#saint saturnin du bois
❓❓Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Connaissez vous l'AOP Languedoc en ROSÉ ❓❓
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🍇🍷🇨🇵AOP Languedoc rosé 2022 cuvée Jogar du domaine de Fonjoya 🍇🍷🇨🇵:
🍇 :
📌Inscrit à l’inventaire du patrimoine culturel immatériel de la France depuis 2012, le jeu de balle au tambourin est un sport qui se pratique en France depuis la fin du XIVème siècle. Il persiste aujourd’hui essentiellement dans les villages de l’Hérault mais également dans d’autres pays comme l’Italie. Il s’agit d’un sport collectif impliquant deux équipes de cinq joueurs munis de tambourins qui doivent chacune veiller à renvoyer la balle dans le camp adverse à la manière du tennis. En occitan languedocien, tambornet signifie aussi bien le sport en lui-même que le tambourin📌
👁️ :
Robe de couleur saumonée
👃 :
Un nez sur des notes de jasmin, fruits rouges
💋 :
En bouche on a un vin rosé avec une belle rondeur, de la finesse. Sur des arômes de fraises des bois, framboises, groseilles, quelques notes d'épices et d'herbes de la garrigue bien sympathiques. Une bonne longueur avec une finale sur le pomelo qui apporte une belle fraîcheur en fin de bouche.
📜En résumé📜 :
Beaucoup de plaisir et de gourmandise avec cette cuvée. Très riche en bouche avec une belle fraîcheur. Belle découverte.
🧆Dégusté sur une Carbonade de porc🧆.
🍷Quelques accords mets et vin possible avec cette cuvée🍷 : Morue à l'aïoli, Avocat et crevettes à la sauce cocktail, Côte de boeuf au barbecue, Daube de poulpe.....
📌N'oubliez pas, boire un canon c'est sauver
un vigneron. Allez voir le site internet du domaine pour voir toutes les cuvées et promotions du moment📌.
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞 La plupart des vins ont été dégustés et recrachés. Dégustation non rémunéré.
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🇨🇵Description du domaine🇨🇵:
✅ C’est en décembre 2018 que l’aventure commence...
FONJOYA naît à la faveur de la fusion des caves coopératives de St Félix-St Jean et de St Saturnin de Lucian en place depuis la première moitié du XXème siècle.
C’est donc fortes de leurs histoires respectives qu’elles décident de s'unir et de cultiver le vignoble d'un territoire commun.
Dans cette appellation les vignes peuvent bénéficier d'un climat méditerranéen tout en étant situées dans des zones d'altitude, entre 250 et 350 mètres. Cette situation géographique inédite, permet des amplitudes thermiques jour/nuit conséquentes en été, ce qui favorise une maturation lente et progressive des raisins et apporte aux vins une grande fraîcheur.
Dénivelés importants, mosaïques de terroirs, nuits fraiches font l'équilibre irréprochable de ces vins rouges aux accents de garrigue.
FONJOYA jouit d'une localisation exceptionnelle, adossé au nord au Causse du Larzac qui culmine à plus de 800m avec le Pic Saint Baudille voisin. Malgré les dénivelés importants entre piémont et haut-relief qui marque la limite de l’appellation, les vignes se situent essentiellement sur les contreforts et anciennes terrasses entre 50 et 400m d’altitude. Là, elles jouissent du pouvoir drainant et de la pauvreté des sols qui agissent comme des régulateurs naturels sur leur équilibre.
Outre la protection naturelle que constituent ces reliefs, la particularité de cette appellation réside dans l’amplitude thermique jour/nuit, principalement due à l’air frais qui descend du plateau et qui vient contrebalancer la douceur du littoral☑️.
⏬🇫🇷Français dans les commentaires🇫🇷🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹⏬
❓❓ Hello corkscrew lovers. Do you know the AOP Languedoc in rosé ❓❓
🍇🍷🇬🇧AOP Languedoc rosé 2022 cuvée Jogar from the Fonjoya estate 🍇🍷🇬🇧:
📌 Listed in the inventory of intangible cultural heritage of France since 2012, the tambourine ball game is a sport that has been practiced in France since the end of the 14th century. It persists today mainly in the villages of the Hérault but also in other countries such as Italy. It is a collective sport involving two teams of five players equipped with tambourines who must each ensure that the ball is returned to the opposing camp in the manner of tennis. In Languedoc Occitan, tambornet means both the sport itself and the tambourine📌
Salmon color dress
A nose with notes of jasmine, red fruits
In the mouth we have a rosé wine with a nice roundness, finesse. On aromas of wild strawberries, raspberries, currants, some notes of spices and very nice herbs from the garrigue. A good length with a finish on the pomelo which brings a nice freshness on the finish.
📜In summary📜:
A lot of pleasure and delicacy with this cuvée. Very rich on the palate with a nice freshness. Nice discovery.
🧆Tasted on a Pork Carbonade🧆.
🍷 Some food and wine pairings possible with this cuvée 🍷: Cod with aioli, Avocado and shrimp with cocktail sauce, BBQ beef rib, Octopus stew.....
📌 Don't forget, drinking a cannon is saving a winemaker. Go see the domain's website to see all the vintages and promotions of the moment 📌.
🔞 "Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation"🔞 Most of the wines have been tasted and spat out. Unpaid tasting.
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🇬🇧Description of domain🇬🇧
✅ The adventure begins in December 2018 ...
FONJOYA was born thanks to the merger of the cooperative cellars of St Félix-St Jean and St Saturnin de Lucian in place since the first half of the 20th century.
It is therefore on the strength of their respective histories that they decide to unite and cultivate the vineyard of a common territory.
In this appellation, the vines can benefit from a Mediterranean climate while being located in altitude areas, between 250 and 350 meters. This unprecedented geographical location allows for significant day / night temperature variations in summer, which promotes slow and gradual maturation of the grapes and brings great freshness to the wines.
Important differences in height, mosaics of terroirs, cool nights make the irreproachable balance of these red wines with accents of garrigue.
FONJOYA enjoys an exceptional location, backed to the north by the Causse du Larzac which culminates at more than 800m with the neighboring Pic Saint Baudille. Despite the significant differences in height between the foothills and the high relief which marks the limit of the appellation, the vines are mainly located on the foothills and old terraces between 50 and 400m above sea level. There, they enjoy the draining power and the poverty of soils which act as natural regulators on their balance.
In addition to the natural protection provided by these reliefs, the peculiarity of this appellation lies in the day / night thermal amplitude, mainly due to the fresh air coming down from the plateau and which counterbalances the softness of the coast☑️.
❓❓Ciao amanti dei cavatappi. Conosci l'AOP Languedoc in rosé❓❓
🍇🍷🇮🇹 AOP Languedoc rosé 2022 cuvée Jogar della tenuta Fonjoya 🍇🍷🇮🇹:
📌 Elencato nell'inventario del patrimonio culturale immateriale della Francia dal 2012, il gioco della palla con il tamburello è uno sport praticato in Francia dalla fine del XIV secolo. Persiste oggi principalmente nei villaggi dell'Hérault ma anche in altri paesi come l'Italia. È uno sport collettivo che coinvolge due squadre di cinque giocatori muniti di tamburelli che devono garantire ciascuno che la palla venga restituita al campo avversario alla maniera del tennis. In Languedoc Occitan, tambornet significa sia lo sport stesso che il tamburello📌
Abito color salmone
Un naso con note di gelsomino, frutti rossi
In bocca abbiamo un vino rosato con una bella rotondità, finezza. Su aromi di fragoline di bosco, lamponi, ribes, alcune note di spezie ed erbe molto belle della gariga. Di buona lunghezza con un finale sul pomelo che porta una bella freschezza sul finale.
📜In sintesi📜:
Tanto piacere e delicatezza con questa cuvée. Molto ricco al palato con una bella freschezza. Bella scoperta.
🧆Assaggiato su una carbonata di maiale🧆.
🍷 Alcuni abbinamenti enogastronomici possibili con questa cuvée 🍷: Merluzzo con aioli, Avocado e gamberi con salsa cocktail, Costata di manzo BBQ, Spezzatino di polpo.....
📌 Non dimenticare, bere un cannone è salvare un enologo. Andate a vedere il sito del dominio per vedere tutte le annate e le promozioni del momento 📌.
🔞 "L'abuso di alcol è pericoloso per la salute, consumalo con moderazione"🔞 La maggior parte dei vini è stata assaggiata e sputata. Degustazione non pagata.
🇮🇹Descrizione i Dominio🇮🇹
✅ L'avventura inizia a dicembre 2018...
FONJOYA nasce grazie alla fusione delle cantine cooperative di St Félix-St Jean e St Saturnin de Lucian in atto dalla prima metà del XX secolo.
È quindi in forza delle rispettive storie che decidono di unire e coltivare la vigna di un territorio comune.
In questa denominazione i vigneti possono beneficiare di un clima mediterraneo pur trovandosi in zone di altitudine, tra i 250 e i 350 metri. Questa posizione geografica unica consente notevoli escursioni termiche giorno/notte in estate, che favoriscono una maturazione lenta e graduale delle uve e apportano grande freschezza ai vini.
Dislivelli importanti, mosaici di terroir, notti fresche creano l'irreprensibile equilibrio di questi vini rossi con accenti di gariga.
FONJOYA gode di una posizione eccezionale, sostenuta a nord dal Causse du Larzac che culmina a più di 800 m con il vicino Pic Saint Baudille. Nonostante i notevoli dislivelli tra la pedemontana e l'altura che segna il limite della denominazione, i vigneti sono prevalentemente ubicati sulla pedecollina e sui vecchi terrazzamenti tra i 50 ei 400 m slm. Qui godono del potere drenante e della povertà dei suoli che fungono da regolatori naturali del loro equilibrio.
Oltre alla protezione naturale fornita da questi rilievi, la particolarità di questa denominazione risiede nell'ampiezza termica giorno/notte, dovuta principalmente all'aria fresca che scende dall'altopiano e che fa da contrappeso alla mitezza della costa ☑️.
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Mardi 1 Août 2017 1/2 La première strate est stabilisée et cela pour chacun des fragments. Quelques notes de mon carnet : "Ce qui est certainement le plus contraignant dans ces jours derniers est de résister à l'impulsion d'ensevelir les formes accumulées sous une multitude de coulures tendant ainsi à une homogénéisation des fragments. C'est ainsi que, par endroits, la matière révèle sa sédimentation et semble moins s'être formée dans un même jet comme avec des propositions sculpturales comme "Memoria" ou "Flock"".
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hexaconto · 2 years
Choisir son expert-comptable à Saint-Saturnin-du-Bois - 6 critères incontournables
Choisir son expert-comptable à Saint-Saturnin-du-Bois – 6 critères incontournables
La région de Saint-Saturnin-du-Bois compte moins de 10 experts-comptables. En tant qu’entrepreneur, dirigeant ou créateur, cela vous fait donc autant de possibilités pour choisir l’expert-comptable adéquat qui vous
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ezechiel5172 · 3 years
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Monday 28 July 1834
11 55
No kiss fine morning F70° at 10 am breakfast at 10 20 to 11 ¼ - had ordered and waited for calêche – so old looking and dirty, would not have it, and A- and I went out on foot – peeped into the cathedral – the interior undergoing repair – not either very large or handsome building and the interior painted in fresco imitation of gothic ornament – very bad taste tho’ the deep blue roof with gold stars and fresco groining looked well enough – then to a booksellers in the Place St Leger – fortunately stumbled upon the best, Puthod, above an hour there and bought several works – particularly the 1st 5 nos. at 3/. (15 more to come) of Vues de la Savoy..... suivies d’un précis historique et descriptif published here by Côutois et Aubert Lithographes - gave my address and desired the other numerous to be sent to me aux soins de Messrs. Laffitte, Paris - whom I would direct to pay for them - the female person in the shop very civil - gave us directions what to see - sent her servant with us to La Poste for a carriage -a little char 6/. a day, and should only be 3/. for this afternoon - but the maître de post ask 6/. for this afternoon and 18/. a day for a calêche and pair - at last barged for the latter to take me to Aix and the char for 22/. - saw the rooms - smelt strong of new papering and plastering and beds at 3/. and noisy, bustling place - very glad we were not there, and quite contented with la parfait union - from 2 10 to 4 walked to Les Charmettes where Rousseau and Madame de Warens lived and some time there – nothing but nonsense in the Livre des Strangers, so declined writing even our names – went one way and returned another – we were near ½ hour going from La Poste – fine view of the town in returning – nice, clean, well-built, good looking town, not very large - in going had bought 18 good green gages for a sol - came home for ½ hour for A- to have her cold fowl and off in the char at 4 ½ - passed thro’ the little village of Aisse and at the paper manufactory au bout du monde at 5 10 – one of the workman shewed us the cascade (50 to 100 yards off at the back of the building) – not much water now, but still very picturesque and pretty - the water the Doria falls from a fine cleft in the high limestone rock - on each side are little springs gushing from the rock which springs the man said were cold in summer and hot in winter - the strata of the rock are here  at the cascade and more particularly a little lower down and turning up along the little now all but dry river Aisse (which falls into the Doria at the mill in time to swell the stream and turn the wheel) - very singular - look exactly like a wall of stones about a food long and 6 in. in the bed - and this stratification extends too some little way down the Doria - the man shewed us, too, the process of paper making and we bought nice soft papier gris
(at sols the lb) 64 sheets for 1 fr. – the man said times were much better (le commerce allait beaucoup mieux) du temps de Français - now, he, whose work begins at midnight for 11 hours every night and always in water has 44 fr. a month about 30 sols a day, the wages of the best workmen - and the others had all of them from 34 up to 44/. a month - the woman had 12 sols a day - but they have each a room in the building that I suppose they live rent-free - the paper that sold du temps de Napoleon for 40/. and was no sooner made than sold, now hangs an hand and sells for 18/. or 20/. - asked if the king had been at Chambery - yes! at the paper manufactory I said he was très bon-bon enfant - no! said the man the manufactory had always given him something but he had never given anything in return - things could not go on in this way - an hour at the cascade and in the manufactory - returned another way, by Alby [Albi], but had unluckily left at home Madame Puthod’s paper so forgot to Saint Saturnin en passant – the cocher, however, stopt at the great nursery garden and we staid an hour there, and ordered a collection of roses to take back with us! Thought this would be a nice place to send to little John to - spoke to the man about it – he seemed to have no objection – will see him again and have more information as to terms – the boy should be aetatis 14 – these people have an establishment at Lyons and Grenoble and Turin – are chiefly famous for roses, dahlias and                of which they have every variety – the young man makes excursions to the mountains – has a herbary  of above 6000 plants – to go there and see this at 10 am on Wednesday – drove around the place and promenade de Verny and home at 8 ¼ - dinner at 8 1/2 - very fine day F71 ½° at 11 ¼ pm - too much dinner – very hot – asleep in my chair after Eugenie left me till near 11.
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luberon-provence · 7 years
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Vente villa de plain-pied dans le Luberon https://www.immobilier-en-luberon.fr/villa-de-plain-pied-dans-le-luberon-419 A Saint-Saturnin-lès-Apt, à proximité des plus beaux villages du Luberon. Villa de 1978, rénovée et agrandie en 2010 et 2014, de 144 m² habitables, implantée sur une parcelle de 2000 m² sans aucun vis-à-vis. Cette belle villa de plain-pied, comporte une belle entrée de 16 m² donnant sur très grand espace de vie (salon et bureau, salle à manger, grand dégagement traversant, grande cuisine) d'environ 86 m², d'un cellier, d'un wc séparé; côté nuit : un dégagement/dressing, trois chambres, une salle d'eau. Dépendances : atelier, chalet bois, lococal piscine et cave de 16 m². Dans le jardin arboré de pins et d'oliviers, vous trouverez deux belles terrasses au sud, une piscine, un jacuzzi, ... Cette villa est parfaitement entretenue et très bien équipée (adoucisseur, chauffe eau solaire, isolation neuve, double vitrage, ...).
Sale villa on one level in the Luberon https://www.immobilier-en-luberon.fr/en/villa-on-one-level-in-the-luberon-419 In Saint-Saturnin-les-Apt, near the most beautiful villages of the Luberon. Villa of 1978, renovated and enlarged in 2010 and 2014, 144 m² living space, located on a plot of 2000 m² not overlooked. This beautiful villa on one level, has a beautiful entrance of 16 m² overlooking very large living space (living room and office, dining room, large corridor through, large kitchen) of about 86 m², a back office kitchen , a separate toilet; night side: a release/dressing room, three bedrooms, a bathroom. Outbuildings: workshop, wooden chalet, equipment room for the pool and a cellar of 16 m². In the garden planted with pines and olive trees, you will find two beautiful south terraces, a swimming pool, a jacuzzi, ... This villa is perfectly maintained and very well equipped (softener, solar water heater, new insulation, double glazing, ...).
Verkauf Villa auf einer Ebene im Luberon https://www.immobilier-en-luberon.fr/de/villa-auf-einer-ebene-im-luberon-419 In Saint-Saturnin-les-Apt, in der Nähe der schönsten Dörfer des Luberon. Villa von 1978, renoviert und erweitert in 2010 und 2014, 144 m² Wohnfläche, auf einem Grundstück von 2000 m² nicht zu übersehen. Diese schöne Villa auf einer Ebene, hat einen schönen Eingang von 16 m² mit Blick auf sehr großes Wohnzimmer (Wohnzimmer und Büro, Esszimmer, großer Korridor durch, große Küche) von ca. 86 m², eine Backoffice-Küche, eine separate Toilette; Nachtseite: ein Release / Ankleideraum, drei Schlafzimmer, ein Badezimmer. Nebengebäude: Werkstatt, Holzchalet, Geräteraum für den Pool und ein Keller von 16 m². In dem mit Pinien und Olivenbäumen bepflanzten Garten finden Sie zwei schöne Südterrassen, einen Swimmingpool, einen Whirlpool, ... Diese Villa ist perfekt gepflegt und gut ausgestattet (Enthärter, Solarwarmwasserbereiter, neue Isolierung, Doppelverglasung, ...).
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mmepastel · 7 years
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Auvergne jour 2 (partie 2) : On a fait une escale bucolique dans le joli petit village médiéval de Saint-Saturnin. On a adoré le chemin qui descend du château pour serpenter dans les bois jusqu'à la rivière puis au lavoir. Le bistrot final était parfait.
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lexieanimetravel · 5 years
Have you ever heard of Provence France? It is one of the most attractive and popular regions in the south of France. The Provence is ideal for summer to early autumn vacations for its sunny weather, colorful countryside, wine, food, and especially it’s lavender fields.  
The Provence France region covers a large domain in the country, from the Mediterranean Sea up to the French Alps. Its main attractions involve the city of Avignon and the wide variety of picturesque villages. 
The Provence department includes Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, a mountainous northern part that attracts around 34 million tourists. Alpes-Maritimes, mostly known for the French Riviera. Bouches-du-Rhône, known for its rural landscape of the Alpilles, the picturesque village of Cassis. 
Hautes-Alpes, part of the French Alps, considered the highest region in Europe. Var, for its seaside resorts and famous Romanesque and medieval architecture. Lastly, Vaucluse specifically noted for the Luberon and scenic villages. 
Read my previous posts Things to do in Avignon France, the Capital Town of Vaucluse Guide to The Famous Bridge “Pont d’Avignon”
Bienvenue en Provence France
For our family vacation, we went to Southern France (en Provence). It was an 8-hour road trip, from Belgium to Saint-Saturnin-lès-Avignon. A commune in the Vaucluse department in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region in southeastern France. We rented a residential house for the whole family for a vacation.
It was my first-time vacation with the whole family and first to visit en Provence as well. On our first day, since we arrived late in the afternoon, we’ve decided to rest and called it a day. However, on our next day, we went out to visit the environs (vicinity) of Provence.
My plans for this short vacation was to visit some of the gorgeous spots of Provence and as well as to try some delicious regional cuisine. Some of the dishes that I’d love to try are Daube, or Provençal beef stew, cooked in wine. Pissaladière, Escabeche, another popular seafood dish, and a lot more.
On the road to Exploration
Starting on the next day, we were en route (on the way) to see a sneak peek of the picturesque view of the roads from Saint-Saturnin-lès-Avignon, Jonquerettes, Le Thor, L’Isle-Sur-la-Sorgue, Lagnes, and many more.
The next day was very sunny and charming. The sun is up and the sky is perfect as the blue sky in movies. The Provence road seems narrow and but very neat and beautiful. Of course, with the rich landscape of nature, you’ll definitely fall in love. So let’s start our one-day itinerary in Provence France.
One Day Itinerary en Provence France

Lavender Museum (Musée de la Lavande)
Let’s begin the day with a quick visit to the closest Lavender Museum (Musée de la Lavande) in Coustellet. Located 30 minutes’ drive from where we stayed, it was our first destination.
Reading some of the pamphlets given by the concierge of our rented place, Musée de la Lavande caught my eye. I’ve decided to visit that place to see some lavender fields and as well as to get to know more about lavender.
The Lavender Museum was founded by Lincelé Family in 1991. By inviting visitors to discover the true lavender of Provence, Fine Lavender.
Lavender Field of the Museum
Visiting the Museum would take you to the immense collection of lavender stills from the 16th century to the present day.
Don’t ever miss to visit the projection room with documentaries filmed at the Chateau du Bois at the base of Mont-Ventoux. On planting, harvesting and the distillation of fine lavender from Haute Provence.
The museum shop is also offering a particular line of natural cosmetics (high-quality ‘Chateau du Bois’ line features AOC essential oil of fine lavender).
The tour is available in 11 foreign languages (French, English, Italian, German, Chinese, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Czech, and Japanese) free of charge on the audio-guides, giving a helping hand to those foreign visitors who’re interested in Lavender.
Travel Tip: Lavender Museum does have a smalle lavender field in front of the museum and its backyard as well. It’s not a long one, but very charming and beautiful. Nevertheless, if you’re searching for a much longer and bigger field, then you should keep searching around the area.
Landscape view on the road
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Enjoy some of the most beautiful and breathtaking views on the road (Coustellet, to Gordes, Joucas, Lioux, and Sault)
My favorite and unexpected view was when we arrive at the highest part of the road was Lioux. With an imposing and magnificent cliff (Falaise de la Madeleine) of grey limestone is a completely separate formation from the red ochre cliffs of Roussillon.
Lavender Fields in Monieux, France
Indeed, Musée de la Lavande (Lavender Museum) has a prominent lavender field to offer. But I’m still searching for a bigger and longer field. Asking the receptionist at the museum, where can we find beautiful fields en Provence France.
They told us to go further north, in Sault. We opt to search for the perfect lavender field in that area.
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Driving from Lavender Museum to Sault would normally take about 45minutes to an hour. While discovering and enjoying the magnificent view of roads in Provence France, we had a short stop every time a see a lavender field.
Our first picture-perfect lavender field was finally spotted in Monieux. It was in a lovely violet color well bloomed lavender flowers.
Generally, the best time to see the lavender field in full bloom is between July and August. But it really depends on the time the plantation. As we were in the Avignon part, lavenders weren’t that well flowered yet.
Lavender Field #2 in Monieux
Lavender Field #2 situated a few meters away from the first lavender field that we saw in Monieux.
The commune of Monieux is located on the plateau of the Mounts of Vaucluse, near to the commune of Sault. It shelters on its territory part of the classified sites “Reserve of Biosphere” of the Ventoux Mount.
We parked the car on the side of the driveway and quickly took some photos of this captivating field. This time I was captivated by its radiant blue-violet color, very attractive and impulsive when it comes to its blueness and purpleness.
The only negative side of the 2nd field? The lavender flowers weren’t totally blossomed yet. It’s a bit sad, but that’s the reality. I would really love to see it well blossomed in its fullest.
What do you think about the 2nd lavender field? Is it êrfect enough for your taste?
Lavender Fields View from Sault, Provence France
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As we go on further to reach Sault, we stopped by in this small quaint area. There, we saw some of the biggest spectacular lavender fields we’ve ever seen in Provence France. Starting from Ferme Buan, La Broussière, down to Le Moulin Fournon and La Serène. All of these areas have their own pride in lavender fields.
I would never forget this place, check it out on the itinerary list cause it might just help you see the most beautiful fields of Provence.
Continuing the road, we passed through Sault. And now, we’re on the road to Aurel. Finally, we’re entering the way to Montbrun-lex-Bains and, a luminous panoramic view welcomed us.
Montbrun-lex-Bains is the land of aromatic plants and herbs, located between Reilhanette and Barret-de-Lioure. It is a well-known commune, for its spa treatments for respiratory disease and other medical disorders. The village is also very popular with cyclists, with cycle tracks leading to Mont Ventoux.
Accordingly, Montbrun-Les-Bains is classed among the 100 most beautiful villages in France. This village is spared the summer heatwaves. Thanks to its elevated height while the surrounding relief protects it from the strong Mistral wind.
Every year in Ferrassières, (a village situated 8km from Montbrun) The Lavender festival takes place on the first Sunday in July. You will also find linden, thyme, rosemary, savory, clary sage for perfumes, and the common sage (used in pharmacology and cooking), marjoram, tarragon, and oregano.
Aulan Castle (Château d’Aulan)
Château d’Aulan is built on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Toulourenc valley. The Aulan castle whose first traces date back to the twelfth century belonged to the Mevouillon barons.
Isabeau de L’Espine (heiress of the fief of Aulan) married François-Marie Suarez and bring the castle in dowry. The castle has been completely redesigned in a Viollet-Le-Duc style in the second half of the nineteenth century by Marquis Arthur Suarez d’Aulan.
Château d’Aulan is the only private Baronnies residence opened to visitors. The guided tour takes 45 minutes. You will discover through living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, many objects related to the Second Empire and the family history.
Today it is still owned by their descendants, the Suarez of Aulan and a place for a family gathering.
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Arriving at Château d’Aulan was the most difficult part of all the road trips that we have experience. The path to the castle was so narrow and raw, which makes us very nervous passing through it.
At last, we reached Aulan castle, and it was fantastic! The view from the outside was unquestionably historical. I could absolutely feel the intensity of the story behind this castle. I would really recommend you to visit it.
Travel tips: If you’re going to Aulan Castle, don’t forget to bring a small car with you. A large or bigger car would be a struggle to go there. Guided tours available in English and French. Admission fee: Adult: 7.50 € and Child: 2.50 €.
The Secret Spring
Deciding to go home after our visit to Aulan Castle, we floundered into something very surprising. We found a secret spring hidden just near the bridge to Aulan Castle.
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Even though we didn’t have space where to park the car for a moment. We still dared to parked it for some minutes, just to take photos of the spring. People call it the Toulourenc River. A mountain stream and flows just behind the Ventoux into a natural trough of the same name, the Toulourenc Valley.
The Toulourenc can be accessed via Entrechaux or from Malaucène by following the minor road that passes close to Beaumont-du-Ventoux to reach the hamlet of Vaux. Between the hamlet of Vaux and Saint-Léger-du-Ventoux, you will find gorges you can explore on foot.
The Perfect Lavender Field
Moving on to the next stop, after visiting around the Provence France northern Azur part. We have finally find the perfect Lavender Field settled in the farm areas of Paillautrier, Montbrun-Les-Bains.
It was 10 minutes drive away from Chateau Aulan and not too far to the Montbrun-Les-Bains village. The thing that makes it more special is that the field is about 100 meters long and a solitary tree, pricked in the middle of the field.
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I strongly recommend this place for you to visit, if you are looking for that splendid and unique lavender field picturesque view, you should come to visit this side of Montbrun-Les-Bains.
Photography wise, I’ve discovered that it makes more magical feels when there’s sunlight. I took some photos, with and without sunlight, and it turns out that the effect of sunlight is better.
One Day Itinerary en Provence France
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One Day Itinerary en Provence France – Finding the perfect Lavender Fields Have you ever heard of Provence France? It is one of the most attractive and popular regions in the south of France.
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refairesatoiture · 7 years
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Jeudi 10 & Vendredi 11 Août 2017
Résidence au chantier archéologique de Saint-Saturnin-du-Bois Quelques petits apophtegmes maison 😄: “Une première forme d'écologie dans la sculpture est peut-être de faire de tous les gestes un acte déterminant, d'autant plus s'ils ont impliqué la multitude des corps.” “De l'informe à la forme : mes gestes, les vôtres s'informent.” "Faire sculpture c'est aussi se relationner autrement.“"Le geste est un moment qui inscrit sa mémoire dans sa forme." "De gestes en gestes, sculpture se fait…”
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Mardi 08 Août 2017 "Ce qu'il faut faire, c'est définir ce qu'est le peuple. Et le voir comme une multitude pleine de contradictions, en pleine évolution et une multitude à laquelle on appartient soi-même. En face de l'artiste en tant que public, le peuple n'est pas seulement l'acheteur ou celui qui passe une commande, il est aussi le fournisseur. Il fournit des idées, il fournit le mouvement, il fournit la matière et il fournit la forme. Tout cela sans unité, dans un perpétuel changement à son image." Bertold Brecht, les arts et la révolution, écrits sur la littérature et l'art
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Saint-Saturnin-du-Bois / recherches avant résidence / épisode 6
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Sur le départ pour la résidence...
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Mercredi 26 Lors de la soirée de l'apéro-fouille, j'invite les visiteurs à participer à Mensch #1 en réalisant des formes à partir de mortier de chaux qui me fut sympathiquement préparé par les maçons du site archéologique. Les formes seront ensuite accumulées sur les fragments. Jeudi 27 L'après-midi me permet de glaner autant de rebuts de fouilles afin de tester de nouvelles préparations pour faire sculpture. Une tiers-participante vient contribuer à Mensch #1 en accumulant une matière fraîchement préparée sur l'un des fragments. Quant à moi j'assemble les fragments de la veille... Le protocole sculptural participatif n'a d'austère que la désignation, me semble t-il, tant il est important pour moi qu'il s'agisse de moments adaptées aux opportunités et aux rencontres balisés par par une trame processuelle.
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Saint-Saturnin-du-Bois / recherches avant résidence / épisode 3
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press review/revue de presse L'Hebdo Charente-Maritime Jeudi 17 Août 2017 Chantier archéologique Saint-Saturnin-du-Bois
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