#sam is basically a relationship counselor
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moonlightdistractions · 2 years ago
a fake/pretend Sam/Dean relationship fic rec list for @augustonly - went through my bookmarks and chose 5 + a bonus, enjoy!
ordeals verse by autoschediastic & ponderosa121 - 4 parts - ranges from hilarious to serious, with a pining!Sam. author's tags include mpreg, curses
insomnia by @laughablelament "Five times when there was only one bed, and once when there wasn’t."
the secrets you keep by @amypond45 "Sam and Dean pose as a married couple to investigate the deaths of three couples who all went to the same marriage counselor. Business as usual, nothing to see here, all the lies and denial and Dean being kind of an ass sometimes. Nothing out of the ordinary."
salt water cure by smalltroven "Set after episode 10.5 “Fan Fiction��- Sam and Dean have to be pretend boyfriends for a case which leads to many changes neither of them ever expected"
windfall for the non-believer by glovered "After Sam's first Hell flashback, he and Dean work a job that means posing as a couple in a planned community."
bonus: intertextuality by doctor_idiot - I bookmarked this with my rereads+ basically stated 'this is hot', 'still hot', 'still fucking hot'
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parvuls · 2 years ago
obligatory 6am episode thoughts (and MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF TED LASSO SPOILERS)
so far it's ep2 > ep1 > ep3 imo. this episode was basically the start of various plotlines but didn't have any big moments for any of them, so it's a little 🤷
ngl, hated zava with a passion and all of his scenes were cringe and boring to me. we already went over the dick star player arc in season 1 with jamie, and zava purposely has less redeeming moments (because he doesn't have a three-season story ahead of him). this plot could only be interesting if it leads to a break in format or character development: ted yelling and giving up on a player / rebecca firing him despite the wins because she cares about the team / west ham drama.
I was SO FOND of colin and michael in this episode!!! they were sweet but not over the top and those moments were literally so far removed from the rest of colin's scenes in the ep, which just stresses how long colin has been hiding this. really liked michael coming to sam's restaurant and their collaborative cover story, because I'm pretty tired of gay relationship drama being one dude angry that the other one is "ashamed" of him. framing the media as their enemy and not each other is a good start.
speaking of which: trent. big sigh. could SO see that plot coming from all of the interviews mentioning trent as both a good and bad presence in richmond. idk if he'd actually out colin, because it'd be hard to come back from that in the eyes of the audience, but there's definitely drama coming and SOMEONE is going to either out colin or threaten him with it, leading to him coming out himself. could be rupert, and that'd be the start of nate realizing he's gone too far. either way that's one plotline I'm hella excited for.
that being said, if michael ends up outing then, I'm 🤡
I simply do not know what to make of tish's predictions. rebecca being upside down and drenched is foreshadowing the amsterdam episode, and whoever saves her (probably ted) would be the knight/shite. but being a mother? obviously not biologically, since hannah explicitly said it's no longer an option. so... tedbecca future???? I'm not even a shipper, I honestly can't see who else she could adopt. rupert's daughter somehow? idefk
jamie was my fave this episode, followed closely by roy. thank god for that bromance, and all of jamie's sudden vocabulary moments were laughing out loud funny. praying for a shot of him reading a dictionary and explaining his sudden word knowledge 😂 am Not Amused at the scene by the bar where keeley looks at them both, but we shall see. I'm actually kinda here for a jamie/shandy thing? their vibes sort of fit lmao. also YES to sam and his chef falling in love. let the man have some happiness and normalcy!
the ted/sassy ongoing hints confuse me, and their purpose escapes me even three seasons later. remind us ted can fuck? I don't feel like it's an endgame thing.
I'm not touching the jake thing with a ten feet pole, jfc. jake seems like a nice guy in theory, but going out with your patient/marriage counselor + not telling your co-parent that you're bringing a new man into your kid's life? no. michelle is on thin ice with me.
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pastel-player · 2 years ago
Round 1 Results Part 2
We continue :3
MATCH 9: Racheal Fox is Eliminated!
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(Art by @dragonairice)
Racheal is older sister of another of my OCs- often having to be the most down to Earth of her family. She’s studying astronomy in college and loves to learn about the universe at large. She’s a huge nerd, but she’s quite mature and very protective- she needs to be, considering who her brother is.
MATCH 10: Howdy Dowdy Donna is Eliminated!
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(art by @samthecookielord​)
Donna she has 7 guns. Howdy Dowdy Donna is my West of Loathing protagonist! She’s a beanslinger who is filled to the brim with love! She cares a ton about the people around her and always tries for a peaceful solution! She also has Alice as her pardner, who’s she’s stayed very close with. She also didn’t disappear because I said so. Well she sorta did but it was for like. A month.
MATCH 11: Callie Carter is Eliminated!
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(Art by Dragonair again :D)
Callie Carter is a fairly normal teenage girl- with the exception that she has an odd relationship with time itself. She lives every day twice- think groundhog day, but it’s like. A second try for every day. Because of this, her reactions are pretty reserved- which in turn with her rather monotone voice, leaves people viewing her as somewhat emotionless. Despite this, she puts a lot of effort into making the most of her gift and using it to help those around her.
MATCH 12: Kitsune is Eliminated!
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(Sam again)
Kitsune is an OC for the cartoon Unikitty! They’ve spent most of their life caught between two worlds of opposite extremes. One far too bleak and depressing for them to find comfort in, and the other too loud and chaotic for them to feel at home. They live on the outskirts of both, studying magic and trying to find balance.
MATCH 13: Penny Nicholson is Eliminated!
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(picrew: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1414503)
Penny Nicholson is my Shadow Taint save for Shadows Over Loathing! Poor girl has been haunted by strange dreams of unknowable forces since she was little, and it’s only through the events of the game that she starts getting answers. She sorta ends up losing herself to it, but she doesn’t turn full-on evil. She basically just becomes a friendly, albeit slightly unhinged fish woman.
MATCH 14: Night Catcher is Eliminated!
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Same picrew lol
Uhh yeah I don’t actually have a picture of her in her normal form but that’s okay lol. Night Catcher is a DuckTales 2017 OC that was made for a fanfic concept. She’s a pure evil villain and also a literal nightmare demon. Evil devious woman, she has not made eye contact with a sympathetic motivation, go off girl.
MATCH 15: Rhythm is Eliminated!
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(It’s Sam. Again.)
Rhythm is an Animation Vs. OC! They’re from a fairly flashy Rhythm game, primarily centering around EDM and other electronic music! They often find it easier to express themself through their music, rather than talking. Since discovering the rest of the internet, they’ve started exploring different kinds of music and forming new bonds!
MATCH 16: Santa Hat is Eliminated!
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(You’ll never guess)
Santa Hat is the father of Nightcap! He’s a child psychologist who works as the student counselor for a school. He loves tinkering to make all sorts of things- primarily stim toys. He also collects model trains. He’s a very warm and welcoming presence, who’s always looking at the emotions of things.
Aaaaand that’s it for Round 1! Cannot wait to see what goes down in the next round :D
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expectingtofly · 4 years ago
dean/cas fic
also posted on ao3
“Dean? Dean! Can you hear me?”
Dean slowly came to, his head pounding. Disoriented, he opened his eyes and saw only blurry shapes, blinked and realized Castiel and Sam were crowded above him.
“What—?” he tried to ask.
“Thank goodness,” Castiel breathed. He was clutching at Dean's face, his palms warm, and Dean felt his face redden at the attention. "You were out for so long—" Seeming to come to himself, he pulled his hands away from Dean's face.
Dean looked around, trying to get his bearings. Trees... nighttime... they had found a vampire nest, way more vampires than they had expected...
“Is it over, did we kill them?” Dean tried to sit up.
“Woah, take it easy, Dean.” Sam put a hand on his shoulder. “They’re all dead.”
“What happened?” Dean asked, letting his head drop back on the ground.
“You’re an idiot, is what happened,” Castiel answered. “You went after three vampires at once, we told you to wait for us—”
“Alright, alright,” Dean protested, trying to wave Castiel off. His hand felt too heavy and he let it drop at his side. It was coming back to him. Not the smartest choice he’d ever made, but it had turned out well enough—he was alive wasn’t he? He saw the worry in Sam and Castiel’s eyes and decided to keep that thought to himself.
“Dean, you can’t keep doing this,” Castiel said and, shit, how long had he been out? Were those tears in Castiel’s eyes? “You could’ve been killed.”
“I know.” He realized Castiel was clinging to his hand. “I’m sorry,” he added for appearances’ sake and squeezed Castiel’s hand. “I’m alright, though. I’ll live.”
Castiel’s eyes softened and Dean’s skin warmed at the look in his eyes. To be honest, Castiel gazing at him always set his heart pounding, but there was something else in Castiel’s eyes now. A mixture of deep relief and something else—Dean hoped it wasn’t angelic fury directed at him for once again nearly getting himself killed. But before he could move, or speak to defend himself, Castiel leaned down and kissed him on the lips.
Dean froze, instantly too aware of everything—the cold, hard packed ground under him, Sam’s presence next to him, his hand still wrapped in Castiel’s.
Castiel pulled back. The soft look in his eyes was gone, replaced with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…” He trailed off, his eyes searching Dean’s face.
Dean could only stare up at him. He finally kissed me. He kissed me? What the hell?
Castiel pulled his hand from Dean’s, and Dean blinked, startled out of his dazed thoughts. His heart sank when Castiel dropped his eyes to the ground.
Sam cleared his throat. “Um, alright,” he said. “Come on, Cas, help me get him up. He’s still out of it.”
“I’m fine,” Dean said, pulling his eyes from Castiel and forcing himself to speak. “I can get up on my own.” Sam wouldn't hear any of it, already grabbing his arm to help him to his feet. The forest tipped wildly when he was upright, and Sam wrapped an arm around his waist to support him. They walked back to the main road slowly, Castiel following behind. He reached out once to touch Dean's arm, then dropped his hand. Dean couldn’t look at him.
“Backseat,” Sam said when they reached the Impala and Dean didn’t try to argue. He lay on the backseat and stared at Baby’s roof, trying to piece together what the hell had just happened. Was he still unconscious? Was he dreaming? But it had felt too real. He shut his eyes against the slow rocking of the car as Sam pulled onto the road.
“I’m sorry, Sam,” he heard Castiel say quietly in the front seat. “I shouldn’t have done it.”
“Don’t worry, Cas. It’s fine. He’ll come to his senses in a bit.”
“He’s angry with me."
I’m not, Dean thought.
“No, he’s not,” Sam answered, as if he’d heard Dean’s thoughts. “He’s just… confused.”
Confused? Dean thought harshly. Alright, maybe confused. Confused because he’d never dared to hope that Castiel liked him like that. Confused as to why he hadn’t been able to kiss him back.
When they reached the bunker, Dean insisted he could walk on his own, but Sam hovered nearby him anyway all the way to his room.
“I got it,” he said, pushing open Dean’s bedroom door before Dean could. Dean gave him a dirty look, but truth was, his brain felt like it was rattling around in his skull.
He sunk onto his bed and nodded at Sam. “I’m good.”
“Okay, um, get some rest.” Sam hesitated in the doorway and Dean stared at the floor. “Listen, about Cas—”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He raised his head to look at Sam, daring him to say more.
Sam seemed to fight for words, but he only said, “Fine. But you’re gonna have to talk to him about it.”
He shut the door and Dean swore inwardly. Like hell he would.
Too tired to even kick off his boots, he lay back on the covers and stared at the ceiling. It was too much to think about.
He woke to his bedroom door creaking open. Opening his eyes, he looked up to see Castiel peeking inside.
“I’m sorry.” Castiel stepped into the room. “Did I wake you?”
“No. Yeah. It’s fine.” Dean sat up slowly. Any dizziness had been replaced with a harsh pounding in his temple.
“How are you feeling?”
“I’ve been better.”
“I can help—” Castiel reached out two fingers and Dean shook his head, a movement he quickly regretted.
“Save your grace,” he managed. “I’m good.”
Castiel dropped his hand. Dean pressed the base of his palms to his eyes, trying to ignore the way his heart was racing now that Castiel was in his room. Man up, he told himself and looked at Castiel. He hadn’t turned off the light before falling asleep and it seemed too harsh now, making him squint. Castiel snapped his fingers and the room went dark.
“Thanks,” Dean said, the darkness easing the pounding behind his eyes.
Castiel nodded. It was easier to look at him now in the soft yellow light from the hallway, his face shaded in shadows. There was still blood on his trench coat. He was fiddling with his sleeves, a nervous, unfamiliar action. “Dean, I—”
“Did Sam call the police chief?” Dean interrupted. “Tell him about the bodies we found at the vamp nest?”
“Yes, he did.”
“That has to be one of the biggest nests I’ve seen in years.” He was rambling, hoping to stave off whatever apology or explanation Castiel was preparing to give.
“You should’ve been more careful,” Castiel admonished. Dean sighed in relief. This, he could handle. Bickering. “My grace isn’t as strong as it once was, I can’t even heal you fully now—”
“You don’t have to worry about me, Cas. I’m not your responsibility.”
The words sounded too harsh even as he spoke them. Castiel looked at the floor and Dean started to hate himself for always saying and doing the wrong things.
But when Castiel spoke, his voice was soft. “You once were, when I rescued you from hell.”
“That was a long time ago.”
“I still… care about you.”
Dean froze. Castiel took a step closer to him and his skin thrummed at the memory of the sensation of Castiel’s lips on his.
He crossed his arms. “Yeah, I know. We’re family, we have to care about each other.” He forced a laugh. “Bet you wish you’d never gotten involved with the Winchesters.”
“That’s not true,” Castiel replied. He opened his mouth to say more and Dean said,
“I’m tired, Cas.” He looked up at him and hoped Castiel understood. I don’t know what this means, I don’t know what to do.
Castiel’s shoulders slumped, but he only nodded and turned to leave. At the doorway he paused, and Dean’s heart sped up, then Castiel left and shut the door behind him.
For the second time that day, Dean stared at the ceiling and felt miserable.
He could walk into a vampire nest and never flinch, but let one angel kiss him and he went into shock. He wasn’t angry that Castiel kissed him—in reality, he’d imagined it plenty. Came so close as to wish it would happen. But he never thought he’d be so lucky. Didn’t dare believe Castiel felt the same way towards him—even if Sam always was telling him to get his head out of his ass and look at the signs.
How long have you felt this way? he wanted to ask Castiel. Did it happen when you walked into that barn, the first time I saw your face? He knew that’s when it had happened for him—he’d stared into two gorgeous, blue eyes and had known he was irrevocably screwed.
Why hadn’t he ever taken the plunge and admitted his true feelings to Castiel? Maybe because he was more of a coward than he wanted to admit. Maybe because he was scared Castiel would reject him. Maybe because he was scared Castiel wouldn’t reject him. Because if for once he got to be happy, then what? He knew well enough what it meant to love someone in the life he led. How every evil force in the world tried to use the people he loved against him.
Sam was the one person that Dean would throw the world away for—and it was only right, Sam was his younger brother, Dean had to take care of him. But he couldn’t afford to love someone else that much. So many times he had lost Castiel, and he’d never known how to bear it. If he couldn’t do it when he called Castiel a friend, how could he ever bear to lose him if they had something more?
By the next day he was back in fighting shape, or at least that’s what he told Sam to convince him he could drive. Castiel was gone; Sam said he had angel business to attend to. Dean thought that was for the better. He spent several hours driving Baby aimlessly, focusing on the lines of the road and not at all the memory of Castiel kissing him, or the disappointment in his eyes when Dean didn’t kiss him back.
It wasn’t a great distraction, but it was better than staying in the bunker where Sam eyed him constantly and Dean grew tense, afraid Castiel would return without warning.
“Alright, this has gone on long enough,” Sam said a week later when Dean stood up from the map table, announcing he was going for yet another drive.
Dean paused, half out of his seat. “What?”
Sam gestured to him. “You, moping around.”
“I’m not moping,” Dean protested.
“I thought you liked Cas. Like, really liked him.”
Of course Sam would get straight to the point. Dean sat back down and shrugged.
“Cut the bullshit, Dean. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know!” Dean threw up his hands. “Ask Cas. He’s the one who started this whole fucking mess.”
“You know, I really thought that you two were finally gonna put a stop to all the pining and staring and longing—”
“Okay, shut up,” Dean said. “It isn’t like that.”
“Then what the hell happened?”
“I don’t know!” Sam watched him and Dean huffed. “I don’t know. I, I panicked.”
“You hurt his feelings. You wouldn’t even talk to him after.”
“It’s better this way. Less feelings involved, less chances of people getting hurt.”
“You really think it works that way?” Sam leaned forward. “Dean, whether you own up to it and tell Cas or not, you’re still in love with him.”
Love? Dean started to protest again, but Sam cut him off. “Stop torturing yourself, Dean. You finally have something good coming your way and you won’t take it. This life we live… you never know what’s gonna happen. When our luck’s gonna run out. You gotta take any chance you get, right?”
It seemed Castiel felt that way. He’d taken a big chance. And yeah, Dean felt miserable for crushing his dreams. For crushing his own dreams. But it had to be done.
“That’s the point,” Dean said. Pushing back his chair, he stood. “I might die tomorrow, Cas might die tomorrow. Better for us both if we don’t get too attached.” He walked away before Sam could try and argue with him further.
Two more weeks passed before he saw Castiel again. Despite everything, he couldn’t deny the relief he felt at the familiar whoosh of wings when Castiel appeared in the bunker’s garage, startling him and Sam as they prepared to go after a werewolf pack. It seemed like years since he saw him last.
Castiel wavered a little and put a hand on the Impala to steady himself. “You alright?” Sam asked.
Castiel nodded. “I’m afraid flying takes a lot out of me.” He glanced at Dean, and Dean quickly looked away. He listened to Castiel update Sam on the angels, though the blood pounding in his ears made it hard to hear. He hadn’t realized it’d be so hard to see Castiel again. Everything in him told him to fix things between them. But how? If he was lucky, with enough time, they could go back to how things used to be. Not that things had ever been simple between them.
Sam explained to Castiel where they were going and Dean tuned back into their conversation.
“I’ll come with you,” Castiel offered, still not looking at Dean.
“Then what are we waiting for?” Dean slammed the trunk shut. “Let’s go.”
For once, Dean was happy to see a pack of werewolves because it meant he could focus on the fight and not Castiel’s presence by his side. He lost himself in felling the werewolves and only when the last one crashed to the ground did he register sounds of struggle behind him. Whipping around, he saw Castiel across the room fighting off two werewolves. At any other time, it would’ve been no contest, but Castiel seemed dazed and weakened. He fell to the ground and one werewolf leapt at him.
“Cas!” Dean yelled and started running. The other werewolf turned and snarled at him. Dean shot her in the head, bringing her to the ground. Grabbing the werewolf crouched over Castiel, he threw him aside and shot him in the heart.
“Fuck, Cas,” he swore, turning back to him. “You stupid—” His words caught in his throat.
Castiel lay sprawled on the ground, his eyes shut and his waist covered in blood. "No, no, no." Dean dropped down next to him. Castiel’s head lolled to the side and Dean grabbed his face. “No, come on, Cas, wake up, please!”
“What happened?” Sam yelled, running over and skidding to a stop.
“One of them got him, he couldn’t fight them off.” Dean pushed Castiel’s trench coat aside to reveal a deep gash on his stomach. “I tried to get to him—”
“He’ll be okay, Dean, he still has his grace.” Sam’s words rang meaningless in his ears as Dean stared at Castiel’s waxen face. No, not like this, not now.
Blood continued to pour from Castiel’s wound, snapping him out of his stunned daze. He put pressure on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding, his stomach turning. “Please, Cas,” he begged. His words turned into a prayer, repeated over and over in his head almost unconsciously. Please, I love you, please.
Then Castiel’s eyes opened.
Dean could’ve cried from relief. He swore instead, sitting back, his hands shaking.
“Hold on, Cas,” Sam said, stopping him before he could move. "You're hurt." Castiel looked down at his side. Feebly, he lifted his hand over his wound and healed himself. Dean watched the gash knit itself together, leaving behind bloody smears.
Dropping his hand, Castiel let Sam help him sit up. He looked around at the dead werewolves, and Dean tried to catch his breath.
“Cas, you son of a bitch, you should’ve told us, about your grace—” His voice shook and he cut himself off.
Castiel looked at him, then dropped his eyes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was so weak, I thought I could—”
Suddenly, Dean didn’t care about any explanation. Reaching out, he grabbed Castiel and clutched him close to his chest. He buried his face in Castiel’s shoulder, gripping his trench coat, and tried to focus on the fact that Castiel was breathing, that he was alive, that he hadn’t lost him.
He felt Castiel’s hand rest hesitantly on his back. He clenched his eyes shut.
Sam had been right. Whether he told Castiel or not, Dean was in love with him. He could either refuse to let himself feel that way—he’d tried for so many years—or finally own up to it and tell Castiel, and maybe even find out his feelings were reciprocated.
Either way, he cared about Castiel, and either way it would hurt like hell if he ever lost him. There was no escaping it.
Consequences be damned, he let go of Castiel enough to pull back and look in his eyes. Then he kissed him. For one heart-stopping moment, he feared Castiel would push him away, or simply freeze like he had done before. He’d deserve it. But then Castiel kissed him back, gripping his shoulder and Dean felt dizzy with relief.
When they pulled away, he searched Castiel’s face. He hated how guarded Castiel's eyes were, as if Castiel was afraid of what he would do now. Berate him, act as if this never happened.
“We have a lot to talk about,” he said. Castiel nodded, his eyes serious. “I’m sorry,” Dean said, and he meant it.
Castiel touched his face. “You should be.”
Dean let out a laugh and took Castiel’s hand in his own. “Yeah, I know.” He gazed at Castiel and the next words came easily. “I love you.”
Castiel’s face brightened, a smile spreading across his face. “I love you too,” he said.
“Fucking finally,” Sam muttered. Dean flipped him off, even though he was right, and helped Castiel stand.
“No more almost dying, alright?” he asked. His heart was still thudding in his chest.
Castiel still clung onto his hand. “I’ll only promise if you do too.”
“I’ll do my best.”
Castiel nodded, and Dean knew that they both knew they had no control over any of it, whether they lived or died. But for now, Castiel was alive and holding onto his hand, and Dean had finally said I love you, had heard the words repeated to him. He was certain of that much, and it was enough.
Tag list:
@becky-srs @spooky-things-do-happen-dean @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @xojo @marvelnaturalock @letsjustdieeveryone @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @aelysianmuse @spooky-spooks-and-all-the-spooks @prayedtoyou @spnwaywardone
Let me know (message, ask, comment) if you’d like to be added to or removed from my tag list for future destiel fics :)
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royalwriteroftheuniverse · 3 years ago
Nightmare part 2 (Part one here)
Dont repost anywhere online or print reblog snd feedbacks are welcome.
Warningw are angst a whole lotta angst steve thinking the reader(female wanted to hurt herself she doesnt) Steve being a Shmuck and thick headed. Steve completely missing the points.. so hes basically acting like a man lol
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"It wasn't that," �� I paused.  Trying to figure out how to expain this to Sam in this "counciling session" on an empty flior witj two odly shapped red couches, modern isn't word maybe avant gauard. They face eachother and almost come to a point at one end which is why or how rather Sam and he4 were so close together I know steves job. I qlways knew it and it wasn't  that. I wouldn't have even dated him if that was an issue. I mean it's  sorta like being a cop but he comes back to me dirty and bloody its not even the dirt. Its the blood. Like ," I paused and its his blood. Its not like he says its not my blood. He just i hate seeing him covered in blood walking around like it's....paint from working at a preschool with kids. And the way he treats me. I felt like he more or less pushed valium on me. I mean i know if I had said no he would've gone ok but then listed why I shud take it Nd hiw itll help make me feel better. Like I just give in not wanting the conversation because its not the conversation I want to have with him even this he just told you he didn't  talk to me first rhat you should talk to sam hes a counselor or talk to someone like he thought I was going to kill myself and this is hw he handles it. Know I know why he goes through girlfriends. Man doesn't freaking talk." Sam just kinda stared at me listening and nodding. "God I'm sorry Sam," I dropped my shoulder and put my head in my hands. "I know you and Steve are best friends and I dont mean to talk about your best friends like that it's just frustrating. I feel like we're  playing a game of freaking telephone i say something he tell you then you tell me theen I tell tou and you'll tell him and then hell talk to me i mean it's  just." I was getting frustratingly upset.... if that's even a word. "Hold up. First I'm  not going to tell Steve shit. As far as I'm concerned  this session is between you qnd me. You could tell me you killed someone and I'd  say nothing ok. And secondly. You're  right. Steve should have talked to you. And he never shohld pressure you to take meds. The dude's intense. If you feel like you need to give in to him or else. It's not healthy. Look I love Steve like you said he's  my best friend and as much as I... your relationship isn't  just about him. It's about you too. And if you can't  handle it you can't  no one will blame you or fault you. Especially Steve.
"Sam you dont get it. He." I swollow  "I mean we're living togeather. I thought it was fast. But I'd felt so happy around him and I thought I wanted that all the time but it's it's  not like that." "Did you tell him how you feel?" "Oh yea sam that make sense. How many hydra ya kill save any  hotigaes by the way btween you relaxing for 12 hours mission deprefeffibg and then the next brief  and sleeping and eating cause you you leave again in two days need to tell you you gotta talk to me diffrent. Bye have fun.' When do I talk to him?"
"You need to look I know Steve he doesn't want yiu to be unhaply. He's  doing what he thinks is good for you. But if its not you need to tell him."
"How. Can he join us? Like here come to one?" Sam sat up to tell her no. "Well I-" "Friday where is Steve?" "Captain Rogers is in the gym." "Can you have him come up to meet me and Sam?"
Sam watched as Steve entered the room and  she started to shrink a bit. Her shoulders dripped a little she curled up a bit. Even after Steve gave her a kiss. Before sitting on the couch across from Sam.  "What the hell is going on here?" He thought watching the strong girl who insisted Steve come dissapeared. "How's  it going? How do you feel babe?" While Steve had his hand on her leg and looked at her briefly he immediately looked at Sam.  She watched the scene. Sam gestured to her She looked at Sam, who only provided two words- “Go on" "Steve, wa-" she took a deep breath looking at the floor. "Why didn't  you talk to me and go right to Sam?" "Well you said-" "I’m not suicidal. I was talking about us. I-" she paused and sighed, "I dont think I can do," she took a breath "us anymore. You didn't even think to talk to me? And you just." She looked at Steve and he was just taking in the information. And trying not to show how hurt he is. Another girlfriend leaving. "Steve you, you just. I felt like you forced the valium on me and didnt give me a chance to think. And everytime I say no it's  an argument and its besides the fact that it woudir wouldnt help. I just felt like I had to give in. I had to take it. But this Steve?" She gestured. "This is  beyond ridiculous. And you don't get it don't get how... isolating things can get either I everyone hates me the agents treat me like a, I dont know and, your teemates?" she finally turned and looked up at Steve  and sighed,  "I mea. Minus Sam I- Steve no on wants me here." She starts to tear up. "That's not true." "Steve you don't  see it. "The other agents just stop talking when I'm around. Someone told me your other girlfriends got agents in trouble and on desk duty so they're scared me of me practically or mad I don't know all I know if I'm universally ignored... by everyone." Steve opened his mouth to say something but she continued, "And the rest of your "team mates"," she used air quotes, " the avengers. I see how they look at me. Tony side eying me, Nat is constantly sizing me up. I know Bruce is quiet anyway and Clints been nice but I haven't really seen him. Haven't met Thor so..." She leaned back and crossed her arms with a huff. "Well I-" Steve didnt know what to say. His eyes were blinking.  The only thought  that he had was- "So that's it its over?" She rolled her eyes, "That's what you took from the whloe thing is that we're over?"
She rolled her eyes, "That's what you took from the whle thing is that we're over?" "Well yes." His eyes were wide unable to understand why she didnt understand his concern was for her to be with her fuck the of the team, screw the other agents. He wanted her to stay. Her mouth dropped open in disbelief. And Sam could see she was getting angry and Steve was missing the points. "Ok lets take a breather. Steve she was saying that she feels alone not welcome which we can address with the team later,” Sam looked her way with an assuring nod. “But, did you hear what she said about what you did by comming to me?" "Yea that she meant it was us and not her." "So you 100% thought she was going to harm herself?" "Yes I -I mean she never..." "Never what Steve?" "Never said she was unhappy with us and  when I heard her say she couldnt do it anymore I was scared terrified that I'd  come back one day and find her on the floor. I've" Steve turned to her, took her hand which she allowed. He moved towards her and caressed her cheek. "I've lost so many people. I've  lost so many soilders or have had them wounded and then now agents get hurt and we lost them sometimes, I lose them but I can't lose you.  And the thought of you being scared snd unhappy to the point where youd end you was terrifing. Morr than anything.  Friday wouldn't know if you took a razor or too many pills. And I'd walk in from a mission and find you gone id never be able to forgive myself. So the first thing I thought was to get you help and I know you and Sam do get along and he's  my best friend. And I love you." "So you thought shouving a pill down my throat was ok?" "I know Valiums helps people and if yoh were sleeping you couldnt hurt yourself while I was at the briefing. "But Steve if you really thought It was that bad why didn't you talk to me?" "I didn't want to waste any time. Time is too precious to me." She "Then why are you never there?" She was raising her voice,  "And You thought shoving a pill-" "Lets all just calm down," he turned to Steve,  "Why didn't you ask her what she meant. And she said she feels like you are very, well what did you say?" "Distant at time. Forceful and you dont think about me. And you're always gone." Steve for once has no idea what to say. "You're overwheling Steve. It can be too much for me." "How am I overwhelming and always gone?"
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do-i-look-like-a-doctor · 3 years ago
AU: Chris from Until Dawn is also Chris Hackett in The Quarry
Let’s deep dive into this:
So basically this au would include a lot of depth into things and would make the relationships between Chris and the counselors a tad different.
Chris, when he was younger, went through the events of Until Dawn with the wendigos, nearly got slaughtered in front of Ashley, and he also witnessed his best friend’s mental health decline into mass hysteria/mania. Not to mention on one occasions he was tricked into believing he killed his best friend and later on had to choose between himself or Ashley. These events alone affected him as a whole and gave him a new perspective of life.
Chris becomes even more protective in the end of Until Dawn. To him there is no safe-place and with his family being rather… strict with things he felt trapped. Ashley helped him through and that’s when he realizes that his escape was her and her escape was him. He gets away from the Lodge with his surviving friends and finds himself staying with his family within the forest. His interest in things plummets as the trauma is to much for him to handle. Let’s not forget that he is, once again, within the deep woods so that alone makes him on edge. Granted they have transportation and ways out but he can’t get over it. The summer camp, in this au, would have already existed and he was next in line to run it and didn’t have time for his mental health.
Let’s be real the Hackett family didn’t seem so keen on anything other then loyalty and strange morals. Pushing Chris into the front lines of work once he was healed made more sense then sending him to therapy.
All of a sudden you have this young, just escaped a vicious beast that used to be his friend, very traumatized, fresh out of police interrogation, anxious Chris running a summer camp for years to come. He is a mess during the beginning. He hated the loudness of the forest, it brought back memories of Alberta that he never wants to remember such as the frozen land and the Flamethrower Guy. Thankfully he had his friends on his side, especially Ashley, so he strung through most of it. The challenging part was managing kids who tended to get hurt a lot.
Chris was already known for being protective so add in a near death experience and some little kids? Yeah he’s panicking every step of the way.
It took him a long time to truly understand the anxiety he felt when a child got injured and it took even longer for him to realize that he can’t control accidents. If a child were to fall down during, let’s say, a hike Chris would usually fret around to the point of isolation. Feeling like he failed protecting these kids was a common occurrence so when the nurse got ahold of the injuries he would lock himself away. Ashley, who became a councilor along with the rest of his friends, coaxed him out and it took a long talk with Mike and Sam for him to sit down and realize that things happen and accidents are part of life. He learned to cope in the end but by then he was in his early 20’s. Kaylee and Caleb enter the equation.
Caleb and Kaylee, in this au, are not Chris’s children. Who wants kids after messing with wendigo’s in Alberta? Instead, they’re younger extended family that was adopted by the Hackett’s. Chris treats them like little siblings and teaches them all the ways of the world but this led to them being very curious about everything. It doesn’t help that Ashley is also an extremely curious person by nature so she often encouraged them to figure things out and go explore. This goes on for a while, they get in trouble sometimes but it’s nothing big bro Chris can’t fix. Around 30 is when Ashley and Chris finally marry and all seems well in life. He’s still a little fucked up and misses his best friend but hey, what can you do? He reaches his early 40’s with no trouble and things look fine, he’s happy at his job and adores his wife. It’s a summer camp though which means new faces pop up every year along with a million personalities.
Around this time I think Ryan would come in. Chris sees him and questions some things. A young kid with poor communication skills and a somewhat goofy aloof side mixed with complexity? Sounds a lot like someone Chris used to know.
We all know that Ryan and Josh are completely different people and Chris knows this but sometimes he would look at Ryan’s antics and see his old friend. Ryan would be the kid to follow him around and ask questions, normally excited about horror podcasts and the wildlife, and Chris would listen and think about Josh who was also a horror movie fan who grew up in the mountains. Chris didn’t despise Ryan for reminding him of Josh, he helped him out instead.
Personally I headcanon that Ryan has autism, this is based off my gameplay and also he reminds me of the children I used to work with (I used to be a part-time special needs aid during my highschool life) and in this au Ryan’s autism does get to him the first few days of camp when he was younger.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed, all the new faces and things being moved, but Chris felt prepared. He used to help Josh when he was having moments so he applied the same idea with Ryan. Use earbuds with a calm podcast to block out the extra noise and try to give Ryan his own bunk so he can organize how he likes and not worry about others touching his stuff. If it’s not that it’s communication and teaching him ways to talk that doesn’t need many words or harsh action. Use crayons on paper to talk instead of tears is what he taught Ryan.
This is one of the things that brought him and Ryan closer and when the kid got older is when Chris started to feel a sense of longing for the past.
Then the freak show rolls in, things take a turn for the worst, and suddenly Chris and his younger adopted siblings are infected with this curse.
The feeling of terror is sickeningly familiar and Chris hated every second of it. He can’t get over it and he refuses to. Shifting was painful and gruesome, it actually terrified every one of his friends into quitting, but Ashley stuck by his side. It’s not like his friends quit and left for good, they’re still around, but they weren’t up for messing with curses after what happened years ago. Chris doesn’t blame them one bit because he would feel the same. His dear wife was very adamant that she could handle being around Chris and he does appreciate her for it but trusting himself during the full moon was a no-go. When the time came around he begged her to stay somewhere else and she would begrudgingly agree.
Things are… rough for Chris. He isn’t over the whole lodge incident, his friends (while they still talk) quit their jobs as counselors out of fear, he has to be separated from Ashley for her own safety as he becomes a vicious monster, and now his favorite camper is becoming too old for summer camps. His heart hurts because it feels as if this curse not only took away his humanity but also the people he loves. When Ryan turns 18 is when Chris is full-on sobbing sad because this teen, who he saw a son, couldn’t come around anymore. He was too old. That is, until his job application came in along with 8 others.
Chris was overjoyed. He could hire these new younger councilors instead of the old farts he had around before and the kids would love it! They have people who could keep up with them and mess with… but he is still cursed as a wolf.
When he accepts some applications and brings the entire Quarry crew in is when Chris’s heart aches even more. He learned things about these young adults that make him feel old and he gets some deja vu. Emma likes to make people smile, she has a perfect mix of spunky snakiness combined with a known beauty. It makes him think of Jess. Meanwhile Kaitlyn is tough as nails, a shorter woman who knows how to take down any one and tries to think before taking any action and her intelligence is unmatched… she’s a lot like Emily.
Jacob? God he acts like a high-school version of Mike. Kind of a dick with not much going on in his head until someone knocks sense into him. It’s all surreal in a way how history is literally repeating itself but Chris just ignores it.
His bond with the counselor crew is rather strong and with Ryan by his side things went smoothly. Chris hated seeing them get hurt as well, same still goes for the kids, but unlike his younger self he actually helped them out this time. When Nick got burns from cooking Chris would show him how to fix it and when Abi slipped outside Chris either helped her up or guide Nick to go to her rescue (often he teases the crushes amongst the counselor group but it’s all fun) or the times Jacob messed up in front of Emma it was Chris who handled it. Not to mention he was an emotional support shoulder for these teens because while they may not know the full story of the Washington Lodge they understand that Chris has seen some stuff and has their backs.
Then the van breaks. Suddenly he feels trapped again. Something similar happened a few years ago, he and his friends got stuck in a remote area and no help was available until the next morning. There’s a threat in the woods that is inhuman and no one knew who she was until the last second. That was the lodge though, this is a summer camp, but Chris knows that there’s a inhuman threat out here.
He’s one of them, afterall, and he could hurt the counselors. He freaks out a little but it’s not anger directed at anyone it’s rooted to panic and anxiety but it comes across as aggression. He didn’t intend to startle anyone with an outburst but what else could he do? His councilors, all 9 of these teens he swore to keep safe, have their necks on the line and they don’t even know it. The people in the past to put their lives out in the open like this didn’t turn out well. Flamethrower Guy, Sam and Mike… Josh. Only two made it out alive.
So what does Chris do with no transportation? He asks Ryan to convince everyone that the basement is the safest place and hopes for the best. Last time Chris tried to hide in a basement ended with him, Sam and Ashley leaving and trying to find Mike but… Chris knows that Ryan and his fellow friends are smart. He trusts the teens to keep their heads and make it out alive. They have to, Chris will be damned if any of them get hurt.
Would Chris tell them about the curse? No, it’ll just freak them out even more and they would probably think he’s crazy. Who would believe that he, a 47 year old man with a limp in his step and an irrational fear of sawblades, was a werewolf capable of killing?
Instead Chris will put his trust in everyone and no matter how much he wishes to stay with them he can’t. He needs to leave before the full moon so no one can get hurt. They need to all make it out alive and Chris will make sure of that in the end. He watched Flamethrower Guy sacrifice his life and Chris didn’t understand it back then but he does now. He’s ready to put his neck on the line.
He saw what Wendigo’s can do, he knows what werewolves can do, and he’s not about to stick around a find out what he himself can do.
So… yeah this is my deep dive into my au about Until Dawn Chris Hackett. I need to come up with a better name but for now we shall call it UDCH. There’s more depth to the relationships between Chris and the counselors as well as the rest of the Until Dawn gang but this is my overall gist. Feel free to add onto this or even use the au!! All I need is credited. Have fun with this one gang I might turn it into more later on.
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armandgender · 3 years ago
I guess this is where we must disagree. I personally think rwylm dean, aged 50ish, who a lot of his trauma is about having to be a parent to sam when he was still a kid, who felt like he was such a bad impact to ben's life that he erased his memories, who struggled a lot to be a good parent to jack at first, who now has a much better and closer relationship with them, who has neices, and for whom jack fills the role of "kid", would not want any more kids of his own. Like, to me, Jack is already his kid, and I think that's enough for him. I don't think dean "i hurt the people who need me" would willingly accept the HUGE responsibility of raising another kid . Like I definitely think he loves kids, and he's great with kids- but EYE think he would prefer to positively impact kid's lives from a distance, like as a camp counselor or a teacher or a coach.... idk.
It could just be that I'm projecting, though. Maybe I'm looking at this through Jack's perspective too much. Like, if I were jack, and my stepdad got a brand new (presumably a baby/infant) kid, I'd feel like he was trying to "start over". To borrow a quote from sisterhood of the traveling pants, "What were they thinking, having another baby at their age? And what was I? Just some experiment from their hippie days... ...and now it's time to start their real family?"
Idk idk idk. I love the fic so far, and ultimately i could probably be convinced that dean DOES want kids (Your writing is just that good. You could probably convince me that dean was straight and noah was hot if you really wanted to askfnsjskxncj). I'm excited for the next chapter!
i feel like this is one of those arguments that could go either way for me tbh. i can see dean being content without kids AND wanting kids. especially when he's someone who saw the white picket fence/two and a half kids life as an escape from hunting. having a house and spouse and kids has become the ideal for him, even if that's not actually what he needs in order to be happy
i think you can both be terrified of screwing up AND want kids! lots of people feel that way. in jack's case, basically a young adult was dropped into his lap right after his best friend (and love of his life) died in front of him (twice), all while the universe was literally being torn apart by god himself. so it's not so much that he's trying to start over. it would just be nice if he could take a crack at it outside of chuck's rat trap
ALSO i think some of dean's desire to have kids actually comes from his own wishes that his childhood had been different. I think he mentions wishing he could've brought his kids to bobby's cabin in rwylm, and in a way that's just wish that he himself could've done that every summer
anyway the way dean talked about it in the fic was kind of regretting not having kids and i think he feels that especially when looking at sam's life. he sees sam's marriage with his two kids as this perfect happy thing, while his own life is falling to pieces. i doubt i'll get around to covering it as the main bulk of the fic is about dean and cas figuring their shit out!
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vidavalor · 4 years ago
Beginning to think that Sam was helping Bucky to hide...
The canon is asking us to believe that The Winter Soldier stayed hidden for ages without anyone being able to find him. Yes, Bucky’s skilled and all that but considering that The Winter Soldier ran away from Steve and Tony’s fight and disappeared... uh, exactly how did he stay disappeared for *that* long? Especially with Steve and Sam looking for him? Steve didn’t find him until the Sokovia Accords/Zemo situation forces Bucky out of hiding but Steve is also The Avenger who is the least technologically-savvy... but Sam? Sam is plenty technologically-savvy. 
Do we really believe that Sam never found Bucky that entire time? Better question: Do we really believe that Sam-- based on everything we know about him-- would choose to tell Steve if he did? Because while I’m sure he didn’t love lying to his friend, Sam would absolutely see what would happen if he told Steve he had found Bucky. 
Steve believed in the system. He believed in following a certain path. Sam had and has a different lived experience in the world-- one that causes him to think more critically of the ramifications of the system and a bit more big-picture than Steve did. If Sam told Steve that he found Bucky, Steve would say that the next step would be to get Bucky to come with him and the government would take it from there-- a government that likely was looking to hold Bucky responsible for his actions as The Winter Soldier or, worse, might see a weapon they could gain control over and have no interest in helping Bucky get beyond The Winter Soldier. Instead, they might be looking to use him. Steve knows that there can be evil factions within government but he chooses to take a rosier approach to all of it-- assuming that others will act with integrity and seeking to stop them if they don’t. Sam is different. 
Sam is a war veteran who identifies with the PTSD Bucky is suffering and has seen plenty of other soldiers go through something similar, if not quite on the same scale as Bucky. He knows what it is to be a Black man in America and love a country that has a government that is set up not to favor you. He has seen how it has failed its veterans and he’s savvy enough to know that handing Bucky over to the government is basically handing him over to be at least imprisoned again, if not further weaponized against his will. 
Sam found Bucky, probably not that long after Bucky disappeared. He was able to reassure Bucky that he wasn’t there to arrest or hurt him but to help him and Bucky took the risk to try to trust him because he had seen him with Steve and figured he might be able to. Sam never told Steve he found Bucky and on those nights when Team Cap did their own thing, Wanda wasn’t the only one who went to go visit someone she cared for in secret. 
This would help to explain why Bucky and Sam are already at a state of Sam-can-touch-Bucky-without-him-freaking-out and Bucky-is-already-looking-at-Sam-like-he-hung-the-moon in Endgame. They’ve actually had a secret relationship for a couple of years already (pre-Blip, anyway.) Most of it by then also took place during a time when Bucky *was still technically programmed as The Winter Soldier*, which would also add to the levels of trust they’ve built up that we see, especially in the early parts of TFATWS, when they seem to already have more than we’ve seen them earn with one another.
To be clear: I’m not saying they were romantically/sexually involved necessarily when Bucky was in hiding. I’m saying Sam-- the war veteran, the PTSD survivor, the counselor-- took one look at Bucky and knew what telling Steve where he was would bring about and couldn’t do that to him. He felt Bucky deserved a chance to find his way back to his own mind and have a life and he wasn’t about to put a fellow soldier back in physical or psychological chains so he just kept missing that slippery Winter Soldier! for a couple of years while on the run with Team Cap, figuring that the on-the-run bit would eventually work itself out and he could go back to his normal life, though still keeping tabs on Bucky. He likely went further than just not telling Steve as well-- maybe helping Bucky with technology, cover IDs, etc, to keep him going. 
In the process, they became friends, probably both beginning to feel more than that as time went on but not really pursuing it but that could also explain the contradiction between Sam being very aware of Bucky’s various struggles in a way that shows they’ve talked about them (as we see in TFATWS) but also giving him a lot of space and putting up necessary distance during that same time. His response to meeting Dr. Raynor is one of real relief and gratitude that she’s helping someone who is very important to him (he really sounds like Bucky’s husband, meeting his therapist for the first time-- all this before the couple’s counseling, of course.) I am not saying that Sam *should* be taking all this on because he shouldn’t be, regardless of whether or not he’s in love with Bucky. They’re friends and that alone means they need to be supportive of one another but it wouldn’t be ethically right for Sam to act as a therapist to Bucky, even if he wanted to. It has too many conflicts and it changes the balance of power in their relationship. I think what we see in the canon, though, could be explained as Sam was there when he was the only one Bucky had when Bucky was in hiding, which was also when they didn’t really know one another at first. The fact that Sam has taken steps to both continue to be there for Bucky as his friend and be supportive of him but to make sure that Bucky has other resources for this process is actually a really strong indicator that Sam's relationship with Bucky has evolved to a point where he would find it conflicting to be helping to manage Bucky’s trauma recovery. If he and Bucky were just casual acquaintances? If Bucky was just another vet at the VA, like the many Sam helped in his groups back in the day? Sam would be there to help devise those recovery plans. But that he’s taken a step back in that particular way? That he remains there for Bucky emotionally and supportive of him but gave him the space he needed in Wakanda and is happy that he had a therapist in New York? It suggests that Sam wants a different kind of relationship with Bucky-- at minimal, a very close friendship. More likely, a romantic relationship down the line, when and if Bucky was able to recover enough to be in a place to consider one. (Not that Sam was telling Bucky any of this until recently but...) 
But yeah, while it seems like a couple of months at least have gone by between Endgame and TFATWS, even that amount of time-- especially considering Bucky going on a bit of a PTSD/self-loathing pull back towards the beginning and not really responding to Sam’s texts-- doesn’t seem like it’s enough time for the level of intimacy Sam & Bucky already have when we first see them together in the second episode. Them having a secret relationship while Bucky was in hiding, though? Slowly earning some trust from one another? It would also help to explain why Sam is the only one who can touch Bucky without him being bothered by TFATWS and how Sam knows Bucky well-enough to not give up on him, to know what his triggers are and to not miss a beat after Bucky went AWOL for a few weeks and stopped answering his texts. He’s not really upset about it and is teasing him basically the second they see one another again, which indicates both that Sam has enough affection for and understanding of Bucky that a few unanswered texts isn’t going to break them and that Bucky trusts Sam, even when he’s frustrated with him, and puts in the effort to make things work between them because he cares about him. 
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claudiasjeancregg · 3 years ago
au + headcanon meme, summer camp au
HI OKAY YES!! i miss you so much oh my god. okay so some time last year, with the help of @palukoo i have a convoluted summer camp au in my head so every single good idea is because of them. literally all the credit.
josh is the head counselor, if that's even a thing. ham and i discussed him being the program director, pretty much, but he still has interactions with campers for my heart. josh is not exactly the "successor" for jed- he's pretty much training for leo's job as director of camp life. (i know. dying.) obviously josh/donna is paralleled here- donna is a self-hired CIT in josh's area. she started that job when she was 16, and after a few years, josh moved to head counselor and unofficial program director. so donna became his deputy!! which means she saves his ass when it comes to scheduling, and pretty much everything else. they're in love with each other forever, obviously, but nothing happens for years until one summer when they're 22 and 26. they attempt a secret relationship and dramatically fail, because everyone knows they've been in love with each other for half a decade.
cj is an area lead, because out of everyone she just seems like the best counselor. honestly, i can't imagine anyone more suited to boss kids around without making them hate her. she's in charge of a few specific things in administration, mainly camp outreach and like, recruitment. i can so picture cj getting people to join the camp and introducing jed and abbey to the concept of internet advertising, and eventually forcing jed into it after he stubbornly refuses to pay for anything except newspaper ads. she helps with the camp newsletter and student announcements. she eventually leaves the newspaper leadership to danny, who worked on it with her, and focuses fully on supervising the camp news show. it has nothing to do with toby being the script writer for "west wing daily," obviously. nothing at all.
toby is in charge of logistics and helps with the camp announcements, which really isn't at all his job but he does it for cj shhh. the two of them are the only couple at camp who have successfully hidden a romantic relationship for more than two summers, and that was only because toby and andy were literally married while they were with cj (yes its the ot3 no i will never shut up). andy is probably also a counselor and i love ham's idea of amy as her deputy, and they help cj with her outreach and recruitment in terms of leadership by leading a program for older campers to train them for volunteering as counselors in the future.
abbey and jed own the camp and are co directors. abbey is in charge of medical, which ellie helps out with (pretty much abbey is in charge but ellie is like the CIT for medical?) ellie is dating mal because i said so, and she's also a CIT.
basically our senior staff are all counselors in some regard in this au, and they're all in their older 20s. donna is like 20 or 21, i would say. since this is a volunteer camp, all the senior staffers are both area leads and have some position in administration- so like sam is toby's deputy, helping with logistics and leads a ton of activities. he teaches a debate class with ainsley and each year, half the kids are just there to see them argue and bet on how long they can delay class by spurring them on.
bonus list of all roles that i made last year:
josiah bartlet — owns the camp, director
claudia jean cregg — area lead, helps with camp news/journalism class, sports, camp outreach
tobias ziegler — in charge of program/logistics, camp newsletter
samuel seaborn — area lead (with toby sort of), swim leader, debate w/ ainsley, writing, logistics
leopold mcgarry — director of camp life, in charge of the counselors
donnatella moss — self hired CIT in josh’s area, moved up to a deputy area lead, crafts class
abigail bartlet — owns the camp, director, in charge of medical 
william bailey — lifeguard, writing
elsie snuffins — CIT, helps with writing class
katherine harper — adventure leader, teaches self-defense and shooting range
annabeth schott — theater class
amelia gardner — counselor, deputy area lead, art classes/balloon animals, helps w/ mentorship
josephine lucas and mr. kenneth thurman — arts leader
matthew and helen santos — publicity managers / day to day stuff?
ainsley hayes — counselor, debate class w/ sam, maybe horseback riding
daniel concannon — counselor, maybe helps cj with news
margaret hooper — assistant to the director of camp life, teaches craft classes
andy wyatt — area lead, andy amy and cj do mentoring stuff
carol fitzpatrick — cj’s CIT 
ginger webster — CIT (helps toby w/ logistics)
bonnie parikh — CIT (helps toby w/ logistics)
ellie bartlet — CIT, 16, works in medical
mal o’brien  — CIT, 16, good with little kids
liz bartlet — counselor, helps out in a lot of places
mrs. landingham — camp’s beloved chef, teaches cooking class
campers— zoey, charlie, annie, gus, hogan, deanna, peter, miranda, others
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longitudinalwaveme · 4 years ago
Random Flash Rogue Headcanons
Ideas that pop up a lot in my fanfics and fanart: 
-Mick Rory was a farm kid. 
-Roscoe Neyle Dillon is the son of Reginald Norton Dillon, a well-to-do banker, and Rosa Nicole Dillon, his rather pliant, weak-willed wife. Reginald held his son to punishingly high standards and was quick to criticize, berate, and threaten his son when he failed to live up to them. Rosa never intervened. 
-Roscoe grew up in North Ridge, a suburb of Central City. He is on the autism spectrum, but grew up before it was widely recognized. He was constantly bullied by his peers and was disliked by most of his teachers because of his odd behavior. He had a number of special interests but the most prominent was, of course, tops. 
-Roscoe is one of only three Rogues to attend high school and one of only two to have attended college. Lisa and Hartley also both graduated from high school, and Hartley also went to college. Roscoe studied (possibly has a degree in) physics. 
-Roscoe’s parents currently live in Bridgeville. 
-Mark (Marco) Mardon is the son of Patricia (Paloma) and Matthew (Matias) Mardon, and the younger brother of Clyde (Claudio) Mardon. His parents immigrated from Guatemala when he was a month and a half old and Clyde was about a year old. Both parents were college-educated, which made the process simpler than it otherwise would have been, and the family initially settled in Dunhurst, a suburb of Central City. However, they were never accepted there, and they eventually left the town after persistent harassment from the Clan of the Fiery Cross. 
-They resettled in Bridgeville, and Matias and Paloma went to great pains to hide the fact that they were immigrants, Americanizing their names and refusing to let their sons speak Spanish outside of the home. Patricia became the head of the local library, and Matthew took a job as a teacher of geography at the local high school. The family eventually settled fairly comfortably in the middle class. 
-Clyde was only 11 months older than Mark, so they were always in the same year at school. He was handsome, intelligent, popular, and athletic. Mark, by contrast, was painfully average. He couldn’t live up to the standard set up by his parents’ golden child, and eventually, he stopped trying, knowing that he would never measure up. He and Clyde were very close, but their relationship was often strained by the fact that Mark was so often compared unfavorably to Clyde.
-Mark dropped out of high school at 16 and ran away, eventually drifting into petty theft due to his lack of direction. Clyde, meanwhile, graduated high school early and earned a degree in meteorology. He started work on the Weather Wand when he was still in college, but didn’t finish it until he was 23. He died not long after of congenital heart failure, and then his shiftless younger brother strolled in and took the wand for himself. 
-Samuel Joseph Scudder was born to Percival and Martha Scudder. Unfortunately, Percival contracted cancer a few months before Sam was born and died when his son was only 7 months old, leaving his wife with dozens of medical bills. The Scudders had never been particularly well-off, so Martha was forced to move into an apartment complex on Baker Street, colloquially known as Skid Row, where she would raise her young son. 
-Martha was a talented seamstress, so much so that she was eventually hired by the Rathaways. While this provided steady work, the Rathaways were extremely demanding employers, and so Martha wasn’t able to be at home with her son as much as she would’ve liked.
-Young Sam loved cowboy movies and superhero comics. He was especially fond of the JSA and gathered a collection of JSA comics that he still owns (currently, he hides them in the Mirror Realm so the other Rogues won’t find out about them). He was also a boy scout and eventually became an Eagle Scout. He was highly intelligent and generally did well in school, and he was close friends with Jennifer Conners, who lived in the same apartment complex he did. When they entered high school, the two started dating, and even fantasized about getting married. 
-Unfortunately, life on Baker Street was less than ideal. Sam was embarrassed by the shabby state of his clothes and possessions, had to watch as his mother tried to figure out how to pay their bills, and was surrounded by violence. Fights were common in the apartment complex where Sam lived, and, when he was 15 years old, he and Jennifer bore witness to Jennifer’s father being brutally shot as they came home from school. Both were traumatized. Jennifer began a years-long struggle with PTSD, and Sam’s anxiety levels went through the roof. Not wanting to burden his mother and knowing that they didn’t have enough money for therapy, Sam turned to cigarettes, and then alcohol, in the hopes of relieving his anxiety. As he spiraled into addiction, he got mixed up with the school’s party crowd, and dropped out at 17. He drifted into a life of crime and was sent to prison at age 19 for robbing a convenience store. In this prison, he would mostly break his alcohol addiction, but his smoking habit only got worse. More importantly, however, while serving his sentence for this crime, he would discover the Mirror Realm. 
-Sam loves his mother, but he avoids her because he knows his actions disappoint and worry her. His ex-girlfriend, Jennifer Conners, though continually struggling with PTSD, managed to graduate from both high school and college, and currently works as a school counselor. Sam avoids her, too, but still holds a bit of a candle for her. 
-Mrs. McCulloch’s first name is Eva. She is devoutly Catholic, and, as a result, Evan is also devoutly Catholic (albeit a very confused Catholic). He goes to Mass at least once a week, believes priests are basically infallible, and will threaten to kill you if you so much as look at a nun funny. He goes to Confession at least once a month and would probably go more often if each session didn’t last three hours. 
-Giovanni Giuseppi (James Jesse) is the son of Helen and Alessandro Giuseppi, both of whom are the children of Italian immigrants. He has a very, very, very large extended family, most of whom are in the circus with his parents. Many of them speak Italian; while James isn’t fluent in the language, he can understand it quite well and speak it well enough to get by. The whole family is very emotionally demonstrative and physically affectionate, which is part of why James has no concept of personal space. His relatives include his Zia Catalina (who runs an Italian restaurant), his Nonna Gianna, his Nonno Antonio, his Nonno Aberto, his Nonna Lucrezia, his Zio Luca, his Aunt Stella, his Zio Angelo, his Zia Loretta, his Zia Lucia, his Zio Armani, his Aunt Karen, his Zia Bianca, his Zio Rocco, his Zio Romeo, his Aunt Olivia, his Zia Etta, his Zio Dante, his Uncle Fred, his Aunt Susan, his Uncle Harold, his Aunt Lydia, his cousins Bobby and Susie and Maria and Carly and Matthew and Frank and Julia and Freddie and Joseph and Lucy, and his cousins’ kids, Angela and Charlie and Stefano and Gian and Marsha and Rose and Kaitlyn and Steve. He’s not entirely sure how he’s related to most of them. James’ family is all technically Catholic, mainly because they’re all Italian, but only about half of them are practicing Catholics. 
-James invented the airwalker shoes when he was 13 years old. 
-There was a very large age gap between Leonard and Lisa’s parents when they got married. This is because Larry/Lewis Snart was a 40-year-old creeper who got a 15-year-old girl pregnant. Shirley married him because she had nowhere else to go; her parents kicked her out when she got pregnant. She dropped out of high school soon after, and, after several years of abuse, she ran away, leaving Len and Lisa alone with Larry/Lewis.
-Len is about 5 years older than Lisa; he dropped out of high school at 14 so that he could support her and left home at 18. He continued to send money to her after he left, even after she became a professional figure skater. 
-Lisa’s teenaged years were one long nightmare. She was a beautiful young woman, but because of her background, her mother’s reputation as a loose woman, and her father constantly calling her nasty names, she was demonized by the “nice, proper” people of her neighborhood as a temptress, someone who would lead their sons astray. (This in spite of the fact that they were often the ones making advances on her.) Her father also became increasingly abusive towards her, as Leonard had left the home and, as she got older, Lisa started to remind him of his wife. In response, she threw herself into her figure skating and tried to shut the rest of the world out. By the time she was 16, she was already one of the most talented skaters in the Midwest, and when she was 17, she left her father’s house and moved in with another girl on her skating team for the rest of high school. She graduated with a B+ average and was promptly snapped up by a professional figure skating team. Lisa had managed to escape-at least physically. Her teenaged years left her convinced that her beauty was something dangerous; something evil, and it took Roscoe over a year to break down her defenses when they met. However, once he did, she fell deeply in love. Finally, she had found someone who would never abandon her. 
-Roscoe, for his part, was equally in love. After years of being seen as a socially awkward weirdo, he had found someone who thought he was sophisticated and intelligent; someone who didn’t laugh at his tops and who didn’t seem bothered by his quirks. It was intoxicating. 
-Geraldine is 20 years younger than Hartley; she was born to replace him as the heir to the Rathaway fortune. 
-Hartley’s parents were in their thirties when he was born. Both of them came from long-established “old money” families; their marriage was more the result of a business deal between Hartley’s grandparents than any sort of romantic relationship. Prior to her marriage, Rachel was a Kane. Her uncle was the father of Jacob Kane (father to Kathy Kane) and Martha Wayne (nee Kane), making her the first cousin of Bruce Wayne’s mother. Red hair runs in the Kane family, and she passed it on to both of her children. 
-Similarly, Hartley’s paternal grandmother was originally a Queen before marrying into the Rathaway family. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg: Hartley’s at least a distant relative of most of the wealthiest people in the DCU. 
-Geraldine is on the autism spectrum; she’s able to mask her symptoms well enough that her parents haven’t decided to pull the “let’s fix her with expensive surgeries” trick that they used when Hartley was born deaf. 
-Hartley’s parents engaged him to a girl named Kathryn Kendell, the heir to a fast food corporation, when he was 18; nothing came of it because he got himself disowned before the marriage could actually happen. 
-Hartley’s parents are intensely controlling and basically make all the decisions in their children’s lives without actually asking them for their opinions. 
-Len Snart is prone to ulcers.
-Albert and Rita Desmond have an infant son named Alan. He likes to chew on his father’s Philosopher’s Stone. Alvin adores his “astral nephew” and kept showing up at Albert’s house uninvited to see him. Eventually Albert got tired of Alvin breaking in and put him on their baby-sitting list. Rita is less than thrilled by this but is at least pleased that Alan keeps Alvin from trying to ruin Albert’s life. 
-George Harkness has two half-brothers: an older brother named Tom Harkness, the son of Agnes and Ian Harkness, and a much younger brother named Walter Wiggins, the 12-year-old son of W.W. Wiggins and his wife. (All these characters are canonical, but it’s never actually been officially stated that this is the case.) 
-Jai West idolizes Jay Garrick and plans to take up his costume someday. 
-Josh Jackam-Mardon’s weather-controlling abilities are directly tied to his mood. When he’s happy, it’s sunny and he makes rainbows. If he’s cold, the temperature will increase. If he’s hot, the temperature will drop and it might even start snowing. If he’s sad, it rains. If he throws a temper tantrum, it creates a thunderstorm-and if he’s really upset, a tornado will form. 
-When Barry Allen was 13, he paid the admission fee that was required in order to meet the members of the JSA for both himself and a 9-year-old Sam Scudder. It’s one of both men’s fondest memories, and neither realizes that the other was the boy who met the JSA with him on that day. 
-Axel Walker is the son of Alan Walker and Alice Strickland. His father is a used car salesman who left his wife for Axel’s stepmother, Barbie, when Axel was 7 years old. Axel does not like Barbie and isn’t particularly happy with his father, either. Axel’s mother is Jewish. As such, so is Axel (although Axel doesn’t practice his faith much, if at all.) He can read a bit of Hebrew and speak a bit of Yiddish. 
-Eobard Thawne is convinced that he is an expert in 21st-century technology. The result: “This is a historical device called a toaster. It served as a primitive form of climate control!” 
-Abra Kadabra, by contrast, spends most of his time in the 21st century baffled by the devices used by these primitive savages. What sort of communication device doesn’t send a perfect three-dimensional copy of your body to the person you’re talking to? What kind of food-preparation device takes twenty minutes to cook a meal? Why don’t their hygiene devices instantly clean their bodies of dirt and odors instead of requiring water that’s never a comfortable temperature? HOW DO YOU OPERATE THIS ‘REMOTE CONTROL’? This makes him a very annoying house guest. 
-Mick Rory is an accomplished cook, home repairman, and knitter. 
-Albert Desmond is often so lost in thought that he puts his keys in the refrigerator. 
-All of the Rogues are more scared of Iris Allen than they are of Barry. And with good reason. 
-Owen Mercer is good friends with Joan Garrick. 
-Sam is developing the early stages of emphysema but refuses to admit it because it would mean having to try to kick his smoking habit. 
-Mick Rory’s body is covered by third-degree burns, and his voice is unnaturally raspy because of all the smoke inhalation he’s undergone over the years. 
-Mark Mardon is a horrible klutz. If he can trip over something, he will end up doing it. This is part of why he likes being able to fly so much. 
-Len Snart and Sam Scudder are huge fans of Central and Keystone City’s sports teams. Linda Park-West is among the few who can rival their civic pride in this regard. Evan and Digger are both big fans of rugby and cricket. Hartley is solely a baseball fan; the other Rogues don’t much care about sports unless betting is involved. 
-Mark Mardon watches the weather channel solely so he can make sure that the reporter’s predictions are wrong. 
-Digger loves the great outdoors and can hike for hours.
-Mark Mardon is terrible at cards but gambles constantly anyway. He’s lost more money than he’s ever stolen trying to win bets. James, by contrast, is a master cardsharp. 
-Sam and Roscoe spend more money on clothes (and more time in the shower) than the rest of the male Rogues combined.  
-Dexter Miles knows the birthdays of everyone in the Twin Cities. No one knows how he knows this, he just does. When it’s a Rogue’s birthday, the museum opens a exhibit exclusively about them for a few days. The Rogues don’t know this is intentional and it’s really starting to freak them out. 
-When the Rogues found out that the Flash Museum hires people to dress up as them and teach young visitors about science, Sam Scudder waited for a day when the museum’s ‘Mirror Master’ called in sick and showed up in his place. All the visitors to the museum that day were agreed that he was the best “Mirror Master” the museum had ever had. 
-James once went to the Flash Museum in full costume and stood right by one of the statues of him. He even posed in exactly the same way. He was immediately informed by a patron that he was much too blonde to be the real Trickster. James found the whole experience very amusing.
-Roscoe insists that all the statues of him at the Flash Museum make him look fat. Lisa thinks that’s ridiculous and says that they’re almost as handsome as the genuine article. Len agrees that the statues make Roscoe look fat and thinks it’s hilarious. 
-All three of the Flashes have, of course, been to the Flash Museum while in costume. Like James, they are often told that they don’t look anything like the real Flashes. Barry and Jay are baffled by this; Wally thinks it’s funny. 
-Mick Rory donated his chili recipe to the Flash Museum’s diner. It’s one of the more popular dishes amongst people who love spicy food. 
-Wally is trying to convince his wife to get the kids a pet cheetah. “Come on, honey! It’ll be good for the twins to have a pet who can keep up with them!” 
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starship-squidlet · 4 years ago
Modern Stargate SG-1 Headcanons:
To go along with this post
Was always a nerd. Definitely had a “Greek mythology” phase growing up and never technically grew out of it, he just shifted a little more towards Egyptian mythology as he got older.
He felt closer to his parents when he was studying Egyptian mythology, and wound up turning it into a whole career by becoming an Egyptologist like they had been.
Guilty pleasure: Ancient Aliens.
Seriously, when he found out about the stargate and aliens and all of that his mind was absolutely blown. Even though he’d posited Ancient Aliens-esque theories himself, there was always a little part of him that went “there’s absolutely no way this is real and I might actually be a little crazy”. He did a little happy cry after going to Abydos and dealing with Ra and everything not just because all of that was over and they had won, but because he really was right and not crazy and all these theories he’d always wanted to believe but couldn’t quite bring himself to 100% believe really were true.
But he still married Sha’re—he didn’t really have a choice.
Even after they got everything sorted out with Ra, and he chose to stay on the planet when Jack and the others left, he didn’t leave her. Initially, this was because he didn’t want her to be punished for not “pleasing” him or something like that (he had no idea how Kasuf and the other elders would react if he tried to send her away and didn’t want to risk her getting in trouble), but he did come to genuinely care for her. Once Kasuf and Skaara understood this about him, they were just as accepting of his identity as Sha’re was and became his family.
(Kasuf probably never truly understood what Daniel was trying to tell him about romantic/sexual attraction but he just smiled and nodded and accepted this weird kid anyways. All that mattered to him was that Sha’re was happy.)
When Sha’re was taken by Apophis, Daniel still joined SG-1 to get her back. He became almost immediate friends with Sam, who he always felt understood him on a level almost no-one else ever had, except for possibly Sha’re. Jack and Teal’c were friends on a different level, but they were no less close.
Has a lot of strong opinions on Google translate.
Tutors ESL students online (when he’s on Earth).
The only time his Duolingo streak was broken was when he ascended for a year.
Sam Carter grew up a tomboy. While the other girls were all having tea parties and playing with dolls, she was building Lego spaceships with her brother and tying parachutes to plastic army men (and other toys) and throwing off the upstairs back porch of their house to see what would work.
In high school, she entered robotics tournaments and anything else she could get into.
She played softball and field hockey and was good at basketball even though she never joined the team. She took karate and tae kwon do and jui jutsu classes on the weekends. By the end of high school, she was teaching self defense classes at like the local Y or something.
She was also on the chess club in high school.
Got all As in math and science classes, but was more of a B student in any other subject—still above average, but she didn’t excell quite as much in the humanities.
Got into every college she applied to and got good scholarships to most of them, but decided to go to the Air Force Academy instead at the last minute without explanation to anyone.
No-one was more shocked by this move than Jacob, who had never expected her to follow in his footsteps. When pressed for answers by the school counselor, she said she felt it was her best chance to go to the moon someday.
In the academy, she excelled not only in her classes but in every physical test. She beat guys twice her size in hand-to-hand combat, had perfect aim on the gun range, and continued to get near perfect scores in her math and science classes in particular.
When Jacob expressed his pride in her accomplishments, it proved to be a mistake. She got into a slightly questionable relationship with one of the lowest-ranked guys in her year, who was always inches away from a dishonorable discharge. Her grades and performance slipped.
Some people suspected abuse when she would show up to classes with a black eye or split lip, but any suggestion of this to her would earn them the most wicked glare and a possible punch to the gut if no officers were around.
When Sam and her boyfriend got engaged, Jacob came to the school personally to try to talk her out of marrying him. He’d heard enough about the guy from his friends at the academy to feel the need to intervene, but this proved to be the worst possible choice. That weekend, Sam and her fiance ran off to elope. At the last second, she snapped to her senses and broke it off. Afterwards, she always denied that he had been the source of her bruises, but since those stopped after they broke up, not many people believed her.
She was one of the first people pulled for the stargate project and designed the majority of the dialing system herself. Once it was finished, she left the program to work on her doctorate.
When Apophis’s soldiers came through the gate and the stargate program was reopened, newly-doctorized Sam leapt at the chance to go to Abydos with Jack and his team. She never expected it to last beyond that one mission, but was certainly not complaining when they found the cartouche with more gate addresses!
She’s a very private person, and only discloses her feelings with those she trusts the most deeply. Daniel is usually the first to find out about stuff though—and not just romantic stuff; she also confides in him about things that she’s stressed or worried about, and he’s always the first or one of the first to hear her good news.
Besides Daniel, her closest friend is Janet Frasier. They went through basic training/the air force academy together, and reunited upon joining the stargate program. They started dating not long after joining the program, although they kept their relationship fairly quiet.
They went on a break after Janet adopted Cassie, and never quite found their way back to each other as partners, although they remained close friends. Never telling Janet how she really felt became Sam’s greatest regret after Janet died, and she devoted herself to Cassie to assuage her guilt over that.
Fierce feminist and a massive supporter of women in STEM and similar movements.
Disaster bisexual.
Jack and Sarah married fairly young and had Charlie not long after. He wasn’t exactly planned, but they loved him more than anything, and when he died it absolutely tore the two of them apart.
Jack went from a fairly happy-go-lucky, glass-half-full, ray of actual sunshine to a sarcastic, pessimistic, ball of anxiety literally overnight.
He was severely depressed after Charlie’s death, to the point where he actually had to be hospitalized.
When he was released, he moved back in with Sarah, even though they had been separated before his hospitalization. It wasn’t long after his release that he was pulled for the first mission to Abydos with Daniel.
After that mission, his nightmares changed. After Charlie’s death, they had all been about watching his son die, but after Abydos the nightmares now forced him to relive the deaths of his men, Daniel, and the boys who were killed fighting Ra. He and Sarah got divorced, and he went into early retirement.
To everyone’s shock, retirement turned out to be the best possible thing for Jack.
While he was still clearly depressed, he improved in leaps and bounds. He put a lot of energy into himself and his mental state, and, a year later when General Hammond called him back to Cheyenne Mountain, he was almost unrecognizable as a different person.
Going back to Abydos and seeing Daniel, Sha’re, and Skaara and his boys living and thriving was also really good for him. After Skaara and Sha’re were taken, he went into another spiral, but forced himself out of it by telling himself that he had to get them back. Was this healthy? Probably not. Did he care. Definitely not.
He didn’t really want to rejoin the air force and the stargate program, but did it more to watch over Daniel and to rescue Skaara than anything else.
He did come to truly love it, though, and even though the circumstances that brought him back were horrible he was still grateful to be part of SG-1.
Most of the Goa’uld system lords saw their female Jaffa as little more than breeding partners to the males, to create more Jaffa soldiers to serve their “gods”, and incubators for the juvenile symbiotes that all Jaffa carried, and Apophis was no exception.
Teal’c was fairly young when her father died, executed by Cronus for failing him in battle. She had already been in training with her father and Bra’tac—female Jaffa were expected to know how to fight, even if they were never called upon to serve their overlords in this way—determined to break out of the traditional path expected of her as a woman. Her father’s death lit a new fire within her, however, and she attacked her training with a new fierceness that unnerved even Bra’tac a little. She vowed to someday become the first prime of Apophis, Cronus’s greatest enemy, so she would one day have the pleasure of killing the god that ordered her father’s death.
The only woman in Apophis’s ranks, she literally clawed her way to the top of his Jaffa.
The other warriors feared her and whispered horrible stories of her victories in battle behind her back.
These were greatly exaggerated, of course, but Teal’c did nothing to discourage them. She wanted the most fearsome reputation she could get.
She gained a reputation for bloodthirstiness, fierceness in battle, and an almost animalistic nature when she fought. This caught Apophis’s attention, and she earned his favor.
Drey’auc was a childhood friend, and one of the only people Teal’c ever trusted enough to show her softer side to.
When Drey’auc’s husband was killed in battle, Teal’c took her and her newborn son Rya’c under her protection.
Deep down (largely thanks to Bra’tac and her father) Teal’c never truly believed that the Goa’uld were actually gods. She wanted to become Apophis’s first prime more for the power and respect that came with the position, and in hopes of having the chance to kill Cronus, than to actually serve him.
There were a lot of things that happened over her years in service to Apophis, both before and after becoming first prime, that really cemented her belief that the “gods” she had been raised to believe in were false, but she didn’t dare voice this to anyone but Bra’tac—she never even tonld Drey’auc, beyond a few vague hints.
When she met Jack, Sam, and Daniel and heard Jack promise to save the other prisoners, she saw it as her best choice to finally rise up against the oppression of the Goa’uld and jumped at the chance to help the humans.
On Earth, she realized that the humans there would trust her and respect her without the bloodthirstiness she’d been forced to show to the other Jaffa, and slowly began to relax slightly.
Seeing the respect shown to Sam, Janet, and other women on the base was basically revolutionary to her.
Slowly, she began to relax and open up to her new friends.
She sees herself as a protecter to her team in particular, and even to the SGC as a whole. Daniel, Sam, Jack, and Janet specifically are the people she feels the most protective over.
As time goes on, she slowly accepts SG-1 as a newfound family. As far as she’s concerned, the three of them are the siblings she never had, and she would do anything to protect them.
Drey’auc’s death rocked her to the core and led to a lot of questioning.
She almost left the SGC to take care of Rya’c, but it was actually Bra’tac who convinced her to stay, telling her that the Tau’ri were their best chance to defeat the Goa’uld once and for all and promising to take care of Rya’c in her name.
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petersasteria · 4 years ago
Defend - Harry Holland
Cocky!Reader is back
Cocky!Reader Masterlist || HH Masterlist 
Based on a line from Melanie Martinez's song "The Principal"
* * * *
"I still can't believe she did that!" Harry sighed sadly. Sam gave him a sad smile and a small pat on the back. Rachel left Harry for a guy on the swimming team named Noah. It wasn't a normal break up. It was kinda public. After all, everyone saw Rachel and Noah together when Harry wasn't around. It was only a matter of time for Rachel to leave him and when she did, it wasn't exactly private.
"I still don't get why we're here." Rachel rolled her eyes as she and Harry took a seat.
"We need it, Rachel." Harry said as he gave a small smile at the school's guidance counselor. He decided that he and Rachel needed couple's counseling because they haven't been talking as much as before.
"Okay, so what seems to be the problem, kids?" The guidance counselor, Ms. Amy, asked nicely.
"Rachel and I haven't been talking to each other and I haven't been seeing her. It's like she's avoiding me. In fact, this is the first time I've seen her again." Harry huffed.
Ms. Amy nodded and turned to Rachel, "Is that true?"
"Yes." Rachel said.
"Why have you been doing that, Rachel?" Ms. Amy asked as she neatly folded her hands together. Rachel looked at Harry and Ms. Amy before walking out of the room.
"Oh, um, wow. I've never had a student walk out on me before." Ms. Amy said.
"I'm so sorry." Harry said before following Rachel out. "What the hell was that, Rach?!" He said loud enough for people to stop and stare.
Rachel turned around and said, "We don't need counseling!"
"Yes, we do! We need to fix our relationship!"
"No, we don't because there's no relationship to fix!" Rachel yelled. Everyone who stopped and stared gasped at what she said.
Harry was humiliated and heartbroken that his girlfriend of three months would say that. "W-What do you mean?" He asked nervously.
"I'm saying, we're done. I found someone else." Rachel said before leaving. Harry just looked down in shame and left school. He texted Sam that he wasn't feeling well and went home.
It's been a week since the break up and Harry still couldn't process it. You weren't there when it happened because you were sick that day, but your friends updated you. Now that you're back and healthier than ever, you wanted to join in the situation.
"So, who did Rachel leave Harry for?" You asked Brittany. "She left Harry for Noah. He's from the swim team. He looks really basic." Brittany left after that and left you alone.
A few minutes later, you bumped into Sam and Harry and you smiled.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Holland twins." You grinned playfully. "How're you holdin' up, Harry? I heard it was a bad break up."
"I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now, Y/N." Harry grumbled and pushed past you. It took you by surprise because he's never done that before. You looked at Sam who sighed. "Sammy, I need answers and we both know that you can give me that." You said nicely.
Sam shook his head, "Y/N, I ca-"
"I'll give you something in return. What do you want? Just name it." You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow. Sam opened his mouth to talk but he closed his mouth again and blushed.
You chuckled and asked, "Sex? A blowjob? What?"
"A date?" Sam suggested. You shook your head, "I don't do dates."
"I thought that changed." Sam huffed but you shook your head. Sam stared at you and thought about it, "Fine. Sex."
You smiled, "Good! Okay, tell me the shit that you know I want to know."
Sam nodded, "Ever since the break up, Rachel has been bullying Harry. What's worse is that Noah joins in. He threw Harry in the dumpster one time and Rachel shoved mac n' cheese in Harry's face last week."
You nodded, "I see. I'll give Rachel a piece of my mind."
"What are you-"
"Relax, Sam." You leaned in and kissed his cheek. "I'll be nice. Anyway, text me when and where you want your reward. I'll see you later."
You spent the whole day trying to talk to Rachel but she kept ignoring you and avoiding you. She wasn't listening. So later that day when you arrived at the cafeteria with Brittany and saw Rachel dumping her drink at Harry, you had enough and decided to get a taste of her own medicine.
You went to your table with the other cheer leaders and jocks and said, "Hey jocks. I need you for this one."
The jocks wordlessly followed you and you smirked. You walked up to Rachel who was on her way back to the swim team's table.
"Hey Rachel!" You said loudly causing everyone to shut up and look at you. Rachel stopped in her tracks but didn't turn around. "Turn around, Rachel. I know you heard me. Ignoring me doesn't make you any less ugly and everyone knows that you're fucking ugly, it's not just me who thinks that."
She turned around and crossed her arms. You grinned, "Good." You walked up to her until you were face to face. "I've been trying to get a hold of you the whole day but you ignored me. So I figured I'd just shout to get your attention. Everyone's looking at us now and don't you just love that? Are you embarrassed? Tell me. How does it feel?"
Rachel didn't answer.
"I said answer, whore." You said.
"It's embarrassing; I'm embarrassed. Are you happy?!" Rachel scoffed.
You shook your head, "Not yet. Anyway, this is what Harry felt when you broke up with him. It's humiliating, isn't it? But let's not stop here."
You looked around and grabbed the drink of the nearest table and dumped it on Rachel just like what she did to Harry not too long ago. Rachel gasped at the cold feeling and everyone laughed along with you.
"What the hell?!" Rachel shrieked. She looked around and shouted, "It's not funny!" Which, of course, caused people to laugh more.
You smirked at her before grabbing mac n' cheese from the same table you got the drink from and shoved it on Rachel's face. That wasn't enough so you smeared the greasy container on her hair and left it there.
"Oh my god, Rach. You got a little something on your face." You faked a pout before grabbing an open carton of milk that was half empty and dumped it on Rachel too. "I hope that washes out the grease and everything."
You handed the three people you got the food from some money and told them to buy their food again. You turned to Rachel again, "So Rachel, what's it like to be embarrass like Harry? Not fun, huh? I tried to make you listen but you wouldn't so, I gave you the taste of your own medicine instead."
You looked over your shoulder and told the leader of the jocks, "Throw Noah in the dumpster." The jocks immediately walked to where Noah was and grabbed him from his seat.
"Hey! Put me down!" Noah thrashed and shouted. Rachel shrieked, "Put him down!"
"Shut up, Rachel!" You shouted before you led the way to the dumpster with the jocks following you as they carried Noah. Of course, almost everyone in the cafeteria followed you including Sam and Harry.
The jocks were hovering Noah above the dumpster and you said, "Wait. I want to ask something."
"Noah, I know your mom's a single mom. and I know that she's busting her ass off working at that shitty restaurant and on her day off, she holds a garage sale just to make some extra money. Is being a douchebag a good payback for your mom?" You asked.
Noah's face flushed red when you mentioned his mom. No one knew about his family. Not even Rachel. "H-How did you know that?" Noah stammered.
You shrugged, "I know a lot of things and if you can't answer my question, here's a rhetorical one: what if I told your mother that her son's a cruel motherfucker?"
You nodded your head at the dumpster and the jocks dumped Noah in. You smiled and said, "I'm feeling extra nice today and I don't want Noah to be lonely in there. Dump his garbage girlfriend named Rachel in there too, jocks."
One of the jocks picked Rachel up and dumped her in too. Everyone was laughing as they went back in the cafeteria. Sam and Harry were just there shocked at everything that just happened.
"I hope that made you feel better, Holland." You winked at Harry. "I know I mess with you a lot, but I draw the line at shoving good food in faces and dumping people in the dumpster."
"That did make me feel better, thank you." Harry said genuinely.
You smiled and left. Sam and Harry walked back to their table in silence.
"Y/N owes me sex." Sam mentioned when they sat down.
"Dude, you ruined the moment." Harry sighed and shook his head.
* * * *
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @sufwubi @abrielleholland @osterfieldnholland @purplepizza-summerrain @euphorichxlland @marshxx @lizzyosterfield @itstaskeen @ilarbu
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell @justasmisunderstoodasloki @rubberducky-jrr @petersholland @osterfieldnholland @miraclesoflove @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @perspectiveparker @hollands-weasley @itstaskeen @call-me-baby-gir1 @the-panwitch @iamaunicorn4704 @chloecreatesfictions @holland-styles @halfblood-princess-505 @spidey-reids-2003 @herbatkazmiloscia
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kiara-carrera · 3 years ago
*slides you three dollars* i would love to know more about Sawyer Reid, please and thank you
Yes! I was hoping someone would ask me about her lmao. Okay so I've literally only had her for a day so I don't have a ton of stuff planned, but I have like ... a general concept (and an extensive Pinterest board because I will pin things until I'm blue in the face. Under the cut because idk when to shut up ever!!
Sawyer Reid is from Shadyside, born and raised, and knows just what a shitty hand she's been dealt based on that fact. She knows she's probably never going to make it out of that shithole and has kind of just ... acclimated to that. She's a bit of a trouble maker and what I like to call the quintessential horror movie hot girl. Like she's hot, she knows it, everyone knows it. Wild child-ish. Likes to party and do all the general "against horror movie rules if you wanna live" stuff.
During the summer of 1978, she's working as a camp counselor at Nightwing. She used to go there when she was a kid and when she aged out as a camper, she started working there. It's less of a oh this looks good on college applications or a I'm helping the community and love working with kids but a it keeps me busy kind of thing. I haven't started thinking of her family yet, but being away for the summer is probably also a plus. She's relatively good at it, like she screws around when she's not around with the kids, but she tries her best to be engaging with the kids (and make sure the Shadysiders don't get fucking stomped on by the Sunnyvalers). She probably butts heads a lot Kurt. And honestly maybe Nick, his presence just annoys her (as it should, he's a whole ass bitch).
Sawyer's pretty close with Alice (and I guess by extension Arnie?? Idk, rip to him he didn't stand a chance). Back in the day, her and Alice were super close with Cindy, which is where the romance plot kicks in. Firstly, Cindy Berman's a lesbian, argue with the wall. Anyways, Sawyer is also a lesbian. Given the time period, she's not really out about it, but before Cindy's whole personality change/the incident her and Alice talk about, Sawyer and Cindy were kind of a thing? Like not a full relationship, but feelings that each other knew about and all that.
Sawyer is heartbroken when Cindy distances herself and starts acting like a stick in the mud. Honestly, it's kind of a parallel of Deena and Sam. I think it's basically (??) been confirmed by the director that Alice and Cindy had that kind of thing going on, but I really wanted to delve into it more and have that kind of dynamic be explored more explicitly rather than it be kind of hinted at so to speak, so in this fic it was Cindy and Sawyer. Best sorta ex girlfriends.
After their fallout, Sawyer pretty much swears off love and gets a bit of a frostier ice queen temperament because of it. She kind of throws herself in meaningless flings with random girls (look, idk about y'all but Joan gave me some bi or maybe pan vibes, so they've probably hooked up before idc it's my canon now), but Cindy's kinda still got a grip on her heart so there's definitely going to be a lot of angst there. Also a lot of banter and Sawyer being a teasing bitch because she loves to get under Cindy's skin. Friends to lovers to enemies to lovers to unfortunate untimely death????? (Meaning Cindy, Sawyer doesn't die because I'm not killing my best girl and I love a good final girl — secondary final girl? Like I'm not stealing Ziggy's spotlight but you know, it's fine more than one person can live).
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nachohypno · 4 years ago
Nate and Dave Ch. 11
It’s been a while.
…Not a very long while, though. It was just a week ago or so when I lost my virginity to a werewolf. Who just happens to be my soulmate. And thus, has to obey everything I say.
Getting up from my bed was always a hard task for me. And that sounded way sadder than I intended. Point is, school starts in like half an hour and I’m still not even up. I was, of course, doing this on purpose.
I’m not that eager to go to school, but it’s my responsibility and I respect that. I was just having a little experiment though.
The sound of an indistinguishable car parking in front of my house, some heavy footsteps later, a knock on my door. I had opened my window, so I could hear everything that went down as he opened the front door and ran up the stairs.
A few moments later, Dave the jock entered my room and closed the door behind him. “Why ya still in bed?”
Everything fell into place. “Bed gravity is killing me right now, barely want to move” I excused myself, but I did wonder if Dave knew that I was waiting for him to notice I didn’t answer his daily [Mornin, my love<3], and feigned being late to school to make him come over.
I mean, I didn’t intend on making him come over, I just wanted to see how he would react to it. Dave was usually pretty pending on what I’m doing, and wants to take part to make sure we spend lots of time together.
It’s cute and scary at the same time, things that happen when a werewolf just so happens to see you as their soulmate.
“Ditchin’ school? Is it just me or you suddenly become way more attractive?” He dropped his bag on the floor and pushed me against the wall to make room for himself, then climbed on the bed and lied down beside me.
“Wait, we’re not ditching school. I mean, it does sound good, but we still have to—” He interrupted me. Dave liked to do this when I’m about to bring something up that will probably ruin the moment, it was a good life-saver. He invaded my mouth with his tongue, while trying to remain as gentle as always.
I could tell that wasn’t an easy task for him, but he tried his best and it really showed.
Sadly, I had to pull him off. “Wait, we gotta head to class, I don’t want to be late and you’re doing great progress lately.”
“Huh, y’think so?” Dave mumbled, trying to get closer again but I gently pushed him back. I was tempted to just stay in bed and cuddle with him all morning, but if I wanted to help him become a better guy at the end, I should give the example too.
“I legit think Ms. Porter will cry with joy if you actually finish that book for her essay.” I replied, kissing his cheek before passing over him and leaving the bed.
I think I helped him a lot at school, not only with his shitty behavior but also with his studies. Dave wanted to be a good guy for me, because I didn’t trust him before with all his shitty hot-headed attitude.
…He still had it. But he tried to be nicer.
“Hmm… I’m up for it, that bitch’s made my last year a nightmare. Tryna make me do extra essays n’ stuff” I would let that slide, because everyone hated Ms. Porter. She did give everyone a lot of essays. I’m okay with it, I enjoy reading, but even those books aren’t that interesting.
Dave got up from my bed, and passed a hand over his hair. I noticed it was a bit brighter than usual. It wasn’t combed, but he seemed to have it stylized with gel to be a bit spikier, in contrast to his usually short, wavy and parted to the left style.
“Well… I didn’t even shower yet but—”
But the werewolf was already determined. “No shit, bro. We’re not going late, that’s what ya just said. C’mon, looking great already, as always” Dave grabbed my bag near my desk, placed it on my back before grabbing his own bag and my hand, pulling me out of my room.
“Hey, I can’t go to school in pajamas- Oh you know what, never mind, I’ve done this before.” I quickly changed my answer mid-speech. I sighed, ‘I’m supposed to be the one in control here and I’m being dragged out of my house. Let’s change that back’ I told myself.
“Dave, I order you to stop,” I said firmly, as we reached the living room. The jock obeyed without hesitation, freezing in place. I couldn’t see his face right now, but I assumed his eyes were a bit zoned out, like they always get when I order him something. “And let go of my hand, if you may.” He obeyed that too, his arms falling to his sides as the werewolf waited for more orders.
Alright, let’s see.
I grabbed a yoghurt cereal bar from the fridge, that would make a good breakfast. I used my reflection at the microwave’s glass door to fix my hair as best as I could, before I decided to walk upstairs and finish the deal brushing my teeth and washing my face.
I checked my clock, we still had quite some time. At least 17 minutes until the first class *actually* started.
I changed my tee into something less pajama-y and my pants for some jeans. Now I was looking appropriate for school, the last thing I needed was being sent to the counselor’s office for having a sudden “Lazy day”.
Believe me, it happened before and it could happen again.
Walking back downstairs while biting a big chunk of the cereal bar, Dave was still frozen in place. I could take a good look at him now, and I liked the view.
The big football player had, as I expected, zoned out eyes and a bit of a dumb smile. He wasn’t wearing the bowser collar I got him, which made sense because we were about to enter school.
A lumberjack buttoned shirt that seemed to cling pretty well to his muscular body, a tank top underneath, and some black joggers. I took a moment to unbutton the top button of his shirt, so his pecs would be a bit more visible. It gave him a cuter look, while also being like “Yo, I’m really muscled”. I chuckled at the little impersonation I just imagined.
“So, uh… you can wake up, I think?” I was still a bit unsure of how this all ‘I control your mind and body’ thing worked, but I was getting the hang of it pretty well!
The zoned out jock blinked a few times before starting to move again. “Oh, hey bro. When did you change clothes? You look stunning as always, huh.” He mumbled, before leaning in to give me a kiss and walking out of the house with a big smile.
He really didn’t care if I controlled him or anything, he would just roll with it. I was sure he actually enjoyed it, he always looks excited when I suggest he do something. Ordering him to do something may just trigger his puppy boy side to make sure I’m happy, maybe? It’s just a theory without any fundamentals.
It’s not like there’s a book about werewolves anyway. Not that I know of, I guess.
Beep! Beeeeeeep!
Dave was now using the car’s horn to make me hurry. I grabbed my bag again and walked out, joining him at his car and receiving yet another amazing kiss.
“I’m sorta sad when we have different classes,” He started, as he drove away from my house and towards the school. He was trying to hurry, but while maintaining the basic driving security measures. Guess the big guy wants to be a responsible driver, huh. “That means less time admiring your handsome face, my love”.
“Aaaand, more time to focus on your studies. You know that I get really proud when you study like a good puppy boy, don’t you?” I was about to caress the back of his ear, but that would have been dangerous. He shouldn’t zone out while driving.
“Yessuh, I’m a good puppy boy!” He beamed up, but remained focus on the road. A few minutes later, we were arriving at the almost-empty parking lot. Dave pulled over and turned off the engine, before pulling me in for one last kiss. This one was particularly longer than the former ones, I loved it.
“A lil’ present, don’t know how I’m gonna survive these shitty classes without you…” He leaned in towards my shoulder, laying on it. I did what I intended to before and caressed his good spot behind his ear. The big guy started panting, tongue lolling out.
“C’mon,” I said, checking my phone with my free hand and stopping the sweet moment. “We’ve got a few minutes left. Gotta go in, puppy boy.” His eyes seemed sad, but he nodded.
Dave grabbed his bag and left the car, and I followed suit.
We hurried to the main building, and I noticed that Dave seemed hesitant about something. His hand was almost touching mine as we walked, but he made sure it was several centimeters apart so nobody would suspect anything.
I always wondered if it was hard for him to keep himself apart from me. I definitely didn’t mind, but we still had things to work out if we wanted this to really end up well.
…Dave hates when I imply that we’re two guys in a relationship, when he’s the one that brought it up and asked me to be his boyfriend. He’s still pretty homophobic, yeah, but he works around it pretty well.
Still considering himself straight isn’t bad, I guess. I’m more worried about the other targets he used to torment. While he’s not a bully anymore, he also wouldn’t lift a finger to stop something from happening right in front of him, except if I’m the one in danger.
It’s not like I want him to be a superhero, and I do find his ‘mean jock’ attitude kind of attractive, (When it doesn’t terrify me, of course.)
“Just before we enter, let me remind ya that you’re the best guy in the universe, my soulmate…” He wanted to lean in for a kiss, but quickly got back on my feet and blushed.
“Good luck today, big guy” I tiptoed and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. “Love you too, by the way.”
Before he could react though and pull me in for a make out session at the school’s gates, I entered the building and headed to my locker. The disappointed but infatuated jock followed behind me, and went to his own locker.
Everyone seemed to be already going to their classes, so I guess I was still safe.
My first class was advanced math, and while it wasn’t that difficult, it wasn’t ideal either.
All the seats were taken already, except the one next to one of my two best friends. Sadly, Dick wasn’t in this class, and Sam didn’t seem happy to see me.
“Coming late to school? That’s a new thing.” He greeted me, as I sat down and took my stuff out of the bag.
“I like to think that I’m not late if the professor hasn’t arrived yet” Speaking of which, I noticed the guy was actually arriving late today. It was like 10 minutes past the class’ start. “Uh… did I miss a text or something? This one’s never late, huh.”
 “No no, don’t summon him just yet. We can fast-forward to a later meeting so we can all go home earlier. That sounds good, yeah” Poor guy, he’s speaking with himself now.
Sam had been elected last year as our council’s president, with a lot of effort and dealing with each of the “cliques” around school.
...And it seemed to be worse than he planned it out to be. You see, one of his promises to get the jocks’ votes was to increase the budget for the sports teams, which included the cheerleaders in the bandwagon.
That sounds cool, but in reality they already had more than enough budget dedicated to them, so we had to start raising funds for future events, or the sports team would eat it all.
Parents with their “bring and sell food for the school” events helped quite a lot, I’ve never been happier to see a random mother bring a plate full of nachos and hot dogs to sell at school.
“So, I’m supposed to ask the whole council about this, but I’d like to lay out my options first…” Sam took The Mighty Notebook from his bag and placed it on the middle of the table, pushing my things aside. ‘How rude!’ I thought, but didn’t give it too much importance.
“A sexy car wash is-” “Out of the question” I interrupted him “This isn’t a teen tv show. We can’t sexualize our football players.”
“Well, you can, you just don’t want to. Anyway… Cake sale?” My friend took a pen and crossed out the ‘sexy car wash’ option.
“People’ll get tired of it if we keep doing those. Parents already sell food at sports games and they’re not exactly rare to see, we have one almost every two weeks.” I hated being the party pooper, but if it helped him pick the right choices… “It can be done, but we can rehash that idea too many times. That’s what I mean.”
“Oooookay” He didn’t cross that one out, but instead added a big “(?)” next to it. “Last one I thought about, for now, was a winter’s ball kind of thing. Selling tickets for prom is apparently a great way to raise funds, but I’m not waiting until the end of the school year for that.”
“We’d need the principal’s permission for that but… you should discuss that one with the cheerleaders, they’ll love the idea. The more ‘prom nights’ there are, the merrier for them, huh?” This time, he made a tick next to the option, like it was validated for the meeting later.
“I wish we could do something like the drama club and just put up a lame production and sell overpriced tickets… Parents would pay anything to see their sons, right?”
“Uh, I guess so. They would probably be pretty mad if we fucked up the show, so let’s leave that one out.” Sam seemed a bit tired. I could maybe ask Dave for a little help with this whole thing, he would know what to do.
Hmm… or maybe, Dave’s ex-girlfriend?
“You should talk with Leslie.” I gave Sam a little tap on the shoulder and pointed at the girl a few rows at the back. She hadn’t noticed us, but she was really nice and tried her best to get to know me. We even sat together, like once! “Pretty sure she’d have some cool ideas that don’t sound taken from a bad movie.”
“You think so?” He took a moment to breath, relaxing on his chair. I honestly wanted to help, but I’ve never wanted to be his secretary because I’m not good with coming up with this kind of stuff. Pretty sure anybody could do a better job than me in that area. “I’ll try to catch her in the corridor. Just… don’t stare and be cool, right? I don’t wanna come off as a perv, geez. We also have this party tonight, so could I maybe approach her there? I dunno...”
The professor made his way in, with an angry look on his face. We straightened on our seats to avoid getting his attention, I don’t want to be called out by some asshole in a mood. To finish with our council chatter, I whispered to Sam a “I’m sure you’ll do fine, she’s not the devil, right?”
He chuckled a bit before answering “Don’t let Dick hear you, I kinda think he has a crush on one of those chicks.” I rolled my eyes, such a cheap gossip.
If I told you that nothing else interesting happened during the day, I wouldn’t be lying. 
I barely got to see Dave, just had lunch with him at the yard’s lunch tables before being separated again. He ditched football practice, and I did the same with today’s council reunion because I had a headache.
I got into an argument with a professor, too. The first class in the day, but it wasn’t anything worth looking into. He thought he was right, and he was too mad to check he wasn’t right at all. Almost got sent to the principal’s office, but I dropped the subject just in time.
I did share a classroom with Dave for the second class but… we got separated by Sam’s need to plan out his next meeting. You see why I ditched the reunion today? I wanted to rest!
Lucky me, my savior was just a few tables away, and knew exactly what I needed.
He waited for me to put my stuff back at my locker after our last class ended, and took me to his car.
I first thought he was just driving me to my house, since we didn’t speak about him staying at all, but there were no questions asked apparently. The big guy decided to give me a good time, as he pulled over in front of my house, walked around the car and lifted me on his arms.
I felt like a little brat, but it also felt amazing. Having someone who cares about you on such a deep level, like Dave does… I love it. I love him. And he loves me.
The jock opened the door with one of his hands, kicked it shut and took me to my room.
There, he softly left me on my bed before putting a strip show in front of me. Or I wasn’t really sure what that was. He just threw his shirt and jeans over to my desk chair and started searching through his school bag.
The silence was a bit boring, but I felt like talking was unnecessary right now. I just wanted to know what he was planning for the evening. He pulled out the bowser collar, huh.
“Never leave the house without it, bruh” Dave said.  “What’ya waiting for? Get on your underwear, we’re doing some great cuddling t’night!”
“Uh, okay. I like where this is going...” I mumbled, before starting my own strip show. Sadly, Dave barely paid attention to me, he was trying to put on the collar by himself, but he was having some trouble.
Before dropping my pants, I walked over to him and clasped the buckle for him, tightening it enough so it wouldn’t fall off but also trying to make it comfortable for him to wear. “Hmm… Perfect, my love…” He whispered in a sexy voice, before planting a warm kiss on my lips. 
I thought we were starting already, but the big guy started to run towards my bed and lied down with his arms reaching out for me. “C’mooooon, can’t wait for youuuuuu!”
I rolled my eyes and dropped my pants. Still in my underwear, just like the werewolf jock, I walked over to my bed and got grabbed by my boyfriend there.
Laying down on bed as Dave pulled me closer to his warm, almost-smooth body.
The bowser dog collar around his neck wasn’t sharp enough to hurt me, so I didn’t worry about that and just let myself be grabbed by this hunk of a jock.
“Enjoyed your day, my love?” He asked, looking at me with adoring eyes. It wasn’t creepy, I liked it. He barely acts like this at school, so his change of ‘big meanie alpha bro’ to ‘lovesick puppy boy’ was amazing to see.
“Ugh… I almost fell asleep at Mr. Cal’s class. So glad it’s Friday again…” I mumbled my answer. I tried to avoid mentioning the argument with my professor, but I’m pretty sure my class mentioned it already. Dave was pretty straightforward though, so he would probably mention it if he wanted to.
I know that I could easily not be tired if I would go to bed earlier at night, but those monsters are not going to hunt themselves in Monster Hunter, right?
“Wouldn’t mind spending all weekend just hugging you here…” Dave whispered, before placing a gentle kiss on my head. His hand was moving towards my private area, but I wasn’t going to stop him. I liked how it felt. “Just taking care of my lovely soulmate…” Another kiss, this time moving closer to my mouth.
When it comes to sexy stuff… I suck. Like, not in the literal hot way, I’m lame at it. I don’t like bottoming much, because I’m a bit of a wimp and I’m afraid of being hurt, but having Dave as a top is such a wonderful thing (After you go past that little pain at the beginning, the rest of the thing goes in like nothing) probably because he focuses too much on me having the most pleasure out of it.
So, I usually let Dave take control of the situation and just guide me wherever he wants to go. It’s not like we fuck every day though; I’ve only had my first time like a week ago. My werewolf jock would be up for it if I ordered him to, not going to lie.
But like, if we did that, it would kind of lose the magic of the moment? Like, I know Dave loves sex but even if it feels good the two times we’ve done it so far, it’s not like it’s a game-changer or anything.
So… cuddling and foreplay was the best thing ever!
“That’s sweet but don’t you have a party tonight? Sam has been talking all week about a—” I got silenced, the kiss was now happening at my mouth, cool. That’s what I get for trying to ruin such a good moment, I’m glad Dave stopped me.
His hand slipped in my underwear as he took hold of my cock and slowly stroked it. Meanwhile, we made out without a care in the world.
My breath got heavier. I felt so good at the moment, and Dave seemed to want me to stay like that for a good while. He would slow down the pace of his strokes or pick it up at just the right times.
…I had an idea.
I passed my hand through his hair as we broke the kiss, and he just looked at me in bliss. “Who’s a good puppy boy? You are, don’t you?” I whispered the question, to get him in his puppy mood.
It worked like a charm. Dave’s strokes slowed down a bit, as he started caressing himself with my hand, like a dog would do. “Yeah, bruh… Imma good puppy boy”
I ruffled his hair a bit more. “And every good puppy boy needs a good owner to take care of them, right?”
Okay, it may seem like I’m trying to do something weird or kinky here, but I actually wanted to try and make him a bit less… self-centered? I already had full control of him, due to our soulmate bond, but maybe if he saw me as a superior… He wouldn’t be so careless about others? Like he’s not at the top of the pyramid anymore?
But it didn’t work as intended, or at least not as I expected. Dave shook his head, without losing his chilled and happy expression. “Good puppy boys take care of their owners, bruh. Wanna protect and serve mine to make ‘im happy.”
It definitely wasn’t what I wanted to say, but it worked pretty well. “Who’s the owner though, puppy boy?”
“Really need me to say it?” The werewolf jock seemed a bit embarrassed to give his answer, as his cheeks turned red and he stared at me very intently. I nodded, of course. I came this far already, what I’m going to say? ‘Oh, no, I was just messing with you hahahaha well good night!’ “You’re my owner, bruh. Didn’t ya know that already? I love doing as you say…”
He leaned in for a good kiss. “…And I love you, my lovely soulmate.” He finished. Now I was the one who blushed. After that, the jock lied down beside me and pulled me to cuddle together. “Now come here, I need to make my owner feel good”
It did feel good to hear that I’m his owner. Oh geez, do I have a domination kink? Uh… I think that kind of explains why I love seeing him wearing that bowser collar, beside that it makes fun of the fact that he’s a werewolf.
He’s my good puppy boy, after all. “So, how are you going to make your owner feel good, puppy boy?” I roamed his big chest with my hands as I waited for an answer. I don’t feel like I say this enough, but I’m lucky to have this guy as my soulmate.
Dave raised an eyebrow, and spoke with a confident tone, but still curious. “What does my owner want me to do? This puppy boy will take care of it, whatever it is, huhuh”
Ooookay, if my cock was hard before, then it was aching right now with how horny I was. “Truth is, been a while since we’ve had some… action?” Oh god, I felt so dumb saying something like that. I think Dave would have laughed at me, but he actually seemed turned on by what I was implying.
“Fuck, been wanting to hear you say those words in like a week.” He kneeled on top of the bed, after pulling his underwear off. His cock was hard, as usual. I wonder if he jerks off at his house or if he’s just eager like a big horny werewolf. Speaking of his cock, Dave placed himself in such a way that his cock would be right in front of me. “C’mon bruh, show me how those lips work-”
“I was actually expecting you to suck mine off… Never did this before” If I felt dumb before, imagine how I was now. Dave seemed to try and find a solution, though.
“So, uh… never 69’d before?” I shook my head, and he let out a little sigh, but never stopped smiling. He was just a soft marshmallow when we were alone, I liked that about him. “Let me show ya”
I remained lying down, as Dave did all the work. He crawled over to my cock, got on top of my body and moved until his cock was on my face and mine was near his. The jock licked the top, giving me a little jolt of pleasure, like a little preview of what was about to come.
“Just… relax, and open wide. Not everyone can take my snake during their first time, heh” It made me wonder how many times he did this before. Or how many times did he had sex before. 
I leaned forward and smelled his dong. It wasn’t bad, so I proceeded to take the piece of meat in my mouth. It didn’t taste bad at all, it was actually pleasant. I wiggled my tongue around the tip, and I could hear the big guy starting to pant already before he dove in for my cock.
‘Hell yeaaaaah’ I thought, before focusing on my own part of the job. It was a bit hard to do due to the position, but it was doable, at least. I wasn’t able to deep throat (Not that I’ve ever done that before, saw it in porn and uh… it would be nice to try out?) due to the position, too.
“You’re doing great, my love…” Dave pulled off for a second to say, before going back to the action. I felt compelled to order him something, just like the first time he gave me a blowjob. It was always so hot, looking at him doing as I said…
“Uh… hey Dave, could you take it all in and work around that?” I ordered him, way calmer than this morning. It still seemed to work, because he took my whole shaft in one go and I could feel the motion of his mouth going up and down, taking it all every time. It felt really good, but I had to return the favor.
I tried to pick up my pace too, to make him feel as good as I was. I know that I can’t possibly compete with a werewolf under the soulmate bond, he would definitely… uhhh. “I’m coming!” I warned him, but he didn’t move an inch.
The big guy took my whole load, and licked the rest of my shaft with his tongue to avoid letting a drop of my cum go to waste.
And now, it was my turn…
Dave had this order still on him. “You will cum only after I cum.” Not saying that he’s precocious but… he does seem to cum right after I’ve been pleased. Maybe he finds that hot already?
My train of thoughts was derailed by the sudden explosion of cum in my mouth. It activated my gag reflex, so I pulled off and just swallowed the one that was already in my mouth. Part of my mind found it hot, while the other found it a bit gross.
Dave was still at 69 position. I looked over at his face and he seemed to be back in obedient puppy mode. Tongue lolling out, and eyes glazed over. It was a hot sight.
“C’mon big guy, did a great job down there. Let’s just cuddle for a while, alright?” I told him, wanting to cover myself so badly. I felt a bit naked without a sheet over myself. Luckily, none of our loads fell in my bed, or I would have to change the sheets.
“Yeah, bruh…” He mumbled, before doing as I told him. He repositioned himself next to me, and lied down. His muscled body was an amazing sight, and I pulled him in for a hug.
“Who’s a good puppy boy?” I whispered, loving the feel of his warm skin against mine.
“I am, bruh. I’m a good puppy boy for my owner… huhuh…” A dopey smile appeared on his face, and I proceeded to plant a kiss on him. I wanted to write down today’s progressions or something, I still had that ‘study Dave’s behavior’ on my mind. But it seemed kind of clouded now that I was focused on taking a little break with him beside me.
It was always good to spend a good time with my lovely werewolf jock.
Chapter 12 is already available in my Patreon!  And by pledging you also get access to other stories before they go public!
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ao3feed-destiel · 4 years ago
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/2GyWAU9
by expectingtofly
“Dean, you can’t keep doing this,” Castiel said and, shit, how long had he been out? Were those tears in Castiel’s eyes? “You could’ve been killed.”
“I know.” He realized Castiel was clinging to his hand. “I’m sorry,” he added for appearances’ sake and squeezed Castiel’s hand. “I’m alright, though. I’ll live.”
Castiel’s eyes softened and Dean’s skin warmed at the look in his eyes. To be honest, Castiel staring at him always set his heart pounding, but there was something else in Castiel’s eyes now. A mixture of deep relief and something else—Dean hoped it wasn’t angelic fury directed at him for once again nearly getting himself killed. But before he could move, or speak to defend himself, Castiel leaned down and kissed him on the lips.
Dean froze, instantly too aware of everything—the cold, hard packed ground under him, Sam’s presence next to him, his hand still wrapped in Castiel’s.
Castiel pulled back. The soft look in his eyes was gone, replaced with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…” He trailed off, his eyes searching Dean’s face. 
Dean could only stare up at him.
Words: 3137, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Sam is basically a relationship counselor, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Dean Winchester, Hurt Castiel (Supernatural), Angst with a Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Castiel's grace is weakened, Emotionally Repressed Dean Winchester
Link: https://ift.tt/2GyWAU9
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jomiddlemarch · 5 years ago
Where the boys are
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“If you like her, you sort of need to say something. The gazing isn’t getting you anywhere, Henry, partly because it’s hard to see at the campfire and also, she’s not a mind-reader,” Jed said but kindly, because Henry had a perpetually strangled look whenever the topic of Emma Green came up in the men counselors’ cabin unless he was drunk. He could hold his liquor pretty well, so it wasn’t often, but then he was moony and given to muttered curses.
“For once, I agree with Foster. The heart-eyes thing is a dead end. Life is for living, it’s summer, we’re young and in our prime,” Byron said. “Annie and I can save you a few rubbers, padre.”
“Byron!” Henry exclaimed. The remark, delivered in Byron’s self-satisfied baritone, somehow seemed to taint what he felt for Emma. It also reminded him that he was not nearly as satisfied, though the first day of camp, Anne had made it clear she was open for an assignation; when he’d demurred, she’d moved right on to Byron who’d given a much different response.
“What’s stopping you?” Sam asked. He was the most helpful, as usual.
“I don’t know,” Henry shrugged.
“Yes, you do,” Jed said. “All you do is think about this. Her. You have an answer.”
“It’s not so easy for me,” Henry said. Emma wasn’t the first girl he’d ever liked but she was the first he’d liked this much. It kind of floored him how much that much actually was.
“That’s because you won’t let it be,” Byron said. Shockingly, he let the chance to make a dirty comment about Henry being easy or hard pass right by.
“Emma’s parents run the place,” Henry said.
“But they’re never here,” Jed said. “Rarely. I mean, you’d think they’d be around more but they’re not. The supposed ghost of Camp Green Wood is here more than they are.”
“Fine. She knows I’m training to be a minister. That’s not a sexy profession,” Henry said. He didn’t regret it, but it was true.
“Yeah, ‘cause electrical engineer is super-hot,” Sam laughed. “And Foster’s made it clear he wants to be an orthopedic surgeon. Mary can’t get enough of his hip replacement pillow-talk. Tell me more about robot-assisted surgery, Jed, ooh, ooh talk trochanters to me…”
“Hey!” Jed interrupted.
“At least he was basically locked up with her, alone, with nothing to interrupt them,” Henry grumbled.
“Yeah, Byron’s visit was a real turn-on. I think you’re over-estimating the eroticism of the health-lodge,” Jed said. “And that exam table is like iron, the angles are terrible…”
“Oh my fucking God, stop! I like Mary and I need to be able to talk to at least one of you if I get sick or something,” Henry said. Jed made a fake-innocent face like What, what did I say? and Sam made one like Damn, Henry took the Lord’s name in vain, he’s gonna catch it with His boss and Byron just looked thoughtful, which was the most terrifying of all.
“Are you scared she’ll say no?” Byron asked. “Not to tell tales out of school, but I have it on good authority you’re in.”
“Anne thinks everyone is as… free as she is,” Henry said. Jed and Sam laughed. Anne was renowned for her sex-positivity and enjoyment of what she called “nature-baths” which featured Anne, her Union jack bikini bottom and a hammock she’d strung up between pine trees which were equidistant between the men and women’s cabins.
“Mary says so too,” Jed remarked.
“Charlotte sounded pretty certain,” Sam added.
“Don’t you guys have better things to talk about than Emma and me?” Henry snapped.
“You admit it! You and Emma are a thing,” Jed said. “Pay up, Hale!”
“No way! That doesn’t count. I’m not giving you twenty bucks for that,” Byron said.
“You were betting on us?” Henry asked.
“There, you can’t argue with that. ‘Emma and me’ and then he said ‘us,’ that’s a relationship,” Jed insisted.
“I bet on a hook-up, not semantics,” Hale said.
“You wouldn’t know semantics if they walked up and slapped you on the ass,” Jed said.
“Sam, come on. You didn’t bet, so you get to call it,” Byron said. Henry looked at Sam with gratitude and got a smile in return.
“What’s the point in betting on a sure thing?” Sam asked.
“Taking Hale’s money, that’s the point,” Jed laughed.
“You guys are shitty friends,” Henry said. He knew he sounded like a humorless jerk who was frustrated that they all had girlfriends or girl-friends-with-benefits and he didn’t have the confidence, the balls to ask out the prettiest, sweetest girl he’d ever met who didn’t seemed bored at all when he talked about hiking or theology school or his ranking of Pop-Tart flavors and metal bands.
“Relax, Hen. Once Byron coughs up the cash, I’ll buy us a round of glaciers and we can spike them with Byron’s vodka. A little Dutch courage and tonight could be your big night,” Jed offered.
“I’m not eating that strawberry crap you and Mary like,” Sam said. “I want green apple. Charlotte has the whole campfire set up planned.”
“And Sam and I learned like an entire hour of Emma’s favorite songs. The girl likes Broadway musicals is all I’m saying,” Jed said.
“And Annie and I are prepared to start up ‘Never Have I Ever’ if we have to,” Byron said.
“If you have to—what a load of BS,” Jed scoffed.
“Yeah, Byron, we know how you two have been gunning to get us playing that since the second week,” Sam said.
“That was before Mary sprained her ankle and got Jed to play doctor and Charlotte took you in hand, Sam. Annie and I thought it’d be the only way to get the party started, if you know what I mean,” Byron said, grimacing in a way he must have thought would read as sly or worldly. It looked like a bad Flynn Rider impression.
“I didn’t play doctor,” Jed interrupted. “I helped take care of her ankle and then, after, I asked. Like a gentleman. I didn’t literally jump her bones.”
“I know better than to argue with a smart woman,” Sam said serenely.
“You guys are going to embarrass me. And Emma,” Henry said.
“Yeah, then you can both walk off to the dock. It’s a full moon tonight, clear skies,” said Jed. “Romantic.”
“Boathouse is stocked with blankets, some pop, some candles and Creepy Frank managed to get the night off to take Emma’s sister to the Italian place a few towns over, so they won’t mess anything up,” Sam said.
“Jesus, what’s left for me to do?” Henry said.
“Hen, if you don’t know, we can’t help with that. Though Annie is always ready with some pointers,” Byron said. Jed laughed and Sam smiled.
“No, I’m good,” Henry said quickly. “Byron, give Jed the money. But skip the vodka. I don’t want to be drunk for this. I don’t want to miss a thing.”
“Boy, howdy!” Byron crowed.
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