#salvatore brother's rings
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Klaus Mikaelson x Soulmate!Reader x Elijah Mikaelson Pt. 11
Word Count- 3.8k
Warnings- Mentions of Suicide(Damon trying to die because of his wolf bite), swearing, death, blood, gun/gun-shot wounds, smaller chapter but big things happening cliffhanger ending
“Yes, Elena. Once again, I’m fine. I have to go run an errand and then I’ll see you guys at the square. OK? Toodles!”
I quickly hung up my phone, just in case Elena decided to ask what errand I was running. How the hell am I supposed to tell her I’m going to try to talk a dying Damon Salvatore off the ledge?
It’s been two days since Demon dropped the bomb that he was dying and then disappeared. He hasn’t answered my calls and whenever I ask Stefan about him he says “I’m working on it.” Not well enough, clearly, because the Bunny Eater called me 30 minutes ago telling me Damon just tried lighting himself on fire and he needs my help talking him down. I’m not sure why I’m the one he called for this since I’ve heard Damon on more than one occasion say he’d rather die than listen to me speak.
Damon and Stefan have made me keep quiet about this, so no one else but us three knows. Which is why I fibbed a bit on my phone call with Elena. I’m not entirely on board with keeping this a secret. What do the Salvatores think is going to happen when the werewolf bite kills Damon? Just tell everyone Damon went upstate to a farm, just like what parents tell their children when their turtles or dogs die.
Although Damon and I have had our differences, I can admit the thought of him dying doesn’t sit well with me. Especially since he got bit trying to stop the ritual. Even though it didn’t stop it, it did save Tyler and Caroline. Who I guess was replaced by that bitch Jules and some random vampire Klaus had in his back pocket.
I take a deep breath as I exit my car and walk up to the front door of the Salvatore house. I don’t bother knocking since everyone kind of just lets themselves in when it comes to this place. I’m about to call out for Stefan but within a moment he’s flashed in front of me.
“Oh good lord,” I clutch my chest in surprise. At this Stefan’s eyes widen and he reaches out to me.
“I’m sorry, Y/n! Is it your heart again? Do you need anything? Here take some of my blood,” Stefan frantically says.
I put both of my hands up and shake them, “Stefan calm down dude, okay? I’m good, you just scared me. I’ve got to start getting you vamps little bells to wear around your necks.”
Stefan slightly laughs but I can still see the weariness in his eyes.
“Really Stefana, I’m good.”
Stefan sighs and nods, “Sorry, I just…with everything going on I’m just…,” Stefan rubs his hand over his face and now I can clearly see the exhaustion and sadness on it.
I take a step closer and wrap my arms around him in a hug, “It’ll be ok, we’ll figure it out, alright?”
Stefan doesn’t say anything but I feel him nod as he wraps his arms around me tighter as if me hugging him is the only thing keeping him grounded. And after seeing his older brother trying to light himself on fire, it might just be.
After another moment Stefan releases me and smiles at me but it doesn't reach up all the way.
“He’s down here,” He says and I follow him down to where Elijah was when he was daggered.
At the thought of the Original my heart sinks. It’s been three days since I’ve seen or heard from him. Each time I hear my phone ring a small part of me expects it to be him with his stupid posh accent telling me he’s sorry for ghosting me, but every time I answer it’s never him. I’ve tried to distract myself with hanging out with the girls, or Theo, and even the occasional phone call with Jenna who talks to me a lot now about the supernatural since we both learned about it recently. Bonnie and I have also been going through her deceased Gram’s grimoires and things to see if we can find anything on why my chest bled and then magically healed itself, but nothing comes up. It’s disheartening but Bonnie says she won’t stop searching until she’s found the reason. Our time together has made me realize just how good of a friend Bonnie is. She’s loyal and kind and she’d fight for her friends until her dying breath. Which is sadly something she has already done once. I really like hanging out with her and her teaching me more about her world. I may not understand much about witches but it’s nice to see how excited she gets when she talks about it.
“Are you going to be good down here by yourself,” Stefan leans down to whisper to me.
“What,” I question now realizing he’s been talking this entire time.
“I have to go to the square to go speak to Elena but after I’ll be back. Just whatever he says, don’t let him out. Ric should be here soon too. He can take your place when he gets here.”
I do a soldier’s salute and he rolls his eyes as he walks back upstairs. Leaving me and Grumpy down here by ourselves. The door that separates us is big and wooden with a small window that has three metal bars. I look through and frown when I see Damon scrunched up, sitting on the far side of the room.
“Are you going to eat me if I come in?”
“Drinking your blood would be a fate worse than death,” Damon’s scratchy voice speaks up after a moment.
I roll my eyes as I unlock the door and push it open, I quickly make my way inside and close it. I lean against the door and cross my arms as I look at the dying vampire in front of me.
“Stefan really thought you of all people would be the one to talk me off the ledge,” Damon grunts out as he puts his head up to look at me.
“That’s exactly what I said. I told him you’d be more likely to do it again after hearing me speak,” I laugh out.
Damon’s upper lip twitches for a moment and he lets out a strangled laugh, “You’re not wrong.
We’re both quiet for a moment before Damon speaks up again, “I’m going to die.”
I take a deep breath and sit down against the door mirroring Damon, “At the moment, yes you are.”
Damon raises an eyebrow at me, “So you’re not going to fill me with fairy tales about some special cure and that by tomorrow I’ll be fresh as a daisy?”
I shrug my shoulders, “Is that what you want me to do?”
Damon stares at me for a moment and then shakes his head, “No, I don’t.”
“Alright then. Works for me. You know, Stefan called me to try to talk you down because he thinks what you did was crazy. But… I understand why you did it.”
This captures Damon’s attention as he stares questioningly at me, “You do?”
I nod as I play with a loose thread on my shirt, “Ya. You’re scared. And in pain. You think this is the only way out, but it isn’t. And I’m not saying that because of some magical cure. I’m saying that because you still have time left to say your goodbyes and to be with those who actually care about you. Even though you’re an actual hellspawn. I know that this is scary, you’ve been alive for over a century and now you’re facing mortality for the first time in years. I would be scared too.”
Damon’s jaw clenches and for a moment I think he’s mad but when I see him turn his head to stare at the wall next to him I realize he’s trying to hide his emotions.
“Damon you can stare at that wall all you’d like but I meant what I said.”
At the sound of footsteps, I stand up.
“Ric’s here. Try not to be such an ass to him. You’re kind of like his only friend,” When he doesn’t make any noise about my joke I frown and start to unlatch the door, “I’m glad I met you, Damon. I don’t tell a lot of people that, but it’s true. Thanks for bringing out a fire in me I didn’t know I had.”
Damon says nothing and I quickly wipe a stray tear from my face as I open the door.
“I’m glad I met you too, Y/N. Even though you’re a pain in the ass,” I turn and make eye contact with Damon, and even though the room is dark, I swear I can see small tears building in his blue eyes, “I don’t believe in next lives or whatever…but if they somehow exist, I wouldn’t mind meeting you again in that one, Pukey.”
I let out a small sob as I run over to the seated man and throw my arms over him. He lets out a grunt of surprise and after a moment he wraps his arms around me and I can feel the dampness from his tears on my shirt.
“If you tell anyone about this I’ll kill you,” He tries to threaten but his voice comes out strained so it doesn’t hold much punch.
“Ya whatever, Demon.”
It’s night by the time I get to the square for whatever movie night the town’s having. Elena asked me to come earlier since she says everyone needs a break from all the chaos that has happened. I’m not excited to see how she’s going to react to the news about Damon. But for now, I’m grabbing my fluffy blanket and walking towards my friends and watching this stupid movie.
Jenna, Jeremy, Bonnie, and Caroline all sit together talking as I walk up behind them.
“Hey guys,” I say and they all spin around to look at me. Bonnie and Jenna both send me warm smiles and waves, Caroline hops up and guides me over to the group talking my ear off already, and Jeremy tries to send me a smile but that dude looks like he would rather be anywhere else.
“What errand took you so long,” Caroline questions.
“Oh, Theo just needed some help bringing back his football gear and stuff. I guess the coach has been bothering him to get it back for weeks since the season ended,” I say which isn’t a total lie since I did do that after leaving the Salvatores.
“How is Theo,” Jeremy asks.
Ever since the funeral Jeremy and Theo have been gaming together. When I asked Theo about it, he said he was doing it out of pity and that someone as cool as him wouldn’t hang out with an emo like Jeremy. But after passing by Theo’s room and hearing him and Jeremy laugh and make fun of each other over call, I don’t think Theo is really doing this out of pity anymore. After moving here and with everything that has happened with our parents it’s been hard for Theo to make friends. Even though he says otherwise. I know he has people to hang out with at school, but it’s all brainless jocks who probably don’t even care to know my brother’s favorite color. He needs a good friend like Jeremy in his life.
“Theo’s good. Even though he was pissy this morning because he says you cheated last night,” I admit to him as I sit down next to Jenna and Caroline.
Jeremy shoots me a look of disbelief, “I did not cheat! That jerk! He’s the one who cheated,” Jeremy lifts up his phone and starts angrily texting someone. A someone, who I’m guessing is my brother.
I look around noticing the absence of my best friend, “Where’s Elena?”
They all look at each other wearily before Bonnie grabs my hand, “You might want to prepare yourself for this.”
I look at her confused for a moment and whisper, “Is this about the Damon thing?”
“You knew?!’’
“Excuse me?”
They all yell out and I raise my hands in surrender, “Hey! Stefana and Demon made me keep quiet. They didn’t want to stress anyone else out more.”
“How long have you known,” Caroline asks me and I grimace, “Like… since John’s funeral.”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It just wasn’t my place to say.”
They think about this for a moment before nodding.
“Elena went to go talk to Damon and Stefan is off trying to find a cure,” Bonnie says.
“Let’s hope he finds one in time.”
We all quiet down after a moment and go back to watching the movie, but 5 minutes later I feel a tap on my right shoulder.
I shoot Jenna a questioning look as she leans down to whisper to me, “Anything from Elijah?”
I just send her a small shake of my head and she returns it with a comforting smile and a squeeze to my shoulder, “His loss then.”
Over the past few days of Jenna and I talking about the supernatural, we’ve also been chatting about other things like school and relationships. It took me a while to open up but after I did I brought up Elijah. Talking to Jenna about Elijah, and everything that’s happened with him has actually made me feel somewhat better. Jenna’s been more of a mother figure to me these past three days than my own mother has in almost 18 years.
Out of the corner of my eye, Jeremy quickly stands up, capturing all of our attention.
He hangs up the phone and turns back to us with a nervous look, “Damon escaped and Elena wasn’t there yet so Ric thinks he’s coming here to see her. Ric says the bite is making him hallucinate so he’s not himself right now.”
“Fantastic,” I mutter to myself and Jenna slightly elbows me and shoots me a disapproving look.
“If Damon is off the rails, there is nothing you can do to stop him. Let us take care of it,” Bonnie gestures towards herself, and Caroline and I want to groan at this. It’s really starting to piss me off how the supernaturals keep pushing us humans away every time we want to help. Just because we don’t have super strength or heal within a split second doesn’t mean we’re useless.
“You keep doing this! You left me behind before, and guess what, Elena was still killed,” Jeremy exclaims to his girlfriend, “I’m going to find my sister. You go ahead and try to stop me. Y/N, Jenna, you with me?”
Jenna instantly nods and I shoot a look at Bonnie and Caroline before walking towards Jeremy, “Let’s go.”
“There he is!”
I follow behind Jeremy as we see a wounded Damon staring off into space. Jenna left a while ago to go find Ric, leaving Little Gilbert and I to try to find Elena. “Damon,” Jeremy tries catching the attention of the delusional vamp and I watch with caution.
“Where’s Elena? I need to see Elena now,” He frantically says and I send him a smile as Jeremy walks closer to him.
“Hey, let’s get you out of here first, alright,” Jeremy grabs Damon, who instantly falls into his arms. I go to the vampire’s other side and grab his arms trying to help Jeremy with the deadweight.
After a bunch of odd stares and murmurs from passersby, we finally get Damon through the crowd and into the empty Grill.
Jeremy drops Damon off at a table and goes to tell Ric where we are. I’m still holding onto Damon's arm as I watch Jere, but turn around when I feel Damon do the same. And I freeze.
“Y/n, move I don’t want to hurt you,” Sheriff Forbes stands in front of us holding her gun and pointing at Damon.
I go to try to reason to her but Damon flashes away, spooking Liz and all I hear is the sound of a gun and a piercing in my left arm.
“Oh god,” Liz looks at me for a moment in shock but when she looks behind me her features go straight to fear.
A strangled sob escapes my mouth as I watch Jeremy fall to the floor, his once-grey shirt turning red, as blood spills from his chest.
“What the hell did you do,” I scream at Liz as I run over to Jeremy with tears in my eyes.
I strip off my sweatshirt and place it over his bleeding chest.
“Come on Jeremy, you’re going to be alright,” I sob, “You’re going to be alright Jere,”
Another sob comes from my mouth as Jeremy’s shaking hand grabs mine for comfort.
“I know this hurts but I have to keep pressure on it, okay. You’re going to be just fine.”
I can hear Liz call for paramedics as she tries to move my hands so she can hold down the sweatshirt.
“Don’t you dare,” I snarl at her and she sits back.
“Jeremy…Hey! Jere,” I shake my head as he closes his eyes.
Bonnie and Caroline rush up to us and Caroline gently sets me back so she can try to help Jeremy. I sit there with silent sobs as I watch Bonnie tell Caroline that Jeremy’s ring won't bring him back since the sheriff is human.
Caroline bites into her wrist and places it onto Jeremy’s mouth, “Go on, Jeremy. Drink.”
“What are you doing,” The sheriff questions her daughter even though she is not the one who should be speaking at all right now.
“I’m helping him.”
I sit there with tears in my eyes as Jeremy doesn’t wake up and I know it’s because he’s dead. The others must realize this too because they all sit back with sobs of their own. The sound of a door opening captures my attention and I look up to see Ric and Jenna staring over at us.
“Bonnie what’s wrong,” Ric asks as he and Jenna run over to us. As soon as they see Jeremy though they halt. Jenna instantly falls to her knees crying and I crawl over to her ignoring the shooting pain in my arm. I grab her into my arms and she instantly latches to me and sobs into my shoulder.
“I know what I need to do,” Bonnie says aloud as she stands, “I need you to grab him. T-Take him with us.”
“No, no, no, no. You can’t move him. This is a crime scene,” Liz tries denying which has me wanting to smack her. Jeremy’s dead all because of a prejudice she has.
“Mom, just let them go,” Caroline tells her mother and Liz stands up so Ric can grab Jeremy’s body.
“Okay. Alright, come here, buddy. I got you,” Ric says and I hug Jenna tighter.
Bonnie sits in front of us chanting over Jeremy’s body. Candles around us burn hotter as Bonnie shakes her head, “No.”
“What? What is it,” Ric asks.
“They’re angry at me for coming back here. They don’t wanna help.”
I shake my head in denial.
“Well, they have to.”
Bonnie looks at Jeremy with tears in her eyes, “They said there’ll be consequences.”
“Well, he’s just a kid. Tell’em to shut up.”
Bonnie continues chanting and the witch house starts to shake.
“Emily! I know you’re there. Please help me. I love him.”
Jenna, Ric, and I watch in silent horror as everything stops and Jeremy is still lifeless. Bonnie cries holding him and Jenna crawls over to her dead nephew.
I look down at Jeremy and let out a sob of relief as I see him flutter his eyes open.
I sigh deeply as I watch Jenna and Bonnie hug Jeremy.
I turn to Ric who is staring at my arm, I watch as he slowly lifts his fingers and touches my shirt. I fight the urge to groan in annoyance as I look at the fresh blood on his fingers.
“Anyone want to take me to the hospital?”
“OK, so it appears you’ve lost quite a bit of blood,” The doctor tells me as he tapes gauze over the gunshot wound on my shoulder. I have a gunshot wound. I was shot. What the hell?! Somehow the bullet that killed Jeremy went right through the upper part of my shoulder.
Ric and Jenna had dropped me off about an hour ago. They insisted on staying, but I told them my mother would be here soon and they should get back to Jeremy.
“We’re going to have to give you some blood. Do you happen to know what you’re blood type is? It appears that on your medical records, your mother and father’s blood types are listed but yours isn’t.”
I shake my head, “I’ve never had to get blood drawn before so I don’t know.”
The doctor nods, “That’s fine. We would give you the universal donor blood but for some reason, we’ve had a shortage in blood lately,” I nod along as if I don’t know exactly why that is, “But we’ll take some of your blood and do a test then find out what your type is.”
I nod and thank him.
“We called your mother but it seems she can’t get out of work and your father didn’t answer. Is there anyone else you’d like to call to be with you?”
My heart hurts as I think about how both my parents couldn’t bother to come to see their own daughter in the hospital, “Um...no thank you. I’m alright.”
The doctor sends me a smile, but he looks almost as hurt about my parents not being here as I am. Tell me about it man. I watch silently as he takes a vial of my blood, tells me he’ll have my results soon, and then leaves.
Great who the hell is going to drive me home?
I’m awoken by a small shake to my uninjured shoulder. I squint my eyes to see the doctor from before looking down at me wearily.
At this, I try to sit up but waves of pain stop me.
“Don’t move sweetheart it’ll just rip open your stitches,” The doctor gently pushes me back down. But the look on his face makes me nervous.
“Is everything ok,” I question.
The doctor is silent before he shows me a blood bag, “I was able to find a match for you, but… your blood type is Type B,” His tone and words confuse me. Wouldn’t he be relieved he was able to find me blood?
“I don’t understand,” I shake my head in confusion.
“I don’t know if I should be telling you this without a parent present. I could be fired,” He says to himself as if he’s fighting some internal battle.
“Please… what are you talking about?”
The doctor places a hand on my shoulder and frowns at me, “Your mother’s blood type is Type A, and your father’s is Type O,” At the confusion still clearly on my face he sighs, “Genetically those two blood types combinations can only produce Type A and O children. So…”
My entire world seems to come down crashing on top of me as he finishes his sentence.
“You can’t be related, biologically, to your father.”
#klaus mikaelson#damon salvatore#thecwshows#elijah mikaelson#klaus mikaleson imagine#klaus x reader#the originals#athenamikaelson#the vampire diares imagine#author#tvd klaus#klaus mikealson x reader#kol mikaelson x daughter!reader#davina claire#damon salvatore imagine#elijah mikaelson imagine#stefan x elena#elijah mikaelson x reader#elena gilbert#thevampirediaries#the vampire diaries#writers of tumblr#caroline forbes#bonnie bennett#jeremy gilbert#alaric saltzman#rebekah mikaelson#x reader#reader#kol mikaelson icons
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The Better Brother (Damon Salvatore x M! Reader)
A small pet peeve of mine regarding Damon Salvatore fics is how people sometimes gloss over the wave of self loathing this man possesses. Since childhood he's had to bear constant comparisons with Stefan—how he wasn't enough, not as kind, etc.—so in my mind, if he does find someone he would absolutely push them away. That gave rise to this fic!
Summary: Damon finally found the one, however, thoughts of self-hatred and the constant comparison to his 'better' brother had him doubting if he even was deserving of such future.
tags: sad, in my feelings, break up, Damon thinking he's underserving, self hatred


Damon leaned against the bar of the Mystic Grill, the amber liquid in his glass catching the dim light. He swirled the bourbon absently, his mind not on the drink but on the man standing at the dartboard, a soft laugh escaping his lips as he teased Stefan for his missed throw.
M/N had come into Damon’s life like a hurricane—wild, passionate, and with a kindness that made him feel human for the first time in decades. He wasn’t supposed to fall this hard. But now that he had, every insecurity Damon carried weighed heavier on him.
He drained the glass and set it down with a little too much force, drawing a glance from M/N. Damon met his eyes and forced a smirk, but it didn’t quite reach his own. M/N tilted his head, his expression softening with concern, and made his way back over. “What’s got you brooding over here?” he teased, bumping Damon’s shoulder as he slid onto the stool beside him.
Damon shrugged, reaching for the bottle to pour himself another. “Just thinking about how life is unfairly cruel to us handsome, brooding types.”
M/N didn’t laugh. He didn’t fall for Damon’s deflections anymore.
“You’ve been distant all week,” he noted, his voice quieter now. “What’s really going on?”
Damon’s grip on the glass tightened. He hated how easily M/N saw through him, hated how good he was for him. And most of all, he hated himself for ruining what they had before it could even bloom. But Damon knew how this story ended. It was always the same. Stefan was the hero, the savior, the one who got the happy ending. Damon was the shadow lurking behind, destined to lose.
“You should go back to your darts game,” Damon said, his voice cold now, deliberately so. “I’m fine.”
M/N stared at him for a long moment, then sighed. “I know you don’t believe this, but you don’t have to push me away every time you get scared, Damon.”
The word stung because it was true.
Later that night, Damon found himself alone in the Salvatore boarding house. The fire crackled in the hearth, casting long shadows across the room, but its warmth didn’t reach him. He sat on the edge of the couch, elbows resting on his knees, a photograph clutched in his hand.
In the photo, they were both smiling—genuine, unguarded. Damon hardly recognized himself in that moment, caught off guard by M/N’s infectious energy. The picture had been taken at the Mystic Falls Winter Festival, a day Damon had reluctantly agreed to attend. M/N had dragged him to the Ferris wheel, teasing him about being afraid of heights.
Damon hadn’t been afraid—not of the heights, at least. But the way M/N had looked at him at the top, with so much trust and warmth, had sent a different kind of fear coursing through him. For a brief moment, suspended in the sky with M/N’s laughter ringing in his ears, it felt like the world wasn’t so bleak.
He clenched his jaw and stared at the photograph for a long time, his fingers trembling slightly. “You don’t deserve this,” he muttered to himself. “You don’t deserve him.”
With a sharp breath, he shoved the picture into the drawer of the side table and slammed it shut. This was the right thing to do. Even if it hurt. Even if it tore him apart.
The next day, Stefan found Damon in the parlor. The sunlight streaming through the windows only emphasized how wrecked the oldest Salvatore looked. He was slouched in the armchair, a near-empty bottle of bourbon in front of him, his eyes distant and unfocused, as if he had been staring into nothingness for hours.
“What did you do?” Stefan’s voice cut through the oppressive silence of the room, sharp and demanding.
Damon let out a low chuckle, the sound bitter and hollow. “Relax, Saint Stefan,” he drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “I did you a favor.”
Stefan’s brows furrowed as he stepped closer, his tone tightening with frustration. “What the hell does that mean?”
Damon finally lifted his gaze, his trademark smirk flickering onto his face. “He’s all yours now,” he said, the words carrying a mix of resignation and self-loathing.
He didn’t need to ask to know what Damon meant. “You broke up with him,” Stefan said, his tone flat, more a statement than a question.
Damon shrugged, his nonchalance forced and brittle. “Better for everyone that way,” he muttered, grabbing the bottle and taking another swig.
Stefan wasn’t having it. He crossed the room in two strides and snatched the bottle from Damon’s hand, setting it firmly on the table out of reach. “Better for everyone or better for you?” he snapped, his voice cutting through Damon’s feigned indifference.
Damon’s smirk flickered. He slouched further into the chair, rubbing a hand over his face. “Don’t get all noble on me, brother. This is what you wanted, isn’t it? A clean slate? No more complications? No more me standing in the way?”
Stefan stared at him, incredulous. “You really think I wanted this? That I wanted you to destroy the best thing that’s ever happened to you?”
“Spare me the lecture, Stefan,” Damon said, his tone sharp, though it lacked its usual bite. “He’ll be fine. Hell, he’ll probably thank me someday.”
Stefan shook his head, his frustration mounting. “You don’t get it, do you? M/N doesn’t want me. He never has. He chose you, Damon. And instead of fighting for him, you pushed him away because you’re too much of a coward to believe you deserve him.”
Damon’s jaw tightened, his hands curling into fists on the armrests of the chair. “Coward? Is that what you think I am?”
“Yes,” Stefan shot back without hesitation. “You’re so scared of being happy, of someone actually loving you for who you are, that you’d rather sabotage it before they can leave you. You think that’s noble? It’s not. It’s pathetic.”
Damon stood abruptly, his chair scraping against the floor as he loomed over Stefan. “Don’t you dare lecture me about love, Stefan. You’ve been handed every happy ending on a silver platter while I’ve had to fight for scraps.”
“And this time, you didn’t even fight,” Stefan countered, his voice soft but firm. “You just gave up. And you hurt him in the process.”
Damon’s shoulders slumped, the fight draining out of him as quickly as it had come. He turned away, staring into the dying embers of the fireplace. “You don’t understand,” he muttered, his voice barely audible. “He deserves better. Better than me.”
“Maybe that’s not your choice to make, Damon. Maybe he already decided that you’re what he wants. And maybe…just maybe, you should let yourself believe it.”
Damon didn’t respond. He couldn’t. The words sat heavy in his chest, pressing against the fragile walls he’d built around his heart. He clenched his jaw, his eyes burning as he stared into the fire, willing the tears to stay where they were. Stefan sighed, his frustration softening into something closer to pity. “You’re going to regret this,” he said quietly. “And when you do, I just hope it’s not too late.”
He turned and left the room, leaving Damon alone once again.
The silence that followed was deafening, broken only by the faint crackle of the fire. Damon sank back into his chair, staring at the empty spot on the table where the bourbon bottle had been.
Deep down, he knew Stefan was right.
But knowing didn’t make it hurt any less.
And that was the curse of being Damon Salvatore.
#x male reader#male reader#tvdu#tvd#tvd fanfiction#the vampire diaries#damon salvatore#bonnie bennett#elena gilbert#stefan salvatore#damon salvarote#damon salvatore x male reader#damon salvatore x reader#damon salvatore fanfiction#damon salvatore x y/n#jeremy gilbert#tvd universe#matt donovan#caroline forbes#rebekah mikaelson#niklaus mikaelson#elijah mikaelson#finn mikaelson#the originals#the mikaelsons
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Always & Forever
poly!mikaelsons x reader (kol, elijah, & rebekah)
summary: a slip of tongue confession leads to a world of trouble between the mikaelsons and the salvatores. but little do any of them know, it's exactly what was needed to promise a perfect future.
tags: smut, love confessions, mild exhibitionism, lingerie, blood drinking, begging, foursome (no incest), praise kink, choking, vaginal sex, oral sex, fingering, blowjobs, overstimulation, dirty talk, cuddling
word count: 6k
“I think my girlfriend is falling in love with my brother,” Kol says, with a look to each of the Salvatores, “but unlike you two, we’re actually quite capable of sharing women.”
Both scoff, and Stefan rolls his eyes. Damon takes a long sip of bourbon before smirking. “Prove it.”
Three days later, the brothers show up unannounced on the Mikaelsons’ porch, ready to find the proof themselves. Their conversation with Kol didn’t really end; the man just smiled and gave a wink, but didn’t offer any proof to his statement. He left the grill soon after that, too, convincing the Salvatores that he was just a cocky liar. Determined to prove their enemy wrong, they planned a surprise dinner in the other’s own house, specifically choosing a day they know you’ll be there.
It’s a Sunday, and Klaus has been in New Orleans all weekend doing who-knows-what, leaving you alone with the other three siblings. You were originally a loyal friend of Elena’s, until she fell for Damon and you fell for Kol. Ever since then, your friendship has been in shambles and the two of you barely speak. The only reason the brothers were even talking to Kol about you is because you all ran into each other at the grill. You were playing pool with Elijah, while the younger watched from afar. Stefan and Damon approached to pester him about it, only to receive the answer they did.
Now, they were going to prove Kol wrong. They had been through this before with both Katherine and Elena. One woman cannot love both brothers; she will always pick one, and the two will become divided over it. It was only a matter of time for the jealousy to seep through, and neither brother could wait to see it happen.
When they ring the doorbell, it’s Elijah who answers. “What may I help you with, brothers?”
Damon smirks, “we’ve decided to invite ourselves over for dinner. How does that sound?”
“And whatever has given you this idea?”
“Just a talk we had with your little brother the other day. Nothing bad, we promise.”
“Convincing,” he mutters, not at all convinced. “Well, I guess then, come in. I’ll find Kol.”
Kol isn’t hard to find. When Elijah walks into the living room, trailed by the Salvatores, he finds you and your boyfriend curled up together on the couch. Elijah clears his throat, grabbing both of your attentions.
“Oh, look who it is - the less famous brothers,” Kol greets with an attitude. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
You don’t say anything, but tense up at the sight of the two. Neither have been pleased with you lately, and their sudden appearance can’t be anything good.
“They have come by for dinner,” Elijah supplies. “Which, luckily enough, should be ready now.”
Just as he predicts, Rebekah comes into the room, hands in oven mitts. “Did I hear the Salvatores are coming over for dinner?” She looks over to them, “oh, and they’re already here. What fun. Y/N, darling, would you please help me carry the dishes to the table?”
You nod quickly, happy to get away from the men.
“You make your sister cook for you?” Damon grunts as you and Bekah disappear.
“No, no, we all take turns. Kol was yesterday. I have tomorrow.”
“But sometimes none of us do and we just sip on blood all night.”
“You feed Y/N blood, too?”
“Well she’s not here every night, unfortunately. But if she is here on a sipping-night, we’ll still make her something,” Kol says sternly, not liking Damon’s tone.
Stefan decides that now is a good time to interrupt. “So what’s Rebekah making?”
“We’ll have to see. Shall we?”
Five minutes later, the six of you are sitting around the table enjoying a steak meal, just red enough to satisfy both vampires and human. The seat you’ve chosen has you between Kol and Rebekah and across from Damon and Stefan, while Elijah, per usual in Klaus’ absence, sits at the head. You can tell he likes sitting there; the head of the table always gives the sitter a feeling of power. Dominance. Like how he dominates the conversation despite Damon’s numerous attempts to try.
“I was just curious about your brother’s whereabouts. What exactly is he doing in New Orleans?”
“It isn’t your place to know about what he’s doing, and frankly, I don’t know every little thing he does either. I’m not his babysitter.”
“But you’ve got to know something.”
“Who am I to tell? It’s not my business, nor yours.”
“So if-”
At this point, the three of you zone out entirely. You have been pestering Kol the whole dinner, but now you’re really starting to bug him, rubbing your foot up and down his leg. The action makes him squirm in his seat, which only encourages you further, and now Rebekah’s giggling at the both of you. In return, Kol lands a hand on your thigh, squeezing it ever so often. You then poke him in the side where you know he’s ticklish.
Little do you know, Rebekah wants to join in, but doesn’t want to cross a line with her brother. Little does she know, you want her to join just as badly.
Meanwhile, the discussion between the others is growing intense. Damon is getting more aggressive; Elijah, more defensive; and Stefan, more anxious.
“This conversation isn’t going anywhere,” he tries, “maybe we should-”
“Klaus goes in and out of Mystic Falls way too often. I like to know where my enemies are, so if he would just stay in one place, that’d be great. He-”
Finally, Stefan cuts his brother off completely. “What I would like to know is if Kol’s words have any truth in them.”
The room silences immediately.
“That’s why we’re here, right, brother?”
Damon stiffens at being interrupted, but then relaxes, a smirk on his face. “Yes, actually.”
“Whatever do you mean?” Elijah cocks his head. “Kol?”
“I don’t know what he’s talking about.”
“Oh sure you do? What was it? At the bar?”
“We go to the bar fairly often, Damon, you’ll have to be more specific.”
“You don’t remember? Y/N and Elijah were playing pool. You were watching, telling us what was on your heart…”
Kol raises his eyebrows before scoffing. “That.”
“Yes, that.”
“First of all, I wasn’t spilling my heart out to you two dumbasses. There was no heartfelt moment there.”
“Oh, really? I thought we were having a moment.” Damon frowns with a sad puppy dog look. Fake, of course.
“You thought wrong then. I was only sharing an observation.”
“So? Is there any truth in what you said?”
Kol shifts uncomfortably, not liking being on the spot like this.
“Aw, Damon, he’s shy. Let’s give him space.”
“No, hold up,” Kol stops them, “not shy about anything, I just don’t like to put my girl in situations like this.”
At the mention of you, you look up in question.
“Well maybe you shouldn’t talk about ‘your girl’ when she’s not there to hear it.”
By now, Rebekah’s had enough, “whatever are you two daft dimbos on about? Kol would never do anything to hurt her. He loves her. Speaking of which, we all do, so you better not say anything bad.”
“Oh I bet you all do,” Damon smirks again.
“Say what you want and be done with it,” Elijah tenses, “or get out.”
“You want to do the honors?” Damon turns to his brother.
“No, you’re good.”
“Alright.” He stands up as if he were making a speech. “Kol told us that he thinks his girlfriend over here, Miss Y/N, sweet little Y/N, is falling in love with his brother. Then he tried to tell us that you guys are good at ‘sharing women’.” The man laughs, “as someone who’s shared a woman with my brother, that never ends well. One, or all of you, are gonna be real sad when she either picks one and divides you from your family, or leaves you all and never looks back. So I say, pick your poison now, ‘cause it’s gonna happen someday.”
Damon sits back down looking very proud of himself. Kol, on the other hand, looks mortified. You, Bex, and Elijah have no idea what to do with that information. It’s dead quiet for too long.
“Darling,” Kol finally says, “can I talk to you?”
“Of course.”
You leave the table with him, but no one picks up any conversation as you go.
As soon as he gets to the kitchen, he runs the sink water so the vampires in the room over would have a harder time overhearing. He then puts his hands over his face and avoids eye contact with you.
“Darling, I’m so sorry. I hadn’t meant for that to come out the way it did, nor to say it to those two, and I certainly didn’t expect for them to reiterate it straight back at you. I can’t believe I could be so stupid. I’m so sorry. I understand if you hate me for it. I-”
“Kol,” you call him for the fourth time during his rant. This time, though, you take his hands and make him look at you. “You’re not stupid.” He finally looks at you, but doesn’t reply. “And I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. You don’t have to apologize.”
“But I subjected you to their vile jokes. Made you look like a groupie or something to my family.”
You have to stop for a second and giggle. Of course, he’s immediately confused. “Why are you laughing?”
“Did you just use the term, ‘groupie’? That’s so seventies, Kol.”
“That’s what you’re worried about?”
“No, no, I’m just- I’m sorry. It was just funny to me.”
“What word was I supposed to use?”
You laugh again, “I don’t know.”
“Okay, well, I shouldn’t have used any word, because you’re not that, but I made you look like that to those bloody idiots.”
“Kol, it’s okay. I’m not upset with you. With them, yes, for doing that in front of everyone. But only for your sake, not my own. And besides, I can live with being an original groupie.”
He nods, hearing you’re not upset, but then narrows his eyes. “Wait…”
You swallow hard. “It’s not entirely wrong. I don’t like admitting it, but I’d be lying if I said there was nothing there.” You pause, giving him time to react. He only nods for you to continue. “I know Elijah’s liked me to some extent ever since we started dating. At first, I brushed it off, but the more I’m around you all, the more I find myself starting to like it.”
Not sure how to answer the latter, he starts with the first. “To some extent? Darling, he’s in love with you.”
You half smile, “I know.”
“I don’t know how to say this, Kol. It’s weird.”
In one fell swoop, he picks you up and sits you on the bare counter. He stands to be in between your legs, then cups your face with his hands. “It’s alright, Y/N. Tell me.”
“I love you. There’s no doubt about it. I would die for you.”
His heart races. Sure, he’s heard those words a thousand times, but each time, his heart acts the same way. “I love you, too, darling. Nothing you could say would make me love you less.”
“Good, because I don’t want to lose you. I want to love you for eternity. But… you’re right.” You take a deep breath. “I’m also falling for your brother.”
Kol doesn’t seem fazed by this. If anything, he seems relieved.
“Are you okay?”
“I was afraid you were going to say you wanted him instead.”
Your eyes go wide, “no! Baby, no way. But… if it’s something you’re okay with, I wouldn’t mind being an original groupie.”
He laughs at your choice of words. “That is certainly something I am okay with. You can love whomever you like. I’m just glad you still love me, too.”
“I will always love you, Kol.”
He kisses you deeply, bringing a hand to your back to steady you. “And I love you. And like I said, I am willing to share my girl if it makes her happy. Plus, I trust my brother to keep you and your heart safe.”
You smile, then bite your lip.
“What is it?”
“One more question.”
“Do you trust your sister, too?”
“You’re in love with Bex, too?”
You can only shrug. A blush rises to your cheeks.
He shakes his head playfully. “Of course I trust my sister. Let’s say this: I trust my family with my girl and her heart.”
“Sounds good,” you peck his lips, then his nose.
“Soooo… do you want to go back out and prove to Damon and Stefan that my family can both share and protect women better than they can?”
“Certainly,” you pop off the counter with Kol’s hands on your waist. “And I can’t wait to see the look on Bex’s and ‘Lijah’s faces when I kiss them unexpectedly.”
You little troublemaker,” he grins as he turns off the faucet, “you fit into this family perfectly.”
A chat about the weather is the only conversation happening when you re-enter the dining room. A big sigh of relief comes from everyone when they see you.
“I hope you’re willing to pay the water bill next month, Kol, because that was a long time to have it running.”
“Relax, brother. Y/N and I were just having a little chat.”
“Oh really?” Damon smirks, “did she slap you for what you said about her? Because that would be well deserved.”
“On the contrary, Damon,” you say, returning to your chair. Kol sits in his, though you only stand behind yours. “It actually gave us time to talk about some things that probably wouldn’t have been brought up otherwise.” As you talk, you make your way to Elijah’s side, putting your hands on his shoulders.
“Ah, and what would that be, Miss Y/N?”
You grin, “why talk about it when I can show you?” Before Damon can answer, you trail your fingers along the man’s face to his chin, feeling the stubble along his jaw. The group sees your eyes roll back in your head, then they watch you move to stand in front of him. “Hi,” you say, blushing mad.
He mouths, ‘what are you doing?’
You’re too giddy to answer; it’d probably come out in a stutter. So, you only smile instead. Then, bending slightly, you lean forward, grabbing and pulling on his tie in the process, and kiss him passionately. His body goes limp immediately, satiated by your kiss after wanting it for so long. The fact that you have him by his tie, dominating him just a bit, doesn’t help his case. Your other hand rises back to his jaw, holding him in place. After a second, the reality of the matter kicks in and he kisses back, bringing his own hands up to your face gently.
Seated directly behind you are Kol and Bex, half of their attention on the scene, and half on the lingerie peeking out from under your skirt. Kol knows damn well you did that on purpose, and he feels himself getting hard at the thought. As for Rebekah, she’s conflicted. She’s not sure if she’s allowed to feel the warmth in her core that you’re making her feel, or if she’s allowed to steal a glance at the black garter adorning your thighs. She tries to poke her brother to ask, but every time she moves her finger, one of the Salvatores glance over to see the younger two’s reaction.
After about a minute, you let go of Elijah and lick your lips. You then stand up and smirk at the brothers. “What would that be, you ask? Well, it gave me a chance to tell my loving boyfriend,” you’ve made your way back to Kol now. Once you’re behind him, you turn his head toward you with a finger on his chin, then kiss him with the same intensity. “That, not only do I love him, but also that I’m falling in love with his brother, as he suspected.” Then you grin again, “but what he didn’t know, but also just learned, is that I’m also falling in love with his sister, too.” After confessing, you bend over to kiss Rebekah as you did Elijah, with your lace set partially on display for the man. His eyes catch it instantly and become locked on you. Meanwhile, Kol, in touching distance, grabs onto your thigh. His hand almost disappears under your skirt completely. The sudden feeling makes you moan into Rebekah’s mouth, causing her to grab the back of your neck and kiss you harder.
Eventually, a cough from Stefan pulls you out of the make-out session. You stop and take your seat back, though Kol’s hand doesn’t leave your body.
“Wow,” he comments with nothing else to say.
Damon, of course, has a reply. “Since you’re sharing, you can give us a kiss, too,” he mocks.
“Nu uh,” you wiggle a finger, “I’m reserved for Mikaelsons only. Plus, I don’t think your girlfriend would like that too much.”
He rolls his eyes. “Only playing.”
“So,” Stefan starts, rather awkwardly. “Dinner was great, Rebekah. Was I wrong to assume you’d be serving dessert tonight, too?”
“Not entirely,” she stands, “I did make one for us. Though it seems you’ll be the only ones eating it, for I already had mine just now.”
She’s on her way to the kitchen when you chuckle, “there’s no way that filled you up, Bex. That was just an appetizer. Trust me, dessert’s way better.” You give her a wink.
The girl’s knees nearly give out. “Is it now?”
You’re about to answer when a squeak leaves your lips instead. Kol’s moved his hand from your thigh to having a finger on your clit. He puts the lightest bit of pressure on it, then says, “she’s right, sister. Dessert’s much better.”
Rebekah goes completely red and hurries to the kitchen to hide her face. Elijah, on the other hand, swallows hard. He’s not sure how he feels about doing something like this with the Salvatore brothers watching. He knows that Kol is, and always has been, rather wild, but this? And if he’s going to be allowed to touch and pleasure you for the first time, he doesn’t want them there. Nor should they be so honored to see your body unclothed; that should be a sight only for those chosen by you.
Elijah’s tempted to pull Kol aside and bring up these concerns, but that would require leaving you alone with the Salvatores. That is something he’d much rather not do. Luckily, Rebekah comes back just in time.
“For you two, who don’t get to share the beautiful Y/N,” she smirks. “Please, feel free to take it home with you so we can get on with private business here.”
Elijah relaxes at her words, but then stiffens again at Damon’s.
“Oh no, we were promised that you could maintain a four way relationship and not fight. We are going to see this through.”
“That was never included, Damon,” Kol snaps, “all you were promised was that we could, not that you could see it. All you’re allowed to see of my girl is what she allows you to see.”
“Your girl?”
“Don’t push it. You’ve already pushed it by welcoming yourselves here anyway. And yes, she is my girl. Just because she shares her love doesn’t mean she’s not still my girl.”
“How do you feel about that?” The man nods to you. “A family of vampires sharing you?”
You giggle as Kol pulls you into his lap. “I don’t know if this has escaped you, Damon, but I gave in before either of these two did. I love them all as much as they do me.”
“Until you fall more in love with one and break the rest of their hearts.”
“I am not Katherine. I’m fully capable of loving them without hurting them. Just you see,” you challenge, a glint in your eyes.
The brothers look to Elijah, knowing he’s been through the ringer with Katherine as well. To their dismay, he’s smiling. “The girl is right. She isn’t Katherine. She has a similar fire, yet is much more kind. Maybe if you two had been so lucky to stumble upon her first, you’d learn that not all women are like Katherine.” Before Damon can argue, he continues, “fortunately for us, and rather unfortunately for you, she’s ours.”
Stefan’s about to comment, but then he sees you smirking. The glint in your eyes, still apparent, and sharp like a dagger, as if daring him to try to convince you otherwise. At that moment, he decides it’s not even worth it to try. He turns towards his brother. “Well. Guess we have to let them figure it out on their own.”
“Guess so.”
Not long after that, the Salvatores are finally out the door, Rebekah’s pies in hand. Damon makes it very clear that if he isn’t allowed to see the action, that he is certainly taking the dessert he is allowed to have. And, he isn’t going to make any effort in returning Rebekah’s pans, either.
“Whatever, don’t care about the pans, go away,” you say, pushing them out the door. “Bye now!” You lock it the minute they’re out. Then, you turn around to face the three vampires looking at you. “Hi.”
“Hello, darling. Quite a pickle you’ve found yourself in,” Kol smiles at you.
Rebekah takes a step towards you. “Are you sure you can handle all three of us, love? It is a lot to handle.” She seems more like she’s challenging you into submission rather than actually asking you the question. You’ve proven you want all of them, now it’s just a matter of seeing if you can catch up.
Your answer is on the tip of your tongue - an equally sassy reply that will tell her everything she needs to know. But then Elijah approaches you with a comment before you can say it.
“Maybe we should talk about this first. Y/N-”
“Oh, enough talking,” you walk over to him, “haven’t we been talking all night?”
His lips curl into a smile, “guess we have. Is this really what you want?”
“Yes, ‘Lijah.”
“Then you shall have it.”
You give three seconds. Three seconds to search his eyes for any hesitation. Three seconds for anyone to speak up with a counter. Nothing. Not a second after is wasted as you rise to your toes to kiss him again. He kisses back deeply, tapping your waist for you to jump. He holds you in place with strong arms, fighting everything to not push you up against the wall. He knows if he does, his siblings will protest.
The protest comes anyway.
“Elijah, you’re stealing the girl,” Rebekah whines.
With a sigh, he speeds you over to the nearest room and sets you down on the bed. As he catches his breath from the adrenaline, Rebekah wastes no time rushing to you and peppering you in kisses. Kol’s not far behind, laying you down the minute Bex comes up for air. Your head rests in his lap while he plays with your hair. Elijah quickly comes back into play, feeling the fabric that is the only thing separating them from seeing you wholly. You make eye contact and nod to him, and instantly, your clothes are torn from your body.
“Gorgeous,” you hear him mutter, running his hands from your stomach down your legs.
“Say,” Kol snickers, “what about this lingerie, darling? Was that on purpose?”
You bite your lip, “knew I’d get you by the end of the night. Didn’t think this would happen.” You nestle your head into him, “but I’m not complaining.”
He grins, “was a lovely surprise to a boring dinner.”
“I’ll second that,” Rebekah bounces her eyebrows at you, making you giggle.
“Kol,” Elijah calls to his brother.
You and the boy look up.
“Switch places. She’s been with you, knows you best. For her first time with all three of us, let’s give her something familiar.”
The boy nods, and you’re secretly thankful for the man’s suggestion. As much as you’re loving this, it’s all very new, and something familiar is greatly appreciated.
“Thank you,” you mutter to Elijah as he takes Kol’s spot in supporting your head.
“Of course, baby. I love you.”
You smile, “I know. I love you, too.”
“You know? How, may I ask?”
“I’ve known since the minute I met you.”
His eyes soften from shock as everything sinks in. You knew he loved you, yet you were dating his brother. But now, they both have you, and Bex, too. Bex, who, at the moment, is giving you a hickey on the neck.
Elijah realizes this and immediately chides, “don’t bite her, Rebekah.”
“Relax, it’s only a hickey. People do it all the time.”
You giggle, “it’s true, ‘Lijah. But I don’t mind if you bite. Kol’s fed from me.”
“He has?” The girl stops her ministrations to read your face.
“Mhm. I trust him, and eventually, he started to trust himself.”
“Who are you and what have you done with my brother?” She jokes.
“I’m right here, Bekah.”
“You’ve fed from her?” She asks again, still shocked.
“Show her, Kol,” you smile up at him. During the last minute of your conversation with the two, he’s been teasing your entrance with his cock, making sure you’re wet enough to fit comfortably.
He bites his lip, debating it, but can’t say no to your face. “Alright, darling. Count of three.” He lines himself up, then covers your body with his own, positioning his teeth right at your neck. “3… 2… 1.” At one, he sinks his teeth in and pushes his cock into your heat at the same time. Your eyes roll back into your head with pleasure as he begins to rock inside you, finding a pace. Kol only drinks for a few seconds before detaching, because he knows Bex will want to try too, if you’ll let her.
“Not long enough, baby,” you say immediately.
“Give Bekah a try,” he nods to his sister, sitting back up.
Rebekah’s still in shock at her brother’s self control, but snaps out of it when you give her the ‘okay’.
“‘Lijah, you too.”
“I shouldn’t.”
“I need it,” you beg.
“She’ll beg you all night,” Kol warns. “Better to give in than deny what you know you both want.”
The argument is convincing. Elijah gives in, taking your wrist. At the same time, he and Bex bite down - her at the other side of your neck - and begin to drink. Kol slows his pace as they do, taking a minute to look into your eyes. I love you, he mouths. You mouth it back.
Seconds later, they come off, too. Elijah wastes no time bringing his own blood to your lips, healing your wounds completely.
“Thank you,” you smile at him.
“Mhm, thank you, girl,” Rebekah interrupts, “you’re bloody amazing.”
Elijah returns your smile, nodding to you.
As soon as you meet his eyes, Kol picks up his pace again until he finds the one you usually like. Though Bex beats him to rubbing your clit, so he uses both hands to hold onto your waist instead. Elijah takes to kissing you hungrily, his hands digging into your scalp. You’re so overstimulated with pleasure, yet it feels so good.
After a bit of this, you start to pant, running out of breath.
“What do you like, baby?” Elijah asks, not wanting to tire you out with kisses.
“Play with her boobs,” Kol suggests, “makes her crazy.”
“Does it now?”
“She’s cum just by me sucking on them at times.”
“Kol!” You whine.
“Don’t get shy now, darling! Little late for that, don’t you think?”
You shut your mouth tight as the three smirk at you. Elijah then repositions his body to sit more to your side, giving him better access to your chest. He makes sure to put a pillow under your head where he had been sitting, then wastes no time playing with your tits, holding, cupping, and squeezing them. The feeling is so good it makes you bite your lip hard enough to draw blood.
“Darling,” Kol mutters, swiping your lip and putting his finger in his mouth, “don’t hold back your pretty little sounds from them. Let them hear what I get to hear from you.” As soon as he says that, he pounds into you hard without warning. You cry out in a strangled moan before you can stop yourself. “Just like that, yes,” he praises. “Good girl.”
Bex immediately picks up on how you react to Kol’s praise and tries it for herself. “Hey, girlie, can you do that for me, pretty please?” She puts more pressure on your clit, touching you exactly how you like.
“Awh,” you moan, “like that, keep doing that. Feels so good, Bex. I- I’m close.”
Meanwhile, Elijah’s transitioned from using hands to using his mouth to stimulate your breasts. He tugs on a nipple with his teeth while pulling the other between his fingertips.
“Fuck, ‘Lijah. Shit. I- I-” whatever you were going to say is cut off by another moan. This spurs the man on, Bex too, and they continue at their paces.
You then turn your attention to Kol. “Right- right there. Perfect. Close. I’m close. Kol?”
“Yes, darling?”
“Cum with me, okay? Please, please, please.” You know begging will do it instantly. Another thing that will make you both cum fast- “and here,” you point to your neck. “Please.”
“Which one?”
“You pick this time.”
“Kol, I can’t.”
“Can I put them up to the challenge?”
You nod ferociously, desperate for anything.
“Choke or bite, she wants.”
The siblings go still. Neither feel good about choking you, and they’ve already fed.
“Kol, please,” you beg again, “I’m so close.”
“Okay, darling.” He thrusts deeper to crawl back across your body, then holds you in place by the neck as you get closer to your high. In the midst, Bex continues her pleasure on you, while Elijah keeps at his. Then, mere seconds later, you cum hard. A string of curse words that ends as a moan falls out of your mouth. Black spots cloud your vision, due to Kol’s hands on your neck, or the overstimulation, or both, you’re not sure, but you love it. You whine all the way through your orgasm, legs shaking and heart beating rapidly. Shortly after you, Kol cums too, and it takes everything in him not to collapse onto your body. After the two of you ride out your highs, everyone begins to ease up in their pleasuring.
“Not done,” you pant, out of breath still. You crawl up a little ways on the bed to lean against the headboard and its numerous pillows.
“What do you mean, ‘not done’? Girl, I’d think you’d be tired,” Bex says, incredulous.
You answer her by slipping your hand into her pants, feeling for her heat, and inserting a finger. You then unzip her jeans for better access, making her melt instantly.
“Fuck, Y/N,” she whines. When you curl your fingers, she moans louder.
Once you have her where you want her, you move your other hand to the man beside you, rubbing his hard-on through his suit pants. “‘Lijah, come here.”
“You don’t have to pleasure me, baby, I’m alright.”
“Again,” Kol interrupts, “she’ll beg you all night if you don’t let her.”
You smirk up at Elijah, proving Kol’s words true. The man tries to fight it, but desire takes over him. He’s slow to pull himself out, still a bit unsure. You gesture him closer and closer until you’re able to pleasure both him and Bex at the same time.
“I’d rather you straddle my head, ‘Lijah, so I can get you wet, and more comfortable,” you say in between breaths. The man goes red in the face. Never have you ever seen Elijah embarrassed. Neither, apparently, have his siblings.
Bex grins, “brother! You’ve gone shy to Y/N’s dirty talk! I wouldn’t believe it if I wasn’t seeing it.”
You giggle, the girl egging you on now, “I promise it would be much better. Come on.”
Again, he hesitates, but ultimately gives in. You smile as he moves in front of you, not exactly straddling you, but comes at least close enough that you can take him in your mouth. Immediately, you circle your tongue over his tip, sucking slightly in certain places. He lets out a breathy moan which makes you crave him more. Soon, you find a vein on his underside that is especially sensitive, so you tease him by dragging your tongue along it, before finally taking him in full once he’s wet enough.
When you find your pace with Elijah, you refocus your attention back to Rebekah, continuing the curling of your fingers, but also stimulating her clit. You’d love to put your tongue on her, too, but in its absence, you move your fingers inside her instead. Wetness drips from her, pooling onto the bed. Hers, thankfully. She rocks her hips against your hand, holding onto your hip for support. Little whines leave her lips, one after another.
Meanwhile, Kol’s attention is on your clit, driving you to overstimulation yet again. He flicks his tongue against it while keeping two fingers buried inside you. It’s only a matter of time before you all explode from the intense pleasure. If you weren’t so distracted, you’d probably place a bet on it.
Not two minutes later do the second round of orgasms come, and they do in quite a domino effect. Kol blows cool air on your clit and immediately, it sends you into pleasure. You start shaking again, well beyond satiated. Bex is then triggered by your orgasm, having her own not a second after, and having it be just as intense. Her mess is made bigger, cum obvious on the sheets, and she can’t help but giggle. Bex giggling causes the same reaction out of you, to which Elijah’s final stimulation is the vibration from your mouth, and he has his own orgasm. He tries to pull out, but a shared look of eye contact comforts him, knowing you’re okay with it. Once you’ve swallowed it, you loosen your suction from his cock and allow him to pull out completely. He can’t help but to kiss you when you open your mouth to prove it’s all gone.
As soon as you all come down from your highs, one-by-one you collapse on the bed, exhausted. Bex and Elijah are on your sides, while Kol’s between your legs, his head on your chest.
“That was,” Elijah pauses, catching his breath.
“Perfect,” Rebekah finishes for him.
“Quite the girl she is,” Kol says, kissing your tits.
“Need to take care of her back,” Elijah tries to get up.
You hold him down, though, “no, no, stay with me. We do that later. Cuddle for now.”
“No, we cuddle for now. I need that more.”
“Okay, baby. We’ve got you.” He settles back down into your side, letting out a long, peaceful sigh.
A second later, a camera snaps.
“Who’s that?” Everyone peers an eye open, except for the one who’s guilty.
“Whoops, sorry.” Kol smirks, “going to send Damon proof that not only are we capable of sharing, but also, that we have the best bloody girlfriend in the world.”
“You’re such a little shit,” you ruffle his hair because he’s too out of reach to kiss. “But I love you. I love all of you.”
“I love you, too, darling.”
“Me too,” Bex yawns.
“We will love you, Y/N, always and forever.”
And you all did love each other, always and forever.
#poly!mikaelsons#poly!mikaelsons x reader#kol mikaelson x reader#elijah mikaelson x reader#rebekah mikealson x reader#tvd fanfiction#i'm not crazy about the summary#but i can promise you it's smutty
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Her Game (part 2) | Damon Salvatore x reader
Summary: After playing Katherine’s game, you and your daughter are left with picking up the pieces. Will you ever get your Damon back or has he been lost forever, falling through the cracks that Katherine left in her rage?
Part 1
A/N: It was requested multiple times I write a part two especially since I left the first part to the mind! I hope you enjoy this part! and please read part one if you haven’t!
A/N 8/7/24: I wrote this over a year ago. Cleaning out my drafts! Decided to finish this and get it posted. Hope yall enjoy x
Go follow my fic rec blog! ---> @imaginationgonewild0912
Requests: {OPEN} closed
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
The screams of the girls Damon slaughtered only hours ago continue to ring in your ears and Damon’s blank, emotionless face haunts you. After Katherine had instructed to kill you and your daughter, Damon had turned to you and for a moment you believed he would do it with no regret especially when he lunged at you.
The small girl finally asleep in your arms, had not let go since everything happened, her tiny hands keeping a firm grip. She would begin crying if you even tried to put her down. You were grateful that she didn’t understand what exactly had happened, but she knew what monsters were and that’s what she saw her dad as. He’d managed to always hide away his vampire side from her until today.
“He’s never going to turn his humanity back on.” You continue to slowly rock back and forth. “I almost didn’t get him back the last time.”
Damon was laid out in the floor of the cellar. Alaric had injected him with vervain to keep him weak. Stefan knew the trouble you’d gone through to get him back and even though he was his brother, he worried about him turning his humanity back on. But he knew he needed to stay positive for you. “We will. We’ll do everything we can.”
You’d almost died to get him back. You’d drained him, vervained him, kept him locked away in the cellar for months, but none of those measures worked. He was hell bent on keeping his humanity turned off. After he escaped, you and Stefan found him, coming up with a plan to push him to his limit. Would he truly let you die?
“You really don’t feel anything for me anymore?” You asked Damon, tears in your eyes.
“No.” He said, emotionless. “I never did.” Talk about a slap to the face, especially after everything you both had been through.
“You don’t mean that.”
Damon stalks over to you, causing you to flinch and cower back as he leaned in, his eyes empty and without emotion, “I wish I had never met you. I wish I would have killed you that first night I met you.” His voice is laced with such hatred.
Your bottom lip trembled as you searched damon’s eyes for a hint, a spark of emotion before stepping back from him, “So, wouldn’t care if I died? Right here, right in front of you?”
With shaky hands, you pulled the knife from your belt. What would he do if you ended your life right in front of him? What would he think then? Would he truly let you die right in front of him?
Damon watched your motions as you pointed the knife at yourself, right below your heart, “What are you doing?”
“You said you wouldn’t care if I died so what does it matter?” And with that you plunged the knife deep inside you.
Damon’s body had jerked in response, watching in horror. His mind, heart and body fought for dominance. Don’t save her, you don’t care. Save her! Save her!
You dropped the knife and it clinked loudly against the hardwood floors, blood quickly staining your shirt and hands. You’d dropped seconds after that.
He could hear your heart beat slow. You were dying in front of him. His heart had won, overwhelmed with emotion as he dropped to his knees, “No no no..” He quickly bit into his wrist, his blood trickling down your throat. “Come on drink it!”
His blood worked it’s way through your system, healing the wounds you’d created. It was the moment your heart had slowed that it truly hit him.
Damon groans as he begins to wake. Stefan quickly shuts the door, locking it. You both stare at him through the bars.
“What the hell.” He grumbles pushing himself off the concrete floor. “What the hell stefan.” He sees you standing beside him, but ignore you all together.
“Which Damon am I talking too?” Stefan asks.
“Your brother.”
Stefan crosses his arms over his chest, watching as Damon slowly stands, stumbling toward the bars of the small window in the door and gripping tightly onto them to hold himself up. “let me out of here Stefan.”
“No,” Stefan says sternly, “You killed three women right in front of your wife and daughter. And then went after them without a care. Why would I let you out?”
Damon aggressively shakes the bars, but he’s too weak, it’s only loud as the sound bounces off the stone walls. “Stefan, so help me god-”
“mommy,” your daughter whimpers waking for only a moment.
“Shh, it’s okay.” You sooth softly, rocking her back sleep, “I should go.” You direct your statement to Stefan and glance at Damon, who doesn’t meet your eye.
“go,” Stefan nods, “You both need your rest,”
Both Salvatore brothers watch as you turn to walk away.
“It’s me.” He calls out to you, eyes trained on the small child asleep in your arms, “is she okay?”
You place a protective hand on her head, “She’s terrified.”
Damon’s forehead meets the cold cage bar, shaking his head against it, “I didn’t mean for her to see me like that. I never.. I never wanted that for her.”
“You were going to kill us, do you realize that? Stefan saved us!”
He looks back up at you, his eyes are tearful and full of emotion, “I would never harm you, or her. I never turned it off.”
“But you-”
“I knew if I did there was no coming back.”
There’s a moment of silence between the three of you. Your eyes search his; searching for your demon. Is he telling the truth or is this one of his manipulative ways to get out of the cell? You come to your conclusion.
Stefan unlocks the door when you nod at him, “Katherine isn’t going to be happy if she figures out you never turned it off. That was the whole point of her game.” He hands Damon a blood bag and you turn away, unable to stomach watching him. That’s the one thing he didn’t do around you.
He sighs in content, tossing the bag to the floor and wiping his mouth with his sleeve before coming closer to you, “We’ll deal with it when that time comes,” He wraps one arm around you, his other hand touching your daughter’s head, “She’s never going to look at me the same way.”
Your daughter nuzzles deeper into your neck, Damon’s touch disrupting her sleep. He removes his hand from her, hovering before making the decision to let his hand drop to his side.
It’s silent for a moment, before a thought comes to you, “What.. what if you compelled her to forget?”
Stefan and Damon share a look, “Would it even work on a child?”
Stefan shrugs, “I’ve never done it before, but I’m sure we can try. I mean I don’t think it would be any different than if it was an adult.”
The three of you headed back upstairs where you began the night time routine. As you got your daughter comfortable into bed, Stefan entered the bedroom.
You comb the hair off her forehead, “Stefan is gonna tell you goodnight..”
Stefan glances at you as he bends down to her side in the other side of the bed.
She gives him a sleepy smile, “uncle efan” her S’s were still a work in progress.
He returns the smile, capturing her eyes in a trance and begins the compulsion.
You can’t help but get emotional. This was something you’d hoped would never have to be used on your daughter. Your innocent, precious girl.
He made her remember playing with mommy and daddy. Nothing bad happened. No other lady showed up. It was happy times.
Your daughter blinked a couple times as the compulsion ended. Your daughter looked at you and for the first time since all this happened there was an innocent sparkle in her eyes again.
Damon had stood outside the room, listening. If he still had a beating heart he knew it would have skipped a beat when he heard his daughter ask, “where’s daddy? He tell me night time story?”
He shook off the emotion, smiling as he entered the room, “I’m here baby girl.” He slipped into bed where she curled into his side as he told the story.her eyes filled with love and affection as she stared up at her daddy telling this story. He was the best at telling stories especially made up on a whim.
“So what do we do about Katherine?” You ask the Salvatore boys the next morning.
“We kill her.” Damon shrugs. “Easy as that.”
“We don’t even know where she is.” Stefan says, “she could have left town for all we know.”
“Well when she finds out my humanity is still on, I’m sure she’ll show her face. You know she doesn’t like to be lied too.”
You look to Damon, “I’m not living the rest of my life in fear. Or putting that burden on my daughter.” You cross your arms over your chest, “we kill her. Even if I have to be the one to put the dagger through her chest.”
Damon is shocked at your words. You weren’t one for violence, or killing. Ironic considering you fell in love with the most violent Salvatore brother. “Uh oh mamma bear is coming out.” He teases.
You slap his arm, earning a laugh from him, his hands thrown up in surrender, “sorry.”
“I’m serious, what do we have to do to kill this bitch?”
The end. Comments, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!! Xx
#damon salvatore fic#damon salvatore x reader#damon salvatore x reader insert#damon salvatore x you#damon salvatore x y/n#damon salvatore x female!reader#damon salvatore x fem!reader#damon salvatore imagines#damon salvatore imagine#damon salvatore fanfic#damon salvatore fanfiction#the vampire diaries imagine#the vampire diaries imagines#the vampire diaries fanfiction#the vampire diaries fanfic
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Part 4
Salvatore little sister x Damon Salvatore x Stefan Salvatore
Warnings: Swearing, death/murder
As soon as Jeremy opened the door a bunch of hybrids came crashing through the house, starting to attack everyone.
Damon, enraged started to rip all the hybrids that are attacking him, hearts out, then throwing them right next to the limp bodies. Katherine and Elena coincidentally fighting next to each other made all the hybrids confused as which one of them were Elena.
“Which one of you is Elen-” one of the hybrids started but Jeremy attacked him and decapitated him before he could say the rest of his sentence.
“That was quite rude, I have a way better personality and better looking than her” Katherine said before slamming one of the hybrids into the railing. Elena just glared at her before moving to an opposite spot of the room.
While they were fighting off the last few hybrids you had no idea what was going on downstairs since Tyler and Caroline’s room was on the other side of the house and the door was closed. That was until a hybrid got past all of them and followed the sound of your voice to the room. He crashed into the room and you screamed, frightened and backed away until you hit the headboard of the bed.
You still had your light brown teddy bear tight in your grasp and hugged up to your chin. The guy vampire sped towards you and stabbed a shot full of vervain on your shoulder. You fell slump against the headboard and he picked you up, speeding out of the house without anyone seeing or hearing anything.
By the time all the hybrids were dead, some of the furniture was flipped over. Immediately Damon sped upstairs and searched all the rooms that you could’ve been in, including tearing apart the fort you built and tripped on one of the blankets.
“Fuck!” He swore and got back up then went downstairs to everyone else. “y/n’s gone” He informed.
“One of Klaus’s hybrids must of gone upstairs and taken her while we weren’t paying any attention.
“Well we would have heard her screaming right?” Caroline asked, worried.
Damon clenched his fists, trying to push back his anger. “She was in your guys’ room” Damon said, motioning towards Caroline and Tyler.
“How do you know she was in there?” Elena questioned.
“I saw three of her stuffed animals scattered on their bed and the sheets were scattered as if she were trying to back away from someone coming towards her.”
“So what are we going to do? How are we supposed to get her back without Klaus killing all of us, cause he will with no hesitation. And that’s coming from someone that’s been running from him for hundreds of years” Katherine said, pouring herself a drink then downed it.
“What about Elijah, would he know where Klaus might be?” Jeremy asked.
“I’ll see if there’s anything that he knows” Elena said getting her phone that was laying on the ground, phoning Elijah.
After the first three rings he picked up, “Why does he always pick up when you phone but never when I phone him” Damon complained, not noticing Elena put her phone on speaker.
‘Because every single time you phoned me it was always something stupid or just to piss me off’ Elijah said, making Damon freeze.
“Fair enough” Damon shrugged then put on a serious facial expression.
“So your brother’s hybrids came and attacked us we killed them all obviously then plot twist one of them got away, went upstairs and kidnapped y/n” Katherine said, trying to imitate Elena.
‘I know that was you speaking Katerina, your vocabulary is very different from Elena’s. Oh and also who is y/n?’ He asked, confused.
“She’s our four-year-old sister - well older but, you know- whatever” Stefan said, panicking about where you were.
‘I’ll see what I can do, I’ll make sure to contact you as soon as I find out anything’ Elijah sighed.
“Okay, thank you so much, bye” Elena said. “Alright, bye” he hanged up and he looked towards his brother.
“What did you do Niklaus?” Elijah said, rage laced in his voice.
#damon salvatore#Stefan Salvatore#damon x kid reader#stefan x kid reader#salvatore sister#salvatore little sister#caroline forbes#bonnie bennett#katherine pierce#jeremy gilbert#tyler lockwood#elijah mikaelson#elena gilbert#klaus mikaelson#alaric saltzman
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Had a weird dream last night, I was at the bg3 epilogue party and as Astarion was running away from the sun I made Gale make a multiverse Portal and went through it, saw the Salvatore brothers, punched Stefan, took his ring, high fived Damon and and went back to the party.
#honestly I don't know what happened#like what#i woke up so confused#i do hate stegan Salvatore tho#Damon grinned at me#bg3#baldurs gate 3#baldur's gate 3#astarion#bg3 astarion#gale of waterdeep#bg3 gale#tav#bg3 tav#tvd#the vampire diaries#vampire diaries#damon salvatore#stefan salvatore
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revenant - one
PART ONE OF 'REVENANT' SERIES Damon Salvatore x Winchester!Sister!Hunter!Reader The Vampire Diaries x Supernatural Mini Series Synopsis: Y/N Winchester was tired of living in her brothers' shadows; she needed to do something for herself for a change. When she heads to Mystic Falls, a town she was always warned to stay away from, she finds she may have taken on more than she can handle. Will she be able to eradicate the supernatural from the uncanny town? Or will she find herself tangled amongst it? WARNINGS: Drinking, Descriptions of Violence. Words: 2,257k Blog Masterlist / Series Masterlist Next Part>
Y/N Winchester’s brothers always warned her to stay away from Mystic Falls; if a hunter crossed its border, they may as well have been signing their death certificate, but, of course, she did not listen. Y/N wanted to prove herself and show them that she was not second-rate. And besides, would it not be immoral to allow these killings to continue unchecked?
Y/N glanced down at the evidence she had gathered about the town; it was apparent that the area was plagued with vampires, and the authorities had an abominable habit of covering it up. Coroner reports were sprawled across the small motel table in front of her, all claiming the same thing: that its victim died of an animal attack. However, reports of punctured necks and bloodless corpses affirmed otherwise.
The vampires of Mystic Falls were careless yet evaded scrutiny effortlessly.
Speaking to the locals achieved little, and she always walked away empty-handed. They had no accounts of antisocial behaviour or people who only seemed to make appearances at night. When speaking to witnesses, they stood unsure and dubious, as though blank spaces riddled their memories. Something else was at play here, and Y/N would uncover it, no matter the cost.
Her phone's small screen flashed again, accompanied by its trilling ring for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day, vibrating and moving against the table it lay upon. The name ‘Dean’ was written in large letters across its display. Y/N sighed and lifted the device to her ear.
‘What do you want?’ She grilled in annoyance,
‘Oh, she finally answers,’ His voice heavy with the sarcasm the young Winchester had grown accustomed to over the years.
‘Yes, I finally answered, though that didn’t answer my question, what do you want?’ Y/N reprised
‘Y/N, you know exactly what Sam and I want. We haven’t seen you in weeks, and we have no idea where you are and if you’re safe; before you picked up the phone, we had no idea if you were even alive. You need to end this stupid kamikaze mission and come back to the bunker. It’s stupid to hunt alone; you could be killed; don’t pretend that’s not what you’re doing. We aren’t stupid.’ His lecture rolled off his tongue hot and fast, Y/N rolling her eyes in response, wishing for a moment that he was there to see it.
‘No need to worry about me, brother. I can handle myself, and you know it.’ She countered,
‘Y/N…’ But before he could continue, she hung up, putting her phone on silent and shoving it into her jacket pocket.
Only two seconds passed before it began to ring again, though she ignored it just as thoroughly as all his previous calls. Typically, Y/N’s brothers would have just tracked her down, though she was smart enough to disconnect all means of GPS location and give them and everyone they knew a wide berth. She even had precautions in place that prevented them from finding her by means of magic, reducing them to countless feeble attempts of merely asking her for her location, and she would never waver.
If Y/N had a dollar for every time Sam or Dean rang or texted, she could stop all the credit card fraud she was committing and live the lavish life a hunter could only dream of.
Once again, she looked down towards her incongruous evidence; she had reason to believe the town council was an inner circle of people in Mystic Falls responsible for the lazy cover-ups and the nugatory upkeep of the town’s safety. The council consisted of members from a group called ‘The Founding Families’, and her research showed they had occupied the small Virginian town since its forming in the mid-1800s, and it seemed to her Mystic Falls has been having occasional run-ins with vampires ever since. Suddenly, both of her brothers' warnings began to make more sense.
Y/N sighed and wrapped an overcoat around her jacket. She could do with a drink; besides, it wouldn’t hurt to try and gather more information about this uncanny town.
The door of the grill whined as she pushed it open, the crowded chatter of the busy Friday night meeting her ears immediately. She forced her way through the traffic of the locale and straight to the bar, deciding to sit next to a dark-haired man clad in a leather jacket with his shoulders hunched over a glass of whiskey. She looked toward the young bartender cleaning out a crystal glass with a towel he had just pulled from his shoulder; the sound of her stool being dragged from under the bench brought his attention to her.
‘I’ll have a double shot of Jameson, neat, please.’ She asked sweetly, hoping the boy would not ID her. She was already 21, though the nature of her pastimes meant she only had fake identification, and any excuse not to use it was excellent in her eyes. Much to her relief, the boy placed the glass in his hands before her and began to pour her drink. She pulled her phone from her pocket, a feeling of exasperation making itself known as she gazed upon the nine missed calls from Dean and the four from Sam. Answering the call earlier had only made them worse. She had barely brought the glass to her lips when the dark-haired stranger spoke up,
‘I can’t help but notice you’re a new face around these parts; what brings you to Mystic Falls?’ His accompanying smirk was flirtatious, and though only an idiot would overlook the apparent sublimity of his features, she was in no mood for mucking about. She returned the smile regardless, hoping to scour him for more information.
‘What makes you think this is a new face?’ She asked, using the same sweet tone she used with the bartender.
‘Trust me, I’d recognise a face like yours if I’d seen it before.' She wanted to ignore the cheap pickup line, though she could sense a blush creeping onto her cheeks. Y/N could hardly believe that this man she had only just met could affect her so quickly,
‘Well, I’m not exactly new; I’ve been visiting for around a month.’ Y/N didn’t want to say too much; she had not yet developed a backstory. He raised his eyebrows, waiting for her to continue,
‘I was thinking of moving here permanently, though, now I’m not so sure with all these killings… by animals, of course…’
Y/N decided it was best to get straight to the case; she was not here to waste time. Average eyes would not have noticed how his eyes tightened ever so slightly when she mentioned the animal attacks.
‘And now, why would that concern you?’ He used a light tone, though traces of accusation lay beneath. This did not go unnoticed by her; was it possible he was one of them? Her chest clenched; she had just met the man, though the idea of him being a monster saddened her in a way she could not have anticipated. She smiled nonetheless and made sure it reached her eyes.
‘I’ve made a hobby of hiking, and I think it would be unfortunate to have my cortical artery torn from my throat, wouldn’t you say?’ She did not know what possessed her to speak these words; could she have been any more obvious? He leaned closer, his piercing blue eyes adhered to her. Her breathing halted.
‘Yes, very unfortunate…’ he leaned back again before chuckling and exclaiming loudly,
‘How rude of me; I just realised I never introduced myself. I’m Damon Salvatore.’
Suddenly, it all made sense; he hailed from one of the founding families she had read about, Salvatore. Y/N felt a peculiar sense of relief. He was not a vampire like she initially suspected but rather part of the secret council hellbent on eradicating them, albeit not successfully. He held his hand out expectantly, and when she connected her own with his, she noticed a very conspicuous lapis lazuli ring adorning his fingers. It resembled that of an ancient family heirloom.
‘I’m Y/N, Y/N Walker.’ She thought it was best not to use her real surname; her family had gathered quite the reputation within the supernatural community, and this was the name printed on her fake ID anyway.
‘I think you’re quite right not to hike in the woods, Y/N, but I hope that won’t deter you from remaining in this town; it would be sad to lose a pretty face like yours.’ Y/N could feel her heart beating; she was sure the whole room could hear it. Y/N quickly looked down when she felt another blush forming. Damon turned to the bartender and slid her empty tumbler back over the bench,
‘She’ll have another Jameson, this time on me.’
From then, the conversation moved on to trivial topics, and Y/N found it difficult to proceed in her inquiry, given she was posing as an oblivious newcomer. A little while later, a woman clad in a sheriff uniform approached the pair, donning a solemn expression.
‘Sheriff Forbes…’ Damon nodded in acknowledgement; this was another name Y/N recognised from her research of the town, another founder. Y/N studied her face; she looked unsettled and nervous, as though she wished to speak with Damon but refrained in case of eavesdroppers.
She sent a pointed glare towards Damon and nudged her head ever so slightly in Y/N’s direction. Damon took this as an opportunity for introduction,
‘Liz, this is Y/N, she’s new in town.’ Liz smiled and sent Y/N a small wave,
‘It’s nice to meet you, though; I’m sorry to barge in like this. Do you mind if I borrow your friend for a moment?’ She spoke kindly, though her nervousness was present in her voice.
‘No, not at all; I should probably be heading off soon anyway.’ Y/N smiled at the sheriff before pulling her phone from her pocket and trying to seem engrossed in something displayed on the small screen. Though her attention was drawn entirely to the whispered conversation between the two founders
‘There was another body found earlier, ruled as an animal attack again; of course, though, there is only so long before people begin questioning these reports.’ Y/N could feel Liz’s eyes glancing toward her spot on the barstool; Y/N was careful to continue scrolling through her phone aimlessly until the sheriff looked away.
‘Liz, you know I’m doing everything I can to find these culprits; soon enough, they’ll make a mistake, and we’ll be able to make our move against them.’ Damon also looked at Y/N from the corner of his eyes before very deliberately looking back to Liz. Was it possible they could be suspecting her? She was new in town, after all. For the first time, it occurred to Y/N that maybe Damon had been investigating the ‘animal killings’ this evening as well, and now Y/N found herself in the middle of it. She took this as her leave,
‘I should probably head off now; it was lovely meeting you both.’ Damon and Liz smiled in response, traces of their secret conversation disappearing behind amiable façades.
Her brothers’ phone calls continued; Y/N was kicking herself for answering the previous day; she should have seen it would make them so much worse. Sam’s name illuminated the screen of the vexing device, and for a moment, she considered crushing it under her foot just to silence the inconsequential piece of plastic and metal. Though reason returned to her just as quickly as it left, and instead, she lifted the mobile to her ear,
‘Hello, Sam.’ She sighed into the phone. She knew the calls would not stop either way now; she may as well entertain them. She heard Sam give a subtle gasp as though the sound of his sister’s voice shocked him, and that was probably not far from the truth.
‘Y/N, hear me out before you hang up, okay?’ She stayed silent, waiting for him to continue,
‘Dean and I really need to know where you are; we’re supposed to look out for you, and before you give me that “I can look out for myself” crap, it’s irrelevant, we know you can look out for yourself, but you don’t need to, whatever hunt you’re on Dean and I can help you, we’ll do it together.’ Sam spoke sincerely,
‘It’s a kind offer, Sam, but seriously, I know what I’m doing, and besides, inviting you and Dean on the first hunt I’m attempting by myself defeats the whole “I’m going off on my own for a little while” scenario, wouldn’t you say?’
‘Please, Y/N, just tell us where you are,’ Sam implored. Y/N could hear the low grumbling of the eldest Winchester in the background, pleading for the phone she imagined.
‘I’m sorry, Sam, but I think I should do this alone’. She said, ‘I’m going to hang up now, okay?’
‘Wait! Y/N’ But before Sam could say anything more; she disconnected the call; Y/N closed her eyes and sighed. She hated going behind her brothers’ backs, but she was sick of her abilities being overlooked.
Going on hunts with them meant staying behind in the motels, researching, while her brothers went out and got their hands dirty, returning triumphant from defeating the monsters Y/N had helped them discover. What good was all the combat training and exercise she did if she could never put it into action?
No, she would not invite her brothers; she would do this alone.
A/N: I designed my own page break for this series; what do you think?
Next Part >
#damon salvatore#damon salvatore x reader#the vampire diaries#supernatural#dean winchester#sam winchester#the winchester brothers#winchester sister#vampire#mystic falls#x reader#tvd#spn#hunter
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11. harbinger of heartbreak
summary: At the festival, you have a moment with Stefan that is overshadowed by your brutal reality...but more heartbreaks await.
pairings: stefan salvatore x reader
warnings: none, just pure emotions
word count: 4.2K
NEARLY ALL OF MYSTIC FALLS packed the Town Square, excited to participate in the Night of the Comet Festival. Your dress swung in the biting wind, which your leather jacket shielded you from.
"Do you see Bonnie anywhere?" Caroline asked loudly, standing on her tiptoes, her eyes flitting around the square. You shook your head. She sighed. "I'm going inside to call her. Be right back."
She walked away. You fixed your jacket collar and looked around for familiar faces, wishing your friend stayed beside you as you awkwardly shuffled through the crowd. A relieved smile tugged at your lips when you noticed Matt walking in your direction. "Hey."
"Hey," He greeted softly and tilted his candle forwards. The flames hit the ends of your stem, lighting it up.
You looked up at him, smiling, and he couldn't help but notice the mischievous gleam sparkling in your eyes. He hadn't seen that in months. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," He replied, returning the smile. You turned to light the candle beside you. You had no intention of looking at the holder until you saw the hand grasping the candle, or rather the ring around one of his fingers.
"Thank you." Frowning, you lifted your head to meet Stefan's gaze. He smiled and leaned forward. "Hi."
"H-Hi," You stuttered and quickly turned, not ready to face him just yet. You'd had a moment of clarity on your way to the festival. You'd realize how impulsive it'd been for you to pursue him. That sort of impulsivity was something the old you excelled in...but had abandoned to survive. That wasn't you anymore. No matter how badly you wanted it to be.
You'd expected Stefan to realize that you were a lost cause and leave. Dead weight. You were never going to be more than friends; you were never even going to be best friends, because you couldn't open your heart up anymore. Only those you'd loved before the accident had passage. And Stefan, unfortunately, didn't fit that requirement.
But you'd forgotten one thing: Stefan Salvatore defied expectations. You hadn't realized your miscalculation until you felt his body heat tangle with yours, doing more than your jacket ever could.
"You know, that comet..." He whispered in your ear. His breath caressed your neck. You immediately tensed, but every nerve in your body screamed at you to stay still. "It's been traveling across space for thousands of years. All alone."
You wanted to raise your eyebrow and say something like "When did 17-year-olds become so deep?" but your face was suddenly frozen and your voice lost. You craned your neck to gaze at him as he watched the passing comet. He was serious. You looked at the sky, the comet descending. It looked like blue magic in the sky, a kind of beauty that only nature could produce.
"It's a ball of snow and ice, trapped on a path that it can't escape." He continued. "And once every one hundred and forty-five years, it gets to come home."
You cleared your throat. You couldn't let him see you like...this.
"Really?" You asked, squinting. "All I see is a comet."
Stefan smiled. You were trying to be funny, but you'd never thought of something so...beautiful. And poetic. How many times had you walked by nature, unaware of the depth and loneliness that lived within? And if it was so easy for Stefan to see this in an inanimate object...how easy would it be for him to see right through you?
His voice was a gentle disruption. "I'm about yesterday. I wasn't myself."
"It's okay, I get it," You said and turned to face him. "Family makes you cranky. If it makes you feel any better, half of the time I wanna murder my own brother."
"You mean the junkie?"
You chuckled. "That would be the one." The grave look in Stefan's eyes wiped the smile clean off your face. You sighed. "Look, your brother told me about your ex, Katherine."
You could almost feel his heart stop. You didn't know what the big deal was—everyone had exes, so what made Katherine so different?But clearly, you'd gotten his full attention, which was evident by his deep frown and contemplative silence.
"What did he say?"
"That she broke your heart."
"...That was a long time ago."
You nodded. "Okay. And even if it wasn't, you don't owe me anything. We all have our heartbreaks or things of the past that we just don't talk about. I don't expect you to tell me everything. It's not like we're dating. I mean, we're just friends. Right?"
For a moment, bewilderment painted his face. Then he forced a smile. "Um, right."
He cleared his throat and stepped back. You both looked away from each other at the same time. Your entire face warmed out of embarrassment. Where the hell was Caroline?
"I'm going to find Bonnie," You informed him. You'd been standing here long enough. "It was nice talking to you, Stefan. Enjoy the rest of the festival."
You offered him a tight-lipped smile and walked away. So much for going back to normal, you thought, going inside The Grill for a drink. If were charming enough, perhaps the bartender would let your age slide and hook you up.
"Oh there you are!" Caroline exclaimed, grabbing your elbow. Bonnie was at her hip, and she could barely look at you. "We were just saying how...what's wrong with you?"
"It's nothing, Caroline." You shrugged out of the blonde's grasp.
Caroline crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow as she gave you a disbelieving expression. "It doesn't look like nothing."
Normally, you weren't one to care or really notice if something was wrong. You'd spent two months concealing your emotions. And there was no way in hell you could be losing your edge now, not when you needed it the most.
"Just drop it," You muttered. Even if you couldn't lie, you could still avoid the subject.
"So did you talk to Stefan?"
"Yeah it went great," You deadpanned. "The skies parted and it was Heaven on Earth."
"That bad, huh?" Bonnie asked.
"Yep. And I think I may have made things worse."
Bonnie gave you a sympathetic half-smile. "Are you okay?" She questioned tenderly.
"I'm great," You lied. "I don't really want to talk about it. Can we go inside? Did you guys light your candles yet?"
"Yep. Caroline basically dragged me through the place in search of Sexy Bar Guy but he's a no-show."
"Well, then I have spectacular news," You announced with a joyous grin. "It turns out that our mystery guy is actually Stefan's older brother. His name is Damon."
"Oh my god!" Caroline shrieked with widened eyes. "The leather, the eyes, the hair...It all makes sense!"
"How?" Bonnie asked. "From what you described they don't look anything alike."
You nodded. "They really don't. Maybe one is adopted. Or they're half-siblings? That could explain all the tension."
The friends gave a chorus of agreement as they approached Matt and Tyler, who were chatting at a table. You took the seat next to Tyler, deciding it best to avoid Matt so he wouldn't pick up the wrong vibe from you, and the former watched as you rested beside him.
"Gilbert," He greeted nonchalantly before taking a sip of his drink. You glanced at the plate before him. Whatever food used to be there had been wolfed down, leaving nothing but a pile of bones. It seemed that Bonnie's food was popular with a certain someone.
You forced a smile. "Lockwood."
Ever since you'd shared a drunken kiss (and more) at a party a couple months ago, you'd had quite a fragile relationship. Of course, that didn't stop him from picking on your brother when given the chance, but your history was wild enough for him to know not to screw up in front of you.
"Hey, has anyone seen Vicki?" Jeremy suddenly asked as he advanced toward the table, his eyes searching elsewhere for his...friend. You stiffened. You'd thought they'd stop hanging out after...well, after their inappropriate "fling" to put it lightly.
Tyler looked at Jeremy with narrowed eyes, seemingly unbothered by his girlfriend's disappearance. "You're her stalker, you tell us," He commented.
You rolled your eyes. "Come on, Jer, you know how she is." Much like her mother, she had a tendency to disappear. You wished that she would disappear from Jeremy's mind, but that seemed to be a work in progress. Oh, well. If Vicki wanted to mess around, fine, but she was well aware that you didn't pull her punches.
"She probably found somebody else to party with," Tyler added. "Sorry, pill pusher, I guess you've been replaced."
You frowned. "What?"
"She's never going to go for you," Tyler continued, ignoring your confusion.
"Hold on... "
"She already did," Jeremy practically spat. Fury blazed in his eyes. "Over and over and over again."
Tyler scoffed. "Yeah, right."
"You slept with Vicki Donovan?" Caroline asked, giving a scoff-like chuckle as if it were the most amusing story she'd heard all year. "I mean, Vicki Donovan slept with you?"
"There's no way," Tyler said, shaking his head with disbelief. If only he knew.
Jeremy leaned down with cold, hard eyes. "And I didn't even have to force her into it."
"What the hell is he talking about, Ty?" Matt asked. A scarily wide smile lingered on his face, but he seemed more pissed off than surprised.
"Nothing man, just ignore him, he's a punk."
"Don't talk about my brother like that," You snapped. You thought he would've known better but it seemed like he needed to be taught twice.
However, Tyler didn't seem fazed. With an arrogant smile, he leaned in. "Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?"
"Keep talking and you'll find out."
Matt set his drink on the table, gentler than a slam but loud enough to get their attention. "You know what, how about all of you shut up and help me find my sister?"
Caroline laughed, nodding in agreement. "Yeah we don't want Ty's nose to get broken again. It was hardly a good look the first time."
"We'll check the back," Bonnie proposed, already getting off the stool. Everyone wordlessly agreed to ignore Caroline's remark, except you. You snickered, remembering how that well-deserved punch damaged Tyler's reputation when you were kids. It had been a dark time for him.
"I'll check the square," Matt announced to the group.
"I'll come with you," Jeremy offered.
"No, you won't," You spoke up. "Matt, go. Jeremy stays with me."
Matt nodded. He recognized the look on your face—everyone did. You were the pure embodiment of calm before the storm.
So with that being said, the teens dispersed with hopes of finding their sort-of missing friend.
"Really?" Jeremy asked irritably as he watched them go. He turned to his sister. "You wanna do this right now?"
"You said it only happened once, Jeremy."
"It did," He scoffed. "Then again. And again."
Hot rage flashed in your eyes. Jeremy deserved better than this. Vicki was too old and quite frankly, too messed up to ever be with him. "Have you lost your mind?" You seethed. "It's bad enough that you're taking drugs but you're selling them too? And don't get me started on whatever the hell is going on with you and Vicki. She's eighteen, Jeremy. And she's only using you to get high."
Jeremy rolled his eyes but you kept going. "What she's doing is wrong. And insane."
"Says the one that got sent to a mental institution," He snapped. You flinched. Your jaw dropped before you could even process the movement. "Yeah, do you honestly think that what you did to her just slipped my mind?"
You recomposed yourself. You'd been firm...maybe you could be a little more benign. Breaking his defenses was impossible. So the best course of action would be to prevent them from ever activating in the first place.
"I think that losing yourself isn't going to bring Mom and Dad back. I think you're ruining your life by making stupid decisions and if you keep going at this rate, you'll get an early grave right next to theirs."
"Good. Then I won't be your problem anymore."
He tried to turn, but you gripped his arm, forcing him to face you. "Why won't you talk to me?" You demanded. You were starting to outrun your patience. When would he understand that you wanted the best for him? You weren't his enemy. But ever since your parents died, he'd treated you like he was an innocent prince and you were a sword-wielding maniac.
"You won't talk to me," He retorted.
"But I'm talking to someone," You pointed out. "I'm dealing with this in a healthy way-"
Jeremy scoffed. Between him and Caroline, the sound was starting to annoy you senseless. "Yeah right."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I see you. Every day writing in the cemetery. You call that healthy? What, is that supposed to be you moving on? Huh?"
Empty rebuttals hung on your tongue.
There was no use. You tried. You really did. You never asked him to move on. You never asked him to forget. All you wanted was for him to heal. For him to be better than you were. For him to have a chance at happiness. But Jeremy, oblivious to the full damage behind his words, scoffed once more at your paralysis. "That's what I thought. I'll see you at home."
And with that, he walked away.
You contemplated going after him, to apologize or lend a helping hand with the search, but after a moment of consideration, you decided the best thing to do was to head home.
When you stepped into your house, the last thing you expected was to see your aunt imitating a burglar.
But alas there Jenna was, rummaging through Jeremy's things and tossing it around as if she were completely done with life.
"Jenna?" You called out, frowning as your aunt flipped through a bunch of porno magazines. You winced, wondering how she'd react when she found the lightsaber you'd bought for him with your mom's stolen credit card last year.
Jenna didn't look up. A bitter response rolled past her lips. "Yep it's me, the hypocrite patrol." She tossed the magazines in the basket where she'd found them but didn't bother to cover it back up with the layers of clothing that were scattered on the floor. "Remind me to burn those later."
You smiled uneasily. It was from your aunt that you adopted your sense of humor, but now she looked like a flimsy yarn sweater that someone yanked the string on. "You're not having a psychotic break, are you?"
"Surprisingly, no," Jenna answered, finally glancing up at her concerned niece as she stood up.
"What happened?"
"Your ass-hat of a history teacher shamed me good yesterday."
"Damn. You got Tannered," You commented, saying a phrase former students had coined to describe their teacher's manipulative and crude techniques. "Don't worry, it happens to the best of us."
"'Discover the impossible, Ms. Sommers'," Jenna quoted, her octave rising with each word. It sounded like she was trying to get the words out before she choked on them. "Got it. Thanks. Like I didn't know I was screwing up."
"You're not," You assured her gently, grabbing her hand. You helped her up and plopped yourselves on Jeremy's bed, facing each other. You cringed at the empty chip bags and crumbs on his blanket. Note to self: Tell Jeremy to clean his room.
"Yes, I am," Jenna exhaled. "And you know why? Because I'm not her."
Her. Miranda Gilbert. Your mother and Jenna's sister. It was hard enough being the crackhead example that could never do anything right, the screw-up who was constantly being compared to her older, more perfect sister who excelled in every aspect of her life. And now she had to dive into parenthood, the one thing she most definitely couldn't do.
Five months ago, she could barely get her own life on track. And now she had to take care of not one, but two human beings that hadn't fully developed? That could pick up her habits, that she could screw up mentally with just a single move?
"She made everything look so easy," Jenna went on, exhausted. You couldn't tell if it was because she was tired of life or because she was using every bit of resistance to fight her tears. Perhaps it was both. "You know, high school, marriage...having you. I can't do it. I'm gonna say or do the wrong thing, and he's gonna get worse, and it's gonna be my fault. It's impossible."
You sighed. You'd been trained not to comfort people in times of crisis, but now you were free to say the things that you wished someone had said to you. Maybe if they had, you wouldn't be so broken and scarred.
"Hard...but not impossible," You said soothingly. "I know you're scared, tackling a new life. But this is new for all of us. We're all going through this together and it might feel like you're alone but you're not. You're just the only one being honest with yourself."
"How am I supposed to do this?" Jenna lamented, her beautiful emeralds reflecting sadness as she thought of Miranda, the woman who could do it all. "John was right. How am I supposed to be a parent?"
"I don't know, Aunt Jenna," You admitted. "But what I do know is that as a kid, I looked up to you. You were my idol, my favorite person in the entire world. I used to talk about you like you were a superhero. Remember that one time I dressed up as you for Halloween and I had to convince everyone I wasn't a sexy version of Daphne Blake?"
Jenna burst into laughter as she recalled the look on Miranda's face when you'd darted downstairs, dripping with sparkles and diamonds and of course, revealed skin to really get into character. "I remember that. Your mother was absolutely horrified—she didn't talk to me for a month after that."
"She could be like that sometimes, yeah." At the time, you had been offended, but the things you'd do to see her mother in such a disturbed condition again. The last memory you had of your mother was her screams rippling through the water. You took a deep breath, switching off the memory and refocusing on Jenna.
"There's a reason I held you in such high esteem. It's not because of the things you did, it's because you always had the strength and courage to do them even if you doubted yourself. When Mom and Dad died, Uncle John didn't step up. You did. Even though you didn't know the first thing about being a parent. We were all scared out of our minds and you got us through that. And I know you didn't get the chance to grieve properly or the luxury of falling apart because you were so hell-bent on keeping Jer and I together but...you're brave. And you're strong. And I'm extremely grateful for that, but it's okay to be vulnerable too."
It's okay to be vulnerable too. If someone had told you that you had the right to feel in the trauma center, that your emotions were yours and they were valid, perhaps you could do the things you wanted in life.
Like tell Bonnie and Caroline that you went to a trauma center. Like tell Jenna that the trauma center wasn't a place of healing and recovery; it was Hell. Like tell Stefan that you liked him, of course you liked him, and even though you didn't know what it entailed, you were willing to find out with him.
But you couldn't be open. You couldn't let anyone see the deep sadness you locked away. Letting your vulnerabilities run wild made you feel alive, but turning it off helped you survive. And you'd often had to ask yourself which was more important. But with Jenna, it was a no-brainer. You didn't want her to be anything like you. You couldn't let anyone get hurt at your expense; what was the point in surviving if you couldn't protect the ones you loved?
"So be vulnerable," You urged softly. "Let your guard down. Go go watch Titanic a million times and cry your eyes out until you fall asleep."
Jenna sniffled. "But it's a school night."
You fought back a grin. "Go, Jenna. Jeremy will be here soon, I'll make sure he doesn't get into anything."
Jenna looked into her niece's eyes. And for once, it was almost like she could really see you. Everything you'd been through, the things you'd turned into because of it. But within a moment, the perception vanished. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Aunt Jenna," You said, pulling your aunt into a warm embrace. Jenna smiled and kissed your forehead in a motherly gesture, before rising to your feet and strutting out.
You exhaled. The moment Jenna, the strongest woman you knew, broke, was the moment you were entirely done for. You stood up and glanced around the room. Vicki was always high, drunk, or both, and even her room was cleaner than this.
Entangled in your overbearing thoughts of Jenna and Holly and the trauma center, you shuffled around the room, fetching Jeremy's smelly clothes and tossing them in a hamper accordingly. You snatched the blankets off the mattress and whisked them to the laundry room, wondering how Jeremy could survive this long without any sense of purpose and hygiene.
As you strolled through the halls, a faint chime interrupted your thoughts. You pulled your phone from your pocket, expecting to see news about Vicki, but instead found yourself looking at an unknown contact flashing across your screen.
hi...who is this?
Hot back guy.
A feeling stirred in your stomach...like someone had released a butterfly and it was trying to get loose. Before you could stop yourself, an exhilarated giggle escaped you. Stefan.
how did u get my number?
Bonnie gave it me. She told me you were big on texting.
You didn't think it was possible for your smile to grow any wider, but the mention of your friend was enough to make you look like the cheshire cat. The logical side of you wanted to scold Bonnie for this. You knew that letting Stefan in could lead to no good. You'd cut the more-than-friendship rope before it'd fully tied you together because you refused to let him see you. But...another part of you wanted to jump up and down and shout "Bonnie, God bless your soul, you are the wingwoman of all time!"
I am.
There was a pause. Your grin faded...was he typing? Thinking about what he'd say next? Regretting ever texting you in the first place? It would be for the best...but you hoped he'd make things worse.
I don't think you're selfish. And for the record, I like you too.
You bit your lip, struggling to hold back another smile, but found you couldn't stop yourself from the small expression of happiness. You didn't want to.
gn stefan :)
Good night, Y/N.
You turned off your phone, laughing, and practically skipped to your room. Romantically, you'd never felt so strongly for anyone, not even Matt. This was something new and exciting.
Singing to yourself, you floated to your room, ready to flop into bed and have pleasant dreams for once. But once you saw the silhouette by the balcony window, you felt as if you were in a living nightmare. Your breath caught in your throat.
He's here.
Your heart raced, threatening to pump straight through your skin. You took a small breath and flipped on the lights, expecting to see a slender, innocent-looking man with curious, murderous eyes. But your eyebrows flew up when you realized who you were looking at.
Bonnie grimaced, a pool of tears in her eyes. "I know, Y/N," She admitted in a broken whisper. Your heart plummeted to your feet. You shook your head. It was as if someone had torn the wooden planks from beneath you. You leaned against the doorway entrance for support, praying this was all a dream.
"No..." Not her—anyone but her. Anyone but your best friend.
A stray tear rolled down Bonnie's face. It was almost as if just talking about it hurt her. And you understood—it hurt you too. Every day. "I know what you did."
This can't be happening, you wanted to scream. Suddenly, you wished he'd come. Anything was better than this. Anything was better than Bonnie knowing. But you didn't say that. Instead, the next words that slipped out of your mouth were, "You can't tell Caroline."
#stefan salvatore x reader#stefan salvatore x fem!reader#bonnie bennett#jenna sommers#jeremy gilbert#caroline forbes#tvd x reader#tvd x you#matt donovan#tyler lockwood
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Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Ch 4 - Homecoming
Warnings: descriptions of blood, murder, injury, death, Mikael being a horrible dad, fem oc
Corresponding episode: TVD 3x9
She's finally here!!!
Oh, who is she? A misty memory A haunting face Is she a lost embrace?
Portland, September 2010
Klaus was walking through the woods when his phone rang. It was Stefan. He picked up the call.
"Portland is fantastic, once you get over all the whiney music and healthy-looking people, it's literally a breeding ground for werewolves." He says.
"Your father's dead," Stefan says.
"What did you say to me?"
"Oh, my mistake. Not your actual father, and not dead. Mikael. Daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?" Stefan asked.
"Well, first, I want you to explain to me exactly what happened," Klaus demanded.
Stefan "explained" what happened. Klaus demanded to see his rotting body.
"Well, he's here. Come by whenever." Stefan said.
"I want to talk to Rebekah." Klaus says and Stefan hands the phone to said blonde who tells Klaus that Mikael is dead.
"I miss you. I'm miserable here." She says to Klaus.
"I'll be home soon." He replies softly.
"Good. I'll see you then brother." Rebekah responds and finishes the call. Klaus walks to his car and drives back to the city, a plan forming in his mind.
Mystic Falls, Salvatore House
Rebekah was painting her toes in the living room when her father woke up from being daggered.
"Finally. Took you long enough."
He looks at her wide-eyed. "Rebekah."
"Whatever fatherly rubbish you're thinking, save it. Nothing you say matters to me."
"I see..." He gets up from the floor. "Where's my dagger?"
"Elena has it. So you can forget your plans to use it on me."
"You were never the one I was after." Her father said.
"Nik was my family. If you were after him, you were after me."
"He blinded you, Rebekah. He killed your mother." Mikael said.
Rebekah got up from the sofa. "I know what he did. And he'll pay for it with his life. But Nik was not born a killer. None of us were."
"You did this to us when you turned us into vampires...You destroyed our family, not him." She said to her father with tears in her eyes.
"Rebekah..." He called for her but she was already gone.
Klaus's POV
He walked through the halls of the warehouse where he kept his sibling's caskets. He decided that he needed someone he could trust, someone who would never lie to him, and he had only one person on his mind.
His eyes fell upon a specific casket. Taking a deep breath, he opened it. Inside was his youngest sister and sibling, Kassandra. Daggered, grey, and desiccated, she lay in this casket for almost 15 years.
Klaus took a good look at her. This was the first time since daggering her back in 1996, that he has opened her casket. It was too painful to look at her while she looked like that. It just reminded him of the promise he broke.
As Klaus gazed upon Kassandra's desiccated form, a wave of guilt and remorse washed over him. Despite his outward demeanor of strength and ruthlessness, he couldn't deny the pang of sorrow that pierced his heart at the sight of his youngest sister in such a state. He remembered the promise he had broken to her, the trust he had betrayed, and the pain he had inflicted upon her.
Her long brown hair was styled into a classic 90s blowout. She wore a black turtleneck with white lace details on the cuff of her sleeves, black dress pants with a silk string tied into a bow in the front, and on her feet, she had a pair of black leather ankle boots.
Her usually bright blue eyes were now closed and the only color on her gray face was the dark red lipstick she had. Slightly below her daggered heart, her hands were neatly folded over her stomach. On her right hand was her golden daylight ring.
He smiled slightly as he caressed her cold cheek with the tips of his fingers. "It's time for you to wake up, little dove." He took hold of the dagger and slowly pulled it out of her heart.
After her conversation with Bonnie, Elena went back to the Salvatore house and argued that Rebekah could not be trusted and that she would turn her back on them. Damon told her that he was making a secret plan and that she should trust him.
At Mystic Falls High, Tyler was decorating a truck with a glitter gun. He told Caroline that he was hungry and they should go and grab a bite.
"Oh, I have a thermos in my bag," Caroline told him with a smile.
"I mean a real bite. Rebekah knows some people who like to be fed on. They're into it. We don't even have to compel them." Tyler said.
Caroline refused, saying it was too risky and he should stop hanging out with Rebekah.
"Just keep the claws in tonight at the dance, ok? For me?" Tyler told his girlfriend.
Elena's POV
"Getting a head start, huh?" Elena said as she entered the room. Her eyes fell upon Rebekah who was wearing the red dress she chose days ago.
"Embarrassing truth, this is my first high school dance," Rebekah revealed.
"Ever?" Elena asked.
Rebekah said that with her and Klaus always running, she never had time for high school. "Anyway, I didn't want to leave anything to chance." She said as she looked at herself in the mirror.
Rebekah asked if she heard anything from Klaus and if Damon and Mikael had everything prepared.
"Yes," Elena answered.
"Don't tell me. I just want to go to the dance and leave the rest to Mikael." Rebekah said as she took a golden bracelet and put it on her wrist.
Elena thanked her for helping them bring Klaus back to town. Rebekah warned her that she was running for a reason.
"Mikael is not a good person and he definitely can't be trusted. No one in my family can."
"Are you okay?" Elena asked.
"I've spent my whole life loving and hating my brother with equal measure. I never thought that I'd be the one to help drive a stake through his heart." Rebekah said tearfully.
The blonde blinked. "No tears. I don't want to ruin my makeup...How do I look?" She asked, looking at herself in the mirror once more.
"You look amazing." Elena complimented. "But you're missing one thing." She pulled out Rebekah's necklace.
"May I?" Elena asked, offering to put it on. Rebekah nodded and Elena clasped the necklace around her neck.
"Thank you," Rebekah said with a smile. Elena smiled back. She then proceeded to stab Rebekah in the back with the silver dagger.
Rebekah gasped, hunching over in pain. "I'm so sorry. I can't leave anything to chance either." Elena said as Rebekah's body turned grey and fell to the ground.
Elena daggered one Original, not knowing that on the other side of the country, another one was waking up from her long sleep.
Kassandra's POV
She was sleeping a dreamless sleep. It could've been hours, days, months, years, she wasn't quite sure. For the longest time, there was a stinging pain in her chest that weighed her down, making it impossible for her to move.
Then, the ache in her chest disappeared. Slowly, she regained feeling. First, her mind cleared. She was no longer sleeping. "I'm waking up." She realized. Then she regained feeling in her extremities - her hands and her legs.
Then she realized that her heart was beating again. Slowly and painfully, but it was beating. It felt like a certain heaviness was lifted from her. She waited until she was a hundred percent certain that she could move. Once the numbness left her entire body, she opened her eyes.
She took a deep breath and welcomed the air into her lungs. The first thing her eyes saw was a ceiling. Her eyes moved and she realized where she was - inside a casket. "Klaus..." The face of her impulsive older brother immediately came into her mind.
Slowly, she moved. Her right hand grabbed the edge of the casket, her golden ring shining in the early morning light. She pushed herself up and sighed. The memories of Klaus stabbing her by the edge of Lake Geneva came back to her. Anger and fury flooded her mind, a desire for revenge creeping into her heart.
"Your sister is awake." She heard someone say. She turned her head and saw a man dressed in a guard uniform. He was talking to someone on the phone.
"Good, you know what to do." A commanding voice said. A voice she instantly recognized - her brother, Klaus.
Kasandra got out of the casket and carefully stood on her feet. "Where's my brother?" She asked the man, her voice hoarse from not being used.
"I don't know. I just know what he told me to do." The guard answered, obviously compelled.
"And what did he tell you?" She asked tentatively. The man proceeded to pull out a knife and cut his arm. Blood poured from the gash, spilling everywhere.
Only then did Kassandra acknowledge the hunger that had been building up inside her for almost 15 years. The scent of blood hit her nostrils and her eyes instantly turned red. She couldn't help but devour the man on the spot.
As Kassandra fed on the guard's blood, the primal instinct to survive overrode any semblance of rational thought. Her senses heightened, she could feel the warmth of the blood coursing through her veins, revitalizing her with each swallow.
Once the hunger was sated, Kassandra stepped back, her chest heaving as she fought to regain control of her emotions. The taste of blood lingered on her tongue, a reminder of the darkness that lurked within her.
"In the back. Harsh." Damon said as he covered Rebekah's body. Elena defended herself, saying it had to be done.
"Hey, I'm not judging you. It's very...Katherine of you."
"Not the way to make me feel better about myself, Damon!"
"It was a compliment! Sort of."
Elena said that Stefan was right, that someone was going to mess up the plan, and that it was most likely going to be her. Damon argued that she would be fine.
"Yeah, but I feel bad about it. I care too much. That's the problem, Damon...I'm the weak link."
Damon told her that he didn't trust Mikael or Stefan and that when everything went down, he didn't want her taking part in any of it.
Klaus's POV
He immediately got into his car once he got the news his sister had awakened. Half an hour later, he found himself inside the warehouse again. He felt something akin to nervousness as he walked through the halls. He wondered how Kassie would react to seeing him again.
He took notice of her empty casket and the dead guard on the floor.
"Kassandra. It's your big brother. Come out, come out wherever you are." He said in a sing-song voice, the same way he greeted Rebekah.
Walking further down the hall, he found her next to the caskets of their brothers. She had her back turned to him. She had opened Elijah's casket and was looking at him.
"Hello, love. Long time no see." He said with a smirk. But she made no reaction, no effort to acknowledge his presence.
"Is that any way to greet your big brother-" He joked but was cut off by a heavy smack to the face. The ferocity of the slap sent him back by a couple of meters, the skin of his cheek stinging.
Before he could move, she kicked him in the stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. He fell to his knees, groaning, not expecting this whatsoever. She put her foot on his chest, pressing harshly against his ribcage.
Then, she stabbed him in the heart with her dagger. "That's for breaking your promise, traitor!" She spat, her words dripping with venom.
As Klaus staggered to his feet, he couldn't help but feel a mix of astonishment and admiration at Kassandra's display of strength and defiance. Despite the pain radiating from his chest where her dagger had pierced him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell within him.
"Touché, little dove," he managed to choke out, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of his lips despite the agony coursing through his body. "You always did have a knack for keeping me on my toes."
Kassandra's expression softened slightly at his words, but the anger still simmered beneath the surface. She turned her attention back to Elijah's casket, her fingers tracing the edges reverently. "When did you dagger him?" she repeated, her voice laced with accusation.
He sighed. "I wake you up after 15 years and your first instinct is to worry about Elijah? Seriously?"
She turned around and for the first time in over a decade, he could see her eyes properly. Most of the time, there was nothing but pure love and adoration in them when she looked at him.
Now that love was replaced by a fury Klaus rarely ever saw. "Answer me!" She demanded.
Klaus would never allow anyone to talk to him in that manner, but he always did have a soft spot for her which gave her leeway to do many things and act in a certain way around him.
"A couple of months ago. There, are you happy?" She slapped him again. She sighed shakily, her lip trembling as she held back a sob.
Klaus winced as her palm connected with his cheek once more, the sting of her slap a sharp reminder of the pain he had caused her.
He could feel the weight of her anger pressing down on him, a heavy burden that he knew he deserved to bear. He watched as she turned away from him, her gaze fixed on Elijah's desiccated form, and he felt a pang of guilt tighten in his chest.
"Why did you wake me?" She finally asked.
"Why do I have to have an ulterior motive to wake you? Maybe I just missed my darling sister."
"Don't lie to me! There's always an ulterior motive with you, Klaus. I'm not stupid."
He sighed. "Alright, fine. Yes, there is a reason why I woke you. Months ago, I broke the hybrid curse our mother put on me."
Her eyes went wide at that. "You did?" She asked softly.
"Yes, even though our dear brother here tried stopping me." He said as he gestured to Elijah's body.
"I'm happy for you." She said in her usual soft voice.
"What?" He asked confused at her ever-changing mood. She walked closer to him.
"You've been wanting to break this curse for centuries, Nik. I know how much you wanted it. I'm happy that you have finally achieved your goal." He couldn't help but smile at her, his dear sister, always so sweet and loving.
"I'm sorry. I really am sorry, for everything I did to you. It was a necessary evil." He told her, unusually sincere.
She smiled lightly, though it didn't reach her eyes. "I forgive you, brother." He looked at her, suspicious as always. She took his face into her hands and looked into his eyes.
"Don't make me regret trusting you, Klaus." She said with a smile on her face, though there was a certain edge to her voice. He took her hands and kissed them. He then pulled her in for a hug and kissed the top of her head.
"Now how would you feel about a homecoming dance?" He asked her with a smirk.
In front of their high school, Caroline watches in disbelief as emergency services block the entrance to the school.
"What happened?" She asked Tyler.
"The gym's flooded. The dance is canceled."
"Excuse me!? Well, what are we supposed to do now!?"
Caroline and Bonnie entered the Lockwood mansion, where the homecoming was transferred. Bonnie questioned who all these unfamiliar people were.
Stefan stood amongst the crowd and watched as the band played. Tyler greeted him.
"Hey, Tyler. Nice party you got going on here." Stefan commented.
"Thanks, but I'm not the one throwing it. I'm just doing what Klaus wants." Tyler admitted.
"What do you mean?"
"It's not a party, man. It's a wake."
Then Klaus appeared on stage and thanked everyone for coming here to celebrate with him.
Stefan's POV
"Quite the homecoming," Stefan commented as he and Klaus walked outside the Lockwood mansion.
"I've been planning my father's funeral for a thousand years. Granted, in no version of it were any of these people involved, but you get the idea." Klaus replied.
"So, what now? You stop running?" Stefan asked.
"Now I reunite my family."
"Your family? You mean the people you cart around in caskets?"
"Not all of them are in caskets." Klaus pointed out.
Stefan chuckled. "Right, Rebekah's out of hers. That's one. What about the others? Oh right, they're dead."
Klaus smirked and rolled his eyes. "You seem to forget I have another sister, Stefan." Klaus turned his head at the sound of heels clicking against the ground. Stefan turned as well.
A tall, slender girl in a tight-fitting, black dress approached. Her long brown hair was curled into loose waves. "Stefan Salvatore. My God, I thought I'd never see you again."
Stefan furrowed his brows. "...Kassandra? " The girl smiled and her blue eyes bore into his.
"Hello, Stefan." She greeted, her voice soft and melodious.
Stefan looked at her dumbfounded. "Speaking of Rebekah. Where is she?" Klaus asked, breaking the Salvatore out of his stupor.
"I've no idea. I thought she was coming with Matt." Stefan said.
"Oh, be honest now Stefan. Where's my sister?" Klaus asked again.
"I said I have no idea. Now would you like me to take you to your father?"
"Well, it wouldn't be a party without the guest of honor, would it? Bring him to me." Klaus replied.
Stefan bargained with Klaus - if he brought Mikael's body to Klaus, he would be free of Klaus's compulsion. Klaus agreed.
"Change of plans. Klaus is back. He's at the Lockwood's and he wants your body delivered to his doorstep." Stefan said to Damon and Mikael as he entered the living room of their house.
"I'm afraid he's in for a colossal disappointment," Mikael replied.
"But you do have a plan? Right? Stefan asked.
"We have a plan. It just doesn't involve you." Damon said.
Mikael then bites Stefan and leaves. Damon looks surprised. He takes his things and leaves as well, leaving an unconscious Stefan on the floor.
Tyler's POV
"My mom would seriously freak out if she saw all these people here," Tyler commented as he and Klaus looked at the massive crowd of people in his backyard.
"Your mother won't be a problem. I compelled her to go to church and pray for your friends."
Tyler laughed, confused. "What are you talking about?"
"I want you to look around," Klaus said and pointed to Tyler's friends - Bonnie, Elena, and Matt.
"But who are all these other people?" Klaus asked, feigning ignorance. Tyler said he didn't know half of them.
"That's cause I invited half a dozen friends of my own," Klaus revealed. He then pointed out certain people in the crowd who were hybrids all sired by Klaus.
"They were all sired by me. They wish to serve their master. So if anyone should so much as make a move against me they may feel obligated to retaliate."
"And how could I forget my beloved sister, Kassandra? She's right there, talking to your pretty little girlfriend, Caroline." Klaus said and pointed to a tall brunette in a black dress who was standing next to and talking to Caroline.
"She is my most loyal sibling, so I don't think she would take it lightly if something happened to her big brother." He added
"Feel free to warn your friends," Klaus said and walked away.
Caroline sighed as Tyler pulled her into one of the spare bedrooms.
"What are you up to with Klaus?" He asked her.
She turns to look at him. "Nothing."
"He's onto you, Caroline. Whatever you all think you're about to pull off, he's two steps ahead of you." Tyler said, warning her.
"Ok, I don't know what you're talking about."
Tyler sighed. "That girl you were talking to, the brunette in the black dress, she's Klaus's sister."
"What?" She asked shocked.
"Yeah. I don't know what you told her, but stay away from her, she could be just as dangerous as the rest of her siblings."
"I didn't tell her anything!" She defended herself. "And how was I supposed to know that he had a second sister?"
"Can we just go back to the party?" She asked and started walking toward the door when Tyler pulled out a syringe full of vervain and stabbed her in the neck with it.
Kassandra's POV
She sighed as she walked around the estate, looking for Klaus. On their flight from Portland, he explained everything to her.
How there was a new doppelganger, Elena Gilbert, and that she was involved with the Salvatore brothers. He explained how he broke the curse and over the summer had a little adventure with Stefan.
Now they were back in town to kill their father. She wasn't sure if she was ready to face her father, not after everything he and their mother did to her and her siblings.
She still wasn't sure why he awakened her specifically but just the fact that she was awake after 15 years and not daggered was good enough for her.
As she once again made a full circle around the house, she saw a tall, dark-haired man in a black leather jacket kill one of Klaus's hybrids. "Curious." She thought as she watched him enter the house.
She made her way into the house. As she walked she heard a voice she hadn't heard in centuries.
"To what end, Niklaus? So you can live forever with no one by your side? Nobody cares about you anymore, boy!" Her father said as he held the new doppelganger.
Kassie listened to how her father insulted her brother and anger spread through her body.
"Who do you have other than those whose loyalty you've forced?"
She couldn't stand it anymore. She couldn't just stand there and not defend her brother. She walked to the front door where Klaus was facing their father and she stood by Klaus's side.
"He has me!" Kassandra said defiantly as she took Klaus's hand into hers.
Surprise and shock washed over her father's face as he processed her presence. "Kassandra?"
"Father." She greeted coldly.
"What are you doing here?"
"Nik's my brother. My family. I'm here to help him."
Her father laughed at her words. "You foolish girl. You've always blindly followed him and trusted him. He doesn't deserve your trust or your love, Kassandra."
"I will decide who gains my love and my trust," Kassie responded boldly. She could feel Nik squeezing her hand.
Mikael threated to kill the doppelganger. Nik told him to go ahead.
"Ah...your impulse, Niklaus. It has and will forever be, the one thing that keeps you from truly being great." Her father said, taunting Klaus.
She looked up at Nik and could see tears falling down his face. She could see the pain in his eyes. She could feel her own eyes starting to tear up.
"Enough! Stop talking to him like that!" She defended her brother. Her father's eyes fell upon her once again.
"And you, my daughter...He will be the end of you."
"Then so be it." She responded as a tear ran down her round cheek.
Klaus's POV
He looked at his sister and felt his heart tighten at her words. She was always there for him, always there to comfort him and put his mind at ease.
Even now, she was choosing him, her half-brother, against her own father. Loyal to a fault, she was. And he thanked her by stabbing her and putting her in a casket for 15 years. He had to find a way to redeem himself to her.
His sister's gasp pulled him back to reality. Mikael stabbed Elena in the back, and the girl fell to the ground with a gasp.
Then, someone yanked his sister away from him and slammed her against the wall. Before Klaus could react this person punched her in the stomach.
Damon Salvatore, he realized, as he got slammed down to the floor. "Klaus!" His sister yelled and tried getting up.
On the porch, the doppelganger got up. "Katherine," Mikael said, realizing it was not Elena.
"Kaboom!" She said and threw wolfsbane grenades onto Klaus's hybrids.
Damon was just about to stake him with the White Oak stake when Stefan appeared out of nowhere and pushed Damon off of him.
Klaus took the opportunity - he grabbed the white oak stake and threw himself onto Mikael. He drove it right through Mikael's heart.
His body started burning in flames and Klaus stood there and watched as the man who tormented him for centuries was finally gone.
"What do you mean he stole them?" Kassandra asked, confused.
Klaus sighed. "He stole them, Kassandra. All of them." Klaus repeated himself.
"Why would Stefan steal our siblings?" Kassandra wondered out loud. "What would he gain by stealing their caskets?"
"Leverage. Against me." Klaus replied as he chugged his bourbon.
"You still haven't found Rebekah?" Kassie asked, her thoughts drifting to her sister.
"No. I've no idea where she could be."
"They daggered her. They must have. How else would they keep her down for so long?" Kassandra theorized.
"Well, it seems we'll be staying in Mystic Falls for longer than I expected," Klaus said as he took a seat next to his sister.
She was on her laptop. After waking her up, he showed her how to use modern technology and she quickly got accustomed to it. "What are you doing?" He asked her.
"Looking for a house. You said it yourself, since we're staying here might as well stay in a nice place, right?" She responded as she looked up from her laptop.
She is finally here in the flesh! We see that Kassie will not put up with Klaus's bs lol and will beat him up if necessary.
Can't wait for the following chapters where she'll interact with her other siblings.
Thank you for reading. ❤❤❤
If you have any opinions feel free to comment.
#the vampire diaries#original vampire#vampire diaries#the originals#the mikaelsons#mikaelson family#finn mikaelson#elijah mikaelson#klaus mikaelson#kol mikaelson#rebekah mikaelson#kassandra mikaelson#fem oc#my original characters#my oc stuff#liv tyler#fancast#tvdu#tvd aesthetic#tvd universe#mystic falls#stefan salvatore#elena gilbert#katherine pierce#damon salvatore#caroline forbes#bonnie bennett#tyler lockwood#tvd fanfiction#the originals fanfiction
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a stefan salvatore love story.
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
Dear Diary,
Today felt different somehow, aside from the fact that I started school.
I didn't want to, but I figured people would start asking questions if I didn't go. Uncle Zach is still hostile towards me, and I swear I was so close to snapping his neck. Drinking from blood bags every day has been working for me. I've been doing so well this week that I fed from the vein, I even stopped myself before the girl died. My compulsion worked on her, too. She would be proud.
Most of the day went uneventful, except I saw someone who looked identical to Katherine. It's actually crazy how similar they are, almost like doppelgängers. Her name is Elena. I didn't need to ask, her friends were gossiping so loudly it was impossible not to hear. She's not particularly interesting, plain looking, really. But kept staring at me, and I tried my best to ignore it. I could feel some weird possessive energy over me. Maybe it was her. Anyway, she didn't seem to get the hint because she spoke to me after our history class. Actually, she bumped into me after storming out of the boy's bathroom. What a weird girl. I walked away before she could explain herself, though.
She invited me to the Grill with her friends. I would've said yes out of politeness, but I received something in the mail today that made me decline. I was inexplicably drawn to it. It was an invitation to a ball, and I can't remember the last time I went to one. It was for tonight. Could it be from her? Could I possibly see her tonight? Am I even that lucky? God, I hope so. What would I even say to her?
Stefan drops his pen abruptly and looks at the time on the clock near his mattress. Shit. He had an hour until the ball started, and he hadn't even started getting ready. Amid his panic, he hears the doorbell ring.
"Zach? You gonna answer that?" He yells out, his voice echoing in the quiet mansion. No response. So he sighed and sped downstairs, he didn't have time to waste. Upon opening the door, Stefan couldn't have been more shocked— Damon?
"Hello, brother." The older Salvatore brother utters out in the foggy night, a smirk on his lips.
"...When'd you get here?" Stefan's voice held a hint of longing, nervousness, and, admittedly, a bit of fear. He wasn't afraid of his brother, but more so what his brother thought of him now.
"Well, I couldn't miss your first day at school. That Elena girl seems to have a thing for you. Ring any bells?" He pushes past Stefan and stomps into the house, all the more cocky.
Damon continues on, " I mean, the resemblance is just uncanny, Stefan. Y'know, for a distant ancestor, Katherine really nailed the gene pool."
"I suppose, but I'm not really interested. It's been fifteen years, Damon. I-" Stefan pauses, recalling the comforting words of his angelic beauty. He had to be honest and understanding. "..I missed you."
Damon falters. What? This was definitely different from what he was expecting. He expected brooding, reluctance, hatred even. He clenched his jaw, "No need for flattery, brother. I promised you an eternity of misery, so I'm just keeping my word."
"I deserve that. You disappeared before I ever got the chance to apologize for.. for turning you. I am deeply sorry. I just didn't want to be alone, and you were all I had." He pauses, tears trembling from his eyes. Stefan could feel his throat clogging up, the emotions and the pain from that day resurfacing his mind. "I didn't want to lose you, Damon."
The door was still open, and the wind blew profusely against his skin. Comfort. Safety. That is all he felt as he finished his declaration. The wind was whispering in his ear, telling him everything was okay. That it was proud. One of the tears bubbling on his eyelid finally fell, cascading down his defined jawline.
Damon watches, his face softening briefly before his smirk pops back up. There's a hint of vulnerability and a lingering bitterness in his eyes when he finally responds, "Oh, spare me the melodrama, Stefan. You didn't want to be alone? Join the club. Took you long enough to admit it. Don't worry, forgave you a while ago. Besides, we both know you couldn't live without me."
Understanding, Stefan reminds himself. He needs to be understanding.
"I know you felt the same loneliness I did, Damon. Despite everything, I know you couldn't bear the thought of losing me either. We're in this together, whether you like it or not."
A strained smile meets the older Salvatore's lips, "Poetic. Care for a drink? I know we've got that aged bourbon waiting for us down in the cellar."
"As much as I'd love to, I have a ball to get ready for. Speaking of, you should come with."
A scrunch in Damon's face, "A ball? What is this, the 1600s?" He gasps, pretending to look disappointed, "Don't tell me you've got a powdered wig hidden away in your closet, Stef."
A roll of Stefan's eyes. He missed this, the banter that only the siblings would have. He's so happy. He's so glad he's got his brother back.
"Ha-ha." An entirely dry laugh with an amused expression. "You coming? I don't really know anyone there."
Damon pretended to think, but his little brother already knew what his answer was when he started ascending the long stairway, an infamous smirk dancing across his lips, "Why not? I'd never miss an opportunity to embarrass you in front of a crowd."
He stares at his brother for a moment,"You seem different, happier even. Find a new species of bunny to snack on?"
"If you could call humans bunnies, then yeah, I guess so."
Stefan chuckled as he sped past his brother to his room, feeling that he successfully caught Damon off guard when he hadn't heard a response. He looks at his still-opened journal, then pen sitting idly next to it, and he figures... He can spare one more minute.
I got my brother back tonight, and I couldn't be happier. For some reason, I feel like that's another big step closer to feeling complete.
chapter two. chapter four
#stefan salavatore x reader#stefan salvatore#damon salvatore#the vampire diares imagine#the vampire diaries fanfic#the mikaelsons#the vampire diaries#damon salvarote#salvatore brothers#elijah mikaelson#elena gilbert#klaus mikaelson
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Submission for @hurtcember (Alternate Prompt: Don't Leave. A bit backdated, since it was posted on AO3 on 12/8/24, but it honestly could fit that day's prompt, "Cuddle," too. So, I guess, both? :D) Summary:
With an Accounting exam inconveniently scheduled on Samhain, Bonnie sends Damon and Elena to collect leaves from a nearby lake for her evening ritual. Little do they know that on this day, when the veil between worlds is at its most delicate, the lake becomes a portal — one activated by intense emotion.
Takes place during an alternate S7 where Elena has yet to take the Cure, and was able to avoid being placed under Kai's spell. Chapter Summary: The magical lake sends Elena though space and time to encounter a past, humanity-devoid Damon in 1994, while he's trapped in a shed, awaiting the annular eclipse to retrieve his daylight ring. Fandom: The Vampire Diaries Pairing: Damon/Elena Rating: M Chapter Tags: banter, humanity switch, memory magic, blood-sharing, copious use of sarcasm, angst, humor, humanity comes back with a bang, time travel, emotional hurt/comfort Word Count: 6,308
Everything within Damon seethed.
An active volcano that trembled beneath the surface. While the flimsy shade provided by the battered shed afforded him physical protection from the scalding sunlight, everything within him made up for it by burning with disdain – smoldering, simmering, erupting beneath the surface as he replayed Stefan’s words for what felt like at least the twentieth time in the last hour.
Beneath the scalding fires of contempt providing a convincing cover for the anger, however, Damon’s heart contorted with pain.
Saint Stefan had stolen his daylight ring, and locked him in this ridiculous shed – declaring all the world safe from his debauched, blood-consuming brother like some kind of Undead Mother Teresa.
Fucking idiot. Snapping his neck, pissing him off, and counting on the sunlight to keep him at bay on the day of an eclipse. Maybe getting all those love-kicks to the head while trying to drain Bambi really did knock his sense loose.
Damon had been so close to turning his humanity back on – right on the verge of it. All he wanted was to rebuild the bond with his brother, reclaim a connection he hadn’t felt since he was human, but instead…
"I’m not trying to screw up your dumb, new life.”
“You don’t have to try, Damon. All you have to do is exist.”
The words tore into his brain, scorching themselves into the deepest fibers of his soul, marking it like his father’s cigars did his skin when he was a defenseless youth. He touched the space on his forearm where they had once been, the twin circular scars – each not 20 millimeters in diameter – a small wound for one that burned so deep. One of the first experiments conducted by Dr. Whitmore was to skin the scarred flesh and examine how it would regrow. After several agonizing days, it grew back clear. In time, he’d replace that disturbingly unblemished space with a tattoo, to remind himself to focus on the present – despite what’d he’d realized was a craving to see the scars embedded on his arm, instead of where they’d come to reside, deep inside. The only remnant of that Thanksgiving night now lived in his soul – the caustic threats his father would make against Stefan if Damon refused to confess to a crime he didn’t commit, leading to just one of many punishments he’d take to protect his brother.
Giuseppe Salvatore was the first person to ever make Damon realize just how unwanted, reviled his existence was. Lily was the second, idly standing by while he burned, and bled, and openly yearned for any semblance of affection with the naive earnestness befitting of a child. He’d learned to release such silly notions long before his peers, instead donned the most reliable companion he’d had since – his scintillating wit, his sardonic smirk – his nigh-impenetrable walls that swiftly hid all trace of vulnerability between a well-placed quip or sharp retort.
And now the Patron Saint of Hair Gel and Perpetual Frown Lines was picking up the mantle. Stefan was always such a sucker for family traditions.
It was time to get rid of that painful, physical reminder. Remind himself that where he lived – the here and now – nothing would ever hurt him this way again.
Damon took a quick glance through a crack in the siding. He had no idea how long he’d actually been out, but the Sun still looked too dangerous for his planned excursion.
Trapped in the shed where he could do nothing but wait until the Moon covered enough of the Sun’s surface for him to strike.
He’d felt the first stirrings of his humanity only weeks prior, the faintest bouts of empathy sneaking through when he fed, when he came close to snuffing out the light from his latest snack. He felt guilty, ashamed – perhaps it could just let this one go, he argued inwardly, when he drank his fill.
It was so sudden and unexpected that he nearly choked. What the hell? Where did that even come from? But the thoughts persisted.
What if someone waited for them, loved them? He fought the feelings off with something akin to revulsion, but they persisted.
Before he could stop himself, he sent a bouquet of apology flowers to Lexi, remorseful about his less-than-considerate trap for her on a hot, sunny New York City roof – and her without a daylight ring. At the time, he thought it was hilarious – and hitting the Reverend of Self-Righteousness right where it hurt, after he sent his glorified lackey of a bestie instead of coming himself, was too satisfying to resist.
It was the perfect revenge – until it wasn't.
The lingering empathy that slowly fought to creep forth from beneath the bowels of its decades-long prison sentence burned into his behavior. He even began to pen a note, expressing concern for his misdeed, before catching himself as though the offending paper scalded him, and quickly tossed it into the flames.
Nevertheless, he found himself on the front steps of the Boarding House with a newspaper in hand, wryly announcing the news of Kurt Cobain’s death to a less-than-pleased Stefan.
Or he could have been ecstatic. Who could tell? Stefan's been working the 'perma-frown chic' vibe ever since he sprouted fangs and started hanging out with Betsy Buzzkill.
What followed his begrudging invitation into the house was a ridiculous series of character tests through which Damon sailed with sardonic finesse, because he’s awesome, until he didn’t. The Purity Police found bite marks on the wrist of one of the boarders – apparently one romantically involved with Zach. Okay, fine, maybe feeding on Steffie’s special human friends wasn’t exactly the best show of burgeoning humanity, but he was at least trying, wasn’t he?
A pparently not, according to the Condescending Crusader, because the next thing Damon knew, he was in a sooty shed, recovering from a broken neck and a scorching case of regret.
He should have known better.
But even as Damon recalled the events that led him here, he felt the pain sliding down, slipping beneath the surface, like molten lava retreating into the depths of an active volcano. Down it went. Underneath – where it could no longer burn – where nothing hurt.
Below the walls he’d spent years cultivating, slithering past a switch that had been such a constant companion over the last few decades that he’d known its face almost better than his own.
It beckoned him smugly – you naive fool, it said, twisting in the spaces, sweeping and cleansing, removing all traces of what made him care, made him love. You’re only safe when we’re together, when you’re under my protection, it whispered.
And with a satisfying mental ‘click,’ Damon’s humanity was unceremoniously shoved back down, behind its stalwart lock, its short-lived escape attempt little more than fleeting fancy – a silly sojourn into hope that he should have never allowed himself.
He could still feel rage, hate, contempt. But the pain was gone, the sorrow, any trace of empathy, of compassion. The desperate yearning for affection, for love. All sealed away.
Just like before. As it should be.
Damon could breathe again. Could plot.
Good. No one would be able to hurt him this way. Not Stefan, not memories of his father, his mother. Not even Katherine, when it came time to release her from her subterranean confinement. He wasn’t a fool. He knew that Katherine loved his brother more, and there was absolutely no way he would expose himself to the anguish of unrequited love ever again.
Sure, he’d save her. They’d have their fun. But she’d never be able to hurt him again. No one would.
He felt every empathetic instinct within him tremble against a nigh-impenetrable vault, hidden away, banished – his humanity, forgotten. He knew that coming here was a bad idea. He never should have come back.
Damon carefully pressed himself against a wall where he was able to get a safe peek at the Sun without combusting into vampire flambe. It looked partly covered by the Moon’s shadow already.
The annularity was less than an hour away, and then he’d get his ring back. And he’d show Stefan just how well his existence could screw up his dumb, new life.
Damon was so lost in the formation of his plot to bullet out the second the annularity arrived that he scarcely noticed the introduction of a new scent suddenly filling the air. It was curious and familiar. What was it? Lake water? Along with a racing heartbeat and anxious, uneven breaths –
The figure that met his startled eyes nearly knocked his own breath out of his body, barely kept upright in his shock. He recognized those eyes – those wide, expressive, dark doe eyes that haunted his dreams for over a century, except they’d never gazed at him this way before – like a drop of healing water in a withering, scorching drought.
Not even in his wildest dreams could he imagine Katherine ever looking at him this way.
Or was that how he looked at her? Everything in her tender visage seemed to reflect what he felt – what he would feel had he not locked it away – though the stirrings of it trying to crawl its way back up were undeniable. He fought to shove them back down.
“Damon?” Her voice was a soft whisper carried by the late Spring breeze. But how – how could this be possible?
“Katherine?” The word was out before he could stop himself, astonishment and joy and dizzying awe all fighting within him for control. She was soaked to the bone; her long, dark hair slick against her rounded cheeks, her perfectly kissable, pouty lips. When he finally managed to pull his eyes away, he took in the sight of the rest of her.
She stood in the path of the sunlight, its golden glow brightening her silhouette, illuminating the water droplets that clung to her like crystals. The only cover on her bare, olive skin were still-wet leaves in shades of gold, plastered to her thighs, her hips, the swell of her breasts.
She looked almost ethereal, and far more beautiful than he ever recalled, even in the wilds of his imagination. It was her eyes – the way she gazed upon him – the guileless, unguarded affection, the trust. It pierced him in a way he had no intention to explore.
“What the hell did you just call me!?” The adoring expression was gone in an instant, replaced by boiling outrage as her hands flew to her hips.
O-okay? Well, that was certainly … a reaction. Damon raised his hands in playful mock-supplication, but every instinct within him was suddenly on alert. “Katerina, then – if you prefer?” Was she looking to test just how much he’d learned about her former life – a desire to return to the girl she once was before donning the specter of immortality? Or was this another ruse? Katherine always did have a fondness for capricious behavior. “Kitty-Kat? The Cunning Katastrophe?”
“I am not Katherine.” He could practically feel the growl resonating from deep within her. Wow. Damon had seen enough involuntary displays of emotion in his lifetime to recognize one, and this girl was certainly triggered. Well, obviously, she seemed to know Katherine – and based on the rage that the comparison incited, she probably knew her personally. Was she under a glamour spell that gave her Katherine’s exact appearance? Just how old was she? She had to be older than him, right? If she was acquainted with Katherine.
Unless there were two of them? That’s kind of hot. His imagination began to run wild before he had to forcibly rein himself back in.
Or was there an entirely different kind of spell in place? If Steffi-saur the Sour Knight wasn’t above snapping his neck and stealing his daylight ring, who’s to say he wouldn’t inject a hallucinogen into his veins, or scheme with a witch to mess with his mind?
And not the fun kind, either. Fuck, he sometimes really missed the ‘60s.
“What I’d prefer would be to never be compared to a raging narcissist with chronic backstabbing disorder,” she replied hotly, eliciting a charmed grin from Damon at her admittedly accurate description of his vampiric former paramour. She crossed her arms over her chest, pouting adorably.
“Okay, then, ‘not-Katherine,’” he replied with what he liked to think were an artful use of air quotes, “who are you, exactly?”
Her response was immediate and involuntary, and something within Damon’s heart clenched at the sudden devastation written into the sudden downturn of the corners of her lips, the light fading from her eyes as she glanced away from him. “You don’t know me,” she breathed. Either this girl had no poker face whatsoever, or she was the best actress he’d ever seen.
“I usually don’t make it a habit befriending escaped water nymphs,” he replied wryly, his lips twitching into a smile that was far too kind for his liking, so he immediately masked it by flashing his eyes at her in a flirtatious manner that most found devastating. “Though I definitely approve of the fashion statement.” He couldn’t tell if he was more bewildered or impressed at how comfortable she was with her nudity around him. Normally, he’d be all about exploring just how far that would go, but since Steffie just hit him with the break-neck special, he was more than a little suspicious.
She laughed, but in a way that unnerved him. There was a warmth to it that set everything inside him ablaze. She was dangerous. He expected immediate desire, perhaps bashfulness. Instead, it was almost as though the light swam back inside her, like she’d come home. “I’m Elena,” she said, taking a seat on the warm grass, tucking her legs underneath her, and gesturing to her ‘ensemble’ wryly, with a cheeky wink. “And this is an experimental look – a girl’s got to explore her options.” Although visibly delighted by his responsive smile, she winced afterward, as though about to ask something that made her uncomfortable. “What is this place?”
He slithered next to her, still wary of her presence, but determined to hide it while surreptitiously investigating her, and shooting her a grin that was positively roguish. “Salvatore family shed – perfect for storing tools, family skeletons, outdated gym equipment, private moping space, three metric tons of hair gel – and, oh yeah, pesky house guests.”
Her smile only widened, gazing at him with a familiar affection, like she was privy to a secret about him that she was unwilling to share. “Mmm,” she hummed, “and would that be you?”
“She’s a fox in both looks and brains.”
She ducked her head, giving it a subtle shake at his antics before the nerves visibly returned. “When is this? What’s today’s date?”
He frowned. “Afraid you spent too long in the underwater kingdom and missed Prom Night?”
“I’m serious, Damon. I – “ She began to chew on her lip, her eyes darting about the space as though struggling to gather her thoughts. “I know you, but you don’t know me. And I have a theory that –”
He narrowed his eyes. This was officially getting strange, and given his track record with weirdness of the witchy-woo variety, he had a sneaking suspicion that Stefan fell down the rabbit hole of self-righteousness all the way to mercenary magic town. Sure, maybe she was telling the truth, and she really was a sweet, earnest, adorable Katherine look-alike who just happened to appear right after Steffie trapped him like a bad doggie, but what are the odds? He got up sharply. “Well, this has been a rousing game of Am I Lying or Just Crazy Pants, but I’m done with whatever it is you’re playing.”
“I’m not playing a game!” It was hard to call the tone of her voice exasperated, when she looked so clearly on the verge of tears. The frustration in her tone quickly evaporated, replaced with worry when her gaze fell onto his hands. “Damon, where’s your daylight ring?”
He studied her for a quarter of a second, but decided to play along. “Count Sulkula decided I needed a time out, so he took my favorite traveling accessory,” he snarked, taking another quick glance through a crack between the boards.
“What do you keep looking at….?” Elena mumbled to herself, following Damon’s line of sight. She stuck her head out into the sunny pasture, hiding the rest of her scantily-clad body – if a bunch of leaves even counted as cover – behind the wall of the shed. “Oh, wow. Is that a transit?”
“Not just any transit,” Damon replied smugly, unable to stop himself from preening just a tad at the thought of executing his plan. “Today’s the annular eclipse.”
Quick as lightning, Elena was back in the shed, looking like she’d just heard the funniest joke of her life but had to use every quark of energy within her from erupting in explosive laughter.
“So…” the corners of her mouth lifted, and she covered a failed attempt at a stifled giggle with her hand. “You’re telling me that Stefan stole your daylight ring on the day of a solar eclipse and then...” She paused, narrowing her eyes in amusement, “left you in an easily-escapable situation, all the while keeping himself and the ring close enough for you to get back if you needed to?”
“Yep,” he said, feeling an entirely different kind of warmth fill his chest, charmed by the adorable stranger. If this was a fever dream, maybe this one wasn’t so bad – she certainly wasn’t the worst company in the world. Maybe – no, no! He needed to stay focused.
“This explains so much,” she mumbled under her breath, chancing another quick peek about this Sun.
“What was that?”
“He’s just not very good with comets, either,” she said, shrugging almost apologetically, though she couldn’t hide the mirth dancing in her eyes as she eyed him speculatively, watching him for a reaction. “What an interesting plan, Stefan has. Did he also plan to shove you into a tank, filled with sharks with ‘frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads?’”
Damon drew his eyebrows together at the range of stilted inflections that was probably meant to be an imitation of someone. “And here I thought my brother’s creepy entanglements began and ended with forest creatures, but I guess he’s expanded to sharks,” he quipped. “Are the laser beams some kind of a new kink of his?”
Elena’s shoulders shook with giggles. “Definitely before nineteen ninety-seven, then.”
While Damon’s immediate response was a suspicious lightness in his chest at his ability to make her laugh, the trajectory of the conversation gave him pause. He looked at her curiously, hoping to cover his growing anxiety that she really was someone sent here to fuck with him, with nonchalance. “Uh huh. And is this the part where you tell me you’ve been sent from the future, here to make me repent and change my ways?” he drawled, sounding almost bored, though the sharpness in his eyes as he slowly circled her said otherwise. “Hate to break it to you, Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, but you’re a few months early – so you might want to crawl back into that lake where they make Katherine models.” He paused, unable to resist teasing her again. “Though you might actually be an improvement -”
“You are so annoying!” She threw her hands up in exasperation, jumping to her feet. “Fine, yes, Katherine and I are doppelgängers, and I know it’s a lot to wrap your mind around, and I get that I caught you at a weird time, but your paranoia right now would make Klaus blush!”
He just stared at her. Doppelgängers? And who the fuck was Klaus?
“Why do you keep assuming that this is some kind of trick?” Just as suddenly, however, her dark eyes were alight with determination – a mirth brought on by what appeared to be the formation of an idea. “I got it! I can prove that you can trust me!”
“How’s that?” he asked dubiously, putting some physical distance between them, as he scanned his surroundings for a preying Steffie, waiting in the wings.
She softly gathered the soaked locks to one side, revealing her slender neck. His fangs desperately longed to pierce the inviting flesh. “We blood share.” She must have noticed his immediate reaction, because faster than he could respond, she crossed the distance between them, and his hands were in hers, threading their fingers. “What do you have to lose?”
“My consciousness, for one,” he drawled. “Nice try, honey. What’s the play here? My sulky brother sang you a tale about his hotter, sexier, wittier brother being evil incarnate, then pumped you full of vervain, and hoped I would be dumb enough to take the bait?”
“You can be really frustrating sometimes,” she shot back without any real malice before elongating her own fangs to bite through her wrist. “Here, take a sample – since you’re so paranoid.”
A vampire. Huh. And yet somehow definitely not Katherine. He brought the wrist to his lips, taking an experimental sip. The first taste immediately filled him with warmth, cascading through his body, lighting his soul – it was unlike anything he’d ever felt before, but all too quickly, she pulled her wrist away.
“Aren’t you curious?” she breathed, her own fangs inching slowly toward his neck. “Don’t tell me Damon Salvatore can resist turning this into a little sanguine exchange love shack?”
“It’s a shed.” He corrected, gesturing wildly, hoping to distract himself and her from the obvious temptation he was feeling.
“Not a very pretty one,” she replied, her eyebrows raised in challenge, before bestowing him with a smirk that looked a little too much like one he’d seen in a bucketful of mirrors. “Except for what’s inside.”
He knew it was a bad idea. Every ounce of logic within him rebelled against trusting this curious creature with his blood, his proximity, his vulnerability – but something within her made it so hard to resist. Oh, what the hell? He was already trapped. If Stefan wanted to turn him into a sexy undead candle, he had plenty of opportunities while he was unconscious.
Without preamble, he allowed his crimson to flood his eyes, his fangs elongating just as he pierced the tender flesh of her neck. His arms coiled around her of their own volition, pulling her close. He hardly had a moment to revel in just how right and good she felt in his arms, as he felt her fangs pierce him.
As soon as the sanguine elixir of her veins flooded his mouth, he felt it.
Love. Brilliant, all-encompassing, unconditional love. Love for him. It blazed through him like a wildfire, scorching him. It soothed him like a gentle wave.
It consumed him.
Damon felt his darkest, most clandestine, battered spaces that he’d fought so hard to keep safe and hidden, filled with her light – soothed with her whispers; kissed by soft lips; embraced and pressed into her heart, beating as one.
He felt her soul – everything inside her, radiant, imbued with light, driven by empathy, illuminating his dark crevices, filling them with warmth. But deeper in, further, he saw pain. Old wounds; guilt; trauma. A tenacious tendency to self-blame, a flicker of her own unworthiness to live. The weight of it almost broke him. How could she – how could someone like her believe this about herself? His only relief was that the wounds were old, nearly healed – the broken parts of her that once threatened to rip her apart were filled with him, a different version of him, holding her together, healing her. He was horrified to discover just how desperately he longed to soothe every ache, help her become whole again.
The nigh-impenetrable wall behind which he hid his humanity was rendered but a flimsy, worn paper screen, ripped apart by the wave of emotion battering against it.
His knees began to buckle under the weight of it as he stumbled back, still holding Elena in his arms, grateful that the wall of the shed against which he desperately leaned wasn’t exposed to sunlight as he fell to his knees, along with her.
When he finally pulled away, he was nearly undone by the gently calm expression on her face – the same soft tenderness he’d seen before. How was her world not completely ripped apart by this? This gargantuan tsunami that shook every foundation he held firm and set every fiber of his soul aflame with her. He fought to catch his breath, desperately searching for his switch but it couldn’t be found – not now. Even his smirk and shield of sarcasm abandoned him.
“I don’t understand.” He looked back at her with tears shining in his cerulean eyes, nearly broken and healed anew with what he just learned. ”How is this possible?”
Elena frowned, visibly confused, before her lips quirked upward in a teasing smile. “Well, this is certainly a surprise. I didn’t think I’d be the one to explain blood-sharing to you.”
“I –” he nearly choked on the wave of renewed feeling, threatening to engulf him whole before he found his voice again. “I know what blood-sharing is. But this!? " He gestured between them wildly. “How is it that you love me that much? I’ve only ever heard about this sort of thing –”
“Really?” Now it was her turn to be puzzled, but the confusion soon evaporated, leaving her enflamed with awe.
“This kind of bond takes a while to build; and you need strong feelings – you need…” he looked away, uncharacteristically bashful, the threat of exposing vulnerability after so many years practically unravelling him, but the hand gingerly cupping his cheek lured his gaze to hers without her even trying. “You need love, on both sides, and it needs to be –”
She kissed his lips soundly before he could even finish. He immediately sank into the embrace, one hand reverently touching her cheek while the other wrapped itself fiercely around her waist, drawing her impossibly close as if to meld, become one with her. Her tongue traced a gentle line along his lower lip, beckoning access that he immediately allowed, as waves of wildfire cascaded between them, through them, setting them alight, consumed.
“I never knew it was so rare,” she blurted, gasping for air as soon as they pulled apart, then frowned, looking visibly troubled. “Or did I?”
The sight of consternation on her lovely face pierced his heart, and his lips moved to kiss away the frown between her brows before he could stop himself. “You’re really from the future?” His hands moved to caress her cheeks, her hair. He couldn’t stop touching her.
“You believe me,” she breathed, visibly relieved.
“I can’t think of any other explanation,” he confessed, drawing her back into his arms, needing her close. The sensation of her skin against his, healing wounds he’d forgotten existed – the paradoxical feeling of restorative waters soothing aching burns while simultaneously fueling the fires of desire with the proximity of her touch, her scent, the mesmerizing beating of her heart. He pulled away to look at her again, unable to decide between the two – he needed both, to feel her close and to see her, to experience her in every way. “How long did it take for this to happen - for the connection to form?”
Her eyes widened for a fraction of a second. She looked stricken; her eyes downcast before she bravely forced herself to meet his gaze again. “I – I'm guessing it took a while.”
His eyebrows were drawn into a mystified line. “You don’t know?”
She appeared to shrink into herself. “I don’t remember,” she correctly quietly. “I, um…” She swallowed the thick lump in her throat, the words broken by the emotion in her voice. “I had some memories erased – memories of us.”
“Why would someone do that to you?”
She winced, a guilty expression settling on her face. “It was my decision. I thought you died, and – “ She took a breath, then looked away. “We knew someone who could compel vampires, and he erased all the good memories of us.”
“But why – why would you do that?” The news shattered a piece of his heart, more potent than a stake. She erased him?
“I don’t know,” she said glumly, hugging her knees to her chest. “But I have a feeling I did something bad, or was about to. And no one wants to tell me the truth. My only clue is my own journal, where I called myself a monster.”
“So, you don’t remember anything about us?”
She shook her head. “Nothing good – not from before you came back. I’m sorry,” she murmured. “It’s strange – how quickly I saw that you weren’t the man from my memories. Falling in love with you – back in love with you, I suppose – it was as natural as breathing,” she said, finally meeting his gaze again, her own glistening with tears, awash with shame that was quickly being replaced by wonder. “So, I can’t really tell you anything about our life before, aside from some stories you told me,” she confessed. “But I know that I love you – more than anything in the world – more than I ever thought humanly possible.” She bit her bottom lip to stop it from quivering as her trembling hands moved to cup his cheeks. “The truth is, I can’t imagine a world where I don’t love you. A part of me wonders if I always did, but I was just too afraid. Every road in my heart leads back to you – and I have a feeling it always has.”
His hands settled over hers, his heart clenching in equal parts by her tears and the weight of her confession. He placed a soft kiss into the pulse point of her palm, a smug satisfaction at her visible shiver. “Everything I saw inside you was beautiful, Elena.” His lips pressed into a thin line, as what he knew rushed back into him, the spell of blood-sharing bliss slowly dissipating in the wake of harsh reality. “So beautiful that I know I don’t deserve you – I can’t, I –"
“The past doesn’t matter, because – because it’s not what you do for me. That‘s not who we are – we’re more than just what we do for each other, more than just our history. That’s not why I love you. I love you for who you are,” she whispered, her eyes darting between his as she placed her hand over his heart. “I love you for this.”
Everything within him threatened to come apart at her words, so he stayed almost impossibly still, for fear that if he let himself so much as breathe, he wouldn’t be able to pull himself back together. The force of it was so overwhelming that he nearly missed the flicker of worry on her face when she looked at her arm. “What’s wrong?”
She chewed on her lip. “I’m not sure how much time we have left, and I'm guessing the lake sent me here for a reason,” she said quietly, before her voice affected a determined tone. “So, I need to ask you, while I still can. I remember having done this with you twice before, and I’ve always sensed old wounds, but this time there was something fresh,” she said, the words tumbling out. “Did someone hurt you?”
He rolled his eyes, summoning every bit of theatricality he could, which wasn’t insignificant, a musically wry timbre back in his voice. “Elena, I don’t get hurt. I –“
“You can’t lie to me, Damon – not after what we just did.” Her thumbs traced the sculpted contours of his cheekbones. “I felt you.”
Damon turned away. He felt ice flood his veins, its grip squeezing, a familiar voice whispering reminders of other times he’d allowed himself to be vulnerable and where it led – where it would always, inevitably lead. But then she pressed her lips to his in a kiss so soft, the open adoration in her expressive, dark eyes so open, so sincere that the voice instantly hushed, its shadow extinguished by her light. “Tell me. Please.”
“Oh, you know,” he quipped, desperate to hide the pain in his voice. “Stef’s been watching a lot of teen dramas lately – Melrose Place, Beverly Hills - and got inspired, thought he’d try out a new trick on the squirrels by monologuing the will to live out of them. It's been making him extra melodramatic.”
She tilted her head to the side in a manner eerily familiar to him, reminiscent of his. “What did he say?”
He waved her off. “Something about ‘blah blah, you don’t have to try to screw up my dumb, new, life Damon, while polishing his morality merit badge. All you have to do is exist.’”
Her reaction was immediate, her eyes widening in horror. “He said you screw things up by existing? That your existence ruins things?”
Damon just shrugged, glancing at the sunbeams entering the shed through the open door, immediately uncomfortable with her reaction, the protectiveness feeling foreign, unfamiliar, undeserved. Not for him.
Elena leaned into him, grabbing his shoulders in an almost too-tight grip. “He’s wrong – you know he’s wrong, right?”
“You’re making a bigger deal out of this than it is, Elena.”
She shook her head emphatically. “You don’t understand!” she cried, her voice trembling, her hand pressed into his chest, over his heart. “Damon, I – I can’t imagine anything worse than you not existing. Every time I try to imagine what that was like, I –” Her voice broke, but she took measured, broken breaths, trying to calm the wild panic that settled inside her when faced with the notion of his absence from the world.
His veneer of indifference broke, wrecked by the passion in her voice, the love he now recognized in her eyes, his own misty, vision blurred against the onslaught. The aching vulnerability he knew reflected in his gaze prevented him from speaking. A cynical part of him wanted to scoff, to chide, to rib – Damon Salvatore, who prided himself at never being lost for a quip, completely unraveled by a string of sappy words. But even that part knew this was much more.
Now calmer, she inched even closer to him, her hands threading through his hair, stroking it in a manner he found hypnotically soothing. “And Stefan doesn’t think so, either – not really. You’ll become a lot closer in the future, too. You've no idea how much he missed you when he thought you were gone. He needs you, too.”
In lieu of words, he took one of her hands, pressing a soft kiss on each finger - a certain, unnamed emotion building within him with each subsequent caress. He wasn’t ready to name it yet, terrified to feel so much so quickly, but as she slid either thigh around his hips to straddle him, pulling him into a passionate kiss, he felt a familiar fire within him build. Desire, he could handle. This –
And just as suddenly, he thought he felt his lips go through hers. His terrified eyes opened to find hers apologetic, her entire form becoming increasingly transparent, a glowing visage of an Autumn lake shining in the distance behind her.
“I think it’s pulling me back, Damon,” she told him softly.
His heart fell. That along with any hope in maintaining composure. “No! You can’t leave yet. Please!”
“We’ll see each other again.” She looked so sure, despite the slight tremor in her voice.
“About fifteen years, give or take,” she replied with a wince.
“How do I find you? How – ?” His hands reached out for hers, desperate to feel her again. He wasn't ready for this - he never would be.
“I don’t think I’m allowed to tell you too much about the future.” A wistful smile graced her lips. She pulled a leaf from her chest, and handed it to him. “From my heart,” she said, her voice quivering. “Where you’ll always be. This will help you remember today – remember me - until we meet again.”
“I don’t think I’d ever be able to forget you,” he told her truthfully, even as he felt his heart shatter.
“I love you, Damon,” she whispered, her voice, an echo distorted by the wind, before the visage disappeared entirely, like she was never there, save for the golden leaf adoringly clasped in Damon’s hand.
The tears that gathered in his cerulean eyes finally fell, leaving delicate trails on his cheek, cooled by the Spring breeze. When his heartbeat finally began to regulate, he was aware enough to notice the slight dimming of the light. The annularity was close.
The sudden flow of empathy searing through his veins made his stomach churn at the thought of killing the boarders, but that didn’t mean he was above a well-placed threat and some theatre to get his daylight ring back.
Clutching the leaf almost reverently, he placed it into the inside pocket of his shirt, above his heart, where he could keep it safe.
Even the memory was enough to illuminate his darkest, hidden spaces, filling him with her warmth. Tomorrow, he'd begin looking for Katherine's doppelganger. He’d find her again.
#ao3 fanfic#delena#damon x elena#damon salvatore#elena gilbert#tvd fanfiction#hurtcember2024#time travel fanfic#only one chapter left -- unless there's an epilogue :D
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caroline sighed as she sunk back into her chair, staring down at the documents that threatened to overfill her table. the bar was no mystic grill - she could tell that from the burnt coffee and the undercooked eggs she'd ordered. but it felt like a semblance of...normality. after stefan and the fire...loosing her home...caroline almost felt lost again. like the confused child she was when the salvatore brothers first entered her life. lost in thought she didn't notice how she was chewing on her bottom lip, how her fingers twisted her wedding ring round and round as she stared down at the paper. neither did she notice the other approaching, their touch on her shoulder causing the blonde to jump.
"seriously? you could of made me spill my coffee everywhere."
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*dumps little denzo ficlet and proceeds to run away* bye!
He still remembers the day Damon realized his brother wouldn’t come, and the many that followed where Enzo thought he lost his friend to his own mind with how quiet the blue-eyed vampire was. The day had already been particularly bad—arguably there were only a few days that weren’t bad but something about the experiments that day, being blind and deaf while having hands inside your stomach, it was painful and so terribly terrifying—and Damon had whispered “He’s not coming, is he?” in a voice so small Enzo can still feel his heart break when he thinks about it. Now when he looks at Stefan, surrounded by people, villainizing his brother and being all moralistic, he wants to punch him so hard it will break his neck. He wants to throw him into a bath full of vervain so maybe, just maybe he will be able to feel even one hundredth of what his brother went through. The realization that his brother wouldn’t come was almost enough to break Damon when constant torture and humiliation didn’t even chip at his resilience.
Every now and then, Enzo spitefully wonders if Stefan deserves his brother’s love. But then he sees the way Damon looks at his younger brother and realizes it’s not a matter of deserving. Stefan makes a large part of Damon’s world and he has no right to strip his friend of it.
(A part of him recognizes it’s jealousy talking because the blue-eyed vampire has been Enzo’s world for a very long time now and maybe he wants to be as important to someone.
He does not acknowledge this part of him.)
(He also doesn’t realize that he is so important to Damon. That the thought of abandoning him, of not leaving together was so inconceivable he had to stop caring altogether. Because the only other option would have been staying. Would have been dying with the man who became his whole world in hell.)
And he sees Stefan, drinking animal’s blood, trying to convince other vampires to stop drinking human’s blood, so easily, all judgmental and sanctimonious, he wants to roar because he doesn’t know what it’s like to starve for decades—not out of guilt and fear of losing control but because he has no choice because a starving vampire is weak, and so much easier to handle—to be constantly on the brim of desiccation.
He wants to maim all these new vampires who act like they have all the answers, preaching their way is the only right one. Like vampires don’t need blood, like it’s not the thing that keeps them alive.
(The day he learned Stefan trapped Damon, starving and without his daylight ring, not only once but twice—causing an emotionless vampire to have a panic attack both times—he was ready to really tear the youngest Salvatore apart.)
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I don't write smut. I will write for what ever person or character you would like just let me know who and give me a brief scenario and i will try my best to write it.
Feel Free to request. For any of the following and if you want one for anyone not posted let me know.
My main Fandom are Sam And Colby, Matt Smith, House of The Dragon, Henry Cavill, The Walking Dead, The last of us, Game Of Thrones, The Hobbit, Lord of the rings, The Vampire Diaries, Vikings, marvel, DC, Twilight, The Witcher, and The Last Kingdom.
House of the Dragon
Daemon Targeryan
A Kingdom of Our Own
Daemon Targeryan Love Story
Love Across The Houses
UPDATED VERSION Love Across The Houses
Dragon Riders: A Tale Of Forbidden Love
A Tale of Elven Love and Dragon's Flame
"Solace in an Embrace"
Aemond Targeryan
"Deceived by Love: The Tale of Prince Aemond and the Commoner Dragon Rider"
The Last Of Us
Joel Miller
Redemption's Embrace: A Last of Us Tale
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Eclipsed Hearts: A Tale of Redemption and Resilience. Second ending
Broken Promises
Chasing The Light
Love Amidst Harsh Truths
Red Dead Redemption 2
Arthur Morgan
Eternal Bonds
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Damon Salvatore and Elena's Older Sister
The Messy Love Triangle of Stefan, Sarah, and Damon
Ubbe Lothbrok
The Soulmate Dilemma
Bjorn Ironside
The Soulmate Dilemma
Ivar The Boneless
The Betrayal Of Ivar The Boneless
Love and Power colliding
Brother in Blood
Halfdan The Black
A Prince's Sacrifice for His Princess
King Harald Finehair
The Viking King and the Shieldmaiden: A Tale of Love, Courage, and Perseverance.
The Walking Dead
Morale and Mayhem
The Clumsy Love
Daryl Dixon
Threads of Hope
No Questions Asked
Redemption's Trail Part 1 Part 2
Tormented Hearts Part 1 Part 2
Negan Smith
Tormented Hearts Part 1 Part 2
Sam And Colby
Colby Brock
Guardians of the Enchanted Grove
The Christmas Redemption
Jasper Hale
The Hobbit
The Witcher
Geralt of rivia
Destined Bonds: The Dragon and The Witcher
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Epilogue
The Dragon and the Witcher: A Tale of Love and Destiny
Updated The Dragon And The Witcher: A Tale of Love and Destiny
The Last Kingdom
Again i don't write smut. I will write for what ever person or character you would like just let me know who and give me a brief scenario and i will try my best to write it.
#bjorn ironside x reader#ubbe ragnarson x reader#ubbe ragnarsson imagine#ivar the boneless x reader#ivar x reader#sigurd snake in the eye x y/n#hvitserk x reader#daryl dixon x reader#stefan salavatore x reader#damon salvatore x reader#daemon targeryen x reader#daemon targeryan x y/n#geralt of rivia imagine#geralt x reader#the hobbit x reader#twilight x reader#the witcher x reader#the last kingdom x reader#the last of us x reader#marvel x reader#dc x reader#sam and colby x reader#pedro pascal x reader#pedro pascal character#joel miller x reader
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I’ve seen you and a few others say Damon should’ve been the big bad of tvd. Let’s say that was the case and the gang agrees he needs to be killed. In your opinion who do you think would’ve been best choice to kill Damon from a character/story perspective?
Stefan, Seth Gecko style?
Sarah Salvatore?
Matt Donovan?
Caroline Forbes?
Bonnie Bennett?
Elena Gilbert?
Jeremy Gilbert?
Damon did terrible shit to all these characters in one way or another, so I feel like any one of them killing him would’ve had some weight to it.
Which one would you have chosen to do the deed if you were the writer? Or would you have some other way of ending his arc?
I've thought about this a lot and in this alt-Season 8, I would have everyone but Stefan play an active role in taking Damon out. Like the MFG will come together, decide he has to die and come up with a plan. Basically Masquerade Ball but instead of Katherine, it's Damon that they're going to kill. It's a plot that will span at least 5 episodes, basically building up to the finale. In the usual way these things go, nothing goes exactly as planned, and they all have to improvise and deal with some people maybe getting cold feet. Then the worst spanner in the works will be when Stefan finds out that they're planning to murder his brother and becomes a one-man Rescue Team to save Damon. He gets in the thick of things, right where he needs to be to help Damon escape.
Then he walks away. Like he'll basically be at the door of Damon's cage/cell with the key in his hand, and bodies of all the friends he hurt to get to Damon, and he's looking at Damon for a long time. And Damon - who was grinning a second ago - because Baby Bro had come to save him... will take a moment to understand what's happening. He'll make his funny jokes, he'll make his not-so-funny jokes. He'll curse, he'll swear, he'll try to guilt trip Stefan by reminding him all the ways he's helped him in the past, and how it's really all his fault that Damon was a vampire in the first place. He'll go completely berserk and start screaming his fears, then cursing Stefan out and telling him all the ways he's hated him. This is the point where Stefan slowly turns his back and walks away.
The other MFG slowly pick themselves up. Bonnie's been away - which was why Stefan got as close as he did - and she bursts in now, ready to kick ass to see Damon still in his cage. By now, he's shell-shocked and resigned to his fate. By this point, how they kill him is almost irrelevant, but I think a good old bonfire is best. His ring has already been taken away, and the cage has a skylight. When the sun rises, there's nothing left of Damon but ashes.
So yeah, I guess in my perfect ending for TVD, Stefan will be Damon's murderer in the sense that he's the one person who could have saved Damon and he makes a conscious, deliberate decision to leave him to die.
#tvd meta#damon salvatore#stefan salvatore#the only right ending for tvd is one where stefan lets damon die
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Not About You - 39

Pairing: Damon Salvatore x ofc
Lucy stood on the balcony outside the master bedroom of the beach house Elijah had given them the keys for two weeks ago. Her thumb ran along the band of the ring which now sat permanently on the middle finger of her right hand as she watched the sun come up. He’d apparently had a daylight ring prepared and ready for her for several years just in case.
Damon had warmed some bagged blood in a mug for her to complete her transition, then they’d packed their bags and left town with Stefan and Caroline in tow. In order to make it an actual break from Mystic Falls drama, they’d all turned off their phones and hadn’t told anyone where they were going. Elijah could get ahold of them if there was an emergency.
Every day they trained until Lucy could compel and run with the best of them. Most importantly, she could sit in a diner filled with people and not want to eat anything not on the menu. She knew they should be thinking about going home, but she really didn’t want to leave. It was like their own little piece of paradise.
Arms wrapping around her from behind, pulled her from her thoughts. Damon tugged her back to lean against his chest. He nuzzled the curve of her neck and kissed along her throat. Her eyes fluttered closed and she groaned at the feel of his lips against her skin. Her favorite lessons had been Damon teaching her about her incredibly heightened senses every night in their bed. His every touch had her skin tingling, her nerves dancing. When they weren’t spending time with the others, they hardly crawled out from between the silk sheets.
"When do you want to head home?" Damon asked as he locked his arms around her.
Lucy scrunched her nose. "Never. Is never an option?"
He chuckled and the low sound made her smile in response. "We can stay as long as Elijah will let us. We should probably at least think about turning our phones back on though. At least long enough to make sure the town didn’t burn down while we were gone."
She turned in his arms to lightly kiss his lips. "Deal."
They headed back inside and Damon stuck his head out the door to tell his brother the plan. Lucy sat on the side of the bed as she fished their phones out of the drawer of her nightstand. She tossed Damon's to him and waited impatiently through all the dings and vibrations as her phone booted up. Once it finished, she scrolled through her messages, ignoring most of them.
One from an unknown number caught her eye. It's time to pay your debts.
A jolt of fear stabbed through her. There was no one it could be other than Klaus. She flicked back through her other texts and missed calls and frowned. Nothing from Elijah. Surely he would have warned her his brother was in town. Maybe he didn't know yet?
Her thoughts were interrupted by Stefan’s worried voice as he stepped into their room, Caroline at his side. "We have a problem. Multiple problems actually."
Caroline tapped on the screen of her phone and Elena’s voice filled the room. “Hey Care. Listen, we could really use your help. We have a plan to get Elijah out of the way but the more people to help the better. I know you’ll say you don’t want to hurt Lucy but they’re going to kill me Caroline. I’m more important than some girl’s feelings you barely know. Call me.”
Lucy rolled her eyes before looking from the phone to Damon. He shook his head to tell her he had no idea what they could be up to either.
The next message was worse than the first. “I don’t know why you aren’t responding to any of my messages but I just thought you’d like to know we took care of Elijah without your help. Thanks for that. He’s stashed away where no one will find him, not even your precious Lucy.”
Silence stretched until Lucy broke it. “She better hope she’s wrong or she’s going to die screaming.”
Caroline immediately called Elena and made nice claiming her and Stefan had left for a little cellphone-free vacation. It wasn’t even a lie really. After she convinced her sort of friend that they had no idea where Lucy or Damon were, Elena filled Care in on everything that had happened while they’d been gone. Care relayed everything she’d been told to the others while they made their way home.
"Let me get this straight," Lucy said as she turned in her seat to look at Care and Stefan in the back, “Alaric and John stabbed Elijah with some sort of dagger that kills him for all intents and purposes and are keeping him in Elena’s basement. They set Luka Martin, who is a teenager might I remind you, on fire and killed him when he tried to rescue Elijah. Then Jonas attacked everyone in retaliation and they killed him, too? Oh, and Katherine is who knows where because Elena thought she would be helpful and once they released her, she disappeared?”
Caroline nodded with a grimace. "That about sums it up, yeah."
Lucy raked a hand through her hair and sighed. “We left town for two weeks. Two.”
Damon chuckled and reached over to squeeze her hand. “To be fair, Elijah told us he could handle it.”
“Well, he did a bang up job of that. And, also, why do I get in trouble when I talk about killing teenagers and they actually get to do it? Not fair.”
“Lucy,” Caroline chastised though there was a hint of laughter in her voice.
They spent the rest of the drive coming up with a plan to rescue the damsel in distress from the dragon. Or Elijah from Elena. Whatever.
Lucy and Damon hid near Elena’s house, waiting for everyone to leave. As far as everyone knew the two of them were still MIA. Stefan had called a meeting of the Cult of Elena at their house wanting to contribute what he could to help save ‘Caroline’s dearest friend’. Lucy did feel a bit bad that Caroline would most likely be losing most of her friends after they discovered the truth. But the bubbly blonde would still have Lucy. She’d always have Lucy.
Once the Gilberts and assorted others had left the house, Lucy and Damon waited several minutes to make certain they weren’t coming back before they approached. As she hadn’t been invited in, Lucy was forced to wait on the front porch while Damon busted the lock and let himself in.
It didn’t take him long to find the Original laying on the cement floor. Damon grimaced at the condition of the other man, suddenly glad that Lucy hadn’t been able to accompany him inside. Elijah looked horrible, dead and a little crispy. Who knew what her reaction would be to seeing him like that.
Damon crouched down and pulled the blade from Elijah’s chest before setting it aside. There was no immediate change and Damon wondered how long the recovery would take. Stefan was prepared to distract until he got a message from one of them, but the quicker they were out of here, the better.
Several minutes passed and Damon was considering just carrying the Original out when Elijah’s eyes flew open. He sucked in a sharp breath as his eyes darted around until they found his rescuer. “Damon.”
The Salvatore nodded once. “At your service.” He wanted to rush this but knew Elijah needed a moment to recover.
He licked his lips. “What happened? Where is Lucy?”
“Lucy’s fine. She’s waiting outside as she hasn’t been invited. You’re in Elena’s basement. Ringing any bells?”
He hissed in irritation as the confusion left his eyes. “John Gilbert. Though I am uncertain how he obtained a dagger in the first place. I believed them all in my brother’s possession.”
Damon pursed his lips in thought. “He’s connected to Katherine.”
“Katerina. She’s becoming more trouble than she’s worth.”
“Always has been. Speaking of, she’s missing. The teenagers also killed your witches. Sorry.” He stood and held out a hand to help Elijah up.
Once on his feet he did his best to set himself to rights with little success.
Damon picked up the dagger and held it out. “I believe this is yours.”
"Thank you," Elijah answered with a nod and they sped up the stairs. As soon as he left the house, he found himself wrapped in Lucy’s arms. He breathed a sigh of relief as some of the tension flowed from his shoulders. “Hello, little one.”
“You’re shit at handling things while we go out of town. Next time you come with.”
He smirked as he took a step back. “Fair enough. Let’s go. I am in desperate need of a shower and a drink.”
She laced their hands together as Damon pulled up in the car he’d ran to get from down the street. “There are blood bags in the backseat for you.”
He kissed her temple before climbing in the back. When she motioned for him to move over he did so with little more than an arched brow, his teeth already buried in one of the bags. Once Damon had pulled away from the curb, she slid out her phone to show Elijah a message.
It’s time to pay your debts.
Elijah’s gaze locked on hers heavy with worry and concern. Klaus was in town and there was no way of knowing how long he had been here or the chaos he’d managed to sow in their absence.
#damon salvatore fanfiction#vampire diaries fanfiction#damon salvatore x ofc#series: not about you#damon salvatore x oc
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