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A set of bridal Charlotte headers~
~Free for use, no credit nessecary~
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Icons of Lena, Ares and Ishtar~
~Free for use, no credit nessecary~
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oh, oh, raigh spending time with niles and eventually kind of warming up to him and viewing him like a father figure almost? i am sure he would be able to understand that angry little orphan bean
Niles/raigh platonic:
(these are sloppy lol)
-Niles isn’t into kids (esp. Ones that aren’t his/his friends) and Raigh isn’t into grownups AT ALL. They’re like water and oil for a while 
 -Somehow Raigh’s story gets to Niles, at first he’s shocked that Nino made such an edge boy but??? Really, it resonates with him. He’s upset that such a young thing had to go through something as traumatic as they’re only home being burnt down and then joining an army, fighting on the frontlines.
 -Depending on who Nino marries, Niles holds a grudge if she runs away to find Jaffar, or holds a quiet respect if it’s her running away to save her family. -Doesn’t matter at this point, Niles is here now and tries his best to get along with the boy. It’s a slow process and Raigh is very much put off by this sudden change, Niles teasing nicely???? Niles giving him extra rations???? Niles showing him how to steal without getting caught??? Niles takING AN ARROW FOR HIM???? 
 -Raigh has to come to terms that he’s crying over Niles wounded body, said man trying to calm him down as a healer takes him away. Too bad. Raigh comes with, he’s like a hissing cat. Hysterically threatening people with his dark magic if they try to pull him off.
 -Niles is fine, a little sore with a new scar, but fine. “So what was that ankle bitter?”
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
 “Someone had some serious water works.”
 “*scoffs* uh, no. Your dirty old man blood got in my eyes and to purge myself of your curse I had to sacrifice my tears.”
 “Mmmhm. I’m pretty sure I heard you call me dad.” 
 -if you really wanna have fun, imagine Niles handing something off to Raigh and he goes “Thanks dad.” Out of instinct and that Brooklyn 99 bit occurs with the summoner yelling “HEY DONT SPEAK TO YOUR FATHER LIKE THAT” in the end.
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(Using Lene as an icon for a bit. She's too fuckin cute not to.)
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Any HCs for the summoner x Minerva? Maybe especially when they're in danger/being threatened by the dudes from Muspell? :D
Minerva x Summoner Headcanons:
(Esp. while in danger)
-Minerva hates having you on the battlefield, you have no training of any kind and prove to be useless with any weapon besides your signature Breidablik.
-She tries to stay close to you no matter what, but she also has to follow your orders. Minerva has let few past her armor like you did so effortlessly, with such a feat under your belt, she won’t let you go that easily.
-Minerva won’t let you bench her the closer you get to Muspell, you two have gotten into fights before over this, but she’s too stubborn to back down and you’re forced to give in. She gets so heated over your safety and you understand why, but you wanna protect her too and this is the only way you know how. After every fight, she comes back apologizing, holding you tightly to her chest as you two lay for the night. Trying her hardest to not cry, the thought of losing you is just so much, some nights she succeeds, but sometimes her self-doubt and over thinking gets to her.
-She nearly went into a blind rage when Surtur threatened to come after you next. To compare, Veronica+ Xander and you+Minerva are very similar, she is your night in red, shining armor.
-Behind doors, she gets touchier the closer you are to the danger. She denies it’s for just in case one of you dies, but you know the truth. Minerva can’t get much past you when it comes to lying. You don’t deny her of these moments though, in the back of your head you’re doing the same. When it comes to outside life, the most you get is snuck looks and chaste cheek kisses mostly engaged by you. 
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 Michalis x Summoner headcanons:
(I fucked up and misread a name, but realized a little too late. I didn’t wanna clog my drafts up, so here’s a bonus meme)
-before he confesses, it’s this sort of, discovery and denial situation. To think he could fall for someone like you? He thinks lowly of you till he hears how you’ve been helping his sisters. He still rude though, but don’t take it personally! he’s just… bad at expressing his feelings…
-One day on the battlefield, you’re caught by surprise. Usually, you’re able to order someone to fall back and pick you up, but this time your forces are overextended and a red tome user hits you. As you’re ready to take another hit, you hear the sound of anguished screams over your ragged breathing.
“If you know what’s good for you, you won’t fall behind like that again summoner. Next time I won’t be around to save you.“ He’s trying so hard to seem like the big and bad king you know him as, but your eyes are so wide and you look so in awe of him…
-After that, it’s all downhill from there for him. You won’t leave him alone, continuously doing things in thanks. He’s snapped at you a few times, which he would have felt bad for if not for you laughing right after his snide remark. You think it’s cute that he keeps this tough guy persona up, especially when you know from Maria that he’s a big softie.
-when he finally confesses it’s sort of a “You’ve stolen my heart, it’s only fair if I steal you in return.” Kinda deal.
-He lets you do what you want to a certain extent. Pda is a weird topic for him, he’d rather keep it behind closed doors, but he’ll let you sit on his lap (it makes you feel important) or hold his hands whenever you to walk through the castle.
-bad at comfort. Like…. really bad, he doesn’t try to be mean, it just sounds that way. He’s learning from Maria and Minerva on how to properly help you (he won’t admit it to you tho).
-Gets fairly territorial if other villains or kings/princes talk to you
.-Overall, he’s has his streaks of sweetness, but it’s mostly you teasing your overly prideful boyfriend and giggling at his reactions.
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aa could you do something w/ soleil and the summoner? in which the summoner is head over heels for her, and gets really easily flustered just being around her. or something like that if that's fine!!
Soleil x Summoner;
Look at her, those pink locks, those strong arms, that smiling face, and her…cute wide eyes that shine like the morning sun after a cloudy day, trying to get your attention once again after being gone for so long.
You shake your head trying to get rid of the thoughts, the realization that you’re fantasizing about her again heavy on your mind. Whispered curses leave your lips as you groan loudly, Gods are you so hopelessly in love with Soleil. Just the mere thought of her is causing you to turn red, squirming slightly as a dopey smile spreads on your face. Hopefully, it isn’t painfully obvious, but you’re pretty sure she knows. It’s not like you’re good with secrets, but one can only hope and it’s not like anyone will tell her if so. But while sinking into your chair, you notice her talking to her father and just like that you’re swooning again.
Maybe one day you’ll get married… both of you in pretty clothing, a beautiful cake, and nice songs. The thought causes you to let out a lovely sigh, catching the attention of the two flirts at the end of the hall. You’re gaze becoming unfocused and attention drifting off to somewhere else as you dream about the future.
Maybe after the ceremony, she’ll carry you in her strong arms to her room, maybe she’ll let you down gently and then once the doors closed she’ll push you up against it, kissing you with such a deep want that you both realize how much you’ve wanted this for so long.
“Hey there Summoner! You’re looking rather… red today.” you’re startled out of your daydream, squeaking loudly and Soleil giggles in response. With your face turning a pure red, you hide in your hood, trying to protect yourself from the teasing that’ll just make the red worsen.
“O-Oh, hello Soleil! N-nice… nice weather we’re having today, right?” She lets out another small chuckle as you lamely try to continue the conversation.
“Yeah! Pretty Ideal, the perfect day for a date. Right Summoner?” Soleil sports a half smile as she looks down at you. A speedy look upwards leaves you quickly glancing back down at the floor when you realize she’s closer than once thought. “Y’know… there’s a new shop that opened up in the market and I heard from a certain blonde princess, that a certain summoner would enjoy going to immensely. She also didn’t fail to mention that I was perfect for the job.”
“O-Oh, Sharena’s too kind! I’m glad she’s looking out for me, she has such good taste, y’know?” Soleil raises an eyebrow and you gasp inwardly “I-I mean! Sharena picks good women! I mean… I mean…cute things! N-no!!!” a frustrated squeak leaves your body and you hide your face in your hands. There’s a small moment of silence before Soleil laughs, laying a soft hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I get what you’re saying.” you peek through your fingers, face still beet red with embarrassment.
“Y-you do?”
“Yeah! Don’t worry cutie,” she winks at you, a flirty smile on her face “, I catch your drift.” She pulls your hood down, ruffling your hair as she continues to smile. You’re left speechless, breath caught in your throat as she walks off, waving nonchalantly. “So, seven sounds good?”
“For our date. Does seven sound good?” your voice fails you as you look at her prideful smile. She knew what she was doing to you. “Does it?”
“Y-yeah!” you reply in a high pitch “S-Sounds great!”
Soleil leaves with a cool wave, leaving you alone with your beating heart. Not a second later you rush to find said certain princess, a thank you (and a present once you come back from your date) ready for her.
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if anyone has any requests for like any FE ladies, hmu cause I need to express my love for some of these cuties. 
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Hi, I wanted to ask a question or two, do you do matchups? If so, do you mind if the information is long/detailed, or do you have rules on the length.
Yes I do!!! And p l e a se the more info about you the better. Fuckin send me 12 pages if you gotta, I'll read and dissect it all.
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if anyone has any requests for like any FE ladies, hmu cause I need to express my love for some of these cuties. 
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Hi! I'm happy to see another fe imagine blog! I paired up Seliph and Beruka in Heroes because they're always together, so I was wondering how you think Camilla and Selena would react to that.
 Absolutely driven mad that a man she didn’t know is touching her sweet Beruka. She’d be outwardly happy, giving smiles and congratulating the two, but Selena knows that look. For a while she’d be passive aggressive to Seliph, but after seeing Beruka smile for the first time from something that wasn’t her, Camilla would begrudgingly accept him. After a while, Camilla would probably treat him as she treats the other two, maybe even seeing Seliph as extended family. 
Selena:(I love this tsun bun.)“Hmph,congrats, but that means more Lady Camilla for me.”She’d pretend to not care, giving a nonchalant congrats as Seliph and Beruka approach her with the news. When Beruka ever talks to her alone about it, she’d actually full heatedly tell her good job, especially since Seliph is a snack. I think Selena would be jealous, deep down she’d get really sappy and wonder why she doesn’t have someone like that. She’d get distant for a while till someone notices and goes after her about it. In the end, she’s really accepting of the two together, but it would bring her inferiority complex a lot of pain. 
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H-hewwo do u do matchups owo. Lmao im a pansexual female and i love to talk about the arts and im an artist myself. Im outgoing and extroverted but i tend to be cynical and sometimes my depression hits me bad. Im also very loud and sometines ppl think im mad when im just trying not to get spoken over
She’s such a great girl, she’d be patient with you, kind and caring. Honestly she’s so adaptive that anything you’ll throw at her won’t surprise her. So when you’re down in the dumps, she’s already there trying to help you out of it. Kagero’s the type of nagging girlfriend that when she hears you talking bad about yourself/something she’ll let you finish talking and then a second later twist your words around to something positive. She’s also a lover of art, mostly painting (badly)! It would be such a big past time for you two, I feel like you’d have lessons with you teaching her. You’d do the classic ‘guide her hand’ move, you’d be behind her with you hand on her hip while the other one guides the brush. She’d feel your breath on her neck and blush at the closeness. lmao she may be outwardly cold, but you know how to make her face turn bright red at a moments notice. 
/runner ups: Lyon/
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“Summoner?” the soft voice calls, shaking your shoulders gently in an attempt to wake you. “S-Summoner?” It takes a bit, but slowly your eyes open, confusion taking place.
“Hnnn…. Julia?” She gulps soundlessly, nodding her head as you smile softly “Did I oversleep again?” a yawn following soon after as you stretch.
“I’m afraid so Summoner….” she seems almost hesitant to say this, but you chalk it up to her being shy. “Prince Alfonse had me come and wake you… I hope I didn’t make you angry over this.” You smile, chuckling softly with a smile to match it.
“No need to worry Julia, I’m glad it was someone as sweet as you waking me up. Who knows what would have happened if Niles, or even L’Arachel came to wake me.” She’s quiet, but in the time between now and her summoning, you’ve understood that this was normal. Julia was just a quiet person. In the dark you can see she’s sitting on your bed, her dress smoothed out by fidgeting hands and you come to realize she’s nervous. “Hey,” you lay a slow hand on her lap “, is everything okay?”
“Oh! Everything is fine with me, well… not entirely, but I shouldn’t worry you any further. You already have so many to look after.” Her last sentence was accompanied by a soft sigh.
“Don’t worry about that sweetie! I don’t mind worrying about all of you, it makes me happy to help in times like this.” Julia smiles briefly, her hand just shy of yours. It’s something you don’t take notice of, but Julia’s attention is caught on it. “C’mon, I’m all ears Jules.” She loved hearing the nickname fall from your lips, knowing that you gave her one made her feel special. It just wasn’t as special now that she knows you gave everyone the same treatment.
“I’m unsure… I haven’t even told Seliph about this…” you grasp her hands gently, trying to stay soft when touching her. As she continues to speak, you absentmindedly rub your thumb against the back of her hands. “I just, I’m… confused.”
“About what?”
“I… there’s… mixed feelings within me… I, I’m feeling… odd, summoner.” You nod your head, listening as she tries to find the words, but it’s getting harder for her to speak and you can sense why. “S-Summoner… my mother… she’s wise, but even she couldn’t help me fully. She told me to go to the source, but I don’t think I can go through with it.”
“But you want to?” Julia nods silently “Mm, do you… need help?” she nods again, the small amount of light in your room allowing you to see the blush across her face. “Well then, maybe I can help you! Here, we can write a letter! Do you think that could help?” she hesitates, but nods. “Good, but… Julia can I know who the source is?” you swear you see her face fall, but soon it’s indifferent again as she shakes her head once more.
“I… I’m not ready to name them yet…” you smile, softly squeezing her hands. You didn’t exactly need a name, that was you just being nosy. In all honesty you’re just glad she’s comfortable enough to let you help.
“That’s fine Jules! Don’t worry about it, here, sit at my desk, let’s start this letter.” you help her up and into your leather chair, pushing it in with a smile.
“B-but, what about Prince Alfonse? Won’t he be waiting for you?” she asks, feet dragging as you set her up.
“He can wait, this is more important.” Julia has to hide a smile sprouting on her face, she’s more important than Prince Alfonse…? The thought alone caused her heart to pound and her face to flush a soft pink.
“O-Oh… well, hopefully he isn’t too angry with you, I’d hate for you to get in trouble for my sake.”
“Pshhh, Alfonse angry with me? Besides, I’ve said it once already, this is more important Julia. Now get writing, don’t stop till it’s all out.” She lingers on your face, your hand on her shoulder, the closeness of you two…
“I… .” she turns to your desk, a stack of paper almost consuming it, but she ignores the precarious situation and pulls a clean sheet out of it with ease. “Thank you for helping me Summoner, I hope you know that I appreciate it.”
“Even if you didn’t I’d still help you silly. I hate seeing you so worried.” She smiles as you walk back to your bed, lounging in it again with another loud yawn. “Now… excuse me, I’m gonna take a power nap.” Julia nods, humming softly in response “Don’t be afraid to wake me if you need anything else though, I don’t mind if it’s gonna be you.”
“I’ll remember that Summoner, now rest up before Alfonse comes after us both, I’d hate to see you struggling to stay up like last time.” There’s a brief silence before she can hear your soft snores and her smile widens, something about this just made her feel so happy. Maybe she’ll mention this in the letter, hopefully she’ll have the courage to let you read it one day
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Are you doing match-ups?? If you are, I’d like one! I’m a straight female who enjoys music and learning! I’m mostly around my friends or anyone who wants to hang around me and normally helping them! I’m always available, wanting to help anyone who needs it! People say I’m like the ‘mom’ friend of everyone, always making sure everyone has what they need and doing whatever they need me to. I will be stern if I feel needed to be but I’m mostly a very relaxed and calm person! I love animals! Thanks!
lol you’re a Shigure girl for sure: Animals (check), enjoys music (super check), and helpful? (Super duper check) 
You two were probably really good friends before finally getting together with how much you two have in common. It was the type of relationship where everyone knew you two liked each other, but you two somehow didn’t. I feel like Shigure and you were, forced together by other people (probably by Soleil and Shiro/Ophelia). You two just needed a push to finally confess. You two are pretty much THE power couple, you work really well together, especially as the groups non official (but p much official) Mom and dad (if you two ever argue on any degree, you can bet on it that at least 3 people will pull the ‘you’re tearing this family apart!’ joke). Besides that, life with Shigure is pretty fucking chill, there may not be lots of heavy affection, but there is lots of shoulder touching and hand holding. Things that remind you two that you love each other, simple reminders, nothing too crazy. 
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“Summoner?” the soft voice calls, shaking your shoulders gently in an attempt to wake you. “S-Summoner?” It takes a bit, but slowly your eyes open, confusion taking place.
“Hnnn…. Julia?” She gulps soundlessly, nodding her head as you smile softly “Did I oversleep again?” a yawn following soon after as you stretch.
“I’m afraid so Summoner….” she seems almost hesitant to say this, but you chalk it up to her being shy. “Prince Alfonse had me come and wake you… I hope I didn't make you angry over this.” You smile, chuckling softly with a smile to match it.
“No need to worry Julia, I’m glad it was someone as sweet as you waking me up. Who knows what would have happened if Niles, or even L’Arachel came to wake me.” She’s quiet, but in the time between now and her summoning, you’ve understood that this was normal. Julia was just a quiet person. In the dark you can see she’s sitting on your bed, her dress smoothed out by fidgeting hands and you come to realize she’s nervous. “Hey,” you lay a slow hand on her lap “, is everything okay?”
“Oh! Everything is fine with me, well… not entirely, but I shouldn’t worry you any further. You already have so many to look after.” Her last sentence was accompanied by a soft sigh.
“Don’t worry about that sweetie! I don’t mind worrying about all of you, it makes me happy to help in times like this.” Julia smiles briefly, her hand just shy of yours. It’s something you don’t take notice of, but Julia’s attention is caught on it. “C’mon, I’m all ears Jules.” She loved hearing the nickname fall from your lips, knowing that you gave her one made her feel special. It just wasn’t as special now that she knows you gave everyone the same treatment.
“I’m unsure… I haven’t even told Seliph about this…” you grasp her hands gently, trying to stay soft when touching her. As she continues to speak, you absentmindedly rub your thumb against the back of her hands. “I just, I’m… confused.”
“About what?”
“I… there’s… mixed feelings within me… I, I’m feeling… odd, summoner.” You nod your head, listening as she tries to find the words, but it’s getting harder for her to speak and you can sense why. “S-Summoner… my mother… she’s wise, but even she couldn’t help me fully. She told me to go to the source, but I don’t think I can go through with it.”
“But you want to?” Julia nods silently “Mm, do you… need help?” she nods again, the small amount of light in your room allowing you to see the blush across her face. “Well then, maybe I can help you! Here, we can write a letter! Do you think that could help?” she hesitates, but nods. “Good, but… Julia can I know who the source is?” you swear you see her face fall, but soon it’s indifferent again as she shakes her head once more.
“I… I’m not ready to name them yet…” you smile, softly squeezing her hands. You didn’t exactly need a name, that was you just being nosy. In all honesty you’re just glad she’s comfortable enough to let you help.
“That’s fine Jules! Don’t worry about it, here, sit at my desk, let’s start this letter.” you help her up and into your leather chair, pushing it in with a smile.
“B-but, what about Prince Alfonse? Won’t he be waiting for you?” she asks, feet dragging as you set her up.
“He can wait, this is more important.” Julia has to hide a smile sprouting on her face, she’s more important than Prince Alfonse…? The thought alone caused her heart to pound and her face to flush a soft pink.
“O-Oh… well, hopefully he isn’t too angry with you, I’d hate for you to get in trouble for my sake.”
“Pshhh, Alfonse angry with me? Besides, I’ve said it once already, this is more important Julia. Now get writing, don’t stop till it’s all out.” She lingers on your face, your hand on her shoulder, the closeness of you two…
“I… .” she turns to your desk, a stack of paper almost consuming it, but she ignores the precarious situation and pulls a clean sheet out of it with ease. “Thank you for helping me Summoner, I hope you know that I appreciate it.”
“Even if you didn’t I’d still help you silly. I hate seeing you so worried.” She smiles as you walk back to your bed, lounging in it again with another loud yawn. “Now… excuse me, I’m gonna take a power nap.” Julia nods, humming softly in response “Don’t be afraid to wake me if you need anything else though, I don’t mind if it’s gonna be you.”
“I’ll remember that Summoner, now rest up before Alfonse comes after us both, I’d hate to see you struggling to stay up like last time.” There’s a brief silence before she can hear your soft snores and her smile widens, something about this just made her feel so happy. Maybe she’ll mention this in the letter, hopefully she’ll have the courage to let you read it one day
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Oh worm??? Maybe... Hcs of PA!Inigo courting the summoner? Some good ol fashion fluff + maybe a misunderstanding or two! (Oblivious summoner is my fav LOL)
-Inigo is a firm believer in love at first sight, so when the smoke cleared and he saw you behind breidablik, face lit with excitement, Inigo knew you were the one.
-After that he tries his hardest to be by your side, but you’re always busy with other heros. The next time he sees you is when Olivia brings him along to ask a few questions about their teams objective. He’s awestruck while the two of you talk, blatantly staring at your face with twinkles in his eyes.
- “H-Hi Inigo, we haven’t met properly before. I-I’m the summoner!” It takes him a moment to realize you’re talking to him, but he gets so giddy. “Ah, I see, you’re the beautiful rose who whisked me away from such a drab life?” He takes your hand, kissing it gently as he looks up at your face “How ever could I thank you?”
-“Oh no need, no need at all! You being here is just enough!” Inigo doesn’t understand if you’re just trying to be polite, but he can’t ask as you walk away humming happily.
-after that Inigo is flirting with you at any chance he can, compliments are throw, he buries you with praise, even a saucy glance is given! It gets to be so bad that Selena/Sevara ends up knocking him out anytime he gets close to you. He hates how rough Severa gets, but loves that you take care of him afterwards.
General hc:
-Inigo tries his hardest for you! You get the best of the best when it comes to his flirting.
-He’s usually the blushing mess as you say things back to him. He knows you’re oblivious to the tone you’re replying with, but sometimes you say the cutest things without knowing it! (Whenever it gets too bad you always worry if he’s coming down with the flu.)
-When he gets all the nerves out, he goes to Alphonse for your hand.
-The whole “I like you”, “Awww I like you too!” Thing happens and he has to like, step by step push you to the idea that he ‘like, likes’ you.
-You two share your first kiss after you get his confession. You’re so shy about the whole thing, hands behind your back with your face all red. It’s just a quick peck as you run off in embarrassment afterwards, but he’ll cherish it forever.
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hewwo? hit me with that henry x reader.... something about them travelling together
As the summoner you’re a rather busy person. Your day ranges from creating battle plans to making sure all the heros get along, and by the time night comes, you’re left with little to no steam. It didn’t take long for some of the army to notice. That wasn’t too hard to notice in all honesty, you’d have to be really inconsiderate or just plain oblivious to not see the bags under your eyes, or the blank look you held during meetings (trying not to sleep, mind you), or even the jumbled conversations you held!
A group of Heros came together in the hopes of helping you, urging you to take a day to yourself. You had none of that, as the summoner -and askr’s tactician (somehow)- it was your duty to buckle down for the sake of them all!
“Then we’ll buckle down too!” Lissa says, huffing with crossed arms.
“Don’t you know that all work and no play makes for a dull Summoner?” Henry smiles, feigning shock as he giggles.
“Yes, I’ve heard the saying Henry,” you smile lightly, “and I thank you two for worrying about me. I’m really touched, but Alfonse needs these battle plans as soon as possible! With Sutur around, an attack is almost bound to happen at any minute!” and you’re off ranting and worrying, biting nails before rushing away to your study with more work on the mind. The two heros groan loudly, meeting each others eyes as a grand scheme was brewing, mischievous smiles included.
The two waited all day for you to fall asleep, which was a feat on its own, but when you finally crashed Lissa silently cheered. Without making a noise Henry picked you up by the armpits, dragging your feet across the floor of the castle to a little wagon. By the time you woke up, you were already hours away from the castle.
“Morning sleeping beauty!” You jump, a hand over your heart as you smile towards Henry “Awww did I spook you?”
“you did! But I forgive you.” with a quick look around you’re left concerned “Henry? This isn’t mine, nor your room.” he nods, getting up and pulling back the wagons flap, letting light into the area.
“Tada!” you cringe, hiding you face from the sudden light “You were being stubborn, so Lissa said I should take you to the hot spring and what better way to do that then with some well intentioned kidnapping!” you’re left gaping, they took you from the castle?! From your bed?! From your work?!?! You try to stand up, mouth wide open.
“He-Henry! I can’t just leave! Do you know how chaotic it’s gonna be if they realize I’m gone from the castle?! Valter’s going to go on a witch hunt! Maria’s going to cry out of worry! Arvis is probably barbecuing people up as we speak!” Henry’s all smiles as you pace on your knees, unable to stand fully, watching as you worry.
“What’ll Alfonse say? What’ll Anna say?! She’s gonna kill me when sh-”
“Ooo! Do you think Anna would be okay if I took pictures?”
“H-Huh? What?”
“If I take pictures! We are going to a hot spring!” your face flushes.
“N-no! No pictures! A-Anna’s already made dolls of me to sell, I don’t need another piece of merchandise circulating throughout the castle!” Henry giggles, his cape enveloping him as he pats his lap.
“I guess all Anna’s are the same! The one back in my world would have done the same, but maybe with less quality! Askr’s Anna made little you look so real!” he sighs dreamily “It was the perfect voodoo doll.” you shiver, scooting forward to scold him.
“That arm pain was you? Henry! We’ve told you and Tharja about using hexes and curses on other members of the order! You know after last tim-” he cuts you off when you get close enough, wrapping his arms around your waist, having you awkwardly straddle his lap.
“Oh shush, the arm pain was normal! But the pressure on your hands weren’t!” Your face is pushed to his chest, flushed with embarrassment. “You look so lonely when you’re cooped up in your study! I thought the reminder would do some good!” he smiles down at you “Besides, watching you go crazy trying to figure out if someone was there with you is my favorite past time!” you roll your eyes, twisting around to get up, but he holds you tightly. At least your back was too him now.
“That’s not very nice Henry.”
“I’m not very nice,” he hums “, but I’ll stop it. Now I’ll just hold the real versions hands!” Henry’s smile grows, dimples showing off as he places his head on your shoulder. It’s quiet as you blush silently, face red from his playful attitude and his maybe- you think it’s maybe, you’ll have to ask Robin later- flirting.
“I-I still have to go ba-”
“Work, work, work! C’mon summoner, live a little! It won’t hurt you to have some fun every once in awhile! he giggles “At least, not a lot!”
“If I come with, will you and Lissa stop bothering me?”
“Lissa will, but me? Hmmmm… no promises!” you groan on the inside, but your heart beats as heat takes your face again.
“F-Fine… I-I guess I’ll go then.” Henry cheers loudly, before you shush him. “But! After this you have to let me do my job! I’m a busy person with important work!” he nods, but you don’t think he’s going to listen to you.
“As long as I can visit you whenever I wanna! I think that’s a reasonable compromise.”
“Only if you’re quiet. Do we have a deal?” he smiles as you twist around, hand extended for him to shake. Henry grabs it happily.
“That’s a deal Summoner!”
Well, maybe this won’t be so bad. You were going stir crazy in the castle and now you’ll have a friend to make you feel better!
You flush red again as you realize he’s still holding your hand, squeezing lightly.
Maybe someone as more than a friend.
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