#tsubaki x sakura
www98vikitoo · 5 months
Anybody else ship sakura/tsubaki 🥺
I love them so much im rooting for them i want them to be happy my little meow meows ❤️❤️❤️
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hayatoseyepatch · 2 months
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Description: Three words, eight letters, a phrase that is felt more than it is spoken. This is my take on how some of the Wind Breaker characters say "I love you" for the first time. Characters: Hajime Umemiya, Tasuku Tsubakino, Haruka Sakura, & Hayato Suo. Word Count: 2.6k Not proofread, oops. Contains: Fem!Reader x Multiple Charcters (separate). Fluff. Some slight hurt/comfort if you squint.
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Author's Note: Fluff? Something other than smut? From me? Wow. We love character development. But this has been on my mind for AGES so I finally am getting it out. I haven't been feeling the greatest either so please enjoy some very self-indulgent fluff. (¯³¯)♡
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You and Umemiya had been together for a while. You both adored each other, tender kisses and lingering touches were commonplace in your relationship. You had met Kotoha, and the others at the group home and have been attached to his side for almost a year. He wasn’t sure what was holding him back from saying those three little words. Perhaps it was his past, he had lost those who he had nearest and dearest to his heart. Their end unraveled right before his very eyes. Umemiya had so much love to give, and so many people he loved to give it to.
But often, he found it next to impossible to let the words slip past his lips. Instead, he showed his love in different ways. Bringing Kotoha patrons and supplying her with crops from his garden for her restaurant. A warming smile and a promise that Bofurin’s big brother would keep his found family safe. Always the first to offer a listening ear or a shoulder when needed. But never those words. Three short words, one syllable each. He knew he could say them but something deep down was stopping him. An irrational fear that if he had, the one he said it to would go too.
That was before he met you. Umemiya hid his darkness well. A well-placed smile and a childish affect cleared the thought anyone could ever have that the feelings he buried so deep even could exist within him. One you found easily. The light you had brought into his world shone brighter than any darkness that could ever threaten to shroud him. The warmth that settled in his chest when you looked his way. His laughter more genuine since you had come into his life. He knew from the moment he had met you, the moment he had first lost himself in your eyes, that they were the eyes he wanted to get lost in every day for the rest of his life. So why, even after all this time could he not say he loved you?
You had always joked that you had a grey thumb, unable to grow anything and that you were fortunate enough to have his abilities for gardening. One of the things he loved most about you was the amount of effort you put into his interests. He was coming up to the rooftop, it was late summer and he was excited to see what was ready to harvest. He was surprised to hear your voice, looking around the corner he saw you watering the plants. Just as he had shown you how to. “You're looking beautiful today, growing nice and big and strong.” You sighed, feeling ridiculous, shaking your head. You jumped, nearly out of your skin hearing Umemiya’s giggles. “Sunflower what are you doing?” He said between peals of laughter
“I read online that talking to the plants could help them grow, I don’t know how well it’ll work.” You sigh shaking your head feeling a little silly. However, Umemiya’s heart was soaring, you had taken it upon yourself not only to express interest in something important to him but to go out of your way to care for it even when out of his presence. His eyes softened, cupping your cheek he leaned down to slot his lips against yours. The embrace was gentle, lips molding together as if they were only made to be with the other. He parted from you after a moment, breaths fanning against your lips as he spoke. “I love you, my sunflower.” He smiled against your mouth as he kissed you once more, knowing no matter what came next he would be by your side until he drew his last breath.
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Tsubaki had only felt comfortable in his own skin in recent years. Having spent so long conflicted with himself regarding his appearance. He was so fortunate that for those who didn’t support his choice in his appearance, he had so many who were right there by his side, rooting him on. But it wasn’t always like that. For longer than Tsubaki cares to remember he was all alone. Forced to walk his path in constant fear of ridicule. He was teaching himself to fight to protect himself from those who would try and hurt him on the sole premise of being true to himself. Those days felt like a lifetime ago. Because now he had Bofurin, because now he had you.
Tsubaki couldn’t forget the first time you had both met even if he tried. He was just starting to dress more feminine, his hair an awkward shoulder length. Still learning how to apply makeup. There were a few boys from his grade who were taunting him, calling him names, and throwing things in his direction. Normally he would have stood his ground, beating them to a pulp for what they were doing. But Tsubaki was tired, tired of having to defend himself, tired of having to be so strong just to live as he chose to. How he felt most beautiful. He wasn’t that strong by choice, he was strong because he had to be. Because Tsubaki had to be stronger than their ignorance. Tears welled up in his vision at their harsh words, about to get up and defend himself once more.
Before he could get to his feet, however, he heard a voice call out, capturing the attention of his assailants. Stood there was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, delicate features enhanced by the soft cosmetics that had adorned your face. He watched with wide-eyed fascination as you ran up, the closed fist of your manicured hand coming into contact with their leader’s jaw, sending him to the ground upon impact. Tsubaki couldn’t move, he watched, frozen as you gracefully fought the group that had been trying to bring him harm. Tsubaki was strong, and more than capable of handling them on his own, but in that moment he learned that he didn’t have to. He didn’t have to fight his battles alone anymore, because now he had you.
He remembered stumbling over his own name when you had asked for it, cheeks a dark shade of red when you smiled at him. He remembered the way your hand had felt in his grasp for the first time as you dragged him back to your house to get cleaned up. Humming as you wiped the dirt from his cheeks, in a very similar manner as you were doing right now. He lay in your bed, your thighs straddling his waist as you hummed, swiping the brush along his cheek, applying the peachy blush you said paired so well with his complexion. You paused in your humming meeting his eyes that gazed up into yours with adoration, giggling softly. “Welcome back, that was some daze you were in. What’s on your mind gorgeous?”
Tsubaki’s cheeks flushed deeper than the powder that painted his skin. Tucking your hair behind your ear, you sent him a smile, soft and full of tenderness. Tsubaki wasn’t sure he believed in love at first sight, but he knew from the moment he met you that he loved you, and over time that love had only grown. Reaching up a hand, thumb swiping your cheek as he returned your loving gaze. “Just thinking about how much I love you, that’s all beautiful.”
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Haruka wasn’t familiar with love. Often times he found it nearly impossible to express his feelings. Before coming here, even something as simple as kindness was a foreign concept to him. Being so often judged upon first glance he never got the opportunity to even try to build relationships. So after a while he had given up trying, That was before he came here. Before he was welcomed in with open arms. Before he found the only place he felt like he truly belonged. But you. You had opened up his world to so much more. You showed him what love could feel like, An emotion he never thought he could ever feel let alone have bestowed upon him.
You were much more open with your love, taking care of him when he got sick after a fight, making sure he was eating and taking care of himself. You had teased him relentlessly when you first met. Adoring the deep flush in his cheeks and the reactions you could pull so easily from him. Eventually, that teasing morphed into affection, which blossomed into love. You still had a habit of teasing him, but it was never ill-mannered always coupled with your beautiful laughter. And if he got to hear that beautiful sound bubbling past your lips, he would deal with the heat that graced his cheeks and the pounding in his chest.
You both had been together for quite some time, well past the point of the outbursts you had first been met with when openly showing your affection. Long past the point where he would feel the urge to run for the hills the second you called him one of the plethora of pet names you had bestowed upon him. But he still struggled to verbalize his feelings for you. He knew you were well aware of his feelings toward you. What he couldn’t express through words he showed through his actions. He was eternally grateful to your seemingly unending patience with him. Being well aware of his past you knew he would say it when he was ready. It wasn’t as if he had never said it before, but those times were when you were fast asleep next to him. His fingers carded through your hair as he gazed upon your relaxed features, whispering those three words in the silence of night. But as you lay here in his arms, looking up at him with those beautiful eyes of yours he knew that he needed you to hear how he felt. Not just feel it. Leaning down he brushes his lips against your own, lips slotting together like two puzzle pieces, perfectly fit to one another.
His eyes are soft with fondness as you pull away from the kiss, head tilting to lean into the touch of your hand. His eyes locked with yours, lidded with adoration. His lips melting against yours, arms encircling your waist. He hums thoughtfully against your lips. His heart felt warm, pulling away he looked into your eyes, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “You know, I sit and I think to myself sometimes ‘god I can never love you more than I do right now’ and you consistently test that theory by making me fall more in love with you every day.” His heart raced in his chest, never the best at expressing his emotions, but in this moment Sakura needed to tell you how he felt. Never one to back down, despite being able to hear his heart racing in his ears as he continued to speak.  “Your smile still makes my heart pound, your laugh still makes my head feel fuzzy, and your kisses still make me feel like I’m floating. I love you so much.”
He gives you a soft smile pulling you close once more to kiss your lips, hand now coming to rest at the back of your neck to keep you in place as his lips meld with yours once more. Before moving here Sakura could confidently say that he had never felt at home anywhere. He was alone, perfectly fine never planting roots, he had believed it would always be that way. What he didn’t realize was that home was more than where you returned to at the end of the day. It would be something he found in you. Because his home was right here, in your arms. His home was you.
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Suo hummed to himself, walking through the isles of the florist, perusing the flowers. He had made it a habit from your first date to always have fresh flowers for you, showcasing their beauty that in his eyes was rivaled only by your own. When he had presented you with the first bouquet, you had scrunched up your nose reporting to not understand the purpose of a gift that would eventually die. From that moment he decided he would always have fresh flowers to decorate your space. Showing you that their beauty may be temporary but the flora could hold deeper meaning.
He was fascinated by the symbolism of flowers. But he very specifically took delicate care in every single flower that was showcased in a bouquet he arranged for you. For a man like Suo, someone who never showed a crack in his armor, never showing his true feelings often relied on subtle ways to show his love. The first flower he had selected for the bouquet were violets, their heart-shaped petals reflecting their meaning of everlasting love and devotion. Historically a gift of violets was a declaration to always be true. These flowers were common amongst the arrangements he curated with their placement, a promise to offer you the same. The next flower to join the arrangement followed a similar sentiment. Representing strength and love was the gladiolus. It was once believed that the beauty of the gladiolus could pierce another’s heart with love, the same could be said for the way you had done to him. Their purple hue paired nicely with the violets, the color symbolizing the beauty in the love you shared. The flowers to follow would showcase similar significance. Baby’s breath for undying love, calla lilies for beauty, and pink camellias for longing.
Suo was always deliberate in each flower he chose for you, choosing to convey his emotion through the meaning behind each flower he placed delicately in the arrangement. Smiling to himself, satisfied with the selection he had chosen. Sitting at his table as he placed them in their wrapping, being sure to pluck one from the bunch, placing it in a vase so when it began to wilt he would know it was time to gift you a new arrangement. Once he was satisfied, he set off to your apartment, knocking on the door. His signature smile graced his handsome features as he took you in. “Hello there beautiful, I have something for you.”
You smiled at Suo, taking the flowers from his grasp, and replacing the old arrangement with his assistance. You were very aware of Suo’s knowledge of flora, he would often tell you the meanings they held while out together. So much so that you began to look into it yourself. Taking what you knew of the flowers now to assess the arrangement. Eyes soft as you turned to your boyfriend. Hand curling around the back of his neck to pull him down to your level, lips brushing against his. The both of you melted into the tender kiss, your other hand coming to cup his cheek as his found purchase on your waist. Pulling away, you pressed your forehead against his looking into the rich auburn of his visible eye. “I love you too, Haya.” Your words were met with his gentle laughter. Taking one of your hands in his own, his lips brushing against your knuckles. “I love you, more than words could ever express, my sweet baby.”
Suo smiled looking down at you, knowing each flower he had plucked from your bouquets had been dried and coated. Keeping a memento of how despite your initial feelings on the gift, even flowers that have died could still be enjoyed. Those flowers were placed in a special place, kept safe. One day he planned to have the dried flowers arranged into their own bouquet. One he would present you alongside a ring, a promise to love you until the very last one died, knowing these flowers never would.
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Dividers by saradika-graphics. Writing & character banners by me. If you enjoyed it, consider taking a look at my masterlist: here.
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17020 · 2 months
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aka the Bofurin boys (suo, tsubaki, umemiya, and sakura) taking care of you when you're drunk. based on things i have done/said when drunk, and my boyfriend having to panic while taking care of me. warnings for drinking, DRUNK YN, suggestive (tsubaki's), lots of pet names, parties yay, self indulgent. fem reader!
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Suo knew something was wrong the minute he left you alone at a house party to go say hi to his friends, finding you stumbling over your own feet trying to down a whole bottle of rum. The excuse? 'There were no clean cups, so I had to drink it from the source.'
He shook his head and sighed, walking towards you and carefully sliding his arm around your waist, suggesting you go and sit down somewhere as he went to go get some water from the kitchen.
Much to his surprise, you were gone from where he left you, back at the bar and opening another bottle. Suo pursed his lips as he got ahold of your hand and dragged you to a nearby chair.
"Why don't you sit on my lap, princess? There's no room for us both in this chair" he smiled. His intention for you to stay still and sober up was subtle, and he almost let out a laugh when he heard your reply.
"Why don't you sit on mine, Hayato? Unless you're scared."
He smiled as he made himself comfortable on your lap, thinking to himself that there was no way you would get more rum for the rest of the night. Everything was calm, no stranger could ever bother you—
"Yo dude, why're you sittin' on top of ya girl? Isn't it supposed ta be the other way around?"
Suo innocently smiled, opening his mouth in order to retaliate to the stranger. Fortunately for him, though, you did it first.
"We're fucking the gender roles, asshole."
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Ah, the love corner.
No matter whose party it is, you and Tsubaki often find yourselves in the love corner, the designated spot for couples to swallow each other whole. Why wouldn't you? You're a couple, you're there, and in the words of your boyfriend...
"Might as well join in on the fun, right baby?"
That was all you needed to hear as you entangled your fingers in your Tsubaki's hair, his manicured hand placed on your nape as he brought you closer to him, lips slamming against yours in a heated kiss.
Tsubaki's body was pressing yours against the wall while his hand was fiddling with the hem of your shirt, earning a gasp from you and allowing him to slip his tongue inside. Much to his dislike, Tsubaki pulled away not too long after finding that the burning taste of liquor still lingered on your lips. Struggling to keep your balance, you desperately grabbed your boyfriend's arms, trying to keep yourself steady and leaning in towards his ear.
"I think the bathroom's free, if you wanna have a go at it" you teased.
Your boyfriend chuckled in response, his hand cupping your cheek as he looked at you with adoration. "Remember what happened last time, sweetie?"
"M'not that drunk, I won't grab it too hard this time."
Tsubaki laughed as he shook his head, his hand getting ahold of yours to guide you towards the bar, asking for two cups of water. "Things like that are better sober, sweetheart. I want you fully conscious."
You sighed in defeat as Tsubaki handed you a cup filled with water, his eyes not leaving your figure until he was sure you had finished the whole cup.
"That's my girl."
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"Hi handsome. What's a hot guy like you doing all alone in a place like this?"
It was the stunt you and Umemiya always pulled whenever you attended a party. It was a pretty structured routine, even being planned days in advance. Though you and your boyfriend arrived together at a party, you did not hesitate on separating once setting foot in the house and standing a few feet from one another to start some small talk.
"Dunno. What's a pretty thing like you doing here?"
It was like a scene out of a corny romance movie: you batting your eyelashes and pulling down your shirt in an attempt to woo your (already wooed) boyfriend, him running his hand through his white hair as he complimented your looks and asked for a dance, and him looking at your dancing figure with the most lovesick puppy eyes.
"Give me a kiss, baby."
You shook your head, "Sorry, I don't kiss on the first date."
Umemiya pouted as your lips curled into a smile. He frowned as his fingers intertwined themselves with yours, his thumb tracing incoherent patterns on the back of your hand.
"Yn, I'm dying. Pretty please?"
You pressed your index finger to your lips, seemingly deep in thought. Then, you looked at him, a small smile on your face. "I don't think I can recall giving you my name, pretty boy."
Your boyfriend groaned as he stressfully ran his other hand through his hair.
"Babygirl, I don't wanna pretend anymore."
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Sakura had never panicked this hard before in his life. The sight of you giggling so hard you almost fell to the floor from your lack of balance had him genuinely scared.
He knew this was your first night out in a while, but he had never thought it would get this bad.
Having no experience with drinking, your boyfriend was confused as to what to actually do so you could sober up, as the last bit of water was already chugged down by you a few hours ago. Turning to see a clean, completely untouched jar with some orange liquid inside, Sakura did not think twice when serving a cup and handing it to you.
"Here, have some orange juice."
You downed the glass with no problem, with your boyfriend handing you another one. Sakura knew it was a matter of time before the alcohol wore off, and you would be back to your usual self, right?
So why had it been an hour, and you had gotten worse?
His jacket was draped over your shoulders as you sat on his lap, his arms snaked around your waist in order to keep you in one place. You were cuddled up against him, your ear pressed against his chest to hear his heartbeat. His phone buzzed. Trying his best not to move, he retrieved his phone from his pocket to see who had texted, only to see it was Kiryu, who sent a picture to a group chat.
It was a picture of you and him, right then and there.
KIRYU Look at those cute lovebirds! [1 attachment]
NIREI Sakura, what did Yn drink? She looks...
SUO Gone. She looks gone
SAKURA I gave her orange juice
SUO Oh dear! Those were actually screwdrivers. Nirei and I'll go fetch some water for her.
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satorisoup · 3 months
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⌗ 𝐂𝐀𝐍 𝐈 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 .ᐣ ⁝ ( ᰔ )
— bofurin boys
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ノ fluff. kisses. she/her pronouns used for tsubaki :3
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𝐇𝐀𝐉𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐔𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐘𝐀 | forehead kisses —
umemiya loves to leave small kisses on your forehead. seeing as how he’s quite tall, he loves being able to bend down and leave a chaste kiss right in the center, smiling wide with a happy grin afterward at the sweet blush on your face. his hand will hold the back of your head to keep you in place, fingers slipping between strands of your hair and his lips soft as they connect with your skin.
𝐇𝐀𝐘𝐀𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐎 | hand kisses —
suo enjoys leaving trickles of gentle kisses along the expanse of your hands. cupping them in his before bringing them up to his lips, leaving small pecks that dance along your fingers in his wake. he’s a gentleman, after all, so he’ll always make sure to kiss the top of your hand hello, and peck your fingertips goodbye.
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐊𝐀 𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐀 | cheek kisses —
although sakura may never admit it, he loves the feeling of your soft lips grazing his cheeks. the way you pinch them for him to look your way, giggling as you softly peck the chub of his cheek. albeit he’s a bit nervous to show affection in public, but when in private, he may grumble under his breath before leaving a rushed kiss on your cheek too. he’s blushing madly, but he’s still as cute as ever.
𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐈 𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐘𝐔 | nose kisses —
kiryu absolutely adores your nose. it’s just so cute, he can’t help but leave a small peck right at the tip. he’ll softly pinch it as he laughs, leaning in close to your reddening face before moving his head side to side, giving you sweet butterfly kisses as he smiles. just to tease you, he may just very softly bite at the point of your nose, telling you just how adorable it is and how much he loves to kiss it.
𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐔 𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐎 | eye kisses —
tsubaki is incredibly endeared by your eyes, soft smile on her face as she leans down from the tops of her high heels, watching as your eyes flutter closed. she’ll leave small kisses on your eyelids, and carefully kiss your eyelashes in a fond gentleness. she’ll giggle once you look in the mirror, red lipstick smudges in the creases of your lids, telling you she just can’t help herself.
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© satorisoup ── do not copy, repost, plagiarize, or feed any of my work into ai 🍓
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entirelysein-e · 16 days
『 Pegging them 』
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☼ synopsis: you peg your boyfriend for the first time and both of you lose yourself in the pleasure it brings him.
☼ characters: Sakura, Tsubaki, Umemiya
☼ wc: 2.8k (1.0k / 0.8k / 1.0k)
☼ cw: gn!reader, afab!reader, anal play, pegging, rimming Ume, oral (reader giving and mentions of receiving), pet names angel/bunny, praise, consent checks, cum eating, slight overstimulation, hair pulling
☼ notes: thank you for the cafe and the members that kept me insane while writing this. @stunie @dearsylus @hayatoseyepatch shoutout to you three especially 🫶 || sign up for the taglist
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ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹ Sakura:
✧ Sakura was quite shy when it came to intimacy and he would rarely ever speak up about things he'd like to try.
✧ It was you who brought it up since you wanted to try it out and see if you both could perhaps be into it.
✧ Your boyfriend immediately blushed furiously and denied your request, far too embarrassed to say yes right away.
✧ He did however research a little and perhaps he had watched a few videos to see if it turns him on - which it did.
✧ Of course he was a little nervous but he trusted you with his life and so far you never teased him or made fun of him for the things he enjoys.
✧ So he eventually gave the green light. It was very sudden and took you off guard but you didn't push the topic.
✧ When you two were ready to try it out, Sakura was quite tense the entire time so you tried to reassure him.
✧ "We don't have to, you know" you coo gently as you stroke his rock hard cock slowly, your thumb occasionally running over the small slit to smear some of the precum that was leaking.
✧ "J-Just get it over with! I said i-i...want it" he barked out, although he got more quiet towards the end and his face grew hotter, unable to look at you.
✧ His defensive reaction made you grin, he was so curious but too shy to admit it and trying to play it off but you looked right through him.
✧ Sakura’s one condition was that he can lay on his stomach or be on all fours, not wanting you to look at him.
✧ You didn't mind it, almost preferring the view you had with your sweet lover on all fours, presenting himself so willingly.
✧ His face was burning in at least 10 shades of red when you reached around him to stroke his pretty cock while applying some lube to his puckered hole.
✧ "You know the word to stop, Haru" you whisper against his skin before kissing down the spine - goosebumps rising on his skin.
✧ Sakura didn't answer, balling the sheets in his fists instead when your finger moved to massage his ass ever so gently.
✧ "Shh it's okay, Haru... relax," your breath was hot against his lower back, small kisses calming him down and allowing you to slip a single finger inside.
✧ His eyes shot wide open when the first knuckle went in and you almost moaned at the sight of your finger disappearing at a slow pace.
✧ The second you started gently thrusting your finger, his body slowly sunk into the mattress, his face buried in the pillows beneath so you won't hear the way he's panting, soft moans slipping out despite holding them back.
✧ Your boyfriend felt far too good and you were able to hear those sweet high pitched moans, almost resembling whines when his hips started grinding into the sheets for some much needed friction on his dick.
✧ Using this knowledge you slipped a second finger inside, a loud gasp erupting from him in the process and you couldn't help but marvel at the sight.
✧ Sakura was in utter bliss when you curled your fingers and scissored him open, preparing him for the small dildo that’s attached to the harness around your hips.
✧ "S-stop... please" Sakura begged with a little crack in his voice and the second you slipped your fingers out, a concerned look on your face, his hips shot up but it was too late, ropes of cum shot onto the bed in small spurts.
✧ He was shocked and embarrassed from how sudden the orgasm crashed over him but you wanted more now, wanting to see him come undone when you pound into him, bruising his prostate.
✧ Rubbing soothing circles on his lower back you helped him calm down from the intense orgasm, not teasing him over it since he looked so vulnerable, almost embarrassed.
✧ “Felt really good, hm? Want to stop it here or do you want to keep going?” You asked as soft as you could muster, unsure what he needed in that moment.
✧ “I said you can f-fuck me tonight…” he mumbled and his eyes couldn't even meet yours when he got on all fours again.
✧ You didn't bother asking another time since he felt so defensive, simply applying lube to the strap and some more on his puckered hole.
✧ Teasing fingers massaging his ass soon got replaced with the slight pressure of the dildo trying to slip in and his cock twitched in excitement - if your fingers felt this good, the strap would feel even better.
✧ You tried your best to push in slow but his ass welcomed the intrusion almost eager, swallowing up the purple toy until your hips were flush with his butt cheeks.
✧ Sakura was already fucked out of his mind, the strap making him feel so fucking full and you didn't know if his mouth or the tip of his cock was leaking more liquids when you started rocking your hips into him.
✧ “fuck” he kept muttering profanities under his breath until his head buried itself into the pillow again, his hand tugging on his cock in the same rhythm you fucked him.
✧ “Nuh-uh you don't get to hide these fucking hot sounds from me” You groaned as you gripped a fist full of his hair to get his face out of the pillows.
✧ Just as you lifted him up he moaned loudly at a particular harsh thrust, unable to do anything but pant as his eyes screwed shut and the liquid ivory of his release slowly started to cover his hand.
✧ Turns out Sakura was into getting his hair pulled as well as his cute as fucked.
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ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹ Tsubaki:
✧ Tsubaki was never the silent type when it came to the things he liked - this also went over to the more intimate aspects of your relationship.
✧ So you shouldn't have been surprised when you had your head resting on his lap as slender fingers played with your hair that he would ask you a very spicy question but you turned into a shocked mess for a moment.
✧ “Would you like to peg me one day?” He was really bold with his question but upon realizing how you froze up he realized it was a bit too bold so he laughed.
✧ “You don't need to, i just wondered if you're into it” he reassured you, not expecting an answer right away either but you nodded, laughing now too.
✧ “I've never pegged anyone but if you guide me i'd be so down” you answered amused, the thought of rutting into him excited you.
✧ The both of you talked about it here and there after the initial question got asked and actually ordered a toy together - Well he chose one given he would be the one having to take it but you got a say for the strap and the color of the dildo attached to it.
✧ Anal play was never entirely off the table with Tsubaki, his rule being that there aren't any taboos as long as it makes you both feel good so you've fingered him countless times before.
✧ You both were in the middle of a makeout session, his fingers. buried in your cunt when he nipped at your neck gently, a grin spreading over the red lips, the lipstick smeared onto your face as well by now.
✧ “Want you to fuck me so good… Can you do that for me, bunny?” he asked with a voice as sweet as honey and how could you say no to him when he asked like that?
✧ Eagerly you nodded and watched him saunt over to his little toy collection to get the strap out, the dimmed standing lamp in the corner of the room making him look even more beautiful in that lacey lingerie he wore.
✧ And you should have known when he dressed so pretty that he had some plans with you tonight but you appreciated the sight just a moment longer before he returned to the bed, wanting to help you with the strap.
✧ Gently he secured the little straps before leaning down to let his tongue travel over your glistening folds just to tease you before taking the toy into his mouth, head bobbing up and down a few times before he pulled away with a wet pop.
✧ The sight was so fucking hot and he pushed you back onto the mattress to squeeze some of the lube onto the toy before straddling your hips.
✧ “Should i play with you fir-” He didn't let you finish your question, a steamy kiss interrupting you mid sentence and his tongue invaded your mouth the same time the toy slid into him.
✧ The way he moaned into the kiss made you shudder, hands traveling to his hips to help him move the way he did for you so many times before.
✧ Tsubaki looked utterly beautiful on top of you like this, head thrown back in pure bliss and the soft light shining against him, making his silhouette glow and giving him an ethereal look as his pretty cock kept bouncing with the rhythm of his hips.
✧ Your nails were digging into his smooth skin, feeling as if you'd come untouched, just from watching him ride you the way he does.
✧ “You're doing so good for me, my prettiest angel,” he mused between sinful moans, guiding your hand to his achingly hard cock that stood proudly.
✧ “Making me feel so -fuck- so fucking good, my angel” he whispered between moans he couldn't control anymore and you could feel his cock twitch in your hand.
✧ You almost grew shy when he rocked his hips, jaw unlocking as he moaned your name like a mantra and his release painted your torso, making you wish some of it would have landed on your tongue instead.
✧ Tsubaki's toned thighs were shaking once he came down from his high, his chest rising and falling as he tried to catch a breath but his thumb smeared some of his cum over your chest, covering the pad of the digit in his release.
✧ “Open up, bunny” he cooed and pushed his thumb past your lips, letting you lick off his seed. as his finger estes heavy on your tongue, your hips slowly thrusting upwards to fuck into him. You tasted blood and now you wanted more.
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ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹ Umemiya:
✧ Umemiya had no taboos. Not when it came to you or intimate moments - if it's consensual and feels good everything goes.
✧ It's not like you both had to ask each other to try new things or actually sat down to talk about something, usually it just happened.
✧ Like that one time where you gave him the sloppiest head he ever got just to lick the saliva that dripped down his balls up and he pushed your head further down.
✧ He didn't demand, it was more like a gentle nudge to let you know he'd like you to lick a little further down and you gave him what he wanted.
✧ You've never heard Umemiya moan so hoarse as when your tongue flicked over his hole and this wasn't the only time you rimmed him, loving how much he enjoys it.
✧ Things just escalated from there on to the point where you fingered him until his thighs were shaking, his untouched cock spurting hot cum from his first prostate orgasm.
✧ Umemiya wanted more. The intense feeling of this orgasm made him wonder what it would feel like if you'd fuck him with one of your pretty toys.
✧ So next time you two were in the mood, Umemiya showed you his newest piece in the toy collection, a cute strap you can wear to fuck his brain out.
✧ And who are you to deny him his wishes if he wanted to be utterly fucked out beneath you?
✧ Umemiya wasn't nervous at all when you pushed his knees closer to his chest, nails raking over the underside of his legs all the way to his cute butt cheeks.
✧ “Keep holding your legs open for me, pretty boy,” you instructed as you secured the strap around your waist and Umemiya only nodded, his hands holding onto his thighs.
✧ “That's my good boy,” you mused and kissed each thigh once and then turned your attention to his balls before slowly sucking him off.
✧ His head fell back against the pillows the moment your lips wrapped around his bulbous tip. Gosh how much he wanted to watch you hollow out your cheeks but he could barely keep his eyes open from how good you made him feel.
✧ Your tongue swiping over his frenulum felt so good he almost missed how two lubed up fingers slipped inside of him, his knuckles going white from how hard he held onto his legs.
✧ “Oh f-fuck” he cursed out when you started massaging his prostate, your head still bobbing up and down his length until you felt like you prepped him enough to take the pastel pink colored toy.
✧ Umemiya gasped when you removed your fingers, feeling the tip of the dildo press against his puckered hole and he held his breath at the sensation.
✧ “Changed your mind, Angel?” You asked sweetly and one hand moved to gently stroke over the knuckles of his left hand.
✧ “Please fuck me” he groaned out almost desperate. In your bliss of playing with him you didn't even notice that you accidentally edged him.
✧ His pretty cock started twitching against his abs when you slowly and gently pushed the strap into his ass, watching how his brows knit together and his jaw fell open.
✧ The thin layer of sweat made him look as if he's glowing, the rays of sunshine that were shining through the half closed blinds made him look like an angel beneath you.
✧ You were so busy watching his face contort in utmost pleasure that you almost missed how his cock twitched, thick ropes of cum painting his abdomen after just the first few thrusts.
✧ He couldn't even moan, a silent scream was all he managed as his jaw hung open, hard panting everything you heard as you kept rocking into him.
✧ “You're taking me so well, looking so fucking hot,” you moaned at the sight of Umemiya’s abs covered in cum and his half limp dick begging for attention when he tried bucking into you.
✧ “Keep- keep fucking going” he moaned deeply and grabbed a fist full of your hair to pull you into a heated kiss.
✧ Your hips started snapping into him, almost pounding into your white haired lover as wanton moans fell from his lips, your name sounding like a lewd prayer when your hand wrapped around his overstimulated cock.
✧ Umemiya was a fierce leader and only you were able to have him helpless beneath you, reducing him to a moaning mess for mind blowing pleasure.
✧ You couldn't wait for what he had in store for you after this, knowing that you're playing with fire when you push his boundaries and overstimulate him like that.
✧ A loud moan followed by a soft whimper was all you heard when he came a second time from getting his prostate milked like that.
✧ Strong arms pulled you flush against his body as his hips bucked upwards and spreading the cum between your bodies, creating a sticky mess which none of you minded.
✧ “Can we stay like this for a moment?” He asked exhausted once the shockwaves of the orgasm wore off, his chest rising and falling rapidly at how heavy he was breathing.
✧ All you could do was nod, completely exhausted from fucking him like that, admiring how much stamina he had since he never seemed this tired after he was done with you.
✧ The both of you stayed like that, the toy still deep inside of him but he needed to catch his breath before anything else, starting to like the feeling of being this full.
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Networks: @pixelcafe-network @interstellar-inn @houseofsolisoccasum
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skyflyinginaction · 1 year
Clamp Art Style Analysis: Part 1: Creation Process and Materials
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Clamp is a manga artist team of four women. They are a prominent distinguished manga artist team known in the West and in China. The thing they are most recognized for is their highly detailed art style many people may have known and many may not. They did several manga you might have known such as Card Captor Sakura, Chobits, and even Tsubasa.
Clamp is one of the artists whose art style I highly admire and want to imitate in my art. I created this post so I can understand and take apart their art style and better understand it. It is going to be difficult since there are four people with different specialties and years of professional experience in their belt. They are constantly changing and adapting to every genre. 
I am going to analyze Clamps’ art style in this post and this may take a while to crack due to how extensive the Clamp style is. I am going to pile up everything and explain this in this post which is going to take time to explain in this post. I am going to take apart interviews from different sources while explaining their art style in this post.  
I am going to examine their art style and the materials they use. I am going to split into sections talking about the art style and what they use for materials for the manga.
To understand the art style and how it is defined I need to understand Clamp themselves since they created an entirely individual style that is going to talk about other things, not about the art style there is going to be so much I might miss while explaining in this post. I could be wrong while explaining this is an analysis I am going to take my crack at understanding the art style. 
Though the members of Clamp are largely self-taught they are inspired by many figures that influence their art. The list consists of Reiji Matsumoto, Osamu Tezuka, Go Nagai, Hirohiko Araki, and Moto Hagio. The other works that influenced Clamp are animated cartoons and Galaxy Express 999. Reiji Matsumoto and Osamu Tezuka are major influences in their works Clamp used Osamu Tetsuka’s star system in their works which is seen often in the crossing over of characters from their series into their other works. You can see this prevalently in Tsubasa, X, and Kobato where you would find characters from the different series crossover.
Nekoi's favorite cartoonist was Moto Hagio in high school and Mokona mimics pictures by Reiji Matsumoto when she was younger. 
While working on manga Nekoi started copying Shinji Wada and Rumiko Takahashi, in which She copied her art in drawing legs. She drew them thick and big. She liked the legs Rumiko Takahashi drew since they seemed long until short feet. She took them to make them more delicate and feminine. Clamp used other artists to help them while drawing. 
Go Negai influenced the creation of X, taking inspiration from his work of Devil Man featuring two main male characters, and the murder of the lead's sweetheart triggers the apocalypse. Devil Man is used in creating x The extreme levels of violence depicted in X came from Go Negai's works. Clamp knows about Devil Man. They did a doujinshi of Devil Man in their works as doujinshi artists a while back and even had a doujinshi about the lead character's relationship in their works. 
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X was inspired by Go Nagai the heavy violence in x inspired from Go Nageis works and the assembled cast of x is inspired by Kyokutei Bakin's Nansō Satomi Hakkenden, The fight sequences of x were inspired by the manga Dragon Ball specifically Akira Toriyama's use of white backgrounds.
Mokona influences are H.R Giger and gérard di-maccio are used  for the RG veda backgrounds.
Mokona likes Alphonse Mucha who is a considerable influence in drawing XXXHolic art.
Hirohiko Araki is another influence of Clamp with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fan manga back when they drew doujinshi and starred in Clamp in wonderland animation with Jojo animated.
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They drew a doujinshi on Jojo a while back starring Josuke and Kakyon and even they drew Jolynn once.
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There is a lot of Kakyoin and Josuke fanart with Yaoi art drawn by these two characters.
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Jojo was used in drawing wish with Kohaku and Shuichiro strongly resembling Jotaro Kujo and Noriaki Kakyoin and Kohaku's hairstyle strongly identical to Kakyoin and Shuiichiro resembling Josuke.
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Nanase Ohkawa     
The main leader of the group, the main writer of the scenario, is in charge of the original story, script, and design. The other three artists are Mokona, Nekoi, and Satsuki, who are in charge of the art.
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Mokona is the artist and designer in charge of drawing. Mokona is in charge of sketching out the construction of the characters by hand. Mokona draws the storyboards and sketches out the characters. Mokona is responsible for drawing female characters.
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Tsubaki Nekoi    
Nekoi is in charge of character design, background scenery, finishing touches, and charge of the foundation of the art in their works. Her booth has been painted for design and screens for finishing touches.Nekoi likes to doodle and throw pages. Nekoi is in charge of drawing male characters.
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Satsuki Igarashi
Satsuki Igarashi is in charge of design and drawing and is in charge of the finishing touches. She is in charge of designing the cover of the book itself.
Three members of Clamp were classmates in high school who took art-focused classes in school; none of them studied at school for manga. Nekoi tried using colored pencils and opaque watercolor in school when she was young. Satsuki and Nekoi were in middle school when they first started drawing manga. Mokona was in an art club in middle school. In high school, she started drawing manga with proper frames and dialogues. Mokona, Nekoi, and Igarashi studied art in high school Nekoi, Mokona, and Igarashi met in high school as a kid She found a friend who loved manga, Satsuki went to an art-type highschool and Mokona high school and college had art-focused classes, Igarashi was at an art department in highschool then to computer graphics vocational school. Clamp started as doujinshi artists who first published doujinshi fanzines Back then they had more people it went down to four in the year of their commercial debut.
The group never worked as assistants with most of the members being self-taught with Tsubaki and Nekoi being more self-taught.  
They never used assistants to help them with their work since they wouldn’t be able to understand the years of jargon they created among themselves They created work for years without any help from assistants since assistants would slow them down and wouldn’t understand when we would tell them to do the same thing as before disrupting the workflow they created for work.
For inspiration, Ohkawa gets her ideas from dreams or inspiration based on events she hears or sees on the news a lot of times its deadlines. Ohkawa doesn’t always take notes and she usually loses ideas.
Clamp’s daily work hours while working on manga is in the morning, get in the studio at about 10 or 11 in the morning and in the afternoon they eat dinner at 6 in the evening then stop working at midnight. 
The members share a single workspace and are separated into three booths while they work.
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There are four separate studios and the member's workspace accommodates all four of them. Clamp work requires complete perfection with members having their own space where they have to work to create one of their works 
The art of Clamp is lush layered and amazingly detailed. It has a high-quality art style with extensive details. Due to this, it's almost difficult to adapt to animation.
Each of Clamp’s titles has a different art style depending on the genre or magazine they are running in; their art styles change to suit the work and magazine the manga will appear in. The art style of the work is based on Ohkawa’s decision in charge of the art direction of the work. The art styles and pictures have changed but not their methods.
There is a lot to talk about the Clamp art style which may not be enough to explain one segment
Creation process 
Clamp's work process is similar to an animation production; they work like a small animation studio. if you look closely at the work process for creating works it's more like an animation with the director, playwright, character designer, painter, background artist, creator, and publicist treating the manga or story like a script for a movie or anime, the creative process for creating manga is similar to that of animation and movies.
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Ohkawa is the storyteller and writes the scripts other three draw drafts and original design, Mokona is the chief character designer, and Tsubaki and Nekoi work for the background Sometimes they they take turns doing different jobs
Ohkawa writes then it goes to Mokona who draws out the outline of the storyboard and sketches the characters
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They would normally go to Nekoi for the finishing touches Igarashi and Nekoi work on the final touches the team may shuffle roles. Clamp members do get outside work with computer graphics. For drawing sometimes the members do character backgrounds or may draw everything depending on the story. They have a work where one person designs the character and another draws the actual story. They make storyboards and start drawing. Sometimes they decide who is going to make storyboards and then start drawing.  The art is drawn by Satsuki, Mokona, and Nekoi, Nekoi draws the rough draft and thinks about how the story is going forward to next month's script. The designs are handled by Satsuki and Mokona. Satsuki worked on the design for the cover page. In the beginning, they believed that everything in the comic from front to back was important to the story. They take turns completing the rough sketch depending on the story. They divide the story into frames; they mostly draw it on art board paper after they create characters and scripts. Ohkawa explains what in each frame props and the characters in they have how they turn around and include emotions in the panel. Ohkawa and Igarashi never drew manga with split frames. They Look like frames from a movie 
When Ohkawa comes up with stories Ohkawa drafts the outline of the story and the story setting The ending for each story is determined from the last scene back to the first scene and the end last and deciding the thing and heading into this way makes way for change drags the reader along for the story Ohkawa drafts the outline the other three members formulate characters designs by creating character profile sheets to avoid confusion. Ohkawas style of writing is considered a color woodblock print in the way it conveys and portrays things the manga is close to picture books and elimination of everything unneeded. Ohkawa thinks about the setting of where the story takes place and Ohkawa constructs a visual image at least in their head then splits up panels in their manga. for the writing process, they come up with the story Ohkawa gets together to discuss the story with the members about the purpose of the story and the main characters when writing and drawing After the members get well used to the story they write it down when creating a story for a weekly magazine they first decide on a rough story from beginning to end Ohkawa works backward from the ending for the story to have an ending like this the members don’t always know how the story develops. Ohkawa's style of writing for stories is not telling anyone the progression of the storyline before it happens reason for that is that when the members of Clamp learn of Hokuto's death one of the members couldn’t draw Hokuto's smile the same way this is how badly shaken they were since that the way Ohkawa created her stories changed for most of the works it was until Chobits she could tell them again. Ohkawa kept using memos in the beginning when she wrote the stories where she kept track of the flow of the story.
Before they start drawing they decide the flow of the story up until the end as well as the materials used for color and monochromatic drawing and the direction of the illustration. The members consider the art style during the planning stage and the materials for the manga, for materials Clamp uses color samplers In the order of how they draw. They draw them the same size as manuscripts, they draw rough sketches, and the size of the manuscript is b4 size and genkou size. They seldom use computers to create manga but only to color pictures, sometimes Clamp uses the scanning method when they draw or draw the rough draft using tablets. They don’t use references for their designs except at one time for Ohkawa she drew inspiration from a perfume and drink package she gathered together she drew more influence from the business art and art from Alan Chai's design. 
The amount of lines and the thickness of the lines in the manga depends on the work. When you look at the manga, there are a lot of lines in the characters, Clamps can make the lines, and the thickness of the lines depends on the nature of their work from the thicker lines shows how serious and heavy the story thicker lines match the nature of their work that fits with a heavy theme like works like Tokyo Babylon, which have a heavy atmosphere. Mokona draws with thicker lines and uses pens with strong pressure when drawing. Clamps drawing methods changed with Tsubasa and xxxholic.
In the process of launching a serialization first is to decide on the major storyline work out the details of the characters later and consider the number of chapters needed to tell a story, second Ohkawa has a meeting with Mokona and Nekoi to decide on the design of the main characters Ohkawa asks for designs once they are finished they go over one more time.  They go about creating manga and have two processes,  one creating a manga based on the request from a publisher The second Clamp decides on the story first and then thinks about the magazine to write it for. Clamp comes up with an outline for the story First after they create the outline they discuss who's going to draw pictures or if they all draw together. They turn the project into a movie telling how a story goes and who the main characters are among themselves. They talk about the rough story and how they should do it when they bring a story to the publisher, attach the rough story and characters, attach characters' settings to them and draw the appearance in the manga to the publisher. Then after they show the work to the editor if the editor thinks it's okay they start the story. After receiving approval from an editor, Ohkawa assigns roles to each group member and then chooses the visual styles depending on the factors such as the complexity of the story and chosen art style the artwork depends on the genre and magazine of the story. Ohkawa provides a rough draft for each chapter with things such as dialogue panel size props and movement and characters' emotions. Storyboarding takes 12 hours while the script takes 8 hours to write. To Mokona from rough draft to inking 10 pages per day, the average Mokona puts into how many pages of black and white manuscript draws in a day the number of pages they draw in a month to finish one installment For example if they're in two monthly publications like Tsubasa and xxxholic one is about 19 or 20 pages other takes one day to finish 6 pages for the foundations for the fishing touches and inking takes a couple of days every 2 weeks when it comes to two weekly series its 120 and 130 pages a week. xxxholic takes two days and x took four days 
Ohkawa will specify the proper production for the story and character. After the story, they will choose a person to perform the character design. Clamp switches up who works on character design and the drawing. Igarashi and Ohkawa do it together. One of them directs the work for design and the person in charge of the drawing for that work will draw a rough sketch which is discussed. Mokona is one of the concept artists When the scenario is specified in detail, Mokona listens to the basic story and consults the original concept with Ohkawa Mokona will show what she designed on the spot of the drafting and period.  Mokona and Clamp often decide on the design first, then Mokona draws the illustration from format, paper, and photoshopping specifications to color specification. Mokona does pencil drawing first then ink and color it the pencil stage first so Mokona can fix errors in the pencil stage. Ohkawa as the main scriptwriter Ohkawa determines the story and setting and tells the members about it and the rest give their thoughts on it Ohkawa maps out the location, ideas, and character design Ohkawa gives the character's figures hairstyles, and clothes she envisions to the designers or sometimes Ohkawa draws them herself only sketches the rest get the art close to Ohkawa original version. Ohakwa doesn’t talk about the characters until it's time to create their visual design, Ohkawa decides the design of the character and the group visualizes it She explains their appearance she sometimes brings sketches instead of explaining Ohkawa decides the characters they have long or short hair their style of clothes and complexity. Clamp discusses together and thinks about how to make characters, Ohkawa makes requests and discusses them with the other three Ohkawa gives concrete and specific thoughts on what she wants the main characters to be. Ohkawa is the one who decides on the details of the characters and Clamp crafts their characters. They explain the story in the works that include the drawing of the clothes of what the character wears. Ohkawa takes all the info she gathered and has them design the characters based on the descriptions she gave like body build, hair length, and small details, next decide who is going to design the characters either Nekoi or Mokona design them characters and pick one of them then make a character setting chart and decide on the character's height. After the story they choose a person to perform character design. When that is happening, they use specific proper proportions for the story and character. They come up with a story through a character design phase Clamp and choose different styles and proportions for the characters. When it comes to designing characters they determine the head and body ratios since the person drawing can change the proportions in their sketches without knowing.  They reference the proportions of the characters in case the person drawing it gets it wrong. Igarashi and Ohkawa consult each other and ask for revisions so that the proportions don’t shift, so it can come in tandem when working for 4 people. Mokona had difficulties drawing Yuko's proportions; she considered drawing them constantly a nightmare. Mokona found it reassuring to have partners who can check your work. Sometimes they decide on the colors to get the approval of the publisher to work on the storyboard and then agree on the birthday and height of the characters. The height is important because it's for drawing proportions that are made to keep consistency when drawing characters. The character designs look like character sheets like the ones you would see in anime. When they first set out to draw the members consulted such things as whether or not thin lines mesh well in the manga. what color materials they would be using the members play it by ear as they go along when they draw. Before drawing the portraits of the characters, Nekoi takes special care of the characters by differentiating them with their hairstyles. 
For creating the clothes for the characters, Clamp dresses their character in stuff based on their own or things their acquaintances wear. Clamp reads a lot of informational magazines and fashion magazines on a personal basis which serves as inspiration for characters. Some of the clothes and other items that characters in Clamp wear are inspired by real-life pieces but most of them are done initially by Mokona.
Once the main characters are completed, they decide on the detailed settings for those characters,  The members decide on each character's birthday and height. The height is used for doing the proportions of the characters. for the character settings the group goes into detail about the characters like what food they eat, special skills, how and when they do things, how they grew up, when they were young, their hobbies, the type of house they live in whether its Japanese or western style, if they are sleeping wearing pajamas or negligees and whether they like sweets or not; for example if a character is eating sweets it means that a character grew up in an environment where sweets can be easily eaten and if a character has long hair it can be tied or untied these details reference the characters way of life and polices the reason Clamp focuses on what a character likes to eat is because what a person eats says a lot about a character in personality. There's a lot of thought that goes into making character settings. It's mostly to advance writing their characters or fleshing them out as individuals. The character settings are important when writing the characters in the story These details are important for them to write for the characters the character profile is used so they won’t get confused when writing a character for the story to keep the writing of the character to remain consistent throughout the story. 
When drawing manga and illustrations the group often determines the materials they use to draw during the meetings 
Once they set out drawing they first consult things like whether or not thin lines and colors. Clamp used different techniques, art materials, and paper when they did manga and color illustrations Clamp used different materials at their disposal. For drawing Rayearth, the materials they use to draw manga are used include other works as well. The heavy colors are used to suit the tone of the story. This goes to show that you can change the impression by changing the pen you use and the paper used. 
You can change the impression based on the paper you use. The paper makes a great first impression on the manga. Paper is not the only thing that changes the impression of the manga they draw, also the materials they use are used to change the impression. 
Clamp uses different paper sizes for each work, the manga paper is sorted for each one of the members to use. Clamp has strong drawing pressure for their strong drawing pressure they chose thick paper.  They use paper made by Daieidou printing for manga drawings because the members have a strong drawing pressure so they chose a thick paper that's three times thicker than manga paper. For the paper that the members use for illustrations Igarashi, Nekoi, and Mokona use Watson paper, BB Kent back of manga paper of copy paper. Both Ohkawa and Igarashi like acid-free paper, they love the sandy texture and don't like smooth art-coated paper. The reason for that is that if the paper is too smooth the texture will not be the same. Clamp uses many materials for works such as Copic markers and alcohol-based products, They use Kaimei Indian ink, and for color inks, they use Holbein and Holbein special black The screentone they use Brans that Clamp uses is  I.C. 's and Letraset.
When they first used computer equipment,  they were instructed by Takeshi Okazaki and Katsuya Terada. satsuki was into photoshop so Takeshi Yamazaki gave satsuki lessons in photoshop.  
For the materials that Clamp used in their past works, rg veda used color inks, aeroflash, Liquitex, and modeling paste, Rayearth used Copic markers, Mokona used color inks for Mask of 20 faces, Tokyo Babylon used color tones and angelic layer had them use thick fountain pen like liner markers for drawing the manga.
Mokona’s pen uses a Kabura and a Marupen. Depending on the weather she draws a line to see which is better. Her favorite pens are Zebras Maru pen and Kabura pen nibs. with lnks, her favorite is Kaimei Indian Ink and Holbein’s Grey or Nouvel’s Burnt Sienna. What she used to draw backgrounds is Pigma 0.05, Mokona has strong drawing pressure. The G pen is too soft for her. She tried using one but it is hard to adjust and prefers using a harder pen. She uses a magic marker with a pigment ink called Prokey she used to draw letters on paper and uses Pentels water-resistant brush pens for solid areas like hair. She uses a powder board for paper with larger pieces and Baron Kent paper stretched with water. For RG Veda backgrounds Mokona used a lot of airbrush techniques. Mokona draws with thicker lines, and her drawings have been drawn with thicker lines. In the beginning, like in the third volume of Tokyo Babylon, the character's faces are angular and have thicker lines which show that her art is changing. Syaoran was Mokona’s favorite character to draw in Tsubasa.
Nekoi uses different nibs for the maru pen and g pen; she uses the Kabura pen for concentrated and close straight lines, also Pigma 0.5 for backgrounds.
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For paper Nekoi uses whatever paper they have at hand to the back of wrapping paper bits of cardboard that have fallen around the back of cosmetics box envelopes from the publisher, the wrapping paper from a cup of tea that is Japanese style. She uses an eraser to reduce the tones in the screentone and sandpaper to reduce the large areas of tone she uses. A fine grit sandpaper will decrease nicely but not allow for fine adjustment which she had to fix with an eraser later. Nekoi loved experimenting with new painting materials; she especially loved painting in color.
Step to Step in Creating Manga
When it comes to drawing manga there are steps taken to create manga. these are the materials they use for drawing manga The list of materials and things they use in the steps to create manga are listed as this
1.) plastic eraser, mechanical pencil 0.5 HB
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2.) Pigma 0.5, magic marker
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3.) brush pen
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4.) screen tone, tone cutters round sand eraser 
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5.) pen white, liquid paper ink, Mython
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lastly, for writing the script, they use a pc
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For the steps they use to create manga Rayearth I think it might be the same steps they use to draw other manga that come after it might be the same steps they did for Tsubasa,xxxholic, and other manga that come after it, and the materials they use. I bet it's the same materials used for Tsubasa, Card Captor Sakura and xxxholic.
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1.) The plot is written by Ohkawa on a personal computer with manuscript paper, For the rough they draw frames with a pencil and roughly insert characters and other elements, they draw the rough while paying attention to the composition and balance the draw the panel as to what you want to show most when you are doing a specific scene. The rough is a lot of lines and its way is less detailed. The rough is used for the placement to know the place of things to ink. You can see the same rough stage with Tsubasa and xxxholic. 
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Clamp pays attention to the distribution of lines in the panels, the reason why Clamp pays attention to the number of lines is because it's a manga and they are going to ink over and over again. The reason they pay attention to the number of lines in the rough is to calculate how much you ink while you draw. the number of lines you use while you ink is important because you are going to use it over again
the rough is drawn with a pencil, they used a regular pencil for the rough rather than a mechanical pencil since the mechanical pencil has fine lines 
2.)  Next is the sketching phase, in the sketching phase the characters are drawn with a mechanical pencil they check the drawing by looking through the rough manuscript and back. Once the sketch is finished the member will fix it until they are satisfied The background is only included briefly in the sketch.
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3.)  The inking stages for the steps of Magic Knight Rayearth are inked mainly using a Pigma 0.05 or Kaimuji marker or brush. When Mokona was drawing Rayearth Mokona had strong drawing pressure so her lines became thicker She changed pens as soon as she noticed it her strong drawing pressure caused Mokonas tip of her pen to break quickly they often used 4 to 5 bottles a day for inking. 
4.)  Next up the beta stage, after they are done with inking they erase and check it again After that the members add solids the tool used is a brush pen to fill in areas like hair and stuff. They use ink that is resistant to water because if it is water resistant the area will become thin when the eraser is applied. 
The steps for rough and sketch are used in their other works only the materials that are used for inking change consistently Depending on the series 
5.)  Next is the toning stage when they add screentone traditionally to a manga page, when it comes to screen tone they make sure that no more appears in the overlapped areas Clamp use a circular blade type cut when they apply screentone traditionally to a manga and small areas might be scrapped with a sand eraser scrapping the tone can change the texture of the object. They consider the effect and carefully cut it and their grain to the tone and know in which its neatly scrapped directions are not scrapped. 
In Rayearth tint and gradation tones are used, and a little gala for the screen tone of the manga. 
6.) This is the last stage of Clamp creation in drawing manga. The last stage is to express light and create glamorous images white is used for it. when applying white fluid to the image which is done by flicking the brush on the correction fluid with the rim of the container the effect changes depending on the concentration of the liquid. You can add white to the toothbrush or flick it with your finger. It changes the effect of the image. If you add fine white dilute it with water to adjust for the white. Clamp uses quirk drawing because the pen can be put on the white later.
This technique was applied in other manga like Tsubasa, Card Captor Sakura, and their other works. They used the same white ink to make a beautiful panel.  
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sfznyxio · 6 days
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. new year, new you, new school. you’re determined to be the greatest trainer in history, and it starts at a pokemon academy. you hope to finish your studies free of drama, if you can ignore the noise of many battles within the student body to see who will come on top.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒. sakura haruka, suo hayato, nirei akihiko, umemiya hajime, hiragi toma, tsubakino tasuku, kaji ren, tomiyama choji, togame jo
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. gn!reader. pokemon au. comedy, fluff. 0.8k wc. inspired by pokemon scarlet and violet and its teal mask dlc. everyone goes to legit school here, whoa. reader sometimes ditches class to explore the wild. electrocution, one bad pun intended (kaji). they/them pronouns for tsubaki.
𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀. yelling with @stunie about pokemon was really fun so why not combine the best of both worlds. for zevie, my fellow pokemon (mystery dungeon) enthusiast!
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sakura wants to be the best in the world through unconventional means, to battle the strongest right away. you’ve seen how he fought off a group of students who were ridiculing you earlier, but there’s no way someone could become a trainer with punches and kicks and without a pokemon. by chance, a sprigatito steals the pastry he was holding to eat and sends him on a wild goose chase. those two are a lovely pair, when it’s time for it to stop eating his food and he stops yelling at it for being a “brat”.
if you need a teacher for your team on how to behave on the battlefield, suo is at the yard meditating with his mienfoo. it’s impressive how he’s by your stress filling their air like smokescreen. your pokemon partner suddenly stops listening to your commands, and now your wallet is dry. he says it's the rebellious teen phase, something he can easily deal with. whatever he did to make your pokemon shudder when he calls on it for lessons with mienfoo as his assistant, you dare not to pry.
midterm season is around the corner, what you dread the most this year. luckily you have nirei, a walking encyclopedia that is very convenient to have as a study buddy and useful to a certain someone who skips classes to explore the wild. his abra will teleport you back on campus whenever you try to ditch. the one day you venture farther, a very strong pokemon has you running for your life. abra has the ability to sense danger so you manage to return safely, but not safe from his disappointment. 
major concerns of newbies are what type of supplies to stock up on and how to train pokemon teams efficiently. your problem is money, due to spending too much and losing too much against people. umemiya is an expert in said concerns, but his togekiss handles his budget to curb his spending impulses. for someone who advertised himself as dependable, you definitely can’t depend on him for monetary matters. even togekiss judges him for buying fake plants for his fake garden. 
the academy is a scary place. there are strong and promising trainers in the making, and a tournament is a great start to see what they’re worth. competition drives everyone nuts, tailing down anyone such as yourself in their line of sight to battle. hiragi shoos them away, swearing he’ll be like his annihilape if they keep this up. he mistakes you as one with the crowd because you’re staring at him for so long, his pokemon readies its rage fist to send you flying, stressing him out even more.
as the end of the school term draws near, students become anxious. fear not, tsubaki knows how to turn the doom and gloom around - throwing a party. their checklist becomes so long they need a helping hand. their gardevoir chooses you through its future sight, determining that you’re good luck. while shopping with your upperclassman, there’s an ongoing sale for clothes they’ve been waiting for since forever. they’re so excited that they drag you along and practically buy out the whole boutique.
𝄞༉‧₊˚. KAJI REN
the stock of candies at the campus store is somehow almost empty every time you check it out. a salesclerk then tells you that they never heard of a luxio with a sweet tooth. the pokemon belongs to a student who wears headphones and a lollipop in his mouth, kaji. you and your partner look at each other with the same plan: ditch class to buy out the entire candy section before those two can. you and him grab a candy bag in sync, but luxio electrocutes you as he and your pokemon stare in shock.
photography in the wilderness for a project is, in reality, easier said than done. your pictures come out blurry as many wild pokemon have tried to break your phone. just as things can’t get any worse, you get whacked by an ambipom from its double hit. your hands feel light, and you look at it with your device. its trainer tomiyama proposes to retake your photos as compensation. but instead of you in there, the entire gallery is full of his selfies. seems like this project will take forever to finish.
𝄞༉‧₊˚. TOGAME JO
you can’t afford to be late for school… again. rushing to campus on your bike, you almost crash into a dozing snorlax that is blocking your usual route. you and your pokemon have done what you can to wake it up, and it turns into a stream of light which went inside a pokeball belonging to an upperclassman. togame was napping at the side of the road, and now he is late going to school like you are. as he’s about to ask you for a ride, you completely vanish, pedaling furiously like your life depends on it.
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voidcat · 2 months
leaning in for a peck on the lips and telling your windbreaker darling they're so sweet they give you toothaches... only to be hit by a real toothache hours later
#i think umemiya would be worried bc you overexaggerate the pain with theatrics + same for tsubaki.#hiragi more worried and concerned than you are...panic all around and asking around for a someone's relative dentist to go to quickly#togame and suo just tease you back... you are suffering the consequences of the hell you had crafted (they'll bring a painkiller later they#cannot bare to see you hurt and wringling in pain when it goes for too long. kiryu on the same list but his resolve not as strong as them)#sakura and nieri have no idea what the fuck theyre supposed to do.... nieri acts a bit faster and contacts someone for help probably but +#poor sakura issoooo clueless he is like a deer in headlights.#choji probs: dgaf mode. didnt think you were that serious. has the GUTS to ask you to have some ice cream with him and youre just:+#bffr rn im SUFFERING. (he'll probs ask kame-chan for help later on when your pouty state goes on for too long...)#kaji also in more of a dgaf mode but taking it chill and easy. tells you once (a little harshly) to cut it and calm down. then makes some +#calls (ie: gets one of his advisors to set up a dentists appointment.) then shoves a bottle of water and a painkiller into your hands and a#little ruffle of your hair maybe... there's no way he is inexperienced in this department with his trackrecord of candies... he WILL+#scold you the entire way to the dentist's tho about your eating habits and whatnot and see? this is divine punishment for that awful joke +#you dared make the other day...#SORYR IM UNSURE HOW WELL I NAILED THESE SO I WROT THESE IN THE TAGS I CAN MAKE IT AN ACTUAL POST. my teeth hurt.. T-T#wind breaker#wind breaker x reader
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totallybakedcake · 2 months
𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
Love at first sweet
In their care
Oh so sweet ( Coming soon)
In their care ( Coming soon)
Love nights
I know I know there are almost no fics and almost everything is coming soon but I have started on it I just need time okay. Please be patient with me. Also, do let me know should I use these different texts or they are bad or useless.
Have a great day!
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私たちはどうかしている - Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru
"I won't see you anymore."
"Don't cry. Or I won't be able to leave."
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hayatoseyepatch · 2 months
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Description: Smitten. We don’t always get to choose who our hearts call for. Just a collection of some of the wb characters who have a crush on their friend’s partner.  Charcters: Akihiko Nirei, Yamato Endo, & Haruka Sakura (feat. Chika Takiishi & Hayato Suo) Word Count:1.7k
Contains: Fem!Reader x Multiple Charcters. Smut and a bit of angst if you squint.
Content Warnings: voyeurism, threesome, panty stealing, degradation, praise, masturbating, p in v, hair pulling, slight dubcon, exhibitionism, dacryphilia, sharing.
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Author's Note: WE’RE SO BACK!! Sorry I’ve been like mia, I had such an intense bout of writer's block, I thought it was going to be the end of me, truly. Thank you for being so patient with me. As always I hope you enjoy!
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Nirei knew it was wrong, he knew it was. But that didn’t stop him from letting your name slip past his lips, the sound of it muffled by the fabric he had pressed to his nose. His eyes closed tight as he desperately fucked his fist, hips rutting up off the mattress wishing desperately that it was your soft velvety walls wrapped around his cock instead. From the moment the blonde had first laid his eyes on you he was smitten. His heart hammered in his chest from the moment, all those years ago, when you had first strolled into that classroom at Bofurin. The sound of your laugh is soft as a melody, your voice as sweet as honey. He was entranced by you.
He had gotten a new notebook after you first met. Fully intending to fill its pages with every single detail about you. He wanted to know it all, wanted to fill the notebook with the story of your lives. However, as time passed, it was impossible for him (or anyone else for that matter) not to notice the longing gazes you sent toward Sakura. The way your smiles were always the softest, the most genuine when being directed towards him. The way your flushed cheeks matched his own whenever near the other. The way you both looked at each other when you both thought no one else was watching. So it was with a heavy heart that he agreed when Sakura had come to him, asking him for his assistance in winning you over. He did promise he’d help him make it to the top, after all. Nirei wanted nothing more than to keep that smile on your face, even if it wasn’t directed at him.
That was years ago, but his yearning for you never stopped, so here he was a pair of your stolen panties gripped tightly in his fist as he inhaled your scent. The closest he would ever be to having the taste of your sweet pussy would be his tongue slipping from his mouth as he licked a fat stripe up the center of the soiled garment. His thumb brushes the sensitive underside of his cock’s tip, collecting the precum that had dribbled over, using it as makeshift lube. He imagined the way you would sound, having committed to memory the way your voice sounded saying his name. Enough that he could almost picture what you would sound like beneath him. How beautiful you would look, hair tousled as he rammed his hips desperately, aiming to hit the deepest parts inside you.
“Fuck.. Fuck..” He whimpered the familiar coil building in his stomach. Pushing the fabric past his lips was what sent him over the edge, crying out your name around the material as he paints his hand and stomach with his own cum. Lying there, catching his breath, knowing that the next day he’ll overhear you talking to Kotoha and Tsubaki about having another pair going missing. Never knowing full well it was him who had snuck them into his pocket on his last sleepover at you and Sakura’s shared apartment.
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“Stay still.” The words are accentuated with a harsh slap to your inner thigh, cutting off the attempts to give yourself some modesty from the piercing blue eyes locked on your form in the corner of the room. You were spread wide on Chika’s lap, him buried in your depths, the head of his cock kissing your cervix in a way that made tears well up in your eyes. That coupled with the humiliation of being entirely bare spread open for his friend’s hungry gaze. “You're already crying?” Chika tsks, his monotone voice sending a shiver down your spine. “I’ve barely even touched you yet, all you did was take me inside.” He lures you into almost a false sense of comfort as he tucks your hair behind your ear. But you knew better. Nothing about Chika was comforting, especially not when he was punishing you and Endo. Especially not when his lips pressed to your ear, words dripping venom as he spoke. “Such a fragile thing you are. I wouldn’t want to break my favorite toy and have to find a new one.”
He knew exactly what he was doing, the thought of him replacing you sends a shock of fear coursing through your system. Now with a new sense of determination, you begin to move. Planting your hands on his thighs as leverage to start bouncing on his cock, a crude squelching noise filling the room from your wetness. You throw your head back, resting it on his shoulder as you move. You could barely hear rustling in the corner, far too lost in the feeling of Chika stretching you so deliciously. Endo watched the scene unfolding before him, cock painfully hard, trapped within the confines of his tight jeans. Unable to do anything due to the restraints that locked his wrists to the chair he was sat on in the corner of the room. 
He was salivating, the way your body moved on top if his best friend, watching the way your cunt swallowed him whole, the bounce of your tits as you rode him with reckless abandon had him thrashing in his confines. He was desperate to feel you, fuck, he’d even accept being able to jerk his cock as he watched the two of you. Chika had been less than satisfied to hear of Endo’s infatuation with you, seeing the way he looked at you. Eyes devouring your frame, lidded and full of lust. Knowing his head was filled with endless fantasies of what he would do to you if given the opportunity. He needed to teach him his place once more it seemed. So he had invited him over, an offer the other man jumped at immediately. Only to find himself in his current predicament. Arms and legs restrained as he was forced to watch the two of you fuck. 
Chika gripped a fistful of your hair, forcing your head up off his shoulder. Making you lock eyes with Endo once more. His grip is hard words whispered harshly in your ear. “Don't take your eyes off him, I want him to see the look in your eyes when I paint your cervix with my cum.” Locking eyes with Endo through the locks of your hair. “And if he manages to behave himself I might just let him clean up your filthy cunt once I’ve had my fill.”
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Your cries come out muffled by the palm of your hand, eyes blurry from unshed tears, trying desperately to keep your voice down so as not to get caught. “Aww, what’s the matter baby?” Suo coos, never once stalling in the slam of his hips. Looking more amused than even remotely affected by the feeling of your walls spasming on his cock. His hips never falter sending you backward with every thrust, hands gripping to the edges of the desk he was fucking you on in the empty room. Muffled sounds of the party you had both thrown filled your ears, a reminder that you both were not alone.
“Trying so hard to muffle those sounds, you’re so cute, baby. Don’t want anyone to hear how good I'm making you feel, hm?” He grins, pressing the pad of his thumb into your clit, rubbing tight circles that have your eyes crossing. He looks down at your fucked out expression, your pathetic attempt at silencing the sounds spilling from your lips failing miserably. He looks to the side, a mischievous grin overtaking his face. He grips your wrist, pulling it away from your mouth and pinning it beside your head. Before you could protest, his lips captured yours in a heated kiss. His tongue overtakes your mouth with ease, the movements of his hips slowing just a bit. A narrowed eye locked with the gap in the door, never ceasing the searing kiss even for a moment. When he finally pulls from you, the string of saliva connecting your lips snaps when he moves to press his lips to your ear. “But I think it's much too late for that, kitten.”
You and Sakura both freeze at the same time, bodies going rigid in shock. Suo halts every movement of his hips, cooing softly when you whine at the pleasure halting all at once. Turning to the door once more. “You know, Sakura, it's awfully rude to lurk in doorways.” He grins, relishing in the cry you let out when he lets out a harsh snap of his hips. “So are you going to stand there all day or are you going to come in and join us?”
Sakura had always thought you were beautiful. His eyes found themselves transfixed on your plump lips whenever you spoke to him, imagining how soft they would feel against his own. More times than he cared to admit had he thought of how you would look beneath him, plush thighs gripped by his calloused fingertips as his cock reaches the deepest parts of you. Those same lips crying out his name as he fucked you. So Suo was fully aware he would not pass up the opportunity to bring those fantasies to life. He was frustratingly perceptive, Sakura was sure he had noticed the longing looks he had sent your way. The longing looks, the lingering touches. He was sure he saw it all. 
It wasn't long before you were experiencing it for yourself. Sakura’s thick cock felt like it would split you open, the stretch having your back arching off the hard wooden surface of the desk. Suo’s teasing tone meets your ears. “Well, aren't you being well-behaved, such a good girl for Sakura aren't you kitten?” This spurs Sakura on, head bowing to take a perked nipple into his mouth, biting harshly, soothing it with a fat stripe of his tongue. Grinning against your skin, pushing himself upright, opening his mouth letting a glob of saliva roll off his tongue. Watching as it drips onto Suo’s cock, adding additional lubricant to ease the descent of his cock into the depths of your throat. A harsh slap to your ass echoes through the room, sure to leave a mark in its wake.
“So fucking good.’ His words come out in a growl, losing himself in the pleasure of your velvety walls. “Feels too fucking good baby girl. You keep clamping down on my cock.” he groans. “Keep sucking me in, I could fuck you for days princess. Could never get over how good this pussy feels wrapped around my cock.” As Sakura’s eyes meet yours, looking at your fucked out expression beneath him, all he could think of was how beautiful you were.  
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Dividers by saradika-graphics. Writing & character banners by me. Special thanks to @eevees-hobbies for your suggestions/contributions. And just for putting up with me while this fic almost swallowed me whole.
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kingkatsuki · 4 months
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— miscommunication
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Based on this silly little post I made here. With inspiration from @/oooohno💕 basically Sakura can’t fathom anyone could ever like him like that.
Pairing: Sakura Haruka x f!reader.
Warnings: none, a little angsty, Sakura is bad at feelings.
Word Count: 2.9k.
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You always feared getting your heart broken someday, you just hadn’t imagined it would happen like this. Sakura had always been kind to you, ever since you’d been introduced to him through Tsubakino. It was one of the many reasons why you found yourself falling for him. It had been impossible not to, and you’d spent the majority of the time working up the courage to finally ask him out. Convinced by the fact that Tsubaki had guaranteed he would say yes.
“He’d be a fool not to like you,” He said, glancing at you through his reflection in the small compact he carried with him. Giving you a reassuring wink as he applied a fresh layer of engine red lipstick, “You won’t know unless you try.”
But maybe you were the biggest fool of all because you definitely hadn’t expected Sakura Haruka to leave you standing alone in the middle of the park wearing a pretty sundress. An excruciating pain ruminated beneath your ribcage as you tried to fight back the ache of rejection.
The first step had been the most difficult— working up the courage to ask for his number. It seemed awkward to ask for it straight up, but you also didn’t want to just get it off Tsubaki in case it crossed any unspoken boundaries. So you decided it might be easier to give him yours, writing it down onto a napkin from Kotoha’s restaurant one morning while you waited for her to pour your coffee. Before slowly sliding it across the bar to Sakura, who was shovelling omelette rice into his mouth. His pink cheeks bulged with food as he skimmed the note, looking up at you with a frown.
“If you don’t want to, it’s okay.” You smiled softly as you thanked Kotoha for the coffee, walking out through the door into the warm morning sun.
If he didn’t want to what? Sakura thought to himself as he scanned your number on the white napkin. Why did you give him your cell phone number? Sakura pondered the reasons as he continued to shovel the warm egg omelette rice into his mouth. You could want to hang out as friends, but you’d never showed any indication of wanting to do so prior. Or perhaps you were looking for protection, although that didn’t make sense when you were so close to Tsubaki who was a force to be reckoned with alone.
You didn’t need protection— so what if you’d given him your number so you could fight? It made the most sense to Sakura. It had to be why you stared at him each morning when you came in for your coffee, almost as if you were sizing him up with expectation, and today was the day you’d decided to extend the invitation. He waited until he’d finished his plate before fishing his cell phone out of his pocket to send you a text message.
Even after Kiryu had added Sakura to a Furin group chat all those years ago, Sakura was never the best at texting. He tests the words against the screen as he debates how to properly respond. Backspacing until he finally settles on a simple, yet concise answer and he hits send.
Sakura[9.49AM]: I want to.
He wasn’t entirely sure what he was agreeing to, but it had to be some sort of fight. He’d never trained with you before, so it couldn’t be that. And if you were friends with Tsubaki-chan, perhaps you enjoyed fighting too.
You[9.53AM]: hi! I’m glad you texted, I wasn’t sure if you actually wanted to go or not but I’m glad you do!!! Honestly, it’s made my day :)
Sakura reread the text twice, just to make sure he understood what you meant. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to go— so you were looking for a fight.
Sakura[9.55AM]: When?
He texts back, glancing at the screen as he notices the three little dots appear at the bottom to signal you are typing back.
You[9.57AM]: Meet me in the park by the swings at 7pm :)
Sakura read the text three times with a frown— 7pm. So you really did want to fight him? That would surely be the only reason you wanted to meet so late.
It felt like a shame to fight you, especially when your face is so pretty. Sakura feels his cheeks flush at the thought as he pictures that same sweet smile you give him each day when he sees you enter the restaurant to order your usual coffee to go, while he tries to hide his face in his omelette rice.
But you’re best friends with Tsubaki-chan so you must be strong, and maybe that’s the reason why you’ve chosen to fight him. And he’s never one to back down, and you’ve set the stage now so he has no choice but to agree. Sending back a single word as his fingers glide across his phone screen.
Sakura[10.00AM]: Yes.
Sakura isn’t sure how he’s supposed to prepare for this, or if he even needs to. He’s never seen you fight before, although he’s certainly seen you mad. Your soft hands balled into tight fists as you warned off a guy for getting a little too close, so close in fact that even Sakura was decidedly about to jump in— until you managed to get him to back off and leave.
Okay, maybe you were strong—
He doesn’t know anything about your fighting technique, or the way you hold yourself. Wondering whether you have a similar style to Tsubaki, and that’s why you’re so close? But he’s friends with Suo and Nirei and they don’t fight like him, so maybe that doesn’t make sense, he frowns. He’s known you for a while, and this is the first time you’ve shown any indication you want to fight, so now he’s started to overthink everything. Contemplating how he’ll be able to get the upper hand— or what spoils will be offered to the victor?
He makes sure he’s early, arriving at the park ten minutes before your scheduled fight with his hands bundled into fists inside his jacket pockets. But he’s surprised to see you already there and waiting, his roaring heartbeat catches in his throat at the sight of you as he almost forgets to breathe—
You’re sitting there waiting wearing the prettiest dress Sakura thinks he’s ever seen. A flowy sundress that hugs your curves in all the right places, embarrassed when his eyes are instantly drawn to the cleavage that spills out of the top. Your bare skin has a dull throb pounding at the back of his head as though he’d just been sucker punched as he wonders whether he’s still standing or how you’re this strong.
The moment he first saw you, he remembers a word that Suo had taught him to describe things like this— and he reckons that’s exactly what you are. Ethereal.
His cheeks burn a fiery red as he risks a glance further down, the soft material of the dress stops just above your knee as he follows the path of your legs to see your feet encased in pretty wedge sandals that strap around your ankles. There was no way you’d come to fight like this— in fact, he couldn’t fight you like this, could he?
“Hey.” You notice him staring as you stand up to walk towards him, and Sakura is certain that he won’t be able to land a single hit when the scent of your perfume surrounds him.
“W-what are you wearing?!” He shouts, despite the fact you’ve come to stand in front of him and it takes you aback.
The same insecurities begin to shroud you as they did when you were preparing to meet him. Standing in front of your full-length mirror as you tried on various outfits until you came to settle on this one, almost deciding against it at the last minute before you checked the time and noticed if you didn’t leave you might be late.
“Oh— you don’t like it, do you?” You fiddled with the strings at the front of the dress that were tied into a pretty, thin bow. Sakura’s eyes couldn’t look away as they followed the movement, noticing your pretty painted nails before he found himself staring at the hint of skin that peeked out of the top of the dress, “I knew I should’ve worn the other dress, it’s not quite as light as this one. God, I feel stupid.”
One of the thin straps was dangerously close to falling down your shoulder, and now Sakura wasn’t even sure he’d be able to land a single punch. This had to be some kind of distraction technique.
“You can’t fight in that!” Sakura raises his arm in an accusatory point, trying to stop himself from shaking and showing any signs of fear as he tries desperately to tame the fierce blush that streaked across the apples of his cheeks.
“I can’t fight in this?” Sakura despised how adorable you looked when you cocked your head to the side with your words, his heart banging like a marching band as he thought about his initial statement— maybe he was foolish for thinking you couldn’t fight in this.
When he’d watched Tsubaki fight, he’d always notice men that would get distracted from his short skirts and heeled boots— was this what you were trying to do to him now? Was this your plan all along?
“It’s—” He tries to get the words out, but it’s difficult when you look so cute, “It’s not— it isn’t—”
“It isn’t what?” You take a small step closer and the sudden movement had his fight or flight instinct kicking in as Sakura turned to run. Escaping in a hasty sprint as he left you standing alone in the park, the sun slowly falling over the horizon.
You try to ignore the ache in your chest when Sakura turns to run, wondering why he’d even bother to show up at all when he was going to reject you anyway. But then you suppose that’s one of the reasons why you even like him in the first place— he’s way too thoughtful and considerate of others. That’s probably why he didn’t want to reject you over text, and he’d come to tell you face to face.
Trying to stop the tears from falling as pearlescent droplets collect in your thick lashes to blur your vision, blinking them back you pull out your phone to rest Tsubaki. The first text sitting at the top of your phone is still your message chain with Sakura as you reread the “Yes” he’d sent you hours earlier. You were so stupid.
It’s the first fight Sakura has ever run from in his twenty-two years, and he hates himself for it. Hates that you managed to win on pure tactics alone as he makes his way back to the restaurant to find his friends.
His chest is heaving when he finally makes it through the door, knocking the wood so hard it almost flies off its hinges as wild eyes search for his friends. Thankful they seem to be the only people inside as he makes a beeline for them, his two-toned hair now windswept and pushed back from his forehead as it sticks up in all directions.
“You’re back quick?” Kiryu notes, his thumb pauses on his screen to take note of Sakura’s dishevelled appearance.
“Did she stand you up?” Nirei asks, concerned.
“No.” Sakura deadpans, still standing by the table despite there being a free seat in front of him as he leans his weight on the balls of his feet.
“You stood her up?” Kiryu locks his phone and places it down on the table as he raises a questioning brow, “That’s really not how to treat a girl, Sakura. I thought you—”
“I went there!” Sakura shouts, louder than necessary inside the small cafe as his hands ball into fists on either side of him.
“What happened?” Suo asks calmly, trying to diffuse the situation, but there’s a curious lilt to his tone.
“S-she was there.” Sakura tries to work out how to explain what happened, as his nose scrunches pensively.
“Okay? So that’s good, right?” Nirei smiles.
“She was wearing a dress!” Sakura is loud, immediately regretting his volume as the heat rising inside his body starts to become uncomfortable. Slouching down to sit beside Suo as he mumbles, “You can’t fight in a dress—”
“Girls can fight in anything,” Kiryu smiles, as Sakura looks across the table at him. So you did want to fight? “But I don’t think that’s what she had in mind.”
Oh. So if you didn’t want to fight him, then what else did you want?
“Well, where is she now?” Suo questioned, and Sakura answered for him with a sheepish look paired with a deep pink blush all the way down to his shoulders, “You left her in the park?”
“Wait— on her own?” Nirei continued, “Why would you do that?”
And somehow it sounded worse when his best friend put it like that. Sakura hadn’t left you alone, or at least he hadn’t meant to. You were there alone before he’d even got there, almost like he’d just stopped in passing. You were fine—
“She was wearing a dress!” Sakura repeated with an angry rasp to his tone.
“Sakura, you messed up.” Kiryu starts laughing playfully, shaking his head, “You’re gonna have her and Tsubaki-chan mad at you now. I can’t believe you did that to her— the poor girl.“
“What?!” Sakura baulks, “But she’s the one that text me!”
Sakura never wanted to fight you, why would he? You were far too pretty— too delicate to be subjected to that. He didn’t want to think about you fighting anyone, the thought alone had that same strange feeling bubbling in his tummy as he pictured you coming out of the fight hurt. That same seated desire inside him burning red hot at the thought— Sakura is certain he’d fight to the death to protect every single inch of you, to stop any harm from coming to you.
“What do you think it means when a girl gives you her number?” Sakura sat back beside Suo as he pondered the question.
The only phone number he had stored in his phone outside Bofurin friends and Togame from Shishitoren was Kotoha, and that was because she’d grabbed his phone the same day he’d given it to Kiryu. But Sakura didn’t mind so much because she always brought him food. But he didn’t think that’s why you’d given your number to him, was it?
“Iunno.” He mumbled gruffly, his lips curling into a pout, “That she wants to fight.”
Tsubaki-chan had texted him to spar all the time, it wouldn’t be weird to think you’d do the same.
Kiryu shot Suo a look as he gave his friend a soft smile, before trying a different approach. It was clear after knowing him for so many years, that Sakura was inexperienced in things outside the reemits of fighting.
“Have you never found a girl pretty before, Sakura-kun?” Suo asks,
“Shaddup!” Sakura snaps swiftly, already feeling a dangerous heat rise inside him— but it’s at that same moment where he really ponders the question.
Kotoha is pretty, he supposes. Thinking back to the first time he met her when she offered him a warm plate of food with a kind smile, remembering the heat that plumed inside him that followed her kindness as Sakura found himself coming back to her.
Sakura is certain he thinks Tsubaki is pretty too, although none of them seem to compare to how he feels about you. The incessant pounding of his heart against his rib cage at the mere thought of you, your saccharine perfume makes him feel dizzy and yet he hates when you’re not around so he has to remember the way it smells. The sound of your laughter causes more than just a subtle warmth inside him like Kotoha, it's more like a blazing inferno that courses through his veins like molten lava that’s impossible to extinguish. And the way you manage to fluster him without even being there— he’s constantly thinking about your face before he falls into a dreamless sleep, and waking up to wonder what you’re doing right now.
Tsubaki would probably think he’s foolish for thinking you couldn’t fight in a pretty sundress with sandals when he fights in a skirt and heels all the time. Maybe it would give you some kind of advantage, a way to get the upper hand. The sandals wedge gave you a slight height advantage sure, but would that be enough to beat him?
“Are you listening, Sakura?”
“Yeah.” He pushes his chair out with a harsh screech against the hardwood floor as he moves to leave, frantic in his search for you as he hopes you’re still standing where he left you.
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schrodingers-romy · 3 months
Cute Aggression [Sakura Haruka x Reader]
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Pairings: Sakura Haruka x GN!Reader Word Count: ~1200 [Ao3 Link]
Summary: Your boyfriend is so cute you just want to bite him (and you do).
Warnings: Biting (duh), tiniest bit of suggestiveness at the end, written with aged up to adult Sakura in mind but you go crazy go stupid ig, anime watcher safe (one mention of a manga character but no spoilers), i think that's all???
Notes: Minimally edited so forgive me pls. Born of my desire to bite sakura bc he is sooo cute. here you go wind breaker fandom <3 anyway maybe if I get inspired I'll continue this. who knows.
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Dating Sakura Haruka was like a dream come true for you. Finally, you were able to lavish him with the affection you were constantly holding back before in fear of revealing your feelings (and possibly ruining your friendship with him). Every time you held his hand, or ran a hand through his hair, or pressed a quick kiss to his lips, you felt a soft warmth flush through you. And, in complete contrast to how he acted years ago when you first met him, he no longer hissed and spat like a feral cat when any sort of kindness was shown to him. Now, though he still huffed and blushed at physical contact, he also reveled in it. Haruka leaned into every single one of your affections, even if they embarrassed him; and, in private, he would return them in his own shy way.
In short, you had grown comfortable expressing your adoration for him through physical touches, which is why you felt comfortable enough to do what you were about to do without thinking anything of it.
Haruka, though he was a bit dense, was well aware of how much he blushed. As much as it annoyed the shit out of him, he could never control the way he quickly turned from pale to pink to red at any nicety. Even though years around Furin and the affectionate weirdos who were a part of it, he would still flush often. It became worse again once he started dating you.
He couldn’t admit it (especially to the likes of Suo and Umemiya…nosy bastards…) but he adored when you were sweet with him. Before the two of you got together, you were always nice to him, complimenting him on everything from his fighting to his eyes to his kindness. But it was like the floodgates had opened after he confessed to you; now you expressed your love through both touch and words (a dangerous combination for Haruka’s heart). He liked that you were so comfortable touching him, even when he struggled to return the same actions expect in private. He liked it when you hugged him and kissed him and treated him like something precious. He avoided dwelling on his past as much as possible, but he couldn’t help but remember how a few years ago he could not have even fathomed being loved at all, much less in the all-encompassing way you loved him.
You were absolutely perfect to him, and you had given him the gift of falling in love and having that love reciprocated. That being said, sometimes you were fucking weird.
The two of you were snuggling on the couch, and you were stroking his hair and telling him how pretty he looked when he was relaxed. Haruka was slowly turning the shade of Kiryu’s hair, even as he melted into the scratch of your fingers against his scalp.
And then you leaned forward, and his eyes fluttered shut, anticipating a kiss. Instead of the soft feeling of your lips, however, he felt something sharp clamp down on one of his pink cheeks.
There were plenty of times when you looked at your boyfriend and thought “wow, he’s cute enough to eat.” The urge to take a bite out of Haruka ebbed and flowed like the tide; but it had reached dangerous flood levels since you started dating. According to Tsubaki, this was because of ‘cuteness aggression’, the same feeling that made you want to squish adorable baby animals like they were stress balls.
You never thought you’d act on the desire, but you had clearly gotten too used to inflicting upon Haruka your devotion through touch; therefore, you did not think this through.
He just looked so pretty sitting there, leaning his head into your hand, so relaxed he was almost purring with contentedness. His rosy face reminded you of his namesake, and the only coherent thought you had was “his cheeks look like sakura mochi” before you were leaning in.
The gentle clamp of your teeth over his soft flesh was just as satisfying as you dreamed, although you only got to experience it for a second before you let go at the screech your boyfriend let out. It took him a second to register what you did before he leapt away from the couch like a cat.
“THE HELL WAS THAT!?” Haruka yelped, scrubbing at the faint mark on his face with his hand. “ARE YOU A CANNIBAL OR SOMETHIN’?!”
You felt a surge of embarrassment, but luckily you were much better at hiding it than he was at hiding his. “No. That was just a love bite, baby.”
“A what?”
“A love bite! Because you were so cute it made me want to bite you. Affectionately.” You let a small wince surface on your face, despite your confident tone.
He squinted at you, confused. You could almost see the gears turning in his head, as if he was trying to remember if this was normal or not. “I don’t get it,” he admitted, cautiously sitting back down next to you. You almost joked that you wouldn’t bite, as if you hadn’t proven that false just seconds before.
You moved his hand out of the way so you could rub your thumb over his abused cheek, before pressing a soft kiss to it. Haruka tensed up a little, but he let out a small sigh and collapsed when he felt your lips instead of your teeth.
You felt a little bit bad, even though you enjoyed getting your teeth on him immensely. “I shouldn’t have done it to you out of the blue like that. I’m sorry.”
“’S fine, I just don’t understand,” he said gruffly.
“It’s called cuteness aggression…you know when something is so cute you just want to squeeze it or bite it or something like that?”
Haruka still seemed confused, but he gave a slow nod.
“That’s what I feel about you sometimes. I just like you so much I want to bite you. You’re sweet enough to eat, Haruka,” you murmured, punctuating it with a small kiss to the tip of his nose.
He made a sort of unintelligible sound, flushing again. After you gave him a minute to reboot, he said, “Well…I didn’t hate it, y’know. Ya just startled me, ‘s all…” he trailed off, avoiding meeting your eyes.
You recognized this behavior, and it made your eyes light up. “Awww, did you like it?”
“Shut up!” he squawked. A pause. Then, in a quieter voice, “I dunno. It was too fast, jus’ startled me. Didn’t even really know what was happenin’.”
“Want me to bite you again?”
He turned away. “Do whatever you want.” Tellingly, however, he had twisted in a way so that his cheek and his neck were fully exposed to you.
“Okay,” you said softly. “I’m going to bite you again. Tell me if you like it or not, okay?”
This time, when you leaned in, you bit into the long, creamy stretch of his exposed neck. It felt different than his cheek did under your teeth, but it felt just as good, if not better.
Haruka stiffened for a second, like a scared prey animal in the maw of a predator, before he shuddered and went limp with a small whine.  
You released him after a few seconds, and admired the red mark left behind. You met your boyfriend’s gaze, taking in his glazed eyes and slightly open mouth.
“Yeah, I think I like it,” he whispered.
When you smiled, his eyes were drawn to your teeth.
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vinomino · 3 months
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Helping Hand
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cont. part 1 → here
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Featuring: Kiryu Mitsuki, Suo Hayato, Sakura Haruka x f!reader, Umemiya x f!reader
Warnings: mdni 18+, infidelity, oralf!receiving, semi-public sex, threesome, creampie, sexting
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Sitting at Pothos with some of the others as Kiryu starts talking about a game you particularly liked. “Really?! You play that too?” You beamed, happy that you found someone to talk to about your hobby. Kiryu and you exchanged numbers before you left with Umemiya.
Umemiya was happy to see you getting along with his juniors, especially with someone who shared your interests. You bid farewell to him at your front door, giving him a goodbye kiss. You feel your phone vibrate when you stand on your tippy-toes. Laying down on the bed you open your messages to see a photo of Kiryu playing the latest version of the game. “Wanna play together?”
“Hmghh…I keep dying!” You pout and slump into the bean bag on the floor of his room. Kiryu chuckles at you. “Want some help~?” Nodding you try to hand him the controller. “No, keep playing…” Tilting your head in confusion, “K–Kiryu!? What are you–” You stare wide-eyed at the pink haired man who pressed your thighs apart and to your chest. “Shhh…pretty thing, just keep playing.” He softly coos at you.
The screen displays another “You Died”, how were you supposed to focus on anything other than the sloppy sounds of Kiryu’s tongue against your cunt. Kiryu had his eyes on you when he first saw you, he didn’t give a damn if you were his senpai’s girl. He just had to be patient and play his cards right for you to fall into his grasp.
A harsh suck on your clit has a mewl ripping out of you and the controller falling to the floor. You tug as his pink locks, making the hairpins fall out. He lets out a giggle against your hole as you grind on his face. “Kiryu– gonna cum!” You squeak when he shoves two fingers into you, curling them. It didn’t take long for him to have you gushing all over his face.
Kiryu pulls back, his chin glistening from your slick, “Hehe, you squirted.” He looks at you fondly while patting your head.
“Aw, you failed the level.”
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Tsubaki invited you to a bar to watch another one of his performances. What you didn’t expect was to also see Sakura, Nirei, and Suo. You wave to them while chatting to Seiryu and Uryu, well mostly Seiryu.
Humming while washing your hands in the bathroom, you hear someone else come in. “Suo?” You say catching sight of the eyepatch in the mirror. “Do you need something?” He simply smiles and tilts his head. “Why’d you cancel our plans yesterday?” You feel a cold chill run down your spine when he pins you against the wall. “I was busy…”
“With Umemiya-san…or another guy? Hmmm?” He grabs your chin to tilt your head up at him. You couldn’t gauge his emotion with him wearing his usual smile. Suo presses his body against yours, his tassel earrings swinging slowly.
“Maybe I should ask this instead…Who had you last?” You give him a wry smile, “I don’t know what you mean–” Squealing when he pinches your clothed clit. He chuckles, “I wonder if Umemiya-san knows what you’ve been up to…” His maroon eyes drilling holes into your head. Instead of worrying about your boyfriend, you're wishing he would just take you right here.
“A-Are you going to tell him?” Bringing your hand up to the back of his neck to pull him down. Suo rests his forehead against yours and gazes into your timid eyes, “Don’t back out now.” He grabs your wrist, leading you out.
Sakura now wonders what the hell he walked into. He noticed that both you and Suo were gone, maybe you went home, but why was Suo spending so long in the bathroom. Sakura checked both bathrooms which were empty. He decided Suo got tired and left, but as he walked back he passed by a private booth and swore he heard Suo’s voice.
What Sakura didn’t imagine was to see you in Suo’s lap, making out with each other. “S-Sakura?!” You scramble off Suo. The two-colored haired boy stood there in shock.
Weren’t you Umemiya’s girlfriend?
You grab Sakura’s arm before he could run off.
“Sakura-kun, why don’t you join us?” Suo muses. “W-Why the hell would I? This–This is wrong!” Sakura didn’t expect Suo to be the kind of guy to sleep with someone else’s girl. He tries to open the door to leave, but you wrap yourself around his arm. “Sakura! H-Hold on!”
Maybe, he wasn’t that different from Suo, feeling blood rush straight down when your breasts press against his arm. This was so wrong, it wasn’t right at all. Why was he so hard right now?
“Pretty girl, open your mouth for Sakura-kun.” Suo strokes your head as you take Sakura’s member into your mouth. The boy hisses above you when you do.
You reap what you sow. You're on all fours as Suo continues to plunge his cock into you, making you gag on Sakura whenever he hits your cervix. “S-Shit!” Sakura groans, pulling out your mouth, and painting your face white.
With your throat free, moans start bubbling out. Suo stills as he grabs you by the neck to pull you up, your face directly in front of the blushing boy, “Go on, kiss her.” Sakura pauses for a second before surging forward to kiss you. It was sloppy and you had to grab his collar to guide him.
The sight sends Suo over the edge as he shoots his cream inside your walls, painting it white, just like your face. You just pray no one questions why all three of you disappeared.
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Umemiya tending to his plants when you text him.
What are you doing :(
Attached was a picture of you on your back in some lace panties with your tank pulled up over your breasts. You giggle watching the text bubble keep disappearing.
[Ume] Omm
[Ume] Omw*
You had some time before he showed up at your house. So you decided to forward the image.
[Hiragi] When are you free?
[Kaji] come over
[Sugishita] (Read)
[Kiryu] [Pic] that got me hard <3
[Suo] Haha Sakura looks like he’s gonna pass out.
[Sakura] (Typing)
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hahalol I wanna be a dumb bimbo
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skyflyinginaction · 1 year
Clamp Art Style Analysis Masterpost
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Part 1: Creation Process and Materials
Part 2: Series styles and Compare and Contrast
Part 3: Examining Concept art: X/1999, RG Veda, Tsubasa reservoir chronicle
Part 4: Examining Concept art: xxxholic, Code Geass, Kabuki Bu
Part 5: Examining Concept art: Blood C
Part 6: Analyzing the art style
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oceaneyesinla · 1 month
Umemiya just lends himself so beautifully to my style of making characters all soft and squishy.
Umemiya x F!Reader
Divider by @/cafekitsune
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You've got open access to every part of Furin High, thanks to being best friends with the leader. You wander the corridors uninterrupted, greeting everyone you pass with a wave and a smile. At this point, you're an honorary member of Bofurin; spending one too many nights patching up the various injuries they all sustain while protecting the town and giving them a scolding every time.
There's only one place you can't seem to get anywhere near, and that's the little plastic greenhouse at the very end of the rooftop, past all of Ume's planters full of vegetables. You're up on the rooftop all the time; helping Ume with his plants, hoping your heart eyes aren't too obvious as you watch him ramble about the ideal fertilizer mix for his tomatoes. You hang out with the others up there too - gossiping with Tsubaki while you paint each other's nails, or convincing the boys to spar with you. It's a little cruel, but it's so funny when one of them underestimates you, or tries to go easy on you because you're a girl - only to get their ass handed to them.
That one little greenhouse, though, is locked down tighter than a bank vault. The boys have got a sixth sense for when you might be straying even a little too close for their liking. Some of them are more ... subtle in their distraction techniques than others. Kiryu and Suo especially have perfected the art of luring you away - engaging you in conversation so artfully that it's only an hour later that you realise you got a little too close to the greenhouse.
Sakura and Sugishita have never been within a mile of the concept of subtlety, but their efforts are so earnest you allow them to tug you away with muttered excuses of needing you elsewhere.
It seems to be some mutual agreement between every single member of Furin, and you have to admire their single-minded determination. You're not even mad; you figure Ume will tell you what's in there at some point. It's probably some kind of special turnip, or a new variety of lettuce that he's heard is particularly good for barbeques.
Ume <3 16:43: Meet me on the rooftop at 20:00 Ume <3 16:43: I'll walk you home after, don't worry
It's adorable that he still feels the need to clarify that, as if he ever does anything different. It's a routine, one you cherish. You hang out at the school or at Cafe Pothos, or at a local restaurant, then once you're done, he walks you back to your house; waiting patiently at the end of the path until you shut the front door behind you.
If you spend an hour and a half trying to decide on an outfit, that's between you and your mirror. You decide on something comfortable but cute; after all, you have no idea what Ume's planning. Some little part of you is hoping for something romantic, but you try to push it down - you've been friends with Ume for years, and he's never once treated you as anything other than a trusted friend.
The rooftop door pushes open with a familiar creak, and you stifle a laugh when Ume flinches, turning to you with wide eyes as if he wasn't waiting for someone to open the door.
You're surprised when his eyes trail over your outfit, and even more surprised when a pretty red flush paints across his cheeks. He looks more flustered than you've ever seen him, and for his sake, you choose not to mention it.
"Why did you want to meet me, Ume?"
He steps closer, seemingly recovered from his little fright even though that blush remains on his cheeks. He leans in and you hold your breath as his lips brush against the skin of your cheek. His smile as he pulls away is nothing short of gorgeous, and you can feel heat rising in your face as you stare up at him.
"You look beautiful." His boyish grin remains in place as he takes your hand, giving it a little squeeze as he leads you, "I've got something I want to show you."
You can practically see his tail wagging as you walk across the rooftop, and you already know where he's taking you. You can't help but tease him, "I finally get to see what's in the mystery greenhouse, huh?"
The look he shoots you is adorable; like a kid caught with their hand in a cookie jar, and you can't stop the giggle that escapes you, "Everyone here has been keeping me away from that thing for weeks, Hajime. I thought Sugishita-kun was going to carry me away from it."
Ume lets out a laugh of his own, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck, "I guess they figured out what I was planning."
You tug on his hand, soft smile slipping onto your face as you meet his eye and speak in a low voice, not wanting to disturb the atmosphere building between you, "Come on. I want to see."
When you stand in front of the greenhouse, small but well-constructed, he gestures for you to push aside the plastic flap over the door. You do so, and what greets you has tears welling in your eyes.
Your favourite flower. You remember lamenting to Ume, once, about the difficulty in cultivating the delicate yet beautiful plant, and the love you had for its rich colour and pretty leaves. Now it was right in front of you, and your best friend grew it just for you.
He's shuffling by your side when you turn to him, looking more nervous than he has all night, and your voice is a little rough when you speak, "You grew my favourite flower."
"I did."
"This must have taken so much effort."
"It was worth it to see you smile." His smile is stunning and lovesick and you can see your own heart eyes reflected right back at you and suddenly, you're struck with the realisation that maybe you haven't been pining alone all this time.
His hand comes up to cradle your cheek and in a whisper, he asks, "Can I kiss you?"
Your voice fails you, so you nod instead, letting your eyes flutter closed as he leans in, pressing his lips to yours. They're a little chapped, but you don't care. His other hand moves to rest on your waist, and yours cling to the fabric of his shirt. The kiss is short, but you still feel breathless when you pull apart; awestruck and overflowing with love.
He's staring down at you like you hung every star in the sky, and he looks just as giddy as you feel. He leans down to kiss your forehead, hands resting securely on your waist, "Does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?"
"Yeah, I'll be your girlfriend, Hajime."
His laughter is relieved as he rests his forehead against yours, "It would have been awkward if you said no after all that."
"You really put in all that effort just for me?" Your voice is soft, meant only for the space between the two of you.
"There's no just if it's you." You're not sure he even realises the impact his words are having; speaking as casually as he ever does as if he's not speaking love into the world with every word, "Plus, I've been trying to think of a way to ask you out for months. I wanted it to be perfect."
This man - you know you'll find new ways to fall in love with him every day, "It is perfect. I love you, Hajime."
Your murmured confession makes his breath hitch, and when you meet his eyes, they're sparkling like the stars in the night sky enveloping you both. He meets your proclamation with one of his own, hushed and adoring. He leans in to kiss you again, and you know that this is love.
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