#sage redfox
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mused-like-roses · 1 year ago
" ⭐ "
MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi. If you like any of the suggested combinations, you are welcome to come plot or start interactions with them. ~ @itashiro-hitsuchiha
Dragon Ball ~ Any/All muses (For Android 21)
Fairy Tail ~ Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Gajeel Redfox, and Gildarts Clive (For Vorona, Mavis Vermillion, Erza Scarlett, and Mirajane Strauss)
Naruto ~ Any/All muses (For Konan and Kushina Uzumaki)
RWBY ~ Qrow Branwen, Taiyang Xiao-Long Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Sage Ayana, Ghira Belladonna (For Vorona and Neopolitan)
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petrisoriginals · 6 years ago
Sage Redfox
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commissioned by me from @chiire
Profiles via Ao3 link
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petri808 · 6 years ago
Charmed Affliction
Lol, this was a HW assignment but I might as well post it here too :). 4500 words
FT Next Gen main characters of parents Gajeel/Levy (Sage Redfox) and Mira/Laxus (Isla Dreyar), with Erza/Jellal’s child (Andesine Fernandez) in a smaller role; Nashi Dragneel is mentioned.  For pictures of the kids, please go to @petrischronicles, more character background and synopsis check out the AO3 link :)
“Just think about it, Isla, you don’t have to become a doctor, how about an EMT, or a surgical nurse…”
“Moooom just drop it already!  Why can’t you understand that I don’t wanna work in the medical field!”
“But with your magic, you could help people. That’s why your sister…”
“Ugh, Please don’t compare me to her, mom I hate it when you do that.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to but, Isla honey I wish you wouldn’t sell yourself so short.  You’re a lot smarter than you realize.”
Isla rolls her eyes, she was over having this same old debate, “Can I go?  I gotta get to school already.”
“Do you need a ride, I could drop you off on my way to work?”
“Nah, I’ll walk.”
“Alright, well good luck on your test dear.”
“Thanks, mom.” Isla gives her mom a half wave as she walks out the door.
In a world where only about 1 in every 5,000 people are born with the capacity to wield inhuman powers, it was seen as special to be one of those few.  But not everyone used their abilities for good or were even happy to have them.  They couldn’t live an ordinary life and were expected to behave with a higher degree of acumen.  But try explaining to a child why they couldn’t go to the same schools as the other kids in the neighborhood, or why they needed to attend a special school just for their own kind.  All Isla Dreyar wanted to be was a normal teenager, with normal problems, but unfortunately, being born with magic meant the shy young girl would face a whole ‘nother set of stressors that could drive her to the brink.  
Great, just great, as if things couldn’t get any worse in this class she just had to get an F on her quiz.  Isla rolls her eyes, lets out a lengthy groan, and drops her head onto the desk, burrowing it between her folded arms, ‘I really, really… hate this class!’  A month ago, she had been warned by upper classmates, that told her Elemental Studies was one of the toughest subjects anyone with her type of magic would have to go through; and now she knew why because it thoroughly and utterly sucked!
In this realm, elemental magic was the most common type because it revolved around anything to do with nature, such as fire, water, plants, rocks, and well electricity just to name a few.  But for Isla, that meant having to study several scientific topics such as chemistry, biology, and meteorology which were her weakest fields.  Plus, it didn’t help that the teacher, Mrs. Aquarius was, let’s just say not very friendly.  
Sage ducks into the room to check on his friend, knowing this was a difficult class for her, “Hey Isla,” a hand on her shoulder and a voice she knows all too well raises her from lamenting on the current situation.  “You okay?”
A false smile quickly morphs onto her face. “Yeah!”  Standing up and shoving her belongings into her school bag, “totally fine Sage, just a bit tired I guess, stayed up to cram ‘n all.”
The young man, moves out of the way as Isla shoulders her bag, giving her space while they head out of the classroom.  “How’d you do on the test?”
Shrugging, “Average I guess…. Hey, wanna get something to eat at the caf?”
“Nah I’m cool, supposed to meet Nashi in the library so we can work on our group assignment for Mr. Capricorn’s class,” he reaches out to put his hand on her shoulder, “how ‘bout…” but she shies out of his reach.
“Oh…” her breathing falters, “I’ll just catch ya later then.”  Isla walks away abruptly, leaving Sage a bit baffled by her sudden shift in attitude; not even giving him a chance to say goodbye.  Still confused but now late for his meeting, he heads in the opposite direction towards the library.  
Isla’s head is spinning, berating herself for being rude to Sage when all he had done was simply mention another girls name.  Of course, it was a rival in her view, but he didn’t know that… ‘and, didn’t deserve the attitude,’sighing and plopping down under an old willow with her lunch.  Sage Redfox, cool and collected Sage, or Tatsuo as some of his buddies called him was the one friend Isla had stayed close to since they were little kids.  While his tastes eventually developed into the more gothic scene, fueling her own shift towards that genre, his personality was always open and charismatic, never dark or angry.  Not to mention she found him very attractive, tall and toned, with long dark blue hair that he kept up in a ponytail most of the time.  He was the one friend she could count on….  Releasing a long exhale, ‘I should apologize to him later.’      
She rubs at her inner left wrist, closing her eyes to the realities surrounding her for the moment, and leans against the withered trunk.  School, studies, acquaintances going about their day oblivious to one girl sitting all alone.  They didn’t even notice her presence, Isla assumes, since she wasn’t one of the popular girls or in any real clique for that matter, able to count her real friends on one hand.  Not that she minded so much, in fact she preferred it that way.  Isla portrayed a tough girl image to keep people away and hide her real emotions not bring them closer, only those she trusts are ever brought into her inner circle.  
But right now, those emotions are playing havoc with her mind, running wild down the darkest of paths and Isla wasn’t sure how to get off it.  Isla raises her hand, watching the flickering white energy sparking off her finger tips, reminding of her of the so-called gift she should be thrilled to have.  It was inherited from her father, a powerful ability he would often remind her, dangerous and yet lifegiving at the same time.  Sure, it would be an easy thing to electrocute an enemy or restart a heart that had stopped beating.  But she wasn’t interested in either, at least the going into the medical field part because that would require a lot more schooling than the young girl was willing to consider.
After releasing the built-up energy into the ground around her, she closes her eyes once more.  It was unfair as far as she was concerned, that her sister inherited their mother’s transformation magic which was much easier to learn and deal with, and quite frankly a lot more fun.  Imagine being able to turn into any person or animal you wanted to, even grow wings to fly away, ‘far away from here.’  Last Isla had overheard, her older sister was aiming for a career in law enforcement just like their father, ‘such a kiss ass!’            
She notices a pair of boys creating and throwing snowballs at each other, hitting a girl on accident who retaliates by sending a stream of water to drench them.  One of her friend’s waves as he flies through the quad with leathery wings kicking up some dust and pollen.  Ugh, it was making her envious to see them having fun.  Isla checks her watch, 7 more minutes of lunch, two more classes and it was back to her one sanctum in this world where she could hideaway in solitude.  
Three hours later, the bell rings signaling the end of classes for the day. Isla packs up and heads straight for home without speaking to anyone she passes, simply intent on holing up in her bedroom for the rest of the night.  She hears her name called out from behind as she steps through the front door of the school, but there’s no turning back today, not today.
Sage can see his friend at the front of a throng of students rushing for the exit.  He calls out a couple of times, but Isla never turns around. A slight frown mars his face, could she not hear him?  Not a remarkable notion when you consider the volume of chatter in that narrowed hallway. But ever since they had parted ways outside of Elemental Studies, he could tell that Isla was hiding something and now this only fueled his assumption that something was truly upsetting her.  
“Oi!  Tatsuo!”
He turns to see one of his buddies ambling towards him, “Whoa whassup Ande!” clapping his friend’s hand with an exaggerated handshake and quick shoulder bump type hug, “Where the hell were you last night, I thought you was gonna stop by my house?”
“That damn test was hell to study for, but I bet you breezed through it, last year.”
“Even more reason you should’a dropped by, idiot I could’a helped ya.”  
“Eh,” Ande shrugs his shoulders, “I passed with a C.” The two boys head out along the side walk towards the parking lot and their cars.  “You got plans or just going home?”
“I do, was gonna swing by and check on Isla ‘cause she seemed upset earlier.”
“Probably did bad on that test, she looked miserable when we got it back from the witch.”
“That’s what I thought too but I think it’s something else.”
“Oh.”  Stopping at his car, Ande throws his bag on the backseat then turns again to his friend. “By the way…  so, I’ve been meaning to ask,” peering around to see if anyone was nearby, he lowers his voice, “what’s the deal with you two?”
Shifting his stance, Sage’s eyes narrow and he crosses his arms in a defensive posture, “What do you mean?”
“Pfft,” rolling his eyes, the mocha colored hues flashing in amusement, “don’t give me that look.  I know you like her, so what, you gonna stay in the friend zone forever or make a move any time soon?”
Sage sighs, “It’s…  complicated okay?  I just… She’s always been, like, shy about this stuff, so I don’t wanna push anything with her unless she’s ready for it.”
Andesine laughs and shuts his door, “I don’t know why you fuss over that one, especially after what you went through with Midori, so good luck man.”
“Midori wasn’t that bad, I just wasn’t as into her as she was of me.” Exhale,“But yeah, thanks anyways.”
The pair share another friendly handshake.  “Catch ya tomorrow.”
“See ya Ande.”  Tipping two fingers at his buddy before walking towards his own car.
It was only a few blocks from the school to her house, quicker with a few shortcuts so within 20 minutes she had made it, and even more pleased to see no one was home.  Isla looks at her phone, 3:27pm, that meant her parents wouldn’t be home for at least a couple more hours.  ‘Perfect!’  First order of business was to throw on some mind-numbing music and second, her version of therapy…
When he pulls alongside the curb fronting Isla’s house, it wasn’t immediately apparent if his friend was home, but he parks anyway and takes the chance. With his long legs, Sage traverses the short footpath to the porch in just a few strides and ascends the two-step staircase.  “Isla?” knocking at the door and trying the handle.  After finding it unlocked, Sage opens it and sticks his head through. “Isla are you home?”
He can hear music coming from the direction of her room but other than that, the house was quiet, no movement or sound, letting him know she was the only person home.  Well, he’d come this far, so he makes his way down the hallway.  Louder and louder the angsty blends of grunge alternative intensifies the closer he gets to her room, blaring sounds of metal music thumping against the walls.  
Sage knocks at her door.
The razor blade is poised for the second slash when she hears someone knocking at her bedroom.  Panic grips the young girl, who the hell was in her house!  It couldn’t be her parents and her sister weren’t due for a visit anytime soon.  Didn’t she lock the front door?  ‘Oh crap!’ In her rush to numb her mind had she forgotten to lock the damn door?
“Isla?  It’s me Sage.”
What was Sage doing there!  Isla rushes around her room, clicking off the radio, throwing things into the closet, the dresser, shoving stuff under her bed until a sharp sting hits her.  She looks down at her wrist as fresh little ruby beads break through the cut she had made a few minutes ago.  It was beckoning, almost calling to her to remember the freeing sensation it conveyed, such a dark reddish hue against the paleness of her milky skin tone charming her…  
“Isla?  I can hear you moving around.  Can I come in?”
‘Damn it!’ Sage, she had forgotten about him being there!  In a panic, Isla looks around for her first aid kit.  “It’s kind of a mess, could you, um, give me a couple more minutes to clean up?”        
Sage chuckles, “I’ve seen your version of a mess, come on Isla…”
She fumbles with a bandage and gauze trying to wrap the cut and pull her gloves back on as quickly as possible. “Just give me a few minutes please!!”
He stops cold, lips twitching into a frown.  That was a harsher reaction than was warranted, even from her.  “Isla, what’s going on?”
“No…tsss. Oww, fuck!”  
“Isla… what was that?”  He tries the knob, but it was locked.  “Are you hurt!”  Banging louder on the door, “Isla, if you don’t open this door I swear I’ll break it down!”
“I’m fine Sage…  Shit!”
Hearing the second cringe and that was it for him. He slams his shoulder into the door once, but it doesn’t budge.
“Sage are you crazy!!”
“Last chance Isla unlock it, or I break the door down. You know I could crack the metal hinges easily!”
“My parents will kill me if you do that!”
“Then I suggest you open it cause I ain’t leaving! Now, I’m counting to 3,” pause, “1…  2…”
Sage opens the door and finds Isla sitting on the edge of her bed.  There are drying tears along her cheeks but looking her up and down, he couldn’t see what the cause of the pain noises could have been from.  He hurries over and kneels in front of her, “Isla what’s wrong?”
“I told you, I’m fine, just, stubbed my toe on the bed.”
He glances down and see’s boots still on her feet, then back to her with a raised eyebrow.  She’s obviously lying to him and when he notices her favoring one of her hands, he grabs her by the wrist to check it himself.  “Oww!” Isla squeals, yanking back her arm and cradling the wrist against her chest.  A new wave of tears flowing freely as the stinging pain radiates outward from the fresh cut.  
Now he’s livid and grabs her arm again from a higher point forcing the glove off.  “A bandage?” Looking back at her face, his crimson red eyes flashing in anger, “did you cut yourself?”  Isla refuses to meet his stare and shakes her head with exaggeration. Grasping her by both arms, “Isla please tell me, did you hurt yourself?”  Again, she shakes her head vigorously, no.  “Don’t lie to me!  What did you use, a razor blade?  Where is it!!”  Her eyes widen, frightened by the fury he was displaying.  She hesitates but based on the seriousness in his tone, pulls it out of her pocket to avoid being searched by force.  Sage snatches the small cutter from her outstretched palm and using his metal manipulation magic, turns it into a useless quarter sized lump.  “No more of that.”
Sage rises to his feet.  If she had failed the Elemental test, that was something he could handle.  Parents just being on her case, nothing new to him. But a friend self-harming themselves, he had no idea how to react, and as he contemplates what to do, Isla sinks onto the edge of the bed with her head hung.  There was no way she could look at him now.  Why of all people to find this out about her than her crush? Could things get any worse?  Oh, how she wanted to run the razor over her arm and let the physical pain counter the mental anguish called her life.  
He walks away to stare out of the window, bracing against the frame.  It was like having his heart ripped from his chest to see his friend in so much distress, that she had felt so alone that hurting herself had become the only recourse.  His mind berates himself for not seeing the signs, for surely there had to have been some indications that Isla had been depressed.  But as he racks his brain, trying desperately to find something, nothing special was standing out.  Yes, in hind sight she had been a bit more detached, but since she had always been a reserved person it wasn’t such a noticeable difference.    
With his back turned, Isla squeezes the bandaged wrist.  If she couldn’t cut herself to bring on the pain, she could still get it another way.  Her eyes roll back as the stinging sensation floods her consciousness and dulls the droning voices screaming in her head.  Slowly she increases the pressure of her grip, sending new waves of euphoria against her ravaged mind, it felt utterly amazing to lose herself in its swells...
“Isla No!”  Suddenly, she is ripped away from her thoughts when Sage grabs her hand to stop her personal assault.  “Are you f’ing kidding me!”  
“You don’t understand!  It makes me feel better Sage!  I’ve been so depressed over everything lately and it takes that away, it stops the voices that plague my every waking moment.”  Isla stands up and paces next to the bed.  “I hate that I have this stupid magic, my parents are always comparing me to my sister, and now that friggen class is going to drive my GPA even lower!  Even the guy I like doesn’t see me.”  Flailing her arms in the air, “nothing is going right in my life, nothing!”
“Wait, what guy?”
“Huh,” Isla stops her ranting, whipping around, “what guy?”
“Yeah, you said the guy you like doesn’t see you, who are you talking about?”
“I never said anything about a…”  she pauses from the realization, ‘oh, snap, I did, didn’t I!’  Waving her hands adamantly to wipe the slate clean, “forget you heard that part,” she resumes pulling the first aid kit back out to fix her bandage like nothing strange had just happened.  “Look, Sage, please don’t tell anyone about this.  I don’t need any more people thinking I’m a bigger weirdo or loser.”
With nothing more than his own smarts and affection to guide him, Sage, leads her back to the bed and prompts her to sit down next to him.  “Isla, I’m sorry you hate having magic, it bugs me too sometimes, but I think it makes us unique, you know, special.  With your parents, they love you, you know they do, but…  maybe they just don’t realize that some of their comments makes you feel this bad.  And, don’t worry about class, okay,” holding her hand, sweeping his thumb over the silky skin, “I’ll help you with that, together you’ll get through it.  But, why are you deflecting my question?  Isla tell me who is this guy you like since it’s bothering you so much.”
“I…” looking away, “I can’t tell you that.”
“Why not, is it someone you know I’ll hate?”
“No…  He’s actuallya really great guy…”
“Do I know him?”
“Well, yeah probably better than anyone else…”
Running his free hand over his face, “Pleasedon’t tell me it’s Andesine.”
Her head whips around to look at him, “What!  Eww, no way, he’s not my type, plus his mom scares the hell out of me.”
“Then who is it?”
Isla looks down again, “I’m too embarrassed to tell you.”
Sage is torn, he doesn’t want to push too hard, concerned that doing so would drive her back to hurting herself when it seemed like he was making progress.  But he was also curious, jealouslycurious to know who his rival might be.  He sighs, noting the slight tinge of pink dusting her cheeks, and the increased warmth of her palms.  Whomever her heart belonged to was bringing out an adorable reaction from Isla and if that wasn’t just tearing his own apart.
“You know…” squeezing her hand as moisture clouds his vision, “I wish you had come to me about all of this…  We used to tell each other everything,” speaking softly with gentle underpinnings of a bruised spirit.  “Isla I’ll always be here for you… no matter what.”
She can’t bring herself to look directly at his face, but her eyes flit upward briefly, gazing through plumed lashes and noting the concern his eyes are sporting.  “I know…” a glowing flush to her skin only amplified by the darkening and spreading splotches along her chest.  “I know you are.”  At least deep down she did.
In that moment, the tough girl persona had dissolved into the Isla he knew was buried beneath the surface.  For all her flaws, she was beautiful to him inside and out, a rough diamond simply waiting to be cut and polished.  But the longer Sage soaks in her image, the more he realizes just how much he cared about the petite blonde with the dyed red hair.      
“Okay, Isla I won’t push if you don’t want to tell me. But, well…  I have a crush on someone too.”
Isla’s whole body stiffens.  Things were progressing so well, she was actually starting to feel better but with that one statement, all of those airier feelings flew right out the window as her heart sinks and all the color drains away from her face.  Of all the times for Sage to bring this up!  
She squeezes her eyes shut, barely breathing out the question, “I-Is it Nashi?”
“Nashi?” a strong rebuke in his tone, “no, it’s not her?”
“Then who is it?”  Her mind is spiraling, ‘Geez Sage just put me out of my misery already…’
“It’s you,” tilting her face up and smiling when her eyes pop open with genuine shock registering on her face.  “Isla, it’s you.”
“Me?” She blinks, his words still not sinking in.
“Yes, you.  Now will you tell me who you like?”
Isla pauses for a few seconds.  “I-I like you too Sage.”
Sage let’s out the air he didn’t realize he was holding. “Wow it’s a good thing we like each other.”  Chuckling, “cause, it’d be pretty awkward if you had said someone else.”
“But, I don’t understand…” Isla turns her head away, “why would you want to like someone like me?  I’m not pretty like your last girlfriend, and I-I mean you, well, you’re popular, and really smart, but me I’m just…” longexhale, “just a total mess.”
“You’re not a mess.  You have some issues but to me you are much prettier than Midori, and sweeter,” chuckling, “I can conduct your electricity so, I’d say we make a good match.” Caressing her cheek, “and you’re not dumb just because you struggle in science, your language and grammar skills are way better than mine.”  
Her eyes fill with moisture, “you really think so?” Sage nods his head in response.
The stirring of emotions swirling in her mind was becoming overwhelming, so she closes her eyes, drifting away to process it all.  Sage had caught her in one of her lowest moments and yet he hadn’t run but stayed to comfort her just like he had always done throughout their life. From scrapes and bruises in primary school, to fights with her sister.  Late night chats about anything or nothing.  He’d always been her best friend.  So, why had she fallen so far down the rabbit hole?  A part of her felt he deserved better, someone who didn’t seem to have so much baggage weighing them down.    
But could she break the cycle or had the slope become too slippery to climb back up from?  Isla wanted to believe everything he was saying, her heart wanted to take a sledgehammer to the wall that had been built up, but it was her mind that held back. All the what if’s plaguing it, would he hurt her in the end?  To lose not just a boyfriend, a first crush, but a best friend, could her heart take that kind of pain?  Like a drug dealer fueling its customer, the throbbing of her healing wrist harkened to her and she absentmindedly begins to rub at it.      
Sage frowns as he watches her slowly revert inwards again. “Isla?”
“Hmm?” she opens her eyes and looks at him.
“Why are you doing that?”
“Doing what?”  He points to her wrist and that’s when she realizes what she had started doing again.  “Sorry,” Isla stops rubbing her wrist, “I guess it’s become a habit.”
“Please, promise me you’ll stop hurting yourself. You mean too much to me to lose you now.”  
She blinks, this sappier side of Sage was new to her. “I…”  Taking a deep breath, could she really get better?  After a brief pause and another long exhale, she nods, “Okay, I promise Sage.”
A companionable silence falls between the pair, Isla feeling a little better about her circumstances, and he holding-out hope that she would keep her promise.  But it was a little awkward for her too, being so close and not knowing what to do next. Sage has had a girlfriend before, but Isla’s never had a boyfriend.                
She fiddles with her fingers, “Sage, um,” tucking some loose strands behind her ear, “what are we?  I mean, are we like a couple now?”
“Do you want to be?  I just didn’t want to make you feel like we had to be one if you weren’t ready yet.”
“I guess it would be okay, I mean, I’m okay with it if you’re okay with it.”
“Isla,” he cradles her cheek, sweeping his thumb over the skin, “I would love to finally call you my girlfriend.  Hmm, in fact,” Sage reaches over and picks up the former razor from where he’d dropped it, “maybe this will help.”  Using his magic, he splits the lump into two portions, manipulating their forms into new pieces.  “How about a promise ring,” slipping one onto her finger before placing the second ring on his.  “Now everyone will know we’re taken, and it’ll remind us of our promises to one another.”
“Sage…” moisture quickening at her corners and her baby blue eyes brightening, “I-I don’t even know what to say, it’s,” toying with the simple gray band, she exhales and smiles wide, “this does make me feel a lot happier.”
“That’s all I needed to hear.”
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mrslittletall · 4 years ago
Title: Warmth, Comfort and a Break Fandom: Bloodborne Characters: Laurence the first Vicar/Ludwig the Holy Blade Word Count: 6.323 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32155129
Summary: When Laurence gets sick with a cold, Ludwig talks him into letting the sickness cure on its own instead of using the holy blood. Laurence isn't too happy about it... but agrees once he notices how long he didn't take a break anymore.
(Author's note: I am gifting this to RedFox because they asked me for a LauLu sickfic AGES ago and also gifted fics to me completely unprompted, which is so cute and I really wanted to give something back.)
When Laurence woke up this morning, he felt awful. A headache, a stuffed nose, a sore throat... and he was pretty sure he had a fever as well. All the classic symptoms of a common cold.
He had always gotten one without fail in his youth, not a single year had spared him, sometimes he even got them more than once a year, and because of his already poor health, it meant that he was suffering a lot under them, having to spend at least a week in bed waiting for his fever to go down.
Luckily, now that he had the Healing Blood, that wouldn't be a problem anymore. He could just get himself his morning blood ministration and would be as good as new, ready to start work for the day.
So Laurence got up, upsetting two or three cats that had slept on his bed, with the motion, and teetered over to his armchair, where he kept his personal blood ministration equipment for his room. It would be a bit difficult to set it up with his body feeling so weak, but he would manage. Just as he put the blood vial into the structure and was about to insert the needle into his arm, his door suddenly barged open.
“Laurence, what do you want for breakfast to- Wait, what are you doing?!”, Ludwig's voice boomed through Laurence' room and Laurence, having been startled by his boyfriend, just stood there with the needle still in hand, not moving until Ludwig had crossed the distance to him.
“Getting a blood ministration right in the morning? Laurence, we talked about this, you really need to tone down on the blood...” The disappointment in Ludwig's voice was unmistakable.
“I need it.”, Laurence said, his voice a mere croak. “I am sick, Ludwig. I got a fever.”
“Oh?”, Ludwig said and felt Laurence' forehead. “Indeed, you are burning up.”
“So will you let me have-”, Laurence started but got interrupted by Ludwig picking him up.
“Then let's get you to bed right away to take care of this sickness and make you feel better!”
Before Laurence could complain, he was stuffed back in bed, Mary curling herself up on his lap.
“Ludwig, what is the meaning of this?”, Laurence whisper-croaked, apparently his voice decided to fail him completely by now.
“You take too much of the blood.”, Ludwig said. “And you seem to simply have a cold. It won't do your body any good when you heal everything with the blood, it will stop knowing how to heal itself. Besides, when was the last time you took a break?”
“It hasn't been that long.”, Laurence said before breaking in a cough, noticing that Ludwig rubbed his back when it happened. “Ugh, I shouldn't talk too much.”, he croaked, though with a bit more voice. “Anyway, I only took a break...”
Laurence stopped when he had to think about when had been the last time he took a break. It wasn't that long ago, right? However, he was sure he had been able to swim during the last break and the weather in Yharnam very much was winter, with the city coated in a fine powder that looked like someone had poured sugar on the building's roofs.
“Alright, it has been a while.”, Laurence let himself fall back into the pillows and kneaded Mary's fur absentmindedly. While he certainly felt like he should take a break, he would like for it to be a break where he wasn't feeling like shit.
“See? Just stay in bed and let me take care of you.”, Ludwig said.
“What about the church hunters?”, Laurence murmured, trying to not overstrain his voice too much.
“They can live without me for a day or two.”, Ludwig said. Laurence frowned, for his sickness normally never went away before a week was over. However, the latest hunt had just been and they wouldn't need to call out another so soon. “Let's rather focus on what you need... you should drink enough.”, Ludwig eyed the jar of water on Laurence' night stand, “Yes, water is good, but tea would be better. I will send Florence in with some tea soon. You can drink it while I prepare your breakfast. Because you have a cold, a nice chicken broth should help you out.”
Ludwig got up and smiled at Laurence. “And I will make sure to make it extra salty for you.”
“Thank you...”, Laurence said, though he was pretty sure he wouldn't taste anything anyway. He watched as Ludwig left the room and then focussed again on kneading Mary's fur, the cat purring at the continued care. She was warm and soft and made him feel a tiny little bit better.
When he had been allowed to have a cat back on Byrgenwerth, he surely would have managed to get over all his sickness days with much more ease.
With nothing to do, not feeling super tired and having to wait for breakfast anyway, Laurence continued to run his hands through Mary's fur, until there was a knock on the door.
“Come in.”, he said, figuring that it probably would be Florence, for Ludwig had told him he would send her with tea. Not much later, the door opened and Florence entered with a tablet filled with a tea can and a tea cup. “
“Vicar, Luwig told me you are feeling unwell?”, she asked as she walked over to his bed. “Oh dear, you look like you sport quite a fever.”, she added after taking one look at him.
“Unfortunately yes.”, Laurence replied, accepting the tea cup he gave him. The tea was still steaming which felt like a blessing on his stuffy nose.
“I brought you some sage tea.”, Florence put the tablet down on Laurence' night stand, putting the jar of water on top of it as well. “Though I wonder why you haven't cured your illness with the holy blood.”
“Ludwig told me that I shouldn't take it for just a little cold.”, Laurence said, taking a sip from the tea. For most people it would be far too hot, but he always liked to drink his tea as hot as possible.
“Understandable. Besides, you got into a habit to take far too much of the blood.”, Florence said. “Not that I can't understand it. There is quite a rush whenever I have it... it's so hard to control yourself sometimes. I am glad to see that you try to be better with it.”
Well... if Ludwig wouldn't have come in, Laurence very much would have taken the blood ministration. And even though he had promised Ludwig to not take one daily anymore, he still had done it in secret... he just... often didn't feel well when he didn't take the blood. There was this sense of longing which only vanished when he got a blood ministration.
Alright, maybe he really had a blood problem, but regardless, as long as Ludwig would mother him, he wouldn't be able to get one in anyway.
“Thank you for the tea, Florence.”, he instead said. “I assume you already cancelled all my appointments?”
“Not yet.”, Florence shot up. “Let me take care of it right away.”
“Cancel them for the whole week.”, Laurence said as she left, being sure that he would be stuck in bed for a while. Once Florence was gone, he sighed and continued to drink the tea. At least it was warm and made his throat feel a little bit better.
Laurence drank three cups of the tea and then planned to nap, only for his body to tell him he had failed to go to the bathroom after waking up and he didn't make it any better by drinking so much tea. While he very much didn't feel like walking all the way there, he was fighting a losing battle, so he pulled himself up, gave Mary a stroke with his hand and then walked towards the door, feeling a bit like one of the infected with how much his body was wobbling. Just as he had reached the door, it opened and Ludwig stood in front of him.
“Laurence, I brought your- What are you doing out of bed?”
“I need to use the bathroom.”, Laurence whispered, a total contrast to Ludwig's booming voice.
“Are you sure you are able to make it there on your own? You look like you could faint any given minute...” Ludwig entered the room and put the tablet he was carrying on the table while Laurence supported himself at the door frame, catching his breath. Before he could reply to Ludwig that he didn't have a choice, he felt himself being picked up.
“I will carry you there.”, Ludwig said, gently cradling Laurence in his arms, who turned a bit red in the face and it wasn't because of the fever.
“Ludwig... what if someone sees us like this...”, he murmured.
“Then I just tell them that I'll help our sick Vicar out.”, Ludwig beamed at him. “Now let's get you to the bathroom before we need to change your clothes.”
“It isn't that bad...”, Laurence murmured as Ludwig carried him to the nearest bathroom. Laurence half expected that he wanted to come in with him, but Ludwig waited outside until Laurence was finished and left the bathroom after having washed his hands.
“Now let's get you back to bed and feed you your soup.”, Ludwig said and picked Laurence back up again.
“Why are you talking to me like I am a small child?”, Laurence asked on their way back. Last time he checked, he had been an adult for almost fifteen years now.
“Old habits die hard.”, Ludwig replied. “I used to take care of my younger siblings and whenever they got sick, I talked to them like this because it made them feel better. They were more calm when they knew what would happen next.”
“Well, I am not five years old anymore.”, Laurence said, letting himself hang limp in Ludwig's arms. “Besides... I used to be sick a lot as a child, so I can't be surprised anyway...”
“I am not trying to talk down to you or anything.”, Ludwig said, opening the door to Laurence' room. “But if you feel uncomfortable with it, I'll stop.”
As Laurence got put back into his bed, he considered Ludwig's words... Actually, it was kind of comforting. “...You don't need to stop.”, he said and leaned against the backrest of his bed, fluffing up a few pillows while Ludwig prepares his breakfast. Even though he couldn't smell much, he could smell the soup, for Ludwig must have used some strong smelling herbs in it. Even the smell made him feel better... surely after the soup was inside of him, he would feel better as well.
After Ludwig poured the soup from the pot into a bowl, putting the lid on the pot again, he dunked a spoon in it and carried it over to Laurence' bed. There, he sat down and took the spoon himself, filling it and offering it to Laurence complete with the words: “Laurence, say aaaah.”
“That's getting too ridiculous, Ludwig.”, Laurence crossed his arms and cocked his head a tiny little bit. “I can eat on my own. How about you prevent the cats from annoying me while eating? They are already interested...”
It was true, Mick, Mary and Amy had come already to sniff at the bowl. Ludwig gave Laurence a sheepish smile. “I am sorry, Laurence.”, he said and handed him the bowl, then got up and scooped the three cats in his arms. “But tell me if you need help.”
“It's just a cold.”, Laurence said, adjusting the bowl on his lap and grabbing for the spoon with his left hand. “Like you said earlier. I won't need help eating. I just am too weak to take care of myself for a while...”
Thanks to his trip to the bathroom earlier, the soup had already cooled a bit, but Laurence didn't mind if it would have been hot. It was cold outside anyway and even though his body felt hot, he felt so cold from the inside, did he have the chills already? The warm soup was a blessing for his freezing body and his sore throat. Ludwig had kept his promise and put more salt into the soup, so that Laurence could taste quite a bit of it. It probably would be too salty for anyone else, even himself when he didn't have a cold, but for this exact moment, it was the right amount of salt. It helped to make the herbs stand out also.
While Laurence chewed on a piece of chicken meat, he looked at Ludwig, who had decided to entertain the cats with a game to distract them from the food. All three of them were hunting a long string, one that looked like it came directly from Ludwig's boot. On closer inspection, it really came from it.
“I have toys for them.”, Laurence said, his voice feeling much smoother thanks to the warm meal.
“I don't mind.”, Ludwig simply answered. “My shoelaces are sturdy. They can chew on it for a bit.”
Laurence shrugged and continued his meal. After he had emptied the bowl, Ludwig came over to take it and was in the process of filling it up again, but Laurence stopped him. “I can't eat that much when sick.”, he said. “I am already full.”
“Well, you ate more than usual.”, Ludwig gave Laurence a smile. “I will keep the rest warm for later then.”
“Yes, that would be the best...”, Laurence murmured. “I think I want to nap for a bit...” He already felt his eyes getting heavy.
“Then I will look after you later.”, Ludwig promised and Laurence heard how the door shut when his eyes ultimately fell shut and his body tried to sleep through the sickness.
Ludwig returned later to check up on Laurence... with a couple of Laurence' favourite books. While he would have liked to just sit down in his armchair and read them himself, his headache had returned and it didn't get better when a sneezing fit overtook him after waking, which turned into a coughing fit, leaving Laurence gasping for air while Ludwig rubbed his back.
After Laurence' body had calmed down, it still told him that he better move as little as possible and so he cuddled himself in the blankets of his bed while Ludwig read to him.
Ludwig wasn't a good reader at all. He was slow, stumbled over words and sometimes had to read the same sentence several times to deliver it right. In truth, Ludwig was terrible at reading, especially aloud and normally Laurence would have pulled his hair at this style of reading. Ludwig had once said to Laurence that it always looked to him that the words are missing letters or mixed up and that he really tried to not riddle his reports with too many mistakes. Laurence had to admit to himself one day that reading and writing just wasn't Ludwig's forte. Some of the spelling mistakes even were pretty hilarious.
While Laurence truly had trouble with Ludwig reading so slow and snatchy, he very much admired that his boyfriend took the trouble upon him to read to Laurence, even though Ludwig knew he wasn't good at it. It made Laurence' heart feel quite a bit warmer, even though he didn't even manage to get through one chapter in an hour.
“Maybe I should try a different book.”, Ludwig said after he finally got through chapter one of an adventure novel. He put the book aside and grabbed for another one. Laurence grabbed for the cup of tea on his night stand, for Florence must have brought new tea while he slept and it was nice and hot again, and waited for Ludwig to pick a book.
“How to pick up Fair Maidens.”, Ludwig read. “What a pretentious title... Let's see.. Chapter one... Oh dear, are you alright, Laurence?”
Laurence had spit his tea all over his blankets when Ludwig had picked up the book, because not only was this a book that Laurence absolutely hated, it had been Gehrman's favourite book. He had put it into his bookcase in his office one day... so that he would never forget... Ludwig must have grabbed it as well when he picked out Laurence' favourites.
“Sorry, Ludwig, I didn't want to scare you.”, Laurence said and wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his pyjama. “That book... was Gehrman's favourite...”
Ludwig looked down at the book on his lap and realization flashed over his eyes. “Of... of course, I remember... he was always reading this book. His copy was in a much worse shape, that is why I didn't recognize it... I normally recognize books by their cover and not their title...”
That only further cemented Laurence' theory that Ludwig and letters had decided to be common enemies, but that wasn't the point here. The presence of the book was such a grim reminder of the fact that his friend had vanished... before Laurence could properly apologize to him.
“I am sorry, Laurence, I know he is a touchy subject for you. I will pick a different book to read, but first we should change your pyjamas and blankets. They are full of tea. Wait here, I get a wash cloth.”
“Of course...”, Laurence said, putting the cup of tea back on his night stand, staring at the book that Ludwig had so innocently picked out. Gehrman had been Laurence' usual care taker when he was sick, so many weeks spend on the couch in the little cottage he inhabited with his dad, so many days where he had held Laurence' hair out of the way when the latter puked out his guts (again), so many instances where Gehrman had picked him up and laid on a more comfortable surface when Laurence had passed out again, treating any wound that got inflicted during the fainting.
If he would still be there, would he step in his old caretaker role and make sure that Laurence felt better soon? Or would he just tell Laurence to get a blood ministration and call it a day? Laurence would never know, for he never had managed to locate Gehrman (not that he didn't try to find him once and again...)
Ludwig entered the room again with a wash cloth as well as a new cover for his blankets. Glad for the distraction, Laurence stumbled out of bed and let Ludwig take care of him, let himself undress and clean up where the tea had hit his skin and once he was in a new pyjama, he sat himself in his armchair with a woolen blanket that Florence had knitted for his birthday once and waited until Ludwig was done with changing the tea sodden cover.
It was a good thing that no cats had been present during this small slip-up or Laurence would have had a few scratches as well as result.
He looked down at his arms at this thought. For a cat owner having scratches was normal, it happened while they played or when they tried to climb on him or when he was a casualty when they fought. His arms were completely clean from any scratches or scars from them. Because of his daily usage of the blood... Laurence hadn't even noticed how dependent he had become on it...
“Alright, Laurence, you can get back into bed.”, Ludwig said. Laurence got up, shivering on the short way over to his bed and was more than glad when he could cuddle himself in the comfort of his feather blanket again. “Let me read another book to you...”
Much later that day, when the sun had long set and snow swirled outside the window, Laurence' cold had taken a turn for the worse and he just wanted to go to sleep and hope that it would be better the next day... if his cough would even let him sleep!
Ludwig had brought some more tea to soothe his throat. He also had asked if he should bring some cough medicine, but Laurence declined... he knew what was in these things and that would completely knock him out. Besides, because of the holy blood, Yharnam barely sold common medicine anymore, pretty much every clinic had switched over to blood ministrations (of course they were under church control) and the ones that didn't only saw very few patients.
An earlier version of Laurence may have felt guilty about this, but the Laurence that lived in the here and now was long over feeling pity for them.
Laurence tried to drink at least one cup of tea before he would settle down to sleep, which was difficult when his body got racked by coughs again and again. Finally, after what felt like hours, probably only had been ten minutes though, his throat stopped tickling for the moment and he felt ready to just lay himself down and pass out.
...Maybe he should have sent Ludwig to get the cough syrup...
Ludwig insisted on staying with Laurence for the night, so that he could take care of him immediately should something happen or should he need help. Laurence knew that Ludwig wouldn't change his mind, but he didn't allow Ludwig in his bed, for he didn't want for him to catch Laurence' cold. Ludwig probably would try to take care of Laurence despite being sick (and of course he wouldn't take the blood for such a minor illness), so Laurence didn't feel comfortable with getting his boyfriend sick as well.
Ludwig decided to sleep in Laurence' arm chair instead, putting the woollen blanket over himself, settling in, his black hair not in a ponytail but falling upon his shoulders, looking like black silk. Ludwig had such beautiful hair, that was what Laurence thought when he looked at him and then decided to close his own eyes to get his much needed rest.
When Laurence awoke it was still dark, still the middle of the night. He felt so hot... had his fever taken a turn for the worse? He certainly didn't feel well... laying in his bed, breathing heavily, interrupted by a few coughs occasionally. Laurence rolled from his back on his side and hoped that the awful feeling in his throat would go away and that his fever would calm down soon, when he had another feeling deep inside of him...
The blood. He felt like he needed the blood. He hadn't been able to take it during the day, for Ludwig wanted for him to stay clear of it for a while... but he couldn't do this, he felt himself shivering and it wasn't from the chills, he felt like his body would dissipate if he didn't put the blood inside of it right now, his breath was going quicker and he just needed to get up and get a blood vial... just a tiny one... just a little drop, that was all...
“Laurence, where are you going?”, Ludwig asked, making Laurence aware that he wasn't in his bed anymore but had started to walk towards his cupboard. Ludwig came over to Laurence and laid his hand on his forehead. “By the blood, you are burning up. You shouldn't walk away in the middle of the night with such a fever. If you need to go to the bathroom, I can help you out.”
Laurence shook his head, that had not been the issue. He wanted... he tried to get the blood, despite him promising to Ludwig to not take it... he really had a problem apparently...
“Felt hot. Wanted to get some cold water.”, he rasped out, his throat feeling like gravel.
“You get into bed right away and I get you a cool wash cloth.”, Ludwig said and led Laurence back to bed.
Laurence laid himself back down and pulled the blankets over him when Ludwig left. Now., his mind said to him. Now you can get a drop of blood. Ludwig will never know it.
Laurence didn't move. Instead, he focused his thoughts on the cat that slept with him and pet its fur. He didn't even notice which one it was, he just needed something, anything to distract him from this need.
When had Laurence gotten so dependent on the blood? He used to have a blood ministrant monthly, for he had to cure his chronic anemia. It turned into a bimonthly one, then a weekly and soon... soon he had done one daily, for it wasn't only the healing properties of the blood, but also the rush of it... it made him feel good, made him forget his troubles, put him on some high...
No wonder Ludwig was concerned about him. That surely wasn't healthy. Though, how should Laurence get rid of this awful feeling, the feeling that something was missing from his body, something that he desperately wanted to replace?
Just as the cat he had petted screamed in protest for he had struck his nails in it, Ludwig entered again and looked a bit confused at the offended ball of fur that left the room.
“Laurence, I brought a cool wash cloth.”, he said and laid it on Laurence' forehead. “That should help you cool down, so that you can go to sleep again.”
Ludwig wanted to leave and sit back down in the armchair, but he stopped when Laurence tugged at his sleeve.
“Ludwig? Could you read another book to me?”, he requested.
Ludwig gave Laurence a big smile. “Of course.”
Even though it took ages for Ludwig to get through the one chapter he wanted to read, even though he fell over every second sentence and had to double-check on every other word, it distracted Laurence from his need. He would just focus on Ludwig and his non existent reading skills and nothing else. Ludwig would help to keep him grounded.
He soon fell asleep again.
Of course Laurence wasn't healthy the next day. He never had managed to cure a cold in a day without the help of the old blood. The same could be said for the day after the next day. Ludwig continued to take care of him, by giving him food (still mostly warm soup or stew), reading to him, delivering the cats to him so that they could warm him and getting tea into his system, hoping that he could sweat and flush the sickness out.
On the fourth day, Laurence felt finally better, though now he had a different problem... now his nose wouldn't stop running and he pretty much had blown his nose with four different handkerchiefs now.
“How are you feeling, Laurence?”, Ludwig came in with his bright smile and put Laurence' tea on the nightstand. “Here is your new dose of tea. Drink plenty.”
“In a minute.”, Laurence replied, sniffling. “My stupid nose won't stop running... I think I need another handkerchief soon...” Just as Laurence had finished speaking, a sneeze happened. He held the handkerchief in front of him to catch the brunt of it, but the warmth on his face and the red on the handkerchief made it clear that his nose hadn't liked the constant blowing this morning at all. “Fuck.”, he growled.
“Woah, you got a nosebleed!”, Ludwig looked rather shocked while Laurence just sighed.
“And? That happens to me all the fucking time even unprompted. Rather give me a new handkerchief, it's all over my hands already...”
Indeed Laurence' battered nose had already bled through the already sodden handkerchief he had held and now the blood dripped all over his fingers and down on his pyjama. Ludwig handed him a new handkerchief which Laurence pressed against his nose where blood and snot intermingled. A fairly unpleasant sensation.
“At least all the snot gets out.”, Ludwig said as he steadied Laurence, making him hold his head slightly downwards, so that the nosebleed wouldn't clog his respiratory system and would hopefully stop soon.
“Could have done without the blood...”, Laurence said. “Wait, don't I have to pay into the swear jar?” He remembered the two swears that had slipped earlier.
“I wanted to give you a pass because you aren't feeling well.”, Ludwig said. “But for the next one when you are healthy you have to pay double.”
“What even is the point then?”, Laurence murmured, folding the handkerchief so that the bloody side would point away from him and catch the rest of the blood with the clean side.
“Once your nosebleed has stopped... I wanted to ask you away, would you like to take a bath?”, Ludwig asked as his hand went through Laurence' hair which made the latter extremely relaxed, forgetting to catch the nose bleed and bleed all over the blankets. “Ah sorry, I forgot that happened to you...”
“A bath sounds fine.”, Laurence replied. “I need to get one anyway, I have blood all over my face and hands...”
Not only that, Laurence hadn't got a proper bath for a few days now and he felt all sweaty and gross because of the fever. At least it had gone down today, even though it wasn't completely gone. Why were his colds always so persistent?
Ludwig helped him out of bed, but didn't carry him this time, for Laurence made it clear that he would like to walk on his own, now that he was better. Ludwig still laid a hand around his shoulder and walked with him towards the bathroom, the small little personal one, which housed a sink, a toilet and a bathtub, which was big enough for two people. Laurence unlocked it with his key and stepped in, Ludwig closely behind him.
“I already let the water heat up.”, Ludwig said. “It should be nice and hot, like you enjoy it.”
“Thank you.”, Laurence sat down on the closed toilet and waited while Ludwig filled the tub with water. While he waited, his nose started to run again, so he pressed his sleeve against it and wiped it. He would need to put on a new pyjama anyway.
While Laurence and Ludwig waited for the tub to fill, Ludwig organized a new pyjama for Laurence, locked the door behind him when he returned and got towels from the shelf in the bathroom ready. Once the tub was completely filled, Laurence got up and fumbled with the buttons on his pyjama. Ludwig was over in an instance and helped him undress. Once Laurence was completely naked, he entered the bathtub and sighed when the warmth, heat even, engulfed his body and soothed his aching nose and chest.
Laurence didn't expect for Ludwig to get into the tub with him, so a surprised noise escaped him when his boyfriend entered as well.
“How can you sit in this heat without batting an eye?”, Ludwig asked, fanning himself with his hand. It seemed to be a little too hot for him.
“Because I love the heat.”, he replied and leaned himself against Ludwig's large frame, closing his eyes when he felt his boyfriend's embrace. He could stay in the hot water like this forever...
However, Ludwig didn't let him enjoy the moment for eternity, for Laurence had to get cleaned up, especially the blood that was still smeared over his hands and chest. The water hadn't managed to get rid of everything, for it already had crusted and was now caked over his body.
Though, it was very nice to get washed by Ludwig as well. Ludwig didn't talk much, just sometimes prompted Laurence to give him a certain limb or move in a certain way. He was gentle and with each stroke of the wash cloth, Laurence felt cleaner and a lot better, watching as the red streaks of his blood appeared in the water before fading and settling at the ground. While it felt a bit weird basically sitting in his own blood, there was so much water in the tub, it was diluted enough.
After Ludwig was done with cleaning up Laurence, he got his earlier wish fulfilled and was allowed to just sit in the bathtub, leaning his head against Ludwig's chest and get his hair stroked by the man he loved. Only shortly before they had to leave the tub did Ludwig intervene again, by washing Laurence' hair.
It had been so relaxing that Laurence even forgot about his cold while in the warm water, but once he was out, heavily shivering because of the cold air, he got reminded about it. Ludwig wrapped him in a towel immediately and helped to dry Laurence' body and hair, then helped him into the fresh pyjama he had brought.
“Stupid cold.”, Laurence murmured. “When will it finally leave me in peace?”
“Soon probably.”, Ludwig said as he let Laurence back to his room. “You look a lot better already. And this was all your own body and not the blood. Besides, you finally took a break again, so I am not exactly mad at your illness...”
“It is nice to spend so much time with you...”, Laurence had to admit. He was really working too much. He should make sure to take at least one day off each week to spend with Ludwig entirely.
After Laurence was tucked in bed again, Ludwig left to prepare his meal. Expecting some more stew or soup, Laurence poured himself another cup of tea and entertained the cats that gathered around his bed with a string that was knotted to a wooden stick. They surely had fun with this game, even though two of them had a little quarrel when they hit each other instead of the string.
All three of the cats present turned and ran towards the door though when Ludwig returned. “Woah, you guys better get out.”, Ludwig said and pretty much banished the cats from Laurence' room, blocking the cat door as well. “Or they won't let you eat in peace.”
Laurence' ever running nose was a blessing when it came to the food, because for once he could actually smell it and it smelled so good, his mouth actually started to water.
“I thought you must be tired of stew or soup.”, Ludwig smiled. “And since you feel better today, I made you another dish. Baked salmon with mashed potatoes and peas on the side, all topped off with a sauce hollandaise. Enjoy.”
“Thank you, Ludwig.”, Laurence said as he dug in, amazed at how well he could taste again and that Ludwig had put the exact right amount of salt he liked into the dish. It was truly wonderful and made him feel a lot better.
Laurence mostly took a nap for the rest of the day until Ludwig came back to him. With him feeling better, Ludwig decided to come into bed with Laurence and join him while Laurence read one of his books, being well enough again to read on his own.
Laurence smiled as Ludwig cuddled against him, soon falling asleep probably from the exhaustion of taking care of Laurence and having to keep up his job. Laurence purged the light not much later and decided to sleep as well.
Three days later Laurence woke up and didn't feel sick at all anymore. He checked his forehead and he surely had no fever anymore, he didn't feel the need to cough and while his nose felt sensitive, it was neither stuffed nor running without pause.
He got out of bed and walked over to his wardrobe, putting on his usual church robes. No sense laying in bed anymore, he could get back to work.
As Laurence put the church robe on, he noticed something in its pocket. He felt for it and found a blood vial. He held it between his fingers and stared at it.
He... wasn't sick anymore, so he wouldn't need it anyway... but... hadn't he been off the blood long enough for now? Though, should he take so much of the blood anyway?
Maybe later, Laurence decided, putting the blood vial back into the pocket. He had survived without daily blood ministrations in the past, he had survived this week. Maybe he should try and really tone down on the blood... even though he didn't feel strong enough to put that particular blood vial into his desk and lock the drawer with the key.
The door opened and Ludwig came in: “Laurence, what do you want for breakfast today? Oh, do you feel better?”
“Loads.”, Laurence answered. “I will get back to work today.”
“That's great.”, Ludwig came over and ruffled his hair, making Laurence melt in his touch. “See, it was just a cold, you did survive it, even without the blood.”
Laurence winced at the mention of the blood, thinking about that blood vial he would carry around with him. Time for an experiment... if he would manage to go a whole day without using it, he would consider it a success. For now, though...
“But I still would like that breakfast of yours.”, he said. “Can you make me a rice omelette?”
“Gladly.”, Ludwig said and left the room, leaving Laurence' alone, who sat down on a chair and felt the blood vial in his pocket.
“Only one day...”, he said to himself, hoping that he wouldn't fail. (Author's notes: Spoilers, he fails.
Ludwig has so much trouble reading because he is dyslexic, they just don't have a word for it in Yharnam.
If you want to know more about Laurence' cat, check out my “The Crazy Cat Vicar” fic.
The cough medicine is a reference to the Victorian cough syrup which is filled with alcohol, cocaine and other drugs.
I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave me a comment with your thoughts.)
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brave-heart-academy · 4 years ago
Brave Heart Academy’s Students
Some of these OCs are from my friends. Also, I’d like to thank them for helping me with the development of BHA.
Patrick Anderson (3-D) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Kronk in Emperor’s New Groove)
Henry Leonhardt (2-E) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the Scared Lion in Wizard of Oz)
Wiatara Mitsu (2-A) (Twisted from Winnie The Pooh) (This is my friend’s OC)
Gray Hughes (1-A) (Twisted from Eeyore in Winnie The Pooh)
Zaman Clockwork (2-B) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the crocodile in Peter Pan) (This is my friend’s OC)
Jack Handyman (3-D) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the octopus in Peter Pan)
Einar Russel (1-B) (Twisted from Oh in Home) (This is my friend’s OC)
Celty Pacifica (3-C) (Twisted from the ocean in Moana)
Minerva Athens (3-A) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Bobble in Tinkerbell) (This is my friend’s OC)
Cloud Sharp (1-E) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz)
Marianna Megalos (2-C) (Twisted from Meg in Hercules) (This is my friend’s OC)
Sage Hudson (3-D) (Twisted from the Hudson Hornet in Cars)
Rogue Begonia (3-D) (Twisted from Loki in the Norse Mythology)
Aether Draconia (2-C) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Vidya in Tinkerbell) (This is my friend’s OC)
Altair Macaw (2-B) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Iago in Aladdin)
Blair Allaway (1-D) (Twisted from Merida in Brave) (This is my friend’s OC)
Kalil Weaver (2-A) (Twisted from the Magic Carpet in Aladdin)
Rosalind Alarie (3-B) (Dorm Leader) (Inspired from the song, Royal Scandal https://youtu.be/Og-e5FBDKxA) (This is my friend’s OC)
Nora Justice (2-D) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Judy Hopps in Zootopia)
Dorothea Hampton (2-B) (Twisted from Dory in Finding Nemo) (This is my friend’s OC)
Felix Roterluchs (2-E) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from James in Peter Pan and the Star Catchers)
Mallory Cricket (1-E) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the Lucky Cricket in Mulan)
Ferran Sapajou (1-A) (Twisted from Abu in Aladdin)
Sylvester Redfox (2-E) (Twisted from Nick Wilde in Zootopia)
Nia Marie Eidolon (2-A) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Cogsworth in Beauty and the Beast)
Sherwood Archibald (2-D) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Robin Hood)
Lian Jingyi (3-A) (Twisted from Shift in Kung Fu Panda) (This is my friend’s OC)
Rune Midnight (3-E) (Twisted from Pinocchio)
Lumine El Makina (2-A) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from Tinkerbell before she met Peter Pan)
Hugo Smith (1-C) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz)
Gānglóng Chén (1-A) (Twisted from Mushu in Mulan) (This is my friend’s OC)
Hubert Atlas (1-C) (Twisted from Milo in Atlantis)
Arthur Chevalier (3-A) (Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the concept of a Prince Charming)
Elizabeth Grace (3-B) (Vice Dorm Leader) (Twisted from the concept of a Princess)
Max Blanc (3-B) (Twisted from the Prince’s trusty steed)
Suzette Patissier (1-C) (Twisted from Vanellope Von Schweetz from Wreck It Ralph)
Luciana Leclair (1-A) (Twisted from Esmeralda from Hunchback of Notre Dame) (This is my friend’s OC)
Robert Briller (2-C) (Twisted from Kuzco in Emperor’s New Groove)
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chiire · 7 years ago
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Fairy Tail Next Generation Character Design Commission Gajeel and Levy's son, Sage Tatsou Redfox
Character Design by: Chiire Character owned by: @petri808
Commission Price list: http://chiire.tumblr.com/commission Support me by buying coffee: ko-fi.com/chiire
RE-UPLOADING this art is prohibited.
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arkus-rhapsode · 8 years ago
Hiro Mashima: Character Aliases
Haru Glory-Second Rave Master, Messenger of Light
Hamrio Musica-The Silver Claimer
Elie-Master of Etherion
Let Dahaka-The Dragon King
Lazenby-The White Flame Hero
Galein Musica-Blacksmith Musica
Lance-Beast Sword Lance
Endless-King of Oblivion
Go-Go of the Thunder
Sieg Hart-Elemental Master
Jegan-Dragon Master
Shiba Roses-First Rave Master, Sword Saint
Lucia Raregroove-Blonde Demon, Dark Bring Master
Shuda-Shuda of the Explosion Flame, The Ballet King
Haja-Haja the Infinite
Ltangle-The Dead Angle
Remi Sharpner-Maiden of the Holy Force Field
Racas-The Counterattacker
Rionette-Shadow Master
Pumpkin Doryu-Ruler of the Night
Plue-Rave Bearer
Belnika-Holder of Etherion
Crush Cookie-Invincible Murderer
Orochi-Poison Cloud Orochi
Mummy-Werewolf Doctor
Shakuma Raregroove-World's Mightiest Sorcerer, King Among Kings
Megido-Megido of Lava
Brosnan-Golden Eye Brosnan
Moore-The Full Moon
Dalton-Dalton the Chrysalis
Julius-The Dancing Prince
Asura-King of Darkness, Living Dark Bring
Uta-King of Battles, Uta the Eternal
Jiero-The Frozen Beauty, Jiero of Despair
Natsu Dragneel-Salamander, The Great Demon Lord Dragneel
Erza Scarlet-Titania
Gajeel Redfox-Black Steel
Juvia Lockster-Juvia of the Great Sea, Rain Woman
Wendy Marvell-Sky Sorceress
Mirajane Strauss-The Demon
Elfman Strauss-Beast Arm Elfman
Gildarts Clive-Ace of Fairy Tail
Freed Justine-Dark Freed
Loke-The Lion
Mavis Vermilion-Fairy Tactician
Aria-The Great Sky, Aria of the Heavens
Sol-The Great Earth, Sol of the Land
Totomaru-The Great Fire, Totomaru of the Conflagration
Jura Neekis-Iron Rock Jura, Ace of Lamia Scale
Lyon Vastia-Cold Emperor
Yuka Suzuki-Yuka the Wave
Hibiki Lates-Hundred Night Hibiki
Eve Tearm-Holy Night Eve
Ren Akatsuki-Silent Night Ren
Jenny Realight-Miss Fiore
Bacchus Groh-The Drunk Falcon, Bacchus of the Drunk-Chop Hanging Palm
Sting Eucliffe-The White Dragon
Rogue Cheney-The Shadow Dragon
Rufus Lore-The Minstrel Who Sings to the Red Moon
Orga Nanagear-Orga of the Black Lightning
Kagura Mikazuchi-White Ribbon
Ultear Milkovich-The Time Witch
Richard Buchanan-Hoteye of the Heavenly Eyes
Drake-Sniper Drake
Rala-Hammer Rala
Hiroshi-Sword Hiroshi
Natsu Dragion-Fire Ball
Erza Knightwalker-Fairy Hunter
Mard Geer Tartaros-Underworld King
Silver Fullbuster-Absolute Zero
Kyoka-Goddess of the Slave Planet
Tempester-The Immortal, Calamity
Keyes-The Black Archbishop
Franmalth-The Armored
Torafuzar-The Dark
Seilah-Goddess of the Chill Moon
Fukuro-Warrior of Justice
Wally Buchanan-Mad Dog Wally
Igneel-The Fire Dragon King, The Fire Dragon
Grandeeney-The Sky Dragon
Metalicana-The Iron Dragon
Weisslogia-The White Dragon
Skiadrum-The Shadow Dragon
Zirconis-The Jade Dragon
Atlas Flame-The Eternal Flame
Belserion-The Sage Dragon
Acnologia-The Black Dragon, The Dragon King, Dragon of Magic
Jerome-Dark Sword Jerome
Arcadios-The White Knight
Future Rogue-The Dragon King, The Shadow Dragon
Zeref Dragneel-The Black Wizard, Emperor Spriggan
Ajeel Ramal-Desert King
August-Magic King, Disaster
Invel Yura-Winter General
Bloodman-Grim Reaper
Brandish-County Demolisher
Dimaria Yesta-Valkyrie
God Serena-Hybrid Theory, Eight-Dragon God Serena
Irene Belserion-Scarlet Despair, Queen of Dragons
Larcade Dragneel-White Dragneel
Wall Eehto-The Adjudicator
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liviacruz · 8 years ago
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❤️☀️🐾 • • • #dog #redfox #labrador #puppy #redfoxlab #dogstagram #dogs #pet #doglover #buddy #pup #labstagram #doglife #sunny #spring #labsofinstagram #walk #sunday #wimbledon #thisislondon #igerslondon #londonlife #london (at Bayley & Sage)
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petri808 · 5 years ago
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I do my best to keep these blogs updated 😊
@petrischronicles AO3 links
@petrisficlets shorts on tumblr
@petrisoriginals art of FT OC next gen characters
@petrisyaoistash links to fave yaoi stories I find
Current Fandoms w/fics: Spy x Family, Fairytail, Jujutsu Kaisen, Inuyasha, My Hero Academia, Full Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Akatsuki no Yona, Noragami, Rave Master, Edens Zero, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi, 19 Days
My Ao3 is the primary site that’s up to date. Direct links to posts below
Petri's Chronicles: By Header
Nalu Chronicles- AU | Tales of Edolas | My Fairytail Books | The Fairy Files | Nalu Chronicles | Nalu Fluff Wk Stories | Nalu Wk Stories | Fairy Lemon Drops | Nalu Angst Wk Stories
The Naughty Side of the Academy | Not Another Superhero Story (BNHA)
Jujutsu Kaisen Fics | Crimson Fire (Akatsuki no Yona)
Magic & Metal (FMAB) | Tale's of the Inuyasha Gang
Spy x Family | 19 Day's | Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi
A Young Girl's Zodiac Dreams (Fruits Basket)
Heaven's Blue-Eyed Urchin (Noragami)
Fairytail: the Next Generation
Ravelt to the Power of Ten (Rave Master)
A Kiss is Not Just a Kiss (Kamisama Hajimemashita)
Petri's Ficlets: By Header
Mixed Fandoms: Hauntober 2020 (Inukag, Hakyona, Todomomo, Kyoru, Nalu, Bakudeku) | Starsobafictober 2019 (Nalu, Kiribaku, Inukag, Gruvia, Hakyona, Kyoru, Yukimachi, Bakudeku)
Nalu May 2019 Prompts | Nalu ficlets | Nalu prompt ficlets
Voltron Fics | Itafushi ficlets | SpyXfamily ficlets
Bakudeku December 2020 prompts | BNHA ficlets | BNHA prompt ficlets | BAKUDEKU ficlets
Fruits Basket ficlets | Edens Zero ficlets | Rave master ficlets
FMAB ficlets | Inuyasha ficlets | Noragami ficlets | 19 Day’s
Akatsuki no Yona ficlets | Fairytail ficlets
Petri's Originals: (OC art of Fairytail next gen characters)
Link to AO3 Character descriptions
Andesine & Azurite Fernandez, Amethyst Fernandez (Jerza)
Ryuu & Nashi Dragneel, Lani Dragneel (Nalu)
Chieko Redfox, Jayden Redfox, Sage Redfox (Gajevy)
Akiko Dreyar, Isla Dreyar, Raiden Dreyar (Lexus/Mirajane)
Arashi Fullbuster, Nieve Fullbuster (Gruvia)
Zemira Conbolt (Wendy/Romeo)
Logan Bastia, Caspian Bastia (Meredy/Lyon)
Ryland Cheney, Sora Cheney (Rogue/yukino)
Tora Eucliffe, Mari Eucliffe (Sting/Lisanna)
Midori Strauss, Orion Strauss (Evergreen/elfman)
Phoenix Gryder (Cana/Mest)
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petrisoriginals · 5 years ago
Fairytail Next Gen OC Characters
Next Gen Stories are under @petrischronicles  to keep the stories together :) All the linked art are commissioned pieces from @chiire
All 24 OC character images are now posted here and on AO3
Natsu & Lucy Dragneel kids: Nashi, Ryuu, and Lani
Gray & Juvia Fullbuster kids: Arashi and Nieve
Levy & Gajeel Redfox kids: Chieko, Sage, and Jayden
Mirajane & Laxus Dreyar kids: Akiko, Isla, and Raiden
Erza & Jellal kids: Andesine, Azurite, and Amethyst
Wendy & Romeo Conbolt kid: Zemira
Lyon & Meredy Bastia kids: Logan and Caspian
Rogue & Yukino Cheney kids: Ryland and Sora
Sting & Lisanna Eucliffe kids: Tora and Mari
Elfman & Evergreen Strauss kids: Midori and Orion
Cana & Mest Gryder kid: Phoenix
I use these characters mainly whenever I mention kids in a fic, do an actual family story, or a full next-gen story cause I like a visual reference.
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petri808 · 6 years ago
From Awkward Beginnings
FT next-gen draft?  Nashi Dragneel & Arashi Fullbuster college AU story.  
There she was again, sitting with her group of friends like most Monday and Wednesday afternoons.  He had to switch with a co-worker to get this shift, but they had stopped questioning him about it after the third time of asking.  Arashi didn’t want to admit even though it was so painfully obvious to all of them that he had a crush on the pretty salmon-haired Freshman.  Who wouldn’t be, he sighed, wiping along the counter and trying not to stare...  The girl had the most electrifying blue eyes, an infectious beautiful smile, and her bubbling laughter shot an arrow piercing his heart.    
Too bad he was too shy to make a move, relegated to watching from a distance and gleaming information through conversations.  His friend Sage was the one who found out her name, age, and college status, passing it along to him, but most of it was just through observation. Arashi notices a couple tables on the other side leaving and heads over to clean them up.                  
Once the shy barista had moved to the other end of the room, “Hey Nashi,” her friend Chieko Redfox leans in close, whispering and giggling in her ear, “I think he was looking at you again, see, I’m telling you he likes you!  He’s only done it like every time we come in here for the past month.”
“No way,” she flushes the same shade as her hair and turns her head, “he’s probably just staring out the window or something watching for new customers.”
Logan Bastia, Chieko’s boyfriend laughs, “you guys are too funny, so that’s the guy you were telling me about?”  He leans forward, “that’s Nieve’s older brother.”
“Who’s Nieve?”
“Oh, I thought you guys remembered her from high school, she was a Freshman that transferred in our Senior year, but her brother had graduated the year before they moved here.”
“Then how’d you find out about her brother?”
“She and my brother had a class project together and he dropped her off at our house to work on it a couple times.  He was a really quiet guy and probably doesn’t remember me since that was a couple years ago.”
“Ooooh shy type,” Chieko pokes and tickles her friend’s side, “looks like you might have to make the first move.”
“Quit it!” Nashi swats at her friend’s hands. “No!”  She twists and turns in her seat, squealing and giggling as the onslaught continues. “Okay, okay, maybe!”
Chieko stops teasing her friend, “couldn’t be too bad,” shrugging her shoulders, “at least he’s cute.”
“I also found out he wields ice and water magic,” Logan adds to the conversation, “lucky bastard inherited magic from both his parents.”
Clasping her hands, and laughing aloud, “Oh. My. god!”  Chieko hugs onto her friend’s shoulders rocking them both, “you guys would be fire and ice!  I guess opposites really do attract!”
Another week goes by and Arashi bides his time, checking between orders for any signs of pink walking through the doors.  But the small campus Starbucks was unusually busy that day and it was becoming increasingly difficult for him to do so. Jamming through orders as the senior barista on duty, he freezes the second her voice rang through his ears.
“Hi, I’d like a grande cinnamon dulce latte please, oh with extra cinnamon.”
The cashier processes the girls order, snickering when she passes it off to Arashi, even adding a little quip of ‘she likes ithot’, to taunt the boy of water and ice.  Whatever, he snatched the paper out of his co-worker’s hand and feverishly whipped up the drink, so she wouldn’t have to wait long.  Just as he was about to toss the note, he realizes there was writing on the back of it…  10 numbers.  His heart jumped into his throat and all the moisture left it high and dry.  Arashi gulps, slowly places it in his pocket and hands the cup to the cashier who is grinning.  Ugh, he’ll get the nosy brunette back later!
It takes another 35 minutes or so for the shop to calm down.  He was quite tired from the rush, but now was the chance to clean up and get ready for the next one when classes change.  Picking up a rag, Arashi moves from one end of the room to the other, wiping down empty tables, clearing any trash from them, purposely leaving herend for last.  There was a conflict pulsing through his mind, torn should he talk to her, not talk to her, ugh, ask about the number.  Obviously, she gave it to him for a reason.  Just do it!  His consciousness yelled at him, it won’t kill you to talk to a girl!  Arashi groans, he hated when that voice was right.                
“H-Hey,” Arashi fails miserably in hiding his anxieties.  When she turns to look up at the barista, her eyes beaming, he swallows hard, “um Nashi, right?”
“That would be me, and you’re Arashi,” a hint of a giggle in her tone.
“How’d you guess my name?” She taps his name badge, giggling again. If he could die of embarrassment right then and there, he would!  Sending a wave of ice magic through his body in an effort to stop the feverish sensation, and chuckling in a means to circumvent a desire to pass out.  “Oh Duh.  So, um, how’s your coffee, do you need it warmed up or a refill?”
“Nah, I got it,” with a wink, “watch this.”  The pretty fire wielder’s hands begin to glow orange and soon, steam rises from the cup. “It’s a useful trick.”
“Fire magic, that’s a lot handier than my magic.”
“I heard you’ve got water and ice magic, I think that’s pretty cool,” giggling when she realizes the pun, “I meant, it’s handy that you have two types of magic that complement each other well.”
“Yeah,” unable to hold back the blush any longer, “I guess you’re right…. Um, c-could I ask you,” he pulls the semi-crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, “is this your phone number on here?”
“Oh, good you got it!” Nashi’s brightens up while her cheeks grow to match her hair color, “I wondered if that cashier gave it to you cause she just kept grinning when I was writing it and frankly it was kinda creeping me out.”  Her eyes sweep the ground, too filled with apprehension to look at him directly, “are you….  gonna give me yours?”
Arashi nods, then pulls out his phone, dialing the number she gave him.  Once her phone starts to ring, “there your go.”
“Thanks!”  Her fingers already flying over the screen creating a new contact in her phone.  
“It was really nice talking with you, but I sorta gotta get back to work.”
“Oh, right!” she chuckles, “I forgot you were still on the clock.”  Gathering up her belongings, “I’ll see ya next time.”
“Next time…. Oh,” Arashi reaches out and taps her shoulder, “actually, would you like to, maybe go to the movies or something this weekend?”
The corners of her eyes crinkle when a smile sweeps across her face, “I’d love to.  Call me after work and we can sort out the deets.” Nashi shoulders her backpack but before turning to leave, reaches up on tiptoes and plants a kiss on Arashi’s cheek. “Don’t forget to call,” she winks and heads out of the café.”
He touches the spot still lingering with the warmth from her lips, I definitely won’t…    
@petrisoriginals for OC art of the characters thanks to Chiire 
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petri808 · 7 years ago
Fairy Kids
Character Profiles
Ages given are for my next gen stories I’d like to work on one day.  I also use these same names and descriptions in any stories I write mentioning their kids (Stories found on AO3).  One day I’ll have pictures commissioned since I can’t draw.  Some of the info in the profiles are for the stories like their crushes, personality, clothing choices, etc.  I’m still adding to the profiles, but I decided to post this since I just posted a Next gen story for the January 2018 Fic Writers month and these are additional descriptions of what the Dragneel and Fullbuster kids look like than I could elaborate in such a short story.        
Natsu & Lucy Dragneel’s kids:
Nashi Layla Dragneel (fraternal twin w/Ryuu) Sex- Female Age- 16 Hair color- pink (dark salmon) Hair type/style- straight, shoulder length Eye color- blue (sky) Guild Mark location- Left shoulder (Red) Clothing- more Tom boyish, occasional skirts, oversized sweats, crop or form fitting tops Magic- (For 4th Gen Slayer stories) Multi- dragon slayer types, favors fire dragon.  (Most stories- Fire Slayer) Personality- feisty like father Crush- Arashi Fullbuster
Ryuu (Dragon) Koichi (Shining Prince) Dragneel (fraternal twin w/Nashi) Sex- Male Age- 16 Hair color- blonde (golden) Hair type/style- short spiked, similar to fathers but shorter along the sides, higher on top Eye color- purplish red (plum purple) Guild Mark location- Left shoulder (Red) Clothing- attire like his father Magic- (For 4th Gen Slayer stories) Multi-slayer types, favors black dragon. (Most stories- Fire Slayer) Personality- feisty like father, but not as feisty as Nashi when she gets going Crush- Akiko Dreyar
Lani (sky in Hawaiian) Miyako (night sky) Dragneel Sex- Female Age- 11 Hair color- pink (dark salmon), maybe with a few blonde highlights around the face or in the bangs Hair type/style- semi wavy, length past the waist Eye color- light purple (amethyst purple) Guild Mark location- Right shoulder blade (Purple) Clothing- girly girl, skirts, cute but nothing showy, pastel colors Magic- (For 4th Gen Slayer stories) Multi-slayer types & Celestial Spirits, favors celestial/elemental dragon. (Most stories- Fire Slayer/Celestial).  She’s stronger than her siblings but has yet to learn to harness her full potential. Personality- like mother Crush- Azurite Fernandez
Gray & Juvia Fullbuster’s kids:
Arashi (storm) Silver Fullbuster Nickname- Storm Sex- Male Age- 16 Hair color- black (onyx) Hair type/style- spiked, similar to fathers Eye color- dark blue (midnight blue) Guild Mark location- Left torso, under ribs (Dark Blue) Clothing- dresses similar to his father, stylish yet casual. Doesn’t have the stripping habit but often walks around shirtless. Magic- Ice Devil & Water Mage Personality- like mother Crush- Nashi Dragneel
Nieve (snow in Spanish) Chinami (Thousand Waves) Fullbuster Nickname- Snow Sex- Female Age-12 Hair color- blue (azure) Hair type/style- slightly wavy, length to mid back Eye color- dark blue (midnight blue) Guild Mark location- Left wrist (White) Clothing- a little tom boyish, similar to Nashi but more skirts Magic- Water mage Personality- like father Crush- Caspian Bastia
more below:
Levy & Gajeel Redfox’s kids:
Chieko (wise child) Alelo (language in Hawaiian) Redfox Nickname- Alelo Sex- Female Age- 16 Hair color- light brown (caramel) Hair type/style- messy wavy, shoulder length Eye color-red (crimson) Guild Mark location- Right shoulder blade (Pink) Clothing- mothers style, cute but simple Magic- Iron dragon slayer, dabbles in Script magic Personality- like mother Crush- Logan Bastia
Sage Tatsuo (dragon man) Redfox Sex- Male Age- 15 Hair color- blue (Persian blue) Hair type/style- straight, waist length but keeps in a high pony tail Eye color- red (crimson) Guild Mark location- Left side of neck (Black) Clothing- a little punkish, blacks, darker colors, slacks, t-shirts Magic- Iron dragon slayer Personality- like father Crush- Isla Dreyar
Jayden Fumio (scholarly child) Redfox Nickname- Jay Sex- Male Age- 10 Hair color- blue (Persian blue) Hair type/style- straight, short cropped   Eye color- dark brown (dark chocolate) Guild Mark location- Doesn’t have one yet Clothing- a little geeky Magic- Script magic/ Enchanter Personality- like mother Crush- Tora Eucliffe
Mirajane & Laxus Dreyar’s kids:
Akiko (bright child) Rita Dreyar Nickname- Tempest Sex- Female Age-15 Hair color- blonde (canary yellow) Hair type/style- waist length long wavy Eye color- light blue (baby blue) Guild Mark location- Over her heart (Dark Blue)   Clothing- girly girl but prefers clothes that aren’t too binding or get in the way during a fight.  Will pick shorts or skorts (skirt/shorts) over a full skirt, doesn’t mind cropped tops. Magic- Take Over/ Demon power Personality- like father, but feistier like his young and dumb days.   Crush- Ryuu Dragneel
Isla Hitomi (beautiful eyes) Dreyar Sex- Female Age- 13 Hair color- blonde (canary yellow) Hair type/style- short, think like the singer Pink Eye color- light blue (baby blue) Guild Mark location- Right back of hand (Purple) Clothing- girly punkish, pleated skirts, tank tops, heeled boots Magic- Demon/Lightening Dragon slayer Personality- like father Crush- Sage Redfox Secret Crush- Ryuu Dragneel
Raiden (lightening god) Ash Dreyar Sex- Male Age- 11 Hair color- white (winter white) Hair type- short spiked Eye color- gray (slate gray w/orange flecks) Guild Mark location- Left shoulder blade (Gold) Clothing- like father, baggy slacks, t-shirts or open button tops Magic- Lightening dragon slayer Personality- like mother Crush- Amethyst Fernandez
Erza & Jellal Fernandez’s kids:
Andesine Takeshi (warrior) Fernandez (identical twin w/Azurite everything except hair color) Nickname- Andy Sex- Male Age- 13 Hair color- red (scarlet) Hair type- straight short like fathers Eye color- dark brown (mocha) Guild Mark location- Left forearm (Dark Blue) Clothing- typical teen, t-shirts, cargo pants to hide his blades in Magic- Requip/Weapons mage, favors staff & throwing blades Personality- like mother, cool but a quicker temper than his twin Crush- Midori Strauss
Azurite Hitoshi (even-tempered) Fernandez (identical twin w/Andesine everything except hair color) Nickname- Azzi Sex- Male Age- 13 Hair color- medium/dark blue (sapphire) Hair type- straight, long waist length kept tied back Eye color- dark brown (mocha) Guild Mark location- Right forearm (Dark Red) Clothing- typical teen, t-shirts, slacks Magic- Requip/ Weapons mage, favors swords Personality- like father, cool, calmer demeanor Crush- Lani Dragneel
Amethyst Hayami (rare unusual beauty) Fernandez Nickname- Amy Sex- Female Age- 11 Hair color- medium purple (violet) Hair type- straight, long Eye color- light brown w/green flakes (hazel) Guild Mark location- Right hand (Purple)   Clothing- total girly girl, skirts, dresses,  heels Magic- Heavenly Body magic/Elemental magic Personality- like father, quieter, but strong aura Crush- Raiden Dreyar
Wendy & Romeo Conbolt’s kids:
Zemira Kiyoko (clarity) Conbolt Sex- Female Age- 6 Hair color- bluish purple (mauve) Hair type- straight waist length Eye color- dark brown (chocolate) Guild Mark location- Doesn’t have one yet Clothing- girly, mother keeps her in cute outfits Magic- Sky Dragon slayer, Fire magic Personality- like father Crush- Phoenix Groh (later)
Lyon & Meredy Bastia’s kids:
Logan Nobuo (faithful man) Bastia Sex- Male Age- 15 Hair color- pale blue (powder blue) Hair type- wavy cropped Eye color- black/dark gray (coal) Guild Mark location (Lamia Scale)- Left forearm (Teal Blue) Clothing- softer or simpler style of clothing, t-shirt, slacks or shorts Magic- Maguilty lost magic Personality- friendly, gets along with anyone Crush- Chieko Redfox
Caspian Kori (ice) Bastia Nickname- Kori Sex- Male Age- 12 Hair color- light pink Hair type- spiky short Eye color- dark green (Emerald green) Guild Mark location (Lamia Scale)- Right chest closer to shoulder (Dark Blue) Clothing- stylish teenager, like to wear whatever’s in fashion at the time. Magic- Ice mage Personality- like father, cool, a little standoffish at first meeting.   Crush- Nieve Fullbuster
Rogue & Yukino Cheney’s kids:
Ryland Kage (shadow) Cheney Sex- Male Age- 11 Hair color- black (midnight) Hair type- long waist length, tied back Eye color- medium brown (cinnamon) Guild Mark location (Sabertooth)- Left lower back (Black) Clothing- Gothic, darker, baggy shirts and pants Magic- Shadow dragon slayer Personality- quiet, calmer, calculating Crush- Mari Eucliffe
Sora (sky) Rowan Cheney Sex- Female Age- 8 Hair color- light blue (powder blue) Hair type- slight wavy, shoulder length Eye color- red (crimson) Guild Mark location (Sabertooth)- Doesn’t have one yet Clothing- a little geeky, shorts, t-shirts, shoes, nothing flashy, doesn’t like skirts or dresses. Magic- Shadow dragon slayer, Celestial Spirit mage Personality- friendly but reserved Crush- Orion Strauss (later)
Sting & Lisanna Eucliffe’s Kids:
Tora (tiger) Noely Eucliffe Sex- Female Age- 10 Hair color- white (winter) Hair type- shoulder length straight Eye color- light blue (baby blue) Guild Mark location (Sabertooth)- Right wrist (Yellow) Clothing- tom boyish, likes shorts over skirts, hates dresses, t-shirts over crop tops Magic- Take Over magic Personality- gets along with most people Crush- Jayden Redfox
Mari (rebelliousness) Imogen Eucliffe Nickname- Imo Sex- Female Age- 8 Hair color- blonde (golden) Hair type- waist length, slight wave, likes pigtails Eye color- dark blue (sapphire) Guild Mark location (Sabertooth)- Doesn’t have one yet Clothing- stylish punk, pleated skirts, tank tops, heeled boots Magic- White dragon slayer, dabbles in Take Over magic Personality- confident, smart, but feisty Crush- Ryland Cheney (later)
Elfman & Evergreen Strauss’ kids:
Midori (green/nature) Azalea Strauss Nickname- Lea Sex- Female Age- 11 Hair color- light brown (caramel) Hair type- wavy mid-back length Eye color- light blue (baby blue) Guild Mark location- Left shoulder (Green) Clothing- tom boyish, likes shorts over skirts, not a fan of dresses, t-shirts over crop tops Magic- Eye magic, Fairy magic, Take Over magic Personality- quiet but friendly Crush- Andesine Fernandez
Orion Iwao (stone man) Strauss Sex- Male Age- 7 Hair color- light brown (caramel) Hair type- short cropped Eye color- light blue (baby blue) Guild Mark location- Doesn’t have one yet Clothing- like father, slacks or cargo pants, t-shirts Magic- Take Over magic, Letter magic Personality- friendly, very loyal to his family and friends Crush- Sora Cheney (later)
Cana & Mest Gryder:
Phoenix Masumi (true lucidity) Gryder Sex- Male Age-7 Hair color- dark brown (dark chocolate) Hair type- short spiked Eye color- dark purple (eggplant) Guild Mark location- Doesn’t have one yet Clothing- stylish, mother likes to dress him in popular styles Magic- Card magic, Memory magic, Teleportation Personality- friendly once he gets to know you Crush- Zemira Conbolt (later)
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