#damon salvatore x reader insert
Her Game (part 2) | Damon Salvatore x reader
Summary: After playing Katherine’s game, you and your daughter are left with picking up the pieces. Will you ever get your Damon back or has he been lost forever, falling through the cracks that Katherine left in her rage? 
Part 1 
A/N: It was requested multiple times I write a part two especially since I left the first part to the mind! I hope you enjoy this part! and please read part one if you haven’t! 
A/N 8/7/24: I wrote this over a year ago. Cleaning out my drafts! Decided to finish this and get it posted. Hope yall enjoy x
Go follow my fic rec blog! ---> @imaginationgonewild0912
Requests: {OPEN} closed
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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The screams of the girls Damon slaughtered only hours ago continue to ring in your ears and Damon’s blank, emotionless face haunts you. After Katherine had instructed to kill you and your daughter, Damon had turned to you and for a moment you believed he would do it with no regret especially when he lunged at you. 
The small girl finally asleep in your arms, had not let go since everything happened, her tiny hands keeping a firm grip. She would begin crying if you even tried to put her down. You were grateful that she didn’t understand what exactly had happened, but she knew what monsters were and that’s what she saw her dad as. He’d managed to always hide away his vampire side from her until today.
“He’s never going to turn his humanity back on.” You continue to slowly rock back and forth. “I almost didn’t get him back the last time.” 
Damon was laid out in the floor of the cellar. Alaric had injected him with vervain to keep him weak. Stefan knew the trouble you’d gone through to get him back and even though he was his brother, he worried about him turning his humanity back on. But he knew he needed to stay positive for you. “We will. We’ll do everything we can.”
You’d almost died to get him back. You’d drained him, vervained him, kept him locked away in the cellar for months, but none of those measures worked. He was hell bent on keeping his humanity turned off. After he escaped, you and Stefan found him, coming up with a plan to push him to his limit. Would he truly let you die? 
“You really don’t feel anything for me anymore?” You asked Damon, tears in your eyes. 
“No.” He said, emotionless. “I never did.” Talk about a slap to the face, especially after everything you both had been through. 
“You don’t mean that.” 
Damon stalks over to you, causing you to flinch and cower back as he leaned in, his eyes empty and without emotion, “I wish I had never met you. I wish I would have killed you that first night I met you.” His voice is laced with such hatred. 
Your bottom lip trembled as you searched damon’s eyes for a hint, a spark of emotion before stepping back from him, “So, wouldn’t care if I died? Right here, right in front of you?” 
With shaky hands, you pulled the knife from your belt. What would he do if you ended your life right in front of him? What would he think then? Would he truly let you die right in front of him?
Damon watched your motions as you pointed the knife at yourself, right below your heart, “What are you doing?” 
“You said you wouldn’t care if I died so what does it matter?” And with that you plunged the knife deep inside you.
Damon’s body had jerked in response, watching in horror. His mind, heart and body fought for dominance. Don’t save her, you don’t care. Save her! Save her! 
You dropped the knife and it clinked loudly against the hardwood floors, blood quickly staining your shirt and hands. You’d dropped seconds after that. 
He could hear your heart beat slow. You were dying in front of him. His heart had won, overwhelmed with emotion as he dropped to his knees, “No no no..” He quickly bit into his wrist, his blood trickling down your throat. “Come on drink it!” 
His blood worked it’s way through your system, healing the wounds you’d created. It was the moment your heart had slowed that it truly hit him. 
Damon groans as he begins to wake. Stefan quickly shuts the door, locking it. You both stare at him through the bars. 
“What the hell.” He grumbles pushing himself off the concrete floor. “What the hell stefan.” He sees you standing beside him, but ignore you all together. 
“Which Damon am I talking too?” Stefan asks. 
“Your brother.” 
Stefan crosses his arms over his chest, watching as Damon slowly stands, stumbling toward the bars of the small window in the door and gripping tightly onto them to hold himself up. “let me out of here Stefan.” 
“No,” Stefan says sternly, “You killed three women right in front of your wife and daughter. And then went after them without a care. Why would I let you out?” 
Damon aggressively shakes the bars, but he’s too weak, it’s only loud as the sound bounces off the stone walls. “Stefan, so help me god-” 
“mommy,” your daughter whimpers waking for only a moment.
“Shh, it’s okay.” You sooth softly, rocking her back sleep, “I should go.” You direct your statement to Stefan and glance at Damon, who doesn’t meet your eye. 
“go,” Stefan nods, “You both need your rest,” 
Both Salvatore brothers watch as you turn to walk away.
“It’s me.” He calls out to you, eyes trained on the small child asleep in your arms, “is she okay?” 
You place a protective hand on her head, “She’s terrified.” 
Damon’s forehead meets the cold cage bar, shaking his head against it, “I didn’t mean for her to see me like that. I never.. I never wanted that for her.” 
“You were going to kill us, do you realize that? Stefan saved us!” 
He looks back up at you, his eyes are tearful and full of emotion, “I would never harm you, or her. I never turned it off.” 
“But you-” 
“I knew if I did there was no coming back.” 
There’s a moment of silence between the three of you. Your eyes search his; searching for your demon. Is he telling the truth or is this one of his manipulative ways to get out of the cell? You come to your conclusion.
Stefan unlocks the door when you nod at him, “Katherine isn’t going to be happy if she figures out you never turned it off. That was the whole point of her game.” He hands Damon a blood bag and you turn away, unable to stomach watching him. That’s the one thing he didn’t do around you. 
He sighs in content, tossing the bag to the floor and wiping his mouth with his sleeve before coming closer to you, “We’ll deal with it when that time comes,” He wraps one arm around you, his other hand touching your daughter’s head, “She’s never going to look at me the same way.” 
Your daughter nuzzles deeper into your neck, Damon’s touch disrupting her sleep. He removes his hand from her, hovering before making the decision to let his hand drop to his side.
It’s silent for a moment, before a thought comes to you, “What.. what if you compelled her to forget?” 
Stefan and Damon share a look, “Would it even work on a child?” 
Stefan shrugs, “I’ve never done it before, but I’m sure we can try. I mean I don’t think it would be any different than if it was an adult.”
The three of you headed back upstairs where you began the night time routine. As you got your daughter comfortable into bed, Stefan entered the bedroom.
You comb the hair off her forehead, “Stefan is gonna tell you goodnight..”
Stefan glances at you as he bends down to her side in the other side of the bed.
She gives him a sleepy smile, “uncle efan” her S’s were still a work in progress.
He returns the smile, capturing her eyes in a trance and begins the compulsion.
You can’t help but get emotional. This was something you’d hoped would never have to be used on your daughter. Your innocent, precious girl.
He made her remember playing with mommy and daddy. Nothing bad happened. No other lady showed up. It was happy times.
Your daughter blinked a couple times as the compulsion ended. Your daughter looked at you and for the first time since all this happened there was an innocent sparkle in her eyes again.
Damon had stood outside the room, listening. If he still had a beating heart he knew it would have skipped a beat when he heard his daughter ask, “where’s daddy? He tell me night time story?”
He shook off the emotion, smiling as he entered the room, “I’m here baby girl.” He slipped into bed where she curled into his side as he told the story.her eyes filled with love and affection as she stared up at her daddy telling this story. He was the best at telling stories especially made up on a whim.
“So what do we do about Katherine?” You ask the Salvatore boys the next morning.
“We kill her.” Damon shrugs. “Easy as that.”
“We don’t even know where she is.” Stefan says, “she could have left town for all we know.”
“Well when she finds out my humanity is still on, I’m sure she’ll show her face. You know she doesn’t like to be lied too.”
You look to Damon, “I’m not living the rest of my life in fear. Or putting that burden on my daughter.” You cross your arms over your chest, “we kill her. Even if I have to be the one to put the dagger through her chest.”
Damon is shocked at your words. You weren’t one for violence, or killing. Ironic considering you fell in love with the most violent Salvatore brother. “Uh oh mamma bear is coming out.” He teases.
You slap his arm, earning a laugh from him, his hands thrown up in surrender, “sorry.”
“I’m serious, what do we have to do to kill this bitch?”
The end. Comments, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!! Xx
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halfmoonshines · 5 months
soft spot
damon salvatore x reader
summary; you're injured in a fight with a rogue vampire who breezed into town, and Damon is being weird about it
You tried to stay hidden in the shadows outside of the streetlight, but your rapid heartbeat probably would've given you away either way.
"Who the hell is this guy?" You heard Damon mutter from the spot he was tossed just a few feet away from you, dusting the dirt from the trash cans he'd squished like cardboard. His ice blue eyes spared you a quick glance but didn't say a word, trying not to draw any attention your way.
Damon intervened as Caroline was struggling to grapple with the stranger. In the span of a moment, she was on the ground groaning with a broken arm and he had launched the assailant to give them a chance to regroup - right toward you.
You couldn't help the little gasp that you emitted, no matter how much time you spent around these creatures this was a vampire. One in particular who would have no hang ups about snapping your neck.
Per their supernatural hearing, it didn't take long for the mans vicious senses to find you, and took half as long for him to have a bruising hand around your neck.
The sound of Damon yelling your name was distant in the background, you were focused on the threat literally snarling in your face.
"Don't you smell good?"
That was as far as the stranger managed to get before Damon had the broken handle of a broom protruding from his back. His grip slipped off your throat as his body slid sideways and you toppled to the ground, heading bouncing off the pavement hard enough for you to see stars.
Damon's voice was faint to you again, but you could hear him begging for your attention. Caroline was in the background too, in panicked discussion with someone over the phone. You couldn't get your eyes to focus though, hair becoming wet and warm.
The eldest Salvatore's touch on you was feather light, his mouth still moving with words he wanted you to latch onto but you had already lost the dance with consciousness.
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
The first thing you were aware of when you woke up in a bed was that it was decidedly not yours. The next thing you noticed was that you weren't in any pain, just a bit stiff when you went to sit up from the bed. Someone had definitely given you blood, which was against every rule her and her friends had discussed, but from the smell of the sheets behind you - Damon wouldn't have cared either way.
You made your way out of the room and down the stairs, vaguely knowing the layout of the boarding house from your handful of times actually coming inside. Over the last few months you had become dangerously intertwined in Elena's grapple with the supernatural, despite Bonnie's vehement advice to go as far as possible. You were emancipated, you could switch schools and move to Pennsylvania.
No, you couldn't. Once your conscious had been opened to everything around you, once you were aware of the dangers of the dark - you could never ignore that. Better the evil you know.
Speaking of.
You came upon Damon in his favorite spot, a tumbler of bourbon in his hand while he leaned up against the fireplace. The suit jacket he had been wearing earlier that night was discarded on the couch behind him, a small amount of blood on the collar of his shirt still.
"You always look so broody." Poking fun at him might not be in your best interest, but you figured you'd give it a go. Over the last few months, your and Damon's relationship had morphed into something you couldn't quite understand, but moments like these had seemed to become more comfortable between you.
"I believe you're confusing me with my much broodier younger brother." Damon's words were laced with sarcasm, but his tone didn't have a hint of amusement.
You felt suddenly awkward, in his space and home. Just because you had gotten kind of comfortable lately didn't mean he wanted to be around you.
"Well, thanks for the whole life saving thing." You began to babble nervously, a faint pink glow to your cheeks. "I'll get out of your hair. Sorry for taking your bed, I don't even know what time it is-" You had begun turning toward the door, making to just leave and find a way home. How you could this age and still flustered in front of attractive men, especially murderous ones was beyond you.
Damon appearing in front of you almost made your heart stop, hair stirring at his incredibly fast movements. He was barely a foot away, his piercing gaze holding your confused one. From this close you could smell just how much he had probably drank.
"Are you... okay, Damon?" Your voice wavered a bit under the heat of his stare and you saw the muscle in his jaw working overtime while he looked like he was debating whether or not he wanted to actually say anything to you.
"You don't have to thank me for saving you when you were in danger because of me." His eyes had drifted from your eyes to your neck, voice whisper quiet.
Vulnerability was the last thing you expected from the man standing over you. "What do you mean? It wasn't your fault. Just wrong place, wrong time and I so happen to be the weakest link." You hoped your voice conveyed even a bit of humor.
His eyes snapped back up to yours, head tilting slightly while he assessed you. Damon's hand rose to grab a lock of your hair, twirling it around his finger in thought. Your breath caught in your throat, feeling like you were on the precipice of something.
"My weakest link, maybe. Have I told you how much I like your hair?" His voice was still quiet, an innocent lilt.
Your mind was reeling, half drunk on his closeness and hazed by confusion. Where was this coming from? Had he drank a small liquor store and now he was confusing her for her much more appealing best friend?
"Damon, I'm not sure how much you've had to drink, but I'm happy to brew you a pot of coffee. Does that even work for vampires?"
You had started to pull away, making to turn toward the kitchen but Damon was infinitely faster than you. His drink was discarded, one hand going to your upper arm and the other to your waist, tugging you back into his vicinity.
"On the contrary, I don't think I've ever been so sure minded, sparrow. I'm sorry for not protecting you tonight." His voice was tight now, the warmth of his hands tingling down your body.
"It's not your fault, or job, Damon." Your voice had quieted to match his, all humor leaving. You didn't know where this guilt had come from, but it was misplaced. Since you'd met Damon he'd made some bad decisions, but you had also seen his sacrifice so much for the sake of the team. Even if others didn't acknowledge it, he didn't need to add anymore to his plate.
"I'd like it to be. My job." His reply was lightning quick, eyes pinning yours in place.
Were you dreaming?
Damon's signature smirk was visible for a split second, telling you that your confusion was written all over your face. "I think that I'm asking you, in the most coming of age movie way, if you'd like to go steady?"
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
send any fic requests here!! all comments/criticisms/requests welcome
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supercap2319 · 4 months
Y/N: "When I die, I want everyone to attend my funeral."
Stefan: "Done."
Y/N: "Except, Damon. That bitch better be in the ground with me pushing up daisies."
Damon: "Hey!"
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Because He Listens - Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
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Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Prompt: I tried my best with this one. It isn't as long as some of my others but I wrote what felt right at the time. love triangles are hard enough pentagons much harder.
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Warnings: None just swearing really.
Beta'd by my lovely long time friend, beta and fellow writer @lets-imagine-fanfics
You started your day like every other day.  
Wake up brush your teeth, take a shower, get dressed, makeup, hair, then out the door. However, this morning you were bombarded with Damon Salvatore laying on your bed causally when you came out with a towel on your body, and one wrapped around your hair. You gave him a silent glare as you picked out your clothes in silence.  
Once you’d gotten what you needed out of your closet, you spun around to face him when it became obvious that he wasn’t going away, no matter how much you ignored his presence. You gave him a fake sweet smile that did nothing but amuse the older man. 
“How can I help you, Damon?” You asked with a sickeningly sweet tone. 
“Have you thought about what I said last night?” He responded, his tone turning serious.  
“Why are you doing this Damon? You’ve never cared if I was at the centre of danger before!” You shouted as you walked through your front door after fighting against some witch who came for a doppelganger or more specifically doppelganger blood. 
“Because I care okay! Oh yes, I know that’s a shocking concept but I. CARE.” He punctuated with his usual level of sarcasm and sass.  
“About Elena yes. Me? Never.” You snarked back with an eye roll.  
“Well, I care about you, okay?” He sighed seriously, his usually sarcastic demeanour dropping.   
“Why?” You snapped making him close his eyes as if exasperated by this entire situation. 
“Because-” He seemed to stop, wondering whether his reason was worth stating but you crossed your arms in a way that said you wouldn’t drop this, so he stared down at you as he walked closer.  
“Because...I love you.” He muttered quietly.  
“Tell me your joking?” You whispered with wide eyes.  
“Oh yeah, this seems like the type of prank I’m fond of, doesn’t it?” He growled in annoyance.  
“What is it with you brothers!?” You screamed as you lightly pushed Damon away.  
“So, I guess Stefan got here first.” He grumbled like a pouting child.  
“What is there to think about, Damon?” You sighed as you stepped away from him, your eyes dropping to the floor as you contemplated how to handle this.  
You’d never really been told ‘I love you’ by anyone who seriously meant it and now you had Stefan, who had told you before the fight; and Damon, who had told you after the fight. Oh, and let's not forget the good Mikaelson brothers who seemed to have taken an interest too. How the hell were you supposed to deal with this?  
“Well, do you like either of us?” Damon tried with an eye roll to show his frustration.  
“Between the Salvatore brothers, the Mikaelson brothers and a witch trying to kill me I haven’t exactly thought about it!” You shouted as you disappeared into the bathroom to change.  
You slid on your undies, bra and jeans before realising you hadn’t grabbed your top as you were too busy thinking about how your life was turning out. You knew Klaus had a thing for Caroline as well, so you never really took him seriously until last night while fighting this witch, he jumped in front of a giant flaming ball to save you all the while Elijah hid you behind him.  
“I’m not doing this. I’m not Elena and I don’t enjoy being stuck in a love triangle...or a pentagon in this case.” You snapped through the door before wrapping the towel around your bra-covered torso and making your way out of the bathroom to grab your top.  
You grabbed the article of clothing ignoring Damon’s eyes on you before rushing back to the bathroom. Once you’d tucked your plain black V-neck t-shirt into your high waisted jeans you exited the bathroom to Damon who was sitting on the end of your bed staring at the floor.  
“If you can’t decide then I guess we’ll do it for you.” Damon hissed before speeding out of your room and your apartment before you could even ask what he meant. 
You stood there with a frown on your face as you pulled out a pair of socks and started putting them on but once again you were interrupted by a knock on your door. You finished putting your socks on and walked out of your bedroom to answer the apartment door.  
You stared at the British vampire with narrowed eyes as she looked at you in confusion, her eyebrow raised as if silently asking what was wrong.  
“You’re not here to profess your undying love for me too, are you Bex?” You whispered suspiciously.  
“No, definitely not love.” Rebekah snorted as she pushed her way into the apartment without another word. 
“So Damon told you?” Rebekah chuckled as she flopped down onto your couch.  
“Yeah, and Stefan. All the while your biggest brother protected me from a witch and your other brother took a fireball for me. I feel like I’m in the cheesiest rom-com ever to exist. I have my own Harem.” You sighed dramatically as you flopped down next to her, sinking into the couch as if that would protect you from this entire situation.  
“Did you get Bonnie to cast a spell?” She whispered jokingly.  
“In what world is this something I would want?” You asked seriously making Rebekah shrug in response. 
“To break 4 people's hearts all in one go!” You huffed angrily making her smile sympathetically.  
“So...you don’t like any of them?” Rebekah asked with a raised brow.  
“I didn’t say that! But I’m not gonna choose one so the others can watch as I have a happy ending with the one I do like!” You snapped as you jumped up from the couch.  
“Well, it's better than letting yourself be unhappy just to save these idiots. They all chose to pursue you, that was their choice. Forget about them and do what makes you happy.” She responded with a kind smile on her face.  
“Everyone is gonna be unhappy with my choice.” You muttered sadly, your eyes casting down to the floor the fear of your friends hating you was eating away at you.  
“So? Why does it matter? Do something for you.” She stated calmly as she stood from the couch.  
“Is it really that simple though?” You asked uneasily, your heart pounding a little at the thought of finally pursuing the one person you’d been head over heels for, for months.  
“Yeah, it’s really that simple.” She stated as she pulled you into a hug.  
You spend the rest of the day with Rebekah, eating waffles and drinking coffee while you watch bad tv. You didn’t know what you’d do without her in your corner to back you up. At least if your friends abandoned you, you’d always have Rebekah.  
It was now 4pm and Rebekah was about to leave but before she was out of the door one of her brothers texted her. The text had Rebekah staring at her phone with wide eyes before glancing up at you with a pained look on her face. You frowned as she passed you the phone but once you looked at the words you couldn’t help the scream of frustration that came out of your mouth. 
Kol - Why are our dear brothers having dinner with the Salvatores’? 
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” You screamed making Rebekah wince at the volume. 
“I’ll drive you.” was all Rebekah said as she took out her car keys and started to head out of the apartment. 
You slid your boots on, running after her with an angry frown on your face. You couldn’t believe these idiots! What were you, some prize to be won! You glanced at Rebekah who looked rather angry herself, but you knew it was because she, as a woman who fought for woman’s rights back in the twenties, thought this whole thing was barbaric. 
She sped to her house which wasn’t far her fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly as she pulled up to the Mikaelson mansion. She got out of the car, followed by you as you both stormed into the house.  
You’re glad you had backup because this wasn’t something you wanted to deal with at all, let alone by yourself. 
She flung the door open to the dining room rather dramatically. If it was any other day, you’d probably have laughed at her antics but right now all you could see was red. You stared at the four men who were casually eating dinner and sipping glasses of blood. 
“What the hell do you wankers think you’re doing!?” Rebekah screeched, her arms crossing over her chest. 
“That is not your concern, Rebekah. If you could please leave that would be much appreciated.” Elijah stated politely, making you raise a brow at him. 
“It’s definitely my business don’t you think, oh noble one.” You snapped sarcastically as you mirrored Rebekah’s stance. 
“I would like to point out I didn’t put this dinner together.” Klaus chuckled as he glanced at Damon and his own brother, snitching on them quite happily.  
“Seriously, Elijah? What happened to be a feminist? I guess we can’t just forget you were from a Viking era! Fucking caveman.” You snarled making Elijah look down at the floor, shame taking over his expression.  
“What did you think was going to come from this?” You asked seriously.  
“We were trying to find a fair way we could all throw our hat in the ring,” Stefan muttered quietly his face covered in shame just like Elijah’s. 
“That’s exactly what Klaus said you’d say.” Damon scoffed as he glanced over at the hybrid.  
“That’s because he listens to me!” You snapped angrily making everyone's eyes snap to Klaus who looked rather proud of himself.  
“Him? Seriously!” Damon shouted as he jumped up from his seat at the table. 
“I am so not getting into this right now.” You sighed as your caught Klaus’s eyes staring at you curiously, but he kept quiet. 
“He’s a fucking monster!” Damon growled angrily. 
“She only said he listened Damon. Calm down.” Stefan sighed softly. 
“She’s obviously not going to pick one of you nutters. What do ya say, darling?” You heard a mischievous voice chuckled behind you and Rebekah.  
“You’re so not funny Kol.” You huffed as you pushed him away from you with a small laugh.  
“Well, it’s obviously going to be one of the noble ones.” Kol snorted as he pointed to Stefan and Elijah. 
“Ya know what! I’m sick of you ancient bastards assuming you have all the answers, okay, so here we have it!” You shouted as you stormed over to Klaus’s chair and stood behind it.  
“SEE!” Damon screamed as he got into a position like he was about to fight anyone who disagreed. 
“SHUT UP! Do you even know why I’m picking him? Hmm or do you only care if I picked you? Hmm.” You snarled as you started towards Damon.  
“That man over there was abused and betrayed his entire life! Yes, he did some shit but so have ALL of you, so have I. He gifted me things-”  
“I gifted you things!” Damon shouted, interrupting you.  
“Yes, because I seem like a diamond and Prada kind of girl, don’t I!?” You snapped making his eyes widen. 
“What did he gift you? Princess dresses and horses?” Damon snapped right back at you.  
“No! He bought me a stuffed wolf, drew a picture of me, he gave me a hand-carved figurine of my favourite tv character and last, but definitely not least, he took my dead mother’s coat to be mended by the best he could find so it would look brand new! But gifts aren't everything Damon! He also listened to me talk for hours about things I like, even though he has no idea what I’m talking about half the time. He drops off coffee and food for me when I’m so busy with college work, I don’t eat or drink. He even brought me a full 2 weeks' worth of grocery shopping with all the things I would usually get. He never once touched me or came into my house without me saying so. The way he looks at me as he draws me doing mundane things, makes me feel so seen and cared for. I am very much in love with him and if you don’t fucking like it, there's the door!” You screamed as Klaus glanced at you in absolute disbelief.  
“You see that look right there?” You exclaimed as you looked at him from where you were originally screaming at Damon.  
“He’s shocked I chose him. You lot think you have the right to put your hat in the ring but he’s just happy to be around me and before anyone says anything else. It’s been him long before you lot made your feelings for me known.” You chuckled softly as you gave Klaus the sweetest smile you could muster which he returned rather shyly.  
“I think it’s time we leave, brother,” Stefan stated as Elijah stared between you and his brother.  
“I did not realise you cared for her so much Niklaus. I am sorry to have gotten in the way of that dear brother.” Elijah stated seriously his tone apologetic.  
“Congrats on doing what you wanted, Y/N. Can’t wait to be sister in laws!” Rebekah chuckled as she ran out of the room dragging Kol with her.  
Once you were alone with Klaus you stared at him from the other side of the dining room table with a soft nervous smile. Your heart was pounding in your chest as he stood up and stride over to you. You barely had a chance to know what was happening but when he took you into his arms holding you like this wasn’t real and it would vanish if he blinked too hard.  
“I love you, Niklaus Mikaelson.” You whispered into his ear softly. 
He pulled away to look down at you as he cupped the back of your head. His ocean blue eyes staring down at you in amazement. He opened his mouth a few times but for the first time in 1000 years, his words seemed to be failing him.  
“I love you too, Y/N Y/L/N.” He whispered as his eyes flickered to your lips.  
“Kiss me, Niklaus.” You whispered, clutching his Henley like it was the only thing grounding you.  
He leant down, his plush lips pressing against yours so carefully it made your heart pound against your chest as if looking for an escape. His lips were soft and gentle as he kissed you, holding onto you as if you’d disappear at any second.  
Once he pulled away you wrapped your arms around him and buried your head in your chest which he returned by holding you as close as he could.  
“T-Thank you for loving me.” He whispered into your hair before placing a kiss there.  
“I always will. Speaking of we should probably talk about me changing.” You stated softly making him frown.  
“I don’t see why you need to change. You look fine the way you are now.” He stated in confusion which had you giggling.  
“I meant into a vampire. I don’t wanna be old and wrinkly while you still look hotter than hell itself.” You chuckled and he pulled away from you his eyes widening.  
“You’d become a vampire for me?” He asked as if he couldn’t believe it.  
“Of course, I would. I’m waiting till I turn 21 though.” You chuckled making him smile down at you with a loving smile.  
“Yes, love.” He laughed as you pulled him back in for another hug.  
This was the man you loved, no matter what. 
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keenzinemugstudent · 5 months
Stefan: Hey Jer what's up? Everything okay?
Jeremy: Um who's that girl.
Stefan: Oh that's my girlfriend. *Waves at you as you smile at him* What about her?
Jeremy: She's really pretty
Stefan: .........
Y/n: Stefan....he just gave me a compliment Stefan, you really gonna beat a kid up just because he gave me a compliment Stefan?
Stefan: I'm getting really hungry
Y/n: Stefan no thank of Elena!
Stefan: .....
Y/n: Okay bad choice of words
Stefan: Hey Jeremy let's go talk man to man okay?,
Y/n: Please calm down!
Damon: $50 bucks says he beats the shit out of little Gilbert
Caroline: Damon!....make it $70
Damon: Bet
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siennafrxst · 3 months
🗡️₊ ⊹ ~֒ tick tock
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pairing: damon salvatore x fem vampire reader
universe: tvd (the vampire diaries)
word count: 0.9k words
a/n: this takes place in S4E3. instead of meredith being in the trailer with damon, it’ll be you.
click here to visit my fanfic masterlist.
As the trailer door creaks open, Damon carefully turns his head to spot the person he’d been expecting.
“Took you long enough,” he scowls, which earns a sigh from you.
“Well, you were being so cryptic in your messages,” you respond.
“Just — come in, already,” he urges in a hasty tone.
You step into the trailer and close the door behind you. When you finally get a good look at Damon, your eyes widen as it falls to the arrows piercing through him, a piece of string attached to an explosive.
“Tell me that is not a bomb,” you tell him in a shaky, breathy tone.
“Okay, it’s a kitten. An adorable, exploding kitten.”
When he gives you that obnoxiously shit-eating smirk, you let out a scoff of exhaustion. “Why did you even call me?”
He frowns. “Isn’t it obvious?” He gestures to the arrow in his chest.
“No, I mean — why did you call me? You should’ve called Stefan.”
Damon pauses at the mention of Stefan’s name, his unserious expressions faltering. “Sibling drama. Now, can we stop yapping and start working?”
You wanted to continue your insistence on getting Damon to make up with Stefan, but you knew that this wasn’t the right time. And so, you finally let out a sigh of defeat. “Fine.”
You haven’t exactly seen a lot of bombs in your time, so seeing one this close to you and Damon was… unsettling, to say the least. The bomb was carefully situated on a corner shelf, the only thing preventing its explosion and your imminent deaths were the strings and arrows puncturing Damon.
You carefully take a step closer to inspect the bomb, observing how it would — hypothetically — tick off once the strings are disturbed. But there was another component to this that you could tinker with… the arrows.
You turn around to face Damon once more, who meets your troubled gaze. Your eyes trail down to the arrows penetrating his chest, cringing quietly at the sight.
Damon notices your shift in mood, the way you wince slightly at his gorey wounds. He lets out a soft sigh, deciding to break the ice by making a remark stupid enough to lift the direful circumstances.
“Hey, it’s better than seeing me naked, right?”
Your disturbed and worried expressions finally break into a weak smile, before you manage to divert your gaze and attention back to the matter at hand. You carefully take a step closer before kneeling down in front of Damon to inspect the mechanics of the strings and arrows and how it relates to the explosive. And then, it hits you.
“I think we can cut the arrows from the back and it should disable the trigger,” you declare before standing up to face him once more.
“Then you’ll need a dagger, the arrow’s laced with vervain,” Damon informs more breathlessly than before, slightly losing more energy as time passes.
You simply nod in agreement. “Yeah, I figured,” you muse.
You glance towards him once more, picking up on his increasing exhaustion, prompting you to act faster and get him out of this situation. You quickly scan the desk in front of you and conveniently spot a dagger, which was sufficient enough to cut through the wooden arrows. You reach out to grab it before standing behind Damon, bending your knees to get a better position and to properly cut the arrows.
You take one sharp inhale before exerting all your strength to slowly and precisely slice through the arrow, careful not to touch it with your bare hands. In a continuous motion, you carve through it back and forth, causing the arrow to shift slightly in its place. Damon winces lightly at the feeling, before noticing a letter on the desk nearby and picking it up.
You pause in your movements for a moment when you see Damon examining a letter.
“Is that Connor’s?” You quirk a curious eyebrow.
“No, it’s a letter from Pastor Young to April. It’s basically about the sacrifice and war and “greater evil” brewing in Mystic Falls.”
You let out a soft chuckle, unable to take that seriously. “He sounds deranged.”
“That’s because he is.”
Your chuckles come to a halt when Damon's phone starts to ring on the table. Spotting Elena’s name on it, he ignores the call and looks away from it.
Continuing to pry open the arrows, you frown at the way he reacts to the phone call. “Why isn’t Stefan on hunter duty, anyway?”
Damon snarks sarcastically. “He had a physics test.”
You simply smile to yourself. “Huh.”
Noticing the way your voice had a playful tone in it, his eyebrows furrow into a frown. “Don’t be getting any ideas now.”
“Let me get this straight — you’re strung up to a bomb while Stefan plays vampire with the girl who broke your heart. It’s just ironically funny to me.”
“Ha-ha, that must be why I’m laughing right now.” He rolls his eyes.
After a few more seconds of slicing, Damon finally hears all the pieces of the arrows falling to the ground, letting out a sigh of relief.
“There. It should be safe now,” You declare after you examine the arrows once more.
With that, Damon doesn’t waste another second to pull the arrows out of his chest, panting softly when his wound is finally relieved.
“Hey, Y/N.”
As Damon turns around to face you, you raise your eyebrows in anticipation for what he was about to say.
“Thank you.”
Without saying another word, you simply return a small smile at the man.
likes and reblogs are vv appreciated.
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i-heart-slashers · 9 months
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pascaloverx · 9 months
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© credits for the owners of the pictures used. they don't belong to me. credit is not mine for the pictures.
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three (+18)
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen (final)
epilogue (+18)
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imaginefan · 11 months
Damon Salvatore X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 776
Requested: Anon
Request: You're sneaking around dating Damon, but Katherine finds out and tries to black mail you into threatening to tell everyone. (I'm not sure where else to go with this other that that) one shot.
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You and Damon had been dating for a little while now and despite everything, people were still finding it hard to trust him, you didn’t blame them you were the same before he started trying to prove himself to you, since then he had saved you on many occasions and has not lied either (as far as you know). Damon was the one who had asked you to keep the relationship a secret, he said that he wanted you to get to know him for who he was and for the rest of your friends to learn to trust him on their own merit, some might have called you naive but you wanted to give him a chance.
Kathrine had become the new problem for you and your friends and while you were trying to stay out of the way given the fact that you were human she still managed to find you when you were on your own, it was one of the rare occasions that Damon hadn’t decided to meet you. “There you are!” You assumed that she was trying to pretend to be Elena but you had seen her already and even without having seen her this morning you would have known that she wasn’t Elena. “What do you want?” You asked. “You know who I am?” She asked. “I know that you're not Elena.” You said as you got out everything that you needed to start studying. “Alright then we can get down to the good stuff.” She smirked as she sat down at the table folding her hands together as she looked at you, “I know about you and Damon.” She said with a smirked and you looked at her for a second before going back to your notes. “Okay…” You mumbled as you started jotting down the things that were worth studying as you waited for her to speak again. “I’ll tell them.” She said as she leaned on her hand, you looked up at her again and shrugged. “What do you get from that?” You asked. “Well nothing apart from hurting you, but if you want me to keep the secret all you need to do is be my little spy.” She said and shook your head. “Go ahead and tell them, I never wanted to keep this a secret.” You answered, she looked at you for a second before sighing. “I really thought that was going to work, you're human so I have to be careful about where I hurt you otherwise they’ll all be asking questions.” She murmured more to herself than anyone else as she stood up and walked around the table to stand next to your chair. “I guess you can play off a broken arm.” She reached out to grab your arm but before she could come into contact with you someone else grabbed her. “Don’t even think about it.” You recognised the voice as Damon's; he pushed her away as he put himself between you and Katherine. “Damon, why are you ruining my fun?” She asked “I thought she was just your human toy… Surely you can still play with her if she’s a little broken?” “Get away from her.” Damon said again and this time she tutted before turning and walking away.
Damon turned to you once she was gone crouching and taking your face in his hands “are you okay?” He asked, looking over your face and hands for injuries. “Damon, someone's going to see Jeremy and Matt work here.” You reminded him. “I don’t care, answer me are you okay?” He asked drawing your attention back to him, you nodded once and he let out a breath. “What did she want?” “She wanted me to work as her spy, she probably thought that because I was human I’d be the easiest to manipulate but she tried blackmail first.” You explained. “What?” He asked. “She’s probably going to tell the others about us, I don’t know how she found out but she did.” You shrugged. “Don’t worry I’ll find a way to fix it.” He promised and you pulled back to catch his eye. “I’m not worried.” You said, his eyes shifted across your face as if trying to find a tell that you were lying and when he didn’t find anything he nodded. “Then we’ll deal with it.” Damon said as you nodded, he started grabbing all of your stuff and putting it in your bag. “What are you doing?” You asked. “You're coming back to the boarding house, you can study there.” He said. “Fine.” You said as he took your bag and followed you out of the door.
Requests and general question!
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fishcat480 · 9 months
Bad Day
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing: Damon Salvatore x Plus size! Reader
Warnings: None
Description: You’re having a very bad day when Damon Salvatore decides to make it worse, but then maybe he also makes it much better.
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It was one of those fucking days.
You know those days when everything just goes completely, spectacularly wrong?
You shouldn’t have even been surprised. Once you’d woken up and your favorite sweater had had cat puke on it, you should have given up there. But no - you just had to power through and continue your day.
You got a call right after breakfast that your car payment hadn’t gone through, and now you’d have to pay a late fee you couldn’t afford. While running errands, you’d managed to knock over your Starbucks in the middle of the aisle of Target, forcing you to have to buy another coffee. And once back home, you were greeted with a passive aggressive note from your neighboring apartment asking you to close your door “just a tad quieter”.
By the time you had to get ready for work, your ‘fucks to give’ meter was dangerously low.
You quickly tossed on your uniform shirt and broke several traffic laws driving to the Grill, because of course you were late. At a red light, you tossed your messy Y/H/C hair into a ponytail, griping at your reflection as some asshole in a sports car cut you off. Really? Who the hell drove sports cars in Mystic Falls? You’d only ever seen one person do that, and that was Damon Salvatore.
You scanned the license plate. Then you squinted to see inside the drivers seat and swore loudly. Damon fucking Salvatore. And he waggled his pale fingers at you before peeling off at top speed.
He was there at the Grill when you finally clocked in, tossing apologies at your manager and ignoring Matt’s teasing grins as you settled behind the bar and counted up your liquor. The day bartender threw you a goodbye and a sympathetic look.
Once finished your count, you sauntered over to Damon, who was enjoying a scotch on the rocks with a self righteous grin on his face.
“You cut me off.” you said, placing your hands on the bar.
He shrugged. “Did I?”
Damon had been drinking at the bar of the Grill long before you worked there, but somehow after you started you felt as if he was suddenly there all the time. You’d had an easy relationship at first, due to your infamiliarity. He was a flirt, you were determined to make good money. You flirt with Damon, he gives you a twenty on top of his tab. That was how it had always been for you, and for the other bartenders before you.
But something had changed, and you remembered the day that it did almost as well as you remembered Damon’s drink order.
It had been a slow night, with only Damon and his buddy Alaric holding down the fort. Most of the other drink orders came from tables, and those were practically empty too. You elected to pass the time with Damon and Ric, talking about nothing and everything. That quickly nosedived into a pissing contest between the two men and which one could do a handstand when you mentioned offhand that you were able to perform a fancy little trick, and that had been your downfall.
“There’s no way!” Ric was crying, his words slurring out of the side of his mouth. “You prove it right now.”
You folded your arms across your chest and shrugged, your grin too confident. Damon’s eyes were laser focused, and he took a long drag of his scotch, watching you intently.
“Don’t tease us…”he said finally.
You sighed, and cursed yourself.
Normally, you wouldn’t mind showing this particular party trick off for customers. It happened sometimes on raucous nights, when people were coming from or on their way to parties, looking to boost their mood and spend their money. It felt good to do it and see the looks of awe on their faces, sometimes even lust.
But you were feeling very self conscious at the prospect of doing it for Damon Salvatore.
You couldn’t deny he was attractive. His face, yeah, but his swagger was practically debilitating. He had the confidence of a much older man, which was funny considering you were the same age. There weren’t guys your age acting like him, of that you were sure.
It fueled your desire toward him as much as your flirtatious little routine did.
But Damon was always on the arm of the skinniest, hottest girl in the room. He’d chased after Elena Gilbert for a while, and she was less than half your size. There was no way his flirting had anything more to do with you than you wished. He liked to have fun, plain and simple.
Ric was slamming his fists on the table now, demanding you not to leave them hanging.
You mustered up all your courage - they knew what you looked like, you thought. They were asking you to do it.
So you lifted yourself up onto the bar in a much more fluid motion than you might have ever expected from yourself, and in one easy rotation you were doing a handstand.
You could feel the fabric of your shirt rising up, but you ignored it. You carefully started placing the majority of your weight on your left hand.
You could hear Ric and a few customers oohinh and aahing at you, and it spurred you on. You lifted your right hand into the air, and separated your legs a bit. And then you were doing a handstand on one hand.
You held the pose as Ric hollered and cheered, and then easily flipped backwards and onto your feet again before jumping back behind the bar, standing once more on your own two feet.
“Am I drunk or did I just witness cirque de soleil?” Ric asked.
“You’re drunk.” You told him, as you wiped off the spot on the bar where your feet had been. “But you did witness something pretty cool.”
Your eyes flitted over to Damon, curious to see if he had any kind of reaction. What you saw stopped you in your tracks.
His eyes were dark - darker than you’d ever seen them. There was something hungry in their expression, like you were dessert and he had saved plenty of room. His lips were covered by his tongue as it slowly lapped over it, before he closed his mouth and swallowed.
“Let’s do a shot.” Damon decided, reaching out and placing his hand on top of yours. “I’m buying.”
“Shots!” Ric called, and you internally groaned. He definitely did not need another one.
But you were glued into Damon’s atmosphere, and you watched as his thumb stroked along your hand. “You want me to do a shot?” you asked.
“That was hard work you did up there.” He encouraged. “You must be thirsty.”
You flushed, hoping Ric couldn’t see the effect he was having on you. When you glanced over, he was exclaiming happily as a Bruce Springsteen song came on, completely ignoring you. Your blush must have been crimson, and your cheeks felt as if they were on fire.
Damon’s thumb was still marking its path on your skin. You needed to get away fast.
“I’ll get those shots.”
“Sounds good.” Damon said.
“I’ll need my hand to pour them.”
He let out a sound of displeasure, but withdrew his hand from yours and you robotically turned away, pouring three shots of Bulleit bourbon. If your hand was shaking and you spilled one, that was between you and the security camera.
You, Ric and Damon cheersed, tapping your glasses on the bar top before throwing the alcohol back. Ric sputtered and coughed, and you giggled as he tried to compose himself.
“Well that’s me!” he said, standing up and lurching dangerously to the left. “I’m tapping out.” He went to put his card down, but as usual Damon stopped him. He started waving his card in your direction, but you made no move to grab it.
“I don’t even bother running you up a tab anymore. Damon’s always got it covered.” You admired that about Damon. A lot of people thought of him as kind of shitty, but you knew better. He was loaded, and he always spent the majority of that money on other people. Even after Elena had rejected him for good, he still came in and covered her tab from time to time. He’d done it for all of their friends. He’d even done it for Matt - despite their apparently rocky history.
Ric sighed in defeat. “Me and my teacher’s salary are very thankful.”
Once Ric had left, it was you and Damon. Alone.
Never before had you felt so nervous serving him by yourself. Whatever you’d seen in his eyes after your little show had altered the atmosphere between the two of you. It thrilled you and scared you all at once.
“How come you never told me you were so flexible?” Damon asked, as you cleaned Ric’s empty glasses. He hadn’t taken his eyes off you, and you were avoiding meeting his gaze like the plague.
You shrugged. “I didn’t realize you had any interest in my level of flexibility.”
“If it’s about you, I’m interested.”
Since when did he say things like that to you? God, and if his words didn’t just send shockwaves straight to your core. Had you stepped into an alternate reality where Damon Salvatore was horny for you? No, that couldn’t be right. He was a flirt, and he was probably still heartbroken over Elena picking his brother.
“Damon.” you said finally, meeting his eyes. “I’m not sleeping with you.”
He frowned. “And why not?”
You gave him a knowing look. “I know you.” He was looking for a rebound, and you wanted more than that.
His frown deepened, and within a few moments Damon had gone from sad to furious. There was something working beneath the surface, and he looked….hurt.
“Well, fuck you very much.”
He stalked out of the bar, and your jaw was on the floor. Never did you ever expect Damon to get mad when rejected. How many girls had said no or called him names or even slapped him while you’d watched, bemused, from your side of the bar? And every time he’d smiled or shaken his head. He’d thought it was funny. So what made you different?
The next time you’d seen him, he’d asked for a drink and didn’t say a word to you other than a hi, bye or check, please.
And then this morning he’d cut you off, as if he somehow knew you were having a shit day and wanted to make it even fucking worse, as only Damon Salvatore could do.
Which sucked, because you’d spent weeks wishing that he would man up and talk to you, and explain why he’d been so hurt that day. You’d spent weeks wanting to have Damon back, cracking jokes and flirting with you and being your best customer.
So you confronted him. It was going to be another slow night, and you more than had the time.
“You cut me off. And you did it on purpose.”
This got his attention. He looked up from his drink, his nostrils flaring.
“I cut you off because you’re not a very good driver.”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, come on! I wasn’t even moving!”
“And yet, your inexperience was glaringly evident.” He downed the last of his scotch and shoved the glass toward you. “And I’ll take another whenever you’re ready to work.”
Oh, he had another thing coming if he thought he was going to speak to you like that! You clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth and moved quickly to pour him a shot - you were on the clock after all, even though you’d much rather leave him hanging - but not the top shelf he was used to. Oh no, you were pouring him the cheap stuff.
You slammed the glass in front of him and slid it over, glaring. He gave as much as he got, giving you a wicked little smile before taking a sip.
And promptly spitting it out.
“What the fuck is that?” He asked, rising to his feet. He grabbed a handful of cocktail napkins and dabbed at what he’d spilled onto his shirt, but the damage was done.
“Oh, sorry, were you looking for something specific? Unless you specify, we typically just give customers the rail.”
You had no issue being bitchy bartender tonight. In fact, it was kind of fun to dish it out. And he deserved it for being a jerk.
“What the hell is your problem?” He yelled. “I cut you off. It happens. I’m kind of an asshole sometimes.”
You groaned in frustration. “What about the whole silent treatment for three weeks? I tell you I don’t want to sleep with you and you act like a child!”
He bristled violently at that, and then looked around for a moment. You weren’t really sure what he was doing until he grabbed Matt by the scruff of his neck and brought him around to your side of the bar.
“Y/N needs a fiver. You’ve got this covered, right?”
Matt sighed, but started cleaning pint glasses. You were about to protest when Damon began dragging you off, and Matt smiled apologetically.
“Just go with it! It’ll be a lot easier!” He tells you, and then he’s gone and you’re being dragged through the back of house and out the back door.
Once outside, Damon released his grip on your arm.
“What the hell are you doing?” You ask, incredulous. “I’ll get written up if I’m gone too long.”
“Look.” Damon says, ignoring your pleas. “You…you hurt my feelings that day, ok? You said something kind of mean, or implied it at least. But…I shouldn’t have handled it like that. I’m working on that stuff.”
“Mean?” You asked. “What did I say that was mean?”
He sighs. “Do I have to spell it out?”
You nodded. “All caps, double spaced, please.”
He laughed despite himself. “You basically implied that I am some womanizing creep that wanted to use you for your body.”
You blinked. And then blinked again.
“Ok, two things… the first: are you NOT a womanizing creep that uses women for their bodies?”
He raised his eyebrows, and his head tilted in thought. “Ok fair point.”
“And the second: that’s not what I meant at ALL.”
He brought a finger up to his mouth and placed the tip on his lower lip. “……you didn’t?”
“No. Damon, what I was trying to say was that I’m not your type, and that you probably just wanted me for a night because you were drunk. Which is great and fine, but that’s just not what I’m looking for. I want a relationship.”
There was confusion in his too-blue eyes, and he took a step toward you, entering your personal space.
“What do you mean you’re not my type?”
Oh lord, this was exactly what you didn’t want to talk about right now. You blew out a steadying breath, choosing your words carefully.
“The girls you date are usually of the same variety….both in looks and in size. So I just figured I wasn’t really your type.”
Damon’s entire face changed. Gone was the confusion and the mock anger, replaced with a quiet rage. He flexed his knuckles, and you involuntarily stepped back. He kind of looked pissed.
“You think I didn’t want to sleep with you because you’re not skinny?”
You struggled to get words out. “I mean, yes? In a way…”
“Are you fucking stupid?”
Did he really want an answer to that? Based on the dangerous look in his eyes, it was probably in your best interest to stay quiet.
He was now fully in your space, standing with you toe to toe. His arms were crossed over his chest, which was absolutely heaving. He was very, very angry and it was kind of turning you on.
“I have been throwing hints at you since the moment you started working here. I tip you double the amount I tip anyone else, I always call you pet names, I’m constantly flirting with you…and you really thought I just wanted one random night of fun because you were warm and available?”
His words were like shockwaves to your system. Now that you were faced with it, you realized that no other bartender had ever said anything good about Damon’s tips. Anytime you were switching shifts, he never called anyone else “darling” or “sweetheart”. He flirted, sure, but you were always different….
“Oh my god….” You said quietly. “Oh my god, I didn’t even realize…”
His hands were on your hips, and your senses were assaulted by him. He smelled good, clean with a hint of spice. His eyes were making you melt with the heat of his gaze. His fingers, too, worked over your skin in delicate little circles, and you knew that given the chance those fingers would drive you wild.
“I do want to sleep with you.” He says, and you sigh but he places a finger on your lips, shushing you.
“I do, and I’m not afraid to say it. I got…overwhelmed when you did that sexy little handstand, and I moved too fast. But what I really want is to take you on a date.”
You tentatively wrapped your arms around his neck, your forehead resting against his. “Yeah?” You ask.
“Yeah.” He breathes.
You don’t answer, just press your lips against his and let yourself drown in him. His lips are like brands against yours, and you can imagine steam coming off you both as your mouths battle for dominance, slotting and slanting over each other again and again until you’re breathless.
“Ok, but if you bring me here for our date there will be actual hell to p-“
He cut you off with another searing kiss. A promise.
So maybe it wasn’t such a bad day after all.
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mostly-imagines · 6 months
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aloneatpeace · 4 months
Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 19
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The ancient looking book sits on your bed untouched, grams given you saying it will help you discover about yourself but something about it doesn’t seem right like you can’t just open right now, you can but every time you try you feel like it’s not the right time, maybe you should just give it back to grams let her do the work but again the startled look…the fear in her eyes makes you hesitant, is what ever you’re really bad.
Your door opens and grams comes in with smile on her face “how are you doing my sweetheart?” She sits on your bed her eyes fall on the book. “You haven’t open it?”
“No. it doesn’t seem the right time” you sit up and position yourself laying your head in lap fingers tracing the book.
“Is that so?”
You nod looking up to her “and…. when I touch someone, I see something I can’t explain.”
She hums running her hands through your hair “tell me some”.
“Sometimes it’s their past, their memories I guess…….and I saw you…...I saw you dying” you whisper the last bit.
“You can see the past, present and future. Isn’t that amazing” she said with a smile.
You sit with frown “did you not hear grams; I saw you die”
“Everyone dies in the end, dear. And I’m sorry you had to see that” she takes your hands in hers. You turn away making her sigh. “If that’s my future you can’t do anything about it”
You turn to her with your jaw set in anger at her nonchalance in the matter of her life. “But your death doesn’t seem right. it was pointless. I felt it”
“I don’t fear dead”
“But you fear me. Why?” you quickly close your eyes in anger at the slip of your tongue.
The smile vanishes from her face and you curl yourself into you scotting away making grams heart clench “I don’t fear you; I know you could never hurt me or anyone who you love”
You look back at her sensing a but coming “then what is it?”
“My dear girl” she scoots over taking your hands in her “you don’t know what your capable of, and what you harness is something bigger than anything I ever known”
Your eyes held uncertainty “you’re afraid of what I’ll become. Am I not supposed not have this chaos in me”
She shakes her head “No. from what I’ve understand there is only few across the multiverse who can harness this power.”
“If you think, I don’t deserve it or capable of this power can we get rid of it?”
Grams see the fear in your eyes now mind going to dark places, you mind become ocean of wild waves, the thought of someone fear you for what you are is something she known.
She takes your face in her hands “don’t be scared, the power you harness choose you because it deemed you worthy. You can control it you already have. You never ever should be scared of yourself. You hear me”
You nod with teary eyes she smiles at you kissing your forehead and settle back in the bed.
“How do I do it?”
She thinks for a moment before standing up “get ready we are going somewhere”.
“Where?” she doesn’t give any answer hurry to get dressed. “What about my class?”
“Like you actually prefer going to class.” She raises her brow at you.
“Fair enough” shrugging you send quick texts to stiles and scott saying you won’t be coming and to derek to lay low.
You settle yourself in the passenger seat as grams starts to drive, she had asked you to take few things with the book which is seated in the back seat. You been driving for few hours yet you didn’t reach where you are going grams didn’t tell you where the both of you are going.
“Okey we are almost at the edge of the town. Where are we going?”
She hums “somewhere you can let yourself go without fearing anyone”
Your eyes widen “But I needed back home. My friends need me”
“And when they do you will be back. It will only take few hours” she comforted “beside I told bonnie to stay with her dad tonight”
“We won’t make it back evening?” your voice get high.
“So, how exactly we do that?”
She checks her phone a message pop up on her device “first I need to know what exactly you can do, to see what you can and can’t do”
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Once you’re out of town you both drive for a couple of hours before she stops at the front of the motel only few cars on the parking lot.  Grams get out the car and you follow her; she stops and turn to look at the other side “I didn’t know. you two would come”
Confusion settled in you and your eyes follow her direction, two guys stride towards you both. They both are tall, one of them is a little bit taller than the other. The tallest one had brown hair and light green eyes there is little bit of brown hue, puppy dog eyes with broad shoulders and slender body. The other had green eyes, muscular frame a cheeky grin on his face that decorated with light freckles with dark blonde hair.
“Well, I couldn’t just sit when the Bennett witch, asked to wanted take a case near” the short one said with smug smile on his face. He turns to you “hi sweetheart, dean Winchester” he put his hand forward you glance at grams she doesn’t seem to annoyed by them its like she knew that they would be here you shake your hands with him saying your name dean gives you wink.
The taller one glare at dean and an apologetic smile on his face “don’t mind him. I’m sam Winchester” you shake your hands with sam nodding.
You then turn to grams “can you please tell me what’s going on here”
“The Winchester brothers are hunters” your eyes widen “not the mindless one who kills every supernatural being. Don’t worry. I asked they have any hunting nearby”
You glance at the brothers and sam give you soft smile while dean give you smug one its adorable actually but you cannot say it out loud or express it.
“And we do, not one but two actually a wendigo few miles ahead and a vampire nest” dean said
You nod wondering what does this has do with you and remembering how stiles would have found this terrifying but also amazing.
“And where are here to assist them?”
Grams look at the brothers then you “I was planning to send you alone”
  “What? you were sending me to die!”  your voice gets high dean and sam exchange looks of concern.
“You will not die, I wanted to see what you’re capable of how your magic works” grams said calmly “beside I will be there to if anything goes wrong”
“Is she not a witch?” dean asks
Gram sighs “I’m not exactly sure, she does harness chaos magic but there is something else”
Dean looks confused while sam seems intrigued looking at you “I didn’t think chaos magic exists” he said.
“I thought too, but here we are” grams said “which hut is near?”
A serious look comes over dean face “Wendigo but are you sure sending her alone is safe?”
“Boy her best friend is a newly turned werewolf and she already had encountered an alpha and if I’m correct two vampires” grams explain.
Dean close his mouth turning to you “I don’t know how I did it” you said quickly after seeing deans questioning glance.
“Wait grams, are you sure it’s good idea. I barely lived last time.” You lean towards her whispering “With them”
She nods “Yes. Do you not trust me?” and turns to the boys “and I’m guessing you boys won’t sit one this out” they nod agreeing. “Then this what we are going to do. She will do this alone and if only if she needs help you will intervene and I will be connected to you to see what you are exactly do when use your ability”
Everyone agrees and set out the first location. You wonder what is going on back home.
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While you were asleep on the other side stiles and scott along with derek just got away from the argents and police.
“What part of ‘laying low ‘don’t you understand?” scott yells while driving, they are almost out their reach.
“Yeah, be lucky it was us, if she is the one coming to save your ass. You’ll be hearing a lot” stiles add with scott agreeing with him silently. “She literally told you to stay low few hours ago”
“I almost had him!” derek hiss shifting in his seat
Stiles eagerly lean over “who the alpha?”
“Yes! He was right in front of me, and the freaking police showed up.” Derek grunt impatiently.
Stiles faced is offended on the behalf of his father “Whoa! They’re just doing their jobs- “he gets cut off by derek scoffing “Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!”
 “Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it” scott speaks, finally calming down after shaking of them.
Stiles sighs “all right. how did you find him?”
Derek stays silent for a moment making scott look at him in annoyance “We talked about this. You have to trust at least if you expect us to help you”
“Yeah. y/n, she would not like it if you keep secret from us” stiles said nonchalantly making derek look at with a done face.
“Look, last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris.”
 “Our chemistry teacher?”
“Why him?”
“I don't know yet.”
“What’s the second?”
“Some kind of symbol.” Derek shows it scott his eyes narrowing when he sees scotts face “What? You know what this is?
“I’ve seen it on a necklace. Allison's necklace.”
Stiles slumps in his seat “that just amazing.” He takes out his phone “I’m tell y/n about all this”
“NO” derek and scott yell together the three looks at each other
 Stiles squint his eyes at them “I like to hear the reason why not”
“we will tell her. not now because one she might be sleeping and she will be pissed when she knows we were involved in freaking chase. “
Stiles nods and turns to derek who roll his eyes “same reasons”
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You taken in the sight of tall tress standing packed though its morning the cloudy day hides the sun, the plan is simple you along sam and dean would go in and you will take down the wendigo while grams who had done a spell that connected her with you. she said she needed peaceful atmosphere without anyone disturbing the spell. The identical charm you are wearing would act as medium that would foam the connection.
You three walk through the woods the brothers were a little behind you the tall one is carrying a bag.
“What do you guys wanna know?” You know their inching to ask you something, sam and dean look at each other.
“Well even though your grams said you are familiar too the supernatural. You seem pretty well put together, for someone who doesn’t know about her powers” dean said you stop walking and turns to them.
“Oh, I’m actually terrified to be honest, but grams believe in me and though I don’t fully understand what I am. My powers actually did save me when thought I was going die” you confess looking at your hands. “And grams trust you both to aid me and I trust you as well” you glance up sam give you reassuring smile as dean give you an understanding nod.
Sam walks up to you “do you know anything about wendigo?” he asks dean catch up and three of you resume walking.
“I know they know as the evil that devour human / mankind. That’s they were thousand-year-old was once human turned to cannibal in order to survive. They feed on human flesh and oh they use mimicry to make their prey vulnerable to lure them in and super strength and speed and that we can kill it using fire, silver bullet” you think missing how the brothers looks astounded as you speak.
Sam was hoping to share his wisdom on supernatural beings maybe even show you his dad’s journal to educate you more on the matter. Looking at dean, sam realizes his brother is equally shocked and impressed to be honest.
“And why you both look surprised?” they snap out of their trance and see you glance at them self-consciously.
Sam was quick to answer “how do you know all these? Did grams teach you”
“No. me and my friend stiles are part of online gaming community that battles mythical creature” you sheepishly say in front of the real hunters.
Dean open his mouth but nothing comes out. “Anything else I need to know?”
“Anasazi symbols. Its protection circle wendigo can’t cross over, just like simple salt circle” sam said gripping his bag tight. “Three people had gone missing few days ago around here, and only one made it alive barely he’s still in the hospital, and we did our research it’s likely the wendigo”
 “Do you think they’re alive?”
Dean nod to your question “a wendigo knows how to last long winters without food. It hibernates for years at a time. when its awake, it keeps its victim alive. It stores them so it can feed whenever it wants”
“Not to be skeptic, but what if its something else? What did the guy said about what happened” All though you trust their verdict as they are far more experienced than you there is chance that there might be something else behind the missing people.  
“Well, why don’t you just hear what he said” dean said and turns to sam “Sammy”
Sam rolls his eyes at the name before bringing a bag to the front and take out a recoding device, you three circles together.
“Hi, we’re special agents investigating your friends missing case. Could please tell us what exactly happened” sam voice heard through the device first.
A moment pass “we were just having a good time. it’s been while since we get together, joe’s birthday was coming up and he loved camping so we planned it. everything was going great until….  it was the night. We heard someone call for our help. It spooked us bit but James one of my friends wasn’t scared. He’s not the type to get sacred easily…… we had already called the police. when he had gone to take a look it when it silent. He called out but no answer came then…. we heard some sound where James had gone and next thing, we hear is James’s voice calling out for help he sounded like he’s in pain. We both run towards him but Erik stopped suddenly I don’t know what he saw I was behind him. then he screamed at me to run…. I kept running when stopped Erik wasn’t behind me either I called for them…but something else came it slashed me across my chest, it looked like hum…. I don’t know…... just please find my friends”
“The guy was lucky police come quickly” dean said sam nodded.
“I wanted ask, while I was looking up here. I saw there is so many murders happening in your town” sam said looking at you with questioning glance.
You nod sighing “yeah. Well, there is alpha going around killing people and there are two vampires in town. One is killing people left and right. they are brothers as well. I don’t know if you know them the Salvatore brothers, Stefan and damon “
“The ripper?” sam voice come out loud, the name he had read so many times, you stands confused at the name.
“Sam quite we don’t want it come out to us” dean hiss
Sam eager eyes finds yours “you’re saying the ripper is in your town and you meet him?”
“Who is ...the ripper?”
Dean intervenes “sam we don’t have time for history class”
Sam eyes doesn’t move from you “which one’s the ripper stef- “You cut yourself off when you feel someone’s presence making you alert.
Sam and dean also realize that they’re being watched. Then a blood curdling scream echoes from the side.
Dean take out his flare gun along with sam, you glance at them “are you ready?” dean whispers to you.
You take a deep breath, trying to tap in your power the thing is watching you, analyzing from the darkness of the cloudy day and dense trees. Nodding you walk towards the sound the Winchester brothers just behind you.
The screams for help echo around the woods, but you suddenly halt a sudden feeling of hopelessness hit you raw and painful.
Eyes turning purple and you see the two missing guys tied up in cave. Without a thought you run towards the direction the brothers follow. 
“The people are in there” you say looking down the slope that led to a abandon mine.
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supercap2319 · 5 months
Damon: "Hey, Y/N. I heard you're good at sucking cock. Is that true?" *He smirks*
Y/N: *Smirks as well* "It's true. Just ask your brother or Elijah Mikaelson."
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theprenderelliepalace · 3 months
Part 4
Part 1, part 2, part 3
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Summary: Y/n just wanted to drop some books off at the Salvatores. She expects to find trouble, being the odd one out and everything, she doesn't expect his name to be Damon Salvatore. And with the week she's had? Everything is falling out of place and now the monsters of her past are out to get her.
Warnings: angst, violence, kidnapping, injuries, vampire stuffs (obviously, otherwise why are you here?), uhm lore dump***, fast burn AF, language probably...
Word count: 1.7k
The silence was loud.The shuffling of feet and the whispers of words that were just out of reach, a pounding baseline against my skull.
The past twenty-four hours came flooding back to me like a dam burst. Damon kissed me, he kissed me like he needed me as much as I needed air. It was hungry, enough to devour me whole. And then I was alone again. In the woods clearing my head. And then I was passing out, the sheer proximity of the spiteful vampire, my complete downfall. His words literally rattling around in my head. I was his... what? Soulmate? Do vampires even have those?
And then bang, we were hit head on by a car.
I opened my eyes suddenly, the room was dark, save for the Crack of light peeking through an abandoned doorway. My body throbbed in any direction I turned, my neck ached with a firey passion.
I noticed I was slumped against the wall, I also noticed that there was a sulking figure in the opposite corner. "Damon?" I should've heard him breath, but the room was painfully silent. I got to my knees, the pain blinding. Everything stung as I crawled across the floor. Splinters sprung up underneath my hands and dug into my skin. I reached him, I put my hands on his shoulders, I shook him gently. "Damon." I repeated.
I sighed as I heard him stir. He tuned towards me, his eyes screwed shut. "What-?" Suddenly there was motion, noise. It dulled the aching thrum of the quiet, that the pounding of my heart had filled moments ago. I placed my fingers to his lips to shush him. We waited.
"Yeah, we got the two for 'im. Don't think it wasn't a bitch to get the vampire to cooperate." There was the static pause that came with the response over the phone. "Well bloody tell 'im that the boss doesn't like to waste time. We're traders. If you ain't got nothin' to trade, don't bother calling back before the deal's done." The man down the hall hung up.
Damon tensed next to me as his heavy footfalls echoed down the hall. I felt something in Damon resolve, maybe it was this freaky mental bond between us, or maybe it was my own enhanced perception but I tensed with him.
The door swung open and suddenly I was being pulled by the waist faster than I could blink. Damon rushed the guy, shoving him against the doorframe as we passed. I heard the man grunt but we were gone before I could see his face. He called after us, and my ears ached as his words bounced off the walls and rattled in my skull as Damon raced towards some unseen escape, ~"supposed to keep him down until The Maker... call him! Don't let them escape!" Several voices trailed after him. It was all too much to take after everything that happened.
Inexplicably, I felt the rush of cool air against my cheeks. I realised I'd closed my eyes. When I opened them we were surrounded by woods. The trees were tall and looming like I'd described the Boarding house, except the death and decay I felt from them was rancid and dangerous. Vampires lived here, a lot of them.
"Shit, Y/n, you need to walk. I can't vamp-speed us out of here." He huffed. I noticed, even in the absence of the moonlight, the sweat that glistened on his brow and the heavy rise and fall of his chest. His clothes were torn and bloody. Then I saw his neck...
"Damon-" my heart panged at the sight.
"Not now!" He chastised in a whisper. We could still here the shouts and leers coming across the clearing from our captors. It made me shudder. Damon's hand, that I forgot had been clamped tightly around my waist pulled me tighter. A part of me should've hated him, he lied and tormented and for as long as I've known him, been a righteous jack-ass. The other part of me told myself I was stupid and he'd just saved my life.
I would deal with what came next later. "Okay," He whispered, "can you stand?" I nodded. "Good. I can hear the highway due South, we need to be absurdly quiet. Like, we don't even exist quiet." He looked at me, I must've looked terrified because he added, "Think Stefan and Elena when I walk into a room." I wanted to laugh, I really did, but I just nodded my head shakily.
So we walked. I held onto him, my left leg in agony with every step. I could feel Damon was putting on a brave face, even with the gaping, bite-shaped gash that poured blood down his neck. He wasn't going to make it to the highway.
"Damon, stop." He shook his head, not really listening. "Damon, just," I wanted to find the words, "Do what somebody asks of you, ifor once?" He scowled at me. We stopped. I had no ides how long we had been walking, but I knew I had to help him. It was my only chance of getting somewhere safe. And ashamedly, I had to admit that I wanted answers. I extended my wrist and he looked at me. "It's not that confusing. Or do I have to explain the process of being a vampire to a vampire?" That was supposed to be funny. I shook my head at him. "I'm serious. You need blood if we're gonna get out of here. Just heal me if I pass out." I started to feel squirmish under his scrutinizing gaze.
"I wanted to tell you." He started. He looked away from me, my something I don't think he could see. "When a vampire... when a vampire has been alive long enough, sometimes this freak of nature crap happens and it sucks two souls together." His words were slurred and I went with him as he fell to the ground. "It's all about witchy balance, mumbo-jumbo."
"But what does that mean? I mean, why is it such a big deal? Hundreds of vampires have lived longer than you." It was so surreal to see him like this. Almost-
"Because it's a curse. The darkness of the night always taints whatever light it touches. That's how it's always been." He grimaced.
"Are you scared?" I asked.
He looked up at me. "Yes. I wanted to talk to a witch I know in Georgia. She knows about the blood curse."
"Blood curse?" He looked at the wrist I had offered him. "Oh." It was all snapping into place. "So that's why we've been so, off, around each other? It's a curse?" He nodded. His breath even more ragged.
"The curse of an immortal. To be die for his obsession for his mortal counter part. If they bond, she'll never be able to turn and he'll never get enough of her blood. Eventually they both die of madness." He said it like it had bitten him and the very words rolled off his tongue with a venom that rattled through me. It was terrifying.
"But, you need to get us out of here." He scoffed, the bitterness written across his sculptured face.
"And then what Y/n? We go about our lives? We succumb to the curse and the lust? And then you fucking die?" His nails dug into my wrist, the very life essence that we both so desperately needed, pooling underneath his hand. I watched the veins under his eyes pulse.
"I can't... it's too cruel. Even for me Y/n. It's too much to ask. What's another day worth anyways?" He laughed. It was a hollow sound. "I've been a monster all my life and that's fine. I can be the bad guy, but not with you. I just can't. I don't even know if that's me, or some shitty curse that's an anomaly in of itself." Damon looked awful, his skin was paling and his brow was furrowed in a mixture of grief and pain.
I touched his face. "Hey, maybe it's cruel, maybe it's too much to ask. But shit happens Damon. The test of a person is never how they fall. It's how they get up and I need us to get up. Later is later. I can deal with that, but I need us to be a team right now. And maybe... maybe you're right, and it's just some shitty curse, but it doesn't matter." He looked up at me, surprise glinting in his cerulean eyes. I pressed my wrist against his lips. "Because I knew you were a fighter, that's why I didn't shoot you when we first met. I couldn't get that fire out of my head. You were all consuming and dammit if that man can't find away around a dumb, luck of the draw curse."
He searched my eyes, my face,my very soul. He asked me if I really meant what I said, if I was okay with this, with him. As much I wanted to say that I should hate him, I didn't. As much as I wanted to run as fast as I could, I wouldn't because the man I had come to know had this incredible allure about him. A sensation I could only describe as a roaring blaze. That's the man that I wanted to win against all odds with. And I would.
His fangs dug into my flesh, the feeling was pain and pleasure all in one. I felt something solidify between us, the magic that kept Damon alive and the power that allowed me to see beyond my wildest dreams, it intertwined so beautifully, that I couldn't help but shed a tear.
It was sunrise when I woke up against Damon's chest. The woods seemed less frightening now, as the birds chirped and the golden rays of light blossomed through the leaves. I smiled at how the light caught his eyelashes and made him look so peaceful in sleep.
Then I heard the roaring of cars in the distance. "Damon!" I shoved his chest as I began to rise. He groaned and grimaced against the light. He lifted a hand to the sun.
"Wha-?" He could barely finish a thought before I was pulling him up and racing towards the sound.
"I hear the Highway!" I beamed at him.
#angst dump yo! Maybe I was just in a mood ya'll
But I'm liking where this is headed. Some plot, some action, some romance, some lore. Life is good in my little fanfiction world.
Go check out my asks if you like this story (REQUESTS ARE OPEN)
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I’m trying to find a little inspiration but haven’t seemed to catch it yet 😩😩 can someone request some things??
Some Spencer Reid, Tyler Owens (Twisters) or Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Damon Salvatore or Steve Harrington requests?? Maybe something fall related? (I’m craving fall. colder weather, pumpkin spice, etc etc)
Or honestly, whatever your heart desires🩷
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Battle Lines
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Pairing: Platonic Mikaelsons x reader and past Mikael x reader.
Warnings: Canon typical violence and behaviours and Mikael is a warning on his own.
AN: This is my first time writing for The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.
You landed on the floor with a quiet thud.  Thankfully, the voices coming from outside seemed to conceal the noise your arrival made.
Forcing yourself to control your breathing and heart rate, you inched forwards until you could see Niklaus, Elijah and Rebekah.  You disregarded the fact that you could also see Stefan, Damon, and Elena.  They weren’t important right now.
Mustering all of your courage, you straightened your posture and confidently walked over to the three Originals.  Your display of courage was all for show and you knew that the Mikaelsons would have registered your presence the second you arrived in their home even if they gave no indication of it.  But your show wasn’t for them.
“Elena was so kind to provide me with the information I needed to find you,” Mikael crooned mockingly as he clutched a terrified Caroline.
Rebekah scoffed and turned to face Elena, “So literally stabbing me in the back wasn’t enough for you?”
“He threatened me!” The brunette protested.
Taking advantage of Rebekah’s distraction, you moved into Mikael’s line of sight. If you had blinked, you would have missed the way his eyes widened but there was no missing the way his gaze locked onto you.
“Caroline,” you addressed the blonde teen, stepping forwards.
Mikael quickly changed the way he was restraining Caroline and gripped both sides of her neck, “Come any closer and I’ll break her neck.”
“He’ll do it,” Klaus assured you stonily.
You raised your hands and stepped backwards.
“That’s better,” Mikael praised.
“I apologise for the delay.  I arrived as soon as I received your message,” you informed Klaus without taking your eyes off of Caroline and Mikael.  Klaus didn’t reply and you addressed Caroline.
“Caroline I need you to focus on my voice.  Can you do that?”
Caroline nodded minutely.
“Answer her properly,” Mikael snarled into her ear. 
“YES!” Caroline shrieked.
As you breathed out, you commanded the shadows to creep forwards from behind Mikael.  Mikael let out a laugh, “So this is your great ally, boy?” He spat at Klaus, “Your hybrids would be a greater challenge for me even though they would be defeated before you could blink.”
Klaus’ expression didn’t change, “I don’t need the hybrids this time.  I made the mistake of underestimating her once.  It is a mistake I never intend to repeat.”
The shadows erupted from the ground around Mikael stunning the vampire long enough to allow one of the shadows to pull Caroline out of Mikael’s grasp, grab a hold of Caroline and disappear.  The shadow reappeared next to you with a shivering Caroline.
“Release her and depart.”  You commanded.  The shadow followed your order and Elijah moved smoothly forwards, gathering Caroline in his arms, and speeding up the stairs.
Mikael sped forwards but the shadows still under your command formed a large, opaque, circular wall that encompassed the entirety of the Mikaelson house between you, the inhabitants of the house and the oldest vampire.  You heard Mikael grit his teeth in frustration.
“No company that you keep will be able to keep you away from me.”  Mikael vowed.
You kept the shadows in place for three hours until Klaus informed you that Mikael had vanished.  No one in the Mikaelson house was sure how long Mikael would stay away for but at the moment, you had other pressing matters to attend to.
“How exactly do you know Mikael?” Elena demanded.
“That is what you’re focusing on now?” The Original hybrid retorted, “Not the fact that you put Caroline’s life in danger by revealing information to my father?” 
“Brother,” Elijah cautioned from his perch on the stairs.  “I fear any aggression on your part would distress Caroline further.  Her current resting state is tenuous at best.  Rebekah is doing her best to maintain a calm atmosphere for Caroline.”
Klaus sent Elena a look filled with loathing before stomping up the stairs and passing Elijah.  A small smile blossomed on your face as you noticed the closer Klaus got to the top of the stairs, the quieter his footsteps became.
“I will answer your question Elena,” Elijah stated, adjusting the sleeves of his shirt.  “Not because you are entitled to the knowledge but because keeping a secret such as this one would give Mikael an advantage over us and right now, that is the last thing any of us need.”
“Well?” Damon prompted, “Do we need to play twenty questions before you tell us?”
“The thought did cross my mind,” Elijah quipped.  “But no.  To put it simply, my father’s time with (Name) was interrupted and he is attempting to resolve that.”
“And here I thought you had taste.”  Stefan sent you a judgemental look as he realised what Elijah was alluding to.  The other Salvatore brother gazed at you with disgust.
“If that’s the case, how are you still alive?  Why are you welcome here?” Elena persisted.
Out of respect for Elijah, you refrained from rolling your eyes.  Barely.  “Our time was interrupted because a vampire found out he was in town and attacked.  During that battle, I realised the connection between Mikael and the vampires of New Orleans. As soon as I connected those dots, I fled the battle and came here to warn Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus about Mikael's presence. Naturally, I also needed to prove that I was honestly unaware of the connection they shared with Mikael and I went to great lengths to do so.
“We respected her genuine honesty and determination to prove herself,” Elijah supplied.  “Such qualities are rare to find in today's society.” Elijah examined you,  “Though I fear that using your abilities to defeat our father has done little to deter him from his pursuit of you and that it has done the opposite.  I strongly advise that we all practice caution for the foreseeable future.”
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