#sakura haruka angst
vinomino · 2 months
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Night Terror
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This weight of his sins.
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Featuring: Sakura Haruka x gn!Reader
Contents: Angst w/comfort, trauma, descriptions of injury
WC: 1K
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“Sakura.” You never call him that. It makes his heart lunge into his throat. A sticky and murky guttural dread weighs him down. He doesn’t want to look at you, see the pain on your face, he knows it will haunt him. “Sakura—” The only word you can force out.
He’s walking on a tightrope, the ground is bottomless void. The protruding fibers dig into the meat of his bare feet, as his legs shake, trembling like newborn lamb with every step. It’s a familiar sensation, one he knows too much of.
“Don’t get close to him.” They warn.
“He’s a bad person.” They accuse.
“What a freak.” They condemn.
“There’s nothing he’s good for.” They stab.
“I-I didn’t, I didn’t…mean to hurt you.” Sakura’s violently shaking, rocking back and forth to soothe himself. “I didn’t mean too—” A sob rips from within, he’s digging his knuckles into each eyeball to stop his tears. He hates weak people, lame people, and yet here he is, acting just like them. Like the people he despises. “I didn’t mean to.” His lungs are tightening, squeezing out all the oxygen. “It's okay…I’m okay.” You’re not sure whether to touch him or not, your hand awkwardly held out a few inches away from his form. “Do you want something to drink?” Unscrewing the water bottle from the nightstand, clasping it within your palms. A beat passes, Sakura slowly nods, bringing down his hands to reach for it.
He gulps the entire bottle empty. Letting it drop to the floor with a clack near his feet. “Sakura, can you hear me?” His head is drooped, eyes focusing on the wooden floor boards, catching onto the skin of your feet when you step in front of him. He flinches when you touch the back of his head, resting his head against the navel of your stomach. He’s able to faintly hear your heartbeat. Slouching forward, to further press his nose into your supple flesh, taking a deep inhale, your warm scent placating his inner turmoil. “Can hear you…” Sakura mumbles against you. “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, it’s alright.” Your soft voice echoes throughout the room.
Opening his mouth to say something, anything, but nothing forms— he feels a wet droplet hit his head. Craning his neck to look at where it came from, he’s finally seeing your face. “Shit! Your bleeding, it’s—” He abruptly stands up, cradling your head, he sees the wound above your eyebrow. His stomach is bubbling, he feels the urge to throw up, to free himself from his sins.
The injury you sustained because of him. When he threw you across the room, in a panic. Sakura can’t even remember what he had dreamt about anymore, what could’ve made him that hysterical to confuse his girlfriend as an enemy. The memory of him raising his hand against you, the hand he swore to protect you with, carved holes in his chest. This is why everybody shunned him, called him a monster, somebody who could never be trusted—
“Oh, haha I didn’t notice, I should probably tend to it. Would you help with that?” Your hands are placed on top of his. “Right— wait here,” He rushes to the medicine cabinet, hazardously bumping into doorframes and chairs. Shortly, returning to you with saline, gauze, and bandages. “Sit here.” The bed dips under your weight, his hand shakes as he dabs the blood away. The dark red liquid, bubbling out of your gash, soaking the pristine cotton dark.
Sakura has done this thousands of times, but he never wanted to do it on you. To him, you couldn’t get hurt or be in pain, he wouldn’t allow it yet he was the cause. The painful squeeze in his chest, guilt coursing through every vein in his body. The need to rip himself apart, to atone for what he did.
“I think it stopped bleeding now.” You speak with a tinge of fatigue on your tongue. The hour is late into the night, the moon is glimmering beyond the windows. “I’ll put the bandage on now.” Forcing his hands to steady as he covers the cut. Relaxing his fist open, the crumbled gauze sits on his palm. Blood pressed into the crevices on his skin. Your blood.
“Thank you.” You lightly touch the bandage, “Nothing to thank me for.” Watching him stride into the bathroom. The bright fluorescent light burns his eyes, tossing the dirty cotton in the bin. He scrubs at his hands, the soap lessening the abrasiveness. The faucet has been running for a while. You stand up and head towards where he was, finding him rubbing his palms in a trance. “Haru…they're clean now.” You shut the water off, grabbing the small towel to dry him off. He stills and you grasp his larger hands and wipe them down. Your cold hands touch his somber face, “Let’s go back to sleep.”
Sakura’s tired, he allows you to drag him by the arm back to the mattress. Dragging him down with you under the covers. The plush pillow softens around his head. He never had a pillow before meeting you. All these good things came along when you came into his life and he ruined it. Almost like you can sense his thoughts, “No more thinking okay? I’ll get mad.” You lightly giggle and tap the tip of his nose with your index. He gets a feeling like you’ll disappear into thin air when he holds you in his arms. Things that come easily go easily.
Come morning, he’ll apologize. He’ll apologize over and over, though he knows you’d just smile and forgive him. When your wound heals, there’ll be a scar, to always haunt him. To dig daggers into his heart. To remind him of his violence.
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putting my 3 other drafts to side to write this
wanted to try a different writing style
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hxnbi · 3 months
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⸻ ღ ❝ WHAT IF I... ❞
you pop the question, asking him, “what if i disappeared one day?" to gauge his reaction
ft. hayato suo, yamato endo, choji tomiyama, umemiya hajime, ren kaji, haruka sakura, kyotaro sugishita, jo togame x gn. reader (separate)
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ღ HAYATO SUO ─ ❀ °. ⁺ ♡
He tilts his head to the side. "Whatever do you mean by that?" A brief flash of confusion crossed SUO's face before the ever-present smile of his returned.
"I mean, like, what if I just, from out of nowhere, went poof one day? What would you do?" you clarified with a smile. 
You couldn't quite figure out what was going through his mind as he let out a pensive hum, his index finger rhythmically tapping against his cheek, appearing to be in a deep moment of thought. Granted, you never did know what Suo is thinking about, but something appeared to be different this time.
Suo knew that the question you asked was a mere hypothetical, similar to the ones where you'd find on random scenarios online—meant to be a casual inquiry intended to gauge his reaction, so he didn't give it much concern. In fact, he leaned into it.
"Well then, if that's the case, as your boyfriend." He leaned down to whisper in your ear, "It's only right for me to find you and make sure you’re safe, isn't it?" 
He says it so matter-of-factly with a hefty amount of confidence that undoubtedly makes your heart flutter. There's no hesitation, no doubt in his voice, as if it's the most natural thing in the world. But the outside is indeed never what it appears to be, but also what can be the most deceiving. Suo doesn't worry too much about your question upfront, but there would be times when his mind would wander, drifting back to that single conversation that haunted his thoughts. What implored you to ever ask him that? 
And so, over the next few days and weeks, Suo would watch you with even more attentiveness than he already did, which was already considerable. Being by your side meant everything to him, and he couldn't imagine life without you if that were to ever ring true. After a few days of thinking, Suo's answer has not changed and will never change, but the realm of possibility that you might disappear will forever linger in his mind.
ღ YAMATO ENDO ─ ❀ °. ⁺ ♡
ENDO, with his piercing, sweatdropping gaze, doesn't even take a minute to look at you, and, instead, at himself. Not in the literal sense, but inwardly. He scrutinizes his every action, every word, trying to decipher what could he could’ve done or said to have prompted such a question from you.
"Disappear?" he asks with a tone of sharp curiosity as he finally meets your nervous gaze. "Is that what you really want?"
Cupping his chin, all with the expression that he's about to beat someone half to death, Endo takes a quiet moment to himself and thinks about your question more thoroughly, which only makes you more anxious, in all honesty. 
With a sheepish laugh, you attempted to steer the conversation to a different subject, but Endo was having none of it. His intense focus was right then and there for you to answer.
Endo sits back down, covering his face with his calloused hand, letting out a low chuckle, "You must be either naive or plain stupid if you ever think that's going to happen on my watch.”
"Because you're never leaving me." Endo’s voice carries utter conviction, a lifelong promise wrapped in a singular statement.
Endo snickers a bit from your seemingly adorable reaction before fading into an expression of distaste. His eyes bore into yours, filled with an emotion you can't quite place. "I don't know what brought this on, but let me make one thing clear. You're not going anywhere. Not without me."
He reaches out, his hand finding yours, gripping it firmly. You can feel the roughness of his skin, the callousness from all his previous fights, the strength in his hold, and it grounds you. A chuckle escapes him as he leans back, the seriousness melting away as a mischievous grin spreads across his face from ear to ear. "Besides, who else is going to put up with your atrocious cooking?"
ღ CHOJI TOMIYAMA ─ ❀ °. ⁺ ♡
CHOJI takes a moment to think. "Hmmm, well then. I'll just find you again! Simple and easy! Don’t you think?!”
You laugh alongside him, not having the heart to continue the conversation. But unbeknownst to you, Choji's light-hearted response hides a deeper concern. Choji may act childish, but he's not stupid. He knows that he's not perfect, and in fact, he's a very flawed human being who has done far more harm than he'd ever like to admit, and certainly not to his lover…
Thus, throughout the day, you would be subjected to Choji clinging onto you. Whether you like it or not, he becomes your shadow, sticking to you like glue. As for bathroom breaks? Well, sucks to be you, that's not going to happen without him hovering nearby like a mosquito.
You knew what this meant. Choji's playful manner masks the underlying fear of losing you, and he doesn't let you out of his sight. Whether it's following you to the kitchen or tagging along to every errand, Choji's constant presence lingering over your every move is both endearing and slightly overwhelming. He jokes and laughs, trying to keep the mood light, but you can see the worry in his eyes whenever he thinks you're not looking. It's clear that the thought of being without you is something he can't bear. Just thinking about how his life would be if you left was enough of a nightmare that he decides that possibility would never be considered.
Choji's answer remains constant, but don't let that fool.
ღ HAJIME UMEMIYA ─ ❀ °. ⁺ ♡
UMEMIYA is immediately alarmed by your question, pausing right in the midst of caring for his plants to turn to you with a rather distressed frown that deepened with every second. He jumps to grab your arm, perhaps in fear of you leaving right then and there, and asks with a nervous laugh, "Ahah… you're joking, right?”
…Was this supposed to be some kind of dare from Hiragi or Tsubaki?
And his grip will not loosen until you tell him every single detail, tenfold. Unlike the usual energetic demeanour he broadcasts to the world, Umemiya doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's worried, scared, terrified even, with all but the absolute worst scenarios surfacing in his mind. Were you being threatened in some way because of him? Or… was it something about him?
On the surface, he knows that you asked that question in a hypothetical sense, but that doesn't lessen his fear that it could happen, and your bringing it up helped trigger it. His past memories come right back to haunt him again.
And without thinking, Umemiya embraces you in a bone-crushing hug. "I-I don't know what made you want to say that. Please… Hit me, get mad at me, yell at me, hate me even, but please, don't ever leave me.”
His grip tightens around you, desperation evident in the way he clings to you as if you might vanish at any moment. You can feel the tremor in his hands, the rapid beat of his heart against your ear. It breaks your heart to see him like this, so vulnerable and afraid. You gently stroked his back, whispering soothing words to calm his frayed nerves. Slowly, his breathing steadies, and he relaxes a bit in your arms, but the fear in his eyes still remains. It's clear that the thought of losing you terrifies him more than anything else.
His mind races, no, refuses to accept the thought of you ever disappearing from him. His answer was clear. He was never going to let that happen, not without a reason for closure. And so, Umemiya's efforts to spend more time with you would only be further amplified from there. 
Waking up in the morning? Umemiya would be out your door soon enough with a bed-in-breakfast. Getting groceries? Umemiya will once again be there to be your personal bag-handler and bodyguard. You'd have to reassure him plenty in order to convince him that nobody is out to get you and that you aren’t in danger by any means. But even then, that was not going to work either, oh no. 
As the leader of Furin, Umemiya would make sure that you were protected at all times, sending only the best and closest friends to watch over you and make sure that you were safe. Sakura would snort and mutter under his breath, clicking his tongue, "that guy is overdoing it," only to receive a stern but anxious look from Nirei and a withering glare from Hiragi and especially, if in the presence of the man himself, Umemiya, would receive a look that could shoot literal bullets right into his skull.
How on earth could you tell him by that point that it was all a joke…?
ღ REN KAJI ─ ❀ °. ⁺ ♡
Admittedly, KAJI does not think much of it as he continues to listen to his music with your head resting comfortably on his lap. What do you mean you're just going to leave? Without him? Impossible. 
He hums before going back to indulging his lollipop, which, by all means, was his solace. But later on, Kaji's mind drifts back to the question you asked. His eyebrows fold into two thinly knitted lines as he processes what could ever be your reasoning for asking such a thing. Not even the most relaxing of music could calm his mind as he begins to overthink every little detail of your relationship, replaying every conversation, every moment you've shared, searching for clues or hints he might have missed that made you want to think that.
The thought of you leaving gnaws at him—a rather unsettling and even unfamiliar feeling that he can't shake off no matter how hard he tries. Kaji debates with himself whether to bring it up with you again or let it slide, not wanting to seem insecure but also desperate for reassurance and that what he heard wasn't actually true.
His heart races with each passing thought, and he finds himself pacing back and forth while outside your school building, awaiting you to come out, trying to make sense of his swirling emotions. That is, until you ask him with a confused frown what he was doing.
He doesn't wait for a response but instead pulls you straight into his arms. Kaji grabs both your shoulders and apologizes. He stares right into your wide eyes, and he finally confesses, "If you disappeared… then I wouldn't know what to do with myself."
Kaji gulps in the air like someone who's drowned. He hardly even knew what to do with himself, just pondering the answer about a mere possibility. If that ever came to fruition, he'd be utterly lost. Though he guards his heart carefully, he's unrestrained with his body, whether for comfort or for pleasure.
He holds you firmly. Implacably. He will hold you all night if needs must, and throughout the day. His grip shifts to a tight hug as if trying to squeeze out all the sadness with his strong arms. "So please, don't."
With a heartfelt sigh, the tightness in your shoulders relaxed and you caressed his back with a gentle hand, all while comforting with your voice—the same voice Kaji grew to love with all his heart.
ღ HARUKA SAKURA ─ ❀ °. ⁺ ♡
Rolls his eyes. "What do you mean you're just going to disappear?" SAKURA clicks his tongue. "As if that's ever going to happen."
But in reality, despite his outward words, Sakura is far more concerned than he initially lets on. His composure can only stretch so far until he loses it. Quite literally. He may put on a brave face, but the thought of you vanishing haunts him. He starts by subtly interrogating your friends, your family, and anyone who might know something. His questions are cloaked in casual conversation—well, as casual as Sakura thinks—but the urgency in his eyes betrays his true feelings.
He becomes much more protective from then on, always by your side, watching you with a worried gaze that he often tries to mask. But you, in fact, do notice the change, the way Sakura hovers a little closer to you when he's, without exception, extremely volatile to physical touch, his touches lingering a little longer, and his blatant need for confirmation that you're not going to leave. 
Until, one day, out of nowhere, Sakura answered the question. "If you leave… then I won't stop until I find you. That's it," he muttered in a voice so low that you could hardly believe it, your eyes widening in surprise.
"Haru, could you say that again?" you asked, voice trembling with emotion.
“Just now, could you repeat it?”
Sakura grumbled, scrunching his flushed crimson face into a grimace. "Y-You idiot!! I already said it!!!"
"But I want to hear it again…" you pouted, feigning sadness, making Sakura blush even further, his ears a deep crimson.
"Tch… I'm just telling you, if you disappear one day, I'm just going to find you, and I'll keep trying until I do."
SUGISHITA is eerily silent. Usually, that wouldn't be as much cause for concern, but there was something different in Sugishita's expression that unnerved you. Disappearing? That was a joke, right? No… you probably meant something else. You did mention that you planned to go out to buy groceries later that week. Could it be because of that? Or perhaps…
Sugishita, in his inward panic, grabs your arm with a grip tight enough to completely cut off the blood circulation to the rest of your body. "You're… going to leave? How? …When? W-Why?"
You could see that Sugishita was becoming increasingly anxious, his mind seeming to be practically in another dimension. With a pat on his head, you reassure him that you meant it all as a hypothetical question and that you aren't going to leave by any means. But the damage had been done. Sugishita, being the worrywart, needed far more confirmation than just that.
And just like Choji, for the next few days, Sugishita would be watching your moves like a hawk, standing at your side, towering over you. His eyes follow your every move. His piercing eyes staring into your soul felt almost suffocating, but it was clear that he couldn't bear the thought of losing you, even for a single moment.
Umemiya, with his usual bravado, burst out into laughter as he claps Sugishita's flushed cheeks repeatedly, reassuring him once more that it was nothing but a mere misunderstanding and a curiosity for his answer on his part. Hiragi agreed, nodding his head along.
Nonsense, Sugishita thinks with a wry face. He will be the one to ensure your safety, replaced by a type of intensity that makes you feel, while protected, also slightly on edge with the burning stare that he insists on maintaining to keep watch, even when you shoo him away.
You knew that his actions came from a place of love from when you initially asked him that question, but even so, did you really need him to stand outside your classroom door…?
ღ JO TOGAME ─ ❀ °. ⁺ ♡
Your words would kick his mind into gear almost instantaneously. TOGAME's thoughts raced, his aloof demeanour spinning around in circles like a pertueral carousel as he considered the possibility. Togame eventually came to the harrowing conclusion that he wasn't enough for you, that you felt neglected, or worse, unhappy being with him. 
He stared at you, his eyes wide. "What do you mean by 'disappear'?" he asked, his voice trembling a bit despite his efforts to keep it steady.
Just the mere thought of that made his stomach churn and his chest tighten. He couldn't bear the idea of losing you, even if through the lens of a mere hypothetical question. Togame, usually so stoic and composed, felt his facade crumble before your very eyes. Regardless, he was still intent on proving his worth and winning you back, all in the name of rectifying whatever he had failed to do.
You could see the pure, unfiltered, raw emotion in his eyes, the sheer terror of losing you. "Oh no, Jo, I didn't mean it seriously! I was just curious," you said In hopes of smoothing him, but the worry etched on his face didn't fade.
"...it's not something I can just ignore," he said, voice growing firmer. "If you ever feel that way, if you ever think about leaving, please, talk to me first and we can communicate… Let me fix whatever is wrong. l, whatever it is. Because the thought of you not being in my life is unbearable…" He reached out, taking your hands in his shaky ones. “You want to know my answer? I would search for you everywhere, and do anything to bring you back. You mean far too much to me to just let you go…”
His vulnerability was laid bare, even to your own surprise, who didn't expect this from a mere question. But that’s just it. It wasn’t a mere question to him.
Togame would do anything to prove his love to you, to ensure that you never felt the need to ask such a question again. And in that, he certainly succeeded, because you would never doubt his devotion to you again, not that you did to begin with, but knew that it was a slippery slope and a topic to avoid when with him.
But, for good measure, after that conversation fiasco, Togame had taken up a new hobby. And you were more than happy until you realized what that "hobby" of his entailed, as friends or practically anybody who was an unfortunate passerby, would immediately notice a bodyguard-like figure constantly by your side. That is, until they saw the brute clinging onto you like a man desperate for even a whiff of your attention.
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©hxnbi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of my works.
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goteique · 4 months
are we still friends? + (ren kaji, hayate suo, umemiye hajime, sakura haruka)
cws. | gn!reader, headcanon + scenarios format, sorta character study, fluff, angst, comfort. | redirect to blog navigation.
syn. | How do they react to confession when the feelings are mutual?
notes. | Will there be part two? who knows? but for now please have these. I forgot how to write smut so I'm writing fluff. 
☆ Ren Kaji: Ren does not like talking or listening so he pretends that he can not hear and with his headphones on it's easier to convince but when you specifically ask him to take it off so that you could talk it annoys him. He rarely takes his headphones off since it was a gift from someone. So all he does is to take the lollipop out of his mouth and say, "You can talk. I am not listening to anything," It really irritates you but you do not wish to act on it right now. He has started to grow a little too comfortable with your presence around him and maybe. . .just maybe it's time to create a ripple in his stagnant heart. At the rooftop of the school, where gentle breeze and sunlight prevails you say you like him and watch his eyes go bigger. He takes off his headphones with utmost haste demanding, "Say that again," but now it is your turn to annoy him. All your comebacks are full of: "no." , "Did you not listen when i said once?" , "This is why i told you to take your headphones off," and so on. You are so engrossed in conversing with him that you fail to notice his swift motion of leaning and planting a kiss on your cheek. Your lips cease to move for a while yet it is ever so quick and swift that it happens within a blink of your eyes. "Okay, I'll say it for you then," Ren says. Gulping and continuing, "Y/n likes Ren Kaji. and I like you too." in one breath and just vanishes out of your sight. The next few days he is spotted sleeping at unusual times because he has spent sleepless nights regretting why he did not take his headphones off.
★ Hayate Suo: Suo has known for a while that you like him. Well, he is not too sure but he always had a pretty good idea when it comes to emotions. He has probably known even before you that you could harbor feelings for him so when he hears the rumors from other students he does not react much except with some snarky comments to shut those rumors with his sickly sweet saccharine smile. But hearing it from you, at some secluded place near the bike stand of the school is certainly is out of the syllabus for him. At first, he does not know what to say, what to do, or how to react but when your eyes slowly look up to meet him the first thing he thinks if you did it because of rumors or some sort of dare. If so, then both are wrong. He thinks confession should come when it's time not when it is influenced by others. So, all he says is: "I know." eyes blinking a little too much, unable to consider you as his focal point. " I've known for a while." And then, he asks for some time to think about it which is unexpected because from what you have heard he has rejected every other proposal that came his way. You came prepared to be rejected when you decided to confess but this goes out of the syllabus for you too. So, you end up thinking if this is his new way of tormenting people who like him but he really needs time to properly think because he thought there is no way he thought you would like him back. He does not want to hurt you. That goes against his morals. He could feel his cheeks being warm, ears too, palms tucked behind his back cold, and rapid heart rate. "So, this is how it feels to be confessed."
☆ Umemiya Hajime: Being an older brother to everyone has never been a bother until he developed a gut wrenching crush on you or that is how he would like to put it. Not only that, you have developed quite a friendship with Kotoha ever since you started helping her out in her resturant. You are probabaly same age as her which makes things a little more complicated. Was it not enough that you might be under the impression that Kotoha is his girlfriend? Like most other people; But thanks to Sakura for clearing that confusion up. Still. . .still he feels his heart twist whenever he visits the resturant. All he does is to silently watch you. He could have easily creeped you out if you had not developed a crush on him. When Umemiya's visits became you became a little bold, like talking to him, asking about his day, exchanging numbers but never have been alone with him. He always comes with his band of boys. It denifitely nice to hear him laugh, talk and sometimes steal sneaky glances but it does not help with the wave of emotions he makes you feel. So, one day when the door bell chimed and as usual you said, "Welcome" looking in the direction of entrance ceasing your chores all you could do is stare for a moment since the customer is none other than Umemiya Hajime and he is all alone. So, you repeat again, "Welcome Umemiya-san." tearing your gaze away from him. "Kotoha is busy. Should I let her know that - he cuts you off with," i'm not here for her today." sipping water ever so slowly from the glass you just served on the coaster. Is he nuts? is he really doing this? Right now? why is he not freaking out? or maybe he is, internally, just like you. "I'm here for you today." And, when he confirms you turn around to get a proper look. 
"I see," you say.
"You didn't answer my call so i had to come here," Umemiya remarks. 
"so, you are here to scold me?" Umemiya's heart drops in some bottomless pit. He did not mean it to come out this harshly. He is just tensed, especilly after how you texted last night : "I like you Umemiya-san." 
"did you check your phone after last night?" and to that you just nod. You do not want to and who honestly would after confessing to the brightest star. You are so out of league from him. Umemiya smiles. "I see," he speak softly. He gets up and then he is about to leave but just before exting the door he says, "Please, check you phone."
★ Sakura Haruka: Sakura has a habit of talking, and going on and on about it unless someone interrupts. If possible, he would talk in one breath. So, when you say that you like him he dismisses it as a joke. "quit kidding. Nobody likes me. y'know that. . ." And there goes your probably hundred-and-fifth confession. He never takes it seriously no matter how serious you try to be Sakura manages to bungle up your intentions so quick yet you can not seem to blame him. If anything he is too honest, so often he comes as rude and obnoxious but his intentions are so pure that sometimes it makes you think can a person be this stupid? But this time when you confessed you thought this would go in the usual direction; him dismissing it as a joke but this time when he looks at you he is faced with something new, something he is not good at handling. "you. . . are you crying?" And it dawns on you how heavy your heart has become with his oblivious nature. all those "I like you-s." never reached his heart, only his head. You quickly wipe away your tears and try to cover it up with the most brilliant lie ever to exist. "It's just dirt." given his oblivious nature he is supposed to buy but he is asking questions again. "You. . . all these time. . . were serious?" Yes, you absolute dimwit. You can not even nod to confirm his thinking. You swallow hard trembling lips parting to speak and you are met with his chest with his arms wrapped around you. " I-I ... was told that if you like someone...you can hug them... y'know when they ...say they ...like you," he starts to stammer and it creates a swarm of laughter arises from your stomach. "Whoever told you that must know a lot about dating," you say having a fair idea who it might be.
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revasserium · 2 months
Can I request any windbreak characters (headcanons) of your choosing reacting to their s/o ending up in the hospital beacause if a rival gang targeting them?
reqs are open!
the beautiful and damned
sakura, suo; 911 words; fluff, slight angst, implied bodily harm, lapslock, no "y/n", hurt/comfort kinda i guess?, very!drabble, suo being... suo
a/n: sry i only did sakura and suo... currently i've only got the muse for these two tho i did consider tossing umemiya in there lmao; maybe next time...
falling backwards — sakura
it can take the body up to twenty-minutes to cycle through an average fight-or-flight response though he’s always prided himself in staying for the fight.
seeing you in the hospital bed for the first time was a masterclass in the concept of flight — or rather, in falling. of the ground crumbling beneath him, of his stomach going momentarily weightless before sinking and sinking, of his lungs calcifying inside his chest till it physically stings to breathe.
“i’m alright,” you say, waving him off, but for the first time, his knee-jerk reaction isn’t to punch something — it’s to topple into the chair by the door and bury his face in his hands.
“you’re alright…” he says, his mouth forming around the words like learning to speak for the very first time, and then again, “you’re alright.” the says the words like a prayer answered, like exaltation, like a promise to himself made and broken and mended back again.
you cast him a wide smile, though he doesn’t miss the way you wince and your hand jumps up to the bandage wrapped around your forehead.
“it really looks worse than it is… i just got scratched so they had to bandage up my head but the wound was really shallow so —”
he makes his way over to your bedside and tugs you into his chest, squeezing his eyes shut to block out the harsh, florescent light of the hospital room. for a second, your voice is muffled against his shirt but then you go quiet in his arms, you go soft, and there’s a terrifying moment when he wonders if he’s held on too tight —
“you’re… alright.”
he slumps down on the bed next to you, reaching for your hands. you let him take them, let him study them. there are a smattering of bruises along your arms, but nothing’s broken, no lasting damage. he leans down to press his forehead to the backs of your hands; you feel the heat simmering beneath his skin, stark and startling against your cool fingers.
“yeah. i’m alright. and… you’re okay too,” you say, flipping a hand over to cup his face, to lift his head up to meet your gaze. he nods, slowly, leaning into your touch.
“yeah… i think i will be.”
here are the monsters — suo
there are a few things suo hayato knows to be true: he’s a good fighter, even one of the best in the freshman year, that green tea should be brewed at 75 to 80 degrees, and that whoever did this will pay.
“tell me who did this.”
his voice is light, almost conversational, and nothing in his expression betrays the bright red fury curdling just beneath the thin veneer of his calm. you eye him warily, and he smiles sweetly, cocking his head to one side as he waits for your answer.
you sigh, leaning back in your hospital bed and crossing your arms.
“if i tell you, promise you won’t go looking for a fight.”
suo pauses, considering your words, tallying them against his internal list of truths — he knows of the terrible risk of loving someone more than yourself, of the secret strength it grants you. he knows terror too, the kind that seems endless and dark and ever-expanding, a black hole of nothing that threatens to consume him when he’d first heard that you’d been hurt bad enough to warrant a night in the hospital.
but beneath that terror is something else — something with flashing teeth and shining claws that he does not have a name for but has felt flickering there for his whole entire life.
this is the monster, he thinks, that lives in us all.
the minotaur in the middle of the maze of self.
hungry and lonely and howling for blood.
“fine. i promise,” he says, putting his hands up.
you blink at him for a few seconds before your eyes narrow once more. you know him, and you know him almost too well.
“hayato, what aren’t you telling me?”
“i’ll tell you if you tell me who did this.”
after another second’s pause, you sigh and list off a few names — the perpetrators to this great crime. kids, too, from another school’s gang.
“it’s par for the course, isn’t it?” you say, your voice tightening slightly as suo nods and gets to his feet. he takes his time, stretches, leans down to drop a sweet kiss into your hair, “i knew what i was getting into when i agreed to date you so…” your voice trails off as suo makes for the door, humming lightly.
“where’re you going?” you ask.
he pauses by the door, “for a walk and… maybe a friendly chat with some kids at the school the next county over.”
“hayato! you promised you wouldn’t go looking for a fight!”
at this, suo’s expression shifts ever so slightly. it’s in the slant of his mouth and the sharpness of his eyes, the way his voice is smooth as starlight but his words have all their vowels seeped in cyanide —
“oh i’m not going looking for a fight… but you see, the second they put a hand on you, the fight already found it’s way to me.”
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sfznyxio · 2 months
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. cracks on shields leave the protected vulnerable. the shield of the business world named aegis shatters when a certain scandal rises after the death of the family behind the company. you as their child and witness of their goodwill take the initiative of attesting their innocence. this case has a huge toll on your mental health, so your household staff hires bodyguards as safety measures, much to your annoyance. but who knew that they are the most helpful assistants to your mission?
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒. sakura haruka, suo hayato, nirei akihiko, umemiya hajime, hiragi toma, kaji ren, togame jo
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. f!reader. bodyguard, rich kid au. angst, fluff. 1.6k wc. reader ranges from a menace to a misanthrope - basically hates everyone living in this world and literally wants to fight them. banter and arguments here and there, with some swearing. formal titles and nicknames (suo & nirei - milady; umemiya & hiragi - young miss; togame - princess). harassment (sakura & hiragi). betrayal (nirei). implications of being kinky as a joke (kaji). kidnapping (togame).
𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀. we’re getting keel arc next year. so that means… feral furin… ehe. ohhh, we’re eating good, fellas.
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“what part of ‘get outta here’ don’t you understand? i could handle these bastards myself.” you are going to argue that you’re capable of defending yourself, but falter when sakura cradles your bruised hands as if they are glass. it’s the feeling of helplessness, what you have despised your entire life. it stings a lot more than the impact of your fists to the mob of dudes who harassed you earlier.
“and have you take all the glory? no thanks.” you wince at the brushes of his thumbs over your wounds. if news reporters catch sight of this fight, there goes efforts of proving your family’s innocence. the public already considers you guilty by association. sakura is familiar with rejection for something beyond his control, so he doesn’t reprimand you any further. you’re stubborn as a mule, so you won’t take him seriously anyway.
“you’re such a pain in the ass. fine, stay close to me next time.” he whips his head to the side to hide his red cheeks. sakura doesn’t admit to many things, but what he just said is his belief in your confidence in resolving this case. also, he isn’t joking about staying close to him when he holds your hand on your return to the mansion. your bodyguard has your back when the world has their back against you, through bruises and all.
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“not so fast, milady. patience is a virtue, remember?” suo has the guts to remind you as if he never acts the opposite. the other day the two of you caught a guy who possesses critical information about your parents, but instead insults you to the point your bodyguard knocks him out without a second thought before spilling the details. however, he is right to wait as you lack the evidence and mental capacity to move forward. 
“only because we’re back to square one. so, do you have a plan or what?” suo flashes that infamous smile of his. ever since the beginning of your partnership in this investigation, you are constantly on guard, unable to discern what his intentions are. yet his suggestions save you a great deal of headaches that you can trust him somewhat. he is not your enemy, for now. it’s the people behind your family’s downfall. 
“of course i do, milady. but please be patient with me, alright?” suo just lied for the purpose of taming your hastiness. you hate that he does well at his job, so relying on him to do his part is the least you can do at this point. he leaves your room with a grave expression on his face, hearing you swear in between sobs. anyone who dares to hurt his lady won’t be spared by his wrath.
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“milady, please calm down. don’t let their words get into your head.” you glare at nirei with the raging urge to punch anything that stands in your way, but are stopped with your wrists bound under his grip. he’s shaking like a leaf, a justification of a former associate’s observation of how your behavior toward the case affects the people around you. tension releases from your body, and so is the energy to face your bodyguard.
“my parents and i trusted them. what the hell is going on?” betrayal is a godawful experience, notably from someone who was practically family. a former associate reveals their true colors — how they truly feel toward you and the business. you’re shocked, pissed, and confused, you collapse against the wall. they’re right about you having nothing left. everyone is gone, and nirei will eventually be sick of you and quit.
“how much do you believe what they said is gospel truth? your resolve is why i have faith in you, milady.” nirei may not be a strong fighter, but he sure knows how to snap someone awake from their nightmares. he pulls you into a hug, and you don’t sense his shakiness anymore. it’s never the time to give up. one day, this case will have a happy ending, an outcome that the two of you believe in.
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“ah, the young miss looks wonderful as always. an angel who descended from the sky.” if anything, you are a demon in disguise in the eyes of the public. umemiya religiously worships the ground you walk on with high praises, but this time you aren’t sure if he is just doing it out of habit or to quell your arising anger issues. you had lashed out at your household staff, who probably asked your bodyguard to talk things out with you.
“my current predicament with this investigation has nothing to do with any of you. it isn’t an excuse to get mad at everyone, so, sorry.” you reach a dead end, and you’ve been stuck there for a while now. it’s frustrating to tread on a path of treasure troves but actually tricks you into coming to nowhere. umemiya recognizes the feelings of shouldering the burden alone and the impatience to get everything over with too well.
“give me a few minutes to get ready, young miss. why don’t we go on an adventure together?” umemiya treats outings as anything but ordinary, when you are just hanging out with him. this adventure in particular is magical. the sights and sounds of the bustling city that you rarely attend to are the real treasure troves. he wishes that his lovely angel can live in this world without pain and misery.
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“the young miss went overboard again. i think i’m going to puke.” hiragi fumbles in his pockets for his pills to regulate himself. if looking after a group of rowdy troublemakers at the mansion already drives him crazy, its lady gives him mini heart attacks whenever she joins in a brawl. this particular mob of dudes struck deep into your nerves that your patience flies out of the window.
“same here, their flirting was atrocious. i seriously need an audio palette cleanse so, hm… can you think of awesome pick-up lines or something?” hiragi can feel his soul leave his body. this is not in the job description, but entertaining the idea can ease your mind from the investigation. he traps you on a nearby surface, positioning his forearm beside you. your bodyguard is dangerously close you melt into a puddle.
“you’re gonna kill me if you keep this up, young miss. is this enough for you?” more than enough, in fact. you can always count on him to satisfy your requests, no matter how ridiculous they may be, though sometimes hesitant. this is the lady hiragi protects when she isn’t taking a grain of salt as evidence or cursing at the world for abandoning her. when this is all over, he hopes that your years of suffering will be gone for good. 
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𝄞༉‧₊˚. KAJI REN
“alright, my guys caught the bastard. and no, it’s not your job to torture them because that’s mine.” kaji scowls at your whines. the investigation loosens your restraints, testing your patience more than ever as it thins out by the second. torturing your prisoner is a joke, but not to a serious person like your bodyguard considering how merciless you can be when it comes to your fallen family, so you relent.
“easy, i was kidding. i promise i’ll keep my hands to myself and leave the physical stuff to your division like we agreed upon.” kaji responds with a sarcastic ‘sure’ as the both of you prepare for the interrogation. for some reason, you have a hunch that what is behind the double doors won’t go as planned. gaining the upper hand is the only thing in your mind right now. if you have to use scare tactics on the enemy, so be it.
“it’s so obvious that you’re already thinking about it. if you can’t control yourself, i’ll also tie you to the chair.” you cover your smirk, causing kaji to immediately shut down your teasing insinuations. now he’s the one to relent, taking your word that you’ll behave. your prisoner should also be on their best behavior, or else hell will definitely break loose. this is way beyond his paygrade, as well as keeping your impulsivity to kill in line.
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𝄞༉‧₊˚. TOGAME JO
“cute… your hits are barely hurting me, princess. resisting won’t get you anywhere at this rate.” togame carries you around over his shoulder like a towel. you soon sag as if you got soaked in water, and your bodyguard sets you gently on the ground. lady luck is so rude that you can’t enjoy a normal day in this forsaken economy. you expected gossip and ridicule, but getting kidnapped is definitely far from the usual.
“give me a fucking break. what, is it illegal for a girl to eat her dessert in peace?” grimace crosses your face from slashes on your legs. fortunately the henchmen were weak as hell so kick techniques were enough to take them down in one go. the boss was a nuisance, cheating in battle with a pocket knife, and togame arrives at your location with a powerful tackle. the tracker you install in your phone as a precaution works wonders.
“as expected of our princess, those guys have no chance against you. i’ll bother the bakers to make you desserts as a reward.” your ears only perk up at ‘desserts’. finally you’ll be at heaven. perhaps you already are when togame lifts you with one arm under your legs and the other supporting your back. it seems like he does not need to ask the kitchen staff. you’re dozing off in contentment, nuzzling against his chest.
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fushigurioo · 2 months
stand up? break up.
part 1 : sakura, umemiya, chika
part 2:
based off the following ask from @kuppuru 💕 (thank you for letting me do this for you!)
“The reader breaking up with the boys because they didn’t show up for their date… Again”
cw: breaking up, super angsty! (this is my first time writing angst so please bear with me🥺) chika being toxic, heartbroken sakura (i actually cried writing this)
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not chika just point blank refusing. love me a toxic, toxic man
@kuppuru i hope this is okay for you, sorry for taking so long with it, i was getting all in my feels so i had to lock in to get the feelings across 😭 im so down for doing a second part, if there’s any of the guys you wanna see in it - please let me know! 💖
tags: @eevees-hobbies @to-eden @sunnyangy @hayatoseyepatch @stunie @suosgirl @kajibunny @prettypeachsblog
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wandering-tides · 2 months
I know everyone is excited for Endo and Sakura's fight after chapter 147. I am too, really.
I keep thinking about whatever the hell is going on between Umemiya and Takiishi. I mean, a literal chair fell off the roof?? Who threw it?? Whatever happened to Umemiya's plants?? His little farm at the rooftop? And Ume was so freakin' pissed when they went up there!? I WANT ANSWERS TT
The war is almost over though. And that's a good thing. Just roughly 10 more chapters to go
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searenbound · 1 month
Thinking about a reader who followed Sakura to this new town because they wanted to apologize to him for treating him like he was the scum of the earth when they saw how kind he really was.
Who carries so much guilt and shame over going along with how everyone else treated him because they just wanted to fit in, who had a rude awakening when he had left because they realized that maybe if he had some real friends he wouldn’t have looked so alone.
A reader who followed him all the way here, and now doesn’t know how to say the words I’m sorry to a Sakura who is so clearly happy, healthy and loved and supported by the people around him instead of the hated loner they remember.
Maybe this was a mistake, he clearly doesn’t need their sorry and was this really for him or to just soothe their own guilt?
If anything, they’re happy seeing him smiling. Maybe that’s enough, maybe they should leave it at that. They weren’t friends, he probably hates them, so they should leave it alone right?
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sea-owl · 1 year
You know what would be funny?
So let's say with my Sakura reincarnation au elements with the Harunos able to see their past lives memories/ghosts. Shachi and Haruka have been around since Sakura was born.
Shachi and Haruka coo and gush over her. Sakura's their baby, and they'll make damn sure her life ends better than theirs' did. They know that eventually, when she gets put on a genin team, there's a high chance that if her team mates have past lives, she'll start seeing them too. It happens. The closer a Haruno gets to somebody, the more likely they know each other in a past life.
Then comes the day when team 7 was assigned. While waiting in that empty classroom, Shachi and Haruka notice Sakura fidgeting. She kept looking between her two teammates. Haruka remembers doing the same thing when she first saw the ghosts of Indra and Ashura. But it would be too early for Sakura to start seeing. . .
"OH HELL NO!" Six voices shouted. Four while looking at one another, and two looking at the other four.
Sakura flinched hard, thankful she was sitting behind the boys. While Haruka could be loud at times, Sakura has never heard Shachi raise her voice once. She has never heard such venom in either of their voices before. Except for that one time. . .wait a minute.
Searching back through her past lives' memories, she found the identities of the four ghostly men she could now see. Who all seemed so surprised she could see them. Yeah, Sakura doesn't blame Shachi and Haruka being upset. She would be pretty pissed too if she was suddenly reunited with her husband and best friend, who both also happened to be the reason she's dead.
Shachi and Haruka are outraged. THEY HAVE TO DEAL WITH THEM AGAIN!?
Poor Sakura has to pretend she doesn't see the six ghosts all yelling at one another. Has to pretend she doesn't have a front row seat to the ghostly drama. She wishes she could somehow give the sight to Naruto and Sasuke too so they can suffer with her.
Shachi and Haruka are also protective of Sakura. So, if any of the boys' past lives try to interact with her, it's the fastest way to get an angry pink lady on their case.
What would be even funnier if Sasuke and Naruto could interact with their past lives but only them. So they're seeing half the show. Sasuke only sees Indra and Madara cowering, muttering about angry wives. Meanwhile, Naruto only sees Ashura and Hashirama trying to placate someone, a sister?
Then poor Sakura just sees the whole thing of her past lives trying to beat the ass of Sasuke's past lives because they are still angry at them. Natuto's past lives are trying to calm the situation, but Sakura's past lives are still angry at them, too. Then Sasuke's past lives are yelling Naruto's past lives, and they start arguing, which just sets all on fire again.
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shiro249 · 2 months
Hey guys, I'm back again! So today, I will be taking requests (though I said before I will permanently stop taking one but yeah, I'm complex..) temporarily for Windbreaker and Shatter me! I could only do platonic in Shatter Me so I apologized for that! As for Windbreaker, I can do both but it might turn horribly if it's romantic but oh well, I'll try my best! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o They are few characters that I can only write so I deeply apologize in advance if I drop/decline/ignore your request or the character is out of character. Also, please don't forget to ask more specifically when sending requests like what's the plot/concept and genre you want it to so I can understand what you want as well. AND, I can only do male and gender-neutral reader! fluff, angst, crack, and comfort are the only genre's that I can write. NO SMUT, WE HAVE TOO MUCH OF THAT AND WINDBREAKER'S CHARACTERS ARE MINORS AS WELL. SLOTS LEFT TO REQUEST: 10/10 Okay, that's all! Now, SEND THE REQUESTS IN!!! <33
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hxnbi · 3 months
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⸻ ❀°。❝ SHORT STACK ❞
requested by @kuppuru: furin boys + togame with short reader
pairings. hajime umemiya, hayato suo, haruka sakura, ren kaji, kyotaro sugishita, jo togame x gn. reader (separate)
note: tysm for your request! sorry if it took so long to write, i was suffering with exams but im finally free now. this goes to all my fellow short ppl out there 🫡 i also just wanted an excuse to find these goofy photos of my boys lmao
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𝄞 ─ HAJIME UMEMIYA ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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What do you mean by that? You’re his significant other and that's all that matters! If anything, that only makes you even more adorable!
UMEMIYA's natural inclination to be clingy and protective intensifies tenfold when he's around you. As you often find yourself enveloped in his arms, whether it's at home, out for a walk, or even at a crowded event. He towers over you, using his height—and admittedly effective intimidation tactics, thanks to him being the leader of Furin—to shield you from the world’s troubles. 
"Up we go!" he jokes, effortlessly picking you up from out of nowhere and spinning you around like a merry-go-round carousel.
“Ume?!” you yelp in surprise.
Without realizing it, his face lights up like a neon sign, and he lets out a loud, joyful laugh. You’re so sweet! How could he not adore you?
Umemiya goes into press his lips against your cheek and buries his face in your neck. "You’re my perfect little charm." His laughter and love are almost infectious. 
Umemiya’s protectiveness doesn’t just stop at physical proximity, but extends to every aspect of your life. He’s always looking out for you, making sure no one dares to mess with you (not that anyone with a half-functioning nervous system would, anyway). Your height didn’t matter and will never matter to him, not when he sees you as his perfect partner and his other half, just the way you are.
𝄞 ─ HAYATO SUO ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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Without a doubt in my mind, SUO's a person who's all for teasing you. In fact, he revels in it. Even after calling the relationship official, Suo’s playfulness doesn’t stop. Rather, it only increases with time. Suo is all for teasing you about your height, flaunting his own height difference with that characteristic closed-eye smirk of his.
“Oh dear, do you perhaps need help?” he teases, pointing at something on a high shelf with one hand while the other resting at his back. “Would you like me to get you a ladder?” he asks 'kindly,' making you deadpan.
Suo finds your petite stature irresistibly cute, and he never misses a chance to remind you of it. But, to the surprise of nobody, like everything else in his life, he’s not as shamelessly open about it in public as opposed to in private. Rather, I see Suo bringing your height up when you least expect it, in hopes of getting a reaction from you recorded in his mind.
Though his teasing is always good-natured, Suo knows your boundaries well. He can tell when you're uncomfortable, especially around others. That alone is enough to make Suo's usual mischievous brows furrow, and he stares down whoever dares to cross the line, especially when he's around. His protective instincts kick in without hesitation. That, despite his constant banter, it’s clear that he adores you deeply, his eyes filled with warmth and affection so unlike his public persona that he discloses to the world.
𝄞 ─ HARUKA SAKURA ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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Okay, and? What about it? Who the fuck cares? He’ll just deal with anyone if they even dare to give you shit about it. SAKURA's nonchalant attitude towards your height is evident. He couldn't care less what others think, and he's ready to put anyone in their place if they dare to give you any trouble about it.
"If anyone has a problem with your height, they’ll have to deal with me," he barked, a protective arm around your shoulders. "And trust me, they won't like it.”
Nirei and Suo could only deadpan in unison seeing this. ‘He’s just a big softie…’ they both thought.
Regardless, his feelings for you don’t change. Sakura has also been through a lot. The people who berated and made fun of him due to things he didn’t have control over—his unconventional appearance—why do they care? Why should someone ever care? He understands how it feels to be judged for superficial reasons and is fiercely protective of you because of it. As for you? You felt warm, knowing he always has your back. 
Your height has nothing to do with who you are as a person, and he’s learning that, step by step. He’s always ready to defend you, ensuring you never have to go through the pain and ridicule he did, and not just because of your height, something you never had a peace or sovereignty over. Perhaps, he sees a bit of himself in you.
𝄞 ─ REN KAJI ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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Doesn't treat you any differently. And why should he? Is there some kind of top-secret reason that he's unaware of? Why should such a thing as height matter in his relationship? Dude grills his vice-captain Kusumi to get the full story, until he realizes that there is none. Tch, do you think he cares about bullcrap like that? Well suck it up, you shouldn't and never have to worry about such an outrageous thing.
KAJI continues to be his calm and composed self (when he isn’t blasting music until his ears bled), offering you the same level of respect and affection as always. Because, after all, "Why would your height change anything about how I feel?" he scoffed, putting back his headphones and closing the conversation right there, making you crack a smile at how matter-of-fact he was. 
Kaji’s grounded nature makes you feel secure. Height, weight, appearance, all those superficial aspects of a person doesn’t matter to him. It never did, because you never judged him for how he was. All he's doing is returning the favour to the one he one he loves, nothing more.
…So why are you looking at him with those sparkling eyes like he just found a cure for cancer?
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SUGISHITA is in the same boat as Kaji, and, in actuality, it’s even more pronounced, as, while Sugishita doesn’t say a word, he’s quietly observant. Your height is just another characteristic to him that he loves in you, nothing that affects his feelings or how he treats you.
He is but a silent trooper that stands at your side.  Admittedly, it gets funny at times, seeing the difference in height between you and Sugishita, apparently especially when walking side by side. But he doesn’t mind. To him, your height is just another thing that makes you uniquely you. And all with a stoic grunt and a subtle smile that he tries to hide, but the hearts in his eyes don’t disappear with such that. 
“They’re so cute, aren’t they? You just have to show it!!” Umemiya says. And show it, he does.
The way Sugishita pats your head and cheeks, similar to how Umemiya would to the same to him, is his way of expressing affection—all in the most awkward way possible, as Sakura would scoff while the trio of Suo, Nirei, and him would from a distance. 
“...The hell is he doing? Does he treat them like a puppy or something?"
“S-Sakura-san!! Y-You might want to—”
All Sugishita would see was red, and it wasn't just from Suo's hair. "YOU—"
But don’t let that fool you. The end was anything but pleasant, as yet another chair became a victim of Sugishita’s wrath, and was broken that exact day, much to the dismay of Umemiya. 
𝄞 ─ JO TOGAME ♪♩ ₊⁺ 𐫱
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TOGAME's initial reaction to your height is one of surprise, with the way he would stare and drill holes into your skull, genuinely amazed at how someone could be so short and yet so oblivious, like you didn’t have a care in the world. But his curious stare quickly transforms into admiration. At first, you really thought that he was judging you, from the way his eyes would stare down at you for seemingly uncomfortable amounts of time, but to Togame, it was nothing more than fascination. You were so petite (to him), to the point of being even adorable… 
Togame ran his fingers through his locks of hair. Shit, if you ever knew.
His best friend Choji is a bit on the shorter side, sure, but you? You were like some kind of tiny sprite. Unbeknownst to you, he finds your petite stature almost endearing in a way. And unintentionally or not, takes it as an opportunity to be even more attentive and caring over you. Togame’s affection is shown through his actions, whether it's reaching for items you can’t, or holding your hand protectively in crowded places. Whether it’s out of a sense of curiosity or if he truly loves you, one thing is clear, he can't help but show his affection in every little gesture.
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©hxnbi. comments, reblogs, and likes are always appreciated ♡
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tinkerbelle05 · 3 months
Windbreaker (Anime) Request Info
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Characters I'll Write For
Haruka Sakura
Hajime Umemiya
Hayato Suo
Jo Togame
*Any character not listed I will not write for. Characters listed might change.
What I Will Write
What I Will Not Write
Smut, Rape, Self-Harm, SA
*If you req anything that is on this list, it will be deleted. If you have anything in mind that isn't on either list, you can DM
About the Reader
State the gender in the req or it'll be female
Have a plotline for me to follow
Thanks for reading: Request Here REQS ARE CLOSED
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mariacecil · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1
Fandoms : Wind Breaker - にいさとる | Nii Satoru (Manga) 
Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category : M/M
Pairing : Sakura Haruka/Umemiya Hajime
Before the light of the sun peeks through the dark blue sky Sakura sees Umemiya with a bleeding forehead on the rooftop. He doesn't know why he was here - he's lying, he knows why. He knows that the heavy feeling deep inside the crevices of his heart is weighing him down and the need to hold on to something seeps out of him (he doesn't let it get to him). So he asks; “Did you hit your head?” And maybe the question will be enough to distract him. Because now he will tend to the small wound on Umemiya's forehead with their faces close enough to feel the warm exhales of the other and the sun will peirce the darkblue blanketing the stars. Soft pinks, orange, and purple painting the morning sky. or: Umemiya has a minor wound that needs attention and Sakura is there to help (and to feel).
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www98vikitoo · 5 months
Anybody else ship sakura/tsubaki 🥺
I love them so much im rooting for them i want them to be happy my little meow meows ❤️❤️❤️
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the-original-skipps · 2 months
|| A Heart Left Behind. || Wind Breaker Reactions ||
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*smacks lips* it was getting a little too fluffy around here lol
please read PART 1 first before this one!
CW: angst. mentions of violence, injury, blood, suicide, hallucinations. character death.
: Sakura Haruka. Suo Hayato. Nirei Akihito. Umemiya Hajime. Kaji Ren. Endo Yamato.
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"We are sorry to inform you, but the patient has unfortunately passed away."
❥ Sakura could feel his entire world crumbling, with each fragment a piece of you. The voices of the doctor, the people around him fading away like distant noise. His vision blurs, confused; Sakura reaches to lightly brush over his surprisingly wet cheek. Oh, they're tears. The doctor could only look at the poor boy sympathetically, before being jerked forward in surprise. As tears flow endlessly, Sakura grabs a fist full of the doctor's pristine white coat. He shouts in confusion and anger - unbelieving of the words just uttered. You couldn't possibly be gone. You promised that you'd take him to the aquarium next week, you promised him you'd let him taste the cookies you tried to bake. Despite all the promises made you’re gone now; forever out of his reach and it was all his fault. With realization, regrets start bubbling within him as his arms fall limply to his side. Thinking about all the times he could have spent with you. He should have hugged you more, told you that you were truly beautiful and kissed you each time like it was going to be the last. It should have been him. Just as you’ve given him a reason to live, now you’ve gone and taken it with you.
“T-Tell me, how am I supposed to live w-without you...?”
❥ Suo remembers the vivid moment, when the doctor told him the news that changed everything. He remembers smiling and thanking the doctor for trying their best, even though his heart felt like it had just been ripped out and his mind sank into darkness. He also remembers when he stood amongst a sea of blood and bodies as the darkness fully consumed him. Sakura and Nirei look onwards with shock and despair, powerless in trying to stop him. The ones who've hurt you in a state of near death but why didn't he feel satisfied? Only when Nirei screamed that you'd never be happy seeing him like this, does the realization hit. When you've left, you've left a hole in his chest where his heart was supposed to be that could never be filled again. Now, he stands in front of your grave - a bouquet of flowers he arranged personally for you. A bouquet of purple lilies, anemones and white chrysanthemums which symbolizes grief and eternal love. He promises for as long as he still lives, he'll atone for the fact he couldn't save you. When he sees you again, does he still deserve to be hugged like you used to?
"Until we meet again, my love."
❥ Nirei doesn't remember the last time he left his room. A room filled with mountains of rubbish, discarded ramen cups, empty water bottles and other miscellaneous trash and he sits in the middle of it. His precious notebook is forgotten beneath everything. Ever since you died, Nirei couldn't find the passion nor the will to live. Suo, Sakura and all his classmates tried their best to pull him back up but it was all worthless. If it isn't your hand that pulls him back up. Your memory haunts him in this empty room, with each one bringing him to tears - his chest unbearably tight. He rocks himself from side to side as tears flood his eyes, clutching his head in his hands whispering assurances to himself. The weight of your death prevented him from rising, after all it was his fault it happened. Sometimes he swears he could hear you in this very room, belittling him and spitting insults. Most of all blaming him for the reason behind your death. It's unbearable, when will it stop? A thought flashes in his mind that has him briefly smiling. Maybe there is a solution to forever escape from the pain.
"I-If I die, will you forgive me...?"
❥ Umemiya smiles as he looks down at his work. A patch of broccolis growing big and green, he reaches over and lightly touches them. Imagine the look of excitement you'd have at seeing your favorite vegetables. Until a grim thought crosses his mind that sets a frown on his face. You’ve passed away. The memory has his fists clenched and eyes burning in trying to hold back tears that threaten to spill. Only when he hears Hiragi clear his throat from behind him, does Umemiya snap out of his thoughts. Pulling himself together, he brightly smiles at his trusted friend - thanking him for coming but what he says next has Hiragi in utter shock. With his eyes fixed on your favorite vegetables and a sad smile on his face. Umemiya states that he will no longer hold the position of Bofurin's leader and the position will be passed onto Hiragi instead. Shocked and enraged Hiragi pulls Umemiya forward with a fist full of his white shirt, demanding he take back his words but the longer Hiragi stares at his friend he realizes. That the once bright eyes no longer shined, only reflecting emptiness back to him.
"I couldn't protect (Y/N), I can longer be trusted to protect everyone."
❥ Kaji stands, leaning casually against a chain fence with his usual headphones to his ears, a song playing - a blank stare on his face. Enomoto comes running panting with Kusumi following close behind. Enomoto's eyes widen in shock at the scene in front of him. His class leader sitting, his fists bloodied - a spread of unconscious bodies surrounding him. Kaji doesn't even look at his friends, ignoring them as he properly stands - brushing past them to walk away until Enomoto stops him with a hand to his shoulder. As the hand touches Kaji's shoulder, a switch happens - he angrily swats his friend's hand away. Enomoto and Kusumi stood in shock, the look on Kaji's face was the same face he used to have years ago. His usual blue eyes swirling with sadness and rage. A deep emptiness infixed within him. Ever since you died, he no longer knew he was or who to be anymore. Your guiding hand no longer extended towards him. Enomoto tries talk some sense into his friend that what he was doing was wrong but Kaji answers back with only shouts colored in anger. The sudden movement knocks Kaji's headphones from his head. A familiar song played from the device, Enomoto and Kasumi knew it well. It was your favorite song.
"Don't you get it?! T-This is the only way I can feel something!"
❥ Endo stares up into the bright full moon, as he sits on a swing. The deserted playground he's at is quiet, with only the whispers of the wind. He looks to a swing beside him. He can see the ghost of your figure sitting on it, asking him if he could push you. At the vision, a smile creeps upon Endo's face - you look so happy and beautiful calling out to him. Unconsciously, he reaches a hand out towards you, only to brush against nothing. The image of you disappearing like sand to the wind. It often happens, a memory of you attached to everything around him - that's how much he sees you even when you’re gone. He believes that he sees you but only to meet with disappointment and a blank space where you used to be. On nights where he's left to his own thoughts, the image of you becomes clearer as if you were really there. He swears you spoke to him with your usual sweet voice and he happily replied back. He doesn't want to accept that you're gone, his entire being rejecting the notion but deep down inside he knows that you’re truly gone from this world. Even if he knows that they're only illusions created by his own mind, it's the only way he won't succumb to the loneliness of your absence. Maybe one day, when he reaches out to you he’ll actually get to touch your soft skin again. Until then he’ll keep reaching out to you.
"When will you come to see me again, (Y/N)?"
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fushigurioo · 2 months
way down, would you say i’m worthy? - haruka sakura
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“i can wait for you at the bottom, i can stay away if you want me to, i can wait for years if i gotta, heaven knows i ain’t getting over you, we’ll try again, when we’re not so different, we will make amends, ‘til then i’ll just pretend” - bad omens
Sakura feels free. He’s finally found his place within Bofurin, and with the guidance of his friends, he has slowly learned how to work toward self acceptance.
Or, so he thought.
You crashed into the town, into Furin, and into Sakura’s heart like a whirlwind. Just where did you come from? You’re a mystery, quiet and ethereal, simply beautiful. He’s drawn to you immediately. In fact - he doesn’t just fall in love with you, he dives, headfirst into emotions so strong that he simply cannot comprehend them. There’s no way someone as pure and radiant as you could ever truly love a splintered and flawed soul such as him, right? right? And in turn, to protect his own heart, Sakura pushes you away.
way down, would you say he’s worthy?
cw: fem reader, timeline switches, pov switches (reader and sakura), angst, insecurities, mentions of anxiety, SMUT, major fluff, just two idiots in love, finding their way in the world, it turns happy i promise
spotify playlist inspired by this fic ✨
chapter 1: loves the death of peace of mind (coming soon)
chapter 2: who are you?
chapter 3
chapter 4
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