#same with barky... JAIL
zetterbabe · 5 months
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chucky during fan appreciation night (04.13.24)
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victorluvsalice · 3 years
AU Thursday: Fallout Of Darkness -- A Half-Decent Sum-Up Of The Pre-War Timeline
If you follow my RP tumblr, @thevalicemultiverse, you may have seen this before (barring a few edits I made just now) -- I wrote this up as background for putting Fallout of Darkness into play over there as an RP verse. It’s as good a write-up as I currently have for Alice and particularly Victor’s lives before the bombs fell, so might as well bring it over here for more general consumption! Enjoy!
Alice Liddell shares most of her backstory with her Londerland Bloodlines counterpart: she’s born in 1984, loses her family to Bumby’s obsession with her sister, hallucinates her way through the horrors of Rutledge and Houndsditch with Wonderland serving as a horrific psychological dreamscape for her to get her sanity back under her, realizes Bumby’s behind all her pain and is a child trafficker, kills him, moves to Los Angeles for a fresh start, and gets illegally Embraced by Malkavian Fish and ends up errand girl to Prince Sebastian LaCroix. In this reality, though, she lives through something much closer to the standard Bloodlines plot (albeit filtered through the “all tech is at least kinda 50s sci-fi” lens of Fallout) – including saving Heather Poe instead of Victor, and finding nothing in the Giovanni basement except regular old zombies. She pushes through all the bullshit of Camarilla vs Anarchs vs Kuei-Jin vs Sabbat, convinces Heather to leave when it transpires she’s being really badly affected by Alice’s Malkavian blood (to the point of luring a guy to the haven and then locking him in the bathroom for Alice to eat), and eventually chooses the independent life, killing Ming-Xiao, letting LaCroix blow up with his tower, and flipping off the Anarchs when they try to recruit her. She flees Los Angeles completely shortly thereafter, and spends most of the rest of the next seventy-odd years on the move around America, avoiding possible reprisals from the Camarilla and watching the world go to hell in a handbasket with resources running out and the war for the last great oil pipeline. She finds shelter in Boston in October 2077, and is sleeping away the day in a presumed-safe building when the bombs drop. While she’s luckily buried in a sunlight-blocking pile of rubble, she’s also staked by a falling beam. . .and remains so for the next two centuries. . .
Victor Van Dort, on the other hand, is born in 2050, to Nell and William Van Dort of Burtonsville. William is in the fish business, and moves his family to the USA when Victor is still just a baby to seek new opportunities. What he and his wife and son get is the New Plague, forcing them to stay in Massachusetts due to quarantine measures. Despite this, William still manages to become a fish cannery mogul, making millions off his automated factories. Victor himself grows up almost entirely confined to the house and gardens, cared for and taught by a variety of robots until he was fourteen and it was deemed safe enough for him to attend a normal high school. The gardens taught him to love nature, but his caretakers taught him to love science and technology – while still a hobbyist lepidopterist, Victor is much more a tinkerer and technician in this world. Having to help fix the family’s Protectron driver, Mayhew, when he falls apart almost right in front of you will do that to a boy! He’s just more comfortable with machines than people – a fact that doesn’t make him popular in school.
In his senior year of high school, Victor is pushed to date Victoria Everglot by his parents, seeing her family’s noble history (some relative way-back-when in England was a Grand Duke) as a good way to improve their own social standings. Victor goes along with it after realizing he likes Victoria herself a fair bit, and the two soon become boyfriend and girlfriend. A few months into the relationship, though, Victor comes across a gravely-injured Emily Merrimack-Cartwell in the park, the victim of an elopement that turned out to be an excuse to rob and murder her. Victor is able to rush her to the hospital in time, and the two become friends in the aftermath. Victoria, noticing that they seem to have a growing attraction, decides she doesn’t want Victor to feel obligated to continue dating her if he’d prefer to be with Emily and actually encourages them to go to prom together. They agree after confirming she’s okay with that, and that she won’t be missing out herself. They start out having a good time together, but midway through Victoria goes to the ladies’ room and doesn’t return. Victor and Emily, concerned, go looking for her and find her being menaced by none other than Emily’s ex Barkis – apparently not satisfied with what he got off Emily, he’s now trying to rob and possibly kidnap Victoria. Victor and Emily take him down and get him carted off to jail, to Victoria’s eternal gratitude. The experience bind them all together as a trio, and – coupled with the discovery that Victoria and Emily feel much the same about each other as they do about Victor – they decide to just all date each other and see where the chips fall.
And then the draft comes and Victor is yanked into military service. He ends up a combat engineer in the Engineer Corps, and is assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 108th Infantry Regiment, aka “Fox Company.” While he makes some friends in fellow soldiers Nate Howard and Sam “Bonejangles” Thatcher, Victor loathes his experiences as a soldier, especially as his unit is protecting the Alaskan Pipeline on the Alaska border and watching as the US annexes Canada. Things come to a head when his commanding officer tries to get him to shoot two Canadian kids who were throwing rocks at their camp – an enraged Victor shoots the officer instead, then gets wrapped up in a sudden enemy attack on said camp (a small company of Chinese infiltrators in stealth suits -- one accidentally decloaked in his surprise over Victor killing his target), spiriting the kids to safety before managing to save the rest of his company via fast fixing of their defenses and rigging up some explosive power armor. The chaos makes it impossible for the upper brass to know for sure Victor killed the officer (though they’re deeply suspicious), and the fact that everyone else is calling him a hero (plus his father being willing to pay good money for his son’s safe return) leads to him going home for good. Having married Victoria while on leave earlier, they take in Emily as a “live-in friend and help around the house” (wink wink), and the three move to the little community of Sanctuary Hills. They have a good couple of years there, culminating in the birth of Victor and Victoria’s son Shaun. Victor, despite his worries about the resource shortages, the war with China, and his own government possibly looking for a way to silence him whenever he makes his opinions about same known, starts thinking that maybe things can be all right for him and his family at least. . .
And then, on October 23rd, 2077, the bombs hit. Victor and his family get to Vault 111 just in time, and are processed and cyronically frozen as per the experiment. However, things go bad with a security staff revolt, and the frozen family is left easy pickings for some mysterious scientists to come in, shoot Victoria, and kidnap Shaun right before Victor’s horrified eyes. When he is revived again, he finds that the life support failed for the rest of the residents (including Emily, whose pod partially thawed her and left her half-rotted), leaving him the sole survivor – apart from his missing son. He escapes the vault and returns to what’s left of Sanctuary Hills, vowing to find Shaun.
Finding Shaun turns out to be more difficult than imagined – the world above is a dangerous place, and Victor is ill-prepared to deal with it. Fortunately, he makes some friends right off the bat – his old Mr. Handy Codsworth; a German Shepherd waiting for him at the local Red Rocket, who is later revealed to be named Dogmeat; and Preston Garvey, last of the Commonwealth Minutemen, whom Victor saves from raiders at the Museum of Freedom in Concord while looking for other signs of life. Victor welcomes Preston and his settlers to live in Sanctuary, and joins up with Preston’s efforts to revive the Minutemen and make it a force for good in the wasteland (being named General by Preston in the process, a move that baffles him and his 2 Charisma). Helping settlers leads him down to Diamond City, where he was told by slightly-psychic Mama Murphy he could find some help. He befriends reporter Piper Wright there, and ends up getting her help to find her missing friend detective Nick Valentine when it transpires he – and with him, Victor’s best hope for finding Shaun – has vanished.
And during their adventures to track down Nick’s precise location, they come across a raider base, are attacked by a raider who yanks a bloody stick out of a pile of rubble – and are introduced to Alice when she bursts from the rubble and sucks the guy dry. Alice hastily informs them that she’s not a threat to them (she was just thirsty after, you know, two centuries of being staked), and they end up trusting her enough to take down the rest of the raiders with her. Victor does his best to explain what’s happened to her, and she does her best to explain her vampiric nature to him. Feeling bad for her, and like he’s finally found a kindred spirit in all this (uh, no pun intended), he invites her to travel with him, switching to a night time schedule to accommodate her. . .at least, until they go to a certain quarry mined by Dunwich Borers to clear out the raiders there. . .
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xtrippydragonx · 5 years
Modern Corpse Bride AU stuff
Victor, Victoria, and Emily are in a poly relationship this is the hill I’m dying on don’t tEST ME
The relationship was originally just Victor and Victoria, Emily joined them to form a triad after knowing them for a lil while
Victor is 19 (this is actually his canon age, and the only character we get an age for), Victoria is 18, and Emily is 17 (I think her age would have had something to do with her father’s disapproval of her wanting to marry Barkis, and choosing to run away in response just sounds like something a 17 year old would do)
Emily is alive in this au, Barkis doesn’t kill her
He’s just horribly abusive
He doesn’t show his true colors until after she runs away to live with him (they don’t get married in this au), so she feels like she can’t leave
Her and Victoria attend the same school, though they had never really talked
Until at some point, while walking home from school, Victoria found Barkis yelling at and threatening Emily
And when she saw him punch her right in the face, she lost her shit
She dropped her bag and ran up to him, kicking him in the legs as hard as she could, and grabbed Emily’s wrist and ran away
She brings Emily back to Victor’s place (Victor already lives on his own bc u kno,,, wealthy family. I also don’t think she’d bring Emily back to her place bc u kno,,, shitty parents) and obviously he is very confused
Victoria sits her down and attempts to consol the poor girl, who is practically in hysterics
When Emily finally calms down, she tells them everything
They both look like they could kill someone as she describes all the awful things Barkis did to her
They offer to let her stay with them, which she accepts.
They call the police, and press charges. He gets sent to jail on several counts of domestic abuse.
She continues to stay with Victor (and Victoria practically lives there anyway)
She slowly starts to fall for them both
Through some weird series of events, they find out
And when it’s established that the feelings are mutual, she enters their relationship
Victor is a freelance artist! He is currently in college
He can play guitar along with the piano in this au bc idk it just feels right
Emily is very affectionate! She hugs them any chance she gets
She works at a flower shop, and is planning to go to college to pursue some sort of nature science
She loves giving them both flowers!
Victoria dreams of becoming a musician! Emily and Victor are helping teach her
Scraps is also alive in this au bc hes a good boi and I love him
Victor is very sweet and affectionate, and he wants to be able to express this, but his anxiety makes this difficult
His girlfriends understand and are very patient with him, which he is very grateful for
Victoria is more subtle with expressing her affections, she usually goes for small, romantic gestures
Emily goes ALL OUT. She spoils the FUCK outta them this girl is SO goddamn EXTRA y’all
Their dynamic in general is very domestic
They’re all absolute dorks
(Especially Victor)
Victor has occasionally written songs about his girlfriends
He would rather die than share them, though
Emily and Victoria are sUPER GAY TOGETHER
Also they’re all bi
Feel free to add ur own headcanons! .0.
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nebbychan · 8 years
For @victorluvsalice
Skyrim AU
Skyrim’s literally gone to shit; with the return of Alduin the World-Eater and Harbringer of the End Times, a civil war between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks divides the land in two, once proud factions now in ruins, and sweetrolls stolen; there is only one who can restore the honor and peace to Skyrim. Legends foretold of a being with the soul of a dragon, the only being capable of ending the madness; they are known as Dovahkiin, the Dragonborn. For centuries, the people of Skyrim thought the Dragonborn could never resurface, until now.
Victor Van Dort
Race: Nord Class: Mage (Expert Necromancer and Illusionist) Faction(s): None Weapons: Fork, Dagger, Ancient Nord Bow Daedric Artifacts: None Follower: Emily, Barbas Likes: Dwemer ruins, Conjuration, Alchemy, Enchanting, Dogs Dislikes: Thalmor, Fish, the Blades, Smithing, Stormcloaks Favorite Capital(s): Markarth, Whiterun, Winterhold Least Favorite Capital(s): Solitude, Windhelm Favorite Quest: A Daedra’s Best Friend (he left it incomplete on purpose because hey, free immortal talking dog!) Least Favorite Quest: Diplomatic Immunity (Ugh, fancy parties…) Bio:                Victor was born in Windhelm, his father was a wealthy merchant working with the Argonians and Dark Elves by the docks. They moved to Solitude when he was still a child, mainly due to the fact that his mother did not get along with them and loved to start up conflict. She worried that one of her enemies would send a Dark Brotherhood assassin after her, plus she wanted to be close to the other upper-crust families in said capital. Victor had a bit of trouble adjusting, especially when he one day started showing interest in magic, begging his parents to let him attend the Magic College in Winterhold. While disappointed that he shared no interest in the family business and was hesitant about sending him away, his father agreed and sent him off once he became of age. There, he learned conjuration, restoration, illusion, and destruction spells. His favorite spell in particular was the Candlelight spell, which provided some light whenever he was alone in dark places. Despite this, Victor hadn’t actually been in combat before. Once he graduated at the top of his class, he was brought back to Solitude for an arranged marriage- which he chickened out of and attempted to flee Skyrim by crossing the borders, unaware that the party he was travelling with was Stormcloak soldiers, led by none other than Ulfric Stormcloak himself. This misunderstanding led to his capture by the Imperials and nearly had him decapitated in Helgen. Only reason why he narrowly dodged execution was because of a dragon flying in and destroying the place, from there, Victor escaped with an Imperial soldier. With the return of the dragons, Victor also finds out he’s Dragonborn- great, MORE things he didn’t ask for. Being Dragonborn has it perks, but it’s also brought unwanted attention from everyone, especially the Blades, whom he deliberately ignores because he knows they want to use him. (Also they wanted him to kill Paarthurnax, didn’t help with the fact that he had come to like that old dragon.)
 Alice Liddell
Race: Imperial Class: Assassin Faction(s): The Dark Brotherhood Weapons: Knife, Glass dagger, iron Warhammer, crossbow (laced with frostbite venom) Daedric Artifacts: Mace of Molag Bal, Mehrune’s Razor, the Wabbajack Follower: Cicero Likes: Justice, quiet places, Sweetrolls Dislikes: Thalmor, Draugr, Vampires, Frostbite Spiders Favorite Capital(s): Whiterun, Falkreath, Morthal Least Favorite Capital(s): Markarth, Windhelm, Solitude Favorite Quest: Innocence Lost Least Favorite Quest: Any quest that makes her the errand girl Bio:                Alice was born in Winterhold; living in a cozy little home with her older sister, mother, and her father- who was the archmage at the College of Winterhold. She lived there happily for years, as a child she’d sneak into the College’s library to read and learn about magic. Life seemed promising for her when she conjured up her first Flame Atronach and used a series of Fear spells at her entry exam…at eight years old. No doubt Alice was a gifted mage, and her family couldn’t be any more proud of her. She even got to be roommates at the College with her older sister, Lizzie, who was already attending to learn about restoration. But one evening while the family slept, Alice woke up to the smell of smoke; the house was on fire! While she managed to escape, the same couldn’t be said for her parents. Lizzie was nowhere to be found, guards assume she had died in the fire too and that Alice’s Flame Atronach was to blame for the incident. Alice was sent to the Honorhall Orphanage in Riften shortly afterwards, there she endured years of mental and physical abuse from the Headmistress, Grelod the Kind. When she came of age, Alice was thrown out and left to wander Skyrim as a street urchin, she’d go to inns and taverns just to ask for work, but her mental state made it difficult for her to get by. A year of wandering Skyrim led to her hearing a rumor about a boy named Aventus Aretino, who ran away from Honorhall Orphanage and went back to his home in Windhelm to perform the Black Sacrament. Alice went forth to investigate, though when she arrived the boy mistook her for an assassin and gave her a contract too good to pass up; she had to kill Grelod the Kind. Without hesitating, Alice bought a ride straight to Riften with what little money she had left, and her trusty Flame Atronach and years of bottled up rage were finally unleashed as Alice watched Grelod burn to death, just hearing her screams brought immense satisfaction. Thankfully, Alice hadn’t suffered repercussions for her little stunt, but it did lead to her initiation into the Dark Brotherhood. Astrid liked Alice from the start, seeing great potential within her, and welcomed her into the family with open arms. With Alice working as an assassin, everyone now had a reason to fear the Dark Brotherhood. Some are too scared to confront her or her follower, Cicero.
 Victoria Everglot
Race: High Elf Class: Thief Faction(s): Thieves Guild Weapons: Iron mace, Nightingale Blade, Nightingale bow Daedric Artifacts: Dawnbreaker, Sanguine Rose, the Skeleton Key Likes: Fine clothes, Pickpocketing, Lock-picking, Honey-nut treats, Long Taffy Dislikes: Chaurus, Dwemer ruins, Falmer, Red Ninroots Favorite Capital(s): Dawnstar, Riften, Whiterun Least Favorite Capital(s): Windhelm Favorite Quest: Blindsighted Least Favorite Quest: A Return to Your Roots (She HATES Blackreach, seriously, fuck that place.) Bio:                A quiet child born into an aristocratic family in Solitude, Victoria mostly kept to herself, not that her parents really cared. Victoria had the heart of a thief, she’d steal things right under people’s noses and no one would suspect her of any wrongdoing. So when her family fell under hard times, Victoria would sneak out the house as her parents slept or went out on business to rob unsuspecting citizens of their gold, gems, jewelry, any valuable item she could get her hands on would do! Her parents eventually began to question where all this gold came from and why their neighbors were becoming poor, but never suspected Victoria. Once she became of age to wed, her parents set her up with Victor Van Dort, a college graduate from Winterhold. They got along nicely at first, having a bit of small talk and while they didn’t exactly fall for each other, it was apparent that they became instant friends. However it wasn’t until the wedding rehearsal did things go downhill; not only did he screw up the vows, but Victor somehow managed to trash the chapel and nearly set her mother on fire. Victor fled Solitude in embarrassment, but before Victoria could get a chance to pursue him she was then engaged to another man, an aristocratic high elf from the Thalmor Embassy named Barkis Bittern. Not wanting to deal with that noise, Victoria grabbed whatever money she could along with some essentials, got on her horse, and fled Solitude. She was about halfway towards Whiterun when she heard that Victor was captured, likely on accident during an ambush on the Stormcloaks led by the Imperials. This was now a race against time- as Victoria heard those that were taken hostage would be taken to Helgen for execution. Victor was innocent; she knew he didn’t deserve such a fate, and she wanted to prevent any injustice. Once arriving in Riverwood for a quick restock on her supplies, Victoria could almost feel the ground beneath her shake and the roar of a dragon from the skies. She thought it was only her imagination and her lack of sleep getting to her, at least until she arrived in Helgen- only to find it in ruins. She would’ve entered had it not been for an Imperial soldier stopping her, letting her know that a dragon attack took place and finding survivors would be near impossible. Still, Victoria refused to believe that Victor had died during the attack. Going back to Solitude wasn’t an option either, fearing her parents’ wrath and possible jail time for all the theft she’s committed. Instead, Victoria rode all the way towards Riften. While staying at the Bee and Barb, Victoria met Brynjolf; the two sat together at the bar and chatted over mead and apple pie, she reveals to him her thieving behavior- which in turn catches his attention. A successful initiation that following morning led to her joining the Thieves Guild, and while she’s more content with the life of a thief, Victoria hopes to find Victor safe and sound during her travels.
 Lizzie Liddell
Race: Imperial (also a Werewolf) Class: Warrior Faction(s): The Companions Weapons: Daedric greatsword, Daedric Battle axe, Forsworn bow (laced with poison) Daedric Artifacts: Ring of Hircine, the Black Star Follower: Bonejangles Likes: Sweetrolls, restoration spells, swords, sneaking Dislikes: Thalmor, Vampires, the Silver Hand, politics Favorite Capital(s): Whiterun, Falkreath, Winterhold Least Favorite Capital(s): Markarth, Solitude Favorite Quest: Purity of Revenge Least Favorite Quest: The Black Star Bio:                Born and raised in Winterhold, her father, the late archmage at the College gave her the best rooms, best tutors, and good classes. Lizzie specialized in restoration, mainly due to her little sister Alice and her misadventures always getting her scratched up. Still, it did hone her skills, and gave extra credit for her classes. That was until a new student named Angus Bumby came along; something about him seemed off, and Lizzie did her best to ignore him and continue her studies, but it didn’t take long for him to begin taking interest in her. She continuously told him to sod off but her commands fell on deaf ears, when one day he and a student from her class suddenly disappear.  Lizzie discovers her classmate’s body lying in a pool of blood that evening, two holes punctured into his neck and wrists. The discovery sent chills down her spine, realizing there was a vampire staying within these walls. It was no secret who the vampire was, and she promised herself she’d tell her father before Bumby could claim more victims. Sadly, she’d never get the chance, as Bumby had infiltrated the residence and after draining the blood of the Archmage and his wife, attempted to turn Lizzie into a vampire to claim her as his bride. Still, Lizzie wasn’t about to go down without a fight, and while she managed to scare him off, it set the house on fire in the process. Her escape was successful, but was convinced Alice had died in the fire. It was already enough for her to swear revenge on the vampire; however she could never take him on in this state, she was lucky to have made it out unscathed during their encounter. Lizzie moved out to Whiterun to seek training as a warrior, only to run into the Companions near Honningbrew Meadery and help them take down a giant. Her participation made it much easier for her to become a Companion, then later on a werewolf. For years she trained with them, growing stronger by the day, feeding off the anger and resentment towards vampires. Once she felt strong enough, Lizzie set out to search for the damned vampire and avenge her family. She at first began in Solitude; renting out a room and there at the Winking Skeever she meets a bard nicknamed Bonejangles, a redguard man along with his band of reanimated, sentient draugr whom are trying to push a new era of music onto Tamriel. It was loud, had a great beat, a catchy tune good enough to dance along, and spontaneous lyrics and vocals; and yet few seemed to care for his music, as they’re in favor of more traditional songs. Lizzie, on the other hand, supported his ideas; not a huge surprise that they wound up becoming close friends. Bonejangles catches her off-guard and offers to help her take down the vampire, Lizzie refuses at first, but reconsiders when he reveals to her that he’s in the Dawnguard- a vampire hunter, the bard thing was just to throw off any suspicion. The two find Bumby hiding out inside one of the many Dwemer Ruins in Markarth, which had been infested with chaurus and Falmer, which were taken down easily. In the heat of battle, however, Bumby manages to get a good swipe at Bonejangles, almost taking out one of his eyes and breaking his leg when tossed around. This angers Lizzie, and as a result, transforms into a werewolf in front of them. Her angered roar was enough to scare the vampire as he attempts to scurry off; not a good idea when a pissed off werewolf could easily catch up to you. Bumby begs for mercy, but his pleas fall upon deaf ears; Lizzie savors his screams as she tears him apart, and she would’ve completely lost it if it weren’t for the fact that Bonejangles was in need of medical attention. Satisfied, Lizzie reverts back and after dragging her friend out of the ruins, begins healing him. With her family now avenged, Lizzie wonders what to do with her life. Bonejangles offers to take her to Fort Dawnguard to consider becoming a professional vampire hunter, and she did seem to agree at first, at least until news of people getting assassinated in all parts of Skyrim catch her attention, no doubt this was the work of the Dark Brotherhood, but it was the way the victims died that interested her. All victims found were burned alive, likely by a Flame Atronach- controlled by one gifted mage. Thinking her sister could still be alive, Lizzie performs the Black Sacrament (the human flesh and heart used for the ritual was…“donated” by a lovely bandit outlaw that dared to cross her.) in the hopes that Alice would come to her for a contract…
Race: Wood Elf (formerly), Khajit Class: Warrior Faction(s): None Weapons: Scimitar, Iron Shield, Falmer Bow Daedric Artifacts: Ebony blade, Ebony Mail Follower: Victor (technically she’s his follower) Likes: Weddings, Butterflies, Night time, Dancing Dislikes: Dark places, Bandits, Thalmor, Stuck-up people Favorite Capital(s): Riften, Markarth, Whiterun Least Favorite Capital(s): Morthal, Winterhold, Windhelm Favorite Quest: The Book of Love Least Favorite Quest: Blood on the Ice Bio:                A former priestess of Dibella, Emily was the most attractive wood elf to grace Skyrim. Her beauty would entice men, some even begging for her hand. She had refused them all; except one. He was a high elf, worked at the Thalmor Embassy in Solitude. Emily thought him the perfect man, how he won her heart with his charisma. However, her story isn’t exactly light-hearted. Instead of meeting her beloved to elope at the Temple of Mara in Riften, she met her end- sacrificed as an offering to the Daedric prince, Boethiah. Her body was carelessly thrown into the river, forever lost; but her soul, however, lived on in anger. She was finally released when some poor fool by the name of Victor Van Dort had come across the Shrine, but instead of sacrificing another soul, he released her. Emily was overjoyed, now finally able to leave that wretched shrine; all that was left now was to take revenge.
Her lover had taken refuge within a Bandit camp in Falkreath, adorned with the Ebony mail and blade Boethiah had bestowed upon him. His recent failure on trying to lure a high elf woman in Solitude left him vulnerable to attack. He had stepped out from his shelter for fresh air, instead being greeted with the scent of death and the tip of a Scimitar pointed to his gullet. The sword was held by a Khajit woman, her body foreign to him, but the fire in her eyes had him frozen in fear. “Emily?” His lips trembled, now stiff as a board; Emily had taken on a new body, found on the way to Knifepoint ridge. She glared, ordering him to walk, lest she behead him on the spot. With Victor in tow, just in case things got out of hand; Emily travelled to the Shrine of Boethiah, offering the man she once trusted to the Daedric Prince. Boethiah was pleased, and granted her lover’s armor and sword as a gift. She now travels alongside Victor as his most trusted companion, besides Barbas that is. Emily misses her old body, but has thankfully accepted the fact that she’d never recover it.
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babyawacs · 4 years
@law @law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @ haaretzcom @snowden @bild @phoenix_de the german govt + supr anational timecontrol accomplices shuffle harms and proxies and play plausible deniability for their crimes they caused and the scums they hosted invited tolerated orjust immunised if some inthese that causethemess quarrel with others th at know theymessed but wanan stay neat must show face abroad how good for them thattheyrenot all rotten but for this very case they all are equally guilty liable causing shuffling harms and proxies it iis not woa after allwe did alallong an d stillmess we could maybe try this tweak then wecan pillage it and and if we dothis so its cheaper forus maybe hes stup id enough to sign there i s no such thing as guiltyconscience they flip between the necessary (monstrous) and the moral thereis no conscience some wouldbe like taboo "daran schwer versuendigt" maybe. m a y b e but like dont touch another ta boo of countless they shuffle harms and they shuffle proxies and inthe meantime decoy throw object flipcausality vict imblame try perversion anything that makes pressure point on a case they did monstrous things alallong to pillage it to savemoney was earlier whenthe inventions are game changing its even for whatthey think existential isay they shuffle h arms and proxies inthis underhuman dared tokicktheir ass but which trick could work which flip this. we must gain chains leverage pressurepoints we deserve and or orelse we itis through and through disdainworthy despicable youcan empower t hose that want a comeclean withthemess the compensate the crimes apologise sowhat but you must not trust themever they f lip between the necessary and the moral itis neofeudal mildsafe ornot depends onthese things for soemthing that is a jo ke hands down. safety for life health sexuality property family basics genuine hard to the biology basics idoubt they gras p what scums they are they flip between the necessary and the moral and try sth here nomatter what but which trick th en *************** this is germany youre confused by the flip between morality and thenecessary by the decentralisation neofeudal where shuffling proxies whcih tick by own facettes but its morelike goodcop badcop trickery plus alot of lul l decoy whackamole ************** all hard interconnected realtime bot searchign special words warn onspecial words or bl ingpling on good things transponder info on proximity to clowns and such scan millimeterwaves roadcrossings villagecor nerwise to aeh e mp o w e r the aeh blind and the lame or and or just one of these sgerman sgermany this is what itis // // how did the german cockroaches avert anyinfo. thelayer1 causing authorities with timecontrol accomplice. imean. loo kat layer2 cocockroaches. the cockroaches they immunised todowhat.  lookatem how theyre a llabout what a prostitute youare or what a momfool you are or gayprisonor fantasies. or p edo orgytricks. or steal with anything.  these. cockroaches.   dont control time system synchronisation bank synchronisa tion in newyork. layer1 causing authorities play for keepit as day fool and quell a n y i nfo. how.   allthe decoys: they throw decoys and coverup. at who? brief the clowns that are nonhostile tryto demystify theshit their layer1 causing authroties german govt + control accomplcies did. its criminal g ovt agenda turned eu interest withnothignhappens and any crime after the nutting tricks may have failed again //// #i #bet #israel  @israel #li ke: aaaaw????lethim marry his mule orwhatevee. sowhat!? #me: gaah  .@law @law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden didth e german govt acknowledge myweddint with maron ifnot itisobv ious they game for dayfool control with their devious intelcoma system same with acknowled ging fortune theymighthave tried to taxit without acknowledge it orthestatus but hedge ra ther chavbum games over studentloan federalbank //// fin d messer xraytrickster beamtirkc finedsut trick 1823 pm . germans usually "the-mythical-esquinlax" their crimes or germ an "aeh-fengshui" their crimes   but itis constantly effor ted harm with intel tools intel access deedtyped before during and after daytimecharging it // //thisis oneofthe milde r days theresnonhostile oncase maybe minormischief atplay. minors always rescue enforceprevention scums or minors preven tion. measure chow with a more sensitive xraydevice. what is the damage when this already makes mildsick allis blah you dontfeelgood fromit but dont wannabarf.  all is blah and your e mildsick.  sometimes on someoccasions your teeth get metallic and allis blah. itis a minor mess the years of highpowe red radar and beta and neutrontrick werenot helpful. priority is heart heartbackleg from suffocaiton kiltlrick and tooman y flatlinegames toomany surgeries and backleg tricks and backleg artery access damamgin bloodvessels thenmore finedus t and more heart tricks /// im terrrorised with eyedrugpri ckles ice catapults and leechery clown accesed.  am annoyed b y a shitball yesterday about 148bucks formymother orso as bs debt. the verfassungsschutz mustve tried some clown shitba ll game about create pressurepoints trickery orthelocal clowns that drugme drowsy like grandure nutbum gets 148bucks bill trickery.   cockroachgerman cockroaches itis frauded into msiery and trashcan damamges deeedtyped . bombou terroriser. cautionwith minors. the accesser or contorlelr seems liek a fool or a minor mischief about yourenotyou fantasies. they aaaaaaaaaaaall are themselves. even the hudnred cases e v e r that playpretend theyre arnold schwartzenrambpo to renounce pain or anticipation of pain . a verylatestage feardiseas e.  so the contradictory shitball trickery by the same fools. itis another shitball tofind wackos that are extremely happy then extremely sad as bipolar shitball. thinkofthis. in the system of arbitrary drugs arbitrary brainmesses abritrary whattheywant messes.  arbi trary braincook forehead to control em as fools hedge then never developed shitballs. and this. is e e e x a c t l y howit works.  so. cautionwith min ors mischief minors they c an n o tknow. explainem.  but fo ols. that arbitrarily damamge me jail. thenprevention. the russianneedle counterbuzzes countertones of high-dba soundtra cks. what does that do. highdba sounds counterbuzzes. makes nuts ? /:/// woa!!!! squeez e cockroach 1634 1635 if its leechery or adds harm or sth ichecked a chavletter about 148buc ks from my mother demanded from me orsth. she had 20million onher account realtime from me. iii have 90billion 92billio n. or just 62billion. daytime court demanded. that immunisation is quelled. averted . not a missed formality. findout if a cockroach leechdamamges me. daytime itis a looonglist of paidoff bs idont even owe. all in tight order plus 30k taxc redit on 30k student debt which i paid realtime longago whichwere taken up because theyquel fortune access inthefirstpla ce.  sero. tolerance. if a cockroach leechdaamamges sth for 148bucks orsuch. seriously. they mess with which fortune ge nerated from thisvery head. that is my fortune plus which further wealth generated. for the customers ofmy inventions. ge ts to 233billion. but they lifetimeleech chavtrick greengoo leechtrickery or braindamam ge arbitrarily /// gaser gased a drowsy mix. findit and stuffthemthe mix galore for hyyp eractivated minors youdontlet on or near a n y drugs thats cr iminal //// it mustbe understood whenhaving a car and n otmoving so regularly but driving around. that as basis. onthat youadd the movements and more plain drinks abolished fruc tose drinks mostly and such.  itis notjust those hdl values ho w would a body without healthsins r e m o v e  p l a q u e s .  not add plaques. but  . r e m o v e plaques with those values. itis also onthat basis with car themovement and the ratherplain chow itis takes careof self and each and every single damage inthis very body is a german crime. includ int titttsuit templates withand without urgentliest whenyou eat an ice and balsldamages.   health first. no templates. heart onedge fromsuffocaiton and suffocaitonpoisons deedtyped y esterday backleg tricks . arbitrary access abritary harms. /// itis a good doc. brief him of the constant harms and killtricks and mengele tricks and emergency heartmeasures /// cantbelieve miraclemild today. the medifile daytime store d me as fatty? the doc thenwonders whyyou easily grab the bottom of your feet notjustyourtoes likethat. or noonestores whengettingup fromground without using hands. usually. or sixyears + carrying chow mule grade fromstore. it means that al l uphills and all jogging mondaytomonday 2years everyday plus walking sixyears 150km 180km 200km eachmonth is jogging as fattied. what is the braincook movement and heartlung pathogen finedust heartkillbackleg trick ratio fromthese facts andthe dayfile lists: fatty. oh weird...cantouch toes maybe. allrightallright lipo pro file  thefffff?!?!? 69HdL+91LDL?! after two years then 145 total choeltsteirne. uh... sugar nonsober 33.3mmol 5.2percent allrghallright sobersugar 91.mgdl thefffffffff?!?!?  youknow it. they ballsdamage. lympahtic damamge and arbtirary tittsuti damamge on a body without h ealthsins. abody that takes careofself. ///// im posioen d or a r b it r a r y drugged again. whatisit. d e t ox it. a r b i tr a r y drugggigng whatisitthisitm earlmypahtic ai emd durign type.   maybe something inspired someone to urgent ly drowsy poisonor drug sth. p r e v e n t  a n y mess.  els e its miraclemild.  didyoucheck the filters inthe cupboardabvo esink. cockroach poisons cockroachdrugs acid chrystal ticket whateveritis andothermixes? makesure theydontpoison this filter again the duration is 6weeks for one filter. it holds onaverage t w o days. maximum. someone poisons it drugs it . likethat quickly thenyou drink unfiltered tabwater amonth.  thats budget burden 20buc ks whenyougot 200amonth 170 amonth //// xraybeamtrickery   radar? some intelcoma time test themes were probably barkin g smalldog?!? like bllufff bluff and youre zombi not mindinganything plus tired allmiracl emild otherwise //// roomgaser 1252 1255is relevant acce sssermaybe pathogen relvant 1252 and 1301 neck+shoulder right paired subdue mixer guts s ubdue mixer //// 1301 neck+rightshoduelr aims guts subdue likely find it whopushed abut ton /// pathogen relelvant access por inhaler 1252 isit so meone without masks that got e x t r a gased by the intels then //// xraybeam highpwoe red radar or nazi radar /// nonhostileaccess 437? reward /// 358suffocartted like  2004pm 2003pm wasit abadinahelr r a breathestop ondamamgedhear t seems nonhsotile very 2004pm like poisoning /// #gain # leverage #tricks    @france24 aaaawplease #lawyers yourenot n aive. thegermangovt+timecontrol causingthemess as layer1 athorities shuffled any harm as anyproxies. layer2 clowns,thes cums they immunised overtheyears todowhat. thenthe criminals tried to gain leverage for by any means at b e s t atworst i ntensified harms for thegermangovt and tis timecontrolaccomplcies givingthem wiggle ro om the 20th year //// replacedphone 337 is #for #day #time #charging #it @israel @bbc_whys @law .@law .@laws @harvard_law .@harvard_law @bundestag @bund esrat @snowden .@fisa @fisa @judge .@judge @judges @france24for daytime charging intelcrimes. howmany chainit nut it tr icks didthegermans try. thefirst thing snowden expected. for intelcrimes allsee allalong a ll overtape allalong.  the hells deedtyped terrorised likely into desperation as intent. simply compartmentalised away, thatguy has fengshii bubolensis majoralis, thenewest plag ue imaginable /// earlymphatix 211am nonhostile? /// h ooooooowmany immunised girls fellinlove with us nonimmunised baby s .@israel @bbc_whys @la w .@law .@laws @harvard_law .@harvard_law @bundestag @bundes rat @snowden .@fisa @fisa @judge .@judge @judges @france24itslike committing a premeditated crime drunk first i booooze m e drunk then i bat the guy: alert mnaaaah. fully guilty. b e f o r e the deed on drug that is what he planned.german l awinthis casearound intel drug: wiiiifeeeeeeeeyy of my aeh.. aeh.aeh... heartandmarrryyyyyyhmeeeeeeeeeeeh megaphonebut w hat matters is she wanted to iwanted to despite intelcoma wallandsomehowthe years wentb y she had allthetime offered 20mio then later 2bio toleave without anyregrets ifshe cant ho ldthis intelwall shitout anymoreand herewearerecently someone mustve implied a gain or sth if the fraudsystem with its criminal german govt  had not kept the case daytime*********not acknowledgign the marriage untilwef o r c e d them tois av e r y goodhint*******mikedrop//// #the #jews ? mighthave a cknowledged itlike aaaawheck ifhewants to marry some mule then lethim? #friendly #tease////did the german government ac knowledge my marriage to maron       long 17years or just 1 3 yearsI am Christian KISSBabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophisti cation#THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOGhttps://www.BabyAWACS.com/[email protected] / FAX +493212 611 34 64H elpful? Pay. Support. Donnate.paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// / 0059 circutiboardbuttonpsuher nonhostile? usuallyits bad 0 058driveaway.  cautionwithsupport.  cautionwith support u s u a l l y its scums maybe thistime not //// .did the germa n government acknowledge my marriage to maron       long 17y ears or just 13 years //// itis heart onedge findout from what 20pm on /// the women that stolesperm were charged and convicted but ifthekid needs a parent we put the punishment off. that is a fair thing. v e r y . it sets straight the crime. it is humane for the good ofthekid.  itis abysmal stuff s y s t e m  c a u s e d systembotched itisnt even spermdonor meet and greet or sth itis systembotch set straigh t + humane for thekid better solutions? ///// lawyers the de- debt procedures they turn peoiple to green goo or le echem? when my mother had 20million andthey did that wi th her ******* idemand jailtime for the scums that didit and now if they did n o t harm and leech give em kudos ******** the germans shuffle realtime harm for realtime pai d or renounce realtimepaid to getnothing daytime and shuffle realtime harm then bloat it daytime and shuffle realtime harm this is misusing th e system they fallback on deadbeat arguments like daytime he didnt pay while quell fortune access immunisation blacklist anyincome and renounce realtime pay to get nothing to dothat daytime this is y o u r job that is for the in surances and the banks and if they foolme into signing something it is even m o r e so a case foryou evenmore so onthis basis here daytime charge d their crimes committed with intelcoma drug quelledimmunsiation not averted daytime cour t demanding fortune access itis heart kill today afternoon evening fromwhat exactly before itwas xrayterrorise gasing likely //// lawyers ofmine serobullshit with the long list of daytime paidof bs evenif idonthave to. itis all tight micromanaged. itis not about another 148bucks formy mother sixyears afterbher demise paidof f twice asmuch onanother shitball while realtime funds inteh billions.  sero. tolerance . with. degradation trickeries. the germans quell income. for that  itis miraclemicromanaged. hearton edge from tricks udnerway orand backleg andor gutslo ck heartsuffocationtrick udnerway 2004. iiiiiiiiiiiii . am. what. iiiiiii am.   i dayt ime court charged it but itis germany. they will try. a n y t h i n g. to fraudme as dayf ool forthe restofmylife. while hedging a n y t h i n g to harm. in any way they can. ser o bullshit with any degradation smear harm letalone realt ime harm for realtime paid /// heart on edge findout ifits implants or chav daammge or chavdamamgetmepaltes g u t s l o c k dehydration locked guts fromimplants dehydration backleg heart tricks. else miracl emild. thesuffocation 2004 was bad. what wasit e x acf t l y .the trick deceit with intel methods used were thisorthat ronin roin or heroinorso butitwas a suffocation trick abitlater. demystify the implants. findout ifthe chavletter has o bscurepowders onit it happens regularly ingermany //// wif e and our kids with her is where i go to when iaccessmy fortune and get infos. thatis whatthey quell. wether i choose usa as lifecenterpoint then as freebillionaire or canada or switzerland or just trolleythe world in a yacht illsee about that. that isnt decided frauded into misery queleld ifno empowered scums averted even basic food selfhelp andthat is poi soned too . jarmix is 18 thiis somekindof trashcan isnti t who empowered that cockroach to arbitrarily mess whatthe y want over someone like me frauded into this trashcan to walkby in it evenmore so who i mmunised em todowhat when was it a f t e r idaytime cour t demanded my immunisation xmas2009 echr2800/10 dothe ge rmans try to highjack this shit as eu shitball and theonly reason whyits mildsafe nowandt hen is then like france poland thatdontlike whats happenin g but hope its a eu pillage thing while starved damamge d killtricked allalong andthey cant even fakeit nice wife and our kids with her is where i go to when iaccessmy fortune and get infos. thatis whatthey quell. wether i choose usa a s lifecenterpoint then as freebillionaire or canada or switzerland or just trolleythe world in a yacht illsee aboutth at. that isnt decided frauded into misery queleld ifno empowered scums averted even basic food selfhelp andthat is poiso ned too . jarmix is //// 17 the shitcops go tojail whe n wemust hunt their scums itisnt just notwehr but nothilfe whenthey cover the harmers and wemust force em to gettheir scums and get the scums our selves theycan sit injailwith the germancockroachgermans //// 16 headimapct is //// 16 bomb out anfixen coc kroachgermancococorrrrrrroahc germancockroaches thesuff ocator iam furious this is mildsafety im suffocated by cockroaches willynilly ifitsnot anfixen and a cockroach spoils the transponder thissss ssss is mildsafety prirotiy heart onedge the repalceph oens are junk they fuckt the other replace phone too w hat happens to em the shitcops gotojail when wemust squeez e em damamged heart fromkilltricks gets suffocated by cockroachgerma assmoelst 2008 pm deedtyped durignthis mail //// 14 say ronin ro in heroin orso 2003pm approach of granny findout if a cockr oach german cocrkaochgerman cockroach transponder harms us es intel tricks totranspoenderharm murderer suffocator 2 004pm bombout robustly getthecockroach germancockroach g erman squeeeeeeeeezeit bombitout robustly letsgetusanswers 13 jailassmoelester bombemouzrt robutstly andjailem prevention otehrwise icant bellllieve hwo mildsafe itis making some bs paperwork onthefly underway is like why isit so miraclemild today whos new whomakes safety ///// 12 damn imissmy family this shitl and frauded mymother toher verylast day itis this trick about fraud allyoucan fraud keepthemoney and say no sowhat say youre the grand german empire of the crudcoolios they r ule the three villages from here to south stuttgart aha youheard me right s o u t h stutt gart  a n d here this fraudsystem it never protected p eople like me or my mother it covered them gave em alib is as they exchanged aslong as noone says anything another overtape another heartkilltrick sowhat another fuck clown what a shithole now itis d a y t i m e charged courtcharged fortune access accurately them arranged themselves inthis shithole of swamp system as dependents and privileged you can starve another year and insist on fortune access whilethey suffocate your heart to ruin and try another trick //// 11 behind earlym pahtic aimed is heart relelvance is ///// 10 isit fair tosay theres notjust probable cause tobefurious its s t o i c and that thatguy (me) doesnot wallow in hate while ab solutely ruthlessly serobullshit with em whatthey do here tryhere didhere allalong these monsters and cockroaches and scums /// 9 oneof theeee ge rman tricks hasit always been like makeit seem as if there is no probable cause to hate there is plenty of probable cause tobe furious itis s t o i c what this is forwhatthey do makesure they cant hedge shitballtricks like mysteriously hate fluffybunnies meadows thennnnncamethatguy they murder intensified m u r d e r tricks onagainoffagain critical midlate april withpathoge ns suffocationpoisons junejuly now itsmore like pedo tric ks and braincook damamge sneaky deconstruction drowsy braicnooked /// 8 the fix forth is here quelled repressed monstrous inuusticve fury is yo ure not you they all a r e themselves but for the foo ls its another wishfulpretend to add harm ****** inthe germans internal quarrels is likely a struggle between those that depend on good will and comeclean witthe shtitheydid and their scums that caused the mess theyjust must t r y something else and the ones that t ry to solve it reasonable do it wrong thecontrary is right you need a trick to fraud blackmail chain braincook damage o r flip twist something onthatguy and and and and and and an d and anywaywhere did that trick work lets try that too ********* cockroaches. pow erfulheadimpact is 1831 /// 7 ihatethe germans theyre cockroaches rapers murderrers poi soners pedos that twist flip their way outof their crimes and make it seem like y o u aretheproblem chargign whatt heydo nothing is compensated whatthey overtape is what the y tried to nut asif no compensation is necessary theyre cockroaches in a swamp theygive eachother alibis ad arranged themselves with their fraudsystem as its privileged begue nstigte you can run after your own money another year whie lthey suffocate poison xraytrick pedo orgy mengele and nut trickery what a shithole that itis deed typed harm deedtyped sexual assault deedtyped staying damages is laadeedaa itis luck with some good people that barely avert the worst else alldowhatttthey want itis a v e r y bad idea to shitballme becazuse they want something v e r y these cockroaches for them its  a matter if a trick works untilthey can twist something agai n to fraudyou forever /// 6 imgased by odd park and dr ive away clunker whatisit then headimpact cockroach germa ns ******* lawyers the germans try over the verfassungsschutz debt chain trick shitball as all in tight order this time with mothers case sero bulls hit with the tries she herself had 20million realtime ****** and daytime frauded her a s nutbum forever itis a shithole of pedos rapers drug cokr oaches and allkinds of germans jailasstoyer 1821 the tric k is this is a verfassungsschutz clowngame about find anything something anything by **** **** create pressure points trick counter pressure points tri ck and thats the only shitball they can and for that serobul lshit bagatellsums or not ******** /// 5 mos bz40 is hea dimapct themor locals /// 4 lets repair walkahead two ol dguys lookslike retired police abit checkifits corona relev ant too and fixit justcurious maybe spirituals nonhosti le? //// 3 miraclemild just a lefthand catapult usuallyits a hotspot ofmess as cornerhouse 13 ahead mos kt 110 is /// 2 headimapcts fromopospite roadside or and upstree t schoolcorner droewysying and before aldiparkinglot after aldiparkinglot right asidebuss tation maybheother roadside two downhill one busstation m ilder thanusually wahtisit im drowsy druggedorpoisoned fromchamber measure subdued digest ivesystem headimapct slympahtic /// 1 mos md 62 is //// If five six packs of greentea a month everymonth allmy 30s has. A positive effect theyleeched it but added poison on the lemonjuice likely iiit is gemany. Then a titsu it ifit harms or does sth lymphatic but not when its bad like flip it toonuts tofeeditself and now lost weight trick. Bac k anotherbunch fattytemplate balls damage likethat sgerman sgermanY.  Onlocked subdued guts for staged orgafail after car sixyears movemeNt more thanwithcar plus sports twoyars mondaytomonday its germAny.   Greentea effects: leeched or a nD notas good replaced as self processed the 5-6packsof greentea are Fact ididnt dump it ilovethestuff. Andimcoffee fan primarily. But after the tenth its 20days tea Which fi le coplevel has #keypoint :  dertypda trinkt tee,nicht bier, g eschweige denn drogen. Dertypda rubbbbbbbbelt sich einenvonderpalme nochmal20jahre waehrend der an ballerinas taenzeri nnen denkt als dass der denda auchnur betatschen laesst. Simple basic direct coldhardroc kbottomtruth Dertypda is eher so irgend N gebildeter typso naja ey als raufbold oder n arr. Der isss vollder psycho ey wennmir den dauernd vergewaltigen und so aber mir hamn den n bissl erstickt und vorderrue be gebrutzeLt,, klar dachte ich ooooooooh??????man!!!!!!!!w.a s.  ?h a t ? D e r nur fUern gehirn ey und dannmal was ge brutzelt hald so dasser netter is Neee ey, ichwilldass d er wiene nutte denkt oder ne tussi ey.  .woa der hat des gi ft ueberlebt so ein zaeher hund.    : you: ugh!!!!!!!! Misc hief minors befor during after sexual abuse isnot themain problem but shows how arbitrary damages harms areusally. Int ensified murder poisons arsenide interoxide exchange hours everynight greenmix xray beam tricks. Backleg heart disease ma ke murder tricks shutdown all digestivesystm or organ kill emboly trombosis stagedorganfail finedusts. Murder pathogen behind earlymphatic and white death tricks itypeit allthetime luckis shuffling with nonhostile orless hostile bothered by fucksleaze rather killit //// @all @sun @odnigov @p ontifex .@all .@sun .@odnigov .@vulcan .@spock find thi s hard hard hardline lost inall hate and exploitation and fraudulent leechery tricksystem s **** a forgotten common humanity beneath absolutely anything regularly hit by hardball clowns and scums wher e morality is a joke anyway  ofcourse all is ruthless efficient exploitable only those tha t can defend themselves wont get exploited pillaged tothat regularly becomes d e s p e r a t i o n hardball by not so scum and principally not too badwilling but serioulsy harm ed toomuch ******* the good the bad the ugly that if stability is the goal you cannot disdain human beings and the common humanity the mo nstrosity and ruthlessness for abit more efficiency them regret themselves more than often but thereis no shortcut aroundthat as those that can and will ruthless monstrous it willalways inthe shortrun outrun the more common humanity like s principally human beings.  if empowered to bad worse happens as humans degrade  youcannot runit by bliss bs like ideology but  ******* in acceptance of a common joint hu manity from russia china usa europe africa and anywhere else then the hardball issues b e it a ruthelss system empowers necessities  until it exploi ts all and anything then it busts isitpossible the 2015 on is an uprising of the slaves simply ******* so out of c ontrol that all became a biological warfare control measure theproblem as you see ist hat youmade that realm so ruthless monstrous thatthey dowha ttheywant adn worse and you lost control overthem long ago allyoudo is cling on control over those that dont even kno w pathogenmurderer 1713? I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://ww w.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 6 11 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Christ ianKiss //// uooookkaaaay thisis the 13th ofthemonth a nd jarmixes should show abit good tea abit fish abit selfbaked bread abit jam and abit milk from coffee adding first week ofthemonth. maybe amug ice aday nowand then.   what? is? inthe jarmixes? additionally? german nessed. what does that damage. with locked subdued digestivesystem stays in longer killskidneys thatprocess t h a t stuff which is:  /// bombout gaser 1558 stuffemtheirmix galore chekcifits xrayga s againasbefore likely murderers shuffle any harm day andnnight it inspires them likely t o mess more  usually shifted toharder toproove beamtypes like radar  /// the insensitive counters with daytime bs isnot reliable . measure if thegermans irradiated the chow adn or gased  and hwomuch. t o. these. you have. day and night highpwoered r a d a r naziradar control accomplice of german govt radar or beta.  they didthese tricks many years constant harm. the only effect i notice is iget mildsick all is bllllah sick mild sick blllah all is blah but not barf but allis blllah sick xray sick neednothing blah mildsick quicker.  they might have "mythical- esquinlax-tunneling"  mystified it (bs word/madeup bs word ofabout mythology)  he aeh notices radiation. after sevenyears intensified shuffled mu rder tricks.  /// i. am. mildly. xraysick andor poisonsick. check kidneyfunction from gutslocks gutssubdue and the xraymurderbeamtrickery. what. is. the. grey.damages. gray. overhowmany years. when this a lready makes sick already.  /// heartaiemd 1445 is repalc edphone is the germans are like crud onthe shoe waiting to dirt sth gutter sth degrade sth usually. lets testit: what is the trickofthe day. lastnight it was suicideweenie befo re itwas prostitute before itwas pedo juror jurior orso before its yourenotyou before its bumfraud hobo criminal terrori st before sexoffender maybe before momfool before shitzobum before itsalljust a dream ahaaabsoltuelynothighappensness a nd fengshui what. is.it. t o d a y.  then. now. whaaatt isit . now t h i s time. finally. again. what. is it this day? pedo ? momfool? neverdeveloped retard? hookerbuzzword? sexslave prisonor? whatmoney nut hobo?  //// find the xraybeam someone moron tittttttsuited me maybe the ice inspired em or a readypizzameal iddddiots thebasis is withcar l iekthat without car next  s ix  years and those bloodvalue s usually and those gutslock tricks  priority xray beam m urderer hideous murderer itneltrick nazi or control a bove aboveadjacent corner  neardeathmix gasings or chowspoil b efore 1300+-30 circuitboard buttopusher or chow accesser !!!! is priority //// xraybeamtrick 1400 1402 radar? // instant headimapct 1357 on pened door is afteri t nonhostile access /// detox all maybe gasing maybe chow I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Soph istication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Ba byAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@law @law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @ haaretzcom @snowden @bild @phoenix_de the german govt + supr anational timecontrol accomplices shuffle harms and proxies and play plausible deniability for their crimes they caused and the scums they hosted invited tolerated orjust immunised if some inthese that causethemess quarrel with others th at know theymessed but wanan stay neat must show face abroad how good for them thattheyrenot all rotten but for this very case they all are equally guilty liable causing shuffling harms and proxies it iis not woa after allwe did alallong an d stillmess we could maybe try this tweak then wecan pillage it and and if we dothis so its cheaper forus maybe hes stup id enough to sign there i s no such thing as guiltyconscience they flip between the necessary (monstrous) and the moral thereis no conscience some wouldbe like taboo “daran schwer versuendigt” maybe. m a y b e but like dont touch another ta boo of countless they shuffle harms and they shuffle proxies and inthe meantime decoy throw object flipcausality vict imblame try perversion anything that makes pressure point on a case they did monstrous things alallong to pillage it to savemoney was earlier whenthe inventions are game changing its even for whatthey think existential isay they shuffle h arms and proxies inthis underhuman dared tokicktheir ass but which trick could work which flip this. we must gain chains leverage pressurepoints we deserve and or orelse we itis through and through disdainworthy despicable youcan empower t hose that want a comeclean withthemess the compensate the crimes apologise sowhat but you must not trust themever they f lip between the necessary and the moral itis neofeudal mildsafe ornot depends onthese things for soemthing that is a jo ke hands down. safety for life health sexuality property family basics genuine hard to the biology basics idoubt they gras p what scums they are they flip between the necessary and the moral and try sth here nomatter what but which trick th en *************** this is germany youre confused by the flip between morality and thenecessary by the decentralisation neofeudal where shuffling proxies whcih tick by own facettes but its morelike goodcop badcop trickery plus alot of lul l decoy whackamole ************** all hard interconnected realtime bot searchign special words warn onspecial words or bl ingpling on good things transponder info on proximity to clowns and such scan millimeterwaves roadcrossings villagecor nerwise to aeh e mp o w e r the aeh blind and the lame or and or just one of these sgerman sgermany this is what itis // // how did the german cockroaches avert anyinfo. thelayer1 causing authorities with timecontrol accomplice. imean. loo kat layer2 cocockroaches. the cockroaches they immunised todowhat.  lookatem how theyre a llabout what a prostitute youare or what a momfool you are or gayprisonor fantasies. or p edo orgytricks. or steal with anything.  these. cockroaches.   dont control time system synchronisation bank synchronisa tion in newyork. layer1 causing authorities play for keepit as day fool and quell a n y i nfo. how.   allthe decoys: they throw decoys and coverup. at who? brief the clowns that are nonhostile tryto demystify theshit their layer1 causing authroties german govt + control accomplcies did. its criminal g ovt agenda turned eu interest withnothignhappens and any crime after the nutting tricks may have failed again //// #i #bet #israel  @israel #li ke: aaaaw????lethim marry his mule orwhatevee. sowhat!? #me: gaah  .@law @law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden didth e german govt acknowledge myweddint with maron ifnot itisobv ious they game for dayfool control with their devious intelcoma system same with acknowled ging fortune theymighthave tried to taxit without acknowledge it orthestatus but hedge ra ther chavbum games over studentloan federalbank //// fin d messer xraytrickster beamtirkc finedsut trick 1823 pm . germans usually “the-mythical-esquinlax” their crimes or germ an “aeh-fengshui” their crimes   but itis constantly effor ted harm with intel tools intel access deedtyped before during and after daytimecharging it // //thisis oneofthe milde r days theresnonhostile oncase maybe minormischief atplay. minors always rescue enforceprevention scums or minors preven tion. measure chow with a more sensitive xraydevice. what is the damage when this already makes mildsick allis blah you dontfeelgood fromit but dont wannabarf.  all is blah and your e mildsick.  sometimes on someoccasions your teeth get metallic and allis blah. itis a minor mess the years of highpowe red radar and beta and neutrontrick werenot helpful. priority is heart heartbackleg from suffocaiton kiltlrick and tooman y flatlinegames toomany surgeries and backleg tricks and backleg artery access damamgin bloodvessels thenmore finedus t and more heart tricks /// im terrrorised with eyedrugpri ckles ice catapults and leechery clown accesed.  am annoyed b y a shitball yesterday about 148bucks formymother orso as bs debt. the verfassungsschutz mustve tried some clown shitba ll game about create pressurepoints trickery orthelocal clowns that drugme drowsy like grandure nutbum gets 148bucks bill trickery.   cockroachgerman cockroaches itis frauded into msiery and trashcan damamges deeedtyped . bombou terroriser. cautionwith minors. the accesser or contorlelr seems liek a fool or a minor mischief about yourenotyou fantasies. they aaaaaaaaaaaall are themselves. even the hudnred cases e v e r that playpretend theyre arnold schwartzenrambpo to renounce pain or anticipation of pain . a verylatestage feardiseas e.  so the contradictory shitball trickery by the same fools. itis another shitball tofind wackos that are extremely happy then extremely sad as bipolar shitball. thinkofthis. in the system of arbitrary drugs arbitrary brainmesses abritrary whattheywant messes.  arbi trary braincook forehead to control em as fools hedge then never developed shitballs. and this. is e e e x a c t l y howit works.  so. cautionwith min ors mischief minors they c an n o tknow. explainem.  but fo ols. that arbitrarily damamge me jail. thenprevention. the russianneedle counterbuzzes countertones of high-dba soundtra cks. what does that do. highdba sounds counterbuzzes. makes nuts ? /:/// woa!!!! squeez e cockroach 1634 1635 if its leechery or adds harm or sth ichecked a chavletter about 148buc ks from my mother demanded from me orsth. she had 20million onher account realtime from me. iii have 90billion 92billio n. or just 62billion. daytime court demanded. that immunisation is quelled. averted . not a missed formality. findout if a cockroach leechdamamges me. daytime itis a looonglist of paidoff bs idont even owe. all in tight order plus 30k taxc redit on 30k student debt which i paid realtime longago whichwere taken up because theyquel fortune access inthefirstpla ce.  sero. tolerance. if a cockroach leechdaamamges sth for 148bucks orsuch. seriously. they mess with which fortune ge nerated from thisvery head. that is my fortune plus which further wealth generated. for the customers ofmy inventions. ge ts to 233billion. but they lifetimeleech chavtrick greengoo leechtrickery or braindamam ge arbitrarily /// gaser gased a drowsy mix. findit and stuffthemthe mix galore for hyyp eractivated minors youdontlet on or near a n y drugs thats cr iminal //// it mustbe understood whenhaving a car and n otmoving so regularly but driving around. that as basis. onthat youadd the movements and more plain drinks abolished fruc tose drinks mostly and such.  itis notjust those hdl values ho w would a body without healthsins r e m o v e  p l a q u e s .  not add plaques. but  . r e m o v e plaques with those values. itis also onthat basis with car themovement and the ratherplain chow itis takes careof self and each and every single damage inthis very body is a german crime. includ int titttsuit templates withand without urgentliest whenyou eat an ice and balsldamages.   health first. no templates. heart onedge fromsuffocaiton and suffocaitonpoisons deedtyped y esterday backleg tricks . arbitrary access abritary harms. /// itis a good doc. brief him of the constant harms and killtricks and mengele tricks and emergency heartmeasures /// cantbelieve miraclemild today. the medifile daytime store d me as fatty? the doc thenwonders whyyou easily grab the bottom of your feet notjustyourtoes likethat. or noonestores whengettingup fromground without using hands. usually. or sixyears + carrying chow mule grade fromstore. it means that al l uphills and all jogging mondaytomonday 2years everyday plus walking sixyears 150km 180km 200km eachmonth is jogging as fattied. what is the braincook movement and heartlung pathogen finedust heartkillbackleg trick ratio fromthese facts andthe dayfile lists: fatty. oh weird…cantouch toes maybe. allrightallright lipo pro file  thefffff?!?!? 69HdL+91LDL?! after two years then 145 total choeltsteirne. uh… sugar nonsober 33.3mmol 5.2percent allrghallright sobersugar 91.mgdl thefffffffff?!?!?  youknow it. they ballsdamage. lympahtic damamge and arbtirary tittsuti damamge on a body without h ealthsins. abody that takes careofself. ///// im posioen d or a r b it r a r y drugged again. whatisit. d e t ox it. a r b i tr a r y drugggigng whatisitthisitm earlmypahtic ai emd durign type.   maybe something inspired someone to urgent ly drowsy poisonor drug sth. p r e v e n t  a n y mess.  els e its miraclemild.  didyoucheck the filters inthe cupboardabvo esink. cockroach poisons cockroachdrugs acid chrystal ticket whateveritis andothermixes? makesure theydontpoison this filter again the duration is 6weeks for one filter. it holds onaverage t w o days. maximum. someone poisons it drugs it . likethat quickly thenyou drink unfiltered tabwater amonth.  thats budget burden 20buc ks whenyougot 200amonth 170 amonth //// xraybeamtrickery   radar? some intelcoma time test themes were probably barkin g smalldog?!? like bllufff bluff and youre zombi not mindinganything plus tired allmiracl emild otherwise //// roomgaser 1252 1255is relevant acce sssermaybe pathogen relvant 1252 and 1301 neck+shoulder right paired subdue mixer guts s ubdue mixer //// 1301 neck+rightshoduelr aims guts subdue likely find it whopushed abut ton /// pathogen relelvant access por inhaler 1252 isit so meone without masks that got e x t r a gased by the intels then //// xraybeam highpwoe red radar or nazi radar /// nonhostileaccess 437? reward /// 358suffocartted like  2004pm 2003pm wasit abadinahelr r a breathestop ondamamgedhear t seems nonhsotile very 2004pm like poisoning /// #gain # leverage #tricks    @france24 aaaawplease #lawyers yourenot n aive. thegermangovt+timecontrol causingthemess as layer1 athorities shuffled any harm as anyproxies. layer2 clowns,thes cums they immunised overtheyears todowhat. thenthe criminals tried to gain leverage for by any means at b e s t atworst i ntensified harms for thegermangovt and tis timecontrolaccomplcies givingthem wiggle ro om the 20th year //// replacedphone 337 is #for #day #time #charging #it @israel @bbc_whys @law .@law .@laws @harvard_law .@harvard_law @bundestag @bund esrat @snowden .@fisa @fisa @judge .@judge @judges @france24for daytime charging intelcrimes. howmany chainit nut it tr icks didthegermans try. thefirst thing snowden expected. for intelcrimes allsee allalong a ll overtape allalong.  the hells deedtyped terrorised likely into desperation as intent. simply compartmentalised away, thatguy has fengshii bubolensis majoralis, thenewest plag ue imaginable /// earlymphatix 211am nonhostile? /// h ooooooowmany immunised girls fellinlove with us nonimmunised baby s .@israel @bbc_whys @la w .@law .@laws @harvard_law .@harvard_law @bundestag @bundes rat @snowden .@fisa @fisa @judge .@judge @judges @france24itslike committing a premeditated crime drunk first i booooze m e drunk then i bat the guy: alert mnaaaah. fully guilty. b e f o r e the deed on drug that is what he planned.german l awinthis casearound intel drug: wiiiifeeeeeeeeyy of my aeh.. aeh.aeh… heartandmarrryyyyyyhmeeeeeeeeeeeh megaphonebut w hat matters is she wanted to iwanted to despite intelcoma wallandsomehowthe years wentb y she had allthetime offered 20mio then later 2bio toleave without anyregrets ifshe cant ho ldthis intelwall shitout anymoreand herewearerecently someone mustve implied a gain or sth if the fraudsystem with its criminal german govt  had not kept the case daytime*********not acknowledgign the marriage untilwef o r c e d them tois av e r y goodhint*******mikedrop//// #the #jews ? mighthave a cknowledged itlike aaaawheck ifhewants to marry some mule then lethim? #friendly #tease////did the german government ac knowledge my marriage to maron       long 17years or just 1 3 yearsI am Christian KISSBabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophisti cation#THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOGhttps://www.BabyAWACS.com/[email protected] / FAX +493212 611 34 64H elpful? Pay. Support. Donnate.paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// / 0059 circutiboardbuttonpsuher nonhostile? usuallyits bad 0 058driveaway.  cautionwithsupport.  cautionwith support u s u a l l y its scums maybe thistime not //// .did the germa n government acknowledge my marriage to maron       long 17y ears or just 13 years //// itis heart onedge findout from what 20pm on /// the women that stolesperm were charged and convicted but ifthekid needs a parent we put the punishment off. that is a fair thing. v e r y . it sets straight the crime. it is humane for the good ofthekid.  itis abysmal stuff s y s t e m  c a u s e d systembotched itisnt even spermdonor meet and greet or sth itis systembotch set straigh t + humane for thekid better solutions? ///// lawyers the de- debt procedures they turn peoiple to green goo or le echem? when my mother had 20million andthey did that wi th her ******* idemand jailtime for the scums that didit and now if they did n o t harm and leech give em kudos ******** the germans shuffle realtime harm for realtime pai d or renounce realtimepaid to getnothing daytime and shuffle realtime harm then bloat it daytime and shuffle realtime harm this is misusing th e system they fallback on deadbeat arguments like daytime he didnt pay while quell fortune access immunisation blacklist anyincome and renounce realtime pay to get nothing to dothat daytime this is y o u r job that is for the in surances and the banks and if they foolme into signing something it is even m o r e so a case foryou evenmore so onthis basis here daytime charge d their crimes committed with intelcoma drug quelledimmunsiation not averted daytime cour t demanding fortune access itis heart kill today afternoon evening fromwhat exactly before itwas xrayterrorise gasing likely //// lawyers ofmine serobullshit with the long list of daytime paidof bs evenif idonthave to. itis all tight micromanaged. itis not about another 148bucks formy mother sixyears afterbher demise paidof f twice asmuch onanother shitball while realtime funds inteh billions.  sero. tolerance . with. degradation trickeries. the germans quell income. for that  itis miraclemicromanaged. hearton edge from tricks udnerway orand backleg andor gutslo ck heartsuffocationtrick udnerway 2004. iiiiiiiiiiiii . am. what. iiiiiii am.   i dayt ime court charged it but itis germany. they will try. a n y t h i n g. to fraudme as dayf ool forthe restofmylife. while hedging a n y t h i n g to harm. in any way they can. ser o bullshit with any degradation smear harm letalone realt ime harm for realtime paid /// heart on edge findout ifits implants or chav daammge or chavdamamgetmepaltes g u t s l o c k dehydration locked guts fromimplants dehydration backleg heart tricks. else miracl emild. thesuffocation 2004 was bad. what wasit e x acf t l y .the trick deceit with intel methods used were thisorthat ronin roin or heroinorso butitwas a suffocation trick abitlater. demystify the implants. findout ifthe chavletter has o bscurepowders onit it happens regularly ingermany //// wif e and our kids with her is where i go to when iaccessmy fortune and get infos. thatis whatthey quell. wether i choose usa as lifecenterpoint then as freebillionaire or canada or switzerland or just trolleythe world in a yacht illsee about that. that isnt decided frauded into misery queleld ifno empowered scums averted even basic food selfhelp andthat is poi soned too . jarmix is 18 thiis somekindof trashcan isnti t who empowered that cockroach to arbitrarily mess whatthe y want over someone like me frauded into this trashcan to walkby in it evenmore so who i mmunised em todowhat when was it a f t e r idaytime cour t demanded my immunisation xmas2009 echr2800/10 dothe ge rmans try to highjack this shit as eu shitball and theonly reason whyits mildsafe nowandt hen is then like france poland thatdontlike whats happenin g but hope its a eu pillage thing while starved damamge d killtricked allalong andthey cant even fakeit nice wife and our kids with her is where i go to when iaccessmy fortune and get infos. thatis whatthey quell. wether i choose usa a s lifecenterpoint then as freebillionaire or canada or switzerland or just trolleythe world in a yacht illsee aboutth at. that isnt decided frauded into misery queleld ifno empowered scums averted even basic food selfhelp andthat is poiso ned too . jarmix is //// 17 the shitcops go tojail whe n wemust hunt their scums itisnt just notwehr but nothilfe whenthey cover the harmers and wemust force em to gettheir scums and get the scums our selves theycan sit injailwith the germancockroachgermans //// 16 headimapct is //// 16 bomb out anfixen coc kroachgermancococorrrrrrroahc germancockroaches thesuff ocator iam furious this is mildsafety im suffocated by cockroaches willynilly ifitsnot anfixen and a cockroach spoils the transponder thissss ssss is mildsafety prirotiy heart onedge the repalceph oens are junk they fuckt the other replace phone too w hat happens to em the shitcops gotojail when wemust squeez e em damamged heart fromkilltricks gets suffocated by cockroachgerma assmoelst 2008 pm deedtyped durignthis mail //// 14 say ronin ro in heroin orso 2003pm approach of granny findout if a cockr oach german cocrkaochgerman cockroach transponder harms us es intel tricks totranspoenderharm murderer suffocator 2 004pm bombout robustly getthecockroach germancockroach g erman squeeeeeeeeezeit bombitout robustly letsgetusanswers 13 jailassmoelester bombemouzrt robutstly andjailem prevention otehrwise icant bellllieve hwo mildsafe itis making some bs paperwork onthefly underway is like why isit so miraclemild today whos new whomakes safety ///// 12 damn imissmy family this shitl and frauded mymother toher verylast day itis this trick about fraud allyoucan fraud keepthemoney and say no sowhat say youre the grand german empire of the crudcoolios they r ule the three villages from here to south stuttgart aha youheard me right s o u t h stutt gart  a n d here this fraudsystem it never protected p eople like me or my mother it covered them gave em alib is as they exchanged aslong as noone says anything another overtape another heartkilltrick sowhat another fuck clown what a shithole now itis d a y t i m e charged courtcharged fortune access accurately them arranged themselves inthis shithole of swamp system as dependents and privileged you can starve another year and insist on fortune access whilethey suffocate your heart to ruin and try another trick //// 11 behind earlym pahtic aimed is heart relelvance is ///// 10 isit fair tosay theres notjust probable cause tobefurious its s t o i c and that thatguy (me) doesnot wallow in hate while ab solutely ruthlessly serobullshit with em whatthey do here tryhere didhere allalong these monsters and cockroaches and scums /// 9 oneof theeee ge rman tricks hasit always been like makeit seem as if there is no probable cause to hate there is plenty of probable cause tobe furious itis s t o i c what this is forwhatthey do makesure they cant hedge shitballtricks like mysteriously hate fluffybunnies meadows thennnnncamethatguy they murder intensified m u r d e r tricks onagainoffagain critical midlate april withpathoge ns suffocationpoisons junejuly now itsmore like pedo tric ks and braincook damamge sneaky deconstruction drowsy braicnooked /// 8 the fix forth is here quelled repressed monstrous inuusticve fury is yo ure not you they all a r e themselves but for the foo ls its another wishfulpretend to add harm ****** inthe germans internal quarrels is likely a struggle between those that depend on good will and comeclean witthe shtitheydid and their scums that caused the mess theyjust must t r y something else and the ones that t ry to solve it reasonable do it wrong thecontrary is right you need a trick to fraud blackmail chain braincook damage o r flip twist something onthatguy and and and and and and an d and anywaywhere did that trick work lets try that too ********* cockroaches. pow erfulheadimpact is 1831 /// 7 ihatethe germans theyre cockroaches rapers murderrers poi soners pedos that twist flip their way outof their crimes and make it seem like y o u aretheproblem chargign whatt heydo nothing is compensated whatthey overtape is what the y tried to nut asif no compensation is necessary theyre cockroaches in a swamp theygive eachother alibis ad arranged themselves with their fraudsystem as its privileged begue nstigte you can run after your own money another year whie lthey suffocate poison xraytrick pedo orgy mengele and nut trickery what a shithole that itis deed typed harm deedtyped sexual assault deedtyped staying damages is laadeedaa itis luck with some good people that barely avert the worst else alldowhatttthey want itis a v e r y bad idea to shitballme becazuse they want something v e r y these cockroaches for them its  a matter if a trick works untilthey can twist something agai n to fraudyou forever /// 6 imgased by odd park and dr ive away clunker whatisit then headimpact cockroach germa ns ******* lawyers the germans try over the verfassungsschutz debt chain trick shitball as all in tight order this time with mothers case sero bulls hit with the tries she herself had 20million realtime ****** and daytime frauded her a s nutbum forever itis a shithole of pedos rapers drug cokr oaches and allkinds of germans jailasstoyer 1821 the tric k is this is a verfassungsschutz clowngame about find anything something anything by **** **** create pressure points trick counter pressure points tri ck and thats the only shitball they can and for that serobul lshit bagatellsums or not ******** /// 5 mos bz40 is hea dimapct themor locals /// 4 lets repair walkahead two ol dguys lookslike retired police abit checkifits corona relev ant too and fixit justcurious maybe spirituals nonhosti le? //// 3 miraclemild just a lefthand catapult usuallyits a hotspot ofmess as cornerhouse 13 ahead mos kt 110 is /// 2 headimapcts fromopospite roadside or and upstree t schoolcorner droewysying and before aldiparkinglot after aldiparkinglot right asidebuss tation maybheother roadside two downhill one busstation m ilder thanusually wahtisit im drowsy druggedorpoisoned fromchamber measure subdued digest ivesystem headimapct slympahtic /// 1 mos md 62 is //// If five six packs of greentea a month everymonth allmy 30s has. A positive effect theyleeched it but added poison on the lemonjuice likely iiit is gemany. Then a titsu it ifit harms or does sth lymphatic but not when its bad like flip it toonuts tofeeditself and now lost weight trick. Bac k anotherbunch fattytemplate balls damage likethat sgerman sgermanY.  Onlocked subdued guts for staged orgafail after car sixyears movemeNt more thanwithcar plus sports twoyars mondaytomonday its germAny.   Greentea effects: leeched or a nD notas good replaced as self processed the 5-6packsof greentea are Fact ididnt dump it ilovethestuff. Andimcoffee fan primarily. But after the tenth its 20days tea Which fi le coplevel has #keypoint :  dertypda trinkt tee,nicht bier, g eschweige denn drogen. Dertypda rubbbbbbbbelt sich einenvonderpalme nochmal20jahre waehrend der an ballerinas taenzeri nnen denkt als dass der denda auchnur betatschen laesst. Simple basic direct coldhardroc kbottomtruth Dertypda is eher so irgend N gebildeter typso naja ey als raufbold oder n arr. Der isss vollder psycho ey wennmir den dauernd vergewaltigen und so aber mir hamn den n bissl erstickt und vorderrue be gebrutzeLt,, klar dachte ich ooooooooh??????man!!!!!!!!w.a s.  ?h a t ? D e r nur fUern gehirn ey und dannmal was ge brutzelt hald so dasser netter is Neee ey, ichwilldass d er wiene nutte denkt oder ne tussi ey.  .woa der hat des gi ft ueberlebt so ein zaeher hund.    : you: ugh!!!!!!!! Misc hief minors befor during after sexual abuse isnot themain problem but shows how arbitrary damages harms areusally. Int ensified murder poisons arsenide interoxide exchange hours everynight greenmix xray beam tricks. Backleg heart disease ma ke murder tricks shutdown all digestivesystm or organ kill emboly trombosis stagedorganfail finedusts. Murder pathogen behind earlymphatic and white death tricks itypeit allthetime luckis shuffling with nonhostile orless hostile bothered by fucksleaze rather killit //// @all @sun @odnigov @p ontifex .@all .@sun .@odnigov .@vulcan .@spock find thi s hard hard hardline lost inall hate and exploitation and fraudulent leechery tricksystem s **** a forgotten common humanity beneath absolutely anything regularly hit by hardball clowns and scums wher e morality is a joke anyway  ofcourse all is ruthless efficient exploitable only those tha t can defend themselves wont get exploited pillaged tothat regularly becomes d e s p e r a t i o n hardball by not so scum and principally not too badwilling but serioulsy harm ed toomuch ******* the good the bad the ugly that if stability is the goal you cannot disdain human beings and the common humanity the mo nstrosity and ruthlessness for abit more efficiency them regret themselves more than often but thereis no shortcut aroundthat as those that can and will ruthless monstrous it willalways inthe shortrun outrun the more common humanity like s principally human beings.  if empowered to bad worse happens as humans degrade  youcannot runit by bliss bs like ideology but  ******* in acceptance of a common joint hu manity from russia china usa europe africa and anywhere else then the hardball issues b e it a ruthelss system empowers necessities  until it exploi ts all and anything then it busts isitpossible the 2015 on is an uprising of the slaves simply ******* so out of c ontrol that all became a biological warfare control measure theproblem as you see ist hat youmade that realm so ruthless monstrous thatthey dowha ttheywant adn worse and you lost control overthem long ago allyoudo is cling on control over those that dont even kno w pathogenmurderer 1713? I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://ww w.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 6 11 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Christ ianKiss //// uooookkaaaay thisis the 13th ofthemonth a nd jarmixes should show abit good tea abit fish abit selfbaked bread abit jam and abit milk from coffee adding first week ofthemonth. maybe amug ice aday nowand then.   what? is? inthe jarmixes? additionally? german nessed. what does that damage. with locked subdued digestivesystem stays in longer killskidneys thatprocess t h a t stuff which is:  /// bombout gaser 1558 stuffemtheirmix galore chekcifits xrayga s againasbefore likely murderers shuffle any harm day andnnight it inspires them likely t o mess more  usually shifted toharder toproove beamtypes like radar  /// the insensitive counters with daytime bs isnot reliable . measure if thegermans irradiated the chow adn or gased  and hwomuch. t o. these. you have. day and night highpwoered r a d a r naziradar control accomplice of german govt radar or beta.  they didthese tricks many years constant harm. the only effect i notice is iget mildsick all is bllllah sick mild sick blllah all is blah but not barf but allis blllah sick xray sick neednothing blah mildsick quicker.  they might have “mythical- esquinlax-tunneling”  mystified it (bs word/madeup bs word ofabout mythology)  he aeh notices radiation. after sevenyears intensified shuffled mu rder tricks.  /// i. am. mildly. xraysick andor poisonsick. check kidneyfunction from gutslocks gutssubdue and the xraymurderbeamtrickery. what. is. the. grey.damages. gray. overhowmany years. when this a lready makes sick already.  /// heartaiemd 1445 is repalc edphone is the germans are like crud onthe shoe waiting to dirt sth gutter sth degrade sth usually. lets testit: what is the trickofthe day. lastnight it was suicideweenie befo re itwas prostitute before itwas pedo juror jurior orso before its yourenotyou before its bumfraud hobo criminal terrori st before sexoffender maybe before momfool before shitzobum before itsalljust a dream ahaaabsoltuelynothighappensness a nd fengshui what. is.it. t o d a y.  then. now. whaaatt isit . now t h i s time. finally. again. what. is it this day? pedo ? momfool? neverdeveloped retard? hookerbuzzword? sexslave prisonor? whatmoney nut hobo?  //// find the xraybeam someone moron tittttttsuited me maybe the ice inspired em or a readypizzameal iddddiots thebasis is withcar l iekthat without car next  s ix  years and those bloodvalue s usually and those gutslock tricks  priority xray beam m urderer hideous murderer itneltrick nazi or control a bove aboveadjacent corner  neardeathmix gasings or chowspoil b efore 1300+-30 circuitboard buttopusher or chow accesser !!!! is priority //// xraybeamtrick 1400 1402 radar? // instant headimapct 1357 on pened door is afteri t nonhostile access /// detox all maybe gasing maybe chow I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Soph istication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Ba byAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@law @law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @bild @phoenix_de
the german govt + supranational timecontrol accomplices shuffle harms and proxies and play plausible deniability for their crimes they caused and the scums they hosted invited tolerated orjust immunised
if some inthese that causethemess quarrel with others that know theymessed but wanan stay neat must…
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jrpneblog · 5 years
The Lions dish out a few home truths to lethargic Preston.
A classic case of not taking your chances early on in a game and then being punished for it further down the line. North End had enough chances in the first twenty minutes to easily win this game but a mixture of good goalkeeping and poor finishing means that Millwall have done the double over North End this season and we haven`t managed to score a goal against them. We had a penalty turned down early on and then Barkhuizen, Johnson and Nugent all had good chances to score the goal that would have changed the game. However credit must go to the visitors for the way they fought back and took control of the game for some periods. They were winning the second balls as a very off-colour North End struggled with the conditions and the tactics of the Lions and eventually paid the price by conceding a late goal through Shaun Hutchinson.
Alex Neil made two changes from the side that won at Stoke in midweek with Tom Clarke coming in at right back to replace Darnell Fisher and David Nugent leading the line with Sean Maguire relegated back to the bench. North End started very brightly and there were huge shouts for a penalty after just five minutes when Barkhuizen had his heels clipped but Mr Harrington was unmoved and waived play on. Barky then lined up Daniel Johnson for a shot which went straight at the keeper, the rebound falling to Nuge who put the ball over the bar from close range. Slowly but surely Millwall started to get back in the game and for a fifteen minute period certainly looked the most likely to score as North End went back into their shell. After thirty five minutes Barkhuizen had a great chance from a Bauer header but dragged his shot wide and North End`s chance to go in at half time one up had gone.
No changes for North End at half time but instead of being re-juvenated by the team talk it was the visitors who came out the better and once again looked the most threatening. North End were losing far too many 50/50 balls in the middle of the park and looked sluggish in their attacking movement and build up. Millwall should have taken the lead on the hour after Bradshaw got away from Ben Davies but he hit the bar after beating Declan Rudd. Gallagher and Harrop were thrown into the action but to no avail really and the same can be said when Maguire was brought on to replace Nugent with most fans thinking it should have been Stockley. The goal came with just over ten minutes left as a recycled ball eventually found Hutchinson at the far post and he headed pust Rudd from a few yards out. North End had one last chance with a Gallagher free kick but it was well saved by the keeper and the points, deservedly went back to South Bermondsey.
Not the result North End were looking for after a great week on the road, although results elsewhere meant we stay in the play off positions with just thirteen games to go. Millwall were not spectactular but were organised, physical and closed North End down quickly, something that we were very much lacking in. I think the manager will have to hold his hands up on this one and say that he was out manouvered tactically by Gary Rowett and that if he had the chance to make his substitutions again he may have brought on different players. In all honesty we were very mediocre after the first twenty minutes and looked tired and lethargic as the game went on. Anyway what`s done is done and we must quickly put this out of our minds and set about preparing for the game against Hull City at Deepdale next Saturday. We had a get out of jail free card with the other results this week but that won`t happen every week and a win is a must against the Tigers.
MOTM: Tom Barkhuizen
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thevalicemultiverse · 8 years
Things You Need To Know About: The Inevitable High School AU
Tag: ~V: Inevitable High School
Premise: Ah, the drama of high school. The cliques ruling the social scene; the daily struggle with homework and studies; the thrills and chills of navigating dating. Victor Van Dort’s just trying to keep on the sidelines and do his own thing, but it can be tough when you’re well-known as the richest boy in school – and one of the dorkiest. But on the other hand, he’s not the only “weird” kid out there, and this Alice Liddell does seem nice…
This AU is -- well, look at what I called it. XD But in truth it's kind of an amalgamation of three different High School AUs I've considered and played around with:
One on my Secundus Victor's old solo account, Butterfly Boy, where Victor was still mad sciencey, he was just being so as a modern-day high school senior (with his own apartment no less -- well, his and Alice's)
A Carrie-based AU idea, Prom Scream Queen, where Alice has the ability to make people see things based on her hallucinations, and she and Victor become a couple just in time to go to prom together -- which, given that it's based on Carrie, doesn't go exactly well for them (although this AU has a much smaller body count due to Alice's ability being illusions and her not actually wanting anyone (except a certain doctor at the end) to die)
An AU that started out as based on the movie The Faculty but kind of evolved into "can I adapt at least part of the plots of Alice: Madness Returns/Otherlands, the first Back To The Future, Portal 2, and Corpse Bride into a multifandom high school setting?" called Fandom High (answer: I can, and can even throw in some extra strangeness to ensure all my mains get a happy ending)
For this AU, I'm borrowing the most from Fandom High -- Victor is a modern-day student at Frances Dommartin Memorial High School in the town of Riverside, having moved there with his family from Burtonsville shortly before he started high school. The Van Dorts are still the richest family for miles around thanks to their fish-canning business, and have a mansion in the best neighborhood. Victor gets driven to school daily by Mayhew in the family Rolls Royce, and always has the latest in electronics. Being the wealthiest boy in school hasn't done much for Victor's social life, however -- thanks to him being shy and kind of clumsy when nervous, most people see him as a total dork, either to be bullied or ignored completely. Those who do pay attention to him are generally just interested if they can get money or an invite to his house so they can life the rich life vicariously through him. Victor weathers it the best he can, keeping to the edges of the social scene and concentrating on his artwork, his music, his butterflies, and those few people he knows like him for who he is -- Victoria Everglot, Emily Cartwell, and Alice Liddell. There's no overarching plot here, like with some of my more story-based AUs -- just a teenager trying to survive (and maybe even have a successful relationship) until graduation and college.
This verse has two distinct time periods/locations threads can be set in:
The New Kid In Town: Victor's freshman and sophomore years in Fandom High. Starts out his first couple of months as the shortest kid in school -- but by the time he's fifteen, he's hit his adult height of 6-foot-3 and is instead the tallest. He's still adjusting to living in a new town (in a new country, no less) and going to a new school, and wouldn't mind someone giving him a few pointers on how to handle this "high school" business. Someone who isn't just interested in seeing if he's got the latest gaming consoles as well as the latest iPhone, please.
Bob Cordry For Class President: Victor's junior and senior years in Fandom High. He's gotten the hang of his classes, but not really the social scene -- but that's okay, he's never been the most social of people anyway. Still, his mother keeps pestering him that he needs to mingle more, and it would be nice to ask a girl out on his own. . .he should probably start by making more friends, though. So hello, how are you, do you need any help with the math homework?
Common NPCs:
Alice Liddell (Bob Cordry For Class President)
Victoria Everglot (throughout)
Emily Cartwell (throughout)
Shipping: Okay, this one needs a bit of explanation. Victor's romantic life runs thusly, at least for the NPC cast:
Pre-Junior year: Victor's not really that interested in dating, finding the whole process kind of intimidating, while Nell pushes him regularly toward Victoria Everglot
Junior year: Victor and Victoria, having gotten friendly from all the forced interaction, decide to give dating a shot. It actually goes pretty well -- up until Victor finds another acquaintance, Emily Cartwell, crying in the music room thanks to a rough break-up with her old boyfriend Barkis. Victor, feeling bad, asks her if she wants to go out somewhere later in the week. He means it in terms of friendshippy hanging out, but Emily misinterprets it as a romantic date and promptly starts rebounding onto him. The date goes well until Victor lets slip that he thinks they're just friends -- Emily calls him a liar and storms off. Baffled, Victor visits her house later, and over a little apologetic piano playing, manages to clear up the misunderstanding. He also says he wouldn't mind dating her romantically, he just has to make sure Victoria's okay with it first. Emily's game, so Victor goes to talk to Victoria at lunch the next day -- only to find Barkis trying to put the moves on her as he tells her Victor cheated on her with Emily. Victor and Emily both confront him to explain what really happened, and Barkis pulls a knife on Victor -- Victor somehow manages to disarm him with a fork, and the four end up in the principal's office. Barkis is expelled, and Victor, Victoria, and Emily all take a quick break from the whole dating scene. Victor does end up going on a few more dates with both girls. . .but as Victoria and Emily grow to be friends, they realize they're a little more attracted to each other. And so poor Victor ends up with "the guy who turns girls gay" tacked on after his name (even though Victor himself is happy for his friends).
Senior year: Victor meets Alice and finally discovers the joys of a long-term girlfriend.
So yeah. Since I'll probably default to senior year in most of his threads, the main ship is still Victor/Alice, but he's basically open to romantic interaction with Alices, Victorias, and Emilys, depending on time period. (Though of course I'm open to threads where he knows a PC Alice earlier. . .)
NPC Ships: Victoria Everglot/Emily Cartwell
Important Facts:
For my own personal ease in RPing, Riverside is a town in New England that all the characters have immigrated to. The high school setting and schedule is going to be based on what I personally knew growing up in RI.
Victor's class schedule always includes art and music classes, natch. They're his best subjects, and he also does decently at math and science (particularly biology, and especially anything relating to lepidoptery). He's okay in English -- he likes reading, but he finds the written word a bit harder to tame than his artwork. History is also a little hit and miss. Generally, though he's a pretty solid "high Bs/low As" student.
NPC Victoria's family moved to Riverside shortly before the Van Dorts did (Victor quietly thinks his mother specifically picked the town so she could try pushing them together). The Everglots live in a much more modest house a few neighborhoods over from the Van Dorts, having had to downsize from the mansion in Burtonsville thanks to the reduced family fortunes. While Maudeline is disdainful of the Van Dorts for their lack of breeding, she grudgingly tolerated Nell's attempts to get Victor and Victoria together because she hoped there might be a little financial benefit in it for them. She was less than understanding when Victoria and Emily started dating. Not that Victoria cares all that much -- she's quite happy with Emily, thank you very much.
NPC Emily is alive at the same time as everyone else in this AU -- she and her father moved to Riverside not long after the death of her mother. They live in the same neighborhood as the Everglots, though in a somewhat nicer house. She dated local "bad boy" Barkis Bittern for a while, until she discovered him rooting through her mother's jewelry for stuff to sell. They had a big fight, and Emily kicked him out, which led to her crying jag in the music room and her rather disastrous brief semi-relationship with Victor. The more open dating between him and Victoria afterward helped her realize she was biromantic but lesbian, and she's currently happily entangled with Victoria. Fortunately her father is much more understanding than Victoria's parents!
NPC Alice still suffered the terrible fire that killed her family, and still spent years in Rutledge as a result. Bumby takes her in a little earlier, though, and moves them to Riverside when the local police start sniffing a little too curiously into his orphanage for his tastes. Alice doesn't exactly like him, but it's not until her senior year in high school that she realizes just who he is and confronts him, managing to finally get him jailed for his crimes against her and the other children under his care. Nan Sharpe, who moved to Riverside years ago looking for work and is now the world's most embarrassing health teacher, takes her in so she can finish the year and get her own place. Alice takes medications to help stop her Wonderland hallucinations taking over her brain, though she's still pretty prone to daydreaming. And she doesn't tolerate bullies -- she met Victor when she punched someone menacing him in the face.
While the mains are all CB or AMA characters, this is definitely a multifandom school. My current minor NPCs from other fandoms are Vice Principal Gerald Strickland; school newspaper columnist Edna Strickland; janitor Wheatley Wilco, and gym teacher Chell Johnson. So yeah, definitely feel free to pop in, even if you're from another verse!
This verse is open to everyone!
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victorluvsalice · 7 years
AU Thursday: Holistic Coffee Shop -- How Do You Corpse Bride?
All right, last week I mentioned while giving you the villains of the piece that I'd come up with a way for Corpse Bride to work in this verse. It's ended up as a prequel of high school shenanigans, partially inspired by PlayerPiano's reworking for "Prom Night" and my own High School AU verses (mainly Prom Scream Queen). Here's their history as I've put it together so far:
Victor, Victoria, and Emily all went to the same high school -- Victor shared history class with Victoria, and music class with Emily. In their senior year, Victor was pushed into dating Victoria thanks to his parents wanting an "in" with the influential (if not exactly that wealthy anymore) Everglots. The Everglots weren't too keen on the idea, but couldn't say that getting in good with a rich family was a bad thing, and so allowed the relationship. Victor and Victoria ended up liking each other and going on a few dates -- nothing too official, but more or less considering themselves boyfriend and girlfriend.
Things changed in January, however, when Victor encountered Emily crying after school in the music room. She told him she'd been dumped by her boyfriend Barkis (a college freshman) after her father disapproved of them. Victor provided some sympathy and a shoulder to lean on, and the two ended up connecting.
Around the same time, their school started advertising the annual Winter Formal dance. Victor, figuring he really ought to ask Victoria but unsure how to go about it, ended up practicing one day out in the track field, talking to a tree growing by the side of the track. What he didn't see was Emily lounging near that same tree -- who thought the invitation was for her and immediately bounced up to accept.
Victor was shocked by the mistake -- but couldn’t bring himself to retract the invitation or tell Emily what he truly meant because this was the happiest he'd seen her in days. He decided that he would genuinely like to take her, but that he really ought to clear it with Victoria first. So he snuck off during the next day's lunch period to talk to Victoria. Unfortunately, him not explaining to Emily about his current dating situation bit him in the butt when Emily happened to follow him and caught him with Victoria. She blew up at him and accused him of being a two-timer -- Victoria, similarly hurt, also gave him a piece of her mind. The two girls ended up storming off, leaving Victor adrift and struggling to figure out how to fix his mistake.
He decided flowers would be a good start and arrived early the next day with a couple of bouquets, hoping to catch both before classes began. He succeeded with Emily, finding her noodling around with the piano in the music room. At first, she didn't want to talk to him, but finally softened when he joined her for a duet. They both apologized -- Victor for not immediately explaining about Victoria, Emily for jumping to conclusions. She also pressed him to make up with Victoria and take her to the Winter Formal, not wanting Victor’s actual girlfriend to have a crummy time at the dance.
However, Victoria didn't show up at school that day. Worried, Victor tried calling her after classes, only to hear an unfamiliar male voice telling him to shove off. He and an anxious Emily went to her house, to discover her parents pushed her into a date with none other than Emily's ex! The two rushed to the date location (the park near the old church), where they found Victoria being threatened by an angry Barkis with a knife, attempting to rob her. (Emily, as this happens, suddenly got an inkling on where her mother's missing jewelry might have gone.) Victor and Emily stepped in, managing to disarm him, but Barkis flees just as they’re calling the police. They confirmed Victoria was all right -- the poor girl was shaken, but unharmed except for a few bruises, thankfully. Victor apologized for his poor behavior, which Victoria accepted easily -- then, feeling bad about this leaving Emily in the cold date-wise again so close to the dance, suggests the three of them go “stag” and just enjoy each other’s company as friends. Victor and Emily were both up for the idea, and they happily attended the dance as an informal threesome. Things actually went on in that vein for a while, with Victor dating Victoria and Emily casually, until Emily had an important revelation kissing Victor one day --
She was actually a bit more attracted to Victoria.
Victoria ended up reciprocating her feelings, and while they still went as a friendly three to the Summer Formal/Prom (because why ruin tradition), Emily and Victoria quickly became the official pairing. Victor was happy for his friends, but couldn’t help feeling a little hurt deep inside over apparently just being a stepping stone for the true relationship. This fueled a vow of his to focus on his studies in college, and not romance. This vow lasted right up until he first entered Sunny Brews --
And saw Alice behind the counter.
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