#samhain 2022
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kingscross9-75 · 1 month ago
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Ritualcravt, Wheat Ridge, CO (October 2022) - me
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ddragayn · 2 years ago
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some art pieces i made from pure emotion.. otherwise known as vibes
[Image ID: A digital drawing of a dragonborn, unclothed, from the waist up. They face away from the camera, arms held somewhat above them. Soft colors emitting from a rectangle spread out around them. The canvas is a dark blue. /.End ID]
[Image ID: A digital drawing of an anthro dragon, August, from the chest up. Bright light hits their chest, and they lean back with a smug, happy grin. Their top scars in particular are highlighted by the light and underlying sketch lines. A pink graphic makes up the background. /.End ID]
[Image ID: A digital drawing on a black canvas. A sketchy form in white lines kneels, bent over at the edge of water. It is August, an anthro dragon. Their wings, drawn in red, droop spread out at their sides. Their hands fist into the ground, pink draining from them into the water. /.End ID]
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s18 started this past week <3
probably will run til ~aug 1
you know misha will keep saying crazier shit the more we applaud him that man is like tinkerbell
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bouvillea · 5 months ago
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Here is 2024's (OC)tober prompt list for Mabinogi ft. Your Milletian OCs! No rules, feel free to hop around, do multiple a day or just one. You can illustrate, screencap, and/or write your answers! Tag me if you wanna! I love to see everyone's Milletians (:
Feel free to mix it up with the prompts across the years! The links will be below and the plain text will be below the cut.
Milletian OCtober 2021
Milletian OCtober 2022
Milletian OCtober 2023
Plain Text Version Below
OCtober ft. YOUR MILLETIAN 2024
created by bouvillea
OC prompts for your Mabinogi character
Welcome, Traveler from the Stars!
You can illustrate, screencap, and/or write for these prompts.
Hop around as you see fit!
And pose! The spotlight is on your Milletian now. How do they freeze? Do they have a catchline?
Cute? Cool? How does your Milletian describe themselves?
How does your Milletian dress in their favorite color, if they have one?
How prepared does your Milletian dress for battle?
Researchers are still looking for a northern path deeper into Sliab Mis and invited your Milletian! How does your Milletian dress warmly? Do they don a robe?
Coffee shop or florist?
Milletians age quickly; do yours go through growing pains? What is it like?
How would your Milletian describe their childhood? Did they have a conventional “childhood”?
Does your Milletian keep a journal? What’s in it?
Did your Milletian drink their water today?
Transportation has evolved rapidly in Erinn. Does your Milletian get motion sickness?
It can be rather rainy in Uladh. How does your Milletian feel about rainy weather? Does it bother them?
Some would say the Milletian is gullible. Has your Milletian ever been scammed?
Is your Milletian wealthy? How do they make a living?
Ethel is very generous this season. Your Milletian received one billion gold! How do they spend it?
How does your Milletian interact with new people? Do they use their identity as the Milletian to their advantage or do they keep it subtle? Can they be subtle?
Your Milletian is renowned as a powerful warrior, but every warrior comes from humble beginnings. What was your Milletian’s first combat skill?
Is there a skill or activity your Milletian is particularly affronted by?
Milletians go through lifetimes relatively quickly. Do physical objects hold significance to your Milletian? Is there anything they hoard?
What is your Milletian’s toxic trait?
Your Milletian is known as “the Diligent”, but what part-time job do they dislike the most?
Samhain is around the corner. How is your Milletian celebrating?
Is your Milletian superstitious? Are there any rituals they feel compelled to do?
Ghosts and specters are very real in Erinn. Who or what is haunting your Milletian?
What does your Milletian see in the mists of Feth Fiada?
What is something your Milletian can always give up?
What is something your Milletian can never forsake?
How would your Milletian like to retire? Is retirement even feasible?
Given a milletian’s physical deposition, can and would your Milletian ever have children? Would they adopt and raise children?
Despite what people would believe, Erinn is not held up by a single milletian. Who are the other milletians that stand by your side?
We are not all without desire. What is your Milletian’s most earnest wish?
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talder-week · 6 months ago
First off, everyone who entered the Samhain Exchange, you've been emailed your prompts!!
Secondly, thank you to everyone who participated in the final Talder Week!!! Even though it's over people can still fill prompts for any of the Talder Weeks that have happened.
Going forward I most likely won't do another Talder Week with how low participation was for this Talder Week. I've also decided to do just a few exchanges next year. Not all of them. I'm thinking of just doing the Beltane and Yule exchanges and skipping Valentines Day, Summer Solstice, and Samhain.
Let me know if people would like me to continue those but since the participation count is dwindling, I think just doing Beltane and Yule is enough.
We will hopefully be releasing the Talder Virtual Season in 2025 and the mini Talder Fanzine will hopefully be finished this month.
Again, thank you to everyone who has participated in any of my many projects!!!
Talder Week 2021 Talder Week 2022 Talder Week 2023 Talder Week 2024
Be sure to follow the Talder Week Twitter, although Talder Week is over I will continue to post the exchanges, virtual season, and news of Jessica and Lyne over there.
Also come hangout in the 18+ Talder Discord!! We've currently got a fanfiction event going on where we read older Talder fics that have been voted on and leave comments for the authors to encourage them to write again and then we discuss the fics as a group in the server.
Join here!!!
Don't forget to follow @ao3feed-talder
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months ago
Nalyra, hi! Do you remember the dates for the interview in the show? Is it possible that show!Daniel was turned on Samhain as well?
The interview in Dubai started on June 14, 2022, and went on for 12 days iirc, as going by the newspaper that Real Rashid brings in in the last episode.
As such, it is.... possible? I guess?
It depends on when exactly Armand turns Daniel, obviously. I for one would think there is more to that story, and more development though.
But, who knows, maybe Samhain 2023 or 2024 then^^.
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breelandwalker · 2 years ago
Hey Bree!
I'm working on a spell to help get an apartment, which is obviously a Very Big Very Important spell for me, so I feel it deserves some more pizzazz than the spells I normally do. Normal routine for me is carving/writing some sigils onto a candle and letting it burn, and that's that. But I'm honestly struggling to come up with ways to make this spell feel more special/impactful that aren't just "more candles." I'd love to hear if you had any ideas on how to spice it up a bit or add something that feels more substantial to my spellwork here. Thanks!
Ooo, good question! Ragnar and I bought a house this past year and we actually did a spell together to help us find just the right place. I'm sure it could be altered to find an apartment too.
I started out, coincidentally, with the same framework that I used for a long-ago love spell to find my perfect match - a list. We sat down together and drew up a list of a dozen or so things that we needed and wanted from our new home, then wrote them on large whole bay leaves that I found at the supermarket. I added these to a jar with a few coins and some herbs for success and happiness. Then we held the jar together and focused on everything we hoped for and breathed that wish into the jar before closing it up.
The jar was sealed with green wax from the stub of a candle spelled for success and abundance (I got it ages ago at Mystic Moon of Norfolk - thanks Deb!) and I took the extra step of securing it with kitchen twine and a lucky shield knot medallion off a bottle of our favorite whiskey. Then the jar was set in the window to catch the light of the full moon.
If I recall correctly, this spell was cast in either August or September of 2022. It was one of the harvest moons, but I can't remember if it was grain or fruit, only that it was still warm outside and light in the evening. But it had to be one of those two, because the week of Samhain that year, we checked out a house that Ragnar found by happenstance that turned out to be perfect and our offer was accepted the day after Halloween. We moved the following January.
The spell jar remains in our home for good luck and we'll keep it there until the time is right to make a new one with new wishes.
So for your apartment search, I'd recommend doing something similar. Write down your wants and needs for your new place and pop the list (or a bunch of bay leaves with wishes written on them) into a jar with your preferred herbs for success and happiness. (If you'd like to specially prepare your bay leaves for wishing spells, here's a spell that I use for the purpose.)
Here are a few suggestions for herbs (and purposes) to include:
Rose Petal and Orange Peel - good luck, attraction to find a new place
Basil and Rosemary - abundance of green space (and funds)
Borage and Juniper - something to help protect against scams and overpricing
Ginger - catalyst / energy to a quick and easy closing process
Orris Root and Marshmallow Root - gentle persuasion for an accepted offer
Vervain - general home blessing
Breathe your wish into the jar and cap it, then seal with twine and wax and perhaps a lucky charm. You might even use one of your bespelled candles for the sealing, that might be a nice touch. Put the jar out to catch sunlight or moonlight, whichever resonates most with you. (My practice tends toward the lunar.) Keep it somewhere safe and keep searching!
Hope this helps and best of luck to you!
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lizastars · 5 months ago
Fases da lua (~parte 2)
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Essa é a segunda parte do post sobre as fases da lua. No parte um, falei sobre o básico da fase da Lua Nova, crescente, cheia e minguante. Porém nas religiões pagãs/ bruxaria natural também se fala muito sobre "Lua negra", "lua azul" e "lua rosa" e eu irei explicar melhor sobre isso além de falar um pouco sobre os ecplises.
==Lua Negra==
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A Lua Negra é a lua que aparece nas últimas três noites de lua minguante. Como dito anteriormente, a lua minguante é um divisor de águas, muitos não gostam dela por abalar as nossas estruturas e jogar fora tudo aquilo que não precisa, nossas sombras e "sujeiras" ficam mais evidentes e não dá pra fugir. E nessas três últimas noites, quando a lua está passando da minguante para a nova é quando ela esta mais escura no céu. Isso remete nossas sombras e é uma fase para olhar mais para dentro de si. Muitos bruxos adoram a lua negra por isso. É um momento de autoconhecimento meio difícil porquê temos que olhar pra aquilo que fizemos de errado ao invés de nos vitimizarmos e culpar o resto do mundo. É olhar nossos defeitos e partes ruins de nós que não aceitamos. Por isso ela é uma lua bem "durona", e é otima para meditação.
==Lua Azul==
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A Lua Azul não é literalmente uma lua azul, é na verdade a segunda lua cheia em um mês e é extremamente poderosa. Porquê pense, se a lua cheia já é forte, imagine a segunda lua em um mês quando ela fica ainda mais cheia. Ela está transbordando poder. Ela não é comum mas também não é rara e é otima para rituais coletivos, tanto em rituais como em pedidos, por exemplo se você quiser pedir paz mundial, a cura de um parente ou fazer rituais com mais pessoas. Lembrando que não é muito recomendável fazer feitiços para outras pessoas por aí sem o consentimento dela, fica tudo a seu critério.
°○Lua Rosa○°
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Existem definições diferentes para a data da lua rosa então vai depender da sua crença ou prática que você segue. A Lua Rosa também é conhecida como lua dos desejos, recebe o nome de rosa por ser a cor que associa-se com p ato de desejar. O nome é autoexplicativo e é um momento hábitos para fazer desejos. No neo paganismo existem várias delas, são as luas cheias mais próximas dos principais Sabbath, que são festivais celtas. Algumas pessoas seguem apenas os quatro principais mas aqui estão as datas dos festivais no hemisfério sul:
1 a 2 de Fevereiro
Hemisfério Sul - Lammas
21 a 23 de Março - Imbolc
Hemisfério Sul - Mabon (Equinócio do Outono)
30 de Abril a 1 de Maio
Hemisfério Sul - Samhain
21 a 23 de Junho
Hemisfério Sul - Yule
30 de Julho a 1 de Agosto
Hemisfério Sul
21 a 23 de Setembro
Hemisfério Sul - Ostara
31 de Outubro a 1 de Novembro
Hemisfério Sul - Beltane
21 a 23 de Dezembro
Hemisfério Sul - Litha (Solstício de Verão)
Já em religiões indígenas norte americanas, a lua rosa é a lua cheia mais próxima da primavera.
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Os Eclipses são muito polêmicos, algumas pessoas dizem que não se deve fazer ritual algum nos ecplises já outros dizem que ele é amplificador. Muitas vertentes da astrologia acrediram que não se deve fazer nada no eclipse pois é um "black out" de energias ou seja um apagão, outros acreditam q podem fazer a vontade como vertentes da bruxaria natural, os eclipse são vistos como impossionadores de mudança e são para coisas que estão realmente travadas na sua vida, como um computador que está pifando e depois de você ter feito de tudo para tentar consertar, você desiste e decide desligar para ligar de novo e aí ele magicamente funciona. Esse seria o ecplise.
⠀♡⃣ ─ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ 𓈒 ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀
Hora do meu narcisismo e falar um pouco de mim. Particularmente, tive minha primeira experiência de contato maior com a lua em 2022, quando decidi seguir um calendário lunar depois de ler na internet para observar as fases da lua, achei interessante, na época estava mais interessada em astronomia (astronomia mesmo, não astrologia). Logo me apronfundei na simbologia da lua em regiões e religiões diferentes do mundo, e descobri sua importância no mundo da magia, fiquei muito interessada na lua cheia, afinal eu nasci à noite, bem nessa lua! aquilo foi um bálsamo para mim que estava enfrentando uma severa ansiedade e crise depressiva na época e quis anotar minhas experiências em cada lua e acabei percebendo um padrão: na lua cheia ao contrário de alegria eu sempre me sentia mais irritada e explosiva e parece que meus problemas aumentavam! Eu ficava muito mais emotiva e acabei descobrindo anos mais tarde que é bem normal sentir isso nessa fase. Talvez sua fase preferida da lua pode te trazer gatilhos, uma boa forma de se conectar com ela é fazer umas anotaçõeszinhas de como você se sente em cada lua, parece bobo mas você vai notar uns padrões. Outra forma pra quem gosta de astrologia é entender melhor sua lua e onde está ela no seu mapa.
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martiwikiwi · 9 months ago
I've been wanting to do this for a long time so not even sorry.
Dark fantasy. Hagan knows the Church of Twilight has never been a safe space for him but after so many years serving faithfully the church, how is he supposed to escape from his past and start anew? All he knows is killing demons. Queer stuff: Hagan is sex-repulsed biromantic asexual and will talk about asexuality now and then. Chorus is his aromantic hetero bestie and there are two more queer characters to join the party yet. Free on Comicfury. On hiatus until 12th June.
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Comedy. Short comic about a group of queer friends trying to solve the mystery of the missing queer books in the public library. Queer stuff: Selwyn is your monster fucker bisexual. Moon, also bi, asked him out like 5 times and got rejected every time. They are now besties. Beltane is super gay for Moon. Available on my Ko-fi in digital.
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Fantasy slice of life. A compilation of four short comics about prince Fireopal and their queer family. Queer stuff: Everything. Look at them. Their mere existence is a threat to the system. Available on my Ko-fi in digital and printed.
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[2021] ELLIS
Urban fantasy. A queerplatonic romance between a demisexual non-binary werewolf and a bisexual human who find themselves in an awkward situation when they both have a crush on the same unknown student. Queer stuff: Demi enby will think very hard of how is the romance they want only to conclude amatonormativity sucks so they'll make their own rules. In the meanwhile, bi boy will cry and paint a horrible oil painting of some flowers before becoming the best friend ever. Currently saving money for printing. You can read it for free on Comicfury.
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Older stuff under the cut!
Fantasy. A boy's love story of three lonely souls looking for a family. Queer stuff: One prince gay, his lil bi bro and his future bi husband. Available on my Ko-fi in digital and printed.
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Dark fantasy. A young cleric is devoted to fighting the system of a world ruled by violence and fear. There will be a lot of menstrual blood. Queer stuff: This is the most aromantic stuff you'll ever read because the main character couldn't care less about that shit. Also, both other characters are bisexual af. Free on Comicfury.
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Fantasy. A story of a silly sorcerer and a sad cleric made during a certain drawing challenge that took place in October 2019. Queer stuff: The silly sorcerer is very bisexual and the sad cleric super gay. They'll go friends to enemies to lovers. Available on my Ko-fi in digital.
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Dark fantasy. A story of a very unlucky child who tries his best to repair his own mistakes, but it means he will have to break the promise he made to his best friend. Queer stuff: This child is so trans they even transform into a werewolf. 70 pages free on Tumblr. Full comic on Ko-fi.
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NOT ENOUGH? Well, here you have an archive with all the short comics I've been posting on Tumblr since 2015. You'll find from watercolour and ink tests to ideas I have for longer projects and short queer comics I made for pleasure but also rejected scripts from anthologies. Also fan comics and comics that did make it to anthologies.
Finally, all my comic work together in a post. Happy Pride!
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gretchenkerr98 · 1 month ago
Gretchen Kerr Anderson Escritora
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Gretchen Kerr Anderson (Mayarí, 1998). Narradora y Poeta. Licenciada en Lenguas Extranjeras por la UHO Universidad de Holguín. Miembro de la Asociación Hermanos Saíz. Integrante del Taller Literario de Ciencia Ficción y Fantasía “Espacio Abierto” y “El Túnel”. Editora del fanzine literario El Babujal. Certámenes: Mención en narrativa infantil en el concurso provincial León de León con el minicuento “El gato de los ojos de oro” (Mayarí, 2014). En narrativa con el cuento ‘’Cadáveres’’ (2018). Primer Premio en poesía con el poemario ‘’Retórica Negra’’ (2018). Primer lugar en el concurso literario de la Universidad de Holguín en las categorías narrativa, décima y poesía (Holguín, 2018). Segundo lugar colateral del concurso nacional de narrativa Cuentos Fríos (Cárdenas, 2018). Ganadora del certamen de publicación de la revista digital Novum de la UBIK-USB Universidad de Bolivia con el relato ´´La Hechicera´´ (2020). Premio en Poesía Infantil en el concurso provincial “León de León” (Mayarí, 2024). Ganadora del I Concurso de Relatos navideños de la Asociación entre Libros y Letras. (2024). Mención de honor en el Concurso de Minicuentos de Cubaliteraria con la obra “El arcoíris”. Publicaciones: ´´El enviado de Cotard ´´en la revista argentina Extrañas Noches Literatura Visceral (2017). ´´El noventa por ciento de todo es basura´´ en la revista Ficción Científica y en la antología anual de la misma “Yo destruí la Tierra” (2021). El poemario “Enajenación” en el no.98 de la Revista Almiar (Margen Cero) de España (2018). En el sitio web Poematrix: “Una lluvia de espejos rotos irá incendiando el universo" (2022); "Óleo de los catecúmenos (o Ensayo para una resurrección macabra)" (2022); "Et nigras" (2022); "Cantando a Odín entre tus brazos" (2022); "Gorgoneion con cuerpo de mujer" (2022); "Sombras demenciales (Esferas de la dimensión gótica)" (2023); "El abrazo del misterio" (2023); "Gólgota de mis noches de insomnio" (2023), entre otros. En Poetalia: “Retórica Negra" (2023). El relato “El Ojo de Freegh” en la antología “Caballería Mutante” (La falange naciente) de los antologadores Yoss (José Miguel Sánchez) y José Alejandro Cantallops (Elefanta Editorial, 2023). El relato “El Corazón de la hechicera” en la Revista Vaulderie (España, 2024). El poema “Fauna” en el número 123 de la Revista Poética Azahar (España, 2024). El cuento “Verónica, Obliteradora de Segundo Orden” en la Revista Paladín (2024). El poemario “El Libro de los Tiempos” en la Revista Brevilla (2024). El minicuento “La máscara presidencial” en la revista Escritores Rebeldes. El relato “Cuando danzan las espadas” en la revista Retazos de Ficción (2024). El relato “Los hijos del leviatán” en la revista Axxón. El Relato flash “La transmisión”, en el fanzine chileno Weird Review. “El último viaje” en la revista mexicana Poetripiados y en la antología “Sargazos” de la Hermandad Literaria Essin. “Delirium Tremens” en la revista española Almiar (Margen cero). “Más allá de la bruma”, en la revista Usina Cultural Tucumán (Usina CulTuc). “Ante Mortem” en la revista El Yunque de Hefesto (España, 2024). El relato “¡No me digas qué hacer, imbécil!” en el no.17 de la revista El Nahual Errante. El cuento “El espantapájaros de Halloween” en el no.5 de la revista mexicana Aluna Jaba. El relato “El Cagüeiro” en el no.3 de la Revista Retazos de Ficción. “El Portón de Samhain” en el no.5 de la revista de la Hermandad Essin “Aquelarres”. Los relatos "Las Melinas de Rasha", “Los Abanderados de la Tribu”, “Pulso electromagnético para vecinos ruidosos”, “La palabra del fugitivo” y ¨La protesta de los personajes” en la revista La GAzeta. Los relatos “El último Edén” y ¨Palimpsesto” en la Revista Kametsa. “Color Negro”, en Revista Cinco.
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ddragayn · 2 years ago
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assorted sketchbook doodles from the last year :)
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bluenote1553 · 4 months ago
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Happy Halloween, Tumblahhhhh! Today' playlist, as to be expected, is inspired by the Samhain and are in regular rotation this time of the year: It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown OST(Charlie Brown Records/1978, Craft Recordings/ 2022), WNUF-TV 28 Frank Stewart Presents Halloween(Terror Vision/2015).
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spookyserenades · 1 year ago
Can I just say that it makes me really happy whenever I realize the date is nearing 7th I hv a feeling you'd go all out for the spooky season I'm kinda curious abt something hope u don't mind my qs I'm like weirdly obsessed with this piece of art so yeah my mind is filled with qs hehehe the thing is I realized like u r very on par with the real timelines like Jk's birthday party was literally on September and stuff like that I'm aware that much time hasn't passed in this universe since the first chapter but it was really cool how the timeline here and the timeline irl kind of overlap... may be I'm jst reading too much into it cuz my love for Trouvaille doesn't know any limits :) anyways luv ya 🖤 cheers for a lovely chapter 🖤 and can I request we kick the ass of that audacious old hag? tc :D
AHHH hi love!! 💜🥺 I too get super excited for the 7th, its the day we all get to chat and go nuts together! I've been working really hard on this chapter (still am!!!) and I hope I can deliver some of the spookiness that goes with October. This next update will feature a few time jumps to include several events, so I hope it isn't too cluttered, but mostly exciting!
I don't mind questions at all, in fact, I love them!! And thank you for being so so sweet. So for the timelines, it happened completely by accident (which is cool and kind of witchy!!) I started writing Trouvaille in June of 2022. It just so happens that now, as I've caught up and have been posting each new chapter as I write it, the timing is lining up with the seasons! Which has of course, been a blast-- I mean some Halloween/Samhain themes in the next update will go perfectly with October. I will say, Trouvaille does take place starting in August 2022, if anyone is curious about the exact timeline.
Love you love you so much! 🥰 Thank you for sending in some kindness and your thoughts, I'm really happy you loved the previous chapter. I think that between Y/N, Jeongguk, and Namjoon, they'll be able to kick that old hag ghost's ass out and into Fenway Park LMAO!!
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guerrilla-operator · 10 months ago
Your taste in music is great, what was your very first concert, and what's your best remembered / most influental concert?
Much appreciated, thank you!
First concert was Sting at Jones Beach with the Philharmonic backing him (very LOL now, but it was my high school graduation gift and I was a big Police/Sting guy for a bit)
Most remembered/influential is a tough pick, I’ve seen a lot of great acts in the day. Here’s a list of some I can pull off the top of the dome:
Samhain during their reunion tour and there’s a video where you can see me crowd surfing.
I’ve seen Agnostic Front probably like four times over the last decade with a variety of openers.
Went to Black n Blue Bowl twice (2015 and 2022) and both lineups were stacked.
Neurosis, Converge, and Amenra at the Warsaw (seeing Converge was like a religious experience)
Sleep with Earth’s Dylan Carlson opening at Brooklyn Steel
Crowbar at Amityville Music Hall
Failure and Swervedriver also at the Warsaw a day before I moved into the city (was extremely hungover moving in day)
My friend’s band Heavyhex opened for Militarie Gun, Dazy, and MSPAINT like a year and a half ago, that was fun
Carcass and Deafheaven played a gig in my hometown like right after Deafheaven dropped New Bermuda
108 reunion at Brooklyn Bazaar, I think Racetraitor opened
Sannhet, Self Defense Family, and Cloakroom also at the Brooklyn Bazaar
Self Defense Family at Saint Vitus for the recording of their live album (I think that might be my favorite, just because I own the record and it’s nice to have been a part of that experience)
TUI with No Warning, Wisdom in Chains, Down to Nothing at Revolution Music Hall
Negative Approach at the Acheron
Mayhem and Incantation at Revolution also
Poison Idea and Sheer Terror at AMH. Jerry A gave me the mic and I got to sing Just to Get Away (despite flubbing more than half the lyrics)
I’ve seen a lot, and I’m sure I’m missing some, but these are probably the big ones in my history
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satyrmagos · 11 months ago
From the Sorcerer's Workbench: Presenting my Inaugural Beltane Line
One of the ways I search for inspiration (and one of the ways I try to market my jewelry) is by producing a handful of annual lines. I dropped my first Pride Line in 2022, my first Samhain line last autumn, and this year I’m presenting my inaugural Beltane Line: seven (7) pieces that bring a vigorous and vital vibe that I hope you all will enjoy. As part of this line, I am also introducing the…
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howrsememequeen · 1 year ago
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Halloween Breyers!
Night Mare (2014), Poltergeist (2016), and Calavera (2017), all with their "mini-me"s
Samhain (2019) (with her mini me) and Apparition (2020)
Maelstrom (2022) and Spectre (2023)
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