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Les fabuleux paysages du lac Mono, mer morte de Californie
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/lac-mono-mer-morte-de-californie/
Les fabuleux paysages du lac Mono, mer morte de Californie

#calcaire#Californie#carbonate de calcium#lac#mono#salinite#sel#tour#tuf#tufa#USA#imxok#nature#voyage
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Spartina Alterniflora (aka Sporobolus Alterniflorus) - Smooth Cordgrass
Smooth Cordgrass is many things: a signifier of salinity, an extremophile, a creator of habitat, and a peat builder. This lovely species typically colonizes the low marshes of heavily salinited areas near the ocean where other plants cannot. It is endemic to the Atlantic coast of both North and South America, forming the backbone of most brackish ecosystems. While it may appear to create a monoculture within its habitat niche, Cordgrass actually does such an important job in building marsh.
As sediments collect from rising tides the colonal roots of this plant trap nutrients to accure peat and in turn provides a lot of habitat for mussels, fiddlercrabs, nesting birds, and other prey species. The process of building this peat is called marsh accretion, its what allows marshes to build elevation and migrate in the face of sea level rise. Similar to Mangroves, Cordgrass can monopolize saline habitats due to its ability to survive tidal conditions and secret salt from its leaves (zoom in on the leaf with my finger to see salt crystals collecting).
Salt grass can grow up to six feet tall and typically spreads colonally or via seed. As sea levels rise many existing salt marshes are dying, however, cordgrass individually is rather resilient, as it is one of the few species which can cope under increasing exposure to salinity. In Philadelphia we see this species slowly creep up the waterways as salinity increases up the Delaware River. Spartina Alterniflora is very famously invasive in other areas of the world however here where there is biological control we see heavy losses to existing ecosystems (especially in the Chesapeake bay) as stresses from climate catastrophe increase.

I have a lot of love for this species and it's ability to carve out a bountiful ecosystem in what is considered a desert to almost all other lifeforms (image above: Nest made from cordgrass).
#native plants#brackish ecosystem#Delaware bay#spartina alterniflora#smooth cordgrass#salt marsh#brackish ecosystems of the american atlantic#i believe spartina is an extremely distinct genus which is why i don't use sporobus personally#but that's a very Mid-Atlantic opinion apparently#which the science is still debating a bit on#plant profiles
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early stream
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Just a little full moon ritual
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#tools for tonight, cutting and clearing oooold energetic cords. #Blackobsidian, #salinite with an #owl feather, #whitequartz and a #lumerian quartz. (at San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur)
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« SALINITE » NIALA 2022 ACRYLIQUE S/TOILE 61X50 L’ iode a pris place de toute sa rondeur sépia dans la veine du jour les cabanes battent du pied, quelle cadence il y a dans leurs hanches Ce que la saumure met en réserve pare aux scorbuts des temps modernes L’eau qui fait des ronds d’huile arc-en-ciel dans les bassins se balance au bout de l’anneau et entre les mouettes et les armatures le…

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Snaž sa chodiť po krivej čiare. Skús nespadnúť mimo nej, neudržuj rovnováhu a ruky si prepleť za chrbát. Prepletené farby v tmavej chodbe. Tlmené. Tak ľahko. Múr viny.
Všetci sa ťa násilne dotýkajú, ale ty ostávaš prilepený o stenu. Ich dlane pokrývajú každú nechcenú časť budov. Nechám si svoje budovy nepoznané a radšej ich nechám ísť. Ak sa začnem rúcať, môže dôjsť k vzájomnej rezonancii. A k lokálnym účinkom.
Všetky tvoje činy. Znič ich.
Kým ich nebude príliš málo. Premenlivo.
Mala si to premeniť, kým si mohla. Ako by si to mohla položiť na zem len tak. Vzrastieš so základmi. A ochráň ich. Aj keď stoja pevne.
Po vnemoch príde nevnímanie. Ak si budeš chcieť opäť vyložiť nové príznaky, skús to urobiť pod náramkom na pravej ruke. Všetko, čo bude vytŕčať pretrhni lyžičkou. Alebo nožom.
(Nikdy nedávaj náramky na bezpečné miesto. Daj ich do slepej uličky. Alebo do mora s najvyššou salinitou.)
Teplo so soľou vytvárajú svetové cirkulácie. Je to jeden z najdôležitejších procesov, ktoré vytvárajú počasie v atmosfére. Presne tak. Keď sa pozrieš hore, všetko, čo tam je, je hlavne vďaka tvojmu teplu. A ešte vďaka tvojim vreckám plných soli.
Druhý koniec. Prvý začiatok. Druhý začiatok. Prvý koniec.
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Thanks for the well wishes!
@asmallcoat @salinite @percybinchshelley @blackbloom @serenelyandwithcomposure
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Le lac Gaet’ale , l'eau la plus salée du monde
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/le-lac-gaetale-leau-la-plus-salee-du-monde/
Le lac Gaet’ale , l'eau la plus salée du monde

#Afar#Dallol#Danakil#eau#etang#ethiopie#Gaet’ale#geothermale#geothermie#lac#mare#record du monde#salinite#sel#source#toxique#vidéo#imxok#nature#voyage
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Aparat de m?sur? multifunc?ional pentru lichide Voltcraft WM-500
Caracteristici principaleAparatmultifunc?ional 5 în 1pH,conductibilitate, particule dizolvate (TDS), salinitate, temperatur?Electrodmultifunc?ional 3 în 1, înlocuibilDescriereAparatmultifunc?ional capabil s? m?soare 5 parametri cu un singur electrod.Electrodul, cu 3 senzori integra?i, este deta?abil ?i u?or de înlocuit. Aparatuleste operat cu ajutorul tastelor cu membrana rezistente la ap?. CaracteristiciCompensareautomat? a temperaturiiOprire automat?Electrod 3 în 1, înlocuibilMemorie 150 valori m?surateMemorie valori min/maxFunc?ie Data HoldIndicator stare baterieAfi?are dublu (valoarea m?surat? + temperatura) Calibrare simpl? cu ajutorul tastaturiiProtec?ie la ap? conform IP57 Continut coletAparatde m?sur?Electrod 3 în 1BateriiSolu?ie tampon pH4 (50 ml)Solu?ie tamponpH7 (50 ml)Solu?ie calibrare 1413 µS (50 ml)Solu?ie calibrare 12880 µS(50 ml)Solu?ie depozitare (5 ml)CutieManual de utilizare
Pret recomandat: 789.0 RON
de la German Electronics
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Tableau de CORRECTION, du ph a la température
Tableau de CORRECTION, du ph a la température
Le tableau ci dessous , servira pour etalonner vos sonde ph par rapport a la température du fluide pour éviter les erreur d’affichage
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Spiruline Bio 120 Super Diet
Compléments alimentaires Spiruline Bio 120 Super Diet Spiruline Bio 120 gelules Super Diet : La Spiruline est une cyanobacterie multicellulaire et filamenteuse de couleur bleu-vert due a la chlorophylle et la phycocyanine, et doit son nom a sa structure helicoidale. Les Spirulines vivent en eau a forte salinite dans les regions tropicales et subtropicales. En general, on considere que les…
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Moored observations of the Deep Western Boundary Current in the NW Atlantic: 2004–2014
Abstract A moored array spanning the continental slope southeast of Cape Cod sampled the equatorward-flowing Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) for a 10 year period: May 2004 to May 2014. Daily profiles of subinertial velocity, temperature, salinit https://www.environmentguru.com/pages/elements/element.aspx?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr&id=5719570
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“SALINITE” NIALA 2022 ACRYLIQUE S/TOILE 61X50 L’ iode a pris place de toute sa rondeur sépia dans la veine du jour les cabanes battent du pied, quelle cadence il y a dans leurs hanches Ce que la saumure met en réserve pare aux scorbuts des temps modernes L’eau qui fait des ronds d’huile arc-en-ciel dans les bassins se balance au bout de l’anneau et entre les mouettes et les armatures le…

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Lacul Ursu din Sovata, cel mai mare lac helioterm din lume
Lacul Ursu din Sovata, cel mai mare lac helioterm din lume
Situat în stațiunea Sovata, la o altitudine de 502 m, lacul Ursu este cel mai mare lac sărat helioterm din România, dar și din lume. De asemenea, este un lac unic în Europa datorită proprietăților deosebite ale apei sale.
Cu o suprafață de 40.235 metri pătrați, o adâncime de 18,10 m, o lungime de 400 m, o lățime 170 m și o salinitate medie de 250g/l, lacul Ursu este un monument unic al naturii…
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#fotografii sovata#lac helioterm#lac sovata#Lacul Ursu#lacul ursu romania#lacul ursu sovata#sovata#sovata romania
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Aparat de m?sur? pentru analiza apei Voltcraft KBM-100
Caracteristici principaleFunc?ii m?surare: pH, Redox (ORP), conductan??, TDS, salinitate, temperatur?Compensarea automat? a temperaturiiRecunoa?tere automat? senzorEtan? ?i flotabil DescriereInstrumentul de m?sur? poate realiza un num?r mare de m?sur?tori care privesc analiza apei. Aparatul este ideal pentru acvaristic?, pesc?rii, monitorizare bazine de înot etc. Pentru fiecare func?ie m?sur?tori pe display apare simultan ?i temperatura. Acest lucru permite identifcarea rapid? a devia?iilor valorilor m?surate din cauza temperaturii prea mari a mediilor de testare. Senzorii sunt adecva?i pentru solu?ii pe baz? de ap?. CaracteristiciFunc?ie de m?surare automat? imediat dup? conectarea electrozilor (identificare senzor)Oprire automat?Min/max ?i data holdCalibrare prin ap?sarea unei tasteAfi?area calit??ii senzorului la calibrare Continut coletElectrod pHElectrod conductan??Solu?ie buffer pH7, pH4 ?i 1413 µSSolu?ie depozitareCutieBateriiManual de utilizare
Pret recomandat: 849.0 RON
de la German Electronics
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