#sam's tag list
socksandbuttons · 1 year
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Things i originally drew for Let Lunar Say Fuck wiht my Lunar AU's but forgot about em. We got my Sun!Lunar babysitting Baby Lunar, universally he's still capable. Nice Eclipse/Solar is also still weirdly against swearing. Baby... Can hear ALL. Then we got Lord Lunar from that one canon dimension with Servant Eclipse. They're more brotherly than you think.
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the-simple-creature · 7 months
MD characters ranked by babysitting skills
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You can pry my babysitter Doll headcanon out of my
cold dead hands.
also don't ask why I put that random human woman in the second to top tier, she just reminded me of my cousin and that made me happy. :D
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zepskies · 4 months
PSA on Tumblr Tags: Tag Lists & # Tags
Just wanted to spread this news for people who don't know the new Tumblr updates that have to do with tagging on posts, both for user tag lists and for descriptive hashtags to help people find your post. I've had to learn them the hard way. 😅
User Tagging:
This first part is for people who have tag lists. Tumblr has recently changed the rules on tagging other blogs/users on a post.
You can still tag up to 50 blogs per post, but they must be spread out into groups of 5. Otherwise, the blog won't be highlighted/tagged and the person will not be notified.
Example (and more) below the cut: ⤵️
✅ Example:
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And this is what it will probably look like if you don't spread them out into groups of 5:
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Notice that only the first 5 blogs in each section are actually tagged.
Also something important to note: copy/pasting a tag list alone often isn't enough. After I copy over a tag list from another post, I always have to click on each blog name individually to select the blog and make sure it's tagged properly, so people get notified.
Trust me, I get why some writers have decided to ditch tag lists altogether. They can be tricky. 😂
Hashtags on Posts:
As most of you guys know, hashtags help people find your post. The limit of how many tags you can use has bumped up to 30 tags.
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Now, this doesn't mean you have to use all 30 slots. But using the most popular tags will increase the likelihood that people will find your post.
By no means am I an expert on this, but I've been reading a lot of stories that should have SO many more reblogs, comments, etc. If some of them were using a few more key tags, they'd likely be getting much more traffic and notes on them.
Want to find out which hashtags are the most popular, relevant to your post?
Well, you can actually search them in the Your Tags tab, Tags You Follow, and go to Manage:
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For Dean Winchester fanfiction, for example, here are the tags I use most often:
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Ignore the first and last tags, which are just for me to organize the post for my blog. But I would say the most important tags here are the first few:
[character's full name]
[character's full name] x reader or [character's full name] x oc
fandom name
These three are absolutely key for any romance pairing fanfiction post, in my opinion.
Aside from being the most relevant for a pairing fanfic, these are often the most popular tags overall, as they are the tags with a high follower count. The rest can also be important supplemental hashtags relevant to the post.
You can also just start typing into this bar in your post draft and see what "popular tag" recommendations Tumblr gives you:
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And that's it! For anyone who finds this PSA helpful, I salute you! 🫡 And I wish you all luck on future tagging endeavors. 💜
I'm also including some of my fellow writers just in case they have something to add to this — or if they don't know this info, though I'm sure they probably do already:
@luci-in-trenchcoats @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @rizlowwritessortof @artyandink @waynes-multiverse
@jacklesbrainworms @deanwritings @deanwinchesterswitch @deanbrainrotwritings @waywardxwords
@angelbabyyy99 @jackles010378 @cevansbaby-dove @kaleldobrev @kayleighwinchester
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0ann3 · 12 days
One of the first thing that came to mind when I realized that these two have the same voice actor LMAO
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Meanwhile, the aniki and waka-sama mentioned-
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wenellyb · 2 years
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The Hottest Men of the MCU
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toxicroyjamie · 4 months
I'm a follower so. Spin the wheel for a Ted Lasso character and tell me whether you'd fuck, marry, or kill them
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actually-a-fish · 6 months
the best supernatural episodes
according to an autistic person with a special interest and the ability to make a list.
if youre really serious about supernatural spoilers then maybe stay away :)
None of the season one episodes made in on the list but I will give an honorable mention to S1 E2 Wendigo.
S2 E11 Playthings - A classic, creepy girls in a creepy hotel. Special call out to Sam getting SLOPPY
S2 E16 Roadkill - There's a ghost haunting the highway. the Boys help the spirit move on. This is an early example of monster empathy
S2 E18 Hollywood Babylon - Dean loves hollywood. I love dean. this episode makes me kick my feet like a little girl and i will not defend myself.
S2 EP 20 What Was Shall Never Be - all I have in my notes for this one is "Dean Djinn Dream" which was enough for me to remember the episode and get misty eyes. This is SEASON 2 my son will never know peace.
S3 E5 Bedtime Stories -I had to check the wiki on this one, I think i liked it cause it referenced classic fairytales
S3 E13 Ghostfacers! - Im a Facer through and through
S3 E16 No Rest for the Wicked - S3 finale and the Boys are facing consequences! Classic Dean, Sam and Bobby episode.
S4 E1 Lazerus Rising - First Cas Episode. That handprint makes me feel things.
S4 E6 Yellow Fever - What if Dean had anxiety (The Eye of the Tiger blooper is also at the end of the episode which gives it bonus points.
S4 E17 Wishful Thinking - Make a wish? was it for your teddy bear to be diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder? Well thats what youre getting!
S4 E17 It's a Terrible Life - Sam ~ the sales rep. Dean ~ middle management.
S4 E18 The Monster at the End of the Book - There are books about Sam and Dean?! Written by this guy who loves self insert character? Surely the entire show isn't about to take a tone shift?
S5 E3 Free to be You and Me - Sam and Dean are fighting again, but this time Dean has a new heavenly boy toy to play with instead. (Cas has no rizz yet it's actually a little painful to watch)
S5 E5 Fallen Idol - Okay the Wax People episode is on here for one reason and one reason only. Paris Hilton.
S5 E7 The Curious Case of Dean Winchester - Old man Dean and old man Bobby. This is also the episode for HH Husk kinnies.
S5 E8 Changing Channels - Dr Sexy MD is that you?!
S5 E9 The Real Ghostbuster - *in a grizzly voice* "I'm Dean Winchester, this is my brother Sam. Have you experienced anything strange?" "Dude that was so good! Now we can go solve the puzzle" "Man you're breaking the immersion!"
S5 E10 Abandon All Hope - This is here for Crowley's first appearance and not because the end will make you cry.
S5 E12 Swap Meat - "uh... its Audi Nos". Freaky Friday starring Sam Winchester! An angsty teen and April Kepner from Grey/Sloan Memorial Hospital.
S5 E16 Dark Side of the Moon - The Boys lives flash before their eyes. Dean is pissed forever about Sams.
S5 E19 Hammer of the Gods - this is for all my pagans out there!
S6 E4 A Weekend at Bobby's - What do you think this episodes about idjit.
S6 E15 The French Mistake -  “For whatever reason, our life is a TV show.” “Why?” “I don't know.” “No, seriously. Why? Why would anybody want to watch our lives?” 
S7 E4 Defending your Life - consequences? for fucking people over? how about you stand trial.
S7 E20 The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo - The self insert character made for us :) Luv u 4ever Charlie XD
S8 E4 Bitten - found footage will always scare. this one reminds me that this show started as a psuedo horror.
S8 E8 hunteri heroci - Cas tries his hand at being a hunter
S8 E17 Goodbye Stranger - verbatim here are my notes for this episode "Cas chooses Dean, but the way he handles Meg... Fuck Naomi"
S8 E18 Clip Show - If you only want to watch just one episode of Supernatural this should be it. It's not actually a clip show, theres a broment, bonding time with favorite characters and crazy plots that only supernatural could get away with.
S9 E5 Dog Dean Afternoon - Dean is finally a dog person
S9 E11 First Born - Another bro fight leads to shipping <3 SamxCas + DeanxCrowley <3
S9 E15 #thinman - the slender episode feat. GHOSTFACERS. You come away from this episode thinking "supernatural is so fucking gay why wont the boys kiss"
S9 E21 King of the Damned - my favorite crowley era change my mind. Also the way the Boys interrogate an angel is so funny
S10 E5 Fan Fiction - I would unironically fuck w a supernatural musical and if helluva/hazbin taught me anything the rest of you would too
S10 E6 Ask Jeeves - The Clue episode. (Pay attention to the improvised weapons Dean chooses. It brings me joy)
S10 E9 The Things we Left Behind - Cas is suffering a midlife crisis and his besties are there to help him repair his relationship with his daughter. Funnily enough, Crowley is also getting some family bonding in.
Okay, I'm all caught up on my list. Should I have stayed up late transcribing this with an 8am class tommarow?
Probably not but it did bring me great joy. Tell me your favorite episode! I'll continue to add to my list as I continue my rewatch :)
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 3 months
so i got a summer sons fic (andrew x sam, very explicit) that is finished and will be posted in the near future and idk how many of you would be interested, so interact with this post if you wanna be tagged when i post the fic <3
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lanichols · 8 months
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Updating Tag List 08/27/2024
I have a current tag List for ALL MY FICS. I will not add your tag to specific FICS, I apologize but I don't have time to create separate tag lists. That being said, I want to update the tag List before I start posting the multiple chapters of series I have finished.
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SOOOOOOO that being said, I will include the tag List below. If you want to stay on it, be removed or be ADDED to it. Please send a message to my inbox.
Thank you!!!
Current Tag List: (if I have to tag 5 at a time, additional tags will be listed in the comments on this! Thanks!)
@notebooks-of-nonsense @fdl305 @bval-1 @calimoi @syntheticavenger @mrsjenniferwinchester @chaneajoyyy @mommad @ellen-reincarnated1967 @adriellej @coffeebooksandfandom @patzammit @posiemax @auriel187 @ladybug05 @stoneyggirl2 @fallenoutofrose @mrspeacem1nusone @teamfreewill-imagine @inlovewith3 @auvisanspeur @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @leaveitbythewave @sleutherclaw @sandlee44 @aaqua-tofana @nohumanswereharmed @msgrandma49 @traceyaudette @cevansbaby-dove @inarabee
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emo-protagonist · 3 months
tags update on supernatural not being a real show: DEAN KILLED HITELR???? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHOW??????
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socksandbuttons · 8 months
Ok, so, I know its been a minute since this was brought up in an episode (or i really am just bad with remembering time frames), but remember when Moon said something along the lines of If Ruin is evil, that means Solar is the only Eclipse worth keeping alive?
Well, I was just looking back at some of your old art and remembered SWAP ECLIPSE. You know, Eclipse that takes the place of Moon???
Is THAT one not worth keeping alive? I understand old Moon sucked and that 'Old Eclipse' would suck too, but wouldn't this mean that Eclipse would also get reset if they are literally living through the same thing as our dimension Moon?
Or did Moon just forget about that one???
(Not really relevant to the rant but I also wanted to say I love your art-)
I mean in Moon's perspective. Solar IS worth it cause like he's known him longer and all. Even Old Moon sent Lunar to Solars dimension because like thats a NIce Eclipse he chillin. But like... YEAH HE MIGHT'VE FORGOTTEN THAT UNIVERSE TBH but also maybe he meant like... whats CURRENTLY in his universe too. Since Ruin IS an eclipse technically.
So- i did go thru that episode recently to see somethings. But yeah Swap Eclipse is RESET too. However since I was working on this au with the assumption he wasn't- We'll see if I go with that or not.
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ectonurites · 1 year
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@bylerween2023 DAY 2: SLASHERS, GORE & BODY HORROR
I'm an Evil Dead trilogy lover always, so a sort of... mash up. the intent is less 'this ST character as that specific Evil Dead character' overall and far more just 'put these guys in that situation': college students on a spring break trip to an old abandoned cabin in the woods gone so very wrong due to demons and deadites. a chainsaw is involved.
[I also wanna shout out this post from Robin @pinkeoni tht has stayed in my brain ever since i first saw it & is the reason Will's in the Ash 'they got control of his hand' situation here 👍]
And as anyone familiar with Evil Dead 2 may know, Ash cuts off his own hand when this happens in the movie, but… I just love the idea of the angst that would come from Will begging Mike to do it… being desperately asked to mutilate the person you’ve always tried to protect… needing the person you love to hurt you in such a drastic way just so you have a chance to carry on…
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kaulitz420 · 1 year
pls send requests i literally have nothing to write😭🙏
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Some things I will write for:
- Bill Kaulitz
- Tom Kaulitz
- Gustav Shäfer
- Georg Listing
- Colby Brock
- Sam Golbach
- Jake Webber
- Johnnie Guilbert
- Eddie Munson
- Steve Harrington
- Billy Hargrove
- Ghost
- Price
- König
- Soap
- Alejandro
- Honestly the whole 141 plus König💕😭
- Leon Kennedy
- Chris Redfeild
- Ethan Winters
- Carlos Oliveira
- Billy Loomis
- Stu Macher
- Ethan Landry
- Jennifer Check
- Brahms Heelshire
Things I will NOT write for:
- ANGST WITHOUT A BITTERSWEET/FLUFF ENDING(it makes me feel bad i’m sorry😔)
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- Honestly, that’s basically it for now. I will update this constantly, so do not worry. I know I don’t have a lot of stuff on here now but I am always scared to watch new things so I will try to get into new movies and games so I can write better things for you guys.💕🥰
Much Love💕
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zyanova · 11 months
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Can't believe Earthspark came out a year ago huh
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all-4-wincest · 18 days
New Tag List
Since I’ve been hit with a wave inspiration and I’m writing again, I wanted to make a new tag list. I know a lot of people don’t tag anymore and a lot of people don’t want to be tagged. But I like tagging people but only those that are willing to let me do it. If you want me to put your name on the list, just DM me or like and re-blog this post and I’ll put you on the list.
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