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All About Omar 'Dopey' Lowman
I'm faster than most than most. That's your only warning.
Troublemaker of SAMTAC
Best friend of @tacomaoutlaw
Brother of @sinsforsmiles, @ofpoisionivynroses & @ofpetalsnlead
Brother in law of @imatitestar, @ofnomadsncros & @ofcrosnivy
Uncle of @romeocreeps & @ofangelsmiles
Works at Outlaw Custom Bikes
Mature Content Triggers MDNI
Muse of #Paradox
21+ #SOA #MayansMC RP
Reblog if you wish
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The Redwood Firecracker - Chapter 1: Kozik
Patience, very reluctantly, trudged into the clubhouse in the morning. Already there were many people there. She had her earplugs in tight, and was not happy in the least to be coming into a small building that was now going to house so many people for the next however many days. She made her way past a good few people, even gaining the attention of a blonde man, who seemed to be part of the Tacoma charter, as she made a bee line for the corner just behind the pool table. She slumped onto the small chair in the corner, and closed her eyes, trying not to think about the amount of people in the room.
"You okay, there?" Came a voice. She cracked an eye, to check if the muffled voice was addressing her. She found the blonde man looking over at her, concern on his pleasant face. She gave a slight nod, before shutting her eye again - to hide the true amount of people.
The blonde man heard the other biker he was talking to clear his throat, and he turned his attention back to him. It wasn't too long after this that Tig and Clay emerged from the Chapel. The blonde man noted the way Tig looked over at the woman, but didn't manage to ascertain much else as Jax made a signal for Tig to quieten the room. At the sound of the whistle, the woman's eyes opened - but the plugs remained in her ears. She noticed his glance, and gave him a vague smile. Which he returned with one that seemed to brighten it.
"Everybody! Listen up!" Tig called, as Clay moved to the centre of the room; "I wanna welcome you all to Club Reaper. I'm glad you made your reservations early, 'cause as you can see, we are booked to capacity." Clay mused, earning some scattered chuckles." You're here because you're family. And because SAMCRO takes care of its own. Next couple of days, this club's got some business to handle... that could put our members, and those connected to us, in... unfriendly situations. Now, chances are nothing's gonna happen, but people have already been hurt on my watch. And that ain't ever gonna happen again. Nobody gets in. Nobody leaves without an escort. You got a safety concern, you talk to Piney. You got a comfort concern, you talk to my Queen. Under this roof, you'll all be safe. I want you to make yourself at home. I love all of ya."
A loud round of applause started, and the blonde man noticed the way the woman grimaced, picked herself up and left the room in discomfort. Were it not for his need to go to Church, he would have followed to make sure she was okay. Patience found herself up on the roof, mostly alone. A couple of guys at the corners, but she was in a significantly quieter environment. She sat there, quite content in her own thoughts until a figure approached her.
"Hey, you okay up here?" The blonde from before asked her. She took one plug out. "Yeah, thanks. Just, a lot of people and noise." She shrugged. She nodded to his kutte." Tacoma, huh?" "Yeah, come down to lend some extra muscle. I'm Kozik." He replied, watching as recognition waved across her face. "Oh, damn." She murmured, looking him up and down." You're not what I expected." "Oh?" He grinned. "I'm Patience." She smirked, bringing her knee up to rest her elbow on it. His face paled in recognition. "You're Tig's daughter?" "Don't worry, Koz. I'm not going to haul your ass." She shrugged, smug about making him shit himself a little. "That's a relief." He sighed, taking a seat a few spaces from her. "Nice to meet you. I've heard... a lot about you." She raised her brow. "Well, same. But, good things. Happy has a soft spot for you." "You going to be down long?" "We'll see."
"Hey, Pay!" Jax called, entering the clubhouse. From the gym Kozik noticed the woman poke her head round, this time taking an earphone out. "Yo!" She called back. "I need you to come with." Jax spoke, stunning Kozik. "Aw, come on, man," Tig groaned." I thought we were-" "On my way!" She cut her dad off.
Kozik noticed the way she strode out of the room, pulling a Sons hoodie on over her purple cropped tank as she came. She wore camo print jeggings, with her lilac trainers. He now fully noticed her physique, seeing how toned she seemed, if her ab definition was anything to go by. She seemed the same height as Tara, maybe a smidge taller, and her braid across one shoulder. Tig continued to huff, as she grabbed a hold of her purple helmet and continued to walk out with the group.
"What's the run?" She asked, seeming to switch from bubbly to business. "Going to fight. 10 v 10. Need you with us." Clay spoke. Kozik raised a brow, turning to Happy in confusion. "Who we fighting?" "Weston." "Gotcha." "Who you ridin' with, sweetheart?" Tig spoke. "You guys doing anything else other than the fight?" She raised her eyebrow. "You know it." Jax smirked." Kozik will be comin' back here straight after, though." "That settles that, then." She grinned, Tig grew stern. "No." Tig told her." No way." "Kozzy, you happy to give me a ride?" Patience ignored him, beaming over at the blonde man - who wasn't sure whether he should be amused or not. "Certainly." He tried to sound neutral. "Patience." Tig warned. "It makes sense, admit it." She waved him off. Tig groaned and gave up, not interested in wasting his energy on this right now.
She followed Kozik to his bike, and waited for him to get on, before mounting the bike herself - whilst clipping on her helmet. She wrapped her arms about his middle, and a few heard the muffled "oh damn" she released when she felt his muscularity through his shirt. Jax and Clay smirked at each other, before they all began to peel out of the lot. Kozik felt himself revelling in the way Patience's arms wrapped round him, already intrigued with the younger Trager. Before he remembered what they were off to go and do, and how he was then very interested to know why she was coming to a fight.
When they swung into the place, and the engines turned off, he felt somewhat of a loss as she let him go and got up. Until he was distracted by the clicks her knees gave out when she bent them inwards, twisting his face in vague disgust. He watched her features, which showed no pain, as she gave a squat or two to help stretch herself out. She caught his inquisitive stare and smiled, showing her fang that poked out of the left side of her mouth. He instantly chuckled, taking his own helmet off and putting in by hers on his handlebars.
"What's so funny?" Tig demanded. "I got knees." Patience answered, causing Bobby to snigger, among others. "I would certainly hope so, lass." Chibs shook his head, a smirk gracing his features. "That or the goofy grin she's got on her face." Jax also smirked, putting a hand to her cheek as he passed. "Oh, blow me, Teller." She shoved his hand away, also beginning to share in the smirk. "Warm up?"
Jax didn't need to ask twice, as Patience swung her leg up next to his face. He hopped back, letting her waltz forward. Clay and Tig sighed, as the other's began to watch with varying degrees of intrigue and entertainment. Jax made to punch, but she caught his fist and suddenly manoeuvred it behind him, letting go before point of pain. Jax then went to swing behind, but she did some near matrix shit, before swinging back up to give her own punch. Jax grabbed her arm and lifted her onto his shoulder. Clay knew what would be next, and before Jax could throw her;
"Alright, you two." Jax put her down, and they fist bumped. "You keep safe, yeah?" Jax told her. "I am not going to be safe with these cuntbags at all. No restraint." She mused. Kozik's eyebrows shot up at her language. "Alright, let's form up." Clay interrupted.
She smirked at Kozik, before they all got into position. He then watched as she began stretching out more; toe touches, lunges, arm stretches, the lot. In fact, he even heard her continue to have some repartee with Jax, and even Sack, as they waited for the AB crew to show up. He barely registered must of the dialogue, before Lin and Laroy turned up, and they decided to initiate.
Kozik watched as Patience surged forward, throwing herself into a combat role before the momentum brought her back up and she delivered a mighty punch to the guy heading for him. As that guy staggered back, she turned and raised her leg to kick another in the face with her heel. She then ditched both to spartan kick another before settling on one man. She and Kozik both kept noticing each other at different stages. She was very impressed with his heavy, boxing style approach to his fighting, whist he appreciated her speed and agility. He'd just laid a guy down, when he saw the way she raised her leg to hook round a guy's neck, and brought his head swinging into another guy's, before sirens started up.
"Oh, bollocks." She exclaimed, causing Happy to let out an amused snort. "Come on." Lin spoke to his lot, as he and Laroy's people promptly fucked off. "Collect everyone. Get out of here." Weston spoke. Kozik chuckled as he watched Patience kick one of his guys by the ass back to the direction of their cars.
In the next few minutes, Hale showed up and arrested Weston, prompting Clay to get Tig to call Unser. He then told Kozik to get Patience home, aggravating Tig a bit as he watched them smile at each other before getting on the bike. He hated seeing the way she contentedly wrapped her arms around him. Their ride was a lot quieter on the way back, as he heard her hum to herself contentedly. He smiled as he took a leisurely pace back to the clubhouse, as he equally took the time to relax after the fight.
"You unscathed, Kozzy?" Her voice came. "Pretty much. You?" "I think so, too." She yawned. He felt her tighten her grip, before she leaned forward to rest her head against him. "Don't fall asleep, will ya?" He grinned. "Oh, no. I'm just relaxing a bit. I know not to sleep on a bike, stud." "Where did ya learn to fight like that?" "Honestly? Movies. And improvisation." She chuckled. "Impressive." "What about you?" "Was in the marines. And I used to box." "Impressive." She mimicked. "I can see why they brought you." "Yeah. It was that and I can't bear lockdowns." "How come?" "Noise levels. I was real bad as a kid. Sensory overload."
For the rest of the journey, Kozik learned about her ADHD, her favourite colour and a few of her interests. He felt so comfortable with her, and the more she spoke with him, the more he felt connected with her. It was on this ride, that they realised they could like each other more than they probably should - but each knew that they had barely been acquainted 24 hours. Though, something just felt right. Eesh, try telling that to dad... Patience thought to herself.
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~Where the Crow Flies~

Chapter 1 - Hometown Girl
Image Credit: Myself. Pictures aren’t mine but editing/collage is.
Pairings: Juice Ortiz x OFC ((face claim - Emily Rudd))
Inspired by: God Love Her by Toby Keith
Rating: NSFW
Warnings: Sexual content, violence, ((to be determinded))
“Yeah she's a rebel child And a preacher's daughter She was baptized in dirty water Her mama cried the first time They caught her with me They knew they couldn't stop her
She holds tight to me and the Bible On the back seat of my motorcycle Left her daddy standin' there Preachin' to the choir You see, God love her Oh me and God love her”
Laredo, Texas.
It was a long way from their sleepy little hometown of Charming, CA. It was a rare occurrence that they would travel so far, but when a friend and fellow MC connection of Jax’s contacted him about a Patch Over, they were all for making the trip.
The ride was long and exhausting, taking them a total of three days when it only should have taken them one. No thanks to the two separate bike breakdowns, a wrong turn -- courtesy of Tig -- and a couple of flat tires. Needless to say by the time they arrived, they were road worn, dirty, and in desperate need of stiff drinks and a good night's sleep.
It was around 7:30pm when they finally made their destination, pulling into the nearest Bar and venturing inside for a drink, pleased to discover that the joint also served food. Three days of living off of gas station jerky, beer, and whatever else they could scrounge up to eat on the go had left them famished. So it went without saying that they were started to get more than a little disgruntled when the waitress working the floor seemed to be avoiding them entirely.
The mousy looking blonde ducking into the back almost the second they took their seats. A few minutes passing before the doors swung open and another woman emerged and disappeared for a moment behind the bar. She was average height, petite yet curvaceous and her delicate features made her appear younger than she likely was.
Juice’s jaw nearly hit the floor as she approached their table with a tray of full of shots. She was clad in a pair of ripped dark wash jeans that hugged her in all the right places, cowboy boots, and a black, cropped, tank top patterned with white and neon green skulls; her cleavage peeking out the top just ever so slightly.
Several elegant tattoos adorned her arms and left wrist, while another one on her right hip lie hidden by her jeans, part of it just visible above the waistband. Her dark auburn hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, and her smile radiant. The kind that reaches the eyes and makes them shine more brightly, her own a brilliant shade of blue with just the smallest hints of green; vibrant as she placed the tray on the table in front of them.
“My apologies for the wait, Gentlemen.” She apologized sweetly as she passed out the round of drinks. “These are on the house. Can I offer y’all somethin’ else to drink; maybe some menus?” She inquired with a drawl that was as smooth as the whiskey in the shot glasses before them.
“Menus would be fantastic.” Jax replied with a smile. “And a round’a whatever you got on Tap would be fine.”
“You got it, Darlin’.” She winked.
“Christ’ Juicey, quit yer gawkin’ and remove yer jaw from the table.” Chibs mused with a small smirk as he caught the younger man ogling the young waitress, eyes following her as she sauntered away to grab the requested items, her hips swaying in time with the thud of her boots across the hardwood floor.
It was hypnotizing; clearly.
“What?” Juice’s attention snapped back to reality at the sound of his name, the table erupting in a fit of boisterous laughter at his confused expression, the men settling back down as she returned to set some menus, ice cold mugs, and a large pitcher of beer on the table.
“You boys jus’ holler when you’re ready to order, alright?” She winked with a grin, hands stuffed in the back pockets of her jeans as she turned on the heel of her boot, starting back towards the bar to replace the blonde who had been working until they came in. Pausing when Jax called out after her, the men watching as she arched a perfectly sculpted brow at him, turning back to see what he needed.
“What’s your name, Sweetheart?” He asked with that signature flirtatious smile of his that made most girls swoon and go mad with desire. But she simply smiled, ignoring the suggestive nature of the question being asked, her eyes settling on Juice as she replied casually.
A few hours had passed, the guys dispersing to mingle around the bar after demolishing the three pizzas they ordered. Juice remaining at the booth in which they had all originally been sitting, fidgeting with the empty beer mug in front of him out of boredom. Normally he might have been up mingling with the rest of the guys, ‘New town, new pussy.’ as Tig would say; but he just wasn’t feeling it tonight. So instead he sat, quietly watching their Waitress, Missy, as she tended up at the bar.
It struck him how easy going she was, how easily she conversed with the locals and other customers as she worked, like she had know them for years. Hell, she even managed to put up with Tig’s wildly inappropriate, drunken, advances and still keep a level head. It was absolutely mind blowing to watch.
“You want another one, Sweetie?” She drawled softly, pulling him from his thoughts. A sweet smile hanging from her perfect, full, red lips as she approached his table, finally able to break away from the bar as things had started to die down for the night. “Um, yeah, thank you!” He returned her smile, passing the empty mug off to her and accepting the already opened bottle she held in her hand.
“Not in the mood to mingle?” She inquired with a curious look, turning her attention to the rest of his group that were scattered throughout the bar playing pool and whatnot, before returning it back to him, watching as he shrugged lightly.
“Not really.” He chuckled nervously. “It was kind of a long trip.”
“Patch Over business?” She chuckled softly at the confused look on his face before gesturing to his Kutte.
“Oh...right.” He rubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly, suddenly feeling like the world biggest idiot as he glanced up at her, reassured by the warm smile she gave him in return.
“Sorry, I should’ve clarified.” She replied, gesturing to the seat opposite him with a questioning glance before taking a seat as he nodded eagerly. “The Road Reapers are really the only crew in these parts, save for a few rival gangs; but Joey and his crew are good people. He’s been talking ‘bout the Patch Over for a while now...so I assumed when I saw your Kutte’s that you guys must be it.”
“Makes sense.” He chuckled before taking a swig of his beer.
“Missy.” She introduced herself personally to him as she extended her hand across the table, earning herself a ridiculously goofy, yet adorable, smile as he accepted the gesture; some of his nervousness fading as he replied. “Juice.” “For real?” She snorted a small laugh, her own smile growing, her hand still grasping his as she waited for a response. “I-- It’s a nickname.” He shrugged, rubbing at the back of his neck again as he withdrew his hand finally, taking another sip of his beer. “I like it.” She smiled warmly. “You have a real name to, though, I’m assuming?”
“Juan.” He nodded with sheepish grin. “Is Missy short for anythin’?”
“Maybe.” She quirked a smile at him as she pushed herself out of her seat, standing to pull a pack of smokes from her pocket. “But that’s for me to know and you to find out.”
Juice watched as she crossed the room, disappearing behind the bar where she grabbed a leather jacket and shrugged it on, waving at the other waitress who had come out of hiding and instructed her to watch the bar for a bit, her eyes meeting his again as she paused beside his table.
“You’re more than welcome to join.” She gestured toward the back entrance, shaking the pack of smokes in her right hand, grinning as he grabbed his drink and climbed out of the booth to follow her outside.
Silence hung between them as she sparked up the cigarette that hung from her lips, offering Juice her lighter as he searched for his own only to come up empty handed, tucking it back into the pocket of her jeans as she leaned against the brick wall behind them; exhaling a trail of smoke into the night air.
“So…” Juice cleared his throat, earning her attention almost instantly as she fixed her blue eyes on him intently, his nerves suddenly returning as he looked away quickly and took a long drag from his own cigarette. Trying to pretend he didn’t notice as he watched her out of the corner of his eye, shift and turn towards him as she waited for him to continue. Juice turning to give her a curious look after a minute or so when she started to chuckle softly.
“Sorry, it’s just-- I’ve never met a shy biker before.” She apologized before taking another drag from her cigarette, tilting her head to the side as she looked up him through dark lashes. “Y’all are usually so outgoing.”
“Yeah…” Juice chuckled a little as he stared back at her. “This is a little new, for me.”
“How so?” Missy asked with a curious look.
“I dunno. I guess I’m just not use to having a woman be so forward...normally it’s the other way around most of the time.” He replied with a shrug, watching the grin that tugged at the corners of Missy’s lips as she nodded at him.
“I can see that.” Her blue eyes gleamed with amusement as she studied him closely, shifting to step closer as the breeze picked up a little. “I’m little forward sometimes, I apologize.”
Juice gave a soft chuckle and shook his head. “No, it’s cool. Little change of pace never killed anyone.” He said. Missy smirked and nodded as she huffed out another puff of smoke. Missy eyed him as he took a drag and glanced out over the town, giving a small smile at all the lights and neon signs that knocked him back to the 90′s a little.
“Have you ever traveled out this far before?” Missy asked, taking another drag as Juice turned to her. He turned down the corners of his mouth as he gave his head a little shake.
“Not really. I mean, I’m from Queens, but never really made it down South.” He said. Missy nodded and glanced down, kicking a random piece of broken glass away as she asked,
“Is it hard being away from your old lady?”
The way Missy glanced up at him, a sweet, yet coy smile perched on her lips, blinking out from under her long lashes, Juice couldn’t hold back a similar sly smirk as he shifted a little closer and said, “Not really...Since I don’t have an old lady, yet.”
Missy couldn’t stop her smirk from spreading as she dropped her cigarette, stamping it out with the toe of her boot.
“Oh? No one who can handle the life?” She teased.
“Nah...not yet at least.” Juice shrugged.
“Guess those Cali girls must be pretty soft then, huh.” Missy chuckled sarcastically as she leaned in a little closer. “But then again, us Texas women are different breed.”
She watched as his brown eyes darted from her own gaze down to her lips and back, starting to lean in himself when the back door to bar flew open with a loud BANG as it slammed against the brick wall. A small chuckle left Missy’s lips as Juice startled backwards a little bit at the noise, turning to watch as the rest of his group filtered out back.
“There you are, we’ve been lookin’ all over for ya man.” Jax spoke up with a grin as he swaggered over towards the pair, hands shoved in his pockets.
“That’s my fault.” Missy grinned, giving a small shrug as she shoved her own hands into the pockets of her jacket.
“No worries, Sweetheart.” Jax replied. “We should probably get goin’ though since we still need to find a place to crash. There any good cheap motels nearby?”
Missy snorted at the question, raising an eyebrow at the blonde who in turn, gave her a questioning look. “Cheap and Motel are two words that do not belong in the same sentence.” She replied.
“You got a better idea?” Jax chuckled lightly, watching as Missy glanced up to the second story of the small brick building that housed the bar they stood outside of.
“Got a couple vacant rooms upstairs.” She replied casually, watching as Jax glanced around to the rest of his group for their approval. Earning a collection of nods and shrugs before turning his attention back to Missy.
“That’d be awesome...if it isn’t any trouble?” He replied.
“None at all.” Missy smiled kindly as she made for the door.
“How much?” Jax asked as they stepped back inside, surprised when Missy waved the comment off as she stepped behind the bar to fish out a set of keys.
“No charge.” She shook her head in reply. “The Son’s are always welcome here.” The comment earned her a plethora of confused looks from the group of men that stood before her, watching as she rolled her eyes and turned, reaching up on her tiptoes to grab an old picture that hung above the register.
“My real Dad, he fought in Nam with some of the Original 9. Was part of the Charter up in Tacoma for a lot of years until he went Nomad. Bounced around quite a bit after that till my Mom managed to get him to settle back here in Texas.” She gestured around the room they stood in as she laid the picture on the bar.
“He built this place from the ground up...”
“No fuckin’ way?” Jax stated as he picked up the picture off the bar to study it, recognizing it immediately as one he’d seen in some of JT’s old things.
“He had one golden rule back then, that the Son’s were always welcome in this establishment, no matter what. I made sure that stayed in place after he passed and I was old enough to take over...my Mom wanted nothing to do with it after she left him and remarried my Preacher step-daddy.”
“You’re a Preacher’s daughter?” Tig’s voice inquired, his interest suddenly peaked as he appeared at the front on the bar. Missy simply rolled her eyes and ignored his pervy antics as she brushed the comment aside.
“And after she died a couple years back, the Bar fell to me, as instructed, per my Father's will.” She gave a small sigh as she took the photo of her old man back from Jax and returned it to its rightful place above the bar. “So as I said before, y’all are welcome, free of charge for however long you need.”
“Well, we really appreciate that.” Jax stated with a kind expression.
“Don’t mention it.” Missy smiled as she stepped out from around the bar, reaching up to grab the rope that hung from a small bell that hung from a wooden pillar, giving it one sharp ring to catch everyone's attention. “LAST CALL!”
“C’mon, I’ll show you boys upstairs.”
A/N: AHHHHH...I did another thing you guys XD I really need to stop coming up with new ideas lol SHOUT TO JACKSONROTH for helping me on this <3
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#Where the Crow Flies#juice ortiz#juice x ofc#Juice x oc#Sons of Anarchy#SOA#SAMCRO#SAMTAC#theo rossi#juan carlos ortiz#Teller-Morrow#Jax teller#Tig Trager#Chibs Telford#opie winston#bobby munson#tara knowles#gemma teller#piney winston#the original 9#redwood original#Fanfiction#Writing#Fanfic#Master list#Charming#Clay Morrow#Happy Lowman
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800+ Follower Giveaway! (Closed)
You Guys!
I have over 800 followers now [i know its not a lot compared to other soa bloggers but its a big deal to me] and I wanted to do something special for all of you who follow me and interact so I did a little shopping…
I present to you…

A Come-Join-TheMurder Giveaway!!!
I have a Clay Morrow POP! figure, Sons of Anarchy: Bratva, a Sons of Anarchy jacket/vest patch, and SOA Playing Cards. Its not much, but its something, and I want to send it to you!
All you have to do to be eligible to win is… 1. Reblog this post. 2. Be a follower of this blog (@come-join-themurder). 3. Be able to prove that you follow this blog (if you win I will search for your URL in my followers, if I don’t find it I will message you to see if you have a different primary URL).
That’s it!
Unfortunately I will only be able to accept entries from North America and Europe. {I’m sorry to anyone who is outside of those countries (postage to anywhere else is just too darn expensive and its already going to cost me as much as I spent on the items themselves to ship to Europe!)} Please remember: I will need a valid ship to address to send this, so if you aren’t comfortable giving your address out, please do not enter! Entries will be placed randomly on a numbered list and a random number generator will be used to determine the winner to insure fairness. Please only one reblog per person (regardless of the number of primary/secondary accounts you have). This is the honor system you guys, I’m trusting you here lol.
This is completely free and sponsored only by me, myself, and I.
You know you wanna win… so reblog!
Good luck! 😚😚😚😚😚
#soa#sons of anarchy#samcro#jax teller#clay morrow#tig trager#chibs telford#bobby munson#opie winston#juice ortiz#happy lowman#gemma teller#tara knowles#come-join-themurder#piney winston#rane quinn#herman kozik#sambel#samtaz#samtac
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Teller Morrow Tragedy, The Prequel, Chapter 9
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: fluff, dirty talk/mentions blowjob/sex.
Alicia's POV
"Hey," Gemma smiled as I walked into the office, "you've got some admirers there, sweetheart."
She ran back into the clubhouse before appearing with not one, but 4 bouquets, 2 boxes of chocolate, and a teddy bear, "your father is very curious as to who sent everything, but I wouldn't let him open the cards. I’ll admit it though, I wanna know who sent everything, so spill, kiddo."
“I have no idea who sent everything, but I’m not against finding out!” I laughed as I pulled the first card from the pink and white roses. That was the biggest bouquet. When I opened the card I smiled, "I'm sure he knows who sent these."
"It's tradition," she laughed with a shrug. Gemma pulled me into a hug and gave me a kiss, "we always get you girls big bouquets, and a box of chocolate. But I’m talking about the other stuff! That other one looks almost as big as ours."
I rolled my eyes before looking at a large bouquet that was still wrapped in the film. I opened the card and sighed. "Please forgive me, Alicia. I'm not like my family. From David."
Gemma rolled her eyes, "that boy just won't take a hint, will he?"
I shrugged it off, and put that bouquet off to the side, before picking up the smaller bouquet of red roses. It had a smaller box of candy with it. I opened the card, and my eyes welled up.
"Well, who's that from?" Gemma asked, peering over my shoulder. She gasped and covered her mouth as we both saw that it was from Jax.
Ever since he and Tara argued about her getting attacked, he hadn't spoken to me, but he had also broken up with her. While he had put in a lot more effort with Mikayla, he hadn't said a word to me.
'I've been an ass. But I'm trying to make this right. You are an amazing mother to our daughter, and an equally amazing woman. Thank you for putting up with my bullshit. I'll always love you, Jax'
I felt the tears start to well up in my eyes as I looked back at Gemma, "did you put him up to this?"
She shook her head, "I had no idea he was doing that."
I smiled and held the roses for a second, before placing them with the other bouquets. That's when I saw the last one. It was a bouquet of orange lillies, baby's breath, and a single white rose in the center. The teddy bear came with that one, "who's this from? They have all my favorites?"
Gemma shrugged, "I don't know. Your father and I got you the first one. I thought you’d be able to tell me."
I opened the card that came with it,
'you are as vibrant as the orange lily, and as delicate as baby's breath. But you are more powerful than the rose, who's protected by the thorns.'
I blushed and Gemma grabbed the card, "looks like you have someone who really likes you!"
"Who is it from?"
"Doesn't say," she said, flipping the card over a few times, "You are as vibrant as the orange lily and as delicate as baby's breath. But you are more powerful than the rose who's protected by the thorns. I wish I can show you one day, just how much I would love to protect and cherish you. You are a gift from above. Your secret admirer."
I looked at the bear for any sign of a clue, but there was none. It didn't have anything significant on it, or another card, "I wonder who sent that."
"Could be Happy," Gemma said, offering up a suggestion, “you two have been awfully cozy lately…right?”
"He doesn't know what flowers I like," I sighed, secretly upset that it couldn't be him, “I don’t know who knows my favorite flowers…”
"Kozik?" she asked, "I know he's gotten you flowers before."
"Maybe," I admitted, "he does know what flowers I like. Is he in town?"
Gemma nodded, "yeah, a few guys from SAMTAC stopped by earlier in the week to do a run for the hospital. He could have ordered them and had em sent down if he was busy. I hear he’s quite the charmer.”
"Hmm," I said, finger to my lips, "I wonder what I could do though. I mean, what do girls get guys for Valentine's day?"
"blow jobs," Luann said, sitting down on the couch, “girls get their man a blowie for V-day. Or their pussy.”
"Where did you come from?"
"Could hear you guys from the garage. Otto is working on some bikes today, and I heard you guys talking about it. Guys love blowies, especially on Valentine's Day."
"I'm not going to advise my stepdaughter to give her secret admirer a blow job on Valentine's Day," Gemma laughed, “especially not since the guy is in the club. Clay would have his dick by the end of the day just to make sure it didn’t happen.”
I laughed, and Luann pulled me down to the couch right next to her, "it's simple. It's quick, and it doesn't cost anything. I'm telling ya, just get him that."
"I don't even know it's Kozik," I said with a laugh, “and I’m not going to walk around just giving all the guys in the club a blowjob. I’m not a croweater.”
"Whoever it is," Luann said, "he's a romantic. I heard Gemma and you reading that card. If Otto said some stuff like that to me, I'd be riding him in that garage right now."
"Well, if that's all it takes, get your ass back in here, I'll read that card all day," Otto yelled flirtatiously, “come on gorgeous. I dare ya!”
I began laughing and I felt my mouth drop, "oh my god. You guys are so gross."
"I second that," Gemma laughed, “If the two of you start going at it in the shop I’m charging you set rates, because lord knows half the guys would start filming it, you little porn star.”
“Hey, this ass sits in a director’s chair, Gemma,” she smiled happily as she blew Otto a kiss, “all thanks to my old man, and my ass paying plenty of dues.”
I grabbed the flowers, and headed out of the office, and through the clubhouse. I stopped when I got to the kitchen and inhaled the flowers. I smiled, thinking of who could have possibly sent them.
"Ya alright ther' lass?" a voice asked from behind me. I jumped and turned around to see Chibs with a big smile on his face, "what ya got there?"
"A secret admirer," I said with a smile. I bit my bottom lip, "he got me a teddy bear too. Wish I knew who it was from."
I turned back around and looked for a vase, "ya like tha fla'ers, do ya?"
I nodded, placing them into the vase, before filling it up with water, "I do. The card was so romantic, too. I'm gonna keep these on the desk all week so I can smile every time I start my shift here."
"The card?" He asked, "what did it say?"
"Oh," I smiled, thinking about it. I felt my face heating up. I saw him chuckle, "it told me that I was beautiful...and delicate...and strong, and that he wanted to protect and cherish me. I think this is really my favorite gift ever."
I nodded, "Come here. I want to show you the bear." He laughed, and I took his hand, leading him into the office. Gemma and Luann had made their way to the garage. I put the vase down with one hand, and grabbed the bear, holding it out. He laughed, "it needs a kutte or something."
I held it against myself and closed my eyes. That's when I noticed it smelled so good. Is that what he smells like?
"Ya alright therelass?"
I opened my eyes, and realized that I'd inhaled strongly against a bear, "I uh...I just noticed that it smells like a man...I was thinking maybe it smelled like him."
"Maybe," Chibs laughed, "so you think he put his cologne on it, so ya'd remember him? You got other gifts too, why not put those in water?"
I bit my lip, "I don't know...I guess I got so excited about this one I just forgot about the others."
Chibs POV
She came bounding into the clubhouse, with the flowers, and headed into the kitchen. I excused myself from the card game Bobby and Chico were having. I walked in and saw her back was to me. I heard her take a deep breath, holding the flowers up to herself.
"Ya alright ther' lass?" I asked from behind her. I watched as she damn near jumped out of her skin and turned around to see me. I couldn't help but grin, seeing that she was still holding the flowers I picked out, "what ya got there?"
"A secret admirer," she said with a smile. I watched as she bit her bottom lip, "he got me a teddy bear too. Wish I knew who it was from."
Before I could see her reaction, she had turned back around to look for something, "ya like tha fla'ers, do ya?"
She nodded, grabbing a vase and placing them into it, before filling it up with water, "I do. The card was so romantic, too. I'm gonna keep these on the desk all week so I can smile every time I start my shift here."
"The card?" I asked, pretending not to know anything, "what did it say?"
"Oh," she smiled, thinking about it. She had this dreamy look on her face, and she began to blush. I chuckled, watching her go from this confident woman to someone so giddy over the flowers, "it told me that I was beautiful...and delicate...and strong, and that he wanted to protect and cherish me. I think this is really my favorite gift ever."
I felt my heart soar at her admission, "Yeah?"
She nodded, "Come here. I want to show you the bear."
I laughed, and she took my hand, leading me back into the office. I felt a spark when she grabbed my hand, and I wanted nothing more than to drop my charade and tell her that I was that secret admirer. She put the vase down with one hand, and grabbed the bear, holding it out.
I smiled and laughed, "it needs a kutte or something."
She held it against herself and closed her eyes. I saw her body relax ever so slightly and some goosebumps rise on her skin. She must have smelled the cologne I sprayed on it.
"Ya alright there lass?"
She opened my eyes, and I saw her get red again, "I uh...I just noticed that it smells like a man...I was thinking maybe it smelled like him."
"Maybe," I laughed, playing along, "so you think he put his cologne on it, so ya'd remember him? You got other gifts too, why not put those in water?"
She bit my lip, "I don't know...I guess I got so excited about this one I just forgot about the others."
I smiled and Gemma and Luann walked in, "oh hey Chibs, you see the gifts this girl is getting? She’s breaking some major hearts now that she’s hitting that legal age."
I laughed, "bet she's a real 'eartbreaker."
"It runs in the family," Gemma laughed. I grinned ear to ear and kissed her and Luann on the cheek, “all Tellers and Morrows break hearts.”
"Well 'appy Valentine's Day to ya ladies," I said, sitting on the office couch. I crossed a leg over the other, "any plans?"
Both women shook their heads and I looked over to Alicia," and you?"
She shook her head and laughed, "no. I'm going to go home and soak in the tub after the shop closes. Jax said he'd take care of Mikey tonight so I'm just going to unwind."
I nodded, trying not to think about the image of Alicia in a bubble bath. What I wouldn't give to be in that bath with her.
A customer came in, gave me a dirty look, then began to ask about her car. Alicia said that she'd get the paperwork from the garage. A few moments later she came back, and then grabbed the customer's keys. She followed Alicia out to the car at the end of the lot.
I found myself turning to watch her walk out of the office. The way her hips swayed. I had to turn away to stop myself from drooling.
Gemma hit my shoe, "I know it's from you."
"I don’t know what you’re talking about, Gemma,” Isaid with a shake of my head, "must 'ave me confused with someone else."
"Bullshit," she laughed, "I know you've got it bad for her. I saw how you've been looking at her lately."
"I'm not doing a thing," I said simply with a shrug, "other than givin a beautiful woman flowers."
"Alright Chibsy," Gemma laughed, raising a brow, "she is 18 though. And she is single."
"Clay'd have my hide," I laughed, “and you know it.”
Gemma shrugged, "never know. He seemed to like the idea of Happy being her old man…and you know he’s got a soft spot for you.”
I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch, "I uh, gotta go back to my card game."
"I'm sure you do," Gemma smiled. She let me pass her and I headed back into the clubhouse. I smiled, thinking about what she said. None of those other gifts had mattered...but the one's I'd given her had made her light up.
"You okay there Chibs?"
I nodded, "of course,"
Tig laughed, "lookin like you are in love or some bullshit."
"Naw," I laughed, “Just out in the office. Girls were showing me just how many things Allie cat got from admirers.”
"No, really," Tig said, ignoring the man’s prior statement, "you got that lovesick look on your face. Or maybe you are just sick. I felt that way the other day when I had something in the fridge. Did you eat out of the container that said Bobby on it too?"
"You are loony."
He waved me off and went over to the card table. I had one of the sweet butts pour me a glass of whiskey, and I sat there thinking about Alicia.
I couldn't tell her that I was the admirer. No. I shouldn't have even sent it to begin with. I'd fought off the urge to send it last year. Why hadn't I been able to stop myself from sending it this year?
'ya like her, dumbass.'
I rolled my eyes at my inner self and looked down at the glass. You can't fall in love. You can't go for someone, least of all Clays' daughter. I sighed to myself and downed the last of what was in my glass before having the girl pour me another one.
'fuck. ya already have feelings fer tha girl.'
"Fuck," I muttered to myself. I looked down the hall and could see into the office where she was smiling, playing with the flowers and look at the card, "she's gon be the death of ya."
Chapter 10
#soa chibs#soa#sons of anarchy#motorcycle clubs#chibs x oc#chibs x reader#chibs telford#gemma teller#filip telford#filip chibs telford
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Puppy with Kozik
@starrynite7114 sent me this week idea through discord and I HAD to write it! I’ve been wanting to write more for my hubby, but couldn’t think of anything new. So enjoy this little Kozik blurb. Possibly smutty Kozik after this. Sorry my posting is so spirattic. But anyway enjoy.

Kozik, your husband, had been gone almost all day. He’d been out with the club all day. You were his first love and his only love, and he’d been your one and only for so long, you were proud of him most days. You’d bailed him out of jail more than once.
“Baby! You in here?” His voice echoes from the back room, and you hear a huff that seems odd. He hadn’t packed any duffels, had he? No, he’d only been gone the day and last night.
“Kozzie? You okay?” You call, heading to the back room. It was a chilly day in October in sunny California and you were wrapped in his old tattered SAMTAC sweatshirt and a pair of your favorite Joker sweats from the men’s section.
“Yeah.” You hear him grunt as his blonde hair comes into view. In his arms is the biggest pit bull you’d ever seen, with a bow attached to the collar.
“Hunni, what is that?” You ask, giddiness evident in your little fists shaking and pulled to your chest.
“It’s our dog, I was thinking Titus, or ya know, Poseidon.” He shrugs, gently placing the gigantuous creature onto the floor and patting the poor pup’s head. Crouching down, you sit on the floor a few feet away, to get him acclimated to you. And he does what Kozik doesn’t expect, and bares his teeth at you for a moment, slowly stalking towards you. His heart starts to pound as the dog’s growl gets softer. Your hand carefully reaches out and he takes a couple well thought out sniffs. Kozik’s eyes are squeezed shut, the fear of the dog about to bite you, but you wouldn’t let him intrude.
Opening his eyes after a moment he finds a totally new set before him. The dog is all but sitting in your lap like a baby, staring you with the biggest doe eyes he’d ever seen and you’re cooing at him.
“Hi Poseidon, hi, baby. How are you?” You whisper, kissing the huge dog’s nose and tears fill your eyes when he climbs from your lap and puts his huge paws around your neck and buts his nose under your chin. “I know baby, I got you. You’ll never be hurt again sweet boy.” You assure, letting Kozik sit next to you on the floor. A low growl rumbles deep within the dog as Kozik wraps an arm around you. A giggle erupts from you at first, but you quickly tap Poseidon’s nose and tell him no.
“Jesus christ, babe. I save him, I pull two muscles in the process cause he’s like two hundred pounds and now he doesn’t even like me. What kind of bullshit.” Kozik’s cut off by a huge tongue slobbering up his face. You give a laugh and hug Kozik around the neck, grabbing his face and kissing him.
“Thank you so much, Hunni.” You whisper, pressing a sweet kiss to his cheek.
PS: sorry for the Lem gif @vicmackeybullshxt here’s my lil Kozik for the year 😂
#imagine#cute imagine#herman kozik imagine#kozik#herman kozik#kozik imagine#kozik oneshot#sons of anarchy#soa
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Fly Away - Chapter 6
A/N - Hints of smut, some angst, smoking. Tried something different with POV. Sorry for how late this was posted LOL If your name is struck out, it means that I could not tag you in this.
@petlaufeyson @howmanywastedmoments @soafanficluvr1 @redwoodog @chaosmieu @khyharah @5sos1dsexy @opies-oldlady @queen-ofthe-bikers-soa-blog @mrsirishboru @fortheloveofthesoa @samcrolivesforever @ineedthesons @mwesterfeld1985 @divathelover @happys-crazy-queen22 @kitkat1690 @sons-of-anarchy-imagines-blr @tellermorelli @juiceboxxortiz @ladyannikki @mybabysons @jade770 @kacilove26 @myworldoffandomfics-blog @brriik @jchona @nessy-bearxb @trashling101 @dmagicreality @kittenofanarchy @soachibstel1 @virtualdazelight @cole-winchester @cynthia1guardia
Angel’s POV-----------
The universe always seems to know what you want the most and dangle it in front of your face before cruelly snatching it away. It is a sadistic entity that thoroughly enjoys snatching away hopes of happiness from you. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m just paying for all the bad done in my and my father’s life so far. Or maybe I’m just being melodramatic because it’s been over three months since I last got laid. Our last gig was also about three months ago, I wonder if there’s any correlation.
Coming back from the gig, everything seemed to be going well. I was legit happy. I heard more and more from Precious and she brought little Tiki to come up and see me a couple of times. There were no lockdowns that forced me to miss class and work. I was making decent tips at the coffee shop from all the old grandma and grandpa regulars. I got to see Herman a few times, away from the prying eyes of the club. It. was. Fantastic. Until it wasn’t.
I should have seen it coming.
I learned that Happy was finally putting his Nomad streak to rest, in favor of coming to Tacoma. Bambi was a little hellion back in Charming, giving Jax and Opie a run for their money. I swear, she’s gonna whip that club into shape one day. This should have made me ecstatic, and for a brief moment of time, it did.
I don’t know what I thought, I knew Herman and I weren’t serious. There would be no “happily ever after” or riding off into the sunset. He’s a Son and I’m the daughter of a Son. There is no mixing of the two. I at least thought we’d keep on good terms. I was not expecting such a cold shoulder from the man anytime we were in the same room.
I didn’t think much of it at first. I hadn’t been to the clubhouse in a while and felt like I was ignoring everyone. Granted, I had reached out to SAMCRO multiple times, hoping to get some updates on how everyone was doing. All I was met with was vague responses. SAMTAC was no better.
Herman and Happy had become inseparable. Part of me wondered if he was back to his old ways or if Herman was using Happy’s presence as a way to keep away from me. The gig had been our first and last time together. I couldn’t help but take this personally, how else was I supposed to take it?
I decided it was time to visit the clubhouse once again. I figured it would be nice to take them all some treats from the shop, as well as some actual good coffee. Johnny had said he would tag along but it felt like I needed to see them on my own. I didn’t realize that they were having a party and for the first time in my life around this club, I felt like an outsider. I found Lorca and made my way towards him, handing off the sweets and coffee. I knew it was unwise, he was going to eat all of it before anyone else, but what the hell. Darla was busy making her way through the crowd and entertaining everyone and no one seemed to notice that I was there.
“What’s all this?”
I had barely taken my eye off Lorca so when I turned back to see the crumbs covering his mouth and chin, I couldn’t help but break out in laughter. He attempted to wipe it with his arm, but it only made things worse as the icing spread across his face and beard more.
“Patch party. Prospect got voted in the other day so, well, what ya see here! I thought Kozik told you about it? He told us you were busy working or some shit.”
For a brief moment, I was stunned but I turned to Lorca and smiled, “That’s right! I got off early tonight. Forgot all about this! Let me make my rounds!”
I felt like I couldn’t get away from him fast enough. I’m not sure how I was able to do it but I went almost unavoided for an hour after getting there. Staying at the bar, I nursed my beer and watched the scene before me.
Darla was still making her way around, constantly getting pulled around by different members to talk to her. Lorca was off to the other side of the bar, still eating the treats and drinking the coffee. The rest of the men were scattered around the clubhouse with random croweaters swarming around them. The no-longer Prospect was in the middle of the largest group, laughing loudly as he told an animated story. Staring from the bar, it was such an interesting sight to me. I had grown up with this and the sights, smells, and noises made me feel like I was home. But there was still a feeling like being an outsider. I know I will never be fully part of the lifestyle, and I have been ok with this for as long as I can remember.
The door to the clubhouse opened and two laughing figures made their way through. Angel turned her eyes and watched as two men came through, their arms wrapped around women in short-shorts and barely-there-tops. Angel took a long swig of her beer as she realized that it was Happy and Herman making their way inside. The girl wrapped in Herman’s arms turned into him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down. Angel clenched the bottle and she watched him lower his head to this other woman. It told her exactly what she needed to know.
Angel finished up her beer and made her way toward Darla. “Momma D!” She called out.
The older woman turned her head and smiled wide. “My sweet baby girl, when did you get here?”
She waved her hands for Angel to come closer and then wrapped her arms tightly around her. “I wasn’t expecting you! I thought you were working tonight?”
Angel shrugged and gave the older woman a smile. “I got here not too long ago. There was a change in my schedule so I brought some treats and coffee but Lorca got to me first.”
Darla laughed but never let her arms fall from Angel’s waist. Instead, she ushered Angel around with her, making sure to stop by the various broken off groups to chat before making their way to the next.
It wasn’t long before Angel forgot the brief moments of hurt. She was finally having a good time reconnecting with the men and women she counted as family. Angel was sitting on a stool near the pool table, joking with those playing. An arm wrapped around her shoulder and Angel briefly froze.
“Staying away from me kiddo?” The gruff voice let Angel relax as she smiled and leaned against the slim body next to her.
“Heya Uncle Hap. Course I’m not! I’ve been here while you’ve been fooling around with them crows.” Her voice was teasing and caused Happy to chuckle as he squeezed her shoulder.
Angel felt content to lean against Happy as everyone made their way over to talk to Happy.. She felt so content she didn’t realize eyes glancing her way. In her gut, she knew who it was consistently looking her way, but being with the closest thing to home was enough for Angel not to care for the moment. It helped that Happy kept his arm slung around her shoulder and kept her close. Angel knew it would be weird for a lot of them to see Happy showing as much affection as he was, but the more veteran club members understood - SAMCRO was more than a club, it was a family. Happy had watched Angel grow, he was also the only connection to Bambi and the others at this moment.
The No-longer-a-prospect came over and Angel did her best to stop the roll of her eyes. The last time she had seen him, he was trying so hard to get into her pants and Kozik and made him go away. “Happy! Nice to see you again man. Who’s your friend here?”
Angel turned and stared up at the man, “Not interested and off-limits. I’m gonna go see if Darla needs help, Hap.”
She left as quickly as she could and made her way towards the clubhouse kitchen. It would be the only place that no one would be in and she would be able to breath for a moment. Pushing open the door, the last thing Angel expected to see was Herman leaning back against the counter, his eyes closed and head thrown back and his hands guided a kneeling brunette’s head back and forth on his cock. Angel watched for a moment, shocked, before muttering a quick ‘sorry’ and heading back to the main room and continuing out the front door.
The cool air was a nice relief for Angel. She leaned back against the hood of her car and fished out a smoke. She normally wasn’t one to smoke but it was becoming more of a common habit that she wasn’t fond of. Pulling a drag of nicotine calmed her frazzled nerves. Logically, she knew she shouldn’t be mad. They hooked up a couple times, they weren’t anything else. But she couldn’t help it, she was pissed. She was also horny as hell, which made her even more pissed off. There was something about watching him be pleasured that did something to her. She didn’t have long to keep thinking about it as she watched Happy walk her way.
“Since when do you smoke?”
Angel couldn’t help but laugh at the face he was making. It had been a while since she had really seen anyone, she had forgotten they didn’t know of the habit. “Eh, the diner gets me stressed. Still kinda a new habit. Don’t look so shocked. Y'all smoked all the time. You should be more surprised that it’s taken me this long.”
Happy shrugged and took the cig from her hand, taking a long drag for himself. “Still weird. Keep forgetting how grown you got while away. What happened there?”
Angel tilted her head and cocked her brow. She wanted to be nonchalant and try to keep the real reason to herself. “Saw things I wish I hadn’t. I keep forgetting how nasty y’all start getting and don’t care about a thing called privacy when in the clubhouse.”
Happy just laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close and placing a kiss to her temple before handing back the cigarette. “Let me know if douche bothers you again. Member or not, you’re off limits. He knows better. Plus they all know you got someone. When do I get to meet this “Johnny”?”
Angel only laughed and leaned further into Happy’s arms. “I love you Hap.”
The man chuckled and held her tighter as they stayed outside smoking their cigarettes, both blissfully unaware of being watched.
#the reapers angel#soa au#angel munson#soa x OC Angel#samcro au#happy lowman#herman kozik#reaper's angel fly away
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Would anyone be interested in me writing my SOA fanfic? I wantnto double check, however because not many are still active within the SOA fandom/community. I wanna get to writing since I have a bunch of freetime now.
The basic sypnosis is its about a woman named Avril Kozik (so Kozik's daughter) and her moving into Charming with her dad as he transfers. With having experience in helping run SAMTAC, Avril quickly becomes the second Queen Bee of Charming, being very close with the Queen herself, and even developing a relationship with the Prince Charming (literally).
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Brotp ask meme for Vix & Tank?
who steals french fries off the other’s plate
Vix does it all the time, usually because Tank would have just made them from scratch and he has forever ruined any other fries for her.
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple
Tank did it once when they were teens and some older creep tried to hit her up at the bar. He only kissed her cheek, but Vix beat the snot out of him when they got home she was so embarrassed.
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail
Vix would post bail for Tank, and has on several occasions because of SAMTAC.
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues
Tank likes to think he’s this font of wisdom, and Vix likes to act like she doesn’t care, but usually his advice is pretty solid.
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes
Tank does it, and he’ll usually have one of their friends help so that Vix doesn’t catch on. It doesn’t help that she has a REALLY good poker face and can bluff him out of almost anything.
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk
Vix, seeing her big brawny brother crunched into the box of the bottom bunk gives her sadistic joy.
who starts and who wins the pillow fights
Vix doesn’t care for them, so usually Tank. She’ll throw a good hit or two in, but usually she turns it into an all out wrestling match.
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush
Vix to any girl she think would be Tank’s type. He’s not the most forward of people despite being a big badass hunk of a biker. It’s also her personal revenge on the kiss thing.
Instead of OTP Headcanons give me a pair and I’ll give these BROTP Ones
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@charmingkat / @samcrocrew for a lockdown ft. the unholy trinity
Lockdown--not an ideal thing, but once everyone was safe inside, Opie made sure the doors were secure. Gun slung on his back, he checked every surface, finishing the barricade up with a few of the other guys. It had ruined his wedding plans--because he damn well knew it would be more than a day or two, and tomorrow was the day he was supposed to get married for the second time.
Helping some of the family get settled in the dorms, into sleeping bags otherwise, Thomas moved around the clubhouse before he did a headcount. This was already weighing heavy on him, but he tried not to let it show. No one needed to know he was struggling with the crowd, with the stress.
“Everyone’s in. We’ve got some of SAMTAC and a couple of our guys on the roof,” Opie spoke, his voice carrying above the din of the room. Moving to his fiancee, Opie settled down to sit on the edge of a table. He didn’t make his way into the Chapel, however, where he knew Tig and Clay were--let them handle it. Clay had made his speech already, explaining the lockdown, but honestly, Ope’s mind was elsewhere, right where it shouldn’t be then.
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v. all hail the princess. alt verse
general information
full name: erica alexandra morrow nicknames: eri, ericat, princess date of birth: february 8th, 1988 age: 16 - 32 ethnicity: caucasian gender: cis female romantic orientation: hetrosexual sexual orientation: heterosexual religion: non practicing christian spoken languages: english, scottish, gaelic irish current living situation: small apartment in charming occupation: head nurse at st. thomas
eyes: brown hair: blonde height: 5′3 build: petite piercings: several ear piercings, a belly button ring, septum piercing tattoos: ‘woman of mayhem’ patch tattooed on her upper ribs, easily hidden by her bra strap
parents: clarence ‘clay’ morrow (father) @fcundwings // brandy jones (mother) ✞ siblings: jackson ‘jax’ teller (step brother) @gavelcorrupted god parents: alexander ‘tig’ trager (godfather) @fcundwings // unnamed godmother other family: moby harland (godson), samcro, samtac, sambel, galen o’shay (uncle), gemma teller-morrow (adoptive mother) significant other: juice ortiz
on february 8th, 1988, erica alexandra morrow is born, to clarence morrow and brandy jones. she was something that people would call a blessing in disguise. clay had never wanted children, and having one with one of samcro’s crow eaters really wasn’t what he had planned. being at odds with jt teller about where the club was going, getting them into gun running for the ira, a kid was the last thing he needed, and for most of the pregnancy, he was out of the picture, sincerely doubting that the brandy was telling the truth about the baby she was carrying even being his. unable to deal with both rejection, as well as being pregnant, brandy turned to cocaine, unbeknownst to clay.
born two weeks prematurely, and with a lack of oxygen, erica was in the hospital for the first few weeks, fighting for her life, all by herself. her mom is deemed unfit to take care of her due to her drug addiction, and clay is still unsure whether the girl is even his to begin with. when a paternity test marks him down as the biological father, he is the one to take erica home once she is healthy enough. however, with the mc business picking up, she is mostly raised by the other crow eaters and gemma teller.
on her second birthday, erica suffers her first seizure. getting his daughter to st. thomas as quickly as he can, clay hits a wall when he is told that seizures aren’t uncommon, and while he has a hard time believing that, there isn’t much he can do at that moment. but when the seizures keep happening, erica is heavily tested, which finally results in a diagnosis. epilepsy which presents itself in grand mal seizures, possibly caused by her mother’s drug use during pregnancy, and the lack of oxygen at birth, and while clay does his best to be there for his daughter and shield her from everything, it doesn’t make things easy.
somewhere along the line, jt teller dies in a motorcycle accident, her dad marries gemma and officially becomes her mother, making jax teller her step brother.
while the seizures are brought back to a minimum with heavy medication, the side effects aren’t ideal. suffering from weight gain, acne and anxiety attacks, erica suffers from bullies, especially in high school, which she keeps a secret from her family. instead, she stops taking her medication all-together during the summer before her junior year, causing her skin to clear up, her weight to drop (thanks to a new work out regime) and while the anxiety is still lingering, she’s ready to head back to school after reinventing herself, and for a couple of weeks, it’s going the way it should. she carries herself with more confidence, and doesn’t take shit anymore. but of course, things have to come crashing down. a couple of days before the winter dance, she suffers from a particularly bad seizure during lunch, and while that wasn’t uncommon, one of the kids at school films it with a camera phone, including the part where she loses control over her bladder and pisses herself in the middle of the school cafeteria. the video finds it’s way online before she’s even made it to the hospital.
after that, erica comes clean about not taking her medication to her dad, and while he is furious at first, he does see where she’s coming from, but still makes her promise to take her medication again, and she does. when they find out about the video, it takes juice less than an hour to find out who posted it, and after a visit from the president of the sons of anarchy, erica is miraculously left alone at school from that moment on.
erica floats through high school, and with the amount of time she’s spent in the hospital as a child, it isn’t a huge surprise that she decides to go to nursing school. what is somewhat of a surprise is the fact that she choose to leave charming in favor of tacoma, and after a few screaming fights, calls with samtac, erica is allowed to head up to washington to attend college there. it’s there that she befriends happy lowman and herman kozik, who have taken it upon themselves to keep an eye on the princess, and it’s a friendship that will last forever. especially when erica gets caught in between the sons and a rival club, and ends up shooting one of the gunmen who had the guts to storm the samtac clubhouse, saving happy in the process. while this would earn any patched member the ‘men of mayhem’ patch, erica isn’t a member, and instead, happy gives her a tattoo of the patch reading ‘woman of mayhem’ high up on her ribcage.
it’s during college and her time in tacoma that erica grows out of her epilepsy, and at her graduation ceremony, two rows are reserved for erica’s family, and while the kuttes might make the other parents uncomfortable, erica would never dream of walking the stage without the sons present. whereas clay is ready to have his daughter back under his watchful eye, erica has other plans. at college she set her sights on doing her apprenticeship abroad, and her hospital of choice happens to be in belfast, northern ireland, and where fighting clay for washington was a nightmare, he a little less reluctant to sent his only daughter to europe, knowing that the belfast charter, as well as galen o’shay would be there to keep her safe.
while in belfast, erica quickly befriends kerrianne telford and trinity ashby, while working part time in maureen ashby’s shop at night in order to make some extra money and earn her keep while she stays with the maureen and trinity. she spends little over a year in ireland, and reluctantly returns to charming when she’s done with her apprenticeship and can officially call herself a nurse.
once back on states side, it takes her a little while to get back into things in charming. for nearly five years she’s been away from the club, the constant supervision, and at first it’s a constant struggle. but once she finds a job at st. thomas, her own place to stay, it makes sense again.
eventually ends up with juice bla bla bla
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full name: erica alexandra morrow nicknames: eri, ericat. princess date of birth: february 8th, 1995 age: 25 ethnicity: caucasian gender: cis female romantic orientation: hetrosexual sexual orientation: heterosexual religion: non practicing christian spoken languages: english current living situation: small apartment in charming occupation: head nurse at st. thomas
parents: clarence ‘clay’ morrow (father) @fcundwings // gemma teller-morrow (mother) siblings: jax teller (half brother) @gavelcorrupted god parents: tig trager (godfather) @fcundwings // luann delaney (godmother) other family: sons of anarchy mc significant other: n/a
eyes: brown hair: blonde height: 5′3 build: petite tattoos and/or piercings: several ear piercings, a belly button ring. ‘women of mayhem’ patch tattooed on her upper ribs, easily hidden by her bra strap noticeable traits: big brown eyes
never did clay and gemma plan on having a child, not with all the drama that surrounded them getting together after jt teller died. however, a few weeks after their wedding, gemma found herself pregnant. while another child wasn’t planned in the slightest, it didn’t make it any less wanted.
growing up in charming was a dream, at least for erica. she loved small town life, where she knew everyone, mostly because of her automatic affiliation with samcro. she skipped through school, and after graduation left for tacoma community college to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse. she had wanted to go to san diego, but her, jax and clay compromised on a city that at least had a sons of anarchy chapter, and she spent the best four years of her life in washington, building close friendships with the samtac.
upon her return to charming, it took a while for erica to re-acclimate to living under the watchful eye of her parents, brother and extended family, but there was no place erica would rather be. she was quickly accepted as a nurse at st. thomas, and while she had a feeling tara had a say in that, she gladly started.
now, she has worked her way up to being head nurse, and working alongside tara as the main medic for samcro.
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Redwood Firecracker - Chapter 3: Drive By
When Patience finally got to the wake the next day, she was shattered and on the verge of overload and feeling very low. Despite this, she attended for Sack's sake. He was a good guy, and they had had a good rapport. She wore a black blouse, slightly cropped, with black jeggings and boots - making her taller than she would usually be. She lifted herself out of the car, sighing before beginning to trudge up to the door. She looked up, and she found herself being uplifted by the sight that met her.
Mid conversation with Clay, Bobby, Chibs and Opie, Kozik looked over to see her. He stopped speaking, first noting the shocking bruise and strips on the side of her face, before continuing his sentence as she then began to approach. None of the men present for that conversation missed the action, or the look/feeling behind it. Chibs and Opie sharing a concerned look, given the nature of Tig's opinions to the man.
"Hey, Pay." Bobby greeted, giving her a hug." How are you feeling?" "I'm feeling a bit better." She replied, looking to Kozik briefly. "Why don't you go inside, got some club business to discuss." Clay spoke. "Sure thing." She nodded, before her eyes settled on Kozik again.
She gave him a sweet smile before disappearing into the funeral home. Her sombre mood partially returned, as she took sight of the casket. She damn near cried when she saw the patch on top of it. Sack definitely deserved better, and she felt utterly useless. Why didn't she do more? Why didn't she block the attack? Though, she was torn out of her thoughts when Kozik appeared behind her.
"Hey." He spoke, tilting her head so he could inspect her bruise, and she didn't miss the look of rage on his face." Son of a bitch." "I know. I didn't see it coming. Should have." She shook her head, turning back to Sack's casket. "Don't do that to yourself, Patience. Shit happens." He soothed, putting an arm around her shoulders. "I could have stopped him killing Sack and taking Abel." She croaked, leaning into his touch. "I coulda shut the damn door, but here we are." He sighed." Hindsight is a bastard." "It's good to see you." Patience mumbled, nuzzling in a bit. He kissed her head. "You, too, Pay."
A few of the surrounding patches watched the interaction with confusion or surprise. Or both. Were they really seeing Tig's daughter being friendly with Kozik? Most of SAMCRO looked on in a form of surprise, and Bobby recognised that look on Clay. With what Kozik had spoken with them about, Clay's next course of action was obvious.
Patience and Kozik continued to spend most of the evening together. After Kozik got more details about what happened, they moved onto a general conversation; finding out more about each other. The chemistry between them was unmistakeable as they conversed and seemed so at ease with each other.
They were walking outside, sharing a few laughs and memories, as people began to congregate outside the wake as it came to a close. Kozik had given Patience his hoodie to keep her warm as a cool breeze picked up. She loved wearing it, taking in the scent of the man - and he enjoyed seeing her in his hoodie, finding the sight to be too cute. The sound of a vehicle approaching could be heard, as the general area seemed mostly subdued and forlorn, save for the occasional chatter and laughter, commemorating Half-Sack.
Kozik was busy admiring the twinkle in Pateince's face when he saw her face contort at the sight of the van. He was just following her eyeline when she saw the van door open, and the a gun begin to peek out. Kozik felt his shoulder being grabbed, then a foot his the back of his knee and he toppled back, grabbing her as shots began to ring out.
He landed on his back with a thud, followed by Patience's light body hitting his, before he rolled them over to shield her from the bullets being fired. He covered her ears for her as she thrashed under him, her hands flying her to on top of his to put pressure on to block the sounds. The screams, shots and heartbeat were too much. He soon felt her fingertips pressing against his hands repeatedly, in a panicked fashion, before the shots finished.
As everyone began directing their attentions to their different personal or legal priorities, Kozik reached for Patience's bag to rummage for her earplugs. He put them in her hands and let her put them in, before he took hold of her hands and let her squeeze his. He knelt by her on the ground as she tried to regain composure and try not to let herself go too far. As the situation began to sort of settle, ish, Clay took note of her state. He then told Bobby to tell Kozik to take her home. Though Clay did now have an ulterior motive, he knew Patience had to get out of here and somewhere quiet and with less input.
Kozik helped her up, and directed her to his bike. He checked she would be okay before he gave her his helmet and they climbed on. All the way back to her house, he felt her tight grip and vague scratching motion as she dealt with her overload. And general panic, to be fair. He tried not to release a heavy sigh, as his anger surged through him again - poor Patience couldn't score a break at the moment. Once they pulled in, Kozik grabbed his and her bags, and walked behind her as she unlocked her front door. His heart sank as he watched her rush through into her bedroom. He followed suit, and came in to see her take her earplugs out as he set the bags down.
"Did you want me to stay?" He asked.
She nodded.
"I'm just going to call the guys, find out what's goin' on. I'll be back in a moment." He spoke.
She nodded.
When he got back he saw her lying in her bed, donning similar shorts to those she had during the lockdown, but this time she wore his hoodie with them, as she lay in bed, seemingly calmer and more serene than earlier. He sighed, walking over to the edge of her bed and sitting on it.
"You okay, Pay?" He asked. "I think so." She mumbled, opening her eyes, her voice seeming so fragile. "Did you want anything?" He asked, his heart breaking at the fragility.
She didn't say anything, as she merely patted the space he was vaguely sitting in.
"You want me to stay here?"
She nodded, as he gave a puff of breath. Well, he though. Tig isn't here, and she's fragile. He had already kicked his shoes off, and hung up his kutte, so he shed his jeans, leaving him in his boxers on his lower half, and Patience oved the duvet back to let him in. Despite her being half out of it herself.
He lay next to her, holding an arm out so she could snuggle up into him. He cradled her in his arms as they lay there. Not entirely sure how to process the events of the evening. Both of them just decided to let the other soothe them, as they continued to lay in Patience's bed and revel in the quiet.
"Did I hurt you?" Her voice came. Kozik looked down at her, to find her looking up at him. "Huh?" "When I kicked you down? Did I hurt you?" "Oh, no. Don't worry about that, Pay." "Thank you." "For what?" "Everything. You covered me, covered my ears and you're staying with me. Means a lot." She told him, closing her eyes. "You're welcome. Now, you get some sleep." "Night, Kozzy." She whispered, kissing his arm where her head lay. He stared at her in surprise briefly, before kissing her forehead. "Night, Patience."
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~Whiskey Lullaby~

~Chapter 5~
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Image Credit: Me. Pictures not mine obviously, but the collage is.
Rating: NSFW-18+
Warnings: Alcohol and drug abuse, violence, suggested sexual/physical abuse, kidnapping, sexual content, angst.
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of underage ((consensual)) sex, past alcohol/substance abuse, lots of angsty feely things...don’t hate me lol
Teagan groaned quietly as she rolled over, one eye cracking open to check the time on her alarm clock; stiffening when she felt the arm around her waist tighten it’s grip. The previous nights events flooding her brain as her eyes sprang open, more than awake now as she scrambled for the alarm clock beside the bed that was facing away from her. Turing it around to check the time, cursing herself quietly as she started to gently untangle Chibs’ arm from around her waist.
It was already after 8:30am...most of the guys would likely already be milling about the Clubhouse; her brother included. That was the last thing she needed right now was Tig losing his shit over something that hadn’t even happened yet. Not that she wouldn’t deserve it...she had lost his respect many years ago, and she wasn’t exactly doing a great job at earning it back.
Sighing to herself she slipped out of the sweatpants he had lent her and folded them neatly before placing them on the end of the bed. Smiling to herself as Chibs snored softly; disappointed that she couldn’t stay until he woke. The thought of waking up in his arms giving her a sense of happiness that she hadn’t felt in a lot of years.
Being careful not to draw too much attention to herself, she crept quietly for the door. Peaking out to make sure no one was in the hall before she made her escape; yelping in surprise when a hand reached out and snatched her by the ear, dragging down the hall and into her own room.
“Jesus- what the fuck?!” Teagan stumbled forward a little as the hand released her ear and closed the door. Turning to find Gemma standing with her arms crossed over her chest as she stared her down with the disapproving ‘Mom’ look.
“I swear to God, it’s not what it looks like Gem!” Teagan stated in a rush, holding her hands up innocently. Gemma looking less than convinced as she pointed to the bed. Teagan backing up until she found it, sitting abruptly. Swallowing hard as Gemma advanced with her hands on her hips.
“Just what in the hell do you think you’re doin’?” She questioned sternly.
“I promise Gem, really! Nothing happened. I got up to get a bottle of water, and saw he was still up and I don’t know...I was still drunk and didn’t wanna be alone. But I swear, we did not have sex...I just-- He felt bad, he even gave pants to sleep in for Christs sake!”
“Mhm.” I’m sure he did.” Gemma replied sarcastically. Still skeptically as she stared down at Teagan like a Mother about to ground her teenage daughter.
“You can ask Filip!”
“Filip, really?” Gemma mused with a smirk, watching as Teagan’s faced turned red with embarrassment.
“Chibs! For fucks sake Gem, just ask him! Just please-- PLEASE don’t tell Tig!” She begged, breathing a sigh of relief when Gemma nodded with a small chuckle.
“Calm your tits, sugar. I’m not gonna tell anyone.” Gemma replied, her body language relaxing as she took a step back. “Besides, your reaction told me everything I needed to know.” Patting Teagan’s cheek with a grin, she turned to leave the room.
Teagan groaning as she flopped backwards onto the bed, hands over her face as she gave a dramatic sigh...it was definitely too early for this shit. She need a shower, and coffee. Lots, and lots of coffee.
An hour passed before she felt it even safe to consider exiting her room. Making sure that Tig was a least gone before making her way into the kitchen and grabbing a cup of coffee before slipping out the back to the storage units. Sighing as she rolled up the door, revealing the old primer painted Chevelle. Shaking her head as she leaned up against the driver side fender. So many memories...
Wiping at her face as a tear slipped out, she drew in a deep breath. Trying to rid herself of the overwhelming emotions that seeing it brought back. Turning instead to the piece of paper and pen she brought out with her. Pausing every now and then to think as she compiled a list of parts she needed to go track down.
It was a waste to let the old beast simply rot in a storage unit...even despite the painful memories. She knew that’s not what he would’ve have wanted. Besides, it wasn’t like she had much of anything else to do right now.
Finishing her list, she folded it and tucked it inside her pocket before polishing off the remainder of her coffee. Rolling the door closed behind her as she made her way back inside to grab her leather jacket; dropping her coffee cup off in the sink. Stopping by the Office on her way to her bike, finding Gemma inside doing paperwork.
“You takin’ off?” She asked, not looking up from her paperwork as Teagan walked in, peering through the blinds into the shop. Noting both Tig and Chibs were gone.
“Yeah...I’m gonna see if I can order some parts for the Chevelle.” She replied, gaining Gemma’s attention as she looked up.
“I can order ‘em.” Gemma offered, pulling her glasses off. “Just let me know what you need?”
“I got it.” Teagan dismissed the offer with a half smile. “This is something I need to do...ya’know?”
“’Course, Sweetheart.” Gemma gave an understanding nod as she stood and gave the younger woman a hug. “You let me know if there’s anything you can’t find though. I’ll track it down.”
“Thanks Gem.” Teagan kissed her cheek before leaving the office. Crossing the parking lot to her bike and climbing on. Clicking the buckle of her helmet into place before kicking the stand out from underneath her bike; the engine roaring to life beneath her as she started out of the lot. Passing her brother and Chibs as they pulled back in with the tow-truck. Both men turning to stare as they watched her speed off and out of sight.
She returned about mid-afternoon, sighing when she found her original parking spot was not taken. Grumbling to herself crankily as she backed herself in at the end of the row. Stripping out of her leather jacket and slinging it over her shoulder as she beelined it for the Clubhouse. In desperate need of a drink and some air conditioning as she pushed the door open; the sound of voices drowning out her thoughts.
“Teagan?” She froze at the sound of her name, puzzled for a moment before turning around in search of who had spoken it. Squealing in excitement when she caught sight of Kozik who was grinning like the cat who ate the canary. Her jacket falling abandoned onto the floor as she crossed the room and leaped into his arms. Hugging him tightly as he spun her once and set her down.
“What are you doin’ here, Koozy?” She beamed, ignoring the random looks she was receiving from around room. Including those from Chibs and her brother. Tig glaring so hard from across the room that she was almost certain he would melt a hole through Kozik’s skull.
“Couldn’t leave without seein’ my favorite little Jailbird.” He replied with a mischievous grin, wincing as Teagan punched him in the shoulder. Glaring playfully as he chuckled.
“Fuckin’ gag me...” Tig muttered into his beer, Teagan rolling her eyes in annoyance as they turned to look at her brother.
“You got somethin’ to say Trager?” Kozik turned, attempting to hide the cocky grin that was threatening to go full blown.
“Yeah I got somethin’ to say.” Tig slammed his beer down as he started across the room, chest to chest with Kozik as he got in his face. “How ‘bout you try to refrain from fuckin’ my sister this time?!”
“Yeah? Last I recall, she enjoyed it.” Kozik antagonized, staggering back a little as Tig shoved him hard in the chest. Teagan stepping in to keep them from tearing each other apart.
“Jesus, are two ever gonna get over yourselves?!” She scolded with a hand on her hip. “Put your dicks away and get the fuck over it.” She caught Tig by the collar of his Kutte as he stepped forward, shoving him back a little harder as she planted her other hand behind her on Kozik’s chest.
“I mean it!” She warned with a stern look between the two men. “No fighting!”
“Aye, listen to the lady.” Chibs stepped in as he grabbed Tig up by the arms, holding him back as he tried to get at Kozik from around his sister. “Or at the very least, kick the shite outta each other outside?”
Tig pried himself out of Chibs’ grasp and stormed off outside. Leaving a tense air of silence hanging between the other two men and Teagan; who rubbed at the back of her neck awkwardly as she edged out from between them.
“Well, this has been awkward.” She muttered more or less to herself as she approached the bar. Retrieving her jacket before flagging down Half-Sack for a bottle off Tequila.
“I’m gonna go drink myself into a coma now...” She stated; a sardonic edge to her voice. “It’s really good to see you again Koozy.”
Giving a half smile as she pushed back between him and Chibs. Disappearing down the hall and into her room, gathering up a few things before heading up to the roof.
“The girls got some shit goin’ on...” Gemma stepped in, pointing a finger between the two men. “Don’t go complicatin’ it with your feelings.” She made sure to emphasize the last bit for good measure before stepping around them, throwing the door open as she stepped out to chase down Tig.
“She’s probably on the roof...s’where she always used to hide out as a kid.” Kozik sighed with a shake of his head as he started for the hall. “I should go check on her.”
He was stopped by the hand that grabbed a fist full of his Kutte and pulled backward. Turning around he gave the Scot a questioning look, but remained silent.
“‘Am sensin’ ye might be part of the problem.” Chibs stated as he released the blonde from his grasp, stepping between him and the hall as he finished. “I’ll go.”
The sun had begun setting slowly over the small town of Charming. Turning the late Summer’s sky vibrant hues of purple, reds and gold. Teagan sat in a lawn chair, watching with her feet propped up -- knees bent slightly -- against the ledge. Her sketch book balanced carefully in her lap as she took a pause in drawing, to light up a cigarette. Twisting the cap off the bottle of Tequila before taking another sip, setting it up on the ledge. Wincing at the fiery sensation it created on the way down her throat.
She was only about three shots in, her nerves still fraying at the seams. But slowly, the liquor began to quell her anxieties. Allowing her to focus more on the mock sketch she had started for the old Chevelle. Her attention turning a few minutes later to the sound of the door squeaking opening loudly. Watching as Chibs stepped onto the roof, hands tucked into the pockets as he looked out at the sunset.
“Gemma send you?” She inquired, her tone flat as she turned her attention back to the drawing in her lap. Chibs shaking his head ‘no’ as he took a seat on the ledge beside her feet. Remaining silent for a few minutes as he watched the lines on the paper come to life beneath her hand. His warm gaze shifting up to meet hers as she stopped, brows furrowed as she stared at him.
“You’re not gonna ask?”
“Not my business, love.” He replied with as shake of his head. “’Am not goin’ to pry abou’ things ye dinna wish to tell me.”
Teagan remained quiet for moment, green eyes studying the older man who sat in front of her. Somehow trying to wrap her brain around why he was being so nice; why he cared so fucking much. Anyone else would likely be pressing her for some kind of answer to all the shit that had been going on, but not Chibs.
“I slept with Kozik when I was 17...” She sighed, Chibs quirking and eyebrow as he listened. Surprised she was actually telling him. “SAMCRO shindig...I was blitzed out of my goddamn mind. Tiggy obviously walked in and lost his fucking mind...”
“Explains the tension.” Chibs chuckled quietly.
“It was of my own doing...I was young and I was drunk.” She shrugged, closing the book in her lap as she tossed it down beside her chair. Dropping her feet as she reached for the bottle of Tequila on the ledge.
“Aye, ye were pretty drunk last nigh’ as well...” Her green eyes burned into him as her head snapped up at his comment.
“Yeah? And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?” She snapped.
“I-- no, tha’s how I meant--” Chibs started to defend himself, only to cut off as Teagan continued.
“No one ever said I was goddamn Saint, Chibs. I’ve done shit I’m not fucking proud of, and I’ve gone through shit in my life that NO ONE should ever have to. Yeah, I’ve got issues, big fuckin’ WHOOP! I don’t need your judgement, nor your fuckin’ pity!”
“I wasn’ tryin’ to judge, love. I was jus’--” He shook his head, standing, which only caused her to take a step back.
“I don’t need to be saved, alright? I’m not a goddamn charity case! So if that’s the only reason you’re being nice to me, don’t.fucking.bother.” She turned on her heel to leave, ready to abandon the rooftop when Chibs grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. Teagan about to swing in order to get her point across when he leaned down, crashing his lips into hers unexpectedly.
All the pent up tension suddenly eased away as her eyes slipped closed. Her left hand instinctively sliding up to rest against his chest as the other hesitantly wrapped around his neck. The kiss remaining slow and gentle as he reached his own hands up to cup her cheeks. Right thumb smoothing over her cheekbone softly.
It was nothing like their heated make-out session the night before. It was soft, and passionate; even as his tongue tentatively slipped past her lips to gently move against her own. Her head whirling with a million different emotions as her heart raced inside her chest; feeling as if it would beat straight out if it wasn’t for the rib-cage that kept it prisoner.
Never in her entire life had anyone kissed her the way the Chibs was in this exact moment. As if she were drowning and he was throwing her the lifeline that she so desperately needed. His hand gripping the back of her head lightly as he broke the kiss; resting his forehead against hers. His warm brown eyes filled with a kindness that made her owns brim with tears...guilty for assuming he had been judging her.
“I would never, ever, judge ye f’er’ yer past, Lass.” He spoke sincerely. Face completely serious as he stared into her eyes, wiping away a stray tear that rolled down her cheek.
“None of us are perfect, lovey.”
Teagan nodded, forcing herself to hold back tears the best she could. Chibs placing his lips against her’s again as he pulled her close. The sound of the door to the roof opening, falling on deaf ears until--
“You have got to be fuckin’ kidding me?!”
They sprang apart, startled by the voice and sound of boots that stormed towards them. Teagan’s eyes widening as she caught sight of her brother’s furious form.
“Tig, don’t!” But it was too late as her brother’s fist collided with Chibs’ jaw. Teagan scrambling to throw herself between them, pushing at her brother in an attempt to keep the fight from escalating.
“STOP!” She yelled again, her hand slapping hard against her brothers face when he didn’t. Looking back at her with a stunned, but furious, expression as he took a step backward. Giving her enough time to turn and stop Chibs who had regained his senses and was now advancing on the oldest Trager.
“Don’t!” She warned, her tone menacing; but the look in her eyes was pleading that he trust her. “I got this...just go.”
Chibs nodded stiffly and turned for the door. Leaving the siblings as the door slammed shut behind him loudly. Making Teagan flinch as she turned back towards her brother, his blue eyes filled with anger, disgust...and hurt.
“Do you not remember the last time?” He snapped, stepping towards her. Pointing an accusing finger at her as if her were scolding a child. “Or are you just hellbent on ruining another goddamn Brotherhood?!”
“Fuck you, Alex!” She yelled. “I was a kid--”
“You were a goddamn druggy screw up!” He cut her off angrily, running his hands through his hair. Turning as he tried to ignore the hurt that flashed through her across her face.
“This isn’t like that like, Tig!” She pleaded.
“Bullshit!” He rounded on her. “You’ve always been this way. Always trying to ruin my relationships with the guys-- with the Club!”
“Oh what, so now I’m a whore?” She scoffed angrily, her bottom lip quivering as she stared at her brother. “You’re never gonna let me live down my fucking past, are you? -- ‘Cause I mean, last I checked, yours wasn’t much better!”
“And the last I checked, mine didn’t have a body count involving a Club Member!”
The air around them fell silent as they stared at each other. Tears now streaming down Teagan’s face as her green gaze blazed with an intense hatred that frightened even her own flesh and blood. His own eyes filled with anger...but also guilt. Turning his gaze away from his sister as he ran a hand over his face.
“Wow, Alex...” Teagan spoke shakily through her tears. “That’s low...even for you.”
“Teagan, wait--” Tig reached out for her hand, but she pulled away. Grabbing her things before storming off the roof blur of anger and tears. Leaving her brother behind, mentally scolding himself for line he had just officially crossed...knowing that there was no taking back the words he hadn’t meant to say.
TAGLIST: @penny4yourthot @jacksonroth @cole-winchester @stacie-marie-bloom @journeyrose
#Whiskey Lullaby#Sons of Anarchy#SOA#SAMCROW#SAMTAC#Chibs Telford#Chibs#Filip Chibs Telford#chibs x oc#Filip Telford x oc#Tig Trager#Jax teller#gemma teller#Teller-Morrow#soa kozik#Herman Kozik#Tommy Flanagan#soa fanfiction#fanfiction#Fanfic#writing#tara knowles#Clay Morrow#Happy Lowman#juice ortiz#bobby munson#wayne unser#opie winston#piney winston#sons of anarchy fanfic
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Tats of Anarchy: Happy
#Happy Lowman#tacoma killer#soa#sons of anarchy#samcro#samtac#nomad#filthy few#smiley face#toa#tats of anarchy
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Leather Knight (Happy Lowman x Reader)
Summary: You were with Happy for months before his sudden death - except one day he shows up on your door to save you. Warnings: Talk of Domestic Abuse, Sort of Character Death??? Word Count: 3,225 Note: So this started out as something a little different. I got an idea of Happy being with a woman and then leaving her because he had to transfer and she believes that he is dead until he comes back to Tacoma for something. Kind of based on Traveling Solider by the Dixie Chicks if you could see the inspo. As I started writing and developing it, it turned into this instead. Either way, Happy is literally my fav and I obviously love to write for him so if you guys could let me know what you think that’d be lit. -----
You would be lying if you said that you didn’t still think about Happy. For someone who was in your life for a short period of time, he sure did leave a lasting impression. You had met Happy when you began working as a bartender in a bar that the SAMTAC crew frequented. At first you gave a lot of space to the club members, understanding enough that they were dangerous even if you didn’t know the full story. You ended up with Happy by accident really.
You were working late one night at the bar when your piece of shit car broke down. Happy was the last one in the bar that night and offered you a ride home. You invited him in to be nice and ended up on your back approximately three minutes later experiencing the best, yet wildest sex you’ve ever had in your life. It become an addiction after that. Any and every time you had a chance to be with Happy you took it. Late after work, in the back during work, early mornings before he had to leave for “club business”. It had gone on for a good amount of time for someone in a club like him. A little more than six months. You were together all the time to the point where the other club members were keeping tabs on you. You were even occasionally referred to as “Happy’s Girl”. At first you corrected them, but towards the end you kind of liked the ring to it and stopped trying.
It all came to an abrupt end when suddenly Happy stopped turning up out nowhere. None of the other guys would tell you where he was or what happened. It took about three days when Kozik finally came to your apartment door to tell you Happy had died. You knew the club was dangerous, but never really knew much about it. You didn’t ask Happy and he didn’t offer any information.
You were so crushed at first, you couldn’t get out of bed. You had tried to quit your job as a bartender but the owner insisted on holding for you for when you were ready to come back. You genuinely thought you were going crazy for a few months after his death. There were a few times that you thought you saw him with the other boys in the club when they would ride by in a large group, or you thought you saw him ducking into the club house at late hours when you would drive by after work was done (when you eventually went back).
It was a hard decision to move on, as part of you felt a hole in your chest without being with Happy but you told yourself that you weren’t really with him in the first place. You two never explicitly talked about being together, save for one late night after enjoying each other’s company late into the night, he said “I don’t want you taking any other dick” in the truly romantic Happy way. You had responded with “then I don’t want you giving dick to anyone else”. He grunted an agreement in response and that was the end of that. You both never talked about it again, but that didn’t make you his “old lady” as some of the other guys referred to their girlfriends as. You didn’t know much about Happy personally, only that he had a sick mother (who you worry about despite the fact that you’ve never met her). You even ask Kozik what would happen to her, in which you were reassured that she was being taken care of.
Unfortunately you were still recovering from loosing someone you weren’t entirely sure that you could cry over in the first place that you didn’t notice the red flags in the man you had started dating. At first it started with control problems, always needing to know where you were, who you were with, when you were coming home. Then it upgraded to going through your phone and accusing you of cheating every time he so much as saw a man’s name other than his in your phone. It progressed further to emotionally abuse. He would tell you that you weren’t good enough to be with him as you were a dirty bartender. He would go after your looks and tell you how fat you had gotten. He would scream at you if you were brought up Happy or expressed a sadness over his death still. It eventually went to physical violence. It got to the point that if you were to show up for shifts at the bar, you were fully clothed despite the fact that the bar didn’t have a good A/C system. You wouldn’t look anyone in the eye anymore and you certainly stopped talking to the members of SAMTAC. If they asked questions, you deferred back to being sad over Happy which had worked for a while. On nights that it became so hard to deal with this new man and the pain of missing Happy you would call his old number, just to hear his voice message. You were surprised it was still active, but you dreaded the day it would eventually be shut off.
You were in the kitchen trying to keep your head down as he yelled at you. You were itching to grab the broom in the closet to the left to clean the mess that he had created but you knew better than to move when you were being yelled at. He had already managed to break two dishes, two glasses, throw a beer bottle at the wall by your head and knock the flower vase off the kitchen table. This argument was a particularly bad one. Kozik had confronted your boyfriend about abusing you despite the fact that you never said anything to Kozik. Your boyfriend made a big show to look offended and you knew that it would get worse when you got home. Here you are now, currently being told that you would never find someone to love you like he does, and for where you were in life you believed him. It was moments like this that remembering Happy made things easier for you. Happy was a rough guy but he was never rough with you.
In the middle of his tirade, in which you still had your head down, a pounding came at the door. It was so forceful, it stopped your boyfriend in his tracks. He grumbled something about not expecting people and how dropping by was just rude. As soon as he opened the door, the was immediately knocked to the ground.
You had moved to help him off the ground when the figure stepped through the door way with a gun in hand. You nearly collapsed when you recognized Happy.
“Get up.” His voice was raw and rough and you froze at the sound of it.
“Who the hell are you?” Your boyfriend began to stand but was roughly grabbed by his collar and forced to lean against the kitchen counter, Happy pressed the tip of his gun against his temple. Happy didn’t say anything or look up at you, although you still couldn’t move.
“Happy?” You took a step towards Happy, leaning over your boyfriend in a menacing manner.
“Happy? As in your ex that died? What the hell?” You boyfriend was desperately trying to get a grip on Happy to get him to release while simultaneously looking between you and the Son standing in front of you.
“Did you put your hands on her?” Happy’s gaze was unwavering. There was a long silence.
“I said, did you put your hands on her. Think about your answer carefully.” Happy pressed his weapon further into your boyfriend’s temple.
“What? No that’s ridiculous, I would never.” Your boyfriend’s voice was so high, you would think he never hit puberty. Happy pulled back on the hammer.
“I’m going to ask you one more time, did you put your hands on her?” You sensed the immediate danger this man was in, and despite all the pain that you had gone through with him alone, there were bigger things you wanted to talk to Happy about like… maybe being alive?
“Happy let him go.” He didn’t move.
“Happy, you need to let him go right now.” You walked over to Happy and put your hands on his arm, pulling him away from your boyfriend. Happy looked up, staring into your eyes and you swear your heart stopped. The tears started down your face, causing Happy to pull away.
Your boyfriend got up from the floor, staring between you and Happy.
“What the hell is going on?” Happy put the hammer back in place without looking anywhere but you.
“Go.” You boyfriend hesitated for a moment, causing Happy to turn and look at him.
“I said go, I’ll deal with you later.” Happy turned around and grabbed your boyfriend by the collar, pushing him to the door and shutting and locking it on him.
The second that door closed and locked, you felt like the air in the room went with it. You began to pace back and forth, shaking your head and taking shallow breaths. It felt as though someone had just stepped right on your chest and wouldn’t get off. Seeing Happy set you off because he was definitely not supposed to be here. If he’s alive then Kozik lied. If Kozik lied then Happy left. Happy left you. Happy didn’t want you to be with him, but instead of breaking up with you or whatever, he told you that he died. His sudden re-appearance had shaken you straight down to your core and with everything that has happened in the past couple months you couldn’t wrap your mind around it. You were very certain that you were about to puke. Steeling yourself for a moment, you turned back to Happy.
“What’s going on?” You were the first to speak, facing Happy fully. Feeling suddenly self-conscious you wrapped your arms around yourself. Happy turned and looked at you but didn’t speak. After a minute, he approached you, gripping your face in his hand gently, examining you for any damages. He won’t find any on your face, that’s for sure.
“Happy, you need to tell me what the hell is going on. I thought you were dead. I mourned you for months.” You grabbed his wrist again, tears still freely flowing. You took this opportunity to look at him too, though he didn’t look much different. He had bags under his eyes, like he was exhausted, and he needed to shave his head a little but Happy looked just like he did before he disappeared on you. That made this all that more confusing.
“I transferred Charters, I moved to the Mother Charter in Charming.” You shook your head.
“That doesn’t explain to me why Kozik told me you died.” Those words felt like acid on your tongue. Kozik told you he died, and he didn’t.
“I didn’t want you to follow me, or have any ties to me. This had gotten messy in SAMCRO with the Irish and I had to move. I didn’t want you involved.” You took a second to think about his words. You released his wrist and pushed him away from you.
“So the solution to your problem was to have someone lie to me that you were dead? Seriously Happy? If you wanted to leave me then you should’ve just left! I was in so much pain at the thought of you being gone forever, it would’ve hurt less to know that you just didn’t want me anymore. How could you possibly do that to me?” You raised your voice, breathing heavily. This was unforgivable to play with you like this.
“It wasn’t like that.” You nearly screamed.
“What do you mean it wasn’t like that? You made up an elaborate lie so that you would never have to see me again! If you hated me that much, why didn’t you just say so?” The sobs escaped your chest before you even knew they were coming. You tried to cover your mouth to lessen the sounds but it made you feel like you couldn’t breathe again.
“Y/N.” Happy stepped to move closer to you, to give you some form of comfort and support but you couldn’t stand the thought of him touching you right now. Even though you had spent months imagining what it was like when he did touch you, or wishing he was still the one in your bed, you couldn’t knowing he hurt you like this.
“Stay away from me Happy.” You bent over, trying to control yourself. Between the sobbing, barely breathing and stress from the night, you felt like you would pass out.
Happy stepped towards you and lifted you upright, rubbing your back and pulling you towards his chest. Despite the fact you literally just told him to stay away from you, you clung to him anyways.
“Will you let me explain?” He grumbled. This man had the audacity to grumble when your world was turned upside down again. You nodded anyways.
“The club’s into pretty heavy shit and there’s things that I do for the club that are very illegal and things that I never want you to know. The mother charter got into some trouble with the Irish gun runners. I had to head to Belfast to get a little boy back. If the Irish new there was someone here that I cared about it meant that you would be in danger, no matter if the boys around here were there to protect you. I figured it would be easier if I was gone for good for you. I still had the boys check up on you occasionally. I listened to all the voicemails that you left me. Including the one where you admitted you loved me,” you squeezed the back of his sweatshirt a little tighter, “and the one that I don’t think you meant to leave where I could hear him beating you in the background.” You stood stiff, unaware that you had even done that.
“You were leaving me a voicemail about how much you missed me, and I could hear him catching you, and how angry he was. I was pretty sure I knew what was happening, so I had Kozik look into it for me. He said he didn’t see you around anymore, and when he did you weren’t the same, but not the grieving kind of different. I told him what I thought was going on and he told me that he confronted the guy and it didn’t go well. I had enough so I came back up here as soon as I could.” With your arms still wrapped around each other, not looking at one another, you stayed silent unsure of what to say.
Happy never told you club business before because it was always dangerous. To know that he’s telling you now compelled you to believe him.
“This is all so very unfair still. I’ll probably be mad at you for the rest of my life about you lying to me about being dead.” Happy grunted, his way of acknowledging that he knew that what he did was wrong.
“So, what happens now?” The real question of whether he was going to leave you again hung in the air. Happy pulled you back to look you in the eyes.
“Come to Charming with me.” He said it with such finality, you were tempted to say yes right away.
“Is that a possibility? I mean… do you want me too?” Happy looked at you for a minute before leaning down and kissing you.
You responded enthusiastically. Wrapping your arms around his neck to lock him down to you. Kissing him again felt like a breath of fresh air, just what you’ve needed after months of no contact whatsoever. You remembered exactly what it was like, what it felt like, what it tasted like. Kissing him again met every fantasy that you had over the past few months. Happy pushed you back into the kitchen island, letting his hands rest on your hips. As eager as you were to pick things right back up from where you left off with Happy, you were worried about the state of your body under your clothes. You were littered with bruises, big and small in all different stages of healing. The pain was manageable, but you didn’t want Happy to see you like this. You pulled away from him.
“Are you gonna stay the night?” You were slightly embarrassed by the desperation in your voice but that was out of your control.
“Wouldn’t dream of leavin’ you again.” Happy leaned down and kissed you again.
“I want to see you naked for more than one reason though.” You were dreading it but you figured he’d find out one way or another.
Later that night, after he had a chance to do a full examination and then appreciation of your body, he assured you that you would not only never hear from your now ex-boyfriend again, but that you would never have to worry about something like this again.
A few days later you were pulling into the parking lot of Teller-Morrow Automotive with a duffle bag strapped to your back. You were panicking slightly about moving to a new area and needing to find a new job and friends. You were also nervous to meet the boys in the club in the Mother Charter, based on some of the stories that Happy had shared with you. Happy waited for you to catch up with him before grabbing your hand and pulling you into clubhouse.
Clearly watching Happy walk in hand-in-hand with a woman was a shock to people as it instantly became quiet around the club house. You peaked your head from around the back of Happy where you were half hiding.
“Hey Hap, who you got with you?” A loud man with some crazy curly black hair shouted out.
“My old lady,” That’s all Happy gave. You barely had time to wave to the men before he pulled you towards the back.
Right before you could round the corner, your name was yelled out.
“Hey, Y/N!” You turned abruptly only to see Kozik. A smile instantly landed on your face. Kozik ran up towards you, wrapping you in a hug.
“Y/N, I’m so happy to see you’re safe. Look, I’m really sorry about the other day, I hope I didn’t make it worse for you.” Kozik scratched the back of his head in a sheepish manner. After a second of looking at him, you slapped him. He and everyone else’s shock was evident.
“That was for lying to me about Happy for so long.” Kozik rubbed his cheek and nodded.
“Yeah, I deserved that.” You heard a little chuckle coming from the man behind you.
“I don’t know why you’re laughing Hap, you have a lot of making up and punishment of your own to go through. Show me to your room, big boy.” You put your hand on your hip, your duffle still hanging off your shoulder. Happy smirked.
“Can’t wait.”
#Happy Lowman#Happy Lowman Fic#Happy Lowman Fanfic#Sons of Anarchy#Happy Lowman x Reader#two fics in one week#yall are SPOILT#just kidding i just so happened to have the time and energy and inspo#anyways#seriously tho please let me know what you think lol
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