#salvation story
truths33k3r4 · 2 months
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your followers, mutuals, and all the wonderful people on here! :D (feel free to ignore)
AWW POET!!!!! <3 Thank you so much for this ask!!!
It's always imperative to remember the blessings God has given to us in our lives <3
My salvation. ~ Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins. He suffered so much pain, so much heartache, so much TORTURE. And He did it for me. He died for me so He could save me from my black heart. I will never be able to repay Him. I will never be able to thank Him enough. But what I CAN do, is thank Him for what He has done in my life and in my heart. <3
My friends. ~ All the connections I have made with people like me here. People who love TMNT, art, animating, writing stories, and so much more. People who have supported me, encouraged me, and guided me with my art, comic dubs, and story. <3
WRITING!! ~ Only until I started writing my journal did I see how much I enjoyed being an author. And then years later, here I am writing a TMNT Fan Story, "the Strength in Weakness". It's been challenging at times, but OH SO MUCH FUN TO MAKE. And so many people, my family, friends, and you, @poetique823, have listened to my ranting on it, critiqued my chapters and helped me better them, and supported me all the way. :) SO thank you <3
Having a cup of warm English Breakfast Tea on a cold morning, wrapped up in my cozy bathrobe, and typing away chatting with a friend. :)
Thanks for this ask, Poet!!! It was really nice to sit and think about these things.
~ Melissa
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superpointlesschicken · 6 months
What's your salvation story?
I grew up in the church, so I've known about God my whole life. I went to a small private school an hour away from where I lived, I had some great friends, and all that jazz. As a kid I would always say I was a Christian, but I didn't really know what it meant. I said it to make my family happy I guess.
Winter of my fourth grade year we moved, it wasn't like a big move or anything, we moved thirty to twenty minutes closer to our school, and closer to my mom's work. The move wasn't that bad, I still went to school with my friends and we still went to the same church.
Summer after fourth grade driving to my friend's house to pick him up for my birthday party, I was asked if it'd be ok to move schools. I didn't really think about the question and said that it'd be fine. Fifth grade year I was in public school, I knew a few girls from softball, but that was about it. I tried to make some friends, but I was really sad. I just kept my sadness in I didn't bring it to anyone much less God.
Camp really helped me find out who God really is. My relationship with God was brought to life at camp. Sixth grade I made some really good friends. Those friends have helped me grow as a person, I thank God for them. Some really crazy things happened in sixth grade, and seventh. I went to camp for five days both summers.
Somewhere between seventh and eighth grade I dedicated my life to God. I can't give an exact date, because for me it was a slow thing that took twelve to thirteen years to happen.
Now I'm working on growing in my faith, building on everything I've been told as a kid.
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mryddinwyllt · 3 days
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ORV : 217 | 187
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vyph2001 · 7 months
[ORV side story] Ep.22. Name (4)
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Support me a coffee if you love my artwork!
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shika1864 · 3 months
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I wonder,
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ashenchi · 4 months
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fincholeander · 3 months
Honkai Star Rail AU
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fictionadventurer · 3 months
My sister just mentioned the story our bishop told, about a woman who went to St. John Vianney after her husband committed suicide by jumping from a bridge, and she was beside herself because she knew he had to be in hell, and John Vianney told her, "Between the bridge and the water is the mercy of God."
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funkylilomen · 8 days
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an AU where Jupiter and Arche share a meal, and nothing bad happens whatsoever
...ignore Arche's expression. they're fine
lyrics from dis song 👇👇
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eimanshush · 6 months
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From Episode 24 Expert (3) Your constellation is massive scammer Lhh I've never used tumblr b4, uhh hello
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cryptid-stuff · 3 months
Some oc art :] this is and oc of mine named Innanis, who is a demon who was summoned accidentally and has so many issues .!
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freyadragonlord · 5 months
If JoongDok gets reunited on valentine's day I am gonna lose my goddamn mind
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seariii · 7 months
i know everyone is really mad at kotoko, but i’ve been thinking a bit about why she ended up like this
I have a friend who has a really similar mindset to kotoko, so i'm kinda familiarized with how it works. as i've said before, she really sees everything in black and white, and while she originally said she would forgive those who did the same as her (basically amane, and fuuta to some extent), after her t1 inno verdict, her ideals got reinforced, well, more like radicalized and pushed them a step further, losing her original self/mindset in the process
every time i talk to this friend about kotoko, they really do see themselves in kotoko, and with everything currently going on (and them going to therapy and trying to be a better person, and just getting bad looks from others when they talk) has made them notice how some stuff isn't that good or how it's frowned upon. my friend has a black and white sense of justice, and when i told them about how kotoko would’ve harm amane, they went “it's good to know she wouldn't spare the child” (i know, messed up). their context to that is, we all know how children can be some of the most horrible people in earth, innocence can be seen as beautiful, but it can also be terrifying. their argument is that when children commit a crime, they're not trial respectively to what they committed, a child who killed someone doesn't get the same repercussions as an adult who killed someone. 
having said that, that mindset comes from a place of black and white morals, of difficulties during childhood, of seeing how people arent brought to justice and of how one suffers so much but no one cares. this friend struggles with empathy and struggles to understand others in general. the main difference they have with kotoko is that they try, that they were put in situations where they had to face reality and other people 
i believe kotoko must’ve went through something that in the end pushed her to this belief system. “it doesnt excuse what she did” i know, but i still think if she have had someone to guide her towards the right path, someone who she actually connected with and showed her why her actions and beliefs were harmful, this wouldn't have ended like this… 
now here, im not asking people to forgive her, i actually think that a guilty verdict this trial would be really good for her and hopefully would force her to face reality in some way
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cabbagequeen323 · 5 months
babes I'm listening to the silmarillion narrated by Andy Serkis and it's so good. it is feeding my soul
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vyph2001 · 6 months
[ORV side story] Ep.25.4
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Support me a coffee if you love my artwork!
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the-wales-5 · 6 months
"Crazy for this girl " (Chapter 1)
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September 2001.
“Wouldn't you sign this picture for me? Please, I will keep it with myself forever! It will be my favourite item in the room! Yes, I know you are not signing autographs, but you can make an exception for me, right?”
“Look here! It’s my new camera, and I want yours to be the first picture there!”
All these voices full of excitement were ringing in his head yet long after he went to his room. Prince William tried to attend as many seminars and lectures as he could, especially that it was the very beginning of his studies, but the unhealthy interest he had been getting from the young women in the corridor every day was scaring him. He thought that the University of St Andrews in Scotland would be the best possible choice even with the assumption that lots of people would want to talk with him or take a picture, so he tried to get used to it. However, what he'd been experiencing for the past few days made him feel unsettled and exceeded his worst expectations.
He finally sat down on the bed and tried to rest after a day with two lectures and that recent stressful situation. After a while, he decided to take a look through notes he made throughout the day, on one of the pages was written “Bring to the classes in two days”, followed by a title of the book all the students were supposed to have. The prince cursed at the thought of going out of his room and meeting a group of excited or rather overly-excited and hysterical girls once more that day. However, he knew that many other students always borrowed books as soon as possible. Due to that unspoken rule, he had already lost a chance to get one of the important papers before class in the previous week. As a consequence, at that moment, he was determined to completely ignore all the people waiting and get through to the library.
“I do not understand all that fuss you are creating here for days” a brunette thought as she passed by some of her female friends who were still enthusiastically talking about the Prince of Wales’ son. She did not express her thoughts out loud, though, as she was in the minority of people thinking that William's arrival at the university was a ‘normal’ thing and not something to gush about constantly.
After asking about the book, William was left in disappointment again. The last copy was taken away by someone else just fifteen minutes earlier. After hearing the words “You can ask her”, William assumed that yet another forced and weird conversation was awaiting him.
“Miss Middleton. Her name is on that list given out to all the students on the first day, am I right?” A person working in the library said and rolled his eyes a little. Although he knew that a prince stood in front of him, he still felt an annoyance over first-year students' awkwardness and confusion about every simple rule.
“Yes, of course” William cleared throat moments later “We've simply had no chance to talk yet”. This time, he was the one to not receive a reply and left the library in the following seconds.
Chapter 2
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