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jbk405 · 8 months ago
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sockspock · 2 years ago
My uncle and I wanted a gif of this while we were watching TNG but couldn't find one so I took matters into my own hands.
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deepspacedukat · 1 year ago
Veiled Interludes
This is just a random plot bunny. I'll get back to my wips and requests after this, I promise. 💖 In the meantime, this is set way before ST:TNG S3E23 "Sarek" - maybe 4-5 years prior. Tbh, I didn't think it through that far. Blame "The Meeting on the Turret Stairs" for this, because although I've seen that painting many times, it gave me many intense feelings early yesterday morning.
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Sakkath (ST:TNG) x Reader
[A/N: This is just fluff. Allusions to intimacy, but nothing graphic or explicit.]
Warnings: Interspecies flirting, Human/Vulcan flirting, fluff, interspecies kissing, sneaky relationship, they're both v professional but also v in love, Sakkath drinks his respect women juice daily, idk man this just came to me.
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Sakkath's eyes found her immediately when he entered the conference room. He'd seen her so many times before during diplomatic functions or around their offices, and every time he couldn't help but marvel at her. Even from across the room, she was extraordinary - she always was, but tonight she was even more exceptional than usual. The way her dress dripped from her frame, modest and elegant in the traditional Vulcan style despite their current locale, filled his head with plentiful improper thoughts.
They'd known each other across a number of years thanks to their occupations. Where he was Ambassador Sarek's personal assistant, she was the same for Ambassador Lojal. Owing to their friendship, the two diplomats often worked closely, so their PA's naturally grew to know each other, as well. Sakkath had been intrigued by Lojal's assistant the moment he laid eyes on her, but even he didn't know what that curiosity would evolve into when he initially greeted her.
Outwardly, they were the picture of professionalism - a Vulcan and a Human who worked well together when their jobs required it - but those observations didn't begin to scratch the surface of the relationship that Sakkath and his Human counterpart had developed.
Even across the conference room when her eyes met his, Sakkath felt his inner beast perking up. They had seen each other only three days prior, but they'd barely had the chance to speak. Managing a single stolen ozh'esta, they'd been forced to part without so much as an inquiry into each other's health. Tonight, however, both the Ambassadors would be busy mingling, and the two assistants would be free to do as they pleased.
As soon as it was socially acceptable, he excused himself and slipped away from Ambassador Sarek's side. Glancing quickly over the crowd, he spotted her by one of the floor-to-ceiling windows looking out over the vastness of one of Earth's oceans. Snagging two drinks from a passing waiter, Sakkath made his way over to her, handing her the drink without a word and taking his place beside her like a silent sentinel.
That was what he'd been for her since shortly after their acquaintance began, after all. He noticed early on that she was so often spoken over or interrupted that she'd simply cease speaking or find reasons to extricate herself from conversations, especially at events like this. The first time, he'd thought it was a fluke - an accident perpetrated by those who were not paying enough attention to social cues to realize they'd been impolite - but as that occurrence repeated itself over and over, Sakkath grew increasingly troubled and protective over her.
She was intelligent and insightful. Could nobody but himself see that she would not have spoken if she hadn't something valuable to contribute? He wanted to take her into his arms and show her that she was not as invisible as perhaps she believed herself to be, but that would not have been proper in such a public setting.
Instead, Sakkath had followed her when she broke away from the group, standing silently by her side. All too often, she was forced to listen to others without being afforded the same courtesy in return. Thus, even when she looked curiously over at him that first night, he merely gave her a respectful nod of his head.
During subsequent encounters, he'd made certain to take up a position near her and keep her company, wanting to show her that he was not simply socializing with her in order to make her listen to him ramble. Once, he was even so bold as to call a Bolian ambassador out for speaking over her. The gruff diplomat had been irritated that a mere personal assistant would speak to him that way, but the beautiful blush that had colored his lady's cheeks had made his actions worth it. When they'd walked away to a quiet corner that night, she'd laid a hand carefully on the sleeve of his tunic and thanked him with an earnestness that almost alarmed him. Had nobody ever stood up for her before?
That had been the first night she'd spoken to him about anything outside of their work. It was also the first time that he'd stated outright that he enjoyed hearing her speak.
Their relationship had developed naturally over the months that passed, settling into a balanced, yet surreptitious set of romantic rendezvous ranging from the brief clasping of hands in back stairwells, to abbreviated embraces between meetings, to passionate, intimate assignations in empty conference rooms. He'd even been so bold as to don a hooded cape and visit her quarters when both their Ambassadors had been sent to the same set of negotiations a few months back.
Neither Sakkath nor his lover had ever once truly risked their positions by displaying their affections in public. Oh, it wasn't that their relationship would be forbidden - on the contrary, there were no regulations against interoffice romances - however, publicly unprofessional behavior was certainly grounds for disciplinary censure, and he would never risk sullying her reputation with his own indiscretions.
That was why tonight, though the beast of his emotions roared in his chest for him to tug her out of the room and utterly fuse his scent with hers, he refrained. Watching her take a sip from the glass he'd obtained for her instead, they looked out the window together at the rippling water.
"This is my first time on your planet in many years, t'sai. I find the view quite a bit more...stimulating than I did before," he said quietly, hoping that she knew - she had to know - that he wasn't referring exclusively to the starlight reflecting off the ocean's gently cresting waves. The soft, inconspicuous brush of her fingers against the back of his hand made his breath hitch.
"I'm glad you're enjoying your time here, osu," she said before lowering her voice to just above a whisper. "You look very distinguished tonight, Sakkath."
"I had hoped my choice of outfit would be aesthetically agreeable to you, ashaya, but you should know that you are infinitely more pleasing to look at," he replied brushing his hand against hers a bit more firmly. All of his emotions beat at the barrier of his control at once, and, taking a chance, he whispered the one thing he'd longed to since he entered the conference room. "You have stolen my logic from me. I wish nothing more fervently than to have you alone in my arms..."
He knew he shouldn't be speaking like this in public, even though he was being quiet enough that only she could hear him, but he could help it. Sakkath ached for her as he'd done for no one else. He knew that she'd never heard him be so open when they were anywhere other than safely tucked away in each others' arms.
"Sakkath?" She breathed, looking at him with wide eyes. "Are you alright?"
"No, I am not. I find myself...unsettled when I am away from you. Every moment we spend parted is...I can think of no descriptor more applicable than 'torture.' If you wish me to stop, to keep our relationship to our current parameters, then I shall silence myself," he promised. Sakkath hadn't planned to admit any of this today, but he meant it all the same. "However, you should know that there is no other who has laid claim to my heart as you have. I...wish to be yours. Entirely."
As he spoke, his heart hammered away in his side, and as he fell silent again, he looked over at the woman he loved. Foremost in his mind was the day prior to their first tryst.
Sakkath had been accompanying Ambassador Sarek to a turbolift in the embassy on Vulcan. As they approached, however, the door slid open to reveal Lojal and his own assistant. Her eyes met Sakkath's, and without so much as a word passing their lips, they each took up positions behind their superiors. As they passed each other, she silently caught his hand, but before she could let go, Sakkath lifted her wrist to his mouth, pressing a delicate, sensual kiss above her fluttering pulse.
She swore later that he'd looked as though he'd wanted to eat her, and he promised with every fiber of his being that if the Ambassadors had been absent, he would've knelt before her and done just that.
He felt the same hunger now, even as he awaited her decision.
"Sakkath..." she breathed, and heat rose to the Vulcan's cheeks as he realized the next words out of her mouth would either shatter his heart or make him whole for the first time in his life.
Ambassadors Sarek and Lojal spoke quietly from their place near the back of the room, trading stories and staunchly avoiding most of the more unpleasant diplomats for as long as they could. When a familiar pair by one of the large windows caught Sarek's eye, he pointed them out to his colleague.
"I believe he will ask her tonight," Lojal said to his friend, elevating his chin with a hint of pride. Sarek lifted an eyebrow and glanced at him, not with reproach but with curiosity. The two men had been watching their personal assistants dance around each other for so long, attempting to be discreet about their obviously growing romantic relationship. The pair had conducted this conversation many times, but it was usually Sarek who predicted the impending approach of the inevitable question, not Lojal.
"What makes you believe that tonight will be any different than the others?" Sarek had been married twice, both times to Human women. He knew their appeal and how easily they could drive even the most controlled Vulcan to madness, yet he could sense no noticeable increase in such madness in his assistant tonight. He had no reason to suspect that Sakkath was close to his breaking point, so why did Lojal sound so certain?
"It is logical," Lojal said almost smugly before taking a sip of water from his glass. At Sarek's bewildered expression, he explained himself further. "Observe the drink in his hand. Vulcan port. Normally, Sakkath is too professional to even consider imbibing at an official event, however, with such a task before him, he obviously wishes for some 'liquid courage' as the Humans would say. In addition, he has purchased a new tunic for tonight - note the slight stiffness in the fabric from its lack of wear. Even if he was not aware of the significance of his own choices, he is attempting to prove himself a worthy potential mate."
Sarek nodded his head quietly. That was all quite correct, and he had to admit that those observations were, in fact, logical.
"You are quite correct, however, that does not mean that she will accept his adva–" The Ambassador broke off when Lojal's assistant grabbed Sakkath's hand and led him through one of the doors at the side of the room with a shy, joyful smile on her lips. A vibrant green blush colored her companion's cheeks as he allowed himself to quite happily be led away into the moonlit garden maze. "...I stand corrected."
Lojal hummed quietly, and after a moment's lapsed silence, a thought occurred.
"Perhaps we should suggest that they both take some leave time," Sarek suggested, and Lojal nodded his head.
"I have already taken the liberty of offering my assistant leave. Logic would suggest that she will likely ask Sakkath to join her during their liaison tonight," the Ambassador murmured to Sarek.
"I will, then, anticipate Sakkath's absence," he muttered, but he stared pensively at the doorway through which they'd exited. "They seem well-suited. She will be patient with him."
"And he will be devoted to her," Lojal added setting his now-empty glass aside. "It seems as though we shall be feigning even more meetings, and you would be wise to prepare yourself for a few less-than-subtle questions about romantic relationships with Humans."
"Indeed. We will both be inconvenienced," Sarek murmured thoughtfully, "but such a love as theirs is worth the sacrifice."
Vulcan Words:
t'sai = my lady
osu = sir
ashaya = darling
ozh'esta = finger smooch
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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sakkathsuddi · 9 months ago
ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು ಮಹಾನಗರ ಪಾಲಿಕೆ (ಬಿಬಿಎಂಪಿ) ಅವಧಿ ಮುಕ್ತಾಯವಾಗಿ  3 ವರ್ಷವಾಗಿದೆ. ಆದರೆ, ರಾಜ್ಯ ಸರ್ಕಾರ ಈ ವರೆಗೆ ಮುಂದಿನ ಅವಧಿಗೆ...
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raurquiz · 10 months ago
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#otd #startrek #thenextgeneration #Sarek #picard #riker #troi #data #laforge #worf #drcrusher #wesleycrusher #obrian #perrin #kialoysiusmedrossen #sakkath #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus @SirPatStew
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startrekplotnthemes · 2 years ago
S3 Episode 23 Sarek
This episode is a call back to the original series when Sarek shows up on the Enterprise serving as the ambassador for the Legarans. Yet Sarek is not what he once was, needing plenty of rest and relying on Sakkath, his second assistant. Things aboard the Enterprise quickly get strange as members aboard begin lashing out at each other after sudden bursts of anger.
It is revealed that Sarek is suffering from Bendii syndrome, an issue possible in older Vulcans where emotional regulation slowly becomes harder to control. Picard is forced to confront Sarek despite his high status, as his crew continues to fight and the mission is at jeopardy. Picard volunteers himself for mind meld so that Sarek can successfully perform his diplomatic missions yet Picard endures intense emotional strife as a result of taking on Serak's feelings. It deals with the Vulcan's with a new and interesting light, touching on elements from the original series, questioning both Sarek and Spock's emotions versus logic. In his old age Sarek finally is forced to reveal his intense feelings and demonstrates what the Vulcan usually deals with.
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filmjunky-99 · 3 years ago
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry Sarek [s3ep23]
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harley-rose25 · 2 years ago
Sakkath; another Vulcan who deserves more attention.
Stern little cleft, sweet bedroom eyes
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Regally towering over logically curated acquaintances
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Telepathic prowess for days (sorry bout your Alzheimer's, daddy)
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And THIS look 👀 👀
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sathya-radhakrishna · 3 years ago
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Happy to announce, our lyrical video song Muddu Muddagi from the short film Aditi Krishnamurthy will be released by our Sakkath Director @simplesuni on occasion of Makar Sankranti🌾 Film Name - Aditi Krishnamurthy Written & Directed by Goutham A Cast - Ananya Suresh, Kishore vashista,Madhumathi Music - Sathya Radhakrishna Lyrics - Shashi kumar V Singer - Meghana Bhat Editor - Goutham A Dop - Prashant Gowdan Makar Team - Shashi Kumar V, Mahesh Raj,Jai shankar,Srinivas Gubbi,Prashant N Please like, Share & Comment Keep supporting as always! @gouthu_05 @ananya_suresh_ @vshashikumar_vsk @mahesh.mahi.29 @prashantfotography_07 @sathya.radhakrishna @jai_into_the_wild_ @srinivasappu4 @prashanthniki @kacinemas @ayemeghana @madhumadhumathi @amithbelur @ayemeghana @reachshru #Aditikrishnamurthy #Shortfilm #shortmovie #Kannada shortfilm #Kacinemas #lyricalvideo #Kannadacinema #Kannadacinemas #Shortfilmmaker #Filmmaking #Filmmaker #Song #classic #praveentej #Simplesuni #sakkath #simpleagiondhulovestory https://www.instagram.com/p/CYqslgnLWYb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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flaccidpncake · 4 years ago
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green-blooded · 5 years ago
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Shout out to Sakkath, Sarek’s personal assistant, who Did His Best.
PICARD: Then why must Sakkath help to contain your emotions? SAREK: Is what the captain says true? MENDROSSEN: No, Ambassador, absolutely not. SAREK: Perrin, were you aware of this? Sakkath, I await an answer. SAKKATH: I have been using my limited abilities to strengthen your mental discipline. SAREK: Your efforts will no longer be required! SAKKATH: That would not be wise. SAREK: It may not be wise but it is necessary.
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thegreaterlink · 3 years ago
Reviewing Star Trek TNG - S3E23 "Sarek"
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Finally, an episode title which can fit on one line.
Federation Ambassador Sarek (Mark Lenard once again) comes aboard the Enterprise to negotiate a treaty with the Legarans, after which he plans to retire. Sarek is accompanied by his second wife Perrin (Joanna Miles) and aides Ki Mendrossen (William Denis) and Sakkath (Rocco Sisto) who warn the crew that Sarek may be unable to attend to his usual duties due to his advancing age, and the crew only grow more suspicious when the ambassador starts to act strangely.
Nearly four seasons in and we finally get to acknowledge that TOS was a thing, since Gene Roddenberry was apparently adamant that this series should stand on its own... even though we had a cameo from Dr McCoy way back in the series' premiere. And the very next episode was just a rehash of a TOS episode, complete with an acknowledgement of that episode's events.
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Gene Roddenberry kinda dropped the ball in this series, huh?
Also Spock got married. And it wasn’t to Kirk. Just wanted to get that on record.
ANYWAY, Picard is at least able to get Sarek to attend a classical music concert, during which the plot starts to thicken when Sarek sheds tears.
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Now, Vulcan tears are usually reserved for long dramatic one-takes under the influence of viruses which complicate emotions, so we already know something's wrong.
But speaking of "The Naked Now," tempers begin to flare among the rest of the crew, starting with Geordi arguing with Wesley - Geordi says that he'll never get anywhere with his date that afternoon, while Wesley calls out Geordi for getting his women on the holodeck, confirming my suspicions that the rest of the crew will never let him live that down - and Dr Crusher actually slapping Wesley.
Though I'm surprised it took her this long, Dr Crusher herself is shocked at this behaviour, and when she reports it to Troi we find out that similar outbursts have been happening all over the ship, most notably with a full-on bar brawl in Ten Forward. I guess that was Guinan's day off?
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Also, if a Star Trek bar brawl doesn't have a shady guy stealing drinks in the background, then is it even a Star Trek bar brawl?
With Sarek (and most of the crew) potentially being emotionally compromised, Picard is unsure if they can proceed with the negotiations. They deduce that Sarek is suffering from Bendii Syndrome (I really wish they could've come up with a better name - it sounds like another term for erectile dysfunction), a rare sickness which causes Vulcans over 200 years old to lose emotional control, and Sarek is unconsciously broadcasting his intense emotions to the rest of the crew. His aides had tried to help him control it, but they could only do so much. The main problem is that it'll take several days for them to confirm it, well after the negotiations.
Also they had brought aboard a slime pit earlier on to replicate the Legarans' home environment, and my original theory was that the Skittles-coloured substance was somehow influencing the mood of everyone on board. Fortunately the writers were above ripping off Ghostbusters 2. But it's not really a "Naked Now" situation either. I'm sure Data will be thrilled.
It's here that an otherwise passable plot starts to come into its own. Bendii Syndrome is obviously meant to be the Vulcan equivalent of dementia - and that's not me making assumptions, it's literally the condition they based it on - and it's good that they were able to handle this matter in a mature fashion.
Sarek of course denies the diagnosis, and his ensuing argument with Picard is a rare opportunity for Mark Lenard to do some properly emotional acting in the role, and he definitely makes the most of it.
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It ends with Sarek realising his problem, and agreeing to mind meld with Picard to inherit the captain's emotional control, even if it would overwhelm Picard with Sarek's intense Vulcan emotions.
We all know what happened last time Picard had a meltdown.
(You have no idea how long it took me to find a version of this fucking clip which didn’t have SpongeBob in it.)
Picard is of course overwhelmed, and Patrick Stewart gets to show off his own acting talents as he finally lets loose the emotions that Sarek has been holding back for so long - namely his regret at never being able to show tenderness to Perrin, his first wife Amanda (who had passed away at this point - bear in mind that this series takes place about 80 YEARS after TOS) and Spock, who finally gets namedropped. It's probably the best scene in the episode, made even more impressive by the fact that Patrick Stewart did the whole thing in a single long shot which he nailed on the first take.
More importantly, we also get this meme format.
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Meanwhile, the negotiations go off without a hitch, and without the pressure of the negotiations, Sarek is once again in full control of his emotions. Through the mind meld, their lives are now forever intertwined, with each carrying the best parts of the other with them. A surprising connection to be sure, but a welcome one.
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So yeah. The plot is fine enough, with Sarek having an interesting new role to play aside from fanservice and his dynamic with Picard acting as a nice emotional core. Only problem is that whenever it isn't focused on either of them, the plot can kind of drag.
Also, why do half of the characters seem to pronounce it “Sah-rik?” I thought it was pronounced to rhyme with “Garak.” That’s how they pronounced it in TOS.
6/10 - Feels like it deserves to be better than it is.
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deepspacedukat · 2 years ago
ST:TNG Fic Masterlist
Master Post | ENT Masterlist | SNW Masterlist | TOS Masterlist | DS9 Masterlist | VOY Masterlist | Non-ST Masterlist | Main OC Masterlist | Kinktober 2022 Masterlist | Summer Of Cum 2023 Masterlist |
Fic Masterlist Key: 💛 = SFW, ❤️ = NSFW (18+ ONLY), 👀 = WIP/Coming Soon
~ Overexcited ❤️:
Summary: Centurion Bochra finally takes a vacation. - SoC 2023 Day 23
~ Treatment ❤️:
Summary: After the incident at Galorndon Core, one of Enterprise’s nurses attempts to treat Centurion Bochra, only to discover a difference in Romulan physiology. (Vampire AU) - Kinktober 2022 Day 5
✨Glinn Daro✨
~ Just One 💛:
Summary: Daro steals a kiss from the reader before departing the Enterprise.
~ Take Care ❤️:
Summary: *Ficlet* Glinn Daro and his lover have their first time together.
~ Deduction ❤️:
Summary: Can the reader really tell a difference between Data and his brother? - Kinktober 2022 Day 21
~ Measure Of A Friend 💛:
Summary: Reader is an Ensign who has feelings for a certain android. When Commander Maddox comes into the picture, she faces a choice: should she tell Data how she feels before it’s too late? Or should she forever hold her peace?
Donatra (Nemesis)
~ Indulgence ❤️:
Summary: When Picard and Donatra have that drink, the Commander of the Valdore finds something she didn’t expect. - SoC 2023 Day 21
✨Praetor Hiren (Nemesis)✨
~ Conspicuous ❤️:
Summary: During a state banquet, Hiren gets revenge on his wife for teasing him earlier in the evening. - SoC 2023 Day 6
~ Praetor’s Pride ❤️:
Part 1 ✨ Part 2 ✨ Part 3 ✨ Part 4 ✨ Part 5 ✨ Part 6 ✨ Part 7 👀
Summary: Letant tries to set his friend up with none other than the Praetor of the Romulan Empire.
✨Alidar Jarok✨
~ The Defector (And His Doctor) ❤️:
Part 1 ✨ Part 2 ✨ Epilogue ✨ - COMPLETE
Summary: When Alidar Jarok tries to warn the Federation about an impending Romulan incursion, he gets more than he bargained for.
✨Akellan Macet✨
~ All Worked Up ❤️:
Summary: Macet has been away from his lover for too long. - SoC 2023 Day 9
~ Mesmerized ❤️:
Summary: *Ficlet* A glance into one of the mornings of shore leave from “Risa Is For Lovers.”
~ Peace Talks And Other Diversions 💛:
Summary: Gul Macet meets a Lieutenant on the Enterprise.
~ Risa Is For Lovers ❤️:
Summary: (Sequel to “Peace Talks And Other Diversions) The reader and Gul Macet meet up on Risa for shore leave, and a request from Commander Riker causes quite a stir.
~ The Cove ❤️:
Summary: Another little glimpse into one of the unseen days on Risa in “Risa Is For Lovers.” - Kinktober 2022 Day 26
~ Break You ❤️:
Summary: *Ficlet* The reader insists to her android lover that she won’t break. Will she?
~ Deduction 💛:
Summary: Can the reader really tell a difference between Data and his brother? - Kinktober 2022 Day 21
~ Refill Required ❤️:
Summary: Lore has a little fun with his Human partner after disabling the Enterprise. - SoC 2023 Day 12
✨Jean-Luc Picard✨
~ Good Morning ❤️:
Summary: The reader wakes up to some intimate attention from her Captain.
~ His Two O’Clock ❤️:
Summary: Captain Picard and his partner kill some time on the holodeck.
~ I Would Not Dull You With My Song 💛:
Summary: Captain Picard returns to his quarters and sees his lover relaxing.
~ Mission Jitters 💛:
Summary: The reader is nervous about an upcoming mission and seeks the Captain’s advice.
~ Recovery 💛:
Summary: Reader is injured on a mission and requires surgery.
~ A Risian Sunset 💛:
Summary: When the reader takes her shore leave on Risa, she meets up with somebody she didn’t expect: The gallant Captain.
~ Veiled Interludes 💛:
Summary: A look at the relationship between the personal assistants of Ambassadors Sarek and Lojal.
~ Tutoring ❤️:
Summary: Having a favorite Cadet was illogical for a seasoned Vulcan Captain like Satelk, but he couldn’t resist. What is the logical course of action, though, when his prized student doesn’t perform as well as she should have on an exam? - Kinktober 2022 Day 16
~ Artifice Becomes Substance 💛:
Summary: A Vulcan attempts to help his best friend by pretending to date her.
~ A Token 💛:
Summary: Taurik has been researching human courtship and tries to get his partner an appropriate gift.
~ The Twins ❤️:
Summary: When brothers Taurik and Vorik attempt to flirt with an oblivious human friend, they are forced to make their advances more overt. - Kinktober 2022 Day 23
~ You Will ❤️:
Summary: Tebok and the reader have a difference of opinion. - Kinktober 2022 Day 19
~ Misfit Toys ❤️:
Part 1 ✨ Part 2 ✨ Part 3 ✨ - COMPLETE
Summary: When a Human was pulled from a wrecked ship near the compound on Carraya IV, Commander Tokath made a promise. Can he keep it?
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sakkathsuddi · 5 months ago
ಒಬ್ಬ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿ ಮತ್ತು ಆತನ ನಾಲ್ವರು ಪುತ್ರಿಯರು ದೆಹಲಿಯ ತಮ್ಮ ನಿವಾಸದಲ್ಲಿ ಶವವಾಗಿ ಪತ್ತೆಯಾಗಿದ್ದು, ತಂದೆ ಮೊದಲು ಮಕ್ಕಳನ್ನು ಕೊಂದು ನಂತರ ವಿಷ ಸೇವಿಸಿ ಆತ್ಮಹತ್ಯೆ ಮಾಡಿಕೊಂಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ ಎಂದು ಪೊಲೀಸರು ಶಂಕಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ.
#fourdaughters #murderedfather 
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lenievi · 4 years ago
Disclaimer: This is just me talking about things I see on screen. You don’t have to agree. It’s just me trying to figure out some stuff so I can use it in fics.
Whenever I try searching for vulcan telepathy (because I want to know what I can do in fics - I don’t like giving someone abilities they don’t have in canon), there’s always more “proof” vulcans don’t need touch and can just “broadcast” emotions, receive thoughts/feelings/whatever, but also make people do things.
Obviously Spock does this several times in tos. It takes a bit of time, but in Omega Glory it didn’t really seem to exhaust him or cause him pain... and tbh it’d be nice to see that ability be explored in fics more [then again vulcan telepathy and mind melds in tos are literally just “pick your own flavour” lol I also think “there are different kinds of mind melds” but that’s for another day]
Today, it was actually just by an accident, I saw a post from the episode “Sarek” and it made me check out the script (one day I’ll watch that episode for Sarek feels):
DATA: Sakkath has been able, until recently, to use his telepathic skills to reinforce Sarek's emotional control, thus protecting others from the effects of his deterioration.
SAKKATH: I have been using my limited abilities to strengthen your mental discipline.
+ Sarek “broadcasts” his own emotions in that episode and influences people on board
all of that was done without a touch. I’m not saying vulcans can read minds from across the room (even though thanks to Sybok that argument could be made - Sybok’s shields are probably down and he can do more than your regular vulcan), but they sure can mess with one’s mind across the room - i.e. strengthen shields, make someone do something... with no problems.
Like if the only counterargument is this convo:
SPOCK: I sensed it die. MCCOY: But I thought you had to be in physical contact with a subject before SPOCK: Doctor, even I, a half-Vulcan, could hear the death scream of four hundred Vulcan minds crying out over the distance between us.
then idk
I mean, it’s McCoy saying his own assumptions (because that is the only thing he knows at that time - By Any Other Name or Omega Glory come later), and Spock implies that vulcans are able to do more than him anyway. And since when’s McCoy the expert on vulcans? Not to mention tos itself contradicts it anyway
Anyway, I like spones fics that do explore Spock’s telepathy beyond just touch telepathy. I should try to find them again and look when they were written because I feel like they are several years old now, so it’s probably just a shift in taste/tropes that it isn’t seen much in newer fics/newer headcanons
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charlemane · 4 years ago
you know that TNG episode where Sarek is succumbing to Embarrassing Vulcan Dementia or w/e and Sakkath is using his limited telepathic abilities to keep Sarek just barely tethered to this side of Not Completely Losing It, but it’s increasingly not working?
that but my cat-picture-a-day calendar is my Sakkath
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