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salsacubanahabana · 4 months ago
Salsa Habana es mucho más que un baile; es una expresión vibrante de la cultura y pasión cubana. Nacido en las calles y clubes de La Habana, este estilo único fusiona ritmos africanos y caribeños, creando una danza llena de energía, creatividad y conexión. En Salsa Cubana Habana Dance School en Cuba, puedes sumergirte en esta experiencia cultural, ya sea en clases grupales o individuales, y aprender junto a otros entusiastas de la salsa. Descubre la esencia del baile cubano, donde cada paso celebra el alma y el espíritu de Cuba. ¡Únete y vive la salsa auténtica!
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lvdancestudio · 1 year ago
Salsa Dance in Bangalore
Lourd Vijay's Dance Studio, located in Bangalore, offers Salsa dance classes for individuals of all ages and skill levels. Salsa, a popular Latin dance form, is a blend of Cuban Son, Mambo, and Cha-Cha-Cha. The studio's experienced instructors provide personalized attention to help students learn the basic steps, spins, and partner work. The classes are conducted in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, making it easy for beginners to learn and enjoy the dance. The studio also hosts regular Salsa events and parties, providing students with opportunities to showcase their skills and socialize with other dancers. Overall, Lourd Vijay's Dance Studio is an excellent choice for anyone looking to learn Salsa in Bangalore.
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giveorlooseit · 5 years ago
Another Advanced LA Salsa Combination for my Dance Friends! 😀😀 I hope you have FUN & have a GREAT Dancing Week! 😘😘 ****************************** #salsa #salsadancing #salsadance #salsalessons #salsadanceschools #salsacombination #salsafigure #salsamove #LASalsa #salsanicosia #salsaCyprus #Cypriot #Cyprus #nicosia #expressions #dancing #dance #latin #alexandrosiacovides #latindance (at X-pressions Dance School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAF_8d8HZb2/?igshid=1dkwydyhozenj
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armusic-services-blog · 4 years ago
One of the most important and foundational rhythms that a salsa dancer or musician needs to know is the conga players' Tumbao or Marcha rhythm. . . . . . . . . . . . #aboutme #musicality #newdancer #salsalover #salsalovers #salsadancelessons #salsadanceclass #salsadanceschool #salsamusic #salsainstructor #salsateacher #musiclesson #salsadancing #rhythm #latinpercussion #latinpercussion #seattlemusic #seattlemusicians #congahead #congalovers https://www.instagram.com/p/CFvaoQAp539/?igshid=1w3ji78848ent
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olga-zelenska · 7 years ago
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Kvartira Latina, Salsa Dance School Poster, 2015
For a few years, I worked as an administrator and art-director of the dance school. It was one of the brightest episodes of my career and life
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sondeluz · 7 years ago
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#Salsa #SalsaDance #SalsaDanceSchool #Sondeluz
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salsacubanahabana · 4 months ago
Salsa Havanna: Den Geist des kubanischen Tanzes einfangen"
Erleben Sie das pulsierende Herz des kubanischen Salsas direkt auf den lebhaften Straßen von Havanna! Dieses fesselnde Bild zeigt ein leidenschaftliches Paar beim Salsa-Tanzen, gekleidet in traditioneller kubanischer Kleidung. Ihre Bewegungen verkörpern die Eleganz, den Rhythmus und die Energie, die Havannas Tanzkultur so einzigartig machen. Die farbenfrohen Rüschenkostüme und die synchronen Schritte lassen die Authentizität des kubanischen Erbes aufleben.
Egal, ob Sie ein Salsa-Liebhaber sind oder Havannas reiche kulturelle Wurzeln entdecken möchten – unsere Tanzschule, Salsa Cubana Habana, bietet ein intensives Erlebnis am Geburtsort dieses ikonischen Tanzes. Erleben Sie Salsa wie nie zuvor!
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giveorlooseit · 6 years ago
Some Footwork for my Dance Friends👭👬👫 I hope you like it, find even ONE☝ Step👣 & fuse it with your own Style! Keep having FUN!! 😊🙂😉 If you want the lesson for this one & a LOT MORE Check✔ my YouTube Channel: Http://www.youtube.com/SalsaAndBachataMoves Or Click the link🔗 in my Bio~ 😉 Hope you have FUN, find something you like & fuse it with your own style! Dance💃 you👉 later~ 😊 *********************** #salsafootwork #salsashines #salsasteps #salsadance #salsadanceschools #salsadancer #alexandros_iacovides #xpressionsdanceschool #Cyprus #cyprussalsa #nicosia #Nicosiadanceschools #latindance #salsadancing #Salsero #querico #quericosalsa #salsa #salsaonone #LASalsa #salsafeet #salsashoes #danceshoes #latindancer #salsaon1 #losangeles #losangelesssalsa (at Expressions School of Dance & Music) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzia6nuHeFV/?igshid=6c7d2gjrff1w
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giveorlooseit · 8 years ago
Advanced LA Salsa Combination: Progretional rotations for the Lady~ 😀😀 ********************* #LASalsa #salsa #salsadanceschools #salsacombination #salsalessons #Alexandros_Iacovides #Nicosialessons #Dancing #dance #latin #latindancelessons #Cyprus #Greece #Greek #salsamove #salsafigure #salsacombo #losangeles
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armusic-services-blog · 4 years ago
One of the most important and foundational rhythms that a salsa dancer or musician needs to know is the conga players' Tumbao or Marcha rhythm. . . . . . . . . . . . #aboutme #musicality #newdancer #salsalover #salsalovers #salsadancelessons #salsadanceclass #salsadanceschool #salsamusic #salsainstructor #salsateacher #musiclesson #salsadancing #rhythm #latinpercussion #latinpercussion #seattlemusic #seattlemusicians #congahead #congalovers https://www.instagram.com/p/CFvU3RTpkRe/?igshid=jb7ifyydabqm
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armusic-services-blog · 4 years ago
One of the most important and foundational rhythms that a salsa dancer or musician needs to know is the conga players' Tumbao or Marcha rhythm. . . . . . . . . . . . #aboutme #musicality #newdancer #salsalover #salsalovers #salsadancelessons #salsadanceclass #salsadanceschool #salsamusic #salsainstructor #salsateacher #musiclesson #salsadancing #rhythm #latinpercussion #latinpercussion #seattlemusic #seattlemusicians #congahead #congalovers (at Renton, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFkOQuyphqs/?igshid=15gs7vxp8r8e7
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armusic-services-blog · 4 years ago
This was from a previous facebook live class. “Learn to Hear Salsa Music” #aboutme #musicality #newdancer #salsalover #salsalovers #salsadancelessons #salsadanceclass #salsadanceschool #salsamusic #salsainstructor #salsateacher #musiclesson #salsadancing #rhythm #latinpercussion #latinpercussion #seattlemusic #seattlemusicians #congahead #congalovers #worldpercussion #percussionist #percussionteacher #musiccoach #clave #seattledrummer #seattle #danceathome #learntodance #socialdancing https://www.instagram.com/p/CFbcxE1Jg4Q/?igshid=1g39x4c3lx52g
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giveorlooseit · 5 years ago
Fresh out of the "Oven"~ 😘 Advanced SALSA *Move*! VERY fuuun, I hope you enjoy it~ :) Stay safe~ 😉 *************************** #salsadancing #salsa #salsadance #salsadanceschools #salsalessons #learnsalsa #LASalsa #salsaclass #salsamove #salsacombination #salsaCyprus #nicosia #latin_dance #latinschool #salsacombination #salsamoves (at X-pressions Dance School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAR9giZAtKf/?igshid=1xeb4ermhvee8
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giveorlooseit · 5 years ago
Advanced Footwork! Back and Front view~ 😁😄☺ I hope you like it, find even ONE☝ Step👣 & fuse it with your own Style! Keep having FUN!! 😊🙂😉 If you want the lesson for this one & a LOT MORE Check✔ my YouTube Channel: Http://www.youtube.com/SalsaAndBachataMoves Or Click the link🔗 in my Bio~ 😉 Dance💃 you👉 later~ 😊 *********************** #salsafootwork #salsashines #salsasteps #salsadance #salsadanceschools #salsadancer #alexandros_iacovides #xpressionsdanceschool #Cyprus #cyprussalsa #nicosia #Nicosiadanceschools #latindance #salsadancing #Salsero #querico #quericosalsa #salsa #salsaonone #LASalsa #salsafeet #salsashoes #danceshoes #latindancer #salsaon1 #losangeles #losangelesssalsa #salsaonone (at X-pressions Dance School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CANSLC1g_by/?igshid=a4xcho09kgis
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giveorlooseit · 5 years ago
Fresh out of the "Oven"~ 😘 Advanced SALSA *Move*! VERY fuuun, I hope you enjoy it~ :) Stay safe~ 😉 *************************** #salsadancing #salsa #salsadance #salsadanceschools #salsalessons #learnsalsa #LASalsa #salsaclass #salsamove #salsacombination #salsaCyprus #nicosia #latin_dance #latinschool #salsacombination #salsamoves (at X-pressions Dance School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CANPTL5gcgz/?igshid=1q8uj302pt7lt
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giveorlooseit · 5 years ago
Another Advanced LA Salsa Combination for my Dance Friends! 😀😀 I hope you have FUN & have a GREAT Dancing Week! 😘😘 ****************************** #salsa #salsadancing #salsadance #salsalessons #salsadanceschools #salsacombination #salsafigure #salsamove #LASalsa #salsanicosia #salsaCyprus #Cypriot #Cyprus #nicosia #expressions #dancing #dance #latin #alexandrosiacovides #latindance (at X-pressions Dance School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CANMp73AsBz/?igshid=rwk7phvrdak4
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