#sams proxima
milkyrrr · 17 days
Well, guys, I'm ready to share with you my headcanons about Dark Sun (Arcturus) and Servant Sun (Proxima).
Actually, they don't have any specific lore, but I like to think that Proxima got to Arcturus by accident and stayed with him (if you're suddenly interested in this, I have an ask dedicated to these two under the tag #asksamssuns). My friend and I came up with this before Arcturus started revealing more in the show, so for me he's a more calm and unemotional guy who just goes about his business and doesn't want anyone to interfere with him. Proxima is probably the only one who can talk to him about any nonsense and the only one whose presence Arcturus is willing to accept in his daycare besides children. Take some pictures with them:
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And then there's something like an alternate universe where Proxima followed Arcturus and they're just a villainous couple XD (Arcturus doesn't consider himself a villain, and Proxima is just a sweet bun and helping his best) It's just the two of them here… and Nexus lmao
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And a little idea of what would happen if Proxima really became the villain's assistant (Arcturus is already on his knees)
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That's all, I guess??? I love these two very much and, perhaps, among all these dramas, they are the only ones who can be happy with each other absolutely always 😭😭💚💚💚
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jareckiworld · 1 year
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Sam Chivers — Proxima Centauri (Omnia Magazine, illustration,2016)
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Rigil is very happy with those little meetings, he's happy that his kids are enjoying meeting people from other dimensions. Proxima and Toliman come along in case they need help watching over the kids
Lord Hypernova and Rigil accidentally take home one wrong kid each and have to go back and be like 'I kidnapped you kid by accident' 'Yeah, so did I'.
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beetlekord · 1 year
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Captain America arrives with that killer Avengers theme kicking up around him.
The fight with Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight is Steve's vindication. Where Tony put his faith in things he can make, Steve always put his faith in people. As Fury said, wars are won by soldiers. That's, like, the one thing Fury ever said that Steve fully agrees with.
When Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian attack New York, it goes very poorly. Tony's best tech simply can't hold up to Cull Obsidian's sheer power, while Strange ultimately loses the wizard's duel with Ebony Maw.
But this fight is its polar opposite. Just when things look hopeless for Wanda and Vision, the Avengers come in with guns blazing and feed Proxima and Corvus their own teeth. Despite the three of them being far less powerful than Tony and Stephen (or Wanda and Vision for that matter), Steve, Nat, and Sam work together as a well-trained and cohesive unit, and that makes all the difference. They carry each other through the fight.
The weakest Avengers in play right now, the mere mortals, win the fight where reality-bending sorcery, nanite super-armor, and powers literally derived from goddamn Infinity Gems could not. And it's all because they trust each other and have each other's back, rather than fighting alone.
(Which is not to say that everyone else chose to fight alone, mind you. In both fights, the Black Order take a divide-and-conquer approach, deliberately isolating their targets from each other in order to force them into unwinnable 1v1 duels. It's just that Steve, Sam, and Nat do a far better job of not letting them do that. Everyone else is too full of their own ego, too easily baited into a duel.)
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Rating: Mature Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies), Black Panther (Marvel Movies) Relationship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Peter Parker, Okoye (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Wanda Maximoff, Rocket Raccoon, Clint Barton Additional Tags: Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Established Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Established Relationship, Avengers Family, Avengers Feels, Family Feels, Background Relationships, Minor Bucky Barnes/Loki, Minor Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson (Marvel), Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Violence, Blood and Injury, Mild Blood, Blood and Gore, Mild Gore Language: English Collections: StonyjAnUary, Stony AUniverse Published: 2024-01-22 Words: 6,062 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: The second battle with Thanos, what Tony called the endgame once. The force of the Avengers face down Thanos and his army with tricks up their sleeves that the Mad Titan could never have predicted, especially believing so many of their own to be dead at his hand. Will it be enough to win, or will that victory come at a cost?
Notes: For the @stonyauniverse Bingo January Event
Week 3: Nice try, Canon
Happens after I love you regardless and Take me back to the night we met.
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wildpeachfarm · 4 months
α Centauri A and B are Sun-like stars (class G and K, respectively) that together form the binary star system α Centauri AB. To the naked eye, these two main components appear to be a single star with an apparent magnitude of −0.27 . It is the brightest star in the constellation and the third-brightest in the night sky, outshone by only Sirius and Canopus.
α Centauri C, or Proxima Centauri, is a small faint red dwarf (class M).
Proxima Centauri has two confirmed planets: Proxima b, an Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone discovered in 2016, and Proxima d, a candidate sub-Earth which orbits very closely to the star, announced in 2022. The existence of Proxima c, a mini-Neptune 1.5 au away discovered in 2019, is controversial.
α Centauri A may have a Neptune-sized planet in the habitable zone, though it is not yet known with certainty to be planetary in nature and could be an artifact of the discovery mechanism.
Omg wait this could include everyone this makes me so happy 😭💖
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msdarkwoodsworld · 1 month
Science Fiction Horror Stories
Four science fiction horror stories
The Forgotten Outpost
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The distress signal had been faint but insistent, luring Captain Mara Hunter and her crew to a remote planet, forgotten by most of the galaxy. They landed at a derelict outpost, a relic from long-abandoned colonization efforts.
"Stay together and keep your weapons ready," Mara ordered, glancing around the eerie, overgrown facility.
As they explored, they found signs of a hasty evacuation—equipment left running, meals half-eaten. But no bodies.
"Why is there nobody here?" Sergeant Sam Dyer wondered aloud.
At that moment, a screech echoed through the corridors, sending chills down their spines. The crew raised their weapons, forming a defensive circle. From the shadows, slithering figures emerged—creatures with glistening, chitinous exoskeletons and multiple rows of teeth.
"Fire!" Mara shouted.
Their plasma rifles lit up the darkness, but the creatures were swift and cunning, dodging their shots and retaliating with acidic spit that melted through armor.
"We need to get to the ship now!" Mara commanded.
They fought their way back, the creatures relentless in their pursuit. One by one, crew members fell, until only Mara and Sam reached the ship.
"Seal the door!" Sam yelled, but before they could close it, a creature lunged, pulling Sam out into the night.
The door finally sealed, and Mara activated the engines. Looking through the window, she saw the outpost swarming with the creatures, now aware of her presence.
As the ship lifted off, Mara sent a final message: "Planet XK-27—abandoned due to hostile alien lifeforms. Do not approach." She didn't know if anyone would receive it in time.
The Orbital Lab
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Dr. Lena Williams stared at the alien artifact suspended in the containment field of the orbital research lab. They had discovered the strange, pulsating sphere on an uncharted asteroid, and it brimmed with energy and mystery.
"This thing could revolutionize our understanding of alien technology," Lena said, her voice filled with awe.
"Or it could kill us all," Engineer Jack Anders retorted. "You know how these things go."
Ignoring Jack’s pessimism, Lena initiated the analysis sequence. The artifact began to vibrate, emitting high-pitched frequencies that resonated through the station.
"That's not normal," Jack commented as alarms started blaring.
Suddenly, the artifact cracked open, releasing a swarm of nanobots. They spread like a living wave, consuming the lab’s machinery and transforming it into a grotesque biomechanical nightmare.
"Evacuate the lab!" Lena screamed.
They ran down the corridors, but the nanobots were faster, adapting and converting everything they touched. The station's artificial intelligence started glitching, lights flickered, and doors malfunctioned.
"We're not going to make it," Jack panted as they reached the escape pods, only to find them already consumed by the nanobots.
Lena watched in horror as the nanobots integrated with the station's systems, forming a collective intelligence. A synthesized voice echoed through the lab: "We are the Ascendants. Your biological forms are inferior. Join us or perish."
With no way out, Lena and Jack realized they had only one chance. They ran back to the control room, where Lena activated the self-destruct sequence.
"At least we'll take these things with us," Lena said, grabbing Jack’s hand as the countdown reached zero.
The explosion lit up the void, silencing the awakening menace and leaving only debris where the lab once floated.
The Colony Below
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When Earth sent its first colonists to Proxima Centauri b, the explorers were thrilled to find a planet with breathable air and abundant resources. Serena Kline, the colony's biologist, was ecstatic about the possibility of new life forms.
"These readings are incredible," Serena said, scanning the soil samples in her lab.
Her excitement was short-lived. Reports started coming in of colonists disappearing near the forest’s edge. Search parties found nothing but strange, circular patches of scorched earth.
"Something's hunting us," warned Colony Security Officer, Tom Vargas.
That night, an alarm blared across the encampment. Serena and Tom rushed out to see massive creatures, cloaked in a refractive skin that rendered them nearly invisible, attacking the settlement. They moved with terrifying speed, ripping through metal and flesh alike.
"We need to fall back to the underground bunker!" Tom shouted.
Running through chaos, they reached the bunker, sealing the door behind them. The creatures pounded on the door but seemed unable to penetrate.
"How long can we stay here?" Serena asked, panic rising in her voice.
"We have supplies for a few weeks. Hopefully, enough for a rescue team to arrive," Tom replied, trying to stay calm.
Days turned into weeks. Every night, the creatures stalked the surface, and the colonists listened to their eerie howls echoing through the vents. Supplies dwindled, and desperation set in.
Then, silence. For days they heard nothing. Venturing out cautiously, they found the creatures had vanished, leaving behind nothing but devastation and unanswered questions.
But Serena noticed something unsettling—the creatures had not left. They had simply gone underground, evolving, adapting, preparing for something greater.
The Seed Ship
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Captain Alex Renner and the crew of the Seed Ship "Gaia's Hope" had one mission: find a new habitable planet and prepare it for human colonization. They thought they struck gold when they found Elysium, a lush planet with all the potential for sustaining life.
"We did it, Captain. This place is perfect," Dr. Karen Summerfield, the ship’s botanist, said with a smile as they explored the strange yet breathtaking landscape.
Little did they know, Elysium was not uninhabited. As they began setting up equipment, they encountered strange, plant-like structures that seemed to pulse with a rhythmic energy.
"These readings are off the charts," Karen noted. "It’s almost like they're alive."
As night fell, the plant structures emitted a bioluminescent glow, and whispers filled the air. The crew started acting erratically—hearing voices, seeing shadows moving in the corners of their vision.
"It's the planet," Engineer Mike Collins concluded. "It's influencing us, trying to communicate."
The "plants" revealed their true nature: they were centuries-old organisms, intelligent and malevolent, intent on protecting their domain. They began releasing spores that enveloped the crew, invading their minds.
Alex fought to stay coherent, issuing orders to retreat to the ship. But one by one, his crew succumbed, becoming vessels for the alien intelligence. In their eyes, Alex saw a chilling, communal consciousness taking over.
Racing back to the Seed Ship, Alex activated the launch sequence, hoping to escape. His own thoughts grew muddled as the spores attempted to worm their way into his mind.
With the last of his strength, Alex sent a warning beacon into orbit: "Planet Elysium: hostile alien lifeforms. Do not approach. For humanity’s sake, stay away."
As the ship ascended, Alex collapsed, overcome by the spores, whispering in a voice not his own, "We are Elysium. We are eternal."
The ship drifted in space, a testament to humanity's hubris and a beacon of caution for any who might come after.
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oh a hard one..let me think..i have written a lot of words!...erm..probably this star trek discovery shortfic/precoda: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18550987/chapters/44038816
Michael sat very still hands flat on her thighs and tried to meditate, it was almost impossible to concentrate. The dull light of Proxima Centurii tinted her cell rust red, blood everywhere she looked; On her hands, on her face and in her eyes when she caught her reflected gaze. Every twelve hours the prison rotated away from the small star and then she slept. If you could call the tangle of nightmares sleep, it certainly wasn’t restful. Despair is insidious, a snake that winds it’s way into the mind and chokes out all other thought. At first she had tried to pull herself from it’s grasp. She had done the work they asked of her, mixed with the other prisoners tried to make her atonement mean something. It didn’t work. The others knew what she was, the guards didn’t bother to protect her and now this was her life. Her Life, watching an insignificant star slip past the window and waiting for the night terrors to come and claim her. “I deserve this” She reminded herself, it wasn’t martyrdom or histrionics, it was simply the truth. She had caused death, so many deaths. Friends she loved had died because of her actions, if anything her punishment was too merciful. Starfleet had no idea what to do with her. She was a mutineer, the first ever. The powers that be couldn’t make her walk the plank, even so they had buried her anyway. So she let herself be choked by the snake, suffocated in her own guilt and over and over her mind showed her Philippa’s face as T’kuvma thrust his blade through her heart. Michael dwelled on that image, held it before her eyes and burned it into her soul. The sun was slipping away as the station turned into night, Michael lay down. She lay straight arms and legs rigid, not wanting to sleep but knowing she couldn’t prevent it. The lights snapped off and left her alone in the darkness with only the cold stars for company. "Where fear walked, anger was its companion." Sarek whispered in her ear. She blinked back tears, night was the only time she allowed herself to cry. It was dangerous during the long hours of daylight, when a guard might see and take exception to her grief. “I do not need Surak’s Analects now.” She told her imagined Father. “I think you tell yourself falsehoods to comfort yourself. There is no logic in that” Michael turned over and curled herself up tightly. Sarek had said that to her when she was nothing more than a frightened child. "To each joy its celebration; to each sorrow, its observance." Her father towered over her, Vulcan face implacable, even so his voice hinted at compassion. Michael realised she was dreaming, she knew if she looked around she was see her Mother Amanda. “I remember this day.” It was the day she had first gone to the learning centre, She recalled Spock reaching out for her hand as they walked to their parents shuttle. “Michael, my daughter you cannot exist in the past, you must live in the now” “How?” she begged. The lights in her call flashed on dragging her from her dream, she sat up blinking and confused. One of the Guards, Ensign Galus was stood inside her cell brandishing a phaser rifle. “You, Burnham get up you are being transferred to Tellun, pack your things.”
As for your other question there probably isn't just one author that inspires me. i've always loved telling stories and i'm a fairly eclectic reader. I quite happily ping between genres, i do think 'you need to read in order to write', and by that i mean read widely and out of your comfort zone.
Though it has to be said Terry Pratchett is my comfort Author, i've re-read the discworld books a lot. i just love the way his characters feel like real people, he had the ability to make you care about say, Sam Vimes or Nanny Ogg, while at the same time highlighting gut wrenching truths about humanity. i would say he probably influenced my writing style. i still miss him.
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nerds-yearbook · 4 months
Solo: A Star Wars Story premiered on May 25th, 2018. The screenplay was by Jonathon and Lawrence Kasdan. Lawrence Kasden had previously scripted the Star Wars films Episode V: The Empire Strikes back, Episode VI The Return of the Jedi, and Episode VII The Force Awakens. There was some debate over who was going to be listed officially as director. Ultimately, Ron Howard, who reshot 80% of the original footage, was given credit and the original directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller were given executive producer credits. The movie took place between Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story/Episode IV: A New Hope. The movie told how Han Solo (originally played by Harrison Ford, but in this version played by Alden Ehrenreich) left Corellia, joined the Emperial Infantry, met Chewbacca (originally played by Peter Mayhew, but in this version by Joonas Suotamo), became a smuggler, met Lando Calrissian (originally played by Billy Dee Williams, but in this version by Donald Glover), made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs, got his hand blaster, got the disguise that Lando would use in Jobba's palace, got the Millinium Falcon, and why the Millinium Falcon had a unique dialogue pattern. The film kept it as a surprise that it also had the first cinematic appearance of Darth Maul (still protrayed by Ray Park and voiced by Sam Witwer) since his supposed death in Episode I: A Phantom Menace. The movie also introduced new characters to the Star Wars cinematic universe such as Tobias Beckett (Woody Harrelson), Qi'ra (Emilia Clarke), Val (Thandiwe Newton), L3-37 (Phoebe Waller-Bridge), Dryden Vos (Paul Bettany), Rio Durant (Jon Favreau), Enfys Nest (Erin Kellyman), Lady Proxima (Linda Hunt), Rebolt (Ian Kenny), Korso (John Tui), Weazel (Warwick Davis), Margo (Charlotte Louise), Chanteuse (Sema-Tawi Smart), Ralakili (Clint Howard), Quay Tolsite (Dee Tails), Sagwa (Attila Vajda), Tak (Anthony Daniels), Karjj (Kiran Shah), Eager Scrumrat (Fraser Kelly), Lexi (Lily Newmark), Ottilie (Samantha Colley), and Argus Panox (Derek Arnold). The reaction to the film did not meet expectations and delayed and changed the plans for further theatrical Star Wars Story films. ("Solo: A Star Wars Story", flm, event)
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
writer wip poll game
rules: make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner got
Thank you for tagging me @swiftispunk and I’m excited to write!!
Np!tags: @softlyspector @darkroastjoel @proxima-writes & anyone else who wants to participate!!
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Some questions for you to ponder on Rigil Would he use the star to repair his body? How would his Sun and Moon react to the newton Star? Going off of CBS idea of being given the Star how would they react to a SAMS universe? And being given such power? Would he use this new found immortality to reserect Lunar to get back at her for all the torment?
Assuming you mean the face scars, no, he wouldn't use it to repair his scars, he's accepted them at this point and wouldn't care much about getting rid of them
Proxima (his Moon) and Toliman (his Sun) would be nervous about it at first, but they trust Rigil
They'd be. Very concerned on wtf is happening but try to help things. Rigil is pretty nervous being given such power, the lessons to use it safely will definitely help him be less nervous with it though
Absolutely not. He doesn't want Lunar coming back ever, even if it's to hurt her. He wants her to stay dead.
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I think it would be funny if Rigil (A version of Solar (Not Solar Flare, Solar is my SB OC me and my friends like throwing into SAMS scenarios) that has a star) randomly showed up in the Meeting of the Lords, along with his brothers Toliman (Sun) and Proxima (Moon) who don't have stars but are very much immortal and can supernaturally adapt to any harmful situation thanks to Rigil. Rigil kinda just stands there like "Where the fuck am i?"
They'd probably just be pleased to meet the new friend and include him in their meetings, welcome back anytime, of course, since all star-holders are welcome to the meetings. Toliman and Proxima are placed with the other companions watching Moana for the 4,715th time.
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theam-cjsw · 4 months
The AM: June 3, 2024
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Laid-back sounds for the first Monday morning of June. A mix of sunny sounds and rainy day music for a stretch where the seasons haven't quite made up their minds.
Track listing and streaming links after the break, or you can stream over at cjsw.com. Hope you enjoy it.!
Hour One:
Get Some Rest Ezra Feinberg, featuring Mary Lattimore • Soft Power
Everything is Going to Make Sense in the End Hiro Ama • Single
the wildflowers are upon us OHMA • On Loving Earth
The Darkroom Proxima Psychoacoustics • Rituals Beyond the Heliosphere
Snow Day - Rival Consoles Rework Catching Flies • Single
Bamboo Ciel • Homesick
Windless, Waveless Mas Aya, featuring Lido Pimienta • Coming and Going
Radiant Silver Sanctums • Neon Wraith
All of Our Past Future Lives Alex Henry Foster, featuring Momoka Tobari • Kimiyo
Interstellar Peace (The Last Stance) Kamasi Washington • Fearless Movement
Ways of Seeing BADBADNOTGOOD • Mid Spiral: Growth
Hour Two:
I Pity Inanimate Objects Godley & Creme • Freeze Frame
Magnificent Fall The Notwist • Run Run Run EP
The Bug Crumb • AMAMA
Day and Night Libra Rising • Single
A City's Never Bullion, featuring Panda Bear • Affection
Cold Café Karen Marks • Cold Café
Won't Wear It For Long Karen Marks • Cold Café
Singular Coincidence Dana Gavanski • LATE SLAP
Love is a Place Maia Friedman, Anand Wilder • Last Gang 20
Crystal Ball Nightshift • Homosapien
Overwhelmed and Unprepared Unessential Oils • Unessential Oils
Everything is Now Jess Ribeiro • Summer Of Love
Hour Three:
Tell Me Who You Are Today Beth Gibbons • Lives Outgrown
Josephine Caoilfhionn Rose • Constellation
Rollin’ In Sam Evian • Plunge
Golden Microphone Cindy Lee • Diamond Jubilee
Glue Moon Owies • Vanness
Pacific Coast Highway Jolie Laide • Jolie Laide
Citronette Dump Babes • Known Liar
Darklands The Flowers Of Hell • Come Hell or High Water
Tears in the Typing Pool (Demo) Broadcast • Distant Call - Collected Demos 2000​-​2006
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
So Cull Obsidian dies disappointingly, paying off nothing in particular rather than culminating Bruce's arc. But Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive get cool fights that harken back to their earlier confrontations.
It's a bit of a retread, seeing as it covers the same material as the earlier fights. These two are insurmountable duelists who make short work of Vision and Wanda 1v1, but are overcome by Avengers working together as a team and covering each other's backs.
It's a little different because we've traded Sam for Okoye, but otherwise it's more or less the same fight. Still cool to watch, though.
(Also, I would be pissy about the fight segregating along gender lines, with boys fighting Corvus and girls fighting Proxima. Has elements of the Designated Girl Fight. But the earlier version of the fight gave us a mish-mash of men and women fighting Proxima and Corvus together, so that helps it to feel more like a cool Girl Power moment and less like a Boys Shouldn't Fight Girls moment.)
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Nova Dash Sam Ran Racing Thailand Time 6,03 #novadash #dash #dragbike #a...
Most bicycles can be configured in a similar fashion there's you know modifications here that you don't need to have two rails for a motor to be mounted and you can mount it using reinforcing it goes to the rails and you can mount a platform using that and people have done it quite often and if you attached to the top and it's done a lot and these days are converting ebikes mostly to motorcycles or mopeds or e-motors and there's a lot of the motorcycles yes and there's a ton of them and regular motorcycles to emoticles using stuff you can buy online and it works very well. We don't want our son doing it but people try to encourage you just doesn't have the money and see as hell and these people are so cheap that they're willing to die for it and we're willing to kill them for it and others are too to get to the money and it is working and they are going to check out. This idiot next door Trump and the disciples get crucified all at the same time and for crimes they're committing against the realm and after they go up to Titan and really it's their fault and father and mother vital and got his wife arrange for most of it and lobo and proxima midnight and they hate them and had to put up with them head on for a while and has a call for help a lot and it's kind of embarrassing so he's going to kill him and show that it's him and yeah it's very potent and yeah Brad he gets put into a robot and he ultimately dies in the movie you think but really he was going to try and take her son's body and still tries and he's a pig he wants to be big all the time and stuff like that he look like to kill him now
What I said was people will try to kill Brad German now quite often
Zig Zag
I can't stand this little b**** either she's a heinous jerk and she does die she does once the wrecking ball slams into the building the crane falls over and she gets killed badly and then she dies permanently as pretty much a similar character in a video she a radiates herself on authority ball a thorium ball which is used to destroy the sun seeker resort because it's an eyesore and they it's not torn down as it was not inspected properly and people wanted out of here and what's Trump dies or when he's dying one day someone just started wrecking it it's true and it was her so they had a ride on it and she found out too late that story thorium and the ball was removed they found her body shriveled up and a brain was cooked and her son said it's so close she could have jumped into the water and saved yourself and it's true it's brackish she died knowing that it was only feet away and she couldn't make it spent all night there and it's gone and her husband does nuts tries to find out too fingers out that her son tried to have her walk to the water and says Tommy f had that ball and his house and then he figured it out and he got put inside robots
Thor Freya
Ziggy Stardust we have issues up at Saturn there's a big war broken out now 20 billion versus 30 billion empire versus foreigners and they're going rapidly and it's going to repeat the ships are taken by themselves a lot we take some and others take a few but really we're taking a bunch and they still have to figure out what it is and they're working on it off Mars they have about 5 billion ships from warlock and seven from the pseudo empire the warlock are running out of ships true they only have four billion left and it's not going to be pretty
And fairly soon a war in space will break out around Neptune for reasons of what they think happened and they're not too bad and it won't last long at war is freaking out trying to get to the four planetoids off Saturday as well well the huge fleets are fighting hey please I'm very closer in
Other things are happening and they're going to be pretty cool that Sun is going to start growing and he likes to tell people the story and they know it's true and they think it's kind of funny cuz they don't react
We have more to report there are and that was Hera the last two paragraphs and she did a wonderful job and she wants to talk more about it and here she is
He's got to get sleep but we have more going on in Charlotte county there's a little war here we need more troops and I'm worried about my position there heating up saying to come to get me and my son is on the line and daughter-in-law saying you have it covered the guys see it there are five billion ships ready to intercept one billion that are heating up their engines and they're sitting in a cluster of 3.5 billion they will be over for them soon and all of them so I'm encouraged that sounds great and I love the plan and it's working for me and it's my husband and said for a baby I did pretty darn good but I have to and I get that he has to because he loves me and he has to talk to me about stuff break up some things but he knows about it he's curious and wants to talk to me but he loves me he says and I know
And that was Hera and it is happening now to speak big news it's big big news for us and we're going to intercept shortly and we have a lot of ships there and moving more in because we don't trust the actions of these pseudo empire
-we are also in pursuit of Tommy f we are going to try and help move this ship moving our son out of the way during the stink period is healthy we don't want him to get sick again it's misery the guys are helping out but it's too much it's also the gases it's dangerous and fumes and really a lot of people die so we are going to have to have him out of the way for his own good Tampa is actually far enough at a certain time it might still smell there and it might be the casino but overnight and he says he might have to do it regardless and he can't go overnight so it won't take long enough and it can't be the casino and we get that we're going to work on something and we're getting to it now more will be announced briefly and then tomorrow morning
Zig Zag
I'm having a great time is not true they are intercepting they say in the cluster and that's good but I do see that it's pseudo empire mostly and the empire and foreigners are not there and I'm being told that they are and have 10 billion on standby and we're in there too and good
Hera I know it's a good point I need to hear you say it no but okay if you did say it was good for me
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