#salmonella shigella agar
medicrich · 4 months
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Salmonella Shigella Agar Tmmedia| Manufacturer and exporter
Do you know? Salmonella Shigella agar is a specialized medium used in microbiology to isolate and differentiate Salmonella and Shigella species from other bacteria. It's a crucial tool in food safety testing and disease diagnosis. To learn more details visit tmmedia website.
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tmmedia17 · 8 months
Find the Best Quality of Salmonella Shigella Agar (TM 386) at TM Media
If you are looking for salmonella shigella agar (TM 386) manufactured by TM Media is a differential and selective medium, ideal for isolating Salmonella and Shigella species from clinical specimens and suspected food samples. Its moderate selectivity inhibits gram-positive bacteria through bile salts, brilliant green, and sodium citrate. This medium's high selectivity accommodates large inocula from feces or rectal swabs. Lactose fermentation by normal flora produces acid, turning colonies red, while non-fermenters appear translucent with or without black centers. This distinctive coloration aids in identifying pathogens.
Visit the Website - https://www.tmmedia.in/
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tmmediapharma · 9 months
Get the Best Quality of Salmonella Shigella Agar (TM 386) at TM Media
If you are looking for salmonella shigella agar manufactured by TM Media is an optimal medium for differentiating and selecting Salmonella and Shigella species in pathological samples and suspected foods. This moderately selective agar inhibits gram-positive bacteria with bile salts, brilliant green, and sodium citrate. Its high selectivity allows for direct inoculation with large samples like feces, rectal swabs, or materials containing potential pathogenic enteric bacilli. Lactose fermentation by some normal intestinal flora produces acid, shifting the pH indicator-neutral red from yellow to red, enabling the growth of red-pigmented colonies. Lactose non-fermenting organisms appear as translucent colorless colonies, with or without black centers.
Visit the Website - https://www.tmmedia.in/
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tmmediaindia · 1 year
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SS Agar
SS Agar is a differential and selective medium used for the isolation of Salmonella and some Shigella species from pathological specimens and suspected foods. It contains bile salts, brilliant green, and sodium citrate, which inhibit the growth of most gram-positive and coliform bacteria. Lactose is also added to the medium, which allows for the differentiation of lactose-fermenting and non-lactose-fermenting organisms. It is widely employed in clinical and food testing laboratories to identify these potentially harmful pathogens, aiding in the diagnosis and monitoring of infections caused by these bacteria. The agar's formulation provides specific nutrients and chemicals that allow Salmonella and Shigella colonies to grow and exhibit characteristic appearances, simplifying their identification.
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moleculardepot · 2 months
SS agar
SS agar Catalog number: B2017301 Lot number: Batch Dependent Expiration Date: Batch dependent Amount: 500 g Molecular Weight or Concentration: N/A Supplied as: Powder Applications: a molecular tool for various biochemical applications Storage: RT Keywords: Salmonella Shigella Agar Grade: Biotechnology grade. All products are highly pure. All solutions are made with Type I ultrapure water…
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tm-media1212 · 3 months
Get the Best Quality of XLD Agar at tm media
XLD Agar (Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar) is a selective and differential medium used for isolating and identifying enteric pathogens, particularly Salmonella and Shigella species. The medium contains xylose, lysine, and deoxycholate to differentiate organisms based on their ability to ferment sugars and decarboxylate lysine. Phenol red serves as a pH indicator, facilitating the visual distinction of colonies. This agar is essential in clinical and food microbiology for accurate detection and differentiation of gastrointestinal pathogens.
Product link: https://www.tmmedia.in/product/xld-agar-2/ Website link: https://www.tmmedia.in/ Company Name: TM Media Phone: +91-9999-1687-70 Address: 905, 9th Floor, Big joes Tower, Netaji Subhash Place, New Delhi Mail:[email protected]
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rnomics · 5 months
Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 11, Pages 223: Isolation and Identification of Morganella morganii from Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta) in China
A bacterium was isolated and identified from the secretion of a rhesus monkey with endometritis. The morphological results showed that the strain exhibited round, convex, gray-white colonies with smooth surfaces and diameters ranging from 1 to 2 mm when cultured on Columbia blood agar at 37 °C for 24 h; on salmonella–shigella agar (S.S.) at 37 °C for 24 h, the colonies appeared round, flat, and translucent. Gram staining showed negative results with blunt ends and non-spore-forming characteristics. Molecular biology results showed that the 16S #rRNA sequence of the strain revealed over 96.9% similarity with published sequences of M. morganii from different sources in the NCBI GenBank database. Morphological and molecular biology analysis confirmed that the strain (RM2023) isolated from cervical secretions of rhesus monkey was M. morganii. Drug sensitivity testing demonstrated that the isolated strain (RM2023) was sensitive to ceftriaxone, amikacin, gentamicin, cefazolin, cefuroxime, ceftazidime, levofloxacin, cotrimoxazole, norfloxacin, and tetracycline; moderately sensitive to ampicillin; and resistant to penicillin, vancomycin, ciprofloxacin, and clindamycin. The research findings provide valuable insights for disease prevention in rhesus monkeys and contribute to molecular epidemiological studies. https://www.mdpi.com/2306-7381/11/5/223?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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oaresearchpaper · 1 year
Vegetable salads are main dish of daily meals served in homes, schools and restaurants. However, it has been found to be associated with the outbreaks of foodborne diseases in many countries around the world. This study investigated the microbiological quality of vegetable salads sold in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria, particularly the presence of Salmonella spp. Samples examined included different types of fresh ready-to-eat (RTE) vegetable salads. A total of 170 vegetable salad samples were collected from fast food outlets and street vendors. Microbiological examinations included total viable count and total coliform count using pour plate technique, and isolation of Salmonella spp. using Salmonella–Shigella agar. DNA extraction, PCR and 16S rRNA sequencing were performed to determine the Salmonella spp. isolated. A total of 8 (4.7%) and 9 (5.2%) of the salads were below standard guidelines for total viable count and total coliform count respectively. Salmonella was isolated from 66 (38.8%) samples. There was no statistical significant correlation (P >0.05) between all sample sources and the different types. Salmonella spp. was resistant to cephalosporins and β-lactamase inhibitors, producin
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secuilpengetahuan · 2 years
MOA : bactericidal; berikatan dg (inhibitor kompetitif) transpeptidase di sitoplasmic membrane untuk memecah ikatan dinding sel (transpeptidase yg katalis linkage dinding sel) --> menghambat sintesis cell wall
a. Penicillin G (original penicillin)
1. Penicillin G (IV) --> udah banyak yg resisten
2. Penicillin V (bentuk oral) --> pharingitis ec GABHS
b. Aminopenicillin
- broader spectrum than penicillin G (termasuk bisa E.coli, proteus, salmonella, shigella), tp ttp banyak jg yg resisten dan masih bisa diinhibit penicillinase
- sering digabung dg aminoglikosida (gentamisin) --> broad gram negative coverage
1. Ampicillin
2. Amoxicillin
c. Penicillinase-resistant penicillin (met the nasty ox)
- bisa buat stap aureus
- gram +, not good for gram -+
- drug of choice infeksi stap aureus kl udah exclud3 MRSA (methicillin resistant staph aureus)
(1) IV
1. Methicillin
2. Nafcillin -> lini 1 infeksi stap aureus serius (cellulitis, endocarditis, sepsis)
3. Oxacillin
(2) ORAL
4. Cloxacillin
5. Dicloxacillin
d. Anti-pseudomonal penicillin
- gram (+) and expanded gram (-) coverage, terutama against pseudomonas aeruginosa (pneumonia,sepsis -> difficult to destroy, resistant thd banyak AB), juga bisa buat anaerob (bacteroides fragilis)
(1) Carboxypenicillin
1. Ticarcillin
2. Carbenicillin
(2) Ureidopenicillin
1. Piperacillin
2. Mezlocillin
e. Beta-lactamase Inhibitor
- contoh : amox - clav, ticarcillin - clav, ampicillin-sulbactam, piperacillin-tazobactam
- broad coverage: gram (+) (stap aureus), gram (-) (h. Influenza), & anaerob (bacteroides fragilis)
1. Clavulanic acid
2. Sulbactam
3. Tazobactam
f. Cephalosporin
- lebih resistant to betalactamase dibanding penicillin
- generasi pertama lebih efektif ke gram +, generasi ketiga lebih ke gram -, yg baru gen 4 coverage gram +&- bagus
- MRSA resisten thd cephalosporin juga -> soalnya struktur transpeptidasenya diganti
(1) Gen 1 (PH)
1. Cephalothin
2. Cephapirin
3. Cephradine
4. Cephalexin
5. Cefazolin
6. Cefadroxil
(2) Gen 2 (the furry fox family drinking tea)
1. Cefamandole
2. Cefaclor
3. Cefuroxime
4. Cefoxitin
5. Cefotetan
6. Cefmetazole
7. Cefonicid
8. Cefprozil
(3) Gen 3 (T/tri)
1. Ceftriaxone
2. Ceftazidime
3. Cefotaxime (pilihan untuk anak2)
4. Ceftizoxime
5. Ceftibuten
(4) Gen 4 (fep)
1. Cefepime
2. Cefpirome
(5) Gen 5
1. Ceftaroline -> untuk MRSA
2. Ceftobiprole
3. Ceftolozane -> digabung dg tazobactam
4. Cefiderocol
g. Carbapenem
- one of the broadest coverage
- resistan thd beta lactamase (termasuk ESBL (extended spectrum beta lactamase))
- wlpn mereka superantibiotik, sayangnya masih ada superbacteria yg bahkan memproduksi carbapenemase 😭 suppeeerrr resistant!!! Ngapain coba dia tu kaya gitu anjirrr
1. Imipenem (BROADEST, gram +&-, anaerobe)
- yg masih resisten thd imipenem : MRSA, some pseudomonas, mycoplasma
- ginjal normal punya dihydropeptidase yg break down imipenem. Inhibitornya dihydropeptidase = cilastatin
- bisa lower seizure threshold n meningkatkan risiko kejang (jd CI : riw seizure, meningitis, riw stroke, brain mass)
2. Meropenem
- stabil thd dihidropeptidase, gaperlu cilastatin
- less potentital seizure
3. Doripenem
- stabil thd dihidropeptidase, gaperlu cilastatin
- less potential seizure
4. Ertapenem
- cuman 1x sehari IV
- gak cover pseudomonas aeruginosa
h. Monobactam
1. Aztreonam
- gram(-) aerobic, termasuk pseudomonas aeruginosa
- bisa buat pasien alergi penicillin krn cross reactivity kecil dg bicyclic beta lactam
- dia beta lactam sih tp monobactam, cuma nempel ke transpeptidase bakteri gram(-) doang
- krn cuma buat gram-, biasanya dipake kombinasi: vancomycin+aztreonam / clindamycin+aztreonam
- agar bisa tetap hidup, bakteri butuh produksi protein berkelanjutan. Kl ga bisa sintesis protein, ga bisa hidup. Makanya CLEan TAG menghambat aktivitas ribosom yg fungsinya bikin polipeptida dari mRNA. Untung ribosom bakteri beda ama kita 70s vs 30s, jd ribosom kita fine2 aja gak terpengaruh.
- ada 5 tipe obat CLEan(50s) TAG (30s)
C : chloramphenicol, clindamycin
L : linezolid
E : eritromycin
T : tetracycline, tigecycline
AG : aminoglikosida
Yg ga bisa oral cm Aminoglikosida + tigecycline
a. Chloramphenicol (the "Chlorine")
- gram +&-, anaerob, bisa semuanya (chlorine) kaya imipenem
- murah, jd di negara berkembang banyak dipakai
- harusnya kl ga butuh chloram banget jgn pake chloram dulu soalnya SE nya banyak:
1. Bone marrow depression : 1) anemia transien; 2) anemia aplastik -> permanen, fatal (rare)
2. Grey baby syndrome
b. Clindamycin
- gram +, anaerob
- biasanya digabung sama aminoglikosida untuk luka penetrasi (clinda + anaerob, aminoglikosida -)
- bisa untuk
1) luka penetrasi abdomen (bareng aminoglikosida)
2) infeksi organ kewanitaan
3) toxic syndrome krn staph or strep (bareng penicillin or vancomycin)
- SE : pseudomembraneous collitis (tp bukan clinda doang yg bikin gini, amox jg sering diresepin jd bisa bikin gini) -> treated by metronidazole atau vancomycin
c. Oxazolidinones
- buat gram+ resisten (VRE & MRSA) -> mulai dr healthcare associated pneumonia smp skin n soft tissue infection
- SE : 1) bone marrow supression : trombositopenia, anemia, leukopenia; 2) precipitate serotonin syndrome jika digabung SSRI atau MAO inhibitor
- CI : org yg minum antidepresan
1. Linezolid
2. Tedizolid
d. Macrolides
e. Ketolides
f. Tetracycline dkk
g. New generation tetracycline
h. Tigecycline
i. Aminoglycoside
j. Lefamulin
Moa : inhibit enzim DNA gyrase --> merusak struktur DNA bakteri, inhibit sintesis DNA
1. Ciprofloxacin dkk
(Gram - (poor gram + coverage) | no anaerobe)
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CI : anak, hamil (damage to cartilage) (tp kok di buku yg sama dibilang safe in pregnancy), prolonged QT, hypokalemia
SE : (kalo ada alternatif lain, yg lain aja dulu kl uncomplicated)
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Moa : inhibit produksi/pembentukan peptidoglikan/cell wall (dg binding to D-alanine untuk block transpeptidase)
1. Vancomycin
(ALL gram + (kebalikan aztreonam) | ✅MRSA ✅Enterococcus)
I : endocarditis (ec strep&staph pd pasien alergi penicillin), GI (clostridioides difficile)
SE : red rash, itchy (red man syndrome) (pencegahan : slow infusion)
+ sinergis dengan aminoglikosida
2. Telavancin; 3. Dalbavancin; 4. Oritavancin
Moa : mengubah electrical charge & transport pd dinding sel bakteri
1. Daptomycin
(+ | ✅MRSA ✅VRE (vancomycin resistant))
SE : myopathy (cek CPK level), eosinophilic pneumonia
Moa : block DNA sintesis dg menghambat sintesis (TH4) (cofactor sintesis purine (asam nukleat))
(wide +&- | no anaerob)
I : T(respiratory Tree), M(mouth), P(pee), SMX(syndrome)
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CI : konsumsi warfarin (risk bleeding), bukan CI tp ati2 AIDS gampang adverse effect (mual muntah, rash)
G. Anti TB & Anti Leprosy
A. Obat
- cefalosporin gen 1 2 3 4 5
- ertapenem : drug of choice untuk diabetic foot infections (biasanya polymicrobic)
B. Penyakit
1. Diare - cipro (salmonella, shigella, campylobacter), tmp-smx (ecoli, shigella, salmonella), amox
2. Infeksi telinga (65/45 gram-/+) - cipro, amoxicillin (otitis media)
3. Gram + enterococcus : aminopenicillin
4. Bronkitis - amox
5. Sinusitis - amox
C. Hamil
D. Menyusui
E. Anak
- Cefotaxime
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dogtorari · 2 years
It was E. Coli and on my EMB Agar plate it showed this BEAUTIFUL green color! 🦠 🧫❤️🥼 🧪
EMB Agar plates are a selective medium because the dyes will inhibit growth of many gram-positive bacteria! This plate showed me bacterial colonies! This plate is used mainly to identify enteric bacilli (bacteria that inhabits and infects the intestinal tract). The green metallic sheen color shows us how acidic our bacteria is! Isn’t this cool!?!!
The next picture shows my other plates which are TSA (general medium plate which is clear at first but can grow BOTH bacteria and fungi)
MAC (MacConkey Agar plate is used to process specimens that contain or are contaminated with fecal matter).💩❤️ MacConkey Agar is selective because gram positive bacteria are inhibited by crystal violet and bile salts included in the medium but gram negative bacteria are not affected. Lactose is added to the medium to make it differential. Lactose- fermenting bacteria are distinguished from non-lactose fermenters by the color of their colonies. My results showed a pink-purple color due to the bacteria utilizing lactose and producing acids to show that color.
& XLD ( XLD is a selective differential medium for the isolation of Gram-negative enteric pathogens from fecal specimens and other clinical material. It is especially suitable for the isolation of Shigella and Salmonella species. Microbiological testing of foods, water and dairy products - my results were yellow colonies which were positive for e. Coli) 🦠 🧫❤️🥼 🧪
I also had a Urea broth which showed little to no change (perfect results for e. Coli as they won’t really grow in this urea broth) 🫶🏽
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I hope you enjoy ! This was our last lab for the semester 😭😭 I can’t wait to take another class with my professor, she’s amazing!
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tmmedia17 · 8 months
Get the Best Quality of XLD Agar Composition (TM 492) at TM Media
If you are looking for Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate (XLD) Agar (TM 492) manufactured by TM Media, a specialized culture medium, boasts a unique blend of xylose, lysine, and deoxycholate, meticulously crafted to foster the growth of enteric pathogens. Through its selective inhibition of gram-positive organisms, coupled with the selective fermentation properties of xylose, xld agar composition offers a distinct advantage in differentiating between pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacterial strains. Its characteristic formulation not only facilitates the isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species but also provides a reliable platform for the detection and identification of other enteric bacteria, making it an indispensable tool in clinical diagnostics and microbiological research.
Visit the Website - https://www.tmmedia.in/
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tmmediapharma · 9 months
Get the Best Quality of Salmonella Shigella Agar (TM 386) at TM Media
If you are looking for salmonella shigella agar manufactured by TM Media is a selective and differential medium designed for the isolation and differentiation of Salmonella and Shigella species in clinical, food, and environmental samples. It inhibits the growth of gram-positive bacteria and facilitates the detection of lactose fermentation, aiding in the identification of these enteric pathogens. The medium's distinctive color changes help distinguish between lactose-fermenting and non-fermenting organisms, providing valuable information for microbiological analysis and diagnosis. Salmonella Shigella Agar plays a crucial role in detecting and studying these pathogenic bacteria in various specimens.
Visit the Website - https://www.tmmedia.in/
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tmmediaindia · 1 year
Ss agar (salmonella shigella agar) Manufacturer
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SS Agar is a differential and selective medium used for the isolation of Salmonella and some Shigella species from pathological specimens and suspected foods. It contains bile salts, brilliant green, and sodium citrate, which inhibit the growth of most gram-positive and coliform bacteria. Lactose is also added to the medium, which allows for the differentiation of lactose-fermenting and non-lactose-fermenting organisms. It is widely employed in clinical and food testing laboratories to identify these potentially harmful pathogens, aiding in the diagnosis and monitoring of infections caused by these bacteria. The agar's formulation provides specific nutrients and chemicals that allow Salmonella and Shigella colonies to grow and exhibit characteristic appearances, simplifying their identification.
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tmmediaa · 5 years
Salmonella-Shigella (SS) agar is used for the separation, cultivation and variation of gram-negative enteric microorganisms isolated from both clinical and non-clinical specimens such as from feces, urine, and assumed food items (fresh and canned foods).
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tm-media1212 · 4 months
Buy now the Best Quality of XLD Agar at TM Media
XLD Agar, or Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar, is a selective and differential medium used in microbiology for the isolation and differentiation of enteric bacteria, particularly Salmonella and Shigella species. Its composition includes xylose as a fermentable sugar, lysine as a pH indicator, and deoxycholate as a selective agent. XLD Agar inhibits the growth of Gram-positive bacteria while allowing the growth of Gram-negative bacteria. It produces characteristic colony colors aiding in the identification of pathogens, making it valuable in clinical and food testing laboratories.
Product link: https://www.tmmedia.in/product/xld-agar-2/ Website link: https://www.tmmedia.in/ Company Name: TM Media Phone: +91-9999-1687-70 Address: 905, 9th Floor, Big joes Tower, Netaji Subhash Place, New Delhi Mail:[email protected]
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tmmediain · 6 years
There are multiple methods of diagnosis. Blood culture is the mainstay for the diagnosis of Typhoid fever. It is said, testing the bone marrow is a more reliable method for diagnosing typhoid and is avoided, being a painful procedure. Whereas, blood, stool and urine samples are collected so they can be checked under the microscope for the presence of Salmonella typhi. This cannot be a confirmatory test in the early stages of disease. Most acceptable method worldwide are Culture Media and Widal test. For the recovery of Salmonella from clinical specimen, three general types of media are available.
Non-selective media for primary isolation (Blood Agar)
Selective or differential agar (e.g. MacConkey Agar, Hektoen Enteric Agar); and
Enrichment broths (e.g. Selenite broth)
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