#saltbaker x reader
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Alright! This is my attempt at making a Saltbaker x reader type fic. It’s supposed take place before the events of the game and you’re a resident of isle 4 who’s come to pop in Saltbaker’s before closing
The warm glow of the bakery stood out from the night that settled on the island. You tentatively step towards the building. You know it was just about closing time but this was the only place open and you just needed a quick bite to eat A pastry was enough to hold you over besides it would be nice to get out of the cold. You knew Saltbaker well enough. A regular to his bakery, so if there was a last minute customer that walked in, he’d rather it be you.
You push open the door, and the bell jingled out announcing your presence. It was far warmer here than outside. The entire place smelled of freshly made bread. The walls were lined with shelves each filled with jars, bakers, books, and all kinds of little knick knacks. Spices hung from the ceiling and some boxes sat up against the wall, the white paint chipping off revealing the bricks underneath. Chef Saltbaker stood just behind his display counter. One hand busily wiping down the top of his display with a wet rag while the other hand held a book which held his full attention. His face was scrunched up, his gaze intensely focused. You knew that look, he often had it when he was in the middle of cooking but you never saw him gaze so intensely at a recipe book before, it seemed nothing could stir him from his reading…nothing except you. His eyes flitted from his book to you. He blinked as though just waking and put the book down.
“Ah! Hello, I was just about to close up shop.” He greeted with a warm smile. His deep voice was a welcome sound to your ears. The rag he was cleaning with was tossed aside, and he wiped his dampened hand on the side of his chef jacket that was stained by various jams, flour, and dough splatters.
“Hey Saltbaker, sorry for coming in so last minute, I just wanted a quick bite to eat. You close the latest so I figured I’d come by.” Saltbaker glanced at the chalkboard behind him.
“You came to the right place. Take your pick.” He fiddled with his ascot in his clear glass fingers. You step closer to the display case. Fresh cakes, pies, bread loaves, and other various goodies tempted you.
“I’ll take whatever pastries you have left.”
“Excellent choice! Let’s see what I got for you.” He grabbed a box and while his attention was on gathering treats, yours was pulled to the book he was so focused on.
“What were you reading there, Saltbaker?” You ask. He slowly stood back up and glanced at the book.
“A little late night reading is all. I came across this recipe book and thought I should try adding some new treats to my menu but nothing is really sticking out to me, though I did see a cookie recipe that I may try.” For a moment there was this look in his eyes you never saw before. It lasted only for a second because he went right back to his usual jolly demeanor. He quickly took the book and tucked it under his arm. From what you could see, it didn’t look like any regular cookbook to you but why pry? He sat it back up onto a shelf far from your reach.
“Has it been busy today?” You ask, trying to change the subject.
“It’s the same as always. Not too bad.” responded Saltbaker. “Now about those treats!” He continued. “I got some danishes here, and a few turnovers. Will that be enough?”
“Sounds perfect. Should be twenty cents right?” Reaching into your pockets, you fish around for change, trying to grab at and pinch at coins. He sat the box of treats down, watching as you dug around.
“Hmm…you know, I’ll give you a discount since it’s so late. I’ll charge you ten cents. I’ll only give this offer once.” He sat there twiddling his thumbs. His offer warmed your heart, a faint blush creeped across your cheeks. He was always so sweet, how could you say no to a face like that?
“Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse.” You take out the coins you had in your pockets, quickly counting out ten cents, and sat them on the counter. They jingled against the wood top and he scooped up the coins, sliding the boxed treats towards you. You took it, giving Saltbaker a grateful look.
“Do you mind flipping my sign to closed? I just need to get some of my stock down below for tomorrow before I lock up for the night.” You turn to his door.
“I can do that.” You make your way to the door, seeing his open sign. Reaching out, you flipped it over so it now read closed. You peek out hardly seeing anyone walking about. You reach to push the door open but pulled back. You spot the boxes against the wall. That must be the stuff he was talking about. Getting a moment to collect your thoughts, and the thought of making Saltbaker push and carry these after such a long day didn’t sit right with you. It wasn’t fair, not to mention coming in right before closing adding another thing to his pile of chores to do. The least you can do is help around. Placing the treats down by the front window display, you stand in front of one of the boxes and start to push. The wood scraping against the tile floor wasn’t the most pleasant sound, and whatever it was inside was quite heavy but you managed to shove it all the way to the wooden door that Saltbaker stood behind. He turned around, surprise clear on his face.
“Oh, please. You don’t have to stay and do my work for me. It’s late out, go home and rest. I appreciate it nonetheless. ” He opened the door and right below him you saw what appeared to be an opened cellar door. He took the box, lifting it up with ease as though it weighed no more than a feather to him. He vanished down below into whatever was under there. Probably just storage. While he was busy, you decide to get the next box, this wasn’t as heavy as the last one, so it wasn’t as strenuous to push it. You sat, leaned against the wall waiting for his return. It was taking him a while, surely it wasn’t that deep below in there? Before you had a chance to peek in, his metal top peeked out before the rest of him gradually made its way up, he spotted the next box and you still here.
“It’s the least I can do for you.” Now it was his turn to look grateful, perhaps a bit of blush dotted his rounded glass cheeks. He took the next box and once again descended down into the dark. There was only one left. Walking up to it, you get ready to push but this box was by far the heaviest. You groan, pushing your hardest against it but it didn’t even budge. You stood up, huffing slightly. “What’s in this box? More bricks?” You mutter. It’s probably best to wait for Saltbaker to get back up and deal with this one. You felt now was the best time to snack on those pastries you just bought. Reaching in, you grab a flaky danish. It was baked to perfection with a nice golden brown color, icing drizzled across, and a delicious filling in the middle. You bite down, remembering exactly why you loved Saltbaker’s cooking. The treat hit the spot, soft, sweet, and delicious. Saltbaker eventually came back up seeing the last box was still up against the wall, and there you were with a half eaten danish in your mouth. Quickly swallowing the mouthful you had, you point to the box.
“Sorry Chef, this one was too heavy for me.” You admitted.
“No problem. Let me take this.” He walked out, reaching under to lift it but found he couldn’t get it to move either. He stood back, hands resting against his hips.
“You’re right. This is too heavy even for me. I doubt I can get this down stairs but I can’t have it just sitting out here.” He tapped his chin for a moment. “Perhaps if we both lift? We just need to get it past the door. I’ll deal with the rest tomorrow.” You swallow the last of the danish and stand up eager to help.
“Sure! Just tell me where to lift and I’m ready.” Saltbaker chuckled at your enthusiasm.
“In a moment. Let me just close the cellar door so neither of us fall in.” You rush to the box and wait. With the cellar door closed up, he clapped his hands together and prepared himself.
“We lift on three.” He instructed. You bend down, poking your fingers through, feeling the edge of the wooden box sitting in your palms. Saltbaker got into position. “One. Two. Three.” With both of you using your strength, the box slowly lifted up. Saltbaker took a step back, and in turn you step towards him. It was still heavy but not as immovable as before. Your arms shake from the weight, and the fear of dropping it clung to your mind, but now was no time for what ifs. Saltbaker’s strained voice called out. “Alright…let’s…slowly…carefully…almost there.” Small little steps, until you made it past the small door. Your arms were nearly ready to give out.
“N-Now?” You ask. Saltbaker nodded.
“N-Now.” he wheezed. You both lower the box before dropping it. A loud THUD echoed across the bakery. Warmth crept up your cheeks. You may have let go a bit early.
“I’m sorry Chef, I didn’t think-”
“It’s not big deal. We got it across and I doubt it’s anything breakable. Just probably my flour or sugar. I go through a lot as you can see.” He glanced at his desserts.
“Now. Why don’t we both get out of here?” He gently led you out, pressing a chilled glass hand against your back. The contact made a shiver run down your spine. His touch was gentle, like you were delicate.
“Thanks for the treats and discount.” you mused walking towards the entrance.
“You’re welcome.” He reached into his pant pockets and pulled out the keys. “And thank you for your help. That was rather kind of you.” He added. Once he was sure everything was accounted for and prepped for tomorrow, he flipped the lights off and headed towards the front of the store, he spotted something and was quick to snatch it. Waiting by the door, you push it open for him.
“Thank you.” He said quietly. “Don’t forget these.” He lifted up the pastries you bought. You had forgotten them back at the window display.
“My treats!” You exclaimed. “I nearly forgot.” Reaching out for them, your hands made contact. Your warm hands against his chilled glass one. It was though time slowed and your eyes focused on your sudden contact, quite grateful it was dark out so he couldn’t see how red your face was and you couldn’t quite make out his expression either. Your mind whirled with thoughts, should you say something? Has it been too long? Should you pull away? Is this getting weird? Before you could do anything, he was the first to withdraw his hand. Your fingers gently wrap around the box.
“I better lock up. Will you…stop by tomorrow?” Saltbaker asked. No words came to you. He was wondering if you’d come by. His back was to you as he locked up his bakery for the night.
“I’m sure I can pop in for more treats.” You finally manage to say. A deep chuckle that rumbled from within his large belly, he turned to glance at you over his shoulder.
“I’ll be sure to have them made fresh and right out of the oven for you.” promised Saltbaker. Now that sounded good to you. “Good night. See you tomorrow.” He turned around and walked off vanishing off into the isle.
“Night….see you tomorrow.” You reply quietly clutching the box of treats tightly against you. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.
#chef saltbaker#cuphead#saltbaker#fanfic#ych#saltbaker x reader#cuphead chef saltbaker#cuphead delicious last course#delicious last course
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random lil' thingy i wanted to try out for my personalized headcanon-riddled rendition of Chef Saltuah
gotta find more of these they're fun
#🎨 mor art#chef saltbaker#self ship#self shipping#f/o#romantic f/o#f/o art#i'll probably use this and other Salt-focused character templates i attempt for any x Readers btw <3
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Hope this isn't too dark but can I get some angst with saltbaker who has a s/o who is incredibly sick and on the verge of death?
A/N: YES, god I’m going through these and a lot of them are yall being horny little shits so this is actually fueling my empty brain, and I have nothing but an 8 hour flight and a 4 hour lay over to sit through so this works. This will not be drafted this is just straight fucking RAW, GN pronouns.
:Chef Saltbaker x Reader:
In health and in sickness.
No one had seen it coming, no one even knew what it was. All anyone knew on the Isle was that (Y/n) was deathly sick, Saltbaker was working overtime, and time was running out. The bakery was empty, Saltbaker felt nothing but worry and anger as he ran his thumb under a price. A simply ludicrous price. One that he needed to pay to keep you alive.
“Damn it..” he muttered, a hand running down his glassy face as a scowl made its way onto it. How could this happen, how could this happen to you? Everyone had been showing their support, buying when they can but it would never be enough. He felt like he was failing you. A familiar ding echoed from the front of the shop and he was able to pull himself out of his wallowing to plaster on a smile long enough to appease the masses.
“Welcome, Welcome! What can I get you?” He immediately asked, his smile fading once he realized it was Esther Winchester. The cowgirl had her hat over her chest, looking at him with much sympathy and sorrow. “What happened.” He demanded, voice frantic but not angry.
The lass with a lasso paused. “I know you want to work, to try and prevent the end from coming too soon..” she began. Starting to walk over behind the counter and put a hand on Saltbakers shoulder. “But I think it’s high time you hang up your hat and go home to them.” She squeezed his shoulder and offered a sympathetic glance. Saltbakers Heart dropped, he swallowed thickly as he felt him self go pale. Mouth beginning to dry.
“I..” he choked, holding back a sob. “I can’t.” He admitted as he ran a hand to the back of his neck. Falling back on a wooden stool. “If I quit here, (y/n) won’t have enough money for their meds. And if they don’t have enough money for their meds then I fail them.” He bit back tears. Practically fighting them off with ever inch of willpower he saved for himself.
Esther snorted, her brows furrowing and lips twisting into a scowl. “Ya ain’t!” She shouted. “Yer not a failure, they appreciate every second you spend here. Every penny spent to keep them alive but damnit Baker!” Both of her hands grasped his shoulders and she gently shook them.
“They’re dyin, Baker..” her voice dropped. “There ain’t anything we can do now.” Saltbaker felt rage boil in his system but she had a point. One way or another the medicine would eventually stop, their body would grow tired and stop. He broke down in tears, the searing pain of his heart breaking spreading through his chest.
“What do i do..” he croaked, “you go home to them. You honor your vow.” Esther helped him up. Helping him pack up for the day. “In health and sickness.” She reminded him. Saltbaker paused at the door and fiddled with the ring on his finger for a moment. Tears still falling down his cheeks. He sucked in a big breath before slowly letting it out.
“You’re right,” he opened the door waving by to Esther. “I gotta get home.” And with that he was off. Walking the streets, dreading but also being excited to see them again. As he stepped inside their home he made his way to their room. The steady beeping of a monitor made his heart ache.
“You’re home!” (Y/n) croaked weakly, turning their head ever so slightly to see him. A frail smile on their dried lips. Saltbaker wanted to cry. No matter what anyone said he felt like a failure. He sucked in another breath of courage and quickly went to their side. “Yup, I’m home.” He took their hand in his and kissed it.
“How you feeling cupcake?” He asked as he caressed their cheek. Feeling the sheen of sweat sticking to their skin. “Like shit.” (Y/n) replied with a roll of their eyes. “But happy now that you’re here.” Saltbaker couldn’t help but laugh at their wit. He leaned down and kissed them. Lips in a delicate yet passionate dance as he poured all his love into it, dreading that it would be the last.
“I was thinking.” He began as he gently caressed their cheek bone with his thumb. “That we take that trip to the lake, like you wanted..” he watched as their eyes lit up, “really?” Asked (Y/n). Their subtle head tilt expressing their curiosity in volumes. He nodded and smiled.
“I’ve spent too long cooped up in my bakery. And I almost forgot the vow we made.” He took both their hands to his chest. Kissing their knuckles and arms, wrists and all. “That is be by your side in health, and in sickness.” His smile fell.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been here for you. I just..” he winced, but (Y/n) knew. They always knew. They reached up and stroked his cheek weakly. Dry hands brushing against his smooth skin as they chuckled. “It’s ok. Let’s make the most of it now.”
Not all stories will have a happy ending, some are cut too short. But in their last few days (Y/n) had their husband. A nice view of the lake, and all the sweets they could stomach. And in their finals moments in Saltbakers arms, watching the sun rise on a new day. They knew, just like they always did, that everything would be ok.
#chef saltbaker x y/n#chef saltbaker the delicious last course#chef Saltbaker x reader angst#chef saltbaker x reader#chef saltbaker cuphead#chef saltbaker#cuphead fanfic
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Although my Saltbaker phase is over ( I know cue the audience boos and tomatoes 🍅, but guess who my new obsession is)
I still love him 🥵 AND I promised you a fic and it’s cumming
Oops. Coming. Sorry it took 84 days anon 😔
#I’m back#by popular demand#ao3fic#x reader#fan fic author#chef saltbaker#fanfic#i’m very eepy#college is killing me#anon i love you
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Hello polter! What do you think about the new cuphead dlc? I told myself I wasn’t going to fall for Chef Saltbaker, but i was very wrong. Could we please have some headcanons sometime?
A/N: Man you could really tell how far behind I am on some of these requests– man, I didn’t even know how long I’ve been in this rut until now. Especially since the DLC came out 2 years ago. Even as I am typing out this little note, I can’t help but grimace and feel awful for only now getting to this (シ〒﹏〒))シ
Now, I wasn’t sure if this was referring to just general headcanons or x reader ones, so I decided to go for the former for the time being!
General Chef Saltbaker Hcs:
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
Even before his scheme to finally bake the Wondertart came to light, the residents of Inkwell Isle Four sensed something was… off about Chef Saltbaker. The way his jolly smiles didn’t quite reach his eyes; how he’d often lash out at random intervals before suddenly slipping his cheerful mask on; the numerous backhanded remarks he’d dole out to customers— and god forbid he becomes passive aggressive.
Point is, he wasn’t really a friendly fellow to begin with– and everyone was able to catch on relatively quickly. However, there was a tense, silent agreement between the other Island denizens and Chef Saltbaker: they stay out of his business, and he’ll play nice. And with gourmet treats to sweeten the pot, it’s enough to make most people look the other way.
He kept his life incredibly private prior to his rehabilitation. Chef Saltbaker wasn’t originally from the fourth Isle, having quietly set up his bakery to little fanfare. The man hardly ever left the building, either. During the late hours of the night, long after closing hours, a few onlookers even caught him opening the door that led to the basement of the bakery; leading to a few crazed conspiracies and theories of what exactly he did down there.
Granted, considering how Saltbaker had a lab down there, they weren’t wrong. But he also just had a nook that he lived in. Rent could be expensive in the city blocks of the Isle. He’d rather spend most of his budget towards ingredients, so living within the bakery was just naturally the better option.
Honestly, baking the Wondertart was the culmination of a series of unfortunate events. A struggling career in the culinary arts, years of being taken advantage of by restaurant owners– who dangled the empty promise of a promotion if he just was more passionate, constant stress over meeting rent, funding the bakery, and himself, rude customers; it could go on forever. After continuous disappointment and admittedly isolating himself, it was easy to see why he went a little, ah, mad.
Saltbaker’s gotten a lot better though! Albeit, there’s still remnants of that bitter, passive aggressive (hell, even just normal aggressive) personality lurking underneath his much more positive self. Now that he has gained the trust and friendship of the Isle denizens– finally gaining a sense of belonging and community he didn’t know he was missing– he’s calmed down significantly.
Complete and utter neat freak about his kitchen. Organizes all ingredients and spices alphabetically and dedicates separate drawers to each cooking utensil. Not to mention that at the end of each shift, he’ll make sure that the kitchen is absolutely spotless. He does not care if it’ll take him an extra hour; if everything is not in order like he left it, he’ll go mad.
After doing community service, Saltbaker mostly just uses his laboratory to experiment with different flavors and batters for his deserts. Some of his concoctions range from mere enhancements to common flavors like strawberry to exotic flavors like dragon fruit or lychee. He’s open to new flavors!
While his large, pot-bellied frame may not look it, Chef Saltbaker is incredibly fast. When you’re working a one-man show and have a line of customers waiting for their orders, it’s completely necessary for him. Granted, a lot of the people who come in are usually complete sweethearts and are willing to wait. Nevertheless, the man’s practically a blur as he’s speeding from station to station, kneading dough one second and then preparing a batch of frosting the next. If he finds himself needing extra help, he’ll usually use magic or conjure up a salt clone.
Though the latter doesn’t happen all too often since said clones tend to make his desserts much saltier than he would like.
Food gore makes him irrevocably angry and stressed out. Why on earth would you show him this? Saltbaker already hated wasting food, but downright ugly food or disgusting looking combos will genuinely mess him up for the rest of the day. Same thing with those images of people gripping their food too tightly. The first time Cuphead did it to an eclair in the bakery, it took every muscle of self restraint for Saltbaker to not jump over that counter and clobber a child to death.
Speaking of, don’t ever suggest to add breadbowls to the menu in front of him. He took pride in baking that loaf of bread and you want him to massacre it?! How very dare you. He doesn’t care if it’s a popular trend, he’ll sooner slap the person who asked than waste a crumb of that bread.
Incredibly strong, but that’s a given. The man kneads dough by hand all day and usually carries in crates and heavy bags full of groceries into the bakery. Could pick up around five grown men with ease.
Ms. Chalice usually pops in to get extra cookies, and will often offer to help out where she can in the kitchen. She and Chef Saltbaker were kind of awkward around each other for a bit– given the whole “Hey I lied to you and your friends and tried to steal their soul” bit. However, after some time, they’re comfortable around each other to the point where you’d usually overhear their banter while they work.
“Oh, come now, Saltbaker! You can’t put a price to our friendship!”
“Yes I can, dear. Fifty dollars.”
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
#cuphead#cuphead the delicious last course#general headcanon#headcanons#requests#chef saltbaker#cuphead dont deal with the devil#cuphead headcanons#chef saltbaker headcanons
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Presentación de mi perfil, lo que escribo, reglas.
¡Hola pequeña personita! Me presento, soy deadolloading aún que pueden decirme Joven D, Doll, Dolly o como gustes. Mis pronombres son She/Her/Him, ¡Pero puedes decirme como sea!
Mi blog es totalmente en contenido en español, esto es debido a que no se mucho de inglés y hasta que no lo aprenda en su totalidad, no haré contenido en inglés.
El contenido de mi perfil apunta específicamente a todo lo relacionado con fanfics, pequeños escritos míos, etc. Igualmente los fanfics van del famoso Character x Reader o como el famoso Character x T/N.
Personas de cualquier edad, genero, creencia o nacionalidad ¡Es completamente bienvenido! Ya que mi contenido va para todo público ya que me incomoda escribir cualquier cosa NSFW, por lo que todo mi contenido es SFW, en caso de ser lo contrario se pide que no interactúen con esa publicación.
Requests are open!
Lea esto antes de solicitar cualquier fanfic, headcanon y esas cosas (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
Nota: A veces no puedo publicar mucho debido a lo ocupado que suelo estar.
Soy muy imaginativo con headcanons, escenarios/drabbles y es posible que veas mucho de eso en mi perfil, pero nada de fanfics o one-shots y tendrás que esperar mucho tiempo para que haga uno.
Por favor, no envíe hagas spam de solicitudes porque en esos caso no lo haré.
Si no publico un post muy largo, puede ser porque no tengo mucha imaginación en ese momento, disculpas de antemano.
¡El inglés no es mi primer idioma! Así que lo siento mucho por lo que solo escribiré en español.
Cuando pida algo en mi bandeja, por favor dame detalles de lo que quieres, como una parte específica que desea que agregue, qué personaje, género del lector, etc.
Solo puede escribir de 2 a 3 personajes a la vez.
Quiero que este lugar sea seguro tanto para mí como para los lectores.
Tengo todo el derecho a rechazar una solicitud, especialmente si rompe con las reglas que ya tengo.
Acepto escribir
Relaciones poliamorosas.
Amor, oc x character
No acepto escribir
Pedofilia, zoofilia
Relaciones altamente tóxicas
Fandoms y personajes para los que escribo !
Phantom of the Opera - MazM
Christine Daae Sorelli Dupont Melek Levni Detective Hatim Eric
Genshin Impact
Sucrose Rosaria Beidou Amber Kaeya Diluc Jean Aloy Lisa
Mario Bros
Princess Peach Princess Daisy Rosalina Pauline Mario Luigi
Baroness Von Bon Bon Chef Saltbaker Cala Maria Hilda Berg
Five Night's at Freddy's
Michael Afton William Afton Henry Emily Clara Afton Animatronics
Sims 4
Elvira Lapida
The Mandela Catalogo
Cesar Torres Mark Heathcliff Adam Murray Jonah Marshall Arcangel Gabriel Alt!Archangel Gabriel Sarah Heathcliff
Popee the Performer
Papi Poppe Eepop Kedamono
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Tanjiro Kamado Nezuko Kamado Inosuke Hashibira Zenitsu Agatsuma Muzan Kibutsuji Kagaya Ubuyashiki Kyōjurō Rengoku Obanai Iguro Gyomei Himejima Tengen Uzui Shinjuro Rengoku Mitsuri Kanroji Shinobu Kochō
Welcome Home
Wally Darling Julie Joyful Barnaby B. Beagle Frank Frankly Eddie Dear Howdy Pillar Sally Starlet Poppy Partridge
My Hero Academia
Kyoka Jiro Eijiro Kirishima Denki Kaminari Mei Hatsume Mt. Lady Tsuyu Asui Tenya Iida Endeavor Ochako Uraraka Momo Yaoyorozu
Sakura CardCaptor
Tomoyo Daidōji Tōya Kinomoto Yukito Tsukishiro Maki Matsumoto Nadeshiko Kinomoto Syaoran Li Fujitaka Kinomoto Kaho Mizuki Sakura Kinomoto Clow Reed Caras Clow
Sailor Moon
Usagi Tsukino Rei Hino Makoto Kino Ami Mizuno Minako Aino Haruka Teno Michiru Kaio Setsuna Meio Nephrite Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask Kou Seiya Kou Yaten Kou Taiki
Dragon Ball
Gohan Veggetta Piccolo Trunks Broly Androide 18 Androide 17 Whis Krilin
Vilma Dinkley Daphne Blake Shaggy Rogers Fred Jones
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Montgomery Montgomery Violet Baudelaire Klaus Baudelaire Georgina Orwell Justice Strauss Fernald Fiona Kit Snicket Lemony Snicket Gustav Sebald
Marvel/DC Comics
Solo agregare unos personajes
Doctor Octopus - Spiderman Miguel O'Hara - Spiderman Ghost Spider - Spiderman Spider-Man Noir - Spiderman Doctor Stranger - Marvel Peggy Carter - Marvel Raven - DC Comics Starfire - DC Comics Beast Boy - DC Comics Green Arrow - DC Comics
Moral Orel
Bloberta Puppington Clay Puppington Rod Putty Stephanie Putty Nurse Bendy
The Amazing Digital Circus
Ragatha x Reader Pomni x Reader Caine x Moon Caine x Reader Jax x Reader Gingle x Reader
Otros personajes (serie o película)
Miss Peregrine - Miss Peregrine y el hogar para chicos peculiares Carrie - Carrie 1976 Michael Myers - Halloween Jason Voorhees - Viernes 13 Thomas Hewitt - Masacre en Texas 2006 Ghostface - Danny Johnson Phantom of the Opera - Movie 2004 Blue Diamont - Steven Universe Yellow Diamond - Steven Universe Personajes de Disney - Solo si lo conozco
⠀⠀ ⠀ Reglas ⛧ ?!
ㅤㅤ⛧ Especificar por favor lo que quieren, no soy adivina. Si quieren cierta situación especifica, ese tipo de cosas ya saben.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Al momento de escribir para lectores, lo diré de una vez, no se mucho de pronombres. Por lo que si quieres de un personaje no binario o algo así, por favor dime como es su uso de pronombres para escribirlo y te sientas cómodo.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Esto totalmente abierta a la idea de escribir OC x Character, para eso pido que en privado me den algo de información de su oc. Alguna ficha, descripción de personalidad y física, ese tipo de cosas.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Pido que me tengan paciencia, suele escribir de forma muy tardada debido a mi gran bloqueo de escritor. Ténganme paciencia, soy nuevo en esto :').
ㅤㅤ⛧ ¡Pueden pedirme cualquier cosa! Romance, platónico, relación padre/madre e hijx, de hermandad, etc.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Por favor, pido respeto ya que esto es como un tipo de pasatiempo para mi. No vengo a molestar a nadie y tampoco vengo a que me molesten. Si no les gusta mi perfil o tienes problemas conmigo, te pido amablemente que dejes mi perfil y con gusto puedes bloquearme.
Eso sería todo por mi parte, bienvenidos a mi perfil y espero que les guste mi contenido.
¡Nos vemos!
#character x reader#español#spanish fanfic#fanfic#phantom of the opera#mario bros#cuphead#five nights at freddy's#sims 4#the mandela catalogue#poppe the performer#kimetsu no yaiba#kimetsu academy#welcome home#sakura card captor#sailor moon#dragon ball#scooby doo#asoue x reader#a series of unfortunate quotes#spiderman#disney#disney x reader#princess daisy x reader#william afton x reader#the amazing digital circus#pomni x reader#ragatha x reader#caine x moon
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Good boy/ Evil
#chef saltbaker#cuphead saltbaker#saltbaker x reader#the delicious last course#cuphead fandom#cuphead delicious last course#cuphead dlc#cuphead#yandere#fan art#video games
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''i don't have anyone anymore.'' ''you have me.'' With chef saltbaker please. Like after his bakery comes down and he is first starting off with his community service
"A-Am I free to leave? I polished all of your Winter Whale’s teeth..j-just as you requested.” Saltbaker’s teeth were chattering as he looked up at the grinning purple wizard, hoping for at least an ounce of pity from him.
“Now hold on a minute.” Mortimer hummed in thought, stroking his snowy beard. “You’re a chef, right? You can make desserts?”
“Yes, I-I can.”
“Well, my golem needs some new popsicle friends. So that’ll be your next task!” He clapped his hands together with a cackle. “Go to the parlor. [Y/n] will be waiting for you there. Help them make..let’s say..a batch of one hundred popsicles.”
Saltbaker felt his glass heart plummet. But honestly he didn’t know what he expected, though he was grateful that he’ll have help with this next chore.
After word got out that he sent the cups to steal the heavily-guarded ingredients from the guardians, he was now forced to do difficult labor as part of his punishment. The first was Mortimer, the mean wizard humbling him at every opportunity and making him work to the bone in freezing conditions. He was especially petty about the sentient ice sugar cube that came from this very place.
The same cube who the disgraced chef mercilessly shattered over and over again.
Honestly, he deserved worse for what he did to that poor fella. Knowing this cult, he was surprised Mortimer didn’t freeze him to death on the spot, so maybe this was him at his most merciful.
Not wanting to complain, he nodded obediently and searched the snowy realm for the parlor. Once inside, he wandered into the kitchen and saw you taking a batch of popsicles out and using some magic to bring them to life, smiling as your creations sprouted bat wings and eyes.
You didn’t seem bothered by the cold whatsoever. Lucky you.
Soon you noticed the glass man in prison scrubs and smiled, closing the case. “Hello. You must be Saltbaker I presume?”
“Y-Yes. I am.” He shivered, wrapping his arms around himself as he saw the popsicles glaring at him, flanking you on all sides in a defensive manner. Then he closed his eyes so he didn’t have to look at them anymore.
In that moment, he felt like disappearing into a pile of salt.
“Don’t stare. It’s okay. He’s welcomed here.” He heard you whisper to them, but he didn’t understand why you were being nice.
Maybe you were just being polite as part of your job.
“You must be freezing. Here you go.”
Suddenly, Saltbaker opened his eyes as he felt the warmth of a coat wrapped around him. And he saw you still smiling at him--no looks of fear, disgust, or judgement.
‘Why? Don’t you know what I have done? I don’t deserve this.’
“Better?” You asked him in a sweet voice.
He just swallowed thickly, holding back the tears as he nodded. “Yes, thank you. So..shall we begin?”
Making dozens of popsicle batches was easy for you, but grueling for Saltbaker--considering the ones that came to life were hissing at him and intentionally whacking him in the face with their wings. They gave him quite a few scratches over the past few hours.
The way they swooped at him to attack made him think back to those pepper shakers. Back when he turned himself into a greedy, evil giant that could rival Glumstone.
Everything and everyone kept reminding him of that day. Nobody would make him forget what he did.
Yet you were the only one in the cult who was friendly. You didn’t mistreat him or even make a single remark about his crimes. Instead you just talked to him about the weather (even though it was always the same--being a winter wonderland 24/7) and the cult members that have become your family.
Saltbaker would just nod and listen with a polite smile, though when you asked about his friends and family, it was quick to falter as he just couldn’t take it anymore.
“Miss Chalice was one such friend. She was sweet..all she wanted was to be in the world of the living again. And I was helping her find a way but...then I-I betrayed her, her friends...everyone.” His hands shook as he set down the metal tray, leaning over the counter. With a sniffle he covered his eyes to hide the welling tears. “Now I’m all alone. I’m getting what I deserve. I don’t have anyone anymore.”
For a long moment, you were quiet. But you walked away from your work and stood beside him, feeling sympathetic. “You have me. I could be your friend.”
Blinking away his tears, he looked at you in astonishment. “Really? I thought..this cult despised outsiders.”
“Only if they’re brainwashed into hating outsiders. I’m just a volunteer here. Mortimer values my desserts so I still have free will. I had to strike a deal with him.” You chuckled, watching him growing bashful at his mistake.
“I see..”
“He’s not a totally bad guy..and neither are you.”
Saltbaker’s heart sunk. He shook his head. “No, I’m..far worse than he is-”
“Maybe you think so, but you’re not evil. I know you feel bad about what you did.” With a kind smile, you tugged the lapels of his coat so it covered his shoulders more. “Give it time, and this isle will forgive you. I’m sure of it. And with time you’ll learn to forgive yourself.”
Saltbaker sniffled lightly, returning the smile in a shaky manner. It was all he could do, as he didn’t wanna say anything more in fear of completely breaking down in front of you.
He had doubts the other guardians and their minions will be as kind as you were. But he knew he needed to pay up for sending those cups after them due to his own selfishness.
For your sake, he'll be on his best behavior.
#clanask#cuphead x reader#cuphead dlc x reader#cuphead delicious last course x reader#chef saltbaker#chef saltbaker x reader#saltbaker x reader#angst#hurt/comfort#platonic
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Chef's Kiss
If I had the ability to travel back in time and then proceeded to tell my past self that I would be writing a Reader x Canon fanfic for Cuphead, I would be knocked tf out...
I found a post talking about a Reader fanfic with Chef Saltbaker, specifically the one by @starleska, and so I figured why the hell not! Although I don't have a crush on him, I am, however, in love with his fluid animation and overall design! He gives me Classic Disney Villain vibes and I am here for it!
Just so to let everyone know, this is my very first Cuphead fanfic. So be easy on me!
Content Includes: Major DLC Spoilers, Irresponsible Use of Knives, and Very Intense Flirting (Don't worry, this story is Safe for Work!)
You couldn't help but be mesmerized. You were watching an artist at work. There was no pause in his motions, no hesitation or blunder to be seen. Everything he did was perfect. Of course, he clearly had the experience and skill - something you had yet to achieve. You stood and watched as your mentor rolled up his sleeves, exposing his crystal clear forearms, and took ahold of a knife. Your heart jolted in excitement when he made the first cut into the fruit he placed onto the cutting board. Then he minced, beautifully so, the fruit into pieces and scrapped them aside. It was such a simple act, and yet he made it as if it was a craft no mortal being could ever possess.
Cooking was, indeed, a craft. Your mentor, Chef Saltbaker, said so himself.
Your fingers shook with anticipation. You wanted to try it out yourself. You just had to take that knife and give it a go! Or perhaps, it wasn't the knife that excited you. No... no, it wasn't. The constant rhythm of your heartbeat, the hypnotism, the enthusiasm. It was all because of the chef that took you in as his apprentice. Chef Saltbaker is the greatest chef in all of Inkwell Isles, that you knew well. Everyone knew well. And to be given the chance to work alongside him! That right there was a tremendous honor. And to think that all it took was a small conversation, too. It was a bright, sunny day when it happened. You felt particularly special, so you went down to the bakery to get yourself a small treat. You went inside, was greeted by him, had a friendly chat. But then things turned interesting when Chef Saltbaker noticed the book under your arm.
The book you were holding was a encyclopedia, specifically one about the occult. You were very fond with the subject, reading books upon books about anything and everything there was to learn. It just so happened that you had placed a bookmark under a chapter discussing the complexities of the astral plane. You had no idea how delighted the chef was when you told him! At that moment, you discovered that you two were quite alike. Things lead to another, and now here you were, inside his kitchen built inside a strange catacomb underneath the bakery. Considering your otherworldly interests, such a place did not phase you. In fact, you were quite amazed!
Chef Saltbaker then paused his work, lowering his knife. "My friend... You know that book you own? The one about the astral plane?", he asked, turning towards you. You nodded, interested in what he had to say. "I must admit, I never thought that I would see someone else with similar tastes. I must also admit that I'm quite surprised you didn't scream in fear when we entered the kitchen. This place is usually kept as a secret, as it should be, but perhaps we don't have to hide... certain things anymore."
Certain things? What could that possibly mean? It could be anything! And if your surroundings indicated anything, it most likely meant something sinister. You thought about all the possible and horrible things Chef Saltbaker could mean: cannibalism, poisoning, necromancy, slavery, piracy... veganism! "You see... I have discovered a spectacular recipe. It is called the Wondertart! The Wondertart is a treat only created with the finest ingredients, ingredients that only can be gathered by the most determined of folk! You must be wondering, what exactly makes this recipe so special?", he continued, "Well, it's because the Wondertart can give you the power to control the astral plane!"
You jolt up in surprise! Chef Saltbaker, Inkwell Isles' finest cook, in control of the entire astral plane? Surely, this must be some sort of joke! An elaborate prank which involved an atmosphere as spooky as a catacomb. But as you looked into his eyes, your doubt faded away. He was, in fact, serious. Completely and utterly serious. You can tell by the glow in his eyes. "Yes, my friend! The astral plane! Can you believe it? To think that I can harness it with just a small pastry! Ha-ha!", Chef Saltbaker laughed gleefully, swinging his knife in hand. Then he sighed, "However... I believe there is going to be a change in plans... The Wondertart will not grant me its power. Oh, no... it will grant us the power."
You stood in place astounded as your mentor smiled. He began to stroll towards you, his eyes now gleaming with hunger. Your heart throbbed as he got closer to you. Before you know it, you were pinned against a stone wall with him towering over you. You could feel yourself blushing immensely as you realize how close you were to him. You had every reason to be frightened: the underground catacombs, the plan to conquer the astral plane, Chef Saltbaker himself. You almost forgot that he still had the knife in his hand. But, you would be lying if you told yourself that you weren't a fan of this... dangerous intimacy.
"My dear..." Chef Saltbaker cooed, gently caressing your cheek, "You don't have to hide it anymore. I can read you like a book. Did you really think that I wouldn't notice? I'm honestly flattered! Never thought that I would be considered attractive in these parts, to be honest. Well, I'm glad you think so..." He winked. Oh my stars, he winked! At you! Is this real? Is this a dream? This has to be! There was no way Chef Saltbaker had the same feelings! "With the Wondertart, we will be unstoppable! We will become gods amongst mortals - beyond just mere lovers. Whaddya say, my dear? Will you conquer the astral plane by my side as my partner in crime?"
You felt his finger lift up your chin, his thumb gently tracing your lower lip. Without a single word, you leaped into his arms and finally - finally - crashed your lips against his. Chef Saltbaker reciprocates with a sly grin,"Oh, we're going to make wonders together, sweetie pie..."
#here you go ya freaks#nah jk jk#chef saltbaker x reader#ship fanfic#my writing#chef saltbaker#cuphead the delicious last course#cuphead dlc#cuphead#cuphead chef saltbaker
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he's very yes
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I’ve been looking at a bunch of Chef Saltbaker x Reader Headcanons recently and decided to done of my own. These are for a gender neutral, autistic reader.

(Art isn’t mine)
• The two of you first met late one afternoon. You came into the bakery, ordered something to eat, and sat down at a table to do something. (Read, write, draw, etc.) You quickly became a regular at the bakery.
• Your friendship truly began once you stayed after hours, rambling about your special interest(s) to him. He stood at the counter and listened as you excitedly talked about your passions.
• Saltbaker doesn’t judge you for stimming. In fact, he finds it adorable. He loves seeing you get all excited and happy stimming.
• If you vocal stim, Saltbaker will occasionally make noises back to you. He’s not mocking you; it’s more of a form of affection.
• Saltbaker has a physical list of your safe foods. He likes taking those dishes and adding his own twist to them. For instance, if your safe food is Mac and Cheese, he’ll make something akin to a Mac and Cheese casserole.
• When you first started dating, Saltbaker immediately did research about autistic love languages. If you’re not a big fan of physical contact, he’ll show his love through words of affirmation. If you love physical contact, he’ll give you all the physical affection you want.
• Autistic have this specific love language that’s been dubbed “penguin pebbling,” which is named after how penguins will pick out a rock and give it to a potential mate. If this is your love language, you give Saltbaker seemingly random things that remind you of him. He has a whole box full of these little trinkets you give him.
• Saltbaker may come off a bit overprotective and even possessive to some people. But he never wants to hurt you. He knows that you’re independent, but this doesn’t stop him from worrying about you.
• If you’re nonverbal and use sign language, Saltbaker goes out of his way to learn what the different signs mean. He’ll even sign back to you while speaking.
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... Is anyone interested in seeing any Chef Saltbaker x Reader stuff?
I'm hesitantly pointing in the direction of my ask box for some ideas to hold onto (will not be taking these as requests, just suggestions, tho I can guarantee good ones might motivate tf out of me lol).
I'm writing a bunch of other self ship stuff atm but I'm curious to see if any of my fellow Salt lovin moots or others have any ideas 👉 👈
They can range from platonic friendship sweetness to familial fluff to romantic and mayyyybe slightly suggestive territory (will not be doing outright NSFW tho).
Violence and gore and angsty themes are totally fine (within basic DNI criteria).
Can include some other characters too like Chalice n the Two Dishware Dummies
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Maybe some cuddle hcs for Chef Saltbaker from DLC? For a man made of glass, he looks so. heckin. ♥soft♥
Yes I completely agree babes! When I first saw this man I thought he was a weird bubble at first but then I'm like "O SHIT MF A SALTY SHAKER"
Chef saltbaker cuddle head cannons
╔══════✮❁•°♛°•❁✮ ═════╗
This man
Is so soft~
Y'all most likely cuddle all the time
Especially when you (or him) are feeling down
He actually is surprisingly squishy
There are certain times when you two cuddle
At night when going to bed
In the morning
When listening the the radio
And the cycle repeats
He doesn't have a preference for cuddles as long as your both comfy
Though you bother usually do is spooning your the little spoon whole yes big spoon
Sometimes he lays his head in your lap while you read and he falls asleep
{ these head cannons weren't long enough! But they were fun since he's awesome! Hearts and re-blogs are welcomed along with requests and comments! }
#x reader#gender nuetral reader#chef saltbaker#cuphead x reader#cuphead dlc x reader#cuphead dlc#chef saltbaker x reader
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Chef Saltbaker Yandere alphabet - Jealously, kisses and love letters.
Chef Saltbaker - J, K, & L
Note: Finally decided to write for a DLC character and it feels great! Hope you enjoy your request, love! Word Count: 0.6k Warnings: Delusional mindsets, implied murder, jealousy, mentions of kidnapping, obsessive behaviour, paranoia, possessive behaviour. Prompts: Can be found here.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes, and quite often, too. However, the reason for it and how he responds to it depends entirely on whether or not he’s been reformed.
Prior to his redemption, Saltbaker can become jealous of seemingly anyone and everyone that interacts with his darling. Be they strangers, acquaintances, friends, family, romantic rivals, it doesn’t matter; as long as they take up his darling’s time or divert their attention away from him, he can and will become jealous.
In most cases, he deals with it by simply grinning and bearing it, only to seethe in private later on. Jealousy is a most unbecoming thing for someone as cheerful and kind as him to feel, so he’s careful to mask it around his darling for fear of it driving them away. However, in cases where the person he’s jealous of poses an actual threat to his relationship with them, he’s not above disposing of them as swiftly as possible
As for post-redemption Saltbaker, his rampant jealousy stems not from general possessiveness, but fear. Even though he fully believes himself to have changed for the better, he worries that not everyone feels the same. Thus, whenever his darling interacts with someone else, he can’t help but fear that they’ll try to convince them to leave him.
The only thing able to ease his mind when this happens is his darling. In these instances, he allows them to see a much more vulnerable and unsure side of himself; a side which he usually suppresses. He all but begs them for comfort and reassurance, desperate to hear them promise that they’ll never leave him.
And if they don’t? He might just steal them away. At least that way they can stay with him forever, whether they want to or not.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Saltbaker’s behaviour around his darling is almost indistinguishable from his behaviour around everyone else, though that’s not to say there’s no difference in the way he behaves. The most obvious sign of his fondness for them doesn’t take the form of actions or words, but body language. His slightly wider smile, the higher pitch in his voice, the brighter light in his eyes, how he leans ever so slightly closer when speaking with them - all of these differences are extremely subtle and, to most, entirely invisible, but are very telling to anyone with a keen eye.
That being said, there is one major difference between how he treats his darling as opposed to others, though even the most observant person can miss it: prior to his redemption, his displays of kindness towards them are the only times when it’s genuine. Around everyone else, his jolly and goodhearted persona is just that, a persona. But when he’s with his darling, a softness within him that he believed he had buried long ago manages to resurface; it’s only when this happens that he realises what he feels for them is more than simple attraction, and the seeds of his obsession begin to grow.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Whether it’s before, during, or after his descent into villainy, one thing about Saltbaker remains consistent throughout all of it: he adores romance. Love letters, long walks on the beach, baking together, kissing in the rain, giving his coat to his partner when it’s cold - any romantic or domestic gesture you can think of, he’s likely fantasised about it at some point.
Because of this, it should come as no surprise that his approach to courting his darling is like something straight out of a romantic movie. He can’t help himself; even at his most despicable, he wants to have nothing short of a picture-perfect, fairy tale romance with them, and as long as they reciprocate this desire, he will happily sweep them off their feet in the most cheesy, cliché, overly sweet way possible.
#cw yandere#cuphead#yandere cuphead#chef saltbaker#yandere chef saltbaker#chef saltbaker x reader#yandere alphabet
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Saltbaker x Reader (Ask Edition)
(So tired of school, enjoy Anon. I'll post on AO3 later. ASKS ARE OPEN!)
Your day started off great, you had put on your most business casual outfit and were more than ready for this interview. Saltbaker was well-known. Well, famous actually, across the Isles. The way he carried himself and showed devotion to his work. It was inspiring. And to be honest, very attractive. Not often have there been many hard-working suitors, but even so, Saltbaker was one of the more sought ones.
When you got there, however, you were overwhelmed to see how the line to the bakery whipped around the block. Other folks chatted amongst themselves about how excited they were to interview and others showed visible signs of anxiousness.
The line moved slowly, but it gave you a good chance to examine people's expressions. Some people left crying, “I totally botched it!” or “I’m not getting this job.” And some a bit haughty, “Oh, I know I got the job!” or “He smiled at me the whole time!”
Soon it was your turn… He greets you at the door. “Good afternoon!” He beamed, extending a glass hand. You smile and take it in yours, watching how you could see it through his big transparent hands.
“Afternoon Chef!”
You both walked through the bakery, through the kitchen, and then into his dining room. You sat at the table after fixing your top and he sat down across from you. You quickly take a deep breath before beginning to speak.
“Chef Saltbaker, I think I would be the best candidate to help you work in your bakery, and to not choose me would be a mistake,” you blurt, the words pouring all at once.
His face went from a smile to shock. Your face went from nervous to shocked.
He laughs. A deep laugh. A happy laugh. “Is that so?” He asked. “Well I’ll be honest no one else has warned me about not hiring them before. Let me have a look at your resume.”
You hand it over to him, trembling a little. You tried to avoid making eye contact in the process. He takes the resume and reads it over. “You have an interesting name…” He says after a while, “Very interesting.”
You nod, fiddling with the bottom buttons of your top.
He remains quiet for a while. You use this time to scan the area. It was a spacious house, photos lined the walls as well as blue ribbons and gold medals. You also saw a few kitchen-themed decorations hung around such as an embroidered “Fresh Baked Pies Served Daily”, “Eat, Sleep, Cook, Repeat”, a very intricate painting of the ‘The Creation of Adam’ where God gives Adam a loaf of bread, and a few other items.
“This resume of yours is truly acceptable,” Chef Saltbaker said as he puts it down on the table. You feel sweat pooling under your arms, having waited minutes for him to finally say something. “Not a lot of candidates make it this far…”
You feel your nerves lighten at the “compliment” and a smile forms on your face. “Well, I’m glad to hear that… Should I expect a letter in the mail or something?”
“Oh no… You’ll find that out today,” he replies. He starts to get up from his seat using the table to prop himself up. It creaks slightly against his size. You now start to realize how he towers over you… “Next is a cooking demo, something quick so we don’t take too long. What will you prepare?”
You didn’t think this far… “Um… I’ll make…”
He stares at you with an unreadable expression. Your eyes dart across the room. You see bananas. Banana cream pie? Boring. Then you saw his snow jacket. Beignets? No, those would take too long…
You continued to search for ideas when you landed on a painting of a humanoid moose wielding a hunting rifle. That was it!
“Chocolate… Mousse…?”
“Chocolate mousse?” He asked back.
“Yeah… A pie,” you say as you get up, “I think it’ll be great.”
“You think?”
You bit your lip, “Sorry, I meant… I know.”
“Good!” He said as he returned to his cheerful demeanor.
You walked into the kitchen connecting his house and the bakery. The door leading to the bakery was closed. It was just you and him. You went to roll up your sleeves before grabbing an apron then realized this shirt was on pretty tight around your arms, it’d get messy! You laughed nervously as you turned to Saltbaker. “Sorry Chef, I’m kind of overdressed for this. Mind if I take this shirt off?”
He looked at you, still smiling, but his eyes were emotionless. “Next time, for future culinary interviews, you should dress ready to cook.”
“Future culinary interviews…”
If that didn’t confirm it… You weren’t getting this job. You removed your shirt and put the apron over the tank top you had underneath. You wash your hands and get ready to create.
You spent the next 30 minutes preparing chocolate mousse. You tried your best to stay calm as he peered over your shoulder a few times, but not a word was exchanged. You didn’t even stop to look at his reactions but you could feel him… Judging. There was even a point when he left the room and you could finally breathe. He returned after 10 minutes.
Once you finally finished, you presented to him a cup of chocolate mousse. Complete with chocolate shavings, two layers of milk and dark chocolate, and a mint garnish. You looked at him for a reaction, arms outstretched.
He was leaning against the counter. “Why don’t you take a bite for me?”
You gulped. You took a spoon off the counter and dipped it in the cup, scooping some of your creation. You place the spoonful of mousse into your mouth and see him staring at you out the corner of your eye. You take a while to taste it… It tasted good!
You smile and swallow. “It’s good, I can tell you’ll enjoy it…”
He gets up from his lean and takes the spoon from you. He takes some of the mousse and tries it. His expression was unwavering. He lets out a small, “Mmm,” with a smile before he puts the spoon back in the mousse and walks away to a counter.
“That’s not too bad…”
“Thank you, Chef-”
“Now how badly do you want this job?”
“I-...” You stop to think. Was this a trick question? “I would die for this job.”
He didn’t reply. His back was turned to you. The tension was scary…
“Would you now?”
“Cooking takes time… It takes care and practice. It takes dedication. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Chef. But I-”
He walked closer. “And it takes precision and devotion. When you make something you have to be willing to not just make but FIX mistakes. When you are willing to do so, you make better if not perfect works. Do you understand?”
“Y-yes, Chef…”
“You say you’d die for this job… Are you sure? You’d die to bake and make something gone in a few bites? You’re willing to give up your soul for this?”
“I guess? I wouldn’t say all that but maybe?” As those words left your mouth, you felt something cool pressed against your neck. It was the blade of a knife. When did he?
“It’s a yes or a no question.”
You froze in panic. His amber eyes were crazed. You knew he was committed, no, DEDICATED to his work. But not like this…
“Yes, Chef,” you say in a choked whisper.
“Good job.” He lowers the knife, “I already sent everyone else away. It’s obvious you are the one meant for this… I need someone willing to see things the way I do… And I’m positive it’s you…” He smiled, flashing his pearly top and bottom teeth. “Congratulations.”
You felt a cool tingle in your body. Probably excitement that you got the job, but at what cost?
“Now I need you to do something for me…”
You set the mousse down. “Anything Chef.”
“That mouth of yours looked good around that spoon.”
You felt your heart start to pound in your chest. What could he be insinuating?
“I’d like to see it around something else, of course. If you’re serious.”
“I’m not too sure… In the kitchen?”
“I did say if you’re serious.”
You gulped and moved over to him. Hesitant. You tried to avoid looking him in the eyes. His smile was long gone, but his eyes remained a frightening gold, helping define his pupils. “Could you… Just… Pull them down.”
“Are you incapable of doing it yourself?”
“No, Chef…” You reply before getting on your knees and moving your hands under the hem of his pants. He was warm. Under other circumstances, you’d maybe like to cuddle with him, But this isn't that.
You pull down his pants and watch as his glass erection springs from its cloth containment, nearly hitting you in the face. He was massive and precum already beaded the tip of his penis. You gulp before moving your mouth to kiss his base. You start just above his balls, up the shaft, and ending at the tip, licking away the liquid forming. He lets out a soft grunt as you start again. Stalling. To “spice” things up, you start to fondle his balls with one hand using the other to stroke his penis.
After a while, you could feel his hand hold your face. “Quit stalling.” You didn’t hesitate. You nodded and opened your mouth, fitting just the top. You stroked it with your tongue and let your saliva coat his dick.
“Further…” He moaned. You did as you were told. You took his dick further into your mouth, the head now touching the back of your throat. You had reached about halfway.
“To be honest with you… That chocolate mousse of yours was very good. I could tell it wasn’t your first time…” You moved his penis in and out of your mouth, saliva streaming down the corners. “Similar to this… You must’ve had prior experience.” He put a hand on your head.
You pulled your mouth off his dick for a quick breath. “Yes, Chef.” Before he could say demand you back on, you put him back inside your mouth.
“Now about that mousse. It was good but, it could’ve been better. You could’ve whipped it a bit longer, the taste of egg was surprisingly still very detectable.” He pushed your head down. His cock now entering your throat. You lifted your arms to hopefully hold his legs and prevent him from going further.
“It was still a bit runny, not yet firm. But somehow you made it work.” He pushed you down further, his other hand grabbing your arm and pulling it towards him.
“Next time beat it slowly but still have that hold on it. Make sure everything is mixed equally~,” he said as he then took both hands and pushed you completely unto him. His cock was fully sheathed in your throat. He let out a sharp moan and his knees buckled slightly. You felt tears pooling in your eyes as you struggled to breathe.
He finally pulled out and smiled, looking down at you. You coughed and gasped for air. “Do you understand?”
You heave a sharp breath before nodding, “Yes, Chef. Thank you for the notes.”
“Good,” he says, softly cupping your cheek, “Now continue.”
You put his dick back in your mouth and he quickly returns to his job. He proceeds to facefuck you pushing himself deeper. You wince every time he reaches the deepest parts. Your nose, pushed against his glass surface. You were no longer afraid to make eye contact with him. Most of the time he didn’t look back, he was busy rolling his eyes in ecstasy.
Soon, you felt something hot entering your stomach. He held you in place as he came down your throat, no need to swallow. His dick twitched as he emptied his contents into you, followed by some of his moanings.
He pulled out, dick flopping, and leaned on a counter. You licked your lips and swallowed again.
“I hope that demonstration of my seriousness is enough proof for you,” you say in a snarky tone, wiping your mouth.
“More than enough,” he replied, pulling up his pants, “You did a great job. I just know that under me, figuratively and literally, I could teach you so much more.”
You slowly get up and undo your apron. “I’m looking forward to this Chef. Thank you for this opportunity.” You hand him the apron and let your hand brush against his. His warmth still felt welcoming but now you’d have to maintain a professional relationship. You’d be working together, alone, in a tight kitchen…
“See you tomorrow. 10 pm, not a moment later.”
“Of course!” You beam. You grab your shirt and nod at him before quickly moving past him out the door through his house.
Smiling to yourself, you now have not a care in the world. You got the job and a special Saltbaker creme pie, what a day. You lick your fingers and turn back to face his house for a while. Honestly?
You wouldn’t mind having another one.
#saltbaker x reader#fan fic author#x reader#chef saltbaker#fanfic#asks are open#lemon simping#lemlizlov answers
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A/N: is has all three types of HCS, including NSFW ones so please, 18+ audiences only also forgive my degeneracy
(C/W): NSFW mentions, mentions of knives
:Chef Saltbaker General headcannons:
He has a BIG kitchen in his house, that is if he doesn’t live in the upstairs of the bakery like bob belcher.
He is a man who owns 5 ovens!
Definitely had trouble deciding on how to decorate his kitchen, eventually he with with a classical look
Cooking became therapeutic for him, it already kinda was but after the events it let him feel like he had control over something
Loves to sing while he cooks!
:Relationship HCS:
Uses food and floral pet names such as Pumpkin, and honeysuckle
He is more traditional in the sense of romance, he pays for the date, he opens the doors and he of course greets his sugar plum with their favorite flowers
If you are lucky enough to marry this man he does all the cooking, but if you like to cook as well he is all about it! He’d love to cook with you!
Date nights consists of feasts he makes or going out to a fancy restaurant
This man wants two kids at the very least, six at the most! He wants a family
His love language is acts of service and physical touch
Will never take off his wedding ring, even if he outgrows it, it’s a precious reminder that he’s married to the love of his life and if he needs to he will just wear gloves so he doesn’t have to take it off
Not to long, about 4 1/2 inches but what he lacks in length he makes up for in girth
An absolute sweet talker and giver when he’s not in an obsessive craze
Very romantic but a little bit on the vanilla side when he’s not being obsessive or got jealous
Now when he is obsessive is when the real show starts, he gets rough and particularly bitey
Might have a secretive knife kink but not on the reviving end
Also secretly into food stuff but too shy even when obsessive to even mention it
He’s a giver for the most part, always will be, and you can bet your ass he gives the best oral. Eating sweets and lollies all his life have give his tongue an extra skill advantage
Lord forgive me for this next degenerate thought
he feels like riding a glass dildo, but more flexible and warm
#chef saltbaker the delicious last course#chef saltbaker simp#chef saltbaker cuphead#chef saltbaker x reader#chef Saltbaker x reader lemon
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