tag-that-oc · 2 years
Somtimes a found family is a socially akward and very anxious android, a grumpy, divorced, middle-aged man who liked blues music and a tall lady in a gigantic coat and an even lager hat who probably drinks wine 24/7
ooh i love androids
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atlas-of-galaxies · 2 years
For the ask-game: Midori/The real Sour Hiyori?
first impression - I think that I thought he was like ... Shin in the future?? like some popular fanon? I didn't realize he was an Actual Character til I saw him on Kai's laptop and that's ... definitely a chilling introduction, considering everyone's reactions. impression now - it's just me, my trusted circle of people, and our utter normalness about Midori against the world. incredibly fun and electric character, but good god does he attract the strangest types of people in fandom you never would have thought existed. fun to dissect him regardless. even more fun to draw. favorite moment - he steals the show Every time he's on screen, so this is a tough choice, but the War of Words in the Russian Roulette holds a special place in my heart for how funny it is. it's the equivalent of Midori trying to solve a math problem and Sara just shouting random numbers at him. love seeing him lose his shit. idea for a story - I wanna see how he is in the ASU-NARO office behind the scenes. worst group of people ever trying to plan an elaborate Death Game sounds like a great prompt for a sitcom. unpopular opinion - I do Not wanna know anything about a backstory for Midori. any sort of explanation for Why He's Like This would make him less interesting in my opinion; I love characters who are just Freaks for no apparent reason. I wouldn't mind learning how he got involved in ASU-NARO (big fan of the theory his parents are also agents tho, leading to him growing up in this fucked-up environment (and therefore serving as a very nice foil to Kai and Hinako ... )) but anything beyond that is unnecessary imo. favorite relationship - him and the drill that kills him <3 on a more serious note, him and Keiji have a wonderful antagonism that showcases the latter's development super nicely; Keiji goes from responding to Midori's provoking language with murderous violence to seeing straight through his fumbling pleads in the Russian Roulette. he's able to not only keep a cool head, but also deliver one of the best lines in the game. it's incredibly satisfying. favorite headcanon - I loooove anything design-wise that stresses the inhuman. a personal favorite of mine is cracks down the side of the face he got impaled through, akin to a porcelain doll ... I imagine they get worse and spread under stress.
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henryjekyllposts · 2 years
Hello, good Doctor!
Since you and Utterson are now on this website, is Lanyon considering to come to Tumblr. as well? I know, things are a little hard between you guys right now, but I was curious.
Also, if you see Utterson and Lanyon again, say hello to them from me!
Best regards,
-a stranger on the internet
Good evening, stranger!
I have not spoken to Lanyon about getting a tumblr, perhaps Utterson has. It has been a great way to keep in contact with one another sine we so scarcely have time to meet with one another. I do miss Lanyon, I know I should speak with him more often, but I know we are both rather busy.
I will tell the both of them you say hello when I see them next :)
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☕️ for pinapple on pizza. Gotta ask the real questions
LOL, a very important question :D I like it, though it's not my favourite sort of pizza.
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frostedlemonwriter · 2 years
19 & 20?
19) Does this story have any major themes?
Happiness requires sacrifice, and even then there's no guarantee of it.
20) If this story could have a bad ending option, what would it be (and is the bad end canon)?
Logan loses the woman she loves, and then loses her life.
Thanks Salty!
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cljordan-imperium · 11 months
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I meant to share this a few days ago, but life happened...
TRICK - Do a small moodboard for one of your wips
TREAT - Share a snippet/quote/blurb from a wip
TRICK - Spooky pic or moodboard about a favorite fandom character or characters
TREAT - Not Spooky but fall themed pic or moodboard about your favorite fandom character or characters
There are no limits to how many you can send.
All those tagged below interacted in some way with my original post on this. This will run through 11/1
@zablife @pit-of-chaos @digital-chance @writingmaidenwarrior @pheita @coffeewritesfiction @mootiemoose @abalonetea @albatris @druidx @aalinaaaaaa @blind-the-winds @magicmoon65 @julyzaa @evita-shelby @arionawrites @your-local-tall-asshole @hotwheels1108 @hoodeddreams13 @touloserlautrec @sunset-a-story @there-goes-thefighter @autumnalwalker @call-sign-shark @the-love-you-cant-live-without @look-at-the-soul @dru-reads-writeblr @acertainmoshke @dontjudgemeimawriter @dlmlufics @moral-terpitude @arionawrites @aziz-reads @saltysupercomputer @thebejeweledwatercat @cillmequick @writinginslowmotion @theothermaidoftarth @destroya-hargrove @ohnoitsthebat @leisoree @thefinaljediknight @whileyoureinschoolidothisallday @k-v-briarwood @kaibiwashere @malloen8c @harps-for-days @pocketpaprika @starbuds-and-rosedust @foxmonkey
I think this is everyone. Please feel free to reblog to your heart's content and participate even if not tagged and add yourself to the tag list and reblog so you don't get left out of the fun. This is for everyone. You can creat picrews, find pics of your favorite star, write something new, share something you've written...this is just fun...have at it!!!!
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oh-no-another-idea · 1 month
Badly Summarized WIP tag
Thank you for all the (admittedly old) tags, @saltysupercomputer @talesofsorrowandofruin and @writingmaidenwarrior! <3
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Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they'd be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
Most of these have been mentioned online, so I'll be cackling to myself watching everyone vote! And no pressure tags for anyone who wants to do this one, and also @winterandwords @revenantlore @indecentpause @chauceryfairytales @chayscribbles
@toribookworm22 @writingamongther0ses @cherrybombfangirlwrites and @sarandipitywrites <3
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 7 months
OC Picrew Tag
I did another Picrew here for Lexi, Robbie, and Carmen!
Version 1
Thanks @mk-writes-stuff here, @pluto-murphy-writes here, and @saltysupercomputer who I send my sincerest apologies to not getting to this since May here.
Rules: use this Picrew to create a couple OCs!
Maddie Morgan, Kelsey Newman, and Akash Singh
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[image ID in alt text]
Maddie: OC in three, two truths and a lie
Kelsey: filled-in bingo
I haven't done anything for Akash yet??? I am ashamed
Version 2
Thanks @badluck990
Rules: use this Picrew to create a couple of OCs and yourself!
Me (Kaylin), Gwen Amante, and Jedi Moon
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[image ID in alt text]
Gwen: OC in three
Jedi: Smash or Pass (acearo version)
Tagging softly @atelierwriting @awritingcaitlin @ceph-the-ghost-writer @buffythevampirelover @little-mouse-gardens @blind-the-winds @little-peril-stories @sleepywriter00
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @fairy-tales-of-yesterday who as always can join in
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
OC Questionnaire Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @anyablackwood (here)!
I'll go with Deimos Soll from Supernova Initiative, Lady Vivaldah Lariach from The Forgotten Ones, and Kane Mylestrom from Song of Thorns!
Your OC Questions:
What is a thing that would break your trust in a person immediately?
What is your favorite animal? Have you ever had a pet/or want one?
Who do you look up to the most?
If you were to wake up in another universe, what is the one thing you would take with you?
Deimos: "My sniper rifle, or food. One of those two options, it depends on what hypothetical 'universe' I happen to wake up in."
Vivaldah: "My sister's necklace, which is also the sigil of our House. It's one of my most prized possessions."
Kane: "I wouldn't call my dragon a 'thing', because she is a sentient and mighty being who deserves all the respect, but yes, I would take my dragon with me."
2. What kind of person pisses you off the most?
Deimos: "People who think they can do anything to others just because they have the power to - snobbish tyrants who think it's their birthright to screw others over. Also, people who objectify others or who think torture is 'okay' just because they think it's justified for a 'greater cause' are a kind person that makes my blood boil immensely."
Vivaldah - "Those who justify cruelty in the name of their 'Gods', and who think they can kill anyone whom they consider 'heretics' just for thinking differently than them. I also hate people who are rude and who like to make fun of others."
Kane - "Cowards and people who turn tail and run at the first sign of trouble, along with liars, manipulators and people who have no moral compass. I also despite royals who consider their subordinates as pawns to be manipulated and discarded once we're no longer of 'use.'"
3. How often do you dream? Are they usually dream-dreams, or nightmares?
Deimos: "Well let's see: I was kidnapped from my homeworld by slavers when I was sixteen, escaped, and grew up as a street urchin - with the duo who became my adoptive siblings - on one of the most crime-ridden moons of our galaxy, and then, as an adult, was captured by an insane warlord who tried to torture me into being her living puppet weapon. So... you can imagine the kind of 'dreams' I have are far from pleasant most nights."
Vivaldah: "I used to have the sweetest dreams in the past. When I was just me being a princess who lived in a rosy-tinted world, sheltered in my family's ancestral palace. Then the Iron Inquisition came. Now my sleep is haunted by the memories of the day my family was slaughtered by them."
Kane: "Eh. I'm not the kind that usually has a lot of dreams, and when I do they're usually the most nonsensical, stupid mess that makes me question my life and sanity, and then wake up and not remember anything about that dream in the morning. So. My dreams aren't bad, they're just weird and I rarely remember most of them."
Tagging (gently) @your-absent-father @ray-writes-n-shit @diabolical-blue, @saltysupercomputer @agirlandherquill
@sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart @sm-writes-chaos
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @the-golden-comet OPEN TAG
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pluttskutt · 8 months
Badly Summarised Wips Poll Tag!
@saltysupercomputer tagged me in this (their post), thank you endlessly dearie <3 Seen this game around and am excited to participate (^人^)
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible
Tagging: @mysticstarlightduck @laplumedemaureen @wordwings @ieppiq @theimperiumchronicles @saphoblin + open tag! sorry if you've done this already <3
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toribookworm22 · 1 month
Make Me Write
Thanks for the tags: @acertainmoshke @Silvertalonwritblr @writeintrees @eli-writes-sometimes @rickie-the-storyteller
@saltysupercomputer @oh-no-another-idea
No Pressure Tagging: @midnight-clover @ellierenae @frankensteinshimbo @raiphend & my open tag!
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late-to-the-fandom · 6 months
Make Yourself Write Tag Game
So I've had three cool tags in the last two days: a character voice tag game from @thewritingautisticat here and @tildeathiwillwrite here and a neat OC question game here, but since what I really needed was a tag to make me stop procrastinating and actually work on this chapter, I've turned them into a 'write three new lines' tag so I can't get away with not writing at least three lines today.
"Oh!" exclaimed Elisewin, knocking into him hard from behind; then - "Oh," she said again as she caught sight of the hidden stairs. Only the first dozen steps were visible; after that, they rounded a curve, and, presumably, wound on out of sight. A somewhat ominous view, and one that, like the rest of the courtyard, Renathal found inexplicably, discomfitingly familiar...
Tagging @amewinterswriting @saltysupercomputer @magic-is-something-we-create @pb-dot @sekhithefops to do one of the cool games in the links above or write three sentences on your current WIP and post them - whatever you need in your life right now.
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faeriecinna · 7 months
nine people i'd like to know better tag
thank you @stanzasbysloan for tagging meee!
last song: Playing With Fire - Brennan Story (I love a good bit of redneck rock)
favorite color: Green! Any and all greens but mostly moss/forest green. I am truly a forest deity at heart
currently watching: I realised I'd missed a whole two seasons of American Horror Story so I binged them. Also binged The Witcher but i refuse to finish season three because I'm not emotionally prepared for Geralt to be a Hemsworth so I've been playing the game instead 😅
spicy/savoury/sweet: Spicy food and savoury snacks :)
relationship status: taken and fully down to steal his last name and birth his kids lmao
current obsession: I don't know how to not hyperfixate on a hobby or piece of media so i am obsessed with ✨a lot of things✨
And I wanna tag @rcsthewriter @kaylinalexanderbooks @to-be-a-rose @talesofsorrowandofruin @agirlandherquill @clairelsonao3 @saltysupercomputer @revenantlore aaaaand @mjjune
don't feel obliged, I just don't have that many moots rn 😅
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talesofsorrowandofruin · 11 months
Trick or Treat? 🦇
👻 Trick! :D
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frostedlemonwriter · 10 months
9 People You Want To Get To Know Better
So @saltysupercomputer tagged me in this, and to be quite frank, I was very surprised about this. Like, a lot. But, ya know, thanks for thinking of me.
I don't know if any of my followers would appreciate this? I would feel like an ass. So, open tag if you want?
current book you're reading - I actually haven't been reading a lot lately. Unless you count editing other people's stories as reading?
last song you listened to - I don't remember even though I listened to music at work. By number 1 song on Spotify this year was Santa Ana Winds by Cold War Kids in case that will, I dunno, answer it.
currently watching - I have a long ass youtube playlist.
current fic you're reading - I don't really have time to read a fic right now. The fandom I was apart of isn't...as easy to find the stories of.
next on my watch list - That League of Legends show since @magicaurum has told me how great it is.
current hyperfixation - I dunno? My fantasy-western story has taken over my life, kinda. I've done a lot of research into it and time and all that.
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cljordan-imperium · 2 months
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It's been a rough couple of weeks, but I'm back... some of you should be scared.
@saltysupercomputer @pheita @dreaminggoblin @writingmaidenwarrior @watermeezersmoon
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