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How do all the Med Cats get along? Aside from uh, well I doubt Runningbird is too excited to talk to any of them.
This ask has been sitting in my inbox for over
I remember that it was sent while I was doing those "ask a character and have them respond in drawing form" because that's what I was gonna do with this ask, and that's why it was taking so damn long to answer
but I'm in my second year of university now, so chances are I'm not gonna have the chance to draw the answer as I've been hoping to do since *checks notes* MAY OF 2022.
So let's just answer it now, shall we?
(I SUSPECT that the person who sent this is someone still following the blog 00 so hopefully they can see their question go answered at last!)
The Medicine cat Community in The Place of No Stars
Many would at first think that no one helped anyone but themself in the Dark Forest, and they're partly right.
Why do medicine cats get together?
Well, that could be for many reasons. They genuinely enjoy the company, they're with someone they can relate to, they enjoyed healing in life and still do, they want to be special, or maybe they just like to help with herbs so that they can stave off their own boredom.
Individually, it's the same as in life--everyone with proper med cat training knows everything that a medicine cat should know.
In groups, particularly in the med cat community, tasks are more divided by skill.
Fleathistle, for example, is a wonderful healer, but even more than that he's great at growing plants. He's responsible for at least 80% of the herbs that grew and can be useful in the Dark Forest. He, with the help of his mate and close friends, created the 'Dark Garden,' where a field-full of different herbs and medicines grow, many of which unheard of in life, as Fleathistle experimented with them, creating some herbs from scratch.
Now, Fleathistle is still a medicine cat. If you need healing, you can go to him as much as you can go to anyone. But if you need particular herbs, it's better to go to him above anyone else. (This is in a similar sense of 'all toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads' if that makes sense?)
Myrtlewing is another case of 'the best one to go to in a certain situation.'
True, Myrtlewing would also be the scariest one to go to, as in life he experimented with his patients, putting their lives and health at grave risk for his own curiosity and entertainment, but it's due to these experiments and others he performed on cats that makes him so useful.
Myrtlewing would tear cats open and apart and test out how to keep them alive for as long as he wished in spite of their horrible injuries. Because of this, if a cat were to receive a horrible injury, he's the best healer to go to because of his knowledge of how to keep the cat alive.
In simpler terms, he's the "surgeon" of the group, the only one able to heal a cat's torn up insides--though he's nowhere near as talented as human surgeons.
He's the one to go to if someone is in grave trouble and / or if someone has a particularly horrible injury.
Shiverrose's talents as a healer lies most notably in how she cures sickness.
Like all medicine cats, she's great at healing wounds, but illness is where her skills really show.
She has great memory and fantastic critical thinking skills, which allows her to come to a diagnostic conclusion much quicker than other medicine cats.
She only needs to hear a list of your symptoms to figure out in a matter of seconds what is wrong with you and what may be best to heal you with (she may also go to Fleathistle for the second part, as he knows more about the Dark herbs than anyone else).
She would probably be just as good with wounds if such injuries were troubling to figure out too. It's tricky to figure out why someone may have a dry throat and bellyache, it's rather easy to see why their leg was broken.
There are also those who were medicine cats in life but no longer wish to heal, and therefore do not count as part of this Medicine Cat Club.
Sageleaf, for example, would very much like for everyone to leave her alone forever, thank you.
@ambitiousauthor @frightnightindustries @starfalcon555 @wills-woodland-warriors @umbranoxs @elementaldeityoffood @liberhoe
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warriorgrayfawn · 2 years ago
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Butterflypebble and Sageleaf of the Fog Colony hunting
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eazlsufia · 1 year ago
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Sage Leaf and Waterwaves
Cold Porcelain Art Jewellery. For Purchase contact www.instagram.com/eazl_sufia
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quintessentialarts · 1 year ago
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Salvia officinalis. This is the lovely "kitchen sage" or "common sage" plant.
This one is wrapped with a smooth round green and white jade stone on top 🤍🌿
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sdwajones-art · 25 days ago
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"Unnamed Attendees - Honeywine/Sageleaf Wedding. Date: Unknown"
"Well that's annoying," you think. "People back then might have only gotten their image recorded once in their entire lives, and nobody could be bothered to write their names down? And such an odd group to be at an event like that...probably an interesting story behind it..."
You turn the page and never think about the picture again. (colorized version)
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munchkin1156 · 6 months ago
Shattered Code- Pt.1
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Soooo, this is my take on.... Well, this is my idea of a universe with borrowers in it! It's a bit short, but I hope you like it. First fic since I came back from hiatus, which was.... Several hours ago. I've had this ready for a while now. Thanks to @i-am-beckyu for beta reading it! Story under the cut...
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"As the leader of the Sageleaf Colony, I declare, you, Snapdragon, an Exile.” Spoke Rainburn, coldly looking down on the Borrower in front of her. “We will take back your Borrower name. You will follow the rules of the Exiled Code, with a burned Soul marking on your neck so you don’t break it. No Water, Nature, Sky, Colony or House Borrower will accept you.”
She sighed, before continuing. “You will be given no supplies. When you leave, the choice is yours to either accept Fate and die honourably for your crimes, or try to survive in a world where everything is against you. Should you return here, the Watch has the right to kill you. Farewell.”
The Exile was then pushed out of the borders, and, knowing that staying here and pleading would only result in a faster death, she ran. She no longer had a name. Snapdragon had been taken back, though, the reason why, in the name of the gods, wasn’t her fault.
Rules one, two and three were the same for each version of the Code.
Rule number one: Never be seen and/or caught by a Bean.
Rule number two: If you do, pretend to be dead, and if you can’t, pretend to be injured. Never let them know you can talk.
Rule number three: Never give a Bean any information over what you are, or how to find other Borrowers, like Colonies, House Borrowers, etc.
What to do now, though? She slowed down once she was certain she was outside of the Colony grounds, wincing at the permanent burn of her new Soul mark against her skin. It made sure that she, and anyone else she would meet, would know what she was. A forever reminding scar that cannot be covered up or undone. After all, Soul magic was sharp, and it didn’t go away.
Rule number four: Do not take back your old name.
As she walked, she looked down at a piece of shattered glass. It was darkish green, and must’ve once been a part of a bottle some Bean had dropped. Shatter… Shatter would do as a name for herself. It was a new name for a new world, and she had given it to herself, so only she could take it back. The Code couldn’t argue with that.
Rule number five: Do not trick non-Exiled Borrowers into helping you.
There was no use in trying to convince Cloven to help her. Shatter knew the moment he saw her Soul marking, even if he wanted to, there was no way he could help her without breaking his own Code. Rule four of the Borrower Code (the Colony version) stated that you never helped Exiled Borrowers. It said you could see it through the marking on their neck.
Rule number six: You may communicate with other Exiled Borrowers, but may not scheme with them to harm or hurt a non-Exiled Borrower(s) nor communicate with those not exiled.
Could she find another one like herself? One thing was certain, She needed supplies. In any case, Exiled Borrowers remained hidden, from both the humans and their own. Any Borrower, whether they be from a Colony, or a House, or a Wind, Water, Forest, or other area traits, would have their own way to try and be rid of her. Nowhere was safe, and everything wants you dead.
Rule number seven: Do not go near non-Exiled Borrowers.
Shatter picked up a pine needle on the ground. There were many of them, as well as pinecones, covering much of the ground. Pine needles wouldn’t work as weapons, and the pinecones, or at least their seeds, weren’t edible for her. Borrower allergies or something. She kept walking, unsure of her destination. 
The silence was awful because she couldn’t hear anything. She could still hear the sound of the birds, or the wind rustling the trees, but it missed the quiet, (near impossible to hear if you weren’t listening for it,) sound of Borrowers talking in Listhen. Outside the Colony was no one. It was a strange name for the language, come to think of it. Tarryl always said it was from Before. When they weren’t called Borrowers and were true brethren of the Faes. Then Tayrn would hit him in the head with the back of her hand and would tell him to stop making up stories. She missed those two.
Rule number eight: Do not enter a non-Exiled Borrower's territory.
She turned a sharp left, reminding herself that she couldn’t go to the trading market. She’d just get chased out. Across the sky, she could see clouds become darker. It was going to rain. She had to find shelter soon, but she wasn’t sure where she should go. Then she heard voices. Non-Borrower voices. Bean voices that were coming closer by the second. “Medo.” She muttered under her breath. It meant danger. Shatter crouched down, hoping the grass would be enough cover for her. It probably was. Beans were incredibly unobservant.
Rule number nine: Stay away.
“-and if you had just listened to me the first time we could’ve fooled them all!” One of the Beans complained loudly as they walked past. The other one sighed. “I don’t want to show them what I found! And it’s none of your concern how it will end..” Once the two had walked off, still bickering, Shatter emerged from her hiding spot. Human Beans were strange, curious creatures.
Rule number ten: Good luck.
Shatter reached a decision. As the sky grew darker, and stars flickered into view, she began to follow the path those humans had taken. Humans meant danger, but they also meant food and warmth. These humans didn’t seem to have any Borrowers living with them, since no remnants of Soul magic were felt around them. If there was a Borrower there, then they were incredibly incompetent for not using any Soul magic. Most likely, it would do as a temporary place to stay.
She couldn’t go back, so she would go forward. She would survive.
. . .
Oh yeah, I have a taglist!!!! I forgot about that!!!! If you want to be added, just comment/dm/ask me!
@i-am-beckyu, @da3dm, @brick-a-doodle-do, @faeiyn-cant-write.... I think that's everyone. Gosh it's been a while, can't remember stuff anymore :D
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oflgtfol · 1 year ago
"Why do you visit us alone, Turtlestar?"
Turtlestar recognizes the she-cat in front of her from the last time she had visited the Moonstream. On that fateful night, only twelve moons ago, the river had been blazing with the light of the waning gibbous as it gleamed off the current. Silversong had greeted her with stars sparkling in her eyes and moonlight weaving through her fur. Now, tonight, the moon is just a thin crescent setting on the horizon, and the Moonstream is dark. Silversong is but a pale apparition floating over the water.
Turtlestar bows her head. “I come before StarClan tonight to ask that… that you may rescind my nine lives, and give them to my deputy, Fawnspot. Name them Fawnstar in my stead.”
A moment of tense silence, and then, “Why should we do that?”
“I'm not fit to be SpruceClan's leader," Turtlestar replies. "It is… destroying me, and I’m afraid that it may destroy my Clan in the process."
A murmur rises up before her. She lifts her head to see more spirits have joined them, staring at her from behind Silversong. In the darkness, their forms blend together, faces bleeding into more faces until they're unrecognizable. She can't make out any eyes, but she can feel the weight of their stares, their disapproval heavy on her exhausted shoulders. She feels pinned down, small, cowering there alone on the river stone.
“It is not every day that a cat receives eight additional lives from StarClan,” Silversong says. “Do you doubt the gifts we gave you?”
“No, I just — I’m not worthy of them,” Turtlestar chokes out. She hangs her head in defeat. “Please. I’m trying to do what’s best for my Clan. And what’s best for my Clan is not me.”
Her pelt burns: with shame, with guilt, with humiliation. Only twelve moons, and she has come crawling back, knelt down and begging to be relieved of the duty that any other cat would be honored to have. As painful as this is, she knows that withstanding a single more day of this burden would be more than she could bear.
"Very well," Silversong says. She looks down at Turtlestar, eyes glinting like ice. "Let the ceremony commence."
A new cat emerges from the formless mass of ghosts. Rainstar, the leader of SpruceClan before her, steps towards Turtlestar and dips his head. Her mentor, her friend, and her predecessor — he had believed in her when even she herself didn't. His eyes are downturned and somber as he says, "There is no coming back from this. Are you sure you would like to begin, Turtlestar?"
She nods wordlessly, and he sighs. "For your ninth life, I gave you the gift of judgment. Now, I will revoke it.”
Rainstar leans forward and touches his nose to her forehead, and a terrible hollowing sensation pangs through her chest. It feels like the life is being sucked out of her, leaving her empty, shaking and weak. She feels a piece of herself missing, somewhere nestled next to her heart, where now nothing but a small, gaping hole resides, and she knows that hole will only get punched bigger and bigger over the course of the night. He pulls away and watches her, green eyes shadowed in the darkness, before he melts back into the crowd.
The press of the water-slick stone beneath her paws is grounding, now. She digs her claws in and pants, chest heaving, as she regains her bearings, head spinning and heart racing. The ghostly mass of StarClan cats hovers over the water, silent and watchful. Like the loss of her ninth life was an actual death, and this is her final judgment. But she still has seven more lives to lose tonight, and seven more final judgments to endure.
Another cat approaches. Sageleaf, a former SpruceClan medicine cat who had died when Turtlestar was still a kit, too young to remember them, but old enough to hear their stories. The cat eyes her flatly, face too stoic to betray any emotions. “I gave you your eighth life in honor of making difficult choices. I see it has been put to good use. Now, I will remove it.”
The cats come and go, and matter less and less each time. In between the terrible, bone-deep ache of each life lost, their words somehow still reach her, penetrating through the fog.
“I gave you your seventh life for loyalty.”
“Your sixth life was given for integrity.”
Finally, as Turtlestar stands hunched over and trembling with exhaustion, Silversong steps to the front once more. She eyes Turtlestar coldly. “For your second life, I had given you perseverance. Now, I will take it back." She presses her nose to Turtlestar's forehead, hard, unforgiving, and it feels as though the warmth is leaving her limbs.
Silversong pulls back, but doesn’t retreat. “You will remain known as Turtlestar, as a reminder of the lives you once had. You may not be leader of SpruceClan any longer, but may your experiences forever remain in your memories and guide you for the rest of your days.” Now, she steps back. “Have a good life, Turtlestar.”
Turtlestar watches as the thin crescent moon finally slips below the horizon, and StarClan fades away. She is left standing alone on the stepping stones, a shivering wreck in the darkness with only the rushing of water for company.
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ok so far I got
—resident that kills in anger (anger being either in the moment or built up over time) = ignited resident
so far that’s the only name one I got but as for the other motives, there’s:
—resident that kills for vengeance
—resident that kills for fun/to satisfy a need
—resident that mercy kills
—resident manipulated into doing bad (the fool?)
—resident that kills for ambition (ex. Becoming leader)
—resident that simply kills because they could (ex. Sageleaf)
—resident that kills due to envy (ex. Someone is a better warrior than them)
—resident that killed/believed they were killing for the greater good
—resident that killed for a convenient purpose (ex. Mouseshell killing for attention)
there are also those that didn’t kill but still caused harm, and I’ll work on those later.
Feel free to suggest more or help come up with names for these ones!
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cascloudclanpics · 10 months ago
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Who should be Blackpaw/finch’s mentor?
I’m leaning toward the lesser mentioned medicine cats, like Sageleaf, but I imagine the old girl wouldn’t want an apprentice
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forestemporium · 5 years ago
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Instasale on Sunday at 6pm in my instastories! Keep an eye out! #forestemporium #sageleaf #tourmaline #castring #sagering https://www.instagram.com/p/B9pJqHXABmM/?igshid=15ujpldsdokro
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quintessentialarts · 1 year ago
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Etsy | Facebook | Instagram
Salvia officinalis. This is the lovely "kitchen sage" or "common sage" plant.
This one is wrapped with a small faceted white moonstone on top 🤍🌿
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dannyphandomwarriors-blog · 6 years ago
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Name: Sageleaf Counterpart: Desiree Clan: ThunderClan
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lesbijouxdejane · 6 years ago
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Un dimanche à l’atelier pour terminer les alliances d’un adorable jeune couple qui a choisi les bagues sauge des Bijoux de Jane pour sceller leur union. Lui a opté pour la version classique en bronze et elle, la version positive de la feuille en argent 925. Le début d’une belle aventure de deux amoureux de la nature. . . . . . #lesbijouxdejane #bijouxdejane #weddingring #weddingrings #ring #botanicaljewelry #wedding #sageleaf #salviaofficinalis #ethicaljewelry #ethicalfashion #slowfashionjewellery #slowfashion #jewelrydesigner #natureinspiredjewelry #handmadeinswitzerland #lausanne #switzerland (à Les Bijoux de Jane) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Tmfu8ozJN/?igshid=1futh99u1062e
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sunsetnest · 8 years ago
hi, is grape still available? and would he be alright with a white gold ring as a vessel? if yes then i will submit an application !
yes and yes!!
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cucumberkale · 4 years ago
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He can smell the scent of decay and somehow he knows he’s drawing closer to the Gathering Spire. The intricate shining webbing that held it tall was hard to miss, and the flashing light from The Beyond could be seen in even the darkest of nights. Now, it was his only beacon in the swirling winds that surrounded him. He has to reach the spire. He has to.
Read it at AO3
[Begin ID: A colored, digital drawing of a Warrior Cats book cover. The Title reads: Warriors, Super Edition, God’s Ears are Stitches, in all caps. Beneath the title, in a square box is Sageleaf, who is Martin Blackwood as a warrior cat. He is a short-hair brown cat with one ear flopping to the side, and blue eyes with some green in them. His fur is littered with dark spots and small circular scars. He has red streaks of blood on his left eye and cheek. The rest of the cover shows a cell phone tower standing in a field of grass with an overcast and stormy sky. In the foreground are two cats, cowering in fear. Above the cell tower is a bright green eye with a cat’s pupil. Glowing green light shoots from the eye and to the tower. At the bottom is the author’s name: Corvidtowers. Below that are the beta and artist’s names. In the first row, from left to right are: acarrotcakehater, demonic-kitkats, and clownboye. In the second row, from left to right are: jonsimswannabe, kurofae, and cucumberkale. End ID]
My piece for the @podcastbigbang of @corvidtowers “God’s Ears are Stitches,” a Magnus Archives x Warriors crossover au! Betas and artists include: @acarrotcakehater @demonic-kitkats @clownboye @jonsimswannabe @kurofae
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