#samantha giddings.
nghtinspo · 2 years
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𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋  𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍  :  𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐚  𝐠𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬  𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜  /  𝟎𝟎𝟏.         personals  do  not  interact  ;  mutuals  may  interact.        ©  
    you  thought  you  were  a  good  friend,  the  best  friend  that  you  could  be.     and  yet,  you  failed  her  when  she  needed  you  most.     you  didn’t  protect  her,  you  barely  did  anything  as  the  prank  is  laid  out  and  you  should  have  done  more.     you  failed  her.     you  failed  her  sister.     you  failed  her  brother.     you  spent  a  year  trying  to  make  up  for  that,  being  there  for  her  brother,  knowing  that  he  may  be  the  one  person  who  understands  how  you  feel.     you  want  to  make  things  right.     you  protect  yourself  by  distancing  those  from  others,  you  don’t  want  the  drama  and  the  fighting.     you  just  want  to  be  able  to  go  walking  through  the  woods  and  not  wonder  if  you  could  find  them.     you  want  the  guilt  to  stop.     will  it  ever  stop?     you  think  going  to  the  lodge  will  be  a  good  way  to  start.     a  way  to  heal,  even  if  you  don’t  want  to  see  the  others,  but  you  go  for  them,  you  go  for  him.     but  what  you  don’t  know  is  that  this  is  all  a  game.     someone  is  making  a  film  and  you  are  the  starring  the  role,     the  final  girl  in  the  horror  film     and  you  play  it  so  perfectly.     however,  there  are  even  more  sinister  things  at  play  here.     monsters  live  in  the  mountains  and  you  really  are  trying  to  survive,  will  your  choices  mean  that  you  and  others  survive?     or  will  you  get  yourself  caught  up  in  the  past?
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amberpriceenthusiast · 10 months
I made another one
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crimescrimson · 9 months
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"Understand The Palm Of My Hand, Bitch."
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illusioninfnty · 1 year
day 3 ; quickie
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↠ sam giddings x reader
fandom: until dawn word count: 1.1k warnings: nsfw 18+, fem!reader, dom!reader, "Tex" as reader's nickname, physical descriptions of reader (tall, muscular), cunnilingus, fingering, praise
kinktober m.list || read on ao3 || takes place in the same universe as and before the events of outlast
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You loved your friends dearly, but it was almost impossible to get some quality time with just your girlfriend when they were around.
Your group’s annual trip to the Washington’s cabin during winter break was, yes, a time to spend with each other and away from the stress of the real world, but it doubled as a fun little vacation for you and your girlfriend.
Everyone was hanging out in the living room, eating snacks and debating what you guys were going to do for the rest of the night when Sam stands up.
“I’m going to go take a quick bath,” she says, wiping her hands on a napkin and taking a final swig on her drink before handing it to you.
“Ugh, seriously?” Jess whines. “I wanted to go in there!” You rolled your eyes, seeing as Jess clearly did not up until Sam announced it. Her bottle of beer was almost empty, and her hand was still stuffed into a bowl of popcorn.
Sam sighs, wringing her hands. “I'll be five minutes, tops. Won’t even notice that I left.”
Jess groans as she turns back to whatever conversation she was having with Emily. Sam disappears upstairs, and you know this may be your only chance to have uninterrupted one-on-one time with your girlfriend.
You wrap your mind trying to find an ideal lie to tell to the group to sneak away and join Sam. “I’m going to go see if she grabbed a towel.”
No one seems to mind you except for Mike gives you a knowing stare, raising an eyebrow as if to say really? You send a glare his way and hold up a middle finger to him behind your back. You can hear his muffled laughter as you turn to follow Sam.
You slip into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind you. Sam had been taking off her clothes, her shirt already discarded to the side and her hands fumbling with the bra hooks.
She gasps and spins when the door slams, her body tensing up. But she immediately relaxes and strides over to slap your shoulder.
“Tex!” Sam hisses. “I told Jess I’d only be—”
“Five minutes. I was right there, you know.” You start to slowly unbutton her shorts, sinking to your knees in front of her. “I can do a lot in five minutes.”
You seat Sam down on the edge of the tub as you fully remove her shorts, leggings and underwear. You start teasing her, marking kisses on her inner thighs as you move your way up to her pussy. She lets out a shaky sigh, gripping the edge of the cool, white, tub.
Sam is already starting to get wet, her insides glistening as you move to eat her out. You swirl your tongue all around, making sure to pay attention to her clit. “Oh fuck,” she moans out as you glue yourself to her pussy. Her hands find your hair and she tugs, anchoring herself as she arches herself into you.
You can feel her wetness all around your mouth as you pull back, licking your lips. You only had five minutes, so you knew you needed to move quickly.
“Get in the tub,” you instruct as you begin to take off your own clothes. 
Sam complies eagerly, swiveling her hips and submerging herself in the water that she previously drew. You join her moments later, straddling her as you kiss her, cupping her face with your hands.
She moans into the kiss, and runs her own hands up your chest, teasing your breasts. She squeezes them, ghosting her thumbs over your nipples. Goosebumps begin to cover your skin and a shock is sent down your spine.
You press your body to hers, grabbing her hips to grind yourselves together. You move a hand down her stomach pressing a finger over her clit. Sam gasps at the sensation, allowing you the opportunity to move your tongue into her mouth. The kiss you share becomes sloppy, saliva escaping and rolling down your chin. Sam pulls away, a string connecting the two of you. 
“Are you only going to kiss me or what?” She remarks teasingly, panting slightly from the intensity of your makeout.
You laugh, and at the same time move your hand to carefully insert two fingers, beginning to pump them in and out of her. “Baby, you know I’ve got more,” you reply. Water starts splashing all around you as you maneuver your fingers, some of it escaping the rim of the circular tub.
“Oh my god,” Sam whines. Her cheeks are flushed now, and her chest heaves as she catches her breath. “Fuck, that feels amazing.” 
Her hips subconsciously buck against your fingers as she chases more of you. You add a third, a yelp leaving Sam’s lips. You soothe her with another kiss and thumb at her clit while pumping your fingers in and out, curling them inside her walls.
“There you go. You’re being so good for me.” Sam whines at your praise and her head falls back. You can feel the way she clamps around your fingers, simultaneously clutching onto your arm. Her feet kick in the water from the pleasure.
Sam’s orgasm comes after a long build up, her moans becoming louder and you increasing in pace inside her. Her walls flutter against you, and even underneath the water you can feel her release coat your fingers.
You pepper kisses all over your girlfriend’s face as she begins to come down from her peak. You start to drain the tub and wipe it clean from any leftover evidence of yours and Sam’s short escapade.
A loud banging from the door startles the both of you. “Sam?” Jess’s voice rings from behind the door. “Come on, Sam! It’s been, like, a while!” 
The two of you stare at each other with wide eyes for a second before scrambling to dry off quickly and put your clothes back on.
“Just a minute!” Sam calls out, her voice strained from before. You’re able to get yourself looking presentable before your girlfriend and instead of trying to hide, you open the door just as Sam finishes buttoning up her shorts.
An annoyed Jess meets your gaze, who looked surprised to see you for a brief moment before annoyance passes across her face. “Seriously?” She crosses her arms and juts a hip out, glaring at you and then Sam, who pokes her head out from around you.
Sam looks a bit sheepish and apologetic, but you just roll your eyes. “The bathtub is clean. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”
“God, you’re so annoying. Get a room!” Jess strides past you two into the bathroom.
You turn to her and smirk. “Don’t worry. We are.” You pull Sam along, rushing to your shared room to finish what you started.
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stuckinthedeadlights · 7 months
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Sam Giddings Icons
free to use, credit appreciated but not necessary. if you have a request or want to be tagged for any of my edits send me an ask. don’t repost, reblogs appreciated. all of my edits can be found here
Screencaps from here
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desperado-raspado · 10 months
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My @untildawn-secretsanta for @impossibleclair of their OTP of Sam/Ash! I was so stoked to do a derby themed piece for someone who wanted it so no way could I pass up the opportunity to draw some more sapphic skater shenanigans. I hope you enjoy it! :)
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erika111111 · 2 months
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princesssmars · 1 year
warm me up, baby
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a sam x mike x fem!reader thought
plot : while staying at the washington lodge, you and your lovers struggle not to show too much public affection. all that goes out the window with a little game of truth or dare.
wc : 1577
contains : sam x reader x mike poly. fluff and nsfw. fxf and mxf sex described. penetrative sex. oral sex. reader wears a dress. mike and sam get jealous.
a/n : this is to make up for me stalling on the until dawn reader insert please forgive me.
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ok, so maybe you had a habit for getting ahead of yourself. but this time it wasn't your fault.
before you started dating two of your best friends, sam giddings and mike munroe, you were crushing on them for a while. like, eighth grade a while. but in your eyes it was impossible not to like them. despite looking like the stereotypical jocks on the soccer and football teams, they were incredibly charming and always made sure to treat you like the most precious thing in the world.
most of the time it nearly made you burst at the seams, until josh let you know that most of the group saw you as one of the babies like his sisters. you probably cried into your pillow for three hours that night.
so for the next few years you kept your feelings to yourself. you watched as both of them dated other people (you didnt talk to emily for a week when she started dating mike, but you let it go when they broke up after two months), and eventually they started going out with each other. you were happy for them.
kind of.
but annoyingly luckily for you, everything changed at the end of your junior year. most of your friends at this point were seniors, and jessica had courteously invited you as her friend date to their senior prom. at first you said no because sam and mike would be there.
but then you realized that sam and mike would be there.
you may have spent a bunch of your parents money on the most beautiful dress you could find, but the looks on their faces when you walked into the prom hall were priceless.
you had expected the faces, and also the first little compliments they and the rest of your friends gave you. but what you weren't expecting was for both of them to ask you to a dance, individually taking you by the hands before dragging you on to the dance floor and giving you that weird look where you think the person is into you but you don't want to jump to conclusions because you might just be conceited.
after that night things...changed.
despite graduating that june the pair were always coming to your house. they chalked it up to "wanting to spend time with you before college," but that didn't explain sam sitting with you on your bed as you listen to a playlist she made you, her head in the crook of your neck making the hairs on your neck stand. or mike taking you out for ice cream on him, walking down the street with you so closely you can feel him bumping into your shoulder before he slowly turns and wipes away a drop a drop of ice cream that slid down your lips...
they are...so infuriating. but three could play at that game.
emily would be having a pool party at her house, and it was the perfect oppurtunity for you to not only look good but also potentially find out once and for all what the help was sam and mikes problem. you showed up and hanged out with ashley and jess for a while, your new f/c shawl covering your body.
when chris splashes you with some water and urges you to get in the pool already, you drop the shawl to the ground and step gracefully into the pool, smiling at chris' dumb little wolf whistle.
for the next few hours your mind strays from the duo and you start enjoying the moment with your friends. this might be one of the last big group hangouts before you all go up to josh's parents cabin in the mountains, something you always enjoyed.
after you had enough of the pool you headed upstairs to a guest room to dry off and change your clothes before dinner. as soon as you undid your bikini top, you heard the door open and shut in a millisecond and after turning around so quickly you thought you would pull something, and sam and mike stand in front of you like they want to ravage you.
which they were going to.
as horny as they were, they took a minute to make sure you were ok with everything that was going to happen. what they didn't expect was for you, as soon as they got a confirmation, to jump their bones and start messily removing your clothes before moving on to theirs. before coming up here they mutually decided they would tease and try to go easy on you, but you were just so pretty and so eager and you were palming at sam's boobs and mike's pants.
and that's how you ended up with your legs on mike's shoulders as he pounded into your cunt while sam sat on your face, rocking her hips back and forth like she was at a rodeo.
for those first few weeks, the sneaking around was hot. whenever your group of friends would hang out, they would act a normal amount of nice to you while giving you hidden touches and caresses before meeting up with you when everyone was gone and fucking each others brains out.
but then it started getting stale, not being able to be affectionate in public. you knew you were getting tired of it, but for now you would avoid bringing it up as your lovers seemed comfortable with the way things were going.
you were...very wrong.
it was early february and time for the yearly stay at the washington family lodge. you were fully packed and excited as you were every year, ready for a week of skiing, partying, and hanging with your friends all day.
the first day was spent srttling in, making sure the house was up in running order after months of bring unused.
(part of this was checking the boiler was working, which you despised doing because chris and josh would always try to scare you and most of the time fail.)
but things got weird on the second day.
every year without fail jess suggested never have i ever, mostly because she thought it was hilarious when everyone groaned at the middle school suggestion.
at first the game is simple. josh dares jess to do a handstand for two rounds, sam dares matt to arm wrestle with chris. hell, jess admits that she has a slight crush on matt.
and you only giggled at that because duh, of course you knew that, but then jess turns it back around on you and dares you to name who's the hottest person in the room, the cliché bitch.
now, you had two options.
1. say either of the two people half of the group had already known you’d been enamored with for a large portion of your life.
2. be a little shit and day someone else because it’s fun.
and i mean, what was the point of this trip if you didnt have a little fun?
you decided to be more jokey about it and say chris, going along with him hyping himself up as the "peak of the male form" by fake fawning over him.
emily asked you later about that "crush you had just a few years ago," and you brushed it off. its in the past.
if it didn't surprise you so much you'd almost be worried at the way mike took more sips of his beer before roughly slamming it on the floor next to him, or sam letting out a little huff and brooding for the rest of the game.
later that night, after taking a nice long bath and changing into a comfy but cute pajama set, you flopped your body on to your guest bed and brought your phone to your face to scroll through social media until you fell asleep, before the telltale dm of a "you up?" let you know that wasn't how the night was going to go.
not even five minutes later there was a knock at your door and not even five seconds after that you feel sam harshly bring her lips to yours as her hands grip your waist, backing you up into the room as mike closes the door.
its fast and rough, the way they strip you of your clothes and push you on to the bed as they bite and nip at your skin. before you can even blink sam is pushing up your shirt and palming at your breasts, pinching your nipples and taking them into her mouth.
you're about to ask where the hell the aggression came from when a gasp leaves your mouth followed by a long moan as mike pulls down your shorts and mouths at your cunt through your underwear.
you don't have any more questions when they both start sucking on different parts of your skin, leaving hickeys which they normally don't as to keep your secret. you wouldn't mind being marked up this time.
after a long and very pleasurable few hours, you laid between them with a blissful look on your face as they gently ran their hands over your skin.
after a long silence, mike suggests that maybe its time to tell your friends about the three of you.
as much as it warms your heart, it also just starts making you giggle. after the noises the three of you were making, you were sure they already knew.
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sweetrinaxd · 7 months
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Butterfly effect
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fr3sh-tragedies · 10 months
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[Until Dawn] Samantha Giddings x Female Reader
Word Count: 2.04k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: An argument, but nothing really specific
[A/N]: This one's really short compared to the others, but it's because that's what my intention was. I didn't want to stress out over this one, so I gave myself a really low goal of 2k words. It was fun to write this. Hope you'll enjoy. Not sure who I'll write for next. At the moment, I only have six more characters I want to write for.
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 It was extremely hard for Sam to get angry at someone, let alone get into an actual argument. She tended to be the level-headed one in her friend group, never one to willingly indulge in drama. Very rarely did she raise her voice in a non-joking manner, so when she did, the people around her she was close to got very uncomfortable. Not necessarily because she was threatening, but because it was so unlike her. Fortunately, her girlfriend was the same way. The two of them hardly ever got into an argument that wasn’t playful.
So when one broke out one night, both of them grew uncomfortable. They got defensive, with Sam trying to steer the conversation in another direction, and [Y/N] trying to just agree to disagree. Neither one of them really remembered how the argument started, but they both knew it wasn’t going anywhere.
Another thing that was uncommon for the two women was for them to say something hateful toward anyone, even if they felt threatened. During the entirety of their relationship, which was running strong for over three years, no one in their shared friend group had ever witnessed them fight with each other. Out of all of them, she and [Y/N] were usually the ones who stayed calm and tried to compromise and keep the peace. And when anyone needed to talk something through with a trusted friend, she and [Y/N] were the go-tos.
Somewhere in the middle of the argument, one of them had slightly raised their voice, which in turn prompted the other to do the same. This continued until they were almost yelling at each other, something they had never done to one another. It was causing a great deal of stress on them both. They couldn’t seem to find a way to fix whatever had begun the whole ordeal.
As they grew louder, Sam shouted something of ill-intent toward [Y/N] in the heat of the moment, wanting to just be done with the argument. In response, [Y/N] threw back a similarly hateful retort, claiming she wished they had never started dating. She didn’t mean to say it–neither of them meant to say any of it–it all just spilled out before they could stop it.
Sam froze at her words, grimacing as she fought back the tears pricking her eyes. She sniffled and took a breath to prevent her voice from breaking.
“If that’s how you feel, then…”
She paused, trying to calm herself down and think things through. After a moment, she pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.
“I’ll give you some space. We both need to calm down before we even try to talk this through.”
[Y/N] huffed. Usually, she’d agree without hesitation. Because of her hurt feelings, however, she was hesitant to do so. Instead, she turned on her heel and stormed into the kitchen, then the pantry. There, she grabbed her car keys and left through the front door, passing Sam on her way out. She slammed the door behind her, and she instantly regretted doing so, but she couldn’t take it back. Not once in her relationship with Sam had an argument gotten this bad. The two of them had never said dating was a mistake, nor had they thrown nasty comments at each other out of frustration.
Sam didn’t know how to deal with the situation quite yet, and neither did [Y/N]. Silently, [Y/N] agreed with Sam about giving each other space before working things out.
She hopped into her car and switched the engine on, pulling out of the driveway and speeding down the road. Once she came to a red light, she popped a CD in and cranked the music up, wanting to drown out her hateful thoughts.
As she drove off to who knows where, Sam remained in the living room of their shared home. She plopped herself back down onto the sofa cushions and sighed, burying her face in her hands as she replayed the entire conversation over and over again in her mind. Each time she recalled the words she spoke, or rather hollered, she flinched, wanting nothing more than to take them back.
There was no excuse for what she said. She didn’t even really remember why things had gotten so aggressive.
As she sat there, counting the hours while she waited for [Y/N] to come home, her guilt began to grow even further. She promised herself she’d sit down and talk things out once they were together again.
Whenever that may be.
She should’ve stopped [Y/N] from leaving.
She should’ve asked her to sit down with her, or at least stay home.
She should’ve kept her cool and ended the argument before it began.
And all the while, as her guilt ate away at her conscience, [Y/N] was battling with her own mind nearly halfway across town.
How could she have said something so cruel? Sam didn’t deserve that at all. She had no right to be that crude towards her. She had been trying to change the subject, but [Y/N], for some reason she couldn’t figure out, refused to give in. Instead, she wanted to just “agree to disagree,” even though she knew that wouldn’t have ended very well. She and Sam were both very stubborn about their personal beliefs, meaning they’d struggle with that concept.
She knew that, and yet she continued to press on the matter.
She knew that, and yet she still blurted out that the relationship was a mistake.
She knew that, and yet she still stormed out of the house like a child.
With a heavy sigh of defeat, [Y/N] turned the car around and started her journey back to the house. One way or another, she’d find a way to work things out with Sam, even if it took all night.
By the time she made it back, it was well past midnight. Had she not known Sam well enough, she’d assume the blonde would be tucked away under the covers in their shared bed, sound asleep. However, she had known her all her life. She knew her thoughts, tendencies, insecurities, everything. And Sam was the same–they knew each other inside and out, which is what usually prevented these things from happening.
It was no surprise to [Y/N] when she unlocked the door and pushed it open to reveal Sam still sitting there on the couch. She glanced up from her spot on the cushions, a look of pure relief washing over her features. The blonde stood, stepping over to stand in front of [Y/N] once the door was shut and locked behind her. “Thank god you’re okay,” Sam whispered, lifting her hands to cup the smaller girl’s face and press their foreheads together. [Y/N] made no move to lean away from her touch, but rather leaned into her hands.
Her eyes shut softly when her head made contact with Sam’s, a small sigh of solace slipping past her lips. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m sorry I worried you.” The blonde smiled and hummed, letting her hands slide down [Y/N]’s arms to gently take hold of her hands. “You don’t have to apologize. You’re okay, and that’s all that matters.”
They stayed there for a moment, standing together under the dim light above the entryway to the den. Finally, Sam led her over to the couch and sat her down, joining her immediately after.
“I’m just gonna get right to the point. I’m really sorry I said what I did. I had no right to talk about you like that. I’m sorry, I really am,” Sam started, squeezing her hands in her own.
“I forgive you. And I’m sorry too,” [Y/N] replied just as quietly. “The fact I said our relationship was a mistake was disgusting. I didn’t mean a word of what I said, I swear. I just…I was hurt, and panicking, and I just wanted to say something to defend myself in the moment. I shouldn’t have said that though.”
Sam grinned, her thumb caressing the back of [Y/N]’s hand soothingly before bringing it up to press a kiss to her knuckles. “I forgive you,” she mumbled against her skin. “Could we both promise not to do that again though? I think that’s the most stress I’ve ever felt in our entire relationship.” [Y/N] chuckled at her words, bringing another genuine smile to her lips. “Yeah, I’d love to make that promise. Nearly cried my whole way home because I felt so bad about what happened.”
With a featherlike touch, Sam pulled [Y/N] into a hug, tucking her face against the crook of her neck and relaxing at the familiar scent of the girl’s shampoo and perfume. Her eyes fluttered shut, a silent sigh slipping through her lips, still perked up in a smile.
“I love you so much,” she whispered.
“I love you too,” came [Y/N]’s reply.
A moment passed, one far more comfortable than the situation from a few hours prior, and the two held onto each other as they swayed side to side. Finally, much to her embarrassment, a low rumble sounded from [Y/N]’s stomach, drawing both of their attention away. Sam leaned back and laughed gently. “Should we order something?” She questioned, already reaching for her phone laying face down on the coffee table.
[Y/N] nodded, laughing along with her. “Yeah. I was too worried during the entire drive to worry about eating, so…I guess it’s better late than never, right?” Sam smirked and nodded. “Yeah, that’s true. I’m in the same boat anyway. What sounds good? Not sure what’s open, but I’m sure we can find something good.”
[Y/N] beamed up at her, already feeling the previously thick tension dissolving at a rapid pace.
Sam picked up her phone after [Y/N] mentioned a few possible choices, clicking onto Google and scrolling through the open restaurants to find something that would satisfy both of their appetites. Eventually, they settled on something fairly cheap nearby, ordering said meal and setting everything up while they waited.
While [Y/N] stayed downstairs to pick something to watch on the TV, as well as gathering nearby blankets, Sam headed upstairs to their spare closet and picked out a few of the fluffiest pillows and blankets she could find. She trailed back downstairs, and the two of them bundled up together underneath their small fort of comfort. They were able to watch a decent amount of what [Y/N] had chosen to play on the screen before their order arrived.
Reluctantly, Sam left the comfort of all of the plush covers and pillows, already missing the warmth of [Y/N] by the time she made it to the door to pay the driver and take the order. Once everything was settled with the deliverer, Sam sauntered back over to the couch. She handed [Y/N] her order, including her drink, then managed to wriggle her way back into her previous spot before diving into her own dish.
As the two downed their food and rinsed it down with their drinks, they leaned further and further against each other. By the time they finished their meal and put the plastic containers and cutlery aside, [Y/N] was resting on top of Sam, both of them still buried underneath layers of their collection of blankets. Her head ended up planting itself atop the blonde’s chest, allowing her to listen to her heartbeat with ease.
Soft, delicate fingers raked their way through [Y/N]’s locks before a small kiss was pressed to her head. She glanced up curiously, only to find Sam beaming back down at her with a look of pure admiration. Her smile was returned just as warmly.
A moment or so passed before [Y/N] turned her head back to face the screen again. Her eyes began to flutter shut as Sam continued to stroke her hair. She fought to keep herself awake, but finally gave in when Sam mumbled a soft, “I love you,” and pressed another kiss to her head, lulling her deeper into slumber with ease.
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zqmbiescorpse · 1 year
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note: everything i write is wlw, mostly video game characters and yellowjackets, all works are posted to ao3! i'm constantly getting ideas, but when i actually write these things is a whole different matter...
kaitlyn ka x female reader, the quarry, no werewolves, 2.8k words, oneshot
johanna mason x female reader, the hunger games, longer series, slowburn, ongoing, 7.5k total words so far
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4,
rachel king x female reader, house of ashes, work in progress :(
samantha giddings x female reader, until dawn, work in progress :(
laura kearney x female reader, the quarry, work in progress :(
lottie matthews x female reader, yellowjackets, oneshot, best friends to lovers, lottie gets possessed, 5.6k words
lottie matthews x female reader, yellowjackets, work in progress :(
lottie matthews x female reader, yellowjackets, work in progress :(
lottie matthews x female reader, yellowjackets, oneshot, s2 ep7 spoilers, looking after lottie, 1.3k words
older lottie matthews x female reader, yellowjackets, based on a submission, work in progress :(
lottie matthews x female reader, yellowjackets, work in progress :(
requests are open <3 (i think?)
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anrimii · 8 months
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More and more Until Dawn!!! Some sketchbook doodles I may clean up digitally 🤔
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mountainashes · 8 months
I actually cannot believe that I just saw someone on TikTok blaming SAM for the prank on Hannah. Literally saying she 'did nothing to stop it'. Like. How stupid can one be.
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anxident · 7 months
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I finally drew all the until dawn characters as Next contestants!
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kenaigamesgallantly · 4 months
Until Dawn But We Do Nothing funny moments!
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