#samdean fluff
bklynsboys · 2 months
young!sam coping with wanting his dad to pay attention to them but it's just dean and him stuck in a random town where the kids talk about some local legend
Ten-year-old Sam hunched over the dusty library table, nose practically buried in a thick book titled "Mythical Creatures of the Midwest." He scribbled furiously in a worn notebook, his brow furrowed in concentration.
"Still don't think this whole 'Demon Goat' thing is a bunch of hooey?" Dean's voice, laced with bored amusement, drifted in from behind him.
Sam slammed the book shut, the sudden noise making Dean jump. "No, Dean! It says here it leaves footprints with a cleft hoof and a bird's claw!"
Dean, who was sprawled lazily on a nearby chair, flipped a page of a tattered comic book with a dismissive snort. "Big whoop. Probably just some oversized possum scaring the locals."
Sam scowled. "Dad takes all these things seriously, Dean. Why can't you?"
"Look, Sammy," Dean said, sitting up a little straighter, "Dad's got the experience. He knows things and he's seen them before, but I bet he'd think we're a bunch of idiots for this. There's no point in getting our hopes up on finding some winged demon goat. I don't even think they're real."
Sam's shoulders slumped. He understood Dean's logic, but something about the legend of the Demon Goat, the mystery of it all, sparked a thrill in him. He longed to be a part of his dad's world, not forgotten in some random town and some random backwoods motel.
"Maybe not," Sam mumbled, more to himself than Dean. "But wouldn't it be cool if there was something out there? This would be my first hunt. Maybe Dad would come back and help us—help me."
Dean's playful facade faltered for a moment. He looked at Sam, a flicker of worry crossing his features.
"Yeah, it would," he finally admitted, his voice softer than usual. "But right now, our job is to stick with what Dad's instructed us. We stay here and wait for him to come get us. We're a team, remember?"
Sam met Dean's gaze, a spark of determination replacing the disappointment in his eyes. "Yeah, a team," he echoed, a small smile playing on his lips. He didn't know if they'd ever encounter the Demon Goat, but one thing was clear—they'd face whatever came their way, together.
"Alright then, Van Helsing," Dean said, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "let's see if this book of yours mentions any weaknesses for giant demon goats."
Sam couldn't help but grin. With renewed enthusiasm, Sam flipped open the book once more, ready to delve into the lore of the Demon Goat, with his brother by his side.
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fandom-hoarder · 2 months
For @wincestwednesdays Wincest Fest
7/24 Prompt: sunshine
tastes like sunshine
The road is smooth, and Baby purrs strong and steady under Dean’s hands as he drives. Dean glances over to the passenger seat for what feels like the millionth—billionth—time, finding his brother still beside him, sleeping peacefully; mouth open; his large hand holding his place in the book he fell asleep reading. Sun breaks through the clouds in the sky, and shines itself across Sam’s face like a caress, chin to cheek, becoming increasingly insistent. Sam scrunches his face, shying away from the light and its wakefulness. Sam is twelve and sixteen and twenty-two and twenty-nine and thirty-seven and timeless all at once, and Dean can’t stop staring.
Sam scrunches again, turning his face into the seat, poorly hiding the pink blooming in his cheeks and across his nose. Dean can’t help the adoring grin that stretches his cheeks.
“You’re gonna crash if you don’t look at the road soon,” Sam says, his voice thick with sleep and smothered affection.
“And what? We’re already dead, Sammy,” Dean quips.
Sam snorts softly. His soft, pink mouth spreads helplessly, white teeth peeking out between his lips. Dean reaches over—ruffles Sam’s hair, strokes his cheek where the sun caressed it—and Sam’s smile spreads, face alight and eyes aglow. And Dean wants—-
Sam’s lips are warm, and taste like sunshine when Dean covers them with his. Sam’s book slides to the floor as he reaches for Dean’s face, kissing him back. And it’s Heaven.
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the-gray-ghosty · 1 year
John calling Mary "my girl" and Dean calling Sam "my boy" my beloved
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samuelsdean · 3 months
just thought of how young sam & dean navigated hunting without john.
dean thinks sam's too young to go on a hunt and worries about his safety, so he'd convince sam to stay in the motel. but little sammy doesn't get why? why does dean have to leave him? both dean and his dad has started training him. he probably already knows more about handling guns than most adults!
so, sam whines, "but what am i supposed to do while you're gone?"
dean shrugs, a little annoyed, "well, i don't know, kiddo! what do you usually do while i'm gone?"
sam mumbles, "wait for you to come back."
that shuts dean up. his cheeks flush as he realizes how much his little brother's life revolves around him. the weight of responsibility settles on his shoulders, pushing him to finish the hunt as quickly as possible. dean needs to get back to his little brother.
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deanscherrypie420 · 3 months
Demons Blood - Part 2
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A/N : Hi guys! I literally forced myself to write this because I WANTED TO WRITE but I woke up like.. twenty minutes ago.. ermmm.. ANYWHO, I hope you enjoy! I recommend reading PT1 before PT2
Characters: Dean Winchester, Reader Y/N, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Bobby
Pairing: Dean Winchester X Reader
Warnings: Angst, arguing, physical fights, supernatural hunting, over-consumption of alcohol, drinking, crying, suggestive dialogue, demons, blood, scarring, insecure about weight, SH reference. (Let me know if I missed anything!)
Summary: You were born a demon. You never found out why, but you have demon blood in your veins. Your father left when you were young and you've lived with Bobby ever since. Now, the Winchesters are living with you and Bobby and you hate it. You being and demon is the only thing Dean knows about you, and you and him can't stop fighting. Thankfully, Sam and Castiel are your safe place..
It had been weeks since Dean slapped her. Now, they pretty much ignored each other, not wanting to start anything in front of Bobby. She would still bring it up sometimes, finally getting payback for the torment Dean has put her through.
"C'mon, Sammy, it's not like I'm hurting him. He deserves it and you know it." She whined. She didn't understand why Sam was so hell bent on her and Dean getting along. "He's my brother, and you're like my sister! You two should really just.. I don't know, maybe stop being stubborn and apologize to each other?" Sam suggested cautiously.
She groaned and kicked him off her bed. Truthfully, just rolled with the kick and she knew that. "Stop defending him, Sam! He's an asshole and I hate him, and I'm starting to hate you right now. Get out." She huffed as she gestured to her door. He got up off the floor and walked to the door. "I'm just saying, maybe you two could be friends." He prodded with his signature puppy-dog look. "Get out." She demanded back, and he obeyed with a sigh.
A little bit later she left her room and went to the kitchen. She grabbed her water bottle and filled it with ice, the cold crystals clinking as they fell into the metal stomach. Dean came around the corner and watched her for a second, a small smile playing on his lips. He cleared his throat to get her attention, and she turned towards him, an immediate frown appearing on her face.
"What do you want?" She questioned. He rubbed the back of his neck and walked over to her. She stepped back and gave him a look that clearly translated back the fuck up or I will kill you. He did so and leaned against the kitchen table. "I just wanted to see how you're doing, I guess." She rolled her eyes at his statement. So annoying, she thought.
"I'm doing great actually. Life's been good knowing I'm not the only monster under this roof." She remarked casually as she filled up her water. He jaw ticked and he glared down at her. "Can you drop it already? I don't get what the fuck your issue is with me."
Her brows raised and she scoffed, her eyes wide as if what he just said was fucking hilarious. "You don't get my issue? God! You are so pathetic, Winchester!" She shook her head, utter rage bubbling up in her stomach.
Fortunately for Dean, Bobby and Sam came in just in time to prevent the conversation from going further. "You guys wanna go out and get some food? There's a diner nearby." Sam said, knowing exactly what he walked in on.
At the diner Y/N was chatting with a guy, making small talk by the bar. Dean couldn't stop staring. He didn't know why, he hates her. But damn, watching her sit there with that glowing smile.. He wished it was him.
Suddenly, Sam nudged his brother under the table with his foot, making Dean's knee bounce up in surprise. He slammed his leg against the underside of the old table, causing the contents on it to rattle. "Seriously, Sam? The hell is your problem?" Dean hissed. Sam just chuckled and shook his head. "Dude, you've been eyeing her for like twenty minutes." When Dean shot Sam daggers with his eyes, Sam put his hands up in surrender. "C'mon, why are you staring at her so hard?" The younger Winchester teased. "Sammy, drop it." Dean demanded as he saw you approaching the table.
Y/N nudged Sam over with her elbow and he scooted down the booth. She sighed happily and leaned her head back, a smirk playing on her lips. "I'm the shit." Sam cocked a brow and tilted his head, "How so?" Dean interrupted the brief conversation when he cleared his throat.
"That guy seemed like an ass." He muttered before a sip of beer. Y/N groaned, rolling her eyes back, not bothering to respond to him. Dean just chuckled, "That was hot." He said casually, and her jaw dropped. "Excuse me?-" She started, but Sam cut her off. "Dean, seriously?" Sam said with an eye roll of his own. He gestured to the side with one of hands, "Porn," he began, now moving his hands to the other side, "Real life. There's a difference."
Bobby had come back from the bathroom now and laughed as he heard their conversation. Y/N just sat there, feeling a pleasant sense of comfort at all of them being together, even if she didn't like Dean.
Maybe she liked him a little more than she let on.
"Jesus Christ, it smells awful in here." She murmured, covering her nose with her wrist as she stepped over a mysterious liquid. Sam laughed and Dean shook his head, an amused smile growing on his face. "Get used to it, Sweetheart." She didn't have to turn around to know he was grinning. Whatever, moron, she thought to herself.
They were in an old ranch. The group assumed that it was being used as a werewolf hideout. They ended up splitting up somewhere along the lines, she wasn't exactly sure when she had started going her own way, but she had a feeling she would find something. She heard something behind her and she turned around swiftly, her eyes quickly turning into black pools at the possibility of a threat. Her foot landed on a metal pool, making her slip and fall back. She tried to reach for something behind her to catch herself, but failed.
An arm quickly wrapped around her and hoisted her up right. She pushed whoever the hell grabbed her back, and then pulled out her gun. Castiel put his hands up in defense, something he saw Sam do often. Y/N let out an airy laugh, her eyes returning to normal, and pressed her gun to his chest. Not in a threatening way, but just a teasing way to push him back. "Jeez, dude. Way to scare me." Her cheeks were flushed and she was panting, adrenaline still coursing through her veins.
Cas shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck, something he picked up from Dean, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He said quietly. She put her gun away and patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, you're fine."
She then turned and gasped, another imaginary threat appearing in front of her. "Dammit!" She said as she realized it was just the brothers. She rolled her eyes and stepped out of the imaginary box the boys had made with their bodies. "You guys planned that." She shook her head and scoffed, still a bit startled by the double-scare.
Sam wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave her a squeeze, "Relax, Y/N. You're too tense." She wiggled out of his grasp and rolled her eyes, "Shut it, moose." They both let out a laugh before Cas felt like he was missing something.
He cleared his throat and slung an arm around Y/N, copying what Sam had done, "Yeah, shut it moose." He echoed, and Sam and her burst out in laughter. Dean shook his head with a laugh, enjoying the stupidity of their humor.
After a moment of silly remarks and nonstop laughing, Sam finally announced that they should get back to the car. With a groan of compliance, Y/N and Dean agreed and began walking to the car, not realizing that Sam had pulled Cas to walk behind them.
"Hey, are we alright?" Dean asked, glancing over at her. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Dean, don't ruin my mood right now." He bit his lip and nodded. "Sorry." Dean stated quietly.
She felt air get caught in her throat as she realized what he said. That was the first time he ever apologized to her. She cleared her throat and bumped him with her arm, "Thanks. I'm gonna go walk with Sam and Cas." Dean nodded and gave a small smile.
When they got back to Bobby's after the case, Dean and her were at each other's throats. Sam had to deal with it on his own during the car ride because Castiel chickened out and left.
"You are such a fucking idiot, I did the right thing! You could've gotten hurt if I didn't!" Y/N screamed at Dean once they got inside. Dean slammed his hand down on the table, which made her flinch. "That son of a bitch could've killed you because you did that!"
She groaned and tossed her head back as Bobby walked in. "What's goin' on?" Bobby probed. Y/N gave him a look that could've killed, and Dean scoffed. "She put her life on the line! She used herself as bait when she knows damn well we don't let her do that any more!"
She rolled her eyes and slammed her freshly opened beer bottle down, immediately snapping back, "It was not bait! I lured the goddamn thing out so you could kill it!" Dean started walking towards her, towering down in front of her. He glanced down at her beer and took it from her hands.
"You aren't even old enough to drink yet, I don't know why we keep you around. Too immature." He growled at her. Bobby cleared his throat and leaned over the table, grabbing the bottle from Dean's hands. "Her birthday was a couple days ago, don't disrespect her like that." Bobby declared, and she laughed at Dean.
"I've been twenty-one for two days and I've been hunting since I was sixteen, don't you dare call me immature." Bobby gave her a look and her shoulders slumped, "What?" She muttered. "You were acting irrational on the hunt, you should know better than that. You keep yourself safe first, always." Bobby lectured to her and she rolled her eyes.
It was Dean's turn to laugh now, a small chuckle bellowing from his throat. She turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, heading straight to Sam's.
She was laying upside down on Sam's bed, venting about how frustrated she was to Sam and Castiel. Castiel was sitting in a black spinning chair at a desk that occupied the corner of Sam's room. He spun back and forth while listening, oddly fascinated with the way the chair moved. Sam was sitting on the opposite side of the bed, rubbing her leg in an attempt to soothe her. His head rested against the headboard and his eyes were closed as he listened to her rant.
"I don't understand how Bobby agrees with him! I was in the right! I did the right thing, I didn't even get hurt!" Sam cleared his throat at this, tilting his head down to look at her. "You got a pretty good scratch on your back. I understand that's not your point but you can't leave out details.." She hit his leg, biting her lip as she thought of what to say.
Castiel chimed in before she could think of anything. "I healed her though, and she knew I was there. I think you are correct," He said as he nodded his head towards her, "She did the best thing she could in the moment." Sam processed what he said and reluctantly agreed. "Yeah, okay. I just don't think we should hate Dean for being worried."
She laughed and moved to look over at Sam, using her elbows to hold her up. "Are you serious? I hate him for many more reasons than that." Sam shook his head and Cas shrugged.
A knock on the door took them out of their conversation. She flipped over onto her stomach, now resting in-between Sam's legs. "Come in," she ordered, and the door opened slightly.
Dean came in and immediately focused on the two. He cleared his throat and his brows furrowed. "Cute," he said, motioning towards Sam. Before Sam could respond, Dean continued. "I was just comin' to apologize." He murmured, now looking at her. She nodded and propped her head up on her hands, elbows digging into the mattress. "Go on," she urged and he did. "I'm sorry for yelling at you.. And uh, being rude, ya know, how I called you immature."
She nodded and gave a small smile, "Thanks, Dean." He nodded as well and rubbed the back of his neck. The room fell silent as they just stared at each other for a moment. He swore her eyes were a brighter shade of Y/E/C. They were beautiful.
Sam cleared his throat and Dean snapped back to reality. "Uh, I'm gonna go.. Probably gonna go watch a movie or something, if any of you wanna join." Y/N nodded and smiled and so did Cas.
Once Dean left, Sam nudged her with his leg. "You got something you wanna tell us?" He said, his tone was teasing but she was confused. "What do you mean? He apologized, that's a good thing." Sam nodded with a chuckle and Castiel stopped spinning, intrigued by the conversation at hand.
"What I mean is that look. You guys were staring into each other's souls." Sam said with another laugh. "I don't know what you're talking about." She muttered, moving to sit up.
Sam shook his head and crossed his legs on the bed, a rather awkward position for such a tall person. "I think you two would be cute together." Sam remarked, making her tilt her head. He put his hands up and began rambling to defend himself, but she was already lost in thought.
Maybe we would be...
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed! I was really unmotivated today but I wanted to post another part. I wanted to write but I couldn't grasp the motivation so I hope this is good lol
Feel free to reblog, like and comment! I really hope you guys like it! Message me if you have any requests!
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allthesmutl0vers · 1 month
The Fate Of Us- Chapter Five
MDNI, 18+
Pairing: Sam/Reader, Dean/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Dean/Castiel and Coming Soon: Dean/Sam, Castiel/Sam
Chapter Five
Maybe y/n isn’t so bad. I’m not saying that because she made me breakfast, either. She actually knows her stuff, even after I drilled her on the different ways to kill monsters. She answered them all correctly, even when I tried to trick her.
I can’t lie and say she isn’t attractive either. The way her long brown hair flows down her back and goddamn that smile. It’s a smile that can make a man do bad things. And I’ve done some of the worst. The only complaint I have is that she’s wearing Sam’s jacket. And even that isn’t really a complaint because of how good she looks in it. But a part of me wishes it was mine she was wearing instead.
She’s fucking funny too. When she made breakfast, she did this whole bit where she put whipped cream on her hand, hit her wrist with the other, and tried to catch it in her mouth. Something about it being a TikTok trend? I don’t know what that means, but what I do know is that it shouldn’t have made my dick as hard as it did.
I briefly look at her as she sits between me and Sam on the couch, watching a horror movie she picked out. How she got Sam to watch one? I’ll never know. Her hands are sitting on her lap as her eyes are glued to the screen where a father is trying to rescue his son from ‘the other side’ as the old woman in the movie called it.
“Do you really believe in this stuff?” I ask her quietly.
She turns to me, looking up at me with those big brown eyes. “I don’t know. I mean, I’ve heard of astral projection before, but it’s never worked for me,” she shrugs her shoulders.
“Where did you try to go?” Sam asks from her other side, pressing pause on the movie.
She looks at him before facing forward again, trying to hide the blush that’s appearing on her cheeks. “It’s stupid,” she says softly.
“Oh, come on, tell us,” I tease her lightly, nudging her with my elbow.
She smiles and rolls her eyes, looking up to the ceiling. “Here, actually,” she says to the ceiling. “I always imagined what it would be like here, and a part of me still thinks I’m dreaming sometimes.” She says looking back down to her hands in her lap.
I can’t help but chuckle softly. “You mean you tried to come here in a dream to a world full of monsters when you were perfectly safe in yours?” I ask her, trying to wrap my head around the concept. I’ve dreamed of living in a world with no monsters, but she actually wants to risk facing them.
“We have monsters too, maybe not the kind you guys have here. But we have them, the only difference is in this world, you can make your own justice. In mine, you have to rely on crooked judges, disbelieving jurors, and overworked, entry-level prosecutors,” she explains with a certain degree of pain and a tinge of anger in her voice. She clenches her hands in her lap for a moment before she takes a deep breath and releases them. “Or family members who don’t believe you.” She whispers.
I look over her at Sam, whose brows are furrowed in confusion like mine.
What do I even say to that? And what is she talking about? What happened to her?
Sam puts a hand on the top of her back, instantly making me want to take it off. It’s a weird feeling because I never get jealous, but is that what this knot of anger in my stomach is? Or is it about whatever this girl has gone through that makes her believe she’s safer in a world where she could be ripped to shreds, over a world where the worst of the worst are only humans?
“I’m sorry for whatever you went through, y/n. And you’re right. The justice system does suck—”
“Says the one who wanted to be a lawyer,” I scoff.
Sam throws me an annoyed glare. “Yeah, to advocate for victims, not victimize them all over again on the stand,” Sam fires back at me.
My eyes go back to y/n, who’s quickly wiping away tears. “Listen, I don’t want to be the weepy girl with a sad story. What happened to me happened, and there’s nothing I can do to change it,” she says, looking between me and Sam, she takes a deep breath. “I don’t want to dump my trauma on you guys. I mean, we barely know each other. We just met yesterday. I just want to try to forget about it, okay?” She says, looking between us again.
Sam and I both nod our heads in understanding. Her business is her business. Don’t get me wrong, I’m curious. But a person’s past is something that belongs to them, and they shouldn’t feel obligated to share it if they don’t want too. She silently accepts our nods with one of her own, and we finish watching ‘Insidious’ and end up watching the second one while Bobby heads out for pizza.
“Hey man, grab me another while you’re up, will ya?” Dean asks with a smirk from the table, waving his empty bottle of beer.
I roll my eyes and look over at y/n. “You need another one, too?” I ask her, not bothered at all.
She smiles and shakes her head. “I’m good, Sam, thanks though.”
I nod once and smile back before looking at Bobby. “Bobby? You need another while I’m up?”
Bobby shakes his head, finishing off his bottle. “I’m good. I’m fixing to head to bed here soon,” he turns to y/n as I hand Dean his beer and sit back down across from y/n. “You gonna be alright with these two idjits?” He asks her, only half joking.
“Hey! We’re not that bad,” Dean quips, swallowing his bite of pizza.
I laugh and shake my head. Bobby raises his scruffy eyebrows at Dean while y/n covers her mouth, trying not to laugh. “Oh really? Who damn near set my whole property on fire trying to get rid of a vamp body?” Bobby shoots back.
I lean back in my chair, sipping my beer, thoroughly enjoying their back and forth.
“Got rid of the body, though, didn’t I?” Dean quips back.
I lock eyes with y/n, who’s trying so hard to hide the fact she’s laughing behind her hand.
Bobby stands up from the table. “Yeah, yeah. Just try not to burn anything down tonight, will ya?” He says as he places his plate in the sink.
“Scouts honor,” Dean raises his hands with a smile that he directs to y/n, even throwing in a wink.
Damn. Really laying it on thick, huh, Dean?
I can’t help but feel irritated that he’s flirting with her. But really, how can I when I was doing the same thing just this morning? Man, when she called me her hero… I felt my heart beat faster for the first time since Eileen died.
I swore I’d never fall for anyone again, given the fact they always die. But she told us that she couldn’t die earlier. At least she can’t die by anything in this world. But crazy shit happens to us damn near every day.
I’m not proud to admit that I’ve adopted Dean’s ‘hit it and quit it’ attitude when we have cases. But not nearly as much as he does, just enough to blow off steam once in a while.
I don’t want to do that with y/n. I feel like I have a real potential to be good friends with her.
And maybe more.
No. No, I can’t think like that. She’s technically Bobby’s daughter. Another bombshell dropped on us earlier. But how can I just be friends with her when, deep down, I know I might want something more?
“Sam?” Her sweet voice brings me back from my spiraling thoughts.
I look up and smile at her. “Yeah? Sorry,” I try to brush it off, running my hands through my hair.
She laughs and shakes her head. “I said goodnight,” she says with a tired smile. My jacket practically swallows her, and one side hangs off her shoulder. She looks damn good in it, too. I can’t help but wonder what she looks like wearing nothing at all.
“Oh, you’re heading to bed already?” I ask her, unable to help but feel disappointed.
She shrugs her shoulders. “Well, I’m going to write a bit more before I actually go to bed. But yeah, I am heading to my room for the night.”
I nod my head twice. “Working on your same story from this morning?” I ask, trying to keep the conversation going for another minute or two.
A cute blush tints her cheeks. She blushes so easily, and I love it. “Um, yeah, maybe. I have a few other stories I’m working on, too, so I’ll just see where my brain takes me.”
I smile and nod my head. “Well, if you ever want to bounce ideas off someone, I’m here,” I say back to her.
Her body stiffens slightly. “Yeah, maybe. The other ones are usually just for me, kind of a creative outlet when I have writer’s block from my novels,” she looks down at her feet.
I feel like she’s hiding something. Or holding something back, and I want to know what it is. I want to know everything about her. But I’ll let it go for now.
“I understand completely,” I smile at her. “Coffee in the morning?” I ask hopefully.
Y/n smiles and nods her head. “I’m Looking forward to it. Goodnight, Sammy,” she catches herself. “I’m sorry. I forgot. Only Dean can call you that,” she apologizes.
I wave my hand. “It’s okay, you can call me Sammy,” I smile at her, and she relaxes. “Maybe we can come up with a nickname for you in the morning,” I smirk.
She sucks her lips into her mouth, trying to stifle a smile as she nods. “Goodnight, Sammy.”
“Goodnight, y/n,” I say as she gives me one last smile before exiting the kitchen and walking up the stairs.
When I get into the living room, Dean is already passed out on the couch. I thank God that he wasn’t awake for that conversation I had with her. I don’t need him waking up and interfering with my time with her in the morning. Those belong to us now.
Woah, a bit possessive there, huh?
I brush the thought off as I kick my boots off and lay down, pulling the blanket over my body. As I drift off to sleep, I think about nicknames for the girl upstairs that don’t come off too strong but also let her know I’m interested. Because fuck it, I am. It’s a fine line to walk, but as I think of nicknames, I also find myself wishing I was lying down next to her as she writes, holding her close to me as we both fall asleep.
It’s been too long since I’ve had that, and hopefully, it won’t be much longer before I have it again.
Chapter Six
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youraveragebtsstan · 2 months
Working on my Domestic!Wincest AU and needed some inspo. In this AU, Sam wakes up to discover he and Dean are married with a kid.
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according2thelore · 1 year
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“I long to be near you but every road leads to an end.”
submission for the @wincestwednesdays july event! prompt: songs
lyrics from “death with dignity” by sufjan stevens
go read lizzy’s fic based on the same song—it’s a good hurt/comfort read 😮‍💨
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ultragaycowboys · 8 months
Omega verse or not what do you think would be Dean and Sam’s honeymoon ? ☺️
I don't think they would officially call it honeymoon cause it's too much of a chick flick event for Dean.
But they'd certainly celebrate it without actually saying it.
A road trip to nowhere maybe, just the two of them and baby, exploring places they never got the chance to enjoy visiting. or they'd rent a cabin near the beach, for a couple of weeks. No hunting or new cases, saving the world can wait for a bit.
Sex in the impala included of course.👀
Omegaverse or not I think there would a lot of sex and making love. Netflix and chill. Cuddling.
Sam would bake Dean's favorite pie. Dean would make Sam's favorite food.
And I think all of it would be a cheesy clishe. Because they never had that kind of lifestyle in the first place and it'd be everything they're yearning for.
Omegaverse is just a bonus really. If I want to get into details for that then it'd turn into a long oneshot lmao.
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xwinchesterxlovex · 2 years
We all know that Jared is a very sweaty boy, but personally my hc for Sam after season like 7/8/9 is that he is always very cold. Especially in the bunker. When he and Dean watch something together in their chairs, he wears lil fuzzy socks. Or uses a nice XL throw blanket and his nighttime tea to warm up.
All i’m saying here is that, as Dean’s wife, Sammy requires warm toesies.
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bklynsboys · 2 months
picture injured!dean and sam is tending to his wounds
The motel bathroom looked like the aftermath of a battlefront with all the piles of discarded bandages and antiseptic wipes. Dean winced as Sam poked at a gash on his shoulder, the harsh light glinting off the needle.
"You're gonna need stitches for this one," Sam declared, his voice laced with concern.
"Yeah, yeah, Doc," Dean muttered, more to himself than Sam. He caught a glimpse of his reflection—a mess of worry lines and exhaustion. "Just hurry up, will ya? I'm whacked and I wanna go to sleep, but I gotta find a decent burger joint."
Sam snorted, unsurprised at how Dean was trying to underestimate his injuries. He finished cleaning the wound and reached for the suture kit. "Alright, alright, Buffy. Just don't blame me when you scare off every waitress with these war wounds."
A hint of a smile crossed Dean's face. He braced himself, but instead of the needle, he felt a gentle touch on his cheek. Sam was leaning in, his lips brushing against the corner of Dean's mouth. It was a fleeting kiss, a silent "thank you" for all the battles they fought, side-by-side.
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echollis · 1 year
Hello! I posted a comic on ao3 to recreate season 3 as if writer’s strike has never happened! Please take a look and let me know what you think of it!
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the-gray-ghosty · 1 year
Sam and Dean invite Cas to a movie night in the dean cave, and Cas sees dean already sitting in one of the chairs and is like "should I sit on the floor, since there's only one chair left?" And Sam's like "Nah it's fine! I always sit here" and he just sits on Deans lap [and Dean wraps his arms around Sams waist as they somehow fit together perfectly]
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samuelsdean · 3 months
more thoughts on how young!sam & dean were like when they’re alone in a motel room while sammy got scared.
it’s raining very hard, the windows are rattling, and with every rattle, sam is trembling, huddling underneath the ratty blanket. dean’s busy cleaning up the mess from dinner, but he notices sam, stealing worried glances over his little brother.
"you alright, sammy?"
"what if it gets in?" sam whispers, fear clinging to his words. “what if it gets in and something bad happens before dad gets here?”
dean sighs, putting down the paper bag. "we’re warded, sammy. nothing’s getting in." he knew it wasn't enough. their dad was out hunting, leaving them alone in this storm.
scooting closer, dean ruffles sam’s hair. "remember, sammy? we watch each other's backs. nothing bad’s gonna happen to us—to you—as long as i’m here, okay?”
sam looks up, dean’s words chasing away the fear. "yeah," he mubmbles, leaning into dean’s side as dean wraps his blanket tighter and pats his head.
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underthebednotebook · 2 years
hello! :) happy wincest wednesday! tell me what you think about sam and dean and sleeping in the car! do they talk before they fall asleep? do they prefer to be efficient? is there a certain way they always sleep when they're in the car?
So I just spent a crap load of time reading your highway to hell tag and oh my god this is the MOST FUN GAME EVER. I had to tell myself 'Rin you gotta ANSWER THE DAM QUESTION'
Dean and Sam probably slept in the Impala more times that they care to admit especially when driving cross country. In those times when going out of the highway is too bothersome because the next exit just had a gas station and a 7/11 and the next motel is not for another 50 miles but if Dean has to drive another 10 more he will crash em both where he stands--so parking Baby somewhere safe is their check in for the night.
And I think that Sam and Dean are efficient where it counts and both of them, as the years progressed, have learned to cherish a good conversation. S1 samdean? They would fall asleep immediately after a couple of good verbal jabs at each other but let's say...S14 samdean? The whole fest would be a whole:
Dean: Sam you asleep?
Sam: ...
Dean: Do you think a Wendigo has a preference of meat?
Sam: You didn't even give me time to answer.
And I think the best way they would fall asleep is sleeping like how they did in the Baby episode. Just facing each other as they talk and using either the flannel or, if they smart, any pillows they could have in the back to lessen the uncomfortable feeling of a cold window pressed against the back of their heads. Maybe Dean reaching a hand out across the back of the seat just to feel Sam's presence (since I headcanon that the dude just sleeps starfish unless he has something to wrap around) while Sam's ENTIRE body is leaning towards Dean almost as if the seat was in the way. BUT there are rare occasions where both of them just really need each other's presence...so it's a whole tumble of arms and legs to see just how they fit both their bodies in the backseat and remain as close together as possible just to reassure them that, yeah, despite everything it's still them and this car.
Thank you for introducing me to this!
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allthesmutl0vers · 1 month
Masterlist is now up!
My masterlist is now up and running. You can find it on my page, a post down, or linked in my Bio.
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'Intentions' and 'Entirely Forbidden and Completely Fucked' are both up and running. I am still working on Entirely Forbidden and Completely Fucked.
My second ongoing story, 'The Fate of Us, ' will be posted today and added to the master list. Please be aware that this story will contain Wincest although it does take a minute to get there. (But there will be signs.)
'Break Me' is completed and contains no wincest but does contain Destiel, which will also be coming soon after 'The Fate of Us.'
As for my Harry Potter stories, those will be coming at a later date as I have to edit one and finish it, and completely rewrite my Weasley Twins x Reader (it was one of my first fics, and it was rushed and just a mess in general.)
Enjoy, and as always, thank you for reading and supporting me and my work. 💗
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