#sams barrels
ikamigami · 3 months
Hmm weirdly enough people quickly forgot about New Moon killing V2 Eclipse..
Or maybe they never cared lol
Or they forgot how selfish New Moon acted when he found out that Sun was conduit for star's power..
Or again maybe they never cared..
Virus/killcode or not.. one thing is the same about New Moon and Old Moon.. that they're selfish, egotistic individuals..
Cause remember that virus enhances bad traits.. but apparently people only see that with others (if Lunar's line about everyone being infected is true) and not Moon..
"He was just a little bit mean".. a little bit? Really? Humor me more..
I think that Sun might be not infected or virus doesn't affect him cause Ruin - having Sun in him - was a carrier and carriers can at times be affected by the virus they carry.. but I think that Sun is immune to it but he's a carrier..
I mean I think that we may go way back to Creator focusing more on Sun and that Sun stood on the platform in the lab of both Creators.. that would be funny plot twist.. and I think that there might be something in this..
Still family didn't abandon Moon.. Moon cut himself off the family..
And I still want for Moon to realize how selfish he was and take responsibility for his actions and try to do better..
But if it turned out that Sun is a carrier I can't see him bouncing back from it.. I mean it would confirm his worst fears.. and seeing that he's depressed and is developing psychotic episode (or have it but mild symptoms for now).. it doesn't look good for him.. I'm worried about Sun and I fear the worst will happen.. I really think that this is all leading to Sun's death..
I'm excited to see where all of this is going :)
Also I think that I know what barrels can hint to as of recent.. Sun is stacking them like this - Sun and Moon are on the bottom (cause yellow and blue barrels) and Eclipse is on top (orange barrel).. which is how Ruin was stacking them after he was "cured".. I think that this is hinting to Sun being a carrier of the virus.. and he doesn't know about it..
Cause remember how Sun's first thought after Eclipse returned was that Ruin did that but no one listened but it turned out that he was right? And what happened now.. Sun's first thought after hearing that Moon didn't care if Earth would die, that he almost killed her, was that Moon is infected with virus.. and no one listens because they didn't detect anything.. but I think that Sun is right this time as well..
But even after everything will get resolve and I'm sure it will and that family will reunite.. I'm sure that Sun won't ever forgive himself.. he's already blaming himself so if he'll turn out to be a carrier.. I'm afraid that this might be a final push.. alonside Dazzle's secret..
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olympain · 1 year
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Sam Campbell in Series 16 of Taskmaster "Hell Is Here"
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preseriesdean · 1 year
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Well, at least he’s not curled up under the sink. — Yeah, no, he’s just sitting there silently field-stripping his weapon.
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girl4music · 9 months
I’m pretty certain that were Xena and Gabrielle allowed to be a maintext canon couple confirmed in the show itself and be physically intimate on-screen, this is what they would have been like as a couple. I mean everything else that they had is there and can be seen in WayHaught. Maybe not to as intense of a degree but nevertheless,.. definitely there. The strong love declarations through action, insane emotional intimacy and chemistry and connection, the hurt/comfort trope, the sacrificing for each other’s life or safety, being each other’s moral compass when things get dark. I think really the only thing WayHaught are missing is the slow burn best friends-to-lovers journey which defines the depth of Xena and Gabrielle’s love. Also the whole yin-yang and soulmates thing but that’s subjective anyway. But pretty much everything else is there. It’s like Xena and Gabrielle walked so Nicole and Waverly could fly. Which is very beautiful.
I just want people to always be reminded that Xena and Gabrielle were the greenlight for WLW on TV. It’s because of them that baby steps became significant strides in breaking down the walls. It’s precisely why WLW relationships like Tillow and WayHaught exist. Every little piece of sincere WLW representation that we have in TV art/entertainment today was achieved because of the creators of ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’. It’s something I’m always going to think about when I see blatantly explicit WLW representation of any kind. That they were bare bones but we wouldn’t have the full embodiment of WLW in TV art/entertainment without them through other characters and other actresses. Always continuing to pass on the torch.
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heliotrope155 · 2 months
I have no idea how the timelines match up, but there was a real missed opportunity to have Mary, Dean and Sam (and ideally Cas) have to look after or deal with kids that were sixish or slightly past 5 when one abruptly started crying and the boys turn to Mary who immediately goes, "Hey, I have no idea what I'm doing here." And Dean, who's been a mom longer than her suddenly gets his abilities back and deals.
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xwpfan · 3 months
I just thought of something that is really cool, I think.
I have watched Wynonna Earp since the beginning, but I finally got round to watching Supernatural, I know I'm late since people used to say they wanted a Wynonna/Supernatural crossover.
And I think I just found out how they can do this, if they want to.
In Season 13, episode 8 of Supernatural: The Scorpion and The Frog, there is a young woman who has sold her soul to a demon for an unknown reason but is saved thanks to the Winchesters.
Her name is Alice.
And since Supernatural has all sorts of stuff, including going back in time, what Gus and baby Alice got involved with something demon-like, and so an Angel sent them back in time to save them.
But get this, because of the Ghost River Triangle thing and what with there being another Gus there, Gus could not take Alice back, so she hides from Alice about the whole Revenant thing but tells her how wonderful her parents are.
So, when Gus passes on, Alice tries to find her parents, sells her soul to a demon, gets saved by the Winchesters, travels for a while, and eventually feels when the Curse over the Ghost River Triangle breaks and feels a pull in that direction that will eventually lead her home.
It would be pretty cool right?
Especially if Wynonna ran into her own daughter and can't believe she is not that much younger than Wynonna herself, Wynonna would definitely need a strong drink!
It's just a random thought since I am watching The Scorpion and The Frog episode right now.
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seven-thewanderer · 2 months
okay I was listening to The Lobotomy (by Maebi) for the past hours, and managed to make this!!
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I don’t usually tend to draw Angst, but I really wanted to make this and I’m proud >:3
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thetwiggiesttwig · 2 months
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Designed like a dark, fucked up version of Serious Sam haha. Just a glimpse into my dark reality. A full stare into my twisted perspective would simply make most go insane lmao.
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struggling to finish drawings rn 😐 but here
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ikamigami · 10 months
Okay, I'll give Sun's fans something..
About barrels and Sun again
So in "Moon is missing" episode we see that Sun went straight through the barrels and knocked them down.. it may be because he's more clumsy due to being more stressed out.. but in deeper meaning Sun just ignores himself and his own well-being and mental health..
Sun is tired of cleaning the barrels.. because he's tired of trying to fix himself and by fix I mean.. Sun is tired of trying to make things right.. cause he was proven over and over again that no matter what he'll do or say it's always not enough and things are getting worse.. so he's tired of thinking what else he could do, what else he should change in himself to finally make something right... So he only stack some of the barrels.. which means that he only works on fixing the facade.. to seem that he's fine.. that everything is fine with him...
As for why Canon stack barrels the way he did - two at the bottom and one at the top - it simply represents that Canon is two individuals merged into one - Sun and Moon at the bottom and Canon at the top because that's how Canon was created... - it's a fun little detail :)
In the "Day in a Life of Earth" episode we could hear that Sun hates barrels... which obviously means that he hates himself.. 🥲
But later Earth told Sun that maybe they should try to place them somewhere.. and then she proceeded to shove them into a shoe cabins... which seems ridiculous cause like Sun said barrels are circle-shaped and shoe cabins are square-shaped.. it immediately reminded me of kids trying to fit colourful blocks into holes but with not matching shapes... But in a terms of action this fenomenon is called squaring the circle which means to try to accomplish something impossible, to strive without the chance of success... and fits Sun's character a lot.. no, it's not even that.. this is a definition of Sun's character... Sun always trying to do his best while feeling like he's evil and nothing is ever good enough.. it's exactly that.. it's squaring the circle...
But we got some hope when Sun finally was able to fit the barrel in a shoe cabin because that means that Sun wants to still try to achieve the impossible and it gives us hope that maybe Sun will get better.. someday...
But it doesn't seem that the someday is near... 😔
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skidar · 1 year
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Yeehawgust Day 31: Bottom of the Barrel
The original Skytown duo :') Scott Thorn and Sam Bright Storm. I haven't drawn these two much since Skytown was published five years ago. This is them in the mines, bonding over the shared crappy situation and ready to bust themselves free at the first opportunity.
Thanks so much for hosting this challenge @yeehawgust I've met lots of cool new artists and their own wonderful characters and stories :)
This has been so much fun and I hope it becomes a bigger tradition every year :D
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preseriesdean · 1 year
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1.16, “SHADOW”
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pete-martino · 9 months
im so sorry im being annoying about this its going to haunt me. i love both ghosts dearly and i say now to bbc ghosts fans who are sad watch cbs ghosts NOW
(watch the whole first season at least. dont quit six episodes in. dont quit ten episodes in. theres some genuinely meaningful moments there if youre willing to look for them. believe in your heart.)
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
anyway episodes that sam's psychic powers should have come back during. imagine him arguing with this 'i'm a real psychic' guy and then yanking his gun out his hand with his own powers. fully on accident but it happens.
now see there's some drama for him and dean! that would work! sam tried to hide his hallucinations but couldnt. but theoretically he could hide this. and he should! because his brother literally just went and killed a woman for being a little too on the monster side for his liking. for being so evil that she couldn't possibly change. and so if sam's powers came back now? sam's powers? that he has because he has demon blood? he would be so fucking sick with stress trying to hide that from dean.
because. you know. if dean's already jumping for a reason to 'deal with' sam because he's hallucinating, a thing he can't even control. then what else is sam supposed to assume will happen once dean knows about this?
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mrsthunderkin · 1 year
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lifeofloon · 10 months
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Tis the season... For holiday themed tiki drinks, and limited edition tiki mugs!
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