#saltwater lagoon
mapsoffun · 8 months
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My last swim at Hilton Waikoloa Village was in their saltwater lagoon, and it was pretty incredible. One of the criticisms of the resort from other guests I spoke to was some disappointment that there wasn’t a proper beach to sit on and swim in the ocean or bay. That’s a valid complaint, but the shorelines weren’t exactly beaches as much as they were covered in jagged stones. This lagoon is a decent compromise: no, you don’t get waves to splash in, but you do get a small beach and sit on a lounge chair, and you can swim with actual tropical fish (and a sea turtle or two). You’re not going to see a huge number of fish, but you will see a nice variety, and that alone is a pretty cool feature and reason enough to consider getting a dive mask/snorkel or at least a pair of goggles.
I went early, just as they were finishing up the little dolphin show they do some mornings around 8 AM, and it was like having much of the lagoon to myself. I could not have asked for a more peaceful and yet invigorating swim on our last full day in Hawaii.
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gofishygo · 5 months
number 5 in marine biology ask 💯💪
what is your most controversial marine bio take ?
ok this is going to piss off all of fishblr but from an industrial fishkeeping standpoint i FUCKING HATE MOON JELLYFISH and i HOPE THEY ALL DIE (i dont but keep reading please) .
like- okok australia lore : we have EXTREMELY strict regulations on importing and exporting animals (ver and inver) and plants . it is so so so SO hard to get anything across if you aren't using it exclusively for research or if you are not in a career relevant to it. AND- AND THE THING IS , MOON JELLIES ARE THE ONLY JELLYFISH THAT ARE OK TO KEEP AS PETS IN AUSTRALIA ??
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 years
Daily fish fact #414
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They can inhabit a wide array of different salinities, enjoying rivers, lagoons, estuaries and even saltwater habitats! They prefer a very specific 26 to 30 degrees Celsius in water temperature, though.
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@zombinafonfrankenstein @seriously-nobody @abiscuit @griffinappreciator @mistressofthemacabresworld
@dreamelies @hostess-of-horror @caspertheconfused
Here is my (probably very bad) Universal Monsters chatfic!! (There’s a bunch of context for my au under the cut, so if you wanna skip it you’ll have to scroll a bit :/ )
Here’s a crapton of context for my AU:
All the characters have access to modern technology for completely unknown reasons (probably due to time travel caused by one of the scientists or something?) (and it makes for funny scenarios). Dracula and Renfield have a healthy (if a bit crazy) romantic relationship (inspired by Gomez and Morticia Addams) because I can’t bring myself to write abuse/conflict. Franky (Frankenstein’s monster) and Bea (bride of Frankenstein) are very cute kind couple (and they are ace) they also both have the intelligence of 18-20 year olds (for the sake of the plot). Jekyll and Hyde are here even though I’m pretty sure universal never made a movie with them. Both Larry Talbot and Jack Griffin’s families think they are dead. Kharis (the mummy) and Gil (creature from the black lagoon) also have average intelligence (because plot) and Kharis speaks English and whatever ancient Egyptian language he spoke when he was alive. Gil speaks English, and gets sick when in saltwater because he is (as far as I know) lagoons are (mostly) freshwater. They are all roommates living and “living” in the same house, the mansion from Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein. Griffin is a menace, frequently pranks everyone, and brags about crashing a train. I’m 95.9% sure none of these characters are actually “in character”, this is as “ooc” as you could get lmao
(Btw I wrote this as if it was gonna be posted on ao3 ((it’s not)) so that’s why it has chapters and chapter descriptions)
Chapter 1: documentary
(Griffin pranks Larry Talbot)
Griffin: social experiment: I play a wolf documentary in a room in the same house as a werewolf. Hypotheses: all the howling will bother him. Expected outcome: either I prank him and he’s too tired to do anything about it, or I get my ass kicked.
Jekyll: ..I- what? Don’t do that Jack. It’s mean.
Griffin: do you forget that I crashed a train?
Jekyll: oh yeah, I purposefully ignore that fact.
Griffin: rude. your ignoring one of my greatest achievements >:(
Jekyll: It’s *You’re and yes. Yes I am.
Dracula: why would a documentary bother Lawrence? It’s on a screen? Fake?
Griffin: I have that answer in the hypothesis >:) also, wdym fake?
Franky: Dracula… do you think documentaries are staged??
Dracula: yes..??? Aren’t they?
Jekyll: No!
Larry: whoever is watching that documentary about wolfs- PLEASE WATCH LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.
Griffin: I mean…. wow, whoever’s watching that is definitely not funny.. turn it off guys.
Larry: griffin I can hear your deranged cackling from across the house. It’s not funny, my werewolf senses are going crazy, TURN IT OFF
Griffin : why?? I’ve done no wrong 🥺
Jekyll: that’s historically inaccurate.
Larry: don’t “🥺” me! And you’ve done MUCH WRONG!
Griffin: that’s fair. But no. :)
Larry: why not?! You’re just doing it to bother me!!
Griffin: you can’t prove that! And it’s for educational purposes.
Larry: you admitted it in your previous texts idiot. I can scroll up and see them? “EdUcAtIoNaL PuRpOsEs” bs 🙄
Franky: hey griffin how about you try to bother Gil with a ocean life documentary?
Griffin: oooooooo good idea Franky!
Jekyll: Don’t encourage him Franky!!
In a different group chat…:
Larry: Gil is from the Brazilian Rainforest not the ocean?
Franky: it got the wolf documentary to stop didn’t it??
Larry: ooooohhhhh gotcha ;) thanks
Franky: ;) your welcome. Griffin is sometimes like a toddler, if you want to distract him just give him a shiny new toy to play with.
Larry : ah. Makes sense.
Chapter 2: when a mummy catches you…
(Gil asks an interesting question)
Gil: soooooooo…….what do mummies….. actually….. do?
Kharis: rude!!
Gil: No, I mean, if you were human, being chased by different monsters, what are the consequences?
Gil: a vampire drinks your blood, a werewolf bites you, a zombie eats you, what do mummies do to you?
Kharis: keep asking that question and you’ll find out.
Gil: I’m just wondering!!
Kharis: we beat the living hell outta you when you ask us dumb questions.
Gil: message received!! Chill!
Kharis: thanks 🙄😑
Chapter 3: jello and insomnia
(Bea is eating jello at three am and gets “inspired”)
Bea: could you make jello out of ranch?
Franky: honey, wtf???? Its 3am come back to bed!!
Bea: I’m in the kitchen eating. Can’t sleep. Answer the question.
Franky: no????? It’s too thick of a substance.
Bea: sad. If I could I’d eat ranch cubes with carrot jello.
Franky: ew???
Renfield: what about ketchup jello?? Or pure mayonnaise jello? Or BLOOD jello??
Dracula: that last one sounds yummy ;)
Franky: please stop :/
Bea: babe it’s for science! What about sparkling water jello?? Like- the jello is FIZZY ya know?
Dracula: carbonated jello you mean
Bea: yeah!
Franky: I hate everything about this conversation.
Renfield: relish jello.
Franky: 🤢
Dracula: I know for a fact that some of these exist. Meat jello exists.
Franky: ew, what?
Dracula: blame the Great Depression. Look it up.
Renfield: master!! What about bug jello?!
Dracula: probably not, but there are bug lollipops I think.
Renfield: oh my god I want one
Bea: cheese jello.
Dracula: I’m nocturnal and Renfield stays up late with me, tell Bea to go to bed not me
Bea: I’ll be in bed in 5 minutes
Franky: thank you… 😮‍💨🥹
Hyde: what the HELL HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?? (And why wasn’t I a part of it?)
Chapter 4: diary
(Griffins steals a diary to try to get secrets)
Dracula: oh no…
Bea: what did you do.??
Griffin: I found Kharis’ diary!! >:)
Bea: if you picked it up and took it, then you STOLE Kharis’ diary
Griffin: …shush… anyways!!! Anyone know good ideas on how to blackmail him?
Dracula: griffin that’s not a good idea.
Griffin: whats so funny Gil?  🤔
Kharis: open the diary idiot.
Bea: oh shit Griffin you’ve been caught
Gil: no?? you haven’t opened the book yet have you??
Griffin: ……..
Griffin: …I just did.
Kharis: ;)
Griffin: f you.
Dracula: what happened? What’s in the diary?
Griffin:….. its in hieroglyphics.
Dracula: OMG
Griffin: :’(
Kharis: oh “boo hoo”, you were gonna blackmail me!!
Griffin: thats fair.
chapter 5: the munsters
(Hyde asks a question)
Hyde: you guys know The Munsters right?
Larry: yeah.?
Hyde: well if the dad is a “Frankenstein’s monster” character, and the mom is a vampire, why is their son a werewolf?
Larry: ….
Larry: that’s actually a good question.
Griffin: simple. Lily cheated.
Kharis: or he’s adopted? 😑
Griffin: the cheating storyline is more interesting.
Kharis: sure.
Hyde: plot twist: their milkman is a werewolf ;)
Hyde: oh no what did I just start?
Kharis: please don’t encourage him.
Larry: griffin and Hyde trying to prove Lily Munster cheated:
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Kharis: XD
Griffin: oh, shut up. >:(
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missr3n3 · 1 month
Augusnippets Day 18
apocalypse/infection/self-administered medicine
fandom: @moonlightsmasquerade fear of the deep (^ also source for the art) TW: unsanitary, inept caretaking word count: 351 @augusnippets
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“Oh, goodness… What happened now?”
Llywelyn had hoped his experience working along the coast, helping both the wildlife and humans, would've equipped him to help Cain after he found the boy beside the docks, getting…
Best not to dwell on that now.
But was it any wonder he was unprepared to deal with a being between a fish and a human? Was it any wonder he only figured out Cain needed regular soaks in saltwater when he was half-conscious and gasping for air?
As a result of the uninformed procrastination, Llywelyn's solution was inelegant. A bathtub full of tap water and Kosher salt worked in the short term, though even his clueless self knew the setup couldn't be permanent. If only he could find a way to broach the topic with Jack without raising suspicion.
The situation Llywelyn found himself in that morning was perhaps just the opportunity he needed.
He awoke to quiet rasps echoing from his bathroom. As expected, the noise was coming from Cain. Much less expected was the cloudiness in normally vibrant green eyes and the even angrier, inflamed redness around his gills.
“How are you feeling, lad?” Llywelyn gently questioned as he sat beside the dingy bathtub.
“Bad,” Cain croaked, almost literally. “More ‘n usual.”
“I can't help you much with a description that vague.”
“Think ‘m sick. Like an evil flu or somethin'.”
“Okay…” The more Llywelyn thought on it, the more a plan formulated in his mind. Regular, pet fish kept in aquariums got sick all the time. Jack had told him a fair number of horror stories about people coming to him with dying fish caused by inept care. The fact Llywelyn's “fish" was a Black Lagoon-esque creature didn't need to be known. “Let me make a call real quick. I'll get you right as rain in no time.” Llywelyn offered Cain a small smile that went unnoticed before he stood to grab the landline.
“Morning, Jack. Hm? No, I haven't seen Zoey lately. What-? Ah, I was calling because I have a question. It's… Well, I've been getting into fish care lately…”
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bigdumbbambieyes · 1 year
alluring 🥀✨
Steve had been warned not to swim at night.
But, it can’t be helped. The heat of the day seeps into the evening and leaves Steve sticky with sweat in his bed, tossing and turning and hoping that sleep would come, but it couldn’t. Wouldn’t.
So, he slips out of his window and goes to the shore.
It’s the middle of the night but the moon is bright and full and round above him, reflecting off of the waves as he walks down the shore alone. It’s peaceful, but he’s still hot, so he heads to the small lagoon he goes to whenever he needs to cool off during the day.
Surely, it should be the same at night.
When he arrives, it’s quiet, and the water glows green and blue from algae. It’s gorgeous, he has to admit, and he quickly undresses as he eyes the still water.
He enters slowly, sighing in relief as the cool water soothes his hot skin, promising comfort and relief the deeper he goes, until the water laps at his chest.
Taking a deep breath and holding it, Steve dunks himself underwater.
When he surfaces, he isn’t alone.
He yelps, like a startled animal, and stares wide-eyed at the other in front of him.
A man, like him, with long blond hair that’s wet from the water. It spills down his shoulders and spreads in the water like golden ink, his face young and handsome, although the longer Steve looks, the more he realizes that the other isn’t human.
Those eyes tell him otherwise. Shimmering like the glowing algae, framed by long lashes, Steve sees the bottom of the ocean in that pupil-less stare.
“Um,” he mutters, struck with fear because he knows about mermaids, knows that they should be avoided, but a sense of calm washes over him the longer he looks. He starts to think that being dragged to the bottom of the ocean wouldn’t be so bad if this creature were the one to do it.
Full lips spread into a small, curious smile and the Mer tilts his head, eyeing Steve with interest, but he says nothing. He doesn’t move, either.
But, he does start to hum, low and soft. It’s alluring and Steve finds himself wading closer, lips parting in awe as his eyes flit across the man’s face. The closer he gets, the clearer he sees the pearlescent scales on the Mer’s skin, the necklaces made of pearls and shells and sea glass, a fishhook pierced through the lobe of a pointed ear.
And the creature speaks like a song, soft and soothing to Steve’s ear as he threatens, “Come any closer and I’ll drag you to the depths.”
Steve stops, just inches away, and the Mer smirks. He lifts a webbed hand from the water and trails his fingertips across Steve’s cheek, touching gently, like this is his first time seeing another creature, too.
Steve lifts his own hand to touch the Mer but the creature is quick to swim away with a slap of his tail at the surface, splashing Steve with saltwater, even laughing in glee as it stings his eyes.
“Jerk,” Steve huffs, wiping his eyes with both hands, and when he lowers them the creature is gone.
Fear strikes him for a moment, thinking that the Mer has gone underwater to take him, but minutes pass and nothing happens. The lagoon is still and peaceful, the sound of waves distant and soothing.
Steve can’t deny the disappointment he feels as he finally leaves the water. Not that he was wishing for a watery death, but this is the closest he’s ever been to something so magical and he wishes it hadn’t ended so soon. Does the creature have a name? Where did he come from? Is this lagoon his home? Does he go here every night?
After redressing and exhausting his mind with unanswered questions, Steve glances at the water again and spots the creature there, wading in the shallow depths with an interested expression on his face. He gives Steve a smile before slipping underwater again, out of sight, leaving Steve with an ache to know.
I’ll come back tomorrow, he decides, searching the water before looking up at the glowing moon, I promise.
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antediluvianechoes · 1 year
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Rhamphorhynchus and Aspidorhynchus by RavePaleoArt
Rhamphorynchus doesn’t much feel the wetness or the cold of the lagoon, yet underwater does feel like another world. There’s a thickness to its unbreathable sky wherein fish dart and bubbles rise. The pterosaur does not stay long in it. It is not much of a swimmer, and the less saltwater swallowed the better. So the place under the surface remains mysterious and weird despite it being the source of almost every meal. 
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msweebyness · 8 months
DuPont School for Monstrous Youths- The Sad Stuff
Ya girl was in an angsty mood, so here's some stuff to hit you in the feels! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Voodoo dolls have a long history of being enslaved by humans. Entire families would fall under the control of dark hoodoo mystics, and that was the case for Marinette's family. Tom and Sabine managed to get their daughter out when she was eight or so (with help from Bustier and Mendeliev), but they remain in captivity, which haunts Marinette.
Because Ondine's father was saltwater and her mother freshwater, they're essentially shunned not only by their family (barring her maternal grandparents), but by most of their species as a whole. They live in their isolated lagoon because they weren't welcome anywhere else. Most other aquatic monsters immediately recognize Ondine as being mixed (she has lighter toned skin and upward slanted gills, traits of freshwater monsters, but sharp teeth and fins on her arms and legs, which are saltwater features.) and treat her like garbage.
Dragons are actually incredibly rare as of the last few centuries due to the rise of hunting them for their scales and horns. The Tsurugi clan are actually one of the few remaining prominent families, but even their numbers have severely dwindled. Kagami's mother was blinded and her father killed in an attack when she was very young.
Max's creator/father, Markov, mysteriously vanished without a trace around four years ago. Max has scoured every inch of their home and lab trying to find some sort of lead, but has found nothing. He continues to search because he knows his father wouldn't have just abandoned him.
When Ivan was ten years old, his village in the mountains was attacked by a cryptid hunting brigade. His mother managed to get him and Sasha to safety, but his father was killed in the attack trying to give his family time to get away. He still wakes up crying every once in a while.
Simon's parents and the majority of his family deemed him 'worthless' because he was such a 'runt' for their kind. He was essentially disowned and cast out for being an 'embarrassment'. Thankfully, his aunt was having none of that.
Jean possesses a very rare and deadly ability for phantoms, which is to sing a cursed note that can stop the heart and shatter the mind, resulting in instant, painful death. Many see them as a threat because of this, and it's the reason his father took him away from his mother. She wanted to use them as a weapon against humans.
Nathaniel's dad died when a band of humans set fire to the chapel the Kurtzbergs had called home, wanting to rid it of 'demons'. He was smashed to rubble trying to get his son to safety.
Anthony has been persecuted his entire life for being a daemon, and supposedly 'evil'. He has scars from holy water being thrown at him, people have set fire to his family's home, and he constantly gets told to "GO BACK TO HELL!"
Yeah, Ismael’s mom never wanted a kitten and threw both him and his dad out when Fazli refused to “get rid of” their child.
Aurore’s planet was consumed by a civil war which was why her family had to flee to Earth. Her family was a prestigious clan with HUGE targets on their backs, and had to go to a planet basically off the records for their own safety.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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outofangband · 1 year
Teleri gardens post for @actual-bill-potts
Mentions of this on my other world building posts for the Teleri! I actually have a lot of head cannons about the differences in gardens between the three peoples of the Amanyar and I will make posts about Vanyarin and Noldorin gardens soon!
Second note: this is not meant to be a flora post as I want to make a separate one with more extensive information on that however, I will include some examples of plants 
As always please feel free to ask more!
-The Teleri have beautiful gardens of a variety of forms; formal gardens, groves, orchards, vegetable and herb gardens, aquatic gardens ranging from elegant ponds to elaborate whimsical waterscapes, and coral gardens.
-There are extensive and beautiful gardens at the palace of Alqualondë including a fountain carved over a natural spring, a grove of trees (mostly black and maritime pine) with a small natural pond, and a stream that runs to the ocean through a small opening in the sandstone walls.
-Shapes of gardens tend to be spiral or circular from above. Circles, spirals, waves, and other similar shapes are common and a lot of their art and this absolutely includes outdoors and garden art 
-Some of these coral gardens are cultivated from existing tide pools with help from Maiar of Ulmo. These can serve as living monuments to the ocean and its creatures, and are very sacred places to the Teleri.
-There are several green houses in Alqualondë including one or two built over warm springs that provide moisture to the plants and soil. Glasswork is another important Telerin craft as I mentioned on my first world building post. Though Noldorin architectural styles or practices might have been used in their construction, the glasswork and horticulture/ecological work is from Telerin knowledge and practices
-There are also many purely underwater gardens. Some of these are in lagoons, and groves found more inland. Some of these are in the ocean beyond the harbor. Many of these are very difficult to access to outsiders, requiring access through hidden coves and through steel treks. These gardens are home to many aquatic and ocean plants, and the creatures that find sanctuary in them; kelp, seaweed and sea grasses and others 
-Gardening, landscaping and design and water engineering are important Telerin crafts! They take a lot of pride in how land and water are represented in their gardens, in contents and layout and shape, etc
-The soil around and through Alqualondë is very fertile. It’s not uncommon to find fragments of shell and limestone or sandstone in the soil thus the plant life tends to be limestone friendly though the levels are not so high that it makes it inhospitable to species that aren’t 
-Small pebbles and shells often decorate paths in gardens and parks. Statues are rare in gardens but small rock/pebble formations are sometimes made
-Especially among the nobles but also elsewhere, aquatic gardens often with elaborate waterscapes. These utilize pumps, spinning wheels, elegant slanted trofts carved from stone, clay or bamboo, and elvenmade streams and ponds
-Even in non water based gardens, water elements such as fountains, often in whimsical or creative shapes, bird baths and ponds are common. There are carved sandstone structures around several saltwater springs creating fountains in Alqualondë’s main spaces. These are viewed as the sea opening up within the city
-Telerin gardens, even formal ones, tend to require minimal pruning, and rely on methods that allow the species to grow thrive, and cross pollinate as they would naturally. While, this is true of most elven garden practices in general it’s often especially visible in these 
-Children play in the gardens a lot and lessons are often held here!
-As I mentioned on my previous world building post for the Teleri, many streams run from the Pelóri to the ocean and they run through the city. There are also many underground streams, and both sources are utilized to bring water to gardens, houses and other water elements. I actually headcanon that both Tirion and Alqualondë have systems somewhere between canals and aqueducts.
-Sea cabbage, common gorse, juniper, bay, sea oats, yarrow, sea thrift, curry plants and sea campion are some of the most common plants in small gardens. Bay leaves are common garnishes and seasoning in Telerin cuisine.
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Mila looked back and forth at both of them, mouth flapping silently. “How?” she finally asked.
“We have no idea,” Viktor said. “Probably magic.”
“Magic is not real,” Chris sputtered.
“Sure looks real to me,” Yuri said.
After falling into a magical lagoon during a once-in-a-lifetime eclipse, music students Viktor, Mila, and Yuri find themselves transforming into merfolk whenever they touch water… and considering that they live on the coast, that’s probably going to cause some trouble. Things get even weirder when they discover strange powers that may have bigger effects on their daily lives than they could ever imagine.
Add to the mix a thalassophobic pianist, a marine biologist (possibly cryptozoologist) who might actually be completely insane, and a treasure-hunting Canadian… one thing’s for sure: their lives sure just got a whole lot more interesting.
Start from the beginning HERE / new chapter HERE
Chapter preview under the cut!
Tuesday afternoon, when Yuri was headed to his last class of the day, his English Lit teacher caught him in the hallway.
“Yuri, the principal called me a minute ago. She needs you in the office; you’re excused from ninth period.”
Yuri stared at her. “Why?”
“She didn’t say,” his teacher answered, looking uncomfortable. “But… she did say your parents just arrived.”
Yuri hadn’t spoken to his mom in a couple of days; she was staying at her coworker’s house, sleeping on the couch, and mostly texted Yuri when she wasn’t busy with… something. Every time she called Yuri to talk to him, it turned into a one-sided conversation where she was trashing Dad about his choices, trying to get Yuri to agree with her.
The last time they’d talked, he’d hesitated to say anything nasty about Dad, and Mom had gotten so angry that she’d hung up on him before he could defend himself. Yuri had remembered how stressed out Dad and Dedushka had become, and how Dad would sit at the kitchen table surrounded by papers that looked like bills and receipts, and he couldn’t bring himself to be angry at Dad for Mom leaving.
Especially since the real reason Mom had left had been… Yuri himself.
For a long, stupid moment, Yuri wondered if they were pulling him out of school to tell him they were getting counseling, and Mom was moving back in. But his gut told him otherwise. He waved goodbye to his teacher and headed downstairs to the main office, feeling like one of the accused witches in The Crucible walking to the gallows.
In this chapter: Yuri's life takes a sharp turn for the worse, in more ways than one.
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iceemoondemon · 1 year
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Candyfloss Soda Cookie - A laid back, and sweet cookie, she's not very much of a heavily positive person, but she gets along with some people pretty well, she's apart of House Saltwater, and is part of The Fresh Lagoons, and she loves playing video games at times.
Status: Guest
Sour Blues Cookie - The bodyguard of House Saltwater, they're loyal, protective, and they take their job seriously, but overall the protectiveness, and serious loyalty, they are a sweet, and gentle cookie, they were born in an island with a slightly strict but friendly family, their family supported them, and they wanted them to be friends with the people around them, their first friends being Peppermint Cookie, and Aquamarine Cookie.
Rarity: EPIC
Class: Charge
Position: Middle
Skill: Super Sour Pitch!
Spiderweb Floss Cookie - A mysterious, and kind cookie, they were found by Saltwater Mint Cookie, and they were alone at that time, mainly because some other cookies found Spiderweb Floss Cookie to a creep, and was called a freak, all because of their love for spiders, they didn't need to worry about those cookies anymore, because they felt much better now, because they were in Azuki Town, and in House Saltwater, they also get along with Pumpkin Pie Cookie, and they have a pet spider named Baby Webs.
Rarity: EPIC
Class: Magic
Position: Front
Skill: Spiderweb Swing
BONUS: Separated references
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pleistocene-pride · 9 months
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The saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) also known as the estuarine crocodile, Indo-Pacific crocodile, marine crocodile, sea crocodile, or saltie, is a large species of crocodilian which has a wide range being found throughout India, Southeast Asia, Australia, and Micronesia. Here they inhabit coastal lagoons, wetlands, deltas, estuaries, mangrove swamps, rivers, and freshwater lakes. These moderately social yet extremely aggressive crocodilians feed on a wide variety of prey including invertebrates, fish, amphibians, snakes, reptiles, birds, and various mammals from as small as bats to as large as gaur. Saltwater crocodiles exhibit a great degree of sexual dimphorism with males often reaching 4 to 5 times the size of females. They are also on average the largest extant crocodilian with the biggest males reaching 18 to 23ft (5.5 to 7m) in length and 2,000 to 3,300lbs (900 to 1,500kgs) in weight. In comparison female saltwater crocodiles get to around 8 to 14ft (2.5 to 4.3m) in length and 165 to 1,000lbs (75 to 455kg) in weight. Both sexes have a broader snout and body compared to other crocodile species with a pair of ridges that run from the eyes along to the center of the snout. There coloration is generally a tan to greenish grey in color; but there is variation in color among different populations with some appearing a yellowish tint and others almost black. Like the american crocodile, saltwater crocodiles sport salt glands on their heads that can secrete excess salt, allowing them to drink salt water. Saltwater crocodiles have the highest bite force of any animal recorded at 16,414 newtons (3,690 pounds-force). Breeding occurs during the wet season, during such time a male saltwater crocodile will approach a female in his territory - if she lets him get near, the two will court by rubbing their heads together before mating underwater. The pregnant female will carry her eggs with her for 1 to 2 months before building a nest on the edge of a tidal river or lagoon, laying the clutch inside. She will guard them fiercely for 80 to 98 days, at which point the young crocodiles will hatch and be cared for for the first 8 months of their lives. It's at this point they become large enough to become independent, fending for themselves now they are no longer vulnerable. Females reach sexual maturity at 12 years old, and males at 16. Under ideal conditions a saltwater crocodile may live upwards of 70 years.
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karaloza · 3 months
Legend of Zelda Theme Park - Zora's Domain (UPDATED)
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Zora’s Domain is in the southwest corner of the park, corresponding to the Triforce of Wisdom. It is a peaceful area, with many fountains and open waterways crossed by footbridges, and structures designed with sweeping curved lines, or else taking the form of water-sculpted caves. The outer edge of the area borders an artificial lake that also serves as the boundary for that side of the theme park. Music for the area consists of not just the literal Zora’s Domain theme, but the themes for other water-based settings and Zora characters.
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Spirit Train (Sea Station): One of the stations for the Spirit Train (see the Castle Town writeup) can be found here.
Whirlpool Rapids: In this cousin to the Tilt-a-Whirl found at many carnivals, guests board little “boats” on a rotating platform. In addition to the usual rising and falling and spinning motion of such rides, lateral movement is possible via a “rudder” in the boat that tilts part of the platform so that the seat slides along it. And guests will want that control, because the ride is ringed with hostile River Zora, Lizalfos, and other aquatic monsters spitting water at everyone who passes by!
Zora Water Wonderland: For a different sort of look at the Zoras in their natural habitat, guests enter a cave lined with genuine aquarium tanks containing live fish and other creatures (many of them the inspiration for the fictitious species featured in the game franchise), which slopes down and eventually opens up into a glass-walled tunnel at the bottom of a saltwater lagoon. More live animals can be found here, along with Zoras in the form of both animatronics and occasionally costumed performers (trained divers). This means that yes, the theme park is a certified aquarium.
OCTAROCALYPSE!!!: Despite this being a theme park based on video games, not many of the attractions have video game-style interactive elements. This is simply because if visiting the Zelda park is too much like playing a Zelda game, a large portion of the potential market will be content to save their money and just stay home and play the games. But it didn't seem right not to allow guests any opportunities for in-person monster-slaying, so here's something that hopefully is elaborate enough to transcend its vague video gaminess. It begins similarly to the Goro-Gondolas, as guests board boats that cruise at a leisurely pace past scenes of Zoras at work and play. However, it soon becomes evident that all is not well when the boat enters new scenes where Octoroks are menacing the innocent fish-folk! This is where the guests come in—each seat in the boat is equipped with a water cannon, and scoring a direct hit on an Octorok takes it down (the mechanical figure tips over or sinks or otherwise indicates defeat). Unlike most theme park shooting games, there is no scoring system; the rewards are intrinsic as the rescued Zoras turn and wave to the boat or otherwise show gratitude. In later scenes, the Octoroks are bigger and require more hits, maybe even simultaneous hits (teamwork!) to take out. In the final stage of the ride, the boat climbs a tall lift and enters a dark, stormy cavern, in which a huge Octorok is rising out of a whirlpool! Trident-wielding Zora warriors are attempting to hold it at bay, while the boat makes nearly a complete circle around it as if caught in the whirlpool. You can't actually take this one down, but if each of the flailing tentacles is hit at least once, that will (implicitly) weaken it enough that the Zoras can finish it off after the guests escape...down a steep drop into a final splash pool!
Zora King's Throne Room: A spot for guests to meet and take photos with Zora characters such as Princess Ruto (Ocarina of Time), Lulu (Majora's Mask), Mipha (Breath of the Wild), and Sidon (also Breath of the Wild). While they wait, they can get a few shots of the (huge) king himself, there on his high ledge (a visual taken pretty much directly from Ocarina of Time, although Breath of the Wild codifies that Zora kings are gargantuan). He blinks and shifts, and occasionally raises one spindly arm to make a proclamation in the Zora tongue.
6. Great Bay Goods: Named for the beachfront area in Majora's Mask, this shop offers souvenir beachwear and accessories, water toys, driftwood and seashell artwork, and various ocean and fish-themed knickknacks.
7. Lovely Scales: A music shop for every Hero who ever picked up a time-traveling Ocarina, Goddess Harp, Full Moon Cello, or simple recorder. Most of the instruments for sale are simple—bamboo flutes, handheld percussion instruments (think maracas, sistrums, castanets, etc.), and of course ocarinas, but higher-end instruments are available and can be examined upon request by adults or children with adult supervision. There is also a stock of sheet music—some from the LoZ games, some songbooks for learning specific instruments, some just for fun/popularity—and a small rack of game soundtracks and tie-in albums on CD (a dying format, but it's not dead yet). A large video screen on one wall plays video clips from LoZ orchestral concerts, and the many legendary instruments from the game franchise can be seen in their own display cases.
8. Clear as Crystal: A small shop specializing in glass and lead-free crystal sculptures, figurines, and other art pieces, mostly with LoZ or aquatic motifs. An on-site glassblower creates unique small pieces while guests watch.
9. Healing Waters: Hot or cool, there’s nothing as soothing as a good bath, especially when enhanced with specialty bath salts and herbal soaps. This store offers a huge variety of both, and the salts can even be custom-blended with a selection of aromatherapy ingredients.
10. Rockin' Rolls: A counter-service sushi restaurant with a surf rock atmosphere, including a music loop of LoZ tunes remixed for surf guitar and similar styles. You can grab a set of pre-packaged rolls for convenience or wait while a trained sushi chef makes your meal to order. Patio seating overlooks the aforementioned artificial lake, and the interior décor features references to the Indi-Go-Go's (the Zora band from Majora's Mask).
Along the exterior of Lovely Scales, just where the inverted corner of the building facade is (marked with an asterisk), there is a fenced-off pond with a handful of brightly colored frogs sitting on logs and lily pads in the water, and matching colored pressure pads in the ground nearby. This is Don Gero’s Frog Chorus, an interactive mini-attraction. Hop from one pad to another or collaborate with friends to make the frogs sing!
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burninghoneyatdusk · 3 months
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a darklina fic
wip; 2/4 | multi-chapter | explicit | 18.5k
blue lagoon au | historical au | no powers | uncle/niece | age gap | codependency | angst with a happy ending
The sand is a ruthless foe; fine grains that slip through his every defense, rough against skin scorched and pink. A coat of brine that seals it to his every crevice, saltwater adding insult to injury as he burns beneath a ruthless sun. And yet, all of it paling in comparison to the torture of a girl scorned.
Of course, he provoked such fury long before they were shipwrecked. Long before he nearly drowned trying to drag them both towards a miraculous shore; what is surely a prison was once a gift from God. He provoked such fury the moment he arrived at the only place she’d ever called home—what she will now remember most fiercely as her mother’s eternal resting place.
His mission was simple. Safely guide his niece across the ocean, reuniting her with his brother—with her sole surviving parent. But as Alina was quick to point out, no one asked her whether she wanted to leave.
“I would rather live in a tree with nothing but the clothing on my back.”
Well, he thinks. It appears she has gotten her wish after all—living in a tree with nothing but the clothing on her back. Somehow, he doubts this is what she had in mind.
read it here
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projectourworld · 1 year
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Overall winner: Medusa ballet.
Spanish photographer, photojournalist and author Angel Fitor was crowned 2021 European Photographer of the Year for his ethereal image 'Medusa Ballet', which shows jellyfish in the Mar Menor lagoon in Spain, Europe's largest saltwater lagoon.
The European Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition showcase the beauty and diversity of life on planet Earth. Organised by the German Society for Nature Photography, represents the 50th edition of the competition #medusa #ballet #spain #angelfitor
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log6 · 1 year
a lot of people who know a thing or two about bivalves will be aware that they can do literally insane things to water quality especially in damaged saltwater/brackish ecosystems (see most cases of lagoon restoration using common oysters) but a lot of people don’t realize just how much water those little shelled beasts can circulate. Genuinely around 800 of them have a visible impact on water clarity on a whole shoreline of a lagoon, I’ve seen it myself
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