#sam doesn’t want her to get hurt. sam is never comfortable being her older brother and it *shows* because the only time he ever leverages it
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 day ago
also when it comes to millie and sam what u simply must understand is that sam is pro-millie having a choice in things, sam is happy to be on millie’s side and listen to her contributions and pull her into the conversation. because he does really, truly believe that millie should get a choice in whatever they’re doing, or whatever she’s doing.
just. you know. up to the point where she’s doing something Bad/Wrong/Dangerous. and then he needs to find a way to Save Her From Hurting Herself. millie gets to choose what happens right until sam stops seeing her and starts seeing himself, and then she’s not allowed to make mistakes. like he did. for her own good.
#sam and dean both have fucked control issues and this is how i think sam’s would manifest if he had a younger ‘sister’#because of everything he’s gone through especially later seasons sam WOULD want millie to get her choice in things.#it’s just. also because of everything he’s gone through.#if he can stop her from ‘fucking up’ the way he did. well. he’s taking the choice out of her hands.#sam doesn’t want her to get hurt. sam is never comfortable being her older brother and it *shows* because the only time he ever leverages it#or acknowledges it as a factor in their relationship is when he wants millie to know his voice matters more than hers.#and like. it doesn’t. it shouldn’t. but often enough. especially if dean agrees with him. it does.#it’s like half control issues and half benevolent sexism. millie’s allowed to risk her life on a hunt but god forbid she trust crowley for#anything when her brothers don’t approve. crowley’s a demon. and well. look what happened with ruby.#i mean sam at least won’t insinuate that crowley’s trying to fuck her when he does this. dean would. if he was angry enough.#(​millie’s sexuality and dean’s weird relationship to it is a whole other post but like bottom line is he totally overshared details when#they were younger so millie knew how to fuck a girl. AND also the prospect of millie having a sex life outside of his general awareness is#like. threatening to him. and is something he will turn on her when he’s mad for an easy cathartic strike. you know? the contradiction’s#the point.)#anyway. (millie voice) why would i fuck crowley im not into guys who are older than me and also more powerful and also smarmy assholes and#also super attractive and also-#spn oc
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 8 months ago
Inspired by the latest Reductive Audio:
Lil useless facts about my fav boys/listeners. No hate if I didn’t include your fave, I was making my list off memory and am just now realizing I missed like… three entirely series worth of people.
He prefers silver jewelry over gold, but doesn’t care if styles are meant for men or women. He likes what he likes and will wear it. He’s a particular fan of dainty necklaces and women’s wrist watches, but likes men’s rings better.
He smoked when he was human. Lucky Stripes, since they’re cheap. It was a bad habit he picked up when he was eight or so to cope with his home life. He lost the ability to be chemically addicted to nicotine when he was turned, but he still itches for a cigarette when he’s particularly stressed.
She’s very jealous of Will’s attention. She gets twitchy when he’s paying attention to anybody else for too long. This results in spikes of her reckless and bad behavior. It started when Vincent was turned, then when he took in Porter, then when she turned Sam. The most recent was after the Inversion.
He cannot paint or draw to save his life. He’s followed five or six Bob Ross paintings, but they never turn out right. He can draw stick figures, but that’s about it. His penmanship is beautiful, though.
Will made him testify against his maker since Porter’s treatment was particularly brutal amongst Felix’s progeny. Porter didn’t want to, but he recounted every moment of Felix’s torture while being stared down by the man himself in front of the whole council. It was so damming that Felix invoked him to stop. That’s the moment that Porter still has nightmares about.
Lovely is incredibly anxious around their human friends. They’re scared that they’ll lose control and hurt someone, even though they’re very well fed and haven’t shown any lack of control in the past. This results in a few months after the inversion that Freelancer thought they were dead, since they showed up on the casualty list.
Their older brother is a humanborn freelancer. He’s an enforcer for the Department. They think that fits him well, since he was always sort of a bully growing up. Treasure themself is an investigative journalist who writes for an empowered newspaper. They were trying to get a table at the Monarchal Summit even before they met Porter, but that didn’t pan out.
He played french horn in high school. He was pretty good, and was drum major in marching band his senior year. He threw up before every game because he was so nervous.
Bright Eyes
Singer/song writer. Y’all ever listened to the Mountain Goats??? That’s their shit. Slow moving acoustic guitar, songs about the most disturbing and distressing emotions humans are capable of surviving recorded on cassette. Singing at dead coffee shop open mics in the wee hours of the morning. Their voice is raspy and rough, but the texture just draws you into their even timber and perfect pitch. They’re a minor celebrity in Dahlia’s sad boy live music scene.
His hips and back hurt So Much all of the time. He figures out that it’s because he’s incredibly strong but not flexible in the slightest. An imbalance in those two factors can lead to a lot of pain. He starts doing yoga after the Inversion when it got really bad and it’s helped a ton. Plus, Angel does it with him, and he likes watching them bend into all of those poses in their tiny, skin tight shorts.
He keeps track of how much David weighs and makes sure he can comfortably lift and carry that much weight at the drop of a hat. At the end of every work out, he deadlifts David’s weight to make sure he can do it when already spent. He should have been carrying David after the Inversion, but he didn’t have the strength to do it even when not fucked up. He won’t let that happen again.
He needs reading glasses but refuses to wear them. He tried contacts but he can’t stand to put anything in his eye. So he just squints and struggles through. His phone’s text is blown up like a grandpa’s. David is so bothered that Milo won’t just… get glasses. He keeps passive aggressively offering to add Milo to their vision insurance plan.
He had a little crush on Asher in middle school that translated to teasing the shit out of him. Which, Asher being Asher, put him off and hurt his feelings. He’s well moved on but sometimes, when the sun catches Ash just right or he smiles that stupid, toothy smile, Christian mourns his own stupidity.
Desperately protective of Christian, especially after the Inversion. The first time Ash makes a light-hearted joke about Christian’s limp, Arden put his ass on the ground, despite Christian laughing at it.
He drove a white Chevy Cameo with a red interior for most of his life. It was lovingly maintained, and since it’s such a rare model, he did all of the maintenance himself. After the crash, the truck was totaled. David still spent a few years trying to put it back together. He called it quits when he was working on the interior and found dried blood under the leather of the seats.
They have a small stuffed lamb that they’ve had since they were a baby. It’s beaten up, falling apart, and no longer the stark white it started out as. Lambie is kept in their bottom bedside drawer. They only pull him out when they can’t sleep. They were worried David would think it was weird, but he actually finds this more endearing than he can put into words.
They didn’t start talking until they were three. Their parents thought that they were nonverbal, and had started teaching them ASL as an alternative. Then one day at the breakfast table, they opened their mouth and started spouting full sentences. They taught Asher ASL and the two of them use it when they want a private moment in public/when Ash is overstimulated. (Side note; David also knows ASL, he took courses in high school. Very useful, he loves it. He does not love it when watching them flirt nastily in front of him.)
They’ve had anxiety since they were a very young child, and it’s always been an internally-sourced thing rather than externally motivated. They recall the first time they ever got in trouble at school (first grade, for pushing a boy who had been tugging on their hair all through recess). They remember the first time they got a B (fifth grade, on a math test they studied for for hours). Their parents had high expectations, but Sweetheart was having panic attacks from the age of three. Definitely something ~chemical~ going on there.
They feel pack bonds incredibly strongly. Their body reacts physically when someone in the pack is threatened or hurt, without them even having to think. They shiver when Sam calls them ‘mate.’ When David says something in his lovingly dubbed ‘alpha voice,’ they can’t help but listen. They knew Gabe was dead before they got the call. They thought Ash was dead during the Inversion because they felt David’s dread through the bond so strongly.
He’s unnerved by human’s tactile nature. Being in a body is strange for him, and he prefers Aria to Elegy (at least before meeting Starlight), so touch is an extreme sensation for him. Humans touch so much. He’s not opposed to it when it’s someone he knows, but handshakes are the bane of his existence.
Halloween is their favorite holiday. They start decorating for it in August. They plan elaborate, complex costumes and parties. They desperately want to move into a house so that they can set up scary decorations and shit in their yard and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. Avid lover of the Spirit Halloween animatronics. They go to Halloween Horror Nights every year.
He’s trained himself to use the human terms for things (ex: terra or earth instead of elegy) since some in the Department don’t like it when daemons use their terms. It means that he gets weird looks from other daemons when he talks to them. It’s an alienating feeling for sure.
He’s never tried human food. He never saw the appeal. What he doesn’t know is that he would absolutely Love dark chocolate if he tried it. He likely will never know.
Avid reader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comics. Just the comics, though. They don’t have an apartment in Elegy, but they do have a small storage unit where they keep their comics. They coalesced a few years before the comics starting their run, and for some reason, they just fell in love. Vega thinks this is silly and that they should be embarrassed, but they refuse to be.
He loves Popeye’s fried chicken sandwiches. Doc fed him one once and it blew his fucking mind. He won’t make them with magic, either, he insists that they don’t taste the same. Doc has started just getting gift cards for him to keep so he can get one whenever and doesn’t have to wait for them to give him money. He’s ravenous for those things.
They’re actually a warder, not a healer. Hush’s presence has encouraged them to refresh their healing knowledge, however. Even if he himself is difficult to hurt, he sort of invites chaos.
He uses his foresight to see what the owner of his favorite little bodega down the street is going to have for breakfast every morning. It’s his little morning ritual and practice for his magic. He feels weird all day if he doesn’t do it.
Seer listener
Their sight is more potent and more clear than Morgan’s. They can give stark details, see full landscapes, and turn 360 deg in their vision and see the whole space. They also can hear what’s happening consistently, something that goes in and out for Morgan. He figures that they’re just more powerful than he is, something that makes them just the slightest bit uncomfortable.
Gets incredibly stressed on election days, whether for local, state, or national elections. He forces everyone he knows to vote, volunteers to shuttle people without cars, and has at times volunteered to be a poll worker. But elections make him anxious. He cares so much about the results. Huxley has recently instated a post 9pm ban on watching the news on election nights so that Dames will actually sleep and not stay up all night stressing.
Does not eat beef. Not for religious reasons, but because of the impact of beef consumption on the environment. He’s about one step away from a full vegetarian, he just likes chicken and is concerned for his protein and vitamin intake. This is difficult for Damien, who loves nothing quite so much as a rare steak.
He was forced to take piano lessons as a child. He hated it, but took them up to the point he left home. He’s still very good, and did get peer pressured into showing off at a random guitar center once while out with the D.A.M.N. crew. He nearly died of embarrassment.
He has a collection of very pretty rosaries that he uses as jewelry. He is not religious, and if asked, cannot describe what a Catholic is to you. He likes to wear them around his neck, dipping over his body since his shirts always cut down to his navel. It makes people gasp and blush, which is his favorite effect to have on somebody. His fav one has beads made of mother of pearl and a little, golden crucifix on the end.
They love cheap Chinese buffets. They claim that, the lower the health rating, the better the taste. Their desire for krab rangoons is strong enough to pull them from the comfort of their home at 2 in the morning if the fancy strikes. Damien in particular is horrified by this, and keeps offering to cook them some actual Chinese food.
Dear (Lasko’s listener)
An all star volleyball player in high school and college. They were a setter, and took their team to nationals all four years of high school. They are on the starting line up all through college. When it gets brought up in their trip that Damien plays casually, they said they did too. And then absolutely creamed him.
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sam-and-dean-codependency · 2 years ago
Okay so here's some of my favs/go-tos (I say some as if the list isn't long). Hope it's what you were looking for!
Feeling Small by ladygizarme- Sam longs to close the distance between them and burrow into Dean, but he hesitates. He’s almost seventeen and logically he knows it’s weird to still be seeking his brother’s reassurance just because he had a nightmare.
Room 3135 by inheritedjeans- Outsider POV. Here's what Amy knows about her new favourite patient in the long-term psych ward: his name is Sam, he won't (or can't) say a single word, and he has someone in his life who loves him enough to visit. Every day. Season 7 AU.
Ellie's Giant by cordelia_gray- Outsider POV. A mute giant with sad eyes lives at the end of Ellie's street.
Breakable Girls and Boys- The first time Robert Moore meets his daughter's boyfriend is at Thanksgiving. The first time Dean meets his brother's would-be father-in-law is at the funeral.
Time Held me Green and Dying by anyplayceisbetter- Sam wakes up aged 9 and with zero clue who the weird man in the bed next to his is. They deal.
Scratch by lazy_daze- Sam is having trouble dealing with hell trauma and Dean gets him a kitten
I Want To Be (in a world where i belong) by Meh_forget_it- Dean can understand Sammy perfectly. What he doesn’t understand is why no one else can.
It's Just Research by brokenlittleboy- Sam becomes obsessed with the "wincest" shippers on the forums for fans of Carver Edlund's "Supernatural." Dean finds out.
When Memory Fades by Ephermeralk- After Sam’s wall breaks, his mind continuously erases his recent memories when he sleeps to keep visions of hell from his conscious self. Today is day 1156.
Don't You Ever Come Back by ItsJustResearch- "Why? You gonna hate me any less? Am I gonna hate myself any less?" "You'll never punish me as much as I'm punishing myself" Set after 5.04 The end.
No Surprises by singmetothesun- Sam spirals into severe depression while at Stanford. One night things get particularly bad and he finds himself on the edge of ending his life, until in walks a girl who won’t let him out of her sight. Slight AU because of Season 5. TW: SH & Suicide.
I Think It Should Be You Up There by theycallmethesunshineboy- After the events of 'Dark Dynasty' and 'The Prisoner', Sam hurts. In which Dean didn't fully comprehend the weight of his words.
Castiel's Guide To Being A Big Brother by Miraculous_Wolf- Castiel knew this was a stupid idea. But, he never had a chance to be a big brother before. And Sam was just begging for the comfort of an older sibling. Dean wasn't doing his job, so Castiel stepped up to the plate.
Vacation (Forever?) by plainventurer- Sam is desperately ready for a vacation from his own mind. Lucifer encourages it. Dean is a bit less enthusiastic about the idea.
On The Inverted Undoing of a Boy King by sarahjeanne21- In which Sam snaps while Dean is busy not having fun at a crappy dive bar. Dean listens to Sam's breakdown with a stomach full of rotten whisky and 1600 miles in between them. Set in Season 5, after Dean tells Sam to pick a hemisphere. Author AU where the Angels find Sam instead of Dean, and show him the universe they think will push him just the wrong way. Sam breaks.
The Lucifer Problem by FictionalNutter- Dean and Sam try to make it work, but after Heaven, it becomes clear to Dean that it would be best to separate. Sam decides to let Dean stop the apocalypse, while Sam takes on the Lucifer problem. After all, if Lucifer doesn't have a true vessel to take, he'll be that much easier to defeat. Sam goes off the grid, and not even Castiel can find him.
Hate And Hearbreak by ItsJustResearch- Dean finds out that Sam is in love with him. Dean is angry and disgusted. Sam is hurt and depressed. where does that leave the Winchesters? Sam POV.
Tragic Habit (I'm Choked by Smoke from my own Fire) by MusingPal7774- Sam just wants to save the world. If that means taking himself off the board? That's what he'll do
Of Wolf And Men Series by Merwen76- In which Sam and Dean get turned into wolves and have to live with the consequences
On The Edge by Karmitara- Sam was tired. He was so tired. Even with the threat of Lucifer or the angels bringing him back, if he took one step forward… just one step, and he'd have peace for just a minute. The world would have peace from Sam Winchester's long list of screw-ups.
Marked For Death by aceofhearts61, juba- As a parting gift following her unification with Jack, Amara sends Sam and Dean on a journey through the past to face the darkness in themselves and their relationship.
Life On Mars by moonwillow27458- After being hit by a car, Sam ends up in a coma. While unconcious, Sam finds that he has to work through his demons - his past relationships and his issues with self worth - before he can wake up. Sam has to confront things he thought were buried away.
i am a collection of dismantled almosts by ad_castra- Sam has to learn to live without his big brother by his side.
Small Again by sabarah23- Don’t get him wrong, Sam is a thirty-two year old man, and his brother is a thirty-six year old emotionally constipated idiot. He isn’t getting any hugs to begin with, at least, not any that aren’t brought about by unexpected resurrections or terrifyingly close calls with the Grim Reaper. He isn’t some clingy, needy little kid, desperate for his big brother to wrap him in his arms after a nightmare and tell him everything will be okay. He isn’t. But with Lucifer out of the cage and Cas as his meatsuit, he can’t help but long for the days when he was allowed to be.
Joy Taken, Gifts Given by KatLover98- After Dean comes back from Purgatory he is never not pissed off at his mate, Sam. Sam had abandoned him to go play house with a Beta.
What Dean doesn't know is that Sam is keeping a secret from him and it could be that Sam has suffered more than Dean knows while he was stuck in Purgatory.
Here be Wincest, proceed with caution
Please Tell Me Who I Am- A/B/O AU. As a beta, Sam shouldn’t even be attracted to his alpha brother (much less be yearning for Dean to finally take that last step into claiming him officially) but, a few compatibility issues aside, they’re happy with the pseudo-mateship they’ve got going on. At least, until a hunt-gone-wrong ends up with Sam being cursed into an omega. He and Dean race to find a way to reverse the spell before it’s too late…but now Sam’s not entirely sure if he even wants to be cured.
Untitled 12.02 Coda by caranfindel- What happened between the rescue and the chicken.
The Dull Grey Chair by ell_mckinnon- After finding out Cas said yes to the devil, Sam takes a step toward recovering from his experiences in the cage.
Miss Missing You by Poison_Dart- Sam couldn’t quite remember, when his admiration and want to please Castiel became something more than just the last vestiges of a dying faith. He wasn’t sure if there was a certain day he could name, a single moment he could point to and go ’right there, that’s when I fell for an angel’. It couldn’t be that simple, could it?
All The King's Horses by Safiyabat- When Sam is unable to restrain Demon!Dean to cure him on his own, he tracks down Gabriel and makes him an offer that makes even an archangel blanch. Instead of giving Sam what he wants, the Trickster enlists the help of Castiel and Flagstaff to help both brothers remember that it was their love story that saved the world once… by sending them on a quest through Sam's mind.
The Right Call by FictionalNutter- If Sam dies in the past, John won't be forced to sacrifice himself for Dean after a car accident, Dean won't go to Hell, and Lucifer's cage will stay shut. Sam's family completely disagrees.
Kindred Instruments by PinBitch- They’re in a tug of war and Sam is the rope. He doesn’t need to be alive for that.
there's too much pain by sam- GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!
Sam sat bolt upright in bed, his eyes wide, his chest heaving, his fingers curling into the sheets beneath him. It took him a full minute and a half to see his bedroom in the bunker rather than the cage he’d thrown himself into in the pits of Hell. 
Pillar of Sand by AmberSock- Stone number one. Sam clings to that concept like a climber to a sheer rock face, grasps at it time and again when he thinks he can’t possibly take anymore, when he thinks about letting Lucifer have what he wants.
Sam tries to rebuild his sanity after the Apocalypse and his return from the Cage.
Whumptober 2020 by sammy_whammy-whumperflies-
Three separate whumpy stories: 1. Sam faces his phobia...and it doesn't go well. 2. Dean finds out about The Voicemail...at the worst possible moment. 3. After Gadreel is gone, Sam collapses due to the torture his body endured from Crowley. Dean doesn't leave him behind.
'Til Then I Walk Alone by withthekeyisking- After everything that happened with the Trickster at the Mystery Spot, Dean would definitely expect Sam to be a little...impacted by all the shit that went down. Watching your brother die every day for months? Yeah, Dean would've lost his fucking shit. But the way Sam's acting…Dean knows something else happened. And he's going to find out what.
Until I bleed out by ItsJustResearch- John won the big fight. But at what cost? Sam doesn't go to Stanford. Sam POV
Knights, Kings, and Sparrows by BlueIris08- Sam's struggles with his faith and his fears about his future come to a head in a spiritual crisis brought on by the events of 'Heaven and Hell.' Alternate ending to the episode; focuses on Sam, Dean, and Castiel.
When You Wish Upon A Star by Merwen76- Winchester luck is back. Sam and Dean enjoy a trip to the most magical place on earth. But as they excitedly enjoy the theme parks, a truth comes to light that will change their lives forever.
Back For More Pain by Wolfcry22- Sam returns from Hell with his immune system shot. He ends up coming down with pneumonia and ends up in the hospital.
though he die, yet shall he live by Fic_me_up_buttercup- You find your brother when it’s raining. He’s bruised and bloody, but he smiles when he sees you. You think it would be the best thing you’ve ever seen if it wasn’t for the knife stabbing into his back.
keep you warm and safe by ad_castra- It's their first night in the bunker, and Sam can't sleep.
Bring It On Home by DraconicEndeavor- When 15-year-old Sam screws up on a hunt, Dean's the one that winds up in the hospital, and the younger brother's guilt keeps him from telling his brother and father about his own injuries until it's almost too late. (Pre-series; Sam 15, Dean 19)
golgotha by redskyatmorning- There’s a vacancy on the throne of hell, and Sam is desperate enough to save Dean from Michael’s possession to give into the abyssal depths of his own darkness.
but hunter, you were human (don't forget it and go safely) by toastforone- Sam was tired. This wasn’t a new feeling, exactly, the bone-deep weariness he found himself stuck in. He supposed that he had spent most of his life in some form of exhaustion, and trying to recall the last time he had properly slept was becoming his nightly exercise in misery. It didn’t help that Dean was suddenly so fucking happy.
Who I Am Without You by chriswinchester- Seventeen days after the Mistery Spot, and there was still something wrong with Sam. Dean just had to figure out what it was and get his little brother back.
You Called It Love, I Called It Torture by GalaxyThreads, SpiritClusters- It takes Dean a couple weeks after Gardeel to realize the extent of how very, very deeply he messed up letting the angel possess Sam. (No slash, no smut)
Nothing Floats Forever by BabyStepsAreStill Steps- Sam tried so hard to hold everyone up in the wake of Cas’s death. He researched strip clubs for Dean in his spare time and wracked his brain to try to find something, anything, to make him smile. He tried to teach Jack about…. everything. About grief. About his powers. About humanity. But that was then, and this is now. Now Cas is back. Now Dean is happy. Now Jack is being taught, and now after weeks, Sam can finally let himself feel.
Even in the Dark We'll Find a Way Out by TrippinOverMyFandoms- Sam is left behind at the motel while Dean and John have gone out for a hunt. He's not expecting them back for a few more hours so when John turns up suddenly and without Dean, he immediately knows something is wrong. Things will only escalate from there and will leave a horrible ache in the aftermath.
I'm Not Guilty! by Wolfcry22- After a devastating hunt leaves Sam fighting for his life, Dean is unable to keep from letting John know just how much he failed them (Based on a scene from the TV show Shameless)
The Joys of Accidental Parenthood by remy- They keep Magda.
lighthouse in a storm by remy- Dean finds out Sam’s the one who’s had to deal with Nick for months on end despite all his trauma relating to him.
Mystery Sam by authoressjean- "Sam had some serious chick-flick moments due him, and even Dean could admit the need for that. But the kid wasn't taking them. And frankly, Dean was starting to worry."
Like Silent Raindrops Fell by authoressjean- AU to 5x04. Sam wakes up to a world devoid of people, animals, insects. The only thing that exists is the silence that surrounds him. And even though they split, and even though Dean told him to pick a different hemisphere, Sam's determined to find his brother and stay together. Because the idea of existing in a world without him is worse.
Father, Mother Brother, Soulmate by Sun_Spark- s14e13: Lebanon - Time does not unravel immediately, but gives the Winchester's a few days. John Winchester has never been the best parent, but he owns up to that. Unfortunately, old habits die hard and Sam cannot go through this again. Mary Winchester's betrayal is just icing on the cake that is his suffering. And Dean? Dean's always been his everything, so why does he let them hurt him?
the city lights have left me empty- after s12e22, sam has a lot of misplaced guilt and nowhere to put it
Crash and Burn by space_ally- Give Sam a voice. Sam wouldn't play Dr. Phil for Lucifer
Southern Hurt Series by DarkHarmony- In which Sam gets suicidal after Southern Hurt and Benny helps Dean see the error of his ways
God Must Hate Me by samgirlism- The one where jess was a demon and sam finally finds out the truth.
8.23 Scene Decomposition by AmberSock- A look at Sam's headspace as Dean tries to talk him out of finishing the trials.
Blind Love by JasonMorganFan87- Takes place after 'Free to Be You and Me. Sam doesn't get away from the two hunters and is taken hostage and tortured. Days later, after a particularly devastating injury and prays for help. Gabriel answers the call and attemps to heal him, but finds himself unable to. Can he instead help him learn to live what has happened and find a new normal? And can love blossom between these two during this journey?
Be Free by Lady_Akuma_Wolf- AU from end of Southern Comfort. Sam takes Dean's words to heart, his mind throwing in its own two cents. Believing it is what will make Dean happy, Sam runs and becomes untraceable until it is almost too late. Dean calls in any help he can to find his brother, including angelic assistance. But finding someone with the knowledge Sam has, and who doesn't want to be found, the remaining members of Team Free Will better pull out all the stops, and fast. Sastiel. TRIGGER WARNING: self-harm, cutting, suicide. warnings in each chapter
To Kill the Monster Within by Lady_Akuma_Wolf- Sam has finally had enough. While Castiel and Dean are both out of the hotel room, Sam writes a letter.
Not My Heaven by FictionalNutter- Follows Dark Side Of The Moon. Sam doesn't understand what was wrong with his Heaven, and Dean is struggling to trust a brother who so clearly didn't care for his family. After hurtful words are exchanged and Sam leaves, Castiel finds himself explaining exactly how Heaven should've been for the Winchesters, and Dean realizes that he and Sam truly need each other.
After Heaven by Quiet_crash- Sam's kidnapped by demons. Dean doesn't react as expected.
Damnation by Conversation by AnotherWriterCalledEvie- What if, when Roy and Walt shot the Winchester's, things went a little differently? What if Dean still went to Heaven, but Sam went somewhere else? What if Sam ended up in Hell?
give me sam winchester fic recs NOW. i’m in it for the long haul.
preferably x reader because i need him biblically but atp i’m down for anything as long as the grammar is good
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writethelifeyouwant · 2 years ago
Made For You | Chapter 19
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Summary: Dean and Sam like what they have together, and if screwing your brother screws with the universe’s “grand plan” while they’re at it, then even better. Neither of them has ever cared much for tradition or fate, but it turns out there are some destinies you can’t escape. Sometimes, someone is just made for you. 
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader / Alpha!Dean x Omega!Sam Rating: 18+ Warnings: Incest, Dub Con (Sex Pollen) Tags:  Dean x Reader, Dean x Sam, alpha!Dean, omega!Sam, omega!Reader, fuck or die, sex pollen, love triangle, star-crossed lovers, destiny, true mates, primal urges, angst, mating, kissing, p in v, knotting, scenting, kinda threesome, hurt/comfort, praise kink, dirty talk, accidental mating, squirting, overstimulation, sloppy seconds Bingo Squares:  @spnabobingo - Sloppy Seconds | @supernatural-jackles TMAS Bingo Word Count: 2.2k
Series Masterlist
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Sam’s POV
Sam feels sick. No– no, actually, he doesn’t. He wants to feel sick. He knows he should feel horrified about everything that’s just happened.
He hadn’t meant to stay, really he hadn’t. Sam wants to blame it on the supernatural sex pollen, and some of it definitely can be blamed on the horrid substance. He can tell himself that he never would have stayed to watch Y/N and Dean if he had been thinking clearly. He never would have touched his baby girl the way he did at the end if he’d been of sound mind. Holding her, comforting her while she was in danger, making sure she and Dean were both safe; that’s one thing. Slipping his fingers between his daughter’s legs to play with her clit and help her cum around Dean’s knot is not as easily explained. And absolutely none of it is forgivable, Sam berates himself. 
He should be disgusted with himself… but he isn’t. As Sam breathes deeply, trying to comprehend everything that’s just transpired, he can feel his cock–rock hard and leaking almost as much slick as his hole–rubbing between the sweat-damp skin of Y/N’s lower back and his own stomach. At some point in the proceedings, his hospital gown must have gotten bunched up without him realising it. 
All of Sam’s senses feel overwhelmed and confused. His ass feels just as empty and desperate as it has since the sex pollen began to take effect, craving a knot, craving a mate. But now, he’s just mated himself to someone who can’t give him that. When Sam sucked Dean’s tongue into his mouth and licked over his brother’s lips, he swallowed down the same blood and mating hormones that Dean had just released from their daughter’s veins. Through their carelessness, and their desperate craving for each other, Sam and Dean had just forced Y/N into a mating bond that she hadn’t chosen. And now, the sex pollen that’s been making Sam crave an alpha’s cock is now also making him crave his own daughter’s cunt. Because he’s a fucking idiot. 
There’s yet another problem with this situation, though, because Dean’s cock is still knotted inside Y/N. Sam can feel the head of his brother’s dick pressing up against his palm through the base of the girl’s belly–a feeling that, inexplicably, has him practically delirious with desire. Y/N and Dean will probably stay knotted for a little while longer before the alpha releases enough to separate them without hurting either of them, and that’s if they don’t just start fucking again on instinct and stay tied the whole time. So both of the things that Sam is being forced to magically crave are also both off-limits to him right now, and he thinks it’s going to drive him insane. 
Well, silver lining, Sam thinks bitterly, if the sex pollen kills me, Y/N won’t be stuck mated to an omega she never wanted in the first place. 
“Hey, hey!” A dull tapping gets Sam’s attention and he blinks, bringing the hospital room back into focus around him, becoming conscious that Dean is lightly smacking him on the cheek. “There he is,” his older brother smiles tightly, and Sam feels his own lips pull up in a lazy smirk. 
“Shut up,” he tries to say, trying to roll his eyes, but Sam can’t feel his muscles reacting properly, the way he remembers it feeling, and his words come out blurry, his vision slurring. 
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Dean’s POV
“Sammy? Sam!” Dean calls again, more forcefully this time as his little brother’s eyes lose focus again, and his lids slip shut. His jaw hangs slightly ajar and his neck begins to loll back, his stupid long floppy hair pooling on his shoulders. This is not good. This is very, very not good, and Dean can feel himself beginning to panic. The pollen is clearly beginning to take over Sam’s system. 
“Daddy?” Y/N grumbles, her head snuggling back into Sam’s chest as she tries to peer up at him. “Daddy?” she asks again, slightly more alert, when Sam doesn’t respond. “Daddy. Da– Dean? What’s wrong?” 
Dean tries to shush his mate, kissing her gently on the forehead as he tries to think about what can be done. He’s just found his brother again after twenty years. He’s not about to lose him again. No way. 
“Dean, what’s happening?” Y/N asks more insistently, pulling back to look him in the eye, the pleasure-fog that had been clouding her features a moment before almost entirely evaporated now. 
“It’s the pollen,” Dean grunts, shifting his body as much as he can with his knot still tied to Y/N. “Can you lean forward, baby girl? Need to try and move us over, give him some space.” 
“Shit, yeah,” Y/N flinches as she sits up too quickly, Dean’s cock moving inside of her and pulling uncomfortably for the both of them. 
“Careful,” Dean hisses, biting on his tongue in concentration as he tucks a hand under Y/N’s leg and pulls it around his waist more tightly. “Here, put your arms around my neck sweetheart, gonna pick you up.” The alpha sits back on his knees, gathering the omega into him and pulling her up off of the mattress. Sam’s body relaxes a little and slides a bit down the bed without the weight of Y/N keeping him upright. His legs splay open as if it’s instinctual, displaying his hole and his cock, the scent of his arousal leaking into the air around them and making Dean feel slightly faint. 
“Oh god,” Y/N whines, and Dean groans as her pussy clamps down on his knot, pulsing wantonly as she also inhales the scent of her father’s slick. “Oh fuck,” she whimpers into his shoulder, her lips skating damply over Dean’s skin. 
“You want him, don’t you, baby girl?” Dean hears himself purring against Y/N’s ear, unconscious of making the decision to speak. His voice sounds low and guttural, seductive, and he has no idea what’s coming over him. “Such a greedy little girl, not happy with just one Daddy stuffed in this pussy, are you? You want two. You want Sammy, don'tcha sweetheart?” 
“Fuck, Dean, yes,” Y/N groans, still grinding herself down onto his knot, which is not what Dean needs to be happening right now. He needs to get Y/N off of himself and on to his brother as quickly as possible, no matter how much his instincts are screaming at him for even considering pulling out of the cunt he’s currently cradled inside of. “Fuck, want you. Want you, Daddy,” the omega moans, and Dean’s breath catches in his throat, a whole muddle of arousal and emotion surging through him at the sound of Y/N referring to him as Daddy, and how much more that means now. 
“You’ve got me, baby girl,” he pants, nuzzling against her and dragging his mouth across her skin until his lips find hers. “Fuck, ‘mega, I got you. Alpha’s got you.” Dean is on his feet he realises, having picked Y/N up in his arms and stepped off of the bed. He slams Y/N’s back against the wall beside the bed, pinning her body against his, and starts thrusting into her furiously, fucking her so hard the bed beside them is quaking. His face is buried against her neck, her screams are thick and vital in his ears, stringing his nerves so tight they snap in a flash of heat as he empties himself inside of her for a third time. There’s so much cum he can feel some of it escaping the barrier that his knot is supposed to be making and dripping into the crevices between the omega’s thighs. 
“Dean,” Y/N is sobbing brokenly against him from her own overwhelming pleasure, and the alpha gets a spark of inspiration. 
Pulling his hips back a little so he can squeeze a hand between them, he lets his fingers find the tiny bundle of nerves a little ways above where he can feel his cock rocking in and out of her entrance the tiniest bit. He swirls the pads of his fingers over her until he finds the spot that makes her gasp and bang her head back against the wall, ecstasy written clearly over her face. Speeding up, he begins to flex his hips a little more, unable to control very much with his knot still so big inside of her, but hoping desperately that the increased girth is giving him the advantage he needs and rubbing over the right spot. 
“Cum for Daddy, ‘mega,” Dean commands, his jaw set in concentration. “Want you to squirt on my cock and push, push my knot right out of you baby girl, so you can go fuck your other Daddy for me. That’s what your alpha wants, Y/N. Wanna get you dripping wet so you just slide right down on your daddy's dick. It’s fucking big, take a look. Look at what I’m about to shove inside of this tight little hole, baby girl, and tell me how much you want your daddy’s cock inside of you.” 
Y/N’s body becomes almost painfully tight around him and Dean feels every muscle seize up urgently, feels the gush of slick between his legs as her body convulses around him, and with a monumental effort he drags his hips down and manages to work himself free, his daughter still shaking and jerking in his arms with the seemingly unending waves of her climax. When Dean manages to focus his vision and he catches sight of her face, he can see her whole countenance has gone slack, muscles that had been wound tighter than a spring now hanging limply beneath her skin, her eyes blinking and unfocused– just on the verge of passing out then, not actually unconscious. 
He’ll have to take the opportunity to congratulate himself some other time. 
Dean lets Y/N’s legs uncurl from around him and lowers her to the floor, switching position and sweeping her up into his arms bridal style in order to carry her more securely around the side of the bed to where Sam is lying. He looks like he’s asleep. Peaceful. Absolutely nothing untoward. Except Dean knows better, he’s seen this kind of thing before: the omega is fading fast. 
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When you manage to struggle back to some semblance of awareness, you can feel that your pussy is still full, which soothes the foreign urgency in your body that you assume is a consequence of the pollen. But something feels different, and it takes your foggy mind a minute or two to realise what it is. No knot. The cock inside of you is big, but you don’t have the distinctive pressure at the base of your entrance that comes from being locked with Dean after he’s knotted you. 
Experimentally, you squeeze your muscles around the intrusion, moaning at the sensation of how deep inside of you the tip is reaching. It feels like the cock is somewhere in your freaking chest, it's so long. You know it’s not Dean inside of you, but it takes your memory a moment to supply the name of who else it could be. 
Sam– you remember with a gasp as your body unconsciously rocks itself against him, grinding your hips down onto his length. 
Daddy’s cock is sliding wetly inside of you, and you realise now that you’re curled against his chest, his large, warm hands splayed across your back, cradling you against him. You have an absurd memory of crawling into bed with him when you were little and wrapping yourself around him just like this–minus the sexual contact, of course. That part is new, but as you give your hips another experimental swivel, still lazily feeling out a rhythm, you decide you like this part. You’re gonna add this to the routine. Not that it’s been a part of your bedtime routine in fucking years, but you have the urge to start it back up, for some reason. It seems nonsensical that you would ever consider sleeping in a different bed to Daddy–or Dean, come to think of it. 
You have no idea where these thoughts are coming from, they all seem to swarm simultaneously across your mind’s eye in a haze that you don’t have the energy or desire to analyse right now, so you simply let them swarm, and focus on the feeling of rubbing your clit against the very root of Sam’s cock because you realise in a moment of astonishment, he’s not even all the way inside of you, because of the way your body is draped over his chest. 
Holy fuck. 
A second later, you feel an orgasm shimmering through every conscious nerve of your body, your clit drawing up and twitching against your body inside its little protective folds, trying to shrink away from the overstimulation. 
“Good girl,” you hear Dean’s voice purr behind you, and you feel another hand running gently over your back as the whispers of praise drift over your skin.
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Chapter 20 posting on November 15th or head to my website to binge read the rest of the fic today!
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Series Tags: @outofnowhere82 @ladysparkles78 @missusbarnes-rogers @waywardandnerdy0212
We’re All Mads Here: @vulgar-library @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @schaefchenherde @kickingitwithkirk @little-diable @laxe-chester67 @kassyscarlett @austin-winchester67 @flamencodiva @katbratsupernaturalwhore @letsbys-library @fictional-affairs @leigh70
All SPN: @cemini-winchester @akshi8278 @stoneyggirl @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j @slamminmine @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @alaufeyson @raidens-realm @tatted-trina6 @defenderrosetyler @cluz1babe @maliburenee @classyunknownlover
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lunmelia · 4 years ago
I’m gonna rant for a bit, because after thinking about it for a solid 1 minute Supernatural had so much potential to make Sam and Dean’s relationship with Mary extremely strange, but in a “I just came back from the dead and to a world I don’t know, I cannot handle being a mom to 2 grown adults who are older than me so actually we’re siblings now” kind of way. Hear me out.
Just... imagine. You’re 29, you have 2 sons, one who’s 4-years-old and the other who is only 6 months. You die. 33 years later, you’re alive again but you’re still 29, and you’re faced with your 2 now adult sons, one who is now 8 years older than you, and the other 4 years older. Your sons are literally now older than you. They have experienced life for longer than you have. Your oldest has wrinkles and you don’t. How fucking weird is that!!
Just the... complexity that kind of relationship would have. I did love how they approached Mary in the show, how they had Dean confront her and how we later find out that Amara brought her back just so Dean could face reality and not paint his mum as a saint but like... it could’ve been so much more weird. That kind of situation just calls for weird. 
That scene where Mary ordered them dinner should have been so much more awkward and not as comfortable and light-hearted as it was. What if Mary just outright told them “I don’t cook” and they’re like “uh... okay, well, we could order?” and she perks up like “order?” and she’s thinking oh cool they’ll just call the nearest pizza place but no, her sons pull out a mobile phone and they try to teach her how to use the app but she just gets frustrated and doesn’t get it so they give up, Dean orders and they spend the time waiting teaching her how to use a phone. And okay kids are usually teaching their parents how to use technology but this is just weird because her sons are older than her. Then the food gets there and she’s like “why don’t I serve it?” because that’s what mothers do, right? But it feels weird and awkward and wrong because they’re grown men so she shouldn’t have to mother them, right? And they eat in silence and it’s so fucking awkward and all of them know it’s awkward and after a moment Mary goes “... Dean, do you uh... do you still like pie?” and he says yes and it’s a huge fucking relief but at the same time it’s fucking not because that’s all she knows!! that’s all she knows about her son and thank fuck he still likes pie but that’s all she knows.
And just- Mary having a full breakdown because she always wanted to be a mother, that’s all she wanted. She just wanted to drop the hunter life and be a mother and just live a normal fucking life for once and she can’t. She can’t. That life was ripped away from her and now her sons are adults and older than her and she didn’t raise them and they’re hunters and she’s a hunter again and she can’t be a mother. Her sons are hunters and she never wanted that and it makes her nauseous and makes her head hurt. And Sam and Dean find her sobbing in one of the bathrooms next to the toilet and they hold her close until she stops shaking. They comfort her because she can’t comfort them. She only knows how to be a mother to a 4-year-old and a baby, she can’t be a mother to them. 
And you know what? Sam and Dean are oddly okay with that. All they wanted growing up was a mother to care for them, to cook them food and be there to hold them when things got bad. But now that they have their mother in front of them? They realise that they don’t really... need her. Not Mary sepcifically, but just a mother. They’ve survived the past 33 years without a mother, and sure it was shitty but it happened and they’re used to it. They’re grown men, they don’t need a mother. Sure, it would’ve been nice but when Mary tried again the next day by making them scrambled eggs with a forced smile they just cringed. They don’t need a mother. It sucks, and they wish so bad that they had one growing up, maybe things would’ve been better, but they’ve dealt with this for the past 33 years and they’re good. 
So, okay, she’s not their mum. She is, but she’s not. Really, they’re just strangers trying to get to know each other. And so they do. They spend time together, so much they eventually become insperable. Not in a separation anxiety kind of way, but when Mary isn’t desperately trying to play the mother role the three just click and make a kickass team. They can’t call her “mom” in public because she obviously looks younger than them so when they’re out shopping or anywhere else they just call her Mary and introduce her as their sister. It works, it’s believable because they look related, they are, but no one blinks when they refer to her as a sister. 
And eventually they stop calling her “mom” and start just calling her Mary. And “mom” becomes a rare word, a word used in dark moments where one of them is frantically putting pressure on a wound that won’t stop bleeding, or when Mary finally breaks free of the British Men of Letters’ brainwashing. But one day Dean takes a sip from a beer, puts it down and is quiet for a moment before saying “... I think we’ve accidentally adopted our mom as our sister” and Sam just goes “yep” and cue John Mulaney ‘you know those days when you’re like “this might as well happen”? adult life is already so goddamn weird’ and it’s just. that just becomes their dynamic. 
She’s not their mum, they’re not her sons, so the relationship dynamic they adopt is siblings. And the concept is so fucking weird but it feels more normal to them than her being their mum. She’s just now their little sister and they’re her big brothers and it’s like “huh. okay. didn’t expect this to happen but okay” 
Like it’s STRANGE but I think their situation calls for it!! This is SUPERNATURAL!! Let it be fucking weird!! She’s their mum but no! Now she’s their little sister!! Imagine the humor opportunities! 
Mary starts to date and she dates a hunter who isn’t aware of the situation and it’s like Sam and Dean act like protective older brothers and give the person the “you hurt her she’ll hurt you, good luck” talk but also
Hunter: so... ever thought of settling down and having kids? Mary, immediately panicking like should she tell them?? is this an appropriate topic to introduce on the third date? she can’t even wikihow this! she tried and nothing came up!: uhhhh
And also after Jack is born and I’m just gonna sprinkle some baby!jack AU in this, after Dean is like *points to Jack* this is my son and *points to Cas* this is my husband Mary’s like
Mary: damn... I’m a 30-year-old grandmother. I don’t wanna be a 30-year-old grandmother Sam: technically you’re 63 Mary: technically I died when I was 29, was dead for 33 years, got brought back to life and was still 29 so you can shut your face I’m a 30-year-old grandmother Dean: I thought we all agreed you’re more like our sister Mary: not when it comes to being a grandmother. I can’t handle being your mom but I can certainly handle being Jack’s grandma Cas: I’m confused... I thought you just said you don’t want to be a grandmother Mary, holding Jack up: I’m a grandma now
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cazzyvintage · 4 years ago
Every day, it feels like I've lost them again
Synopsis: Sam shouts at Zemo for the things he has done. Though Zemo doesn’t show it the words hurt him deeply. Later on the reader finds Zemo and talks to him about his past.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Bit of angst, Sad Zemo, mentions to his family’s death and his attempted suicide
Author note: I had plans for another Zemo one shot but then I watched a sad Zemo edit which made me cry and here we are
Cross posted on my Ao3 account under the same name
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The streets seemed silent as you sadly walked home. The only sound was your footsteps dragging along the floor. The silence between all of you was piercing. Today had been an enormous failure, and you all were feeling it weighing down on you. Pushing down your hopes for things to improve. Zemo had somehow found out where the flag smashers would be, from a trusted source, he said, so you all went charging off to talk to them. It was a trap. Zemo didn’t know it was a trap either, though Sam still believed otherwise. You all had barely got out of there safely. It had been close, too close for your liking.
“There’s always tomorrow,” Zemo says, hating the stone cold silence coming from everyone.
“But there’s not,” Sam spits back angrily, “That was the one proper chance we could've had to talk to Kali, and we failed”
“You shouldn’t be so pessimistic,” Zemo argues back, rolling his eyes.
“Pessimistic. Are you for serious, pessimistic,” Sam says shaking his head at Zemo, “You hear this guy I’m the pessimistic one”
“Leave it Sam” Bucky mutters trying to push him along, but Sam refuses.
Sam steps towards Zemo, standing just a few centimeters away from his face, his eyes glaring daggers at him. Zemo stops walking, clenching his jaw and tilting his head to stare back at Sam, not breaking eye contact.
Both you and Bucky glance at each other, not really sure if you should stop this or let it happen.
“You could have led us to our deaths today, Zemo, which I am sure was your intention. You make it clear that you wouldn’t hesitate to see any of us off to our funerals. All because you got butt hurt about the avengers preventing Ultron from destroying the earth at the cost of your country.”
The breath leaves your mouth as the words slip out of Sam’s mouth. Your lips, slightly ajar, turn to look at Sam. He’s breathing heavily, glaring at Zemo. Zemo’s lips curled down into an angry frown and his eyebrows furrowed. You could see his fists curl up, something Bucky must have noticed as well, and he put a hand on Sam’s shoulder to pull him away from Zemo.
“Sam this isn’t the time”
Sam finally gives in and pulls back, but Zemo steps forward, grabbing onto his jacket. Bucky reaches for his gun, but Zemo waves his hand at him, motioning him not to.
“You don’t know the first thing about me, Sam.” is all he says, letting go of Sam’s jacket roughly and storming off.
It would be hours later till you saw him again. During that time your mind was often thinking back to Zemo. When you really thought about it, you realised you knew nothing about him. Heck, until recently you didn’t know he was a Baron. All you had been told was that he was a Sokovian who wanted to split the avengers up because of what they did to his country. Being a Baron, you supposed that made it more personal for him. Still, it felt like something was missing. Something didn’t add up.
You laid in one of the many guest rooms tossing and turning while all these thoughts flooded your mind. Eventually you gave up on the idea of ever getting sleep tonight and got up. If you weren’t sleeping, you might as well get some midnight snacks. Heading into the main room, you notice the door leading to the back was open, letting a chilly breeze float in.
Heading over to check it out, your eyes lie upon Zemo sitting on top of a fallen over tree trunk in the back patio, looking up at the night sky. His coat was wrapped around him to keep him warm, and his face was expressionless as he looked up to the night sky that was scattered with the stars. He hadn’t noticed you staring at him, his mind was far from where his body was.
After a few moments of just staring at him, you broke the silence, “Zemo?”
His head instantly snapped to you, surprised to have been caught unaware.
“Oh, hello y/n, can’t sleep?”
You shake your head, taking his question as an invitation to go over and sit next to him, “No, to many thoughts in my mind to go to sleep”
“Ah, a common problem for an insomniac”
“I assume you have similar reasons, since you are out hear”
He looks away from you, smiling weakly at the floor, “Yes something like that, sleep comes rarely to me”
Your eyes flutter down to the ground, not really sure what to say, “I’m sorry to hear that” you whisper
You both sit there in silence for a few minutes. It wasn’t an awkward silence like what you were used to. No. It was a comfortable silence. You were both thankful just to have someone beside you at that moment. You shudder slightly as the wind picks up, making the hairs on your arm stand up. Zemo notices and slowly shrugs off his coat, placing it around you. You smile politely up at him in thanks.
“May I ask what your thoughts were?” Zemo asks gently, glancing back over to you
“You probably think it was about our failure, right?” you say and Zemo nods his head slightly
“They weren’t, actually. I didn’t suspect us to accomplish anything. It seemed to good to be true. No, I was thinking about what happened after. Between you and Sam”
Zemo’s face instantly shifted, his mouth pulling into a frown and his eyebrows furrowing, “Ah” is all he says
“What Sam said was way out of line. I can’t understand the pain you must feel about losing Sokovia”
Zemo hums to let you know he heard but doesn’t say anymore, his gaze just returns to the sky.
You didn’t want to push him too far. Over this time you had gotten to know him and almost considered him a friend, but you couldn’t help but be curious. You wanted to know more about him.
“But there’s more isn’t there. Something we don’t know,” you say gently
You can see him swallow and his fingers dig into his palms as he tenses at your question.
After a moment he finally responds, “Yes, you’re right. I... I had a family who died that day. My father, wife and child. I told them to go out of the city to the countryside. That was where my father lived, you see. I had to stay behind as I was a part of this Sokovian kill squad. Even as royalty, I still had duties. I had faith in the avengers. They would sort everything out. But they didn’t. When the battle was one they just returned home, leaving us with the hard task of finding all the dead. I assumed my family would be safe, yet it took me two days after to find their bodies.”
Your body gets overwhelmed with coldness as you hear his story. The memories of the battle flooded your mind and you could feel a bitterness creep into your mouth. You could have stayed behind to help. Why didn’t you? Your eyes water slightly as you sympathise with him and feel the guilt lie on your soul.
“Oh god Zemo, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked,” you are quick to respond
“No...it’s okay. If I didn’t want to tell you, I wouldn’t have said anything”
You look up to the night sky and reflect over his words. All the pain that Zemo must feel, holding onto, and you did not know. None of you did. You were sure if Sam knew he wouldn’t have said the things he did. You knew what Zemo did was wrong, but damn you couldn’t help but empathise with him.
“If you want…” you start, hoping what you were choosing to ask wouldn’t be going too far, “would you like to tell me about them?”
Zemo finally looks away from the sky, his eyes looking to the ground. He swallows again, slightly sniffing before speaking.
“My Son, Carl, he was four when he... when he died. He always did this cute thing where if he didn’t like the food on his plate he would pretend he was gifting the food to you to show his love for you”
You chuckle slightly thinking about it, “That does sounds cute”
“He was the most precious thing in existence. He always wanted a sibling like his friends had. He loved the idea of being an older brother. Every morning when the mail arrived, he asked if he had a brother or sister delivered to him. Me and my wife… we were planning on having more kids. We knew he would've made the best big brother. We hoped for a girl, you know, to even things out”
“What was she like?”
“She was so beautiful. Like the goddess Venus. Many men tried to win her affection, but she settled for me. I had never felt like a luckier man. She was so kind, so generous, so loving. My perfect angel”
The tears that had been threatening to fall from Zemo’s eyes broke the dam and fell down his cheeks.
“If I could, I would give up everything I have, everything I own just to hold them in my arms again”
A sob breaks out of him and he holds his hand up to his mouth as his eyes crinkle up as more tears fall. He tries to wipe them away, but he can’t stop crying. You put your arm around him and pull him into a hug which he gladly accepts. He wraps his arms around you and buries his head into your shoulder as he sobs.
“I miss them so much”
You say nothing, just rub your hand on his back reassuringly. He takes a few minutes before he speaks again.
“I tried to end my life after I completed my revenge. So I didn’t have to live another day without them. But I failed. I spent the next seven years without them. And everyday it feels like I’ve lost them again,”
“What do you plan to do… after we have finished here?”
You can feel Zemo’s body tenses in your arms as you ask that question, “I think you know, y/n”
You pull back from him to look into his blood-shot eyes. “Zemo, I know this is so very hard for you, but please don’t. I know with your wit and cunning you can think of a way to escape all of this safely. I will not pretend to know your wife, but if she is anything like what you have told me about, I’m sure she wouldn’t want you to either. She would want you to find some happiness in life,”
Zemo finally moves away from you, standing up off the tree log and taking one last look at the sky before then looking back at you. He’d stopped crying by now but the tear stained cheek and dark under eyes were evidence of what had just occurred. The side of his lip tried to twitch up into a slight smile but it faltered,
“Thank you, y/n”
Taglist: @multiyfandomgirl40 @ineffablebean @freyjasamael @avgravy @jayxkelsi @huntheimpossible @checkurwindow @there-goes-thefighter @bunniwritesx @montypythonsholysnail @yallgotkik
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tyb1 · 4 years ago
If It’s The Right Thing To Do (4)
Character: Seth Clearwater
Note: let’s imagine your Sam’s little sister 
Dialogue prompt:“So let me get this straight when I need you you’re nowhere to be found but when I do something dumb you magically appear.”
Series List
tag list:  @alecvolturiswifeforever​ @scoverdale1​ @anndaydreamer​ @fae-lore​ @queen-of-embracing-uncertainty @nickangel13​ @bi-bi-spencer​@a-vild-bluemyrtle​ @little-miss-naill @crystalxavlove @ilovesethclearwater
Seth Clearwater Masterlist
A/N: message me or comment if you’d like to be on the tag list. sorry it took so long I love you guys:)
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“I’m sorry Seth but you and I both know that what you’re saying is bullshit.” I snatched my hand away from his chest, the feeling of his racing heart was no longer there. I knew he wasn’t lying about what he said but for his and my sanity, we both needed this to end here. This entire relationship was causing too many problems...well before he decided to join the Cullens. 
“What (Y/N)....what are you talking about?.” He stood there with tears in his eyes, I’m surprised he didn’t let them fall like I was letting mine fall. That was one thing I hated about him. He held in all of his emotions and then when it came to the breaking point he would explode. Trust me when I say it’s not a good sight to see.
I had to put off a bold face for him. I couldn’t let him know that I was actually dying inside. I was letting a few tears slide down my face but that didn’t compare to the aching feeling that I was feeling inside of me. It was the same feeling I felt when he first left me.
“Fine since you want me to say it so badly”- I roughly pointed my finger in his face.- “ Leave me alone. We’re breaking up so don’t call me, or text me until you get your priorities straight. I’ll be home when you get your shit together.” 
Seth couldn’t look me in the eyes, he started to kick the dirt with his feet. The sand below him started to change different colors from the tears that were falling upon it. He started to mumble a few words but the only thing I could hear was. “You don’t have your priorities straight either (Y/N).”
“It’s because I’m dealing with your shit! I’m around here following you like a lost puppy when you only play mind games with me! I’m so done with you and your bipolar ass!” I spat bitterly, I turned my back to him then marched towards Sam. I turned around to look at him once more, I instantly regretted it. He stood there with his hands in pockets with his head still hanging low. His head shot up instantly making eye contact with me, I quickly snatched my gaze away from him. This was going to be a new start for both of us so I didn’t need to be drawn back in with his puppy dog eyes.
Seth POV 2 weeks later
 I was too much of a coward to say goodbye. I was truly heartbroken. I wish I could run to her and tell her that I love her and tell her that I cherish everything about her but I know she wouldn’t believe me. I was all out of options. The only thing that felt right to do was to cry and that’s what I did. I cried so hard that day that Jake had to carry me home on his back. It’s been two weeks since I have last spoken to (Y/N), two of the longest fucking weeks of my life. I thought losing my dad was painful but this...this has won the race. I couldn’t bear the heartbreak so I started to stay out longer. I asked to take over Leah and Jake’s patrol hours. I don’t even remember the last time I ate. I can only remember our last encounter, it’s like a nonstop movie in my head it was causing me to go insane.
I hate it here.
I have been spending most of my days down at the border. I was monitoring the days where Colin and Brady patrolled, they were my best option to trick into letting me cross the border. It was my only way to apologize to (Y/N). So here I was trying to wave down Collin and Brady so I could continue with my ridiculous plan.
“Hey! Colin, Brady pshhh, come here!” I yelled out in the distance to the two wolves. I was standing at the border waiting for them to shift as well. I wasn’t in my wolf form. The last thing I wanted to do was be a threat to them. 
Brady was the first to walk from behind the tree while Colin stood behind the tree too nervous to face me. I could read their body language from a mile away, they were very uncomfortable with being around me. 
Brady snarled at me, I observed as all of the muscles in his body grew tense as he spoke. “I heard you got into it with Paul. He should have ripped your fucking head off.”
“Wow I wasn’t expecting that from you Brady, but thanks I guess.” I wasn’t trying to be an ass but it just rolled off my tongue. Straight away I regretted it, it only pissed him off even more. 
Brady pulled Colin by the collar of his shirt pushing him towards me. The kid could barely keep his posture straight or his eyes focused on me. He had no confidence in his steps and started to trip over the branches on the ground.
Brady pointed between the both of us with his thumb. He had an irritated facial expression plastered on his face. “Tell him what you told me when he left.” he spat bitterly, a small smirk was rising on his face but soon faded as Colin spoke.
“Do I have to?” Colin mumbled, he waved shyly at me. I took this opportunity to wave back to him. I gave him a small smile as well. Colin, Brady, and I were always close but Brady was always the fiery type while Colin was timid.
“Yes, you have to say it!” Brady exclaimed.
Colin rolled his eyes, “Fine, I said that you were an ass for leaving us behind. It wouldn’t be the first time that you left us.” Brady glared at him to continue, “I also said that you have a reputation for turning your back on us.”
I noticed Brady smiling at Colin; he must have felt accomplished. I must admit, I did feel bad, I left them behind but it was some things that they have not come to reality with.  “Listen I need a huge favor. I need you to let me cross the border so I can see (Y/N).”
Brady rolled his eyes, “Wow so you just completely ignored what we have to say? Why would we let you cross the border and jeopardize us? Yeah, that was a stupid request.”
“You’ll do it because I am your superior. In Jakes’s pack I’m the beta...but don’t ask Leah or else she’ll lie. She thinks she’s the beta because she’s older but in reality, Jake named me the beta.” 
Colin had a questionably look on his face, by now he has grown more comfortable with me and now is standing face to face just like Brady. “Why would you want to see someone who doesn’t want to see you?” 
I was taken aback, “Why do you mean? She wants to see me, there is no way that she would not want to see me.”
“Umm I highly doubt it, she’s been living well since the accident. We went skating last week with us and the others. Not once has she mentioned your name.” Brady slapped Colin across the back of his head. I watched as the two bickered back and forth. Brady pushed Colin away from him. He snapped his fingers to gain my attention from my feet. I hadn’t realized that I was getting sidetracked but I was trying to figure out why (Y/N)  wasn’t heartbroken.
“She made it clear that she didn’t want to be around you anymore Seth. Dude if I were you I’d really leave her the fuck alone. She really wants nothing to do with you. If you try to see her she’ll probably freak out on you. You’re pretty much dead to her.” Brady then smirked, “There’s also another guy that has been keeping her busy lately.”
Ouch. Well, that hurt...it actually hurt a lot. I cleared my throat so I could stop the tears from arising. We’re not about to cry in front of them!
Colin now slapped Brady beside the head. “You could have said it nicer, idiot.”
“What! Her words, not mine!” 
“Just forget about it.” I spat bitterly, If you wanted to forget about me and everything we had then so be it. I could forget you just as fast as you did me. I could care less about those stupid ass memories we made together. Just like you said I really didn’t love you it was just the stupid feeling of you being my damn imprint. 
I continued to walk and degrade our relationship. Jake tried to stop and talk to me but I just shoved him out of the way. He started to piss me off as well. He had his nose shoved so far up the Cullens ass he couldn’t tell you what roses smell like. Then here comes my second problem, Leah.  I didn’t dare shove her. I didn’t want to pick a fight with her right now. I could explode on her and say some things I didn’t mean. 
“Where the hell have you been!? Were you down at the border again?”
“Does it really matter?” I rolled my eyes at the screaming woman. If she wanted to be my mom then she should have birthed me out. She tugged me backward pulling her face up to hers. I stared into her lonely eyes as she did the same with me.
“You’re my little brother so you are my business. Stop doing dumb shit, Seth.”
 I ripped my face from her hands. “So let me get this straight when I need you you’re nowhere to be found but when I do something dumb you magically appear.” I already knew where the conversation was heading. I was not in the mood to hear her shit right now because I was a walking bomb ready to explode.
“Did you go see (Y/N)?”
“No! I didn’t see her. Why do you make everything about her? I could care less about her.” I couldn’t control myself. I threw my fist into a nearby tree. It cracked and fell to the ground. I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt the tears roll down my cheeks.  As much as I wanted the tears to stop falling I couldn’t. I have never felt so empty in my entire life. That same feeling of heartbreak resurfaced throughout my body. My chest began to tighten, a sharp pain shot throughout my body as I tried to walk forward.
”Make it stop hurting Leah.” I began to sob uncontrollably. “It hurts so bad, why did she have to go? Why is everyone leaving me? What did I do to deserve this….I just try so hard to make everyone happy but when will it be my turn to be happy?  Mom is fucking dating Charlie now. We barely see her anymore only on fucking holidays!  Why did dad have to fucking go!? And you only check on me when it’s convenient for you Leah! Why is everyone leaving me, Leah!?”
“Seth I-”
I cut her off, “Don’t say it.” I knew I was going to apologize about the accident that happened with dad. I never blamed her for the accident. She didn’t mean any harm by it. I could never bring myself to blame her.
 I started to wipe my tears with the sleeves of my flannel shirt. It brought back the memories of the time that (Y/N) would take my flannel and wear it with her converse and shorts. I started to cry all over again at the thought. I started to choke on my words, everything that was coming out of my mouth was undetectable. “(Y/N) was always there for me and now I chose the bloodsuckers over her. She doesn’t understand that it was the right thing to do. They were going to kill a baby. Leah, I don’t have anyone else. I’m so fucking lonely!” 
“I know how it feels Seth. It hurts like hell but you’ll get over it. I’m sorry that you felt like I wasn’t there for you. I must admit that I was being completely selfish. I love you Seth and don’t you forget that.” I started to relax under her embrace. I haven’t seen this side of her since she and Sam were together. It was good to have her back though. “I love you too.”
I followed her gaze, she was staring up at the stars. “I want you to cry it all out, Seth. All of that heartbreak and sadness you have deep within you I want you to let it the fuck out. If you hold it in it’ll turn into anger then that anger will turn into bitterness. I’ll come back and check on you in the morning.”
I don’t want to be alone…
Leah’s footsteps started to become faint, I was left alone in my thoughts once again. I honestly didn’t want her to go. All I wanted for her to do was to hold me and tell me everything was going to be alright. I was stuck on ground zero like I was when my dad died, no one was there for me except (Y/N). She would probably hold me in her hands while whispering the things I wanted to hear. I wish you were here right now, maybe I wouldn’t be so angry at the world. 
“Fuck it!” I started to yell out in the night air. I threw punches in the nearby tree to try and let my anger out. I hit each syllable of the words in the tree. “Fuck you, Sam! And Fuck you too Paul!! I’m not scared of you!” “I don’t care what anyone does and says to me. I’m going to see her and no one is going to stop me.” I didn’t stop until the tree flew back by the force of my hits.
I shifted into my wolf and ran towards her scent. Brady and Colin were still on patrol however they were both on the other side of the forest. It would take them a while to catch up to me at the speed I was running at. A sinister laugh escaped from my lips. This power or maybe it was the adrenaline….no, this was most definitely power. It made me feel invincible, By no means this was me finally sticking up for myself, or how (Y/N) would say, this was me finally growing some balls.
Her scent was in the direction of the beach, oh how could I miss that scent. I followed the dominating scent but there was something a bit off with her scent. It was a mixture of something foreign. I gazed out to the beach scanning every person that was out there. It seemed like there was a party, there were so many teenagers out around the bonfire. I growled out as I watched you sit on a log with another guy’s hoodie on. His cheap polo cologne filled my nostrils. You were sitting there laughing at something that he said which probably wasn’t that funny. 
“Tch, I want to know what’s so funny.” Anger arose in my body causing my teeth and claws to sharpen. My breathing became irregular and there was a tight feeling in my chest. I tried to ignore it but the harder I breathe the more painful it becomes. I took a step forward and instantly collapsed on the ground. My wolf form quickly disappeared and there I was laying on the ground in the fetal position. I tried to crawl but my body felt numb. The only feeling I had was the tears falling from my eyes down my cheeks and onto the ground. I even tried to scream out your name but nothing came out but a gasping sound.
Was I dying?
I started to cry even harder, the thought of dying always freaked me out but the thought of leaving you with guilt made me feel even worse. The sobs were coming out more frequently than I anticipated. I didn’t have time to catch my breath or even think straight. Everything felt like it was closing on me. The air around me started to thin out making me feel dizzy. The pain in my chest starts to become more unbearable. 
“(Y/N) wait...I..I...can’t breathe!” I choked out the words barely having the strength to do it. My head started to pound from the lack of oxygen I was getting. My hearing was becoming undetectable. I felt my body go stiff and my eyes fluttered shut as well, everything became dark and warm. 
It took every bone and ounce of energy to draw a tiny heart near me. If (Y/N) found me like this then she would see the heart. She’ll know that I died loving her...right? Was I even dying or am I just being dramatic? I don’t know, I just want to embrace the warmness that surrounding me right now. 
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griffintail · 4 years ago
The News
Summary: A part two to A Successful Test. Tommy reflects on the next few days after the incident. 
Pairings: Platonic! Tommy x F! Reader, Mentioned Wilbur x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, angst lotta angst, mentions of a panic attack
A/N: Just a side note, there’s a part where Tommy can touch Ghostbur. It’s my sort of headcanon where everyone can touch Ghostbur because he doesn’t have any other “abilities” of a ghost, he’s just super cold to the touch and is see through.
        Tommy slammed his axe into the side of the tree, his arm aching from the force.
        He didn’t care though.
        A few days had passed since…the test.
        Tommy couldn’t remember much that had happened directly after the explosion. He remembered yelling at Tubbo, he remembered being angry and upset and crying, but he can’t remember what happened after. Tubbo and Sam told him he ran off and Tubbo found him passed out in the snow, bringing Tommy back to his home. The older boy had run off and got Sam Nook, who got just Sam.
        He healed him up and bandaged the injuries Tommy hadn’t cared to notice he had gotten from being blown back from the explosion. The injuries were still there, it had been a little too long for the healing potions to heal everything completely. He had wrapped bandages on his entire left forearm and another on his upper right arm, there had been one around his forehead but he had taken it off two days ago, a scar formed.
        From there, they tried to help Tommy but he just wanted to be left alone. It was better if they stayed away anyways.
        Taking the axe out, he slammed it into the tree again, the sound echoing in the small wooded area.
        They had held a funeral.
        Almost every last SMP resident came.
        Tubbo had organized the event with the help of Eret and Sam.
        Tommy stood silently during the gathering. He saw everyone there, even the family that had betrayed him came out of respect for the woman that…that gave up everything for him. Slowly, people gave their words of respect for her. It wasn’t like Schlatt’s funeral, everyone cared and everyone was hurting.
        Tubbo had coaxed him into saying something, just at least as a final goodbye. Tommy hated the idea but he slowly came forward and stood in front of all the mourning people.
        Mourning because of him.
        “When the war first started…” Tommy spoke, everyone was frozen at his almost silent words. “When we fought for our independence of L’Manberg, (Y/N) stood with us against everything…She lost her first life…for Tubbo and me.”
        The memory always haunted the two boys. Dream and his goons had cornered them into a hole outside the walls and (Y/N) had rushed over the walls without a second thought. She stood as the perfect L’Manberg citizen, screaming at them, egging them on before dashing away, letting the boys escape to the wall.
        As she was making a b-line back for the safety of the walls, she had been shot in the back by Dream. Tommy remembered his scream then. He remembered screaming so loud at Dream, that Wilbur had come rushing out of the van. They drafted the Declaration of Independance the moment (Y/N) was back in the van.
        “She always fought with her words till there wasn’t room to do it anymore. …(Y/N) had stood for L’Manberg but she always sought people first. She tried for peace, for everyone’s freedom. And when…Tubbo was trapped…She gave up everything when I didn’t.”
        Tommy clenched his hands, remembering (Y/N) yelling at him and Wilbur.
        “Techno and Tubbo are alone down there! They’re our friends in case you forgot! If you’re not going, then I will!” She had shouted before ender pearling down, knocking Techno’s crossbow the other way, aiming directly at Schlatt as he pulled the trigger.
        She had pulled the panicking Tubbo out before the three of them booked it as best they could. When Schlatt came stumbling out of the white house screaming for blood, the crowd went into chaos, Wilbur trying to get down to the woman below. It had been Tommy’s fault then too…
        He said Techno and Tubbo had her back, they needed to get away before anyone knew where they were. When they got to base…(Y/N) was there first, she had respawned. She had lost in a fight; Techno, Tubbo, and her having been separated. Wilbur refused to let her out of his sight the next few days as Tommy had felt guilt rack up. (Y/N) assured him though, she was happy he left.
        The reason she had lost was because they stormed the tower and she became reckless thinking they were still in there so she fought to save people that weren’t there…Wilbur and Tommy would have most certainly had died if they had still been there. Or that was what (Y/N) always convinced him.
        It’s his fault she’s gone. It’s his fault she had no lives to spare.
        “She tried to stop Wilbur and prove we could still be the same L’Manberg.”
        (Y/N) had told him one day during his exile, when Ghostbur wasn’t there, that she had been in the button room when it had gone off. That’s how she had gotten Wilbur’s jacket he wore all the time during the era of PogTopia that she had worn till the end, a stitch in the middle of the back of the jacket however where…Phil had cut through. She told him how she pleaded with Wilbur, trying to convince him that they could make L’Manberg right again. Phil trying to help her and assure Wilbur.
        But Wilbur had been too far gone and told her that he loved her before pressing the button. It was one of the few times he had seen the strong woman cry. It was the first time Tommy comforted her instead of her comforting him.
        When the final fight came, she stood as the new spearhead for L’Manberg. In L’Manberg’s last moments, she tried to fight with her words, saying she’d bring the country back to its former days without the need for power but she had lost and they lost the last bit of their nation. From there, she simply just spent time with Tommy, Tubbo, and Ghostbur, doing research and loving them, still fighting for people’s freedom when they needed her.
        “She came to me almost every day in exile. She never gave me pity, she always made me smile, she always…she was always there.” Tommy gripped the end of his shirt as he gritted his teeth. “And the SMP couldn’t have lost someone so great.”
        After the speeches, it was a somber meal. Tommy was just angry at himself. Angry that this was his fault that he had lost the world such a great woman, that he made himself lose the best sister he never had. And his anger had only gotten worse when he had noticed that Ghostbur wasn’t there. Ghostbur was the one person that hadn’t appeared and Tommy started demanding to know where the ghost of his brother was.
        When questioning Ranboo if he had seen the ghost, he only got angrier.
        Tommy slammed his axe into the tree once more, having to let go of the axe from the pain. It brought anger to him now thinking about what Ranboo told him.
        “No, but I need to tell you something, Tommy.” He told him; his tone upset as he held his book. “I…I found (Y/N) before she went to save you. I forgot about it till I looked in my book.”
        “W-What?” Tommy questioned confused. “What do you mean found her?”
        “I was going to Eret’s when I heard her…I heard her screaming for someone. She was in an obsidian box. I broke her out and had to lead her out. She kept mumbling about you and another box. I-I don’t get what it meant…and her eyes were kind of unfocused.”
        Tommy had stood paralyzed in the room.
        “After a minute though, we heard Tubbo on the radio and she kind of shook herself out of it. She said…she said something about a traitor and you and just started running.”
        Someone had put her…
        There had been a second time when Tommy had to comfort his sister. She had fallen into a hole during Tommy’s exile, one of the various ones Dream had made. Tommy had laughed at first but took a moment and noticed how freaked out she was becoming. She was panicking.
        Tommy had quickly gotten her out and yelled for Ghostbur. The ghost had come over and noticed what was going on, quickly putting blue in the woman’s hands as Tommy tried to get her to relax. After, (Y/N) explained how she nearly lost and did lost so much to confided spaces, boxes, that she had developed a fear of them. Tommy understood what she meant, she lost both of her lives saving them from the confines of a box and she lost Wilbur and L’Manberg to the button room, a small space.
        As Ranboo was asking Tommy if he was ok, Tommy ran. He didn’t care about the protests of Phil, Sam, Tubbo, and some of the others. Someone in that room had trapped her. Someone had betrayed her and in her last moments, made her fearful, scared, and alone.
        It had been three days since then and his anger was unbearable. No one bothered him, scared of mood. The only ones that tried were Tubbo and Sam but they only got snapped at. But he wasn’t angry at either of them now, he was angry at himself, the traitor, Ghostbur, Dream. He was just angry.
        All of this is his fault.
        He put his hands on his knees as he felt the tears well up in his eyes again. He just wanted her back, he’d do anything to bring her back.
        Sighing, he picked up the axe and left the tree. He didn’t really need the wood anyway. He trudged back to his house, ignoring the still in construction hotel as always as he came to his home. Coming to his house, he froze as he saw the last person he wanted to see.
        “What the hell are you doing here?!” Tommy shouted at the ghost of his brother.
        “Tommy!” Ghostbur float to him. “I have good news!”
        “Shut up!” The boy screamed. “Where the hell were you?! Where have you been?! (Y/N)’s gone and you didn’t come to her funeral or—or! Even pay respects to her! How could you do that to her memory?!”
        Ghostbur moved sheepishly, uncomfortable with the shouting. “Well…I…the good news.”
        “I don’t care.” Tommy scoffed going into his home. “I don’t want…”
        Tommy stopped as another transparent figure, wearing a large brown coat, turned around to look at him. The figure’s eyes lit up as they rushed in front of Tommy.
        “Tommy! I remember you! You remember me, right? I’m (Y/N)!” She smiled, as she stood in front of him.
        Tommy was paralyzed before tears poured down.
        “Oh dear, are you alright?” She asked coming closer.
        “Oh, here, have some blue!” Ghostbur smiled now, holding out the blue to his brother.
        Tommy didn’t grab it though and instead rushed forward, hugging the woman. He felt like he just fell into a freezing ocean but he didn’t care. She was here in some way…and he’d make everything right. 
         He’d make sure Dream brought her back too and he’d make everything right.
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Dean Winchester One Shots
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(*Some miniseries will be in here since they started out as one shots...)
Demon Drama - Dean’s pushing her away. She loves him, and wants him to know that. But the Mark of Cain makes things difficult. Can she get through to the older Winchester?
Junkie - Dean’s a demon, and the reader just wants to be the best hunter there is. Demon Dean knows the fix for that.
An Angel Learning - The reader wants Dean back. Michael knows it, and knows what both want. But, when Dark Kaia comes knocking and tries ending Michaels plans, the reader has something growing inside her, that follows her in a new life.
My Arms (Song Fic) - After a rough hunt, the reader sings a song to remind Team Free Will, that it will all be fine if they leave their worries and stress behind, relax now. Worry later.
Whisky Lullaby (Song Fic) - Dean’s lost his family. He turns to drink to end his pain. His heaven makes it all worth it.
Soulless - The reader has feelings for Dean, but doesn’t know how to tell him. But when he brings home a girl, it hurts the reader to the point she does something drastic. Can Dean fix his mistake?
Comfort - After a rough hunt, Dean seeks the comfort of his girlfriend the reader.
Death Sentence - A classic, Dean being pissed about the readers safety. The reader risking her life for the man she loves.
Goner - The reader has had feelings for Dean for a while. Feelings are realized in this story, after a day of pranking gone wrong when Sam pranks Dean into thinking the reader trashed his car. Or, did he have it planned all along?
Our Work Never Ends - Years in the future, turns out Dean had a daughter with Cassie, and the daughter of a victim once saved by Sam Winchester are out looking for them. The hunter’s life sucks them in when they discover the bunker, and a certain archangel released from the Empty causing chaos and mayhem. It’s up to the Winchester’s to save the world, once again.
Still Hurts - The reader is in Supernatural, but things are still moving on in her other world. Makes things more difficult for the reader.
Fur Babies - A special fic, one where the reader’s childhood dog passes away. Dean does the sweetest thing to help her feel better.
Save Him - Sam and Dean go on one last hunt. But just before the older Winchester can accept his fate, his little brother fights for him one last time.
Firsts - Dean and the reader try something on their date night.
More Dean - Dean is very active and shows his girl love in every way possible.
The Birthday Boy - The reader plans out a whole day just for Dean’s birthday.
It would have been your Birthday - It would have been Dean’s birthday, but Jack has a surprise up his sleeves.
What I’ve Done - A “sort of” a episode rewrite of Supernatural episode “Inherit the Earth.” (15x19), Chuck has control of the reader.
Not You - A witch hunt goes sideways when Dean is under a mind control spell. The reader tells Dean the importance of forgiving himself.
Better this Way - Dean pushed her away. Maybe it was for the best.
You’re Not a Monster -  Dean discovers something different with the reader and it changes their relationship. Is there anything worth saving after Dean learns the truth.
Crash Project - College!AU,  The Reader’s priorities are a little messed up, when Dean and the Reader are paired for a project, Dean picks up on changes in the readers appearance.
You Belong with Me -  Dean and the reader are heading back to the bunker from their hunt, just them. After some close calls, they’re a little shaken up. But a storm makes it impossible for Dean to keep going, so he has to pull over and wait for the storm to pass.
Sick and Empty -  The reader returns from her universe, feeling empty and dead inside. Dean does everything he can to bring her back to life.
Someone Needs a Hug -  Dean is having a bad day. And starts pushing the reader away. He learns how much a hug can help put him back together.
Anything for my Girl - The reader tries drinking, Dean may have gone over kill with the type of alcohol the reader tries. So, he takes care of her hangover the morning after.
Forevermore -  It’s Dean and the readers wedding day. And she can’t help but remember all of the days and moments Dean has won her over.
You Feel Safe -  After a trying hunt the reader comes home, exhausted and feeling less than. Dean helps takes her mind off of things.
Sharing is Caring -  Dean and the reader are on a hunt, and while on the long drive back Dean checks into a motel that only has one room left with one bed. And the reader learns that sharing isn’t all bad, especially when your walls have weakened and need to be held together by a pair of strong arms and glued back by true and encouraging words.
Turn -  A hunt goes sideways for the reader and she’s bitten by a rare alpha, not all alphas have this ability and she is turned into a wolf. She tries adjusting to being a wolf and a hunter with Dean Winchester, an alpha of his own pack.
Turn Part 2 -  Sam tells her what really happened to them. But reveals something else she was not prepared for.
You’re It -  Mecahnic!AU, Her life is falling apart around her. So she heads to her hometown to start fresh. But is she ready to take on what awaits her in Lawrence Kansas.
Love Hurts -  Dean had a rough hunt that brought up some old memories. But when the reader doesn’t give him the chance to explain things go from bad to worse for the couple. (requested)
He Obviously Cares - The reader just went through a break up, Dean, Cas and Sam try to lift her spirits up and remind her she deserves to be happy. Maybe she should find someone who obviously cares.
A Whole New World -   Everyone’s dynamic has changed. But a new threat looms over the Winchester’s and Jack wants to come up with an easy way to really ensure everyone is safe.
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let-me-luve-you · 4 years ago
Memory Failed Me
Tom Holland x Sister (and a little bit of Haz)
Summary: What was supposed to be a special night with Harrison, turns into a night in the hospital.
Warnings: Car wreck, injuries, angst
A/N: I hope I got Haz’s mom right. I googled.
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“Haz, take care of her.” Tom said as you and Haz were going off on your date.
“I always do.” Harrison responded.
“Tom. We’ve been dating two years already. Let up on him. He’s your best friend.” You replied.
“I’ll never let up when it comes to you y/n/n. I love you. You guys be safe tonight.” Tom said as he gave you a kiss on the cheek and walked back towards his room.
“He will never not be protective.” You laughed. Harrison nodding his head as he guided you out of the house and towards the car.
“I told him when he first found out, that if I ever hurt you, I would willingly go to him so he can kill me.” Harrison laughed as he started the car. You laughed as well. Harrison started driving. He was surprising you by taking you into London to eat at a fancy restaurant that over looks the water.
After ten minutes of driving, you came to a red light. Harrison turned and smiled at you.
“You going to tell me where we are going now?” You asked as you brought his hand to your lips to give it a kiss.
“No love. That’s not how surprises work.” Harrison laughed and started to drive as the light turned green. You heard metal on metal before everything went black.
“Tom! Tom! Bud where are you?” Dom yelled through Tom’s house. Tom walked out of his room rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Where have you been? I’ve been calling you. Get changed and come on. We have to go.”
“Dad. What is going on?” Tom asked starting to get scared at how his dad was acting. Tom walked to his room to changed into jeans and a t-shirt. He slid on his shoes with no socks. Dom stood in the doorway watching his oldest.
“It’s Harrison and Y/N. They were in an accident and are at the hospital. Y/N just got out of surgery. That’s all they would tell us. Now come on.” Dom rushed Tom. Tom grabbed his phone and wallet off his bedside table before rushing out to his parents car. The hospital drive felt like forever but when they parked the car, they rushed into the hospital.
“We are here for Y/N Holland.” Nikki said to the receptionist.
“Dom. Nikki.” Tom heard. He turned to see Harrison’s mum, Phil, walking up to them. Tears in her eyes.
“What happened?” Nikki asked as she hugged the woman.
“Harrison was taking Y/N into the city. They were hit by someone running a red light.” Phil said. Dom was about to ask how her son was doing when she beat him to it. “Harrison is fine. A few cuts and a minor concussion. The car hit on Y/N side. How is she? They won’t tell me anything.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Holland. Mrs. Osterfield. If you will follow me, I can take you to see your children.” A nurse said interrupting the conversation. The nurse led them to two doors right next to each other. “Harrison is in here. Y/N is here.” The nurse smiled and walked away as the doctor walked up.
“I am taking care of Harrison and Y/N. They were both extremely lucky tonight.” Tom didn’t stay to listen to the doctor. He walked towards Y/N door and let himself in. She looked so small and broken laying in the bed. Her left arm wrapped and in a sling. She was staring out the window.
“Y/N. Baby girl, how are you doing?” Tom asked. Y/N looked at him and looked scared.
“Do I know you? Who are you? Where’s Harrison?” Y/N asked all at once. Tom looked confused.
“It’s me. Tom. I’m one of your older brothers.” Tom said sitting in the chair at the end of the bed.
“I don’t know you. Please leave.” Y/N said near tears. At that time Dom, Nikki, and the doctor followed.
“Why doesn’t she know me?” Tom asked the doctor. The doctor looked confused. He didn’t know amnesia was a thing for her. She answered all the questions perfectly when they asked earlier.
“What?” The doctor asked. “Y/N, do you know who these people are?” Y/N shook her head no looking scared. Nikki and Dom looking on scared and sad for their daughter. “Y/N how old are you?”
“20” You answered.
“Who did you come here with tonight?”
“I came in with Harrison. Where is Harrison? Why won’t anyone let me see him?” You started to cry. This killed Tom knowing he can’t go comfort you. He pulled his phone out to text Harry, Sam, and Paddy about what happened and how everything was. They all went into the city earlier this afternoon and didn’t plan on being back until late.
“Okay Y/N. We will go get Harrison.” The doctor said going out into the hall. Returning shortly with Harrison in a wheelchair and Phil following.
“Y/N girl. I’m here.” Harrison said as he grabbed you hand. “You’re going to be okay.”
“I’m scared Haz. Why can’t I remember?” You said as you scooted closer to Harrison.
“I don’t know baby. The doctors will find that out. Can you do me a favor?” Harrison asked nicely kissing your hand that he was holding. “Give these people a chance. Try to talk to them. Maybe it will spark your memory. You love them a lot. I know you do.” You looked at everyone that was standing on the other side of the room. You looked back at Harrison and gave a small nod. He smiled back at you. “Okay. I have to go back to my room for the night. But I will be back first thing tomorrow morning. Try to get some sleep.”
Harrison was rolled out of your room back to his own. Nikki and Dom slowly stepped towards you. Tom followed Harrison into his room.
“Mate. What happened?” Tom said as he saw Harrison crawling back into bed.
“I’m not sure. One second we were laughing and the next thing I know, I’m waking up in this room.” Harrison said. “I had all these special plans for tonight. We were going to this beautiful rooftop restaurant. I was going..” He paused. “I was going to propose tonight. Tom I don’t know what happened. I swear I didn’t mean to get her hurt.”
“Woah! It’s okay.” Tom said putting a hand on Harrison’s shoulder to push him back down and another on his arm in a comforting way. “I don’t blame you. I blame the person that ran the red light. Are you okay?”
“I mean I have a wicked headache and I’m kind of sore, but I’m fine. I think I’m more worried about Y/N.” Harrison said. Tom nodded in understanding whispering ‘it’s okay.’
Tom pulled his phone back out and responded to his brothers many text messages. Telling them to just go home for the night and come see her in the morning.
Dom and Nikki were talking to the doctor in the hallway when Tom left Harrison’s room.
“She should get her memory back soon. This is a mild case of amnesia. Until then, be patient with her.” The doctor said. Nikki and Dom nodded. “Now, we can’t do anything else tonight, so you might want to go home and get some sleep.”
“I’d like to stay with her, if that’s okay?” Tom asked his parents and the doctor. Dom and Nikki looked at each other and nodded before looking at the doctor.
“Okay. We can get you a blanket.” The doctor walked to the nurses station to inform them about Tom staying. Tom hugged his parents goodbye. He walked in to see Y/N sleeping. He sat down and stared at her for a few minutes. A nurse walked in and handed him the blanket before checking on you.
Tom stayed up all night. Around 5 am you woke up and saw Tom starting to drift off to sleep.
“Tom? What.. What are you doing here?” You asked.
“I wanted you to have someone with you. Didn’t feel right to leave you and mum and dad needed sleep so I stayed.” Tom said sitting up a little bit. “Wait?” Tom shot up, very much awake. “Y/N do you remember me?”
“Of course I do you Goofy Goober. You’re my annoying brother.” You said as Tom grabbed your hand.
“Tell me something only you know about me.” Tom demanded.
“When it’s just you and me together for the day, you like to have movie days in my room after we cook and bake a lot of food.” You smiled at him squeezing his hand.
“Oh my gosh you’re okay.” Tom said with a sigh. “I’m so glad you’re okay Y/N/N.” He stood up and kissed your forehead.
“I’m okay now. I promise. I’m sorry for the scare.” You said. “Is Harrison still here?”
“He’s next door asleep.” Tom answered. “Don’t be sorry for anything. You couldn’t help anything that happened in the past twelve hours. Now. Get some sleep. I love you. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Thank you for always being here for me, Tom. I love you.” you said as Tom smiled at you.
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mosswillow · 4 years ago
Useless - Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader (part two)
Warnings: 18+ Adult content!, Werewolves, A/B/O, Possessive behavior, Dark, Non con/dub con, Forced marriage, power imbalance, general misogyny, Punishments, spanking, smut, violence, oral (male receiving) .
Summary: “Trying to fight this is useless doll, we’ll always end up right back here.” You’re the bottom of the pack, an Omega, and Steve has chosen you for his mate.
Word count: 3.4k.
The pain is all consuming, devouring you from the inside out. It’s the first thing you notice when coming to. A chill wrecks through your body adding another layer to the dull aches and stabbing pains that radiate everywhere. Wolves heal fast and you’re used to being better within hours of getting hurt. You’ve never been this damaged though, never experienced this level of pain. You groan as you open your eyes.
“Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?”
You’ve known Bruce Banner forever. He’s like a big brother. He held you after you presented as an Omega, let you cry in his arms and told you everything would be ok. He’s been there for you ever since. Waking up to him instead of Steve gives you a sense of comfort and you relax a tiny bit.
“Everything hurts.”
Bruce holds your hand and gives you a sad look.
“Why didn’t you just submit?”
You don’t answer and Bruce continues.
“Everyone is so hurt you know? Some of the wolves who had to watch came back in tears and most of them still refuse to even talk about what happened.”
Anger rises in you. You’re the one who was almost killed. You’re the one being forced to mate someone against your will. They sat by and watched while Steve almost beat you to death. You feel no sympathy for anyone who watched what happened.
“It was my right.”
“Having the right to run doesn’t change how others will view your actions. We care about you Y/N. We don’t like seeing you hurt like this. And if you had actually succeeded we may never have seen you again. You’re a tiny little Omega. You wouldn’t last out there and you know it.”
“I’m strong,” you say in a quiet voice.
“Your will is strong...”
He gives you a kiss on the forehead.
“...But your body is weak.”
He checks your temperature and writes it down on a piece of paper beside your bed.
“You have a fever. I’m not worried about it yet but we do need to keep an eye on it. You really did a number on yourself.”
“I didn’t do this to myself.”
Bruce rolls his eyes.
“You have nobody but yourself to blame.”
You sigh and turn your head away.
“When can I go home?”
Bruce ignores your question effectively giving you an answer. Steve won’t let you go home, not after what happened the night before. Bruce goes into his bag and pulls out two pill bottles, shaking out a few pills from each.
“Here, take these.”
“What are they?”
“That one is a pain reliever and the other one is a sedative.”
You shake your head.
“I don’t want them.”
“They’ll help your wolf take over. You’ll heal twice as fast with them.”
“I don’t want to be healed faster.”
Bruce raises his eyebrows. He understands your meaning. The longer you take to heal the longer you have to think of your next move. They won’t let you go, not anymore. If you leave it will be against pack laws. A message will go out to every pack in the world asking them to look for you. Leaving is much more complicated now. You need time to consider if it’s even something you want to do.
“Don’t do this sweetie, just be a good girl for once, ok?”
“Can I have a little time at least first?” Your mind is running with your options and you don’t want to be put out again.
“No.” Steve's voice is deep and commanding. He walks through the bedroom door and pats Bruce on the back. Steve gives you a look that makes you want to run or hide or do anything you can to get away from him. Fighting him made you really realize just how much bigger and stronger he is.
“Thank you Bruce. I’ll see you later.”
“I wouldn’t leave her alone.” Bruce eyes you wearily.
“I won’t”
Bruce kisses your forehead before leaving.
You watch Steve take his shirt off and throw it into a laundry basket. There’s a bite mark on his arm. It’s deep and still not even close to being healed, You got one in and that’s impressive. He slides into bed next to you and you wince as he runs his hands over your bruises.
“I can move past this.”
He expects you to apologize but you bite your tongue and close your eyes. Steve reaches over you grabbing a glass of water and the pills Bruce left.
“Take your medicine.”
You let him place the pills in your mouth and gulp them down with the water. He grips your jaw gently and you open up showing you swallowed. Whatever Bruce gave you is powerful and it doesn’t take long for the pain to start receding and your eyes to get heavy.
“That’s it doll, you need to sleep.”
“I heard it was rough.”
“I could barely watch, she just kept getting up.”
“Is she going to be ok Bruce?”
“I’m keeping an eye on everything...”
“What is it?”
“She’ll try to run again. I know her, I can tell.”
“Even after we brand her?”
“The brand won’t deter her, it will just piss her off.”
“Do you think we shouldn’t do it?”
“I think it’s worth the risk, she’ll try either way but with the brand she’s less likely to get far.”
“She’s always been a strong willed little thing. We should have dealt with this much earlier”
“I’ve never liked saying no to her.”
“the rebellion has always been endearing.”
“Letting her get that job with the humans was our biggest mistake. She has these ideas of independence now.”
“We’ll have to watch her closely for the next few months...”
“...She’s waking up.”
You open your eyes and see a group of wolves standing beside your bed. You know all the pack Alphas individually but have never been alone in a room with all of them. Tony is like a second father and Carol like a mother despite the fact that neither of them are all that much older than you. Most of their scolding in the past has been almost playful. The look they give you now is more serious than you’ve ever seen them. Sam and Thor are like big brothers, always teasing and playing with you. You’ve gotten into plenty of trouble with them in the past. Having them now standing over you instead of with you is scary. You can tell that your relationship with them will never be the same. You try to sit up and whimper as pain shoots through your body. Bruce runs to your side and gently pushes you down.
“Just lie still sweetheart.”
“Why is everyone here?”
They exchange looks.
“Why do you think we’re here?” Tony asks.
“Because I ran?”
“Yes honey, because you ran.” Carol says.
“You need to understand that when you live in a pack you have to give up certain liberties.” Sam says
“I don’t want to be in the pack though. I was going to leave. I knew what I was doing.”
“Sweety, you were never going to leave. How many rogue Omegas have you met?” Carol asks.
“It’s our responsibility as your pack to take care of our Omegas. No pack would ever let one go, it’s disgraceful. Look at yourself Y/N, You can’t take care of yourself out there. We wouldn’t be good Alphas if we let you do whatever you wanted.” Tony says.
A brand is brought out and you shake your head as fast as your sore body will let you.
“You didn’t think there wouldn’t be consequences to your stunt?” Steve says.
You didn’t. You thought the worst that would happen would be ending up in the same position as before. You accepted that you would be hurt fighting an Alpha but branding is not something you thought they would ever do.
“Nobody brands anymore, It’s inhumane.”
“Nobody runs either.” Thor sits next to you and picks your hand up.
“If I was an Alpha…”
“You’re not an Alpha,” Tony says sternly.
You look at your Alphas and pull your blanket over your face. Thor pulls it back and Tony crouches beside the bed.
“We ignored your behavior for a long time and that’s on us. We should have started punishing you years ago. We failed. We didn’t give you what you needed as an Omega and it got us here. We’re not going to make that mistake again. You’re not an Alpha or a Beta Y/N, you’re an Omega. We need to treat you like one,” Tony says.
The brand is just another thing on your list of body parts that hurt. Bruce comes each day to change the bandage where they branded your arm. He checks your temperature and makes sure you’re eating and drinking. Within a few days you start feeling better, getting up for short walks, and within the week Your bruises turn from deep blues and purples to lighter greens and yellows.
“How do you feel?”
“Much better.”
“I think you’re out of the woods. You can resume activities now just take it easy for another week to be sure. I’ll be back tomorrow to check on you again.”
“I’m not ready Bruce.”
“It’s going to be ok.”
Bruce walks out of the room. You hear the quiet voices of him with Steve and dread what comes next.
You stand up and pace as you wait. Steve walks in and you back up to the wall. He’s barely talked to you all week. At first you thought it was just because he’s angry. Then you started noticing the bulge in his pants and the long showers and realized he’s just been trying not to fuck you until Bruce gives the all clear.  He walks over to you and leans in smelling your neck. You flinch involuntarily and take a few shaking breaths.
“You’re scared of me,” he says.
You look down ashamed.
“That’s progress.”
you press yourself into the wall as if you could push yourself through to the other side.
“I have something for you.” Steve hands you a package and you open it pulling out a dark green chemise.
He puts a hand on your cheek and leans in for a kiss. He’s more gentle than you expected giving you little pecks on your cheek and nose.
“I got a lot of pretty things for you to wear.”
He kisses your forehead.
“Why don’t you put it on for me.”
You know he meant for you to change in front of him but you go to the bathroom instead and he doesn’t say anything. You look at your body in the mirror. You’ve lost weight and more importantly muscle mass. There are still multiple bruises healing across your body. You look down at the brand they gave you and back at your eyes. It’s an archaic practice, branding wolves. It used to be common for unruly wolves but doesn’t happen often anymore. The mark lets every other pack know that you’re a runaway. If you run and any wolf, even a rogue, sees the mark on your arm they’ll do everything they can to get you back to where you belong.
“come out and show me.” You hear from the bedroom.
You take a deep breath and splash your face before walking out. Your heart is beating so loudly you’re sure Steve can hear it from the other side of the room.
“I knew the green would look good on you.”
Steve looks you up and down as he walks toward you slowly. He glides his hands down your body and lifts you, placing you on the bed.
“I’ve been waiting so long for this.”
He flips you over without warning and You press your head to the bed. He pulls down your underwear and  puts his knee in between your legs pushing them apart. You feel one hand on your back and one in between your legs. His finger glides over your clit before dipping into your pussy. He pumps his finger in and out slowly while his other hand presses down on your back.
“There you go, you’re doing great.”
You start losing yourself in the sensation, chasing an orgasm.  He pulls away, replacing his fingers with his dick and pushes in slowly stretching you.
You start to panic and seize up but Steve holds you down, thrusting into you harder. You cry out in pain and he shushes you.
“Take it.” He says into your ear as he gives a hard thrust.
His hot breath is on your back and before you know it he’s biting down marking you forever.
It’s almost like a virus but instead of your body fighting it off it overwhelms you, changing you from the inside out. You will have this bond with Steve forever. The feeling pushes you into an unexpected orgasm and you arch your back. Your pussy clenches around Steve and he comes inside of you. Both of you are still for a few minutes in the wake of what just happened. You start shaking and wiggle out from under Steve, crawling into the middle of the bed and curling into a ball. Steve  gently moves you so you’re under the blanket. He crouches beside you and looks at the mark he left. It will scar over. Every wolf who sees it will know you’ve been taken. There’s an almost drug-like calm that having your Alphas cum inside of you gives you but the pleasure you feel is overshadowed by the stress of everything. You start crying softly.
“hey, none of that.” Steve says. He wipes your tears away and slides into bed with you, engulfing you in his arms. You press yourself against him and he rubs your back
Steve doesn’t let you out of the house for two full weeks. Every part of your life is filled with him. Every little misstep and rebelion is squashed down immediately. It’s stifling.
You sit looking out the window one morning and Steve walks over to you, pulling you into his lap. You lean against him and trace circles on the back of his hand.
“You’re getting better.” He says proudly.
You’re not getting better, you're getting smarter. You’re biding your time until you can run. You’ll carry marks of this pack for your whole life. You’ll experience anxiety and depression but it will be your choice. If you ever come back it will be your choice. That’s all you’ve ever wanted, a choice.
Steve gets a text and pushes you off to read it without you seeing. He shakes his head and looks at you apologetically.
“I have to deal with some pack business.”
“Oh?” you try not to seem happy.
Steve grabs the back of your neck, holding it so you can’t look away.
“Stay inside until I get back.”
“Yes Alpha.”
He lets you go and quickly gets his stuff together. You watch him leave from the window and start roaming around looking for anything that could help you escape. You open a cabinet and move some tools aside, finding a pair of handcuffs. You stare at them for several minutes letting the knowledge that they exist wash over you. There’s no doubt in your mind that Steve wouldn’t hesitate to put you in these. You won’t hesitate either. You put them back where you found them and walk to the front door.
You’re not going to run right now. You know you won’t make it far on foot and Steve took the car. You just want to rebel a little bit. You want to show yourself that you’re strong enough to do something your Alpha told you not to. something your mate explicitly forbade.
You open the door and take one liberating step out. You feel free.
You look up to see Bucky Barns. He motions for you to get back in the house and follows you in. Bucky has been your friend since birth.
“I wasn’t going to run.”
Bucky pulls out his phone and types a quick text. He motions for you to sit on the couch.
“Please Buck, I swear I wasn’t running.”
“Hey, I don’t like this either but the Alphas gave strict orders for you.”
He gets a text and reads it scratching his chin. He gives you an apologetic look and you scoot away from him.
He grabs you quickly pushing you down over his knee and landing a hard smack on your bottom. It’s humiliating. You’ve never had this kind of relationship with Bucky. He’s always been an easy going Alpha and one of the only ones you’ve ever felt truly comfortable around. You try your hardest to get out of his lap but he keeps giving harder and harder spankings. You’re not sure how many it ends up being, only that he doesn’t quit until after you give up physically and emotionally. He pulls you into his arms and shushes you.
“You get why we have to do this right?”
You hug him back and nod. It’s working. You know that if you don’t get out you’ll eventually give in to all of it. Bucky holds you until Steve returns.
“Thanks Bucky.”
“Any time.” Bucky moves you out of his lap and makes his way to the front door.
You pull your legs up against your chest and watch Steve take off his shoes and hang up his jacket. He slowly rolls his sleeves up and crosses his arms.
“I’m sorry.” you whisper.
Steve walks toward you slowly and crouches down. He doesn’t say anything and the silence fills you with anxiety. He runs the back of his hand over your face before pulling your arms off of your knees. He stands up and undoes his jeans, pulling out his hardening cock. It twitches and grows and he grabs under your jaw, pulling you up towards his cock. You open up and he pushes into your mouth. He doesn’t say anything as he fucks your mouth. You close your eyes and try not to think about the feeling between your legs. He comes down your throat and pulls away from you still not talking to you. He walks to the kitchen and gets you a glass of water setting it on the end table next to the couch. You lie down and he places a blanket over you.
“Don’t leave the couch until I tell you to.”
This time you listen.
You lie awake in bed staring at the ceiling. Don’t hesitate.
Steve starts snoring gently and you pick his hand up and drop it. He doesn’t wake up and you jump out of bed and tiptoe to the living room. You fill your bag with whatever you think you can possibly need and head to where you found the handcuffs. You hold them in your shaky hands and take a breath. Don’t hesitate.
Steve wakes up the moment you close the shackle on his wrist. He reaches out for you and you run.
“Do not dare leave this house Y/N,” He yells as you reach the door.
You falter at the command. Fighting an Alpha command is like walking through glass. Every step cuts into you. It gets easier once you shut the door behind you. His voice still makes you want to turn around and go back but it’s much easier to fight now. You take his car, forcing yourself to drive at a normal speed so that nobody is suspicious.
You park at a train station several towns over but run half a mile and take a bus out of town instead of the train. You change busses at random making your way across the country.
You stare at the brand they gave you. You’ll have to be careful. They won’t stop hunting you and if they catch you you’ll never get away again. Your life now is one of running and hiding but also one of freedom and adventure. You don’t know what’s coming next. You let yourself be hopeful for the first time since you presented as an Omega. Your designation doesn’t define you. The wolves who claimed you, who owned you don’t define you. You decide what you want in life now.
How many rogue Omegas have you heard of?
AN - This ending feels nice... but I also have a third part in my head. I’m debating if I want Steve to come get his Omega or not. LMK what Y’all think about ending it here vs. having the reader caught. 
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writethelifeyouwant · 2 years ago
Made For You | Chapter 19
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Summary: Dean and Sam like what they have together, and if screwing your brother screws with the universe’s “grand plan” while they’re at it, then even better. Neither of them has ever cared much for tradition or fate, but it turns out there are some destinies you can’t escape. Sometimes, someone is just made for you. 
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader / Alpha!Dean x Omega!Sam Rating: 18+ Warnings: Incest, Dub Con (Sex Pollen) Tags: Dean x Reader, Dean x Sam, alpha!Dean, omega!Sam, omega!Reader, fuck or die, sex pollen, love triangle, star-crossed lovers, destiny, true mates, primal urges, angst, mating, kissing, p in v, knotting, scenting, kinda threesome, hurt/comfort, praise kink, dirty talk, accidental mating, squirting, overstimulation, sloppy seconds Bingo Squares:  @spnabobingo - Sloppy Seconds | @supernatural-jackles TMAS Bingo - Fuck or Die Word Count: 2.2k
Series Masterlist
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Sam’s POV
Sam feels sick. No– no, actually, he doesn’t. He wants to feel sick. He knows he should feel horrified about everything that’s just happened.
He hadn’t meant to stay, really he hadn’t. Sam wants to blame it on the supernatural sex pollen, and some of it definitely can be blamed on the horrid substance. He can tell himself that he never would have stayed to watch Y/N and Dean if he had been thinking clearly. He never would have touched his baby girl the way he did at the end if he’d been of sound mind. Holding her, comforting her while she was in danger, making sure she and Dean were both safe; that’s one thing. Slipping his fingers between his daughter’s legs to play with her clit and help her cum around Dean’s knot is not as easily explained. And absolutely none of it is forgivable, Sam berates himself. 
He should be disgusted with himself… but he isn’t. As Sam breathes deeply, trying to comprehend everything that’s just transpired, he can feel his cock–rock hard and leaking almost as much slick as his hole–rubbing between the sweat-damp skin of Y/N’s lower back and his own stomach. At some point in the proceedings, his hospital gown must have gotten bunched up without him realising it. 
All of Sam’s senses feel overwhelmed and confused. His ass feels just as empty and desperate as it has since the sex pollen began to take effect, craving a knot, craving a mate. But now, he’s just mated himself to someone who can’t give him that. When Sam sucked Dean’s tongue into his mouth and licked over his brother’s lips, he swallowed down the same blood and mating hormones that Dean had just released from their daughter’s veins. Through their carelessness, and their desperate craving for each other, Sam and Dean had just forced Y/N into a mating bond that she hadn’t chosen. And now, the sex pollen that’s been making Sam crave an alpha’s cock is now also making him crave his own daughter’s cunt. Because he’s a fucking idiot. 
There’s yet another problem with this situation, though, because Dean’s cock is still knotted inside Y/N. Sam can feel the head of his brother’s dick pressing up against his palm through the base of the girl’s belly–a feeling that, inexplicably, has him practically delirious with desire. Y/N and Dean will probably stay knotted for a little while longer before the alpha releases enough to separate them without hurting either of them, and that’s if they don’t just start fucking again on instinct and stay tied the whole time. So both of the things that Sam is being forced to magically crave are also both off-limits to him right now, and he thinks it’s going to drive him insane. 
Well, silver lining, Sam thinks bitterly, if the sex pollen kills me, Y/N won’t be stuck mated to an omega she never wanted in the first place. 
“Hey, hey!” A dull tapping gets Sam’s attention and he blinks, bringing the hospital room back into focus around him, becoming conscious that Dean is lightly smacking him on the cheek. “There he is,” his older brother smiles tightly, and Sam feels his own lips pull up in a lazy smirk. 
“Shut up,” he tries to say, trying to roll his eyes, but Sam can’t feel his muscles reacting properly, the way he remembers it feeling, and his words come out blurry, his vision slurring. 
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Dean’s POV
“Sammy? Sam!” Dean calls again, more forcefully this time as his little brother’s eyes lose focus again, and his lids slip shut. His jaw hangs slightly ajar and his neck begins to loll back, his stupid long floppy hair pooling on his shoulders. This is not good. This is very, very not good, and Dean can feel himself beginning to panic. The pollen is clearly beginning to take over Sam’s system. 
“Daddy?” Y/N grumbles, her head snuggling back into Sam’s chest as she tries to peer up at him. “Daddy?” she asks again, slightly more alert, when Sam doesn’t respond. “Daddy. Da– Dean? What’s wrong?” 
Dean tries to shush his mate, kissing her gently on the forehead as he tries to think about what can be done. He’s just found his brother again after twenty years. He’s not about to lose him again. No way. 
“Dean, what’s happening?” Y/N asks more insistently, pulling back to look him in the eye, the pleasure-fog that had been clouding her features a moment before almost entirely evaporated now. 
“It’s the pollen,” Dean grunts, shifting his body as much as he can with his knot still tied to Y/N. “Can you lean forward, baby girl? Need to try and move us over, give him some space.” 
“Shit, yeah,” Y/N flinches as she sits up too quickly, Dean’s cock moving inside of her and pulling uncomfortably for the both of them. 
“Careful,” Dean hisses, biting on his tongue in concentration as he tucks a hand under Y/N’s leg and pulls it around his waist more tightly. “Here, put your arms around my neck sweetheart, gonna pick you up.” The alpha sits back on his knees, gathering the omega into him and pulling her up off of the mattress. Sam’s body relaxes a little and slides a bit down the bed without the weight of Y/N keeping him upright. His legs splay open as if it’s instinctual, displaying his hole and his cock, the scent of his arousal leaking into the air around them and making Dean feel slightly faint. 
“Oh god,” Y/N whines, and Dean groans as her pussy clamps down on his knot, pulsing wantonly as she also inhales the scent of her father’s slick. “Oh fuck,” she whimpers into his shoulder, her lips skating damply over Dean’s skin. 
“You want him, don’t you, baby girl?” Dean hears himself purring against Y/N’s ear, unconscious of making the decision to speak. His voice sounds low and guttural, seductive, and he has no idea what’s coming over him. “Such a greedy little girl, not happy with just one Daddy stuffed in this pussy, are you? You want two. You want Sammy, don'tcha sweetheart?” 
“Fuck, Dean, yes,” Y/N groans, still grinding herself down onto his knot, which is not what Dean needs to be happening right now. He needs to get Y/N off of himself and on to his brother as quickly as possible, no matter how much his instincts are screaming at him for even considering pulling out of the cunt he’s currently cradled inside of. “Fuck, want you. Want you, Daddy,” the omega moans, and Dean’s breath catches in his throat, a whole muddle of arousal and emotion surging through him at the sound of Y/N referring to him as Daddy, and how much more that means now. 
“You’ve got me, baby girl,” he pants, nuzzling against her and dragging his mouth across her skin until his lips find hers. “Fuck, ‘mega, I got you. Alpha’s got you.” Dean is on his feet he realises, having picked Y/N up in his arms and stepped off of the bed. He slams Y/N’s back against the wall beside the bed, pinning her body against his, and starts thrusting into her furiously, fucking her so hard the bed beside them is quaking. His face is buried against her neck, her screams are thick and vital in his ears, stringing his nerves so tight they snap in a flash of heat as he empties himself inside of her for a third time. There’s so much cum he can feel some of it escaping the barrier that his knot is supposed to be making and dripping into the crevices between the omega’s thighs. 
“Dean,” Y/N is sobbing brokenly against him from her own overwhelming pleasure, and the alpha gets a spark of inspiration. 
Pulling his hips back a little so he can squeeze a hand between them, he lets his fingers find the tiny bundle of nerves a little ways above where he can feel his cock rocking in and out of her entrance the tiniest bit. He swirls the pads of his fingers over her until he finds the spot that makes her gasp and bang her head back against the wall, ecstasy written clearly over her face. Speeding up, he begins to flex his hips a little more, unable to control very much with his knot still so big inside of her, but hoping desperately that the increased girth is giving him the advantage he needs and rubbing over the right spot. 
“Cum for Daddy, ‘mega,” Dean commands, his jaw set in concentration. “Want you to squirt on my cock and push, push my knot right out of you baby girl, so you can go fuck your other Daddy for me. That’s what your alpha wants, Y/N. Wanna get you dripping wet so you just slide right down on your daddy's dick. It’s fucking big, take a look. Look at what I’m about to shove inside of this tight little hole, baby girl, and tell me how much you want your daddy’s cock inside of you.” 
Y/N’s body becomes almost painfully tight around him and Dean feels every muscle seize up urgently, feels the gush of slick between his legs as her body convulses around him, and with a monumental effort he drags his hips down and manages to work himself free, his daughter still shaking and jerking in his arms with the seemingly unending waves of her climax. When Dean manages to focus his vision and he catches sight of her face, he can see her whole countenance has gone slack, muscles that had been wound tighter than a spring now hanging limply beneath her skin, her eyes blinking and unfocused– just on the verge of passing out then, not actually unconscious. 
He’ll have to take the opportunity to congratulate himself some other time. 
Dean lets Y/N’s legs uncurl from around him and lowers her to the floor, switching position and sweeping her up into his arms bridal style in order to carry her more securely around the side of the bed to where Sam is lying. He looks like he’s asleep. Peaceful. Absolutely nothing untoward. Except Dean knows better, he’s seen this kind of thing before: the omega is fading fast. 
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When you manage to struggle back to some semblance of awareness, you can feel that your pussy is still full, which soothes the foreign urgency in your body that you assume is a consequence of the pollen. But something feels different, and it takes your foggy mind a minute or two to realise what it is. No knot. The cock inside of you is big, but you don’t have the distinctive pressure at the base of your entrance that comes from being locked with Dean after he’s knotted you. 
Experimentally, you squeeze your muscles around the intrusion, moaning at the sensation of how deep inside of you the tip is reaching. It feels like the cock is somewhere in your freaking chest, it's so long. You know it’s not Dean inside of you, but it takes your memory a moment to supply the name of who else it could be. 
Sam– you remember with a gasp as your body unconsciously rocks itself against him, grinding your hips down onto his length. 
Daddy’s cock is sliding wetly inside of you, and you realise now that you’re curled against his chest, his large, warm hands splayed across your back, cradling you against him. You have an absurd memory of crawling into bed with him when you were little and wrapping yourself around him just like this–minus the sexual contact, of course. That part is new, but as you give your hips another experimental swivel, still lazily feeling out a rhythm, you decide you like this part. You’re gonna add this to the routine. Not that it’s been a part of your bedtime routine in fucking years, but you have the urge to start it back up, for some reason. It seems nonsensical that you would ever consider sleeping in a different bed to Daddy–or Dean, come to think of it. 
You have no idea where these thoughts are coming from, they all seem to swarm simultaneously across your mind’s eye in a haze that you don’t have the energy or desire to analyse right now, so you simply let them swarm, and focus on the feeling of rubbing your clit against the very root of Sam’s cock because you realise in a moment of astonishment, he’s not even all the way inside of you, because of the way your body is draped over his chest. 
Holy fuck. 
A second later, you feel an orgasm shimmering through every conscious nerve of your body, your clit drawing up and twitching against your body inside its little protective folds, trying to shrink away from the overstimulation. 
“Good girl,” you hear Dean’s voice purr behind you, and you feel another hand running gently over your back as the whispers of praise drift over your skin.
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Chapter 20 posting on November 15th or head to my website to binge read the rest of the fic today!
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Series Tags: @outofnowhere82 @ladysparkles78 @missusbarnes-rogers @waywardandnerdy0212
We’re All Mads Here: @vulgar-library @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @schaefchenherde @kickingitwithkirk @little-diable @laxe-chester67 @kassyscarlett @austin-winchester67 @flamencodiva @katbratsupernaturalwhore @letsbys-library @fictional-affairs @leigh70
All SPN: @cemini-winchester @akshi8278 @stoneyggirl @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j @slamminmine @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @alaufeyson @raidens-realm @tatted-trina6 @defenderrosetyler @cluz1babe @maliburenee @classyunknownlover
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holylulusworld · 4 years ago
My alpha at the end of the street (2)
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Summary: New home, new fate.
Pairing: Alpha!(Mobster)John Winchester x Omega!Reader; former Alpha!Marcus x Omega!Reader
Character: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Warnings: angst, A/B/O dynamics, scenting, protective John, true mates, older alpha younger omega, comforting, fluff, cuddling & snuggling
A/N: Part 2/3
<< Part 1
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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“That one over there,” grasping for John’s hand you drag your alpha toward the garden goblins. “It’s the one he destroyed, look. I finally found her again.”
“Aw, the girl who liked the bad guy, the biker goblin,” nodding eagerly you bring the goblin into your arms, smiling as you found three of the garden goblins Marcus destroyed a few months ago.
“Now they can be together again,” you sniff, smiling when John places the goblin into your shopping cart. “My biker goblin will be so happy, John.”
“He will,” smiling John pecks your cheek before he has a look at the other garden goblins. “What about the dude with the pants down?” John picks the goblin up, laughing as you look at the figurine’s naked butt. “He’s on discount. Eight bucks, doll.”
“He’s naughty but I could place him next to the angry old lady. I bet she’ll like to have a look at his butt,” giggling you watch John put the naughty figurine into your shopping cart.
“Our garden will look great with all the goblins,” wondering if John will like all your decoration you look at the shopping cart. “We only need to find the one with the barrow.”
“JOHN! Look, there he is,” squealing you run toward the other side of the shop. John laughs at your eagerness but his features change when you are not looking where you are going and slip on the floor.
“Ouch,” ending up on your knees you cry out in pain, whimpering silently to not anger the alpha. You are used to hide your pain and emotions as Marcus always punished you if you didn’t put a fake smile on.
“Omega, doll…” John is by your side before you can shed the first tear. “Are you hurt, Y/N?” he carefully picks you up to soothe the pain. “I’m gonna check on you, baby doll, okay. Don’t cry. I will take care of you.”
“’m fine, John. It’s nothing, really,” you sniff, looking at your bleeding knees. “I want to buy the garden goblins first, please. Someone will snatch them if we don’t buy them.” you tear up.
“Shhh … everything is going to be alright. I will tell the clerk over there to reserve the garden goblins for me. I’ll bring you to my car and go back to get the goblins, okay baby doll.”
“O-okay,” sniffing you hide your face in John’s shoulder. “Sorry, but I like them so much. I want the garden to be colorful and friendly, is all.”
“I like them too, Y/N,” mumbling the words against your hair John inhales your scent deeply. “We will get them all, promised. I want you to be happy at my house. You gave up your new home to be with me, it’s the least I can do.”
“I love our home. It’s just that I’m not used to someone taking care of me. My parents left for Europe years ago without a care, and Marcus he’s – ya know.”
“A bastard,” John grits out, hiding Bobby, Rufus, and Claire took care of your former alpha without John’s permission. “He’ll never hurt you again, no one will as long as I live.”
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“See, I got them all,” John shows you the garden goblins in the shopping cart. “And I found one more, the one with the sunflower.” he went back into the store to get everything you wanted after he checked on your wounds.
“There is another biker goblin too,” looking at the figurine you smirk. “You like them, don’t you?” laughing John nods at you.
“Look at that tough guy, Y/N,” getting the goblin out of the cart John laughs as you take it out of his hands. “Bet that guy and the one in our backyard will be a perfect team and protect our little goblins.”
“They will,” nodding you look up at John. “Thank you for everything, John. I know it’s a bit crazy to like the garden goblins so much but after I ran from Marcus, the first thing I saw at a secondhand store was a garden goblin. He was damaged and no one wanted the poor guy, but I liked it.”
“Is it the one you are hiding in your wardrobe?” you nod, embarrassed John found out about your secret. “It’s okay, doll. Everyone needs something to feel better. To me, it’s you and your presence.”
“You make me happy too, John. Incredibly happy and-“ taking his hand in yours you smile, “I feel safe with you, alpha but do you really want me around? We barely know each other, and I don’t want to be a burden.”
“You could never be a burden, Y/N. I will not tell you again that I want you around, omega, okay. You make me happy too, Y/N,” pecking your hair John smiles against you. “Now let’s bring our friends home and we can have lunch. I’ll cook for you. ”
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“Aw, your sons look cute,” looking at another picture in John’s photo album you smile. “Sam, he’s got shaggy hair.”
“You know, they are all grown now and far from being cute,” chuckling John watches you look at the pictures again. “Do you-“ clearing his throat John tries to find the right words. “Omega, do you want to have pups? I mean, do you want to have my pups.”
“Pups,” purring you close the photo album to scoot closer to John. “Do you want some? I could have two or three…”
“Whoa, three?” snickering John watches you crawl onto his lap to hide your face in his neck. “We can have as much as you want to, doll.”
“Marcus, he never wanted to talk about babies. When I mentioned having a pup he got mad and threw things around the room before he-“ choking the last words out you fist John’s shirt.
“I should’ve ripped him apart limb by limb. That monster will never touch my girl again. You’re my omega now, Y/N. I’ll protect you and the goblins,” John can feel the tension in your body, so he moves his hand over your back, gently rubs it to calm you. “Everything is alright. You’re safe with me.”
“I know,” sniffing you peck John’s neck. “I feel safe with you, alpha. I know you would never hurt me.”
“I finally found my omega, my true mate. How could I ever hurt you?” nuzzling you John breathes you in. “You’re perfect, Y/N. All I ever wanted and more. Now, do you want more goblins?”
“I think we got enough – for now,” humming John watches you get comfortable on his lap. “Maybe if we find a cute one.”
“Anything for you, doll. Just say the word. This old alpha is all yours…”
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“That bastard got what he deserved, John,” Claire shrugs at John’s pissed expression. “What? He almost kidnapped your omega. He hurt and threatened her. Not to forget to mention that monster destroyed her garden goblins.”
“I didn’t give you permission to kill him! What if his father and his men come here to find out who killed his son? We can’t draw too much attention. This sleepy little town is a refugee for us,” John growls. “Marcus Grant senior is not a fool.”
“According to the police report that bastard died in a car accident. His father will never know we taught his son a lesson or two before he bit the dust,” Rufus chuckles. “Believe me, John, we still know how to cover our tracks.”
“I don’t doubt you can cover your tracks, but this doesn’t mean Grant senior will accept his son is dead without digging deeper. What if he comes here to threaten my girl? I swore to never kill anyone again.”
“If that idjit dares to come here, he’ll regret it, John. Rufus, Claire, and I won’t let him ruin our sleepy little town. We are ready to defend our home,” Bobby mutters, pointing at Rufus. “Rufus got a nice shotgun and we don’t want to talk about my collection of guns.”
“I still can cut a bastard open. John Winchester, I will not let anything happen to your omega,” Claire plays with her favorite knife, chuckling as John makes a face. “Don’t worry, we’ve got this. Take care of your omega. She’s all you should worry about right now.”
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“Perfect Y/N,” John smiles when you place the last garden goblin next to a cherry tree in John’s backyard. “I never thought my garden could look that nice. You did a great job, doll.”
“You think so,” you grasp John’s hand to squeeze it tightly. “Look, I cleaned your grill and I went to the grocery store and bought meat for you.”
“You’re spoiling me, doll,” smirking John watches you smile happily. “So, we can have a barbecue, huh? Maybe we can invite Bobby, Rufus, and Claire.”
“Sounds great. We could invite your sons too,” gasping you clasp one hand over your mouth, whimpering as you believe John doesn’t want you to meet his sons yet. “Sorry, I know it’s too soon to meet your sons. I shouldn’t have asked.”
“Baby doll, you can ask me anything and,” pecking your temple John smiles, “I called Sam and Dean. They will come around this weekend to meet my omega, my true mate. My sons are both excited to meet you, Y/N.”
“They are?” nodding you look up at John. “I could make dinner for us and pie. Uh-do you like pie? I could look for my granny’s recipe.”
“Dean will love you forever if you bake a pie for him.”
“I only want you to fall in love with me, John,” grinning cheekily John looks down at you. “If only I could find a way to seduce you, alpha.”
“You have my heart, Y/N,” mumbling the words John watches you place your hands onto his shoulders; laughing when you crane your neck to peck his lips. “Always, sweet omega. I don’t want you to do anything to win me over. This is unnecessary.”
“Maybe I want to seduce you,” cocking your head you glance at John’s lips. “I wasn’t always scared and meek. I used to be confident and funny.”
“I would never doubt you’re funny, doll. If you want to seduce me, kiss me again and I’m all yours,” your wrap your arms around his neck, humming happily when he meets you halfway to press his lips to your mouth.
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“Nothing, Dad,” Sam whispers, watching you introduce his elder brother to your garden goblins. “We double-checked the police report and had a look at the car-wreck. Bobby did a great job. Grant senior won’t find out his son didn’t die in the accident.”
“Keep taps on him,” John laughs when you show Dean the biker goblin. “I need to be sure Y/N is safe, just like this place. One day I want my sons to take over this town.”
“She’s nice, dad,” humming John watches Dean interact with you. “We are glad you finally found someone. Dean was worried you’ll spend your life alone while jerking off to porn.”
“Sammy,” Dean tuts. “That was a secret. Can you not blur out anything I say?” deadpanning Dean walks toward John and his brother. “Now I want that food Y/N was talking about. She made pie too!”
“Y/N, welcome to the family, and be sure, you’ll not get rid of Dean as you baked him pie. He’s your best friend from now on,” Sam chuckles.
“I love me some pie, sweetheart. Dad, well done. You got yourself a nice, pretty, and smart omega. And she can bake, that makes her the ultimate mate,” grinning Dean pokes his father’s chest. “Bet you can’t wait to have pups with her.”
“Son-“ John grumbles, whispering the next words. “We didn’t so far. I want to take it slow and not scare my omega.”
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“Your sons are great. Sammy is so smart, nice and freaking tall. Dean, he’s funny, loves pie, and hugged me repeatedly. He told me about his car and promised to get me a garden goblin with an Impala.”
“They like you too, doll,” your heart swells when John tells you his sons never liked one of his girlfriends before. “Dean asked when we are going to have pups. Sam wanted to know if we plan a spring wedding, and their wives want to come around as soon as possible.”
“Aw, I can’t wait,” crawling under the covers you babble about everything happening tonight while John watches you get comfortable on his bed. “Can we see the kids too? I bet they are as cute as your sons.”
“Uh-omega? Not that I want to complain but don’t you want to sleep in your room? I thought you need space and-“ John purrs when you pat the spot next to you. “Y/N?”
“I want to sleep in your room from now on. I’m not ready for anything else but I wanna sleep in your arms tonight,” swallowing thickly John lies next to you, waiting for you to make the next step. “When my heat is due, I wanna be yours.”
“Be mine,” humming John lets you lie on his chest, sleepily resting your head on his heart. “I like the sound of that.”
>> Part 3
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Alpha at the end... tags
@negans-attagirl​; @fanatic434​
SPN Forever Tags
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impala1967dwinchester · 3 years ago
Hello I just wanted to say ur amazing writer and I was wondering if I can request Winchester brother x sister reader where the reader is the youngest Winchester maybe around 16- 17 you can choose the fits but I was hoping u can do like where the reader is depressed and has ED (eating disorder ) and doesn’t tell the brothers and one day it gets worse and passed out the brothers are worried trying to help her out but it hard for her I hope this ok if not I can do different request it just I found comfort in angst topics with struggles I go through you know sorry if this doesn’t makes sense
It started years ago. To be exact it started when your father lost it, going mental on your oldest brother Dean. The three of you were thick as thieves and it physically hurt to see the complete and utter destruction your father left behind for Dean to clean up.
Living your life on the road was okay, you had two great older brothers that kept you up. Kept you in good spirits but it's hard when your whole world around you is crashing. You know it, your family knows but no one else.
How Dean and Sam ever dealt with the massive weight on their shoulders. It blew your mind. You. You weren't worth anything, especially not your mother burning on the ceiling. Your father resented you. You didn't need him to say it, because you could tell. Dean was his soldier, Sam was the disappointment, but the smartest out of the three of you. But you, you were the reason all four of you were in this mess. The reason why John was searching for that revenge every day.
Covering it up with the idea of saving people, but you were smart, so very smart. Sam had complimented you many times on your quickness, and sharpness when it came to the lore, but regarding your father, it was never the approval you were looking for.
Lots of things happened, to get you to the age of seventeen and drowning in the pit of your stomach all because you all no desire to be here anymore. You weren't helping your older brothers you were just in the way.
In the way of progress, a major setback to them. For them to prove to John that they would be like him, do like him. They'd have to leave you behind. It was for the best.
It started off as a way to conserve the little food the four of you had. At the ripe age of seven you learned quickly that offering your food to Sam was a better idea, or skipping off to lay in a shitty motel bed was better than eating. Yes your stomach would growl and the acid would burn, but anything to keep the weight of your brother off your shoulders.
As you grew up you learned that if you stayed at school as long as you could it was the best. Dean had just learned how to drive driving was his passion, reading was Sam. And yours... yours was to stay away, out of the way.
By the age of fifteen, you had your patterned packed down and tight. You leave with Sam since he drove you to school, and since he was a senior. You felt a wave of dizziness almost every morning. The night's dinner is still wrapped in its paper bag. Claiming to take it for lunch. Dean never argued with you. Kiss your forehead and hitting the pillow quicker than he hit on the girls that passed by the motel's door.
Your father was already starting to become absent. The shadow of what a perfect family no one ever talked about. You thrived in the school building though. Sam kissed your forehead his height greatly giving him the advantage before saying his goodbyes to you and running to meet with his senior friends.
You walked alone in the hallways. The bullying started almost immediately the second you stepped into the building. Near of my brothers were aware of the shit I went through on a daily basis. Years later they still weren't.
You had settled on never telling them about my dislike for eating, you hoped and prayed most night that they'd never find out. It was better without their acknowledgment of your weakness. Who knows they might be the same way everyone was at school.
The last year had been hard for you and your brothers, your father making less, and less of an effort with all three of you. Your relationship was already straining to stay alive, the burning and hurt in the bit of your stomach was something that was constant now, and from what you could tell it wasn't going to get any better.
Your brothers are now in their early 20's still taking care of their baby sister. Nights you guys sat down for dinner were odd, without John there. The quiet days where a now older Sam would drive you to school, along by yourself all day long. The teasing being relentless.
The whole idea, you were constantly dizzy, constantly on the verge of falling asleep no matter if you were in class, or at the crappy motel room with your brothers.
Tonight though, tonight your world fell apart as you walked in through the door, your final year of schooling was just starting your summer of staying inside and reading was over. The hot day of September had gotten to you more than you were willing to say. As you walked in through the motel door, the cool air hitting you in your face, and the hot air of the evening summer day kicking you in your ass.
It was too much, down you and your light bookbag went. Dean had been on one of the motels' beds when he heard you fall, Sam behind hadn't been able to catch you even with his long arms.
You don' remember much. You do remember hearing the sounds of your brothers frantically rushing around the room, one dropping his gun, and the other rushing over to your side.
"Dean what the hell just happened?" Sam asked in a frantically worried voice. "I don't know all I heard was the engine of Baby, and then her fall to the floor," Dean said rushing to your thin frame. Neither had noticed until now when they finally had time to pay attention to their baby sister that she was rather thinner than a normal seventeen-year-old.
Paler then normal, "Sam do you notice it?" Dean asked as Sam pulled the lightweight bookbag from your small shoulders. A small hum came from Sams's lips, maybe it was too much to say it. The words making truth when they leave his lips.
Sam picked you up feeling just how boney you were. "How did we let her get this bad Dean?" He questioned, Dean kept his head down grabbing her bag and following behind Sam to the bed's side.
When you woke up your two brothers were talking quietly in the tiny kitchen. Sam saw you try to get up their conversation stopped at a halt, and they both came over to help you.
Quiet overcame the room. Dean was the first to speak. "How are you feeling, Y/n?" He asked, you shrugged your shoulders, the ache in your body was strong, but not enough to make that your brother's problems.
"Y/n please be honest with us... Is this the first time something like this has happened?" Your brother Sam asked. Swallowing hard, before talking you answered Dean's question. "I feel fine guys really nothing to worry about." Answering Sams was going to be harder, you don't really remember the last time something like this happened, maybe last week in school, maybe a few years ago. "I don't remember Sam." That was all you said. Sad expression littered their coarse and worn faces.
"Y/n, how long have been like this?" Dean asked, furrowed brows as he asked the question. "Like what?" You replied. "Like how you don't eat at dinner and think we don't notice, how long Y/n? Just answer please." Dean said.
You tried opening your mouth, but the pressure of being truthful with your brothers was overbearing. Trying again and still, nothing slipped out. Sam ur interrupted your train of thought. "Since dad started on with his hunt for yellow eyes?" Simple questions always have a simple answer.
"If you want an honest answer I'd say seven or eight." You said, pushing yourself up from laying in the bed to sitting up against the headboard. The gasps for air were real between your two brothers. One hand came to rest on top of yours while the other paced around the motel room.
Your guess as to which was mad, and empathic wasn't hard for you. Dean pacing around the room meant he was angry, and Sam's empathic hand on top of yours meant he to wanted help. "Why didn't you tell us?" Dean questioned me, Sam turned to look at his older brother. "That won't help, we were talking remember. We need to help her, bot questions her about her actions or even her reason why." Sam said, Dean, calm down as he continued to pace.
Sam returned his attention to you. Hand still laying on top of yours, "Y/n why don't we, all the three of us help you yeah?" He said you laughed a little and Dean looked up from his pacing feet. "I don't think you guys could ever help me. I've been and felt this way for ten years now. This is just how I am now. Broken and worthless to this Winchester family." You said the strain of holding back was harder than you thought. Dean had paused his pacing staring at you and Sams's hand had engulfed yours.
Dean came over, putting his finger under your chin, grabbing your attention. "You listen here, to Sam and I. We care more about you than you'll ever know. We don't care what any person thinks, we don't care about Dad as much as we care about our little sister. Now believe me when we say that all we want to do is help you, helping you is what Sam and I are here for. Y/n you aren't alone, you aren't, worthless, and you most definitely aren't broken. We can help you all you have to do is let us in." Dean said sitting down next to you when he was down.
"We love you and don't wanna see so much potential be wasted especially when we knew we could have helped you," Sam added. You were having a hard time believing them, but nothing would stop you from trying especially when you had your brothers by your side.
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speechlessxx · 5 years ago
A Year (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Summary: Steve realizes he doesn’t belong in the past.
Warnings: I’m undoing Steve’s Endgame ending (I didn’t like it I’m sorry not sorry), hurt feelings, angst, also the Quantum Realm stuff is confusing so in this a week in the past is a year in present-day. Time travel is confusing.
Word Count: 3.3k 
Feedback is appreciated and I hope you enjoy!
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“I think we need to quit while we’re ahead,” Steve told you. You were shocked. You opened your mouth to speak – to object – but you quickly shut it.
The team had just come back from the time heist. You stayed behind. Your older brother, Tony, told you it was a safety precaution. If anything looks out of the ordinary, you pull them all back. They were flashed away, and in a minute, they were back.
They all had grins on their faces, each team retrieved their designated stones. But Clint had a somber expression on his face as he fell to a knee. The thud had everyone’s head snapping to his direction as the cheery atmosphere quickly decimated. “Clint, where’s Nat?” Bruce asked his smile quickly fading. But Clint didn’t need to answer. Natasha’s absence made it clear. She was gone.
“Is this about Natasha?” You finally asked. Your head was spinning. He shook his head. You withdrew your hands from Steve’s and looked up at him with teary eyes. “Steve? Why?”
His jaw clenched as he looked away from you. He couldn’t look you in the eyes. “I… I think it’s better if we ended it, (Y/N).” His voice broke at the end as he choked back his own tears. He had a speech. He had it planned in his head. But it all went out the window when you stared up at him with those glossy eyes.
Steve thought you’d argue. You were good at arguing. You had a talent for it. He prepared himself for your outburst – in fact, he wanted you to yell at him. But you just nodded. “Goodbye, Steve,” you whispered before walking out the door and leaving the Avengers Compound – and Steve – for good. As soon as you were completely alone, your hand fell to your womb as you cried even harder.
Steve believed he was doing the right thing. In his and Tony’s separate mission to get the Tesseract and extra Pym Particles, he saw her. Peggy Carter, his first love, was mere feet away – a glass window stood between them. And Steve felt awful about the longing feeling that crept into his chest.
He had once imagined a future with Peggy. It was all ripped away from him when he nosedived into the ice.
He was thrust into a new, modern world. Boiled food items weren’t the only thing on the menu, the internet made everything accessible (not that he understood it all that much), gas prices were higher. He was displaced, but Steve adapted. He clung onto what he knew best – being a soldier.
He met you months after the first Avengers team up. Tony Stark’s little sister. You were all the Brainiac that your brother was but less arrogant (though you were just as snarky). Tony invited the team – though Thor was a bit preoccupied in the other worlds – back to New York for a charity gala. Steve saw you for the first time in a navy-blue gown with a sweetheart neckline. He eyed you for hours until Natasha accidentally (it was not) pushed him into you. His face had turned beet red as he profusely apologized. After that, you two spent the entire evening together and quickly became inseparable (much to Tony’s dismay, but he liked the idea of you with a good man… he’d never admit that though).
Everything he imagined he’d have with Peggy, he saw it with you. He had your future together so vividly outlined and painted in his mind. It was a true masterpiece.
But then he saw Peggy again. And it only felt right.
A year had passed since Tony’s death – a year since Natasha’s. A year since Steve took the stones and returned them. The plan was for him to return, too, but all that came back was a long letter attached to the shield. You were told that he returned to the past, but you knew what it meant. He returned to her. Bucky offered to give you the letter – “Steve’s farewell address” as Sam called it – but you refused. You didn’t need another goodbye. You told yourself if Steve was happy, then you’re happy.
But Steve wasn’t happy.
The first day he knocked on Peggy’s door and she opened it with a shocked expression. “Steve,” she gasped, wrapping her arms around him, “you came back.” They shared their long overdue dance, but something felt off. She didn’t fit in his arms the way you did. He felt as if he was jamming the wrong puzzle pieces together. But Steve told himself that he made his decision. He’d have to stick with it.
“I’m married, Steve,” Peggy admitted to him. “The dance is nice and all, but … you don’t belong here.” She shook his head at him. She looked deep into Steve’s eyes with a frown. “There’s someone else out there for you, but … it’s not me.” Peggy released herself from his arms and shut off the record player.
He spent a week in the past, keeping his head low. Peggy and her husband offered to let him stay with them for the time being. Steve didn’t know why he stayed in the past for as long as he did.
Perhaps he was looking for a reason to stay, but deep-down Steve knew. He didn’t want to return to the present knowing he had hurt you. He was wrong for doubting the love he had for you. When Peggy had told him there’s someone else out there for you, his mind instantly went to you and your teary eyes. The last time he saw you, you were crying because of him.
He just knew he had to right his wrongs.
“Nathaniel,” you said sternly as you tried to feed your baby his bottle. The pot on the stove started to release some smoke. “Bucky, little help?”
Bucky laughed as he took the infant from your arms, allowing you to refocus on cooking. “Okay, little man, you heard your mama… Say ahhh.” It took a few moments, but Nathaniel finally obliged and opened his mouth. Bucky fed him and then soon began to burp him.
“Oh, he’s so big!” A voice called out. “Look at you! (Y/N), he’s gonna be a future lady killer.” Sam emerged with gift bags in hand. Nathaniel grew excited upon seeing him. Sam cooed at the baby that rested in Bucky’s arms for a few moments before walking up to you. He gave you a friendly peck on the cheek and giving you a tight hug. “And Happy Birthday to you, (Y/N).”
Hours later, your guests started arriving at the Stark Tower. (Tony had left it to you as a parting gift after he and Pepper moved into their cabin. “It’s as much yours as it is mine,” Tony told you. “I mean we share the last name.”). The party was intimate. Your closest friends – the ones who’ve been with you every step of your pregnancy – were the only invitees.
You cooed at your baby in your arms. His eyelids grew heavy as he curled deeper into your arms. You smiled before putting him in his crib. You stared at him, admiring your creation, although your heart did ache. He looked so much like his father.
You grew teary eyed once again. You bit your lip to stop the sob. “C’mon, (Y/N), there are guests downstairs,” you told yourself. “Pull yourself together.”
“Hey, doll,” a soft voice whispered. You turned to meet Bucky’s soft eyes.
“Sorry,” you muttered, wiping away your tears. “Hormonal.”
“C’mere,” Bucky motioned for you and you walked over to him. He knew it was more than just hormones. He engulfed you in his arms, rocking you both side to side slightly.
After Steve’s departure, you and Bucky found solace in one another. Bucky thought it was an unlikely friendship – he did kill your parents after all. But you found comfort in the once super assassin despite his misdeeds to your family. (To you, it wasn’t Bucky who killed them). Although Bucky didn’t agree, you felt as if you were both tossed aside by the same man.
You didn’t even get the chance to tell Steve you were pregnant. You didn’t tell anyone. Bucky was the first person you told. You begged him to keep it to himself. You were hellbent on going through it alone, but Bucky was the one who rallied everyone behind you. Pepper, Sam, Clint, Bruce, Wanda – he made sure you weren’t alone.
After you gathered yourself, you returned to the small get together. You chatted amongst your guests for a while before Wanda excitedly clapped, “okay! Presents time!” Everyone took turns giving your gifts. You told them they didn’t need to, but everyone insisted.
“Best for last!” Bucky called out. He stood up from your side, sifting through the mess of wrapping paper to find his gift. “Aha!” He called out, triumphantly lifting a neatly wrapped box.
“Hello?” A voice called out from the elevator entrance. You felt the color drain from your face, instantly recognizing it. Everyone else frowned as they turned towards hallway and out emerged, Steven Grant Rogers.
“Steve?” Sam said in disbelief.
Bucky’s eyes glanced from you to his friend. You were shaken. It was as clear as day. You sat stiff and tense in middle of the couch, your wide eyes were trained to the floor and your jaw was so clenched he was afraid you’d break your teeth.
“What – it’s great to see you,” Pepper greeted, similarly shocked.
“Likewise,” Steve nodded. You felt your heart thudding against your sternum as your ears grew hot. “Everyone… It’s great to see you all.” He licked his lips nervously as he walked into the heart of the party, the living room. “Happy Birthday, (Y/N)…”
Attention quickly shifted to you. Your hands had clenched into fists and were shaking. Everyone knew what was coming. You had kept it all in for a year… It was bound to come out.
They were expecting rage, but all you said was a quiet, “get out.”
“(Y/N) – “ Steve began.
“GET THE FUCK OUT.” You finally snapped. Everyone winced. There was the rage they were waiting for. A year of bottling it all up had you finally exploding. You quickly stood up and stomped over to Steve. You grabbed his arms and began to pull him towards the elevators, but the super soldier didn’t budge. “Get the fuck out of my home, Steven.”
“(Y/N), please – “
“No! You don’t get to come back, Steve!” You screamed, your tears running down your face. “You left. Remember? You broke up with me and then you left. You went back to Margaret freaking Carter. My brother died saving the universe and you left!” You pointed at Bucky. “Remember him? Your pal, your buddy, your Bucky,” Steve winced at your harshness. “You fought so hard to get him back. You fought against my brother to save him. And you ditched him like you ditched me. I don’t want to know why you’re back. I don’t care. Get the fuck out of my home, Steve. You son of a – “Your anger quickly diminished as soon as you heard it. It was faint. The thick walls of the tower muffled it, but you heard it. “Oh, god, Nathaniel.” You rushed back up the stairs.
It was as if he had sensed your anger because he surely couldn’t have heard your yells through the walls. You took him in your arms as you began to coddle him, shushing and cooing at him to ease him. “I’m sorry, baby,” you whispered, tears still falling. “Mama’s sorry.”
Steve wanted to follow you. He was confused. Nathaniel? He took two steps before both Sam and Bucky stopped him. They shook their heads, silently telling him it wasn’t the best idea. “I – I …” Steve stuttered but nothing came out. “I’m sorry, Buck. Sam.” He finally said. “I’m sorry to all of you. I shouldn’t have left the way I did especially after Tony… I’m sorry Pepper.”
“I’ve made my peace with it,” Pepper smiled sadly.
“We all got over you leaving, eventually,” Sam said.
Bucky pointed up the stairs. “But she hasn’t…”
“Everything happened so fast, Steve… One minute you loved her, the next you told her you wanted to end things. Then, her brother dies. On top of everything, she was pregnant… She put on a brave face for us,” Bucky sighed. “She told herself she’d survive for her baby and that’s what she did… But man, she struggles daily…”
“She was pregnant?” Steve asked. Why didn’t you tell him?
“And you come back on her birthday of all days?” Sam scoffed.
“I have a kid?”
“No,” Bucky shook his head. “She has a son. You can’t waltz back in here after a year and have your old life back, Steve. It may have been – what a week? – for you, it’s been a year for us.”
“But I’m back… for good. I swear,” Steve said. “I… I don’t belong in the past. I never did. I belong here. I just want to talk to her.”
Sam and Bucky shared a look. Sam nodded but Bucky stayed still. He looked back at his oldest friend with a glum expression. “If she wants you out, you leave. Got it?”
“Buck – “
“I mean it. You weren’t here for a year, but I was. I was the one who held her when she broke down. I was the one who force fed her when she refused to eat. I was the one who got her out of bed. I was the one who was there when they delivered her baby. You weren’t there for her for a year.” Bucky snapped. “So, if she wants you out, you leave. No ifs, ands or buts. Got it?”
“I do,” Steve nodded. “I do.”
Steve wasn’t sure which room it was, but then he heard, “it’s okay, baby… Mama’s here.” He followed your voice to a dimly lit room – the only light was a crescent moon lamp that was hung on the wall. He leaned against the doorframe of the room, admiring the nursery.
The walls were painted a light, sky blue. There was a white wooden crib and a matching wooden shelf. (They were housewarming presents from Clint’s family). The room was very neat for a nursery. The toys were tucked away in crates and everything was organized.
He watched you as you bounced your baby. You softly whispered sweet nothings to his ear, lulling him to sleep. Steve felt a pang in his chest. It dawned on him that he missed a year of this. Soon, the baby was fast asleep, and you placed him back in the crib.
You stared at him again. You always did. An 18-hour labor brought you this miracle, so, of course, you would admire him. He was never fussy, never too difficult. (You liked to think karma gifted Nathaniel’s calm temperament to you because of all the shit you had to go through). He looked so much like Steve. Except your eyes. He got your eyes.
“Come look,” you whispered. You knew he was in the room. You could always feel when Steve was nearby. Steve detached himself from his position, eager to get a glimpse of your child.
“He’s beautiful,” Steve muttered in absolute awe.
“Nathaniel Anthony Stark,” you said, softly. “He was 8.6 pounds. 18-hour labor. Healthy pregnancy.”
“I’m glad.”
You sniffled but quickly wiped away your tears. “The pushing part, though… God, I hated you.” Steve frowned and glanced at you. You looked back at him. The same teary look you had given him when he broke up with you. “I never talked about you after you left, but when the labor pains kicked in, god,” you chuckled, “I cursed you out so much. I wish Bucky recorded it.”
Steve smiled a bit. “I’m glad he was there for you.”
“I think he felt responsible,” you shrugged. “His best friend knocked up his girlfriend, broke up with her, then chased an old flame.”
“I’m sorry,” Steve sighed. “Can we talk somewhere else?” You nodded and led him into the hallway.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you,” you said as soon as the door was shut. “I… I just saw you and the rage – I should’ve controlled myself.”
“I deserved it,” Steve assured you. “You deserved a decent explanation and I couldn’t give you that.”
“I didn’t give you much of a choice… I just left,” you shrugged. “But I know how you get. If you made up your mind, it’s a done deal. No use in arguing.”
“I was conflicted,” Steve admitted. “When Tony and I went back, I saw her, and I reminisced. I remembered everything I wanted with her…” Your face fell. “I went back with the intention of staying there.”
“I think I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want an explanation.”
“No, please,” Steve begged. “Please, (Y/N).” You bit your lip and sighed before nodding. “I made a mistake. I knew it when Peggy and I were dancing.”
You smiled at that. “You finally got your dance with her.” You remembered the story. You remembered how your heart broke for Steve when he first told you.
“I did,” Steve nodded. “But it didn’t feel right.” You frowned at that. “Peggy and I aren’t meant to be. I know that now. We don’t… we don’t fit. Her life went on without me. Time moved on. And I moved on, too… with you. I remembered a time when I wanted a future with Peggy, but I can’t envision it. Not anymore.
“But when I think of the future with you… I see a wraparound porch and a sweet home by the lake. I see Christmas trees decorated every year and Thanksgiving dinners. I see a ring around your finger – a simple diamond. You weren’t like Tony… you were never really into flashy things. I see a family,” he gestured towards the nursery. “I want all of that with you.”
“My life has been on a standstill ever since you left,” you confessed. “I can’t bring myself to move on. I couldn’t. I saw a future with you and only you. And then you were gone, I didn’t want a future anymore. But I had Nathaniel. I had to keep going if not for me, then for him.” You looked at Steve with those same teary eyes.
“You broke me, Steve. I can’t even explain how it felt. I woke up every day and I felt like I was in hell. I can’t… I can’t go through that again. I won’t.”
“Then, don’t…” Steve said. He reached for you and you let him hold you in his arms. “I’m sorry. I’m so incredibly sorry. Words can’t describe my regret. I swear to you, on my life, I will never abandon you again. I’m here for good. And I’ll never leave.”
“You shouldn’t promise that,” you shook your head. “Something will always – “
“You’re my present and you’re my future.” Steve promised. “You don’t have to forgive me yet, but I want to make it up to you and Nathaniel if you’ll let me?”
You looked at Steve before sighing. “Okay,” you nodded. “Okay, Steve.”
“I love you.” He blurted out. His eyes widened in realization. “You don’t have to say it back… Not yet. But, it’s the truth… I love you and I’ll love you until I die and even after then.” You smiled at him softly before nodding.
“Okay, Steve.”
You wanted to say it back. It only felt natural to do so. But you restrained yourself. You wanted to heal the relationship with Steve first.
(But soon enough, after several long months, and many of Steve’s I love you’s only to be met with an “Okay Steve”… You were able to return those three words).
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ridiculousn3sswrites · 3 years ago
*Bucky Barnes x Reader, former Pietro Maximoff x Reader
*Summary: Bucky and Reader keep getting dragged to the same barbecues by mutual friends. 
*Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, mild sex jokes, Pietro and Reader used to date and keep joking about that. Let me know if I missed anything!
*A/N: I’m alive, just been dealing with school and studying for the LSAT.
Tip Jar
Something you didn’t expect from reaching your mid-20’s was all the damn barbecues you were being invited to during the summers. Your friends were all starting to settle down, get houses, and for some reason, barbecues were now the cornerstone of social gatherings instead of clubs. Maybe this was what you deserved for having a friend group that was mostly older than you.
You started learning the ins-and-outs of this new social scene: if Sam was hosting, food was going to be amazing; plate flipped upside down in the trash if you were going to Tony’s; Wanda would have a flask of something hidden away if you weren’t at her house, if you were, you knew where the good alcohol was. Things didn’t start to get interesting until you noticed a new face around the barbecues, one that you hadn’t seen during college. He was always there, kind of withdrawn from most of the friend group, but you could tell he was very comfortable with Steve, Sam, and Peggy.
He always wore the same thing: a black shirt tight enough to rival Steve’s, dark jeans, work boots, and sunglasses he would sometimes push to rest on the top of his head. His hair would be half up in this messy little bun type thing, and you were really into it. There was no denying he was attractive, and because of that you had no idea how to approach him. Wanda and Pietro were the first ones to notice your staring at this mystery man, and they never failed to tease you for it. “Why don’t you just go talk to him? It’s not like he bites.”
“Maybe she wants him to, she’s into that,” Pietro jumped in before you could answer his sister.
“You’re disgusting and I have no idea why we ever dated,” you said, completely deadpan. Pietro put a hand over his chest in mock hurt, but he knew you were only joking.
“I don’t need to know what you two did!” Wanda replied louder, hoping to drown out you and her brother. She turned her back on her brother, completely facing you. Pietro put his hands up, actually offended this time. “Anyways, do you want me to introduce you?”
“Wait, you know him?”
“Of course, that’s Steve’s friend. He comes around the office sometimes,” Wanda explained. You mentally reprimanded yourself - of course Wanda would know him, she works for Steve and the guy always hung around Steve and his friends.
“I don’t even know his name-”
“It’s Bucky. Come on, let’s go,” Wanda said, dragging you away and towards the man.
“What? You are just going to leave me here?” Pietro whined loudly as the two of you walked away. He apparently didn’t mind too much as he immediately went to talk to Vision when the two of you were gone. Bucky was talking to Sam as the two of you got closer, and you could feel your nerves growing. You’d never talked to the guy before, and here you were, about to interrupt his conversation with his friend? How rude could you be? Before you could tug back on Wanda and stop her, Sam noticed you.
“Hey, (y/n)! Have you met this dude yet? Biggest pain in my ass,” Sam called out to you, making you laugh as the man in question rolled his eyes.
“You know, you could tell people something else when you introduce me,” Bucky said. Wanda finished dragging you the last few feet, jolting you to a stop right in front of the man. You stumbled somewhat, and you could see Bucky’s little smile. “Hey, Wanda, how’re you doing?”
“I’m doing fine,” Wanda said with a smile. “This is (Y/n), my roommate from college. (Y/n), this is Bucky.”
“Hey, nice to meet you,” he told you, immediately taking your breath away with his small little smile.
“Yeah, nice to meet you too. So, uh, how do you know these guys?” You asked, nodding towards the rest of the barbecue.
“I grew up with Steve. Don’t know what I did to be the biggest pain in Sam’s ass, though.” You laughed at his little joke, Sam’s expression making it that much better.
“You know exactly what you did!”
“Do I?”
“You know you do!”
“I’m gonna go back with Vis. Sam, come so Piet has someone to talk to,” Wanda practically ordered. You could see what she was doing, and you didn’t like it one bit. You barely managed to get out that one little sentence without fumbling through it; there was no way you’d be able to last however long it took until everyone was called together to eat.
“What about us?”
“You guys talk to each other,” Wanda told you, not even giving you a second glance as she turned and started walking away. At least Sam gave you a little shrug as he followed her, leaving you and Bucky alone for the moment. There was the moment of awkwardness where the two of you didn’t really know how to bring the conversation back up without your mutual friends there, but luckily Bucky seemed to have just the right idea.
“Hey, uh, you need a refill?” He asked, pointing at the drink in your hand.
“Yeah, that’d be nice.” Bucky nodded his head towards the coolers, and the two of you made your way over there. That opened up a conversation about your beverages of choice - making jokes about one being better than the other - and then conversation was just easier from there. You shared stories about your friends, talked about things going on in your lives, the small talk making you both more comfortable with one another. Even though you didn’t exchange numbers that first time, Bucky left you with a little see you next time. 
“There’s no way you used to date him,” Bucky said, shaking his head at you and Pietro. Another weekend, another barbecue - this time at Steve and Peggy’s place. Piet had wandered over to you, claiming he wasn’t getting enough attention elsewhere. He made a joke about how you were so willing to give him attention when you were together, and you quickly shot back about how there’s another reason why you aren’t anymore. Bucky just stood there in disbelief, not knowing just how close you were to Wanda and her twin.
“She did, for over a year,” Pietro confirmed. Bucky ignored him, eyes focused on you. You looked away, slightly uncomfortable with just how intense his gaze was.
“Well, yeah, we did,” you confirmed. Bucky accepted this one, turning to Pietro again. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, just glad to have that look off of you. You weren’t used to that level of intensity from Bucky.
“How the hell did you manage that?”
“Why is it so unbelievable we dated?!” Pietro demanded. “I’ll have you know she’s the one that asked me out.”
“Now don’t lie on my name like that, it’s not polite.” You took a sip from your bottle, glaring at Pietro. He just grinned at you, obviously not caring about how damaging that would be. If it goes around that I asked him out, I’m gonna kick his ass.
“Okay, fine, you didn’t, but you still dated me for a year,” Pietro said. “What did you expect when suddenly my sister gets an attractive friend?”
“Yeah, it was literally because he kept just coming in to hang out with me and Wanda,” you finally explained to Bucky, who was just watching the entire interaction with a little amused smile. “Dude couldn’t find his own friends on campus and I guess he caught my eye.”
“You guess?” This time, you could hear the slight hurt in Pietro’s voice.
“Alright, I guess that makes sense,” Bucky said, ignoring Pietro yet again. You put your hand on Pietro’s arm to comfort him, and from the small smile he gave you, you knew it worked. 
“What about you? You date anyone around here?” You asked Bucky. Sam seemed to appear out of nowhere the second you asked the question, throwing his arm around Bucky’s shoulders.
“He was flirting with my sister! I shut that down real quick,” Sam said. Bucky immediately turned red, shoving Sam’s arm off of him. “Nah, you don’t get to play like you didn’t!”
“Alright, yeah, I flirted with Sarah like twice,” Bucky admitted, taking a drink to try to hide his face.
“And you dated Natasha for a bit,” Sam added.
“I was gonna say that.”
“No you weren’t.”
“Eventually I was, plus it was only for a few months, that barely counts!”
“You guys were flirting for like a year before making it official, that counts,” Sam argued back. You and Pietro shared a look, kind of uncomfortable. You wondered if you’d be able to slip away without them noticing, but then you saw Wanda waving you over and giving you an out.
“Oh, hey, Wanda’s calling for us. I’ll talk to you guys later. Piet, let’s go,” you said, grabbing Pietro’s hand without thinking and dragging him towards his sister. “Thanks, Wanda.”
“Oof, what was going on there? You looked like you were forced to be there,” Wanda asked, glancing back at Bucky and Sam.
“Yeah, so Bucky didn’t believe us when we said we used to date, and then he got quiet when I asked if he dated anyone in the group and Sam started airing out his dirty laundry,” you quickly explained, finally dropping Pietro’s hand.
“And it looks like Bucky just shoved Sam,” Vis chimed in.
“Well, obviously. It doesn’t help to look like a flirt in front of someone you’re flirting with,” Pietro said. “Does that make sense? I feel like it did but didn’t.”
“It makes sense, don’t worry,” Wanda reassured him.
“No it doesn’t because there’s no way he’s flirting with me,” you argued. Immediately, all three of them looked at you. “What? He’s nice and very attractive, but also very out of my league.”
“Well, so was I-” Pietro was cut off by Wanda immediately smacking his arm.
“Shut up, Piet. But also, (y/n), honey, are you blind?”
“Well, my eyesight-”
“Stop deflecting. At the past three barbecues, you’ve been talking almost exclusively to Bucky. There’s no question that he’s into you,” Wanda spelled out very clearly for you. “Watch this. Piet, put your arm around her shoulders.”
Pietro followed his sister’s orders. You all knew better than to question her when she got into moods like this. Wanda nodded, looking past you and nudging Vis. “Vis, do you see what I see?”
“Yes, Bucky’s glaring at Pietro right now,” Vis reported. “It would appear he might be jealous, but doesn’t want to come over here.”
“See, even Vis can see it,” Wanda said, as though that proved her point. Which, you had to admit, it did make a very strong case here.
“Nah,” you said instead, not wanting to admit she might be right. You honestly had no idea what you’d do with that knowledge; knowing yourself, you were way too much of a coward to ask him out on the slight chance your information was wrong. What were you supposed to do if you were wrong? Just stop showing up to these barbecues and lose the only form of social interaction you had on a regular basis? Nah, you’d rather just try to get over this little infatuation you found yourself in.
And as always, Sam and Pietro found themselves to be the banes of your existence. Another barbecue - this time at Wanda and Piet’s - and you were talking to Bucky yet again. Sam had attached himself to the conversation - which you didn’t mind, Sam was a hilarious guy - but it was once Piet joined that trouble started. As always, Piet got a little too comfortable, and once he got going, Sam got going even more. Which is how you got here, Piet’s arm thrown casually around your shoulders, tipping his drink towards Bucky. “When are you going to ask her out? The puppy dog eyes are starting to get annoying.”
“Dude!” You tried pushing Piet off of you, eyes wide as embarrassment began to take over. 
“That’s what I’ve been saying! Do you know how annoying it is to hear this guy talk about her every single time we’re together? ‘Oh, I wonder what (y/n)’s up to,’” Sam mocked Bucky’s voice. “Like, man, just ask for her damn number already!”
“Hey, c’mon, man.” Bucky’s response was a lot more calm than yours, but you could see the pink starting to tint his cheeks. 
“What? You know that’s how you sound. Hey, (y/n), give the dude your number,” Sam said, turning to you.
“She doesn’t have to,” Bucky told Sam before turning to you. “You don’t have to… but if you wanted to, I wouldn’t be against it.”
“I… I, uh, I think Wanda’s calling me,” you said, finally ducking under Pietro’s arm and rushing inside the house.
“Wanda’s out here!” Pietro called out after you, but you ignored him. You immediately made a beeline for the kitchen, the cabinet right above the refrigerator. Normally, you’d ask Wanda for permission, but considering the circumstances, you didn’t think she’d mind you taking a shot. Or two. Maybe three.
As you were pouring some of the liquor into your cup, you heard someone join you. You figured it was Wanda checking in on you, or maybe Piet realizing he was an ass, but you jumped when they finally talked. “You know, I would’ve been fine if you just said no.”
There he was. Bucky stood on the other side of the island, watching as you put down the bottle. 
“Sorry… I just… like got overwhelmed, you know?” You tried explaining, not knowing how else to put it. “And I’m sorry that Piet put you on the spot like that, I didn’t think he’d be enough of an ass to say something like that.”
“I get it. And I should be apologizing for Sam,” Bucky said. “But, uh, he wasn’t exactly wrong. I do talk about you a lot, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“Enough that even Steve asked if I was planning on asking you out,” he admitted. “That’s not weird, is it? I mean, I’d love to take you out sometime, but if you don’t want to then I’m completely fine with that too-”
He cut off his rambling when he saw you down the shot(s?) you’d poured in your cup. “So Wanda was right.”
“She said it was obvious you’re into me, but I thought you were way out of my league,” you admitted with a slight laugh. It all just seemed so ridiculous now. “So, uh, yeah, I’d like to go out with out sometime, if this entire thing didn’t like put you off of that.”
“I literally just asked you out, it didn’t freak me out too bad. I mean, have you met Steve? I’ve had to put up with some weird stuff because of that punk,” Bucky joked, rewarded by your little amused smile. “There we go, doll. You still overwhelmed?”
“I mean, kinda. I know Piet’s gonna be on my ass trying to apologize. He always gets so guilty when he makes me upset.”
“Alright then, you wanna stay here for a bit longer? We could plan our date a bit, maybe I could get your number finally?”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you told him. He walked around the island, joining you with only a few inches separating you. You could feel your face heat up from the closeness, but it was nice. This whole thing was nice. And if you were too busy focusing on the man beside you to notice your best friend watching the two of you from the doorway with a smug little smile on her face, well, you could deal with that later. 
Permanent Tag List: @treatallwithkindness, @laic2299, @delaber
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