjoying it. Maybe a little too much.   "Sounds like someone's excited. Need an escort to the bar?" He tried to make the question come off as a joke, but he was pretty serious about it.     She looked away from the mirror to meet his gaze and began walking towards her door. "Nah, it's okay. You've earned yourself a night away from responsibility." She laughed lightheartedly. He forced a laugh along with her as they left the room, shutting the door behind them.   Sam followed her like a puppy dog all the way to the front door of the mansion. He wasn't denying himself that he was feeling smitten. The way her hips swayed in that short form fitting dress, the way her hair fell and framed her face, how elegant those heels made her strong legs look, and her eyes, oh God her eyes. She wasn't even wearing all that much makeup. How could he not see this girl - no - this woman before?     (Y/N) didn't know why Sam was hovering, but concluded that he was heading the same direction anyway. She turned to face him when she was about to head out the front door. She could hear Nate with the rest of his friends in the gathering room down the grand hall. At this point, she really didn't know what Sam wanted from her.     "So," (Y/N) began, not knowing what else to say, "just come get me at the bar if, for some reason, you have an emergency or Avery breakthrough." She joked, causing a chuckle and nod from Sam.   "You bet. Let me get that for you." He said, reaching to open the door for her.   "Oh, thank you." She stepped out the door, looking over her shoulder at him with a sweet smile. She gave him a timid wave then began on her way.     Sam watched her until she was completely out of sight, unaware of the smirk that crossed his lips. He shut the door, unease filling him at the thought of dirt bags that didn't know how to keep their hands to themselves at a bar. He knew she could handle herself if need be. But how different would things be dressed like that? He shook off the thought and made his way to the open room where his brother and friends were gathered.     "Sam!" All the boys shouted in drunken delight.     "What'd I tell you guys about starting without me?"   "You'll get over it." His friend Harry slurred, throwing an arm around Sam and shoving a beer into his hand. "Besides you were talking to that angel and hogging her all to yourself."     Sam shrugged off Harry. "I was just being a gentleman to our dear partner." He popped off the cap to his beer and began with a stream of gulps.   "I can be a gentleman too. Be a lad and introduce us when she gets back, yeah?" Sam gave Harry's arm a good shove then shot an involuntary glance at the front door.     Nate, noticing his brother's troubled face, gave him a pat on the back. "What's up, man? You good?"   Holding his gaze for a moment longer before looking back to his brother, he asked, "You don't think she'll bring home a guy, do you?"   Nate lightly choked on his beer, "So what if she does?"   Sam straightened his demeanor, thinking up a cover, "I hid our research in her room. If she brings a guy back, it's gonna be a hell of an awkward time trying to get it out."     "Don't worry about it, man." Nathan waved off. "(Y/N) doesn't seem like the girl for that." Nate brought the beer back to his lips and returned to their group. Sam was filled with relief at his brother's words because he agreed. He immediately discarded what he was feeling. What had gotten into him? He's seen sexy women before and he's quite experienced with them. Was (Y/N) really that different? He needed to focus on the beer in his hand and the rowdy bunch around him.
  Sam's little pep talk to himself didn't last long. He grew more and more anxious about (Y/N) as the night went on. The beers weren't helping much but that didn't stop him from putting on a good face. No matter how much he was listening out for the front door, he hid his distraction well. He debated going to her at the bar with a lie about the Avery research, but the alcohol wouldn't let him think of a good excuse.   His head snapped back in the direction of the front door when he heard it close. He tried to make his gaze down the hallway subtle, absently sipping at his beer. His movements slowed to a halt when he spotted (Y/N) cross the hall towards the stairs. She grabbed onto the end railing for support when she began to take off her heels one after the other. There was something sensual about the act to Sam as he watched with undivided attention.   All too soon, (Y/N) began making her way upstairs with heels in hand. Sam felt like he was being deprived and set down his beer to slip away. The boys, being too drunk to notice his quick leave, resumed their antics.     (Y/N) took her time heading up the steps, humming along with the music that played in the gathering room. It made it easy for Sam to catch up with her, stopping a good five steps behind her. She could hear someone coming up the stairs and stopped her ascent to turn around. Sam's pulse started racing at the sight of her.   (Y/N) hiccuped, giving him a sweet smile. Her cheeks blushing red from booze. "Hey Sam." She practically sang.      Charmed, he smiled back at her. "Need help getting back to your room?"   (Y/N) bit her lip and tilted her head. She wasn't super drunk. Only tipsy enough to be that much bolder. She was convinced Sam didn't reciprocate her feelings, but she wanted to flirt anyway. What was the harm in it? If it got awkward, they could blame it on the alcohol and move on like nothing happened, right? "Are you gonna help me, Samuel Drake?"   He got excited hearing his name cross her lips and took a gradual step up towards her. "If you'll have me."   Sam's actions caused tingles to shoot up (Y/N)'s body. She felt much more confident in making a move now. "You know, even with all the trekking we do, nothing obliterates my feet like heels do."
  "Is that so?" Sam played along, taking another step up.   (Y/N) gave an affirmative hum. "I know you've had an exciting night yourself. But, do you think you could spare just a bit more energy for me?" She inquired coyly, holding up her hand with her thumb and forefinger about to touch.   Sam replied by picking her up bridal style. She swung her free hand around his shoulders while the one holding her heels dangled lax to the side. He began ascending the stairs and headed to her bedroom. She rested her head against his chest and took in his rugged scent. God, he was such a man.     Sam couldn't help himself from glancing down at her here and there. Her previously fussed over hair was tousled just a bit from the night out, stirring in him something fierce.     He arrived at her door way too soon. He cleared his throat and set her down, hands lingering on her hips. Not taking his eyes from hers, he opened her door for her. "Calling it a night so soon?"   She nodded at him with the smirk still gracing her lips. "My friends found a couple of guys to take them home. As solid a time as any to call it." Though Sam hid it, he was filled with immense delight she didn't follow her friends' example.     "How many poor guys did you have to turn down?" Sam placed his thumbs in his pockets and leaned against her door frame.   (Y/N) rolled her eyes with an amused scoff. "Too many to count, Sam." She turned and walked into her room, leaving the door open in hopes Sam would follow her in.   He shook his head at her sarcasm and trailed in behind her. "You're telling me no one tried to show you a good time tonight?"   (Y/N) made her way around the room slowly, placing her shoes down in the closet then propping herself on the edge of her bed. "That is what I'm telling you." Sam sat against her vanity desk with folded arms and a barely noticeable pout. His features softened as he looked over her. Nothing should make her feel undesirable. "Enough about me, Sam. Tell me about your night."   "What's there to tell other than guys being guys?"   "That's it? Just a few beers and shanties?"   "Wait wait, I think there was some cards too."   "Oh wow!" (Y/N) chirped with such a fake enthusiasm it made Sam’s eyes roll.   He bit the inside of his cheek, taking glances at (Y/N)'s radio. Without a word, he made his way over to it and turned it on. She watched him tune it until he found a slow song to his liking. He strode back over to her on the bed. When he reached his hand out to her, she felt a bit of shock. It was as if she had sobered up right then and there, her confidence in flirting with Sam drained empty. Here was a man showing interest, a position she was never really put in before.   "C'mon. Don't get cold feet on me now." Sam, having noticed her drawback, couldn't stop the words from coming out of his mouth.   (Y/N) took in a small breath to steady herself, then she took his hand. He guided her a few feet away from the bed. He took one of her hands in his, placing the other around her waist. (Y/N) placed a hesitant hand on his shoulder and did her best to avoid eye contact as they began to sway.   Her demeanor change reminded him of the girl he had been traveling with all this time. It surprised him how much the thought didn't take away from how he felt about her tonight. What was happening?   "Alright, I have a very serious question for you." He began.   "What's that?" She glanced up at him with an innocence that contradicted her dress in so many ways.   "At least two beers were spilled on me tonight. How bad do I smell?" He gave her one of his confident grins, causing her to lose control of her nerves even more and look away. She gave him a smile and sniffed at his neck. The act causing Sam to lose some control as well.   "Nothing I can't handle." She mused, looking down at her feet.   When Sam noticed where her attention lied, he pulled her closer. Placing both hands on her waist, it forced (Y/N) to hug her arms over his shoulders. He placed the side of his head against hers. More than anything, he wanted her to feel warm and safe with how they were in this moment.   "Are you nervous?"   "Terrified." (Y/N) replied, barely above a whisper.   Sam pulled back enough so he could look her in the eyes. "Oh (Y/N)." He sighed, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear then cupping her neck. "I think I'm the one who should be terrified of you." Sam leaned in and placed his lips atop hers. Her eyes remained open in surprise for the chaste kiss. Sam pulled back, an urge instantly growing in him to taste her again, and longer. He returned his lips to hers but this time she met him halfway, eyes closing as she gave in. They stopped swaying and held onto each other. Sam stroked her cheek with his thumb as their lips moved together, heads tilting to fit even better.   They broke apart only a small distance, eyes looking at each other clouded with more than desire. Something was growing in them, and neither knew what to do about it. It scared Sam while it left (Y/N) full of questions. They stepped back from each other, hands still clasping together gently.     "I should let you get some shut eye."   "Yeah. Your friends are probably missing you too."     Sam took steps back to her door, not taking his eyes off her. Their hands held together until they were too far apart.     "Goodnight (Y/N)."   "Goodnight Sam." She folded her arms across her chest as Sam took one final look at her before closing the door.     (Y/N) went to her vanity mirror and began removing her makeup. She tried to convince herself to forget what just happened.
    Sam stood on the other side of (Y/N)'s door for a few minutes. Once he brought himself to head back downstairs, he began rubbing at his temples. Something in him wanted more than just a hookup, it was why he left her with only a kiss. A kiss he wanted to do over and over again. Sam was never the committal type. What was she doing to him? He had always admired her skills and smarts. How was he just now seeing something more? It had hit him like a semi.   Terrified. He thought. Yeah, that was the word for it.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 4 months
Recently Uploaded - 5/24/24 - Fanfic Friday
Out Of The Darkness, And Into Your Arms - Sam Drake X Female Reader - Angst/Fluff - 6.3k
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kiwixlime · 2 years
Right Here, Right Now
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U is for Uncle
A big change is coming to you and Sam. Hopefully he’s ready…
Pairing: Samuel Drake x Female Reader
Warnings: This is just some much needed fluff.
The cold tile of the bathroom floor is the only sensation keeping you grounded, letting you know you’re still alive and breathing. Shock paralyzes you, rendering you glued to the floor with your back pressed against the cabinet of the sink. In your hand is your future, and you don’t know what to do. 
“Babe!” Sam calls from the other side of the bathroom door, obviously concerned that you’ve been in there for ten minutes now. “Are you okay? You’ve been in there forever… If you’re sick, we can cancel. Nate and Elena will understand.” 
His voice holds concern, and you know that you should answer him before he decides to break down the door. But you can’t. You literally can’t think. Every part of you is frozen as your eyes bore into the stupid fucking stick in your hand. The stupid fucking stick with two pink lines glaring right at you. 
“Baby, you’re really starting to freak me out,” he laughs, but you can hear the tension behind it. He’s worried about you. “Hey, please answer me. You’re alive, right?” 
Your mouth falls open, but all that manages to come out is a raspy squeak. Sam’s knocking furiously at the door, and you close your eyes, squeezing the pregnancy test tightly in your palm. You feel your nails digging at your skin, another reminder that this is real. You are really here. You are pregnant. 
“Honey,” Sam laments as he jiggles the handle on the door. “Please, come out.” 
You take one last look at the test before wrapping it in tissue and throwing it into the trash can. Fuck that. With all your strength, you manage to get up on your feet, wash your hands, and look at yourself in the mirror. Your face has paled some, and your eyes look dead and cold. Sam’s going to know something is seriously wrong if you don’t attempt to freshen up. 
“I’m okay!” You finally say as you swallow the lump in your throat. You have cried enough for now. “Sorry, just… I wasn’t feeling all that well. I’m better now,” you lie, turning off the sink. You pinch your cheeks to bring some color back to them and rub at your eyes so they have a little life in them. After taking a few deep breaths, you feel it’s safe to open the door. 
Sam takes a few steps back when the door opens, and you come out, eyes barely glancing at him. He offers a smile, curiosity still eating him alive, but he doesn’t want to push you. Instead, Sam reaches a hand out, gently cupping your face and tilting your chin up. He forces eye contact, and your stomach fills with butterflies. 
“Everything good?” He whispers to which you nod, nuzzling your nose against his palm. He makes a small noise of approval and pulls you into him, hugging you tightly. Resting his chin on your head, he rubs your back in comforting circles. “Do you want to stay home?” He asks you without stopping his motions. 
“No,” you shake your head, putting on a smile. “I’ve been waiting to see Elena and…Cassie.” Your stomach flips at the mention of Sam’s niece. She’s a wonderful kid, and you love her to pieces. You know Sam does as well. But that doesn’t mean either of you is ready for one of your own. 
He can tell that something’s not quite right with you. But he knows better than to prod anymore. You’ll tell him when you’re comfortable. As long as it’s not life-threatening, as long as you aren’t in any danger, he’ll be patient. He’ll always be patient when it comes to you. 
“Okay,” he decides to accept your lies, giving your hands a comforting squeeze before letting them go. “Why don’t you finish up here and I’ll get the car started? Do you want me to grab Cassie’s present?” 
“I got it,” you say softly as you follow him out of your bedroom. “I just need some water and I’ll be good to go.” You grab the neatly wrapped gift from the countertop, tucking it safely under your arm as you head to the sink to grab some water. 
The cool liquid feels refreshing as you sip it down, rehydrating yourself from all the crying and, well, vomiting. Fuck, how could this have happened? You and Sam are always careful, right? Maybe not always. There was that time after he got back from a trip with Sully. Neither of you could wait. So you jumped his bones in the car. 
The more you think about it, the timing adds up. God damn your hormones. God damn Sam for being so addicting. Whenever you’re far away from him for too long, it’s like you go through withdrawals, and you’ll do anything to get your next fix. Even fucking him as soon as he gets off the damn plan. 
As you set the glass down, you chance looking over at him. You love him so much. And you’ve talked about your future together. You know he wants to be with you forever. He’s told you numerous times. But you’ve never talked about kids. 
You see the way he is with Cassie, and it warms your heart. He adores that little girl, and he’s so good with her. But it’s different when they’re not your own. He doesn’t have to provide for Cassie, take care of her, or raise her. They can have their fun uncle/niece time where he talks about his time in prison and takes her on small adventures with Sully. And at the end of the day, he can send her home to her parents and come back to your empty, childless apartment. 
But Sam isn’t the only one in this relationship. Your feelings matter, too. This is a huge decision for both of you. And as you look at him, you wonder if this will be the end of you and him. 
“Hey,” he calls out, bringing you back to Earth once more. “Are you sure everything is alright?” 
“Yes,” you say quickly, masking your nerves with a smile. “Let’s go. We’re already late!” 
Rather than ask again, Sam nods and exits the apartment, you following after him. As he locks the door, you bite your lip and think about all the adjustments you’d have to make. Would you move into a house? Would you stay in this apartment? Will you even be together? Will you even have this kid? 
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“Oh, no way!” Cassie yells as she unwraps the gift you and Sam picked up for her on your latest travels. It’s a hardcover all-weather journal with sewn-in pages and a set of all-weather pens. The cover is decorated in ocean blue and a toucan engraved in the corner with a personalized inscription on the first page. You and Sam were in the Amazon on an excavation when you were told about a local shop that creates custom-made journals and notebooks. Sam knew Cassie took after Nathan and loved to document everything she could while on an escapade. He thought it would be perfect for her. 
“You like it?” Sam asks with excitement. “This one picked the color,” he says, looking at you. 
“It’s perfect!” Cassie exclaims and jumps up to hug Sam and then you. 
With your hormones out of whack, you nearly cry at her embrace. Her arms enclose around you with such love and warmth, you can only imagine if you had a daughter. A daughter who was like you, strong and resilient, but with a secret soft side. 
Sam watches you two with a smile, and then you think, what if you had a son? A son who took after his father. A son who was so annoying and so stubborn, but so full of love and compassion. 
What if you had a child who was the perfect combination of Sam and you? Would you want that? Would Sam? 
“I, uh,” you clear your throat and remove Cassie’s arms from around you, regretfully. She doesn’t mind, running back to pick up her journal to show her parents. Sam gives you a questionable look, but you brush him off. “Let’s go see if they need help,” you say flatly. 
Before Sam can stop you, you’re out of sight, heading towards the back door to check on Elena and Nate. His heart sinks a little, worried that you have something on your mind that you’re not sharing with him. You’re never like this. You and he talk about everything. You don’t have secrets. 
It bothers him deeply, but now is not the time or place to have a discussion about your silence. So he follows you outside, smiling as Elena walks over to you, taking his spot next to Nathan. He grabs a beer and cracks it open, leaning against the railing of the porch. 
He quickly downs half of the bottle causing Nathan to cock his head in amusement. “What the hell is on your mind?” Nathan asks, hiding his laughter. 
Sam wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes never leaving you. You look sad, scared even, and he hates it. He hates not knowing what’s going on in that pretty head of yours. 
“Just thinkin’,” Sam says before taking another swig. “It’s good to see Cassie,” he states with a nod at the girl who is already writing something down in her journal. “She’s getting big.” 
“Yeah,” Nathan grins with pride. “She’s so smart, Sam. She amazes me every single day. Like, I can’t believe I’m a dad. I can’t believe that’s my kid, you know? I mean, she and Elena always gang up on me, but I wouldn't have it any other way." 
Sam grins listening to Nathan gush about his family. To be honest, Sam always thought about having kids, but it was a distant reflection, one tucked in the very back corners of his mind. It wasn’t until Nathan and Elena settled down that it became more prevalent. And then he met you. And he knew from the moment he first kissed you that he loved you and he wanted to spend forever with you. 
But kids… That was such a sensitive topic, especially in the line of work both of you are in. Perhaps it’s something you should have discussed before getting serious. 
“I’m proud of you Nathan,” Sam says, clinking his bottle against his brother’s. “You’ve grown to be quite the impressive man,” he adds. “Though, I’m still the hotter brother.” 
Nathan laughs, shaking his head. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that.” He looks at you and then back at Sam. “I know you’re still growing up,” he says, earning a smack to the back of the head from his brother. “Hey, ouch,” Nathan grunts. “I’m just saying! You lost a lot of time and I know you’re still catching up, but you’re not doing so bad for yourself. I guess I’m proud of you, too.” 
Sam smirks, accepting the compliment. Why would he reject such nice sentiments? He’s not stupid. 
“So, what’s next for you two?” Nathan quizzes, curious to hear about your next expedition. “Big plans with Sully? I hear he’s looking for a big score overseas. I’m sure you guys will tag along, right? You’re still chasing those risky enterprises, aren’t you?” 
“Hmm,” Sam hums, trying to process his brother’s words, but he can’t keep his eyes off you. The smile is back on your face, and every once in a while, you glance over at him, a twinkle in your eye. God, you’re so beautiful. And he’s so relieved to see you somewhat back to normal. Whatever you and Elena talked about must’ve really helped. 
“Hey!” Nathan nudges his brother. “Are you even listening to me?” 
“What?” Sam asks though he’s hardly invested in the conversation. He’s too busy watching you and Cassie bond. Something about the scene sends his heart into overdrive. Suddenly visions of you and him traveling the world blur into visions of a family, something like what Nathan and Elena have. 
He shakes his head, sending those thoughts away. Ignoring Nathan, he walks to where you sit at the picnic table. Cassie went to play with the dog, and Elena went inside to grab drinks. So he finally gets you alone. 
“Hey, baby,” he murmurs, slinging an arm around your shoulder. “You look like you’re feeling better?” 
You nod and lean into him. “I am. Much better. Thank you. And I’m sorry if I scared you,” you frown, snuggling against him. “I didn’t mean to.” 
“Don’t worry about it, princess,” he says. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” He kisses the top of your head and lets his eyes drift to Cassie once more. His heart lurches in his chest as a thought crosses his mind. This probably isn’t the best time to bring something like this up, but he has to say it, get it out, and know your thoughts. 
“Sam?” You whisper, noticing the change in his posture. 
“I want one,” Sam blurts out. 
You blink a few times, wondering if you missed a piece of the conversation somehow. “What?” 
“Cassie,” he says, exhaling deeply. “I want one.” 
Okay, you think. Best not to jump to conclusions. Sam could mean anything by saying that. Caught off guard, you shift in your seat and think over your next words carefully. “Like, you want to kidnap your niece or --” 
“A kid,” he finishes for you. “I want a kid.” 
Eyes widening, you can feel your heart race. He’s joking, right? He has to be. Life just doesn’t work out this way! Does it? 
“Are you serious?” You ask in a whisper, hands shaking as you grab the fabric of your dress. 
He nods, turning to look at you, worried by the glassiness of your eyes. “Y-yeah,” he stutters. Oh, no. Did he fuck this up? “I-I want one. With you.” 
Tears begin to fall from your eyes, and Sam panics, thinking he said the wrong thing. His face falls as he grabs your cheeks in his hands. You shake your head, smiling through your cries to let Sam know he didn’t do anything wrong. The fear fades from his eyes, but he looks confused, dying to know what’s going on in your head. 
“Well, babe,” you sniffle. “I have some news for you.”
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Sam Drake Taglist: @julesclues - @tiredbeebo - @bluewingedangel
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unprofessional-bard · 4 years
Last Updated: 12/12/2022
Losing My Religion Series Last Updated: 16/08/2021
Here's a guide to what I write, please read before requesting!
F! = Female  ||  M! = Male
(Character) x (Character) = Romantic pairing
(Character) & (Chatacter) = Platonic pairing
(Character) x Reader = Gender netural fic/for readers of all gender identities. All of my fics are gender netural unless specified otherwise!
(Character) x Reader/OC = Fic involving reader with OC characteristics.
(Fic Name)** = Fic involving smut/+18/NSFW content.
• Can I make a fic/headcanon/etc. request?
Not anymore, I'm afraid! I've 7 and a half out of 16 requests done. When I finish them, perhaps I'll open them again!
• What I like/what I have the most inspiration for at the time.
• (F!Character) x (F!Reader) pairings or (F!Character) fics as well, but no promises about (M!Reader), I'm sorry!
• Fluff, angst, smut, blood/gore... I mostly can write about anything. I like to write my fics realistically and pay attention to the story, but I always put detailed warnings on my fics!
• P*dophilia. Anything that involves an adult character/reader with an underage (child) character/reader unless it's platonic/parental. If I happen to write characters with age gaps, I'll keep it between adult characters – a five year age gap between 30 & 35 is not the same with 15 & 20.
• Incest. I don't know what the absolute fuck goes on in some of y'alls minds but just, fuck off. Disgusting.
Thank you for reading and understanding, my last wish is to offend any of you, so please please please let me know if I've made an error/if the things I say don't match with what I write!!
• R*pe. Reminder that non-consensual sex is just a polite word for rape. I will never ever write a scenario in any of my fics that includes rape.
Joel Miller
Losing My Religion Series (x F!Reader/OC): Masterlist to the series is linked to the title.
Don't Push It, Pt. 1 (x F!Reader): Based on this request.
Dont Push It, Pt. 2** (x F!Reader)
Sex headcanons** (meme)
Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanons (meme)
Romantic headcanons (meme)
Family headcanons (meme)
Kinktober Day 15** (x Reader)
Romantic headcanons (meme)
Old age + Sleeping headcanons (meme)
Tommy Miller
Family headcanon (meme)
More works coming soon!
Jacob Frye
Out of Touch (x Reader)
Hello Stranger (x Reader)
Haytham Kenway
Simple Twist of Fate** (x F!Reader)
Ezio Auditore
A Small Surprise (x F!Reader): Based on this request.
Arthur Morgan
Bedroom/house/living quarters + Sex headcanons** (meme)
More coming soon/Series in progress!
Bigby Wolf
Cat and... Wolf? (x Reader): Based on these requests.
Have it Your Way** (x F!Reader): Based on this request.
Bigby Having a Crush on a Co-worker Headcanons (x F!Reader): Based on this request.
Geralt of Rivia
Some Peace & Quiet (x F!Reader): Based on this request.
Sex Headcanons** (meme)
Kinktober Day 23** (x F!Reader)
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Kinktober Day 28** (x F!Reader)
Corvo Attano
Romantic headcanons (meme)
Nathan Drake
Sleep + Sex headcanons** (meme)
Samuel Drake
Romantic headcanons (meme)
Sex headcanons** (meme)
Cooking/food headcanons (meme)
Russell Adler
Series in progress! (as of November 2022)
More works in progress for Black Ops, Modern Warfare (2019) & Modern Warfare II (2022) characters, will gladly do headcanons and one shots for other characters since I'm motivated
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thepaperpanda · 4 years
Baby Sister || Sam Drake x Adler!Reader
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Summary: You’re the baby sister of Rafe Adler. It’s been a while since he was imprisoned in Panama jail in an attempt to get a clue on his treasure hunting. Missing him dearly as he is the only family member that left you, you make your way into the prison to meet with Rafe. Unfortunately, he isn’t happy seeing you. The entire situation ends in you and Samuel Drake getting a bit too close to one another.
Warnings: Smut! ♥
Words: 4194
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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It has been half a year since the day your older brother, Rafael Adler, was imprisoned in Panama prison.
Missing him dearly, you begged the director of the facility to let you meet with your brother. It took you several visits to gain man's trust of not being smuggler of any kind, and in the end you've gotten a permit.
That day the gates of Panama prison opened for you widely, and two guards escorted you directly to a meeting room.
Dressed in a black, flared dress that reached half of your thighs, and flat, white sneakers, you stepped inside the outpost.
There was a horrible kind of climate of fear and paranoia there, it made a cold shiver run down your spine.
Some nasty comments addressed to you by prisoners while you were following the guards along a desolated corridor made your involuntary gag reflex harder than ever before.
Soon, the three of you have reached a huge, steel door. One of the guards opened them with a key that was previously attached to his belt. You were allowed inside, and as soon as you stepped in, you saw Rafael standing next to the window, he was peeking outside, at a prison yard.
"Rafael!," Your voice was nothing more but a quiet mumble.
Rafe wasn't happy, not even a little bit.
He knew there were problems coming when he heard from Vargas that there was a young girl begging to let her meet with a brother.
"What are you doing in here, huh? I told you to stay away from it, does your little female brain have problems with processing words?,” He growled, crossing arms over his chest. The last thing he needed now was his little sister dragging him and the whole job down.
Without regard for his rough words, you approached him and simply nuzzled to his chest.
The gap between the two of you wasn't too big, yet he was 5 years older than you.
Since when he was gone from your family home, you had to take care of yourself, and it was rather a thankless task. You didn't know what to do, and cried thousands of years after him.
Even though his attitude towards you was always harsh, you loved him dearly. He was your only family, and he was a role model in your eyes.
You and Rafe exchanged a lot of letters, he assured in them that he missed you equally much as you did miss him.
"It's been so long, brother. I was so scared you might be hurt... You stopped responding to my letters, so I did everything to be allowed in here... I just had to check whether you're in good health or not..."
Rafe rolled his eyes, he was getting annoyed.
"Are you done with yapping? I told you I am busy with Drakes, I am not going to waste my time on silly letters," man added, looking at you. "I left you home with everything you needed. I even hired this stupid butler just to make sure you won't die out there."
Rafe tried his best to get rid of you. Yes, you were his only family member, but most of the time you were a bit too much to handle for him. Following and nagging him. "Do you need anything?"
"I missed you... That's all," you whispered sadly and quickly took a place on a metal chair standing at the tip of a metal table. "The butler won't replace my brother, in any way. The house is so huge, so empty and cold without you being there," you lowered your head.
Anytime he was raising his tone on you, he was guilt-tripping you. You were only a girl, and even your desperate attempts in getting his attention (like trying to study all the stuff he needed in his so called work), you were always pushed aside in the end.
"If that's all you can go back home. I really don't have time for sensitivity, I didn't come here for pleasure. I. Am. Working. Here!," He said loudly, hands clenched in fists.
Rafe honestly had enough of you already. You're always coming to him because you wanted to show pointless stuff, or you needed something. It was driving him crazy sometimes.
Lowering your head, you bit your lower lip hard. You closed eyes for a moment, trying your best to hold the tears back. You never knew what you have done wrong in your lifetime to deserve such a treatment from his side.
When you cooled down a little, you got up, and not looking at him you walked to the door and banged them to let guards know the visit was finished.
"It was nice to see you all well after all," you whispered.
"Sit down," Rafe said suddenly, pointing on the metal chair. "Now," he ordered harshly.
Blinking and being taken aback by his sudden interest, you looked at him above your shoulder.
In the same moment one of the guards peeked inside.
In Spanish you thanked him and assured it won't take you long, because apparently your brother wants to tell you something.
As soon as the door was closed again, you took a seat.
"Now, stay here," he muttered, briefly patting the top of your head. "Don't even move," Rafe instructed before leaving the room, he knew the guard won't be a problem. Rafe paid a lot to get himself and Drake brothers in here after all.
A few minutes later the door opened again, but this time it wasn't Rafe. It was one of Drake brothers, the older one to be exact.
"Hello? Rafe said that there might be a nice lady to talk to?," Sam hummed and looked at you with a cigarette slipped between his lips. "Hey."
You frowned, but remained quiet, and didn't even shift in your spot. You observed the man, and you did recognise him after many of your brother stories. It was probably Samuel Drake, the older from Drake brothers. The one who had to be an expert in pirate stuff that Rafe needed so desperately in his work.
You licked your lips, and tilted your head a little. "Where's Rafe?"
Sam moved the cigarette from one corner of his mouth to another. "Um, I don't know. He said there is a nice lady here, and went on with his stuff. I'd come with my little brother, but sadly he is busy as well. You would love him, he is younger and more your age, but of course not as charming as I am," he winked and sat on the chair right in front of you.
In the first impulse you wanted to get out of the room. You were all alone with a complete stranger. Rafe has left you to the wolves again, you weren't even surprised. Instead, a rage was filling your soul.
But then a realization came to your mind; if this was one of Drake brothers, you could prove your brother your real value by trying to get some information from this man. You decided to play a little game.
You rested your chin on your hand. "So you must be the older from Drake duo," whispering, you tilted your head aside and smiled on h sweetly.
Sam nodded with a smile on his lips. "Yup! Samuel Drake at your service."
Sam heard about you, mostly about how annoying you were, but here he was, right in front of you. You were sitting in front of him in this beautiful dress, you looked cute to him. "So... He left you here? All alone?"
With a little shrug a little sigh came along. "As you can see," you looked down on your hands and rubbed them together. "My brother was never an effusive person, especially not when it came to me," adding, you slowly got up from your place and walked to the window.
Sam nodded slowly. "I can tell, we spent some time together and honestly I am surprised. I am an older brother myself, I would die for Nathan," he summed up.
Listening to his words, you peeked out of the window to see a few guards with guns patrolling the yard.
You turned to the man that was trapped with you in a room, slowly bending your ass against the low windowsill. "Your brother's lucky then."
Sam watched you without saying a word.
You decided to take over control. Knowing the place he was in, you assumed it must have been a great while since he held a woman in his arms. Playing with emotions was something you were thankful to Rafe for teaching you.
You walked to the man and simply took a seat on his lap. Gently playing with his sideburn, you licked your lips. "I've heard you're a specialist from pirates. Is that true? Are you currently looking for a treasure? My brother was telling me you're good at this."
It was happening quickly, but he didn't mind at all, they all were locked down there for a bit too long, and he surely missed the woman's company. "Yes, I am a pirate expert, and yes, we are looking for a treasure. That's why our asses are stuck in here."
"I was always interested in my brother's work, though he didn't want to share anything with me," you whispered in a sad tone. "Do you know where to look for this treasure or whatever it is?," You asked sweetly after a moment of silence. Your fingers trailed up and down his chest.
Sam chuckled, placing a gentle kiss to your cheek. "Listen, little one, I know you tried to find out something so you could tell your brother, but sadly that ship has sailed. Rafe knows about everything we do," Drake shrugged, patting your hip.
You blinked a few times, his words surprised you much. Shifting slightly in your place, you bit your lower lip, and looked him in the eye.
Sam grabbed your chin, his thumb gently stroked it. "What's wrong, Y/N?," He asked simply.
"I...," You mumbled and went quiet. You felt like a complete idiot. First, you tried to seduce the man to get information about him. And he figured your plan out so quickly.
Your eyes glistened as you gazed at him; he was a handsome man.
"Want me to get you out of here? I can walk you to the guard station. Just talk to me," Drake stated, rubbing your back.
You didn't know how to behave. Taking he was an enemy of some kind, you should have kicked him right in the balls. But on the other hand, he was kind to you all the time, even if you tried to mock him. "Yes, please," you asked politely.
Sam helped you get off his lap, then he got up and walked you to the door. Sam even opened them for you. "Honestly, pity you don't want to stay longer, but it was a pleasure to meet you after all."
You stopped him from opening the door fully. You didn't know why you acted this way, but an urge grew within your body. It's been a while since you were with a man as well. You didn't know why, but this guy was turning your head upside down. "No," you whispered and closed them, you leaned your back against the steel.
Sam chuckled. "Are you like one of those typical women that don't know what they want?," He teased you.
Blushing, you turned your head aside.
Thinking about your past, you knew you made a lot of mistakes. You knew it was wrong to blindly follow your brother's will, yet you did.
But now you wanted to decide for yourself. At least once in a lifetime. If he left you alone, like a prey you seemingly were to him, you had a right to use the situation as well, hadn't you?
You wrapped your arms around the man's chest and nuzzled him.
Sam wrapped his arms around you.
You were cute, the whole 'I can't decide' thing was getting into him.
Sam grabbed your hips and picked you up to take a good look at you. "Is there something you want to tell me, sweetheart?"
"I have never met a man as handsome and mysterious as you," you mumbled openly, giggling as he picked you up.
"And I have never met a girl as sweet and small as you," Sam said, surprised at how light you were. "So, what shall I do with you now, huh?," He hummed nuzzling to you. Sam was aware of your intention but he wanted to hear it from you.
"Put me down, that's first," you asked calmly, and as soon as he did, you looked up into his eyes. He was twice your height, towering over you like skyscrapers over a block. "Second," you pretended to be thinking hardly, "if I'm Adler, and if you're Drake, then we can think about some nice way to bury the hatchet."
"Well, that would be nice if we would have any 'hatchet' to bury, love, and we have none," Sam said, looking down on you. "I have never seen you before and if you will try to play around some more I will simply leave."
"What am I supposed to say?," You whispered.
"Tell me what you want, Y/N. Rafe told me to take care of you and I will gladly do this," Sam muttered with a mischievous grin.
You smiled at him and tilted your head aside. "Take me to my brother."
Sam rolled his eyes and lit the cigarette.
Soon, he led you out of the room and took you to Rafe.
"Oh, for fuck's sake, even Drake had enough of you?," Rafe asked deeppy annoyed as soon as he spotted you entering the yard.
As your brother was sitting with a few men, you excused them and tugged on his sleeve. "What the fuck was that?," You asked him in a lowered voice. "Who the fuck I am for you? A fucking toy you can toss everywhere and to anyone you want?," You asked him as you walked aside for a bit.
"I never asked you to tag along, you always followed me like an annoying little brat you truly are," Rafe growled. "You are an adult, go get a life and stop following me," Adler said, not even trying to be quiet.
Sam frowned at the whole situation. He didn't know you too long, but he was more than sure you didn't deserve such a treatment.
Clenching teeth, you swallowed hard. And shortly after, you aimed your brother a robust slap right in the face. Glaring up at him, you snarled. "You're deluded, brother. Think about this when you'll be fucking rotting here, all alone, with no one to reach a hand toward you. A fucking lone fool. Remember, there are still things you can't buy with your bloody cash."
You were surprised by your own behaviour and the fact you dug in your heels against Rafael.
The next moment, you stormed off the yard.
Rafe didn't take it to himself, he didn't care. "One problem less," Rafe summed up before returning to his mates.
Sam was the one to run after you. "Hey, hey. Wait, you can't just walk alone. Not here," he informed you simply.
"What can happen?," You snarled in a response. "If I'd vanish once and for all, he'd be the one to dance happily on my grave."
"You can get hurt here, and please, don't say that," Sam grabbed your arm to stop you. "You can't act like this only because he's a dick."
"I'm an adult, I can do whatever I want to," you turned to face the man.
"You are an adult, you are free to do what you want, but it doesn't mean you can waste your life just because your brother is a dick. You should show you are better than he thinks you are," Sam explained.
You listen to his words. The man seemed very wise and very down to earth. Definitely your type.
Without thinking too much, you climbed on tiptoes, pulled him by a collar, and crushed your lips on his.
Sam gladly kissed you back, after a moment he pulled away with a smile. "I did not expect that," he admitted.
Your fingers intertwined with his as you grabbed his palm. With a mischievous grin, you pulled him behind you. With a corner of your eye you spotted a guard leaving one of the rooms, and you decided to risk it all, pulling the man in that direction.
Sam wasn't really sure about it, they had things to do and they were treated like normal prisoners, but he followed you anyway. After all, you were sweet. Sweet enough to make him go after you. "You are a crazy, little girl."
You simply pushed him inside the room. You decided that if there would be anyone, you'd lie quickly that the man was leading you to the exit and you two messed the way.
Fortunately, the room was empty. As soon as the door closed right behind the two of you, you pushed the man on the wall. You once again climbed on your tiptoes to kiss him, this time you let your tongue dance with his one a little. And you had to admit that he was an amazing kisser.
Sam kissed you back, grabbing your waist. He gave you the possibility of dominating him in the kiss.
But then he picked you up and soon you were pressed to the wall. "Time to change places, sweetheart."
Humming willingly, you let the man press you to the wall.
As he broke the kiss, you gasped loudly, sadly, as the contact was lost.
Sam smiled at you before dropping to his knees, he wanted to take his time with you, but sadly he couldn't. It wasn't a five star hotel, it was a prison after all. "Let's see what are you hiding there, princess," Sam hummed before moving the skirt of your dress up.
You licked your lips and parted them, observing his actions. He was so sure of what he was doing, it impressed you very much. As the blush hit your face, you let your eyes closed.
Sam teased you through your panties, just a little bit to get you ready. Then he pulled your panties aside and attacked your clit like he was a starving beast.
You gasped and instinctively muffled yourself by putting a curled hand to your lips. He gave you a new sensation. Of course, you did have sex, but only oral one and only with your former boyfriend who was just as inexperienced as you. Sam, on the other hand, was playing with you wisely, discovering a new level of desire to you.
"You like it, huh?," Sam asked, playing with your clit.
He raised to his feet, looking at you with a cocky smile.
"I wish I could eat that sweet pussy properly but looking at our poor position. This needs to wait, you are wet for me anyway," Sam winked and picked you up, pressing you to the wall.
At this moment Sam was thankful that his prison uniform was loose and easy to remove.
A soft moan escaped your lips as he picked you up a little. Your legs wrapped quickly around his hips as your hands rushed to tug his pants down. Oh, how much he was turning you on! "I need you, so much!"
"Oh you will get it, babe. I can promise you that, you will get whatever you need," Sam assured you before pulling his pants down, he wasn't wearing any underwear and his cock was standing proudly. "How much do you want it?"
"So much!," you gasped and reached out to grab his erected cock. You gave it a stroke or two, your palm wrapped tightly around his shaft. You tried to guide him right inside of you.
"But keep your hands up here, babe. I'll do the work," Sam instructed, wrapping your arms around his neck. "You simply relax and sing for me."
After those words Sam started to slowly penetrate your sweet pussy, he could feel that even if you had sex in past, a guy did a poor job.
"Hell! Fuck!," You moaned quietly, right into man's ear. A cold shiver ran along your spine. "Fuck, oh God!," You were moaning louder and louder. "You're so big! I can't take it!," You kissed the man's cheek, and moved to suck on his neck. His skin tasted with sweat, but you didn't mind.
"Oh I can bet you can take it, “ he hummed, rubbing your belly lovingly. "And a bit more than just my cock. Just relax," Sam purred, giving you one hard thrust before returning to gently pace. He didn't want to hurt you in any way.
"Ah!," You mumbled and nuzzled to his neck. Instantly, as soon as he made a hard thrust, you felt how wet you became and that your walls got loosened a bit. You tried to cool your breath down.
"You see? I told you that you can take it. Such a good girl," Sam smiled at the nice feeling of your walls loosening a bit around him. Knowing this he started to move faster, Sam knew you can take it. "You are doing a great job, babe,” he hummed, moving his hand into your hair to pull them gently.
You wrapped arms tighter around his neck and gasped right into his ear. He felt so amazing in you. He stretched you oh so well! "Fuck, fuck, so good, so hot, fuck...," You raised your tone a little and rolled head back.
Sam chuckled at your moans and cupped your cheek to make you look at him. "Oh, I know this all, sweetheart and I can say that you feel amazing around my cock,” without more unnecessary words Sam pulled you into a kiss, he was getting close to his climax.
You cupped his face in hands and kissed him. The kiss was messy, rapid. You gasped for air when you broke the kiss. "Oh, God, something is.... Oh, my God!," You mumbled as your walls started clenching.
Sam smiled against your lips.
"Oh, you poor thing, no one ever made you reach your peak? Let me show you how the real man does it, you'll love it,” he hummed, his hand moved between your bodies to play with your clit. "Just don't hold it, babe."
You rolled head back, your eyes shut closed, your lips parted and thighs squeezing man's hips. Your nails dug into his back where you scratched him. "I'm cumming!," You screamed.
"Good girl,” Sam hummed into your ear. His hips didn't stop to move even after your climax. "Now, tell me, do you want to be a good girl or do you want me to fill you up?"
"I want to be a good girl," you whispered. "Please!"
Sam let out a sad sigh, he expected a bit more from you. "As you wish. Pity ‘cuz I am not a fan of good girls,” he slowly pulled his cock out of you, Sam gave himself a few strokes before painting your clothed belly with his warm, thick seed. "That was good."
You licked your lips and gasped, immediately you went down to your knees and wrapped lips around his shaft. You only smirked and bobbed your head back and forth, sucking on him.
He moved his hand into your hair pulling at them. "This feels nice but that's enough, Y/N. You sucked me dry, babe."
 You ran the tip of your tongue along his shaft for the very last time.
Sam chuckled and helped you get up. Pulling his pants up he looked at you, of course he pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. "That was something girl," Sam hummed, puffing out some smoke.
You looked at him innocently. "Did you... Enjoy it? Truly?," You looked like you were seeking confirmation in his eyes. It was your very first time with a skilled man and you felt so exposed.
"Oh, I did enjoy it. Truly," he said and kissed your cheek. "I promise you one thing: as soon as we will be out of this hell - I will find you and we'll play some more."
"You somehow know where to look for me," you bit your lower lip.
At this moment the door to the room opened and a guard rushed inside. "What the fuck!"
"I told you she is here just wandering around. I knew she would be a problem," Rafe said to the guards with his back pressed to the wall, Nathan stood next to him completely confused.
You shrugged. "I pressed on him to go there, I thought this is where the exit is," you explained, laying smoothly
Everyone looked at you. The guards frowned and grabbed you, simply dragging you away.
Before you were pushed outside the outpost, you turned your head around. "Thank you for
guiding me
, Samuel!"
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drakesdevils · 4 years
Uncharted Masterlist
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Request Guidelines
Sam Drake:
Grief, Tears, Sappy Romance (Gender Neutral Reader)
Summary: Sam is used to pain. Which is why he knows that sometimes a person needs nothing more than someone to comfort them in times of need.
The Five Stages of Grief (Female Reader)
Summary: Samuel Drake is dead to the world, stuck in a prison for a crime he did not commit for the rest of eternity.
Rafe Adler:
That Night, Forever Burned (Rafe Adler x Reader x Samuel Drake) (Gender Neutral Reader)
Summary: Rafe has a nightmare.
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vostara · 4 years
*last updated april 23, 2022
fluff 🌷 | comfort 🌻 | angst 🌧️ | implied spice 💥 | in progress 🌱 | complete 🌿 | one-shot ⭐ | multi-chapter 🌙 | masterlist link ⚡
note: I do not write lemons, all spicy content is implied and not explicit.
HIATUS. sadly, i have no clue when i’ll be able to update again. :(
most recent update(s): i am lost chap. 1 (may 2021) next planned update(s): tbd
misc. info: playlist masterlist | twitter | ao3
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impietas - jacob frye x original female character [vampire au]
complete series 🌧️🌱🌙⚡
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i am lost - cayde-6 x female guardian x uldren sov, eventual crow x female guardian
complete series 🌧️🌱🌙⚡
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currently untitled (coming soon) - jacob seed x original female character x joseph seed
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she drowns in liquid gold - ares x original female character 
prequel series: hypnophobia [discontinued] 🌧️🌱🌙⚡
extra: you’re the hallelujah on my throne 🌷🌻💥🌿⭐
hanahaki disease au: hold me while you wait 🌧️💥🌿⭐
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bring me home - ashe x original female character x mccree
complete series 🌷🌧️🌱🌙⚡
one by one my leaves fall - angela ziegler x gender-neutral reader 🌻🌿⭐
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intoxicate me with lavender dreams - arthur morgan x female reader [afterlife au] 🌧️🌿⭐
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love me like you hurt me - rafe adler x original female character x samuel drake
complete series 🌷🌧️🌿🌙⚡
25 notes · View notes
Girls (Chloe Frazer & female reader (maybe x Samuel Drake, kinda?))
Description: Chloe Frazer. She was a woman of many names, many jobs, and many looks. But sometimes even she had to rest from her life full of adventure. Especially when Samuel Drake introduces her to his friend.
A/N: I am so sincerely sorry. I just couldn't hold my pansexual ass from writing! I am into Chloe a big, big time. She, to me, is at the same level of sexiness as Samuel. And that's something. And this will probably have more parts!
@missdictatorme waiting for your bitching, alright, love? (GO CHECK THIS BAE OUT)
Warnings: Reader is a serious bisexual mess in here. I mean it. And a love triangle for sure.
Mood for this: Cherry Cola by Kuwada or Girls like girls by Hailey Kiyoko, or whatever you’ll like more, love! 
Word count: 3 800 (-/+)
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A big, flat hand slapping her bloody cheek as she was barely standing on her feet was everything to make her fall on her knees. This was the end of the line and she knew that she can't save the situation under any circumstances.
"Oh lord," - she looked at the man, smiling and slowly wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth. Chloe's body hurt so much it was almost unbearable. Her muscles were constantly tensed even tho she only kneeled on her legs. - "I don't recall telling you that I like it rough." - Chloe tried to hide the pain behind the smile as some macho man kicked directly into her chin.
Where for the heavens was he? Where was Samuel Drake and what the fuck was he doing? He disappeared three minutes ago and it felt like if she was waiting for death.
All of a sudden, Samuel sprinted out of the nearest corner and wrapped his forearms around that man's neck, making a tight tie. That man was huge and he tried to fight back, but Samuel held him tightly as he was collapsing to the ground slowly, his eyes twitching as he watched Chloe on the ground.
"What took you so long?!" - Chloe whisper shouted at Samuel when he slowly helped on her feet again, brushing her shoulders from the dirt. He tapped her back as she started coughing, making sure that she can stand on her own. - "A minute longer and some grass would grow on me!"
"I was having the time of my life with other dudes," - Samuel grinned and put a cigarette on his lower lip, lighting it up with a single movement of his fingers.
"I thought you left me behind." - Chloe laughed. - "But you would be fucked in the butt, I have the thing we came here for." She tapped her butt and slowly walked away from that place. She was glad because this gig was almost endless. It almost cost Samuel and Chloe everything. Chloe was too tired to keep her eyes opened, her body was in pain and Samuel looked like a serious piece of shit.
That was a week and a half ago. Since then, they both somehow patched up and left that hell to get their money. And it was a serious lot of money that they got. Both of them decided to take at least two months of recovering before starting another project, as Samuel called their jobs.
They slept through most of the time, refilling their energy to away when they could hold their eyes opened for more than half an hour. After that busy week of sleeping and doing absolutely nothing they decided to meet at a near pub. Chloe thought that they'll be going through their funniest stories of the gig, but Sam called her just minutes before their meeting.
"Hi, miss Dragon Slayer!" - He shouted into that phone and Chloe growled because his voice was too share and she was still half-asleep. They planned to meet up about two hours from now, so what was his problem? Chloe has tidied up beforehand, she bought some champagne and orange juice to prepare Mimosa from, she baked some Indian Lasagna and she washed every single of the dishes.
Chloe was planning to don't end alone that evening - whether it would be a man or a woman, she will not be sleeping alone.
"Hi, dickhead?" - She growled to her phone and smoothed her hair behind her ear.
"Yeah, so, that pub meeting. Is it still a thing?"
"I guess so. What's gotten to you, man?" - Chloe sat on the bed and she was angry that Samuel woke her up and she knew, that she is not going to fall asleep again. At least she had the time to have a proper, nice, long bath to make herself look like a human being again.
"There's one lady, my friend. I mean, I would like to know her better, you know what I'm saying?" - Samuel tried to avoid explicit words, but he felt like that he isn't expressing himself enough. - "I would like to have some benefits with her. Her name is Y/N and she’s soooo fine! Those legs and that ass, Chloe I swear..." - He sighed deeply and Chloe felt that that was the moment where she should stop him.
"Cut the chase and get to the point, I'm getting angry. You woke me up and I'm not in the mood for your disgusting sexual fantasies." - Chloe stood up from the bed and stretched her long legs full of muscles. She was a finely toned woman with the best ass which you'll ever see. Chloe cracked her knuckles and she slowly walked to the fridge, opening it up. She was naked as always, letting her messy bun jumping next to her jaw and letting that late sun lightly smoothing her skin in a tone of fair cinnamon. 
"Can she come with me today?" - Sam asked and Chloe could feel that his voice is unsure and nervous. He must've really liked that girl when she gave him those feelings. Chloe smiled as she took the milk out from the fridge.
"So you want me to help out? You want me to be your dating consultant?" - She joked as she poured the milk into a bowl, searching for some müsli in her cabinet.
"Gods, no. I just want her to have some fine evening, making her a bit drunk and then nuzzle her in my bed." - Samuel said in a dreamy voice and Chloe smiled. - "You know I can be a bit impatient at times, but I don't want to scare her away."
"I see, cowboy. You can bring your lady with us. I'm interested in her, she must be really nice if she has this effect even on you." - Chloe asked amusingly.
"Don't you try to lay one of her flirting looks, Frazer!" - Sam screamed out and laughed. He was pretty sure that Y/N, that was his friend's name, is not into stuff with a girl. He wouldn't mind a threesome with her and some other woman, but he was kinda sure that Y/N would not appreciate an action like this. Frazer laughed as well and they said good-bye to each other.
So Sammy boy was into a girl. That made her happy. Samuel seemed to be excited about her, which made her excited as well. And interested.
Those two hours were running slowly, Chloe cleaned herself, she ate breakfast and she chose some sexy, tight clothes. She needed something to lure men and women to look at her, considering her offer which she served with a wicked smile. Something to catch their attention. 
Chloe was always a partial exhibitionist and she was a little attention whore; all of her friends knew that. The more looks she received from the others, the more attention she got, the happier she was.
After she finally put that outfit together, she sat on her balcony with her feet leaned on the railing, sitting there only in a long shirt with her wet hair put to a low ponytail as she sipped a glass of red wine, looking at the city drowning in that beautiful golden sunshine. Her tomcat, Mr. Skittles sometimes came to look at her with his silver fur, meowed and left inside to lay on her couch again. But it was time to go meet up with Sam and his little twinkling star too soon, so she got up and left to dress.
Chloe let her raven-colored hair fall around her round face, which made her eyes wider, it made them look deeper and even more lust-filled. She slowly licked her full lips and revealed more of her boobs by lightly tugging her tight black top with straps under her collarbones. She considered herself being closed to a sex bomb.
She stood alone in front of the pub and waited for those two, checking her watch all the time. She wore tight blue jeans and some black sneakers, only to ruin that bombshell look by a black jogging bag. That was Chloe just being herself - a decent woman who was up for adventure anytime. She watched the tips of her shoes, frowning a bit as if something was on her mind.
Chloe snapped as she heard the tone of Samuel's voice. It was one of the arousing ones when he was telling a story. She could vividly imagine how his lips formed into a smirk and his eyes were shining like the stars on the night sky. Chloe looked in their direction and almost fainted when she saw that girl that he was walking with.
Chloe hasn’t got a single idea what drawn her eyes to Samuel’s find. Maybe it was her Y/E/C eyes lined with a thin eyeliner and mascara, maybe it was her lip showing the tip of her tongue as she laughed. She was cute, a bit smaller than her and Sam, looking like an angel between all of the people next to them.
Suddenly that promise she made to Samuel about not thinking about her in any of her typical ways was really hard to keep. Chloe stared at her as if she never saw a woman. That girl looked like a treasure; Samuel's interested could be explained easily. Even her mind was too distracted thinking about all of the positions she could make look good and feel good.
After that thought, Chloe shook her head and tried to get those invasive thoughts out of her mind. So she shoved her hands in the back pockets of her jeans, smiling at those two as they were getting closer.
Y/N had tight jeans on, white Converse shoes which were covering the area above her ankles and a loose shirt with white and blue straps on. Her hair was also loosed on her shoulder and she had a big smile on as she was listening to Samuel telling her a story. Y/N straightaway looked like a tourist from a movie about Italy. That was a woman who could be considered a bombshell.
"And there she is!" - Sam cried out loudly and he pointed on Chloe. Y/N gave her a shiny look with a big smile as Chloe caught her attention. - "This is my partner in crime and a woman who saved my ass many times." - Sam put a hand around Chloe's shoulder and shook with her a little and Chloe laughed, looking at Y/N with a stunned face. Chloe looked like a lovesick puppy who somebody let alone on the street. And Y/N was a fucking angel.
Y/N unintentionally copied the was Chloe stood and shover her fingers onto her bum as well. Chloe found it seriously cute. 
"Miss Chloe Frazer." Sam pointed onto Chloe’s face with his finger as she watched Y/N, which has a blank, unreadable expression on it. She was mesmerized and amazed.
"Sam told me only nice things about you!" - Y/N offered Chloe her hand with long fingers and smiled a bit wider. - "That's nice." - Chloe took her palm in hers and she looked at Sam with unbelieving expression when a smirk grew on her round, full lips. He told Y/N something about her? 
"He wouldn't be even able to tell a single bad word about me. I am the definition of perfection, love." - Chloe bumped into Sam's shoulder as she was still holding Y/N's hand. Any of them realized that Chloe could only feel how nice it felt and that her hand was nice and gentle. All of a sudden, Y/N's face snapped into a huge smile.
"I can be so rude sometimes." - Y/N laughed and finally shook her hand in a firm matter. - "My name's Y/N Y/L/N. I am Samuel's friend." She looked at Sam and even though Chloe didn't want to let go of her hand. Samuel looked that over, letting that slip under his eye.
"Shall we get inside?" - Y/N asked and slowly stepped into the door of the pub, slowly smoothing the hair behind her ear, eyes flickering between Sam and Chloe.
"Sure." - Samuel showed them his flirting smile which was mainly for Y/N and let Chloe go in just a moment before him.
Chloe already knew that place like her own and this was the first time of her getting nervous. It was because of Y/N - she was practically forced by Sam to look at her bum, being perfectly formed for Chloe’s hand, shaking a bit as she was walking forward. This evening was getting forward too badly for her personal taste as they were both eyeing the same girl.
Y/N lead them to Sam and Chloe's favorite table in the corner of the room. If was a natural instinct, she wanted to have some privacy and she wanted to hear what they wanted to tell her. Y/N sat in between them, having a totally innocent gave, giving them both a big smile.
Each of them ordered one big beer and Sam, Obviously trying to succeed with his goal, ordered each of them a shot of the strongest vodka they had. He knew really well that Chloe's body handles alcohol well, but he knew that Y/N wasn't as good in that drinking game as she wanted them to believe.
They got along pretty well, Chloe and Y/N. Chloe was feeling like a parasite when the evening started, as she watched Samuel trying to seduce Y/N. Chloe was unsure from the start around her as she tried not to watch her for a long time, she was nervous when Y/N leaned her elbow into her forearm and let their places touch without Y/N even noticing that she touched Chloe. 
But Chloe panicked, watching that little spot more and more frequently.
And because of that small contact between their bodies, Chloe wasn't at all able to concentrate on any of the other humans in the pub. Chloe was afraid that every time she walked to the toilettes she would lose Y/N's elbow on her forearm. But as soon as she sat back next to her, that elbow was touching her naked skin through the shirt's material.
Y/N burst out of laugh many times during the evening as Chloe and Sam were slowly slipping into that drunk mood which both of them were enjoying. Chloe loosed her fear of talking with Y/N openly and she even felt the urge to have Y/N's attention on her when she was talking with Samuel. But the promise to let her alone was still popping in Chloe's head.
During the evening, as Y/N drank more and more, she was leaning into Chloe's arm as she laughed and said to Sam many times, that he's a dork and that he's unbelievably stupid. Y/N was physically leaning directly into her with a smile in her eyes, so Chloe just casually threw her hand next to her waist and let Y/N back lean into her torso.
Samuel was too drunk to notice, so Y/N slowly leaned her head into Chloe's shoulder, smiling at him.
"I need to pee." - Y/N tried to stand up, but she almost fell on Sam. She hid her laugh into her palm and Sam supported her with his hand and he gracefully watched as Y/N entwined her fingers with him. Then she turned to Chloe. - "Do you want to be my princess and help me?"
Chloe stood up on her heels and looked at her.
"I think that I am more the knight in a shiny armor type. But let's go love." - Chloe offered Y/N her palm and she held it with her fingers as she entwined with her as well. They slowly went to the toilets with lots of laugh, giggles and stumbling over their own feet. At one point, Y/N almost threw Chloe on the ground when she was falling, hugging her with a happy laugh.
Somehow they made it to the restroom even if it was unbelievable. Chloe used that little time out to pee as well and they met again to wash their hands. Y/N was looking shyly at her with a huge smile; it was too hard for Chloe to pretend that she didn't see that. 
“I am really enjoying this night out, haven't been drinking in forever,” - Y/N sighed as she slowly dried her hand, watching Chloe still washing them as if she was about to perform a surgery.
“Yeah,” - Chloe gave a quick look, wondering about her again. They were alone in the restrooms. This was a kingdom where Sam wasn't allowed to go - so it wasn't that bad to think about the taste of her lips, right? Chloe could smell her gentle, girly perfume perfectly and she saw her lacy white bra through the fabric of the shirt. Was she a bad friend? 
Chloe watched her fingers fidgetting through the water and gulped, she felt the urge to change the topic immediately. 
“You and Sam. You’re getting it on, huh?” - Chloe lifted one of the corners of her lips, giving Y/N a smirk. Y/N looked into the mirror and she was silent for a long while. 
“Does it seem like we are?” - She asked Chloe in a quiet voice as her cheeks got slowly red. Her hand moved closer to Chloe’s sink and her eyes were pinned to her own fingers. 
“I don’t need to be a detective to figure out that Sam is into you big time and that he’s trying to start something with you.” - Chloe finally stopped the water and looked on Y/N, she was sure that she made the right thing. She directed Y/N’s to Samuel’s direction. But Y/N looked like she was stuck inside of her thoughts until another woman stepped to the toilettes, smiling at them and being also drunk as hell. 
“Oh shit.” - Y/N sighed and closed her eyes firmly just to open them the next second, looking Chloe directly to the eyes. - “I will presume that this is a really fucked up situation then.” She whispered and the next second, all of Chloe’s answers were answered.
Their bodies melt into a tight embrace as Y/N closed her eyes and circled her hands around Chloe’s neck, gently tugging her hair unintentionally.  She tasted like beer and vodka, her tongue was as gentle as her touches and when that little angel moaned into her mouth, letting Chloe control the situation. 
Chloe was actually stunned for a while, feeling that beautiful woman’s body on her own, boobs on boos and hair twisting together. But after the first shock, she felt her hands roaming over Y/N’s waist and hips, making the shirt completely soaked in a minute. She enjoyed every inch of her, slowly traveling to her bum and sitting her on that wet sink. 
“I liked that, I truly did love, but,” - Chloe whispered when their lips parted and Y/N was panting for her breath with a smile on her face and red cheeks. - “But what about you and Sam? You have some type of chemistry, I can see it.” Chloe looked into her eyes and caressed Y/N’s jaws with smooth, quick moves. 
“I like Sam in the same way he likes me.” - Y/N smiled at Chloe, playing with a lock of Chloe's hair. - “It would be a lie if I say that I didn't think of him in that way. Heard that he's really good in bed so it's natural for me to think about that” - She rolled her eyes. - “But you caught my eye in front of the pub. I mean... Just look at you. Those lips just begging for my kiss, those eyes which undressed me the whole evening and that stunning body.” - Y/N moaned as she cupped Chloe's waist and shyly moved her hand to her left breast, sticking her nose into her cleavage, which made Chloe giggling as she smoothed Y/N’s hair. 
“I would lie if when I would say that I wasn't imagining you this evening in Samuels position as well.” - Y/N smiled and Chloe felt like the pride in her rose up. She saw that Y/N’s smile widened as a thought crossed her mind.
“Let’s have a date. Just you and me. Some food, quiet place by the beach, maybe having some fun on the carnival?” - Y/N shrugged her shoulders and Chloe slowly nodded as she leaned for another kiss from those lips before they will have to go back to Sam.
“Can I join in, girls?” - Another woman voice joined their conversation with a laugh. Y/N slowly realized that it was that girl who came a few minutes ago and she just wanted to wash her hands. So she slowly got off the sink, still holding to Chloe's waist, leaning her head with a smile into her shoulder. - “You're a cute couple. I somehow always wanted to try it, but never got an actual chance to.” - The girl smiled and Chloe shrugged to say literally anything. 
“Thank you. My girlfriend is very lovely.” - Y/N bumped into Chloe and left the restroom as both of them were getting back to Samuel. 
“Where were you, ladies?” - Samuel threw a hand over Y/N’s shoulder as soon as she sat next to him, making her smile a little. She was still watching Chloe, traveling her leg with the tip of her shoe as she watched Samuel smiling. 
“I am getting tired, aren’t you, baby girl?” - Samuel entwined his fingers with hers and she only hummed, because she was watching Chloe with an intense stare. His nose was deeply buried in Y/N’s hair and even tho it made Chloe jealous, she wasn't hers and she knew she kissed her before Samuel, which made her a bit cooler. Her foot was in her lap and she could feel that beauty’s fingers massaging it firmly as she looked into her eyes as well. 
Y/N and Chloe said goodbye in front of that pub, Y/N slowly kissing both of her cheeks and then letting her lips slam on hers rough and fast before drunk Sam could see it. 
And even tho they have left together and it was obvious what is about to happen, Chloe watched them with a smile. Because she was looking forward to a date with an incredibly hot and cute chick which made her brain shut down completely..
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Update - 3/23/23
I will now write for Sam Drake and Rafe Adler for Uncharted 4, so if you want some sarcastic smarty-pants with birdy tattoos or if you want some ill-tempered treasure hunter with good hair; send in requests!
I also will start writing for Tim Rockford (Merge Mansion) Pedro Pascal, so if you want some brooding detective who really wants to find out what's really wrong with grandma; send in requests!
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kiwixlime · 2 years
I'll Count My Sins
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S is for Student
Being a student is difficult. Thankfully, you have a wonderful professor to help in your times of need. 
Pairing: Samuel Drake x Female Reader
Warnings: Age difference (reader is around 20), semi-public sex, student/professor relationship, unprotected p-in-v, breeding kink, oral sex, edging, multiple orgasms, praise kink, brat behavior, secret relationships, fluff if you squint! Not really proofread or edited. I got lazy!
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“Guys,” your history professor communicates as he walks down the rows of desks to hand back your midterm papers. “As much as I love indulging you all in pirate talk, we need to focus on what is important here.” He waves the stack in his hands with a grin before dropping your paper in front of you, turning it over so your view is of the white backing and not your grade. He gives you a playful wink, and you huff, annoyed. 
Everyone knows you hate that. 
Grumbling, you flip it back over, ready to praise yourself for your hard-working efforts. However, when you scan the paper, you nearly faint. Glaring back at you in bright blue ink sits a horrific little 90, circled three times for clarity. Your stomach drops, as does the paper, and you raise your hand immediately. 
Your professor ignores you, of course, and continues to hand back the rest of the assignments. “This was a hard one, I’ll admit,” he shrugs in defense as he rounds the classroom. “But overall, I’m impressed with what I’ve read. Guess you guys do listen to me after all,” he concludes, and most of the class giggles at his charm. But you sit impatiently, hand still in the air and foot tapping manically. 
Next to you, your friend Serena tries to hide her smile. She’s always found your academic obsession cute. And she knows the longer Sam -- Professor Drake -- ignores you, the more agitated you’ll become until you burst out of your seat and create a scene involving flying papers and pens. 
Unfortunately for her, your dear old professor sighs and acknowledges you. Finally. “Yes, Little Miss Perfectionist?” He groans without looking at you. “What do you have for me now?” 
“Uh,” you force a smile, ignoring the insolent nickname and flipping through the stapled pages of your paper in disgust. “I think you’ve made a mistake with my assignment,” you state in an artificial tone. 
The entire class mumbles, some of them turning to look at you in irritation. You shoot back glares, rolling your eyes, silently telling them they shouldn't be surprised at your actions by now. At the front, mere inches from where your desk sits, Sam stands, jaw hardening as he leans against his own desk. His arms cross over his chest, a little provoked by your brazenness. But he gives you a cocky smile before entertaining your accusation. 
“Are you questioning my grading methods?” He asks in amusement, and you feel all eyes on you as they wait for an answer. 
“I don’t mean to be a pain,” you convey, and Sam rolls his eyes. 
“You?” He laughs. “No, of course not.” 
A scoff leaves your lips, and you feel yourself growing warm under the intense gaze of everyone. They’re all so fucking nosy. How lovely of them to find enjoyment in your distress. 
“I just think that this grade is…” You trail off, trying to find the perfect weave of words to express your disdain. 
“Unfair?” Sam finishes for you. 
“Bullshit,” you admit, cutting him off with a flick of your hand, making everyone holler in shock. 
Your paper falls from your desk, and Sam watches with narrowed eyes as it hits the ground, pages fluttering softly. His cold stare meets yours, challenging you just as you’re challenging him. He knows you won’t give up. And if he wants to avoid public trouble, he has to be the first to budge. 
He clears his throat and crosses the classroom, staying a safe enough distance away from you. “Raise your hand if anyone here got better than a 90 on this paper?” He calls out to the room, his eyes never leaving yours, not even as he addresses everyone else. 
You shiver at the way he seems to peer into your soul and break eye contact, peeking around the room for any of your classmates who may have gotten a better grade than you. But to your joy, no one raises their hand. At least you have that. 
“As I said,” Sam continues gruffly, taking a moment to think to himself. “This was a tough assignment. Most of you did very well.” He smiles politely, glancing around the room. It fades, however, when his gaze returns to you. His lip twitches in anger. “You," he grimaces, "Oh, you should be thankful to have the highest grade. You earned that 90,” he smirks. “Own it.” 
Serena offers you an apologetic smile while everyone else chuckles at your shame. He thinks this will embarrass you? Well, fuck that. You didn’t earn the reputation of being an over-achieving intellectual for nothing. And while Sam may feel justified with his answer, you’re not. 
“All due respect, Professor Drake,” you assert with a saccharine grin. “I earned a much better grade than this. I mean, my writing was flawless. My research was beyond accurate. The clarity, the length, the engagement, delivery…everything in this paper is past outstanding. Did you even read it? Or were you too busy playing pirates with your brother?” 
The room falls hushed, eerily so, and you know you’ve won. But at what cost? A familiar intensity flickers within Sam's hazel eyes, and you bring your pen to your lips, placing the cap between your teeth with a wink. You rub your thighs together as warmth pools in your tummy. His stare is so wicked, sexy. You can’t help that it does things to you. 
“Okay,” Sam clicks his tongue and glances at the clock. “Class will end early today. Everyone, go enjoy the sunny day," he demands with aggression. Awkwardly, everyone begins to stand while you remain seated. Sam motions for you to come forward. “You, Wannabe Valedictorian, we have to have a chat.” 
As the students flow out of the room, Serena stays behind, her eyes on you to make sure you’re okay. Though you’re annoyed, you’re fine. You know what’s going to happen, and if anyone should be worried, it’s Sam. 
“Go ahead,” you whisper with a faint smile. “I’ll text you later.” 
Hesitantly, she accepts your word, glaring at your professor as she leaves. She has a suspicion that he’s not the great guy everyone makes him out to be. And it’s mostly because of the way you two banter during class. She finds it appalling the way he talks to you sometimes. But you know better. 
Serena exits the classroom, leaving you and Sam alone. You refuse to make direct eye contact, focusing on your paper that still sits on the floor. Just staring at it angers you. A 90? What an insult to your intelligence. An insult to your entire academic career. 
“My office,” Sam says, his anger-laced voice forcing you to finally look at him. You’re so pissed, genuinely, but you can’t deny that his temper makes him hot. 
So with a roll of your eyes, you gather your belongings. You follow Sam like a lost puppy out of the room. He’s plenty of steps ahead of you, but you take your time, knowing it’ll piss him off even more when he’s waiting at his desk, and you show up ten minutes later. His office is located across campus. It’s not too far from the history building, but it’s a decent stretch to cross the quad. His long legs make him walk much faster than you, taking larger steps and leaving you in the dust. Jerk. 
You eventually reach Sam’s office, making note of how the door is already slammed shut even though he just got there seconds before you. Oh, he’s going to be in such a mood. You just know it. 
But you knock anyway, doing the responsible thing any student would do. It takes half a second for him to yell out to you. “It’s open!” He calls. 
You look both ways down the hall before entering, carefully locking the door behind you. The silence that envelops the room is alarming, and you’re not expecting to see Sam sitting at his desk. Still, you walk into the center of the room, hands clasped in front of you as you wait for one of you to speak first. 
“You are such a fucking brat,” Sam eventually snaps. It’s his voice that makes you jump, not the words. You weren’t expecting him to get right into it. He’s supposed to draw it out. “What the hell was that?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you play dumb, your shoulders easing as you find yourself in the familiar comfort of his office. 
“Oh, cut the bullshit, sweetheart,” Sam scoffs, kicking his feet onto his desk. “You really pushed it back there,” he scolds you. 
“Well,” you shrug, at a loss for words. “I’m upset, Sam!” Your voice comes out squeaky, irritatingly so. “Do you really think this is the grade I deserve? Or are you punishing me?” At this point, you’re not sure. And it’s upsetting. 
Sam goes quiet again. A bad feeling settles in your stomach. You feel like maybe he’s playing some sort of game with you, but you’re not sure what his end goal is here. But after what seems like forever, his stupid lips form into a smirk. 
“Oh my god!” You gasp. “You dick!” 
“What did you expect to happen when you waltzed into class last week with that sorry excuse for a skirt?” He says coyly. “You think I didn’t see when you uncrossed your legs? Showing off that pretty pussy. Little slut forgot her underwear, huh?” He taunts with venom dripping from each word. 
“So you lowered my grade?” You pout, and it’s so adorable that Sam almost gives in. “Sam!” You whine. 
“Not to mention all that talking back in class recently,” he adds, giving you a look of disappointment. 
That you don’t have an answer for. That you did because you can. “Sam,” you groan, ignoring that thought altogether. 
“Yes, doll?” He sighs. 
“That’s not fair,” you complain, going as far as to stomp your foot. 
“Yeah? You want to talk about fair?” Sam grunts, pushing himself away from his desk to stand. “Is it fair for you to traipse around campus in those tight little tops? Is it fair to tease your professor with these ridiculously short skirts,” he motions at your current outfit, which happens to be a tight white top and black mini skirt. “Is it fair to come up to my desk during class, pretending to have a question, and then proceed to tell me how horny you are?” 
“I just…” Your words trail off as Sam inches closer to you. He leers over you, making you feel so small compared to him. 
“You want me to change your grade?” He prods with a frown that mirrors yours. You nod desperately. He chuckles at your sudden obedience. “What are you gonna do for me?” 
You look up at him with those wide, innocent eyes he loves. Standing on your tiptoes, you lean into him, tilting your head upwards so your soft lips meet his. Sam smiles into the kiss, cradling the back of your head in his hand as he deepens it, pulling you closer to him. 
Your lips part, his tongue finding yours as he stumbles backward. His body hits the desk and you push yourself into him, hands circling his neck as you nearly climb on top of him. Your body reacts to him like it always does, melting at his touch, your hips rolling into his. 
“My bratty girl,” he moans into the kiss, laughing a little when you nip at his lips. His hands fall to your ass, squeezing gently to make you whimper. It works and he takes the chance to slide his tongue into your mouth once more. 
His taste is intoxicating, full of cigarette smoke and breath mints. It’s a flavor that took a while for you to get used to. But now it’s something you crave. Something you can’t get enough of. And you prove it by deepening the kiss, sweeping your tongue through every crevice of his mouth. 
“Fuck,” he groans, squeezing you by the hips and slightly pushing you away. Of course, you mewl in objection. “Now you behave, huh?” He breathes heavily, pushing the fallen hair in your face behind your ear. “Now you wanna be my good girl?” 
“I’m always good,” you lie, pressing your lips to his again. 
He stops you from taking it further, hand on your chest, feeling your heart beat rapidly. “Such a liar,” he tsks with a shake of his head. “Do you need a reminder?” 
“Sam, you started this,” you pout, tugging on the collar of his shirt. His hard exterior starts to soften, and you have him right where you want him. “I know you want to fuck me. Why don’t you just give in already? Like you always do?” 
“Excuse me?” He scoffs, grabbing you by your wrists. “Drop the attitude, honey,” he demands. “You’ve been awfully mouthy lately. And you straight up disrespected me in class today.” His hand grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him. “Don’t ever do that again.” 
“You were the petty bastard who knocked my grade down because of some fucking outfit,” you hiss, yanking yourself out of his grasp. “Do you treat all your female students this way? Professor Drake, I’m so disappointed in you. Pervert.” 
“Careful,” Sam warns, looking down on you. 
Rolling your eyes, you place your hands on his chest, shoving him back a little. He leans back on his desk, observing your every move. “Why?” You ask innocently. 
“Do you always have to fucking question me?” He growls. 
“I’m just saying,” you sigh dramatically. “Seems like you’re a lot of talk and no action right now. I’ve been here for like, what, five minutes already and my clothes are still on.” 
At that, Sam’s demeanor changes. He grabs you viciously by the hair, yanking you towards him. As a reaction, you yawn, pretending you’re bored even though a thrill shoots through your veins. Your blatant disregard for him obviously pisses him off even more. 
“You love to test me,” he says quietly. “But I think you’re forgetting who is in charge, here.” 
“Doubtful,” you scoff. And that’s Sam’s last straw. 
With his hand still gripped tightly in your hair, he begins to force you to your knees, ignoring your protests about the dirty floor. He knows you don’t care. For some reason, you’re being prissy today. But he kind of likes it. It’ll be nice to fuck the attitude out of you and watch you go from miss overachiever to drooling slut in minutes. 
“Be a good fucking student for once and suck your professor’s cock,” he demands, smiling brightly. He likes this view. And he’ll like it even more when your yappy mouth is occupied with his dick. 
You don’t say anything as you undo his pants, slipping the belt through the loops in a teasing manner. Sam’s fingers run through your hair, tugging gently as a warning to get a move on. God, he’s so impatient sometimes. 
“You want a better grade, right?” He asks in a sickly sweet voice. 
You nod slowly, pushing his slacks down along with the boxers he chose to wear today. Your eyes flick up, meeting his as you pull out his rock hard cock. He can’t help the way his eyes glaze over. This is one of his favorite things. Your dirty little secret. He nods in encouragement, sighing low in his throat when he feels your hand wrap around him. 
“Baby, baby, baby,” he coos, his thumb stroking your cheek. “I said suck me,” he frowns. “Use that pretty mouth of yours.” 
His words turn you on so much. And even though you were happy to argue with him earlier, all you want to do now is please him. So you follow his orders like the A+ student you are and open your mouth, slipping out your tongue, starting slow with licks.
A deep groan passes through Sam’s throat at the feeling of your lips kissing his tip. You love his sounds and how he always seems to relax at your touch. Yeah, you love to piss him off. But you love to make him feel good, taking his head between your supple lips, sucking him softly. 
“Just like that,” Sam praises, lightly stroking your hair. You hear him strain to hold back a moan and it almost amazes you how quickly he becomes putty in your hands. He’s definitely the dominant one between the two of you, but you hold a special kind of power over him. He’d do anything just to be able to touch you. 
Feeling cocky, you slide your lips down his length, flattening your tongue to fit him into your mouth completely. You can feel the way his body slightly jerks as the warmth of your mouth surrounds him. He lets out another little groan that sends shivers up your spine. He sounds so good when he’s being pleasured. 
You moan around his cock, fighting the urge to reach past your skirt and touch yourself. If you do, Sam will add more punishment. And right now, you’re too turned on to ask for more. You need him soon, or you’ll combust. 
“Fuck, princess,” he gasps, using one hand to hold onto his desk, biting down on the other to keep himself quiet. You look up at him with dazzling eyes, fluttering your lashes as your pretty mouth consumes his leaking cock. “So good, feels so good,” he grunts, moving his hips in time with your head bobs. 
Soft sounds slip from your lips as you take him all the way to the back of your throat. He shudders as he hits the tightness, cursing out loud when you swallow around him. It’s almost too much for him, the way your lips hug him, the way your throat constricts around his throbbing dick. 
He thrusts into your mouth a little too quickly, fucking your throat. A choke tumbles out of you, but Sam ignores it, getting rougher by the second. He loves the sounds you make as you gag on his cock. Loves the way your pretty mouth drips with spit and his precum in an erotic mix that smears your lips. You’re so beautiful like this.  
“That’s it, good girl,” he moans, tangling his hand in your hair, forcing himself deep into your tight throat. He holds you still for a moment, sighing dreamily as you sputter on his dick. “Yes, fuck, you’re so good at that,” he huffs. He smiles as you whimper, tracing the tears that slide down your face. “You gonna be a good girl? Gonna let me fuck this pretty face?” He grunts, pushing your head down again. “Oh, fuck, yeah, you deserve it, huh? Brats like you deserve to get their faces fucked.” 
“Mm,” is all you can mumble out. But you sit still like a good girl with your hands folded neatly in your lap. Tears sting at your eyes as Sam holds your head in place and thrusts into your mouth. You let him use you as his own personal fuck toy, a common theme in your relationship. But holy fuck, you love it. 
“My little teacher’s pet,” he chuckles, moving your head with his hands. He bites his lip to try to keep quiet, but his moans come out anyway, loud and rough. “Such a good little pet now,” he gasps. “You were just needy, weren’t you? A needy little brat craving cock.” 
His words reach your core. If he doesn’t hurry up and cum soon, you’re going to lose it. You need to have this man inside of you. 
“Baby,” he groans as he tugs on your hair. “I’m gonna cum, sweetheart.” His warning is music to your ears. You can’t wait to bring him to his release, to taste him on your tongue. He’s so pretty when he cums. “Oh, shit, oh, fuck,” he rasps, his breathing picking up, hips stuttering. “I’m cumming, fuck, I’m cumming,” he chokes, hands gripping your head with force as he shoots down your throat. Hot ropes of cum fill your mouth. You close your eyes, accepting every drop. 
You swallow everything he gives you, mindful of the small dribbles that spill past your lips. Sam’s finger eagerly pushes his cum back inside of your mouth, shaking his head with disapproval. But you lick his fingers clean. 
“Good?” You ask innocently, wiping at your swollen lips. 
Sam nods and helps you to your feet. He kisses you as soon as you stand, tasting the mess he left on your tongue. “Perfect,” he whispers. “But I’m not done with you yet. Get on the desk. Bend over.” 
Excitement shoots up your spine, and you do as Sam says, bending over his desk. You hear him moving behind you, but it still comes as a shock when you feel a harsh slap to your ass. It’s quickly replaced by Sam’s gentle touch as he flips up your skirt. 
“Tsh,” he murmurs, soothing the red mark that’s started to bloom. “Again with no panties?” 
“O-only for you, Professor Drake,” you stutter and your sweet admission makes Sam groan. 
His fingers tenderly brush across your soft skin, allowing you to shiver at each gentle sensation that sweeps over you. The anticipation sprouts within you with each teasing touch. You feel him trail his fingers lower, swiping through the wetness that kisses your folds. He makes a noise of approval as he gathers your slick on his fingers. 
Just that slight contact is enough to rev you up. You grind yourself against Sam’s desk, whimpering like a puppy for him to give you more. You need it. Need his touch. Need his closeness. You need him to devour you. h
“Aw, what’s wrong, sweetie?” Sam teases, pressing one finger at your entrance. “Is this not enough for you?” 
“Please,” you whimper, pushing your ass back against his hand. “Oh, please.”
“Well, now that you have some manners,” he chuckles, slipping his finger inside of you, giving you a taste of what you need. Of course, it’s not enough. Not even close. And he knows this, torturing you with a single finger between your slit. “Fuck, you’re hot,” he whispers. 
You don’t have the words, too focused on Sam’s playful brushes. With heavy eyelids, you brace yourself as you feel him sink a second finger past your walls. On instinct, you clench around him, letting out a soft mewl as he thrusts his fingers in and out of your tight cunt. You’re so fucking wet, he glides into you without any struggle, stretching you out in preparation for his cock. 
“Oh, princess,” Sam gasps as your pretty pussy reacts to his fingers. “You’re soaked. Did you get this wet from sucking me off? Or is this from arguing with me in class earlier? I know how turned on you get when you’re being a bad girl.” 
“Yes,” you pant, not really answering his question. But he lets it slide because you’re too damn cute when you’re horny and desperate. Whimpers hide in the back of your throat as he pushes a third finger into you, brushing that sensitive bundle within you. You’re trying so hard to hold back your cries, unaware of who might be walking the halls right now. But it’s difficult to keep quiet when he manages to hit your most sensitive areas. 
“Such pretty sounds you make with my fingers inside of you,” Sam coos, fingering you faster, relishing in those filthy squelching sounds your pussy makes. It spurs him on, eager to bring you to the edge. 
You grind back into his hand, pushing yourself up on his desk with wobbly arms. “S-Sam,” you gasp. “Please.” 
“Sam?” He scoffs, curling his fingers against your walls. 
“Professor,” you correct yourself, groaning as you feel his thumb circle your needy clit. 
“Good girl,” he praises, finger fucking you nice and hard while he rubs your clit, intent on pulling more pretty sounds from your lips. “Be loud for me, baby. I want to hear how good I make you feel. Can you do that for me?” 
“C-close,” you whimper, parting your lips as a loud moan escapes you. Sam laughs at the sound, satisfied that he can make you feel so good. 
“You wanna cum?” He asks, playing with your clit. “You wanna cum for your professor?” Your answer comes in the form of a nod and he smiles, working his magical fingers in and out of you. You are close, right on the edge. A few more flicks and you’ll cum all over his hand. But that would be too easy. 
The bastard stops, removing his drenched fingers from your pussy. You whine in protest, rolling over so you’re on your back. A frown etches your face as he stands back and licks his fingers clean. His smug grin pisses you off. 
“What?” He teases, sucking on his fingers. “Did you really think I was going to let you cum already? Oh, honey,” he shakes his head. 
You want to fight. But Sam sinks to his knees and spreads your legs. And all thoughts leave your head. When he glides his palms up your inner thighs, you finally let go of any control you had and let him take over. 
He doesn’t waste a second, pressing wet kisses to your skin, gingerly scraping his teeth over the parts that make you squirm. He bites you lightly, savoring the way your body trembles at the piercing sensations. He sucks little marks against your creamy flesh, branding you as his own, leaving filthy reminders where only he can see them. 
A pathetic groan falls from your mouth, hand resting on Sam’s head as he kisses your pussy. Your mind goes hazy, lips parting to speak, but nothing comes out, only raspy breaths. You can actually feel yourself go stupid when Sam licks up your dripping slit. 
Words try to come out, but it’s just gargled junk, your tongue falling past your lips the second Sam squeezes your thigh. He nuzzles his nose into your cunt, breathing deep before flicking his tongue over your clit. Your hips buck up and Sam happily plunges his tongue inside you, slurping up your juices. 
“F-fu-fuck,” you manage to cry out, groaning loudly as he brings your legs over his shoulders. His talented tongue makes you squirm as he dips it in and out of your velvety walls, moaning as your taste envelops him. He’s always eager to eat you out, tasting every part of you, listening to your delicate whimpers, feeling your cunt clench around his tongue. 
He pulls away from you, chin dripping with your juices. “You taste so fucking good, baby,” he moans, licking a long stripe from your entrance to your clit. “So fucking sweet. I could do this all day.” He winks at you before going back to work, sucking your swollen clit into his mouth. 
It’s that moment when your body comes alive, letting a high-pitched moan ring out from your throat. Immediately, you throw your hand over your mouth to silence yourself. But Sam has other ideas. 
“Oh no, no,” he tsks, ordering you to remove your hand. “I wanna hear you, princess. I mean, what would the other students say?” He grins and kisses your clit. “If they knew your professor had his tongue deep inside your pretty little cunt?” 
You can’t lie, the thought of getting caught is extremely hot. And you know how many other students crush on Sam. To have them know that you’re the one sleeping with him, well, that would be the ultimate flex, wouldn’t it? If only they could see Sam on his knees eating you out. They’d die of jealousy. 
“Oh, fuck, P-Professor,” you groan. You’re so close again. 
“Fuck, you are so adorable when you beg,” he grunts. “Those whimpers, that pout, fuck you’re so frustrated, huh?” 
“Please, Sam, more,” you slip, using his name instead of the preferred Professor title. 
“No, no,” he insists, darkly. “My little brat needs to learn her place.” 
“I c-can’t,” you whine as your climax approaches. 
“Fuck, I love this pretty pussy,” he groans in delight. 
“I’m close,” you mewl, desperate, aching. You can’t fucking stand it. Relief finally sets when he mutters those magic words. 
“Go ahead, princess, cum on my tongue.” 
“Oh, fuck, Sam, yes!” You cry, grabbing onto his head as your orgasm breaks over you. He happily swallows your juices, licking you clean and not missing a drop. 
“Good girl,” he swoons, standing up and kissing your lips. “Such a good girl. Taste so fucking good, baby.” He sighs happily and grabs your waist, holding you steady. “Now, it’s time for me to fuck you.” 
“Yeah?” You whimper, body shaking. You glance down as he presses his tip to your entrance. 
“Uh huh,” he smiles. “Do me a favor, yeah? Be nice and loud for me. Let this whole building hear how well your professor fucks your sweet little pussy.” 
Before you can say anything, Sam slams into you with a quick thrust. Your head falls back, elbows keeping you propped up on his desk as your brain tries to process and keep up with these sensational feelings. Sam always fucks you so well and after literally just cumming, you’re overly sensitive and receptive to every single movement he makes. 
“Fuck, fuck, Sam!” You gasp, biting your lip as he fucks any thoughts right out of you. His hips are brutal as they meet yours, fucking you into the desk, unbothered by the way stacks of papers fall to the floor. He doesn’t care about the mess you’re both making. All he can pay attention to is the way your tight pussy hugs his cock. 
“Good girl, keep going, louder,” he encourages, grabbing your hands in his, making your back fall flat on the desk. He pins your hands above your head, driving into you hard and deep. He fills you so nicely, the burn that comes from his thick cock stretching you is pleasurable, addicting. 
Your moans get louder and Sam loves it, burying his face in your neck, biting your pulse point to keep himself quiet because all he wants to hear is you. And you give him what he wants, wrapping your weak legs around his waist, pulling him into you, letting out deafening, erotic sounds. Sam’s almost unable to control himself as he buries himself in your wet cunt. But you feel so fucking fine around him. You were made for each other. He truly believes that. 
“Princess, are you c-close?” He gasps as his cock drags in and out of you. “Please, tell me you’re close. I need you to cum, baby. Need to feel you cum on my cock.” 
“I’m close, Sam,” you breathe, arching your back off the desk. “So, so close. I love the way your cock feels inside of me. Please, go faster.” 
“That’s it,” he chuckles, panting heavily as he picks up the speed of his thrusts. “Take it, sweetie, take my cock.” He pounds into you relentlessly, watching your face contort in pleasure. Your eyes glaze over, and he swears he can see drool pooling at the corner of your lips. And it’s beautiful. “Fuck, fuck, I--” 
“Cum inside me, Sam,” you moan, cutting him off, knowing what he’s already feeling. “Fuck, I wanna feel you. Feel all of you.” 
He groans, kissing your lips. “Want me to fucking breed you, sweetheart?” He pants with a laugh. “Mark you from the inside? Pump this pussy full of my hot cum? Yeah, you’re my good little student. Desperate for your professor to breed you.” 
“Uh huh,” you strain, wriggling free of his grasp and grabbing him by the neck to kiss you again. You whimper against his lips as his fingers find your clit. Fuck, you’re going to cum again. 
“Say my name,” he groans as he rubs you. “Nice and loud while I fuck my seed deep into you. Be your professor and a daddy, yeah? That’s what you want, isn’t it?” 
“Sam, Sam, Sam,” you moan, eyes rolling back. “Fucking breed me.” 
“Cum with me, baby,” he encourages and it takes only seconds for you to both come undone. Your legs tighten around him as you hit your climax and Sam stalls, relieving himself deep inside your needy cunt. You squeeze around him, greedily taking every last drop of his cum. 
Time seems to slow as you both catch your breath. He peppers kisses to your face, praising you for doing such a good job for him. All you can do is smile, grateful for one of the hottest fucks of your life. 
You stay like that for a minute. Your hot, sticky bodies cling together as you come back to the present time. He carefully slips out of you, using his fingers to scoop up his cum that leaks out of you.
“Leave it in,” he smirks, pushing it back inside of you, gently fucking you with his fingers until he’s satisfied. “Don’t let any of it leak out.” 
“Mhm,” you nod, closing your legs. “Help,” you whine, holding out your arms. 
Sam snorts and lifts you up, holding on to you as you get back on your feet. He guides you to the old sofa in his office, motioning for you to get comfortable as he goes to grab water. He hands you a paper cup, sitting down next to you, and brushes your hair out of your face. “Satisfied?” He asks. 
“Eh,” you shrug, gulping down the water he gave you.  
“Fucking brat,” he laughs, pulling you close and kissing you sweetly. You giggle and kiss him back, heart fluttering at his softness. “You tired?” He asks and you nod. “Okay, stay here for a little, relax, drink more water. I’ll help you get cleaned up.” He reaches for his bag that sits on the floor next to you. He digs into it before producing a keychain. “Then when you’re ready, head back to my place. And I’ll meet you there.” 
“Will you bring back food?” You ask as you take his keys. 
“Of course,” he smiles, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “Anything for you.” 
You’re silent for a moment until you remember why you came here in the first place. “So, uh,” you clear your throat. “About my grade…” 
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Sam Drake Taglist: @julesclues - @tiredbeebo - @bluewingedangel
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