#sam drake x f!reader
sicparvismorrigan · 2 years
When Your Line Is Crossed - Chapter 6
Your new neighbour is pretty fit, and the walls are pretty thin…
Sam Drake/Uncharted/Post-U4
Viewpoint: 2nd person female reader
Warnings: very nsfw (this chapter not thaaat naughty)
Wordcount: ~10.5k (6 Chapters) [incomplete]
Tagging: @bluewingedangel @killergoddessmm @marshmallow--3 @mrob-dream if you want added or removed let me know!
Heavily inspired by the song I Get Off by Halestorm
Read on Ao3
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Chapter 5 | Chapter 7
Rhythmic thumping pulls you abruptly from your dreams. You grumble and try to drag the pillow over your head to block it out. You wouldn’t be surprised if it was Sam next door, going at it yet again.
A wave of embarrassment drowns you as you remember exactly what happened last night. The noises you made. The noises you both made. You moaned his name. When he was with someone else. That’s a line you just don’t cross.
Reaching for your phone, you notice with some relief you’ve slept in later than usual. You wouldn’t dare go out on the balcony this morning, should you bump into You-Know-Who. Maybe you can browse for a new apartment later, give notice, pack your things, leave the country, who knows?
The second time it happens you realise the noise isn’t a headboard slamming into the drywall next to you, instead it’s coming from the outside door of your apartment.
Must be the landlord. He has a habit of turning up whenever he feels like without any warning. Gas check this. Water check that. You secretly think it’s weird, a little creepy even, but you don’t want to give him any reason to bump your rent, so you smile sweetly and put up with it.
You throw on a baggy hoodie to cover yourself, in your sleep-addled state not thinking to check if it definitely is the landlord first before opening up.
“Hi, ye-“
“Morning, neighbour!” Sam greets you cheerily, grinning from ear to ear.
Instantly, you are wide awake.
“Nope!” You try to slam the door in his face, but he’s too quick for you. With barely an inch left before it shuts he blocks the opening with his boot and leans his full weight against it. You struggle briefly before realising the cheap-ass door will probably give out before he does. The man is solid.
“Aw c’mon, try harder, baby!” Sam’s laughing at your efforts. It’s all just a game to him.
I will not cave. I will not cave. Sweet talk will not work this time.
Shit why is he calling me baby now?
“What do you want?” You yell at him.
“Can I have some sugar?”
You don’t believe what you just heard. The nerve of him. Something snaps. You stop pushing back, swinging the door open wide and glaring at him. “Very funny. Is that some kind of a sick joke?”
You are so not in the mood for his sense of humour right now.
Sam turns serious in the blink of an eye when he realises you aren’t taking it well. “No, sweetheart. I genuinely need some sugar. I’m all out.”
“Hmmm...” You’re watching him suspiciously, waiting for his ‘ha, gotcha!’ that never comes.
Hard to Handle by Otis Redding is faintly drifting down the hallway towards the pair of you.
…but I can love you better than him…
“Swear it. Cross my heart.” In a way, his sincerity is worse than his humour.
“Why, because you used it all last night?” That comes out a little sharp, double meaning dripping heavily from your words.
He shouldn’t be calling you sweetheart anyway, you are clearly not his sweetheart.
“No, because this morning I made enough coffee for you too, y’know…it was kinda nice, yesterday, talking, out there, with the sunrise-“ His voice is quiet and low.
“-I thought, I hoped you’d show, and then you didn’t, so I got worried.”
“You were worried about me? You barely know me.”
“Alright, alright. I guess, concerned, is maybe a better word.” Sam stops to lean against the frame. “And as for barely knowing you, I’d like to change that, if it wasn’t already obvious.”
“Ugh.” You scoff before you can stop yourself. “You know way too much already.”
“Seriously? Are you okay?” He cocks his head and looks hard at you, while you avert your eyes down to an interesting scuff on the ground. “Oh…I get it. Is this about last night? Look, we’re both adults. It’s no big deal.”
Really? That’s it? No big deal. It’s that easy for him?
Sam continues. “If it helps, you sounded adorable.”
Oh jeez.
You make a show of rubbing your sleepy face to cover your embarrassment. “Yeah, that really doesn’t help.”
He shrugs. “Eh, then I got nothin’. Except coffee, so…ya want some?”
“Ummm…” You swither, apparently a few microseconds too long for Sam’s patience.
“Look, honestly, I’m kinda getting mixed signals here. If you’re dead set on avoiding me, why’d you open the door?”
“Oh, uh-“ Your turn to shrug. “I thought you might be my landlord, sometimes he just shows up, and…yeah-“
“Woah, woah, woah.” Sam holds up a hand to stop you. “He just comes in here without calling ya first?”
He looks less than pleased when you nod mutely. Then, like flicking a switch, his expression darkens. He seems really pissed off, and you can see a different side of him. One you would never dare do wrong in a million years. It makes you tighten your grip on the doorknob. It makes you want to run. When he speaks his voice is cold, friendly Sam long gone.
“Next time he pulls that shit, you call me first before you answer him, okay? That ain’t right, you in here by yourself…”
Once you mm-hm your agreement, Dangerous Sam vanishes in a flash and your smirking neighbour is back again. You aren’t quite sure what to make of the behavioural one-eighty, but he’s probably right. Confirming what you’ve always felt but been too nervous to do anything about.
Fuck, him being so protective of you does make your heart flutter a little.
Maybe it is no big deal, your little outburst in bed. Despite everything that’s happened between you already, he is definitely the least troublesome neighbour you’ve ever known.
And the best-looking.
God, he smells amazing.
Sure it was embarrassing, for both of you, but he clearly doesn’t care, maybe you shouldn’t either. Shit happens.
“Anyway, I’ll make coffee…again. If you feel like joining me, I’d be honoured.” He turns to leave.
“Sam?” You call after him.
“Yeah, angel?”
“Don’t you need that sugar first?”
“Shoot, yeah…” For a second his self-assured air slips away and he loses his cool just a fraction. “Uh…Ya got some?”
“Maybe.” It’s your turn to lean casually against the door. No big deal you say, Sam?
He just blinks at you when you show no signs of moving. “Can you…go get it?”
“If you say please.”
“Huh?” Exactly the same tone as last night, when he heard you moaning through the wall, which makes your nerves wobble (after all, what the Hell are you doing?) but your mouth curves into a smile and you keep going.
“Say please.”
“Ah, shit…Please.” The word is clearly an effort. “I’ll pay you back, one way or another.”
“No rush.” You somehow sound breezy despite your racing pulse. Is this still flirting? Or is it foreplay?
“I will, I’m a man of my word.” He leans in close and everything outside of the two of you dissolves away. “I told you. Knock on my door and ask. Anything you need. Anything.”
You remember every detail of the earlier conversation you had when Sam offered to ‘help you out’ with your needs.
“We’ll see. And I told you Sam, if anyone was knocking and asking for stuff, it was going to be you!”
Damn, that little win felt good.
“Jeez-“ He remembers too. Sam turns away out into the hall and runs a hand through his hair before coming back to you. “That’s good, that’s cute. You’re sharp. C’mon, quit messing around. Cough up the sweet stuff.”
“Fine, wait here.”
Sam’s desperate to be in control again, he just can’t leave it alone. “You could invite me in, just give me the whole cup of coffee while you’re at it? I made one for you already. Return the favour.”
“Nice try, but I never got that cup, so it doesn’t count.” You catch him trying to peer around the door to find out what the inside of your apartment looks like. “Hey! Stop being so nosey!”
“Can’t help it.” He mutters. “What’s got into you, why you Miss Feisty this morning?”
“I’m a little mad.” You fess up as you hand him a bowl of sugar, your fingers briefly touching as he takes it. Electricity.
“Mad? At me? For what? For getting laid?” His smirk is just unbearable. “Aw, are you jealous, sweetheart?”
“Hell, no!” Your answer is too quick, over-the-top nonchalant. It’s so obvious you care.
“Oh my God, you are. You are jealous.” Sam shakes his head in wonder, seeing right through you. “Well, shit. How rude of me.”
“Isn’t she bothered you’re over here paying attention to me instead?” You slyly enquire, not sure what you should be hoping for as an answer.
“Nah, she’s long gone.” Sam looks slightly regretful. “I don’t think I’ll be seeing her again.”
You should not be so over-the-moon at his confession. You try not to let your face show it, and catch your grin just in time.
And then you realise why the woman isn’t coming back. She must have heard you too. She saw Sam’s reaction first hand. It was your fault. You ruined it for her. For both of them.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, you ain’t. But it’s okay. Guess she didn’t take it the way I did.”
What, as a compliment?
Before you can figure out what to say next, Sam throws you another curveball.
“Listen, how about I make you dinner tonight?”
Your stomach feels like it’s just abandoned ship and your heart isn’t far behind, suddenly blood is rushing in your ears.
“What, you already got plans?“
“No, it’s just…surprising.” The thought of you and him alone for at least a few hours makes your knees weak. Is it possible he actually cares for you? This isn’t just an elaborate ruse to get you into bed? Sam cooks?!
“Oh, I’m full of surprises.” He drops his voice low and lets his gaze linger on your mouth. “You’ll see. How about it?”
You shouldn’t. He was with someone else just last night. This feels like definite trouble.
But you want to. In spite of everything, you so badly want to.
“Yes. I’ll have dinner with you.” Oh my God. It’s happening.
“There’s a catch, though.”
“Which is?” You only just manage to croak out.
“Dinner at your place. I’m still fixing mine up. Sawdust everywhere. And I do mean ev-er-y-where-“
“That’s fine.” You cut him off before he goes into more detail about what exactly he means by everywhere. But Christ, you’ve got some cleaning to do.“That’s…more than fine.”
“Alright then. We got a deal. See you later, sweetheart.”
As you shut the door, you know deep down you’re still somewhat mad with him. But you’re also biting your lip in anticipation, because fuck you’re really looking forward to it. That damn smooth talking sure did the trick.
You’ve got a date with Sam.
Thanks for reading!
Still trucking away on this I’ve not forgotten 😁
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xxxsaturnxx · 1 year
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Pairing: Sam Drake x F!Reader
Summary: You wake up next to sam drake, your longtime boyfriend who just proposed to you the night before
Warning: 18+/suggestive content, language,
A/N: I dont really write but… Ta da????? I also posted this on ao3 if you’d like to check that out
You stir awake to the feeling of Sam lightly kissing your neck and you snake a hand up his neck and to his jawline.
“Mmm, good morning to you too,” you groggily whisper to him as you tried to push yourself further into him and feel the warmth he was producing. “So, thoughts on last night?” looking up from your neck, he raised an eyebrow at you.
You put a finger on your chin as if you were in deep thought “Hmmm, last night, ya know, I don’t think I remember much of anything happening last night. Would you care to remind me of last nights events, Mr. Drake?”
He chuckles as he slowly crawls up your body so you were then eye to eye. “Well Ms. ‘soon to be Mrs. Drake,’ I’ll try my best,” He grins as he pulls you into a loving kiss.
His hands caressing your naked body leaving no inch of skin untouched. Your hands tangled in his hair while you wrapped your legs around his waist. He breaks the kiss as your need for air grew unbearable.
“Mmmh sweetheart the things you do to me,” He groaned breathlessly against your lips. Sam gave you one final peck on the lips as he trailed down your body mumbling sweet nothings till he reached your thighs.
He glances up at you through his eyelashes while nibbling the inside of your thighs. Sam held eye contact for just a second before he delved into your folds, the bridge of his nose rubbing against your clit.
You gasp his name and grab the back of his head pushing him deeper into you. Your head sinking deeper into the pillow as you let a few whimpers out. The room filled with your moans and the squelching sounds Sam was pulling from you.
The combined sensations of Sam’s muffled groans and the addition of two fingers brought you closer to the edge. Your thighs trembling and your moans growing louder signaling Sam how close you are.
“F-fuck Sam… Baby please,” you begged, pawing at his scalp.
“Hush, darling, I know,” He mumbled against your skin, his free hand soothing over your shaking legs. Your climax hit you fast and hard and left you seeing stars. Your thighs clamping down on Sam’s head holding him there while you rode out your orgasm.
“Fuck, Sam! Please, please, please!” You screamed breathlessly as you went limp.
“Oh, is that your way of asking for a second round?”
“Oh God, please, no, not yet!” you pleaded as Sam crawled back up cradling you in his arms. You breathed in his scent and kissed his chest and neck following the path of his tattoos.
His hand rubbing up and down your back went still as you looked up at him. “What there something on my face?” He chuckled.
“Well yeah but that’s not what I’m looking at,” you laughed. Then pulled him down for another heated kiss. You could taste yourself on his lips as Sam changes positions. So he’s back between your legs, you can feel his hard cock on your thigh.
Sam starts to grinding his cock back and forth between your folds. Smearing your slick on his cock. He reaches in between the two of you and positions himself in front of your entrance. You both groan as he enters you, Sam sliding all the way until your hips meet.
“Shit darling… how are you still so damn tight.” Sam gaped while grabbing your hips. He set an almost animalistic pace, every now and then leaning down to kiss you.
You hands started to wander from your sides as you became more and more desperate for release. Whimpers and his name were the only things coming out of your mouth, your mind too clouded to even think of other things to say.
Sam’s hips soon losing rhythm, signaling that he too was close to his climax. Sam leaned down to your neck he bites down slightly groaning into your skin as he rides through his orgasm.
“Fuck baby… God i love you.” Sam muttered against your skin, your bodies still tangled you move your hand to pet his hair. Sam lightly kissed your sore skin slowly getting off and out of you.
When he pulled out you both groaned at how sensitive you both are. your breathing was almost completely calmed while Sam’s was only now starting to calm down. He got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom.
Naturally you stare when from the ceiling to his ass as he left. When Sam returned he had put on boxers and had a damp wash cloth in his hand. You hummed when Sam kissed your forehead before he cleaned you up.
Sam returned the wash cloth to the bathroom before he went right back into bed with you. “We should really shower, huh?” You whispered as you laid your head on his chest.
“Later sweetheart just let me enjoy some time with my beautiful new fiancé.” He whispered back as he rubbed your arm slightly closing his eyes.
You gazed up at him ready to spend the rest of your life married to Samuel Drake.
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durrtydawg · 6 months
A Brief Encounter
(Sam Drake x F!Reader Smut)
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You’d agreed not to give each other gifts this year, but after a rather crass Secret Santa gift from Sam at his brother’s Christmas party, it’d be rude not to return the favour. So, when he subtly beckons you to meet him into his brother’s airing cupboard, you’re all too happy to accept the invitation.
a/n: this isn't the best, and christmas is pretty much done and dusted, but i'm a bit low and it helped to write this, so I hope you enjoyyy!!
Word Count: 5.3k
WARNINGS: 18+, unprotected p in v, oral (f&m), friends with benefits type beat, erring on the 'too much' side of pining, but that's how i roll so sorry if that's not your jam. I have NOT proof read this fully, so there are bound to be mistakes but I am OVER it. Enjoy, lovelies x
Curiosity and anticipation mingle as you slip into the cramped space, closing the door as slowly and as discreetly as possible. You down the remainder of your amaretto and coke, placing the glass beside Sam as you wince at the unmixed alcohol that coats your tongue.
The moment the latch clicks, the same smirk he’d given you from across the room mere minutes ago returns as he swallows a mouthful of beer. "Fancy meeting you here," he quips, his voice low and provocative, the red tinsel draped over his shoulders offsetting a warm glow over his face. You don’t want to take him seriously.
“I’ve got a bone to pick with you.” You scoff, leaning against the dryer as you’re enveloped by the smell of detergent and clean linen. “Crappy wrapping, tacky gift. I should’ve known you were my Secret Santa the moment it was handed over.”
“Alright, I can’t excuse the wrapping, but, I’ll have you know that these,” He removes a hand from the counter, pulling the offending garment from where it’s poking out of your skirt's pocket, catching you off guard and eliciting a quiet yelp from you as he slingshots the material against your forearm.
“Ow!” You attempt to smack his hand, but his reflexes are quick, and he swipes it out of reach just in time, placing a finger over your lips.
“Keep your squawking down.” He warns with a slightly sardonic half-smile, shaking his head towards the door. “These were not cheap. I don’t scrimp on my favourite girl.” He holds them up to the small lamp on the shelf behind him and you blush a little. “Plus, I just know it’s gonna look fantastic on you.” He shrugs, smug, and satisfied.
You roll your eyes, smirking as you adjust your volume. "Really, though, Samuel? ‘Ho ho ho’? A thong? Real smooth.”
His response accompanies a smug grin. "Well, I had to get you something that matches your…” He holds his beer just shy of his lips as he mulls over his thoughts for a second, “You.”
You snort in response, folding your arms as your brows raise, the two of you locking metaphorical, and very flirtatiously charged horns. “Oh! Well, in that case, we’ll have to get you a matching pair!”
He chuckles into his beer bottle, taking a swig before placing it beside him. He goads you with his look- a soft furrow of his brows that says ‘elaborate’.
“Dragging me into your brother’s airing cupboard in the middle of his impeccably planned Christmas party? Hardly the behaviour of someone who isn’t a… ‘ho ho ho’ themselves.” You feel yourself stifle a giggle- what a stupid conversation.
Ah, who gives a shit. You’re both tipsy, and you both know what’s about to happen.
Sam licks the remnants of his beer off of his lips, pushing himself away from the counter with an amused grin. His smug smile, a silent agreement, sets the stage for what both of you have been dancing around all night. The atmosphere becomes charged, filled with unspoken needs that have lingered in stolen glances and exchanged banter amongst a crowd of drunken acquaintances and giddy friends.
“You must be sorely mistaken, gorgeous.” He starts as his hands brace themselves onto the dryer, gently caging you in. “I wanted to help out my little brother by… folding towels. You know- keep him in the wife’s good books.”
In the intimate, shrunken space of the airing cupboard, the atmosphere thickens as his joke hangs between Sam and you, a veil of playfulness concealing the underlying, and oh so mouth-watering tension that’s coarsening your skin with goosebumps.
“Folding towels. That’s what we’re calling it now?” You grin, though your voice takes on a slightly lower tone as he leans over you. God, he smells fantastic.
The slight wrinkle in his navy t-shirt is a telltale sign that he’s obviously pulled it straight from the dryer and thrown it on as he left his apartment; but that damn jacket. Recently washed, yes, but never rid of that tinge of cigarette smoke that’s practically woven its way into the denim by now; a little aftershave spritzed over it as to not cause offence to those that despise his poor habit, accompanied by… him; A gentle amber muskiness diluted by the subtle red fruit scent that’s interwoven itself into him during his winter period of reluctant domesticity.
“Shame you’ve not got these on now, ya know.” He takes another look at the thong before abandoning it on the top of the washer, re-assuming his position over you. “Red’s definitely your colour. Always has been.”
His eyes make a show of their journey up and down your frame, and much to your own chagrin, you feel your face heat up even more. You should be used to this by now. Your little arrangement has been going on for almost a year. Yet every time, he’s got you blushing like a high school kid with a crush on their teacher.
Sam grins, shoulders jolting with a chuckle as he watches the redness spread across your cheeks.
“Aw. See? Adorable.”
“Stop it.” You chide, head turning to the side as you try to hide the consistent blush bleeding across your face. As if his ego needs to be given any more fuel.
“Stop what?” He smirks, knowing full-well what you mean. You frown. “Ohhh.” He over exaggerates, grinning wide as his head flops sideways in search of your face. “Making you blush? Doesn’t take much, does it?”
“No. I’m not gonna stop.” Sam's smug smile lingers, a subtle spark in his eyes made visible by the warm glow of the lamp. The air crackles with anticipation as he leans in, his lips brushing yours with a teasing tenderness that makes your hairs stand on end. His eyes are sly, and of course seductive, provoking you to lean in and close the gap. He’s offering the illusion of a situation where you get to take charge.
But he’s done this before, and things never go that way.
Not that you mind, of course.
Each passing second adds fuel to the simmering fire as you feel his thumbs grace your wrists at either side of you. You hold steady, your eyes narrowing towards his in a sort of stand off. You’re not going to cave first.
Though… it’s becoming more and more of a challenge as he leans further into you, your back pressed hard against the edge of the dryer as he imposes fully on your personal space. You can feel how hard he is through his jeans.
His head dips down, and you feel light stubble scratch against your jaw as he laughs softly, yet there’s still an undeniable smugness to it that makes your hands go clammy. “I intend to keep that blush of yours nice an’ vibrant for the foreseeable, sweetheart.”
And just like that, you’re butter in his hands. Melted butter, mind you- it’s fucking boiling in here.
You mutter a quiet “fuck sake” in a poor attempt at saving face, but as his lips press against the spot just beneath your ear, you know things are about to progress quickly- just like they always do when the two of you are alone. A few more pecks down your neck, and you breathe in; your nipples rub against your bra, and you exhale shakily as his teeth come into play. Sam removes his hands from your wrists, respectively taking a hold of your waist and your hair, keeping you pressed against him as he reddens your neck, bit by bit, and- God- the sight of him still wearing that jacket is making you feel like you’re in the depths of a furnace. He’s not even breaking a sweat. Bastard.
You find your hands weaving underneath the sherpa, clawing at his dark tee ’til you reach his shoulders. You tuck your hands underneath, and as if telepathy exists, he shunts the jacket off, along with the tinsel, lips still trailing a series of small bruises along your neck.
They fall to the floor, buttons clack-clattering against the washer behind him- dangerously loud whilst whatever song is playing outside seems to be in the midst of a quiet bridge- and you both break apart to stare at the door, wide-eyed and breathing heavily.
After a few butterfly-inducing seconds, a new song starts and someone whoops loudly- you’re safe.
Sam looks back at you with a relieved smile. It’s too innocent and uncharacteristic, so you push him off of the diving board, straight into the deep end; fingers tugging him down to your level by the scalp, using his slight moment of surprise to shove him back into the washer as your lips find his.
Sam's hands trace a path of yearning along your back; they dive under your tacky ‘tinsel tits’ sweater in search of skin, and as his calloused, scarred hands meet the smooth softness of your back, he hums quietly into you, as if he’s checked something off of a to-do list. You take it upon yourself to tick off another, and your free hand reaches down to give him a teasing squeeze through his jeans.
You both smirk in tandem, but as you one-handedly pull out his t-shirt’s French-Tuck- his lazy attempt at sprucing himself up- and your dexterous fingers unhook his belt buckle in one fell swoop, his smirk falters slightly.
Smugness now replaced by an urgent need, he pulls you tighter against him, and the air becomes charged with the electricity of your concealed connection as you unbutton his jeans. Your hand snakes past the zipper, thumb testing the waters with a teasing stroke over the fabric of his boxers as you push your tongue into his mouth. He tastes of nicotine that’s been drowned in alcohol, Nathan’s experimental lebkuchen, and a stick of cheap gum, and as your hand wraps around him completely, you cannot get enough.
Sam fights against your tongue with his own, brows scrunching every so often as you slowly pump his cock in your palm. Shutting him up is always pleasant, and always rare, so you savour every second, watching as a flush of his own begins to make an appearance across his cheeks. Two can play at that game, you think to yourself, your core seizing in anticipation.
A wandering hand squeezes at your ass under your skirt, and as you roll your thumb over his tip, you pull your lips from his, making sure to take in the sight of his growing arousal. You smile knowingly, your other hand freeing his hair so your thumb can swipe away saliva from his lips. You give him a gentle peck, made teasing by the smirk that accompanies it before you pull away from him and crouch slightly.
Pushing up his t-shirt a little, your smirk deepens as you take in the quick rise and fall of his stomach as he breathes fast in expectancy. You kiss him; a soft, open-mouthed peck over each scar, tongue rolling across the hair trailing along his belly, down lower, and lower, fingers pulling aside the waistband of his jeans.
Sam’s hands find purchase on the edge of the washing machine, eyes transfixed on you as you expose him, jeans pulled down just enough to give you access, but still modest enough for any hasty getaway that may be required.
You lower yourself fully to your knees, and the temperature is too much now. You pull off your sweater, placing it gently aside as you twist your hair into a makeshift pony, throwing it over a shoulder. He’s well-groomed. It’s almost as if he knew this was going to happen.
“Don’t be too quiet.” You look up at him. “I love hearing my pretty boy lose his composure.” You smile innocently, taking him in your hand again.
“Shut ya mouth. Calling’ me shit like that.” He laughs in response. The way his cheeks take on a soft pink hue sets you aflame; it’s evidence that his annoyance his feigned. He likes being called ‘shit like that’.
You giggle quietly, tongue licking a stripe up from his balls to his tip, before you let spit roll over your lower lip and onto him as Sam looks down at you with a neediness he’s only ever let you see. You move painfully slowly, lips parting enough to pull his head into your mouth, hands finding the outside of his thighs. He’s tense with anticipation, and your hands squeeze, before your throat envelopes his cock as far as you can take him.
Cheeks hollowed, you slowly retract, making him hiss as you gently graze your bottom teeth against his frenulum, before you retract completely.
“Do that again.” He breathes, knuckles pale.
“Ask nicely.” You grin, opening your mouth a little, hovering just in front of him.
“Christ.” He mutters, unable to wipe away his smile as he shakes his head, eyes closed. “Do that again, please.”
“Good boy.”
“Will you stop callin’ me th-ah-at, fuck!” He cuts himself off as you repeat the action, this time drawing a bead of salty-sweetness from him. You hum in satisfaction, feeling your own slick between your thighs as his hand instinctively grabs a hold of your hair.
As the next minute progresses, you hear Sam’s breathing gradually grow slightly more erratic, his hand unsteadily pushing your hair out of your face as the pace builds. Every now and then you flick your eyes upwards, relishing in the way he swallows in want, hips twitching occasionally as you involve your teeth- his breathy little pants make you want to keep this up forever, but you crave more.
You move particularly deep, and he bucks up; you feel him hit the back of your throat and you gag, eyes beginning to water instantly. You slide him out of your mouth as you take in air, and whilst it takes a whole lot of willpower for him not to push himself back into your throat, he instead tucks himself away and comes down to your level with an apology and a chuckle, cupping your jaw as you pull yourself together.
“Hate it when you do that.”
“It’s a good thing I did,” He breathes, “Don’t think this would’ve lasted as long as I’d want it to if you kept going.”
You laugh whilst Sam’s eyes follow the trickle of drool slowly rolling down your chin. He’s suddenly in a world of his own, barely registering what you’re saying before his tongue gathers the spit off of your skin, pushing it back into your mouth, your back hitting against the cool metal of the dryer as he kisses you; stubble grazes almost painfully against your face, but you don’t give a shit. Sam takes a rushed pause to rest his forehead against yours as he looks down at your chest; heaving, ripe for the picking.
You can only squeak as he grabs hold of you, hoisting you to your feet before propping you back up onto the top of the dryer. You almost fall back from the haste of it all, but with his hands on your lower back, you’re relatively stable again.
You groan as his hands grab your breasts, kneading them with a ferocity that sends your pulse skyrocketing. His eyes flit to yours, and he gives you an warning grin before his hands snake behind you and unhook your bra. You gasp, mildly irritated that he’d expose you so thoughtlessly whilst you’d taken every care to preserve him from any embarrassment that could occur from an innocent party-goer accidentally infiltrating the unlocked airing cupboard.
“These are magnificent.” He preens, and you roll your eyes with a scoff.
“You’re acting like you’ve never seen them before.”
“Been a while. God.”
“Did you just lick your lips? What are you, fourteen?”
“Look, doll, you know me. I’m a simple guy. I see a good pair’a tits, and I start to salivate. Now shut up.”
You huff in amused shock, but as Sam’s tongue goes for your nipple, you force yourself to swallow down a small gasp. A lick turns into a suck, which turns into a bite, and you have to cover your mouth to stop yourself from yelping out in pained pleasure as his teeth apply pressure to the sensitive spot, tugging as he looks up at you deviously. He lets go, and you let out a sharp breath, glaring at him.
“Are you trying to get us caught?” You chastise, panting a little as he pinches your neglected nipple, the roughness of his thumb and forefinger making you squeeze your thighs together in response to the action.
He gives you a toothy grin, pupils blown out; eyes darkened by impertinence as he chooses not to respond. God, he drives you mad.
As Sam takes a moment to look at you again, his smugness gives way to an unseated hunger, his lips briefly seeking yours again with a precision born of familiarity. He smooths his hands up your legs, pulling his lips away, eyes flitting between each one as he squeezes your thighs.
And all of a sudden, your heart is palpitating hard. You’re soaked- that much is certain, but you’re also slightly afraid of the concept of him stripping you completely bare without so much as a lock from keeping you from being walked in on. Perhaps you should’ve thought this through. Perhaps you shouldn’t be-
“Sam!” You whisper-yell as the ripping of fabric snatches you from your thoughts.
“I’ll buy you a new pair.” He replies, completely unbothered by your reaction, the new hole torn into your tights right between your thighs giving him an almost completely unrestricted view he’s been waiting for. “Jesus Christ. Haven’t even touched you yet, and you’re wet through.”
“I will kick you.”
“Nah, you won’t.” He shoots a complacent grin up at you, before hooking his arms around your thighs and pulling you to the edge of the dryer with a quick yank that has your eyes widen momentarily.
You sigh shakily, bracing yourself on your forearms as he comes back to antagonise your chest.
Your gaze fixes on Sam, who looks up at you with a teasing smile as he pushes your thigh aside, deft tongue swirling and flicking around your nipple in a way that makes your lips part with quickened breaths; the signalling of your growing want couldn’t possibly get any clearer. The playful glint in his eyes mirrors the deriding movement of his lips, and for a moment, the laughter, music, and clinking glasses outside the intimate space you’re sharing muffles into the background.
His fingers, warm and skilful, navigate the contours of your skin through your thin tights with a gentle caress. The intention is clear—a slow, tantalising exploration that builds mutual desire with every inch of you that’s covered, and as he finally strokes a thumb over your covered core, sending a soft mewl spilling from your lips, a switch flips in his brain. Playfulness starts to deepen into a smouldering gaze, reminding you of his undeniable hunger beneath the friendship on the surface. As he pulls aside the material and starts to coat his fingers in your slick, it’s all too clear that his movements are deliberate, each touch purposeful, as if he's savouring the anticipation as much as the final destination.
He wants you. But he wants you to need him more. Sam wasn’t lying when he said you’re his ‘favourite girl’.— he adores you, and he wants to give you everything he can through his body that he can’t bring himself to give you through caged in commitment. As a result, he’s not afraid to take his time- time to pretend that this is more than the ‘friends with benefits’ arrangement you’d forged way back when. He doesn’t give anyone else this kind of time. He doesn’t want to.
You're caught between the thrill of the unexpected and the familiarity of Sam's touch. Every stroke and every red blotch left on your skin feels like a shared rebellion against the constraints of everything else life has to offer. He bites you again, and you buck your hips in response, brows furrowing as a quiet hiss pushes through your teeth. Your nails claw against the edge of the dryer, and as he effortlessly slides two fingers knuckle deep inside you, your grip falters slightly.
The hand on your waist tightens, and one of yours goes for the back of his head. You tangle your fingers into his hair, head rolling back as you try to stop yourself from moaning. He hooks his fingers, rubbing back and forth against your sweet spot in quick, repetitive motions, whilst his thumb flicks against your clit. Your breathing grows heavier, and you struggle to keep quiet as he releases your nipple from his mouth with a gentle ‘pop’.
The fire in your lower belly is burning stronger with each passing second, and you clasp your lip between your teeth as he adds a third digit— the stretch forcing a groan bubbling out of your throat as he laughs softly at the sight of you leaking onto the back of his hand. This time you’re unable to keep it down.
You’re sopping, and so damn tight at this angle— Sam feels his cock twitch with need as he feels you contract around him, the sensation of your nails scratching gently against his scalp, tugging at the roots of his hair giving him goosebumps of his own. He loves the way you sound; the wetness, your unsteady breathing, and your quiet, raspy little moans— even more so knowing that you’re trying and failing to restrain yourself.
“Ohh— shit.” you gasp as his thumb speeds up, stimulating your clit to the point where your breath gets caught in your throat. You’re not far from the edge, but he’s not ready for that yet. Neither are you.
Slowly, he pulls his fingers out of you, and you exhale, a desperate look in your eyes as the emptiness hurts.
He presses his forehead to yours, gently nudging his nose against yours in a display of affection that forces a shy smile from you. His eyes flit to your lips, and back up to your eyes, and just before you take it as a silent invitation to kiss him, his hand is brought up from between your thighs. Your cheeks heat up at the sight of his glistening fingers as he hovers them just in front of your chin.
“Open up.” He whispers, lips tugged into a cocky half-smile. You’re more than happy to oblige, and as your lips part, he slides two slick-covered fingers into your mouth, your tongue lapping up the sticky sweetness as he fixates on your mouth for a moment.
Without so much as looking back up at you, he mutters “My turn.”
As you continue to taste yourself on his skin, Sam gets to his knees, free hand holding a thigh to one side before it moves aside the soaked material of your underwear again.
“So so pretty.” He mutters, voice gruff, eyes ravenous as he takes in the sight of you; glistening, ready. All for him. All because of him. He leans in, hand keeping you exposed as he pulls his fingers from between your lips, instead choosing to keep you wide open for him. His tongue scoops you up, from the bottom of your folds up to your swollen clit, and you shudder, fingers instinctively tightening in his hair as you look down at him.
Sam goes again, this time sucking the sensitive bud in order to draw out a noise from you. You hum; high pitched and needy, leaning your coccyx against the dryer as you spread your legs open a little further.
He groans into you, fingers digging into the fullness of your thighs as his tongue moves; slow and deliberate, as if every stroke, every lick, every bite is a carefully composed note in a well-practiced symphony. The taste of you spurs him on, and through the feeling of your thighs involuntarily tightening around his head as he begins to devour you like you’re the first meal he’s eaten in days, and the slight tug you give his hair every few seconds, a blend of mischief and longing and lust takes him over.
You’re a mess, flustered, muffled moans and curses spilling into your hand, your bare chest heaving as he becomes more unrestrained; he can’t get close enough to you, his nose rubs against your clit while his tongue snakes inside you, pretty, dark eyes flicking up to see the effect that he’s having on you every so often.
You could do this all day. So could he. But you’re approaching your peak far too quickly, and whilst his tongue feels wonderful, you want more. You want him inside you when you finish— you want him to feel what he’s done to you in the most intimate way possible.
“Sam?” You rasp, tugging at his hair slightly harder. “F-fuck, Sam, s—stop.” You tug a little harder, and you whimper as you feel his breath fan over you as he reluctantly allows you to pull him away from your sensitive cunt.
He swallows, chest heaving as he takes in air. “You okay?” He asks, brows furrowed, nose, lips, and chin coated in a glistening layer of your arousal. You have to give yourself a moment to take it in. This is far from the first time you’ve seen him like this, but each time you do, you feel yourself fall in deeper. You nod, hand moving to the back of his neck, drawing him into you. Your lips press against his again, and as his tongue dives into your mouth, sharing with you the tangy sweetness he’s obsessed with, you pull his cock into his other hand. Your thumb smooths over the dribble of pre-cum that’s seeping out of him, and you pump him in your hand a few times just to feel how hard he is. He huffs out through his nose as you squeeze him gently, and as you rub him against your dripping pussy, his arms tighten around you.
You line him up, edging yourself forwards just enough for his tip to breach you, and as he swallows down a quiet moan, you peel your mouth from his and get him to look at you. “You know I love you, right?” You breathe, thumb stroking the bridge of his nose as he looks at you with parted lips.
“I know you love me.” He says, just a little louder than a whisper. He pushes into you, a cuss sighed into your neck as he tucks his head beside you. You swallow a moan as he stills, nestled into you as deep as he can, your arms wrapped around the back of his neck as he gives you a moment to adjust, and him to embrace.
You laugh, quiet and breathy into the shell of his ear. “I know you do.” You say, pressing a kiss just behind his ear as he drags himself part-way out of you. He rocks himself back into you, hips rolling gently as he begins to build a gentle rhythm. He doesn’t want to come just yet. He wants to savour this. To enjoy this perfect glimpse into the normal life he’s never wanted. He loves you. He loves you so much, but he can’t give you everything you want, so you both settle for stolen moments like these.
He quickens the pace ever so slightly, and as he continues to litter the delicate skin of your neck with deep pink nips and wet speckles your eyes close. You cradle his head in your arms as his thrusts grow a little harsher, and he hums out soft, vulnerable moans that make his closeness to his peak all the more evident.
“So good t’me.” He murmurs into your neck as he slots a hand between you, blindly searching for your clit with shaky fingers.
You cry out into his shoulder as he finds it, and you cling onto him with all of your might as he fucks you with more intensity with each passing second.
He grips onto your lower back as he continues to groan into your neck— he pulls you into him with such intensity that every small bruise developing on your chest is stimulated as your tits are crushed harshly against his t-shirt.
Sam goes deeper, sweeter, and your eyes water as he squeezes your clit almost desperately. You grunt, the coil in your abdomen tightening and tightening with each passing second, eyes squeezing shut as he gives up concentrating on your neck, collapsing into the crook of it altogether.
He breathes heavily, grunting as you bite into his shoulder to suppress a scream as you completely lose yourself. You convulse in his arms, your pussy spasming around his cock as you feel your orgasm crash over you, muffled expletives and Sam’s name spilling mindlessly from you as you feel nothing but white hot pleasure. The coil releases, and you fall limp in his grasp as you begin to milk his own orgasm out of him.
“G—God,” He groans, hand snatched from between you as he braces himself against you. He keeps moving as you feel hot ropes of cum fill you, leaning back just enough to see it dribble out of you and onto him.
He stills, foreheads touching again as you catch your breath. You feel his eyebrows scrunch and unscrunch as his breathing slowly becomes steadier, and the intensity of your respective climaxes dim into a soft afterglow.
You feel a hand stroke against your jaw, and he huffs out a laugh as you smile.
“Hi.” He whispers.
“Hey.” Your responding laugh quickly dissipates into a wince as he slides out of you.
He sniffs, with a smile to mirror your own. “Perhaps I should’ve gotten you a towel instead of that thing.” He shakes his head towards the Secret Santa gift lying abandoned on the washer behind him, and you snort.
“Hmm. I mean you could always use them as a cum rag.”
“Love it when you talk all ladylike.” He jokes. “Christmas isn’t over til New Years, the way I see it, so you’ve got plenty of time to model them for me before they’re allowed to be used for something so…menial.”
You shove him playfully, hopping off of the dryer, legs wobbling slightly as you get used to being on the ground again. He throws you your bra and sweater, which you throw on as he relocates his jacket.
You rake your fingers through your hair in hopes that it still looks relatively presentable and suitably covers your thoughtfully gifted hickey-patchwork, before you swipe up the thong and walk over to the door.
“Gonna... take a stealth walk to the bathroom.” You clear your throat, smiling as you rest a hand over the handle.
He nods in response, a half, and slightly coy smile on his lips. As you twist the handle, he gets your attention with a quick “Hey”.
You turn, raising an expectant brow. He clears his throat, nodding as if he’s reassuring himself about something.
“You… you know I love ya too, yeah?”
You smile, taking in the slight nervousness in his eyes. “I know you do. Despite these.” You swing the red monstrosity around your finger before bunching it up and shoving it into your skirt pocket. You give him an endearingly sweet wink, opening the door slowly, exposing the room to the bass boost of Nate’s festive playlist and someone’s dreadful karaoke attempt.
“See you out there?”
He chuckles as he watches you check that the coast is clear. God, he adores you.
“See you out there.”
I love him a normal amount.
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impala-dreamer · 1 year
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~Strange things are brewing in Connecticut, so Dean and Y/N go check it out. After stumbling through town, they fall into something that's been going on a very, very long time. Can they put an end to the bloodshed and make it out unscathed or will they need a little help this time?~
Starring Dean Winchester x Y/N Y/L/N
Featuring Cameos by Sam Winchester, Rowena MacLeod, and OCs
21,500 Words - 13 Chapters
Series Warnings Include: NSFW. Magic. Angst. Captivity. Mentions of Pregnancy/Pregnancy Talk, Sex. Oral. Threesomes, Slavery, Murder, Blood, Not really all that graphic, honestly. NonCon/DubCon, Bickering. Also lots of love and fluff.
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~Sometimes, the person you fight alongside is also the person you with the most. And sometimes all that fighting is hiding other feelings, other desires...~
Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
2615 Words
Warnings: Frenemies to Lovers. Talk of hunt gone wrong. Mentions of blood. Angsty fighting. Sexy kissing. PG-13. Young, cocky Dean.
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~During a break in her convention schedule, Y/N seeks some peace and quiet but ends up with far more than planned.~
Drake Rodger x Fem!Reader
2,243 Words
Warnings: NSFW, Mutual Masturbation, Age Gap, (Reader is in her late 30s), Fluffy, Sexy, Yummy Smluff
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~John Winchester has a hard life and an even harder time keeping his mind off of young Y/N.~
John Winchester x Fem!Reader, Dean Winchester
1,998 Words
Warnings: NSFW, Age Gap, Masturbation, Longing
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~Alone and unprepared, Y/N goes to collect Dean from the bar and convince him to come home. Sam says he has a cure, and she'll be damned if she doesn't at least try to get Dean on board...~
Demon!Dean x Reader, Sam, Castiel
6,331 Words
Warnings: NSFW, Angst, Smut, Demonic Charm, Fingering and Fucking, Mild Violence, Canon Everything, Choking During Sex, Choking not during sex, Lose of consciousness, Yada Yada
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A Story from the YOU Universe
~Joe finds himself getting too close to one of his grad students and he fights the urge to fall completely.~
Joe Goldberg (Jonathan Moore) x F!Reader
5,019 Words
Warnings: NSFW.
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
𓇻 day 2 of  fic days [masterlist] 𓇻
◜  wet but hot. [nathan drake x f!reader x sam drake]   ◞  
― video game: uncharted 4: a thief’s end
― summary: trying to find a magnificent treasure, you want help of drake brothers but they give you more than a hand, something more you could not imagine.
― wc: 5.8k
― warnings&tags: fluff, nsfw, minors dni!, explicit language, cursing, touching, licking, kissing, biting, oral [f receiving], cum, threesome, loving, hugging, being in river, insecure!reader [for a moment], gentle!nathan, rough!sam, jerking, more in the fic. enjoy <3
° × ° × ° × ° × ° × ° × ° × ° × ° × ° × ° × ° × ° × ° × ° × ° × ° × ° × °
   drake brothers. it was all on your mind since you began to work on a mission together; finding a magnificent treasure in an ancient town that was on an island, having so many rivers and trees around. it was far away from eyes, having a little danger but huge columns around the "x" marked place on the map, so, you needed strong partners in crime to fulfill this mission. choosing famous brothers, drake brothers, you met them to ask whether they would like to come with you or not, of course sharing the treasure you would find. 
liking the plan and treasure, and trusting sullivan's approval on you, they agreed to come. and well, it was going all well 'till your eyes changed their focus from treasure to drake brothers who were not helping at all with their, well, some flirting attitudes; nathan was innocent, trying to being friend with you while sam was more flirty than his brother, having no shame. 
all these moments you shared with brothers made you more delicate about them since their places on your life became bigger. they were so fun, so handsome, so attractive, so cute, so broken - you could say so many things about them and this was the problem; having them on your mind and heart for such a long time now and a month you have spent together had to increase. the treasure was hard to reach, so, you needed a new plan, a good one. so, you said you needed to calm down a little bit, gain strength again, having fun moments in the island. 
drake brothers agreed again, giving you time to find a livable place to stay in around the island to take breath between the plans. they needed  it to gain their power back while you needed it to come to your senses. they were your friends, only friends, and liking two of them at the same time was impossible. it was even a sin to have because no, you should not have them on your heart. maybe one, but not two because it wasn't understandable thing.  
"here," you put your bag down on the grass, pointing out a house beside the clean river. the house's inside was ordered and as clean as possible, a livable place for like two or three days. "we can stay in here. it is close to the river; water and bath supply."  
"yes!" sam spoke first while looking at the river, taking a cigarette from his pocket with a lighter, "I really need to clean this fucking dirt from my body." 
"hey!" nathan warned the way his brother talked but you already got used to it. 
"it's okay nat, he is right. we all need a bath." kneeling down, you got your bag back, "you go first, I will clean the house as good as I can." 
nathan already made his way into house too while sam was smoking, looking at you. if he knew how his eyes were making you all shy just like that. 
"I will help. sam can go alone." 
you tried to say it was okay but he just nodded, making you shut your mouth because you knew how much gentleman he was. smiling to him, you said, "thanks." 
as you were about to enter the house, sam's playful voice came from behind you, taking your and nathan's attention to him. "well, you do what you need to there and then, we can all go together. it can be dangerous." 
"are you afraid?" you joked, not paying attention to the first part that much. 
"no, honey, I do not. but you can. so, I will wait for you." 
furrowing one eyebrow, you thought about his offer and realized what he meant by that. "you really did not offer that we all," you showed all of your with your hands, "three of us will bath together, right?" 
sam smirked and nathan looked at him with all red face, same as you. 
taking another breath of his cigarette, leaving the smoke, he said with a smirk on his face, "will you like me to offer that hon?" 
with blushed face, you turned to house's direction, "dumbass." 
you knew sam's smirk widened without looking at his face. entering the house, you left him behind and you could hear nathan's foot steps behind you, letting his bag a table on the first floor. 
"good choice." he left a whistle, impressed of your choice. 
smiling to him, you nodded, "I hope cleaning will not take long. I really want to rest." moving left and right, you planned where to begin, giving enough supplies to nathan too that you picked from the truck you had, you began to clean the dust on the couch and carpets that were dusty but were good enough to sit on or even sleep on.  
"oh, crap!" the voice you heard behind made your turn to nathan who covered in all dust because of taking a carpet from the wall. 
he was so clumsy. it was cute. 
chuckling at him, you touched his arm to take his attention on you, "go and bath in the river cutie." he blushed, "it's okay. I will do it alone." 
nathan looked uncertain, "are you sure? I still can help and we can go -" he stopped suddenly, "ugh, we can go to the river but well separately, I mean." 
looking him with a red face, you gulped, understanding what he was referring to. like sam, he was suggesting to go to the river together but unlike sam, he said it would be separate, you wouldn't bath together. 
"do you want it?" you asked about of sudden, not using your brain at all in that moment. crap! - you cursed inside your head. "I mean, do you want to bathe separately, not together." you left a nervous chuckle. 
he put his hand on his neck, caressing it slowly, looking everywhere except you, "it can be nice, yes, I want that. it's just a normal bathe, isn't it?" 
° ° °
no, it wasn't. it wasn't normal at all! 
sam who came to the river before you left his all clothes on a stone. he was all naked, clearly, and he was leaning towards a stone that was around the river, putting his both arms to it by opening them widely. looking at the sky, he was smoking. his exposed chest had wounds that you wanted to touch them, heal them while your fingers travel on them one by one. you wondered how it would feel like to do that while he was telling you the stories from his previous adventures. however, the idea went as it came because it was impossible for you to reach that dream. 
you felt guilty because you were having fantasies with sam drake but you couldn't help thinking how nathan looked cute while trying to understand how you two would bath separately, the river wasn't that big on this side. why you liked them both? it was a sin. definitely. 
"look who wanted to accept my offer." 
rolling your eyes, you pointed nathan who was covered in dust. "he needs a bath." 
sam chuckled, looking at both of you with a mischief expression on his face. "and mommy here to bathe him?" 
you who already have got used to his odd nicknames, but nathan's sudden cough made you feel odd too because he had pink cheeks. did he found the nickname - nasty? it was just a joke, right? 
"don't be silly, sammy." calling him with a nickname that made you feel closer to him was good and you were saying that whenever you felt shy or so happy. 
turning to nathan, you smiled gently. "don't listen to him, he was joking like always." 
nathan left a 'yeah' reply but it felt like he was disappointed about something - maybe even sad. 
you were about to ask but he changed the subject. "the river isn't big as I thought." 
"it's okay. I will come back later." 
you patted his shoulder, sending a smile. you really wanted to bathe because of feeling all sticky and dirty but you needed to come back later when drake brothers finished. 
"don't be ridiculous. you two, just enter the river already." 
nathan warned him immediately, "leave her alone sam. we can't push her something she doesn't want." 
sam looked like he didn't like nathan's warning. furrowing an eyebrow, he looked at you. "don't you?" 
you were too stunned to speak. or simply, you were afraid because of the answer. yes, you wanted to get into the river together and bringing all those nasty dreams. but you couldn't when you saw nathan's red colored face. 
"sam." his name came out of your mouth so sexy even if you intended it to be sound as a warning. what was wrong with you? 
his smirk grew, "c'mon darling, we aren't teenagers after all, right? we are all grown up and it simply a bathe?" he chuckled, "no one accept you to be naked completely, right nathan?" 
the whole situation was so intense and you wondered how you would get over with this one at the end of the day. 
turning to nathan, you tried to calm down the situation like it was really normal and sam was right. you didn't have to undress completely, you could stay with your underwear. "c'mon. let's get clean. shall we?" 
nathan looked surprised, he wasn't expecting you to accept the offer. his red face was still there and you knew your face looked same as his. even if you were feeling shy, you began to remove your clothes one by one. leaving them on a stone, you saw how nathan began to undress as well. 
you saw drake brothers shirtless from time to time when they needed medical treatment you give, or simply feeling hot. you got used to that moments but now, it was different. you knew sam was naked from head to toe, his boxer standing on the stone with the rest of his clothes. however, you also knew nathan wouldn't remove the boxer he had and your assumption happened to be true when you saw how he jumped into the river with a black boxer on without waiting for you, feeling so shy. he was nathan after all. he was shy even if he was being so flirty and funny with you. 
when you stopped watching nathan who was swimming beautifully, the sun's rays were shining on him, giving you a great view to look at. but you needed to stop. so, you turned to yourself, removing remaining clothes of yours 'till you had only your basic looking white underwear on.  
when you gained the confident back, you raised your head only to find the view on your sight; nathan was standing in the middle of the river, looking directly at you while standing on foot. his expression was intense - even passionate, having pink cheeks still. and then there was sam, the older one, standing in the same position you first came here but looking at you rather than the sky. his cigarette was gone. his half-wet long hair was flying thanks to the wind. his expression was more intense than nathan and you didn't know how to handle these both men's stares that were making you feel hotter in each minute. 
as nathan turned to other side after caught, sam stayed the same and you entered the river slowly; because of both feeling shy and a little naughty, your movements were slow enough to take their attention back to you, well, nathan's one since sam's attention remained same.
firstly, your foot entered the water. making you saying a little 'ahh' under your breath because of the coldness of it. that little voice made drake brothers move a little bit without their own control. it was like an instinct. 
then, slowly still, you entered the water completely 'till your foot reached the ground, leaving only your chest exposed. half of your breasts and lower parts of your body stayed under water. 
you didn't want your hair get wet, not yet. so, you just began to swim carefully and slowly while drake brothers turned back what they were doing, breaking their piercing gazes on your body that made you feel so - beautiful back there. they would be death of you. soon. 
swimming on the river, you let the cold water run through your skin, calming you down, giving freshness. 
without getting under water, you swum, reaching the edge of the river that remained on the right side of sam who decided to continue to swim before turning back to his previous position. 
taking deep breaths, drake brothers came into the vision; they were leaning towards the edges of the river like you. 
"well?" sam asked, breaking the silence between three of you while he stayed on your left and nathan on the right. you on the middle. 
"what?" you asked. 
"it isn't bad at all to bathe together, right?" 
you rolled your eyes, chuckling a little, "it isn't a bathe, sammy. we are just swimming." 
"it's same for me anyway." sam said, closing his eyes. 
closing your eyes like sam did, you left your body and mind relax with river's water that your body got used to. feeling sun's hot rays on your exposed body mixed with the fresh feeling that river was giving made you lose yourself in the moment. it was so good to be able to make the mind silent for a bit but it all changed again when the skin of yours began to tickle like the one spiderman has. 
without opening your eyes, you smiled to drake brothers. "like what you see boys?" 
it was a joke but it felt like a - trigger. trigger for them to be more brave. you didn't think just the question made them so brave and confident but it was the fact that two of you were close to be naked completely and sam already was. 
"yes, we did. right, nat?" 
sam's voice was different than before - it sounded like he wished to same more. so, you opened your eyes when nathan added, "he's just joking." 
you nodded, ready to tell him it was okay but your eyes trailed nathan's gazes, only to see how he looked at your visible nipples through the thin fabric of your top due to getting wet. how did you forget that you were in the water! - you cursed yourself. however, you had to admit that both sam's voice and nathan's gazes gave you an arousal without your own control. 
it was a sin, yes, but now you knew that these two were ready to take this sin too and without thinking twice, saying 'fuck it' under your breath, you decided to do whatever you wanted in this particular moment, realizing that after the mission is done you wouldn't see each other again. so, risk taking part of you was there, making you smile shyly but confidently. 
"I wasn't." 
that made drake brothers stunned a bit, a shocked expression appeared on their attractive faces, not believing you would say this. even sam who was speaking openly in these kinds of situations seemed shocked. 
not expected your reply, nathan started to swim towards you. sam watched him carefully and you couldn't help but feel hotter with each overarm nathan took. he finally came to your side, standing beside you, he put his hands on the stones next to you. as you looked at his exposed chest, built strong and well, he said, “we can go back if you are uncomfortable and I can bring a t-shirt of mine for you.” 
he was so cute and innocent but right now, you were like under the influence of an aphrodisiac that made you go crazy. now, you weren’t thinking, no, it stayed behind. now, it was time to act the way you wanted the most in previous intimate moments you had with drake brothers. “why?” you asked, tilting your head a little, “didn’t you like it? does it disturb you?” 
it could be the most surprising day of nathan drake because of the increasing number of his shocked face expression. he wasn’t expecting all of these at all. it was odd but from the way his eyes’ color changed from lighter to darker ones, you knew how he was holding him back. you weren’t dumb. maybe they didn’t like you innocently, not fall in love with you but they completely liked you in their own way; not love. something else, like they were unfamiliar to this either. 
nathan chose reply the question with a question. “would you like me to – like it?” 
now, it was your turn to stay silent for a while before looking at sam who was smirking secretly, watching how nathan and you were so close to each other. “stop being fucking teenagers and act as the way you want.” he then approached to you, standing like nathan did but on your other side. having two hot brothers on your both sides, the heat of your body was raising. even the coldness of the water wasn’t helping. “don’t you see what she is trying little brother?” asking the question to nathan, sam put his right hand on your cheek, caressing it slowly and gently, “isn’t it right sweetheart?” 
“what?” you asked, having hard time to not to close your eyes under sam’s gentle touches. 
“wanting us.” it was so true. it was so fucking true. you wanted them. you wanted them so much that it was hurting. not having enough power to lie anymore, you nodded slowly, feeling shy. with a blushed face, you looked at nathan, your life saver – savior in these kinds of moments. he was your safe place. however, the sparkles on his eyes were different than before, dangerous ones. even his eyes color became darker than before under the sun.
“is it true?” nathan asked again to get a clear answer.
finally having encourage to speak aloud, you said, “yes. it is.”
while you two shared a look – an intense one that was unbreakable, sam turned to nathan, “see? I knew she wanted us. you should listen to me sooner.”
furrowing, you turned to sam, “what are you talking about?”
giving a smirk, maybe for the hundredth time in the day, he said, “nathan and I talked about how you wanted us. well,” he rolled his eyes, “nathan kept saying how it wasn’t innocent to think in such way about you but you see,” he put his hand on nathan’s shoulder, shaking him a little, “my brother has a liking on you. he has his own – fantasies as well.”
“sam!” nathan warned him with a shout while you were all in shock, not believing sam fully, you turned to nathan.
“nathan,” you touched his cheek to make him look at you. he raised his eyes from the surface of water to your face, “is it true?” he just nodded and this was sufficient for you to smile – to have explosions on your chest with knowing that not only you but they wanted this too. caressing his cheek like sam did to you, you said, “then, what is the meaning of waiting?”
connecting your lips together, you felt euphoria. his lips on yours, his warmness on yours, he all over you was the thing you body ached so much but now, finally reaching it, everywhere on your body found pure passionate. losing yourself with nathan’s moving warm lips, his hands on your cheek and neck, you forgot about sam drake ‘till he made his presence remarkable again with using his talented mouth, beginning to kiss your free shoulder and neck slowly that turned into biting, leaving marks the placed he was biting and licking.
moaning into nathan’s mouth, you had no longer mind the pink or red colors on your face and body. shyness was still there but it left its huge place to a nasty – a naughty one that was seeking for its cure; nathan’s and sam’s hungry touches.
with your little moans, nathan became more daring; beginning to touch your breasts through the thin fabric of your top. sam then pushed nathan a little bit, “my time to taste these pretty lips.” from the beginning, it was clear that he was the talking type in the intimate moments. nathan left your lips unwillingly, but after finding his new interest; your breasts, he left sam alone who didn’t wait for you to take breaths before kissing you roughly. unlike nathan whose kissing was gentle and loving, sam was kissing you roughly enough to leave your lip hurting a little. nathan was trying to show his loving side while sam was showing his possessive side.
as this whole thing went further with each closer touch, you came to conclusion that difference of drake brothers was a blessing. you both had rough and gentle sides of them while forgetting about everything – even wrinkled skin of yours due to being in the water for such a long time. 
the moment sam found your aching pussy that was hungry for a touch – for an action because of the all kiss, licking, and touching of drake brothers stayed on left and right sides, you left a louder moan. the moan even you were surprised to let out took nathan’s attention while sam’s fingers were working on your clothed pussy.
“you are so beautiful.” nathan said, caressing your neck while his other hand squeezing one of your breasts. feeling so loved and enjoyed, you allowed nathan to take your top and sam to take your panties, leaving you all exposed.
both of them stayed still for a second, watching how your exposed body moved in the water with intense gazes. you felt shy again but sam became savior of yours this time, pointing the grass behind you that looked comfy with its abundant flowers, “we should get out before freezing.” he caressed your chin with his fingers, smirking, “and I can’t wait to see you completely. what you think, nathan? I believe she has a wonderful wet pussy but not because of water.” he asked his little brother who went out the water, giving you a hand to get out too. firstly, you had an insecure about showing your nude body to them. you dreamed about this moment but some devilish thoughts were still there. however, they all vanished when sam who felt your uncertainty to get out the water touched your back gently, kneeling towards your ear, “you are so beautiful and we can’t wait to see it honey. we want to see how you will stay in, well, particular positions, under this shiny sun.”
you expected nathan to speak in this way, but sam was there too for you when you felt a bad mood even in this moment. smiling widely, you kissed sam’s cheek, and left him all stunned because of sudden delicate action. holding nathan’s hand, you got out the water, leaving your exposed body on their sights.
nathan took his jacket suddenly, putting it on the ground. he left your body on that jacket. you kissed him, smiling after breaking the kiss. “you are so thoughtful nathan. I am glad. I – I really like this side of you.”
smiling shyly, nathan kissed your lips again, looking like he wouldn’t have enough of them. as his bigger body covered yours, you felt his hardened cock on your exposed pussy. realizing how he needed your touch, you put your hands on his boxer, remove it with his help, you touched his exposed cock, slowly at first but then beginning to jerk him off, making him let an audible moan, giving you proud and passionate feelings in return with a smile.
sam came to your side as well, having two condoms on his hands. so, that’s why he vanished for a second.
nathan began to kiss you while you were lying down, his cock on your hand, still jerking him off.
sam pushed his little brother again, he was nude like you do. nathan’s body was more built, having strong posture while sam’s older one stayed smaller than him but having a charismatic one. you found both of their bodies attractive and beautiful. these two brothers had specific features on their own that made you fall for them more – deeper this time.
“patience.” sam said, “first, we should give her the pleasure she deserves.”
nathan nodded, leaving your lips. he stayed on top of your body, looking at your eyes directly, “tell us what you want. oh y/n, you don’t know how much I want to touch every part of your lovely body. the beauty you have in your heart has its effects on your body too. you are so beautiful in every way.”
with pink cheeks you had, you couldn’t help but smile widely to nathan. putting one of your hands on nathan’s shoulder, you said, “you are making me feel so good nathan.”
sam added, “oh honey, we will do more than that.” he found his own place on your left side, leaving these two men’s bigger bodies cover yours. “just tell us what you want.” he kissed you while nathan’s tongue touched your breasts to kiss, lick and bite them.
moaning into sam’s mouth this time, you realized how lucky you were; not one but two of them were there for you, ready to do whatever you wanted them to do, giving all of their attentions and interests on you and your body, feeling high because of the feelings you three were feeling in the mind-blowing moment. it was a sin after all, yes, but it was worth it.
leaving your lips, sam said again, “will you tell us what you want or your little brain lost its functions because of us?”
he was right. your brain wasn’t working, not anymore, you even didn’t feel like you had one in the first place. nodding to him, you said, “I just want you – I want both of you all over. I want to feel.”
sam looked at nathan who was sucking your now sensitive nipples, leaving red marks on them like they were holding him alive. “hey, needy,” sam smirked, taking nathan’s attention, “hold her from behind. I want to taste that amazing pussy of her.”
sam’s explicit language made you all red. he was a good talker. just with his talking he could make you cum.
nathan listened his big brother, changing his position from standing on top of you to staying behind you. as his chest touched your back, his hardened cock’s tip touched your ass, both of his arms and legs hugged your body, making you feel smaller. his hot breaths hit your neck while his big palms held your breasts, caressing them with paying attention to your hard nipples. “open your legs wider.” nathan said, wanting you to open your legs wider to leave sam enough space to eat your pussy. sam positioned himself, kneeling towards your ached pussy that twitched with each step he took. when his warm tongue finally touched your pussy, entering to inside without any further permission after putting some kisses, leaving some bites and licks over here and there, he left you nothing but to moan – to scream loud enough to make you feel shy again.
while your moaning lost its control, letting out of your mouth, nathan’s hands speeded up. he began to kiss your neck and shoulder, wherever he could find to take some of your attention back to him.
when you touched sam’s long hairs, feeling its softness, you moaned more, closing your legs because of wanting more of his tongue – more of him. as his head compressed by your thighs, he left a low moan to, making your core vibrate, sending you pleasure. “sam! –“ you shouted his name. this made sam to look up, to your face. he left a smirk, then, he turned to eat your deeper this time, boosted by the moan of yours that contained his name.
nathan who probably felt jealously, held your hand, making you turn to him. the moment you turned, his lips crashed yours, kissing them passionately and intensively enough to make you cry. “nathan! –“ you screamed his name between the kisses, making him calming down a little.
“I want to hear you moan my name while I am fucking you.” nathan said, kissing your face as you closed because of feeling both so high with sam’s tongue, and so loved with nathan’s kisses.
“then, wait for your turn. it is my time to make him moan with my name.” sam bit your thigh strongly, probably leaving a mark that would stay for a few days. moaning in pain, you heard sam again, “c’mon sweetheart. show me how much you enjoy. cum.”
with that – with his bossy side, you understood his power on you; with one word, he made you cum – and some additional licking and entering your pussy deeper while holding your thighs strongly as well. “sam!”
cumming to his mouth and face, you saw how sam continued to lick your pussy through your cum, drinking every bit of it. it was a scene that wouldn’t remove from your memory; sam standing between your thighs, holding you in your place, licking and drinking the cum in pleasure.
“you don’t know how good taste you have, sweetie. I will never be tired of drinking it.”
caressing his hair, you smiled, “and I will never be tired of having you like this, samuel. it was so good.”
with your praising, he left a proud smirk, looking up to nathan’s face who was probably had an angry face in the moment. when sam was about to say something, you hushed him, turning to nathan, not wanting him to feel as left. “nathan,” you touched his hair with your other hand. “please.” you begged and he became eager to hear more, leaving all bad moods he had just now.
“please what?” he asked, kissing you again. “I can’t understand what you want if you don’t say it aloud.”
he knew what you were asking for but he needed to hear it coming out of your mouth to feel better – to feel confident again. he needed to know that you didn’t leave him alone – you wanted him like you wanted sam, maybe even more.
“I want to feel you inside me nathan. I need you.”
sam added, “give her what she needs nathan.”
nodding to you, nathan changed his position again. he lied you down again on the jacket, going on top of you. sam who stood up looked at both of you when you turned to him with a questioned expression. “I will leave you two alone this time even if how much I want to fuck that pussy of your.” he showed nathan, “my shy little brother needs to be alone with you.”
you looked to his still hard cock, “but –“
he waved, smirking, “don’t worry, you will have enough time to choke on my cock beauty. just, not this now.”
he then left you two alone. he was a good brother; he knew how nathan was sensitive in these situations, not wanting to have someone on his side while you two get this closer for the first time.
trusting sam’s choice, you looked at nathan who looked at you back.
“nathan,” you hugged his shoulder, feeling his cock on your pussy. you began to ache in pain. you needed him right now. “I am ready.” you gave him the last permission that made him to begin act.
kissing you gently one last time, he speeded up in taking actions, entering your core with his two fingers. your core was already so sensitive after sam’s eating part and nathan’s long fingers were fast and rough, like he was trying to make you forget sam and his touches. he didn’t mind share you with his brother as you understood but he wanted you to focus on him when he was touching you like this, not sam at all.
to make him calm down and feeling so great, you didn’t hold you back to moan his name, not feeling shy to be loud enough to make sam hear you. a devilish side of you wanted him to hear.
nathan’s fingers vanished, and instead of them, his thick cock entered your core slowly, getting you ready. as his cock reached to walls of your core, leaving you breathless, losing your mind and seriously this time, you screamed, “nathan! – ugh, I need – I need you to move. please,” you begged again, “please move!”
it was what nathan needed to fuck you mindlessly, helping you to reach the second climax – euphoria with his strong, deep and rough thrusts. his speed was making your thighs become red. you even closed your eyes, throwing your head behind because it was so hard to endure the both pain and great pleasure nathan was giving you to while having an expression that was showing how well he knew his and his cock’s effects on you – enjoying to watch it, having his own pleasure to finally being inside of you and making you so – pathetic, needy and greedy for his cock.
“y/n,” he left a moan, saying your name between his breaths that were hard to gain due to being in a huge pleasure that looked impossible for him ‘till this day. “you are so so – so beautiful. I dreamed about this but – I never expected it to be so – unbelievable.” he began to kiss you with the same rhythm he was thrusting, “I know that I will be addicted.” he confessed, giving your heart a warm feeling – the one you wanted to have in there for the rest of your life.
when your hands found their places on his short hair, pulling them, you used your brain for one last time, “I love you, nathan.” you confessed, not minding the consequences of it. you needed to say this – you needed him to hear.
nathan’s slowed down rhythm became speeded up again and with some last strong thrusts he gave to you, you both cum together. his body crashed against yours for some certain time to come to your senses, then, he kissed your forehead long. lying down beside you, he put your head to his chest, giving you a feeling of being protected. he kissed your hair this time, and a low voice came out of him – low but determined. “I love you too.” he then added, “sam loves you too.”
smiling to you, you said, “I love sam too.” you turned to him, “I am not sure what the future will bring within itself, but right now, I can feel the love I have for you and him, and I want to be together.” you smiled gently, “for a lifetime.”
“me too,” nathan said, “me too.”
and from that day, you three knew how a complex – even difficult life you would have but you also knew how you would stick together, endure every of them. you loved them and they loved you. it was all matter.
the end. 🍏
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daincrediblegg · 8 months
OMG imagine my surprise when I look at the tags of the uncharted concept art u relogged and find out u used to have Sam as an f/o. Way back last year I watched an entire playthrough of Uncharted: A Thief’s End which resulted in me being ABSOLUTELY smitten with the character of Sam Drake, binge reading a bunch of Sam x reader fics and then here I am being reminded of that today !!
HEY NO KIDDING!!! small fucking world but YEAH MAN YEAH!!! I FUCKING ADORE SAM!!! Like honestly I fell so in love with him like god damnit... Uncharted 4 had a lot of pathos in a way that I feel like the others lacked in some way or another (hot take but I didn't grow up with the series- I only really dipped into it when I finally got a ps4 a few years ago) and seriously. I have not forgotten him. Really makes it only that much more of a shame that the series won't be back (probably) because seriously. He had so much going on I wanna see more of him! LIKE!!! HE'S SO COOL!!! HE'S NOT JUST A DUMB THEIF!!! HE'S LIKE SUPER SMART AND KNOWS HIS HISTORY GODDAMN WELL!!! HE COULD BE A PROFESSOR BUT HE ISN'T HE'S BEEN IN PRISON!!! I fucking love him. And also he's just further proof of my adoration for older fucking men. He's a dream. (and actually- I used to have a couple stickers of him on my old laptop that I just got re-printed with my terror sticker set I got recently! would've put him on my water bottle but he's too big 😭😭😭😭)
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June 2023 Fic Rec List
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Sorry, the list is so late this month and so short.
Besides being away on vacation, it has been very busy in my little world recently.
There are still plenty of amazing fics to read, though!
Many of these blogs and fics are NSFW-18+. Please honor any requests from a blog regarding no minors. I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume; heed the warnings for each fic.
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The Best of You ~ @princessmisery666. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Steve Rogers x reader)
The Reason, The Answer ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Bucky Barnes x Gender Neutral Reader)
Through These Crazy Times ~ @girl-next-door-writes. Author's Summary: You and Clint have been keeping your new relationship a secret from the rest of the team, but a slip up leads to Clint deciding he doesn’t want to hide any more.
What You Gave Me ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Sam Wilson x Reader)
You Should'a Kissed Me ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author’s Summary: None (Drabble; Bucky Barnes)
Teachable Moments ~ @impala-dreamer. Author’s Summary: After watching the latest episode of The Winchesters with their new cast, Y/N and Jensen keep the party going with Drake once the crowd leaves. Drinks are poured, old episodes are watched, and things get very interesting…
Babe I'm gonna leave you ~ @waywardbaby. Author's Summary: None (Reader x Dean; written from Reader’s POV.)
Bravery in the Depths ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Deep ~ @thoughtslikeaminefield. Author's Summary: Dean shows her more about pleasure than ‘deep’.
Hold Her Tight ~ @waywardbaby. Author's Summary: A story of a deep need to feel someone close to you
I'm Driving ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
No Title ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester)
Midnight Espresso ~ @zepskies. Author's Summary: You’ve never taken Dean’s flirting seriously…until he asks you for an impromptu Spanish lesson.
Tell Me About... (No Summaries)
riding Dean late at night
Whole lotta love ~ @waywardbaby. Author's Summary: Sometimes getting left behind isn’t a bad thing! (Dean x Reader)
Yours to Hold ~ @princessmisery666. Author's Summary: Dean lives in a fantasy that isn’t that far from the truth. 
~The Boys~
Prey For Me ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Nothing’s worse than being chased through the woods by an all powerful supe… except, maybe, getting caught… (Soldier Boy (Ben) x F!Reader)
On Patreon
Rebekah Jordan (Impala-Dreamer)
Asteroids and Love ~ Author's Summary: It's movie night and while Y/N still has a lot of questions for Bucky, she'd rather put them aside and give him just a fraction of the love he deserves.
Just Wrong ~ Author’s Summary: John Winchester has a hard life and an even harder time keeping his mind off of young Y/N.
Slow Like Honey ~ Author's Summary: When Dean makes a deal with Michael, things go really well. Until they go really... really wrong...
When The Rivers Rise ~ Author’s Summary: Alone and unprepared, Y/N goes to collect Dean from the bar and convince him to come home. Sam says he has a cure, and she'll be damned if she doesn't at least try to get Dean on board...
Someone To Watch Over Me-Parts 19 & 20 ~ Author’s Summary: (AU) Y/N is married to a very rich, decidedly unscrupulous and powerful man.  A man whose inability to trust means he hires someone to watch over his wife while he isn’t around. He hires Dean Winchester, a handsome stranger to Y/N, who is soon to become a very big part of her life.
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Doesn't Mean They're Lost Forever
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iXEnM9y
by lizziesromanova
An Au set in a Marvel/Aos/Xmen universe where Y/n discovers that there have been unknown guests living in her house... and she's now determined to make everything okay for them.
Words: 16158, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Gen
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Tessa | Sage, Jean Grey, Scott Lang, Scott Summers, Maria Hill, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Moira MacTaggert, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Raven | Mystique, Logan (X-Men), Ororo Munroe | Bloodstorm, Hank McCoy, Rogue (X-Men), Remy LeBeau, Kurt Wagner, Colossus, Bobby Drake, Jubilee, Kitty Pryde, Alex Summers, Warren Worthington II, Nathaniel Malick, Wade Wilson, Lorna Dane, Toad (X-Men), Pyro, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Vision (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, James "Bucky" Barnes, Hope Van Dyne, Carol Danvers, Peter Quill, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Grant Ward, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez, Jeffrey Mace, Holden Radcliffe, Daniel Sousa, Wong (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Nick Fury
Relationships: Wanda Maximoff/Reader, Pietro Maximoff/Tessa | Sage, Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov, Moira MacTaggert/Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr & Charles Xavier
Additional Tags: Protective Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff Lives, Lesbian Wanda Maximoff, Teen Jean Grey, Jean Grey Lives, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - College/University
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iXEnM9y
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Choices Crossover Fics 2023 Masterlist
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+
January 2023
History Hates Lovers ✒️| Red Carpet Diaries / Desire & Decorum |Thomas Hunt x F!MC, Anabelle Parsons x F!MC - @peonyblossom
March 2023
Blood Moon ✒️| Bloodbound / Wolf Bride | Adrian Raines x F!Reader x M!OC - @khoicesbyk 🔥
Immortal Desires Harris (Series) | Immortal Desires / My Two First Loves Noah Harris x MC - @korgbelmont Part 5 ✒️ Part 6: Finale ✒️
May 2023
Harris A New Life ✒️| Immortal Desires / My Two First Loves |Noah Harris (MTFL) x Gabriela Adalhard (ID) - @korgbelmont
Serendipity ✒️Ⓜ️| The Royal Romance/ Open Heart | Drake Walker x MC, Bryce Lahela x MC - @deb-1106 and @walkerismychoice
Serendipity Part 2 ✒️| The Royal Romance / Open Heart | Drake Walker x MC, Bryce Lahela x MC - @deb-1106 and @walkerismychoice
In Times of Comfort ✒️| The Royal Romance / Red Carpet Diaries |Thomas Hunt x F!OC - @alj4890
Once (Series) | The Royal Romance / Red Carpet Diaries | Sam Dalton, Ethan Ramsey, Robin Flores - @peonierose Part 4 ✒️Ⓜ️
June 2023:
Angels in Hell ✒️| A Courtesan of Rome / Open Heart | Marc Anthony x MC, Tobias Carrick x MC - @boneandfur
Répondez,S'il Vous Plaît! ✒️ | Immortal Desires / It Lives | Multiple Pairings - @aallotarenunelma 🏳️‍🌈
Répondez,S'il Vous Plaît ! 2 (AU Series) ✒️| Immortal Desires / It Lives | Multiple Pairings - @aallotarenunelma 🏳️‍🌈
Dancing with Our Hands Tied ✒️| The Royal Romance / Rules of Engagement |Leo Rys x F!MC - @leelee10898
Friends with Rollerskates ✒️| Bloodbound / Open Heart | BB!F!OC and OH!M!OC - @ezekielbhandarivalleros
One Night in Cordonia (Round Robin) | The Royal Romance / Open Heart - @jerzwriter Chapter 8: All's Well That Ends Well ✒️Ⓜ️
July 2023
you’ll find me on my tallest tiptoes, spinning in my highest heels, love, shining just for you ✒️| Hot Coture & Crimes of Passion | Marco Di Vincezo x F!MC, Marguerite Thorne x F!OC - @peonyblossom
The Royal Romance, Crimes of Passion, Desire & Decorum, Blades of Light and Shadow
Shadows & Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery Parts 1 & 2 ✒️| Various Pairings - @storyofmychoices
Shadows & Deceptions: A Royal MurderMystery Parts 3 & 4 ✒️| Various Pairings - @storyofmychoices
The Royal Romance / Crimes of Passion / Desire & Decorum/ Blades of Light & Shadow
Shadows & Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery Parts 5 & 6 ✒️| Various Pairings - @storyofmychoices
Shadows & Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery Parts 7 & 8 ✒️| Various Pairings - @storyofmychoices
August 2023
Crimes of Passion / Nightbound
Crimes/Nightbound Drabble ✒️| Nik Ryder x MC, Trystan Thorne x MC - @lilyoffandoms
October 2023
Disembodied (Series) ✒️| Adrian Raines x MC, Nik Ryder x MC - @mynotsohealthyobsession Part 3 (of 8)
Endless Summer/Hero
Let the Shadows Fall Behind You ✒️| Jake McKenzie x MC, ES!MC & Hero!MC - @saibug1022
November 2023
Disembodied (Series) Part 5 ✒️ | Adrian Raines x MC, Nik Ryder x MC - @mynotsohealthyobsession
December 2023
Disembodied - Part 6/8 ✒️| Adrian Raines x MC, Nik Ryder x MC - @mynotsohealthyobsession
The Nanny Affair/Open Heart
Once (Series) ✒️| Sam Dalton, TNA F!MC, Ethan Ramsey by @peonierose Part 5
Immortal Desires / It Lives Anthology
Jouluyö - Christmas Night ✒️🏳️‍🌈🌟| Various Pairings - @aallotarenunelma
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moodmusicmonday · 2 years
Whoop! Whoop! Another amazing mix for y'all to put on as you go about your day! Seriously! Just click on the playlist above, and BAM! Now you have a little part of the FANDOM wherever you go!
Thank you writers for sending in your songs! And as always, your support, both creators and readers, make this blog possible, so thank you so much for interacting with us! We love y'all!
Stay tuned for a special announcement about NEXT week!
“Flicker” - Niall Horan; Best Kept Secrets, Chapter 4: It Echoes A Spark (TRR; Liam Rys x f!OC)
“I’m Doing Fine” - Mike Waters; Breaking Point, Chapter 9: I Need Your Hand But I Don’t Want To Burn It (TRR; Liam Rys x MC)
“The Good Part” - AJR; The Rotten Apple, Chapter 14, Finale: The Good Part [TRH & Beyond; Eleanor (Elle) x m!OC (Nico); Liam x Riley]
“Night Falls” - Sam Riggs; Written in the Stars, Part 6: The Hole in Your Heart That You Can’t Shake [TRR AU; Drake Walker x f!OC (Zoe Adamos)]
“Wilderness” - Brave Holiday (series inspo); All The Things We Run From ☆NEW☆ mini-series (OPH; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
Losing Game one-shot [OPH; Bryce Lahela x f!OC (Luna Auclair)]
- ”Arcade” - Duncan Laurence
- “Back to Back” - Duncan Laurence, Wrabel
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durrtydawg · 3 months
(Sam Drake x F!Reader)
This is a lil love letter to those of you who feel like you’re not worthy of being loved in the same way as those in smaller bodies. Not expecting much traction on this, but it's self-indulgent and I'm just happy I wrote something. Though primarily written with chunky gals (me) in mind, I still hope this can soothe anyone who feels uncomfortable in their own skin. CW: There’s a subtle discussion of fat fetish subculture here (it is absolutely NOT glorified- Quite the opposite, in fact. No shame to those who dig that kind of thing, but it’s not my vibe which I’m sure you’ll be able to tell), so if that’s something you feel uncomfortable thinking about, pls move on. Of course, I wrote this with Sam in mind because I’m a whore, but honestly, this could just be anyone. I’m struggling big time, but this was a nice spoonful of medicine and a necessary moment of reflection. Not for everyone, but regardless, I hope you enjoy :) x
Sam’s hands are used to ‘rough’. To unforgiving iron bars. Crumbling stone. Splintered wood. The stippled rubber of weaponry grip. He’s got the callouses to prove it.
For a long time, it was all he knew. It was him. Rough. There was never a need for contrast.
He thought that it would demand caution. To have to sacrifice everything he’d started to reclaim and do for himself. He doesn’t want to be careful. So for a long time, he avoided anything ‘soft’.
But with her, he realised that not only did he want it, but he needed it. With her, he can indulge. With her, he’s able to grab and squeeze and tug with abandon. To soothe the soreness of his fingertips within her smooth, yielding ‘soft’. 
To him, she is everything, even when she saw herself as nothing.
She’s not a reflection of glossy front covers. Nor the proportionately sculpted forms that stand sentinel in the halls of museums or the centre of fountains. She doesn’t believe it, but to him, she has always been a masterpiece unto herself.
‘A lump’, she used to call herself. A playground insult. Not harmless, but on the surface, tame. “I’m a lump compared to all these girls.”
He was cooking— the first time he heard her say it. She was perched on the counter, traipsing from one online clothing store to the next, paying more attention to the models than the outfits. He laughed. “Ridiculous,” he replied, shaking his head as the wooden spoon in his hand cut through bubbling ragu- a specialty. A comfort. Reminiscent of his mother’s existence. He held the spoon up to her lips, prying her face away from blue light with a hand stretched over her thigh.
To him, the word ‘lump’ meant discomfort. An anomaly. A flaw. A slab of something undesirable that took up space much to the disdain of others in its proximity. In his eyes she was the furthest away from any of those things he thought possible.
“Here. It’s missing somethin’.” 
He lied.
He knew it was perfect. He just wanted to watch her eat. To pass his mother’s affection to her.
She hesitated, then shook her head.
He frowned, hand moving from thigh to soft jaw. “Open up f’me”, he urged, eyes narrowed.
A warm flush tinted her cheeks and eye contact broke. 
For a fleeting moment, she considered whether or not there there was a deep-rooted fetish involved in his attraction to her. So she asked him if that was the case.
When he realised what she was implying, for the first time, he saw the cracks ran deeper than just a childish nickname. She was so worn down that she truly believed the only way someone could find her attractive was if they reduced her to some sort of Machiavellian fixation.
He realised that the thought had crossed his mind once before. And he hated himself for it.
He’d read about it years ago- it was featured in some dirty contraband magazine whilst he was inside. He found himself reflecting on it again after he’d gotten hard from her licking cake batter off the spoon when he’d visited her apartment for the first time. But he had come to the conclusion the whole kink thing wasn’t him. This wasn’t objectification. Control. Coercion. He’d feel the same regardless of her size. 
It wasn't about the superficial aspects of her appearance or some strange fetishisation of consumption and weight, but rather about nourishing her in every sense of the word. Mind, body, soul.
She’d called herself a lump. This was merely his way of telling her that she was wrong. That she’s just as deserving of food and love and sex as anyone else.
And with that realisation, the fear that had momentarily gripped him slipped away as he swore there was nothing untoward about the way he felt about her.
He understood the depth of his feelings. For once, his words didn’t fail him, and he explained it plainly: he loved her. All of her. He’d found a sense of purpose and belonging he had never known before. He wanted her to feel cherished. Cared for. To make up for everyone who had ever done her wrong, and equally, showing that he was capable of nurturing in a way that he’d not been shown since his childhood. This was therapeutic for him.
Months later, he’d caught her crying in front of the mirror. An outfit not looking the way she wanted it to. And she did it again. Called herself a ‘lump’. This time, he didn’t laugh. She argued back at him when he told her not to call herself shit like that. That she was gorgeous just as she was. She called him a liar. Spat venom. But he kept on repeating it. That she’s beautiful. That she’s everything. Again and again, even as he fucked her against the mirror, kissing away tears and revering in every inch of her beauty that she despised.
She cried again that night. But this time it was because he had finally begun to turn her self perception on its sorry head.
He needs the soft, yes, but here she realised she needs the rough. The persistent reminders and the tough love.
Sam’s insomnia is a blessing now. He listens to her breathe and watches her eyelids twitch, smiling to himself as he wonders what she’s dreaming about, legs tangled, skin on skin. She hugs his arm into her chest as his other traverses over the curves and bumps and dimples she’s trying so hard to fall in love with the same way he has.
He whispers words of adoration, hoping they'll seep into those dreams, mending the cracks in her fragile self-esteem. And more. Kintsugi.
Sam sighs into her skin. Once upon a time the things he whispers to her would’ve been a front. Cheap flattery. Dive bar bait. Generic honey that drips off of the tongue and down into strangers’ ears so they get lured in just long enough for a moment of selfish pleasure.
But now the honey comes from his heart. The pit of his stomach. The deepest recesses of his mind. Genuine and raw. Just for her. 
It’s frightening. One day you’re single and proud of it, swearing never to shackle yourself down with commitment and societal expectations, and the next, you’re ready to lay down your entire life for the sake of helping someone realise their self-worth.
He knows that loving her isn't just about declaring shallow affection— it's about showing her, in every tender touch and lingering gaze, that she is worthy of worship, exactly as she is. And as he holds her close, thumb smoothing over her cheek as she sleeps, he vows to spend a lifetime proving it.
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txemrn · 2 years
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Happy Friday, Tumblr friends!
Under the cut is a musical preview of a few of my WIPs that I am submitting for @moodmusicmonday's Fall Preview Event! They're even having a giveaway just for sharing my music inspo! Everyone is invited to participate--writers AND readers! Check out the details here! If you have any questions, DM me!
Never Really Over *new* (working title; future chapter)
TNA AU; m!Sam Dalton x MC (Brynn Schuyler-Dalton)
sequel to Once... Always...; after their divorce is finalized, a spark still remains between Sam and Brynn. After a night of passion, she agrees to give him a second chance, but only if he can prove his loyalty.
Ricochet (future chapter)
OPH post-series; Ethan Ramsey x f!OC (Tatum Erikson)
Pour Two Glasses (future chapter)
TRR AU; Liam Rys x MC, Drake Walker x MC
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Hey y'all! It's been a wild ride, but I think this is the end of the blog.
While I've loved connecting with some really lovely people (@sicparvismorrigan, @durrtydawg, @missdictatorme, @godidontevenknowwhat, and @mariinara, especially!!), fandom as a whole has been a HUGE detriment to my mental health and love of Uncharted as a whole for a while now, affecting my real world emotions so colossally that I can't help feeling ashamed. It all feels a little ruined to me.
I'm really hoping that stepping back will help rekindle my personal love for it and help me get back to why I loved it in the first place. Maybe I just need a break, maybe I gotta go do something else for a while, or maybe this is it. But I'm really hoping that after some cool-down, I'll get re-inspired to work on stuff that's just for me, without having to worry about notes or canon or whatever the heck other people are doing. Even if it scares me to think that may not happen. I just have to hope.
Please keep enjoying my work (I hope they make you happy!) but I won't be checking notifs, accepting requests, or taking part in the fandom anymore. I just don't think it's healthy for me right now.
Getting a little love note from Nate (or Sam!) would mean the world to me right now. And if you enjoyed or were inspired by my fics, please feel free to send a little smiley and let me know how you're doing. I'm gonna miss y'all like crazy but think I gotta do what's best for me right now.
Sic Parvis Magna, and thanks for the adventure!
Catch me in the next Naughty Dog game. Or the one after that. One day. ;)
All my love,
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kiwixlime · 2 years
Sweet Tangerine
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F is for Fake Love
You’ve been best friends with Sam Drake for years. You would do anything for each other. But it still shocks you when one day, Sam asks you to pose as his girlfriend. 
Pairing: Samuel Drake x Female Reader Warnings: Smut, my friends. Because you can never have too much Sam Drake smut, am I right? Sad, angst. Additional notes: I'm sorry this isn't my best work. I'm just not feeling well lately, but I've had this in my drafts, and I'm tired of going back and adding or changing things lol. Next one will be better. I promise! 18+, Minors DNI
“I need you to be my girlfriend.” 
You meet Sam at your favorite food truck following his text that reads EMERGENCY in big, bold letters. Sam has a flair for the dramatic, so you take his crisis with a grain of salt. And you are smart to because Sam’s emergency involves asking you to be his girlfriend. Words you have always wanted to hear. But not in this matter. 
“What?” You ask, somewhat frozen as he goes to pay for your burrito. It may be lunchtime, but it’s still early for you. Work kept you up late, so you’re not exactly prepared for Sam’s stupid rambling - especially when they catch you off guard like this. You’re running on fumes, and you need to be at least halfway charged before you consider playing house with your best friend. 
“Elena is having her party tonight,” he explains, and the words register in your tired brain. You vaguely remember being invited to this party. “She always tries to set me up with one of her single friends. It never ends well. You have to be my girlfriend so she leaves me alone this time.” 
“I have to?” You frown at his persistence, a little annoyed that he assumes you’ll do whatever he asks. You will, but that’s not the point. This is a big favor he needs from you. And you’re so in love with him that you’ll say yes. But it hurts that he doesn’t even consider your feelings in all this. So you make him squirm for a minute. “I don’t have to do anything. And ya know, maybe I already have a date to this party,” you scoff. Now you’re irritated for a different reason. 
You walk away from the food truck and Sam, expecting him to follow you. But when you don’t hear his footsteps, you stop and turn around. He’s still standing at the truck, frown on his face with his food in his hands. He looks dumbfounded. That stupid expression makes you feel bad. 
“Do you?” He asks in a voice so soft, you know he’s only using it to tug on your heartstrings. Sam knows how to play you. And you let him. Why do you let him? 
“No,” you sneer. His face brightens, and you roll your eyes, pivoting on your heels to head back to your apartment. Sam jogs up behind you, falling in step next to you. He throws an arm around your shoulder. 
“So?” He drags out, and you can’t ignore those puppy dog eyes he gives you. “Will you be mine for a night?” 
His words sting. You want to grab him and shake him and tell him to stop playing these games with you. You want to tell him that you’ll be his for all of the nights. But you can’t. Sam loves you as a friend. And maybe that’s for the best. He’s kind of a dick when it comes to relationships. “I hate you,” you say with a heavy heart. But Sam grins. In your words, that means yes. 
“Aw, I love you, too, baby doll,” he teases, and you hate how those words make your heart flutter. He’s such an ass, and he doesn’t even realize it. “Thank you, though,” he adds, this time being genuine. “I really appreciate it.” 
“Don’t thank me yet,” you tell him hesitantly. “Elena probably won’t even believe that we’re a couple.” 
“Oh,” Sam shrugs, a familiar glint in his eyes. “I don’t know about that.” He finishes with a wink and drops his arm from your shoulder, taking your hand in his. He doesn’t say anything else as you walk, and your mind begins to panic over what the hell that could possibly mean. “Come on, baby, let’s go.” 
Baby. The pet name means nothing. He always calls you that. And while it’s nice to hear coming from his stupid mouth, it doesn’t hold any significance. It’s simply a term of endearment he uses for his best friend. 
Annoyed, you let Sam drag you back to your apartment. It’s your usual routine. Sam meets you outside, pays for your lunch, then comes up to your place to eat and chat the shit. You like your moments with Sam, but you can’t stop thinking about his comment. He seems pretty confident that Elena will buy your lie. But you know her. She’s not stupid. 
“Are you going to try to dress me up like one of your whores?” You ask bitterly. “Because I love you, Sammy, but I’m not going to change my style for a night.” 
Sam flinches, and for a second you regret your choice of words. It passes quickly, though, when you remember that Sam is kind of a douche. And his type consists of girls that look nothing like you. It’s just jealousy, nothing more. You don’t judge. 
“Of course not,” he scoffs. “You’re perfect just the way you are,” he grins and bops you on the nose. God, you could kill him. You really could. “Plus, I’ve seen you when you get all dressed up. You’re hot.” 
“Thanks,” you say flatly. You’re used to his absurd comments that he thinks are compliments. At this point, you’ve learned to tune him out. You don’t want to read too much into things. It’ll break your heart even more. Tolerating Sam was so much easier when it was a silly crush. 
“You and me? We’ll be the hottest couple there,” he says, unaware of how much your insides are fidgeting. Does he ever shut up? “Oh, especially if you wear that green dress. You look so fine in that dress.” 
You groan loudly and try to forget what he just said - though you have to agree. You do look good in that dress. It’s a figure-fitted one-shoulder cocktail dress with emerald sequins and a front slit. It’s not too dressy, but it’s perfect for a party like the one Elena is throwing. And if it’s what Sam requests…
“I have a question,” you speak up, genuinely curious to know his answer. He gives you a suspicious look before shrugging, deciding whatever you want to know is worth it. “Elena’s friends are beautiful,” you say, a little intimidated. “And they’re funny, and sweet, and successful. Why don’t you ever like them?” 
It’s not the question Sam is expecting. And to be honest, he doesn’t know how to answer it without embarrassing himself. You’re right. Elena’s friends are perfect. And a lot of them fit his checklist. But it’s all surface-level garbage. They’d be good for one night stands, but not a relationship. It’s complicated. 
“Uh,” he mumbles, looking for the right words. “I just… I’m not interested, you know?” He gives the blandest answer ever. 
“Not really,” you admit, pushing for more. 
“They’re pretty and successful, I agree,” he confesses. “But she’s always pushing for me to settle down. And if I’m going to settle down, it’s not gonna be with some girl I hardly know. It’s gonna be with--” he catches himself before revealing a shameful secret. “I’m just not ready to settle down,” he decides to say, hoping you’ll believe him and drop the subject. 
You don’t. But you don’t press for more details. Clearly, it’s something he’s uncomfortable with. And you’re not sure you want to know the answer. You don’t know if your heart can take it. Man, you really need to get over him. Good thing this party will have plenty of alcohol. Maybe Elena will have some male friends you can bond with. Or you can always ask Nate to set you up. 
Either way, after tonight, you will force yourself to move on from Sam Drake. 
“You look stunning as always,” Elena says when you and Sam arrive at her front door. She holds you at arm’s length, eyeing your dress with envy. Then she looks at Sam and frowns. “How could you force this woman to be your date? She’s too good for you, you know?” She says, referring to you.
“Hey,” Sam says defensively, guiding you into the foyer. “I didn’t force anyone to do anything.” He looks over at you with an adoring grin. “We’re together,” he confirms. And the way he says it is so sincere. Like he’s said it a hundred times before. 
As hard as it is to do, you keep your cool, plastering on your best fake smile. You let Sam twine his fingers with yours, holding your breath as he brings your interlocked hands to his lips. He kisses your knuckles softly, and your heart begins to beat faster. He looks into your eyes, signaling for you to say something. 
“Right,” you breathe out shakily, glancing back to Elena. “Can you believe it? I finally have him trained,” you joke, faking your confidence. You need it if you’re going to have to pretend to be Sam’s girlfriend for the whole night. 
“Baby,” Sam chuckles, moving his arm to your waist, holding you close. “You’ve always had me trained.” His warm lips press against the skin of your exposed shoulder, and you shiver. He wears a smirk on his ridiculously handsome face as he eyes you over, watching you grow flustered. He’s playing with fire. And you’ve just about had it. 
You’re not going to let him rule the night. You agreed to be his date, but you don’t have to put up with his torment. He’s admitting he finds you attractive, and you wore the damn green dress. You deserve to see how much you can work him up. 
“Oh,” you giggle, nudging him with your shoulder. “Well, if you manage to be a good boy for the rest of the night, I’ll give you a treat later.” Your teeth sink into your bottom lip, shiny from the playful bubblegum lip gloss you applied in the car. You bat your eyelashes up at Sam and twirl a lock of hair between your fingers. 
His eyes widen, and that cool smirk slips off his face. He stutters as he tries to come up with something clever. But the way you’re looking at him goes straight to his groin, and on instinct, he drops his gaze to your lips. Good, you think. 
“Okay, gross,” Elena chimes in, putting a stop to whatever game you two are playing before Sam’s hormones take control. “Congratulations. Stop being weird.” 
“Thanks,” you murmur, feeling Sam’s arms wrap around your middle, his chin resting in the crook of your neck. He’s being very cuddly right now. Usually, he’s only super affectionate when he’s drunk. Guess your little flirtation worked. “Okay, come on, Casanova,” you reach up to pat the back of his head. “Get your girlfriend a drink, yeah?” 
“Yes, dear,” Sam whispers before kissing your neck. He’s laying it on a little thick, but you don’t mind. Right now, you have the confidence to play along. And you want to see what else you can get away with. 
As the night goes on, your boldness waivers. But it’s only because Elena’s gorgeous friend, the one she wanted to set Sam up with, has been flirting with him since her arrival. She doesn’t care that Sam introduced you as his girlfriend or that he’s been holding your hand, kissing your cheek. She still throws herself at him. It’s been over an hour, and she’s not backing down. 
And Sam’s only human. She’s a leggy redhead with fair skin, green eyes, and a curvy figure. Hell, even you’re into her. He’s obviously interested in her, the slut trying to steal your man who is not even your man. Or something. 
“So, Elena tells me you’re a treasure hunter?” The woman says with a giggle, flipping her curled auburn hair over her shoulder. Her piercing eyes scan Sam over in appreciation, and you scowl at how obvious she’s being. Of course, your boyfriend is eating it up. 
“Something like that,” Sam says with a charming grin. “It’s more about the adventure and the history, you know what I mean? We have traveled all over the world, and it’s been great. But yeah, finding treasure is a nice bonus.” 
The woman smiles and boldly places her hand on Sam’s thigh. He looks up at her, smiling, and your stomach turns. It’s like you’re not even there. So much for convincing Elena that you’re in love. You should have ignored him in the first place. Then he could have taken the hot redhead home, and you wouldn’t have to witness their courtship. 
Her fingers dance across his lap, and he sits there without flinching. You’re torn between telling the bitch off or running to Elena and Nate’s room to cry. When Sam leans into her and away from you, your decision is made. You swallow thickly, ignoring Elena’s burning stare, and jump from the couch, mumbling some excuse about needing some fresh air. 
You don’t head outside, but instead, follow your instincts and run to the bedroom, the only place you know you’ll find peace and quiet. It’s a place Elena let you crash in before. Sometimes you feel guilty hiding in their bedroom during a party, but she’s a great friend. She knows when you need to be alone. 
Their bedroom is decorated with photos of them, some from their wedding day, others from their travels. They both look so happy, and Nate looks so in love with her. You wonder what it feels like to have someone adore you that much. You’re so hooked on Sam, you’ll never know. 
You can feel the tears glide down your cheeks, and you let out a sob, ashamed that you’re in here crying over a man who doesn’t actually care about you. It’s funny. Sam’s supposed to be your best friend; he's supposed to be the one comforting you when you’re a mess. But he’s too busy flirting with the Big Red Whore to notice. 
How pathetic are you? All dressed up in something Sam asked you to wear only to cry alone on a bedroom floor. You reach for the tissue box on Nate and Elena’s dresser, grabbing a few for yourself as you stand. You glance in the mirror and frown at how much of a disaster you are before cleaning yourself up, dabbing at the mascara beneath your eyes, wiping your red nose. A good cry - that’s all you needed. Now, you can go out there, pull Elena aside, and ask if she knows any available men. 
“It’s okay,” you say, pumping yourself up. “You’re a catch.” 
There’s a knock on the bedroom door, and you’re expecting it to be Elena coming to check on you. That’s the only reason you shout, “come in!” But when the door cracks open and you see Sam standing there, your heart clenches, and anger pulses through your veins. 
“Excuse me, I have to go,” you say curtly, ignoring the sad look on his face. “Can you please move?” 
“No,” Sam speaks quickly. “What are you doing in here? How could you just leave me out there with her?” He tries to laugh, but the expression on your face tells him his childish behavior won’t work here. “Why did you leave?” 
“I thought I’d give the two of you some space,” you confess. “You were getting cozy. I didn’t want to interrupt.” 
“Are you jealous?” He questions, a small smile coming to his lips. “Come on, you know you’re my girl.” 
“Is this a joke to you?” You ask as more tears form in your eyes. He catches the break in your voice and drops his act, hanging his head down. “God, Sam, you’re such an asshole,” you snap. “Get out of my way.” 
“No,” Sam repeats, standing firm in front of the door. “I’m not letting you go.” 
“Jesus Christ, do you want me to cause a scene? Because I will,” you raise your voice. “You know me better than anyone, Sam. I will make a fucking fuss! Let me out!” 
You forcefully push him out of the way, ready to flee the room and leave him behind. But he grabs your wrist, stopping you. You attempt to wriggle free of his hold, but his grip is strong. 
“I’m not letting you leave,” he says darkly. You flick your eyes up, glaring at him. You open your mouth to speak only to be cut off when Sam spins you around, slamming you up against the door.  
“Get off of me!” You hiss, hitting his chest. He doesn’t listen, grabbing your frantic arms and pinning them above your head. You huff angrily, thrashing in his hold. 
“Baby, please,” he says softly, his voice comforting and quiet. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know you’re upset and you have every right to be. I was being a tool, but I promise that it didn’t mean anything.” 
“I don’t care, Sam!” You shout. “It’s not like we’re really in a relationship. It’s all pretend, right?” Your anger is in the driver’s seat and you think to yourself that Sam is lucky he has you restrained or your hands would be slapping him away. “Still, you could have at least pretended to be faithful.” 
“Bullshit,” Sam scoffs, leaving you confused. “You know it’s not pretend,” he whispers. “You know that what’s between us has never been pretend. I know you care. Just like I would care if some dude were hanging all over you.” 
You close your eyes as Sam speaks. You’re imagining this conversation - you have to be. There’s no way Sam is telling you all of this right now. You’ve definitely been crying too much. Your mind is playing tricks on you. “You can’t just…say words and expect me to forgive you for being a jerk.” 
“I’m not just saying words, baby,” he assures you. “I’m being honest, here. Why do you think I asked you to do this, tonight? I don’t want anyone else!” 
“I don’t believe you!” You yell back. 
“Fuck,” Sam growls and before you can make another snappy comeback, his lips are on yours, kissing you deeply. 
His hold on your arms loosens as he drops his hands to cup your face. His kisses are harsh and desperate and he’s pouring his soul into this kiss to let you know just how much he means it. You can feel it. You can feel his passion. But you can still feel your rage. 
You groan and come to your senses, pushing him away from you. You wipe your lips with the back of your hand and curse. “You can’t do that, Sam! Fuck!” 
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” he says. “I just needed you to listen. I need you to hear me out, okay? Please, just let me talk.” 
The air in the room is tense. And your brain won’t shut off. On one hand, you want to leave. You want to disappear, just go home and take off this stupid dress, and be alone. On the other hand, you’re already hurting. What else can he say that’ll upset you?
“Whatever,” you sigh, giving up. 
It’s not exactly what he's hoping for, but he takes it. He doesn't move from his position, keeping your body pinned between his and the door. Now that you’ve calmed down a little you don’t mind his proximity. He kind of smells like tangerines from the cocktail Elena served, and it’s a nice fragrance. 
“Do you remember when we were talking earlier? You asked me why I didn’t want to be with any of Elena’s friends?” His question makes you roll your eyes. Yeah, right. 
“I guess,” you shrug. But your aloofness doesn’t seem to bother Sam. 
“It’s because it’s you,” he says with certainty. The same kind of certainty that laced his voice earlier that day when he said that you guys could convince Elena you were in love. “The person I want to settle down with is you.” 
“You’re lying,” you immediately spit out. 
“I’m not,” he says firmly. “And I think you know it…” 
“Know what?” You grumble. 
“Know that I love you, you spoiled little brat.” 
“You love me?” Something between a whimper and a croak comes out of your mouth as you ask the question. But you can see that fond look in his eyes once more. And you just know. He’s telling the truth. 
“More than anything,” he admits, and like the sap you are, you melt and pull him into you. Your lips meet again in a hot, messy kiss that you both desperately need. His hands travel across your body from your thighs to your ass to your sides and then up to your breasts. You let him touch you, feel you. You both crave it. 
“You called me a brat,” you pant as he moves his lips down to your neck. 
“You are,” he mumbles into your skin, nipping at your throat, soothing the marks with his tongue. You run your hands through his hair, tugging on the soft strands as he works his lips up to your mouth. His tongue glides against yours, pulling a soft moan from you. A delightful sound he’s happy to cause. And he wants to hear more. “And now I’m gonna fuck you like one.” 
“Oh, please,” you groan, pushing your chest against him. You pull his face back to yours, kissing him again, flicking your tongue inside his mouth, tasting the remnants of alcohol. 
He smiles against your lips, nudging his thigh between your legs as your dress rides up. He grinds his thigh against your aching clit, reveling in the tiny whine that escapes you. “Please what, baby?”
“I want your cock, Sam,” you say, and your determination surprises and turns him on. He reaches under your dress, pulling down your panties swiftly, and for a minute, your mind goes blank. 
“Of course you do,” he chuckles, sliding his fingers up between your thighs until he reaches your pussy. “Baby, do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted you?” He asks, slowly rubbing between your folds. 
You throw your head back against the door, letting out a satisfied noise. You begin to move your hips in time with Sam’s fingers, now inside of you. “Me t-too,” you stutter, finding that rhythm that has you gasping. 
He twists his wrist at a different angle, using two fingers to pump in and out of you. He rests his free hand at your throat, keeping you pinned to the door. “And to think, all this time I could’ve been fucking you senseless,” he sighs, picking up the pace of his hand. His slender fingers reach that sensitive spot inside of you and you moan, nice and loud, for everyone to probably hear. “I wanna taste you, baby girl, but we need to make this quick,” he says. 
“God, Sam,” you whine. “Just fuck me already.”
“That mouth of yours is gonna get you in trouble when we’re alone,” he warns, and you smile. That’s fine with you. Now that you’re on the same page, he can do whatever he wants with you. You only nod, watching intently as he undoes his jeans. Your hands reach out to help him, pulling his hard dick out of his briefs. You lick your lips at the sight of him, wishing you had more time so you could suck him off. But, this isn’t your house. And you’re already crossing a line by having sex in Nate and Elena’s bedroom. 
“Fuck, Sam,” you gasp as you feel him slip into you. You grab onto his firm shoulders, softening into his touch when he grabs your thigh, lifting it over his hip. He sinks into you deeper, making you both moan out. “Feel so good,” you praise. 
“That’s right, baby,” he pants as he moves his hips faster. You roll against him, taking his cock harder each time, your body tingling as he stretches you out and fills you up. His hands hold you by your ass, giving him easier access to thrust up into you. And time feels like it’s standing still. You can’t think about anything else except for the feeling of Sam Drake inside of you. 
“Faster, Sam,” you plead, digging your nails into the nape of his neck. He hisses at the sensation, and smacks your ass, snapping his hips quicker as he fucks you into the door. He’s grunting into your ear, making your insides burn with want. He sounds so goddamn hot as he fucks you. They’re sounds you’ve only dreamed about. But they make you wet. 
“I knew you’d be the perfect fuck,” Sam says, placing his hands firmly against the door behind your head. He grins down at you, and underneath his lust-blown pupils and sweat-slicked hair, it’s sexy, smoldering. “So beautiful. And this pretty little pussy feels so good. I could spend all day between your legs.” 
“Oh, god, Sam,” you whimper, biting your lip to hold in the loud moans that threaten to escape. You want to be vocal, you want to let him know how good he’s making you feel. But you can’t risk it. Elena would be so fucking pissed if she knew what you were up to. “I’m gonna cum, Sam, you’re gonna make me cum,” you gasp. 
“Good girl,” he groans, thrusting into you faster, losing his momentum as he pours all his energy into making you reach the edge. “Cum nice and hard for me. I’ve always wanted to see what your gorgeous face looks like when you cum.” 
“Faster,” you mewl, bouncing on his dick. “Oh, fuck me, Sam, I’m cumming,” you clench around him, moaning his name out loud. He’s quick to slap a hand over your mouth, chuckling at your wide, unblinking eyes. 
“That’s it,” he coaxes you through your orgasm, hand still covering your lips. Your body shakes as your climax takes over you and the feeling of your body pressed against Sam’s is what sends him over the edge. You nod your head, telling him to release, and he does, spilling into you with a heavy grunt. 
He collapses against you, knocking you back on the door. The hinges jiggle, and you know that you weren’t as subtle as either of you hoped. But you don’t have it in you to care. You’re happy and you know Sam is, too. You can tell by the way he peppers kisses all over your face. 
“Sam,” you whine, pushing him away with a snort. “They’re probably wondering where we are. Your girlfriend is probably having a heart attack,” you roll your eyes playfully. 
He glides his thumb over your lips and sighs. “Girlfriend. You’re my girlfriend,” he says, brushing his nose against yours. 
“Good,” you smile, kissing him again. Your little session is interrupted by a gentle knock, startling the both of you. “Oh, shit.” 
“You two are disgusting!” You hear Elena’s voice through the door. 
“Just please tell me you weren’t on our bed,” Nate adds. 
“Your bed is fine!” Sam yells back, making you blush. You bury your face in his chest, trying to conceal your shame. “Your door, however…” 
“Nasty,” Nate comments before you hear him stomping down the hall. 
“Congratulations, I suppose,” Elena tacks on, following in Nate’s footsteps. 
“Let’s go, baby,” Sam says, grabbing your hand. “Time to make our couples debut.” 
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Sam Drake Taglist: @julesclues
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dollwritesarchive · 3 years
𝒷𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑒 𝒾𝓃 | ꪀ.ᦔ.
commissioned by the oh-so lovely @blacklightguidesnic 💗 i hope i did your vision justice, babe! thank you for commissioning me ☺️
fandom uncharted
featuring nathan drake x reader (f)
content warning smut, oral (f!receiving) semi-public sex, unprotected sex
summary there’s a reason your adventurer lover shouldn’t leave you behind, and it’s because you always end up saving his ass. based on a thief’s end.
word count 3.4k / one shot
attention my very first commission since reopening them! if you’re interested in my commissions, click here. due to some unforeseen hiccups, this wasn’t proofread. do not repost or translate. reblog & give feedback if you like it!
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it was hot.
the air so humid that you felt as though you were meant to swim through it.
Nate was still walking with the hint of a limp in his right leg, that bent less than the left when propelled in front of him. aside from a handful of scrapes and the dried blood caked against his temple, that seemed to be his only injury. you were virtually unscathed, save a busted lip from biting down upon impact when your back hit the ground, and hardly visible scratches on your knees from thorny plants as you trudged through the wilderness afterwards.
you’d fallen the same distance, so why were you less worse for wear than he? that was simple: he’d broken your fall. you hadn’t even considered that the fall might kill the two of you; the only thing on your mind had been the gun pointed at your lover and how you could possibly get him as far away from the bullet, as quick as your legs could carry you. at the time, it seemed logical to tackle him, pressing both palms into his chest to send you both over the precipice and into the jungle below, but looking back on it now, you felt guilty. you were responsible for Nathan’s limp and your bloody mouth. you both could’ve died, but that thought didn’t even cross your mind when you had to act fast.
Nate’s hand consumes your own, fingers interlacing as he staggers into the darkened, tunnel entrance, turns, and uses the grip on your hand to urge you to follow. “Where are we?” you ask, close behind him. you notice your own voice is soft and uncertain, as if you wanted no one else but him to hear and respond. you probably could’ve shouted the inquiry, and the orchestra of exotic birds hidden in leafy, emerald trees would’ve masked your voice from anyone else on the entire island. you could hardly even hear Nate over the menagerie.
“This tunnel leads straight to Libertalia,” he replies, giving your hand a gentle squeeze, “I’m sure Rafe took Sam this way. If they’re not still down here.” the last portion of the statement was added as an afterthought, but it made your stomach roll over. facing Rafe again wasn’t something you were overly excited about, but you couldn’t deny, his face deserved a nice, swift meeting with your fist. you were certain, if given the right opportunity, you’d splatter the nose on his pretty-boy mug for waving a gun at the man you adored.
“And if they are…” you start, but trail off as your boots grind against the gritty dirt below them, and your vision fails you in the pitch-black tunnel.
“Stay close to me.”
“Funny,” you hardly smirk, but glance up at him (or, at least, where you assumed he was), “I was going to say the same thing to you, my love.”
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“Just like the old days, huh?” for a moment, his voice sounds far away, his hand slips from yours, and you feel a jolt of anxiety as you stumble blindly, reaching a few feet in front of you for him. “You and me in some rank cave?” regardless of your panic, he sounds fine. flippant, even.
“Nate—“ you start, stamping through a mud puddle that is deep enough to swallow nearly the entirety of your calf, drenching your bare skin in a slimy concoction of dirt and rainwater, but as you reach forward again, both hands caress the fabric of his shirt. relief washes over you. “There you are.”
moments later, Nate has fished in his pocket for a familiar trinket. the sound of his thumb on the flint wheel nearly transports you back to your living room with him. it was a crappy, old Zippo. of course, when you’d got it for him, it’d been new, but years of use have worn it down and faded the insignia against the metal. your initials and his. you don’t know why you were surprised to see the flame come to life, illuminating Nate’s face in an orangish glow, or why you hadn’t even considered the gift would be on his person. he took it everywhere. he even kept it by the bed the two of you shared, and if he were unable to sleep, he would flip it open, and push it closed again. over and over.
when you both can see again, he reads the concern on your face and his own scrunches, brows furrowing. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you answer, perhaps a bit too quick. “Yeah. I’m just sick of letting you slip through my fingers and disappear, you know.” maybe it was a bit unfair to say, but you had just been reunited after six months of nothing, not a word, while he’s gallivanting around with his brother searching for this place. the first thing you see is him being held at gunpoint. it had left a sour taste in your mouth, one that has lingered for the remaining portion of your trek.
Nathan looks equally sympathetic and apologetic, and his free hand flees to caress your cheek, which was sore upon contact, but you didn’t recoil. “I fucked up.” he whispers, genuine. “I’m sorry.”
you nod, looking into his honeyed oceans, you watch the flame dance in their depths. “You really did.” you reply, before placing your hand atop his own, and nuzzle against the calloused palm. you consider telling him that you forgive him, but a stampede of foreign bootsteps bring you out of the conversation. many more than simply Rafe and Sam. all of the mercenaries Rafe had brought with him had to be present, as well, stomping through the muddy tunnel. way too many for you and Nate to fight off.
your heart beats rapidly against your ribs and your eyes cut to a rock formation, covered in mud and fungi and jutting out from the wall of the cave, large enough for the two of you to crouch behind.
“This way.” you whisper, hastily grasping his hand and dragging him to hide behind the rock. your knees ache when you drop to them in the muck, and Nate slides down the rock with his back, forced to sit flat on his butt to be concealed completely. he flips the lighter closed and stuffs it back into his pocket, while you carefully grasp the jagged edges of the stone and peek out over the crest.
“Is it them?” Nate whispers, and for a moment, you don’t answer. large, armed men dressed in black and green march in rows of two, deeper into the tunnel. you frown, brows knitting together. you couldn’t spot Rafe or Sam in the mix. “Is it Rafe? Is Sam with him? Is—“ the whispering was not only grating on your nerves, but seemed to attract attention from one of the men towards the back, that whirls around and shines a flashlight in your direction. ducking just milliseconds before you’re enveloped in the glow, you clamp your hand over Nate’s mouth tight, your face inches from his. even in the dimness of the tunnel, shielded from the beam, you can see a familiar twinkle in his amber couplet, and you wanted to quirk your brow. it’s faint, but undeniable.
after just a couple of seconds, the footsteps faded into the distance, and when you released Nate, you peeled over the top of the rock to see that not one was left. “I didn’t see Rafe.” you murmur, thoughtful, “But those guys definitely came with him to the island, so I’m sure they’re close.” your gaze flickers to Nate, who is still staring at you with that look in his eyes. “What’s with you?” you ask, perplexed.
“It really is like the old days.” he grins, slow and mischievous, one hand gliding over the flare of your hip to caress your midsection. “When me and you would be out on these trips together, remember? God, I missed you so much, baby. Didja miss me?”
nibbling on your lip, you nod. it was hard to want anything besides the sensation of his hands on you; after all, it’d been so long since you felt him. “Nate…” you mumble, reaching for his hands to pry them from your body. “We don’t have time—“ no such luck, as one hooks the back of your neck and pulls you in for a kiss. there’s no resisting.
after months of missing the taste of his kiss, the ferocity of your lips and their elated greeting of his own nearly takes him by surprise, but he’s sturdy enough to withstand it, hauling you on to his lap with one, swift and scooping motion. your tongue senses his just beyond the threshold of his pair and makes a hasty beeline for his cavern; he swallows your moan as his muscle embraces yours. if you could’ve kissed him for hours, you would’ve. tongues at war with one another, hands shaking as you grip his harness and shove it down his arms before tugging at the stained fabric of his shirt. you couldn’t breathe. you could no longer think. all you wanted was him, just him.
“I’m making time.” he mutters, breathless as he breaks the kiss to allow you to pull the garment off and discard it on the muddy cave floor.
“What— What about the rescue mission?” you ask, but do very little besides that to stop him as he cradles your body with both hands against the small of your back, and sits up on his knees. laying your on your back, your hands rub dirt and grime over his bulging biceps before careening upwards to grab both sides of his neck. “Aren’t we on a schedule, here?”
Nate doesn’t even pause. “We’ll catch up.” is his answer, powerful hands pushing your tank top and bra up simultaneously to expose your bare breasts. he stares, captured, entranced by the sight of your naked chest that he’s missed so much, and for a moment he doesn’t even look like the Nathan you know. he appears more like a wild beast that has been starved. “Right now, I need you.” and with that, his head dips, and he envelops one breast within the warmth of his mouth. the sensation is so abrupt that you’ve no choice but to grab on to his spiky tendrils and arch your back. his teeth and tongue work wonders on your mound, teasing the hardened bud and suckling. his hungry grunts are stifled by your supple flesh. it feels like heaven to have his mouth on your body again.
you can feel his hands on the waistband of your khaki shorts, fumbling with the buttons, and when you feel them come undone and his fingers grip them and your panties underneath, you lift your lower half from the ground to make it easier for him to pull them down your legs.
“Hurry.” you whine, impatient, giving his roots a firm yank.
Nate groans and responds, open mouth trailing over your belly whilst his hands grip your thighs tight. “You know how much I thought of this while I’ve been away?” it’s clearly a rhetorical question as he finds the most comfortable position between your thighs, and you hook them over his broad shoulders. his eyes aren’t on you, and instead remained glued to your weeping core, his teeth sinking in to his lower lip as he takes in the sight of you: naked, filthy, and yearning. it’s almost too much for him, and so he sucks in a ragged breath, inhaling the scent of your arousal at the same time. “All the time. Every goddamn morning and every fucking night, spent thinkin’ about you. The taste of your lips, the warmth of your body…” Nate leans forward and his tongue lazes out over his bottom tier as he drags it along the seam of your folds. you nearly come undone right then, the sensitivity that goes hand in hand with being untouched threatening to break you. “God,” he groans to himself when he tastes you on his tongue, “that sweet, sweet pussy I’ve missed so much.”
another swipe with his velvet tongue and you shudder, pushing your palm down on the crown of his head to keep his face buried in your sex, as if begging him to stay down there forever. “Fuck.” you whisper, through grit teeth. “Don't tease me, Drake,” you try to warn, playfully, but it comes out broken as he laps at your nether lips like a dutiful puppy, “don’t tease!”
“I’m savoring,” he replies with a husky chuckle, blowing hot breath on your vulnerable flesh, “enjoying every inch of your perfect cunt, making sure I don’t miss a single spot. I wanna worship you, baby.” the words flow like liquid sugar from his lips that he then presses to your needy sex and you’re putty for him to play with as he chooses. a flustered moan erupts from within the depths of your throat when Nate’s dastardly tongue plunges deep into your wanton entrance, your walls mistaking it for his manhood and fluttering with glee as if to draw him back inside of you. he doesn’t seem to mind, however, and hums in sordid delight, both hands grasping your quivering thighs. the bridge of his nose rests against your swollen clit as he explores your sensitive depths, and provides the perfect angle for you to rock your hips and grind your button against it with a string of sultry moans laced with whispers of his name lingering on your tongue. “Nathan, oh my god—“ while the other keeps a killer grip on his hair, your free hand claws at the top of one of his. he loosens one vice on your leg to hold your hand, a smile pressed to your skin. his teeth graze your labia and you mewl with delight.
you’re squirming, thrashing about in the mud while his head bobs between your hips, his lips caressing your throbbing core and his tongue taunting your clenching walls by prodding at them. an orgasm is brewing in your belly, hot and bubbly, and you want to stall it for as long as you can. you aren’t ready for this to be over, and you fear that your climax will be just enough to satisfy Nate, and you’ll be forced to return to reality. no. not yet, please. you need to feel him, all of him. you need him inside, you’re dying to feel the way he stretches you open and pumps deep. you want to hear his moaning, the incoherent babbling when he’s on the brink of cumming. don’t let it end so soon. “I can’t take much more,” you warn, breathless, and arch, throwing your head back, “I need you, Nate! Please, just fuck me already, for Christ’s sake!” as if your plea wasn’t enough, you take advantage of the grip on his tendrils to pull his head back, and inch back from him.
not only are those damn, kissable lips of his glossy with your juices, but his jaw is smeared with mud and his eyes are wild and dark— dilated with fiery passion.
the immediate barrenness between your thighs as you were on the cusp of orgasm has you shivering, nearly convulsing, and you close your eyes and swallow hard. “Just… fuck me…” your eyelids flutter slow, and part to see him on his knees, tearing his belt off. “Please.”
“Ask and ye shall receive, baby girl.” Nate answers, his voice low and raspy. utter depravity has seeped into him, turning him from a man to a desperate beast. you watch with bated breath, elbows dug into the mud below you, as he pops the button of his cargoes open and pushes them down. you’re almost surprised there were no sounds of ripping fabric by how aggressive he was. in another moment, he was looming over you, palm slammed into the mud beside your head, while the other hand busies itself by hitching your legs up on to his waist. you lock them in place by your ankles behind him and hold both sides of his neck. slipping between your bodies, he grasps his throbbing erection and guides it to the promised land. as you feel his girth splitting you open, you moan in unison with Nathan and close your eyes. “Fuck, I needed this.” he drops his head to whisper it against the shell of your ear as he begins to rut into you.
for all the times you’ve made love to Nathan, it had never been so fiercely desperate. every thrust into you was deep and calculated, reaching his hilt and drawing back to repeat the jab with so much force that your breasts ripple like disturbed water each and every time. each oscillation is punctuated by a forcefully expelled breathy moan from you; your nails bite at his dirty shoulders, leaving hot trails wherever they dig in. he’s panting already, in your ear, and telling you how much he loves you. how much he adores you. how much he missed you.
your interior grips him so tightly that you’re convinced you could never let him pull out, and your hips undulate to meet every, single, powerful thrust. the sound of his balls slapping against your posterior is an afterthought, as is the splashing of mud when your bodies collide, because you can focus on nothing. nothing but Nathan and the way he fills you to the point of bursting.
“You’re so fucking warm,” he croaks in your ear, panting, “so warm and tight. I fit so good inside you, god, feel that? God! You’re perfect, baby girl—! Made for me! Yes, fuck, yes!”
purring is your safest response, because you doubt you’ll be able to form any kind of coherent reply, but you nod vigorously, and arch your back, one hand inching up to pet his hair as if to tell him that he’s doing good. he’s fucking you just the way you want.
that’s when it happens. when he shifts your legs higher on his torso to pound you deeper and plunges into your sweet spot. your knees dig into his ribs like spurs, his name is a mantra upon your tongue, cried beneath your ragged breath for only him to hear. “More, more, more!” it’s the only other word that makes sense in the moment, the calm before the orgasmic storm that he’s driving you towards.
“More?” he asks, breathy and desperate for your approval, “you like it? Right there?” after each question, he doubles down, practically drilling you into the mud until you’re nodding, head lolling about on your shoulders, and your eyes are rolling back. you’ve no time to warn him— your climax hits you like a freight train and suddenly, you’re unraveling before him. “Cumming, pretty girl? Fuck, it’s been too long since I saw you lose yourself. So beautiful, come on, baby.” he repeats it, encourages your orgasm to take every one of your senses and leave you a trembling pile of fucked out bliss.
the visage itself, as you shudder and moan for him, flail and try to escape your own ecstasy, is more than enough to send him into a frenzy. both hands grasp at your supple hips, fingers digging into your flesh, and his weight pins you down as he drives himself home deeper, faster, harder, until you’re seeing stars and he’s crying your name with a hoarse throat.
“N—Nate…” you whine, a broken version of his name, “cum for me, baby… come on…” combing your fingers through his hair as he comes undone, you purr and mewl and moan for him, your body weakened from the ferocity of your own climax.
Nathan is still moaning, albeit much more muted, when he pulls out of your body, drizzling your inner thighs with his seed as more oozes from your palpitating hole. “You did so good, baby,” you coo, caressing his cheek with your dirty palm. you’ve not the strength to sit up just yet, but you push the messy, brown tendrils away from his forehead. “So good.”
for a long few seconds, Nathan doesn’t speak. his panting is slowing down to an almost-normal rhythm, and he simply rubs you anywhere he can touch. your belly, your leg, your breast. staring, quietly.
“Tell me what’s on your mind?”
he smiles, leans forward, and kisses your forehead. “No more adventures without my partner in crime, that's what’s on my mind.”
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press-x-to-simp · 2 years
Friends Don’t Do This - Part 1            Nathan Drake Fanfiction
Fandom: Uncharted 
Word Count: 4,404
Characters: Nathan Drake x Reader (F)
Summary: You and Nathan have been best friends since you’ve been twelve when meeting at Saint Francis Home. You are both now in your mid 20′s and have to go on a mission with Sam, Sully and Elena. What happens when tensions rise and jealousy is stirred?
Warnings: Fluff, a little bit of angst (more to come), swearing, a few sexual innuendos, kissing, jealousy, teasing, fake relationship, use of weapons and Sam being a lovable idiot.
This is our first story that we are posting here. Hope you guys enjoy! 
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“Promise me you won't leave me.” A 12-year-old Y/N pleads.
“I promise.” A 13-year-old Nathan reassures.
“Do you mean it?” Y/N asks.
“I mean it. We will escape Saint Francis Home together.” Nathan promises.
“We shouldn't be far.” Sully announces.
You hear, snapping out of your daydream. It had been 12 years since that day. The day you two promised to always stay by each other’s side.
“Hey, you okay?” Nathan asks you.
“Yeah, I'm fine just thinking.” You respond.
“Anything worth sharing?” Nathan curious.
“No, just gone away with my thoughts.” You answer not wanting to relive the memory.
“You are okay back there love birds?” Sam jokes.
“Shut up Sam you do this every time.” Nathan sighs.
“Yeah, you got to stop with that shit Sam.” You agree.
“Kissing Y/N would be like kissing my sister.” Nathan grimaces.
“Well, you don't have a sister you have a brother, so it's like kissing your brother?” Sam retaliates as Nathan groans “God can you just drop it? That was one time.”
You and Sully burst out laughing but you then remember Nathan’s words and hide behind a fake smile. Sully looks into the rear-view mirror and notices your slight change. Sam does the same they both look at each other and slightly shake their heads.
Nathan is completely oblivious to their looks and even more oblivious to your changing demeanour.
You look back out the window and start drifting back into your thoughts, this time the memory of Nathan breaking that promise.
“Okay we’ll meet on the roof at 10. Bring what you need. Sam will meet us by the front gate.” Nathan explains
“Are you sure this is going to work?” You start to worry.
“You have nothing to be afraid of. I'm here. We’ll get through this together.” Nathan holds your hands and looks deeply into your eyes reassuring you.
“I trust you.” You smile at Nathan.
“You ready to do this?” Nathan asks.
“Ready than ever.” You respond confidently.
“We're here.” Sully says.
“About time.” Sam sasses.
“You're telling me kid.” Sully remarks back.
You once again get snapped out of your thoughts. They exit the car and take in their surroundings, the beautiful greenery blooming around you all.
“Oh, wow.” You say in awe.
“I know.” Nathan agrees as he lets out a breath.
“What a great view” he says looking at you.
Sam looks towards the two friends and notices Nathan’s lingering look at you. Sam nudges Sully and nods his head towards you both, not that you notice, and both share a knowing look.
You pull out a map opening it and checking your route. Nathan still looking at you, moves towards you and then guides his attention to the map you lay out on the car.
“Right Y/N, where we off to now?” Nathan put his arms around you as he leans on you.
“I'm glad you asked Nate. I have no fucking idea.” You look up at him and you both share a look. Both of you start to laugh as Sully and Sam chuckle at the two bantering.
“Am I crazy or are those two totally into each other?” Sam quietly asks Sully.
“Well, you are crazy kid but not about this. Those two have liked each other for a while but I don’t think it's liking anymore.” Sully validates.
“You think it's the big L Word oh wise one?” Sam says.
Sully quickly side eyes Sam not appreciating the sarcasm but responds, nevertheless. “Yes, I do but they're just too blind to see it.”
They look back out to Nathan and you who are continuing your playful conversation, “It’s gone beyond that.” Sully continues.
“Alright guys I think it's…” You start to look at every different route around them until you pick one, “…This one.” However, there's a sense of hesitation.
“You sure about that kid?” Sully asked her not quite sure himself.
“No but what's the worst that could happen?” You reply.
“How reassuring.” Sam comments.
“Wait Elena’s supposed to meet us here.” Nathan unveils.
You and Sam look at each other confused to the information of this new addition.
You take this moment to ask, “Elena?”
“Yeah, Elena. She’ll be helping us out.” Nathan answers.
“How did you guys meet?” Your curiosity gets the better of you.
“Well do you remember the mission I went on to find Shambhala?” Nathan reminds you.
“Yeah?” You reply eager to find out more.
“Well, she’s a journalist. She was covering the story of Lazarević. She almost got herself killed but I jumped in and saved her last minute, from then on, we’ve worked together.” Nathan clarifies.
“And when were you gonna tell me this?” You question raising an eyebrow.
“Why do you care?” he laughs. “You’re acting like a clingy girlfriend. Besides, I didn't think it was that important” Nathan continues.
You see Nathan joking about the situation, “I pity the girl who becomes your girlfriend Drake.”
“Hilarious.” Nathan punches your shoulder playfully.
Sam and Sully share another look as they hear a car in the distance. As it approaches, you start to see the woman who's been on Drake's mind. The car halts and a beautiful blonde woman walks out. Nathan turns around and spots the petite woman as he happily welcomes her, “Elena so good to see you. Glad you could make it.” Nathan says enthusiastically.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, cowboy.” She replies smiling.
Nathan strides towards Elena engulfing her in a big hug. You let out a sigh glaring daggers into Elena. Cowboy? Since when did she have a nickname for him?
You turn to look at Sam and Sully as if to ask did you know about this? They both shrugged as if replying no idea. You look back at them who are still holding their hug. Elena breaks from the hug noticing Sam, “Oh my God you must be Sam. I've heard so much about you.”
“Yes, if you were wondering, all the rumours are true.” Sam grins sending her a wink.
“Oh, and the infamous Sully. Great to see you in person now.” Elena greets.
“Well nice to put a face to the voice kid.” Sully answers.
She turns to look at you and walks up to you, “Oh you’re (wrong name), right?” Elena asks.
“It's Y/N actually.” You respond gritting your teeth.
“Oh, right sorry. Nate hasn't really said much about you.” Elena informs.
This makes you laugh a little spitefully, “Well at least he's talked about me, this is the first time I'm hearing about you.”
Elena tightens her smile, “Oh well I'm sure there's just too much to say.” Elena challenges.
You clench your fists, “I'm sure there is.”
Nate walks over to you both and puts his arms around you, “Glad to see that you’re both getting along. I knew you would.” If only he really knew the thoughts swimming through your minds.
“Yeah, she's a pleasure.” You comment, a dead silence remains between you three as you and Elena size each other up luckily Sully comes over and breaks the tension, “I think it's about time we get moving.”
Sam claps his hands, “Great idea old man.” Sully quickly cuts in, “Don't call me that.”
Sam ignores his request, “I vote we go that way.” He points in the same direction as you did which makes you laugh as you use this as an excuse to break away from the awkward hug.
“Hey that's what I said.” You walk up to Sam.
“Well great minds think alike huh.” He wraps his arms around your shoulders and pulls you in. Nathan notices this, his jaw clenching not comfortable with how close you two seem to be getting.
“Well, I say you guys follow us in that case.” Sam says still with his arm wrapped around you as everyone walks towards the direction. Sully recognises what Sam is pulling as he observes Nathan’s reaction. He chuckles to himself shaking his head, “You're a smart one Sam.” saying under his breath.
Sam pulls you in front, “I need a chat with you kiddo.” A laugh sounds from the back of the group as Sully looks over at you two amused. “Kiddo? Really? What are you trying to do replace me over there? I'm not on my death bed yet kid.”
“Well then you'll just have to watch your back old man.” Sam says trying to rustle his jimmies. Your group laughs at the pairs comedic banter.
Sam pulls you in once again, “Anyways before we were rudely interrupted.” Sam emphasises.
“Hey, I heard that kid.” Sully shouts back.
“Yeah, you were meant to.” Sam says back.
“I wanted to have a little heart to heart because you're my little sis well I mean I see you as my little sis but you're not actually my little-“ Sam gets cut off, “Okay Sam, where are you going with this?” You cut in.
Sam looks back to make sure no one hears as he notices Nathan and Elena deep in conversation. He turns back to you, “So what do you think of Nathan and Elena eh?”
“Pfft, what? Why are you asking me about that?” You stutter stumbling over your words. Sam raises his eyebrows staring at you as if he could read your mind.
“I – I don't have any comments.” You reply dismissively.
“I've known you for a very long time. I know you like the back of my hand. You can be honest with me.” Sam expresses.
“There's nothing to be honest about Sam. I don't know what you're trying to get out of me.”  You grow frustrated.
“I think someone's got a little crush.” Sam reveals as your eyes widen. Had you been that obvious?
“Whatttttt?” You drag out as your voice gains in pitch. “No.” You deny.
“See the thing here my dear friend is I don't trust you.” Sam presses.
“Well, Sam believe what you want but I still don't have any idea what you're talking about.” You defend.
“Whatever you say. I mean it's your romantic funeral and it's their wedding I'll be attending.” Sam throws in.
You glare at Sam, “Why are you so interested in my love life Sam? The last time I've heard you’re single. You’re not doing great with the ladies, are you?”
Sam laughs and replies, “Well, it just wouldn't be fair if I was tied down to one woman where they all want me. I've gotta keep it fair.”
“Disgusting. You really are a ladies’ man aren't you, Sam?” You sarcastically respond.
“I am a man for the ladies.” Sam winks.
“Charming.” You sigh.
Sam laughs and pulls you closer. Sam hears that Nathan and Elena’s conversation has paused. He discreetly turns his head to the side to look behind him. He notices Nathan staring at your proximity shooting daggers at his arm touching you which somehow snaked around your waist. Thoughts run through Nathan’s mind. How come you seemed so okay with this? You’re completely fine with his hands around your waist. You seem almost comfortable in the feeling.
Nathan doesn't like this as Sam notices Nathan's glance and decides to push further. He comes closer and leans into you and whispers, “I'm charming for you baby.”
You giggle, “Sam Drake, you are quite a man not a gentleman. But a man.”  As you nudge him Nathan lets out a breath, he didn't even realise he was holding. He sees that there is now a distance between you as he goes back to talking to Elena.
Sam looks back and says, “I'll tell you what is charming those two getting chummy back there.” You quickly turn your head to witness the interaction with your own eyes.
“Ha! I knew it.” Sam exclaims as you turn back to him. “You like Nate.” He confirms.
“What makes you say that?” Your anxiety heightens.
“There's a whole list of things honey but I don't think you want me to go through them.” Sam replies matter of fact.
You finally give up, “I don't know it's complicated he's my best friend. We’ve best friends since I was 12. Nothing can ruin it not even some bubblehead blonde bimbo.”
“I think someone is jealous” Sam teases.
“Sam shut up.” You shush him.
“Hey, I'm coming from a place of love” as he dramatically places his hand to his chest. “Because I care about you.”
“Oh, how sweet of you Sam…now shut up.” You demand.
“Look I've got an idea. I think it'll help-“ Sam gets interrupted.
“Whatever you gotta say I'm not listening. All your ideas are dumb, and they either don't work or gets us almost killed.”
“This might do both but in the best way.” Sam smirks.
Thinking that there's no choice but to pay attention you agree to listen to Sam's stupid idea, “Alright hit me with it.”
“I say we test Natey Watey's limits.” Sam discloses.
“What do you mean?” You question.
“How about we act as, you know we got something going on if you know what I mean.” He winks at you.
“No, I don't.” You say confused.
“I'm saying we try to make him jealous. Just to test the waters but I think it may work out for the best.” He speaks.
“Okay and what makes you say that? He doesn't he doesn't feel that way about me.” You look to the side.
“Well, he sure as hell doesn't feel that way about Elena.” Sam admits.
“I wish that were true.” You look down sadly.
Sam sighs, “Hey it’s their wedding you’ll be attending if you don't try this out.”
“What makes you think this will work?” You press.
“I know my brother and I know you. There's something between you two. You guys can't ignore that feeling as if it’s not there. You’ve got to give it a chance.” Sam says softly.
“Yeah well, he left me once, how do I know he won't do it again?” You admit your fears.
Sam looks at her understanding her worry, “I know you’re still mad but what really happened is –“ He’s quickly cut off as Nate walks between you two pointing ahead, “We're here.” Nathan's voice is rough and sharp as he stands in-between Sam and you completely separating you two.
“I guess your way was right Y/N.” He smiles at you.
“Oh, I know I was right cowboy.” You joke.
“Hey, you haven't used that since we were 16. I thought we were over that.” Nathan turns to you grinning.
“Hah you wish cowboy.” You wink at him as you walk ahead. Elena witnessing the conversation mumbles, “Bitch.” under her breathe. Sully hears this and rolls his eyes disapprovingly. You were like a daughter to him and Drake like a son, he wouldn't let anyone ruin your friendship or anything else that may come with it.
As they walk ahead Nathan quickly pulled you back, “Guards up ahead. I say the best thing we do is-“ Sam cuts him off, “Y/N and I will scout ahead while you guys wait back here.”
Nathan quickly looks Sam, “Why? You know Y/N and I always do that.” Nathan argues.
“Thought I'd change it up for this trip little bro.” Sam quickly winks at you who giggles.
“You know you usually have bad ideas but this one is not your worst.” Nathan quickly looks to you, “You're not serious, are you? He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.”
You look Nathan up and down and before you could come up with a response, Sam steps forward wrapping an arm around you, “Not the sharpest tool in the shed but definitely the best in bed I'll see you later little bro.” and walk off with you.
Nathan goes to follow you and Sam, but Sully quickly pulls him down, “You trying to get us killed kid?” Sully rhetorically asks.
“No but Sam's trying to get Y/N killed.” Nathan proclaims.
“Yeah, well you're going to get us all killed if you don't stay here.” Sully tells him.
“But-“ Nathan begins to say but Elena cuts him off, “Well it's better two get killed rather than five. Come on, we can cut our losses.” Sully looks at Elena stunned. Nathan too angry to process his thoughts agrees, “Yeah I guess you're right.”
Sully looks at Nathan, “You can't mean that.”
“Well, they don't want to listen to us anyways.” Nathan dismisses.
Sully shocked by this unrecognisable Nathan scoffs, “I taught you better than that kid.” as he gets into hiding position and checks over his gun just in case something was to go down with the enemy or maybe someone in the group. Nathan realises what he says and looks down ashamed regretting his words.
Sam pulls you behind a fence on a ledge which becomes your hiding spot as you would not be seen in plain sight.
“Did you see the steam coming out of his ears.” Sam laughs to you.
“What were you thinking? We just left them behind Sam. You know we don't leave each other behind.” You defend.
“Oh, he'll get over it.” Sam dismisses, “We're fine okay. Look.” Sam notices Sully leading the group as they come to their position. Sam expects Sully to be giving him a thumbs up for his brilliant plan but when he sees how mad he is and how Sully slowly shakes his head, he knows somethings gone horribly wrong. He looks to you with an unsure look but nods determinedly ready to go ahead with your plan whether it makes you and Nathan or breaks you.
Sully speaks quietly to the group, “Alright let's just finish this mission up quick kids I'm sensing this place is getting toxic for all of us and I'm not just talking about those toxic fumes that they seem to be letting off.”
Sam cheekily winks at you, and you look away with a sigh. Is this what you really wanted to do?
Sam goes behind one of the guards and stealthily takes him down while you go to the other Sully looking out for you on watch. You two see Nathan and Elena on the other side doing the exact same however Elena drops her gun making an echoed noise as it announces their presence. The guards quickly look towards the direction of the sound not seeing the group yet.
“Oh crap.” Nathan groans as he pulls Elena back to the hiding spot as gun fires can be heard and bullets whizzing through the air. Nathan looks back Sully and Sam, “Get the two girls back to a safe position, I'm going to hold them off.”
You scoff and look back at him, “No way in hell we're leaving you back here alone.” Sam grins and takes this as his chance, “Yep you heard the guy, Sully, Elena let's go.”
Before Elena can protest Sam grabs her wrist and starts pulling her off as she turns around to try and get back to Nathan. Sully stands between them and motions for her to follow him.
You quickly go up to Nathan, “You know I can protect myself. I can help you.”
Nathan looks at you, “I don't want to take that chance. Go.”
You slowly stand up reluctant to leave, “I'm not a kid anymore Nathan, I can protect myself. I mean I had to learn how to right?”
Nathan looks to you, “I know that more than anyone else, but I can't live with myself if something happened to you. Please, just go.”
You shake your head, “No I'm not leaving you.”
Nathan grits his teeth, “I'm surprised you didn't take the chance to run off with Sam anyway.”
You roll your eyes as you respond, “Don't be like that.”
“Don't be like that?” Nathan questions his voice raises.  “You were all over him a second ago.”
“Nathan are we really going to be arguing about this now? Shots are literally being fired at us.” You persist.
“Well, if we’re about to die. I want to know at least if you're trying to fuck my brother.” Nathan says.
“Jeez Nathan.” You huff.
“Don’t be shy.” Nathan doesn’t give up.
You angry at this accusation shout, “Yes, okay?! I'm trying to fuck Sam. Happy?”
Annoyance and irritation fire up in Nathan’s eyes, “Happy?” He seethes.
“It's been a while since I've had any.” You continue.
Sam quickly runs back and grabs your arm, “Alright you two. We really, really need to go. You can continue this conversation after we're not dead.”
Nathan chuckles and shakes his head, “Speaking of the devil. Why don’t you just jump him now.”
“Do you know what Nathan? I will.” You glare at Nathan as you grab Sam's belt pulling him closer, “You ready to go Sam?” Sam clears his throat getting nervous, “If it means that we're not going to die yes.”
Nathan glares at his older brother feeling a deep betrayal, “Well if they don't kill you I might.” He retorts to Sam.
“Nathan what's gone into you?” Sam says. “I've never seen you like this. Never seen you so angry.” He smirks.
“Yeah, wouldn't you be angry if your brother was trying to fuck their best friend?!” He exclaims.
You’re taken aback, he's not mad because he's jealous of your possible romance, he's mad because it's weird to know that his brother would want to sleep with his best friend.
Best friend, he made that clear.
You cut in, “Well Nathan as my best friend. I don't think it gives you the right to tell me who I can or can't sleep with. Now, can we stop talking about my sex life and please just go? Nathan you're coming with us you're not staying here.” You demand.
Nathan is about to protest when a gunshot flies past him hitting the wall next to him, “Alright but we're talking about this later.” You three start running back off into the forest as the guards see you and run after you. You hear footsteps behind you chasing after you. Sam is ahead of Nathan and you as you hear the footsteps grow closer, you reach a town filled with people.
Nathan takes in the surroundings quickly constructing a plan as he looks everywhere no longer seeing Sam. You look at him, “Nathan what do we do?”
He quickly looks behind seeing the guards approaching the town, “They'll find us if we try to run. We've got to hide.”
He quickly pulls you and pushes you up against the pillar not completely hidden enough. Knowing you were not invisible; Nathan knows there needs to be another step taken.
He diverts his eyes and sees the guards making their way to their area looking in every direction. He looks to you as he leans in, his lips brushing against yours and says against your lips, “Don't make a sound.” He captures your lips with his own. One hand resting above your head against the pillar and the other on your waist pulling you in to a deeper kiss. This would make you seem like a young couple in love. He knew the guards wouldn't question it and they would pass as any other couple. Once he hears the guards have left, he slowly pulls away and looks into your eyes as you look up into his and for a moment, you both could see something you didn't know what, but something changed.
It seems Nathan was going to lean back in for more, but you place your hand against his chest and say, “I think they're gone.”
Nathan still not finding his words slowly nods and replies slightly out of breath, “Yeah I think we're okay” he pulls back away from you still looking at you. Eye contact never breaking.
Sully runs back in and finds you both, “Finally, there you are guys, I was worried sick. Did you manage to get rid of them?”
Nathan still looking at you, “Yeah we did.”
You nod along and are the first break the eye contact as you look at Sully, “Yeah we're good for now.” You speak.
Elena comes in and notices the tension between Nathan and you. She didn’t like it.
“Oh my God Nathan. Are you okay?” She quickly grabs his arms to make him face her. She plants her hands against his cheeks making sure there's no wounds. Nathan still out of breath replies, “Yeah, yeah I'm okay.” He pauses. “Are you okay Y/N?” His eyes dart back to you.
“Apart from the heart attack you almost gave me, yeah I’m doing pretty good.” You joke to relieve the tension.
He lets out a laugh sharing the moment that is until Sam comes to them, “Y/N you good?”
“Yes, I'm fine, don't worry. Not even a scratch.” You smile at him, comforting him.
Sam lets out a sigh of relief, “Good.”
Nathan looks towards Sam, his nose flaring his jaw clenching. The anger had not yet left as he thinks about the kiss. Would you kiss Sam like that? Would you kiss him like that again? Your his best friend, he can’t think of you like that.
“Maybe I should implement that plan more often.” Nathan quips with a hint of seriousness.
Elena cuts in, “What plan?” oblivious about their escape.
You chuckle a little sadly, “I'm not sure if my heart can take it.”
Nathan looks sadly at you, “Mine either.”
As you look at each other, Sam looks between you, “Wow this is lovely and all, but I don't think we should stick around. They're probably going to come and check this area once more.”
Sully nods along, “I agree. Let’s head back this way.” As Sully leads you all, you look at Nathan once more entranced by what just happened but then is quickly reminded of the one memory clouding your mind.
You quickly turn around and walk ahead as Sam follows. Nathan’s eyes still following as if he didn't want to lose sight of you again.
“Hey Nate, you okay?” He hears another voice almost forgetting Elena was here.
He takes a moment before he replies, “I don't know.”
Elena follows his eyeline, jealousy brewing within her, “Well let's go.” She tugs on his arm, he looks down finally breaking sight of you, looking at Elena, “Yeah we should catch up with the others.” as they follow behind.
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