fire-emblem-drabbles · 4 months
yaay you remembered me! ive been thinking of replaying fe fates then i saw your username on discord so i wanted to reminisce and hunt down your blog again hahaha
Omg that's so funny bc when I saw your url I also went to check discord.... yes despite everything I am now 25 and still a fire emblem stan.
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hextechmaturgy · 3 years
Cypher no mask: dad cypher with mask: mysterious dad
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Don't worry about the blood, dear, but make sure to eat your greens!
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imaginefe · 5 years
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nenes-wifey · 5 years
I will support u should u write that akane/teru idea!!! I am here to push the akane/teru agenda
But what abt,,,,,,,akane/Teru/reader,,,,,,haha, just kidding,,,,,,,unless,,,?
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imaginegc · 5 years
I want sieghart to rage in bed and destroy my pussy
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flooficandii · 3 years
god fuckinh dammit i have super idol in my head on loop
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ghostiehatesithere · 6 years
Carry On Chapter 1
A young Prince Lotor stood in the reserved balcony room with his father, watching the fights down below in the Pit. He was confused because usually Zarkon would barely even acknowledge his existence. However, he was eager to please the larger than life Galra that was his father and didn’t question the chance to spend time with him.
Zarkon stood directly in front of the glass overlooking the arena, his arms folded behind his back. Lotor stood beside him, mirroring his stance. He tried to ignore the presence of Haggar but despite her being on the other side of his father, it felt as though she was looming over him. Focusing his gaze on the arena, he watched a large group of drones struggle to drag someone into view. 
A screen appeared before the young prince to give him a closer look. It was a large alien that looked as though it could have easily stood shoulder to shoulder with his father. They were restrained by a straight jacket and a muzzle and yet the drones barely managed to move them forward as they angrily struggled. Their thick reptilian tail thrashed, and if it managed to hit a drone, then it would go flying in a spray of broken metal. 
They had dark grey skin that was smattered with black scales, his eyes were black with glowing green irises that had narrow slits for pupils. There were dark horns curling out of the sides of his head, one of which had just impaled another drone. They bore sharp white teeth that looked like they could easily rend flesh from bones. Their legs reminded the prince of Kova’s hind legs but their toes were clawed and didn’t seem able to retract. 
The drones scurried away from the monstrous entity and as soon as they left, the alien violently ripped the restraints away as if they were made of paper. “ZARKON!” they roared thunderously, their guttural voice reverberated through the young prince’s chest. Lotor glanced at his father before abruptly returning his attention forward when various screens appeared displaying Zarkon’s face. 
“I have brought a special treat for you all today. The former Kelekonian King, or rather one of them. He will be facing off against Commander Sendak.” 
The crowd erupted into an uproar at the appearance of one the most respected commanders of Zarkon’s fleet with two swords in hand. Lotor barely knew the commander but from the few interactions that the two had, the young prince knew that Sendak never hid his disdain for him. The change in the former king was almost instant. HIs hackles were raised and his pearly white teeth were bared. 
Sendak didn’t visibly react to the aggressive behavior and merely tossed a sword to the former King who deftly caught it in one of his hands. “This will be the only handicap that you will ever get.”
The alien inspected the weapon before tossing it away, sneering at the muscular Galra. “I don’t need it but I hope you don’t mind that I revoke yours.”
Without a warning the alien lunged at Sendak, startling the commander. All that Lotor was able to see was the splattering of blood on the ground. Sendak was clutching the side of his face as he screamed in pain. This was Lotor’s first time watching the fight and he hadn’t expected such gore. He thought the fights were until someone was knocked out, not to the death. He felt sick to his stomach, unable to tear his gaze away from the eyeball that had been torn from Sendak’s face. The blood and gore clinging to the alien’s hand as he gazed down at the screaming Commander with a cold indifference. “You know, I never really bought in to the concept of revenge.” 
Sendak staggered to his feet and swiped at the alien with his sword. The alien easily dodged the sloppy swing as Sendak had yet to get used to having only one eye let alone the pain of having it clawed out of the side of his face. The alien merely swung his leg and sent Sendak flying across the arena. Lotor watched in shock as Sendak’s body bounced and rolled to a stop with the alien following at a leisurely walk. The commander tried to stand up only for the alien king to slam it back down with his foot, stretching his toes out to keep his sharp nails from sinking into Sendak’s flesh. “I’m starting to understand it's appeal.” His voice was quiet but the microphones from the security drones circling the arena. Lotor could feel the pure rage rolling off of the foreign fighter that so easily detained one of their strongest. 
However this isn’t the boiling rage that Lotor was used to. This wasn’t the kind of rage that made soldiers beat impossible odds or make them take out entire fleets on their own. This was a cold rage that could make a person do unspeakable things. Shivers run down Lotor’s spine as he watched the alien lift his arm and a white light enveloped it. Without a single change in expression, he brought that hand down onto Sendak’s shoulder and the prince flinched at the wet squelch and the crunch of bone as they severed Sendak’s arm from his body. His screams made Lotor’s hair stand on end. 
Lotor felt though he was in a trance as he watched the alien take the sword from Sendak’s detached arm and weighed it in his hand. Everyone watched with baited breath as they waited for him to make his next move and by the time he made it, it was too late to stop him. All Lotor could register was the sword heading in his direction. It wasn’t until the last minute that Lotor fully realized that it was coming at him. 
Or his father more accurately. 
Lotor assumed that the particle barrier would protect him and his father but he watched his father leap back as the sword was buried halfway through the particle barrier. If Zarkon had remained in his previous position, the weapon would have impaled him through the head. Lotor looked down into the Pit to see a small squad of drones and soldiers swarming around the Kelekonian but the  The look on Zarkon’s face was one that he would never forget. For the first time in his life, Lotor saw fear on his father’s face.
This was stupid. He knew it was stupid but his interest was piqued. He was curious. Lotor wanted to look into the eyes of the person that scared his father and see what manor of monster would make Zarkon show fear. He snuck through the gladiator prison and paused when he found the cell labeled with danger signs. His governess would have his hide if she found out that he was about to do this. He hurried to open the door before before the guards rotated on their shift. With a deep breath of courage, Lotor slipped into the cell, knowing fully well that he might be trapping himself with a monster.
He had curled in on himself, expecting to be attacked the moment the beastly alien saw him. However, many heartbeats passed and the prince had yet to be ripped to shreds. He glanced around, as his eyes quickly adjusted to the dim lighting of the cell. The Kelekonian that the Galra had taken to calling “The Beast” was huddled in a corner sleeping with his tale curled over his toes. 
He didn’t ooze power and rage like in the arena. Instead he seemed exhausted and deflated, as though he had nothing left to give. That didn’t stop Lotor from being cautious as he was careful to keep his footsteps quiet while he padded through the cell, taking in the scratches and dents in the walls. He also noticed that The Beast had white hair just like him. It didn’t have the purple tint that his did but it was more of a pure white like starlight that seemed to float around their shoulders like a cloud. 
He’d been so busy taking his appearance that he didn’t notice the Kelekonian king was awake and staring directly at him. “What do you want boy?" There was no fire and venom in his voice nor was it raised but it startled young prince startled nonetheless. 
His pupils weren’t needles amidst a sea of green like the night before, instead they were round pools of black and surrounded by the green of his iris, making him seem a little less like he’d rip Lotor’s throat out like he did with Sendak. HIs posture was completely relaxed and his head was still in it’s tilted position from when he’d been sleeping. “Are you deaf boy?”
Lotor growled at the large warrior that looked like he could toss him around like a rag doll. “My name is not boy. I am Prince Lotor.”
“Good for you boy. Why should it matter to me?” the Kelekonian retorted, rolling his eyesl
Lotor impatiently crossed his arms and pouted, “Usually it’s polite to introduce yourself after someone gives you their name.”
“It’s not very polite to talk to your uncle like that, now is it?”
Lotor furrowed his brow in confusion, “My father does not have any siblings."
The Kelekonian finally turned his head to look at him. There was shock in his wide green eyes before a deep sorrow and hurt overtook them. “He never told you about us.” He searched the child’s gaze for any form of deception, and felt his heart clench when he saw nothing but questions in the child’s eyes. 
He sighed and folded his legs, turning to fully face the boy in front of him. “Let me tell you a story, child.”
Hey guess what! It’s the end of the chapter and I’m kind of proud of myself. I only needed 2 drafts to get it right. This is only chapter 1 and this story will mostly follow through Lotor’s point of view. A Kelekonian is an alien race that I created on my own. They look rather humanoid and could almost pass for human if it weren’t for their legs and the colorful scales that dot their skin like freckles. They are very open with their emotions which can both help and hinder them depending on who you ask.
Tag List
@starfaring-princelotor @legendofcarl @shiroslefttesticle @palalovin @saltedcandy @readingfromdarkness
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shadesmcgee · 7 years
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Here’s the 2nd place prize for @saltedcandy!
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Candy, showing up late to my inbox with starbucks: but have you considered? Don’t worry I got your other ask love
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imaginefe · 5 years
Sigurd would call cock ball torture cock and ball therapy
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nenes-wifey · 5 years
Whatre ur thoughts on akane/teru
I like it!!! It’s a very nice ship dynamic, especially since they’re very close with each other, it’s the perfect rivals to lovers ship!!
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imaginegc · 5 years
Sieghart pay ur fucking gf support fees PAY FOR MY HOSPITAL FEES
GF SUPPORT FEES..... im sure hell come around once he realizes that if he doesnt pay ur hospital fee, no one will be there to spoon him 😔
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imagineunion · 6 years
I smooch!!! Coze!! And i blow kisses to the other mods uwu
UwU candy ilysm i smooch u right back - cozee
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flooficandii · 3 years
thinking about this game i had with @saltedcandy where i stopped playing valorant and started playing portal
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H-hewwo do u do matchups owo. Lmao im a pansexual female and i love to talk about the arts and im an artist myself. Im outgoing and extroverted but i tend to be cynical and sometimes my depression hits me bad. Im also very loud and sometines ppl think im mad when im just trying not to get spoken over
She’s such a great girl, she’d be patient with you, kind and caring. Honestly she’s so adaptive that anything you’ll throw at her won’t surprise her. So when you’re down in the dumps, she’s already there trying to help you out of it. Kagero’s the type of nagging girlfriend that when she hears you talking bad about yourself/something she’ll let you finish talking and then a second later twist your words around to something positive. She’s also a lover of art, mostly painting (badly)! It would be such a big past time for you two, I feel like you’d have lessons with you teaching her. You’d do the classic ‘guide her hand’ move, you’d be behind her with you hand on her hip while the other one guides the brush. She’d feel your breath on her neck and blush at the closeness. lmao she may be outwardly cold, but you know how to make her face turn bright red at a moments notice. 
/runner ups: Lyon/
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fromchaosborn · 8 years
pendulum reading please: is an entity causing me to feel sick?
got a “no”. trying looking for other causes.
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